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PROJECT 2015.Pdf 1 DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER AND MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION, TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +381 11 3616 435 2 Dear all, You have before you the new book of infrastructural projects in Serbia of total value of 14.7 billion Euros. Some of the projects are currently in progress and now you have a chance to get acquainted with the latest projects that will be carried out in the future period of time. When we finish our work related to the projects, we will have before us a different, more modern, more successful and more organized country that will be fully incorporated into the infrastructure of the European Union. The finalization of the projects from the area of railways, roads, waterborne transport and air transport will mean that Serbia has fulfilled its mission and become an integral part of Europe. For the first time you have in front of you projects that will be carried out in very important areas of gender equality and projects for a more complete and more thorough Roma integration in Serbia. This is why these projects represent 'the strength and soul' of our country. You now have a chance to participate in these projects and take part in the creation of a new page in our history book. I invite you to be our partners in the creation of modern European Serbia. We build all our roads, railways, airports and ports so that other nations of Europe can meet the culture and tradition of Serbia, meet the magnificent soul of our country and our people. That is why we have given you a part of our soul in the new book of projects through the motives and details from our national costumes that Serbia is famous for. It is a part of our history our ancestors bequeathed to us so that we can hand it down to our grandchildren. We do all this for future generations to whom we wish to leave a better and a more successful country. We hope to be remembered by that. That is why I invite you to build European Serbia together with us as our partners. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Professor PhD Zorana Mihajlovic 3 PRINT: MILITARY PRINTIG OFFICE “BEOGRAD” 4 Table of contents ONGOING PROJECTS ........................................................................................................................ 7 CHAIRED BY THE DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER GENDER EQUALITY.......................................... 9 CHAIRED BY THE DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER SOCIAL INCLUSION AND POVERTY REDUCTION UNIT .................................................................................................... 13 ROAD TRANSPORT, ROADS AND TRAFFIC SAFETY..................................................................... 21 RAILWAYS AND INTERMODAL TRANSPORT................................................................................. 35 WATER TRANSPORT AND NAVIGATION SAFETY......................................................................... 65 AIR TRAFFIC........................................................................................................................................... 75 MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE......................................................................................................... 81 PLANNED PROJECTS.......................................................................................................................... 91 CHAIRED BY THE DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER GENDER EQUALITY.......................................... 93 CHAIRED BY THE DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER SOCIAL INCLUSION AND POVERTY REDUCTION UNIT .................................................................................................... 109 ROAD TRANSPORT, ROADS AND TRAFFIC SAFETY..................................................................... 113 RAILWAYS AND INTERMODAL TRANSPORT................................................................................. 129 WATER TRANSPORT AND NAVIGATION SAFETY......................................................................... 171 AIR TRAFFIC........................................................................................................................................... 191 CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS AND CONSTRUCTION SITES, SPATIAL PLANNING, URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING .......................................................................................... 215 INSPECTIONAL SUPERVISION............................................................................................................ 237 MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE......................................................................................................... 245 5 6 ONGOING PROJECTS 7 8 Chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister Gender Equality 9 10 RESPONSIBLE Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs PARTY: COORDINATION BODY FOR GENDER EQUALITY; UNDP; SIDA; PARTNERS NGO sector in Serbia The introduction of the National SOS telephone line for women who have PROJECT NAME: experienced gender-based violence • The Law on Gender Equality STRATEGIC/ • The Law on Social Protection LEGAL • FRAMEWORK: The National Strategy on Gender Equality for the period from 2016 to 2020 • The Istanbul Convention PROJECT Institutionalized support to the victims of gender-based violence; the IMPORTANCE: elimination of violence against women PROJECT STATUS: In progress INVESTMENT 50 million RSD per year VALUE: PROJECT START The end of 2015 DATE: PROJECT END The beginning of 2016 DATE: FUNDING SOURCE: Donations • Adoption of the Regulation is the first and the most important step in the process of establishing a national SOS telephone line. • Cooperation with UNDP has been established on this project. Swedish agency SIDA approved the continuation of the UNDP project ''Integrated response to gender-based violence,” the most essential component of which is the introduction of an SOS telephone line. PROJECT • DESCRIPTION: The process of introducing a national SOS telephone line includes the following activities: 1. Adoption of the Regulation on standards for providing SOS telephone service 2. Defining the service provider 3. Determining funding source 11 12 Chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit 13 14 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Government of the Republic of Serbia, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister PROJECT NAME: Introduction of the Gender Equality Index for the Republic of Serbia Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction, Transport IMPLEMENTING and Infrastructure, Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit, Statistical PARTNERS: Office of the Republic of Serbia. • STRATEGIC/ LEGAL Constitution of the Republic of Serbia; BASIS: • Law on Gender Equality; Anti-Discrimination Law. Gender Equality Index represents a powerful tool to track the advancement in gender equality. Introducing the Index to the Republic of Serbia will allow relevant institutions to track and consequently plan the PROJECT improvement of gender equality in the Republic of Serbia. The Gender IMPORTANCE: Equality Index is one of the most important instruments for policy enhancement from the perspective of gender equality in the process of EU integration that will allow comparative analysis between the Republic of Serbia and EU member states. The Gender Equality Index for the Republic of Serbia was calculated on PROJECT STATUS: 16 November 2015. Serbia’s GEI is 39.29. INVESTMENT VALUE: 20,000 EUR PROJECT START October 2014 DATE: PROJECT END DATE: Expected end date: 15 January 2016. SOURCE OF SIPRU, Institute for Gender Equality FUNDING: • The reason for the introduction of the Gender Equality Index lies in the fact that global indexes cover indicators that are not always relevant for the European context, including the UN gender equality indexes which are not comprehensive; in addition, there is a lack of available data and global indicators put their emphasis on women. In comparison, the Gender Equality Index highlights gender equality (as men can be in statistically worse positions in many areas); finally, some new indicators were introduced, such as time use. • The Gender Equality Index covers eight areas: labour, money, knowledge, power, health, time and two sub-areas: violence and PROJECT intersecting inequalities. DESCRIPTION: • The Index ranges from 1, representing gender inequality, to 100, representing total gender equality, and is calculated on the basis of a combination of statistical data from the abovementioned areas. • It is assumed that it is possible to calculate this index for Serbia on the basis of the available data which will influence creation of policies with the aim to improve gender equality on the basis of the needs expressed by this index, as well as to enable comparability with EU member states in order to exchange and implement the examples of good practices. • The sources from which the data was gathered were the following: LFS, Earnings survey, SILC, Quality of Life, DG Justice – Women and men in decision making, Education statistics, demographic – life expectancy. 15 RESPONSIBLE Government of the Republic of Serbia, Office of the Deputy Prime PARTY: Minister PROJECT NAME: Gender Equality in the process of IPA programming and monitoring in Serbia IMPLEMENTING Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction, Transport PARTNERS: and Infrastructure, Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Issues, Office for Human and Minority Rights, Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit • There is a growing body of international laws and standards enshrined in the Convention on the Elimination of All
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