BUFFALO BILL HISTORICAL CENTER n CODY, WYOMING n WINTER 2011 n Buffalo Bill in the big city (part 3) n How the West became western n Wolverines, the trickster heroes -- @201i Bullalo Bill Historical Center (BBHC). Written permission reprint, or distribule Points west materjals ,, ,,,r ,' ith 2012 almost is required to copy, ' in any medrum or lormat. All pholographs tn Points West ate ' here, we look BBHC photos unless otherwise noted. Questions about image rights and reproduction should be directed to Rights and lorward tcr Reproductions,
[email protected]. Bibliographies, works another year ol collaboration. cjted, and footnotes, etc. are purposely omilted to conserve cooperation, and relationship- space. Howevet such inlormation is available by contacting the editor. Address correspondence to Editor, PointsWest, BBHC, 720 I building with you, our Sheridan Avenue, Cody, Wyoming 82414, or
[email protected]. l. supporters. Managing Editor: While we're so very Ms. Marguerite House gratelul lor all you do lor us, Assistant Editor: Ms. Nancy Mcclure i it's important to share wilh Designer: you what we can do lor you. Ms. Lindsay Lohrenz By Bruce Eldredge Executive Director too. Ford Bell. President ol Contributing Staff Photographers: the American Association of Ms. Chris Gimmeson, Ms. Nancy Mcclure Museums, has a number of important things to say about the Historic Photographs/Rights and Reproductions: Mr. Sean Campbell museum communily, including these statistics: Credits and Permissions: Ms. Ann Marie Donoghue . 850 million visits to U.S. museums annually-more than Advisory Team: all professional sporting events and theme parks combined Marguefite House, Public Relations & Managing Editor Nancy McClure, Public Relations & Assistant Editor .