Curriculum Vitae, bio and publications 25 April 2018

Simon Marginson BA hons, PhD (Melb), Hon D Social Sciences (Lingnan, Hong Kong), FAcSS, FASSA, FACE, FACEL

1. Personal details 2

2. Bio 3

3. Principal scholarship 5

4. Honours and awards 6

5. Professional and public activities 7

6. Teaching and research degree supervision 12

7. Funded research projects 14

8. Papers and publications Books 18 Chapters 20 Fully refereed journal articles 27 Encyclopedia, textbook and handbook chapters/entries 32 Reviews and review essays 32 Other articles 34 Papers in published conference proceedings 36 Conference and seminar papers outside UK/Australia 38 Conference and seminar papers in UK/Australia 48 Working papers and monographs 60

9. Published media articles 61


1. Personal Details

Name/title: (Dr. & Professor) Simon William Marginson

Contact details Home: 75 Brent Way, London, N3 1AR, United Kingdom phone: +44-(0) 7876323949 (mobile) Work: UCL Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL, United Kingdom e-mail [email protected]

Academic qualifications 1974 B.A. (hons.), University of Melbourne 1996 PhD, University of Melbourne

Appointments Oct. 2013-: Professor of International Higher Education, UCL Institute of Education, University College London (continuing) Oct. 2013-: Hon. Professorial Fellow, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne Nov. 2015-: Director, ESRC/HEFCE Centre for Global Higher Education (funded by UK government for 2015-2020) located at UCL Institute of Education Sept. 2018 Professor of Higher Education, University of Oxford

Previous appointments Mar. 1978- May 1980: Education Research Officer, Australian Union of Students May 1980- Jan. 1982: Assistant Secretary (Research), Vic. Secondary Teachers’ Association Jan. 1982- Feb. 1988: Research Officer, Australian Teachers' Federation/ Union Feb. 1988- Oct. 1991: Research Officer, Federated Australian University Staff Associations Oct. 1991- Dec. 1992: seconded to the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne as Senior Research Fellow Jan. 1993- Nov. 1997: Senior Lecturer, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne Nov. 1997- Jun. 1998: Reader & Associate Professor, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne July 1998-Feb. 2000: Reader, Faculty of Education, July 1999-June 2006 Director, Monash Centre for Research in International Education Feb. 2000-June 2006: Professor, Personal Chair in Education, Monash University (tenured) July 2006-Oct. 2013: Professor of Higher Education, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne (tenured) June 2009-Oct.2009: Visiting Professor, Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University, Japan Sept.-Oct. 2014-: Visiting Professor, Center for Studies in Higher Education, University of California, Berkeley


2. Bio

Specialisations • Higher education, including policy and system organization • International and comparative higher education, in the context of globalisation • International students, international and intercultural education • Educational and social theory

Professor Simon Marginson is Professor of International Higher Education at the UCL Institute of Education, University of London, UK. He is also Director of the ESRC/HEFCE Centre for Global Higher Education, based at the Institute. He was Professor of Higher Education in the Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE) at the University of Melbourne, Australia, from July 2006 until October 2013, and is now an Honorary Professorial Fellow of the University of Melbourne CSHE. Simon Marginson is Editor-in-Chief of Higher Education. He specializes primarily in higher education, and comparative and international education in the context of globalization, being one of the world’s most highly cited social science researchers in these fields. In 2014 he was the Clark Kerr Lecturer on higher education at the University of California.

Academic career: For the first 15 years of his professional career Simon was policy research officer for the unions representing tertiary students, school teachers, and academic staff in higher education in Australia. He was Senior Lecturer and later Associate Professor/Reader at the Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne (1993-1998). He completed a PhD in the Faculty of Education in 1996 and was awarded the ’s Prize for the outstanding thesis in the social sciences, arts and humanities. He joined the Monash University Faculty of Education as Reader in 1998 and was appointed to a Personal Chair in 2000, directing the Monash Centre for Research in International Education 1999-2006, and editing the Australian Journal of Education from 2000-2005. In 2002 Simon was awarded an Australian Research Council (ARC) Professorial Fellowship. He returned to the University of Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education as Professor of Higher Education in July 2006. In 2011 he became one of the Co-ordinating Editors of Higher Education, in 2013 he became joint Editor- in-Chief with Jussi Valimaa from Finland and in 2017 sole Editor-in-Chief. Between 1995 and 2013, Simon held continuous Australian Research Council (ARC) large grants for basic research. In Australia he was awarded over £1.1 million in national competitive grants and £1.8 million in all research project funding. On 28 October 2013 Simon became Professor of International Higher Education at the UCL Institute of Education (IOE) at University College London. In July 2014 he was elected to Academia Europaea. In February 2015 the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) awarded £4.9 million to establish a Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE) led by Simon Marginson: in November 2017 the Centre included five UK and eight international partner universities, 16 projects and 35 collaborative researchers. In November 2017 he received the honorary degree of Doctor of Social Sciences from in Hong Kong SAR. In April 2018 he was conferred as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in the UK. In September 2018 Simon takes up an appointment as Professor of Higher Education in the Department of Education at the University of Oxford in the UK.

Scholarship: Simon works in political economy and sociology while drawing on history and political and social theory. He moves between observation-based qualitative research (mostly using semi-structured interviews and contextualized case studies) and conceptual inquiry. He is working on a series of books and papers designed to theorize, synthesize and explain higher 4 education, especially its global dimension. Currently he is working on (a) a comparative study of national approaches to higher education and public good, (b) similarities and differences between Sinic and Anglo-American political cultures and the manifestations and potentials in higher education and research, (c) the consequences of and responses to Brexit in UK higher education, (d) international education and migration policy, (e) synthetic theorisations of ‘Higher education’, and ‘Higher education and globalization’.

Ideas: Simon Marginson has developed new concepts, and applications of concepts, that have been taken up more broadly in higher education studies. These include the ‘glonacal’ (global/ national/ local) positionality of agency in higher education published with Gary Rhoades in 2002; the ‘Post-Confucian Model’ of higher education in 2011 developed to explain the dynamism of higher education and science in East Asia; and the notion of higher education as a process of ‘self-formation’, combining economic and non-economic practices, first published in relation to international education in 2014. His application of Fred Hirsch’s (1976) theorisation of positional competition to education, including global competition; his adaptation for higher education of the notion of global public goods developed by the UNDP (Kaul, et al., 1999); and the notion of international student security (2010) developed with Chris Nyland, drawing on the UNDP concept of human security, have also entered the literature.

Principal books: In the 1990s Simon worked primarily on problems of national policy, education as a positional good, new public management reform and market relations in education, publishing Education and Public Policy in Australia (1993), Markets in Education (1997), Educating Australia (1997), and The Enterprise University (with Mark Considine, 2000). In 1998 he began to work on globalisation and higher education, culminating in International Student Security with Chris Nyland, Erlenawati Sawir and Helen Forbes-Mewett (2010); Creativity in the Global Knowledge Economy (2009), Global Creation (2010) and Imagination (2010) with Peter Murphy and Michael Peters; Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific (2011, with Sarjit Kaur and Erlenawati Sawir); and The Handbook on Higher Education and Globalization (2011, Roger King and Rajani Naidoo). His Clark Lectures on US higher education were published as The Dream is Over: The crisis of Clark Kerr’s California Idea of higher education (2016) and he has also published Higher Education and the Common Good (2016) on higher education, social inequality and public goods. Four books have been translated into Chinese. His more than 300 journal articles, review essays and chapters include papers in Comparative Education Review, Educational Theory, Thesis Eleven, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Cambridge Journal of Education, Higher Education, Journal of Higher Education, Studies in Higher Education, Frontiers of Education in China, Peking Education Review.

Other activities: Simon contributes to community, industry and professional organisations and is a regular public and media commentator on higher education. He has prepared many policy studies and reports, for eight national governments, OECD and the European Commission. He is a Board Member of the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers in Europe, a member of El Seminario de Educacion Superior de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, has an advisory role in the Peking University Graduate School of Education, and is active in the Association for Studies in Higher Education in the United States. He currently serves on the Advisory Committee of the Academic Ranking of World Universities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. From November 2017, he is Co-Chair of the UK Parliament-based Higher Education Commission’s Inquiry into the Education Export industry in the UK.


3. Principal scholarship: Google Scholar citation data 10 March 2018 h-index: 59

BOOK The Enterprise University: Power, governance and reinvention in Australia Cambridge UP 2012 [WITH MARK CONSIDINE] (2000) BOOK Markets in Education Allen and Unwin (1997) 1002

JOURNAL PAPER Dynamics of national and global competition in higher education, Higher 969 Education 52 (1), 1-39 (2006) BOOK Education and Public Policy in Australia Cambridge UP (1993) 791

JOURNAL PAPER Beyond national states, markets and systems of higher education, Higher 783 Education, 43 (3), 281-309 [WITH GARY RHOADES] (2002) POLICY PAPER AND CHAPTER Globalisation and higher education, OECD [WITH MARIJK VAN DER WENDE] 596 (2007, 2009) JOURNAL PAPER To rank or to be ranked: The impact of global rankings, J. Studies in International 501 Education [WITH MARIJK VAN DER WENDE] (2007) JOURNAL PAPER Loneliness and international students, J. Studies in International Education, 12 (2), 494 148-180 [WITH ERLENAWATI SAWIR, ANNA DEUMERT, CHRIS NYLAND & GABY RAMIA] (2008) BOOK Educating Australia: Government, economy and citizen since 1960, Cambridge UP (1997) 437

JOURNAL PAPER Rethinking academic work in the global era, J. Higher Education Policy and 396 Management, 22 (1), 23-35 (2000) JOURNAL PAPER The public/private divide in higher education: A global revision, Higher Education, 350 53 (3), 307-333 (2007) JOURNAL PAPER After globalisation: Emerging politics of education, J. Education Policy, 14 (1), 19- 341 31 (1999) JOURNAL PAPER Competition and markets in higher education: A ‘glonacal’ analysis, Policy Futures 316 in Education, 2 (2), 175-244 (2004) JOURNAL PAPER Global field and global imagining: Bourdieu and worldwide higher education, 267 British J. of Sociology of Education, 29 (3), 303-315 (2008) BOOK International Student Security Cambridge UP [WITH CHRIS NYLAND, ERLENAWATI SAWIR AND HELEN 265 FORBES-MEWETT] (2010) JOURNAL PAPER Higher education in East Asia and Singapore: Rise of the Confucian model, Higher 258 Education, 61 (5), 587-611 (2011) JOURNAL PAPER Higher education and public good, Higher Education Quarterly, 65 (4), 411-433 235 (2011) JOURNAL PAPER National and global competition in higher education, The Australian Educational 215 Researcher, 31 (2), 1-28 (2004) JOURNAL PAPER Global university rankings: Implications in general and for Australia, J. Higher 208 Education Policy and Management 29 (2), 131-142 (2007) JOURNAL PAPER Global position and position-taking: The case of Australia, J. Studies in 206 International Education, 11 (1), 5-32 (2007) JOURNAL PAPER Nation-building universities in a global environment: The case of Australia, Higher 193 Education, 43 (3), 409-428 (2002) JOURNAL PAPER “The door opens and the tiger leaps”, Comparative Education Review, 45 (4), 581- 182 615 [WITH MARCELA MOLLIS] (2001) 6

4. Honours and awards

1994: Fellow Australian College of Education 1997: The Chancellor's Prize for excellence in the doctoral thesis, and the Harbison- Higinbotham Research Scholarship, University of Melbourne [awarded to the outstanding PhD thesis of 1996 in humanities and social sciences] 1997: Australian Association for Educational Research award for the outstanding doctoral thesis in the field of education [shared] 1997: John Smyth Memorial Lecture, Vic. Institute of Educational Research 2000: Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences, Australia 2001: Outstanding Publications Award of the American Educational Research Association Division J, for 2000 (with Mark Considine) 2002: George Z. F. Bereday award for the best journal article of 2001, Comparative and International Education Society (with Marcela Mollis, University of Buenos Aires) 2002: ARC Australian Professorial Fellow for 2003-2007 2004: Honorary Fellow, Society for Research into Higher Education, UK 2007: Fellow of the Australian College of Educational Leaders 2008: Woodward medal in Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Melbourne, ‘in recognition of an exceptional contribution to knowledge in the field’, for research published in 2003-2007 on higher education and globalization’. The University’s rules state: ‘The Woodward Medal is awarded annually for research … that is considered to have made the most significant contribution by a member of staff to knowledge in a field of humanities or social sciences’. 2010: Critics Choice Award from the American Educational Studies Association (AESA) for the 2010 book Imagination: Three models of the imagination in the age of the knowledge economy (Peter Murphy, Michael Peters and Simon Marginson). 2011: Melbourne Education Research Institute Research Institute Staff Research Award, ‘for an outstanding research record by a staff member’, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne 2011:- Article ‘Global field and global imagining: Bourdieu and worldwide higher education’, in British Journal of Sociology of Education in 2008, named by Routledge/ Taylor and Francis as a highly cited article in Education in 2010. 2011: Award for Distinguished Contribution to International Education, Australian International Education Conference, Adelaide 2013: Article ‘Higher education in East Asia and Singapore: Rise of the Confucian model’, published in Higher Education in 2011, named best article on comparative and international education, by the Comparative and International Education Society’s Higher Education Special Interest Group (SIG) 2014: Member of the Academia Europaea (the Academy of Europe), which includes leading scholarly experts in all intellectual fields. 2014: Clark Kerr Lecturer, University of California – first non-American so honoured 2014: Research Achievement Award, Association for Studies in Higher Education, United States – first non-American so honoured 2017: Honorary degree, Doctor of Social Sciences, Lingnan University Hong Kong 2018: Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS), United Kingdom


5. Professional and Public Activities

Membership of learned societies and academic organizations 1989-: Australian Association for Research in Education, Australia 1991-: Australian College of Education, Australia 1997-: Comparative and International Education Society, USA 1998-: American Educational Research Association, USA 1998-: Association for Studies in Higher Education, USA 2004-: Society for Research into Higher Education, UK 2005-: El Seminario de Educacion Superior de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico [the of Mexico, Mexico City] 2012-: Consortium of Higher Education Researchers, Europe

Advisory panels 2010-: Advisory Committee, Center for International Higher Education, Peking University 2010-2012: Blue Ribbon Panel on Global Engagement, American Council on Education 2011-: ARWU [Academic Ranking of World Universities] International Advisory Board, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Graduate School of Education 2011-2013: Advisory Committee, Global Forum on Indian Higher Education, Melbourne 2016: Associate, Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change, University of Glasgow 2018: External Advisory Board, Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES), University of Porto, Portugal

Editorial functions 1989-: member of Editorial Board of Australian Universities Review (Chair of Editorial Board 1995-2000) 1990-2000:- Advisory Editor, Australian Journal of Education 2000-2005: Editor, Australian Journal of Education 2000-: member of Editorial Board of Journal of South East Asian Education 2001-: member of Editorial Board of Journal of Education and Work 2017-: Editor-in-Chief, Higher Education (Board member 2005-2011, Coordinating Editor 2011-2012, Joint Editor-in-Chief 2013-2017) 2005-: member of Editorial Board of Higher Education Quarterly 2005-: Commissioning Editor, Thesis Eleven 2006 member of Advisory Board, ASHE Reader on Comparative Education 2006-2008: Associate Editor, Comparative and International, Handbook of Higher Education 2006-: member Editorial Advisory Panel, Critical Studies in Education 2007-: member, Editorial Board, Higher Education Policy 2008-: member, Editorial Advisory Board, Asia-Pacific Journal of Education 2008-2012: member, Editorial Board, Journal of Higher Education 2009-: member, Editorial Advisory Board, Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice 2010-2013: member, Board of Editorial Advisors, Educational Researcher 2010-: - member, Editoral Committee, Dialogue, published by the Academy of Social Sciences Australia 8

2011-:- member, Editorial Board of The Journal of Management and Policy in Higher Education, published by the Department of University Management and Policy at the Graduate School of Education at the University of Tokyo (Japan) 2011-: member, Editorial Advisory Board, Evaluation in Higher Education (Taiwan) 2011-: member, International Editorial Board, The Journal of Global Studies in Education 2012-: member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Studies in International Education 2012-: member, Editorial Board, Qualitative Research in Education [bilingual journal in English and Spanish published in Segovia, Spain] 2013-: member, Editorial Board, Higher Education in Asia (book series published by Springer) 2013-: Joint Editor, Global Studies in Higher Education book series (published by Palgrave Macmillan) 2014-: member, Editorial Board, British Journal of Sociology of Education 2014-: member, Editorial Advisory Board, International Educator 2014-2016: Advisory Editor, Oxford Bibliographies in Education 2016-: member, Advisory Board, Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction 2017-: Joint Editor, International Higher Education book series (published by Sage) 2017-: Editor, Higher Education Research book series (published by Bloomsbury Academic) 2018-: member, Editorial Board, ECNU Review of Education (East China Normal University, China) 2018-: member, Editorial Board, Tsinghua Journal of Education

Editing of special issues of journals MARGINSON, S. - Australian Journal of Education, ‘Education and markets’, 43 (3) (1999) MARGINSON, S. and PETERS, M. - Access: critical perspectives on cultural and policy studies in education, on ‘Universities in the 21st century’, 18 (2) (1999) MARGINSON, S. and RAMSDEN, P. - Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 22 (1) (2000) MARGINSON, S. – Leading and Managing, on higher education (2000) MARGINSON, S. (ed.) Globalisation and higher education – views from the South, SRHE International News, No. 46, November, published by the UK Society for Research on Higher Education (2001) MARGINSON, S. and PETERS, M. - Journal of Education Policy Futures, special issue on ‘University Futures’, 2 (2) (2004) MARGINSON, S. - Thesis Eleven 96, special issue on the university and creativity (2009) MARGINSON, S. and HUANG, F. – International Journal of Educational Development [TBA]

Professional service activities n.e.i. 1999-2001: Associate Dean (Research) Monash University member, Monash University Research Committee 2001: Report on the prospective development of the Faculty of Education, RMIT University, for Vice-Chancellor 2002: Review and evaluation of the Faculty of Education, of Technology, for Vice-Chancellor 2003-2006-: Member of Committee for the Internationalisation of the Curriculum, Monash University 9

2004-2005: Chair International Forum, Association for Studies in Higher Education (ASHE) 2005-: Member of Families and Social Capital ESRC Research Group international e-advisory group, UK 2007-: Member of Research and Publications Committee, International Education Association of Australia 2012-2015: Member, Books Editorial Board, American Educational Research Association 2014- Member of Board of Governors, Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (Europe) 2018-: European Science Foundation College of Expert Reviewers 2018-: Advisory Board, Comparative and International Education Society SIG on ‘Study Abroad and International Students’

Provision of sundry examination and advice concerning individual cases for promotion/ tenure 2003: University of Maryland (USA) 2005: (China), University of Bath (UK) 2006: University of Hong Kong (China), University of Virginia (USA), (Australia) 2008: University of Arizona (USA) 2010: University of British Columbia (Canada), York University (Canada) 2011: University of Sydney, Purdue University (USA) 2012: University of Hong Kong (China), University of California, Berkeley (USA) 2013: University of Sydney (Australia) 2014: University of Bath (UK), University of Arizona (USA), University of California Los Angeles (USA), University of California Berkeley (USA) 2015: Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) 2017: Michigan State University (USA), Monash University (Australia), Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel), Tsinghua University (China)

Public and governmental posts 1984: member of Australian government delegation to OECD inter-governmental conference ‘Education and new technologies’, Paris 1988: member of Australian governmental delegation to OECD Ministerial conference ‘Education and the economy in a changing society’, Paris 2000: member of Victorian government review committee on ‘Public Education: the next generation’ 2000: member of Victorian government committee to review policies and procedures concerning the accreditation of higher education institutions and courses 2002: member of Victorian government committee on university governance 2002-2006: member of Victorian Auditor-General’s Advisory Committee on Education 2006-2007: member and OECD rapporteur, international panel of review, OECD Thematic Review of Tertiary Education in the Netherlands 2008: member of Victorian government taskforce on international education 2009-2010 member Australian Government Taskforce on Performance Indicators in Higher Education 10

2012-2013: Chair of Expert Working Group, ACOLA Securing Australia’s Future program, Project on ‘STEM: Country comparisons’ 2017-2018: Co-Chair, Higher Education Commission, UK Parliament, Inquiry into Education Export


Policy-related reports and project monographs MARGINSON, S. - Arts, science and work: work-related skills and the generalist courses in higher education, Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET), Australian Government Publishing Service (AGPS), Canberra, x + 226 pp. (1993) MARGINSON, S. - Generic competencies in the ‘generalist’ courses in higher education. DEET Higher Education Division Occasional Paper, No. 4, 8pp. (1993) MARGINSON, S. - The transfer of skills and knowledge from higher education to work. Prepared for Higher Education Council, 26pp. (1994) McINNIS, C. & MARGINSON, S. - Australian law schools after the 1987 Pearce report, Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET), AGPS, Canberra, viii + 502 pp. (1994) COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Nursing education in Australian universities, Commonwealth of Australia, AGPS, Canberra, executive summary 30pp. + main report xxxxiv + 419pp. (1994) MARGINSON, S., MARTIN, R. & WILLIAMSON, J. - Education Nation, Australian Education Union, Canberra, 48 pp. (1995) GOLDING, B., MARGINSON, S. & PASCOE, R. - Changing context, moving skills: Generic skills in the context of credit transfer and the recognition of prior learning, National Board of Employment, Education and Training, AGPS, Canberra, xi + 116+xi (1996) MARGINSON, S. – The changing nature and organisation of work, and the implications for vocational education and training in Australia, Issues paper and Annotated Bibliography, National Council for Vocational Education Research, Adelaide (1999) KEMMIS, S., MARGINSON, S., PORTER, P. & RIZVI, F. – Enhancing diversity in Australian higher education, University of Western Australia (1999) MARGINSON, S. – The role of government in training, paper prepared for the State Training Board review of contestability, Melbourne (2000) CONSIDINE, M., MARGINSON, S. & SHEEHAN, P. – The comparative performance of Australia as a knowledge nation, Chifley Research Centre, Canberra (2001) MARGINSON, S. – Pathways to failure: The educational disadvantage of children from low- income families, The Ronald Henderson research Foundation, Melbourne (2002) MARGINSON, S. & McBURNIE, G. – Cross-border post-secondary education in the Asia-Pacific region, for OECD, Internationalisation and Trade in Higher Education, OECD, Paris, pp. 137- 204 (2004) MARGINSON, S. & VAN DER WENDE, M. - Globalisation and Higher Education, Education Working Paper Number 8, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, Paris, 6 July (2007). Downloaded 9 July 2007 at: MARGINSON, S., WEKO, T., CHANNON, N., LUUKKONEN, T. & OBERG, J. – Thematic Review of Tertiary Education: The Netherlands, country note, Directorate of Education, Education and Training Policy Division, OECD, Paris, OECD (2007) JAMES, R., BEXLEY, E., DEVLIN, M. & MARGINSON, S. – Australian University Student Finances 2006: Final report of a national survey of students in public universities, Report prepared for Universities Australia, Melbourne, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne (2007) BEXLEY, E., MARGINSON, S. & WHEELAHAN, L – Social capital in theory and practice: The contribution of Victorian tertiary education in the ‘new economy’ disciplines of business studies and IT, monograph prepared for the Office of Higher Education, Government of Victoria (2008). Access: MARGINSON, S. - Preliminary submission, Review of Higher Education, Australia, 21 April (2008) 12

MARGINSON, S. – The External Dimension: Positioning the European Higher Education Area in the global higher education world, prepared for European Commission EHEA Bologna 2020 conference, Ghent, 19-20 May (2008). MARGINSON, S. – The global position of Australian higher education to 2020, paper prepared for the Review of Higher Education, Australia. Summary & Full Reports, 28 August (2008). MARGINSON, S. - Marginson, S. - A funny thing happened on the way to the K-economy. The new world order in higher education: Research rankings, outcomes measures and institutional classifications, plenary paper to annual conference of the OECD Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE) program, Paris, 8-10 September (2008). Access: 10%20Sept%202008%20Marginson.pdf MARGINSON, S., TYTLER, R., FREEMAN, B. & ROBERTS, K. - STEM: Country comparisons. Report for Australian Council of Learned Academies (2013). Melbourne: 179 pp 13

6. Teaching and Research Degree Supervision

Coursework Teaching programs 1992-1995: M Ed lectures/seminars in higher education studies, University of Melbourne CSHE (shared teaching and assessment) 1998-2002: M Ed flexible on-line delivery unit ‘Globalisation and Education’, Monash Faculty of Education (shared teaching 1998, coordination/ unit development/ shared teaching and assessment 1999-2002) M Ed flexible on-line delivery unit ‘International Education Markets’, Monash University Faculty of Education (sole coordination/ unit development/ teaching and assessment 1999-2002) Coordination of all teaching and course/unit development in the Monash International Education program (1999-2002) M Ed classroom seminar-based unit ‘Policy and Management in Tertiary Education’ (sole unit coordination/ unit development/ teaching and assessment 1999-2002) Shared teaching responsibilities in sundry other units: Winter School (2000-2002), ‘Exploring International Education in Asia and the Pacific’ (2000-2001), ‘Leadership and organisation’ (2000) 2010-2012: MTEM, LH Martin Institute (shared responsibility) 2014: MBA (Higher Education Management), Institute of Education, University College London (shared responsibility)

Other teaching and examination-related activities 1995-: sundry examination of PhD, EdD and Masters theses 1996-: lectures/ seminars/ teaching in 72 different universities in Australia (16), UK (14), USA (9), Japan (8), New Zealand (5), Canada (3), China (4), Vietnam (2), South Korea (2), Chile (2), Hong Kong SAR (1), Mexico (1), Argentina (1), South Africa (1), Norway (1), Netherlands (1), Russia (1)

Research degree completions and topics U. Melb: Kay Daniels: Philosophy of distance education (PhD, 1999) Mardi Robinson: Transfer of nurse education (PhD, 2000) Monash U: John Duncan: Restructuring of Monash University (EdD, 2001) Kevin Ryland: The role of reputation in choice-making about international education (M Ed Research, 2001) Natt Pimpa: Thai choice-making in international education: the role of the extended family (PhD, 2002) Tholi Masango: Policy and management in three South African universities (EdD, 2002) Hiroko Hashimoto: Internationalisation in Japanese universities in the context of globalisation: short-course programs (PhD, 2004) Nagy Helal: The contribution of universities to the human capital of their communities, comparing Egypt and Australia (PhD, 2005) Norma Koehne: Discourses on international education (PhD, 2006) Mark Rowe: Training packages and the reform of Vocational Education and Training (EdD, 2006) 14

Patricia Mehegan: Cross-cultural training of Australians on temporary international postings (PhD, 2006) Leesa Wheelahan: Epistemological foundations of the tertiary curriculum (PhD, 2008) Nhai Nguyen PhD (Associate Supervision) (PhD, 2014) U. Melb: Catherine Burnheim: External engagement of Australian universities (PhD, 2010) Sarah Richardson: International education in Australia (PhD, 2010) Cate Gribble: International education and global mobility of skilled labour (PhD, 2010) Scott Thompson-Whiteside: Standards in higher education (PhD, 2011) Nan Zhou: English language teacher training in China (PhD, 2013) Loren Miller: Strategic financial planning in universities (EdD, 2014) Peodair Leihy: Status in the contemporary university (PhD, 2014) Yuan Gao: Indicators of university internationalization (PhD, 2015) Eunyoung Kyung: Regional cooperation in higher education in East Asia (PhD, 2015) UCL IOE Wilson Eduan: CV analysis of effects of study abroad on research (PhD 2017)

Current research degree students (all IOE, University College London unless otherwise indicated) UCL IOE: Elisa Brewis PhD Dai-Ying Yang PhD Lorena Carrillo PhD Andrea Detmer PhD Lulu Sun PhD Christopher Hammond PhD Thomas Brotherhood PhD Lili Yang PhD Jihyun Lee PhD Alison Wheaton PhD Anna Glass PhD (leave from studies) Saba Riaz PhD (associate supervision) Hoang Minh Do PhD - University of Melbourne


7. Funded Research Projects

Projects subject to full competition are indicated by grant source in italics. Some other projects also involved competitive procedures year & grant project and funding authority role of applicant

1992 Work-related skills and the generalist courses in higher sole researcher $29,319 education', DEET Higher Education Division (HED)

1993-1994 'The academic labour market in six disciplines', ARC Large preparation of $107,000 Grant [principal Margaret Powles] submission, senior research associate 1993-1994 'The impact of the 1987 discipline review in law', DEET joint chief $43,501 HED tender[with Craig McInnis] investigator

1994 preparation of the final report of the National Review of sole researcher/ $70,127 Nurse Education, DEET and the Department of Human consultant Services and Health

1995-1997 'Management practices in higher education, ARC Large first named chief $100,000 Grant [with Mark Considine & Bob Bessant] investigator

1995-1996 'Employer requirements of graduates, Australia', ARC chief investigator $12,000 Small Grant

1995 'Generic skills in the context of credit transfer and the joint chief $48,578 recognition of prior learning', National Board of investigator Employment, Education and Training, NBEET tender, [with Barry Golding & Rob Pascoe]

1995-1998 History of Monash University since 1980, Monash sole researcher/ $110,000 University author

1997-1999 'The changing nature and organisation of work, and the chief investigator $50,000 implications for VET in Australia', ANTA/NCVER annual VET research grant round

1998-2000 A79801130 ‘Globalisation and the effects of international chief investigator $151,000 education on the organisational policies and practices of (Rizvi first named Australian higher education’, ARC Large Grant [with Fazal CI to mid 1999 Rizvi] then Marginson)

1999-2000 Project Director and Editor for the collaborative cross- project director $27,500 disciplinary project ‘Postgraduate training’, for the Academy of Social Sciences, Australia


2000 ‘Diversity and isomorphism (convergence) in the chief investigator $13,596 developmental strategies of universities: a cross-country study of four national universities in the global era’, ARC Small Grant

2000 Trends in Australian education and training, including the first named chief $29,000 comparative international position, Chifley Research investigator Centre [with Mark Considine and Peter Sheehan]

2001-2003 A00103790 ‘Communication and information technologies first named chief $118,275 in Australian higher education: an investigation of investigator pedagogical and organisational innovations’ ARC Large Grant [with Ilana Snyder]

2003-2007 DP0345223 Australian Professorial Fellow ARC fellowship holder $351,211

2003-2005 DP0345223 ‘The Enterprise University as networked sole chief $187,789 university: investigating the contribution of Australian investigator higher education institutions to social capital’ ARC Discovery Project

2003-2005 LP0347300 ‘Tertiary education and social capital in first named chief $152,000 Victoria: the effects of the new economy courses in investigator Business and IT’ ARC Linkage Project with Victorian government [with Leesa Wheelahan]

2003-2005 ‘International students and social protection’, Monash chief investigator $200,000 Institute for the Study of Global Movements grant [with and project Ana Deumert, Chris Nyland, Gaby Ramia] coordinator

2003-2004 Review of tertiary education in Malaysia consultancy for member of MGSM $94,000 Macquarie Graduate School of Management [MGSM consultancy team review of human resource development in all sectors, for and on behalf of Malaysian Government]

2005-2007 DP0558153 ‘The social and economic security of chief investigator $210,000 international students in the global education market’ ARC (Chris Nyland first Discovery Project [with Chris Nyland, Gaby Ramia, Michael named) Gallagher]

2005 ‘The impact of international education on the finances and chief investigator $6000 organization of Australian universities’, part of a larger study of ‘International students and graduates’ (cooordinated by Gerald Burke) Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movements grant [with Henk Eijkman]


2005 ‘Global people movement and the social protection needs first named chief $46,000 of migrants: International students in New Zealand’, investigator and Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movements grant project coordinator [with Ana Deumert, Chris Nyland, Gaby Ramia, Felicity.Rawlings-Sanaei]

2005 ‘National universities in the global higher education sole investigator $5834 environment: A collaborative study of the global position and positioning of Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico’, Monash University Faculty of Education Staff Research Grant

2005-2006 ‘National universities in the global higher education first named chief $11,825 environment: A comparative study in the Asia-Pacific investigator region’, Monash Small Grants Scheme [with Erlenawati Sawir]

2006-2007 ‘Australian university student finances 2006’, Australian member of project $575,000 Vice-Chancellors’ Committee [Centre for the Study of team Higher Education project, with Richard James, Marcia (led by Richard Devlin, Kerri-Lee Krause] James)

2008-2011 DP0881598 University position-taking strategies in the sole chief $318,000 global environment: a cross-country study of the Asia- investigator Pacific region, ARC Discovery Project

2008-2010 DP0881609 Boundary making and strategy making in first named chief $295,000 knowledge-forming organisations, ARC Discovery Project investigator [with Mark Considine]

2008-2009 Internationalisation of Victorian secondary schools, for first named chief $96,000 Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood investigator Development, consultancy project [with Sophie Arkoudis and Erlenawati Sawir]

2008 Consultancy in relation to the future of the Institutes of sole consultant $14,200 Technology, Ireland, for Gerry Murray, IOTI Inc.

2009 Preparation of paper concerning globalization and higher sole consultant $45,000 education, and the Australian response, for Hong Kong Review of Higher Education (Michael Stone), research consultancy

2011 Preparation of paper on the Designation of Technological sole consultant $10,000 Universities in Ireland, for Department of Education and Skills, Republic of Ireland, consultancy


2011 Development of indicators for the internationalisation of member of project $80,000 Australian higher education, for Department of Education, team Employment and Workplace Relations, research consultancy [with Sophie Arkoudis and Chi Baik]

2012-2014 DP120102836 ‘Crucibles of creativity? Australian first named chief $90,000 universities and path-breaking intellectual work’, investigator Australian Research Council Discovery Project [with Peter Murphy]

2012-2013 ‘STEM: country comparisons’, project 2 in the Australian Chair of Working $650,000 Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA) program, Group and project Strengthening Australia’s Future leader

2012 ‘Higher education and public good: A global comparison’, sole chief $30,000 University of Melbourne NHMRC/ARC Research Grant investigator Support Scheme

2013-2015 DP130103811 ‘National and global public goods in higher sole chief $168,531 education’, Australian Research Council Discovery Project investigator

2015-2020 ESRC/HEFCE Centre for Global Higher Education, centre director, £6.1 million partnership of 13 universities at UCL institute of Education, research total funding UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), supported programme leader, for 14 specific by Higher Education Funding Council of England (HEFCE) project leader projects and contributions from UK partner universities

2015-2017 ESRC and National Research Foundation of South Africa collaborative £150,000 partnership project on access, completion and graduate investigator (led by total funding employment of students in South Africa Paul Ashwin)

2017-2018 ‘Brexit, trade, migration and higher education’, UK principal £295,000 Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Brexit investigator total funding Priority Project


8. Papers and Publications [in press = proofs have been read]

Books (self-authored) MARGINSON, S. - The free market: a study of Hayek, Friedman and Buchanan. Monograph No. 1, Public Sector Research Centre, University of NSW, ii + 100 pp. (1992) MARGINSON, S. - Education and public policy in Australia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge & Melbourne, xv + 286 pp. (1993) MARGINSON, S. - Educating Australia: Government, economy, and citizen since 1960. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge & Melbourne, xi + 276 pp. (1997) MARGINSON, S. - Markets in education. Allen and Unwin, Sydney, xvi + 324 pp. (1997) MARGINSON, S. – Monash: the remaking of the university. Allen and Unwin, Sydney, xvi + 280 pp. (2000) MARGINSON, S. and CONSIDINE, M. – The enterprise university: Power, governance and reinvention in Australia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge & Melbourne, xiii + 272 pp. (2000) MARGINSON, S., WEKO, T., CHANNON, N., LUUKKONEN, T. and OBERG, J. – Thematic Review of Tertiary Education: The Netherlands, country note, Directorate of Education, Education and Training Policy Division, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. OECD, Paris (2008) PETERS, M., MARGINSON, S. and MURPHY, P. - Creativity and the Global Knowledge Economy. New York: Peter Lang, x + 289 pp. (2009) MARGINSON, S., MURPHY, P. and PETERS, M. – Global Creation: Space, mobility and synchrony in the age of the knowledge economy. Peter Lang, New York, 304 + ix pp. (2010). MARGINSON, S., NYLAND, C., SAWIR, E. and FORBES-MEWETT, H. – International Student Security. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 514 + xiv pp. (2010). MURPHY, P., PETERS, M. and MARGINSON, S. – Imagination: Three models of the imagination in the age of the knowledge economy. Peter Lang, New York, 400 + x pp. (2010). MARGINSON, S. and SAWIR, E. – Ideas for Intercultural Education. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 223 + xiv pp. (2011). RAMIA, G., MARGINSON, S., and SAWIR, E. – Regulating International Students’ Wellbeing. Bristol: Policy Press, viii + 184 pp. (2013). MARGINSON, S., TYTLER, R., FREEMAN, B. and ROBERTS, K. - STEM: Country comparisons. Report for the Australian Council of Learned Academies, ACOLA, Melbourne, . 179 pp. (2013). TRAN, L., MARGINSON, S., DO, H., DO, Q., NGHUYEN, N., LE, T., VU, T., PHAM, T. and NGHUYEN, H. Higher education in Vietnam: Flexibility, mobility and practicality in the global knowledge economy. Palgrave: Houndmills & New York (2014). MARGINSON, S. – The Dream is Over: The crisis of Clark Kerr’s California idea of higher education. Berkeley: University of California Press. xiv + 243 pp. DOI: (2016) MARGINSON, S. – Higher Education and the Common Good. Melbourne: Melbourne University Publishing. xii + 300 pp. (2016).


Books (translations) MARGINSON, S. - Education and Public Policy. In Chinese with new foreword. Translated by Zhou Xinhong and Sally Chiao, Zhejiang University Press, Zhejiang, Hangzhou, China (2007). MARGINSON, S. and CONSIDINE, M. – The Enterprise University. In Chinese with new foreword. Translated by Yan Huixian and Sally Chiao, Zhejiang University Press, Zhejiang, Hangzhou, China (2007). MARGINSON, S. – Educating Australia. In Chinese with new foreword. Translated by Shen Yawen, Zhou Xinhong and Jiang Xin, Zhejiang University Press, Zhejiang, Hangzhou, China (2008). MARGINSON, S. – Markets in Education. In Chinese with new foreword. Translated by Wan Xiulan and Liu Li, Zhejiang University Press, Zhejiang, Hangzhou, China (2009). MARGINSON, S. and ORDORIKA, I. - Hegemonía en la era del conocimiento: Competencia global en la educación superior y la investigación científica. [Global hegemony in higher education and research]. In Spanish. Translation by A. Alcantara and T. Soley. Seminario de Educación Superior, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM). Mexico City: UNAM, 162 pp. (2010).

Books (edited) MARGINSON, S. (ed.) – Prospects of Higher Education: Globalization, market competition, public goods and the future of the university, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam (2007) MARGINSON, S. & JAMES, R. (eds.) Education Science and the Future: Public policies for a changing Australia, Melbourne University Publishing, Melbourne (2008). PUSSER, B., KEMPNER, K., MARGINSON, S. and ORDORIKA, I. (eds.) - Universities and the Public Sphere: Knowledge creation and state building in the era of globalization. Routledge, New York (2011). MARGINSON, S., KAUR, S. and SAWIR, E. (eds.) - Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific: Strategic responses to globalization. Springer, Dordrecht (2011) KING, R., MARGINSON, S. and NAIDOO, R. (eds.) - Handbook of Higher Education and Globalization. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (2011). MARGINSON, S. (ed.) – Tertiary Education Policy in Australia. Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, (2013). KING, R., MARGINSON, S. & NAIDOO, R. (eds.) - The Globalization of Higher Education. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (2013). CROUCHER, G., MARGINSON, S., NORTON, A. & WELLS, J. (eds.) – The Dawkins Revolution 25 Years On. Melbourne: Melbourne University Publishing (2013). FREEMAN, B., MARGINSON, S. & TYTLER, R. (eds.). The Age of STEM: Educational policy and practice across the world in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Routledge, Oxford (2015).

Books accepted, in process or in press CARNOY, M., FROUMIN, I., LESHUKOV, O. & MARGINSON, S. (eds.). Higher Education in Federal Countries. New Delhi: Sage [in process, scheduled for publication August 2018] CANTWELL, B., MARGINSON, S. & SMOLENTSEVA, A. (eds.) High Participation Systems of Higher Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press [in process 2018] TRAN, L. & MARGINSON, S. (eds.). Internationalisation of Higher Education in Vietnam. Springer [in process 2018] 21

Books in preparation MARGINSON, S. – Globalization and Higher Education. In Chinese. Largely based on translations of materials previously published in English, with some new papers and amended papers. Translated by Li Mei. Peking University Press, Beijing [contracted] MARGINSON, S. – A Theory of Higher Education. MARGINSON, S. – Globalization and Higher Education [Working title]

Chapters in books MARGINSON, S. - Labor and the education markets, in The re-shaping of Australian higher education 1988-1989, eds. A. Junor & J. O’Brien, Sydney College of Advanced Education, Sydney: pp. 27-36 (1989) MARGINSON, S. - Why do private schools often seem better than state schools?, in Questions for the nineties, ed. A. Gollan, Left Book Club, Sydney: pp. 95-111 (1992) MARGINSON, S. - The politics of secondary curricula, in A curriculum for the 1990s, ed. C. Deer & T. Seddon, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), Melbourne: pp. 15-38 (1992) MARGINSON, S. - Educational research and educational policy, in Educational policy development and implementation, ed. J. Walker, Australian Association for Research in Education, Canberra: pp. 15-28 (1993) MARGINSON, S. - Markets in higher education: Australia, in Academic work, ed. J. Smyth, Open University Press, Buckingham: pp. 17-39 (1994) MARGINSON, S. - Transfer of skills and knowledge: the key to improving the relationship between education and work, in Thinking work, Volume 1: Theoretical perspectives on workers' literacies, ed. P. O'Connor, Adult Literacy and Basic Skills Action Coalition, Sydney: pp. 235-256 (1994) MARGINSON, S. - The limits of market reform: positional competition in Australian higher education, in Australia’s future universities, ed. J. Sharpham & G. Harman, University of New England Press, Armidale: pp. 157-173 (1997) MARGINSON, S - Young people’s participation in higher education, in Australia’s youth: reality and risk, Dusseldorp Skills Forum, Sydney, pp. 85-102 (1998) MARGINSON, S - Putting the ‘public’ back into public education, in Going public: education policy and public education in Australia, ed. A. Reid, Australian Curriculum Studies Association, Adelaide, pp. 69-76 (1998) MARGINSON, S. - Competition and diversity in the reformed Australian higher education system, in Managing higher education diversity in a climate of public sector reform, ed. L. Meek & F. Wood, Evaluations and Investigations Program, Higher Education Division, DEEYA, AGPS, Canberra, pp. 81-96 (1998) MARGINSON, S. – Research on higher and vocational education: different drums, different beats, not within earshot of each other, in Different drums one beat? Economic and social goals in education and training, ed. F. Ferrier & D. Anderson, National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd. and Monash University-ACER Centre for the Economics of Education and Training, Adelaide and Melbourne: pp. 41-45 (1998) MARGINSON, S - Young adults in higher education, in Australia’s young adults: the deepening divide, Dusseldorp Skills Forum, Sydney, pp. 169-190 (1999) MACINTYRE, S. and MARGINSON, S. – The university and its public, in Why universities matter: a conversation about values, means and directions, ed. T. Coady, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, pp. 49-71 (2000) 22

MARGINSON, S. – Research as a managed economy: the costs, in Why universities matter: a conversation about values, means and directions, ed. T. Coady, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, pp. 186-213 (2000) MARGINSON, S. – Competition in Australian higher education since 1987 – intended and unintended effects, in Beyond nostalgia: reshaping Australian education, eds. T. Seddon & L. Angus, ACER Press, Melbourne, pp. 48-69 (2000) SEDDON, T. & MARGINSON, S. – The crisis trifecta – education, in Globalisation: Australian impacts, ed. C. Sheil, UNSW Press, Sydney, pp. 202-218 (2001) MARGINSON, S. – Towards a politics of the Enterprise University, S. Cooper, J. Hinkson & G. Sharp (eds.) Scholars and Entrepreneurs: The universities in crisis, Arena Publications, Melbourne, pp. 109-136 (2002) MARGINSON, S. - The Whitlam government and education, in It’s Time Again – Whitlam and modern Labor, eds. J. Hocking & C. Lewis, Circa, Melbourne, pp. 244-272 (2003) MARGINSON, S. – Education, in D. Hayward & P. Ewer (eds.), Visions for Victoria, The Vulgar Press, Melbourne 2003, pp. 123-144 (2003) BERMAN, E.H. with S. MARGINSON, R. PRESTON, B.E. MCLENNAN & R.F. ARNOVE – The political economy of educational reform in Australia, England and Wales, and the United States, in R.F. Arnove and C.A. Torres (eds.) Comparative Education: The dialectic of the global and the local, 2nd edition, Rowan and Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, pp. 252-291 (2003) MARGINSON, S. – Higher education reform in Australia – an evaluation, in H. Eggins (ed.) Globalisation and Reform in Higher Education, SRHE/Open University Press, pp. 133-163 (2003) MARGINSON, S. – Higher education, in R. Manne (ed.) The Howard Years, Black Inc. Agenda, Melbourne, pp. 216-244 (2004) MARGINSON, S. – Going global: governance implications of cross-border traffic in higher education, in W. Tierney (ed.), Competing Conceptions of Academic Governance: Negotiating the perfect storm, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, pp. 1-32 (2004) MARGINSON, S. –Australian higher education: national and global markets, in P. Teixeira, B. Jongbloed, D. Dill & A. Amaral (eds.) Markets in Higher Education: Rhetoric or reality?, Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 207-240 (2004) MARGINSON, S. & McBURNIE, G. – Cross-border post-secondary education in the Asia-Pacific region, for OECD, Internationalisation and Trade in Higher Education, OECD, Paris, pp. 137- 204 (2004) MARGINSON, S. – Education and human capital, in P. Saunders & J. Walter (eds.) Ideas and Influence: Social Science and Public Policy in Australia, UNSW Press, Sydney, pp. 64-84 (2005) MARGINSON, S. – Cities of angels and the barbarians at the gates, in J. Enders, J. File, J. Huisman & D. Westerheijden (eds.) The European Higher Education and Research Landscape 2020: Scenarios and strategic debates, Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies, University of Twente, Enschede, pp. 209-215 (2005) MARGINSON, S. – Rethinking the economics of education; The public/private divide in higher education, in B. Grewal and M. Kumnick, Engaging the New World: Responses to the knowledge economy, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, pp. 53-76 (2006) MARGINSON, S. - Freedom as control and the control of freedom: F.A. Hayek and the academic imagination, in C. Kayrooz, G. Akerlind and M. Tight (eds.), Autonomy in Social Science Research. The view from United Kingdom and Australian universities. International Perspectives on Higher Education Research, Vol. 4. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 67-104., Elsevier (2006). 23

MARGINSON, S. – National and global competition in higher education, on B. Lingard & J. Ozga (eds.) The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Education Policy and Politics, Routledge, London, pp. 131-153 (2007) MARGINSON, S. – Revisiting the definitions of ‘internationalisation’ and ‘globalisation’, in J. Enders & F. van Vught (eds.), Towards a Cartography of Higher Education Policy Change: A Festschrift in honour of Guy Neave, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies, University of Twente, Enschede, pp. 213-219 (2007). BERMAN, E.H. with S. MARGINSON, R. PRESTON, B.E. MCLENNAN & R.F. ARNOVE – The political economy of educational reform in Australia, England and Wales, and the United States, in R.F. Arnove and C.A. Torres (eds.) Comparative Education: The dialectic of the global and the local, Rowan and Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, 3rd edition, pp. 217-256 (2007) MARGINSON, S. - The new higher education landscape: public and private goods, in global/national/local settings, in S. Marginson (ed.) Prospects of Higher Education: Globalization, market competition, public goods and the future of the university, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 29-77 (2007). MARGINSON, S. – Global university rankings, in S. Marginson (ed.) Prospects of Higher Education: Globalization, market competition, public goods and the future of the university, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 79-100 (2007). MARGINSON, S. - Five somersaults in Enschede: Rethinking public/private in higher education for the global era, in J. Enders & B. Jongbloed (eds.) Public-Private Dynamics in Higher Education: Expectations, developments and outcomes, Transcript, Bielefeld, pp. 187-221 (2007) MARGINSON, S. – Have global academic flows created a global academic labour market? in D. Epstein, R. Boden, R. Deem, F. Rizvi & S. Wright (eds.) World Yearbook of Education 2008. Geographies of Knowledge, Geometries of Power: framing the future of higher education, Routledge, New York, pp. 305-318 (2007). MARGINSON, S. – Universities, in R. Manne (ed.) Dear Mr Rudd, Black Inc., Melbourne (2008). MARGINSON, S. – The elite public universities in Australia, in D. Palfreyman and T. Tapper (eds.) Structuring Mass Higher Education: The role of elite institutions, Routledge, New York, 237- 255 (2008). MARGINSON, S. – Introduction, in S. Marginson & R. James (ed.), Education Science and the Future: Public policies for a changing Australia, pp. 1-11 (2008). MARGINSON, S. - Global setting, national policy and higher education, in S. Marginson & R. James (ed.), Education Science and the Future: Public policies for a changing Australia, pp. 87-111 (2008) MARGINSON, S. – Intellectual freedoms and creativity, in M. Peters, P. Murphy & S. Marginson, Creativity and the Global Knowledge Economy. New York: Peter Lang, 91-124 (2009)] MARGINSON, S. – University rankings and the knowledge economy, in M. Peters, P. Murphy & S. Marginson, Creativity and the Global Knowledge Economy. New York: Peter Lang, 185-216 (2009). MARGINSON, S. – Sojourning students and creative cosmopolitans, in M. Peters, P. Murphy & S. Marginson, Creativity and the Global Knowledge Economy. New York: Peter Lang, 217-256 (2009). MARGINSON, S. – The external dimension: Positioning the European Higher Education Area in the global higher education world . In B. Kehm, J. Huisman & Stensaker, B. (eds.). The European Higher Education Area: Perspectives on a moving target, pp. 297-321. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers (2009). 24

MARGINSON, S. – The academic professions in the global era, in J. Enders and E. de Weert (eds.), The Academic Profession and the Modernization of Higher Education: Analytical and comparative perspectives, Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 96-113 (2009) MARGINSON, S. & VAN DER WENDE, M. – The new global landscape of nations and institutions. In Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, Higher Education to 2030. Volume 2: Globalisation, pp. 17-62. Paris: OECD (2009). MARGINSON, S. & VAN DER WENDE, M. – Europeanisation, university rankings and faculty mobility: Three cases in higher education globalisation. In Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, Higher Education to 2030. Volume 2: Globalisation, pp. 109-172. Paris: OECD (2009). MARGINSON, S. – Notes on globalization and higher education: With some reference to the case of Australia. In R. Trilokekar, G. Jones and A. Shubert (eds.) Canada’s Universities Go Global, pp. 17-64 Toronto: James Lorimer and Company (2009). MARGINSON, S. – University rankings, government and social order: managing the field of higher education according to the logic of the performative present-as-future, in M. Simons, M. Olssen & M. Peters (eds.) Re-reading Education Policies: A handbook studying the policy agenda of the 21st century. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 584-604 (2009). MARGINSON, S. – Introduction: The protean and the global. In S. Marginson, P. Murphy and M. Peters, Global Creation: Space, mobility and synchrony in the age of the knowledge economy. Peter Lang, New York, pp. 1-17 (2010). MARGINSON, S. – Space, mobility and synchrony in the knowledge economy. In S. Marginson, P. Murphy and M. Peters, Global Creation: Space, mobility and synchrony in the age of the knowledge economy. Peter Lang, New York, pp. 117-149 (2010). MARGINSON, S. – Making space in higher education. In S. Marginson, P. Murphy and M. Peters, Global Creation: Space, mobility and synchrony in the age of the knowledge economy. Peter Lang, New York, pp. 150-200 (2010). MARGINSON, S. – Higher education as a global field. In S. Marginson, P. Murphy and M. Peters, Global Creation: Space, mobility and synchrony in the age of the knowledge economy. Peter Lang, New York, pp. 209-228 (2010). MARGINSON, S. -The global knowledge economy and the culture of comparison in higher education. In S. Kaur, Morshidi Sirat and W. Tierney (eds.) Quality Assurance and University Rankings in Higher Education in the Asia Pacific: Challenges for universities and nations, pp. 23-55. Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia Press (2010). MARGINSON, S. – Global comparisons and the university knowledge economy, in Portnoi, L., Rust, V., and Bagley, S. (eds.), Higher Education, Policy, and the Global Competition Phenomenon, pp. 29-41 New York: Palgrave MacMillan (2010). MARGINSON, S. – World, in Murphy, P., Peters, M. and Marginson, S., Imagination: Three models of imagination in the age of the knowledge economy. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 139-165 (2010). MARGINSON, S. – University, in Murphy, P., Peters, M. and Marginson, S., Imagination: Three models of imagination in the age of the knowledge economy. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 167- 223 (2010). MARGINSON, S. – Nation, in Murphy, P., Peters, M. and Marginson, S., Imagination: Three models of imagination in the age of the knowledge economy. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 225- 325 (2010). 25

MARGINSON, S. – How universities have been positioned as teams in a knowledge economy world cup, in J. Blackmore, M. Brennan and L. Zipin (Eds.), Re-positioning University Governance and Academic Work. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 17-33 (2010). MARGINSON, S. – Global perspectives and strategies of Asia-Pacific universities, in N.C. Liu, Q. Wang and Y. Cheng (eds.), Paths to a World-Class University: Lessons from practices and experiences, pp. 3-27. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers (2011). MARGINSON, S. and ORDORIKA, I. - ‘El central volumen de la fuerza’ Global hegemony in higher education and research. In D. Rhoten and C. Calhoun, Knowledge Matters: The public mission of the research university, pp. 67-129. New York: Columbia University Press (2011). MARGINSON, S. – The new world order in higher education: Research rankings, outcomes measures and institutional classifications. In M. Rostan and M. Vaira, Questioning Excellence in Higher Education: Policies, issues and challenges in comparative perspective. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 21-38 (2011). MARGINSON, S. & SAWIR, E. - Student security in the global education market. In Holden, C., Kilkey, M. and Ramia, G. (eds.), Social Policy Review, 23, pp. 283-305 (2011). PUSSER, B., KEMPNER, K., MARGINSON, S. & ORDORIKA, I. – Introduction and overview of the book. In Pusser, B., Kempner, K., Marginson, S. and Ordorika, I. (eds.) Universities and the Public Sphere: Knowledge creation and state building in the era of globalization, pp. 1-6 Routledge, New York (2011). MARGINSON, S. – The ‘public’ contribution of universities in an increasingly global world. In Pusser, B., Kempner, K., Marginson, S. and Ordorika, I. (eds.) Universities and the Public Sphere: Knowledge creation and state building in the era of globalization, pp. 7-25 Routledge, New York (2011). MARGINSON, S. – Introduction to Part I. In R. King, S. Marginson and R. Naidoo (eds.), Handbook of Higher Education and Globalization, pp. 3-9. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (2011). MARGINSON, S. – Imagining the global. In R. King, S. Marginson and R. Naidoo (eds.), Handbook of Higher Education and Globalization, pp. 10-39. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (2011). MARGINSON, S. – Strategising and ordering the global. In R. King, S. Marginson and R. Naidoo (eds.), Handbook of Higher Education and Globalization, pp. 394-414. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (2011) MARGINSON, S., KAUR, S. and SAWIR, E. – Local, national and global in the Asia-Pacific. In Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific: Strategic responses to globalization, pp. 3-34. Springer, Dordrecht (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Asia-Pacific universities in the global space: Visions of university presidents. In S. Marginson, S. Kaur and E. Sawir, Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific: Strategic responses to globalization, 37-52. Springer, Dordrecht (2011). MARGINSON, S. - The Confucian Model of higher education in East Asia and Singapore. In S. Marginson, S. Kaur and E. Sawir, Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific: Strategic responses to globalization, pp. 53-75. Springer, Dordrecht (2011). MARGINSON, S. and SAWIR, E. - Globalization, resources and strategies: A comparison of Universitas Indonesia and the Australian National University. In S. Marginson, S. Kaur and E. Sawir, Higher Education in the Asia- Pacific: Strategic responses to globalization, pp. 199-215. Springer, Dordrecht (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Global position and position-taking in higher education: The case of Australia. In S. Marginson, S. Kaur and E. Sawir, Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific: Strategic responses to globalization, pp. 375-392. Springer, Dordrecht (2011). 26

MARGINSON, S., KAUR, S. and SAWIR, E. - Regional dynamism and regional inequality. In S. Marginson, S. Kaur and E. Sawir, Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific: Strategic responses to globalization, pp. 433-461. Springer, Dordrecht (2011). MARGINSON, S. – Towards a global protocol for mobile students: Lessons from the Australian experience of international education. In I. Snyder and J. Nieuwenhuysen (eds.), A Home Away From Home: International students in Australian and South African higher education, pp. 21- 44. Clayton: Monash University Publishing (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Higher education in the globalized knowledge economy. In Yen Jun and Shi Xiaoguang (eds.) Higher Education in the Globalized Knowledge Economy, pp. 3-29. Beijing: Peking University Press (2011). Published in Chinese. [published in 2012] PUSSER, B. and MARGINSON, S. - The elephant in room: Power, global rankings and the study of higher education organizations. In M. Bastedo (ed.) The Organization of Higher Education, pp. 86-117. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press (2012). MARGINSON, S. - Korkeakoululaitos omaehtoisena ja yhteiskuunallisena instituutiona – julkisen ja yksityisen uudelleen arviontia. In H. Aittola & T. Saarinen, Kannattaako Korkeakoulutus? Artikkelikokoelma Korkeakoulututkimuksen XI symposiumista 22.-23.8.2011, pp. 19-39. Jyvaskyla: Jyvaskylan Yliopistoc (2012). MARGINSON, S. – International student security. In D. Deardorff, H. de Wit, J. D. Heyl and T. Adams (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of International Higher Education, pp. 207-221. Los Angeles: Sage (2012). MARGINSON, S. – Dynamics of East Asian higher education. In C. Ennew & D. Greenway (eds.), The Globalization of Higher Education, pp. 40-53. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan (2012). MARGINSON, S. - Equals or Others? Mobile students in a nationally bordered world, in S. Sovic and M. Blythman (eds.) International Students Negotiating Higher Education: Critical perspectives, pp. 9-27. London: Routledge (2012). MARGINSON, S. – Nation-states, educational traditions and the WCU project. In J. Shin and B. Khem (eds.), Institutionalization of World-Class University in Global Competition, pp. 59-77. Dordrecht: Springer (2013). MARGINSON, S. – Different roads to a shared goal: Political and cultural variation in World-Class Universities. In Q. Wang, Y. Cheng and N.C. Liu (eds.), Building World-Class Universities: Different roads to a shared goal, pp. 13-33. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers (2013). MARGINSON, S. – The changing geo-politics of creativity: Rise of the Post-Confucian University. In M. Peters and Tina Besley (Eds.), The Creative University, pp. 9-32. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers (2013). MARGINSON, S. and MARSHMAN, I. – System and structure. In Croucher, G., Marginson, S., Norton, A. & Wells, J. (eds.), The Dawkins Revolution 25 Years On, pp. 56-74. Melbourne: Melbourne University Publishing (2013). MARGINSON, S. – Australian-based research in higher education studies. In B. Kehm and C. Musselin (Eds.), The Development of Higher Education Research in Europe: 25 years of CHER, pp. 87-101. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers (2013). MARGINSON, S. – Emerging higher education in the Post-Confucian heritage zone. In D. Araya and P. Marber (Eds.), Higher Education in the Global Age, pp. 89-112. New York: Routledge (2013). MARGINSON, S. – Higher education and public good. In P. Gibbs and R. Barnett (eds.), Thinking About Higher Education, pp. 53-69. Heidelberg: Springer (2013). MARGINSON, S. – University research: The social contribution of university research. In J.C. Shin and U. Teichler (Eds.), The Future of the Post-Massified University at the Crossroads: Restructuring systems and functions, pp. 101-117. Heidelberg: Springer (2014). 27

MARGINSON, S. – Higher education as a public good in a marketized East Asian environment. In A. Yonezawa, Y. Kitamura, A. Meerman and K. Kuroda (eds.), Emerging International Dimensions in East Asian Higher Education, pp. 15-33. Dordrecht: Springer (2014). MARGINSON, S. – Higher education and public good: A global study. In G. Goastellec and F. Picard (eds.), Higher Education in Societies: a multi scale perspective, pp. 51-71. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers (2014). MARGINSON, S. – Higher education: The age of Pyne the destroyer begins. In The Conversation (ed.), 2014: A year in the life of Australia. Melbourne: Future Leaders (2014). FREEMAN, B., MARGINSON, S. & TYTLER, R. - Widening and deepening the STEM effect. In B. Freeman, S. Marginson & R. Tytler (eds.), The Age of STEM: Educational policy and practice across the world in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. (pp. 1-21). Routledge, Oxford (2015). MARGINSON, S. – What international comparisons can tell us. In B. Freeman, S. Marginson & R. Tytler (eds.), The Age of STEM: Educational policy and practice across the world in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. (pp. 22-32). Routledge, Oxford (2015). MARGINSON, S. – Systemic challenges to educational quality and global competitiveness. In R. Bhandari and A. Lefebure (eds.), Asia: The next higher education superpower? (pp. 57-74). New York: AIFS/Institute of International Education (2015). MARGINSON, S. – Challenges for Australian higher education in the Asian century. In C. Johnson, V. Mackie and T. Morris-Suzuki (eds.), The Social Sciences in the Asian Century (pp. 191-213). Canberra: ANU Press (2015). MARGINSON, S. – Global stratification in higher education. In S. Slaughter and B. Taylor (eds.), Higher Education, Stratification and Workforce Development: Competitive advantage in Europe, the US and Canada (pp. 13-34). Cham: Springer (2016). MARGINSON, S. - Higher education and inequality in Anglo-American societies. In A. Harvey, C. Burnheim and M. Brett (eds.), Student Equity in Australian Higher Education: Twenty-five Years of ‘A Fair Chance for All’ (pp. 165-182). Singapore: Springer (2016). MARGINSON, S. - The Global Construction of Higher Education Reform. In K. Mundy, A. Green, R. Lingard and A.Verger (eds.), The Handbook of Global Policy and Policy-making in Higher Education (pp. 291-311). Wiley-Blackwell (2016). MARGINSON, S. - Towards World-Class Systems: World-Class Universities in high participation systems of higher education. In Nian Cai Liu, Ying Cheng and Qi Wang (eds.), Matching Visibility and Performance: A standing challenge for World-Class Universities (pp. 49-66). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers (2016). MARGINSON, S. - The stratification of opportunity in high participation systems (HPS) of higher education. In A. Mountford-Zimdars and N. Harrison (eds.), Access to Higher Education: Theoretical perspectives and contemporary challenges (pp. 23-48). Routledge (2016) MARGINSON, S. – The public dimension of universities: A new approach. In J. Gallacher, G. Parry and P. Scott (eds.), New Languages and Landscapes for Higher Education (pp. 223- 239). Oxford: Oxford University Press (2017). MARGINSON, S. – United States: How to revive the California model. In G. Mihut, P. Altbach and H. de Wit (eds.), Understanding Global Higher Education: Insights from key global publications (pp. 53-58). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers (2017). MARGINSON, S. – Global: Yes, MOOC Is the global higher education game changer. In G. Mihut, P. Altbach and H. de Wit (eds.), Understanding Global Higher Education: Insights from key global publications (pp. 147-150). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers (2017). 28

MARGINSON, S. – The activist as intellectual. In L. Perna (ed.), Taking it to the Streets: The role of scholarship in advocacy and advocacy in scholarship (pp. 37-42). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press (2018).

Translated chapters n.e.i.

MARGINSON, S. – Prologo, in T. Gale & K. Densmore, La implicación del profesorado: Una agenda de democracia radical para la escuela. Ediciones Octaedro, Barcelona, pp. 13-15 (2007)

Chapters in press and in production

MARGINSON, S. - The Anglo-American University and Social Equality. In R. Barnett and M. Peters (eds.), The Global University. [in production]

Fully refereed journal articles

MARGINSON, S. - Re-assessing Karmel: results of the 1973 educational settlement. Journal of Australian Political Economy, No. 16: pp. 15-34 (1984) MARGINSON, S. - Free market education. Australian Universities Review, 30 (1): pp. 12-16 (1987) MARGINSON, S. - The economically rational individual. Arena, No. 84, pp. 105-114 (1988) MARGINSON, S. - Academic salaries in Australia, 1967 to 1990. Australian Universities Review 32 (2): pp. 14-23 (1989) MARGINSON, S. - Labor’s economic policies in higher education. Australian Quarterly, 62 (3): pp. 256-266 (1990) MARGINSON, S. - Pitfalls of output measurement. Australian Journal of Education, 34 (2): pp. 137-144 (1990) MARGINSON, S. - Academic salaries - trends and relativities. Australian Bulletin of Labour, 17 (1); pp. 49-72 (1991) MARGINSON, S. - Academic salaries - will award restructuring make a difference?. Journal of Tertiary Education Administration, 13 (1): pp. 19-44 (1991) MARGINSON, S. - Productivity and efficiency in education. Australian Journal of Education, 35 (2): pp. 201-214 (1991) MARGINSON, S. - The development of educational markets in Australia. Economic Papers, 10 (4); pp. 44-58 (1991) MARGINSON, S. - Productivity in the non-market services. Labour Economics and Productivity, 4 (1): pp. 53-71 (1992) MARGINSON, S. - Positive economics and negative effects. Journal of Australian Studies, No. 33: pp. 1-7 (1992) MARGINSON, S. - Education as a branch of economics: the universal claims of economic rationalism. Melbourne Studies in Education, La Trobe University Press, Melbourne: pp. 1-14 (1992) MARGINSON S. - From cloister to market: the new era in higher education. Journal of Tertiary Education Administration, 15 (1): pp. 43-64 (1993) MARGINSON, S. - The problem of transferable skills. Melbourne Studies in Education: pp. 4-28 (1994) MARGINSON, S. - The decline in the standing of educational credentials in Australia. Australian Journal of Education, 39 (1): pp. 67-76 (1995) 29

MARGINSON, S. - Markets in education: a theoretical note. Australian Journal of Education, 39 (3): pp. 294-312 (1995) MARGINSON, S. - Marketisation in Australian schooling. Oxford Studies in Comparative Education, 6 (1): pp. 111-128 (1996) MARGINSON, S. - Power and modernisation in higher education: Australia after the reforms of 1987-1989. Melbourne Studies in Education, 37 (2): pp. 77-100 (1996) MARGINSON, S. - University organisation in an age of perpetual motion. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 18 (2): pp. 117-123 (1996) MARGINSON, S. - Competition in higher education in the post-Hilmer era. Australian Quarterly, 68 (4): pp. 23-35 (1996) MARGINSON, S. - Investment in the self: the reform of student financing in Australia. Studies in Higher Education, 22 (2): pp. 117-129 (1997) MARGINSON, S. - Subjects and subjugation: the economics of education as power-knowledge. Discourse, 18 (2): pp. 215-228 (1997) MARGINSON, S. - Competition and contestability in Australian higher education, 1987-1997, Australian Universities Review, 40 (1), pp. 5-14 (1997) MARGINSON, S. - Steering from a distance: power relations in Australian higher education. Higher Education, 34, pp. 63-80 (1997) MARGINSON, S. - Is economics sufficient for the government of education?, New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 32 (1), pp. 3-12 (1997) MARGINSON, S. - Imagining ivy: pitfalls in the privatisation of higher education in Australia. Comparative Education Review, 41 (4), pp. 460-480 (1997) MARGINSON, S. – Value creation in the production of services: a note on Marx. Cambridge Journal of Economics 22 (5), pp. 573-586 (1998) MARGINSON, S. – Harvards of the Antipodes: nation-building universities in a global environment. Leading and Managing 4 (3), pp. 156-171 (1998) MARGINSON, S. – After globalisation; emerging politics of education. Journal of Education Policy, 14 (1), pp. 19-31 (1999) MARGINSON, S. – Diversity and convergence in Australian higher education. Australian Universities Review, 42 (1), pp. 12-23 (1999) MARGINSON, S. – Education and the trend to markets. Australian Journal of Education, 43 (3), pp. 231-242 (1999) MARGINSON, S. & MOLLIS, M. – Comparing national education systems in the global era. Australian Universities Review, 42 (2) & 43 (1), pp. 53-63 (1999/2000) MARGINSON, S. – Rethinking academic work in the global era. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 22 (1), pp. 23-35 (2000) MARGINSON, S. – The Enterprise University in Australia. Leading and Managing, 6 (2), pp. 98- 112, (2000) CLYNE, F., MARGINSON, S. & WOOCK, R. – International education in Australian universities: concepts and definitions. Melbourne Studies in Education, 42 (1), pp. 111-127 (2001) MARGINSON, S. – Trends in the funding of Australian higher education. The Australian Economic Review, 34 (2), pp. 205-215 (2001) MARGINSON, S. & MOLLIS, M. – ‘The door opens and the tiger leaps’: theories and reflexivities of comparative education for a global millenium. Comparative Education Review, 45 (4), pp. 581-615 (2001) MOLLIS, M. & MARGINSON, S. – The assessment of universities in Argentina and Australia: between autonomy and heteronomy. Higher Education, 43 (3), pp. 311-330 (2002) 30

MARGINSON, S. – Nation-building universities in a global environment: the case of Australia. , Higher Education, 43 (3), pp. 409-428 (2002) MARGINSON, S & RHOADES, G. – Beyond national states, markets, and systems of higher education: a glonacal agency heuristic. Higher Education, 43 (3), pp. 281-309 (2002) MARGINSON, S. – Postgraduate training in the social sciences: knowledge, engagement, vocation, in S. Marginson (ed.) Investing in social capital: postgraduate training in the social sciences, also published as Journal of Australian Studies 74, Press, Brisbane, pp. 7-43 (2002) MARGINSON, S. - They make a desolation and they call it F. A. Hayek: Australian universities on the brink of the Nelson reforms, Australian Book Review, 260, April, pp. 28-35 (2004) MARGINSON, S. – National and global competition in higher education, The Australian Educational Researcher, 31 (2), pp. 1-28 (2004) MARGINSON, S. – Don’t leave me hanging on the Anglophone: The potential for online distance education in the Asia-Pacific region, Higher Education Quarterly, 58 (2/3), pp. 74-113 (2004) MARGINSON, S. – Competition and markets in higher education: a ‘glonacal’ analysis, Journal of Education Policy Futures, 2 (2), pp. 175-244 (2004) MARGINSON, S. – A revised Marxist political economy of national education markets, Journal of Education Policy Futures, 2 (3&4), pp. 439-453 (2004) LEWIS, T., MARGINSON, S. & SNYDER, I. – The networked university? Technology, culture and organisational complexity in contemporary higher education, Higher Education Quarterly, 59 (1), pp. 56-75 (2005) MARGINSON, S. & SAWIR, E.– Interrogating global flows in higher education, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 3 (3), November, pp. 281-309 (2005) DEUMERT, A., MARGINSON, S., NYLAND, C., RAMIA, G. & SAWIR, E. – Global migration and social protection: The social and economic security of foreign students in Australia, Global Social Policy, 5 (3), pp. 329-352 (2005) MARGINSON, S. - Rethinking the public-private divide in higher education, The Journal for the , 2. Accessed at: (2005) MARGINSON, S. – Putting ‘public’ back into the public university, Thesis Eleven, 84, pp. 44-59 (2006) MARGINSON, S. – Dynamics of national and global competition in higher education, Higher Education, 52, pp. 1-39 (2006) MARGINSON, S. & SAWIR, E. - University leaders’ strategies in the global environment: A comparative study of Universitas Indonesia and the Australian National University, Higher Education, 52, pp. 343-373 (2006) MARGINSON, S. – The public/private division in higher education: a global revision, Higher Education, 53, pp. 307-333 (2007) MARGINSON, S. - University mission and identity for a post post-public era, Higher Education Research and Development, 26 (1), pp. 117-131 (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Globalisation, the ‘idea of a university’ and its ethical regimes, Higher Education Management and Policy, 19 (1), pp. 19-34 (2007) MARGINSON, S. – Global position and position-taking: the case of Australia, Journal of Studies in International Education, 11 (1), pp. 5-32 (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Global university rankings: implications in general and for Australia, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 29 (2), 131-142 (2007) SNYDER, I., LEWIS, T. & MARGINSON, S. – 'An alignment of the planets': mapping the intersections between pedagogy, technology and management in Australian universities, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 29 (2), pp. 187-202 (2007) 31

MARGINSON, S. & VAN DER WENDE, M. – To rank or to be ranked? The impact of global rankings in higher education, Journal of Studies in International Education, 11 (3) pp. 306-339 (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Higher education in the global knowledge economy. In Chinese, Peking University Education Review (2007) MARGINSON, S. – Conditions for an education revolution, Dialogue, The Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, 27 (1), pp. 3-16 (2008) SAWIR, E., MARGINSON, S, DEUMERT, A., NYLAND, C. & RAMIA, G – Loneliness and international students – an Australian study, Journal of Studies in International Education, 12 (2), pp. 148- 180 (2008) MARGINSON, S. - Global field and global imagining: Bourdieu and relations of power in worldwide higher education, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 29 (3), pp. 303-316 (2008) MARGINSON, S. – Vers une hégémonie de l’université globale, transl. Rachel Bouyssou, Critique Internationale, 39, April-June, pp. 87-107 (2008). MARGINSON, S. – Academic creativity under New Public Management: foundations for an investigation, Educational Theory, 58 (3), pp. 269-287 (2008). MARGINSON, S. – The Australian Universities Review: A life (so far), Australian Universities Review, 50 (2), pp. 4-13 (2008) NYLAND, C., FORBES-MEWETT, H., MARGINSON, S., RAMIA, G., SAWIR, E. & SMITH, S. – International student-workers in Australia: A new vulnerable workforce. Journal of Education and Work, 22 (1), pp. 1-14 (2009) MARGINSON, S. – Open source knowledge and university rankings, Thesis Eleven, 96, pp. 9-39 (2009) MARGINSON, S. - The knowledge economy and higher education: A system for regulating the value of knowledge. Higher Education Management and Policy, 21 (1), pp. 31-46 (2009). FORBES-MEWETT, H., MARGINSON, S., NYLAND, C., RAMIA, G. & SAWIR, E., Australian University International Student Finances, Higher Education Policy, 22 (2), 141-161 (2009) SAWIR, E., MARGINSON, S., NYLAND, C., RAMIA, G. & RAWLINGS-SANAEI The Pastoral Care of International Students in New Zealand: Is it more than a consumer protection regime? Journal of Asia-Pacific Education, 29 (1), pp. 45-59 (2009) MARGINSON, S. – Hayekian liberalism and academic freedom. Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice, 1 (1), 86-114 (2009). MARGINSON, S. – Global perspectives and strategies of Asia-Pacific research universities. Evaluation in Higher Education, 3 (2), pp.1-43 (2009). SAWIR, E., MARGINSON, S., NYLAND, C., RAMIA, G. & RAWLINGS-SANAEI, F. – The social and economic security of international students: A New Zealand study, Higher Education Policy, 22 (4), pp. 461-482 (2009). NYLAND, C., FORBES-MEWETT, H. and MARGINSON, S. The international student safety debate: Moving beyond denial. Higher Education Research and Development, 29 (1), 89-101 (2010). MARGINSON, S. – International student security: Globalization, state, university. Journal of the World Universities Forum, 3 (3) pp. 49-58 (2010). MARGINSON, S. – The limits of market reform in higher education. Higher Education Forum, 7, March, pp. 1-19. Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University (2010). MARGINSON, S. – Higher education in the Asia-Pacific: Rise of the Confucian model, Evaluation in Higher Education, 4 (2), pp. 21-53 (2010). MARGINSON, S. - Higher Education in East Asia and Singapore: Rise of the Confucian Model, Higher Education, 61 (5), pp. 587-611 (2011). 32

MARGINSON, S. – Higher education and global public good(s). Dialogue, published by the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, 30 (1), pp. 21-29 (2011). MARGINSON, S. – Equity, status and freedom: A note on higher education, Cambridge Journal of Education, 41 (1), pp. 23-36 (2011). MARGINSON, S. – Higher education and public good. Higher Education Quarterly, 65 (4), pp. 411- 433 (2011). MARGINSON, S. – It’s a long way down: The underlying tensions in the education export industry, Australian Universities Review, 53 (2), pp. 21-33 (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Including the Other: Regulation of the human rights of mobile students in a nation-bound world. Higher Education, 63 (4), pp. 497-512 (2012). RAMIA, G., MARGINSON, S., SAWIR, E. and NYLAND, C. International business and cross-border education: A case of the Janus Face of globalisation? Global Business and Economics Review [in press] SAWIR, E., MARGINSON, S, FORBES-MEWETT, H., NYLAND, C. & RAMIA, G. – International student security and English language proficiency. Journal of Studies in International Education, 16 (5), pp. 434-454 (2012). MARGINSON, S. – The impossibility of capitalist markets in higher education. Journal of Education Policy, 28 (3), pp. 353-370 (2013). RAMIA, G., MARGINSON, S. & SAWIR, E. - The regulation of international student welfare in Australia. Journal of Australian Political Economy, 71, pp. 106-129 (2013). DANG, K.A & MARGINSON, S. - Global learning through the lens of Vygotskian sociocultural theory. Critical Studies in Education, 54 (2), pp. 143-159 (2013). PUSSER, B. & MARGINSON, S. – University rankings in critical perspective. The Journal of Higher Education, 84 (4), pp. 544-568 (2013). WILLIAMS, R., DE RASSENFOSSE, G., JENSEN, P. & MARGINSON, S. – The determinants of quality national higher education systems. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 35 (6), pp. 599-611 (2013). MARGINSON, S. – Student self-formation in international education. Journal of Studies in International Education, 18 (1), pp. 6-22 (2014). MARGINSON, S. – Academic freedom: A global comparative approach. Frontiers of Education in China, 9 (1), pp. 24-41 (2014). MARGINSON, S. – University rankings and social science. European Journal of Education, 49 (1), pp. 45-59 (2014). MARGINSON, S. – The new empires of knowledge in East Asia. Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, 28 (4), pp. 325-344 (2014). MARGINSON, S. - The strategic positioning of Australian research universities in the East Asian region. Higher Education, 70 (2), pp. 265-281 (2015). MARGINSON, S. - The role of the state in university science: Russia and China compared. International Organisations Research Journal, 10 (1). Originally published in Russia. Access at: (2015). MARGINSON, S. – High participation systems of higher education. The Journal of Higher Education, 87 (2), pp. 243-270 (2016). MARGINSON, S. - The worldwide trend to high participation higher education: Dynamics of social stratification in inclusive systems. Higher Education, 72 (4), pp. 413-435. Open access publication at: (2016). MARGINSON, S. & DANG, K.A - Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory in the context of globalisation. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 37 (1), pp. 116-129 (2017). 33

MARGINSON, S. - Higher education, economic inequality and social mobility: Implications for emerging East Asia. International Journal of Educational Development. Published online at (2017). MARGINSON, S. – Limitations of human capital theory. Studies in Higher Education, (2017) MARGINSON, S. - The world-class multiversity: Global commonalities and national characteristics. Frontiers of Education in China, 12 (2), pp. 233-260. DOI 10.1007/s11516-017-0018-1 (2017) MARGINSON, S. - The Master Plan and the California higher education system: Success, failure and implications for China. International Journal of Chinese Education, 6 (1), pp. 1-27 (2017) MARGINSON, S. - Obschestvennye blaga, proizvodimye v vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyakh Rossii [The public good created by higher educational institutions in Russia]. Вопросы образования [Educational Studies Moscow], 3, pp. 8-36. DOI: 10.17323/1814-9545-2017-3-9-36 (2017) MARGINSON, S. - And the sky is grey: The ambivalent outcomes of the California Master Plan for Higher Education. Higher Education Quarterly, 72 (1), pp. 51-64 (2018) MARGINSON, S. – Private/public in higher education: A synthesis of economic and political approaches. Studies in Higher Education, 43 (2), pp. 322-337 (2018). MARGINSON, S. Global trends in higher education financing: The United Kingdom. International Journal of Educational Development, 58, pp. 26-36 (2018).

Articles in press and production

Articles submitted and/or in draft prior to submission

MARGINSON, S. – On definitions: ‘Globalisation’ and ‘internationalisation’ revisited. Submitted to Comparative Education. [to be redrafted]

Translated articles n.e.i.

LEWIS, T., MARGINSON, S. & SNYDER, I. – The networked university? Technology, culture and organisational complexity in contemporary higher education, FormaMente, Anno 1, N. 0, pp. 69-89 (2006) [In Spanish. Translation of Higher Education Quarterly, 59 (1), pp. 56-75 (2005).] MARGINSON, S. – The impossibility of capitalist markets in higher education. Peking University Education Review, 12 (1), pp. 17-35 (2014). [In Chinese. Slightly different version published in Journal of Education Policy, 28 (3), pp. 353-370 (2013).] MARGINSON, S. – La educacion superior como autoformacion: el caso de estudiantes transfronterizos. Revista de la Educacion Superior, 43 (1), No. 169, pp. 7-24 (2014). [In Spanish. Published by the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Translation of Student self-formation in international education. Journal of Studies in International Education, 18 (1), pp. 6-22 (2014).] MARGINSON, S. - To, co publiczne i prywatnew szkolnictwie wyższym. Synteza podejścia ekonomicznego i politycznego. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe, 48 (2), pp. 17-42 (2016). [In 34

Polish. Translation of ‘Private/public in higher education: A synthesis of economic and political approaches’, Studies in Higher Education.] Translated by Krystian Szadkowski. Published online at (2016). MARGINSON, S. – The California Higher Education Master Plan and Higher Education. The success or failure of the system and its significance to China. Tsinghua Journal of Education, 38 (2) (2017). In Chinese. Translated by Wen Wen.

Encyclopedia, textbook and handbook entries nei

MARGINSON, S. – Monash University, in A. Brown-May and S. Swain (eds.) The Encylopedia of Melbourne, revised edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 482 (2005) MARGINSON, S. – Australia, in J. Forrest and P. Altbach (eds) International Handbook of Higher Education, Springer, pp. 587-611, (2006) MARGINSON, S. – Education, in P. Beilharz and T. Hogan (eds) Sociology: Place, time and division, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 242-246 (2006) MARGINSON, S. – Education Policy, in B. Galligan and W. Roberts (eds) Oxford Companion to Australian Politics, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2007) MARGINSON, S. - National and International Rankings of Higher Education. In B. McGaw, P. Peterson and E. Baker (eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Education, Volume 4, 3rd Edition, Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 546-55 (2010). MARGINSON, S. – Higher Education: Contemporary controversies. In D. Phillips (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Philosophy of Education. Sage (2014). MARGINSON, S. – Elite, mass and high-participation higher education. In J.C. Shin and P. Teixeira (eds.), Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9553-1_50-1 (2017).

Reviews and Review Essays

MARGINSON, S. - The political economy of schooling, review of John Freeland book with that title. Youth Studies and Abstracts, 6 (2): pp. 41-42 (1987) MARGINSON, S. Defending the public sector: the Evatt report, review of Evatt Foundation report. Thesis Eleven, No. 3: pp. 143-153 (1989) MARGINSON, S. - Psychology as public education, review of David McCallum, The social production of merit. Australian Universities Review, 34 (2): pp. 42-43 (1991) MARGINSON, S. - Education in Papua New Guinea, review of Tim Curtin, The economics of public investment in education in Papua New Guinea. Australian Journal of Education, 37 (3): pp. 300-301 (1993) MARGINSON, S. - Going round in circles, review of John Chubb and Terry Moe, Politics, markets and America's schools. Australian Universities Review, 36 (2): pp. 48-49 (1994) MARGINSON, S. - The messianic and the mundane, review of Denise Meredyth and Deb Tyler, and Bob Connell. Meanjin, 53 (2): pp. 363-368 (1994) MARGINSON S. - The tyranny of boundaries, review essay on Terri Seddon's Context and Curriculum. Australian Education Researcher, 22 (3): pp. 123-130 (1995) MARGINSON, S. Review of Ian Hunter, Rethinking the school. Thesis Eleven No. 51, November, pp. 118-124 (1997) 35

MARGINSON, S. - Review of Lyn Meek et al, The mockers and the mocked: comparative perspectives on differentiation, convergence and diversity in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 23 (1), pp. 103-104 (1998) MARGINSON, S. – Playing monopoly on the sidelines, review of Gary Rhoades’ Managed Professionals. Australian Universities Review, 41 (2), pp. 52-56 (1998) MARGINSON, S. – Review of Richard Teese’s Academic Success and Social Power: Examinations and inequalityr Overland (2002) MARGINSON, S. – Bright networks and dark spaces: implications of Manuel Castells for higher education. Academe Online, American Association of University Professors, 90 (3), May-June (2004) MARGINSON, S. – Shakespeare, Einstein and the bottom line, review of book of that title by David Kirp. Teachers College Record, 108 (5), pp. 434-438 (2006) MARGINSON, S. – Engaging democratic education in the neo-liberal age, review of five books on democracy and education. Educational Theory 56 (2), pp. 205-219 (2006) MARGINSON, S. – The Anglo-American university at its global high tide, review of five books on universities. Minerva 44, pp. 65-87 (2006) MARGINSON, S. – Review of Robert Rhoads and Carlos Torres, The University, the State and the Market: The political economy of globalization in the Americas. The Review of Higher Education, 30 (2), pp. 208-209 (2007). #MARGINSON, S. – Review of Imanol Ordorika, Power and Politics in University Governance: Organization and change at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Comparative Education Review 51 (3), 399-401 (2007). MARGINSON, S. – Understanding the international student experience. Review of Catherine Montgomery’s book of that title, Times Higher Education, 27 February (2010). MARGINSON, S. – Higher education and the market. Review of Roger Brown, Higher Education and the Market. Journal of Higher Education, 84 (2), pp. 297-299 (2013). MARGINSON, S. - Richard A. Hartnett: The Jixia academy and the birth of higher learning in China, 2011. Higher Education, 68 (2), 323-324 (2014). MARGINSON, S. – Education and Neoliberal Globalization. Review Essay on Carlos Torres book. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 35 (3), pp. 460-464 (2014). MARGINSON, S. – Hannah Forsyth and Peter Murphy on the University. Australian Universities Review, 58 (1), pp. 72-80 (2016). MARGINSON, S. – Hannah Forsyth on the University. Thesis Eleven, 137 (1), pp. 121-125 (2016). MARGINSON, S. – Australia’s Boldest Experiment. Review of Stuart Macintyre on postwar reconstruction. Thesis Eleven, 137 (1), pp. 125-131 (2016).

Articles not fully refereed

MARGINSON, S. - The crisis of public education, Youth Studies Bulletin, 4 (4): pp. 128-150 (1985) MARGINSON, S. - The culture of the White Paper: academic labour for and as commodity production, Discourse, 10 (2): pp. 22-35 (1990) MARGINSON, S. - The eclipse of equality of opportunity. The Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 16 (2): pp. 3-8 (1991) MARGINSON, S. - The new economism: the ACTU’s ‘high competence society’. The New Researcher, 1 & 2: pp. 25-36 (1992) MARGINSON, S.- Afterword: How can the managed university be different? Access: critical perspectives on education policy (NZ), 13 (1), pp. 62-68 (1994) 36

MARGINSON, S. - Education and public policy in Australia: a reply [response to three reviews of Marginson’s Education and public policy in Australia]. Melbourne Studies in Education, 29 (1): pp. 84-96 (1995) MARGINSON, S., McCULLOCH, G. and O’BRIEN, J. - Higher education and the 1996 budget. Australian Universities Review, 39 (1): pp. 6-7 (1996) NICHOLLS, J. and MARGINSON, S. - The West review: an answer in search of a question. Australian Universities Review, 39 (2): pp. 2-3 (1996) MARGINSON, S. - Careers in a competitive environment. Australian Journal of Career Development, 6 (2), pp. 11-15 (1997) MARGINSON, S. - How free is academic freedom? Higher Education Research and Development, 16 (3), pp. 359-369 (1997) MARGINSON, S. - Schools funding and the public-private problem: 1996 and after, Unicorn, 23 (1), pp. 16-25 (1997) MARGINSON, S. - The one dimensional vision. Australian Universities Review, 40(2): pp. 3-4 (1997) MARGINSON, S. - Higher education after the election: it will get worse before it gets better, Australian Universities’ Review, 41 (1), pp. 2-4 (1998) MARGINSON, S. - John Anwyl, 1930-1998, Australian Universities’ Review, 41 (2), p. 41 (1998) MARGINSON, S. - The West Report as national education policy making. Australian Economic Review, 31 (2), pp. 157-166 (1998) PETERS, M. and MARGINSON, S. – Introduction [to special issue on ‘Universities in the 21st century: Australasian perspectives]. Access, 18 (2), pp. ii-vii (1999) MARGINSON, S. – Harvards of the Antipodes? Nation-building universities in a global environment. Access, 18 (2), pp. 1-20 (1999) MARGINSON, S. – Living with the Other: higher education in the global era. Australian Universities Review, 42 (2) & 43 (1), pp. 53-63 (1999/2000) MARGINSON, S. and RAMSDEN, P. – ‘Introduction’ [to special issue on ‘reworking the university’]. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 22 (1), pp. 5-7 (2000) MARGINSON, S. – Emeritus Professor W.F. Connell, 1916-2001, The Australian Journal of Education, 45 (3), pp. 231-236 (2001) MARGINSON, S. – Higher education and policies in Australia, International Higher Education, No. 25, pp. 21-22 (2001) MARGINSON, S. – The phenomenal rise of international degrees down under, Change, 34 (3),May/June, pp.34-43 (2002) MARGINSON, S. – E-learning: expanding the bottler to fit the genie, International Higher Education, No. 30, pp. 5-7 (2003) MARGINSON, S. – High fee market for Australian universities? International Higher Education, No. 33, pp. 19-20 (2003) MARGINSON, S. & McBURNIE, G. – Asia: The region and international education, IIE Networker, Fall edition, pp. 14-19 (2004) MARGINSON, S. – University futures, Editorial in ‘University futures’, special issue of Journal of Education Policy Futures, 2 (2), pp. 159-174 (2004) MARGINSON, S. – Universities: rising process, falling social value, IMPACT, Australian Council of Social Services, Autumn/05, p. 16 (2005) MARGINSON, S. – How Australian universities stack up, Around the Globe, Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movements, Monash University, 2 (1), pp. 6-11 (2005) MARGINSON, S. – Is Australia overdependent on international students? International Higher Education, 54, pp. 10-12 (2009) 37

MARGINSON, S. – Introduction, Thesis Eleven, 96, pp. 5-8 (2009) MARGINSON, S. – Australian higher education in the global setting. Occasional Paper for Academy of Social Sciences, Australia. (submitted September 2008) MARGINSON, S. – International education in Australia: It’s a long way down, International Higher Education, Summer (2010) MARGINSON, S. – Foreword, in M. Kumar, Discursivity, international students and representation: Walking through different worlds, pp. viii-x. Melbourne: Common Ground (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Preface, in Christopher S. Collins, Higher Education and Global Poverty: University partnerships and the World Bank in developing countries [publication details TBA]. MARGINSON, S. – Future paths of international higher education. In IAU Horizons, 18 (3) & 19 (1), p.14 (2013). MARGINSON, S. – Foreword. In B. Streitwieser (ed.) Internationalisation of Higher Education and Global Mobility. Oxford: Symposium Books (2014). MARGINSON, S. and SMOLENTSEVA, A. – Higher education in the world – Main trends and facts. In B. Hall and R. Tandon (eds.), Higher Education in the World 5. Knowledge, engagement and higher education: Contributing to social change, pp. 26-31. Global University Network for Innovation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (2014). MARGINSON, S. – Foreword, in J. Brown (ed.), Navigating International Academia: Research student narratives, pp. vii-ix. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers (2014). MARGINSON, S. – A response from Simon Marginson. Part of ‘Responses to Yang Rui’s “China’s Strategy for Internationalization of Higher Education: An Overview”’. Frontiers of Education in China, 9 (2), pp. 163-187 (2014). MARGINSON, S. – The rise of East Asian higher education and science. E-International Relations, 6 July (2014). MARGINSON, S. – International students: The United Kingdom drops the ball. International Higher Education, 76, pp. 9-10 (2014). MARGINSON, S. – Mirror images. Research Fortnight, May (2014). MARGINSON, S. – Foreword: The partial shift from public to private goods in UK higher education. London Review of Education, 14 (1), pp. 4-10 (2016).


Papers in published conference proceedings [# = fully refereed]

MARGINSON, S. - Will award restructuring make a difference? in Academic careers, ed. J. Anwyl, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne: pp. 61-80 (1991) MARGINSON, S. - Implications of the emerging educational markets, in selected papers from the 1991 National Social Policy conference, Social Policy Research Centre, University of NSW (1992) MARGINSON, S. - Fightback’s education and training, in Fightback! an economic assessment, ed. John Head, Australian Taxation Foundation, Melbourne: pp. 523-542 (1993) MARGINSON, S. - Commodity forms in education, in The economics of education 1992, ed. G. Burke, F. Ferrier, P. McKenzie, L. Maglen, C. Selby-Smith, Monash University Centre for the Economics of Education, AGPS, Canberra: pp. 157-166 (1993) MARGINSON, S. - Emerging patterns of education in Victoria, in Schooling what future?, ed. J. Kenway, Deakin Centre for Education and Change, , Geelong: pp. 133-144 (1994) MARGINSON, S. - Human capital and growth, in Investment for growth, Economic Planning Advisory Council Background Paper No. 39, AGPS, Canberra: pp. 129-136 (1994) MARGINSON, S. - Commentary on Barr and Breneman, in Funding higher education: performance and diversity, ed. Paul Miller and Jonathon Pincus, 97/19, Evaluations and Investigations Program, Higher Education Division, Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, AGPS, Canberra: pp. 123-126 (1997) MARGINSON, S. - Research as a managed economy: the costs, in The ethos of the university: West and beyond, ed. Ian Hunt and John Smyth, Flinders University Centre for Applied Philosophy/Flinders Institute for Study of Teaching, Adelaide: pp. 118-144 (1997) MARGINSON, S. – The enterprise university comes to Australia, paper to the annual conference of the Australian Association for Education Research, Melbourne, 29 November- 2 December (1999). [#] MARGINSON, S. – Markets in higher education – national and global competition, Radford Memorial Lecture to the annual conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education conference, Auckland New Zealand, 2 December (2003). DEUMERT, A., MARGINSON, S., NYLAND, C., RAMIA, G. & SAWIR, E. - ‘The social and economic security of international students in Australia: a study of 200 student cases’, paper to the annual conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education, Melbourne, 28 November to 2 December (2004) BURNHEIM, C. & MARGINSON, S. – Social capital and higher education institutions, symposium paper at the annual conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education, Melbourne, 28 November to 2 December (2004) MARGINSON, S. – Hayekian neo-liberalism and academic freedom, in M. Freund, J. Mackenzie & M. O’Loughlin (eds.), Politics, Business and Education: The aims of education in the 21st century. Proceedings of the 35th annual conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia, pp. 1-28. Sydney: Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (2006) FORBES-MEWETT, H., CHUNG, M., MARGINSON, S., NYLAND, C., RAMIA, G. & SAWIR, E., Income security of international students in Australia. In ISANA international Education conference 2006, Sydney, pp. 1-14. Melbourne: International Education Association Inc. (ISANA) (2006) MARGINSON, S. Higher education in the global knowledge economy, Beijing Forum 2007, Panel Session VIII, Social Change and University Development, 2-4 November 2007 (2008) 39

MARGINSON, S. – Global movements in research labour and doctoral students: Strategic implications for national systems and universities. Paper to the International Workshop on Graduate Education, Research Institute for Higher Education (RIHE), Hiroshima University, Japan, 19-20 November 2009. Published by RIHE, Hiroshima, Japan (2010)


Conference and seminar papers NEI, outside UK/Australia (till November 2015)

MARGINSON, S. - The managed university in a global environment, Institute of Policy Studies, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand (November 1994). MARGINSON, S. - The idea of a university, paper to a symposium organised by the Association of University Staff, Wellington, New Zealand (November 1994) MARGINSON, S. - Education markets as control systems, conference of the New Zealand Association for Research in Education, Christchurch, New Zealand (December 1994) MARGINSON, S. – Harvards of the Antipodes? Nation-building universities in a global environment, Winter Lecture series on ‘The University in the 21st Century’, University of Auckland (July 1998) MARGINSON, S – The best of times, the worst of times: Research as a managed economy – the Australian case, Association for the Study of Higher Education annual conference, Miami, Florida, USA (November 1998) MARGINSON, S. – Globalisation and International Education, seminar paper at Green College, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (November 1998) MARGINSON, S. – The bounded diversity of policy research, paper in the Australian Association for Research in Education symposium at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal (April 1999) MARGINSON, S. – Globalisation and academic capitalism in Australia, paper in the symposium on ‘Academic capitalism: worst case scenarios and beyond’, at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal (April 1999) MARGINSON, S. – The West report as national education policy making, paper in the symposium on ‘The death of the university in Australia: the West report as an instrument’, at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal (April 1999) MARGINSON, S. – Global and national markets in higher education, paper in the panel session opening the International Forum of the Association for Studies in Higher Education conference, San Antonio (November 1999) MARGINSON, S. – The enterprise university in Australia, paper to the International Forum of the Association for Studies in Higher Education conference, San Antonio (November 1999) MARGINSON, S. – Universities on the periphery: a comparison of higher education in Argentina and Australia, seminar for FLACSO, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (December 1999) CLYNE, F., MARGINSON, S. and WOOCK, R. – International education in Australian universities: concepts and definitions, paper to the conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, San Antonio, Texas (March 2000) MARGINSON, S. and MOLLIS, M. – ‘The door opens and the tiger leaps’: theory and method in comparative education in the global era, paper to the conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, San Antonio, Texas (March 2000) MOLLIS, M. and MARGINSON, S. – The assessment of universities in Argentina and Australia: between autonomy and heteronomy, paper to the conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, San Antonio, Texas (March 2000) MARGINSON, S. – Markets in education: the case of Australia, symposium paper at the Association for Studies in Higher Education conference, Sacramento, California (November 2000) MARGINSON. S. - Australian higher education and the international student market: commercial affluence and public squalor, paper to the conference on Globalisation and Higher Education – Views from the South, Capetown, March (2001) 41

MARGINSON, S. – presentation to Salzburg Seminar symposium on higher education, Salzburg, Austria, July (2001) MARGINSON, S. – Privatisation of education in Australia, conference on globalisation, Oslo, September (2001) MARGINSON, S. – Globalisation and the Enterprise University, conference on higher education, University of California Los Angeles Department of Political Science, September (2001) MARGINSON, S. – International seminar on globalisation and higher education, University of Virginia, November (2001) MARGINSON, S. – Association for Studies in Higher Education International Pre-conference, on globalisation and higher education, Richmond, November (2001) MARGINSON, S. and RHOADES, G. – Association for Studies in Higher Education International Pre- conference, on theory and method, Richmond, November (2001) MARGINSON, S. - The global market in foreign higher education: the case of Australia, paper to the annual conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education, Richmond, VA, November (2001) MARGINSON, S. - Quality assurance for distance learning: issues for international discussion and action, presentation to the International Seminar of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) USA, San Francisco, January (2002) MARGINSON, S. - International distance education and quality assurance: the case of Australia, presentation to the annual conference of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) USA, San Francisco, January (2002) MARGINSON, S. – Ford Foundation seminar on markets in higher education, Tampa, January (2002) MARGINSON, S. – Going global and governing it, presentation to Atlantic Foundation–funded seminar on governance in higher education, Santa Fe, June (2002) MARGINSON, S. – The Enterprise University as Network University, presentation to the PhD Summer School of the University of Twente Center for Higher Education Policy Studies, Barcelona, July (2002) MARGINSON, S. – The native moment –national identity and higher education policy in Australia, 1955-1975, paper to conference on ‘The end of the Affair’ on Australia-UK relations, London, July (2002) MARGINSON, S. – The Social Sciences at Risk, Cornell University/ Ford Foundation seminar at Roros, Norway, August (2002) MARGINSON, S. & RIZVI, F. – Accounting for the internationalisation of Australian education, paper to the annual conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education, Sacramento, CA, November (2002) MARGINSON, S. & SAWIR, E. – University leaders’ strategies in the global environment – a comparative study of Universitas Indonesia and the Australian National University, prepared for the ASHE International Forum, Association for the Study of Higher Education, Portland, 13-14 November (2003) MARGINSON, S. & SAWIR, E. - University Leaders’ Strategies in the Global Environment: A cross- country study, prepared for the Comparative and International Education Society conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, 9-12 March (2004) MARGINSON, S. – National and global competition in higher education: towards a synthesis, seminar paper to Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, May (2004) MARGINSON, S. – Global markets in the context of national higher education, public paper at University of Dokkyo, Tokyo, Japan, 1 June (2004) 42

MARGINSON, S. & SAWIR, E. - Globalisation and internationalisation in Asian and Australian higher education, paper to a seminar on the internationalisation of universities at Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan, 8 June (2004) MARGINSON, S. – Global and national markets in higher education, public paper at , Tokyo, Japan, 10 June (2004) MARGINSON, S. – The global and its future, public paper to combined university forum, Osaka, Japan, 12 June (2004) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Doing somersaults in Enschede: rethinking and inverting public/private amid the winds of globalisation, address to annual conference of the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER, Europe), University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, 17-19 September (2004) MARGINSON, S. – They still call multiculturalism home. Migration language and education in Australia, paper to a conference on Multicultural Futures at Monash University, Prato, Italy, 22-23 September (2004) MARGINSON, S. - Response to panel topic and keynote paper by Min Zhou, plenary panel presentation, Panel 3, Education and Immigrant Youth: The challenges posed by new cultural communities Ninth International Metropolis Conference, Geneva, 27 September-1 October (2004) DEUMERT, A., MARGINSON, S., NYLAND, C., RAMIA, G. & SAWIR, E. - Global people movement and the social protection needs of migrants: International students in Australia, Workshop Paper to the 9th International Metropolis Conference, Geneva, 27 September-1 October (2004) MARGINSON, S. - National and global competition in higher education: towards a synthesis (theoretical reflections), paper to ASHE International Forum, Association for the Study of Higher Education conference, Kansas City, 3-4 November (2004) MARGINSON,.S – Higher education research as the basis for public policies: the case of Australia, presentation to Puerto Rico, Council of Higher Education conference on Research on higher education, Puerto Rico, 30 May (2005) [delivered by videolink] MARGINSON, S. - Globalisation and global public goods in higher education, advertised as Produccion de bienes publicos globales a traves de la educacion superior, Conferencia, El Seminario de Educacion Superior de la UNAM, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 15 de Agosto (2005) MARGINSON, S. – Global position and position-taking: The case of Australia, for Symposium, International Forum, annual conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education, Philadelphia, 17 November (2005) MARGINSON, S. – Rethinking public and private for the global era, for Colloqium, International Forum, annual conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education, Philadelphia, 19 November (2005) MARGINSON, S. - Public universities, public goods, public spheres, for Symposium on ‘Advancing research on higher education and the public good’, annual conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education, Philadelphia, 19 November (2005) MARGINSON, S. – paper for panel on ‘International perspectives on post-secondary education ‘, The National Dialogue on Higher Education, Ottawa Congress Centre, Canada, 27-29 November (2005) MARGINSON, S. - Internationalizing Canada’s universities: Practices, challenges, opportunities, paper to conference at York University, Canada, 2-3 March (2006) MARGINSON, S. – Globalization and higher education, presentation to OECD Expert meeting / seminar on ‘University Futures’, Lisboa, Portugal, 4-5 May (2006) 43

MARGINSON, S. – The global space: Some strategic implications for research-intensive universities, of cross-border flows and global rankings ‘Leading the Next Phase of Internationalisation’, U21 conference, Auckland, 10 May (2006) [#] MARGINSON, S. - The strategic setting and its potentials: global economy, global culture, nation, higher education, keynote address to conference on ‘New Paradigm, New Technique for Global Business Development and Strategy’ Burapha University, , , 22 June (2006) MARGINSON, S. – Global university rankings: private and public goods, 19th Annual Consortium of Higher Education Researchers of Europe conference, Kassel, Germany, 7-9 September (2006) MARGINSON, S. – Globalisation, the ‘idea of a university’ and its ethical regimes, address to general meeting of OECD Institutional Management in Higher Education program, Paris, 13 September (2006) MARGINSON, S. – Rethinking and Re-imagining Rankings: Multiple models for world class universities, Symposium, Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Meeting, International Forum, Anaheim, California, 1 November (2006) MARGINSON, S. – Power, politics and university reform from a global perspective, Symposium, Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Meeting, International Forum, Anaheim, California, 2 November (2006) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Globalisation and Higher Education: Capacity and strategy in the Asia- Pacific, GUNI-AP (UNESCO) conference, Bangkok Thailand, 9-11 November (2006) MARGINSON, S. – Global university rankings at the end of 2006: Is this the hierarchy we have to have? OECD/IMHE & Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, Germany, Workshop on Institutional Diversity: Rankings and typologies in higher education, Bonn, 4-5 December (2006) MARGINSON, S. – Global university rankings: where to from here? Paper to the conference of the Asia-Pacific Association for International Education, National University of Singapore, 9 March (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Rankings - Market mana or menace? Paper for the 16th Annual New Zealand International Education Conference, 'The Big Picture’ (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Higher education in the global knowledge economy, paper presented to Panel Session VIII, Social Change and University Development, at the Beijing Forum 2007, Peking University, 2-4 November (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Global University rankings, paper for symposium, 'Comparing colleges: the implications of classification, ranking and peer analysis for research and practice', annual conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 6-10 November (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Yes Virginina, these are human agents and they have histories: ways of rethinking the research construction of 'international students', paper for symposium, 'Reconceptualizing international students: exploring identities and roles from alternative perspectives', paper for International Forum of the annual conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 6-10 November (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Academic self-determination and radical-critical breaks in knowledge, paper for symposium, 'University autonomy and academic freedom in space and time: commonalities, variations, trends', paper for International Forum of the annual conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 6-10 November (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Global flows and global field: a theoretical framing of worldwide relations of power in higher education, paper for International Forum of the annual conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 6-10 November (2007) 44

MARGINSON, S. - Higher Education and Globalization: Issues for research Part II: Cross-border mobility, flows and the globalization of the academic profession, paper for the Executive Forum of the European Association for International Education, Berlin, 29 February (2008) MARGINSON, S - The External Dimension: Positioning the European Higher Education Area in the global higher education world, paper prepared for seminar on 'Bologna 2020: Unlocking Europe's potential, contributing to a better world', 19-20 May, Ghent, Belgium (2008) MARGINSON, S. - A funny thing happened on the way to the K-economy: The new world order in higher education. Research rankings, outcomes measures and institutional classifications, lead plenary paper to annual conference of the OECD Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE) program, Paris, 8-10 September (2008). [#] MARGINSON, S. - Research rankings, outcomes measures and institutional classifications: Value formation in the k-economy, keynote paper at the annual meeting of the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER), Pavia, Italy, 11-13 September (2008). MARGINSON, S. – Globalization and comparative education. Seminar presentation to Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, United States of America, 2 October (2008) MARGINSON, S. – Intercultural education. Seminar presentation to College of Education, University of California, Riverside, United States of America, 7 October. (2008) MARGINSON, S. - The Global Knowledge Economy Comes to Town: What does this mean for American higher education? Is it the end of the University as we know it? Public Lecture at University of California, Riverside, United States of America, 8 October. (2008) [#] MARGINSON, S. - Global, multiple and engaged: Has the ‘Idea of a University’ changed in the era of the global knowledge economy? Paper for Fifth International Workshop on Higher Education Reforms, 'The Internationalization of Higher Education and Higher Education Reforms', Institute of Higher Education, School of Education Sciences, East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai, China, 4-6 November (2008) MARGINSON, S. - The knowledge economy and the potentials of the global public sphere, paper for Beijing Forum 2008, Panel Session V, 'Continuities and change in world politics: globalization or glocalization?', Peking University, 7-9 November (2008) MARGINSON, S. - Globalization, national development and university rankings. Paper for International Symposium on ‘University ranking: Global trends and comparative perspectives’, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam 13 November (2008). [#] MARGINSON, S. - ELT and Globalization: Education and language for national development in the global knowledge economy. Paper for International Conference: ‘Rethinking English language education for today’s Vietnam’, Vietnam National University/ Hanoi University of Languages and International Studies, 14 November (2008). MARGINSON, S. - “Ideas of a University” for the global era. Paper for seminar on ‘Positioning University in the Globalized World: Changing Governance and Coping Strategies in Asia. Centre of Asian Studies, The University of Hong Kong; Central Policy Unit, HKSAR Government; and The Hong Kong Institute of Education. 10-11 December, The University of Hong Kong (2008) MARGINSON, S. - National system reform in global context: The case of Australia. Paper presented at the conference on Reforms and consequences in higher education system: An international symposium, Center for National University Finance and Management (CNUFM), National Center of Sciences, Hitotubashi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 26 January (2009) MARGINSON, S. - Competition and public goods in higher education: Public universities in the context of globalization, markets and the New Public Management, a conceptual discussion. Prepared for seminar at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 29 January (2009) 45

MARGINSON, S. - Global imaginings and strategies in higher education, paper for panel on ‘Constituting the Knowledge Economy: Governing the new regional spaces of higher education’, International Studies Association Conference, New York, 15-18 February (2009) MARGINSON, S. - The limits of market reform in higher education, lecture to Research Institute for Higher Education (RIHE), Hiroshima University, Japan, 17 August (2009) MARGINSON, S. - Globalization, Knowledge and Competition in Higher Education, Kumamoto University, 13 October (2009) MARGINSON, S. - Tradition and change in universities: The case of Australia, Hijiyama University Japan, 16 October (2009) MARGINSON, S. - International Student Security: Globalization, states, universities. Keynote address to the World Universities Forum, Davos, Switzerland, 10 January (2010) MARGINSON, S. - Trends in the internationalisation of higher education: The new dynamism of global action. Paper for European Commission conference hosted by the Spanish Government, on ‘Internationalization of Higher Education’, Madrid, 19-20 April (2010) MARGINSON, S. - Is the “East Rising”? The Asia-Pacific region of higher education. Paper to U21 Symposium, Delhi, India 29 April (2010) MARGINSON, S. - Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific 2010: The certain rise of the ‘Confucian Model’ and the uncertain prospects for regionalization. Keynote address to international conference of the Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, 4 June (2010) MARGINSON, S. - A university education beyond borders: Student exchange security policy. Paper to seminar sponsored by the Center for the Advancement of Higher Education, Tohoku University, Japan, 23 July (2010) MARGINSON, S. – Dynamics of the Confucian Model of higher education system. Seminar paper at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Graduate School of Higher Education, Shanghai, China, 15 September (2010) MARGINSON, S. – Presentation to American Council on Education Blue Ribbon Panel on Global Engagement, transmitted by videolink, 19 October (2010) MARGINSON, S. – The Othering of international students: Towards a global rights regime. Public paper at Amsterdam University College, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2 November (2010) MARGINSON, S. - Creating global public goods. Opening keynote for a seminar on the Global University at the University of Virginia, USA, 14 November (2010). MARGINSON, S. – International student security – An Australian study based on 200 interviews. Paper to the annual conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education, Indianapolis, United States, 19 November (2010) MARGINSON, S. - Towards a global protocol for mobile students: Lessons from the Australian experience of international education. Paper to the conference ‘A home away from home? International students in Australian and South African higher education’, Monash South Africa, Johannesburg, 25 November (2010). MARGINSON, S. – International comparisons of higher education can be fun. Paper for First Workshop on ‘A comparative study of selected higher education systems in Asia’, University Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 5 December (2010) MARGINSON, S. – Dynamics of the Confucian Model of higher education system, Graduate School of Education, Peking University, 17 December (2010) MARGINSON, S. - The Changing Global Landscape: Dynamics of the Confucian Model of Higher Education, seminar on ‘The Transformation of the Contemporary University’, University of Bristol, 18 February (2011) 46

MARGINSON, S. - Does higher education create public good(s) and should it be publicly funded?, Seminar paper presented to Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, 21 February (2011) PUSSER, B. AND MARGINSON, S. – Power and global rankings, paper presented to the annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, Montreal, 3 May (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Nation-states, educational traditions and the WCU project. Paper for Seminar on Institutionalization of a World-Class University in Global Competition, Hoam Convention Centre, Seoul National University, Korea, 28-29 June (2011). MARGINSON, S. - The limits of market reform in higher education and university research. Seminar paper presented at University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 19 August (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Higher Education as Self/Social Formation: Thinking again about public and private. Keynote address to the Symposium of Higher Education Researchers in Finland, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, 22-23 August (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Global visions and strategies of Asia-Pacific universities. Seminar paper presented to Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC) and Community for Higher Education Research (CHER), Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, 15 September (2011). MARGINSON, S. - ‘World Class University’: The case of Australia. Paper to 4th HEPRI International Symposium on Developing World Class Universities in Asia Pacific Region: Policy Approaches for Capacity Building in Higher Education, Korea University, 8 October (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Global visions and strategies of Asia-Pacific universities. Presentation to Graduate Student Class: Higher Education Policy. Faculty of Education, Seoul National University, 18 October (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Different pathways to a shared goal: How variations in traditions, political and educational cultures, and the resulting traditions and strategies, differentiate the approach to building WCUs. Paper to the WCU-4 conference (the fourth World-Class Universities conference), hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University Graduate School of Education, Shanghai, 31 October (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Enter East Asia: The new global configuration in higher education and research. Keynote address to the Fall Conference of the Canadian Society of Study of Higher Education, Vancouver, 4 November (2011). MARGINSON, S. – What is ‘public higher education’? How do we advance it (once we know what it is)? Paper to Symposium on Universities and the public sphere: Global potentials and challenges. ASHE Council for International Higher Education, annual conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education, North Carolina, USA, 16 November (2011). [#] MARGINSON, S. - Meeting the Challenge of an East/West Future. Keynote address to Council for International Higher Education, ASHE Council for International Higher Education, annual conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education, North Carolina, USA, 17 November (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Theorizing international and comparative education in the 21st century. Panel address at the annual conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education, North Carolina, USA, 19 November (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Nation states, educational traditions, and the global patterning of higher education. Seminar paper to OISE/UT CIDEC seminar, University of Toronto, 23 November (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Exploring the different pathways to the WCU (the Global Research University), plenary paper to the Global Higher Education Forum, IPPTN/Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 15 December (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Emerging Asia and Emerging Higher Education in Asia: Implications for 47

Australia. Paper to the RIHE & CSHE 2nd Joint Research Seminar, Hiroshima University, April 5-6, (2012) MARGINSON, S. - How good is university research in East Asia and Singapore? Presentation to Graduate Education class, Seoul National University, 25 April (2012) MARGINSON, S. - Social Contribution of University Research. Paper to the symposium on ‘The Future of Higher Education for the Third Wave’, Symposium, Seoul National University, 26-27 April (2012) [#] MARGINSON, S. - Global University Rankings: The strategic issues. Keynote address to the conference ‘Las Universidades Latinoamericanas ante los Rankings Internacionales: Impactos, Alcances y Límites’. UNAM (National University of Mexico), Mexico City, 17-18 May (2012) [#] MARGINSON, S. - The changing geo-politics of creativity: Rise of the Post-Confucian university. Paper to conference on The Creative University, 15-16 August 2012, , Hamilton, New Zealand MARGINSON, S. - Building world class universities in Australia and China. Paper to the Australia- China futures Dialogues, Peking University, 24-26 September (2012). MARGINSON, S. - Dynamics of the Post-Confucian Model of Higher Education, paper to the World Performing Universities conference, Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore, 10-11 October (2012). MARGINSON, S. - Globalisation and the challenge for higher education leaders. British CounciL, Global Education Dialogues, Tokyo, 15-16 January (2013) MARGINSON, S. – State agendas in the age of globalized higher education. OECD/MEXT conference, Tokyo, Japan, 6 February (2013) MARGINSON, S. - Research, STEM and the global arms race in innovation: The rise and rise of East Asia and Singapore. Seminar paper to the April conference of the Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, 2 April (2013). MARGINSON, S. – Plenary paper on Social Policy. April conference of the Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, 3 April (2013). MARGINSON, S. – Global Perspectives on Education and Poverty. American Association for Research in Education, San Francisco, Presidential Session, 1 May (2013) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Research, STEM and the global arms race in innovation: The rise and rise of East Asia and Singapore. Keynote address to the annual conference of the New Zealand Association for Research in Education, 12 July (2013). MARGINSON, S. - Universal Higher Education in the Global Era. Paper to International Seminar on The Dynamics of High Participation Systems. Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, 26 September (2013). MARGINSON, S. - Science and higher education in a more global era and how Russia is positioned. Plenary paper to conference of the Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, 26-28 September (2013). MARGINSON, S. – Western higher education with Chinese characteristics or a new Post- Confucian model? State-shaped higher education in North-East Asia and Singapore. Lecture for Patton College of Education, Ohio University, 25 March (2014) MARGINSON, S. – Theories and methods for understanding higher education in a globalizing world. Vice-Presidential Panel Session. American Association for Research in Education, Philadelphia, 4 April (2014) MARGINSON, S. – The global construction of higher education reform. Symposium on New research on global policy processes in education, American Association for Research in Education, Philadelphia, 7 April (2014) 48

MARGINSON, S. - Is there a genuine ‘market’ in higher education? Where does the nation-state fit in? What does it mean for the public good? National Research University – Higher School of Economics Summer school on higher education research ‘Who are the Students in Higher Education? Changing Roles, Changing Systems, Changing Lives’, Pushkin, St Petersburg, 9 June (2014) MARGINSON, S. - Higher education as student self-formation: Agency freedom and the power of knowledge. A speculative theorization. National Research University – Higher School of Economics Summer school on higher education research ‘Who are the Students in Higher Education? Changing Roles, Changing Systems, Changing Lives’, Pushkin, St Petersburg, 12 June (2014) [#] MARGINSON, S. - New Empires of Knowledge in East Asia, Tin Ka Ping Education Fund Distinguished Lecture, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, 25 June (2014) MARGINSON, S. - The social implications of high participation systems (HPS) of higher education: A collaborative project in progress. Conference of the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers, Rome, 8-10 September (2014). [#] MARGINSON, S. - Clark Kerr and the Californian model of higher education. Clark Kerr Lectures on Higher Education, Lecture 1. University of California Berkeley, 30 September (2014) [#] MARGINSON, S. - The Californian model of higher education in the world. Clark Kerr Lectures on Higher Education, Lecture 2. University of California Berkeley, 2 October (2014) [#] MARGINSON, S. - "Bonfire of the publics”? Rebuilding the social foundations of higher education. Clark Kerr Lectures on Higher Education, Lecture 3. University of California Berkeley, 7 October (2014) [#] MARGINSON, S. - The future of the Californian model of higher education. Clark Kerr Lectures on Higher Education, Lecture 4. University of California San Diego, 9 October (2014) MARGINSON, S. - Understanding disparities in postsecondary opportunity in comparative perspective. Association for Studies in Higher Education conference, Washington DC, USA, 19 November (2014) MARGINSON, S. - Critical intersections of diversity and internationalization. Association for Studies in Higher Education conference, Washington DC, USA, 22 November (2014) MARGINSON, S. – Changes in the worldwide higher education landscape. University of London in Paris, 20 February (2015) MARGINSON, S. - Emerging higher education systems in Eurasia: Dynamism and dynamics. International Exhibition and Conference on Higher Education, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 15-16 April (2015) MARGINSON, S. - Universities, the Plutocracy and the 99%: Is high participation in higher education the problem or the solution, in societies that are becoming more unequal? First Annual Worldviews Lecture, University of Toronto, Toronto, 21 April (2015) [#] MARGINSON, S. - High participation systems of higher education in unequal societies. Paper to the 3rd Higher Education Research Association conference, Taipei, 21-22 May (2015) MARGINSON, S. – The state and public goods in higher education. Summer School on Higher Education Research, National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow. St Petersburg, 13-19 June (2015). MARGINSON, S. – What’s going on. The state, higher education and society. Summer School on Higher Education Research, National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow. St Petersburg, 13-19 June (2015). 49

MARGINSON, S. - High participation higher education and social inequality. (An inquiry based on a critical review of the research). Panel on High Participation Systems of Higher Education. Consortium of Higher Education Researchers, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 September (2015) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Conference summing up. OECD-Singapore Conference on Higher Education Futures. Singapore, 14-15 October (2015) [#] MARGINSON, S. - Measuring Quality Outcomes in Higher Education. Australian Government/ HEFCE/ European Commission seminar. Singapore, 16 October (2015) MARGINSON, S. - High participation systems (HPS) of higher education: WCUs, stratification and mass higher education. WCU-6 conference, Shanghai, China, 2-3 November (2015) MARGINSON, S. - State, market and civil society in higher education: A new analytical approach. Association for Studies in Higher Education conference, Denver, USA, 4 November (2015) MARGINSON, S. - High Participation Systems (HPS) of higher education: Equity. Association for Studies in Higher Education conference, Denver, USA, 5 November (2015) MARGINSON, S. - Emerging issues in international student mobility: The case of the UK. Association for Studies in Higher Education conference, Denver, USA, 5 November (2015) MARGINSON, S. – Thoughts on innovation. Association for Studies in Higher Education conference, Denver, USA, 5 November (2015) MARGINSON, S. – Research and practice in international education. Association for Studies in Higher Education conference, Denver, USA, 7 November (2015)


Academic conference and formal seminar papers in UK and Australia only (till November 2015) [#] indicates keynote address to conference

MARGINSON, S. - Competency reform and the generalist courses in higher education, Australian Council for Educational Research seminar (March 1993) MARGINSON, S. - Generic skills and the transition from university to work, Centre for Teaching and Learning workshop on ‘Teaching and learning strategies to support the generic attributes of graduates’, University of Sydney (June 1993) [#] MARGINSON, S. - Markets in education: the dynamics of positional goods and knowledge goods, vocational education conference on ‘Re-forming post-compulsory education and training’, (December 1994) MARGINSON, S. - The student pathways project: comment, La Trobe University (May 1995) [#] MARGINSON, S. - The economics of education, subjects and subjugation, Economics of education lecture series, Faculty of Education, University of Auckland (September 1995) MARGINSON, S. - The expansion of Australian education, 1982-1995, Economics of education symposium, AARE conference, Hobart (November 1995) MARGINSON, S. - The Australian higher education system, presentation to delegation of staff developers from Sweden (March 1996) MARGINSON, S. - comments on papers at conference on education funding, ANU Centre for Economic Policy Research, Canberra (July 1996) MARGINSON, S. - Competition in Australian higher education since 1987: intended and unintended effects, conference on ‘Re-thinking Australian institutions: education ‘, Research School of Social Sciences, ANU (February 1997) [#] MARGINSON, S. - After globalisation: the new politics of education, symposium on ‘Globalisation and education’, University of Queensland (June 1997) [#] MARGINSON, S. - After the market: the future of public education, launching of Centre for Public Education, University of South Australia (June 1997) MARGINSON, S. - Growing bigger and leaving home: Monash, Melbourne and the 1990 Monash University Act, paper in the History of the University Unit seminar series (October 1997). [#] MARGINSON, S. – Summing up: The emerging agenda, paper to the Conference on ‘Quality in postgraduate research’, Adelaide (April 1998) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Nation-building universities in a global environment: The choices before us, University of South Australia (September 1998) [#] MARGINSON, S. – The changing character of academic work in a global environment, paper to a conference on Re-working the university, Griffith University (December 1998) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Enterprise universities: governance, competitive strategy and institutional identity in higher education in Australia after a decade of corporate reform, paper to a seminar at the Victoria University Centre for Strategic Economic Studies, Melbourne (July 1999) [#] MARGINSON, S. – The enterprise university, paper to a Monash Centre for Research in International Education seminar, Monash University, Clayton (September 1999) [#] MARGINSON, S. – The for-profit sector in American higher education, paper for the annual Higher Education Network conference, Australian National University (December 1999) MARGINSON, S. – University education: is it a commodity? Presentation to the TCMA conference, Monash Gippsland, July (2001) MARGINSON, S. Governance in higher education – it’s time for a new paradigm, paper to the Australia Institute conference on Higher Education, Canberra, July (2001) 51

MARGINSON, S. – response to Pat Weller in session on Governance and Policy at combined Academies symposium on the contribution of the humanities and social sciences to Australia, Canberra, July (2001) MARGINSON, S. – Investment in knowledge in Australia – some year 2001 policy issues, paper to the NSW BVET/ DET conference on The Future of Work, July (2001) MARGINSON, S. – Globalisation and the knowledge economy: the case of Australian tertiary education, RMIT, Melbourne, August (2001) MARGINSON, S. – The university and the knowledge economy, Faculty of IT, Monash Clayton, August (2001) MARGINSON, S. – The Enterprise University in the knowledge economy, to heads of departments, University of Melbourne, August (2001) MARGINSON, S. - Knowledge economy and knowledge policy, presentation to the Victorian THC conference on Education for Work, Melbourne, August (2001) MARGINSON, S. – Knowledge economy and knowledge culture, paper to the National Scholarly Communications Forum, ANU, August (2001) MARGINSON, S. - Global schooling and social capital: the contribution of education and training to successful outcomes for individuals and to economic development, keynote address to the National Education Summit, Melbourne, September (2001) MARGINSON, S. – Australian higher education in the global knowledge economy, presentation to Australian conference of IT heads and professors, Sydney, September (2001) MARGINSON, S. – presentation to the Australian Conference of Deans of Education conference, on education and the federal election, Canberra, September (2001) MARGINSON, S. – The history of Monash University, City of Monash, Glen Waverley, September (2001) MARGINSON, S. – Preparing for a knowledge nation, presentation to Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority seminar, Melbourne, September (2001) MARGINSON, S. – Australia’s international education program: out of balance? Presentation to the IDP conference, UNSW, September (2001) MARGINSON, S. - Global enterprise and local squalor: Australian higher education and the international student market, paper to the annual conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education, Fremantle, December (2001) MARGINSON, S. – Theory and method in comparative international education, paper to the annual conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education, Fremantle, December (2001) MARGINSON, S. – Higher education: the policy and political conjuncture, Monash University Faculty of Information Technology retreat, February (2002) MARGINSON, S. – Australian higher education on the brink of reform, address to Deakin University Council, Geelong, April (2002) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Globalisation and Australian education, paper for the Australian Conference of Curriculum Authorities, Melbourne, July (2002) MARGINSON, S. – The role of universities as public institutions, address to a forum convened by the Victorian Minister of Education, Melbourne, July (2002) MARGINSON, S. – The structural transformation of the universities, paper for the Thesis Eleven Centre for Critical Theory, La Trobe University, Melbourne, October (2002) MARGINSON, S. – Eight challenges for Australian universities, paper to staff retreat, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, November (2002) 52

MARGINSON, S. – Language, identity and education in the global era: rethinking the Monash Centre for Research in International Education, paper to Monash Faculty of Education research seminar, November (2002) MARGINSON, S. – Comparative research performance of Australian universities, paper to Monash university public seminar, April (2003) MARGINSON, S. – The Nelson reform proposals: implications for the Faculty, presentation to Faculty of Education retreat, Monash university, June (2003) MARGINSON, S. – Self-actualising universities and the public good, paper to NTEU conference on university governance, Melbourne, July (2003) MARGINSON, S. – The Nelson reforms, paper to meeting of Tertairy Education Managers, Victoria, RMIT, Melbourne, July (2003) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Australian international education in the Asia-Pacific, opportunities, conditions, prospects, address to the 14th annual conference of the International Student Advisors Network of Australia (ISANA), Yeppoon, 8-10 October (2003) MARGINSON, S. & SAWIR, E. - The Social Protection of Cross Border Students: A research project of the Monash University Institute for the Study of Global movements 2003-2004, paper presented to the 14th annual conference of the International Student Advisors Network of Australia (ISANA), Yeppoon, 8-10 October (2003) MARGINSON, S. & SAWIR, E. – Leaders’ strategies in the global environment: a comparison of the and the Australian National University, paper presented to the 14th annual conference of the International Student Advisors Network of Australia (ISANA), Yeppoon, 8-10 October (2003) MARGINSON, S. & SAWIR, E. – Indonesia and Australia in the global education sphere: How globalisation is reshaping university practices at UI and ANU, paper to research seminar, Monash University Faculty of Education, October (2003) MARGINSON, S. – Higher education: local and global challenges, paper to Arts Faculty retreat, Australian National University, Canberra, November (2003) MARGINSON, S. - Don’t make your plans just yet: in Australian higher education just about anything could happen, paper for staff retreat, School of Information Management and Systems, Monash University, February (2004) [#] MARGINSON, S. – The social and economic security of international students, address to Education conference of the National Liaison Committee of overseas students, Brisbane, 5 July (2004) MARGINSON, S. – Panel address to Making Schools Better conference, The Australian /University of Melbourne Institute for Applied Economic and Social Research, 27 August (2004) MARGINSON, S. – Universities challenged, panel paper to The Age Melbourne Writers’ Festival, Melbourne, 31 August (2004) MARGINSON, S. - Can high status universities provide equal access? Global reflections on the University of Melbourne, social competition and equity in higher education, paper to Centre for Public Policy seminar, University of Melbourne, 31 August (2004) MARGINSON, S. - Australia in the global higher education environment, paper to Monash University seminar on higher education, Melbourne, 5 October (2004) MARGINSON, S. – Strategies in a global environment: a comparative cross-country study of national universities, paper to 18th IDP Australian International Education Conference, Sydney, 6-9 October (2004) MARGINSON, S. – Bourdieu’s notion of social capital: how useful is it in understanding the social effects of higher education? paper to Monash University Faculty of Education research seminar, 27 October (2004) 53

DEUMERT, A., MARGINSON, S., NYLAND, C., RAMIA, G. & SAWIR, E. -Factors affecting the social and economic security of international students: first results from student interviews, paper to the 15th annual conference of the International Student Advisors Network of Australia (ISANA), 1-3 December (2004) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Global educational markets and global public goods, address to the annual conference of the Australian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, 3-4 December (2004) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Global public space and global marketplace: rethinking the public/private divide in higher education, address to the annual conference of the Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE, UK), Bristol, UK, 14-16 December (2004) [#] MARGINSON, S. – What are our universities going to look like 10 years out? Address to the Australian Technology Network conference, Melbourne, 9-11 February (2005) MARGINSON, S. - The Australian university as worldwide player: Regional research powerhouse, or global polytechnic?, paper to Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee Senior Leadership seminar, Mt Eliza, 15 February (2005) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Educational markets and opportunity structures: the case of Australian higher education, paper to conference on Transitions and risk: new directions in social policy, Centre for Public Policy, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 23-25 February (2005) MARGINSON, S. – After the Nelson reforms: interesting times and hard choices, paper for University of Western Sydney Board of Trustees Planning Day, 18 March (2005) MARGINSON, S. – Universities: potentials created by the Nelson reforms, paper for conference on Sustaining prosperity: new reform opportunities for Australia, The Australian /University of Melbourne Institute for Applied Economic and Social Research, 31 March-1 April (2005) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Rethinking the public-private divide in higher education, presentation to the Association for the Public University conference, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, 9 April (2005) [#] MARGINSON, S. – A different higher education system: potentials created by the Nelson reforms, presentation to University of South Australia Senior Staff Retreat, Barossa Valley, 4 May (2005) MARGINSON, S. – The rise and fall of Global e-U, seminar paper to staff and students at Monash university Gippsland, 5 May (2005) [#] MARGINSON, S. - Tiers for fears: diversity and specialisation, from Dawkins to Nelson, paper for seminar on Strategic directions in higher education, The Institute of Advanced Studies, The University of Western Australia & The John Curtin Institute of Public Policy, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, 26 May (2005) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Mission impossible or new opportunity? Potentials created by the Nelson reforms, address to Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Directions Seminar, University of New England, Armidale, 8 June (2005) [#] MARGINSON, S. – The new context of higher education, address to Griffith University Senior Staff Seminar, Sanctuary Cove, 14-15 July (2005) [#] MARGINSON, S. – There must be some way out of here: the yin and yang of positioning strategies in the Nelson system, address to Tertiary Education Management conference, Perth, 27-29 September (2005) MARGINSON, S. – The international context, presentation to Monash University Council Retreat, Werribee, 16 February (2006) MARGINSON, S. (2006) - The triple helix in the external higher education context, presentation to Deans and Heads, Lorne, 6 February (2006) 54

MARGINSON, S. – Trends and settings, presentation to University of Melbourne Council retreat, Daylesford, 17 February (2006) MARGINSON, S. - Australian universities in the global context, paper to Financial Review Higher Education Summit, 22-23 March (2006) MARGINSON, S. - Australian universities in a global context, paper for conference on ‘Tomorrow’s universities’, Business Higher Education Round Table, Melbourne, 7 June (2006) MARGINSON, S. – Higher education: the global and policy context, presentation to senior staff seminar, Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee, Brisbane, 16 July (2006) MARGINSON, S. – The global and policy context, presentation to South Australian branch of ATEM, Adelaide, 25 July (2006) MARGINSON S. & SAWIR, E. - Internationalisation and student security, paper to Monash College staff, 9 August (2006) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Mission and identity for a post post-public university era, Keynote address to 6th Annual National Conference on University Governance, Old Parliament House, Canberra, 10-11 October (2006) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Hayekian neo-liberalism and academic freedom, Keynote address to Philosophy of Education Society of Australia, Women’s College, University of Sydney, 23 November (2006) MARGINSON, S. – “One little piece of endless sky… ” Global flows and global field: Imagining worldwide relations of power in higher education, paper to ESRC-funded seminar on ‘Geographies of Knowledge/Geometries of Power: Global Higher Education in the 21st Century’, Gregynog, Wales, 5-7 February (2007) MARGINSON, S. – Global university comparisons: the second stage, paper to conference on university rankings and classifications, Griffith University, Brisbane, 12 February (2007) MARGINSON, S. – Going Global: Trends in higher education and research in the APEC region, paper to the APEC HRD Working Group Symposium on Education Policy Challenges, Brisbane, 17 April (2007) MARGINSON, S. – Address to Faculty of Education awards night, University of Melbourne, 3 May (2007) MARGINSON, S. – Federal/state relations in education and the 2006 Work Relations case, paper presented at an Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) & Academy of Social Sciences Australia (ASSA) Policy Roundtable on Federalism, , Canberra 17-18 May, (2007) MARGINSON, S. – Are neo-liberal reforms friendly to academic freedom and creativity? Some theoretical and practical reflections on the constituents of academic self-determination in research universities, University of Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education Seminar, ‘Ideas and Issues in Higher Education’, 28 May (2007) MARGINSON, S. – In the global context: national policy on international education, Paper for University of Melbourne Centre for Public Policy and Centre for the Study of Higher Education symposium, 'Higher Education and the 2007 Federal Election: Global Markets and Local Policy', 5 June (2007) MARGINSON, S. – The Economics of Education: The future of higher education in Australia, Paper for the Committee for the Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) Forum, Melbourne, 13 June (2007) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Higher education, the 2007 Federal election and beyond, keynote address to the annual conference of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA), Adelaide, 8 July (2007) 55

[#] MARGINSON, S. – Global setting, national policy and higher education in 2007, paper at seminar on 'Advancing Tertiary Education', Education, Science and the Future of Australia: A Public Seminar Series on Policy, University of Melbourne, 9 July (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Australian education (mostly higher education) in global context, presentation to the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Victoria, 31 August (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Policy settings and system relations in higher education, presentation at DEST staff seminar, Canberra, 13 September (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Australian higher education in global context, presentation to Professional Development Program, University of Melbourne, 20 September (2007) [#] MARGINSON, S. – Rankomania in the research university: a solution in search of a problem, paper to Colloquium, Faculty of Education, University of Sydney, 28 September (2007) MARGINSON, S. – The global position of Australian (and Victorian) higher education, presentation to staff at the Office of Higher Education, Victorian Department of Industry, Innovation and Regional Development, Melbourne, 4 October (2007) MARGINSON, S. – Higher education prior to the federal election, paper to heads of colleges, University of Melbourne, 7 October (2007) MARGINSON, S. - The 2007 edition of Education at a Glance: Where does Australia sit in the OECD Comparison?, paper to CSHE Seminar on ‘Ideas and Issues in Higher Education’, 15 October (2007) MARGINSON, S. International comparisons can be fun, paper to CSHE Seminar on ‘Ideas and Issues in Higher Education’, 15 October (2007) [#] MARGINSON, S. - The global positioning of Australian higher education: where to from here?, inaugural professorial lecture, Dean’s Lecture Series, Faculty of Education, 16 October (2007) MARGINSON, S. – Globalization and higher education in the Asia-Pacific, presentation to visiting Indonesian group, CSHE, University of Melbourne, 16 November (2007) MARGINSON, S. – Higher education and its quality after the federal election, Business Higher Education Round Table meeting, Sydney, 21 November (2007) MARGINSON, S. – Sustainability and risks of internationalization, paper to Australian Financial Review conference e on higher education, Sydney, 13-14 March (2008) MARGINSON, S. – The global position and positioning of the University of Melbourne, presentation to university presidents from China, CSHE, University of Melbourne, 19 March (2008) MARGINSON, S. - The Australian Government Reviews of Higher Education, and the National Innovation System, CSHE Ideas and Issues seminar, University of Melbourne, 5 May (2008) MARGINSON, S. – The international setting. Presentation to Headspaces Workshop, University of Melbourne, 27 June (2008) MARGINSON, S. - The Global higher education environment, Melbourne International Planning Week, University of Melbourne, 14 July (2008) MARGINSON, S. - Trends and Issues in Australian higher education participation, Group of Eight Forum on Higher Education and Social Inclusion, University of Melbourne, 16 July (2008). MARGINSON, S. - What can the University of Melbourne do to enhance the quality of international experience? Provost's Summit, University of Melbourne, 22 July (2008). MARGINSON, S. - The sticky fluidity of knowledge work, paper for conference on 'Moving Ideas and Research Policies: Australian intellectuals in the global context', 22-23 July, Monash University, Melbourne (2008) MARGINSON, S. - Looking Forwards: What will Swinburne be like in another 50 years? The ‘Idea of a University’ yesterday, today and tomorrow. Final lecture in The Centenary Lectures 56

2008, Faculty of Life and Social Sciences, Hawthorn Campus, Swinburne University of Technology, 21 November (2008). MARGINSON, S - What does the international picture tell us?, paper presented at the opening forum of the National Centre for Student Equity, University of South Australia, 25-26 February (2009) MARGINSON, S. - Global strategies of Australian institutions, Financial Review Higher Education Conference 2009, Four Seasons Hotel, Sydney, 9-10 March (2009) MARGINSON, S. - Australian Higher Education and the World: Has the Bradley Report got it right? Speech to NTEU Breakfast forum, RMIT University, Melbourne, 21 April. MARGINSON, S. - Presentation on global position and positioning of Australian higher education, to Vice-Chancellor’s Luncheon, James Cook University, 5 May 2009 MARGINSON, S. – International student security. A story of basic research in search of a partner in ‘applied research and product development’. Paper to Melbourne Graduate School of Education planning retreat, Mt Eliza, 4 February (2010) MARGINSON, S. – Developing Vietnam’s universities in global context. Paper for conference on ‘Engaging with Vietnam’, Monash University, Melbourne, 24 February (2010) MARGINSON, S. – International student security. Panel paper to Department of Employment, Education, Training and Workplace Relations (DEEWWR) 2010 International Education Symposium, Canberra, 5 March (2010) MARGINSON, S. - Internationalising education: Evaluating Australia’s place in a global market. Paper to Australian Higher Education Congress 2010, Sydney, 10 March (2010) MARGINSON, S. – Occasional Address to degree conferring ceremony. Graduates and the job market. University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 20 March 2010. MARGINSON, S. – Opening Session: World potential. Keynote address to ‘Going Global 4’, International Conference of the British Council, London, UK, 25 March (2010) MARGINSON, S. - International student security. Paper to ‘Going Global 4’, International Conference of the British Council, London, UK, 26 March (2010) MARGINSON, S. – International student security. Paper to Workshop on ‘Temporary Migrant Workers and Social Justice’, Faculty of law, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 7 April (2010) MARGINSON, S. - International student security. Paper to Round Table with the High Commission of Canada, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 12 April (2010) MARGINSON, S. - International student Security. Keynote address to the annual conference of Asia Pacific Association for International Education, Gold Coast, Australia, 14 April (2010) MARGINSON, S. - The Global Context: The knowledge economy and the rise of the Asia-Pacific region. Paper to 2010 Outbound Student Mobility Forum, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 7 May (2010) MARGINSON, S. – Paper to Asialink Panel on international student security, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 21 May (2010) MARGINSON, S. – Speech at launch of International Student Security, Monash University law School, Melbourne, 21 May (2010) MARGINSON, S. - International Student Security. Seminar paper at the Faculty of the Professions, Adelaide, 24 May (2010) MARGINSON, S. – Internationalisation: Linking the two parallel universes. Paper to La Trobe University conference on ‘Internationalisation through relationships’, 18 June (2010) MARGINSON, S. - Higher Education in Greater East Asia: The certain rise of the “Confucian Model” and the uncertain prospects for regionalization, paper to a CSHE Ideas and Issues in Higher Education seminar, 21 June (2010) 57

MARGINSON, S. - The landscape in mid 2010: National and global trends and issues in higher education. Address to IRU Senior Staff Forum, Cairns, 6 July (2010) MARGINSON, S. – International education. Panel paper to a CSHE Ideas and Issues in Higher Education seminar on ‘International education: Where to from here?’, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 9 July (2010) MARGINSON, S. – The policy context. With a few facts and figures about higher education East and West (after a suitable diversion). Paper to conference of Senior Executive and Deans, University of Melbourne, Mt. Eliza, 5 August (2010) MARGINSON, S. - International education. Paper to CSHE/LH Martin Public Policy Seminar, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 25 August (2010) MARGINSON, S. - Assessing the governance and performance of higher education. Paper to forum of the Committee for the Development of Australia (CEDA), Melbourne, 26 August (2010) DANG THI KIM ANH and MARGINSON, S. – Vygotskian socio-cultural theory and globalization: Implications for educational research. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education, Melbourne, 1 December (2010). MARGINSON, S. – International students. Paper for the Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations (CAPA) Annual Council Meeting Equity Forum, Melbourne, 2 December (2010). MARGINSON, S. - Looking forward, looking back: Future Australian policy context, presentation to International Education Association of Australia Workshop, Melbourne 1 February (2011). MARGINSON, S. – Dynamics of East Asian higher education, paper to the Annual Dearing conference, ’The Globalisation of Higher Education’, The University of Nottingham, UK, 17 February (2011) MARGINSON, S. – Where to now for international education? Panel remarks at International Education Briefing, DEEWR/AEI, Canberra, 4 March (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Lessons from the Australian experience of international education: Towards a global protocol for cross-border students, paper presented to Community Relations Commission, Government of NSW, Sydney, 9 March (2011). MARGINSON, S. - International education and Australia’s relationship with the Asia-Pacific region, presentation to Inaugural Joint Research Seminar, Research Institute of Higher Education (RIHE), Hiroshima University Japan, and Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE), University of Melbourne Australia. Melbourne 10 May (2011). MARGINSON, S. - International education in Australia 2011: Crisis and opportunity. Opening keynote address to the NEAS (National ELT [English Language Teachers’] Acreditation Scheme) Management conference, Sydney, 12-13 May (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Does higher education create public good(s) and should it be publicly funded? Paper to Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE) Ideas and Issues in Higher Education Seminar, 2 June (2011). MARGINSON, S. – Address to National Seminar on the Public Funding of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE), 30 June (2011). MARGINSON, S. - International student well-being: What does the research tell us? Paper to National Summit on the Mental Health of Tertiary Students University of Melbourne, 4-5 August (2011). MARGINSON, S. - The post-Bradley universe. Paper presented to the University and Tertiary Education Symposium, University of Sydney, 31 August (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Higher education and public good. Opening keynote address to the British Educational Research Association annual conference, London, 6 September (2011). 58

MARGINSON, S. - The rise of India and China as new world powers: Future strategy choices facing Australia. Plenary Paper to Australian International Education Conference (AIEC), Adelaide, 11-14 October (2011). MARGINSON, S. - The global future of education: a facilitated dialogue. Panel Discussion at Australian International Education Conference (AIEC), Adelaide, 11-14 October (2011). MARGINSON, S. - ‘Different pathways to a shared goal: How variations in traditions, political and educational cultures, and the resulting traditions and strategies, differentiate the approach to building WCUs’. Paper delivered at WCU-4 (the biennial conference on World-Class Universities), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 31 October (2011). MARGINSON, S. - Enter East Asia: The new global configuration in higher education and research. Keynote address to the Autumn conference of the Canadian Society for Study of Higher Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, 4 November (2011). MARGINSON, S. - What is “public higher education”? How do we advance it (once we know what it is)? Paper for symposium on ‘Universities and the public sphere: Global potentials and challenges’, ASHE Council for International Higher Education, Annual Conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education (ASHE), Charlotte NC, United States, 16 November (2011) MARGINSON, S. - Meeting the Challenge of an East-West Future. Keynote address to the ASHE Council for International Higher Education, Annual Conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education (ASHE), Charlotte NC, United States, 17 November (2011) MARGINSON, S. - Nation states, educational traditions, and the global patterning of higher education, OISE/UT CIDEC seminar, University of Toronto, Canada, 23 November (2011) MARGINSON, S. – Morphing a profit-making business into an intercultural experience: International education as self-formation. Public seminar, , 21 February (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Global competition and public goods in higher education: The Henry White Paper and higher education. Paper for the National Tertiary Education Union ‘Future of Higher Education’ Conference. University of Sydney, 22-23 February (2012) MARGINSON, S. - Regulating Deregulation: Regulated markets in global context, Universities Australia Conference, Canberra, 7-9 March (2012) MARGINSON, S. - Social and global goods. Paper for symposium on ‘Globalising higher education and institutional distinctiveness: Understanding changes in curricula’, Monash University Faculty of Education, 16 March (2012) MARGINSON, S. - Presentation to CSHE Graduate Certificate class on university rankings, 22 March (2012) MARGINSON, S. - Australian global strategies in higher education. Keynote address to 5th Annual Marketing and Branding Symposium, Sydney, 28 March (2012). MARGINSON, S. - National and Global Challenges. Presentation to Council Planning Conference, Launceston , 20-21 April (2012) MARGINSON, S. - Implications of the Global Performance Landscape for Australia. Conference on Institutional Performance in Higher Education, Criterion conferences, Melbourne, 15-16 May (2012) MARGINSON, S. - Global Strategy in Higher Education. Paper for 10th Higher Education Summit, Melbourne, 21-22 May (2012) MARGINSON, S. - A More Plural Higher Education World: Global implications of the rise of the East Asian systems. Paper to the AC21 conference, University of Adelaide, 12-13 June (2012). MARGINSON, S. - Business Environment in the Asia Pacific. Paper to CPA International Forum for Academics, Melbourne, 28 June (2012) 59

MARGINSON, S. - The problem of public good(s) in higher education. Panel session, 'Economic challenges in higher education'. 41st Australian Conference of Economists, Melbourne, 8-12 July (2012). MARGINSON, S. - International education as self-formation. Keynote paper to the International Students Symposium, Asia Institute, University of Melbourne, 20 July (2012) MARGINSON, S. - Resurrecting public good(s) in higher education, AERA panel paper at the conference of the British Educational Research Association, Manchester, 4-6 September (2012) MARGINSON, S. - The rise and rise of higher education and research in East Asia, and some implications for comparative analysis. Presented to UK Society for Research into Higher Education seminar, ‘Analyses from the Antipodes’, London, 7 September (2012) MARGINSON, S. - Globalization and Higher Education: Taking stock. Keynote paper to the DBA 10th Anniversary Conference, University of Bath, 17 September (2012).] MARGINSON, S. - Global University Rankings: Potentials, limits, strategies. Seminar at the Queensland University of Technology, 12 October (2012). MARGINSON, S. - Nation-states, educational traditions and the global patterning of higher education. Seminar at Flinders University, 1 November (2012). MARGINSON, S. - Australian Social Sciences in the Asian Century, Annual Symposium, Academy of Social Sciences Australia, Canberra, 20 November (2012). MARGINSON, S. – Academic freedom: A global comparative approach. Australian Association for Research in Education conference, 4 December (2012) MARGINSON, S. – The impact of the global economic crisis on higher education. UK Society for Research in Higher Education conference, 18 December (2012) MARGINSON, S. - The rise and rise of East Asia and Singapore: Dynamics of Post-Confucian higher education and science. Seminar paper, Centre for Higher Education Studies, Institute of Education, London, 15 March (2013) MARGINSON, S. - Graduation, teaching and the job market. Graduation address to Univeristy of South Australia, Convention Centre, Adelaide, 20 March (2013) MARGINSON, S. – States, political cultures and higher education. Paper to the joint seminar of the Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University, Japan, and the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne, 27 March (2013) MARGINSON, S. - There’s more than one way of looking at it: States, political cultures and higher education. Paper for CSHE Ideas and Issues in Higher Education seminar, 13 May (2013) MARGINSON, S. - The rise and rise of East Asian education and science: Drivers and consequences, Athenaeum Club, Melbourne, 14 May (2013) MARGINSON, S. – Global rankings – impact on international recruitment. Criterion Conferences, ‘Recruitment and Retention of Academic Talent’, Sydney, 27-28 August (2013) MARGINSON, S. - Farewell paper to Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 3 September (2013) MARGINSON, S. – Panel Paper to Association of Pacific Rim Universities workshop, Canberra, 14 October (2013) MARGINSON, S. - Paper to ANU Emeritus Faculty. Australian National University, Canberra, 15 October (2013) MARGINSON, S. - Farewell speech at CSHE departure function, University of Melbourne, 24 October (2013) MARGINSON, S. - Higher education, political cultures and public good: A comparative study. Annual conference of the Society for Research into Higher Education, UK, Newport, 11-13 December (2013) 60

MARGINSON, S. – International education and UK migration policy. Keynote to NUS International Students’ Conference, Milton Keynes, 12 March (2014) MARGINSON, S. – International higher education: The changing landscape. Keynote presentation to Universities UK International Education conference, London, 20 March (2014) MARGINSON, S. - Markets in higher education. Keynote to LLAKES Conference on ‘The State and Market in Education: Partnership or Competition?’ IOE, London, 21 March (2014) MARGINSON, S. – University rankings and social science. Seminar paper, Centre for Higher Education Studies, Institute of Education, London 8 April (2014) MARGINSON, S. – Capitalist markets in higher education: Utopias or possibilities, Seminar for the University of Bath Centre for Research in Advertising and Consumption and the Society for Research into Higher Education, University of Bath 16 April (2014) MARGINSON, S. – International Education – Is UK losing the race? Presentation to All Party Parliamentary University Group, House of Lords, Westminster, 6 May (2014) MARGINSON, S. – How does UK higher education compare globally? HEFCE Executive Group International Planning Day, Bristol, 16 May (2014) MARGINSON, S. – International Education – Is UK losing the race? Presentation to Board of Northumbria University, Newcastle, 7 July (2014) MARGINSON, S. – The university, the nation-state and internationalization. Paper to Association of Commonwealth Universities HR Management and PR Network Conference, University of Glasgow, 14 July (2014) MARGINSON, S. – What not to learn from the UK. University of Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education seminar, 29 August (2014) MARGINSON, S. – The social implications of high participation systems (HPS) of higher education. Seminar, University of Sheffield, 15 September (2014) MARGINSON, S. – High Participation Systems (HPS) of higher education. Paper to IOE/ UKFIET Forum (conference) on higher education and international development. UCL Institute of Education, London, 24 October (2014) MARGINSON, S. – Higher education and science in China and other East Asian systems. Institute of Education, London, 30 October (2014) MARGINSON, S. – The world is changing: Implications of universal tertiary education. University of East London, Stratford campus, 4 December (2014) MARGINSON, S. – The social implications of high participation higher education systems. Paper to the conference of the Society for Research into Higher Education, Newport, 11 December (2014) MARGINSON, S. – Higher education systems—are they national or international? University of Oxford, 20 January (2015) MARGINSON, S. – The social implications of high participation higher education systems. University of Southampton, 9 February (2015) MARGINSON, S. – Higher education research: Global, national, local? University of Sheffield, 13 February (2015) MARGINSON, S. – Global higher education: Is the UK losing the race? Paper to seminar at University of Bristol, 16 February (2015) MARGINSON, S. – The worldwide trend to high participation higher education systems: Evidence, interpretations, implications. Centre for Higher Education Studies seminar, UCL Institute of Education, London, 3 March (2015) MARGINSON, S. – High Participation higher education Systems: Evidence, interpretations, implications. Seminar Series, Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University, 11 March (2015) 61

MARGINSON, S. – The internationalisation of higher education? Convergence and divergence, Europe and Asia. UCL Institute of Education, London, 17 March (2015) MARGINSON, S. – Higher education and science in emerging East Asia. Challenges for UK universities. Paper to conference on ‘New forms of Internationalisation in East and Southeast Asia’, University of Hull, 18 March (2015). MARGINSON, S. – Universities and the public sphere. Paper to seminar on ‘New Languages and Landscapes for Higher Education’. University of Warwick, 26-27 March (2015) MARGINSON, S. – The worldwide trend to high participation higher education systems: Evidence, interpretations, implications. Centre for the Study of Higher Education Seminar, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 4 May 2015 (2015) MARGINSON, S. - Managing Large Systems. A comparative analysis: Challenges and opportunities for large higher education systems. ‘Big, Bold and Brave: The world’s largest HE systems’. British Council, Going Global, London 1-2 June (2015) MARGINSON, S. – Differential Fees—rhetoric and reality: The case of Australia. HEPI University Partners’ Annual Policy Briefing Day, RIBA, London, 4 June (2015) MARGINSON, S. – Global Higher Education: The rise of East Asia and some implications for the University of Glasgow. University of Glasgow Academic Leadership Programme, 10 June (2015) [#] MARGINSON, S. – The Landscape of Higher Education Research 1965-2015. Equality of Opportunity: The first fifty years. Society for Research into Higher Education, 50th Anniversary Colloquium, 26 June (2015). [#] MARGINSON, S. – UK International Education: Global position and national prospects. UK Council for International Student Affairs Conference, University of Sussex, 1-3 July (2015) MARGINSON, S. – Reflections on higher education and equity in increasingly unequal societies. Workshop on Higher Education and Access, UCL Institute of Education and University of Michigan, UCL Institute of Education, London, 8 July (2015) MARGINSON, S. – Internationalisation in higher education: Some comments. Paper for Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation seminar on ‘Internationalisation of Higher Education in Japan’, 14 September (2015) MARGINSON, S. – UK/China relations in higher education. Paper for UCL China Steering Group, University College London, 15 September (2015) MARGINSON, S. – Internationalisation and UK Higher Education. Paper for King’s College London Vice-Deans, International Away Day, London, 22 September (2015). MARGINSON, S. – ESRC/HEFCE Centre for Global Higher Education. Universities UK, London, 22 September (2015) MARGINSON, S. – ESRC/HEFCE Centre for Global Higher Education. Seminar, Kingston University, London, 4 October (2015) MARGINSON, S. – Raising standards in higher education through effective quality assurance: The role of quality assurance in maintaining competitiveness in a globalised higher education market. Inside Government Forum, 8 October (2015) MARGINSON, S. – Higher education and science in China and other East Asian systems. UCL IOE Asia Module, UCL Institute of Education, 22 October (2015) MARGINSON, S. – High inclusion higher education and the continuing problem of social stratification: Reflections on global trends. INEI meeting 19-20 November 2015, UCL Institute of Education, London, 19 November (2015)


Working papers and other monographs NEI

MARGINSON, S. - National survey of conditions in schools: highlights report, Australian Teachers’ Federation, Canberra, 24pp. (1982) MARGINSON, S. - National survey of conditions in schools: highlights report, Australian Teachers’ Federation, Canberra, 30pp. (1984) MARGINSON, S. - Re-assessing Karmel: results of the 1973 educational settlement for education equality in 1983, ATF Research Papers No. 1, Australian Teachers Federation, Canberra, 14pp. MARGINSON, S. - National survey of conditions in schools: highlights report, Australian Teachers’ Federation, Canberra, 28pp. (1986) MARGINSON, S. - Human capital theory and education policy, Discussion Paper No. 3, Public Sector Research Centre, University of NSW, Sydney, 31pp (1989) MARGINSON, S. - Productivity in education: measurement and improvement’, Discussion Paper No. 9, PSRC, UNSW, Sydney, 24pp. (1990) MARGINSON, S. - The development of Australian educational markets, Discussion Paper No. 16, PSRC, UNSW, Sydney, 18pp. (1991) MARGINSON, S. - The market in schooling: issues of theory and policy, in Choice theory and education, Occasional Paper No. 19, ACE, Canberra: pp. 31-53 (1992) MARGINSON, S. - ‘Generic skills’ and the needs of employment, ALBSAC Occasional Papers in Adult Basic Education, Sydney, 28pp. (1993) MARGINSON, S. - Educational credentials in Australia: average positional value in decline' CSHE Research Working Papers 93.4, CSHE, University of Melbourne, 18 pp. (1993) MARGINSON, S. - Markets in Australian higher education', CSHE Research Working Papers 93.9, CSHE, University of Melbourne, 32 pp. (1993) MARGINSON, S. and O'HANLON, S. - From the generalist courses to work: an annotated bibliography on generic skills', CSHE Research Working Papers 93.5, CSHE, University of Melbourne, 71 pp. (1993) MARGINSON, S. The transfer of skills and knowledge from education to work, CSHE Research Working Papers 94.4 (1994) MARGINSON, S. - Markets in education: a theoretical note, CSHE Research Working Papers 94.5 (1994) MARGINSON, S. – What’s wrong with the universities? Victorian Fabian Society, Melbourne (2002) DEUMERT, A., MARGINSON, S., NYLAND, C., RAMIA, G. & SAWIR, E - The social and economic security of international students in Australia: a study of 200 student cases, posted 30 June (2005)


9. Published media articles [July 2006-November 2015 only. Does not include quotations, only articles in mass circulation newspapers and Internet magazines authored by Marginson. Radio and television not included].

MARGINSON, S. - [Analysis of opposition policy statement on higher education] Australian Financial Review, 31 July (2006) MARGINSON, S. - [Comparison of university rankings systems] The Australian, 6 December (2006) MARGINSON, S. - Largesse for unis is only sleight of hand, The Age, 14 May (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Freedom can’t pay the price, The Australian, 23 May (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Blueprint gives unis hope, The Australian, 20 June (2007) MARGINSON, S. - [introducing the University of Melbourne/CSHE public policy seminars] The Age, 25 June (2007) MARGINSON, S. - [on the need for an Australian Tertiary Education Commission, with Vin Massaro] Australian Financial Review, 30 July (2007) MARGINSON, S. - [OECD cross-country comparisons of educational indicators, and Australia] Australian Financial Review, 24 September (2007) MARGINSON, S. - [higher education and the election] The Australian, 17 October (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Higher education [Part of University of Melbourne 2 pages of short statements on challenges facing the new government after the election], The Age, 27 November (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Shanghai rankings set benchmark, The Australian, 28 November (2007) MARGINSON, S. - Beijing’s ivory path to harmony, The Australian, 12 December (2007) MARGINSON, S. - [on federal policy on creativity and innovation] Australian Financial Review, 27 January (2008) MARGINSON, S. - [on university-government relations], The Sunday Age, 17 February, (2008) MARGINSON, S. - [on university-government relations], Sydney Morning Herald, 22 February, (2008) MARGINSON, S. - [on the 2008 federal budget and higher education] Australian Financial Review, 19 May (2008) MARGINSON, S. - [on separation between local and international students] The Age, 27 July (2008) MARGINSON, S. - [on tertiary ‘systems’ as a way forward for structuring higher education] Australian Financial Review, 3 August (2008) MARGINSON, S. - [on pre-budget politics of higher education funding] Australian Financial Review, 2 February (2009) MARGINSON, S. - [on Minister Gillard’s response to the December 2008 Bradley report agenda] Australian Financial Review, prepared 11 March (2009) MARGINSON, S. - [on pre-budget politics of higher education funding], The Age, prepared 1 May (2009) MARGINSON, S. - [Analysis of the federal budget and higher education] The Australian, prepared 14 May (2009) MARGINSON, S. - [Analysis of the federal budget and higher education] The Australian Financial Review, prepared 18 May (2009) MARGINSON, S. - [Wobbles in the export market] The Australian Financial Review, prepared 30 July (2009) MARGINSON, S. – Polar funding policies are closing the gap between East and West, Times Higher Education, 21 January (2010) MARGINSON, S. – Confucian values, Times Higher Education, 27 May (2010) 64

MARGINSON, S. – The rise of the global university – five new tensions, The Chronicle of Higher Education (U.S.), 30 May (2010) MARGINSON, S. – International students left in the shadows, The Age, 28 May (2010) MARGINSON, S. – Tigers burning bright (cover story), Times Higher Education, 17 June (2010) MARGINSON, S. – [Higher education and the 2010 election], The Australian Financial Review, 16 August (2010) MARGINSON, S. – Confucian reigns in China surge, The Australian, 18 August (2010) MARGINSON, S. – An export that’s going elsewhere, The Age, 24 August (2010) MARGINSON, S. – Not at the top of anyone’s to-do list, The Australian, 25 August (2010) MARGINSON, S. – The numbers are out – and they are not pretty, The Age, 28 September (2010) MARGINSON, S. – New fleet on the horizon, The Age, 26 October (2010) MARGINSON, S. – A Confucian tide, The Age, 23 November (2010). MARGINSON, S. – Universities, in special issue on Australia 2010, Australian Literary Review, The Australian, 30 November (2010). MARGINSON, S. – Tyranny of competitive learning, The Australian, 30 November (2010). MARGINSON, S. – A model to avoid, The Age, 15 February (2011) MARGINSON, S. – Can we afford to continue funding private schools? The Age, 18 February (2011). MARGINSON, S. – In search of fairness in funding, The Age, 22 March (2011) MARGINSON, S. – The modern university must reinvent itself to survive, The Conversation, posted 30 March 2011. MARGINSON, S. – Scholars rise in the East, Cover story in ‘The Australian Literary Review’, The Australian, 6 April (2011) MARGINSON, S. – Australia’s place in an epic game, The Age, 3 May (2011) MARGINSON, S - After all the bluster, the budget largely leaves research and higher education alone, The Conversation, posted 17 May (2011) MARGINSON, S. – Politics of the short-term, The Australian, 18 May (2011). MARGINSON, S. – Opportunity knocks, The Age, 3 June (2011) MARGINSON, S. – Australia plays the zero-sum game, The Age, 5 July (2011) MARGINSON, S. – Liberal thinking, The Times Higher Education, 14 July (2011) MARGINSON, S. – Price of engagement, The Age, 2 August (2011) MARGINSON, S. – Looking backwards to tomorrow, Campus Review, August (2011) MARGINSON, S. – Why we must reach out, The Age, 30 August (2011) MARGINSON, S. – The view of tuition fees from the rest of the world, The Guardian, 12 September (2011) MARGINSON, S. – Our unworldly ways, The Age, 4 October (2011). MARGINSON, S. – [on university ranking in Asia], Times Higher Education (2011) MARGINSON, S. – Enter the dragon: The rise of higher education in Asia, The Australian, 26 October (2011). MARGINSON, S. – Welcome choice of dynamic partners in the East Asian boom, The Australian, 2 November (2011). MARGINSON, S. – Brain power drives South Korea’s growth engine, The Australian, 23 November (2011). MARGINSON, S. – Funding report sets principles to underpin investment, The Australian, 17 December (2011). MARGINSON, S. – Asian tigers roaring ahead in science and technology race, The Australian, 1 February (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Harvard of the East’s historic links, The Australian, 22 February (2012) 65

MARGINSON, S. – Pressures on for a bigger effort in Asia, The Australian, 7 March (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Will demand-driven system break the mould? The Australian, 14 March (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Emerging countries need world-class universities, University World News, 25 March (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Taiwan leads Chinese academe, The Australian, 4 April (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Time to lobby Robb on Coalition policy, The Australian, 25 April (2012) MARGINSON, S. – [Pre Federal budget analysis], The Australian Financial Review, 7 May (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Overseas students need a lure, The Australian, 16 May (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Free, branded online programs could be the best of all worlds, The Australian, 6 June (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Improving Latin American universities’ global ranking, University World News, 225, 10 June (2012) MARGINSON, S. – States hamstrung by Canberra, The Australian, 27 June (2012) MARGINSON, S. – We’re fighting above our weight on uni rankings, The Australian, 18 July (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Global research performance more important as export income shrinks, The Australian, 8 August (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Yes, MOOC is the global higher education game changer, University World News, 234, 12 August (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Online open education: yes, this is the game changer, The Conversation, 16 August (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Usual boosterism will not cut it, The Australian, 29 August (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Belts tight yet unis perform at the top, The Australian, 12 September (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Report suggests world cannot teach us, The Australian, 3 October (2012) MARGINSON, S. – One weak link can bring down the lot, The Australian, 24 October (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Asian century white paper sets tricky targets for universities, The Conversation, 29 October (2012) MARGINSON, S. – White Paper is a recipe for the future, The Australian, 14 November (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Back to the future: do we need a universities commission? The Conversation, 27 November (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Dawkins served us well until recently, The Australian, 5 December (2012) MARGINSON, S. – Yes minister, the recipe for a world-class university is a piece of cake, The Australian, 6 February (2013) MARGINSON, S. – [Punching above our weight?] The Australian, 27 February (2013) MARGINSON, S. – [on STEM in higher education], The Australian, 20 March (2013) MARGINSON, S. – [Betting on the BRICS], The Australian, 10 April (2013) MARGINSON, S. – Russia’s academic revival a daunting task, The Australian, 1 May (2013) MARGINSON, S. – Leiden shows quality closing in on quantity, The Australian, 13 May (2013) MARGINSON, S. – Does the budget make us a clever country? The Conversation, 16 May (2013) MARGINSON, S. – Research knows no borders, The Australian, 26 June (2013) MARGINSON, S. – Nobels aside, local unis punching above weight, The Australian, 17 July (2013) MARGINSON, S. – Student growth outpaces funding, The Australian, 7 August (2013) MARGINSON, S. – New Colombo Plan a start, The Australian, 4 September (2013) MARGINSON, S. – Eessencial desenvolver informações melhoresda universidade, Segunda-Feira [Chile], 9 September (2013) MARGINSON, S. – We’d better be in the front row as East-West hybrids evolve, The Australian, 9 October (2013) MARGINSON, S. – Australia falls further behind in PISA test of basic education skills, The Australian, 16 December (2013) 66

MARGINSON, S. – Q&A with Simon Marginson, The Times Higher Education, 2 January (2014) MARGINSON, S. – [no heading, commentary on uncapped enrolments policy in UK], The Times Higher Education, 23 January (2014) MARGINSON, S. – Picking mission winners, The Australian, 19 February (2014) MARGINSON, S. – Students are trapped by the politics of anti-migration, University World News, 311, 16 March (2014) MARGINSON, S. – World works together for science, The Australian, 19 March (2014) MARGINSON, S. – The West’s global HE hegemony – Nothing lasts forever, University World News, 313, 30 March (2014) MARGINSON, S. – There’s still no such thing as an education market, The Times Higher Education, 10 April (2014) MARGINSON, S. – Internationalisation under threat from anti-immigration populism, University World News, 318, 3 May (2014) MARGINSON, S. – Research: A global game, The Times Higher Education, 15 May (2014) MARGINSON, S. – Higher education: The age of Pyne the destroyer begins, The Conversation, 16 May (2014). [republished in University World News 321, 23 May 2014] MARGINSON, S. – Will the UK follow Australia in ratcheting up student fees? The Conversation, 21 May (2014) MARGINSON, S. – Interview on ABC Radio National Saturday Extra, 7 June (2014) MARGINSON, S. – Links with China: Why Australian universities are leading the way, The Guardian, 7 July (2014) MARGINSON, S. – How to revive the California Model. University World News, 17 October (2014) MARGINSON, S. – Universal education in a tax-free zone: something had to give. The Conversation, 5 November (2014) MARGINSON, S. – Californian Higher Education: A view from abroad. Inside Higher Education, 15 December (2014) MARGINSON, S. - Research excellence: getting better all the time – or is it? IOE London Blog, 19 December (2014) MARGINSON, S. - Game-playing of the REF makes it an incomplete census. The Conversation, 19 December (2014) MARGINSON, S. – UK research is getting better all the time – or is it? The Guardian, 23 December (2014) MARGINSON, S. – Student visa U-turn: the battle is far from over. The Guardian, 7 January (2015) MARGINSON, S. – What education policy would look like under UKIP. The Conversation, 7 February (2015) MARGINSON, S. – Is this the death of the equal opportunity era? University World News, 1 May (2015) MARGINSON, S. – Time to build greater equality of opportunity. University World News, 29 May (2015) MARGINSON, S. - No guarantees of social status or wealth. The Australian, 1 July (2015) MARGINSON, S. – Is higher education reinforcing inequality? University World News, 17 July (2015) MARGINSON, S. - ‘Double game’ on migration can’t last. University World News, 17 July (2015) MARGINSON, S. – Ten sure ways countries can turn away international students. The Conversation, 4 September (2015)