Official market leader thinking about Audited by PGD/OJD November 17th to 23rd 2017 winter transfers since September”

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Autumn has come to the chestnut forests near as daytrippers flock to admire the copper-coloured landscape while it lasts P7 The autumnal landscape in the Valle del Genal attracts numerous visitors. :: VANESSA MELGAR

Malaga, the best place to Red Cross do business . The province Region on brink of aims to attract investment struggles to at the Going Global fair in London this week cope with SUPPLEMENT INSIDE drought decree with migrant arrivals Wearing poppies in The numbers of people, mainly Afri- Spain. British residents no new infrastructure cans, arriving at Malaga port in mi- grant boats has doubled this year, leav- remember the fallen at ing the Red Cross short of resources services organised by to help them. The organisation calls churches and the RBL P12&13 to cope with it for its own premises. P8

Growers of subtropical fruits in the Axarquía are the first to suffer with a reduction of 60% in irrigation supply

After four dry years, Malaga prov- ernment to carry out projects which city and . The next, in ince is on the verge of its third offi- have been outstanding for some time 2008, was in La Axarquía. Both re- cial drought period this century. and never completed, such as the mained in force until mid-2009. Now, The president of the Junta de Anda- pipeline from the Iznájar reservoir eight years later, there is only 205 lucía, Susana Díaz, told the Anda- in Cordoba to the northern cubic hectometres of water in the lusian parliament this week that a area, which was supposed to have province’s reservoirs, 30 less than decree is already being drawn up to been built two years ago. last year. Growers of subtropical fruits be brought into force if the situa- The first drought this century, in east of Malaga are the first to suffer tion does not improve. 2005, affected the western Costa del with a 60% reduction on their irri- She also called on the central gov- Sol, the Guadalhorce valley, Malaga gation supply announced. P2 22222222 November 17th to 23rd 2017 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH Acosol wants to Malaga faces another drought with a use recycled water for street lack of infrastructure to deal with it cleaning on the Costa del Sol

:: IGNACIO LILLO MALAGA. The Acosol water company has written to the re- gional government’s Environ- mental Department for permis- sion to use recycled water to hose down the streets because of the impending drought. It stresses that the recycled wastewater pro- duced by the treatment plants at Arroyo de la Miel, , La Cala de , La Víbora, Este- pona and meets safety standards and it would be a sen- sible move to save supplies. Margarita del Cid, the head of the Mancomunidad de Mu- nicipios, of which Acosol is part, says it would also be a way of us- ing recycled water which is oth- erwise wasted. Only one third is used at present, to irrigate golf courses; the remainder is chan- nelled out to sea.

Alcaucín mayor suggests banning

The Guadalteba reservoir, one of a group of three together with the Conde de Guadalhorce and Guadalhorce. :: F. TORRES the use of domestic water to fill The Junta de Andalucía was supposed to have been built two from the western region, which has low it and new lines would have to swimming pools is planning the measures years ago. the most rainfall, to the east, when be laid between and Fuen- that will need to be If the drought is officially an- necessary. The present connection girola and from there to Malaga. nounced, it will be the third in between the Costa del Sol and At a meeting on Thursday the :: AGUSTÍN PELÁEZ taken if there is Malaga province this century. The Malaga can only transfer 200 litres Junta promised to improve the pipe MALAGA. Mario Blancke, the insufficient rainfall first, in 2005, affected the western per second, which means a maxi- network on the Costa del Sol so that mayor of Alcaucín, is to propose Costa del Sol, the Guadalhorce val- mum of five cubic hectometres a more water can be transferred from that the Mancomunidad de Mu- :: A. PELÁEZ/ M.D. TORTOSA ley, Malaga city and Torremolinos. year in the best of cases to the city La Concepción reservoir. nicipios of La Axarquía prohibits MALAGA/SEVILLE. After four The next, in 2008, was in La Axar- from the Río Verde. The Junta says At present, the Guadalhorce res- people in the region from using dry years and lower than average quía. Both remained in force until this capacity cannot be increased ervoirs contain just 112 hm3, La drinking water to top up their rainfall, Malaga province is in dan- mid-2009. Now, eight years later, because the present pipes won’t al- Viñuela 38 and La Concepción 33.8. pools in the summer months. ger of drought and the situation is with only 205 cubic hectometres Giving figures from his own deemed serious enough for the of water in the reservoirs - 30 less municipality as an example, he president of the Junta de Andalucía, than last year - drought is knocking says there are about 500 private Susana Díaz, to tell the Andalusian on the door of homes in the prov- Suptropical fruit than 38 cubic hectometres. After pools and two million litres of parliament this week that a decree ince again. a meeting with the Junta de AN- water a month is used to fill them, is being drawn up to be brought Among the projects still pending, growers will see their dalucía on Thursday the local wa- especially in hot weather when into force if the situation does not which have barely progressed in all water cut by 60% ter system committee agreed to the water evaporates rapidly. improve. this time, is a new dam on the Río reduce the use of water for irri- He wants regulations to be Speaking at the State of the Re- Verde which would increase the ca- gation by 60%. This leaves the introduced which oblige all pool gion debate, she also called on the pacity of Marbella’s La Concepción La Axarquía is to be the first area growers east of Malaga with only owners to prove that the water central government to carry out as- reservoir from the present 61.85 cu- to suffer water restrictions due 10 cubic hectometres at their dis- they use comes from other sociated projects which have been bic hectometres to 180, making it to the drought situation. Levels posal during the current water sources, and he says the Man- outstanding for some time and never the biggest in the province. Another in La Viñuela reservoir have year, compared to the 23 cubic comunidad should issue the completed, such as the pipeline from is the pipeline between the Costa fallen significantly, to just 23% of hectometres in the 2016-2017 regulations so they apply to all the Iznájar reservoir in Cordoba to del Sol, Guadalhorce and La Axar- its total capacity with no more season. 31 municipalities covered by the the northern Antequera area, which quía, so that water can be passed organisation. November 17th to 23rd 2017 3 SUR IN ENGLISH NEWS

HERE AND THERE Marbella town hall plans to spend three Malaga to promote times as much on public works next year language tourism MALAGA :: JUAN SOTO. On 7 to 14 Janu- ary over 600 Spanish teachers The town’s budget for from all over the world will 2018, due to be Council wants to come to the city for Malaga Edu- provisionally approved cation Week. The aim of the turn Roca’s estate event is to promote Malaga as today, includes a place where people can come investments of more into sports centre to learn Spanish. than 22 million euros Malaga Education Week was created by the Spanish schools :: M. P. association (NACEM) and will :: HÉCTOR BARBOTTA MALAGA. Speaking at a SUR fo- be made up of debates, talks and MARBELLA. The council’s budget rum on Thursday, the mayor of informative meetings. Ideas re- for 2018 is on its way to being fi- Marbella, Ángeles Muñoz, an- garding Spanish being an eco- nally passed before the end of the nounced that the town hall nomic resource and tourist at- year. This week the mayor, Ángeles hoped to be able to turn the Finca traction will be discussed. Muñoz, and councillor, Manuel Oso- La Caridad, an estate that is rio, revealed details of the draft among the confiscated assets of Torremolinos ‘shopping budget due to be put before a coun- the imprisoned corruption ring- cil session today, Friday. leader Juan Antonio Roca, into a resort’ plans finalised One of the most significant sports complex. Negotiations are changes is the increase in the ongoing with the treasury min- TORREMOLINOS amount set aside for investment in istry, she said. The town has long :: ALBERTO GÓMEZ. The future public works, which is more than since been calling for the assets ‘shopping resort’, designed by 22 million euros, three times this of those responsible for pillaging Intu, a British shopping centre year’s sum. the municipal coffers to be re- developer, is one step closer to Muñoz said that next year’s Ángeles Muñoz at the SUR forum on Thursday. :: SALVADOR SALAS turned to the town. construction as of this week. Rep- budget will be “investing, innova- resentatives from Intu were in tive and social”. Torremolinos on Wednesday to Three municipal departments ered by 11 million euros. Muñoz said celebrate the completion of pre- have been given priority: Public to 7.6 million euros. for improvements in sports facilities. the reduction was due to the poor liminary survey work for the Works, Parks and Gardens and The changes mean a distribution The lion’s share of the budget, management of the town’s previous shopping and leisure centre. The Cleaning. In the case of the latter, of resources that is more in line with however, will go towards staff wages coalition government and not be- complex will be situated north spending is expected to increase the town’s needs, said the mayor. The which amount to more than 141 mil- cause the council’s income had fallen. of the Palacio de Congresos and from 23.5 million euros to 29.5 mil- increases, she added, will lead to bet- lion euros. The opposition group, however, in the next few weeks the pro- lion, permitting the purchase of new ter quality services. The controversial aspect of the has said that by ignoring the cap, the posed area for the 500-million- equipment. Parks and gardens will Investment in public works will budget is the decision to ignore the council is jeopardising its future as euro complex will be fenced off also benefit from an increase, with be shared among all departments, al- spending cap imposed by the central adjustments will have to be made so that the space can be cleared. the budget going from 2.7 million though the mayor stressed the need government, which has been low- in 2020. Local council gives CONSULAR 8,000 euros to Cudeca

CORPS STUDIES TORREMOLINOS RESIDENTS’ :: A.G. Torremolinos town hall, through its Social Services depart- CONCERNS ment, signed an agreement with Fundación Cudeca this week to give the non-profit organisation The mayor of Mijas, Juan Car- a grant of 8,000 euros. The money los Maldonado, met with con- will allow the charity to look af- sular staff representing 30 ter the 120 patients with stage nationalities on Wednesday to four cancer in Torremolinos who discuss the issues that most need constant palliative care, concern foreign residents on whether it be in their homes or the Costa del Sol. At the in the hospice. Support will be meeting issues such as public given to families of cancer suffer- safety, especially for expats, ers. Cudeca has been providing and taxes were brought up. palliative care for patients with The meeting was described as degenerative illnesses in Malaga “very positive”. :: IVÁN GELIBTER since 1992. 4 November 17th to 23rd 2017 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH Ten-million-euro complex to be IN BRIEF built on the border of two towns

Work will begin next summer in the grounds of Camping Fuengirola which will become a large shopping centre generating 200 jobs Hundreds of people use this unpaved route every day. :: A. GÓMEZ

:: IVÁN GELIBTER Land bought in El Pinillo 2,062 square metres in Ramal de FUENGIROLA/MIJAS. The his- Salgareño street to carry out work toric Camping Fuengirola which is to ease access to school which will connect the school with found on the stretch of land be- the neighborhoods La Leala, El Eal- tween Mijas and Fuengirola, will TORREMOLINOS tillo and El Pinillo, as well as the undergo a massive transformation :: A.G. The town hall of El Pinillo train stop. The path is currently un- in the next few months in order to has purchased some land which will paved and the town hall plans to be converted into a large-scale shop- allow residents to access the local flatten it out to make it safe for peo- ping centre. The project has required nursery and primary school with- ple to pass. Locals have been ask- a private investment of around 10 out having to walk along a hazard- ing the council to improve the path million euros and, according to the ous path. The council has acquired for several years. Mijas town hall, will create 200 job opportunities when complete. Roadworks finish on Dog park in Las Lagunas The land, which measures 21,000 Camping Fuengirola stretches across Mijas and Fuengirola. :: I.G. square metres, is shared equally be- motorway into Mijas will be ready for spring tween Mijas and Fuengirola, which until summer 2018 as the local coun- they can voice any concerns which makes it a suitable location for the cil is being extra cautious. “This mat- can then be resolved. The property MIJAS MIJAS complex. In Mijas, the Junta de An- ter involves land which is shared by developer, who is the owner of the :: I.G. The work to resurface the :: I.G. Mijas town hall have an- dalucía has already approved the en- the two town halls of Mijas and grounds, then has to present the motorway which accesses Mijas nounced that work to develop a dog vironmental study carried out for Fuengirola and both must be in full project and aplly for the required has finished. The mayor of Mijas park in Las Lagunas will begin in the project, but awaits economic agreement to carry out this devel- work permits. and various representatives from January. The work will cost close to and sustainability reports, among opment plan”, explained a source. Once all of the necessary reports the Andalucía government visited 400,000 euros and take around three others. As well as all of the governmen- have been filled in, they are sent to the site this week. The A-368 is months to complete according to According to sources in the Mi- tal checks, the towns also have to the Junta for final approval before used by nearly 5,000 vehicles per the companies carrying it out. The jas town hall, work will not begin propose this plan to residents so that work can begin. day. Improvement work has also dog park will be opened in the area been carried out on other motor- near the Cortijo Don Elías. The con- ways to improve the links between struction department of the local the towns of Benalmádena, Fuen- council says the park will have “mod- Dance championship cancelled girola, and Alhaurín. ern installations”. Benalmádena eradicates million euros, of which 1.8 million due to plagiarism lawsuit is going towards software develop- all use of paper ment and permits and the rest to- wards acquiring the technology. T- :: ALBERTO GÓMEZ cian, Javier Checa accused Torremo- BENALMÁDENA Systems, the overseer of the project TORREMOLINOS. The Campeo- linos town hall of plagiarism. Last :: I.G. In a few months, every ad- will modernise the way that the lo- nato de Baile dance competition will year the council created the Muestra ministrative process in Benalmádena cal council does its work. not take place this year after Torre- de Baile MueBT dance competition, town hall will be completed entirely They plan to impose this sys- molinos town hall announced that it which is similar to the Baile Retro online, using a cloud system. The tem in every department by May was “improper”. The competition was created by Checa. Nevertheless, the project aims to completely remove 2018 and the council is sure that created in 1989 and the final usually minister for culture, Aída Blanes, in- the use of paper in the local coun- it will improve the quality of their takes place in Torremolinos. This news sists that the cancellation has noth- cil. The budget for this project is 2.4 services. come after entrepreneur and politi- ing to do with the lawsuit. The Campeonate de Baile. :: A.G. November 17th to 23rd 2017 SUR IN ENGLISH 5 6 November 17th to 23rd 2017 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH Carvajal station: mission impossible for many

Nothing has been done appears to be ignoring a situation istry of Public Works, Adif and in a year, even though which affects at least 2,000 people Renfe take urgent action to ensure who live in the area. that these stations are accessible Fuengirola council “The law says the main entrance to everybody,” he explains. unanimously agreed to to a railway station has to be ac- He points out that the fact that ask the Ministry of cessible,” says Ricardo. There is an- the motion was supported by all the other access, higher up, but he can’t groups on the council and approved Public Works to use that one either. “I can’t get up unanimously shows how serious the resolve the situation there or down again in a wheel- problem is. chair. This is affecting my life and Over a year later, he is critical of :: IVÁN GELIBTER. it isn’t right, not only for me but the lack of action. “Torreblanca and FUENGIROLA. Ricardo Criado for people with prams, for exam- Carvajal are urban areas with a large can’t catch the train at his nearest ple, or tourists who arrive from the population now and they need station, which is Carvajal, a dis- airport with a suitcase,” he says. proper station facilities which have trict in Fuengirola. There are 119 The president of the local resi- been adapted for those with disabili- steps up to the platform and Ricar- dents’ association, Eladia Pabón, ties, like the ones in other parts of do, who uses an electric wheel- says very few people can climb the Fuengirola: Los Boliches, for exam- chair, can’t get up them. Nor is he 119 stairs without difficulty, espe- ple,” he says. the only person affected. You only cially if they are carrying some- have to climb the stairs once to rea- thing. “And also if it is windy or Raised in parliament lise that they pose a problem for raining, it’s not only difficult but The frustration about the lack of ac- all but the fittest passengers. dangerous as well,” she insists. tion is so great that the Ciudadanos The station platform at Carvajal, “People in the area have been and PSOE parties on Fuengirola like the one at Torreblanca, is not complaining about this for years, council decided that the matter accessible to everybody. Exactly one because the accesses just aren’t ac- should be raised with the Spanish year ago complaints from residents ceptable. In addition, the lighting parliament. Malaga MP Miguel Ángel led the Ciudadanos spokesman in is inadequate and the pavement is Heredia was due to ask the Minis- Fuengirola, Javier Toro, to present falling to pieces,” says Javier Toro ter for Public Works this week why a motion to ask the Ministry of Pub- about the stations, which he des- the accesses to the stations are so lic Works to solve this problem. cribes as“a complete failure in inadequate, what measures are be- However, even though all the po- terms of accessibility.” ing taken to rectify the situation, litical parties on the council voted “Over a year ago we presented when they would be carried out and in favour, the Spanish government a motion to demand that the Min- how much they would cost. Ricardo Criado can’t catch a train in the area in which he lives. :: I. G.


The construction work for a footbridge in San Pedro Alcántara which will allow pedestrians to cross the A-397 Ronda road has begun. The original location was changed to avoid water pipes and electricity lines. The work, which will be carried out by CFVC Construcciones, a company from Malaga, is costing 331,000 euros and will take an estimated four months to be completed. November 17th to 23rd 2017 7 SUR IN ENGLISH NEWS

The copper-coloured season arrives in Valle de Genal

:: VANESSA MELGAR chestnut trees paint the landscape in RONDA. It took a little longer to beautiful autumn colours. Although come this year, but the season of the lack of rain has been noticeable, ochre, brown, copper and gold has ar- the countryside of the Valle del Ge- rived in the Valle del Genal. This cor- nal still maintains this magical halo. ner of Serranía de Ronda, the biggest Chestnut trees occupy about 4,000 chestnut producer in Andalucía, hosts hectares of the Sierra de las Nieves. a beautiful natural phenomenon at- Many companies, like RF Natura, of- tracting hundreds of visitors every fer guided tours of this autumnal year. Before losing their leaves the landscape. One of the oldest trees. :: V.M. The landscape is very photogenic. :: V.M.

Bancosol prepares for its sixth Gran Recogida asking for locals to volunteer

The charity desperately the urgent need for help. needs volunteers in the “We are hoping to exceed num- bers from last year, when we collected province of Malaga; the 540,000 kilos of food across the prov- need for foodbanks is ince,” indicates Jiménez, who is in still high, as Bancosol charge of the Gran Recogida. This year, Bancosol hopes to col- helps 49,000 people lect 650,000 kilos of food in Malaga, and three million kilos in all of An- :: AMANDA SALAZAR dalucía. The donations should be non- MALAGA. The sixth Gran Reco- perishable items, with a special need gida, the massive annual collection for baby food. This year, as Jiménez for foodbanks, will be taking place explains, they hope to collect more in supermarkets all over the prov- vegetables, milk, and oil, instead of ince on 1 and 2 December. The col- all pasta and rice, in accordance with lection in Malaga is organised by the Andalusian FAGA plan. the foodbank Bancosol, and the In the province, the Gran Reco- event coincides with collections all gida will need 4,000 volunteers, to over Spain, organised by the food- help at the 300 collection points. bank federation. This year is the first time that the The Gran Recogida was created Gran Recogida has not been a high during the worst period of the eco- profile event with sponsors in An- nomic crisis, but despite some im- dalucía. provement now, the need for collec- The collection also relies on the tions like this is still high. help of 220 NGOs that regularly work Bancosol looks after 49,000 peo- with Bancosol. Twelve per cent of ple on low incomes in Malaga who all the food distributed by Bancosol need help from NGOs to be able to in Malaga comes from the Gran Reco- eat every day. Although there are gida, which is why, say the organis- fewer people in need than the 55,000 ers, participation from local citizens last year, the figures are still “shock- is vital. ing”, according to Joaquín Jiménez, vice-president of Bancosol. · Volunteers : Until Friday 24 Over the next few days, Bancosol November, email has the challenge of recruiting local [email protected]; Tel: 952 volunteers for the Gran Recogida, at 179579 (ext. 5) or WhatsApp 674 a time when people do not realise 342548.

The Gran Recogida will take place on 1 and 2 December. :: F. SILVA 8 November 17th to 23rd 2017 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH

HERE AND THERE Residents in El Hard Rock Café to Palo left without open in Muelle Uno water after aquifer is MALAGA :: IGNACIO LILLO. Executives of contaminated Hard Rock Café, one of the biggest names in the world of interna- tional catering, have signed a con- :: IGNACIO LILLO tract to open 1,500 square metre MALAGA. Over 700 families premises adjacent to the Pompi- were without water for a few dou museum on Muelle Uno. The days this week after three peo- building works are expected to ple poured detergent into an aq- take about nine months with the uifer in El Palo. café opening around September The detergent was noticed by next year. This will be the ninth consumers on Monday evening Hard Rock Cafe in Spain and the when the water in the taps came second in Malaga province. out frothy and perfumed. The po- lice were alerted and warned resi- Miami company buys dents in Miraflores del Palo not to drink the water. most of La Equitativa The local police soon discov- ered the culprits. One was the MALAGA owner of a store room in the base- :: JESÚS HINOJOSA. Key Inter- A group of illegal migrants at Malaga port on Saturday. :: FERNANDO TORRES ment of the building that houses national, a Miami based property the well that supplies the water investment and development to the urbanisation. The owner, company, have purchased 60 per with two young helpers, had cent of the Grade I listed La Eq- Red Cross struggles with double been cleaning out the store room uitativa building. This larger part and had tipped a large container does not include the iconic tower of detergent down a hole in the which is owned by the developer the number of migrants in Malaga floor. The three suspects insist Rubcapel (30 per cent) and some that it was an error and they had private owners. Although noth- no idea that the product would ing has been confirmed yet, it is get into the well water. believed that the Key Interna- The Red Cross needs its registered in 2016. have no designated place in Malaga Although the three have been tional will turn the building into own premises at the port Samuel Linares, provincial co- to carry out our work.” interviewed, and while police holiday apartments. ordinator for the Red Cross con- Linares explained that on Sat- determine whether it was a crime in order to deal with the firmed that last year 790 people urday, the migrants had to be against public health, they have Museo Taurino gets a huge numbers of where attended by the organisa- placed in provisional marquees not been arrested . migrants adequately tion and so far this year, they have while the Red Cross identified each The well, which is fed by an temporary reprieve had to cope with more than 1,700 one and then moved them to the aquifer, is now unusable and it individuals. sports centre in Ciudad Jardín. This is not known when it will be op- MALAGA :: JESÚS HINOJOSA The 164 migrants rescued on Sat- took until midnight. erational again. :: ANTONIO ROMERO. The Cen- MALAGA. The tightening up at urday where taken to the sports cen- “To change their clothes, they Local conservation director, tro de Arte de la Tauromaquia Juan the borders of Turkey and Greece, tre in Ciudad Jardín to await being in- had to use the toilets in the passen- Pilar Gutiérrez says, “They have Barco (bullfighting museum) in the increase in patrols in Italian terviewed by the National Police and ger terminal. We aren’t able to deal caused a lot of damage, they have Malaga has been temporarily al- waters and the complicated situa- to have their futures determined. with so many. Medical assistance caused a disaster... we have to lowed to remain in the building tion in Libya, has meant that there In the last three weeks there has had to be given to those who needed wait for the technicians to evalu- owned by Malaga City Hall. has been a notable increase in the been more than four hundred mi- it on the quayside,” he complained. ate if the residue will settle and The council say the museum number of sub-Saharan migrants grants attended by the Red Cross, He added that this lack of perma- it can be cleaned”. has not been paying its utility bills attempting to reach Andalucía’s on many occasions without ade- nent quarters for the Red Cross had For the time being, the resi- and has applied for forced access shores by boat. quate facilities to do so, according been communicated to the central dents are using water from Emasa to the building. However, the judge With the five boats rescued in to Linares. He is concerned that government representative in which does not normally supply turned down the application as the Mar de Alborán last Saturday, there is no permanent infrastruc- Malaga. the area. Since 1992 the develop- the museum have lodged an ap- the number of people brought to ture at the port of Malaga to proc- “They have said that they are ment has been in conflict with peal which is still pending against Malaga port by Sea Rescue teams ess the refugees and says, “Other studying the options. Meanwhile the town hall over the supply of the cancellation of its contract. has risen exponentially to the point ports such as Almería and Motril we continue in this precarious water and has been relying on where it is over double the figure have it [infrastructure], but we situation.” the aquifer. November 17th to 23rd 2017 SUR IN ENGLISH 9 10 November 17th to 23rd 2017 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH

HERE AND THERE School rid of fleas after School bags, toys and pupils kept at home Town hall reveals plans firmed that it is designed to be “fully food en route to Africa accessible” and will be “made using to build a 67-metre pier sustainable materials.” The director VÉLEZ-MÁLAGA VÉLEZ-MÁLAGA of the environmental aspects of the :: A. P. Vélez-Málaga council has fu- :: A. P. Vélez-Málaga town hall do- TORRE DEL MAR project, Alberto Jiménez , said migated the town’s Reñidero pri- nated one hundred rucksacks with :: SUR. Vélez-Málaga town hall un- that the pier is also designed to, “re- mary school and the nearby plot of school materials to the Malaga based veiled last week computer images spect coastal dynamics and the move- land which was thought to be the Policía Amigo NGO last week. The and a video for a pier in Torre del Mar. ment of sediments.” Tourism coun- cause of dozens of flea bite com- school materials, along with toys The video, as well as details of the cillor, Jesús Pérez Atencia, said the plaints. Around 100 pupils were kept and three thousand kilos of food project, were revealed during a press pier would be “a new tourist attrac- away from the school on Monday to are now on their way to the city of conference where councillors an- tion as well as being the only one in protest at the council’s failure to act. Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso nounced that the walkway will meas- Andalucía.” He added that it would Dog owners have been asked not to where they will be given to chil- ure 67 metres in length and have a set the town apart from other Span- take their pets to the land in order dren who do not have access to the viewing point at the end. They con- ish holiday resorts. The proposed pier. :: SUR to prevent further problems. educational resources they need.

Vote of no confidence remains in the balance after councillor no-show

The Partido Popular were photographed with the document while waiting for Ciudadanos’ Mari Carmen López, who didn’t attend the meeting

:: EUGENIO CABEZAS . Rumours over the much talked about vote of no confidence against the Mayor of Nerja, Rosa Ar- Computer image of what Plaza de las Carmelitas will look like. :: SUR rabal, continue to be just speculation after a councillor from the Ciuda- danos party failed to show up to a Computer image shows how meeting with Partido Popular (PP) politicians to sign the document on pedestrianised town centre Monday. According to the PP, an agreement will look once work finishes had been reached with Ciudadanos’ only representative on the council, Mari Carmen López, that the vote of :: SUR what is currently a one-way road no confidence would be signed by VÉLEZ-MÁLAGA. Vélez-Málaga which cuts through the town’s both parties and presented to the PP councillors waiting to sign the document on Monday. :: SUR town hall has released images of main shopping streets. town hall on the same day. how the town’s centre will look Concern was shown at the meet- However, according to sources at Ciudadanos councillor’s no-show. Ciudadanos have said that until the once the proposed pedestrianisa- ing among business owners who the Ciudadanos’ Malaga headquar- Sources suggest that the unwill- three PP councillors under investiga- tion project is complete. The pic- claim that the project would re- ters, such an agreement was “never” ingness of Ciudadanos to be party to tion have been removed from the tures were shown to local business duce the number of parking spaces reached and it is believed that the na- the vote are linked to the ongoing in- town hall they will not sign the vote associations during a meeting last outside shops and other premises tional leader of the party, Alberto Riv- vestigation of 40 people, including of no confidence. The PP have retali- Friday. and put pressure on the council to era, has also intervened. Elías Ben- current councillors and local business ated by saying that the existing mayor Images show the existing Plaza factor in more parking spaces to dodo, provincial leader of the PP party, people, into the illegal dumping of and other councillors are also involved de las Carmelitas in front of the the project. Work is set to start in demonstrated his “surprise” at the rubbish at the town’s Rio de la Miel. in the scandal. town hall being extended into 2018 with a 884,000 euro budget. November 17th to 23rd 2017 SUR IN ENGLISH 11 12 November 17th to 23rd 2017 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH

British Armed Forces participate in the Governors Parade in Gibraltar last Sunday. :: SUR Remembering the fallen at the service in the English cemetery. :: TB Remembering our silent heroes

Several Remembrance Day services took place along the Costa del Sol and in Gibraltar last weekend

Branches of the Royal British Legion honoured the military personnel who sacrificed themselves to secure and protect our freedom

:: TONY BRYANT MALAGA. British armed forces as- sociations along the Costa del Sol turned out last weekend to remem- ber those who made the ultimate sacrifice during two World Wars and recent conflicts. Several Remem- brance Day services were organised by the Royal British Legion Spain South to honour the fallen and their families. Members of the Coin branch of the RBL gathered in Coin’s ceme- RBL Mijas Costa held their service in the Salon Varieties Theatre. :: SUR The RBL in with Fernando Fernández (second from right) :: SUR tery chapel. The Mayor of Coin, Fer- November 17th to 23rd 2017 13 SUR IN ENGLISH NEWS


nando Fernández, and the Captain of the Guardia Civil, Bernabé Moya Ortiz, attended the event. As in pre- vious years, the TAPAs choir per- formed at the service. The TIMS choir provided the hymns during the RBL service in the Salon Varietés Theatre in Fuen- girola. The service was led by the The start of the tunnel’s excavation in the Alameda. :: SUR President of RBL Spain South, Neil Adams, and attended by members Alameda metro tunnel it will be roofed so that work can of several branches, including Mi- carry on underneath without af- jas Costa and Marbella. excavation begins fecting pedestrians and businesses The Royal Air Force Association above ground. held a service in the St George’s An- MALAGA The roof will go on in December glican Church in Malaga. The event :: IGNACIO LILLO. On Wednesday, and allow the area either side to be was attended by Charmaine Ar- the construction company, Sando- resurfaced and pedestrianised. bouin, British Consul of Andalucía Acciona, began digging the tunnel The tunnel will be constructed and the Canary Islands, who laid a in the Alameda Principal. with reinforced concrete slabs as memorial wreath on the graves in Once the tunnel is excavated, will the station at Atarazanas. the English cemetery. This was fol- Simon Manley with UK armed forces at the ceremony in Madrid. :: SUR lowed by the reading of On Flanders Christmas lights testing they were all working. These tests Fields. came as a surprise to visitors and During the service, the reverend The British Ambassador to surprises shoppers locals walking down Calle Larios. Mark Pudge said: “We meet to com- The switching on ceremony mit ourselves to work in penitence Spain attends service in Madrid MALAGA will begin at 6.30 pm with dif- and faith for reconciliation between :: SUR. The Christmas lights in ferent Christmas activities and the nations so that all people may Malaga centre will be officially a free concert from Andy y Lucas live in freedom, justice and peace.” :: T. BRYANT across the Commonwealth, EU turned on next Friday 24 Novem- in the Plaza de la Constitución, The branch of the RBL MALAGA. The British Ambassa- and other countries, as well as serv- ber at 7.30 pm. This year, Calle before the lighting ceremony an held their Remembrance Day serv- dor to Spain, Simon Manley, at- ing members of UK armed forces Larios is being transformed into hour later. ice, led by reverend Doreen Cage, tended and read a lesson at the based in Spain. Simon Manley said: Malaga Cathedral, featuring After 24 November, popular on Saturday. Members of the Mol- Service of Remembrance at St “Remembrance Day is a special domes and stained glass windows. Christmas music will be played lina branch also attended the Gov- George’s Anglican Church in Ma- moment for us all to remember On Wednesday morning, tests twice daily at 6.30 pm and 9.30 ernor’s Remembrance Parade in Gi- drid. The Ambassador was joined those who serve, and have served, began on the lights to check that pm in the centre of Malaga. braltar on Sunday. by diplomatic colleagues from to keep us safe and free.” 14 November 17th to 23rd 2017 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH Square renamed after former president

A plaza in El Capistrano In 1993 the then Mayor of Nerja village in Nerja is to get a approached Alfons to set up an asso- ciation for presidents of housing de- name change in honour of velopments and that is when APCUN Alfons Mettel, who retired (Association of Presidents of Urbani- earlier this year after 30 sations In Nerja) was born. The mayor was aware of other presidents of hous- years in charge ing developments facing similar prob- lems and knew about the progress he :: JENNIE RHODES had made at El Capistrano. NERJA. Friends, neighbours, for- Despite the inauspicious start to eigners’ councillor, Jorge Bravo and his tenure as president of El Capis- infrastructure councillor, José María trano Alfons has turned things around Rivas Gálvez, joined Alfons Mettel in the last 30 years. Potential ene- who retired earlier this year after 30 mies he may have made in the early years as president of El Capistrano days of swimming pool restrictions village in Nerja last Thursday for the have become long-term neighbours renaming of a plaza. Plaza Alfons and friends and the couple talk of the Mettel, which is in situated in the sense of community that exists in heart of the village, was named af- the area. “Our neighbours are very ter Mr Mettel in recognition of his nice peopeople, it’s a very close commu- hard work and dedication to El Cap- nity witwith lots of activities that istrano spanning three decades. have developed over the Alfons and Rosie Mettel originally yearsyears,” says Rosie. bought a house in the development ThereTh are organi- in 1978, seven years after construc- satisations, lectures, tion started. The couple used it as a filmfilms, concerts, holiday home for a decade and be- internationalint came permanent residents 1n 1988. didinners,n a so- Alfons, who spent many years cialcia room, working in top level positions for Cllr Jorge Bravo, Alfons Mettel & CllrJosé María Rívas Gálvez in front of plaque. :: SUR bookboo club and Unilever in Africa and South Amer- library.libr A host ica, was asked soon after moving in from residents asking Alfons to be many, but through Alfons’s job with on a projectt in of volunteersv of to take over as president of the vil- “more lenient.” The case ended up Unilever, have lived in The Congo, Zaire along with all aages help out lage. On accepting the position, he going to the high court in Madrid. Kenya, Mexico and Venezuela, where the Austrian am- withwit the various promised his wife that it would Eventually people started to pay com- their two children were born. Re- bassador, to ededu-u- activitiesacti and de- “only be for a year or so,” he explains. munity fees again and the all impor- flecting on their 30 years in Nerja, cate people on birth spitesp language bar- He took over in the midst of what tant swimming pool was available Rosie says, “We have never lived any- control. Alfons and Rosie Mettel. :: J. R. riers “people do some have described as “a rebellion.” once again to everyone. “We came where for so long!” Alfons was awarded come together” There was a bank loan that had to here to retire and relax,” Alfons jokes. The couple both speak fluent Eng- an OBE in 1988 for services to indus- they saysay. be paid back and problems with elec- Among the numerous residents, lish, Spanish and French along with try and for helping British people who At 85, Alfons says he is looking tricity supply and the sewage sys- projects and anecdotes they have their native German. “For work pur- were living in the same countries as forward to a retirement full of travel tem ensued. Many homeowners met, seen and can recount in the time poses the lingua franca in many coun- him. He says that he was the 75th and writing. He has a book published were not paying the monthly com- they have lived there, Rosie and Al- tries we have lived in has been Eng- German person to receive the title. and says he has another in the pipe- munity fees and there was division fons will have witnessed the film- lish but if you live in the country you Although he admits he was “very line. He adds that he always said that among residents. ing of popular Spanish television se- have to speak the language,” Alfons honoured to have been honoured,” if and when there was someone able One of the first steps that the new ries, Verano Azul in 1981 which used says of their linguistic skills. he confesses that he never uses the and willing to take over the job then president took was to restrict the use El Capistrano. British television pre- Rosie has been involved in work title. Alfons was unable to travel to he would step down. It took him 30 of the pool to those who were up to senter, Judith Chalmers, once owned with organisations such as the Inter- London for the ceremony. However, years but Keith Taylor, who was pre- date with community fees. This led a property there and they will have national Red Cross in the different he was presented with the award at viously Vice-president, took over at to a knock on the door one Sunday lived through the timeshare boom countries the couple have lived in. a later date by the UK ambassador to the beginning of 2017. “The hand morning, Alfons recalls, from the of the late 1970s and 80s. She has helped in schools and hospi- Spain on behalf of the Queen, when over went very smoothly,” confirms Guardia Civil, who had received calls The couple are originally from Ger- tals to get necessary resources and a British warship docked in Almeria. Alfons. November 17th to 23rd 2017 SUR IN ENGLISH 15 16 November 17th to 23rd 2017 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH



EXHIBITION SHOWS The Salón Inmobiliario del Medi- OPTIMISM IN THE terráneo in Malaga had 76% more exhibitors than last year reflecting PROPERTY SECTOR the optimism of developers.


OVER ONE HUNDRED RUBIK Whether to improve their own personal best or to win this ‘CUBERS’ PARTICIPATE IN year’s Open de Cubo de Rubik de Mijas, over one hundred people from all over Spain competed last weekend in the NATIONAL COMPETITION IN MIJAS third edition of the competition held in Mijas.


The Adelfa dunes in Marbella are heavily protected. How- ever, with the coastal path project reaching there in the near future, it was decided that transplanting some :: F. SILVA of the vegetation now would give it a DAVE HOLLAND, Double bass player, Dave Holland, better chance of THE JAZZ transfixed the audience at the Festi- survival. MAESTRO val de Jazz Malaga with his classic :: CHARO MÁRQUEZ and experimental renditions. November 17th to 23rd 2017 17 SUR IN ENGLISH GIBRALTAR NEWS Gibraltar authorities discuss post-Brexit border IN BRIEF Christmas fair problems with Northern Ireland politicians attractions GIBRALTAR :: D.B. The traditional Christmas Chief minister Fabian ices, particularly finance, insurance fair attractions will be in Gibral- Picardo and deputy chief and Internet gaming. It imports food tar again this year throughout the and consumer goods from Spain or festive season. They will be in John minister Dr Joseph Garcia the UK. The border between the two Mackintosh Square from Satur- held discussions with the Irelands has to be crossed half a day 2 December to Sunday 14 Janu- Northern Ireland dozen times a day just in the proc- ary and will be open all day. All ess of producing a bottle of Bailey’s. rides will be priced at £2 except Committee in London Its economy is based on farming, for the first day, Saturday 2 De- agriculture and industrial goods. cember and Thursday 4 January, :: IÑIGO GURRUCHAGA “The only thing Gibraltar is los- when they will be free for all to LONDON. “What I’d give for four ing is freedom of movement,” ex- enjoy. Further information is avail- more kilometres!” said chief minis- plained Picardo. The British govern- able from Gibraltar Cultural Serv- ter Fabian Picardo, about the restric- ment has promised that there will ices, telephone (00350) 20067236. tions that Gibraltar’s geography places be no ‘hard’ border between North- on its development. “And what I’d ern Ireland and Ireland, and there Improved signs for give not to have 180 border cross- will be ‘no friction’, but nobody has ings!” responded Londonderry MP explained how to avoid border con- pedestrians Gregory Campbell at a recent meet- trols similar to those of Gibraltar, ing in London. Mr Picardo and dep- at its nearly 200 crossing points, if GIBRALTAR uty chief minister Dr Joseph Garcia Ireland remains in the Customs Un- :: D.B. New signs have been in- were meeting the parliamentary ion and Northern Ireland leaves this stalled along Waterport Road to Northern Ireland Committee to dis- common tariff area alongside the guide passengers walking be- cuss Brexit and the similarities and UK. tween their cruise ships and the differences between the Northern Chief Minister Fabian Picardo, in Gibraltar. :: SUR The committee asked the chief city centre. In the past, some peo- Irish and Gibraltar borders. minister why Gibraltar didn’t be- ple have unwittingly crossed There are significant differences so its controls are necessary. The Northern Irish politicians be- come part of the Customs Union North Mole Road and Waterport in their situations. The frontier be- The Irish politicians were very in- lieve that their relationship with Dub- when the UK joined the former Road in dangerous places, so the tween Gibraltar and Spain is 1.2 kilo- terested in the technology which Gi- lin is better than that between Gi- CEE in 1972. “Because we had no signs have been erected at the metres, with one crossing point for braltar uses, especially to monitor the braltar and Spain. Picardo stressed frontier with Europe,” he answered. pelican crossings on both sides pedestrians and another for commer- movement of around 13,000 people that on a human level there is under- “Spain wasn’t in the EC and it had of this busy thoroughfare. cial vehicles. Northern Ireland’s between 7.30 and 9.30am. There are standing, but Spain’s claim to sover- closed the border. Gibraltar, iso- In future, signs at strategic lo- stretches for 400 kilometres and has 15 high resolution cameras to check eignty impedes further cooperation. lated, developed its own taxation cations will also indicate the time nearly 200 crossing points. Gibraltar pedestrians crossing the border, and Another difference pointed out system, and so it is actually better it takes to walk along the pedes- has never been part of the Customs 17 checking vehicle number plates in by the chief minister is that the Gi- equipped than the UK to deal with trian routes. Union and is not part of Schengen, real time. braltar economy is based on serv- Brexit.” 18 November 17th to 23rd 2017 NEWS SPAIN SUR IN ENGLISH

Secessionist drive goes down a gear as sides focus on election

Two weeks after the members from its leader, Oriol Jun- declaration of the Catalan queras, formerly vice-president of the regional government, who is republic, separatist still in prison along with another parties are admitting that seven former ministers. they sought In the same letter, Junqueras named Marta Rovira as the repub- independence too hastily lican party’s candidate to lead the regional government. :: SUR This time, though, the pre-elec- BARCELONA / MADRID. Just tion period is showing no signs of over two weeks after the Catalan the hurry for independence that Protesters call for the release of the former regional ministers in Barcelona on Saturday. :: EFE parliament declared the republic of featured in the campaign of the Catalonia, the separatist parties are previous poll. starting to admit that the region The “18 month” deadlines an- was not ready for independence. nounced by the pro-independence Thousands take to the streets to call for The politicians behind the in- coalition in the previous campaign dependence process, which kicked and slogans such as “we’re in a the release of the former ministers off with the illegal referendum on hurry” have been deleted from the 1 October, are now engrossed in script. how they are going to approach The PDeCAT, the party headed the upcoming regional election on by former president Carles Puig- :: C. REINO cessionist movement, caused by measures taken by prime minis- 21 December. demont, has also criticised its own BARCELONA. Hundreds of the the different strategies of their ter Mariano Rajoy when he acti- Having agreed to go their sepa- haste. “Fast-track independence thousands of people joined a dem- leaders. vated article 155 of the constitu- rate ways and stand as individual doesn’t exist,” said the party’s co- onstration in Barcelona on Satur- There have been calls for the tion to take control of the Cata- parties, candidates are turning to ordinator Marta Pascal, this week. day to call for the release of the politicians who led the independ- lan government after the unilat- more realistic objectives. Puigdemont, meanwhile, is still former ministers of the Catalan ence drive to tell the truth about eral declaration of independence ERC, the Catalan Republican in Belgium, where he awaits a de- government currently being held the current situation, especially on 27 October. Left party, admitted this week that cision on whether he is to be ex- in Madrid prisons. as all parties have, apparently, ac- The pro-independence move- “mistakes have been made” and tradited to Spain to be questioned The demonstration was sup- cepted the regional elections 21 ment’s immediate plans include that they have been “naïve”. These regarding accusations of rebellion ported despite the air of perplex- December. a rally that promises to “fill” Brus- words came in a letter to party and sedition. ity currently surrounding the se- Calling elections was one of the sels on 7 December.

Susana Díaz during the debate on the region. :: EFE Plans for more jobs and stable contracts for older unemployed

:: MARÍA DOLORESTORTOSA and, like the plans which are aimed SEVILLE. Susana Díaz, president at young people, the Junta will focus of the Junta de Andalucía, put the on the population in the local area. emphasis on plans for employment Díaz also announced that 50 million at the general debate on the region euros would be the incentive to en- held in the Andalusian Parliament courage stable employment with in Seville on Wednesday. 8,000 euros paid out per contract. She proposed the approval of a de- These new measures will be in- cree that would promote employ- cluded in the 2018 budget that Par- ment in industry, giving it a budget liament will approve in two weeks. of 308 million euros. The legislation The budget already includes propos- would include specific plans for the als for free university registration, unemployed of between 45 and 55 7,675 new places for civil servants years of age. There are over 360,000 and up to 10 billion euros to the An- unemployed people in this age group dalusian Health Service to improve in Andalucía. Job contracts will have emergency treatment and shorten a minimum duration of six months waiting lists. November 17th to 23rd 2017 19 SUR IN ENGLISH FOCUS ON FINANCE NEWS

IN BRIEF MARK THE EURO its most pressing fiscal goals in NAYLER 2018, from bringing its unruly Essential tax advice at  [email protected] ZONE budget in line to maintaining GDP growth. Which begs the SUR seminar in Mijas question of what’s likely to hap- pen when Catalans head to the MIJAS ballot boxes in four weeks’ time. :: R. H. Pedro Fernández, partner The latest polls suggest that it at Garrigues the leading Spanish A RETURN TO will be a knife-edge vote: a law firm, will be speaking at the GAD3 survey a couple of weeks Linea Directa and SUR in English NORMALITY ago indicated that pro-independ- Essential Expat Advice Seminar in ence parties will gain a slim ma- the Salón de Actos in La Cala de jority in the Catalan parliament, Mijas town hall on 22 November whilst a poll in La Razon news- at 12 noon. Pedro Fernández. :: SUR he last few days have expansion from 2.6% a few weeks paper showed that secessionists Fernández specialises in tax law seen Spanish prime ago, in light of the chaos un- will win the most seats (65) but and will summarise how Spain dents’ future tax burden properly minister Mariano Rajoy leashed by an illegal referendum miss out on a majority. treats foreigners settling here and and advise those already resident T in Catalonia, asking on Catalonian independence on Rajoy’s life would undoubt- when they are likely to be consid- on changes that could result in a Catalans to “restore normality” October 1st. edly become a lot easier if Cata- ered fully tax resident and there- better tax position within the cur- in the regional election he has The EU is slightly more opti- lonia’s pro-independence parties fore liable to report their world- rent regulatory environment. called for December 21st. Rajoy mistic than the Spanish govern- are beaten on December 21st. wide income. He will also explain The seminar is free but space is hopes that Catalans will quash ment in its forecast for 2018: But if secessionists do find which structures within the law limited. Confirm attendance to: the secession movement once currently, its estimate for GDP themselves with a parliamen- are suitable to manage new resi- [email protected] and for all (or at least for the mo- expansion stands at 2.5%, with tary majority after the vote, ment) by voting for parties who the caveat that that figure then a new and complex phase Instant international More jobs around, but oppose the region’s independ- might have to be revised if the of the Catalonia issue will begin. ence; and if such a vote is re- Catalonia issue isn’t resolved by Currently, the main separatist bank transfers not for everyone turned, says Rajoy, his govern- the end of this year. Brussels parties disagree on whether to ment will raise Spain’s official has also predicted, somewhat push on for full independence or MADRID MADRID growth forecast for 2018 to strangely, that Spain will reduce campaign for greater regional :: J. M. CAMARERO. From Tuesday :: L. PALACIOS. The recovery of the around 3%, up from the current its budget deficit to 2.4% of autonomy, even though Catalo- 21 November transfers of funds of job market is a reality but it is not 2.3%. For Rajoy, the medium- GDP in 2018, thus bringing it nia currently enjoys a substan- up to 15,000 euros between most the same for everyone. According term health of the Spanish econ- within their EU-wide limit of tial amount of independence European banks will be instantane- to the report by Infoempleo Adecco omy depends on the December 3%. The EU seems to be forget- from Madrid (or at least it did be- ous. ‘SEPA’ will only take around 10 2016, only 2.25% of the jobs avail- 21st vote. ting that during its time in of- fore Rajoy seized control of the to 20 seconds to transfer funds able are for those over 46 years of Rajoy’s administration is un- fice, Rajoy’s government has region). Either way, the seces- through its Instant Credit Transfer age. It’s only a little better for those derstandably concerned about missed every single one of the sionists want the inauguration programme, allowing customers to under 25, with just 9.8% of the jobs what might happen if the Catalo- EU’s budgetary targets. of a new status quo in Spain - make payments anywhere and at on offer aimed at them. The inequal- nia crisis continues into next year. The outcome of the December precisely the opposite of the res- anytime, including when most tra- ity various according to region: Ma- Indeed, the Popular Party lowered 21st election in Catalonia will toration of normality for which ditional electronic payments are drid, Barcelona, Vicaya and Valen- its estimate for next year’s GDP impact on Spain’s ability to meet Rajoy is hoping. not operational. cia scoop 55.1% of the vacancies. 20 November 17th to 23rd 2017 NEWS RENTALS SUR IN ENGLISH

It can take six How can landlords protect months or more to evict a non- themselves when letting a property? paying tenant A legal expert gives advice on what to bear in mind if you are :: A. FRÍAS planning to rent out your MALAGA. If the situation be- house or apartment comes difficult because the te- nant has stopped paying the rent, you can take them to :: ÁLVARO FRÍAS court. MALAGA. The phone rings. You In fact, that is the only way have an apartment to let and some- of evicting them from your one is interested in renting it. Good property. However, it is not a news. However, this situation speedy process - it can take five doesn’t always work out well. or six months to complete. Sometimes people don’t pay the “Sometimes it can take lon- rent or they may cause damage to ger than that to evict a client, your property or belongings. So depending on the court which what can you do to minimise the will be handling the matter,” risk of this happening and protect says lawyer José Luis Galeote. your interests? José Luis Galeote “If the court has a heavy is a lawyer who specialises in such workload and a backlog of cases matters. He is on the governing waiting to be heard, you can board of the College of Lawyers of wait a long time.” Malaga, and we asked him what Landlords can only evict a te- landlords can do to protect them- nant under the Law of Urban selves from a bad experience. Rentals by taking out a civil law case, not a criminal one; that is A written contract the only option. Although a rental contract can be However, people can take te- agreed verbally, that is definitely nants to a criminal court in cer- not advisable and is in neither tain circumstances after they party’s interest. José Luis Galeote It is never a good idea to agree a contract verbally. :: SUR have been granted the eviction explains that with a ‘gentlemen’s order. handshake’ type of rental there is For example, if the tenants no way of proving what you have complete inventory to the con- admits that some banks are reluc- payment. It gives them a margin. have been evicted and the agreed if there is disagreement be- tract, showing the furniture and tant to give these, especially in the This is fairly common in the case landlord then discovers that tween landlord and tenant at a later equipment which is in the prop- case of individuals rather than com- of commercial properties, but it is they have caused considerable date. erty and the condition it is in. José panies or businesses. not requested as often for residen- damage to the property or have It is always advisable, therefore, Luis says this is something people If that is the case, he suggests tial lets. removed items from it, such as to have a written rental contract. do not often do, and it is a safe- that another person, who is not the television for example, he In fact, José Luis insists that the guard in case tenants damage the tenant, should act as guaran- Insurance or she can lodge a criminal case contract should be drawn up by a something in the home, which the tor and sign the contract as such. Something which is becoming against them. lawyer, because he or she will owner may not notice until the “For example, if you are renting more common nowadays is for However, this process is lon- know what they are doing. “I have tenants have moved out and he or to a young person or couple, you landlords to take out an insurance ger, and can often take up to two seen private contracts which are she takes possession of the prop- can ask that their parents act as policy, so that the insurers pay the years. a mishmash of bits of others and erty again. guarantors, to protect your inter- rent if the tenant fails to do so. The problem in both of the- in the end they are completely cha- “We have seen cases where the ests if the tenants don’t pay the Even so, José Luis recommends se cases is in getting tenants to otic. They are not worth the paper property has been completely de- rent,” he says. reading the clauses carefully to pay the rent they owe for the they’re written on,” he says. stroyed. For example, the tenants make sure that the insurance cover months they missed, or to pay have even taken the TV with them, Additional guarantee is adequate. for the damage they caused or Ask to see proof of income but if it is not shown on the inven- The Law of Urban Rentals says that the items they removed from When signing the contract, the tory it is difficult to prove who it an owner can ask a potential te- Act quickly the property. owners usually ask the potential belonged to,” he explains. nant of a residential property for If a tenant doesn’t pay, says José Luis, After making its decision, tenant to show them proof of their a one month deposit, or two you need to act quickly. He recom- the court will normally ask for salary or their employment con- Deposits months in the case of commercial mends taking the tenant to court, be- some of their assets to be sei- tract. José Luis says this is a way When someone is going to rent premises. However, in some cases cause that can take months, and it zed to cover those costs, but “in of proving that the tenants are sol- your property, it is always a good people ask for more. José Luis says could mean that you receive no rent the vast majority of cases that vent and can pay the rent. idea to ask for a deposit. José Luis that some owners ask the tenant during that time. “The earlier you do doesn’t work because they don’t Galeote explains that landlords can for a sum of money which is equal it, the less time the tenant is living own anything. Then there is no- Draw up an inventory sometimes obtain a bank guaran- to several months’ rent, to cover in your property without paying,” thing that can be done,” ex- It is very important to attach a tee, which is “very good,” but he themselves in case of non- he insists. plains José Luis. November 17th to 23rd 2017 SUR IN ENGLISH 21 22 November 17th to 23rd 2017 COMMENT SUR IN ENGLISH

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Power dangers We accept letters by email ([email protected]), post or fax, but they must include identification and a telephone PETER EDGERTON number, and be exclusive to SUR in English. We do not publish THERE IS A PRIZE FOR THE BEST MUSIC MAKER WWW.E-PETER.COM anonymous letters. Opinions expressed by contributors to this and other pages of SUR in English do not necessarily reflect CONTRIBUTION TO THIS PAGE those of the publishers. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers. SO PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR ADDRESS

ower To All Our Friends less). I’ve had the misfortune to be the power a person may have. I’ve A sure way to lose your money warbled Cliff Richard seated at tables with people roll- lost count of the times I’ve heard back in 1973, accompany- ing in dough and quite often - of somebody being hailed as hav- I really enjoyed reading the lat- doesn’t come that way, it could P ing himself with an odd though certainly not always - ing ‘charisma’ when, in fact, it’s est SUR in English but my first well come in the form of a open palm hand-punching gesture they’ve been the least powerful simply that they’ve had good man- reaction when I saw the photo thief. I know four people who which, presumably, was designed people in the room. No discerni- ners. In the kingdom of the blind, of Professor Karen O’Reilly was have had bags taken almost to distract us from just how dread- ble sense of humour, poor man- the one-eyed man is, indeed, king. to flinch, and I’ll tell you why! from under their eyes - two ful the song was. Sadly, it didn’t. ners and a bizarre sense of entitle- This week, the Malaga comedian She had placed her handbag on having hung them from the Remarkably, said ditty came third ment are just a few of the charac- Chiquito de La Calzada died aged the ground behind her and both back of the chair in a restau- in the Eurovision song contest in teristics that some very rich peo- 85 after a long and illustrious ca- she and the photographer were rant, the other two having left the same year - Lord only knows ple can display which, of course, reer which brought joy to millions. clearly oblivious, concentrat- the bag on a chair briefly and what the standard of the rest of means they command no respect Married to Pepa for 62 years until ing on the photo. in full view of their friends. the entries must have been like. from those in their company her death in 2012, Chiquito (real It worried me, on two I thought it was worth war- Anyway the word ‘power’ has which, in turn, leaves them pow- name Gregorio) was renowned for counts. Nearly any Spaniard ning people! Many thanks for a appeared consistently in the press erless in that situation. his courtesy, generosity and hu- would tell you that it brings great read: the interview was recently whether it be related to a What does make people genu- mility. The outpouring of heartfelt bad luck to put a bag on the very interesting. sad assortment of Hollywood sleaze inely powerful, then? As implied affection for him in the last few ground (I think the supersti- buckets or to embarrassingly in- above, a finely tuned sense of hu- days from both young and old alike tion is that money will escape MEGAN JONES ept attempts at regional independ- mour can make someone very pow- has been deeply heartwarming. from it). But even if bad luck BY EMAIL ence much closer to home. It’s cer- erful indeed. Rapier wit can cut There are, I fear, a few ‘power- tainly a very interesting concept. through in almost any circum- ful’ figures knocking around Hol- Some say money gives you stances, no matter how ostensibly lywood who could only dream of power but that’s not really true (al- intimidating they might first ap- achieving that kind of greatness, A thank you Deadly white though having no money does, pear. Treating others with respect even if they lived to be a hundred. sadly, render you largely power- and courtesy also contributes to RIP Chiquito.

The SUR is very popular here; powder kills pets I have been reading your paper I would just like to inform eve- for years. You do a great job and ryone around the Nueva An- IDÍGORAS keep the English speaking com- dalucía-La Campana area of an munity here very much up to awful person who seems to “ date with important matters have it in” for our beloved pets, Every year the same Every that concern the life and living particularly dogs and cats. swallows fly from year? Well here in Spain. Long may you If you see a white powdered Africa to Spain the mafias that prosper and continue to provide substance on the floor and you organise the your vast number of readers are walking your dog, please trips must be with such well informed me- avoid it, if your dog sniffs it he loaded dia coverage. Very kind regards. will die. This substance has already TOM LYNAM claimed the life of 10 dogs I TORREMOLINOS know of, the last one belong- ing to an elderly gentleman Traders spoil the who’s Cocker Spaniel died in his arms from internal hem- promenade orrhaging on the side of the The street traders selling shoes road, while he cried racking handbags etc, etc spoil one of sobs, probably his only com- the nicest promenades in panion. are judged in good enough condi- Europe. The promenade at It is atrocious that more is tion for the bullfight (any seri- Benalmádena and Torremolinos not been done by the authori- ous book on modern bullfighting are littered with many traders, ties as to the poisonous pow- A load of bull will contain more information not only displaying their stock der keep your dogs away! about these examinations). And covering half the width of the It could also possibly affect when they come out of the gates promenade, but also occupying small children. How many pets MARK NAYLER into the ring, they are immedi- the benches that I would think have to die before somebody ately replaced with a fitter ani- were provided for the tourists. takes action? mal if there is any sign that they If the local council are content As to the water shortages and are not in peak condition. I have and allow the traders to sell their terrible situation of the reser- couple of weeks ago, of this alleged offence being com- seen this happen many times in goods on the promenade, why voirs. How low do they have to SUR in English pub- mitted in modern, professional Spanish bullrings. If a bull came does the council not designate get before action is taken? lished a letter by a bullfights. I am therefore intrigued out of the pens in the condition grassed areas adjacent to the Empty? A reader named John as to how Mr Fitzgerald apparently that Mr Fitzgerald suggests – half promenade for the traders to And what about the great big Fitzgerald that contained some discovered that it is a widespread blind, badly winded, unable to conduct their business from, desalination plant that was built entirely unsubstantiated claims practice in modern bullfighting. sight and chase the capes - it and give the promenade back to years ago? What happened to about the modern Spanish bull- Likewise with his equally un- would be sent back to the corrales, the people that it was intended that to help with our water sup- fight. In particular, Mr Fitzgerald substantiated claim that the bulls unharmed, within minutes. The for, the tourists? ply? – citing no sources for his hefty have Vaseline rubbed in their eyes bullfight would be impossible accusations – said that fighting beforehand so that their sight is with an animal in such terrible JOHN SIMS G. S. WOOD bulls are frequently harmed be- impaired. If either of these claims condition. BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND MARBELLA fore entering the ring. were true, most aficionados of the Perhaps in amateur village fi- According to Mr Fitzgerald, bullfight would justifiably be out- estas, bullfighters and farmers are fighting bulls in Spanish bullrings raged, as the bull is a revered and not as diligent as they are in pro- are weakened by being “beaten respected protagonist of the spec- fessional bullfighting (nor the Published by: PRENSA MALAGUEÑA S. A. over the kidneys” before the bull- tacle. Yet the reason Mr Fitzger- public so unforgiving). And if such Director General: JOSÉ LUIS ROMERO fight begins. In all the twenty years ald is unable to offer any evidence disgusting practices do occur at that I have been studying and fol- for his charges is because such prac- un-regulated bullfights, they Editor in Chief: Publications Director: Advertising Manager: lowing the bullfight – watching tices would be impossible to get ought to be prevented. But it is MANUEL CASTILLO Pedro Luis Gómez Emma Vera Editor: Commercial Director: it, reading about it, grappling with away with in Spain’s top bullrings. simply not true that the bull is Rachel Haynes Jorge Artero its moral complexities, discussing Fighting bulls are examined by damaged before bullfights in it with experts – I have never heard specially-trained vets before they Spain’s top bullrings. November 17th to 23rd 2017 SUR IN ENGLISH 23 24 November 17th to 23rd 2017 LIFESTYLE SUR IN ENGLISH

TONY BRYANT IN THE FRAME [email protected] Coaching the rich and famous in Mijas

Jenny Hoad Tennis player and coach were among the host of stars who stayed at the club. “Lew loved having people Australian tennis around, the more interesting and challenging the better. I remem- stars Lew and Jenny ber an incident one night involv- Hoad opened the ing Stewart Granger and Richard Burton - who had consumed far first tennis club in too much brandy. Burton began Spain in 1972 to get a little outlandish so Lew persuaded him to go to bed, which wasn’t easily done, but Lew could he Costa del Sol has always handle situations like this,” long been an area Jenny tells SUR in English. that’s beauty has at- One of the strangest friendships tracted a steady was struck up with the great jazz flow of world-re- saxophonist, Stan Getz, who vis- T nowned movie ited the club for lessons in the stars, musicians, bohemian art- 1970s. ists and sporting personalities. “Lew loved jazz and was a huge One of Australia’s most promi- fan of Stan Getz, but when he saw nent tennis partnerships is among his hero lurching around the the sporting celebrities who de- court, Lew told him to forget cided to settle here in the late tennis and stick to his sax,” 1960s. Jenny explains, smiling as Lew Hoad and his wife Jenny Jenny playing at Wimbledon during the 1950s. :: SUR she recalls the incident. first arrived in Malaga in 1967. The However, the jazz giant couple came in search of a prop- would return to the club erty that they could convert into A surprise visit by with his young son the a tennis club where Lew could following year and this coach following his retirement Princess Diana episode is another that from his professional career in the Jenny remembers with de- mid-1960s. light. Lew Hoad was one of Austra- :: TONY BRYANT would not be sufficient and “Stan asked if he could lia’s greatest tennis talents and MIJAS. One of the tennis club’s recommended they go to the leave Nicky (his son) with us Jenny was also a respected player most famous visitors was Prin- Hotel Byblos. By the time she With Björn Borg in for a couple of weeks while he who was no stranger to Wimble- cess Diana, although the Hoads reached the hotel word had Mijas. :: SUR toured in Europe and we obviously don or the US, French and Austra- had not been pre-informed spread and the area was agreed. We didn’t see Stan again lian Open championships. about the visit. Lew and Jenny swamped with paparazzi. for about a year, although by time Following a hectic career, play- had arrived at the club one day Jenny wrote to the princess he returned, his son had become ing in tournaments all over the to be told that the world’s most saying how sorry she was to “Lew loved having a confident player,” Jenny says. world, the Hoads bought a run- famous royal had tried to check have missed her: Diana’s private people around, the more Sadly, Lew Hoad was diagnosed down farmhouse in Mijas Costa, in. Diana had arrived with two secretary informed Jenny that with leukaemia in 1994 and died which they turned into the first friends, but the manager ad- she was most grateful for the interesting and just a few months later. Jenny con- club of its kind in Spain. vised them that the security efficiency of her staff. challenging the better” tinued to run the club for several Once the transfer of the land years, but was eventually forced had been finalised, the couple to sell, which, in her own words, hired a team of local builders to to turn the old farm into the Veterans ITF Tournament that is still cherishes today, includes “was an extremely difficult deci- start the conversion of the farm- world-renowned Lew Hoad Ten- held in honour of her late husband names such as Roy Emerson, Stan sion to make”. house and the surrounding land. nis and Padel Club; once the club and can often be found offering Smith, Tom Gorman, Jimmy Con- “Looking back I wouldn’t They started with one main court was completed, they began to wel- coaching sessions, although in a nors and Björn Borg, to name just change a thing. I love this area and four other courts, surrounded come some of the world’s great- much smaller capacity than when a few. and have many great memories by landscaped gardens planted est tennis stars. she owned the club. However, it was not only the of my life here with Lew; he ab- with orchids, water lilies, palms Even though Jenny sold the Some of Jenny’s greatest treas- tennis elite that visited the club, solutely adored Spain. It would and eucalyptus trees that Jenny club in 1999, following her hus- ures are memories of the wonder- as the visitors’ book demonstrates. be pointless living anywhere else, brought over from Australia. With band’s death from leukaemia in ful times she shared with her hus- Peter Ustinov, Stewart Granger, after all, I’ve been here 50 years the help of a longtime friend, the 1994, she still has strong ties to band during the club’s golden Ava Gardener, Richard Burton, now,” Jenny says with a hint of couple worked from dawn to dusk the club. She organises the annual years. The guest book, which Jenny Sean Connery and James Hunt nostalgia. November 17th to 23rd 2017 SUR IN ENGLISH 25 26 November 17th to 23rd 2017 LIFESTYLE SUR IN ENGLISH


SKY KEN CAMPBELL The Leonid shower

The Earth will pass through the trail left by the Tempel-Tuttle comet tonight so look out for meteors

A meteor or shooting star is caused when a tiny piece of space rock, no bigger than a grain of Crowds turned up for the funeral in the church in La Trinidad on Sunday. :: ÁLVARO CABRERA sand, enters the Earth’s upper at- mosphere at tremendous speed. Friction with the atmosphere causes the rock to burn up and Malaga loses a comedy genius produces a brief streak of light across the sky. On any clear night if you wait long enough you will see one or two sporadic meteors. Comedian and But at certain times of the year flamenco artist the Earth passes through the de- bris left behind by a comet. The Chiquito de la comet may be long gone but the Calzada, died last debris trail from its tail will re- imaginary line backwards you weekend, aged 85 main in space across the orbital will find them originating from path of the Earth. As the Earth the ‘head’ of the lion. passes through the trail, the de- The best time to see the me- bris crashes into our atmosphere teors is after midnight when our :: SUR and produces a meteor shower. part of the Earth is pointing di- MALAGA. Spain’s most famous Tonight (Friday 17th) the Earth rectly into the stream. But pa- comedians and Andalucía’s highest will pass through the trail left tience is the key here; it is very authorities joined hundreds of mem- behind by comet Tempel-Tuttle. unlikely that you will spot a me- bers of the general public who Tempel-Tuttle is a short term teor simply by popping your crowded into and around San Pablo comet meaning that it orbits the head out of the window during church in the city’s Trinidad district Sun every 33 years, the last time the ad break on TV. You will on Sunday to bid farewell to Chiq- it was in our neighbourhood was need at least 15 minutes to al- uito de la Calzada, who died on Sat- in February 1998, it will be back low your eyes to become dark- urday morning. again in May 2031. adapted then lay back and en- Born in Malaga in 1932, Chiquito Two astronomers working joy the show. - whose real name was Gregorio Sán- Chiquito de la Calzada, performing in his heyday. :: SUR separately, Wilhelm Tempel and In past years the Leonids have chez - was a much-loved comedian Horace Parnell Tuttle discovered produced a meteor storm of hun- who became a household name in in the legendary flamenco ‘tablao’ marriage. it in 1865. There is no danger of dreds of meteors an hour; in Spain in the nineties after appear- El Jaleo in Torremolinos, hand-clap- Institutional recognition came the comet ever hitting the Earth 1966 viewers in the USA re- ing on numerous TV shows. ping, stamping and singing in the last year in the form of the title of but its tail directly crosses the ported seeing 40 to 50 meteors His unique form of storytelling, background, behind the dancers. ‘Hijo Predilecto’ of Malaga given path of the Earth. The encoun- per second during a 15 minute complete with a trademark silly He was one of the first Spanish by the provincial government. ter will produce maybe 20 to 30 span. This year is not expected walk and a whole new surreal vo- flamenco artists to take his art to Posthumous honours are likely meteors per hour, all appearing to be up to that standard but cabulary, won the hearts of view- Japan, spending two years in the to follow. Spain’s minister for Cul- to radiate from the constella- with the moon being out of the ers, and he made regular appear- country where his stage name was ture, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, pro- tion of Leo, hence the name, the way it should still be a good ances on TV and in films until the altered to ‘Chiquitosan’, and he went posed this week that Chiquito be Leonid meteor shower. showing. early years of the new century. on tour in Germany with Camarón granted the Medalla de Oro de las You don’t need any special Remember if you do manage Chiquito was no stranger to the de la Isla and Tomatito. Bellas Artes (Gold Medal of Fine equipment to watch the meteor to see a shooting star then make stage, however, starting his perform- However it was his charisma and Arts). shower - just lay back in as dark a wish as they always come true! ing career in the world of flamenco. humour that opened doors to tele- Malaga’s mayor has promised a an area as possible, away from As a youth he had climbed onto ta- vision and wider fame. sculpture of the artist in the city’s any street lights, and look up. · More information : bles to sing to diners in roadside He had lived alone in Malaga since park and numerous proposals to give You may see meteors anywhere ‘ventas’ in the Montes de Málaga his wife, Josefa García (Pepita), died his name to streets and squares have in the sky but if you follow an and later he could be found on stage in 2012, and more than 50 years of been made this week. November 17th to 23rd 2017 SUR IN ENGLISH 27 28 November 17th to 23rd 2017 LIFESTYLE SUR IN ENGLISH

PETER LEGAL ADVICE PET CARE HARRISON International Lawyers answers readers’ queries We speak English, German, French, Spanish and Russian Choosing a Please send your questions or However, the owner has re- proven, the inheritors will not contact us directly to arrange cently passed away, and we be obliged to honour your right a personal appointment on: have found out that the inheri- of pre-emption. sensible alternative tors have the intention of sell- Ilagoson International ing the property. When we REF. U.L.E. Lawyers knew about this, we told them I have decided to sign a Spanish Too early to start thinking about cupying the lid of a chest in our that we had a right of pre-emp- will to bequeath the two prop- Christmas? Not really! bedroom. We acquire a new one Avda. Playas Andaluzas 38 tion, as the owner had prom- erties that I have in Spain, but I It seems to come around faster every year. They cost nothing to (Exit ‘El Rosario’) ised to sell the land to us, but am expecting that there will as each year goes by and already keep, require little attention and 29604 Marbella they do not want to honour be disagreements between my Christmas commercials are ap- if the child tires of them they can Tel: 952 77 12 13 this. Is there any way to en- inheritors, as we do not have a pearing on television. Children be pensioned off to a cupboard. Fax: 952 82 68 61 force our verbal agreement, or good family relationship. I are asked what they would like Children of all ages love ted- [email protected] at least to recover the money would like to designate a per- as a present and the popular re- dies and many adults do too. Big Offices in Málaga, Marbella invested? son I trust who, when I pass quest is for a puppy or kitten. It game hunter, Theodore Roose- and Cádiz away, will take charge of divid- has been so for many years. It is velt, known as Teddy, really Whatever is built or planted on ing up my assets, in order to wonderful for the child but for started something when early somebody else’s land belongs to avoid family conflicts. Is there how long? A month or maybe two in the last century he spotted a the owner of the land. However, a figure like this in Spanish and then the novelty wears off bear cub and his heart softened REF. R.A.L. the owner of the land, as long as law? and everything gets left to the and he refused to shoot it. We live in the countryside and it was built or planted in good parents. This can carry on for ten The German toy manufacturer next to our house there is a faith, could take possession of In Spanish law we have the “al- or more years when the child has Stieff caught on and created the plot that we have used as a gar- the building or plantation if he bacea” (executor), and his/her left school and Mum and Dad still teddy bear. Other companies fol- den for years. We grow ecologi- paid compensation equivalent name must be included in the have to face the commitment. lowed and the teddy became one cal vegetables and aloe vera, to the expenses or the increase will. The executor’s task is pre- It is tragic, but understand- of the world’s most popular toys. which we sell in the local mar- of the land’s value that it has cisely to help the inheritors able, how rescue centres become It was interesting to observe ket. We had the verbal promise gained thanks to it. But for that, with the problems that might full to the brim in early spring when the Duke and Duchess of that the owner of the plot it is essential to be able to prove, arise when dividing up the as- and with the best will in the Cambridge visited Australia they would sell it to us, so we in- by means of a witness, that the sets, and especially to verify that world cannot accept any more accepted a toy marsupial for vested an important amount agreement indeed existed, as the last will of the deceased is animals. Prince George. of money to prepare the land. otherwise, if it cannot be honoured. Now here is an idea. Make a In the past the traditional gifts child happy by making him or for royals to exchange were live First Assessment Consultation FREE of Charge her an arctophile, a lover and col- animals. A good example to set, lector of teddy bears. My wife and a sensible, compassionate and I have thirty-five of them oc- step forward. November 17th to 23rd 2017 SUR IN ENGLISH 29 30 November 17th to 23rd 2017 LIFESTYLE SUR IN ENGLISH

FOUND IN TRANSLATION MARK NAYLER A red pencil to sketch the memory of pain The Carpenter’s Pencil Manuel Rivas

aria de Visita- when his head is blown off by one (despite being shot through the passages, the protagonist of çao is a newly- of Franco’s minions. His execu- neck by Herbal) and appears in The worn out red pencil which is a singer named Pepe arrived prosti- tioner’s name is Herbal, and this the novel’s opening scene, in Sánchez. Pepe is one of Da Barca’s tute in a Span- book is Herbal’s melancholy re- which he is interviewed in his has passed through fellow prisoners in Santiago de ish brothel. By membrance - recounted to his old age by a hungover journalist. many lives, starting with Compostela. He brings life and M night, she deals newest employee, Maria, as they But why did the doctor survive a Galician carpenter colour to the prison with his mu- with the “strenuous thrusts” of wait for men to come to the and not the painter? Why did sic and is accompanied by the the smugglers who have taken brothel - of a crime he regrets. Herbal shoot the artist in the other prisoners, who voice the over the contraband industry in At the heart of Manuel Rivas’ head yet lower his gun at the last sounds of their various instru- nearby Fronteira, a town just over poetic and dreamlike novel is the minute when tasked with dis- ments (lacking as they do the ac- the border in Portugal; but by day question of whether Herbal is patching Da Barca? tual instruments). she has time to listen to the Civil deserving of condemnation for As futile as it might seem to The night before his death Pepe War stories of her pimp and land- executing the painter: was it just ask unanswerable questions such sings all night long, backed by his lord Herbal, a man of few words something he had to do, as one as these, Rivas’ novel compels us For those who would later be improvised orchestra, and the who sketches on napkins with a of Franco’s soldiers, or should he to confront them; and in doing asked to kill in the name of ei- guards love his voice as much as carpenter’s pencil while waiting be held personally responsible so, it takes us further into the ther the Republic or Franco, their the inmates do. How do we know for customers. for murdering the man whose Civil War’s moral complexities supposed enemies were already this? Because, as Herbal tells Maria The worn-out red pencil with pencil he now uses (or both)? An than any historical account could. unbearably human. This awful in the brothel, “there were no vol- which Herbal passes the brothel’s equally difficult quandary posed As we are reminded many reality is explored in one of the unteers fofor the firing squad that dead hours has had many lives. to us by this Civil War master- times throughout this strangetrange novel’s central time”. Pepe was a singer and In the years before Spain’s Civil piece is whether the laconic and and moving book, mean-- had a ggreat sense of humour: War broke out, it belonged to a surly pimp merits praise for de- ingless crimes were com-m- but he was also a Republican, Galician carpenter, who in turn liberately botching the murder mitted in abundancee so he hhad to go. A universe of gave it to a shipbuilder friend of of another Republican prisoner throughout the Spanishh pointpointless suffering is con- his, a communist and “self-con- named Doctor Da Barca. Civil War. When the conflictct tained in that one sentence. fessed libertarian and humanist” Herbal guards Da Barca in emerged in July 1939, menen HeHerbal, we realise, learnt - or, as far as Franco will presuma- prison in Santiago de Compos- and women who had beenen a lot ffrom silently observing bly label him, a dangerous sub- tela throughout the Civil War friends and colleagues justust Da BaBarca in prison. The char- versive. and is on duty one bleak morn- days before were suddenlynly ismaismatic doctor was popular The shipbuilder passes the pen- ing when the doctor is taken out on different sides of a lethalhal amoamong the other inmates in cil onto another carpenter, who to be shot. Yet Da Barca survives dividing line. ComCompostela, who sought stumbles across a painter sketch- him out for his medical ad- ing the façade of the great cathe- vice or simply to hear a dral in Santiago de Compostela. googood story. Herbal remem- Perhaps thinking that the artist Enjoying Spanish literature,e, bers Da Barca once explain- could do with some new tools, ing the “worst pain you the carpenter gives him the lit- can get” – the phantom tle red pencil. It remains in the with the help of translationn paipain experienced by those painter’s possession during his whwho have lost a limb. The imprisonment (for no crime other This is the third in our five-fea- ally acclaimed novel publishedished dodoctor calls it “the mem- than being of an artistic tempera- ture series looking at contem- in English by Random House.ouse. orory of pain. The pain of ment, one supposes) after the porary Spanish literature avail- Next week look forward to All wwhat you have lost”. This outbreak of war, when he uses it able in English. This week we Souls by Javier Marias; set inn OOx-x- is the pain that Herbal to sketch the faces of his fellow review Manuel Rivas’ The Car- ford, England, a Spanish lecturerturer eendures, as he sketches inmates. The pencil is in his pos- penter’s Pencil, an internation- falls for a young, married tutorutor . in the brothel with his session right up until the moment ststolen red pencil. November 17th to 23rd 2017 31 SUR IN ENGLISH LIFESTYLE


WHAT HAPPENED TODAY? LANGUAGE FOOTNOTE E17 NOVEMBER 2009 Secuestro Hijack Atunero Tuna boat Buque Vessel Somali pirates release Faenar To fish Rescate Ransom Tripulante Crew member the Alakrana tuna boat Navegar To sail Zarpar To set sail Liberación Release and its 36 hostages Armamento Arms Botado Launched Portavoz Spokesman n 17 November 2009, kill three of the Spanish crew mem- Pesquero Fishing boat forty-seven days after bers if the detained pirates were Marinero Sailor its capture, the Alakrana not released. The Alakrana tuna fishing boat. :: SUR Contabilizar To count Otuna boat and the crew On 7 November 2009 the fami- Aliviado Relieved on board were freed after being held lies of the 36 kidnapped sailors news” on 17 November 2009, he by the Spanish public, with the Sollozo Sobbing hostage by Somali pirates. The Span- asked for authorities to cooperate neither confirmed nor denied this. news of its liberation triggering ex- Juicio Trial ish fishing boat, based in the Basque with the Somali criminals and re- In his announcement he said, with citement and relief around the Rehén Hostage port of Bermeo, was sailing in in- lease the arrested pirates in order a smile, that all crew membersembers were country. All ofo the sailors were ternational waters of the Indian to guarantee the freedom of the “safe and sound” and that the greeted ini the Basque Coun- Ocean when it was captured on 2 hostages. Thousands of people dem- “government did what it had try andan Galicia with ban- As a result of the incident with October 2009. The hijack was the onstrated in Vigo and Bermeo, to do”. After the ship’s lib- nersner and celebrations the Alakrana, on 2 November 2009 second attack from Somali pirates which is where the majority of eration, it sailed freelyy to whenwh arriving home. Spanish laws were changed to al- against the Alakrana in less than a crew members came from, to fur- Victoria in the Seychelles,es, In 2009, Somali pi- low security guards to carry fire- month. ther reiterate this demand. arriving there on 20 Oc- ratrates held 10 captured arms of up to 12.7 millimetres on The seven weeks of the vessel’s However in the end the crew tober. During the ship’sp’s vessels,ves with over 200 board ships displaying a Spanish capture saw a great deal of tension; were freed without the release of release, Spanish forcess at- On the same flag, provided that the weapon is the day after the Alakrana was the Somalis held in Spain. tempted, to no avail, day of the Alak- bought from Spanish arms manu- seized, two Somali pirates were Pirate spokesmen told the press to capture the pirates A crew member is reunited rana’s release, pi- facturers or distributors. It was captured by the Spanish Navy and at the time of the vessel’s release who led the hijack with his family. :: SUR rates attacked and hoped that this measure would pre- put on trial in Madrid with charges that they were receiving a ransom while they were flee- captured a chemi- vent further capture of Spanish of kidnapping and armed assault of 2.5 million euros for handing ing the Alakrana. cal vessel, the Theresa VIII, on its vessels and sailors. and later sentenced to 439 years in over the ship and crew. When prime From the date of the hijack un- way to Kenya. The vessel, which prison for the hijack. In retaliation, minister José Luis Rodríguez Za- til the ship’s release, the story of was made up of mostly Korean · Bilingual crossword the Somali hijackers threatened to patero announced the “very good the Alakrana was followed closely crew, was later released. inside back page 32 November 17th to 23rd 2017 LIFESTYLE SUR IN ENGLISH


Brunnera is a genus of herbaceous perennials with large heart-shaped leaves and powder-blue forget-me-not-like flowers in the spring

Siberian bugloss or Brunnera mac- or planted in a large container. heat in the summer than other rophylla, is a woodland plant and Of the various species avail- species. However, it does need member of the Boraginaceae fam- able, B. macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’ adequate shade, especially in the ily. It is equally valued for its at- is the most suited to grow- afternoons during the summer, tractive foliage as for its pretty ing in southern and a rich, moisture reten- little blue flowers which appear Spain as it tive soil. :: MARIA HILLEN in spring and it is often grown in can with- Once estab- borders among spring bulbs. It standd lished it can NOVEMBER COLOUR can also be used as ground cover moree formf a clump 660cm across bby 30-45cm “Some sunflower seeds, a little water and it looks like the ttall. summer is here to stay,” says Maria Hillen who sent in this The hy- photo. bridb ‘Jack Frost’F has striking,s large,la sil- GARDENING HINTS FOR NOVEMBER veryv leavesl withw green Evicting tenants veiningv and border.b The If you are lucky enough to overwintering alongside the leavesle will stay have some tropical plants in host plant. Bugs to look out ono the plant all pots you may be thinking for include the dreaded red yeary but the best sea- about bringing them indoors spider mite, mealy bugs and sons for this plant are from or at least somewhere where my personal nemesis, scale autumn until early summer. they will be protected from insects. Check undersides of The flowers look very similar the wintry weather. It’s not leaves, stems and leaf to forget-me nots’ powder-blue, enough to carry or drag the bracts and identify every five petalled blooms. They are pot into the corner of a cool six-legged ‘tenant’ you held in racemes on dainty stems room; you should give it a come across before dealing above the foliage and attract bees thorough check-over first. with it. Ideally, make sure and butterflies. Insects may be lurking that you are not killing beneficial In early summer the spent will appreciate the move and insects that may also be ta- flowers should be snipped off and use it to procreate and deci- king advantage of the indo- through the hottest months it mate all your plants that are or climate. may be necessary to remove any damaged or brown leaves to keep it looking tidy. PHOTOS Propagation is by seed (Sibe- rian bugloss may also self-seed Calling all Email your photos to eng- around the garden) or by lifting [email protected] or send and dividing the rhizomous roots gardeners them to SUR in English, in winter. Avda Dr Marañón 48, 29009 The genus is named after Swiss We know that many of our Malaga, with a caption and a botanist Samuel Brunner (1790- readers have lovely gardens, few words of explanation, 1844) and the common name ‘bu- or enjoy growing plants on or send them via Twitter gloss’ comes from a Greek term their terraces or balconies, @SUR_English or Facebook meaning ‘ox tongue’ which so why not share them with @surenglish and we’ll do probably refers to the shape and others? the rest! B. macrophylla’ Jack Frost’ and close-up (inset). :: WIKIMEDIA roughness of the leaves. November 17th to 23rd 2017 SUR IN ENGLISH 33


Humilladero Villanueva de la Concepción Places of interest History. This municipality is situ- Nature. The main attraction Landscapes. Situated at the ated on flat land with the famous of this village is the Fuente foot of the Sierra del Torcal, Sierrecilla behind. Its name dates de Piedra lagoon, a saline this village is one of the at the heart back to the time of the Recon- wetland which is home to youngest in Malaga province quest. According to some histori- the second largest colony of because it became independ- ans this was where, in 1410, the pink flamingos in Europe. ent from Antequera in 2009. Infante de Antequera fell to his There are also numerous va- Thanks to its location it has of Andalucía knees and swore that he would rieties of birds, making it ex- some remarkable landscapes, not sheath his sword again until tremely popular with orni- in which agriculture and the he had taken the town. A monas- thologists. In the village it- limestone mountains make a tery was built in the same place; self there are also some in- lovely contrast. The village JAVIER ALMELLONES ge areas of olive groves and it no longer exists, but the village teresting places to visit, also has some interesting vines. grew up around it. A replica of such as the fountain around things to see, including a se- he fertile Vega de This region is made up of the Cruz del Humilladero cross which it originated and the ries of bridges built during the Antequera plain is seven municipalities: Hu- has been erected on the spot. church of Las Virtudes. reign of Carlos III. right in the heart of milladero, Mollina, What to see: El Rosario church T Andalucía, in a natu- Alameda, Fuente de Piedra, and the ‘Cruz del Humilladero’ What to see: The Piedra foun- What to see: El Torcal and El ral corridor between the Me- , Villanueva de cross. tain and the lagoon. Horcajo bridge. diterranean coast and the la Concepción and the town Guadalquivir Valley, which of Antequera. Apart from for thousands of years has gi- the latter, none of them ven it an indisputable strate- have more than 6,000 in- gic value. habitants. Despite their size, Due to this long history, their historic and ecological there are numerous remains heritage make them inter- from different civilisations esting to visit. For example, on this extensive area of in this area you can find not land. In addition, it also only important nature re- boasts an important natural serves such as the Fuente de heritage, with protected Piedra lagoon but also im- areas of huge environmental portant historic monuments value, and its agriculture, like the San Sebastián ceme- consisting principally of lar- tery in Casabermeja.

Mollina Alameda Casabermeja Vineyards. n recent years this Legends. This village is associ- Heritage.Part of the territory of village on the Vega de An- ated with one of the legendary Casabermeja, in the south of tequera plain has become fa- characters of the 19th century, the region, lies within the natu- mous for its wine production. the famous bandit known as El ral park of Los Montes de In fact, its landscapes strongly Tempranillo, who died and was Malaga. This makes it a very un- contrast with those of An- buried here. Despite this, it has usual village, and one which is tequera because there are so a great deal more to offer such full of contrasts. You can take many vines. It also boasts the as remains dating back to Ro- an interesting trip through his- Sierra de la Camorra, where pot- man times and prehistory. It tory, from the cave paintings at holers will find about 30 caves, also shares with the neigh- Las Peñas de Cabrera to the San such as the increasingly famous bouring village of Humilladero Sebastián cemetery, and includ- Cueva de los Órganos. The vil- the nature reserve and lagoon ing the Zambra tower and the lage is a fine example of tradi- of La Ratosa. church of El Socorro. tional local architecture. What to see: The tomb of El What to see: El Hortelano mill, Tempranillo, Roman baths, the olive tree at Arroyo Car- What to see: La Capuchina win- Chalcolithic necropolis and the nicero, San Sebastián cemetery, eries and the Sierra de la Andalusian Countryside Mu- Peñas de Cabrera, Zambra tower Camorra mountains. seum. and the church of El Socorro.

The Fuente de Piedra lagoon is a major tourist attraction. :: J.A. 34 November 17th to 23rd 2017 WHAT TO DO SUR IN ENGLISH EXHIBITIONS

Victor Tristante Japanese lyrical drama . From 1 until 20 Decem- ber. Patio Top Garden Furniture, Ctra A7 km. 163. Urb El Pirata. An exhibition by local artist Vic- :: TONY BRYANT tor Tristante. Inauguration party TORREMOLINOS. The Pablo 6 October 7-9pm. Meet the artist Ruiz Picasso Cultural Centre in while having a drink and nibbles. Torremolinos will host ‘Las Más- More info at www.patio-topgar- caras del Teatro Noh, a demon- or estepona@patio-topgar- stration of Japanese lyrical drama’, on Friday 24 and Satur- day 25 November. Asia A Dentro, Vélez Magpie International Gallery A series of specialised seminars Marbella. From 4 November until on the classical Noh masks has Perspectives 24 November. C/Virgen del Pilar. been organised by the cultural as- Torre del Mar. Until 24 November, 200m from port. sociation, Hi No Hikari, with the Oficina de Turismo, C/Poniente. The exhibition ‘Red & Fire’ con- collaboration of the Torremolinos A joint exhibition by artists El- sists of works by Bernard Auber- town hall. The focus of the con- speth Jenkins and Olivia Garner. tin. In collaboration with the Ital- ference will be an exhibition of ian art gallery Toro Arte Contem- ancient Japanese masks and will Homes, Real Estate and Art poráneo. www.magpie.interna- feature three of the most repre- Fuengirola. Until 3 December, tional. sentative of Noh; imitation, mys- Homes, Avda Los Boliches. tery and flowers. ‘Patronas y Acuarelas’, Barbara José Vergara, a specialist in Japa- López demonstrates her spontane- The Noh mask exhibition will be on display in Torremolinos. :: SUR nese lyrical drama, will open the ous, organic style with sinuous and exhibition with a lecture and a forms and wide use of colour. guided tour of the exhibition, ex- DETAILS were developed from the mid to plaining the history of each of the latter part of the Muromachi pe- Galería Krabbe masks. On Saturday at midday, he riod (1338-1573). Previous to that . Until 2 December. will present the Yugen, an impor- When: Friday 24 until Satur- time, the mask conventions were Galería Krabbe, C/Rosario La tant concept in traditional Japa- day 25 November. not entirely set and masks had Joaquín. nese aesthetics and one of the ma- stronger religious connotations. Armagedon and Haiku Fractual is jor values of Japanese art of the Where: Pablo Ruiz Picasso It is believed that performers the name of this exhibition which Middle Ages. Cultural Centre, Torremolinos. felt they needed to hide the un- includes works by both Dorthe Noh is an art form that utilises attractive aspects of their own Krabbe and Jacinto Lara. masks and there is a great variety faces and concentrate on making of them. There were originally Noh mask has a certain power the beauty of Noh stronger. El Universo Mágico about 60 basic types of masks, but which makes it much more spiri- The inauguration of ‘Las Más- Vélez-Málaga. Until 12 December. Rubén Guerrero, Malaga today there are well over 200 dif- tual than simple makeup used to caras del Teatro Noh’ will take Convento San Francisco. ferent kinds in use. change ones appearance. place at 8pm on Friday 24 Novem- A mixture of reality and fantasy in Rubén Guerrero Covering the face with a mask Exactly when the Noh mask ber. The event is free, although this exhibition of paintings by An- Malaga. Until 28 January. Centro de is much like wearing makeup, came into being is not entirely clear, space is limited, so early arrival is tonio Higaldo. artes Contemporáneo. however, performers feel that the however it is believed that masks advised. The ‘Familias Mínimas (Rojo, Asia Adentro amarillo y azul)’ exhibition fea- Vélez-Málaga. Until 12 December. tures 11 paintings of places, build- Sala El Pósito. ings, and words. ción’ and includes work by Pierre ies by Francisco Carreño and Javier An exhibition of stunning photos Gonnord, Per Bercley, Regina José Hidalgo. taken by Pablo Berenguer Palma. Buren at the Cube Galindo and many others. Malaga. Until 14 January. Pompi- The Stones and The Beatles Acompalia Art dou Centre, Malaga port. Miguel Trillo Malaga. Until 18 June. La Térmica, Motril. From 25 November until 16 Daniel Buren, the artist who cre- Malaga. Until 25 November, Exhi- Avda de Los Guindos. December, 7-10pm Wed-Sat. La Fab- ated the iconic design on the ‘Cube’ bition room at the Rectorada of ‘Rival’ photographers Terry O´Neill rica de Azúcar. at the Pompidou Centre, is exhibit- the University of Malaga. and Gered Mankowitz immortal- A charity art exhibition to raise ing more of his work at the mu- ‘Cromasíaticos’ is the title of this ised some of the most important funds for Acompalia, an association seum. exhibition of photographs of street bands in history including The in Granada and the Costa Tropical gang members from the Far East. Beatles and The Rolling Stones. An that cares for terminally ill pa- Jaime Sordo exhibition of some of their photos tients. Malaga. Until 14 January. Salaa de Memento Mori is on show in La Térmica until June. La Coracha, Museo del Patrimonio Malaga. Until 28 November, Gale- CHARITY Municipal, Pase de Reding. Free. ria Alfajar opposite the gardens of Casa de la Cultura Jaime Sordo, La Coracha In the annex to the MUPAM is an Malaga Cathedral. Mijas Costa. Las Lagunas. Until 27 exhibition of contemporary photo- A collective exhibition with death November. Alfredo Opisso Pop Festival for Parkinson’s graphs from the collection Los Bra- as its theme. Death is often de- The Nueva Enfoque Mijas Assosia- Mijas Pueblo. Until 10 January. Cen- Malaga. 17 November, 10.30pm. gales belonging to businessman picted in art and included in the ex- tion persents their minimalist pho- tro de Arte Contemporáneo. Sala París 15, C/La Orotava. Jaime Sordo. The exhibition is en- hibition are sculptures by Javier tography exhibition, ‘Un instante. An exhibition of works by Alfredo All the leading Spanish pop musi- tilted ‘Escenas: acción y representa- Huescas and paintings of cemetar- Un lugar. Un espacio’ . Opisso. cians from the 80s including Mi- November 17th to 23rd 2017 35 SUR IN ENGLISH WHAT TO DO kel Erentxun from Duncan Dhu, are still available for this event, FAMA Christmas Fair [email protected] Cuarteto Granada Nacho García Vega from Nacha contact Trisha Mansfield on Mijas Costa. 17 November, 6.30pm. Malaga. 18 November, 8pm. Sala Pop, Carlos Segarra from Los Re- [email protected] Restaurante El Brujo, Urb El Coto. Malaga Philharmonic Unicaja de Conciertos María Cris- beldes and Johny Cifuentes from The Foundation for Abandoned and Orchestra tina Burning, as well as some special Cudeca Christmas Car Boot Mistreated Animals is holding a Malaga. Teatro Cervantes The fifth concert in a series dedi- guests, will be taking part in this La Cala Hills. 19 November, St. An- Christmas fair with tombola, raf- 17 November, 8pm. Dvorak’s cated to the quartets composed by charity event. All proceeds go to thony’s College car park fle, stalls, food. For more informa- Concerto for violin and orchestra Shostakovich which will include help fund research into Parkin- Aladin La Cala are organising the tion tel: 620 354 885 in A minor Op 53 with violin numbers 10, 12 and 14. son’s disease. Cudeca Goldies’ Christmas event soloist Andrea Sestakova. with the Costa Soul Singers per- Multi-charity Christmas Fair Followed by Tchaikovsky’s Charity gala forming and a visit from Father Estepona. 25 November, 11am - Symphony nº6 in B minor Op 74 Malaga. 17 November, 11pm. Christmas. For more information 3pm. Palacio de Congresos. Free ‘Pathetique’. Balneario, Baños del Carmen. 13€ tel: 952 197 577 A mult-charity ‘rastro’ (market) Malaga Cathedral in advance or 15€ from box office. supporting Aspandem, Little Sis- 24 November, 8.30pm. Music by A charity gala dinner and concert ters of the Poor, Collective Calling, composer Juan Francés de organised by the Lions Club Mála- Cáritas and others. Face painting, Iribarren. ga Ilusión to raise money for ‘Un magic show, Santa’s Grotto, classic Plato de Comida’, a charity that cars, bouncy castle, food, drinks BeeGees tribute show helps children in India. The music and entertainment. Almuñécar. 17 November, 8.30pm. will be provided by Free Soul Casa de la Cultura, Puerta de Band and Los Negroides. Tickets Granada 19. 11€ from Caritas Christmas Market The Spanish BeeGees will be in Marbella. 23-26 November, Palacio concert playing some of the Bee- Cuarteto Granada, Malaga ARCH winter sale de Congresos. Gees greatest hits. Tickets from Coín. 18 November, 11am-1pm. Stands available tel: 607501122 or the Casa de la Cultura or Viajes ARCH stables, Viña Borrego, be- email: caridad@martinez- Ecuador. Nilson and Petrove duo hind Venta Miralmonte. Malaga. 19 November,8pm. Sala The Andalusian Rescue Centre for José Carra Trio Unicaja de Conciertos María Cris- Horses are having a sale of new and Acompalia Art, Motríl MUSIC & DANCE Nerja. 17 November. 8.30 pm. Hotel tina well -loved rugs and tack to raise Plaza Cavana. 12€ in advance. 15€ ‘Touching the stars’ organised by money. Refeshments available. Cudeca Charity walk on the door. Drop Artist includes a recital by Tel: Mijasa. 19 November 11 am. Start- The Wall Bar Composer and pianist, Carra, will violinist Anna Nilsen and pianist Tracey 659408664. ing at Yorkshire Linen.5€ for Malaga. Hotel Vincci Posada del be performing songs off his new re- Anna Petrova who will play the adults, 2.50€ for children Patio, 11pm, entry free. cord ‘Verso’, as well as from his ex- three sonatas for violin and piano ADANA Christmas Fair In aid of Positively Pink and 17 November. Rosa Ruíz y Foky. tensive repertoire. be Grieg. Estepona. 19 November, 10.30am- Cudeca there will be a 10,000 step 18 November. Adolfo Rodríguez. 4pm. Palacio de Congresos. 2€ walk that finishes at St Anthony’s 60s pop. Atarfe Symphonic Orchestra Queen of Magic Santa Paws, market, cafe and meet College and the Cudeca Goldies Almuñécar. 18 November,8pm. Nerja. 18 November. C.C. Villa de some of the rescued dogs. Tables Christmas Fayre. Tel: 951314074 Manolo Báez Casa de la Cultura, Puerta de Gra- Nerja. 10€ Estepona. 18 November, 8pm. Hu- nada 19. This Queen tribute will see 18 clas- ber, Plataforma de Arte. A tribute to Maria Callas with so- sic Queen songs, played as faith- A concert by Manolo Báez. Email: prano Cristina Sánchez and the fully to the original versions plataformadeartehu- Atarfe Symphonic Orchestra. as possible. >

Costa Soul Singers will perform at Cudeca’s festive fayre . :: SUR Cudeca Goldies Christmas fair

:: TONY BRYANT finish at St Anthony’s college. The MIJAS. The Cudeca Goldies will walk is in memory of Ann Culli- host their Christmas fair at St An- more, the mother of a Yorkshire thony’s College in La Cala de Mi- Linen employee who recently died jas on Sunday 19 November. of cancer. Organised by Aladin La Cala, the There will be a festive perform- market will take place in the car ance given by the Costa Soul Sing- park from 10am until 3pm and will ers, who will entertain with some offer second-hand clothing, jew- of the most traditional Christmas ellery, books, household items and carols and songs. There will also a Cudeca’s special Christmas cards. special visit from Father Christ- Visitors will have the opportunity mas to get everyone in the yule- to buy a raffle ticket for Cudeca’s tide spirit. Christmas draw, with a first prize Those wishing to participate in of a brand new car. the market can book a stall, which A sponsored walk organised by cost 20euros, by calling 951 314 the 10,000 step walkers from York- 074 between 10am-6pm. All pro- shire Linen, in aid of Positively ceeds of the market will be donated Pink and Cudeca, will start from to the Cudeca Hospice. the linen store in Mijas at 11am and Tel Carlos White: 663087324 36 November 17th to 23rd 2017 WHAT TO DO SUR IN ENGLISH

MUSIC & DANCE Nerja. 22 November, 6pm. Centro de Vélez, C/Tejeda. > Cultural Villa de Nerja. 17 November, 10pm. Fiesta Gitana Science and Technology: ‘Climate Students from the Escuela Munici- de la Calle Los Negros with Aroa Change’. 22 November, 11am- The American dream pal de Danza y Música in concert. Soto, Bastian Soto, Isabel Soto, Bas- 12.30pm. Put the politics to one Marbella. 18 November, 8pm. Tickets from tian Jimenez and Rubén Portillo. side and get to grips with what the Clinica Buchinger Wilhelmi. 25€ Torremolinos. 17 November, 8pm. 24 November, 10pm. Moisés Na- science really tells us. What is the Alborada Moreno and Ignacio Tor- La Casa de Cultura. varro, Fátima Navarro and Amara climate of the 21st century going to ner will be playing music for two Flautist Keiko Takeuchi and pianist Navarro, Jose M. Fernández and be like, and what, if anything, can pianos by composers George Juan Manuel Santos Domínguez. Rubén Portillo. we do about it? Gershwin, Leonard Bernstein and Vélez-Málaga. 19 November, mid- John Adams. info@musicaconen- day. Teatro del Carmen. A tribute to Flamenco Mixed bag talk: ‘Famous Metal The Stella Maris and Amigos de la Almuñécar. 25 November, 7pm. Structures that Failed’. 28 Música choirs with the municipal Hotel Corregidor. November, 11am-12.30pm. Why do End of Year Show The Minotaur, Fuengirola band. To celebrate the 7th anniversary of ships break in two, aircraft Alhaurín el Grande. 18 November, “El Flamenco, Patrimonio Inmate- disintegrate, bridges and roofs 8pm. Venta La Recta. 10€ FLAMENCO rial de la Humanidad”. collapse! By Geoff Cooke. The Andy Ross Singers will be per- www.phoenixsocial- forming many favourite songs at LECTURES DFAS lectures the ‘End of Year Show’. A dona- Flamenco en el Museo Benahavís. 28 November, 6.30pm. tion will be made to the Street Choir concert Malaga. Museo de Arte Flamenca Benahavís Town Hall. Visitors 12€. Dogs Charity. Tickets: Papeleria Torremolinos. 21 November, Peña Juan Breva. U3A Lectures 1900sVienna - hotbed of culture Cristina’s. Reservationse tel: Sue 7.30pm. La Casa de los Navajas. 19 November, 1pm. Flamenco for Fuengirola. Lux Mundi reference In the 1900s Imperial Vienna was 617510758 or Cath 952112057 The Asociación Coral de Torremoli- children. Library, free to members, guests one of the most exciting places in nos will be performing Ave Maria, 23 November, 8.30pm. Tania Or- 5€. Email: u3afuengi- the world. It produced painters Harley Daniels and Nashville Alma, Corazón y Vida and tradi- tega, Alejandro Estrada, José M [email protected] such as Klimt and Schiele and ar- Almuñécar. 19 November, 8pm. tional Christmas Carols Millán ‘Manu’. Reservations: 687 History and Art: ‘Tartessos’ 29 chitects like Otto Wagner and Casa de la Cultura. 607 526 November, 11am-12.30pm. Did Adolf Loos. It was also home to Sig- ‘Oh Nashville’ is the title of this Santa Cecilia Concerts Bronze Age traders from southern mund Freud and Gustav Mahle. tribute to Johnny Cash, Flying Almuñécar 25 November, 6pm. Flamenco en el Museo Spain start the Minotaur bull cult www.benahavisd- Burrito Brothers and the Eagles Casa de la Cultura, Puerta de Vélez-Málaga. Peña Flamenca Niño of Crete? > among others. Tickets in advance Granada 19. Free. from Viajes Ecuador or one hour Almuñécar Municipal Band will be before from the box office. performing in honour of Santa Ce- cilia, the patron saint of musicians. The Jersey Boys Las Lagunas de Mijas. 18 Novem- Rock around Torremolinos Benalmádena. 24 November, 9pm. ber, 7pm. Teatro las Lagunas. 3€ Moonlight Bar, Sunset Beach Hotel. Tickets : Asociación Musical Anda- The Phoenix Club have organised a lucía or from the ticket office. trip to see the Frankie Valli and the Malaga. 18 November, 7.30pm. :: TONY BRYANT Four Seasons tribute show. Ticket Auditorio Edgar Neville. TORREMOLINOS. Torremolinos 45€ includes dinner in the Oasis The Santa María de la Victoria and is gearing up for the fifth edition restaurant. Tel: Gail 951067723, Nuestro Padre Jesús Cautivo bands of the Ruta del Rock, a live music email: phoenixsocialclub@ya- will be taking part. festival that will offer more than 60 concerts in the bars and restau- rants in the town. This popular event, which is or- ganised by the Torremolinos town hall, will be staged over two week- ends. The first instalment of the festival will commence on Friday 24 and continue until Sunday 26 November. The gigs will resume on Friday 1 and continue until Sunday 3 December. The town hall will issue special licences to allow pubs and restau- rants to present live bands in their establishments during the event. Visitors enjoy live music during a previous Ruta del Rock. :: TB They will also supply stages for those that wish to present the The majority of the gigs will be bands take part in the festival and shows on their terraces. held in the centre of the town at the audience can vote for their fa- The performances will be stag- venues including the Vanilla Café, vourite band and bar, and their gered, taking place between 7pm. Branigans Pub, The Galloping Ma- nominations will be entered in a and 11pm, to allow people time to jor, Garfield’s and the Bar Amster- prize draw that will be announced visit each bar on the route. The dam. Other venues include La Lan- shortly after the festival. music is not limited to rock; the gosta and El Horno Beach Club, festival will present a varied scope both in La Carihuela, and the Pink of genres, including reggae, soul, Elephant in Montemar. · Information :www.torremolin blues, rock and folk. Some of the area’s top local November 17th to 23rd 2017 37 SUR IN ENGLISH WHAT TO DO Sara Baras brings ‘Shadows’ to Malaga

company, Ballet Flamenco Sara Ba- ::TONY BRYANT/FERNANDO INFORMATION ras, which has produced 13 shows TORRES on stages all over the world, includ- MALAGA. Sara Baras, one of fla-  When: Wednesday 22 until ing the Royal Albert Hall, Sydney mencos most celebrated dancers, Sunday 26 November. Opera House and Carnegie Hall in is currently touring with her new New York. show, Sombras (Shadows), a re-  Where: Cervantes Theatre, The numerous prizes and awards view of the two decades she and Malaga. www.teatrocervan- she has received include the Best her company have been perform- Dance Show, for ‘Sabores’ (Flavours) ing together. in 2008. She also received the Gold The show, which will be pre-  Tickets: 18 - 54 euros Medal of Andalucía in 2004 and was sented at the Cervantes Theatre in made ‘favourite daughter’ of Cadiz Malaga, differs from her previous in 2006. She is respected for her works and the dancer claims it will work in the teaching and diffusion have a different musical and aes- stopped dancing for the last twenty of dance, receiving the Asociación thetic level than anything she has years. I want to preserve every- de Profesores de Danza Española ever done. thing that I have learned, and I (association of Spanish dance teach- Her previous show, Voices, was would like to pass it on,” the Ga- ers)award in 2010. a tribute to the masters of flamenco ditana dancer explained. Sara Baras has a deep passion song and Sara had to stick to the Shadows is born of the feeling for Malaga and she is no stranger compass of the traditional ortho- of freedom and incorporates tra- to the coveted stage in the Cer- dox flamenco, but with Shadows, ditional flamenco styles, like the vantes Theatre and it is for this she draws on the lighter, jovial side farruca,( one of Sara’s specialties) Sara Baras during a performance of ‘Sombras’, Malaga. reason that she has decided to of the art. while utilising percussion and dif- make the capital of the Costa del In an interview with SUR ear- ferent musical instruments. the passion, colour and ambience Ciro, Manolete and El Guito. Sol her first stop on this leg of the lier this week, the dancer claimed The 46-year-old dancer from of flamenco. She has performed with some tour. that so many things, both good and Cadiz has chosen Malaga to inau- Sara’s career began more than of flamenco’s greatest artistes, in- The show will be performed bad, have happened to her in the gurate the new show, which fea- 30 years ago and her beginnings in cluding Manuel Morao, Antonio from Wednesday 22 until Sunday last twenty years and the new tures Rolling Stones saxophonist, Cadiz are an important part of her Canales and Enrique Morente. 26 November. Tickets for the per- show will focus on this journey, Tim Ries, and also the work of character. She was first guided by Today, Sara Baras is one of the formance, which begins at 8pm but she pointed out that it was also Malaga artist, Andrés Mérida. her mother, dancer and choreog- most prestigious and internation- each night, with the exception of a tribute to the fans that have sup- Andrés Mérida’s drawings re- rapher, Concha Baras and she also ally recognised flamenco perform- Sunday, when the show starts at ported her illustrious career. flect the posture and movement received training from some of the ers. 7pm, cost between 18 to 54 euros “I love flamenco. I feel very ac- of the dance and he has created a most revered dancers in the his- Dancer, director and choreogra- and are available from www.uni- complished because I have not selection of images that portray tory of flamenco dance, namely pher, since 1997, she runs her own 38 November 17th to 23rd 2017 WHAT TO DO SUR IN ENGLISH

LECTURES so reservations only. Visitors 10€. Cinesur El Ingenio > Annual membership 50€ Tel: 694 Avda. Juan Carlos 1, Vélez-Málaga. Peter and the Wolf 425 219 or send an email to este- Tel. 667 77 31 87. Lux Mundi Art Appreciation [email protected] Justice League: 12.30, 16.30, Group 19.30 (every day); 16.00, 18.30, Torre del Mar. 20 November, Lux Mundi Christmas Bazaar 21.00 (Mon, Tues, Thurs) MALAGA. An ‘extraordinario’ 10.30am. Lux Mundi Ecumenical Fuengirola 23 November. 10.30am- Thor: Ragnarok: 21.30 ((Mon, production of ‘Peter and the Wolf’ Centre. 2€ 12.30pm. C/Nueva 3. Tues, Thurs), 22.20 (Fri, Sat, Sun) by Sergei Prokofiev will be per- High Art of the Low countries: An- Lux Mundi Fuengirola. Tel:952 Flatliners: 20.00 (Tues) formed by the Malaga Philhar- drew Graham Dixon will show 543 334 or e-mail: Happy Death Day: 16.20, 18.20 monic Orchestra and the Per Poc how the art of Renaissance Flan- [email protected] (Tues) company on 25 November at the ders evolved from the precious tap- Teatro Canovas. estries in the Duchy of Burgundy Cinesur Miramar Prokofiev was commissioned into a leading painting school in its Avda. de la Encarnación, Fuengi- by the director of the Children’s own right. The lecture will be fol- rola. Tel. 952 19 86 00. Theatre in Moscow in 1936 to lowed by a discussion. Marrowbone: 15.45, 17.55 (Tues). write a musical symphony for Thor: Ragnarok: 16.00, 18.30, children with the aim of intro- FESTIVALS 21.15 (Mon, Tues, Thurs). ducing them to the instruments The Book Shop: 11.50, 16.15 in the orchestra. The result was (every day). this much-loved classic tale about The performers. :: SUR Santa Cecilia Justice League: 12.10, 16.30, a little boy called Peter and his Malaga. November. 19.00, 21.30, 00.00 (every day) animal friends with instruments INFORMATION Across the province towns and vil- Happy Death Day: 16.00, 18.00 of the orchestra playing each of lages will be paying tribute to the (Tues); 20.05 (every day). the roles. patron saint of music with concerts Floral Art, Estepona Blue Jasmine: 16.00, 20.00 This production has the added  Where. Teatro Cánovas, Plaza and recitals. (Thurs 23rd) delight of skilled puppeteers illus- del Ejido. Christmas market trating the action as Peter hunts EVENTS Gibraltar From 24 November until Cines Teatro Goya the wolf.  When. 25 November 6.30pm 23 December. Wed, Thurs noon un- For tickets and information call It is narrated in Spanish but for and 8.30pm. til 8pm, Fri, Sat 10am until 10pm. 951196665. www.cinesteatro- non-Spanish speakers this Gourmet market and tastings Line Wall Road. shouldn’t detract from the en-  Website. www.orquestafilar- Marbella. Abastos & Viandas Mer- Cultural Services and the Gibraltar Battle of the Sexes: 16.90 (Sat, chantment of Prokofiev’s most cado Gourmet, Av. Ricardo Sori- Artisans market are joining forces Sun) performed work. ano. for the run-up to Christmas. There You Can’t Save The World 20-26 Novemb er. Wild mushroom will be craft stalls, entertainment, Alone: 15.40, 18.00 (Sat, Sun); days. demonstrations, mulled wine, 17.45 (Fri, Mon-Thurs); 20.00, 23 Novemb er. Iberian pork tasting mince pies, face painting etc. 22.30 (every day). and barbecue. Reservations: The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature:; [email protected] or Trip to Granada Christmas 16.00 (Sat, Sun) lights Thor: Ragnarok: 16.00, 17.50 Torre del Mar. 12-14 December. Vari- (Sat, Sun); 17.45 (Fri, Mon-Thurs). Trip to botanical gardens ous departure points. Prices from Flatliners: 20.15, 22.30 (Fri, Mon- Torre del Mar.23 November. Various 145€ for a double room. Thurs); 20.30, 22.45 (Sat, Sun) departure points. 15€ Lux Mundi Torre del Mar. Tel:952 The Book Shop: 16.00, 20.30 Vist to Gúzman garden centre, 543 334 or e-mail: (Sat, Sun); 20.00 (Fri, Mon-Wed); Torremolinos and the Molina de [email protected] 20.15 (Thurs). Inca botanical gardens. Lux Mundi Torre del Mar. Tel:952 543 334 or O. V. FILM Yelmo Cines, Plaza Mayor e-mail: [email protected] Centro de Ocio Plaza Mayor, Avda. SUR in English advises calling Alfonso Ponce de León. Floral Art Club cinemas to check for any last min- Tel: 902 902 103 or visit Estepona. Agro Jardín, Cancelada. ute time changes. Lunchtime and www. 21 November 3pm: The floral art late night screenings weekends Thor: Ragnarok: 21.15 (every club are holding their Christmas only. day) demonstration which will be with Justice League: 16.30, 19.00, Bernadette Scanlan. Bernadette is a Cine Albéniz 21.30 (every day); 00.00, 12.30 member of the Association of Irish C/Alcazabilla 4, Malaga. Tel: 902 (Sat, Sun). Floral Artists. Her demonstration is 36 02 95 or visit www.cinealbe- Breathe: 12.35 (Sat, Sun). entitled ‘A Magical Christmas’. A or Andrea Bocelli, A Legend of ‘hands on’ session will be on 23 No- The Big Sick: 16.30, 20.40 Beauty: 20.00 (Thur) A show with vember at 11am. Places are limited Blade Runner: 22.00 the opera singer and ice-dancers. November 17th to 23rd 2017 SUR IN ENGLISH 39


Historical re-enactment in the ancient city of Cástulo. :: TUISMO ANDALUZ

delcampo, Porcuna and Vilches, among others. Jaén returns to the Among the sites that are best preserved, is the ‘op- Burial chamber in Peal de Becerro. :: SUR pidum’ of Puente Tablas, lo- Iberian period cated only seven kilometres from the capital of Jaén. The QUICK GUIDE visitor can go into this ancient, fortified city by the same en-  What to see in Jaén TWO DAYS IN IBERIAN trance as the Iberians did. Oppidum de Puente Tablas: A JAÉN tion can be seen today thanks To complement this first im- fortified Iberian city from the to the important archaeologi- mersion in the Iberian culture, fourth century BC situated Car + walking cal sites found throughout the it is a good idea to visit the Pro- seven kilometres from Jaén. Journey time: 3 hours from Malaga; Andalusian region. However, vincial Museum of Jaén, which JV-3012, 15, 23009 Puente visiting the monuments and museums: 8 hours. Other cultural visits: 4 hours. the province of Jaén is where houses an extensive collection Tablas (Jaén). this indigenous people has left of Iberian art. Another impor- Jaén Provincial Museum: A large the most traces. Among its ol- tant milestone along this route collection of Iberian artefacts in- Córdoba ive groves remains a huge Ibe- is Linares and the ancient city cluding the extraordinary El Jaén rian legacy that can be discov- of Cástulo, which was Iberian Santuario Heroico de El Pajarillo. ered on a route that includes before becoming Roman. It is Paseo de la Estación, 27-29, Granada ancient fortresses, temples and one of the great fortresses of 23008 Jaén. Almería burial sites. the period, covering 70 hec- Málaga There is an unbeatable op- tares.  Cástulo: Iberian/Roman ar- portunity to enter the fasci- Among the Iberians’ places chaeological site on the banks nating world of Iberian cul- of religious worship, the most of the Guadalimar river. JV- ture; until 5 January 2018 the interesting is the Sanctuario de 3003, s/n, 23700 Linares JAVIER ALMELLONES initiative ‘Escápate al Tiempo la Cueva de la Lobera, located (Jaén). de los Íberos’ is being held. in Castellar. Hoyo and Tornos tombs: Burial t the core of the Guided or dramatised visits It is a cave that still retains chamber from this period. Ctra. broad historical leg- and pottery workshops are its magic, especially in its links de Peal de Becerro a Toya, km. acy of which Anda- some of the activities included to the sun. A trip to the cave 5,5. Peal de Becerro (Jaén). A lucía can boast today at the different sites linked to can be complemented by a Santuario de la Cueva de La is the Iberian civilisation which Iberian culture in the province visit to the local museum, Lovera: A sacred area for the Ibe- left its mark on much of the of Jaén. where some statuettes related rian people. 23260 Castellar Peninsula between the eighth From the capital, we pro- to Iberian beliefs are kept. (Jaén). and first centuries BC, i.e. in the pose an extensive tour of Immense fortress walls and Muralla Ciclópea: The remains Iron Age. places that preserve important burial chambers are other im- of the immense fortress walls. Their personal beliefs, their vestiges of this civilisation, portant milestones in this his- Paraje Cerro Miguelico, s/n. way of understanding art and such as Linares, Peal de Be- toric tour through the prov- 23640 Torredelcampo (Jaén). their unique way of organisa- cerro, Ibros, Castellar, Torre- ince of Jaén. 40 November 17th to 23rd 2017 FOOD&DRINK SUR IN ENGLISH

A. J. LINN Visitors to Spain in the Cutting it fine for two middle part of the last LITERARY century could possibly Guinness World Records GASTRONOMY recognise dishes from the book written in 1875 Ham slicers from all over excellent coffee and equally good Spain met up in Alhaurín bread. Butter had better be forgot- de la Torre in an ten as it was sold in apothecaries as an ointment….’ unprecedented How things have changed, al- gastronomic event rs Harvey’ wrote beit slowly. Visitors to Spain in the the book I am cur- middle part of the last century :: FERNANDO TORRES rently reading, could possibly recognise some of ALHAURÍN DE LA TORRE. The ‘M‘Cositas Españo- the dishes described by Mrs H, and town of Alhaurín de la Torre was con- las’ (1875) subtitled ‘Every Day certainly meat was a luxury. verted into the town of jamón (cured Life in Spain’. Obviously she was In Andalucía there was beef or ham) last weekend when profes- an important lady as everywhere pork, cooked and served within sional ham cutters from across Spain she travelled she was received by hours of leaving the slaughter- descended on it to try and break nobility and aristocracy. Foolishly house, tough and unappetising. some Guinness World records. or bravely her travels coincided Coming (usually by car then) At the end of the day a notary with the Carlist Wars and she wit- from northern Europe, the best verified that they had successfully nessed soldiers on the march. option was to buy lamb in Aran- managed to break two, the largest Mrs H also had plenty of time on juez’s market and freeze it at the number of jamón slicers gathered her hands and was financially com- destination. together in one place (350) and the fortable. She always rented big A recent theme of Onda Cero’s largest quantity of jamón cut by houses and had a couple of full- weekly gastronomic discussion hand (900 kilos). time servants. programme was how Spanish cui- The day started at ten in the morn- In Granada she would spend sine is rated outside Spain. Mini- ing with the arrival of the jamón days sitting in the Alhambra, but al- mal research on international slicers. The doors were opened to the though she loved the country and trends showed that this bears a di- public one hour later. its people, often drawing favour- rect relationship to the number of Each professional had just two able comparisons with her native a country’s restaurants in foreign minutes to cut at least four slices England, the food was a problem. urban centres. of ham which had to be between She developed ‘an absolute hatred, To support my theory I started 0.5 and 1.5mm thick. Whole legs nay, detestation of our dinners. counting up the number of Span- of cured ham were raffled and The jamón slicers association from Extremadura. :: F. TORRES The olla (stew) was….. an al- ish eating-places in London, but there were also various concerts most solid mass in which the gave up after it got to high double throughout the day. spoon could stand upright, the lit- figures. I remember when Marti- As the jamón slicers got to sis imperfecta) disease associa- tle lump of black meat which nez’s in Swallow Street was the work, visitors were able to pur- The event raised funds tion. might have been that of any ani- only one, and outside the capital chase two plates of thinly sliced The event was attended by the mal from a camel to a lamb…. The there was the ‘Andalucía’ in jamón for just five euros at the for the Spanish mayor of Alhaurín, Joaquín Villa- unknown fish, always tasting like Rugby. I don’t think anyone these various bars set up for the event. association for brittle nova and by associations from all boiled calico…. days would rate this country’s The money raised by the sale bone disease over Spain including the ‘Corta- Happily we could always have cuisine other than outstanding. of jamón went to AHUCE, the dores Extremeños’ from Extre- Spanish brittle bone (Osteogene- madura shown in the photo. November 17th to 23rd 2017 41 SUR IN ENGLISH HEALTH&BEAUTY

sciousness), postural hygiene and healthy eating. The intention was About 100 people learn how to deal to use these alternative experiences as another way of tackling pain. “Experiences such as these mean with and combat constant pain that the patients can take the ini- tiative with regard to what is hap- pening to them, and they give them more resources to use when trying The Costa del Sol hospital to combat the pain,” say the organ- hosted a Day Against There were workshops isers. Different associations in the Pain on Friday and on biodance, postural Marbella area, including the Span- invited local associations hygiene and healthy ish Association Against Cancer to attend and provide eating (AECC), the Multiple Sclerosis As- sociation of Marbella-San Pedro information which could (A.M.P.E.M-N.A), the Association help sufferers of Patients with Fibromyalgia, The participants could chronic fatigue and other rheu- :: IVÁN GELIBTER submit questions matic illnesses (APAFFER) and the MARBELLA. How to deal with Fibromyalgia Association of Mar- pain when pain is inevitable. That anonymously to be bella(AFIMAR), were also on hand was just one of several subjects discussed by the forum to provided information which can which were discussed in depth at help pain sufferers. the Costa del Hospital on Friday, This session was led by Isabel during the Day Against Pain which Quintanilla, who is an AECC vol- the management organised for unteer in Marbella. The hospital medical professionals and mem- committee had sent information bers of the public. aldo; anaesthetist Manuel Sánchez about this event to all relative as- The aim of this event was to ex- del Águilar, who is also the head sociations in the area, inviting them change knowledge and informa- of the hospital’s Pain Unit, and the to take part. It was an opportunity tion to improve all aspects of treat- head of nursing in the Surgical for them not only to help others, ment and pain relief, and also to Block, Manuel Vergara. Biodance can be useful in combating pain. :: SUR but also to set up new contacts and help sufferers to face up to the prob- The schedule for the day was links for developing future strate- lem of constant pain with a posi- drawn up by the Surgical Block, gies and actions. During the day tive attitude. which is part of the hospital’s Pub- members of the Pain Unit. anonymously, which were then they set up stands from which dif- The conference, which was at- lic Participation Commission. It The speakers began by giving also discussed. ferent information was available tended by about 100 people, was began with a round table discus- gave a brief talk on different mat- The day also included a series of to those who were taking part. inaugurated by the coordinator of sion called ‘The Pain Unit answers’, ters which concern people about ‘Keep Active’ workshops on bio- The Day Against Pain at the the Surgical Procedures depart- during which those present had pain, and that then led to the ques- dance (a self-development system Costa del Sol hospital was brought ment, Emilio Montenegro, the di- the chance to ask questions, make tion and answer session and ex- which uses the sentiments pro- to an end with talks on ‘Pain and rector of the Anaesthesiology and suggestions, express concerns and change of views. Those taking part voked by music and movement to mental health’ and ‘Basic advice Recovery unit, José Antonio Rein- fears, and these were answered by were also able to submit questions delve deeply into one’s own con- on following a healthy diet.’ 42 November 17th to 23rd 2017 HEALTH&BEAUTY SUR IN ENGLISH “I haven’t changed because they have told me I have Alzheimer’s: I’m still me”

A patient is calling for he was 57, and he was giving his have Alzheimer’s and the outlook it had given him back the will to from Alzheimer’s, but we are still specialists to talk directly point of view at the VII National isn’t good,” he said. live and to collaborateborate with other a llong way from finding a cure. I Alzheimer’s Conference which took He explained that about ten per patients.. He also urged people to hope researchrese will win that battle, to people with this place at the Palacio de Ferias y Con- cent of Alzheimer’s patients are go too their doctor as but in the meantimem we need to condition, and says they gresos in Malaga recently and was under the age of 65, which is very soon as they improve the quality of life for should be allowed to organised by the Spanish Alzhei- young to be affected by a condi- noticed patients,” he said. mer’s Confederation (CEAFA). tion of this type. any When Ildefonso carry on working if they After being introduced by the “You have to learn to live with was diagndiagnosed with wish to and are able president of CEAFA, Cheles Can- this illness. Behind every diagno-agno- Alzheimer’s,Alzheim he tabrana, he explained that he wan- sis is a person who has rights.s. They waswas ththee head of :: ÁNGEL ESCALERA ted to share some of his thoughts, deserve to be told directly by their sales andan un- MALAGA. Ildefonso Fernández, a reflections and conclusions with doctor what they are sufferingffering der-mana-der-m 58-year-old from La Rioja, has re- those present. from. It shouldn’t just bee their ger of a na- cently helped others to understand Ildefonso, who is on the Panel families who are informed.ed. The tional su- what life is like for someone who of Experts of People with Alzhei- specialist needs to explainain the permar-perm is affected by Alzheimer’s. “I ha- mer’s (PEPA), stressed that doc- diagnosis to them in person ket chain.cha ven’t changed because they said I tors need to communicate direc- and talk to them, like my neu- He toldto have Alzheimer’s; I’m still me and tly with patients who have this ill- rologist did with me,” he said. the confe-con that’s how I want to be treated,” ness. Ildefonso Fernándezz than- rence thatt he said. “My neurologist put himself in ked the association of relativeslatives patientspatie Ildefonso is in the initial stage my place and was very empathe- of Alzheimer’s in La Riojaoja for shouldshou of this neurodegenerative condi- tic when he talked to me. It is very the help it had given him, saying always be tion, which was diagnosed when difficult when you’re told that you allowedallowe to continuecont QUOTES working if they so wishewished and they Ildefonso Fernández were ableabl to do so. Alzheimer’s patient They should not be “It would be fantastic if our symp-ymp- forcedfor to give up toms,s, be- Ildefonso Fernández. their jobs and beco- generation could be the cause de- :: ÑITO SALAS me obligatory pen- last to suffer from tecting sioners. Alzheimer’s!” the ill- “Why wouldn’t I ness early helps to deal with the be able to work? Have I changed “I loved my job and would later stages. so much from one day to the next, “The earlier we know we have just because I was told I have have liked to have carried Alzheimer’s, the more time there Alzheimer’s?” he asked. He wants on working for the company is to do what we have to do,” he companies to be more sensitive because I was happy there” stressed. and supportive, and to adapt peop- He also criticised the lack of in- le’sduties so they can carry on vestment in Spain on research for working. “I was happy in my job. new drugs to combat Alzheimer’s, I would have liked to have conti- and said there should be greater in- nued,” he said. formation and communication bet- With regard to patients’ fami- ween researchers. lies, he said they are the pillar “I want to take part in clinical which supports the patients and trials, but I need to know where they need more support themsel- they are taking place and what their ves. He called for the National aim is. It would be fantastic if our Alzheimer’s Plan to be put into generation could be the last to suffer effect as a matter of urgency. November 17th to 23rd 2017 43 SUR IN ENGLISH HEALTH&BEAUTY

Bill Gates donates funds to for new research into the brain disease which affects millions

:: AFP LONDON. Bill Gates, multi-mil- lion cofounder of Microsoft, has announced recently that he will donate 50 million dollars of his own money to finance research into fighting Alzheimer’s disease. In his blog he emphasises that the money will come from his private funds and not from the Officials and organisers of the Alzheimers conference, which was inaugurated by Queen Sofía. :: NITO SALAS Bill and Melinda Gates Founda- tion which is dedicated to chari- table works. benefit from integral treatment. for Social Services and Equality, said “Of all the aches and pains that Alzheimer’s sufferers and their About 100,000 people in Andalucía more needs to be done for patients we are afflicted with towards the are affected by this illness. “The ear- and their carers, and he explained that end of our lives, one thing stands families get royal support lier it is detected, the easier it is to the National Alzheimer’s Plan will out as a particularly large threat help people learn how to live with it be officially presented in the next to humanity and that’s Alz- and to assist their families in under- few weeks. “We have the responsi- heimer’s disease” he said. standing what is going to happen and bility of remembering on behalf of He added that he has a connec- help them to deal with it,” she said. those who no longer remember, and tion with Alzheimer’s, “Several of :: A. ESCALERA Also present at the conference were The mayor of Malaga said that caring for those who care for them,” the men in my family have this MALAGA. Queen Sofía, the mother the president of the Junta de Anda- Alzheimer’s is challenging for he stressed. disease. And so, you know, I’ve of King Felipe VI, expressed support lucía, Susana Díaz; the mayor of everybody, and that more progress is Cheles Cantabrana, the president seen how tough it is. That’s not for those suffering from Alzheimer’s Malaga, Francisco de la Torre; the Sec- needed in research and in the way of CEAFA, called for patients not to my sole motivation, but it certainly and their families, as she officially retary of State for Social Services and these families are looked after and be marginalised or stigmatised and drew me in.” opened the VII National Alzheimer’s Equality, Mario Garcés, and Cheles assisted. He stressed that caring for said that, when they are in the early The money will go to the pri- Conference in Malaga recently. She Cantabrana, the president of the Span- Alzheimer’s patients is difficult and stages of this illness, they should be vate-public partnership called the said relatives who care forAlz- ish Alzheimer’s Confederation it is work that needs to be shared. He given the chance to make their own Dementia Discovery Fund which heimer’s sufferers need support and (CEAFA), which organised the event. also said he agreed how important it decisions about the future. “We need is based in London and looks at should be entitled to respite care Susana Díaz stressed that it is im- is for patients to be diagnosed early. to fight the lack of understanding new methods of investigating the from time to time. portant for Alzheimer’s sufferers to Mario Garcés, the Secretary of State about Alzheimer’s,” she insisted. cause of this debilitating illness. 44 November 17th to 23rd 2017 HEALTH&BEAUTY SUR IN ENGLISH A campaign to prevent strokes by detecting cradiac arrhythmias

The initiative is the idea of the anticoagulation patients association and promotes the diagnosis of atrial fibrillation

:: ÁNGEL ESCALERA MALAGA. People with atrial fib- rillation (AF), a quivering or irregu- lar heartbeat (benign cardiac ar- rhythmia), have been shown to be at more risk of suffering a stroke. It stands to reason then, how impor- tant it is to diagnose an irregular heartbeat. The campaign by the Asociación de Pacientes Anticoagulados y Coro- narios de Málaga (APAM) aims to highlight the importance of detect- ing this disease in time and saving lives. The entrance hall of the Carlos Drs Navarrete and Aurelio Rojas with María Victoria Martín. :: SUR Haya Hospital in Malaga was the launch site for the campaign with mias which can lead to a stroke. heart beating irregularly and out two doctors from the cardiology The simple test carried out in- of sync. unit, Inmaculada Navarrete and volved placing the ball of the This type of arrhthymia does not Antonio Aurelio Rojas, giving free thumb on a small plaque which usually have any symptoms, there- tests to people who wanted to sends an electrocardiogram fore early detection can help pre- check if they suffer with an irregu- through to a mobile phone which vent the illness progressing, ex- lar heartbeat. can then be printed out. plained Dr Navarrete. APAM’s president María Victo- AF is one of the most common Besides offering this free test, ria Martín expressed how impor- heart arrhythmias, it is character- members of the association handed tant it was to detect these arrhyth- ised by the atrial chambers of the out leaflets about heart disease.

Beauty treatments and massages raise money for Los Ángeles de la Noche

Therapists from the Axarquía offered massages and other treatments to help the food kitchen in Malaga


MALAGA. The charity spa day at Las Orquideas hotel in Los Romanes last Saturday raised 815 euros for the Los Ángeles de La Noche charity. With the help of the hotel, the therapists who give up their time, and the clients, the spa days have raised over 5,000 euros since the annual event began in October 2013. This year 25 women received vari- ous treatments including relaxing massages. Maggie Culver, who lives in the area, organises the therapy days and first came up with the idea. Jan Spren- Jan Sprenger getting a relaxing massage. :: SUR ger, who participated in this year’s event says, “It’s a good marriage of holistic treatments and altruism.” Los Angeles de la Noche food kitchen is based in Malaga and pro- vides meals to around 800 people three times a day, seven days a week and make 2,000 Christmas dinners every year. For information about the charity visit:www.angelesdela- November 17th to 23rd 2017 45 SUR IN ENGLISH

Kitchen page 45 Glass curtains page 47 Removals page 46 Real estate page 48 Kitchen 46 November 17th to 23rd 2017 SUR IN ENGLISH Removals November 17th to 23rd 2017 47 SUR IN ENGLISH Glass curtains 48 November 17th to 23rd 2017 SUR IN ENGLISH Real estate Real November 17th to 23rd 2017 49 SUR IN ENGLISH SPORT

Luis Rioja controlling the ball in front of the opposition. :: J.R. Crowds at the Rosaleda wave Spanish flags as they watch their heroes play. :: FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ Luis Rioja secures Rosaleda full for Spain game Marbella’s rise to third

Last Saturday, Spain in their division fans filled the Rosaleda as they got to see some The team from Marbella of their national are rising up their table football heroes play in thanks to this brilliant 3-0 a friendly match second half, in which MARBELLA-ÉCIJA against Costa Rica they scored three goals Marbella: Wilfred, Marcos Ruiz , Razvan, Alonso , Lolo Pavón , Javi Moreno (Catena, :: JULIO RODRÍGUEZ 9’), Indiano, Otín (Añón, 68’), Ñuis Rioja , Francis Ferrón, and Chus Hevia(Ángel, 88’). :: SUR IN ENGLISH MALAGA. The third consecutive MALAGA. On the evening of Sat- victory for Marbella, as they beat Écija: Fermín García, Carmona (Escardó,. 68’), Adri Crespo, Núñez, Luis Martínez, urday 11 November, the Rosaleda Écija 3-0 was a match with an ex- Marrufo (Canilla,79’), Jonathan, Manu Re- was packed as locals got the chance traordinary second half in which ina (Juan Delgado, 63’), Ezequiel, David to see some of Spain’s football he- they could have scored even more Casrro, and Moyita. roes take on Costa Rica in a friendly goals than they did. Luis Rioja Goals: 1-0, min. 52, Luis Rioja. 2-0, match. The atmosphere in the full was the man of the match. He min. 60, Ferrón. 3-0, min. 65, Ferrón. stadium was incredible as Spain scored the first goal and provided Referee: Muñoz Piedra. Yellow cards for demonstrated their strength as a an assist for Ferrón in the sec- Indiano, Fernando Estévez, Luis Martínez, team, beating Costa Rica 5-0. ond. All of this cemented Mar- and Marrufo. The Federación Española has rea- bella’s move to third place in their Ground: Municipal. 1,400 spectators. son to celebrate as, thanks to this division of the league. match, Malaga has demonstrated Marbella’s first goal was offside mination, making it seem like only its capability to host massive in- however this happened within one team was playing. Two min- ternational games and hopefully the first five minutes, so they were utes after half-time, Luis Rioja will do so again in the future. Sergio Ramos. :: ÁLVARO CABRERA looking strong from the begin- scored a goal thanks to great play- Thousands of Spanish flags were ning. After this good start for Mar- ing and a strong push from his waved, creating a sea of red and rough tackle from Costa Rica de- Russia match bella, Écija woke up a bit. Moyita, team. Marbella’s next two goals, yellow in the stadium as Spain con- fender, Kendall Watson. Unfortunately, Spain did not fare Manu Reina and Ezequiel began both scored by Ferrón, were scored stantly dominated the game. A number of second half substi- as well in their next friendly match to create space on the field, get- within minutes of each other, se- Malaga-born midfielder Isco was tutions changed the dynamic of against Russia on Tuesday, draw- ting three chances against a very curing Marbella’s win in their best a clear fan-favourite during this the game, but overall Spain looked ing 3-3. strong Wilfred. match of the season. match, receiving a standing ova- very good and should consider Spain did not appear to be com- The second half was a whole Marbella will next play Recrea- tion when he asked to be substi- themselves as strong contenders fortable on the field and gave away other story. Marbella played with tivo de Huelva on Sunday, at 5 pm, tuted after a being injured by a for the World Cup next summer. two penalties as a result. excellent coordination and deter- at the Nuevo Colombino.

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:: FIRMA XXXXXX DATAXXX. Xxxtexto 50 November 17th to 23rd 2017 SPORT SUR IN ENGLISH ”We’ve been thinking about the winter transfer window since September”

Míchel Head coach, Malaga CF

Míchel poses for a photo on La Misericordia beach in Malaga after the interview. :: SALVADOR SALAS


 On Twitter: @GongoraSUR The coach is optimistic about the future despite the club’s present situation: “There is always someone worse and our time will come.”

MALAGA. Míchel is not disheart- ened by Malaga’s poor showing. He is optimistic and believes the club’s fortunes will turn around very soon. He says there has been an important change in the fitness level and com- mitment of many of the players, which will soon show results, but he is aware that there are things the club needs and that the management has been thinking about the winter mar- ket ever since the transfer window ended last summer. Now aged 54, he considers himself a realist, has high praise for the fans and says the footballers and he, the coach, are very happy living in the city. –What are you doing to boost the team’s performance before Christmas? –Working, but we have to define REFLECTIONS OF A HEAD COACH ‘work’. There are things that journal- ists don’t see. We always have to keep Change Dismissal Planning Comfort hope alive and there is a lot to do in “The players have taken a “It’s unheard-of for a club “I constantly question “Malaga is the ideal club our everyday work. step forward and to have so much patience myself and accept the for players and coaches; –There appears to be a certain amount of resignation about the fu- realised that everybody with a coach, but this one responsibility which life is good and it’s very ture of the team, even though it is counts here” always has” corresponds to me” comfortable here” still early days. Do you feel like that? –No, and nor do my players, because we don’t look for any justification to be in at Christmas, if the present ago I was saying that the only player would be sufficient, plus the subsidi- could be fatal. other than ourselves. We are looking crisis is to be reversible? who was making the grade was Rob- aries. That increases competition, –If you know you are about to make at what may have happened since 1 –What it mustn’t be is despondent. erto, but now others are too. We have which in turn increases possibilities. a mistake you don’t do it. I give my September, because we want to grow There are many examples of teams six or seven who are much better now. If we can do that, it will be ideal. opinion when I’m asked. I have noth- in what we are doing. The word res- like ours getting ahead. In some –So in January will you be reduc- –Some players have been a disap- ing to do with the financial side. I be- ignation doesn’t enter into our vo- things, which are imperceptible be- ing the staff and taking on at least pointment, and others who were lieve you have to be careful, but we cabulary, ever. cause the results are not showing yet, two new players? practically overlooked have are in mid-November and there is still –What situation will Malaga need we have been improving. Six weeks –I have always thought 23 players proved vital. Any more mistakes a way to go till the winter market. November 17th to 23rd 2017 MÁLAGA-DEPORTIVO 51 SUR IN ENGLISH SUNDAY, 12PM SPORT


–The future. –Good. Because I always think like that. For me the present is fantastic and I –How do you feel about the fact that think the future will be too. a very comfortable club in a fantas- nobody from inside the organisa- –Arnau. tic city. And the fans, even with one tion has questioned you, despite the –Malaga’s situation hasn’t point, act as if we had achieved a bad results? been fair to him, because he historic victory. The press doesn’t –Do you know who questions the is capable of working and look put pressure on us. I don’t want coach most? The coach. Me. That gives what happened in the end. them to, but it’s the truth. The play- me security, but it is also a greater re- –Al-Thani. ers come to a place where they live sponsibility than if they questioned –He’s an unusual owner. Run- very well and the people here are me. We are trying, we are doing our ning a club from far-off has lovely. It’s great for the coach as well, best and working hard like we did last its inconveniences but there because it is unheard-of for a club year, but we’re not getting the results. are also positive aspects, be- to have so much patience with the –But won’t people’s patience run cause you only know what coach, although this one always has. out if this crisis continues? you want to know. If I were a calmer type of person, –Patience is symptomatic in this club, –Husillos. more relaxed, I wouldn’t be flogging on all sides, including the fans. But –He’s a man who lives for myself so hard to find solutions. But for the coach as well, because a lot of football and is a normal chap. I am, and we have found some. things have happened and I have He’s unusual in this sport. –On Sunday you have another fi- never lost faith. –La Rosaleda. nal coming up, and with no Recio. –The planning has been disastrous, –It’s a shame it hasn’t had What are you going to do? and several factors and people have better results and earned a –We didn’t have Recio at Camp Nou been involved in that. Do you blame better reputation, because it either, and the team played a more yourself at all? is a magnificent stadium. than respectable game. He is a very –A great many people and a lot of con- –King’s Cup. important player, but we can’t al- ditions have been involved. If I say –It’s a competition which I low ourselves to think he is essen- anything it will sound as if I am try- don’t think should be set tial. We have to look for solutions, ing to justify myself, and I detest that. aside. I think they should pro- and I think we have them. We are I prefer to justify myself with my mote it more. not going to stop. work. I accept the responsibility that –Resignation. –Are you still interested in the corresponds to me. –It’s a word which isn’t in my King’s Cup, as you said before the –How does the departure of Arnau vocabulary or in my life. Be- game with Numancia? and the arrival of Husillos change coming resigned to things is –I am, indeed. I can’t see any justi- the situation? a sign of getting old. fication for us leaving that aside and –They have two different ways of –Psychologist. I think we could win. We’re not do- handling sports management, and Míchel, in his office during the interview. :: SALVADOR SALAS –I don’t understand why peo- ing well at the moment, but in a cou- that is noticeable. It’s the same job ple only turn to psychologists ple of months, in the next elimina- but each has a different profile, a dif- ter the defeat in Soria. Why is portant. Some believe that if they when things are going badly. tory, we could be better. Every com- ferent feeling, and style. that? play well one Sunday they’ll do the They should be everywhere, petition counts and every match is –Do you see an improvement in the –I don’t regret getting angry, be- same the following week. We be- in sports clubs, in life, in important. players’ commitment? cause we all, individually and col- lieve you have to keep them guess- schools etc. –How do you feel about the sup- –The players are starting to realise lectively, do that. But when you ing, because if they become over- –Dismissal. port from the fans, especially in that everyone counts. I would say say it like that, it looks as if Míchel confident they do us a lot of dam- –Part of every coach’s work- the match against Celta? they are more focused, more respon- is against his players, and that’s age. Also, I have told them and I ing life. When you sign a con- -–The fans have also realised that sible now, and that gives the sensa- not true. In the end, journalists say it publicly: if we had been able tract, it is one of the clauses. this feeling of comfort has to tion that the team is improving, even say what they like. I don’t feel bad to reduce the numbers, it is possi- For those of us who have change. At the Celta match, they if we don’t win. At first we were pretty about telling the footballers what ble that neither of them would be been around a long time, it’s tried to tell us to wake up. And they sure that we would be able to win the I think, but I do when it is por- here now. But they have carried just one of those things. It are also awake. What I saw from matches, but we ended up losing. But trayed that way. on, they train well, they partici- doesn’t bother us. the fans then, without being an that changed against Celta. I believe –When you talked about the re- pate well, so they are important. –Winter transfer window. extreme situation, I had never seen the players have upped their game, covery of some players, the best –Why are some players taking so –For us it is going to be an oa- anywhere else. People demonstrate definitely. examples are Chory Castro and long to show what they’re made sis, because it will enable us for different reasons, but in the –Last week in an interview with Peñaranda, who were ruled out of? to reconstruct ourselves and ninth match, never. The public has Canal Sur you said you had made a at the start of the season. –Because Malaga is the ideal club, that’s what we need to do. woken up, just as we have done mistake in telling the players off af- –Yes. For us, training is very im- for the players and the coach. It is now. 52 November 17th to 23rd 2017 SPORT SUR IN ENGLISH

ROB PALMER Fuengirola Lions lead all A LOOK AT LA LIGA Commentator, Sky Sports @robbopalmer age groups in junior Andalusian league Zidane needs a miracle The Fuengirola Lions youngsters beat Marbella 10-2 and hockey team got off to a then went on to win 10-5 against Sevilla. Lukas Rantanen scored five strong start in the junior goals and made an assist in the lat- The manager of Real Madrid may have worked wonders in the past but league last weekend, ter match. he needs to perform some magic to stop a disastrous end to the year scoring an impressive The 12 and 13 year olds, also beat Marbella, scoring 15 goals. It seemed like reflective honesty grand total of 68 goals Goalie Aaron Arroyo did not let at the time and few were arguing the opposing team score a single when Gerard Pique declared “In :: MINDY BURROWS goal and, at the other end, Okko the nine years I’ve been [at Barca], MALAGA. Last Saturday the jun- Kinnunen and Aaron Jääskeläinen it’s the first time I feel inferior to ior Liga Andaluza began, with all were constantly scoring goals. Madrid,” games being played in Fuengirola. The youngest age group let in This was on the eve of the sea- The Fuengirola Lions junior teams only one goal across two games and son when Real Madrid claimed played five games across three age managed to score 33 goals them- yet another trophy by destroying groups and were victorious in all selves. Barcelona, 5-1 on aggregate, to of them. The Lions currently lead all three add the Spanish Super Cup to In the oldest age group, the categories of the junior league. their collection. The Catalan captain was real- istic when he reasoned that one team was going to dominate La Liga and their eternal rivals would give little resistance. Examine the rest of Pique’s post-match comments and it’s quite prophetic: “We must live with this defeat and accept that Madrid are better than us [at the moment], but the season’s veryy long and there’s room for im-m- provement.” SpanishSpan Super Cup. :: EFE Spin forwards three monthsnths and one of the giants is lum-um- gamgames and now it’s predicted bering, surprisingly it’s the that he’ll be out until the champions of Spain and New Year. Europe. ItIt’s incredible that since Now it looks like a clas-clas- the start of this year he’s sic mind-game as Barcaa sit only lasted the whole eight points clear of Real ninetynin minutes in five The Lions played five games across three age groups. :: SIMO TYNYS Madrid with the Clasicosico games.gam In that time Real Ma- looming. If they both con- drid have played forty two tinue at the same pacece it gamgames so you can see how IN BRIEF would be an eleven pointt ggapap theythey are missing his influence? going into the showcase eventnt on ThereTh have been stories sug- Gareth Bale. :: REUTERS Malaga to host the Copa Fans prepare to cheer December 23rd as Real head to gestingge that Tottenham would the United Arab Emirates the like to take him back. I would de la Reina competition Malaga to victory week before for the FIFA Club He can imagine that the Bernabeu money World Championships. work on minds but his bibiggest men would love that. At this rate MADRID MALAGA Zinedine Zidane was crowned problem is that he can’t provide he would only be a makeweight :: CARLOS J. MARTÍNEZ. From 20 :: ANTONIO GÓNGORA. Malaga FIFA World Coach of the Year for any medical miracles and it ap- in the other speculated story that to 22 April the Malaga Rincón Fer- take on Deportivo in the Rosaleda 2017 and he needs to work some pears that is what Gareth Bale Harry Kane could be heading to tilidad will join together with Ro- football stadium on Sunday at noon. magic to prevent the year ending requires. La Liga. casa Gran Canaria and six other The fans were a big part in disastrously. He transformed the Everyone commented on how Zidane has rightly been lauded teams from the División de Honor Malaga’s only win of the season club when he replaced Rafa Be- the Welshman has become more since he took control of a mean- to compete in Ciudad Jardín in the against Celta, and now they are plan- nitez and little has gone wrong ripped since moving to Spain. dering Madrid, now he needs to final round of the Copa de la Re- ning to fill the stadium with blue since then but now he needs to dig Sadly the more muscles he’s de- work harder than ever ensure that ina handball competition. The Copa and white flags. On Wednesday, deep, make some big decisions and veloped the more muscles he has it isn’t Real who end the season de La Reina began in 1979 and this only 2,000 tickets remained for this work his motivational powers. to pull. He’s missed the last eight with an inferiority complex. is the first time that the national match, which means the Rosaleda tournament has come to Malaga. will have a spectacular atmosphere. November 17th to 23rd 2017 53 SUR IN ENGLISH SPORT


 Football. In Fuengirola last Saturday there was a charity football match involving legends from the national team and Malaga veterans. The former local players, including 63-year-old ‘Juanito’ Gómez, were beaten 2-1 by their opponents :: ÁLVARO CABRERA

Tennis. Ra- fael Nadal was presented with the ATP World Tour No 1 Trophy during day One of the ATP World Tour Finals tennis tournament in London on Sun- day. During the match the Span- ish player was beaten by Belgian  Basketball. Unicaja lost to Zalguiris 83-85 in the Euroleague on Tuesday. This loss David Goffin, be- comes only a few days after they were beaten 71-63 by Gipuzkoa Basket last week in fore ending his their worst game of the season. They had previously thrashed Estrella Roja in the Euro- season. :: AFP league, but they have been unable to maintain their rhythm. :: ÁLVARO CABRERA

Marathon. The Alpino Jarapelos mara- thon took place last Sat- urday. The race passed through Alhaurín de la Torre, Benalmádena, Mi- jas, and Alhaurín el Grande. Zaid Ait Malek from Club Alpino Benalmádena, won for the third time finishing the course in 3 hours 51 minutes and 50 seconds. Iván Ortiz, from Malaga, was placed second. In the women’s category, Gemma Arenas Alcázar  Water polo. On Tuesday, Spain made a victorious debut in the won for the fourth time World FINA waterpolo league in Malaga. The team played against Hol- in a row. :: SUR land and won 9-5. The women’s national team have their first game next Tuesday in Seville. :: SALVADOR SALAS 54 November 17th to 23rd 2017 CLASSIFIED SUR IN ENGLISH YOUR CLASSIFIED AD, READ BY MORE THAN 260,000 PEOPLE EVERY WEEK

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Esme-Julia gain inland properties for all budg- weeks of the year? Then let us get ets, fincas, village homes, apart- 629487762, 678457784 ments and villas. Legal building you holiday rentals. We can promote plots. Tel. 952491609 /667067269 & manage your property and take care of your clients - at no cost to WWW.INMOANDALUZ.COM are you! 25 years on the coast. Barbara Marbella always looking for inland and Mi- on +34 670878483 for more de- jas properties to sell to our inter- tails on how you can make money ested buyers.Tel. 952491609/ STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! 667067269 from your property! Packaging materials. Selfstorage Marbella 952811311 ALHAURIN Torre-Grande. Over 20 BENALMADENA Costa: Apartment years experience in these areas. Se- until June term. 3 bedroom, 2 bath- SAN PEDRO Beach. Amazing pri- lection of properties from simple to room, parking, beside beach. Ideal vate villa. 4 bedrooms suite. AC, sensational. For honest helpful ad- area. All amenities around. 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CALAHONDA El Zoco, groundfloor WWW.PERFECTPOOLS.ES main- HMS PROFESSIONAL builders. Electricians Gates Local 40m2, suit all uses, previously tenance, repairs and renovations. General reforms, extensions, hairdressers. 650 pcm. 619113888 Professional and reliable service. All pools, damp specialist...We im- 24H EMERGENCY ELECTRICIANS. ELECTRIC Gates & Garage Doors. areas [email protected]. prove on any competing quote. Experts in fault finding. Complete Intercoms and access control sys- BAR FOR Rent only, El Zoco,Cala- 650348785 honda, Recently renovated, Mini- Any size job.610502623 rewires, extra sockets, boletins, tems. New installations and re- mum 1 year rental possibility to buy SWIMMING pool heating. Pool cov- CONSTRUCTION in general, all projects. 610887921/ 951351051 pairs, for all your gate and garage Lease or re rent after a year, Good ers and rollers. Filtration systems. types of reforms. Quality building door requirements call The Ga- CSW ELECTRICAL and maintenance rage Door Company & 2 Way Gates. local drinks trade with Karaoke and Pool tiling and lighting. Jacuzzi and at the right price. Stuart 648153718 for all your electrical and mainte- food trade Sunday Dinners etc. Rent hot tubs. 21 years on the Coast. All [email protected] www.the- COSTADIGGERS & Construction. nance needs. No job too small. Call 850 per month plus bills 3 months areas covered. 952663141/ Craig for a free quote. 604106414 deposit required Tel 670409759. info@enviroca- Mini digger hire, 35 years experi- 952786178 / 605356469 00447535454993 www.enviroca- ence, building projects. 678450051. POWER failure rewiring fault de- [email protected] DRIVEWAY Gates and Automation, Upholstery tector José Sotto 952443838 Garage Doors and Electric Motors, 670443838 Property Wanted DYMASOL Property Rebuilding and Video/ Audio Intercoms. Installa- CARPETS, sofas and mattresses Garden Refurbishment. Painting, tiling, tions and Repairs. For free profes- cleaned. Reliable fast service. Fam- plumbing, electrical, brickwork. sional advice or estimates call Co- ily-run. Cleansol. 952930861- WE HAVE clients actively looking Over 30 years experience. English Decorators lin on 636394641/ 951242873 or for villas, townhouses & apartments DREAM Gardens: Landscaping ar- 607610578. 7 days. 10,00-22,00. spoken. 633334426 Info@dyma- email [email protected] All areas. from Torremolinos to Calahonda. chitecture, design (computer pre- THE BEST painter/decorator on Call Joe 626864683 visualization), water features, ir- the Coast. Call Nick 678889933 ADVANCED Cleaning Services. rigation. Specializing in beauti- Professional carpet and uphol- ful gardens. Also replan- Pest Control stery cleaning, 27 years experi- ning/maintenance. 610502623. RAINBOW Pinturas. English profes- ence, wet or dry clean. Honest, sional, reliable painting & decorat- reliable service. ing company. Furniture spraying. COCKROACHES, all insects, fleas, ARBOLISTA Tree surgery. Nº 1 for wasps, rats, termite specialists. Bars, 678808837/952669701 or email Building service available. Free quo- [email protected] trees & palms. On the Costa since tations. Daniel 628066308. houses, apartments. Sanitary de- 1998. 600260534/ 952117486 Kit partment registered. Serving the UPHOLSTERY including leather Hogg C.G.Arb. Coast and Inland since 1985. NPS cleaned as well as all carpets. ANGLO Spanish painters and deco- Pest Control. Phone Nigel 685524921 90 EUROS/MONTH Marbella to rators, professional outstanding re- 606008940. Credit cards accepted Malaga. Garden maintenance and more. 22 years on Coast. 951088851 GENERAL Builder, tiling, plaster- sults. La Cala to afar. Dominic and ing, painting, electrician, plumber, compañeros. 698582775 Floors FOR ALL your garden & pool needs. carpentry. Experienced. 611229520 Repairs COMPETITIVELY priced properties Marbella. WhatsApp 627698051 SUPERIOR decoration service for wanted for cash buyers: costabar- the discerning client; interiors +ex- MARBLE polishing, crystallizing, MAINTENANCE man, small repairs, WASHING Machines, refrigerators, lasting, high shine. Regrinding, PALMS. Tall Palm Tree Pruning. We shelfs, locks, taps, window secu- teriors, paper hanging +paint fin- boilers, cookers, ovens... Profes- use a bicycle mechanism so we don't restoration of salty, dead floors. rity... 603257612 ishes. Call Tim on 695875118/ sionally repaired. Christian Cyril, 634455064 damage the trees. 631132303 952455551 608337497 Elec- 2.50 P/M2 Why pay more? We ACCOMMODATION LANDSCAPE design and construc- trician, plumbing, construction, PAINTING & decorating. For a quick REPAIRS to Washing Machines-Dish- tion (Professional). For new plans (clean, crystallize, seal, polish). painting. Innovation Sotogrande and efficient service call Ian washers-Ovens-Fridges. Call Garry Also repair, grinding marble. Clean, or alterations. Both hard and soft. to Marbella, 648712530 603219176 Goodman +34 673344212. English Large or small scale. Architects draw- seal aterraces. 25 years experi- Service Technician. 35 years expe- House / Flat Share ings if required. Over 40 years' ex- INLAND construction. Complete ence. Cover all Costa. Tel: 0034- PAINTER and decorator. Cover- rience perience, (27 years on the Costa). building services. Fully legal and In- ing Fuengirola and surroundings. 671244683 BENALMADENA Costa: Room or Portfolio available. Call 622-922- sured. We cover all areas from Gra- Call Kevin 642816077 MARBLE floors polished. Fast serv- studio short or long let. 636316470 131 nada to Marbella.Call 695903825 Kitchens ice. Reliable family-run. Cleansol. today for a free estimate PROFESSIONAL painters. Interior/ 952930861-607610578. 10,00- NUEVA Andalucia. Large room to exterior. 27 years on the Costa del BUILDER, plumbing, electrician, KITCHEN and bathrooms. Quality 22,00, 7 days. All areas. www.clean- rent with balcony. 350 euros p/m. Sol. Only the finest paints and ma- Includes bills. Walking distance SERVICES painter, steel, carpenter. Reason- terials used. All work guaranteed. guaranteed. 21 years on the Coast. P.Banus. 633704994 able prices. 952917930/635913885 For excellent painting call 622-922- Projects fully managed. 952663141/ TERRACOTA cleaned and sealed. ALL BUILDING works, reforms, ex- 131 670409759 info@masterbuild- Wooden floors treated. No job too Alarms tensions, renovations. Bathrooms www.masterbuild- small. Family-run. Cleansol. 10am- and kitchens. Windows and doors. DECORATING, painting, wallpaper- 10pm. 7 days. 952930861- ALL TYPES video security cameras Full project management. 21 years ing, walls repaired, skimmed, etc. 607610578. SWIMMING POOLS infrared detectors José Sotto on the Coast. 952663141/ Free estimates. 634355214 AND GARDEN 952443838 670443838 670409759. info@masterbuild- Bathrooms www.masterbuild- Windows and Glass QUALITY bathrooms. Full design. Builders Drain Repairs Renovations. Quality guaranteed. Curtains HOME Renovations: Bathrooms- 21 years on the Coast. 952663141/ Swimming Pools JIM'S Home Improvements. Bath- Kitchens- Carpentry- Electricity - Spe- DRAINS blocked? Call David 670409759 info@masterbuild- room/ kitchen reforms, repairs, Plumbing- Airconditioner- All kind www.masterbuild- cialist manufactures, installers. High- plumbing, carpentry, painting, til- of installations. Even 635252327 952568414, 661910772. HP Jet- est quality UPVC windows, doors, ting, CCTV survey. Drain- tech So- JUSTPOOLS.ES for all options, ing, maintenance. Give us a call, no enclosures, persianas. Glass replace- lutions prices and real testimonials visit job too small. Mob. 692207799 Plumbers ment fully guaranteed. Trade/ pub- BLOCKED drains. Call clearflow. Awnings-Blinds lic. Showroom. 952667761/ CONCRETE- OZBUILD The spe- CCTV inspections. Drain locating. 680828000 CALOREX pool heat pumps. World cialist imprinted concrete. Re- CITY and Guilds. Qualified plumber. SUNSHINE blinds , awnings shut- All areas covered. Adrian 677063272 HP jetting. More than 30 years on leaders ( 8x4 seals, brickwork, tiling, plaster- the coast. Telephones 952885661- ters repairs motorized cheap toldos pool 4,499 Euros, fully inclusive. ing, screeding. 14 years 30 YEARS on the Coast. I cover all 630200600 persianas fix electrify cheap awn- coast/campo. Competitive prices, Acair ( Estab- aspects of plumbing & general ings shutters repair motorized cheap quality finish. 952426074/ maintenance. Graham, 607923486 952467783/ 680323969 lished 1986. 952486287/ 606745920 www.ozbuild- 654762993 PLUMBER: All plumbing work un- Carpenters ROLLER shutter repairs 7 days a dertaken, fully qualified. 625702772 week. Conversion from manual to POOL Maintenance/ Repairs. PLASTERING, rendering, artexing motorised. New installations. Also Málaga/ Estepona. 678791495/ & coving specialist, 20.years on the JUST Leaks: Leaks detection serv- CARPENTER. Doors, wardrobes, blinds, awnings, mosquito screens. 951295699 sparklenripple@hot- Coast, 1st class job. Phone Robbie: ices. Latest state of the art equip- rotten wood repaired, own work- All areas covered coast and inland. 679646185 ment. 625702772 shop, 12 yr. Marbella. 666269751 655825931 56 November 17th to 23rd 2017 CLASSIFIED SUR IN ENGLISH

REPLACEMENT of discoloured, plas- GAS FIRES Wood burning stoves. Property Mortgages BUSINESSES for sale: Bars, Cafes, tic jointing, strips between the glass Airconditioning heating. Bathroom/ PROFESSIONAL Restaurants, Hotels: buyabusi- curtains. Also repairs. 655825931 kitchen heaters. Heated towel rails. Management MISLAID your payslips/ P60 or Solar heating. Instant gas heating SERVICES other paperwork? Recovery docu- ARROYO de la Miel center: Sell hard- systems. Central heating systems. COMPASS Key Holding (Marbella - ment service available, fast con- All work fully guaranteed. All areas Gibraltar) Meet and Greet service ware shop(215m2) fully equipped fidential, reliable.TL 617910147 or only as local. 603256769 covered. 21 years on the Coast. Cleaning & Laundry (One off or regu- Lawyers [email protected] 952663141/ 670409759 www.en- lar). Property Maintenance CALYPSO Complex: Between Cala- info@enviroca- 646743869 Competitive prices. LAWYER: Arroyo Miel/ Malaga. RE-MORTAGE Spain, Fluent Finance honda and Riviera. Recently refur- Family business Legal advice conveyancing, wills, can assess your current mortgage bished bar without transfer fee. inheritances, contracts, divorces, deal and see if you can SAVE CASH 40m2 terrace made in wood, very criminal defense, any litigation, by changing lenders, contact Marc nice, kitchen with smoke-release Cleaning Services for a free mortgage review 952 85 and license. 800 Euros month + 2 Air Conditioning / [email protected] 36 47 elliott@fluentfinance- months deposit + half month com- CHIMNEY sweep, clean, reliable, 952964591 mission. 660697771 Heating economical, all types of fireplaces. FLUENT Finance Abroad. Are you Chris 608337497 looking to release equity in your ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Accountants home in Spain? Need to pay IBI, Com- Others AIR CONDITIONING installation munity fees, taxes, but don´t have Professional carpet and uphol- STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! service, repair & re-gas, 24h stery cleaning, 27 years experi- ACCOUNTANTS. English and Span- available cash now to do this. Do you callout. All work guaranteed. Con- ish Accountants for all accounting/ want to sell your property for what Packaging materials. Selfstorage ence, wet or dry clean. Honest, Marbella 952811311 tact Cool Breeze 610887921/ reliable service. bookkeeping jobs. Tax and company it´s worth but don¿t have the abil- 951351051 678808837/952669701 or email formation. Professional, reliable, ity/time frame due to cash con- [email protected] confidential. Tel: 952440773 straints? Do you want an alternative AIR CONDITIONING fully installed to the Banks who are costly and slow? from 575 Euros. Repairs and serv- RUGS, fitted carpet and upholstery REGISTRATION of holiday proper- Call us now: +34 691 179 445 +34 REMOVALS icing. Martin. 650067389 including leather cleaned on site. ties, company formations, business 952 961 952 or email ronald@flu- start-ups, bookkeeping, taxation AND STORAGE AIR CONDITIONING installation. 685524921 Come and and translations. Malcolm Green- visit our San Pedro office Service & repair to any make or wood. 699780389 MAN & VAN Small removals, clear- model, also repair fridge/freezers, MORTGAGES short term. Bridging ances. 100% reliable. Ikea collec- bottle coolers, car A/C & A/C on finance. No proof of income. 48 tion/ assembly. 20E hourly. boats. All work guaranteed. All ar- Translators hours. 617333777 622020856 eas covered including campo. Con- tact Williams Refrigeration: OFFICIAL translations. All languages. MALAGA to Manchester every 2 952596404/679284959 952789204. Mobile 654613094 Business weeks. Part/ full loads. Dogs 250, [email protected] cats 200. We can help you sell your BEST service engineer. Opportunities Spanish/ Uk car or any other items. www.acair,com Established 1986. [email protected] Fujitsu inverter 999 Euros fully Architects ENGLISH academy. Annual net in- 637980655. inclusive. 952486287/ 654762993 come 70,000 euros. Full support. WINDOW Cleaning. Don Jose Pro- Sell 49,900 euros. Pringle vending fessional, Reliable, Affordable. Tel: ARCHITECTS, projects, construc- VENTANAS Arcoplan quality UPVC SUPPLIERS of refrigeration equip- machine route. Annual net cash in- ment, glass door refrigerators, ice 629769136 www.windowcleaning- tions, new buildings, extensions, re- come 15,000euros. Sell 19,900 windows at unbeatable prices, check furbishments, legalisations, inte- out our offers and new product lines makers, bottle coolers, dishwash- euros. 697834934 rior design. 680700430 at, we will beat ers. Fantastic value and reliability, DOMESTIC job from 25 euros. after sales service. Williams Refrig- SALE due to retirement: Commer- any genuine quote by 10% call to- Riviera, Calahonda area. 603162315 cial premises in Calahonda, 100m , eration SL. 952596404/ 679284959 day 952 667 559 CLEANING and general house help. Event Organisers 125.000 Euros. Possibility of pay- AIR CONDITIONING installations, Fuengirola and surroindings. Call: ing in several years. Tel. 606191939 642816077 repairs and servicing. Airflow EVENING party with pop music 60's. MALAGA working partner required Locksmiths 952443222 [email protected] Also taking photographs! for cafetería/restaurant El Karmem 951497624 AIR-CONDITIONING by Cool and General Services Vegano. 647937845 2 MEN & Van. 30 Euros/hour. Al- Cosy. The family company that ways on time. 651081610 LOCKSMITH 24/7 Emergency/ Ap- RESTAURANTCoffe-Bar. San Pe- cares. Installation and repairs. STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! Insurance dro, Very bussy commercial street BRITISH Removal Company SL. pointment. Doors opened with- Quality machines. EcoSense out damage, locks changed, patio Packaging materials. Selfstorage to lease, 696178281 Regular service Spain, UK, includ- movement sensors supplied and Marbella 952811311 ing Scotland and Ireland. doors, windows secured. Paul fitted for 80 Euros. Coin meters 657466803 952426463 supplied and fitted from 260 SEWING Services. Curtains, uphol- stery, soft furnishings indoor/ out- SECURITY of Spain. 24 hour lock- Euros. For other energy-saving WWW.SPAINUKSPAIN.COM Vehi- smiths. 30 years experience. Call door. Made to measure rails/ poles cle leaving Spain 9th-19th-29th, products visit www.cooland- and foam to order. Sensible prices.Re- Daren. 636770865-952660233. 952935513. Junta de An- returning 10th-20th-30th.Prices pairs / alterations. Call 672800887 from 90 pounds per m3. Cars 525. dalucía authorised. Approved pro- [email protected] fessional service for your peace Bikes 325. Dogs 395. Cats 295 in- of mind PRONTO Build Multi Services cluding vet checks/ travel with your building company: Maintenance. pets. Various vehicles cater for your Solar Energy TOP QUALITY air conditioning , fully Plumbing. Painting. Carpentry. needs. 952596213, 665150227 installed from only 500 euros serv- Kitchens /bathrooms. Floor til- ice regas from 50 euros Contact Chris ing. Electricity. Exterior /interior MAN & VAN. Anything considered. 662427396 whatsapp econo- design. Plastering /drywalls. Mi- No job too small. FROM 15Euros WWW.SOLARSUNO.COM Solar en- [email protected] crocement. Free quote, Eduard: per/hour+ fuel (IVA credited). ergy & construction. Lowest prices. 618622272 605215917 Highest quality. 653456091 AIRCONDITIONING Installations/ Repairs/ Servicing. Professional in- MOVING LOCALLY? Call stallations. Quality airconditioning 952426463/ 660563131. Best SOL SISTEMAS solar energy: Hot Mosquito Screens prices. Fully legal. British Removal water. Electricity. Plumbing. Un- units. Economical in consumption. 21 years on the Coast. All areas cov- Company derfloor heating. Swimming pool ered. 952663141/ 670409759 MOSQUITO Screens. Sliding. Pull- STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! heating, and Air Conditioning. Call info@en- down. Pleated. Colours. Call Nick Packaging materials. Selfstorage 618622272 647072861, Marbella 952811311 November 17th to 23rd 2017 57 SUR IN ENGLISH CLASSIFIED

STORAGE Clean dry secure ware- CARS WANTED, UK or Spanish best For VW FOX UK car, 2006, 500 Euros. housing Marbella. Container, Pallet BUY / SELL prices, also embargos/finance/ lost one owner Spanish cars at U.K. Chevrolet Matiz UK car 2010, 600 or Loose. Guaranteed best rates. Fo- papers. Problems solved. Call prices Euros. 660366033 cus Transport 952816582 MISCELLANEOUS 678808837 [email protected] ALL CARS/ Commercials wanted SIMPLY The Best. Top prices paid WANTED, wanted, wanted!! All cars, any age, any condition. Cash. Buyer for any second-hand cars. Jeff HOUSE clearances specialist. 639416333 WORLDWIDE SHIPPING, Houses, gardens, garages cleared. all years, all models...from exotic collects. Transfer included. door2door service. British Re- to classic. Spanish, English, Dutch Cash on collection. Man & van re- 605109796 FORD KA Spanish reg, RHD, reli- moval Company SL. 952426463 plated. Call us on 951977329 moval service. Fast and reliable. Rich able, low mileage, 2002. 1.200 4X4 KIA Sportage 2007 Model 1.9, 639229607 Joanne 649977723 re- Euros. 660366033 [email protected] just passed ITV valid till October 2018, bold in black with beige in- COMPASS Man & Van & Airport FURNITURE wanted same day col- terior, new battery/ tyres, great Transfers (Málaga - Gibraltar) lection. Cash waiting. 675357575 load carrier for bad roads. Clean Repairs CARAVANS 646743869 No job too small. Com- Kia quick... 5,995 euros. See photo: WANTED all furniture and house- CAR KEYS lost or need spare? Keys petitive prices. Family business hold items. Best prices. 697511071 SAMANTHA 952832173/ cut & paired with car, car opening, Storage CASH for your unwanted furniture. 608658785 car key & remotes. Specialist. Ray House/ garage/ bar clearances. Also 679831166 removals. Steve 722306194 ONLY 24,000 Kilometres, Diesel PARKING, storage & sales.Caravans, Skoda Fabia 2012 1.6 Elegance, 5 TRANSMATIC Automatic gearbox motorhomes, cars and boats etc. LA GUARDILLA. Buy/ sell items. door, Black and white very chic, specialists. All models including clas- Short/ long term. Safe & secure. Ex- New furniture. Second hand. C/ Rio sic cars, serviced, repaired and re- cellent rates. 5 minutes from Fuen- Agua 19 Mijas Costa Fabulous Fabia... 8,995 Euros. See conditioned. Also 4x4 transfer boxes girola. [email protected] photo www.robertsoncars- 679786669/ 606101807 QUALITY BRIC-A-BRAC REQUIRED. Samantha 952832173/ and power steering. Call/Fax: GOOD PRICES. QUICK COLLECTION. 608658785 952796166/ 952805804/ 661402134 ONLY 39,000 Kilometres Ford Fo- 615834322. transmatic2005@ya- WE CLEAR houses, garages, bars, cus 1.6 Trend 2010, 5 door, man- NAUTICAL storage units. Tel. 656187140. ual, one owner, fitted tow bar, sil- CLASSIC Cars Restoration ¿ 30 years' [email protected] WANTED JetSki's, Boats, Quads..etc ver, family hatchback. Affordable experience in simple repairs and up- Ford 7,995 Euros. See photo working or not. Telf. 609521166. SOFAS: White 3 seater and 2 seater. grades to ground up restoration, [email protected] Scotsguard treated. Perfect condi- bodywork, upholstery etc. Classic tion. 650 Euros ONO. 952863232/ Samantha 952832173/ Cars Marbella. www.classiccarsmar- INTERNATIONAL Skipper license: 685422596 608658785 Tel. 697980431 Course held in English, and starts soon. RYA VHF and Radar Courses. DIESEL Renault Megane Scenic GT AUTOS Mijas. ITV's. Servicing 636444929 2007 model 1.9 dci, one pilot Antiques and repairs. Diagnostics; engine ABS PUERTO BANUS 8M mooring for owner, 5 door, champagne col- airbags, aircon. 952462852, our, ITV valid till oct. 2018, cheers rental Tel 630614252 WE BUY, LEATHER skins and rugs, 622252570. watches, jewelry, coins and coins of only 4,995 euros. www.robert- YOUNG girl "mate", has all certifi- NATIONAL and International Trans- porcelain, paintings, furniture, sets Samantha MOBILE Mechanic. Malaga to Mar- cates up to 3,000T. Looks for ma- port regular loads to the UK LWB of cutlery. Tel 651187549 R.Theiss 952832173/ 608658785 bella. Pre ITV checks & book- rine related job on Costa del Sol. Van Focus Transport 952816582 We pay in cash. ings.Services, diagnostics and all 616969496 [email protected] ONLY 34,000 Kilometres Diesel Seat Altea 1.8 TSI 2009, 5 door, mechanical repairs undertaken. Call Man van re- one owner, always garaged, truly Lionel 602405901.lionelthe- movals from 20E/ Hr. Local & Euro- MOTORS immaculate. Must be seen 7,995 [email protected] RECRUITMENT pean. Storage containers in Este- euros. www.robertsoncars- WWW.AUTOVALETING.EU Profes- pona. David 696810618 Samantha 952832173/ sional car valeting for quality cars. HANDYMAN and van, small remov- 608658785 Machine polishing. Waxing. NANO Situations Vacant als, Ikea collections, assembly, clear- Buy / Sell Cars CABRIO Renault Megane 2001 Tech paint protection. Please view ances Eur20 hourly. 603257612 Electric hood, wine colour, always web.Tel. 666926718 MAN WITH van 20 Euros/ hour. garaged, only 100,000 kms JOBFINDER Spain is a unique Busi- 609321958 WANTED all cars, any registration, (60,000 Miles approx), old but ness Development, Marketing & Re- runners or non runners. Embargos still got it. 3,500 euros. www.rob- Paperwork cruitment agency that helps busi- REMOVALS Scandinavia including & finance no problem. Call now, cash Samantha nesses to grow by supplying qual- Germany, Belgium & France. Fully waiting. 687049592/ 622156022 95283217/ 608658785 insured. Plus local moves/ deliver- ity staff, intelligent marketing and ies. 642647406 kjell.palm- CARS & Vans any registration, in- MERCEDES, cabrio, automatic, SLK, CAR REGISTRATION registration sales generation. Talented staff [email protected] stant cash. Finance/embargo UK 1998, 53,000 Kms., immaculate hassle free. Don't drive illegally. Ask wanted for all types of jobs.Call or Spanish.. 685524921 conditions, silver. All extras, leather specialists before buying & regis- 951400234 www.jobfinder- seats. 6,300 euros. 699659946 tering to save tax. More info WANTED Cars & vans. Free collec- 952490028 tion same day. 685524921 VOLVO 60 D5 Diesel Saloon. Tow- QUALITY staff? Need great people bar, 2005, UK RHD, VGC, 11 months UK MOT Car collected and deliv- or looking for work? Jobfinder Spain WANTED: Best prices paid for MOT, taxed, with 10m3 4 wheel box ered by transporter, GBP400. Email can help efficiently and cost effec- proper cars, same day collection. trailer. 3,000 euros. May separate [email protected] tively. Call 951400234 or visit 678808837 611386014 (0044)7553367285 58 November 17th to 23rd 2017 CLASSIFIED SUR IN ENGLISH

AMBIENTJOBS Proven Professional SEEKING Out-of-this-World Sales WORLDWIDE Collection Company: WORLDWIDE Collection Company. REQUIRE Team assistant to sup- Therapists Recruitment Market Leaders for the Professionals We're expanding our We are looking for a junior software We are looking for another admin- port, ongoing listing & sales proc- Costa del Sol for over 12 years. For retail investment sales team and developer to join our dynamic and istrator to join our dynamic and ess. Well-organized, detailed orien- MARBELLA Counselling and Psy- candidates contact us now for un- are looking for the very best the friendly company. Our office is based friendly company. Our office is based tated & administrative skills. Fluent chosexual therapy. COSRT and Costa Del Sol has to offer to work on the Costa Del Sol and has a nice advertised job vacancies. For em- on the Costa Del Sol and has a nice English/French/Flemish. Send CV: BACP accredited. Individuals and ployers take advantage of our ref- in our Marbella branch office. You'll friendly working environment. The friendly working environment. The [email protected] 951319994 couples. www.sextherapymar- erenced candidate database of over be on the front line of the most ex- successful candidate must there- successful candidate must there- Richard 608 594 608 2,500 applicants. Contact Susana citing investment products in the fore be enthusiastic, team orien- fore be enthusiastic, team orien- REQUIRE dynamic, energetic, pre- PHYSIOTHERAPIST available for now on 0034665774400, jobs@am- market , working alongside a de- tated, willing to learn new skills, tated, willing to learn new skills, sentable, client-oriented, self-mo- veloper with huge brand stature , able to multi-task, work under pres- therapeutic massage, stretching, www.ambient- able to multi-task, work under pres- tivated Real Estate professional for credibility and financial strength sure and have a high attention to relaxing massage. Home visits, 70 sure and have a high attention to Marbella. Only French, Dutch, Eng- which will be at the heart of your detail. In addition, the successful detail. The successful candidate minutes, 40 Euros; 100 minutes, 55 pitch .To hire the best we pay the candidate must be fluent in English, must be fluent in English, speak at lish speaking apply. Send CV: ira@lu- Euros. Monika, 659506496 best. Five figure earnings per month have experience in Microsoft C#, least one other language and be ex- 951319994 ITEC Diploma courses in massage, are common place amongour tal-, SQL server and JAVA Script. perienced in Microsoft Office 2016 reflexology and others. weekly, in- ented team, have you got what it Experience in MVC would be advan- Suite. Please visit our website at tensive or online. 951311216. takes to join them? Send your C V tageous. Please visit our website at then send your CV Situations Wanted today tocareers@strategicwealth-, then send your CV and current references to enquir- and current references to enquir- [email protected] on or before 29 No- GERMAN lady offers caring and ef- ficient assistance for elder people, WORK from home, earn extra in- [email protected] on or before 12 De- vember 2017 Hairdressers come. Call: 684317074 (whatsapp) cember 2017 including full board. Marbella [email protected] TALENTED English speaking staff 687660902 FULLY qualified mobile hairdresser wanted for jobs on the Costa: job- I SPEAK English, Spanish, German and beautician. Mijas Pueblo. Ring and am looking for work: Experi- Kathleen for appointment CHRISTMAS is just around the cor- enced cleaner, good with children 664319925 ner! Earn 500 euros per week, part- and love pets. Call me. 634455454 time - appointment setting for time- share clients. Lively, successful of- fice in Fuengirola, offering contract, VIDEO / TV commissions and bonus for the best PERSONAL telesales agents on the Coast. Ex- cellent data, happy office! call Jac- Satellite Installation qui 632641185 Meeting Point UK TV Fully installed from 295 Euros SUOMALAINEN autovuokraamo PROFESSIONAL Telesales staff ENGLISH lady 60ish, looking to have with all BBC's and ITV 1. Call Mar- tin 650067389 Aurinkorannikolla etsii Englannin, wanted in a thriving office in Elvi- company, chats, trips, meals, etc. 653410763. Thank you Espanjan ja Suomenkielen hallitse- ria . Pension experience preferred TV REPAIRS, Plasmas, LCDS, digi- vaa asiakaspalvelijaa Málagan len- but not essential . Great benefits YOUNG Lady Wanted. Respectable boxes, video, hi-fi, microwaves. Free tokenttä toimistolle. Kandidaatilla and salary on offer . Native speak- Mature UK man seeks interesting estimates. Can collect. 35 years ex- tulee olla ajokorttin lisáksi, valmius ing English only . Please email your open minded young lady to keep him perience. John 952491723 / tekemään tiimityötä, omaaloittee- CV to [email protected] company in Elviria from 4th Decem- 600706201 ber for 5 days. 300 Euro . Reason- sutta, ja, kokemusta asiakaspalve- WORLDWIDE Collection Company. BBC1/2 uk full uk pack 80 cm dish lusta, Hakemukset. info@auto- able English. Interest in yoga, medi- We are looking for a skip tracer to no internet needed no contract. /(+34)952468627 tation and massage would be use- Wacht tv all rooms no cables. Sky BOUWERSGIDS.BE zoekt Belgische join our dynamic and friendly com- ful. email [email protected] SOCIETE telemarketing Fuengi- pany. Our office is based on the Costa full pack iptv internet from only 199 rola, cherche teleoperateur en Nederlandse televerkopers om old, young at heart Eng- euros no contrat no dish. Satellite Del Sol and has a nice friendly work- 68 YEARS Français. Toute info appelez ons product te promoten. Hoge ver- lish male, non smoker, living in Fuen- improuve reallignement bbc sky and diensten en wekelijkse betalingen. ing environment. The successful 631250362 Sarah girola WLTM lady 60/65 to dine with all europeens tv. Pave as you go. Info: 685855297 www.bouwers- candidate must therefore be enthu- and form friendship/ relationship. same day service. José Sotto Since of [email protected] siastic, team orientated, possess 646111894 1973 952 443 838670 443838 YOUR Property in Spain is looking for problem solving abilities and excel- Email [email protected] a property lister with proven experi- lent computer skills, work under TNT SAT 50 chaines francaises sans ence, English and Spanish is a must; pressure and have a high attention abonement Jose Sotto depuis any other language will be a plus. Ba- to detail. The successful candidate HEALTH & BEAUTY 1973,952 443838 670 443838 sic + commission + telephone. CV to: must be fluent in English, be expe- [email protected] BEST sales repairs all tv sat José rienced in Microsoft Office 2016 Doctors Sotto 952 443838 670 443838 REAL ESTATE Agency located in Mi- Suite and have 2 years international jas Costa and operative on the en- skip tracing experience. Please visit SKIN Specialist NHS Registered. tire Coast is looking for experienced LOOKING for experienced telemar- our website at, then Treats all kinds of skin problems. sales agents and telemarketers. The send your CV and current references Consultation 70 Euros. Dr. Eva. Fuen- GOLF keters must be native English speak- candidates must speak English flu- ing for part time PM hours. We are an to [email protected] on or be- girola 664747267 www.dermadel- ently and preferably one of the fol- LAS BRISAS Golf share. For sale or established company based in Fuen- lowing languages: French, German, fore 15 December 2017 swap 4 anything valuable. Offers. girola, full training is given along with Nordic. Salary + high commission Buy now pay later. George Nomina and excellent commission. LOOKING FOR AN ENGLISH scheme for the right candidate. TEACHER FOR FUENGIROLA. ALL Chiropractors 617333777 For more information please call us Please send CV info@buenavista- on 952586140 after 1.00pm LEVELS QUALIFIED. SEND CVS TO FILIPINOSUR Agency. Offers trusted and/or call 951484500 FUENGIROLA Myofascial Release. you like to work a 21 hour [email protected] filipino workers for domestic serv- WOULD HAVE you sold insurance before? J.Schaegen, specialized in treating a week afternoon shift, contract job ices and cleaning company. We are looking for a vibrant individ- LOOKING for experienced glass cur- neck, back & extremity disorders, COMPUTERS / in Fuengirola? Good achievable com- 663612830/ 952008431 ual to join our successful Estate plan- tain fitter, full contract offered to 30yrs in practice. 652291224 missions, paid holidays and a friendly INTERNET / PHONES ning team. Based in Elviria, you will the right candidate. Call 952477963 office. Ring Lynne on 952586140 YOUR Property in Spain is looking be selling an industry leading insur- for a motivated sale agent for the ENGLISH teacher required for Mar- ance product with uncapped earn- MIRAFLORES is looking for Sales Buy / Sell countryside area with proven expe- bella school. Must be qualified and ing potential, a full contract and agent with experience in sales and Chiropodists rience, English and Spanish is a must; have experience with young learners weekly commissions. Immediate telemarketing. English and Nordic any other language will be a plus. Paul DAYTONA Computer: Computers, and Cambridge exams. CV to marbel- start. Please contact languages required. Contact mobile phones and accessories in Basic + commission + telephone. CV [email protected]. 696545267 [email protected] 672268909 & Elaine Curtis-Turner. Tel. to: [email protected] 619547636 your language. Sales and repairs. Agents Masmovil and HablaYa. Es- CHIROPODIST second hand equip- tablished 1999. Los Boliches. ment for sale. Torrequebrada area. [email protected] or call 952667395 952565217 PC DOCTOR Repairs and Sales. Lap- tops in English. Speed up your PC. Remove viruses. Come to us or call Massage us out. 952591071 WWW.TANTRAMARBELLA.COM Rani Goddess Awake your senses & Repairs multiply pleasure just adding sen- sual & erotic real tantra by qualified COMPUTER problems solved! Er- hindu masseuse. 659331890 ror messages fixed, viruses removed. Hardware/software upgrades avail- RELAXING, full-body 2 body mas- able. Kindle, iPad & Android help. sages. Tantric, Nuru, Kyokuero... In- Laptops in English. Also one-to-one calls/ outcalls. Elena 635290724 training. Experienced, reliable serv- ice, no callout charge. Paul, SHAVING secret zone by experi- 630652338/952493859 enced mature Japanese masseuse. 20 Euros. Fuengirola. 610396186 LAPTOP Repair Centre. Broken screens, iPads, Phones, mother- TIRED of meaningless massages. boards, water damage. Repairs from Try us!! You won't regret it! Also 35 euros. Call 952591071 Manicure, Pedicure...etc. Benal- madena Costa 688553000 Websites TRUE Tantra Massage. www.astar- Guadalupe 696323533. Amanda 634310287 WEBSITE designs and maintenance. Search Engine Optimization. Online BENALMADENA. Reiki therapist, Invoicing and CRM 50 Euros/month. traditional tatami. Thai massage, Hosting from 5 Euros/month. Call Ayurveda stretcher. 634181891 952591071 November 17th to 23rd 2017 59 SUR IN ENGLISH CLASSIFIED

Phones-Mobile EURODOG, Boarding Kennels & Cat- FUENGIROLA PORT: IT HAS BEEN 44.YEAR old blonde. Natural MÁLAGA Japanese. Young beau- ESTEPONA: Angelina 20 years, at- tery, fully licensed & sanitary ap- PROVED YEAR AFTER YEAR THAT French. Toys. No limits. Secluded ties(+18). All services. Outcalls. tractive, playful, naughty, sweet. FIX SHOP Carrefour Mijas. Eng- proved, safe, secure and loving en- WE ARE STILL THE VERT BEST facilities. Call 663265150 sashas- 24hrs. 688181075 www.relaxen- Discreet. 602891749 vironment. Large kennels & play ar- VALUE IN TOWN. NOW IN OUR lish/Spanish speaking. Repair SQUIRTINGGIRL with special abil- Smartphones, tablets, comput- eas. Fully refurbished, inspections NEW DISCREET LUXURY ATICO, welcome. 2 MINS FROM THE CHURCH Dungeon- BENALMADENA Costa: Nice cou- ity squirting. Hotel, home visits. ers. All brands. Reasonable prices. studio. Massage. Fantasies. Squirt- ple available for guys, ladies and [email protected] 622269947 kik: co- Estimate Free. Tel. 951001130 952464947 -679786669 SQUARE. YOUR EXPERIENCE WILL BE EVEN MORE UNFORGETTA- ing. Role play. All serv- couples. Private apartment. Out- stasea [email protected] ices.662913428 BLE. ALL OUR GIRLS ARE REAL calls. 631146803 COMPLIANT Genuine couple (will- FIX SHOP Carrefour Mijas. Eng- Pet Transport STARS AND VERY PROFESSIONAL, BENALMADENA: Sexy Vicky, pe- BENALMADENA. Smart Russian, ing wife and knowing husband) of- lish/Spanish speaking. Repair GIVING THE VERY BEST OF SERV- tite European. Fluent English. In/ fer an incredibly sexual and unique Smartphones, tablets, comput- beautiful Brest, amazing sex! PETS EURO Travel UK based trans- ICE. YOU WILL NEVER REGRET Outcalls. 605382376 Come now! 0034632801194 experience to ladies, couples and ers. All brands. Reasonable prices. porting pets Spain/ France/ UK & PAYING FOR THE BEST. WE ARE gentlemen. Indulge your fantasy, be Estimate Free. Tel. 951001130 mainland Europe since 2002. Per- ALWAYS COPIED, BUT STILL BUTTERFLYGIRLS. We organise Costa. María, beautiful a voyeur, or simply enjoy very spe- [email protected] sonally escorted pets in small groups NEVER, NEVER EQUALED. FUEN- your parties to the last detail! Place sexy. Erotic massages. All serv- cial pleasures with us. Private apart- yourself in our hands. Dreaming of by MPV. Passenger possibilities. For GIROLA PORT; IT HAS BEEN ices. 631430967 ment in Nueva Andalucia or out calls quotes, schedules, and availability, PROVED YEAR AFTER YEAR THAT a crazy night of partying? Whatever 685189518 Others please contact our Website/Face- WE ARE STILL THE VERT BEST you want! 24 h. VISA. 650237102, KATY, busty, super-body, pleasing. book:; VALUE IN TOWN. NOW IN OUR 951274723 Massage. Discreet. Visits. Torre.del ESTEPONA. LUSCIOUS. MARTA Email: [email protected]. NEW DISCREET LUXURY ATICO, Mar. 602451846 MATURE. CAMELIA MULATA, 23, OUTCALLS, 24H. VISA. 680966710 LOOK no further for your pet trans- 2 MINS FROM THE CHURCH NEW FUENGIROLA: Beautiful port. We offer a service to travel SQUARE. YOUR EXPERIENCE WILL blonde Ukrainian, 23 years. Discreet. BETWEEN San Pedro-Estepona. with/ without your pets/ furniture. BE EVEN MORE UNFORGETTA- 24hrs. 603719177 Unforgettable experience for nice Pets from 295 pounds including vet BLE. ALL OUR GIRLS ARE REAL gentlemen. Beautiful lady from checks. Various vehicles cater for STARS AND VERY PROFESSIONAL, NVA ANDALUCIA: Black woman, Poland. 617700999 GIVING THE VERY BEST OF SERV- spectacular body, long legs, sexy The undisputed your needs. 952596213, BENALMADENA. Extravagant sexy market leader 665150227 ICE. YOU WILL NEVER REGRET lingerie, stockings, I love kissing. PAYING FOR THE BEST. WE ARE Malu 677680928 blonde, big boobs, good English and favourite PET-COURIERS com. If you love ALWAYS COPIED, BUT STILL yours! 0034633010663 your pet try us first. We are the best. NEVER, NEVER EQUALED. CALL ENGLISH blonde, elegant and sen- read*, reaching sual Michelle, ex Fuengirola Port FUENGIROLA: Oriental young beau- more than Door to door services throughout OR WHATSAPP 661064376 tiful Japaneses. Complete services. Europe. Specialised vehicles- be- Star recommended by Tony. I'm Outcalls. 24hrs. 693988340 260,000 expats spoken service. Full legal service, FUENGIROLA PORT: ALWAYS back and horny as ever, offering every week including documentation if required. LOOKING FOR NEW GIRLS.. CALL unforgettable moments of ex- CAROLINA 29yo. elegant, sweet For further information call or email OR WHATSAPP 661064376 CALAHONDA. Larisa, blonde, blue treme pleasure and mutual sat- surrender. I want to please you and in Malaga alone us. Tel. (0034) 651 033670 or MISTRESS Ursula Dominatrix. BDSM eyes, Russian with amazing body. isfaction. I guarantee you will be- fill you of love. Tantric massage. (*IPSOS (0034) 637 066227 Email: lifestyle. Feet workship. La- Passionate lover, affectionate and come a regular client. Very flexi- Nueva Andalucía. 603527122 [email protected] independent tex/leather. Spanking. Role play. compliant. 608949543 ble hours in my apartment. Out- RELAX villa in San Pedro de Al- Own studio. 672870066 calls and overnight stays avail- RIVIERA. Hello, lover! I'm Daniela, cantara where you will find the research) able too. 602520601 To all my cli- most desirable girls, sexiest DELUXE PRIVATE VILLA: FUEN- Latin American with fire in my veins. ents new mobile number ADULT GIROLA/ MIJAS COSTA: 12 SEÑO- My long legs and big tits will drive women and passionate transsexu- RITAS, ELEGANT, SUPERAFFE- you crazy. 616368985 DUQUESA/ Manilva. Sensual blonde. als of the Costa del Sol. RELAXATION CIONATE. ALL SERVICES. 3 INDE- In/outcalls. Discretion. Pleasure 952642225/ 602617065. C/Gua- CLASSES PENDENT SALONS. AIR/CONDI- NEAR Elviria, Amanda, Brazilian, guarantee 100%. 602617318 dairo 77, corner to Avda Burgos TIONED. 9 ROOMS. POOL. PRI- 25, with a beautiful body, slim with ENGLISH Stephanie 34: Fuengirola LOVEMASSAGE Mature perfect HOLA! Speak Spanish from first Female VATE PARKING. GROUPS, EVENTS, natural tits. Nymphomaniac and per- hands, curves, breast unforgetta- lesson. Experienced qualified na- PRIVATE PARTIES. 24.HRS. HO- verted. Really wild. 616368985 (next to bus station). Size 8, 32GG ble, All services. Benalmadena. tive teacher. One-to-one, groups. very busty, long dark hair. No hid- INCOMPARABLE ladies rigorously TELS. VISA. RIVIERA, Mariana, Polish brunette 617695685 Fuengirola. 661159330 selected. Malaga/Centre. We at- 605322635/952582150. FROM den extras, no upper age limit. Oral [email protected] with green eyes. Pretty, sensual, YOUNGS Spanish girlfriends(+18), tend permanently. Very discreet. 30/EUROS. very hot. A stylish lady who'll give w/o, cim, passionate sex, massage. DRIVERS licence in English. Dis- Reasonable prices. I love wearing heels and suspend- caring, luscious, French without. DIRTY fun with Miss Lucy. Erotic you more pleasure than anybody. Discreet. Marbella/Estepona count with this advert. Autoescu- 952604172//603138200 648814653 ers. Toys, shower. 30 mins 40E, 45 (Whatsapp). domination, footfetish, dirty talk, mins 50E, 1hr 70E. Avail every 722520777 ela Urbano. Calle Maestro Angeles smokefetish, spanking. 604104187 Aspiazu, Fuengirola. Manual or auto- NERJA Alison..Massage sensual. VICKY, spectacular blonde Brazil- day10.30am - 6pm. Call, text, BENALMADENA: Very attractive matic. 687070256 Body beautiful. Natural breast. NEW RELAX Riviera Open 24H. 7 ian. Affectionate and compliant. whatsapp 602636606. lady for gentlemen. Big bum. Erotic 642022387 Whatssap. young ladies from different coun- Sensual, nymphomaniac. Incalls and massages. Outcalls/ Hotels. DRIVER licence in English with outcalls. 24 hours. VISA. 608949543 discounts. Also with AUTOMATIC tries to have with an extraordinary FUENGIROLA: Leticia Brazilian, 678113501 BOLICHES: 30E: Celina nice kind time. Maximum discretion. Out-calls car! Fuengirola/ Mijas. 657325808 lady for discreet gentleman! Erotic CALAHONDA. 650237145. 24 h. kisses, caress, massages, sex. 30 TRY something different, Asian, all over the Coast. Services form I'm naked, horny, watching a porno QUALIFIED Spanish teacher tutor- & relaxing massages, full sex, French 50E. Free drinks. 611237548 Euros. 602419749 European, all service, multiorgas- film. Are you coming? I'm a mature mic pleasure, no rushing, luxury ing schools curriculum, Spanish to without till end, anal, kisses, black MARBELLA Centre. Andrea. Pretty, CLAUDIA Beautiful Hungarian 19 Brazilian blonde nymphomaniac with place. San Pedro/ Banús. 618448131 adults & children. Coast & inland. kiss...Private apartment! Appoint- sexy... Erotic masseuse. Nuru, 627076666 ments! 622210797 years. Perfect body. Available 24H big tits. From 50 ¿ 652706624 body2body, happy ending tantra. POLISH, Thai, Russian, busty, slim, SPANISH in your home. Speak Span- ISABELA. Colombian 24yo., very DANIELLY Fuengirola. 30. Beauti- Total luscious. 697232876 blondy, kissing, anal, lesbic, hot hot, pleasing. Private apartment. TINA 20 y.o. Bulgarian. Supper Sexy!! ful young, sexy Brazilian. Kisses, horny, best servivel affordable, San ish from the first lesson. Qualified NEW BLONDE Russian student, 18; Spanish teacher. Ideal method for You won't regret it. Nueva Anda- All the services. 24 hours. erotic, prostatic massages. Hot sex! Pedro/ Banús. 618448131 lucía. Photos whatsapp 611237548 French without. Perla 6. 697883690 Spanish 19, model body, superhot! beginners. Fast, easy and effective. NEW Thai, Polish, Argentinian, slim, All levels. Also toturing for students. 655693707 Guaranteed pleasure! Marbella. COLOMBIAN 20, very sexy, I´m here JAPANESE Stunning goddess. Tan- 634351930 sexy, pretty, wild, hot horny. All serv- 628578645 FUENGIROLA: Beautiful seductive 24H for everything that you need. tric and sexual body/to/body mas- ices guarantee. No rush. Marbella. mature, brunette lady, voluptuous, 611238013 sage. Very good sexual services. BOLICHES Discretion, privacy, Jo- 679126231 hana 38 y.o. Superbody, big breast. elegant. Ludi 632381963 VENEZUELAN 21. Available 24h. Hotel and home visiting. Luxury private discreet apartment. Fuen- 617818615 THAI Balines, hilot proffessional PETS FUENGIROLA: Exclusive! Jennifer I´m Hot & sexy. Natural French. massage by oriental lady, erotic, girola. 673253870 superbusty, teasing sexy lady! All 652590064 CANCELADA: Melody 20 years, horny, body body touch, slim, beau- services.631281988 NATALY & Delia. One from Ruma- THAI beautiful sexy lady to pro- young, beautiful, friendly, lovely tiful european, new luxury Marbella. Buy / Sell CASSIE: Mature English lady. Dis- nia, the other from Turkey. 2 20 y.o vide you with the latest erotic body. 604109768 660898501 creet and clean. Fuengirola, dolls available 24H just for you!! services. Enjoy comfort PUPPIES German Shephards, Ken- 667914732/951219946 611238013 Body/to/body massage, Tantric nel Coroninas, excellent pedigrees, massage, chest massage, happy vaccinated, microchip, info Cala- SPECIAL anal. Marbella explosive end. Private apartment. Opposite 619464515 or 609535857, honda. Beautiful Spanish model, 28. blonde, 120 breast. Couples. Hotel Las Palmeras Fuengirola. Discretion. 693800497 French without. Squirting. Pho- Visits. 602382363 NVA ANDALUCIA: A spellbinding tos available. Visa/Amex. Visits CHIHUAHUA pedigree puppies 24hrs. 680554614 with passport. All year available. rare gem, very sexy, slim, horny and BENALMADENA: Young lady 35, 951312860/ 654285667 submissive girl offers you a special MARBELLA Ama Cleo, Sado bond- attractive, sexy, educated. For experience with exceptional pleas- age, many toys, latex, leather. I gentlemen. 30 Euros. 634209427 STANDARD Poodle. Puppies, white, ure. All services, including sensual send photos and Information. 24h. apricot and black, vaccinated, pedi- massages (qualified independent 617791644 MARBELLA Marbella center, Lisa, gree. aliciaperezmunoz.wix- masseuse) with natural French and 27, high standing georgeous, ex- 633790713 happy ending. Private apartment. MARBELLA: Delux villa, 8 high otic, very horny charming smile and 656350401 standing señoritas. Complete mas- fit atheltic body, 1.67 - 52 kg, long sage. Pool, Jacuzzi and Spa. Bar. brown, curly hair, sexy, erotic, full Free drink/iberico assorted. massage, body to body, blowjob, Kennels / Cattery Open.24hrs. www.casamasamar- kisses, deep troat and more, out- 680554614 calls, incalls, speak English et parle LAGUNA Kennels & cosy cattery. MARBELLA Chanel voluptuous francais. 602368719 Your pets lovingly cared for by blonde, 130 breast, 24 years. All ENGLISH ROSE privately educated, English mother & daughter. Coín. services. 24hrs. Hotel/ Visits. I well spoken, attractive, elegant and Tel 952112021/ 606838983 or la- The undisputed send photos. 672420027 slim, looking to accompany busi- [email protected] market leader MARBELLA Stunning Brazilian ness men. Lunch/ dinner optional. Discretion assured. 699859054 PETCARE Pet Hotel: Alhaurin El and favourite mulata, 21. French without. Anal. Couples. Threesomes. Toys. Ho- Grande. Holiday accommodation read*, reaching MATURE Elegant lady. Voluptu- tel/Visits. I send photos. ous bust. All services. Only hotel for dogs & cats. Individually more than 680554614 & home visits. 687387680 heated/aircon kennels. 260,000 expats 952112284/ 685400216 MARBELLA Centre. Villa with 12 ALHAURIN de la Torre and surround- every week precious girls (+18 ), 30 minutes: Follow ings: Melanyw 42, beautiful blonde. in Malaga alone 50 euros, 1 hour: 100 euros. Open Domination. Hotel & In/out calls. us on Facebook at Petcare Spain (*IPSOS 24 hours. Call 620366817 661407119 CAT & DOG World Kennels and Cat- independent BENALMADENA: Bianca sexy ESTEPONA: Sandrina Russian stu- tery. 952112978/ 630197435. research) blonde, big tits. Private discreet dent, very pretty and educated. Ho- apartment. Hotel visits. 631146080 tels Outcalls. 24hrs. 602555400 60 November 17th to 23rd 2017 CLASSIFIED SUR IN ENGLISH

SLIM, Beautiful Oriental, European, ENGLISH blonde, elegant and sen- Male PURE ecstasy in Nueva Andalucia MASSAGE Center: Tantric, erotic. FUENGIROLA: Madonna, Hot blond, brunette, lesbic, blowjob, sual Michelle, ex Fuengirola Port with young pretty independent mas- Pleasure, elegance, discretion. oil/horny massage with my boobs! greek, kissing, erotic, exotic, body- Star recommended by Tony. I'm LAS CHAPAS: Attractive boy, su- seuse. Erotic body, tantric and other The best of the Costa del Sol. Happy ending.631281988 body massage. Luxury atmosphere. perendowed. Perfect lover, that will completely relaxing massages in pri- 40 EUROS. Relaxing, prostatic, back and horny as ever, offering vate apartment. 656350401 Marbella. 679126231 unforgettable moments of ex- make you enjoy sex. 603202758 649808695 Benalmádena Costa bodytobody massages. Happy end- GORGEOUS Paola. Model´s body, ing. In/outcalls. 625912315 A FULL body prostatic massage by treme pleasure and mutual sat- MALE to male, full body massage. isfaction. I guarantee you will be- Fuengirola. 609321958 tantra, relaxing, B2B massage. Ex- FULLY Naked Body 2 Body Naturist Sabrina. Senior citizen 50% discount. cellent company/Good vibes. relax- Sensual Massage HE Fuengirola 2 x 9am to 9pm. 691533101 Benal- come a regular client. Very flexi- ALEJANDRO 24 years, sexual mas- 602448534 ble hours in my apartment. Out- British girls, slim 26 and 19. Take madena Costa (by windmill round- sage with happy ending. Own apart- your pick.634301275 calls and overnight stays avail- ment. Outcalls. 24 hrs. 665344158 FUENGIROLA Carolina, blonde, ele- about) gant, relaxing massage, full erotic MATURE man, qualified masseur. able too. 603279769 FUENGIROLA: Male2male full body massage. Whatsapp. Message: BUSTY mature Brazilian. Deep anal, Excellent massages for men. Torre- MANILVA (Estepona): New Sara 30, massage. Very discreet, private villa. 634797230 molinos, Carihuela. 639040128 prostatic, sensitive massages. Ap- 634004512 pointments only by Whatsapp beautiful blonde, busty, pert ass. Professional Erotic FUENGIROLA Visit glamorous Sasha NAKED friend, friendly mature guy man2man massage. Incalls Torre- 671110039. Nueva Andalucia French. Greek. In/Outcalls/ Hotels. 22, for enchanting Tantric massage 602438426 will visit you for naked fun & mas- molinos. Outcalls Costa del Sol. with delightful finalé. Secluded lux- NEW FUENGIROLA: Beautiful bru- sage, ladies & couples. 685061422 628746407 ury villa, music, drinks. Special Offer ATTACTIVE mature blonde, all nette, 20 years, natural breast. Dis- MARBELLA center, bisexual big size 44.YEAR old brunette, slender, natu- 50E 1/2h 90E hour. 602570272 creet. 603719177 sexual services, overnights 300 for everything. 657328140 ral French, Greek, toys, squirting, VICKY. Special erotic massage euros. Satifaction. Guaranteed, no limits, dungeon. Secluded facili- hard to forget Vicky's hands on TORRE del Mar. Pleasant latina, all private villa Coin.681614955 AFRO British muscular guy. Erotic ties. Call 662913428 Check me out extras always remember where services. Outcalls. Call 644772886 massages, all fantasies, soft (Bena- at: jarafe)/ hardcore (Torremolinos). to cum again. Benalmádena c/ Las HIYA slim, brunette, mature, pas- Naciones. Tel. 633693334 NIKITA 1,65cm/ 45kgs. 84/60/84. sionate. Call, relax, enjoy, Marbella. In/ Out. 604192852 DISCOVER the benefits of tantric Speak English. Fuengirola. ATTRACTIVE Asian Expert oriental 674946727 massages! Feel the pleasure in your massage, relieve pain and stress, 634042376 skin...635290724 BENALMADENA attractive Thai, Transvestites unique service qualified. Discreet LIA, FUENGIROLA: I love sex, do SAYAN. Tantra massage for ladies, atmosphere, easy to find. Marbella. relaxing & erotic body massages, ASIAN MM Massage Salon. A place TRANSSEXUAL Sophia, beautiful gentlemen & couples. Ultimate 604143788 you? Couples. Call me! 634168441 visits. Torrequebrada Golf. whatsapp where you can find proper good mas- brunette, active/ passive, great bliss at a very nice place. Fuengi- GOLFER´S male massage and more TORRE Mar: New! Japanese ladies. 602428556 bust, well hung. 662045252. Fuen- sage. Ideal for men, women, cou- rola. 952586339 /608977260 ples and have muscule problem, by Jay (Singaporean). Relax, re- Beautiful, pleasing. Services 24H. MARBELLA Carmen, mature, mas- girola. lease.Puerto Banus. 662576394 693996352 abiagg Clean and good atmosphere. sage, 602475138, big ass, Greek, GORGEOUS Fillipina offers relax- 951482585/ 604393547 ASIAN Shemale massage for new French till end. Avenida Arias Mal- ESTEPONA. TRANSVESTITE EVA ESTEPONA. Helen, blonde, big ing massage in the comfort of your ATTRACTIVE Asian Expert oriental relaxing experience and pleasures. boobs, sexy, massage, discreet. donado 1, Iberest 1, apt 3-G 25yo. 22cms. ACTIVE/PASSIVE, own home 602483864 Nueva Andalucia 602414398 VERSATILE, OUTCALLS, 24H. VISA massage, relieve pain and stress, 633740399 NEW ANDREA Mature, plumpy, 660874904 TORREMOLINOS: Your erotic mas- unique service qualified. Discreet MATURE Oriental beauty & elegant! Refreshing massage. Welcome sen- French, Greek, penetration. Discreet. seuse. Maximum pleasure for relax- atmosphere, easy to find. Marbella. NEW KIM Torrox Costa: Your most MARBELLA center stunning Thai/ 604143788 ior persons also! 652992128 Riviera desired whim, young black girl with Fuengirola 603169958 ing massage. Professional. Exqui- Filipina ladyboy kissable lips, top/ MARBELLA center, young stunning curves that will take you to the sev- bottom, in/ outcalls. 602493030 site treatment. 633578665 ASIAN MM Massage Salon. A place JAPONESES Beautiful, vicious, spec- where you can find proper good mas- thai lady ex-model, beautiful and enth heaven. All services. Pleasure tacular bodies. Total satisfaction. SENSUAL Japanese Shemale Mas- MIAH, Fuengirola. Erotic, profes- sage. Ideal for men, women, cou- sexy for massage and more fun. In/ sional massage, body2body, happy without limits. 24hrs. 625540249 Calle Muro.Marbella center. sage in Puerto Banus. Versatile, ples and have muscule problem, outcalls. 604298371 warm, friendly. 602414398 ending. Miah, 647101046 MULTIORGASMIC Danish sexpot, 657448188 Clean and good atmosphere. enables you to fulfill all your fanta- MARBELLA centre. New. Luxury 951482585/ 604393547 Various SAN PEDRO Beach, Chloe, 22, erotic center with wide selection of expert sies. Benajarafe. Xena 637168101 Massage MASSAGE and fun! Genuine trained VIAGRA Kamagra 100mm for sale. massause professional, super slim, masseuse... Sensual, erotic. Nuru exotic male tantric masseur. FUENGIROLA. Sexy blonde. Erotic 110 breasts, hotel callouts. Discreet. erotic tantra, body to body lingam [email protected] for deliv- 645291083 ery/ postal 634029878 massage. Hot sex. Kisses. 69. Dis- Parking. 666194079 and prostatic. Unique experience 4 SENSUAL exotic, deep relaxing Yoni cretion. In/outcalls. 645131273 WWW.TANTRACENTER.ES PLEAS- hands, pleasant and exciting, dou- VIAGRA (Kamagra) 100 mg, Cia- SAN PEDRO Beach Sofia, erotic mas- URE WITHOUT LIMITS, SPEC- ble stimulation. Massage for cou- Tantra massage for ladies. lis (Tadalafil) 20 mg, Jellies 100 FUENGIROLA. Spectacular blonde, sause is waiting for you. Discreet lo- TACULAR MASSEUSE. MASSAGE ples. Open: 9:00am/9:00pm. Ap- 602098606 mg. Wholesale & retail. Free de- 32.y.o, tall, slim. Caring, pleasing. cation. Easy parking. Happy end. EROTIC... WITH!!!SHOCKING END! pointment: 952867663/ FULL body massage by Sabrina livery all areas. For the best prod- Visits. 625912315 Hotel callouts. 674679757 952216145/ 644452369 690046233 658189191 ucts & service. 617740250.24 hrs.


CRUISE SHIP MOVEMENTS (SOURCE: MALAGA PORT AUTHORITY) EMERGENCIES Taxi Service 952471000 Town Hall 952548400 Emergency operator 112 Tourist Office 952467625 Foreign Resident Dept. 952548401 Ship Date From Next port Docks Sails National Police 091 Town Hall 952589300 Costa Mediterranea 17/11 - - 07.00 19.00 TORREMOLINOS Local (municipal) Police 092 Foreign Residents Dept. 952589440 Braemar 17/11 Seville Ceuta 07.30 23.00 Medical 061 Bus Station 902143144 MSC Musica 17/11 Valetta Funchal 12.00 20.00 MALAGA Fire 080 Taxi Service 952380600 Riviera 18/11 Cartagena Santa Cruz 08.00 18.00 Guardia Civil 062 Bus Station 952350061 Tourist Office 952371909 Thomson Majesty 19/11 Cartagena Lisbon 06.00 22.00 Sea Rescue 900202202 Railway Station 902240202 Town Hall 952379400 Norwegian Spirit 19/11 Cagliari Cartagena 07.00 18.00 Crime report 902102112 Taxi Service 952345693 Foreign Residents Dept. 952374231 Horizon 19/11 Alicante Casablanca 06.00 22.00 Tourist Office 951926020 Seven Seas Explorer 20/11 Cartagena Cadiz 08.00 20.00 ENGLISH-SPEAKING HELP BENALMÁDENA Marina 23/11 Barcelona Arrecife 08.00 18.00 MARBELLA Samaritans in Spain 900525100 Bus Station 902450550 Thomson Majesty 26/11 Cadiz Lisbon 06.00 11.00 Alcoholics Anonymous 600379110 Bus Station 955038665 Taxi Service 952441545 Age Care 952933409 Taxi Service 952774488 Tourist Office 952442494 Age Concern (Estepona) 608458555 Tourist Office 952768760 Town Hall 952374231 Town Hall 952761100 Foreign Residents Dept. 952442494 ANDALUSIAN HEALTH SERVICE Foreign Residents Dept. 952768760 VÉLEZ-MÁLAGA Salud Responde (doctors’ appointments & MIJAS advice) 955545060 Bus Station 952503162 Town Hall 952485900 Taxi 952540016 ESTEPONA Town Hall Las Lagunas 952473125 Town Hall 952559100 Bus Station 952800249 Taxi 952478288 Tourist Office 952541104 Taxi Service 952802900 Tourism Office 952589034 GIBRALTAR Tourist Office 952800913 Foreign Resident Dept. 952589010 Town Hall 952801100 General emergency 199/112(mobiles) NERJA Foreign Residents Dept. 952809031 Fire/ambulance (emergency) 190 Bus Station 902422242 Tourist Office (00350) 20074950 FUENGIROLA Taxi Service 952520537 Taxi (00350) 20070027 Bus Station 952475066 Tourist Information 952521531


Great Britain C/. Mauricio Moro Pareto 2- 2. Málaga 952352300 Italy Calle Lagasca, 98, Madrid 912106910 USA Av. Juan Gómez 8. Ed. Lucía 1-C. Fuengirola 952474891 Austria Alameda de Colón 26, Malaga 952600267 Belgium Carretera de Cádiz, km 202, 29649 Mijas Costa 952599159 Finland Calle Blasco de Garay, 7, Malaga 952212435 Denmark Calle Córdoba 6 404, Malaga 952211797 Saudi Arabia Mauricio M. Pareto 2 bloque Sur 2º, Malaga 952310358 Norway Avda Los Boliches, 60, Edf Rosenkranz, Fuengirola 952667955 Greece Salitre, 16, Malaga 952311847 Canada C/Cervantes, Edif. Horizonte, Malaga 952223346 Iceland Paseo Marítimo 91, 29640 Fuengirola 952661200 Germany Mauricio Moro Pareto 2, Malaga 952363591 Philippines C/Marqués de Larios 4, 2º, Malaga 952222757 Sweden Calle Córdoba 6, 5th floor, Malaga 952604383 Hungary Av. de Andalucía 26 29007 Malaga 952308393 Ireland Avda. Los Boliches, Fuengirola 952475108 France 1, Plaza de Santa Cruz, Seville 954293200 November 17th to 23rd 2017 61 SUR IN ENGLISH CLUBS CLUBS

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION INTERNAT. LABOUR GROUP ASTRONOMY COSTA DEL SOL CALAHONDA BRIDGE CLUB Walks. Fuengirola. Puerto de la Duquesa: 634717317 / Fuengirola: Alf Brewer 952449408 616679453. Club Naranja. 952198789 / 670593 232. COSTA CHORDBUSTERS [email protected] ASSOC. FRANCÓFONOS LODGE EUROPEAN FRATERNITY 52 ACE BRIDGE CLUB Mijas Costa: 615758959. Fuengirola: Anne Bowles. 952464184 952468106. Costa del Sol-Torre del Mar: All French speakers welcome. 951087994 Tel:658655511 or 646436967 Fuengirola. Deanne Mutter: 747771404. THE INTERNATIONAL MUSIC SOCIETY 628343198 Nerja: 952526423. Los AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL CLUB NERJA CHICK-LIT BOOK CLUB NERJA BRIDGE CLUB Romanes: 618293749. Torremolinos: Mixed choir. Gilly Bareford, 952573983. 952112141 Welfare 654254799. Coín: Almuñécar to Torrox [email protected] New friends, great books! 693373530 Joan 952520579 or Trevor on 952524743 COLLEGIUM MUSICUM COSTA DEL SOL 663157776 Marbella: or LIONS CLUBS LOS BOLICHES BRIDGE CLUB 952774572 International choir/orchestra. 952775492. NEDERLANSE CLUB COSTA DEL SOL branches/marbella Alhaurín el Grande: Malaga Ilusion: May Ramirez 616613705; Dominiques. Mon & Fri. 645684756 CANTOLIBRE CHOIR 952112118/637134616. Albox: Tel: 952473545. Various Costa locations Leos: Gonzalo 627712351; University: ATALAYA BRIDGE CLUB ESTEPONA etgoodey@yahoo Benajarafe: Amateur singers Estepona. 692558 041 Sara 626835485 AMERICAN CLUB OF COSTA DEL SOL 685413642. Mollina: 957535211. Riders’ Marbella Costa del Sol: Jacqueline Dueñas Wed, Thurs, NEW SAYDO SINGERS branch: 952514226 /653108415 President: R. E. Parmiter 619755031; Marbella Francófono: Sun. 952880595/609548595(whatsapp) Every Tuesday: Kate: 685563764 Rosalyn Bakker; 952884340; Marbella BRITISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CASTILLO BRIDGE CLUB Fuengirola, Mijas, Benalmádena: [email protected] German: T. Heyden 667760230; Marbella [email protected] 951203094 David Kylen 653274392.Malaga: Decano: M. Álvarez 619414119; Mijas La Tel: 655459576 R.T.’S LINE DANCE CLUB Rosella Parmiter 952400006. Marbella: Cala: Julie Barry 608315704; Mijas: Jose ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ST ANDREW’S BRIDGE CLUB Carol Lewis 951778717. Estepona: Calahonda / Fuengirola / Benalmádena. Guasp Borreda 639 080 569; Nerja: Elke English-speaking groups. 600379110. Frazier Gardella 952804693. Bob 952931754 or 697441313. Lange 693706900; Puerto Banús Los Boliches. 697769170 / 952667861. Cosmopolitan: Egidia Ingels 68032009; AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS ACE AMERICAN CLUB OF ESTEPONA BOOGIE SHOES LINE DANCE CLUB COSTA DEL SOL CRICKET CLUB Rincón de la Victoria: Doris: 952407824 English meetings: 602553470 Calle San Roque. Tel: 952793059. Estepona, The Roadhouse Bar. Thurs 19.45 League cricket. Previn: 606526618. TOASTMASTERS PUBLIC SPEAKING POSITIVELY PINK ASSOCIATION ENGLISH-SPEAKING CLUB MALAGA MISSISSIPPI COASTERS MARBELLA SURF CLUB Al-Andalus Toastmasters Club #1788: Breast cancer. English/Spanish conversation. Line dance.Fuengirola.Bob 697441313. Donna 956 840 497. Rota, Cadiz. Avda. Independencia, 17, Tel:952778617. [email protected] The Achievers Toastmasters Club #5183: JIVE DANCE CLUB INTERNATIONAL TABLE TENNIS CLUB Nueva Andalucía, Percy 646533112. DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP WELSH SOCIETY 635717211. Gibraltar: Luis 606460025. Malaga: PTA Benalmádena Costa. 952373813. Fuengirola. Anne Bowles: 607879450 Arroyo de la Miel. Debbie 626292707 English / Spanish, Claudia 685965867. MODERN JIVE MIJAS LAWN BOWLS CLUB [email protected] THE BRITISH SOCIETY FREEMASONS Benalmádena/Fuengirola.Howard Tel: 952 466 038. MY WEIGH, WEIGHT LOSS Sandra Addison 952 568 291 Benalmádena 631813877 Fuengirola: Norman Hay 674755024. SUNDAY TABLE TENNIS CLUB Pueblo. [email protected] Calahonda: Mike Williams 644133186. JJ’S COSTA DEL SOL DANCE CLUB 952583907/ 663674804 Los Boliches: Paul Clueit 667156806. Sunset Beach Hotel, Benalmádena BRITISH ASSOCIATION MARBELLA Ballroom, Sequence & Latin 627658925 Mijas Costa: David Mantle 952934193. 663138062 [email protected] OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Meets weekly. Jan/Joan 952835947 Coín: Ian Bushnell 611020641. FOTA, FRIENDS OF THE THEATRE MARBELLA SINGLES SOCIAL GROUP Estepona: Janet 69445754/Ben 7557048 Alhaurín: Vic Dean 952450678. ENGLISH PHOENIX CLUB 006. Bar Cristobel, Thurs 6pm. Desk open Mon/Wed/Fri 11.30am-1.15pm. Over 45s. [email protected] ROTARY CLUB Torre del Mar: Gael: 951067723 Salon Varietés, Fuengirola. 952584268. CUDECA SUPPORT GROUPS COSTA DEL SOL FREETHINKERS Benalmádena: 952441440 Benahavís: INTERNAT. CLUB OF SALOBREÑA INTERNATIONAL THEATRE STUDIO 952 564 910 or [email protected] 670604392 Estepona: 952800999. [email protected] Estepona: ACE Club 11.30am 1st Thurs. [email protected] San Pedro district. Tel 952884034 Fuengirola/Mijas: 648292146. Marbella: PAINTING GROUP Nerja: Cáritas 11.30am 2nd Thurs. 952821121 San Pedro: 951318381 ASOCIACIÓN IRLANDESA THESPA-ENGLISH SPEAKING PLAYERS Cómpeta: 11.30am 3rd Thurs Axareducación. Marbella - Guadalmina: 952888077. Fueng. - Marbella. [email protected] President Finola Sloyan: 607340523 Dinner and Drama. Los Boliches. MABS CANCER SUPPORT GROUP OVER 40S SINGLES CLUB THE ART CLUB 622454422. IRISH ASSOCIATION OF SPAIN Fourth Tuesday, Miraflores Club, Marbella, Estepona: El Limonero Tel: 952806759 San Pedro NERJA HISTORY GROUP 11.30 a.m. 952833568/ 647054945 618680148. Facebook. ARROYO SOCIAL & WELFARE CLUB KITCHEN CLUB Talks/trips. Christina Sinclair 687602057 CANCER SUCKS SPAIN SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING email: [email protected] Arroyo de la Miel. Jean 952563580. [email protected] 697883717 Cancer support group. 662446388 Arroyo. Martin 952383883/654859075 ESTEPONA FLORAL ART CLUB TORREMOLINOS & DIST. SOCIAL CLUB YORUBA ASSOCIATION OF MALAGA Facebook & [email protected] INTERNATIONAL CLUB ESTEPONA [email protected] Wed am. Rosaleda Bar. Mike 626880722. Aluko 691314576 [email protected] AGE CARE ASSOCIATION 952802549. ARROYO FRIENDLY CLUB SOTOGRANDE WRITERS CLUB Coffee mornings: from 11am-1pm. OUT OF AFRICA CLUB FLOWER ARRANGING CLUB Benalmádena; Mon, Bar Pitanza, Benalmádena. 952446935. Calahonda; Tues, Thurs, Calahonda Int. Trish: 952668081 Venta Platero (Coín-Cartama road) SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY PRESIDENTS CLUB Baptist Church, Fuengirola; Wed, Bar Salon U3A LEARNING FOR PLEASURE THE ANDALUCIAN GARDEN GROUP Varietés, Coín. Thurs. Bar La Peña Asfahala, 653771625 Marbella:645784718/Fuengirola: Los Boliches. Frid, Hogar de Jubilados. U3A Fuengirola, University of the Third Age, Alh. el Grande. 952119767/952455213 952591071 HASH HOUSE HARRIERS Advice: 952933409 [email protected] learning for pleasure. Joining fee of 30 THE AXARQUÍA GARDEN CLUB ASTOR RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION euros. For more information: Mijas: 606761942. Malaga: 654633430. AGE CONCERN Torreblanca: Tel Brian 609 548 656 Also AMIGAS DE CASA Estepona and Manilva: Lifeline 608458555 on Facebook U3ACostadelSol BENALMÁDENA HEALING GROUP ANDALUCIA BIRD SOCIETY [email protected] Vva del Trabuco. 952751424/952751304 Spiritual Group Tel Liz 951947480 BRITISH SCOUTING MOVEMENT rg / 952817843 CLASSIC CARS CLUB Fuengirola:Los Bolichos, Thurs 11am- 1st Fuengirola Scout Group. COSTA PRESS CLUB CLUB CHARITY AND PLEASURE 1pm. Pensionista building near station. Robert Troost 610755995 Mijas. 3rd Sat each month. 607690057 Mijas: Mijas Pueblo, Thurs 11am-1pm. Estepona. President Mary 952896820 FERRARI OWNERS CLUB Oasis Bar. La Cala de Mijas, Fri 11am-1pm 1st Sotogrande Scouts and Cubs. COSTA WOMEN COLMENAR DISTRICT SOCIAL CLUB Bar Conrisa. Lifeline (Fuengirola and Mike Wilson 951403204 Mijas):652537615. 677251058 Marjorie 951163071. NADFAS PORCHE OWNERS’ CLUB ANREM - RESIDENTS & FOREIGNERS TANGENT CLUB & EX-LADIES CIRCLERS TENNIS CLUB ‘EL CAPITAN INT’ [email protected] Costa del Sol: [email protected] 630927226 Nerja: 952533373. 952886772 [email protected] Torre del Mar. Patrick 675391967. SPANISH/ENGLISH INTERCAMBIO De la Frontera: San Roque Club. Malaga. AlCasa Bar, C/Pozo del Rey. Tues FOREIGN RESIDENTS’ ASS. ANDALUCIA 41 CLUBS & EX-ROUND TABLERS THE GOOD COMPANIONS CLUB 9pm until late Tel: 951106311 David. Gibraltar: [email protected] 658426227 Benahavís: Costa del Sol: 952818772 / 627462410 Los Boliches. Tel: Tony White 951661201. INDIAN COMMUNITY 663459103. Nerja: 952529611 / 677090665 [email protected]: LUX MUNDI ECUMENICAL CENTRE CLUB DE BÉISBOL COSTA DEL SOL B.B.C. 952477171 / 627108987 MARBELLA BUSINESS NETWORK MIJAS ARTS CENTRE Torre del Mar: [email protected] 952202940 / 952464468. Mijas THE IMAGE GROUP 952543334.Fuengirola: 952474840 Joe 694442331 [email protected] Classes 952485867, Photographic club. AIKIDO TOMIKI SHODOKAN ROYAL AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION THE SENDERISTAS PATCHWORK AND QUILTING GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS Different levels. Tel: 952131670, Malaga [email protected] Tel:620786772 Costa del Sol, Multi national walking group. TAEKWONDO CLUB Send any corrections or details of new CONSERVATIVES ABROAD COSTA PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY Fighting Dragons Club Benalmádena. Mike clubs by email marked ‘For the clubs THE FIELD CLUB [email protected] 952961735 618149373 page’. [email protected] 6262626262626262 November 17th to 23rd 2017 PASTIMES SUR IN ENGLISH


THE STARS CRYPTIC CROSSWORD Nº 11269 Aquarius January 21 - February 19 This week it is possible to help someone achieve something they should have done a long time ago.

Pisces February 20th – March 20th Feeding the needs of others can take a THE WORDPUZZLER lot of time and effort. Are you ready to take on that extra responsibility?

Aries March 21st – April 20th Romantic decisions and propositions may be put on hold. You really need to be sure of yourself before you involve others.

Taurus April 21st – May 21st Dreams show you a more inspiring future. Why accept the mundane when there are such possibilities? Across Down Gemini May 22nd – June 21st Let your imagination run riot and avoid listening to those who would drag it down to earth.

Cancer INTERNATIONAL RADIO June 22nd – July 23rd Let your heart sing even if it still seems to be a bit out of tune. Is this the way it Talk Radio Europe Spectrum (105.5 FM, Costa is meant to be? Trust your instincts. 105.5 Axarquía Almeria/Mojácar 92.6 FM) 91.5 Costa del Sol East 24 hour music and entertainment Leo 91.9 Costa del Sol West July 24th – August 23rd 98.7 Gibraltar/Sotogrande Radio Mijas (107.7 FM) When it comes to romance and home News, interviews, lifestyle, sport and 3 p.m. News, views and music life, be sure of what you want. Some BBC World Service. decisions made now could be hard to Radio Sol Almijara (99.1 FM) get out of later. Global (93.6 and 96.4FM) Nerja radio in English and German and All week round the clock music and night time World Radio Network Virgo entertainment August 24th - September 23rd Heartfmspain (88.5 FM Costa, 96.1 Put all the energy and ideas into Radio Radio Network (96 and 98.3 FM inland) Music, entertainment, news projects at home and work. Colleagues FM). Music 24 hours. can be inspired to be on your side. Lick FM (103.6 FM Marbella) Central FM (98.6 FM, 103.8) Urban music broadcast between Gibraltar Libra All week, classic tracks and today’s music and Calahonda September 24th - October 23rd broadcast to the Costa del Sol When spotting something wrong, be Rtv Puebla (107.7 FM) sure that you are blaming the correct SUDOKU BY HANZO ACE FM (106.8 FM) Monday evenings, Rock music memories. person. Mixed messages can be Inland radio, news and music 7 - 9pm. email: misunderstood. The Beat fm (106 FM) [email protected] Instructions Complete the 94 21 24 hours, music and entertainment Fb: Radiotelevision Peubla de Cazalla Scorpio square making October 24th – November 22nd sure that every 93 Enthusiasm is spreading for a neat idea row of nine of yours. Just be sure that the finances numbers includes 843 are stacking up OK. all digits from 1 QUIZ to 9, every 12 Sagittarius column includes QUESTION 1 QUESTION 2 November 23rd – December 21st all digits from 1 to 9 and every 3 13 8 Love and home life are taking up much by 3 subsection What was the title of A string quartet time and thought. Even so, make the includes all digits 42 5 9 Madonna’s debut studio traditionally consists of effort to fit in as much as possible. from 1 to 9 album? which four instruments? 65 7 Capricorn 1. Madonna 1. Violin, viola,oboe, cello December 22nd – January 20th 84 Someone who admires you could be 2. True Blue 2. Two Violins, viola, cello giving off the exact opposite signals. 79 3. Like a Virgin 3. Violin, viola, cello, dble bass General chats can help. 4. Rebel Heart 4. Violin, viola, cello, guitar November 17th to 23rd 2017 63 SUR IN ENGLISH PASTIMES


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ANSWERS Clockword solution Language Crossword

Quiz answers

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47296835 1 Of interest: interest: Of American singer Madonna has released 13 studio albums, three three albums, studio 13 released has Madonna singer American

9185647 3921 Answer 1: Answer Madonna.


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BOOK OF THE WEEK THOUGHT FOR THE SUR IN ENGLISH CORNER Mutiple Choice THE WEEK Frequently asked questions Alejandro Zambra One has to do We are often asked a number of used by English-speakers. things about the paper and regu- Why do some press outlets keep Multiple Choice involves the reader larly publish some of the answers, SUR in English under the counter? in language exercises and short nar- something both for long-term readers who This sometimes happens in kiosks rative passages via multiple-choice might have forgotten or indeed which sell Spanish newspapers questions that are thought-provok- new in order never known as well as newer and which have a limited display ing, usually unanswerable, and of- readers who are curious. area. If there is a ‘SUR’ sign, ask ten absurd. It is a new kind of read- to see Where can I get a copy? Super- for SUR in English! ing experience, one where the reader markets,tourism offices, banks, We always like to hear from our participates directly. Humorous, sad, something bars, sports clubs, hotels, book- readers so if you would like to con- and at times, frustrating, Multiple shops, charity shops, SUR offices, tact us with your news or views Choice is about love and family; pri- new kiosks... the list is long because as Email us at vacy and closeness; how society is well as sending large or simply affected by the legacies of the past; quantities to the big- Tweet them to us and the conviction that, rather than GEORG LICHTENBERG ger outlets, we deliver @SUR-English We are learning to think, we are trained to packages to thousands also on Facebook obey and repeat. of establishments @SURin English November 17th to 23rd 2017 Nº 1737 FREE DISTRIBUTION / Reference price: 1.30€ Head office: Avda. Dr. Marañón, 48, 29009, Málaga. Telephone: 952649600. Email: [email protected] Published by Prensa Malagueña, S. A. MA-1279-96 Circulation controlled by PGD/OJD. Advertising: Telephone 952649669 Email: [email protected] U.K. Representative: Global Media Sales Ltd PO Box 1126, Bromley, BR1 9TX Internet address: E-Mail: [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0)20 8464 5577 in English

Reliving the golden age of rock and roll and a subculture that took on the Establishment

A recently published brighter and more confident future. emerging British acts, like The Who, book tells the story of a His recently published book tells the Tom Jones, Dave Clark Five, The Mer- story of a young man bearing witness seybeats, and other groups of the time. young man’s journey into to one of the greatest decades Britain One of the author’s most treasured adulthood and his pursuit ever knew. From his last dayy at school memories was playing on the same of stardom as a musician to supporting someme of the era’s most stage as one of his childhood heroes, iconic groups withth his the wildw man of rock ‘n’ during the 1960s band, The Candles,s, roll, Jerry Lee Lewis. An- Colin recalls thisis otherothe was his first encoun- :: TONY BRYANT exciting periodod ter with The Who, the MALAGA. ‘Thirty campers held af- with the utmostst mostmo outlandish band of ter Wild West battle’ reported the precision. the time. “We were both front page of the Daily Mail on Sat- “I have a veryry on the same bill and urday 5 August 1961. good memory andnd I RoRoger Daltrey asked if Colin Stoddart, now retired and have always hoardedded ththey could use our gear. living in Calahonda, was among the stuff like concertert WWe had just brought young men who were arrested after posters and newspa-spa- nenew amps and a drum a gang fight that took place on St per clippings, so writ- kikit, so we said no: imag- Osyth beach in Clacton. ing the book was not inine our relief when we It was the beginning of a new too hard. The difficulticult sasaw how they treated dawn, one of the most magical eras part was decidingding ttheir instruments, es- in the UK, and Colin had been in- Colin and his book about the music scene of the 60s. :: TONY BRYANT what to leave out,”” the pecialpecially Keith Moon,” Co- volved in the first recorded bank holi- former guitaristt tells lin saysays, laughing as he re- day altercation between the leather- 1943 and was educated at St Edward’s His prevailing love of the guitar SUR in English. calls the incident. clad rockers and the clothes-focused, Church of England School in Rom- and rock ‘n’ roll music had prompted Mods to Rockers tells the tale of a This is a period that Colin remem- young men known as Mods. ford. On leaving school, he went to him to form a group with his friends young man’s journey into adulthood, bers passionately, but by the end of This story is among the many that work for a national high street bank, at school, and so he pursued a paral- his pursuit of stardom, the dawn of the decade he had abandoned his are recalled in Mods to Rockers, a new although his brush with the police lel career over the next eight years a new scene laced with ‘Purple Hearts’, dream and began working in the fash- book available from Amazon, in which in Clacton almost ended his career in while continuing to work in the bank. and the call of the dingy pubs and ion industry. “The youth subculture Colin recounts his experiences in the banking. During this “dark period” Colin and his generation were at clubs of London. Colin relives the of the ‘60s took on the establishment music scene of the 1960s. Colin found solace in being the lead the forefront of a new style, beat and very early years of the British rock ‘n’ and changed the world and I wit- Colin was born in East London in guitarist of a popular local group. ethos that would take Britain into a roll era, sharing a stage with many nessed it all,” Colin says nostalgically.