Region on Brink of Drought Decree with No New Infrastructure to Cope

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Region on Brink of Drought Decree with No New Infrastructure to Cope FREE COPY INTERVIEW THE NEWSPAPER FOR SOUTHERN SPAIN “We’ve been Official market leader thinking about Audited by PGD/OJD November 17th to 23rd 2017 winter transfers since September” News 2 Health & Beauty 41 Malaga CF’s coach Míchel talks Comment 22 My Home 45 Lifestyle 24 Sport 49 about the club’s season P50&51 What To Do 34 Classified 54 in English Food & Drink 40 Pastimes 62 SEASONAL COLOUR IN THE GENAL VALLEY Autumn has come to the chestnut forests near Ronda as daytrippers flock to admire the copper-coloured landscape while it lasts P7 The autumnal landscape in the Valle del Genal attracts numerous visitors. :: VANESSA MELGAR Malaga, the best place to Red Cross do business . The province Region on brink of aims to attract investment struggles to at the Going Global fair in London this week cope with SUPPLEMENT INSIDE drought decree with migrant arrivals Wearing poppies in The numbers of people, mainly Afri- Spain. British residents no new infrastructure cans, arriving at Malaga port in mi- grant boats has doubled this year, leav- remember the fallen at ing the Red Cross short of resources services organised by to help them. The organisation calls churches and the RBL P12&13 to cope with it for its own premises. P8 Growers of subtropical fruits in the Axarquía are the first to suffer with a reduction of 60% in irrigation supply After four dry years, Malaga prov- ernment to carry out projects which city and Torremolinos. The next, in ince is on the verge of its third offi- have been outstanding for some time 2008, was in La Axarquía. Both re- cial drought period this century. and never completed, such as the mained in force until mid-2009. Now, The president of the Junta de Anda- pipeline from the Iznájar reservoir eight years later, there is only 205 lucía, Susana Díaz, told the Anda- in Cordoba to the northern Antequera cubic hectometres of water in the lusian parliament this week that a area, which was supposed to have province’s reservoirs, 30 less than decree is already being drawn up to been built two years ago. last year. Growers of subtropical fruits be brought into force if the situa- The first drought this century, in east of Malaga are the first to suffer tion does not improve. 2005, affected the western Costa del with a 60% reduction on their irri- She also called on the central gov- Sol, the Guadalhorce valley, Malaga gation supply announced. P2 22222222 November 17th to 23rd 2017 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH Acosol wants to Malaga faces another drought with a use recycled water for street lack of infrastructure to deal with it cleaning on the Costa del Sol :: IGNACIO LILLO MALAGA. The Acosol water company has written to the re- gional government’s Environ- mental Department for permis- sion to use recycled water to hose down the streets because of the impending drought. It stresses that the recycled wastewater pro- duced by the treatment plants at Arroyo de la Miel, Fuengirola, La Cala de Mijas, La Víbora, Este- pona and Manilva meets safety standards and it would be a sen- sible move to save supplies. Margarita del Cid, the head of the Mancomunidad de Mu- nicipios, of which Acosol is part, says it would also be a way of us- ing recycled water which is oth- erwise wasted. Only one third is used at present, to irrigate golf courses; the remainder is chan- nelled out to sea. Alcaucín mayor suggests banning The Guadalteba reservoir, one of a group of three together with the Conde de Guadalhorce and Guadalhorce. :: F. TORRES the use of domestic water to fill The Junta de Andalucía was supposed to have been built two from the western region, which has low it and new lines would have to swimming pools is planning the measures years ago. the most rainfall, to the east, when be laid between Marbella and Fuen- that will need to be If the drought is officially an- necessary. The present connection girola and from there to Malaga. nounced, it will be the third in between the Costa del Sol and At a meeting on Thursday the :: AGUSTÍN PELÁEZ taken if there is Malaga province this century. The Malaga can only transfer 200 litres Junta promised to improve the pipe MALAGA. Mario Blancke, the insufficient rainfall first, in 2005, affected the western per second, which means a maxi- network on the Costa del Sol so that mayor of Alcaucín, is to propose Costa del Sol, the Guadalhorce val- mum of five cubic hectometres a more water can be transferred from that the Mancomunidad de Mu- :: A. PELÁEZ/ M.D. TORTOSA ley, Malaga city and Torremolinos. year in the best of cases to the city La Concepción reservoir. nicipios of La Axarquía prohibits MALAGA/SEVILLE. After four The next, in 2008, was in La Axar- from the Río Verde. The Junta says At present, the Guadalhorce res- people in the region from using dry years and lower than average quía. Both remained in force until this capacity cannot be increased ervoirs contain just 112 hm3, La drinking water to top up their rainfall, Malaga province is in dan- mid-2009. Now, eight years later, because the present pipes won’t al- Viñuela 38 and La Concepción 33.8. pools in the summer months. ger of drought and the situation is with only 205 cubic hectometres Giving figures from his own deemed serious enough for the of water in the reservoirs - 30 less municipality as an example, he president of the Junta de Andalucía, than last year - drought is knocking says there are about 500 private Susana Díaz, to tell the Andalusian on the door of homes in the prov- Suptropical fruit than 38 cubic hectometres. After pools and two million litres of parliament this week that a decree ince again. a meeting with the Junta de AN- water a month is used to fill them, is being drawn up to be brought Among the projects still pending, growers will see their dalucía on Thursday the local wa- especially in hot weather when into force if the situation does not which have barely progressed in all water cut by 60% ter system committee agreed to the water evaporates rapidly. improve. this time, is a new dam on the Río reduce the use of water for irri- He wants regulations to be Speaking at the State of the Re- Verde which would increase the ca- gation by 60%. This leaves the introduced which oblige all pool gion debate, she also called on the pacity of Marbella’s La Concepción La Axarquía is to be the first area growers east of Malaga with only owners to prove that the water central government to carry out as- reservoir from the present 61.85 cu- to suffer water restrictions due 10 cubic hectometres at their dis- they use comes from other sociated projects which have been bic hectometres to 180, making it to the drought situation. Levels posal during the current water sources, and he says the Man- outstanding for some time and never the biggest in the province. Another in La Viñuela reservoir have year, compared to the 23 cubic comunidad should issue the completed, such as the pipeline from is the pipeline between the Costa fallen significantly, to just 23% of hectometres in the 2016-2017 regulations so they apply to all the Iznájar reservoir in Cordoba to del Sol, Guadalhorce and La Axar- its total capacity with no more season. 31 municipalities covered by the the northern Antequera area, which quía, so that water can be passed organisation. November 17th to 23rd 2017 3 SUR IN ENGLISH NEWS HERE AND THERE Marbella town hall plans to spend three Malaga to promote times as much on public works next year language tourism MALAGA :: JUAN SOTO. On 7 to 14 Janu- ary over 600 Spanish teachers The town’s budget for from all over the world will 2018, due to be Council wants to come to the city for Malaga Edu- provisionally approved cation Week. The aim of the turn Roca’s estate event is to promote Malaga as today, includes a place where people can come investments of more into sports centre to learn Spanish. than 22 million euros Malaga Education Week was created by the Spanish schools :: M. P. association (NACEM) and will :: HÉCTOR BARBOTTA MALAGA. Speaking at a SUR fo- be made up of debates, talks and MARBELLA. The council’s budget rum on Thursday, the mayor of informative meetings. Ideas re- for 2018 is on its way to being fi- Marbella, Ángeles Muñoz, an- garding Spanish being an eco- nally passed before the end of the nounced that the town hall nomic resource and tourist at- year. This week the mayor, Ángeles hoped to be able to turn the Finca traction will be discussed. Muñoz, and councillor, Manuel Oso- La Caridad, an estate that is rio, revealed details of the draft among the confiscated assets of Torremolinos ‘shopping budget due to be put before a coun- the imprisoned corruption ring- cil session today, Friday. leader Juan Antonio Roca, into a resort’ plans finalised One of the most significant sports complex. Negotiations are changes is the increase in the ongoing with the treasury min- TORREMOLINOS amount set aside for investment in istry, she said. The town has long :: ALBERTO GÓMEZ. The future public works, which is more than since been calling for the assets ‘shopping resort’, designed by 22 million euros, three times this of those responsible for pillaging Intu, a British shopping centre year’s sum.
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