PRIF Report No. 142 „If they resist, kill them all“: Police Vigilantism in the Philippines Peter Kreuzer the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) 2016 Correspondence to: PRIF Baseler Str. 27–31 D-60329 Frankfurt am Main Telephone: +49(0)69 95 91 04-0 Fax: +49(0)69 55 84 81 E-Mail:
[email protected] Website: ISBN: 978-3-946459-11-8 € 10.00 Summary In May of 2016, Rodrigo Duterte was elected President of the Philippines and inaugurated into office on June 30. During the election campaign he was already focusing on ridding the country of drug-related crime and indicated his willingness to tolerate, if not support, the killing of suspects by the police. After entering office, he officially launched a compre- hensive campaign against drug-related crime that has since cost the lives of several thou- sand suspects. While anonymous vigilantes are responsible for a significant share, if not the majority of these extralegal killings, in four months the police killed more than 1,000 suspects in so-called “legitimate encounters” that were justified as actions carried out in self-defense. This report then looks at a vastly under-researched phenomenon: extrajudicial police vigilantism involving killings by on-duty police officers that are masked as “legitimate encounters” with criminals. It argues that, while the Philippines have a strong tradition of death-squad killings, this has been complemented for a long time by a practice of “social cleansing” that did not make it necessary for agents of the state to deny complicity: official police vigilantism.