1971028469 0 1971028469-002 ° - 9G45-70 _- USEof GROUND-TRUTHMEASUREMENTS to MONITORERTSSENSORCALIBRATION i i. TECHNICALREPORTNO.16 ' VOLUMEII OCTOBER 1970 CONTRACT NO. NAS 5-10343 ROMEO I_. SABATINI _EOI:_(31: I:_A BC I--I',:'VSK Y prepared for i[ NATIONALAERONAUTANDICSSPACEADMINISTRATION 60DDARDSPACEFLIGHTCENTER i_ GREENBELT,MARYLAND n H [_ ALLIED RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. VIRGINIA ROAD CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS _H inl nl ,,i, lln llll ii ii ,111 ,ill nnl niH inl i i i i n l i i ii ii • # PRI_EDING PAGE BLANK NOT _LM_ _._. j FOREWORD This report is Volume No. IIof three volumes containing studies of ERTS ,_. Data Management, Dissemination and Processing performed by personnel of ARA "" for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, ,__ _ ustunddeiesr Conreptroacrtted No.n inNASAlli5-103ed 4R3ese. archThe Awssociork atesdes, cribedInc. her(AeR.inA) isTeanchnicalextensioRneportof tNheo. ': ll, December 1969, entitled "Management, Processing and Dissemination of Sen- ,'i" _ sory Data for the Earth Resources Technology Satellite" by Merritt, et el. The $' current study involved an investigation of the use of ground-truth data to monitor " "_" I ERTS sensor calibrations. This monitoring can be conducted at the ERTS Data _i Center. The authors are indebted to Messrs. E. Merritt and P. Sherr for their review and editingof the report. g. | I r ! I % 1971028469-003 1971028469-004 \ r ABSTRACT The Earth Resource Technology Satellite (ERTS) sensors, i. e., the Return Beam Vidicon (RBV) and Multispectral Scanner (MSS), utilize light energy detectors and associated electronics that may be subject to changes in output for a given scene reflectance.
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