NORTHWEST COMMISSION NEWSLETTER Northwest—The Heart and Soul of Pasadena

NOVEMBER 2014 Vol. 1, No. 8

Message from the Chair Craig L. Washington, District 3

Greetings and welcome to as the transformation our November newsletter. of a community with a The long awaited Rebirth rich and diverse Pasa- of the Great Northwest dena history. The de- community landscape is velopments will bring underway. The gateway to much needed commu- Northwest Pasadena, Fair nity excitement and Oaks Blvd, will begin to be engagement for a long reshaped after 20 years of underserved demo- stagnation with the funding graphic of our com- approval of Heritage munity, our valued senior citizens and our youth. Left to right: Councilmember Victor Square, a $30 million af- Gordo, NWC Chair Craig L. Washing- fordable Senior Housing The impact of these develop- ton, and Councilmember John Kenne- development and the $8 ments will serve as the renais- dy. (Photo courtesy of Craig Washington) million Robinson Park Rec- sance to begin to bridge the reation Center rehabilita- generational gap between our eas of our City by receiving ex- tion. growing senior community emplary municipal community These are two very im- and our active yet culturally services consistent with our rich portant stepping-stone de- and vocationally starving Gen history, culture and unique velopments that will serve Y and Millennium generations character. You will begin to see who are also in search of qual- infrastructure improvements on ity community recreational Fair Oaks in the form of en- DO YOU HAVE A GREAT resources and affordable hanced street lighting, NORTHWEST STORY? housing. streetscape and pedestrian safe- Newsleer submissions (photos The landscape and economic ty. and editorial) may be sent to the vitality of Fair Oaks Avenue, The residents of the NW must newsleer editor, Sheryl Turner, north of Orange Grove, has Email: SherylTurner@ continue to support and de- long been stagnate and in, or to the NWC office mand the attention and commit- at need of physical and psycho- ment from our City leaders to [email protected]. logical improvement. direct resources and energy to Back Issues of the newsleer are The NW community should the renewal of the Great North- available online at hp:// reflect the prosperity that has west! -Craig L. Washington, been bestowed upon other ar- Chair Newsleers/ NORTHWEST COMMISSION NEWSLETTER Page 2 November 2014


October 1 - Members of the NW Commission toured their respective neigh- borhoods and submitted a comprehensive list of improvements required for their areas to the City of Pasadena offices. Recommendations and observations included such items as unsafe utility lines, sidewalk repairs, damaged traffic lights, pot holes, damaged curbs and ramps, unsafe street gutters, curbs that are not ADA compliant, uneven concrete in bike lanes, and street and side- walk damage.

"Capital Improvement Projects help maintain in good condition the public infrastructure of Northwest Pasadena and improve the quality of life of our residents and businesses. The list of improvements submitted to the City by the Northwest Commissioners will help continue this purpose. Our task is now to monitor these improvements and to make sure they are addressed as soon as possible. We encourage Northwest Pasadena residents and business representatives to submit Capital Improvement projects to the Northwest Commission."

Notice of Public Meeting and Comment Period DEVIL’S GATE RESERVOIR SEDIMENT for Proposed Relocation of REMOVAL/ MANAGEMENT PROJECT Station Post Office Final EIR Community Meetings will be held The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is proposing the to present the findings and results of the FEIR. relocation of Jackie Robinson Station Post Office, Additionally, the project alternative that Pub- 1100 N. Fair Oaks Avenue, to 1355 N. Mentor lic Works recommends to implement will be Avenue, Pasadena CA 91104. If the move to this presented at the following meetings. The rec- location is approved, there would be no change ommended project alternative includes fea- to Post Office Box numbers or ZIP Codes and tures to lessen air quality, traffic and biologi- retail lobby hours and services provided would cal impacts. remain the same. The locations are 1.4 miles apart. Public input on this proposed relocation Sat., Nov 1: 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm, John Muir HS Au- is welcome. Written comments are being accept- ditorium, 1905 Lincoln Avenue ed through November 17, 2014. Please submit Mon., Nov. 3: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, Jackson Ele- written comments to: mentary School Auditorium, 593 W. Woodbury Rd., Altadena Thurs., Nov. 6: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, Descanso Gar- Dean Cameron Facilities- dens Maple Room, 1418 Descanso Dr., La Canada Pacific Area U.S. Postal Service Flintridge. More information available at 1300 Evans Ave. Ste. 200 San Francisco CA 94188-8200 Sheryl Turner, NW Commissioner, District 2; Newsletter Editor Page 3 November 2014


The FAA announced last month that they would take an important role in help- ing to stem disruptive helicopter noise plaguing residents across Los Angeles County. The FAA indicated that it would establish a comprehensive complaint system for helicopter noise operations – the first step necessary to gather data about the extent of the problem and remedies, identify problem helicopter opera- tors, and give residents a systematic way to register their complaints. According to the FAA, the agency will allocate $250,000 to set up the system and acquire a years’ worth of correlated noise complaint data for helicopters – and allow resi- dents the real time capability to file complaints online or by phone and identify those helicopters responsible. “The establishment of a countywide helicopter noise complaint system could be a significant development in our years-long fight to give L.A. residents the relief that they deserve,” said Rep. Schiff. “This move comes on the heels of legislation Senator Feinstein and I authored requiring the FAA to adopt new rules and regulations if they could not achieve meaningful relief through voluntary measures. Collecting this data may give us a benchmark to work from and identify those who lack regard for residents on the ground — and I’m looking forward to working with the operators, homeowners and the FAA to make sure that we meet the urgent need for noise relief.” NORTHWEST COMMISSION NEWSLETTER Page 4 November 2014

YOUTH AMBASSADORS RECEIVE CIVICS LESSON by Tarek Shawky, District 1 Representative

October 19 - I attended an counterparts interact. She not- important to recognize the pos- informal training session re- ed a tendency for female offic- itive and praise an agency garding the law and under- ers to talk through problems when praise is due. Pasadena standing constitutional rights while male officers tend to use is not Ferguson Missouri and of a special meeting of Pasa- force to resolve conflict. we need to recognize that our dena’s Youth Ambassadors at AP Report Gives High Marks department is much more di- the Jackie Robinson Center. to Pasadena Policy Dept. verse and understanding of the In attendance were Pasa- community they serve. Under dena’s Police Chief Phillip The Chief reiterated that differ- the leadership of Chief Sanchez and several uni- ent interpersonal styles exist Sanchez our department has formed PPD officers, along based on gender and diversity. made great gains in communi- with various community He also highlighted the results ty outreach and engagement. leaders including representa- of a recent Associated Press PPD has built trust among lo- tives from the Pasadena Hu- survey that found the Pasade- cal organizations and civic man Relations Commission, na Police Department to be one groups based on their dedica- ACT, NAACP, ACLU, and of the most diverse depart- tion and commitment to our the City of Pasadena. ments in the nation. neighborhoods through rela- Following brief presentations This is significant and should tionship building. on some basic rights and tips be acknowledged within the Policing communities is a when dealing with law en- context of the national debate tricky business and there is al- forcement, the youths and following the Ferguson shoot- ways a fine line between en- guests asked very insightful ing where police departments forcing the law and respecting questions of the Chief and his are being scrutinized for their the boundaries outlined in the staff. The ACLU provided failure to reflect the communi- US Constitution and Bill of printed cards to the Youth ties they serve. Pasadena is an Rights, such as the right to re- Ambassadors outlining some example of what a department main silent and the right to be of their protected constitu- should look like in terms of free from search and seizure. It tional rights. gender and ethnic diversity. is expected that those who up- Also noteworthy is the volun- Mr. Skip Hickambottom hold the law also hold them- teer attendance of the five PPD selves to the same standards asked PPD Det. Carolyn Gor- officers at the Saturday meet- when it comes to respecting don about what seems to be a ing, foregoing personal agen- legal boundaries. It is our re- positive correlation between das in order to serve the com- sponsibility as a community to use of force and male police munity. understand the law and our officers. Det. Gordon spoke rights so that we can properly about the intrinsic differences As a defense attorney I do not assert those rights with confi- between the way she interacts shy away from criticizing our dence while being respectful to and communicates with peo- law enforcement agencies those who’ve earned respect. ple vs. the way her male when criticism is due. It is also Sheryl Turner, NW Commissioner, District 2; Newsletter Editor Page 5 November 2014

Civic Leaders and Pasadena Police build relaonships with City’s Rose Ambassadors, promong understanding of law and constuonal rights for all Pasadena cizens. (Photo courtesy of Tarek Shawky)

PASADENA CITY COUNCIL FIRST IN eligible for early release or county jail sentenc- es. Those with strike offenses or violent priors STATE TO SUPPORT PROP 47 are excluded. The affected code sections are by Tarek Shawky, District 1 Representative limited to drug possession and specific theft October 6 - offenses less than $950.00 such as shoplifting At its regu- and petty theft with a prior. The estimated lar meet- $250 million in annual savings will be invested ing, the in drug rehabilitation, mental health treatment Pasadena and primary education. The proposition di- City Coun- vests money from incarceration and invests in cil consid- communities. Many came to the meeting to ered a staff recommendation to oppose Propo- support the legislation. During the public sition 47 on the November 4 ballot. If passed comment section there were 22 individuals the proposition would reduce six felony charg- and organizations who spoke in favor of Prop es to misdemeanors thereby preventing prison 47. The community took a strong position in sentences for certain non-violent offenders. The support citing the value of rehabilitation over proposition would also allow for those current- incarceration. Proponents included Reverend ly serving prison terms for these offenses to be Ed Bacon of All Saints Church, Vision 20/20, (continued on page 7…) NORTHWEST COMMISSION NEWSLETTER Page 6 November 2014

FOOD DAY PASADENA Celebration at the Pasadena Public Health Department

October 24 - City officials and the public celebrated healthy living with fun activities at Food Day Pasadena, hosted by the Public Health Department. Food Day Pas- adena represents a local movement for healthy, afforda- ble and sustainable food for all residents. Mayor Bo- gaard made opening remarks, which were followed by live entertainment, cooking demonstrations, healthy food tastings, children’s activities and raffle prizes. The festival also featured information booths regarding lo- cal healthy eating, food assistance and urban agricul- ture. A community health forum was held where the public were invited to discuss how to improve access to healthy food options and create healthier Pasadena neighborhoods. The staff reported on the results of a neighborhood assessment called Communities of Excel- lence in Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Pre- vention (CXᶟ). Further information is available from Margarita Aguilar at (626) 744-6163 http://

Clockwise from upper right: Pasadena Police Chief Phillip Sanchez with Reverend Kun Kap Cho, pastor from St. James United Methodist Church; Jose Noel Toro, NW Commissioner District 5 with Mayor ; (Mrs.) Gloria Cooper, Lay Leader, St. James United Methodist Church, with Ralph Peschek, Administrator of Child Nutri- tion, PUSD and Art James, Music Director, St. James United Methodist Church; Mayor Bogaard is interviewed about the issues of hunger and obesity in the Northwest. (Photos courtesy of Sheryl Turner) Sheryl Turner, NW Commissioner, District 2; Newsletter Editor Page 7 November 2014


Department of Public Works staff has begun preparation of the FY 2016 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget. As part of this process, they are seeking ideas and recommendations for new projects that will im- prove the City's public infrastructure in the areas of: streets, transportation, street lights, street lights and electrical system undergrounding, traffic signals, parks, public buildings, parking, sewers, storm drains, the , the Pasadena Center, technology, water system and power facilities. If you have been thinking about new ideas or have seen some needs in the community, this is your opportunity to submit them for re- view. Three criteria to establish the eligibility of a project:

 Does it address a particular safety issue?  Are existing maintenance efforts no longer satisfactory to keep a facility in good repair?  Is the existing facility no longer adequate to meet the demand?

The cost estimate of the proposed project must exceed $50,000, otherwise the item will be considered as part of the operating budget. To submit your suggestions, please go to http://citynet/departments/PublicWorks/ CIP. Feel free to submit more than one idea. However, each idea must be done separately. All new project ideas must be submitted by November 26, 2014. If you have questions, please call Brenda Harvey-Williams at 744-3718 or Phyllis Hallowell at 744-3952.

Prop 47 - continued from page 5 - Progressive Christians Uniting, Pasadena League of Women Voters, Pasadena NAACP, local ACLU chapter and many more. Dr. Jessica Cobb cited the disparate ra- cial impact of the current “justice system” and concerns that invests too much in incar- cerating Black and Latino community members instead of investing in them. Others cited commu- nity efforts such as the Pasadena/Altadena Reintegration Council and how this prop supports those efforts. Council members and Mayor Bogaard indicated that they received calls and emails in support of the Proposition and there seemed to be unanimous support. By the end of the dis- cussion the group voted in favor of Vice Mayor Robinson’s proposal to take a position in support of Prop 47.

That endorsement will be particularly valuable to Northwest Pasadena which will be more signifi- cantly impacted based on demographics. If passed, this proposition will punish minor offenses proportionately and will bring more family members home sooner if their offense was minor and non-violent. Today those addicted to controlled substances find themselves serving lengthy pris- on terms due to recidivism and multiple convictions resulting in felony charges. Those with non- violent felonies battle huge setbacks in employment, housing and government assistance, finding it difficult to succeed because of the heavy consequence of a felony conviction. There are North- west residents who know these challenges and this prop will alleviate a huge burden for many of our families. The Council vote was important but the bigger story is the power of civic engage- ment. After hearing the chorus of community voices supporting the legislation, the Council stood by their constituents and became the first city in the state to publicly support Proposition 47. To witness the impact of civic engagement is a blessing, but the real lesson is that the changes we wish to see in our communities happen when we attend and make our voices heard. Read more about Proposition 47 at NORTHWEST COMMISSION NEWSLETTER Page 8 November 2014


October 25 - More than 50 entries walked their way down Washington Boulevard to La Pintoresca Park in cel- ebration of the 16th Anniversary of the Latino Heritage Parade and Jamaica. Crowds lined the streets to see the pa- rade of City and State elected officials, dancers, charros, marching bands, schools, civic organizations and boxing clubs led by Parade Grand Marshal and WBC Super Welterweight Cham- pion of the World, Mia St. John (right with Mayor Bill Bogaard) and Com- munity Grand Marshal Mrs. Herminia Ortiz, (below) an advocate for social change and justice for Spanish speak- ing communities. Both honorees re- ceived proclamations from the City of Pasadena, presented by the Mayor. Sheryl Turner, NW Commissioner, District 2; Newsletter Editor Page 9 November 2014

Clockwise from left: The Blair School Army JROTC; brother and sister ready to make chili at La Pintoresca Park; the mounted contingent of Charros Unidos; Pasadena YouthBuild student Adrian Castillo and Mia St. John; mothers and children from The Mothers Club. Photos courtesy Chase Turner Pasadena YouthBuild NORTHWEST COMMISSION NEWSLETTER Page 10 November 2014

Left - Grand Mar- shal Mia St. John poses with Villa- Parke Boxing Club parade participants and Boxing Club Instructor/Coach Fausto.

Above: Members of the Villa-Parke Boxing Club dis- play their title belts; Right: Best friends enjoy the fes- tivities at La Pintoresca; Below right: Mia St. John poses with Horace Wormely. Sheryl Turner, NW Commissioner, District 2; Newsletter Editor Page 11 November 2014

Clockwise from top: Pasadena High School NJROTC; Ignacio Her- nandez Mariachi Band; Paris St. John; Ballet Folklorico dancers. NORTHWEST COMMISSION NEWSLETTER Page 12 November 2014

LINCOLN VILLAGE STREET FESTIVAL By Commissioner Allen Shay, District 4

October 25 - Planned by NATHA’s PHAT (Public Health Action Team) and Lincoln Village Planning commit- tee, this year’s 11th Annual Lincoln Village Festival was a joint effort by youths, residents, local businesses, nonprofit organization, and community partners. Residents gathered to meet new faces, have fun and raise money for special activities. Youth scholarships were created from the proceeds. The festival displayed the best of the Northwest community. It had a great turn out with support from local vendors, from Pasadena's various City Departments, In ‘N’ Out as well as many other sponsors. Local dignitaries in attendance included Congresswoman Judy Chu, Mayor Bill Bogaard, Vice-Mayor Jacque Robinson, Councilmember Terry Tornek, City Manager Michael Beck, Police Chief Phillip Sanchez, Battalion Chief Seaton King, PUSD Interim- Superintendent, PUSD Board Member Tyron Hampton, Vice Chair Northwest Commission, Allen Shay, and Northwest Commissioner Michelle Richardson-Bailey. Sheryl Turner, NW Commissioner, District 2; Newsletter Editor Page 13 November 2014

Clockwise Right - Mayor Bogaard, Vice Mayor Jacque Robinson; Con- gresswoman Judy Chu with NATHA Board member Amber Wright; Youth Enterprise booth, Pasadena Police Officers give demonstrations to attendees. NORTHWEST COMMISSION NEWSLETTER Page 14 November 2014

Above - Community member and City Offi- cials thank Lt. John Luna for his commitment to NATHA as a former Board President; youth activities and pottery-making demonstration; Tim Sippel, John Muir High School Principal and PUSD School Board Member Tyron Hampton; (left) Pasadena Teen Idol winner Aysia Smith, Northwest Commission Vice- Chair Allen Shay and Idol contestants; (opposite page) NATHA Youth Volunteers. Sheryl Turner, NW Commissioner, District 2; Newsletter Editor Page 15 November 2014 The City of Pasadena is dedicated to de- livering exemplary municipal services, re- sponsive to our entire community and con- sistent with our history, culture and unique character. NORTHWEST COMMISSION Northwest Commission meetings are held

the second Thursday of each month at the Craig L. Washington, Chair, District 3 Jackie Robinson Center Auditorium, at 6:30 Fernando Serrano, District 1 pm. The address is 1020 North Fair Oaks Tarek Shawky, District 1 Sheryl Turner, District 2 Avenue, Pasadena, 91103. Hilda Delgado, District 3 Bilingual translation will be provided upon Allen Shay, Vice Char, District 4 Cindy Schnuelle, District 5 request within 24 hours of the meeting: call Jose Noel Toro, District 5 (626) 744-4371 (TDD) at least 24 hours in ad- Annette Perry, District 6 vance. Yuan Chen, District 7 Michelle Richardson-Bailey, Mayoral Appointee A petición se proporcionará traducción bilingüe dentro de 24 horas después de la reunión: llame CITY OF PASADENA STAFF Lola Osborne, Northwest Manager al (626) 744-4371 (TDD) al 24 horas por adelan- tado.

Northwest Commission Mission Statement: Advocate to the City Council on Behalf of the Needs of the Northwest Community

CALENDAR OF EVENTS—NOVEMBER STAY CONNECTED Nov. 4 - REMEMBER TO VOTE! Nov. 22 - Better Health, Better Life Nov.11 - Veterans Day at City Fair at Villa-Parke CC, 8:00 am to Stay connected to the City Hall 2:30 pm. of Pasadena! Visit us Nov. 15 - 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. – Nov. 27 - Thanksgiving Holiday online at 4th Annual Adelante Youth Men Dec. 5 - 5:00-7:00 pm Holiday Tree Conference. (PCC, 1570 East Col- Lighting and Celebration; centen-; orado Boulevard). Personal and nial square in front of City Hall, follow us on Twitter professional growth for young 100 N. Garfield; @PasadenaGov, men. Interactive, age- Dec. 13 - Soulful Saturday Film appropriate, educational work- Fest, Jackie Robinson Center shops for middle school and pasadenagov, and like us high school boys. Save the date: January 15, 2015; on Facebook at State of the City, 6 pm, Pasadena Nov. 20 – 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. – Playhouse Theater, 39 S. El Molino. Vision 20/20: PACT Resource cityofpasadena. Fair. (500 East Villa Street). Info Dispose of unwanted firearms and am- [email protected]; Nov. 20 - 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. – munition through the PPD. All types of PUSD: Board of Education Meet- firearms accepted. Call for safe ing. (351 S. Hudson Avenue, transport instructions: 626.744.4241. Room #236).