The Newsletter of the Philippine College of Surgeons Volume 40 Number 3 •
[email protected]/ • December 2020 1 Marcus Jose B. Brillantes, MD Editor-in-Chief Esperanza R. Lahoz, MD Regent-in-Charge Vietriz PD. Abella, MD Joy Grace G. Jerusalem, MD Marwin Emerson V. Matic, MD Peter Raymund M. Quilendrino, MD Jose Benito A. Abraham, MD Tamarah P. Cristobal, MD Members Nelson P. Cayno Emma V. Infante Editorial Assistants Incisions, the PCS newsletter, is a triannual publication of the Philippine College of Surgeons, 992 EDSA, Quezon City 1005, Tel. No. 928-1083. Comments and feedback indicating the writer’s full name, address, contact numbers and e-address are welcome. Letters to the editor may be edited for reasons of clarity and space. E-mail to pcs_1936 In This Issue 15 76th Annual Clinical Congress On the PCS 84th Foundation 16 Celebration 84 FOR 84: A Cycling Tribute 18 to the PCS 19 Cutting: The Surgeon Warrior 39 Mirror’d To Be or Not To Be? That is The 41 Surgeon’s Question 43 2020 Inductees Candidates for the 2020 PCS 44 Board of Regents Regulars EDITORIAL 3 Annus Horribilis 5 FROM THE PRESIDENT ACROSS THE BOARD 7 LOGIN ASSOCIATION NEWS To Login, simply enter your PCS number and the VOTERID sent to you and click 21 the LOGIN button. 31 CHAPTER NEWS If you have difficulties logging in, please contact the Secretariat 09176200280. On the Cover Dr. Ricky Riego de Dios or R2D2 as he is called by friends, is a General and Laparoscopic Surgeon from Mariveles, Bataan and currently practicing at La Consolacion University Hospital, ACE Medical Center Baliuag, Castro Maternity Hospital and Medical Center and Our Lady of Mercy General Hospital in Bulacan.