Annual Alumni Report T is a pleasure to have the opportunity to report to the Annual Fund Reports I Alumni at large on the stewardship of the affairs of Association Notes your Alumni Association during the academic year Commencement 1962-1963. Even before outlining some of our progress Necrology during the past year I would like to thank each and every Reunion member of the Alumni Association for his individual part in the growth and success that the Association has enjoyed. Editor Elsewhere on these pages you will find an inspiring KENNETH C. PARKER report by John L. Bonee Jr., Class of 1943, Vice Presi­ dent for the Alumni Fund, on the tremendous success Alumni Editor that the Alumni Fund had this year. We all appreciate JoHN A. MASON '34 the many hours of work that John put in along with all those people who made up his special committees and A ssociate Editor the Class Agents in realizing the goal. Also, elsewhere JUNE L. THOMAS on these pages you will find a most interesting report from Lloyd E. Smith, Class of 1923, Vice President for Sports and Photography Admissions Interviewing and Recruiting, with respect ROBERT M. SALTER to the strides made in these activities. Again we thank Lloyd and all those interviewers and recruiters who Editorial Board worked so hard both for him and the College this past F. GARDI ER F. BRIDGE JOHN F. BUTLER '33 year. DOUGLAS L. FROST '59 Our campus activities this year were significantly suc­ ALBERT E . HOLLAND '34 cessful under Vice President Wi lli am R. Peelle of the RICHARD K. MoRRis '40 Class of 1944, Vice President for Campus Activities. ROBERT C. STEWART Specifically, during the year Bill and his group managed a SHERMA P . VOORHE ES highly successful fall Campus Conference for all those people who are actively participating in various phases Advisory Council of alumni affairs; also, during the fall they managed a ROYDEN C. BERGER '28 Homecoming program that was dampened by the threat GEORGE H. MALCOM-SMITH '25 of torrential rain - from which it was spared - and WILLIAM K. PAYNTER '37 L. BARTO WILSON III '37 made thoroughly pleasurable by a tremendous football victory over Amherst and by an All-Alumni post-game reception and buffet supper. The Reunion program was CovER: Valedictorian Stanley J. Marcuss Jr., left, Hartford, Cocnecticut, and Sa­ as significantly enjoyable as always, with particular em­ lutatorian David C. Brewster, New York phasis on the various seminar programs that were held. City, both received honors in general During the past year we have continued to intensify scholarship and economics. Marcuss has won a Marshall Scholarship to study in our activities in the area of development of Area As­ England and Brewster is the recipient of sociations. This was all done under John Gooding Jr., a Ferguson Economics Prize. Class of 1931, Vice President for Area Association Second Class postage paid at Hartford, . Activities. It is pleasant to report that our associations Published six times a year, October, November, Janu­ ary, March, M ay and July by Trinity College, Hart­ are expanding and that we now have twenty-three active ford, Connecticut. local associations with several splinter groups from During the year two special committees were activated which worked long and hard with, we hope, what will prove to be significant results. Bill Peelle chaired a com­ mittee on the development of "Alumni Enthusiasm for the College"; this committee has included undergradu­ ates in its membership. A full report has been rendered by this committee with the recommendation that its ac­ tivities be carried on into future years with the hope that there will be an ultimate general upgrading in the in­ terest of Alumni in Alma Mater. Also, a special com­ mittee on financial problems facing the Association was formed and met on a number of occasions and is now Herbert R. Bland '40 planning to go forward with specific recommendations for the future. some of the larger ones. At the same time there are Your Alumni Association is indebted to John A. several new groups in the process of organization. During Mason of the Class of 1934, Alumni Secretary, for his the past year it has been particularly pleasing to see a hours of work in our behalf both during the regular day significantly younger group of our fellow alumni taking and at all other hours of the night and day. John has an active part in the affairs of the area groups. Book visited many of the Area Associations and visited with prize awards, pre-freshman picnics, coordination of re­ many individual alumni during the past year and con­ cruiting and interviewing activities and just good fellow­ tinues to be a source of strength to the administration. ship continue to be the prime motivation for area The Alumni Association of Trinity College is in the groups. It has been the personal pleasure of the Presi­ process of "coming of age." This fact has presented a dent of your Association to have visited with a number variety of problems to the Executive Committee of the of thes_e groups during the past year. We take this op­ Association and they have met them with suggestions portumty to express to you our appreciation for your for progress. hospitality. In conclusion, I should like to note that the Alumni Seymour E. Smith of the Class of 1934, as the Senior Association at its annual meeting on Saturday, June 8th, Vice President of the Association, has been a constant recognized the completion by President Jacobs of ten help in the administration of its affairs, as have been years of service to our Alma Mater. An appropriate cita­ Robert A. Gilbert of the Class of 1938, the Treasurer, tion was given to Dr. Jacobs as well as a Polaroid and Robert W. Barrows of the Class of 1950, the Secre­ Color Camera as a tangible evidence of our sincere tary. The other members of the Executive Committee thoughts for him. have been particularly willing this year to devote time to our several meetings and discussions. H E RBERT R. BLAND '40, President

Association Officers and Committee Members 1963-1964

Officers Executive Committee President HERBERT R . BLAND '40 1963-64 DREW Q. BRINCKERHOFF '43 Senior Vice President SEYMOUR E. SMITH '34 DouGLAS C. LEE '52 JoHN T. WILc ox '39 Vice Presidents 1963-65 JOHN L. BONEE '43 Alumni Fund HARRY K. KNAPP '50 ROBERT J. GILLOOLY '54 Campus Activities ETHAN F. BASSFORD '39 DAVID A. ROBERTS '55 Area Associations WILLIAM H. GoRMAN II '39 Ex Officio GLOVER JoHNSON '22 Admissions Interviewing GERALD J. HANSEN JR. '51 Nominating Committee and Recruiting Public Relations DONALD R. REYNOLDS '51 1963- 64 RICHARD A. LEGGETT '39 and Publicity WINFIELD A. CARLOUGH '54 1963-65 FREDERICK J. EBERLE '27 Secretary JoHN GuNNING '49 JoHN T. FINK '44 Treasurer JOHN F. WALKER '29 1963-66 THOMAS BURGESS JR. '32 Alumni Secretary JOHN A. MASON '34 E. LAIRD MORTIMER III '57

Athletic Advisory Committee 1963-64 NELSON A. SHEPARD '21 1963-65 WILLIAM GORALSKI '52 1963-66 JoHN GooDING JR. '31

1 We must use all the keys of man's genius to unlock the doors of nature's secrets -


From the Commencement Address:

Man is a curious animal. and this is the mark of his progress. He has searche-d for the invisible and has probed for the unknown, he has groped for the inacces­ sible and has struggled for the unattainable. He has disobeyed every injunction that he not eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge. But he has accepted the great challenge that if you know the truth "the truth shall make you free." Hundred Years' War or Thirty-Years' War, no War The fruit of the tree of knowledge can be sweet, or it of the Roses; it is a dynamic struggle and now - no can be bitter, but man's curiosity drives him to deter­ later - is the time to put on our armor. And the only mine which it is. If knowledge and truth shatter the armor we can put on is knowledge - a growing knowl­ dream of some placid Eden - we must be reconciled to edge nourished by constant vigilance, study and percep­ labor and trial outside the gates. We must use all the keys tion .... of man's genius to unlock the doors which hide nature's Continuing education has thus become an imperative. secrets. Though the prospect may sometimes be awe­ As a scientist, I know that the physics and chemistry some, we must never fear to uncage nature's forces or of today cannot be comprehended on the basis of an to strike off the fetters of restraint against thought or in­ individual's undergraduate general courses of 30 years quiry . ... ago. The same is true of the advances in medicine and So, if I were to discuss with you today what you technology. Even in the humanities and social sciences can do for yourselves, your families, your country - there can be no vitality if they do not keep pace with the yes, even your world - it would be to accept problems as rapid advances in this developing and revolutionary challenges asking you for solution - and, with hope in scientific and technological society. your hearts- to work them out. ... During the last two decades, and especially since the And, who can meet these challenges? Only the edu­ end of World War II, there has been a surge in the di­ cated - because it takes study and work to analyze rection of scientific discovery and technological exploita­ problems and difficulties and to understand them. And tion of new knowledge. Indeed, this surge is so mighty without understanding there can be no judgment, and it is resulting in a new dimension of geography as well - without judgment no wisdom - and without these, no the dimension of space. The significant changes of solutions .... scientific scope over the last few decades have equalled We are not today living in an era of mere evolution­ all the previous advances since the invention of the but rather of revolution, particularly in the fields of wheel; there is no doubt in my mind that the scientific science and technology. In this period of the Scientific advances during the remaining span of the life of today's Revolution we do not have the time to permit our graduate, to some of which I have already alluded, will processes of thinking to adjust gradually to the mental greatly exceed the scientific advances of the entire period and even the physical environmental changes that of history before today- before 1963 .... buffet us and impinge upon us almost daily. No steady Space will be explored in your generation and man evolutionary accommodation is going to operate rapidly will reach the moon and the nearer planets. Will you enough to meet our requirements. We are going to have be a part of these voyages of discovery and explora­ to adapt. And, the course of our adaptation cannot even tion? ... be visualized unless we can, as they develop, note and I should again emphasize that one of the essentials comprehend the forces of change that are operating in for today's citizen is the understanding of science and our culture. There is for us no ivory tower to which we the implications of new technological advances upon can retreat to muse upon our knowledge - for if we our whole social milieu. These affect the political as well should muse very long our knowledge will be the knowl­ as the social and economic structure. The time is not edge of ancient history - interesting as a background of distant, if it is not already here, when the vqter must current civilization but without much other utility. understand the fundamentals of science and technology We may not like it, but to say that "the old order in order to cast his ballot intelligently. The impingement changeth" is surely an understatement. How are we of science and technology upon political policy at every going to fit into a new order? What are we, as educated level is growing at a rapid rate. The scientist, on the leaders in our society, going to do to meet the sociologi­ other hand, must study and understand the humanities cal, psychological and political problems (and I em­ and social sciences in order to permit him to identify, phasize "problems" ) of more leisure time than work adjust to and comprehend the economic, historical and time, retirement at early age, the breaking of the genetic social factors that influence our civilization. Today's code with the awesome power of man to govern the effective and enlightened citizen must be balanced; he genetic characteristics of human beings, the develop­ must have an intelligent concept and grasp of both ment of drugs that can change personality? These are science and the humanities - a knowledge of the past some of the elements of change that are going to chal­ and a vision of the future. For, as Solomon said, "Where lenge your generation - perhaps even mine. This is no there is no vision, the people perish." ... 2 A good man on horseback is a better symbol of progress than a bad man in a jet plane-


From the Baccalaureate Sermon:

... In our choice between God and no God, between ultimate meaning or ultimate meaninglessness, we have to decide one way or the other. There is a healthy agnosticism even in the Jewish and Christian faiths, as the Bible clearly discloses, but you cannot make up your mind not to make up your mind about the origin, and meaning and destiny of your life. This is what is involved alchemists who tried to transmute lead into gold. To do in the decision between God and no God. To be an this today we have only to remove from the lead atom agnostic in this sense is to have both feet planted firmly 3 protons, 3 electrons, and 8 neutrons - incidentally at in mid-air. Sooner or later you have to come down and the current cost of I million dollars per ounce! take your stand. We can be grateful for the many blessings of science, The materialist believes that the only real things are but whether Science destroys mankind or offers to us a those that can be weighed and measured, bought and fuller, happier life does not depend on Science. It de­ sold. There are probably as many practicing materialists pends on the spiritual condition of the minds and souls on this side of the Iron Curtain as the other where it is of men. A good man on horseback is still a better symbol the official creed of Communism. On this side, how­ of progress than a bad man in a jet plane. What we need ever, few would admit that things are their God, and today, as always, is that divine alchemy of the grace of yet there are those who feel like crossing themselves God that alone can transmute the selfishness and sin of everytime they pass the Chase Manhattan Bank. the heart of man to love of God and neighbor. If we can­ The humanist is a believer. He believes in three not sing "Glory to God on High," there will be no propositions: "Peace on earth, Good will toward men." Therefore, 1. that nothing can be believed unless it can be to claim that it doesn't make any difference what you scientifically proved; believe as long as you act all right is like saying it 2. that Human beings must rely wholly on them­ doesn't matter what you eat as long as you keep healthy. selves; You've heard the old complaint that the Church 3. that Science will solve all man's problems - has made the simple religion of Jesus so complicated. eventually. "All we have to do is love one another," they say. Who Yet not one of these basic beliefs of the humanist can ever said that was easy! Do you find it easy? ... be scientifically proved. Or, take, for example, that type of person who comes It can be scientifically proved that the scientist's wife up to the clergy and glibly says, "All the religion I need, is a rather elaborate differential equation, but if this is Rev., is the good old golden rule" (with the implication, all the scientist can believe about his wife, he is in real I surmise, "and you fellows can keep on with your trouble! preaching.") . If it is true that man can save himself and his world I am tempted to be rude and to reply: "All the astron­ without divine grace, why have the do-it-yourself utopias omy I need is twinkle, twinkle, little star." failed so miserably? Any Cuban will tell you that he'd Let's face it. Is it so easy to abide by the golden rule? rather be fed than red. To whom is it easy to apply the golden rule? My business The residents of Hartford will forgive me when I say competitor? My neighbor of another race, class, creed, that, although I admire Mark Twain's humor, I do not nation? You've met the kind of gentleman who would always agree with his religious opinions. However, he never hit a lady with his hat on. Some people are like certainly spoke the gospel truth when he said to a man that about the golden rule. What happened to the who had just recited Henley's poem "Invictus," "You golden rule when the Nazis took over in Germany and are the captain of your soul? You are the master of the Fascists in Italy and Communists in Russia, China, your fate ... Like hell you are!" Hungary, or Cuba? And is the Berlin Wall a good Despite what Karl Marx and his followers claim about symbol of the golden rule? private property being the root of all evil, little chil­ The great question in the world today is not "Who is dren on a playground have no bank accounts, they own going to get to the moon first?" - but the age-old ques­ no property, but for all around meanness and nastiness tion, "What is man?" Is he nothing more than a means they can hardly be equalled. Left to their own devices to an end, a cog in a wheel, cannon fodder, a drop of they can turn a first-class playground into a jungle blood in some dictator's ocean of racial purity, an ant in quicker than you can say "Nikita Khrushchev." The some communal ant hill, or is he, as the Bible claims, older I get the more I believe in the biblical doctrine of a child of God and an inheritor of the kingdom of original sin (which Freud called the "Id"), even though, heaven? in my 28 years as a pastor, I have yet to meet an The answer to this question is not economic, or original sinner. political or technological - the answer is basically re­ And is it a scientifically proven fact that science alone ligious. Indeed, the answers to the fundamental ques­ can inevitably save the world? Science has done marvel­ tions that all men ask themselves are of a spiritual ous things. It has even achieved the dream of the ancient nature ....

3 COMMENCEMENT 1963 AT Trinity's 137th Commencement 215 men received Bachelor degrees, 58 re­ fi ceived Masters degrees, and nine outstanding men were honored with de­ grees Honoris Causa. Twenty-five of those receiving the Baccalaureate degree were graduated with honors. Many received fellowships for graduate study and more than 50 percent of the senior class will continue their education at the graduate level. This figure seems to substantiate the statement of Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg who said in his commencement address, "Continuing education has become an imperative." During Class Day exercises the seniors heard the class prophecy and class his­ tory, saw classmates Thomas E. Calabrese and David A. Raymond honored for their athletic achievements, and were impressed by the message of Mr. Dan Tyler Moore Jr., father of Dan T. Moore Ill '63. The Alumni elected Charles T. Kingston Jr. '34 Alumni Trustee for six years, and Dr. Paul H. Twaddle '31 and William R. Peelle '44 as Junior Fellows. The Board of Trustees elected A. Henry Moses Jr. '28 Secretary of the Board, replacing Lyman B. Brainerd Jr. '30 who was named Vice Chairman. Also were elected two Senior Fellows, John H. Pratt Jr. '17 and Dr. Jacob C. Hurewitz '36. At the annual Alumni Luncheon the Class of 1913 won the Jerome Kohn Award and the Class of 1918 won the Board of Fellows Bowl. Other honors are pictured on the following pages.

Participants in the 137th Baccalaureate Service were, left to right, Professor Wendell E. Kraft, Mace Bearer; the Rt. Rev. Reginald H. Gooden, Baccalaureate Speaker; President Albert C. Jacobs; the Rev. Canon Robert B. Appleyard; Dean Arthur H. Hughes; and Chaplain J. Moulton Thomas.

Members of the Class of 1913 dedi­ cate new memorial name plate on the 1913 gate. Left to right: Wit­ limn P. Barber, Kenneth B. Case, the Rev. Joseph N. Barnett, Rus­ sell C. Noble, James E. McCreery and Thomas G. Brown. 4 Honorary degree recipients with Dr. Jacobs: Front row, left to right, Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, doctor of science; Dr. Jacobs; the Rt. Rev. Regi­ nald H. Gooden, Episcopal Bishop of the Missionary District of the Canal Zone, doctor of di­ vinity. Back row, left to right, Dr. Edwin N . Nilson '37, chief scientific staff, Advanced Power Systems Group, Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Division, United Aircraft Corpnrati011, doc­ tor of science; Milton H. Glover, president of the Hartford National Bank and Trust Com­ pany, doctor of laws; Dr. Harry Hayden Clark '23, professor of English, University of Wisconsin, doctor of letters; the Rev. Sidney W. Goldsmith Jr., Rector and Headmaster, Shattuck School, Faribault, Minnesota, doctor of huma11e letters; the Rev. Canon Robert B. Appleyard, Rector of Christ Church, Greenwich, Connecticut, doctor of divinity; James R. Kerr, president, chief operating officer and member of the board, A vco Corporation, doctor of science. James L. Goodwin (shown below), former president, State Forest and Park Com­ mission, Consulting Forester and Land Surveyor, received the doctor of laws degree.

Bishop Reginald H. Gooden pins AFROTC Lieutenant's bars on his son, Hiram R. Gooden '63.

James L. Goodwin, Life Trustee of th e College, receives the honorary doctor of laws degree from President A /b ert C. Jacobs.

5 The Alumni Medal recipients with Dr. Jacobs: left to right, J. Ronald Reg­ nier '30, James R. Caldwell '18, Dr. Jacobs, James E. Bent '28 and Stewart M. Ogilvy '36. Charles T. Kingston Jr. '34 was elected Alumni Trustee for a term of six years.

E. Talbot Smith '1 3, who travelled the longest distance (, England) to attend Reunion, receives prize from Kenneth B. Case '13, Reunion Chairman. President Jacobs is honored by the Alumni for his ten years of service to the College.

Thomas E. Calabrese '63, left, and David A. Ray­ mond '63 received the 1935 Most Valuable Foot­ ball Player A ward and the George Sheldon Mc­ Cook Trophy, respectively, at the Annual Class Day Ceremonies.

Judge Philip J. McCook '95 receives award for oldest Alumnus attending the Reunion ceremonies.


BOSTON Among the faculty and administration NEW YORK The annual meeting was held ·April 11 who spoke at the Club's monthly lunch­ The twenty-first Annual Spring Frolic at the University Club in Boston. Presi­ eons at the Hotel Bond were: George E. was held May 25 at Dr. "Dan" Webster's dent Jacobs gave an interesting talk on Nichols HI, Associate Professor of beautiful home "Meadowlawn," Dodge the state of the College. Along with Drama; Robert E. Shults, Assistant Pro­ Lane, Riverdale. Tt was a perfect day for him were John F. Butler '33, Director of fessor of Physical Education; Dr. William softball and lawn bowling. Our host Placement; John A. Mason '34, Alumni A. Johnson, Assistant Professor of Re­ and hostess provided a delicious meal Secretary; and Douglas L. Frost '59, ligion; F. Gardiner F . Bridge, Director and refreshments, and we were honored Assistant Director of Development. Herb of Admissions; August E. Sapega, As­ with a large delegation from the Hilltop. Bland '40, President of the National sociate Professor of Engineering; Dr. Eight alumni were present at historic Alumni Association, spoke briefly. Gustave W. Andrian '40, Professor of Trinity Church April 28 for the annual The officers are: David A. Roberts Modern Languages; Dr. Philip Kintner, National Christian College Day service. '55, President, 59 Marlboro St., Nor­ Assistant Professor of History; Alexander President Jacobs delivered the sermon. wood, Mass.; and Richard C. Hale '52, A. Mackimmie Jr., Professor of Educa­ The annual dinner will be Wednesday, Secretary, Summer St., Manchester, tion; and Dr. Goodwin B. Beach, Hon. November 20, 1963 at the Columbia Mass. 1931, Lecturer in Latin. University Club. Save this date. The Club will hold its usual picnic for incoming area freshmen and their fathers PHTLADELPHr A CINCINNATI early in September. Many alumni and their wives gathered The annual dinner-meeting was held May 3rd at the Cynwyd Club, Bala­ April 16 at Mariemont Inn, Cincinnati, NEW BRITAIN Cynwyd, for a testimonial dinner for with Albert C. Turner '39, presiding. Dr. The spring dinner meeting took place Ronald Kinney '15. He was presented Richard Scheuch, Associate Professor April 22 at Peterson's Restaurant in a handsome plaque as a token for the of Economics, and John A. Mason '34, Plainville. Dr. Robert C. Black, Associate many, many things he has so faithfully Alumni Secretary, were our guests and Professor of History, gave an interesting done for Trinity in the Philadelphia area. brought us up-to-date with news of the resume of conditions in the Plans are being made for a buffet lunch­ Hilltop. They raised many interesting prior to the Revolutionary War and the eon, Saturday, October 26, before the questions, and a lively discussion ensued. Civil War. Susquehanna football game. The lunch­ The new officers are: Stanley N. Muir­ The officers are: Roger E. Martin '56, eon will probably be at the Hotel Edison head Jr. '54, President, 16 Ivanhoe Ave., President, 12 Trout Brook Terrace, West in Sunbury which is near Selinsgrove. Dayton 19, ; and David S. Dimling Hartford 7; and Gordon W. Szamier '57, '55, Secretary-Treasurer, 36 Spirea Drive, Secretary, 57 Crissey Lane, Southington. PITTSBURGH Dayton 17, Ohio. Any alumnus moving Alumni and their wives met April 18 at into the Cincinnati-Dayton (Southern the Pittsburgh Club, Penn Sheraton Hotel Ohio and Northern Kentucky) area NEW HAVEN in Pittsburgh to hear Dr. Richard kindly make his whereabouts known to Under the leadership of Fred Celentano Scheuch, Associate Professor of Eco­ one of these officers. '27, there has been considerable activity nomics, and John A. Mason '34, Alumni this past spring. Secretary. There were many questions On April 19 a smoker was held at concerning Trinity. Hull's Rathskellar in New Haven. Jay The officers are: Richard D. Royston McWilliams, Assistant Professor of The annual dinner for alumni and '55, President, Royston Associates, Oliver fathers of present and past Trinity stu­ Physical Education, showed movies of Bldg., Pittsburgh; and James P. Miller the Amherst football game. '57, Secretary, 3 Linden Ave., Sewickley. dents was held April 17 at "Gwinn" - John Dando, Associate Professor of home of the late William G. Mather, English and well known radio and T.V. PROVIDENCE Class of 1877 - Bratenahl, Cleveland. personality, gave an interesting talk to Some twenty-five attended and heard our alumni and their ladies on May The annual meeting was held at the news of the College from Dr. Richard 15th at the New Haven Country Club. Wayland Manor in Providence May 8 Scheuch, Associate Professor of Eco­ Erhardt Schmitt '16, was toastmaster with Dr. George B. Cooper, Professor nomics, and John A. Mason '34, Alumni and also introduced Herb Bland '40, of History, and Herbert R. Bland '40, Secretary. President of the National Alumni Associa­ President of the N~.tional Alumni As­ Among the guests was Michael Billing­ sociation, and John Mason '34, Alumni tion, speakers. Their candid thoughts ton, Shore High School, East Cleveland, Secretary. were most refreshing. who is the first William G. Mather Monthly luncheons are being held on The officers are: Jacques V. Hopkins Scholar. He enters Trinity this Septem­ the fourth Monday of every month at the '52, President, Hinckley, Allen, Salis­ ber. Hof Brau Restaurant at 12:00 noon. bury & Parsons, 2200 Industrial Bank The officers are: William G. Pollock All alumni in the area are urged to stop Bldg., Providence; and Richard A. Bent­ '53, President, 3259 Daleford Road, in and go to the Trinity table. field '54, Secretary, 422 Sowams Road, Shaker Heights 20; and Richard W. Stock­ John S. Gummere '17, 641 Whitney Barrington, R.I. ton '60, Secretary, 4887 Oakland Drive, Ave., New Haven, is the Secretary. Lyndhurst 24, Ohio. SPRINGFIELD Thanks to the gracious hospitality of NEW LONDON Dr. Arthur F. G. Edgelow '14, who HARTFORD The annual Spring Dinner was held opened his home May 20, the Spring­ On May 23 the Trinity Club of Hart­ at the Connecticut Yankee Restaurant field alumni had a most enjoyable smoker. ford held its Fourth Annual Spring Ban­ in East Lyme May 24. Professor John C. Professor John C. E. Taylor', Chairman quet at the College with Dr. Charles E. E. Taylor, Chairman of the Fine Arts of the Fine Arts Department, and John Shain, President of Connecticut College, Department, and John Mason '34, Mason '34, Alumni Secretary, brought the speaker. Andrew Onderdonk '34, Alumni Secretary, gave informal talks the latest news of the College. We were was the toastmaster and introduced Dave on the state of the College. particularly pleased to learn of the plans Tyler '43, president of the Club who The officers are: Lawrence B. Marshall of the new Arts Center. briefly reviewed the various activities of '41, President, 4 North Road, Niantic; Allen R. Doty '37, 3 Wenonah Place, the past year, and President Albert C. and John S. McCook '35, Secretary, Longmeadow, is the Association's Presi­ Jacobs. Johnnycake Hill Road, Old Lyme, Conn. dent.

7 Steven, both of Hartford. The late Cyrus NECROLOGY T. Steven, Class of 1914, was his brother. Born April 27, 1891, in Hartford, a son of the late William Thaddeus Steven ROBERT FRAZER WELCH, 1895 Mr. Golden was born January 9, 1882, and Agnes Steven Craig, he prepared for Robert F. Welsh, former president of in Kittanning, a son of the late Edward college at the Hartford Public High the Philadelphia, Germantown and Nor­ S. Golden and Sarah Gates. He prepared School. At Trinity he was a member of ristown Railroad, died at his home in for college at Kittanning High School. the Freshman-Junior Banquet Committee Philadelphia April 28. He leaves his As an undergraduate at Trinity he held and the Junior Promenade Committee. wife; two daughters, Dr. Cynthia Welsh the Holland Scholarship for two years His fraternity was Tau Alpha Chapter of and Miss Roberta Welsh; and three sons, and won the Douglass Prize, the second Phi Gamma Delta. Roderick F., Lowber and Andrew. Goodwin Greek Prize and the Alumni After graduation he worked for the Mr. Welsh was born February 2, 1874, English Prize. He was a member of the Automatic Refrigerating Co., Hartford, in Paris, France, a son of Herbert Welsh Debating Team his senior year. At grad­ for nine years, and then became head and Fanny Frazer. He prepared for col­ uation he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa bookkeeper for Connign & Co. From 1939 lege at Delancey School in Philadelphia and named Valedictorian. His fraternity to 1942 he was with the Connecticut High­ and entered Trinity in 1892 with the was the Beta Beta Chapter of Psi Upsilon. way Department, and then worked with Class of 1895. At Trinity he was a mem­ After he studied law in the office of his the State Tax Department until his retire­ ber of the Glee Club for two years and brother for two years, he practiced in Kit­ ment in 1957. its manager while a senior. His frater­ tanning until recently. He was admitted During· he saw active nity was the Epsilon Chapter of Delta Psi. for the practice of law before the Supreme service in France as a private with the He was a member of the former and Superior Courts of Pennsylvania, and 303rd Field Artillery, 76th Division brokerage firm of Welsh Brothers in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals of the AEF.-H. W. Philadelphia for many years. United States. For many years he was local counsel for the Pennsylvania Rail­ EINER SATHER, 1917 KARL FENNING, 1903 road Company. Einer Sather, loyal alumnus and Class Karl Fenning, former profe sor of law Secretary since 1951, died May 30 in at Georgetown University for over JOHN BOWIE SHEARER, 1909 Hartford after a short illness. He leaves twenty-five years on patent law, died in John B. Shearer died in New York City his wife, the former Miss Frances Oliver Washington, D.C., February 28th. He June 16 after a short illness. He leaves Rees, and a daughter, Mrs. Sydney D. leaves his wife, the former Miss Hazel M. his wife, the former Miss Astrid Magrete Pinney Jr. 0' eil of Ellington, Conn. Kvalheim Isaksen, and a son, Patrick. "Ik e" was born September 25, 1891, in Mr. Fenning was born March 30, 1881, He also leaves a son, John B. Jr. by a Litchfield, Minn., and prepared for col­ in Washington, a son of the late James A. former marriage. lege at Litchfield High School. As a Fenning and Annie R. Dey. He prepared Born October 19, 1885, at Kirkwall, Trinity undergraduate, he served on the for college at Central High School in Orkney lsland, Scotland, a son of the Sophomore and Junior Smoker Com­ Washington. As an undergraduate at late William Balfour Shearer and Anna mittees. He was president of the Jesters, Trinity he was a member of the Ivy Bella Ross Allan, he came to this country and chairman of Senior Dramatics. His Board of 1903, and won prizes in History in 1891 and prepared for college at Gov­ fraternity was the Phi Kappa Chapter of and Mathematics as a Junior. His ernor Dummer Academy, South Byfield, Alpha Delta Phi. fraternity was the Tau Alpha Chapter of Mass. At Trinity, he was a member of After serving with the JOist Machine Phi Gamma Delta. the Tablet for three years and the Sopho­ Gun Battalion of the Yankee 26th Di­ Receiving the Master of Arts degree more Dining Club. His fraternity was the vision A.E.F. from 1917 to 1919, he was from Trinity in 1904, he earned his law Epsilon Chapter of Delta Psi. retired with the rank of Second Lieuten­ degree from the National University in After leaving Trinity in 1908, Mr. ant. He joined Co!t's Manufacturing Washington the same year as well as a Shearer was with the banking and broker­ Company in 1920 and held the positions master of patent law degree from Colum­ age firm of Cochrane, Harper Co. in of Assistant Purchasing Agent, Credit bia College, now a part of George Wash­ Boston, Mass., for several years. In 1925 and Traffic 1\fanager, Assistant Secretary ington University. he moved to New York City and man­ and Secretary. In 1949 he joined the Hart­ As a patent attorney, Mr. Fenning aged his own financial interests as well as ford Fire Insurance Group and worked practiced in Washington, New York and being an oil consultant. until recently with the Claim Department. Cleveland. In 1921 President Harding He was a member of the New York "Ik e" was a member of Trinity Church, appointed him assistant United States Yacht Club and the St. George Society Hartford, and a vestryman there from Commissioner of Patents, and in 1925 of New York. - P.H.B. 1928- 1953. For years he served his he served as special assistant to the At­ LEON ABBOTT STANSFIELD, 1910 fraternity faithfully as a trustee since torney General in the patent unit for two Word has reached the College of the 1947, and Alumni Treasurer from 1947 years. He was named chairman of the Na­ death of Leon A. Stansfield May 17 in to 1956. He was also one of three mem­ tional Committee of Patent Legislation ber of the Chapter's Building Committee from 1925 to 1936, and was also presi­ Los Angeles. He leaves his widow, the former Miss lnez Connor, of 5962 West for a new house which was dedicated last dent of the National Council of Patent San Vincente St., Los Angeles, Calif. fall. and one of the founders and a trustee Law Associations and a member of the of the Phi Kappa Educational Founda­ advisory council of the Committee on Born August 11, 1888, in Camden, N.Y., a son of the late William Henry tion. For the past eight years he was Patents of the House of Repre entatives. Stansfield and Marion Cornelia Stans­ 1917's representative on the College's In 1953 Trinity awarded Mr. Fenning field , he prepared for college at Jenners Alumni Committee on Endowment. - the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. Preparatory School, Syracuse, N.Y. and J.A. M. A prolific writer, he wrote more than Syracuse University, from which he JOHN BOLTON ALLEN, 1927 I 00 books and pamphlets on patent law entered Trinity in 1907. as well as being editor of the Patent He was president of the Musical As­ Word has reached the College of the Quarterly. He was the first secretary of sociation, leader of the Glee Club, a death of John B. Allen, May 3 in the Friends of the Law of the Library of member of the choir and mandolin club Chicago, Ill. He leaves his wife, the Congress, and an organizer of the Cleve­ for three years, and of the Jesters for one former Miss Elizabeth Howland Linn, land Patent Law Association. He was a year. His fraternity was the Beta Beta and two daughters, Constance and Jane. member of the American Academy of Born January 2, 1905, in Manila, P.T., Air Law and had been vice president of Chapter of Psi Upsilon. During World War I he served with a son of the late Arthur Fuller Allen and the lnternational Association for Protec­ Kathryn T. Bolton, he prepared for col­ tion of Industrial Property. Troop "D" of the New York State Militia and was discharged with the rank lege at Hyde Park High School, Chicago, HARRY CUFFORD GOLDEN, 1903 of I st Lieutenant. and entered Trinity in 1923. He only For many years Mr. Stansfield was a remained in residence for one year. His Word has reached the College of the salesman in the Los Angeles area. fraternity was the Phi Kappa Chapter death of Harry C. Golden on May 17th af Alpha Delta-Phi. in Kittanning, Pa. There were no im­ WILLIAM ERNEST STEVEN, 1912 Mr. Allen was in the brokerage and mediate survivors. His brother, the late W. Ernest Steven died in Hartford May insurance business in Chicago for many Horatio L. Golden, was a member of the 8th. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Emma Col­ years. He also was the advertising man­ Class of 1883. bert Steven, and a sister, Miss Agnes B. ager for the Hammond Instrument Co. 8 JAMES CLIFFORD MALONE, 1928 He was a member of the Ivy board and Jr.; and three daughters, Mrs. James B. Word has reached the College of the the Political Science Club. His fraternity Baker, Mrs. Richard G. Leahy, and Miss death of J. Clifford Malone February 21 was the Sigma Chapter of Delta Phi. Susanna Griswold. in Norwich, Conn. He leaves his wife, After a short association with Ezra D . Born October 27, 1906, at Morristown, Phyllis, and a daughter. Fogg Co. of New Haven, Jim came to N.J., a son of Harold Ely Griswold and He was born September 21 , 1904, in Bath in 1932 to manage the Bath Box Co. Elsie Montgomery Whitney Griswold, he Brooklyn, N.Y., a son of the late Mr. Upon the death of his father in 1938, prepared for Yale at the Peck School in an·d Mrs. Joseph George Malone. He pre­ he succeeded him as president of this Morristown and Hotchkiss. He received pared for college at Hartford Public company. During World War II he man­ his B.A. from Yale in 1929 and was man­ High School, and entered Trinity in 1924 aged the Van Buren Madawaska Corp. aging editor of . After a with the Class of 1928. He received his to produce lumber for the federal govern­ few months in business he returned to degree in 1935. His fraternity was the ment. In 1941 he was named county co­ Yale to teach English. Receiving his Delta Chi Chapter of Sigma Nu. ordinator of Civil Defense, and to the doctorate in 1933 he was named in­ Interim Commission to study Forest Pro­ structor in history that year. He was In recent years he taught at the E. 0. ductivity and Growth. promoted to Assistant Professor in 1938, Smith High School, Storrs, Conn.- R.B. Jim was active in his community, Associate Professor of Government in JAMES ARCHIBALD GILLIES JR., serving on his city's board of aldermen 1942 and to Professor of History in 1947. for three years, and on the postwar plan­ He had an international reputation as a 1930 ning committee. He was the first presi­ historian through his writings. James A. Gillies Jr., past president of dent of the Bath Junior Chamber of Com­ In 1950 Trinity awarded Dr. Griswold the Maine Box Manufacturer's Associa­ merce, a vice president of Bath Rotary, a the honorary degree of Doctor of tion and manufacturing industry for trustee of Bath Memorial Hospital and a Humane Letters. over thirty years, died in Bath, Me., director of Associated Industries of A champion of academic freedom, in June 8 after a short illness. He leaves his Maine and of the National and Eastern 1953 he headed a committee of university widow, Mrs. Virginia Russell Toole Gil­ Associations of Wooden Box Manu­ presidents which asserted the right of lies; four sons, Bruce J., James A. III, facturers. faculty members to express themselves Edward D., Gordon M.; and a daughter, His hobby was showing horses, and freely. He condemned loyalty oaths and Mary Virginia. he became a senior judge of hunters all other efforts to legislate conformity. Born January 29, 1908, in New Haven, and jumpers for the American Horse Dr. Griswold attached particular import­ Conn., a son of the late James A. Gillies Association and for the Bath Riding Club ance to the liberal arts, and to programs and Mary Sweeney, Jim prepared for col­ of which he was a past president.- P.M.C. for training more and better teachers. He lege at Westminster School, Simsbury, organized courses in Oriental and West­ Conn. ALFRED WHITNEY GRISWOLD, ern European languages, and supervised As an undergraduate, he was chair­ HON. 1950 instruction in the cultural, economic and man of the St. Patrick's Day Scrap, the A. Whitney Griswold, president of political fields of the various areas. Sophomore Rules Committee, the Sub­ since 1950, died at hi s The N ew York Times editorial of Freshman Weekend Committee and the home in New Haven, April 19. He is April 21 says in part, "His death at the Junior Prom. He pl ayed freshman foot­ survived by his wife, the former Miss age of 56 is a loss to the nation, even ball, and also, as a junior on the varsity. Mary Morgan Brooks; a son, A. Whitney more than it is a loss to Yale." The Alumni Interviewing Report In the academic year 1962-63, the Alumni Interview­ completed by the individual interviewers. This has been ers have again played a strong part in the selection of the due in large part not only to the conscientiousness of Class of 1967. This class, which will number about 260, the interviewers themselves, but to the excellent organ­ was selected from over 1,400 applicants. The Admissions ization by the district chairmen. Office requested that roughly 600 of these candidates be In the fall of 1962, the College, in close cooperation interviewed, and the alumni returned 335 reports. with the alumni, sponsored dinners in three cities - There are over 400 alumni on the Alumni Interview­ Cleveland, Boston and Chicago - for leading secondary ing rolls. Of these 400, 189 were actively engaged this school officials. These meetings were held to bring these year in completing interviews requested by the Ad­ important educators up to date on recent developments missions Office. One of the prime reasons that not more at Trinity. They were extremely well attended and en­ interviewers participated in this phase of the Program thusiastically enjoyed by everyone. lies in the fact that many alumni live in areas that in The Alumni Interviewing Program appears to be one year or another do not have candidates applying. performing well, and we hope that the recruiting phase However, many of these interviewers were active in the will continue to broaden and improve. We have seen recruiting end of the business and were perhaps re­ some excellent examples this year of instances where sponsible for the interest of candidates in the College. boys were initially interested in Trinity by alumni, and I should like to refer particularly to the work of who, although receiving bids from other excellent col­ Alfred M. C. MacColl '54 in St. Louis, Missouri. leges, eventually decided in favor of Trinity because of Among other things, he is responsible for two of the nin.e continued alumni interest. Illinois Scholars to enter the Class of 1967. It 1s The Admissions Office and I personally are genuinely estimated by the Admissions Office that he conducted pleased with the results of the Program. Certainly the interviews with over thirty different candidates and efforts of the many alumni have paid large dividends in visited at least twenty-five different high schools in the this class. It may be of interest to note that in mid-sum­ Greater St. Louis area and in Southwestern Illinois. mer the Admissions Office will send a complete class Certainly he embodies the spirit of the search for talent roster to all interviewers so that they will be accurately that the College is attempting to conduct through its informed of the names of boys coming to Trinity from alumni. Special mention of the excellent work done in their particular areas. the Greater New York area should be made here, too. The fact that in this most populated area, where a very Respectfully submitted, complicated procedure of liaison between the Coll~ge LLOYD E . SMITH '23 and the interviewers is necessary, over 95 % of the m­ National Chairman terviewing requests made by the Admissions Office were Admissions Interviewing and Recruiting


HE total contributions of more than $175,000 to the Parents TFund and Alumni Fund are most impressive. It is easy to be proud of Trinity Parents and Alumni (only ten years ago the combined total was approximately $50,000); it is harder to show the full measure of our gratitude. 'Trinity College is indeed grateful, and I should like to thank most heartily the thou­ sands of contributors as well as the hundreds of volunteers who made both campaigns so very successful.

DR. ALBERT c. JACOBS President


greater number. of OR the lOth succes­ A alumni contribu­ Fsive year the Parents ted more dollars this year Annual Giving Fund than ever before - 3256 reached its goal. 630 donors gave the magnifi­ parents and former par­ cent sum of $135,255 - ents contributed a total and we surpassed our of $40,049, thereby join­ goal for the twelfth ing the members of the consecutive year. The alumni in assisting to Alumni Fund Committee maintain a high aca­ was exceedingly diligent; the indefatigable class agents demic level at the College. This is the highest number and their assistants were resourceful and tireless; the of contributors that have heretofore given. Future ef­ alumni body was loyal and generous! Excellence of ed­ forts will be directed not alone to increasing the num­ ucation at Trinity College, so important to all of us, ber of contributors, but to increasing the average gift. is the beneficiary of your generosity and effort. your I should like to thank all those parents who supported chairman extends to all his most hearty congratulations the fund - and all the volunteers who worked on the and appreciation. campaign and made the effort a success.

JOHN L. BONEE '43 ROBERT G. DUNLOP National Chairman National Chairman



TOTALS: 1948-49 to 1962-63


1948-49 $ 19,689. 846 22.2% 1949-50 27,806. 1128 26.6% 1950-51 36,916. 1452 33.4% 1951-52 36,174. 1624 35.5% 1952-53 44,511. 1954 40.7 % 1953-54 51 ,221. 2038 40.3 % 1954-55 62,819. 2342 45.0% 1955-58 PROGRAM OF PROGRESS YEARS 1958-59 100,517. 2252 43.0% 1959-60 108,088. 2391 43.3% 1960-61 111,203. 2820 51.1 % 1961-62 125,635. 3126 55.2% 1962-63 135,255 3191 53.7%

PARENTS FUND COMMITTEE • ROBERT G. DUNLOP- National Chairman REGION I (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Western New York) • ALAN N. ANDERSON, Regional Chairman; Ralph B. Williams, Hugo Roth, Robert C. Knox Jr., Geoffrey J. Letchworth, Area Chairmen

REGION II- (New York, ) • ARTHUR GARSON, Regional Chairman; Ian K. MacGregor, John K. Holbrook, Selven Feinschreiber, Robert C. Howland, Area Chairmen

REGION III- (Mid-Atlantic and South) • ALBERT D. HUTZLER JR., Regional Chairman; Morris Lloyd, Norman F. Edmonds, Richard C. Palmer, Oswald W. Spoor, Area Chairmen

REGION IV- (Near Midwest) • OLIVER M. GALE, Regional Chairman; James R. Pitcairn, J. Cobham Noyes, Robert H. Arming, Area Chairmen

REGION V- (Midwest, Far West, North Central and Southwestern States) • SHERMAN T. SPITZER, Regional Chairman; Thomas W. Pettus, David J. Harris, Harold A. Lenicheck, Herbert Kunzel, A.rea Chairmen

11 1962-1963 ALUMNI FUND CLASS

AGENTS Meredith '48

1899 VIcToR F. MoRGAN James A. Sexton, Jr. Philip J . Mallon Richard F . Nissi Neboysha R. Brashich 1902 ANSON T. McCooK Andrew N . Shepard William S. Miller Lt. Gerald E. Pauley, Jr. Sanford A. Bredine 1903- FREDERICK C. HINKEL, JR. Frank W. Sherman Raymond C. Parrott Eero Raig Charles S. Burger 1904 Merrill R. Stein Samuel H. Ramsay, Jr. George W. Skinner Carrington Clark, Jr. 1905 ALLEN R. GOODALE Wendell S. Stephenson Elliott H. Valentine James M. Streeto, M.D. Neil W. Coogan 1906- FREDERICK C. HINKEL, JR. James M. Stewart William R. Whitelaw John C. Swett Richard P. Hall 1907 John E. Trousdale Peter L. Winslow Peter C. Turner Morris Lloyd, Jr. 1908 James C. Van Loon Joseph B. Wollenberger John R. Vaughan, Jr. Richard E. Macho! 1909 REV. PAUL H. BARBOUR, D.D. Peter VanMetre 1954 Rev. George J. Willis, Jr. Clark Phippen 191 0 GEORGE c. CAPEN Nelson P. Wainman JOHN G. CRAIG Rev. William J. Zito Robert L. Puffer 1911 REV . JOHN H. ROSEBAUGH Montgomery L. Young John E. Blackenstoe 1957 Grosvenor Richardson 1912 HARRY WESSELS 1951 John H. Bloodgood RoNALD G. FosTER Robb N. Russell 1913 WILLIAM P. BARBER )AMES T. DE KAY Charles C. Bowen H. Brooks Baker Curtis M. Scribner 1914 CHARLES W. COOKE James T. Barber Rev. George H. Bowen John J. Bonsignore Richard W . Stockton 1915 REv. JAMES A. MITCHELL, D.D Richard A. Bartoes William A. Dobrovir James R. Bradley Bruce Stone 1916 REV. FRANK LAMBERT Karl J. Berb George D. Eggert Frank w, Bulkley Peter Strasser 191 7 ARTHUR RABINOWITZ David M. Blair Eric Fowler Neil McP. Day Peter B. Underhill 1918 SYDNEY D. PINNEY Byard P. Bridge Howard M. Griffith Lt. Bertram G. Frazier, III 1961 1919 HARMON T. BARBER James B. Curtin John H. Kaelber, II Richard H. Hall FRANCIS B. GUMMERE 1920 DR. GEORGE A . BoYcE Timothy R. Cutting Alfred J. Koeppel Norman C. Kayser Donald J. Fish 1921 ARTHUR N. MATTHEWS Robert S. Elliott James A. Leigh John K. Kuiper Christopher A. Hodges 1922 PAUL A. H. DEMACARTE Thomas Ferguson Rev. Richardson A. Libby, Jr. Stephen V. Letcher F. Benedict Hubby 1923 l. LAIRD NEWELL John E. Friday, Jr. James P. Logan William D. Luke Christopher D. lllick 1924 R. GEORGE ALMOND Gerald J. Han sen, Jr. James H. Mitchell, Jr. E. Laird Mortimer, Ill John E. Koretz 1925 GEORGE MALCOLM-SMITH Robert S. Harding Stanley N. Muirhead, Jr. Manny Myerson, M.D. Donald LeStage, III 1926 KENNETH W. STUER Kingstown L. Howard William T. Murray William 0. Richards Lt. George P. Lynch, Jr. 1927 ANDREW H. FORRESTER John F. Kearns Dr. Frederick G. Eberender Gordon W . Szamier Robert F. McCammon, Jr. 1928 JAMES E. BENT John Klingler Rev. George H. Pike, Jr. 1958 Charles G. Mixter, III 1929 JOHN F. WALKER Wayne W. Loveland Arthur S. Rathbun, Jr. CARL H. SHUSTER Frank A. Morse 1930 HERBERT E. SNOW Dr. Maurice H. Martel Peter K. Sivaslian Lt. Robert W. Back Michael S. Perlman 1931 ARTHUR D. WEINSTEIN W. Howie Muir Lewis Taft Charles G. Blumstein, M.D. Jack A. Perry 1932 EvERETTS. GLEDHILL Louis Raden Theodore T. Tansi Harold J. Drinkaus John E. Romig 1933 JOHN G. TRACY Armando T. Ricci Ralph L. Tompkins, Jr. Barry A. Elliott John P. Rorke 1934 ANDREW ONDERDONK William H. VanLanen Clifford R. Thatcher, Jr. Bruce Gladfelter Thornton G. Sanders 1935 CMDR. ERIC s. PURDON John H . Weikel, Jr. Arthur VonThaden David W. Hasson John E. Stambaugh 1936 VICTOR E. BoN ANDER Donn D. Wright 1955 Milton Israel William A. Sullivan 1,.937 WILLIAM G. HULL 1952 DAVID A. ROBERTS Harry C. Jackson, Jr. Douglas T. Tansill 1938 ROBERT A. GILBERT DAVID R. SMITH John H. Callen, Jr. William J. Kilty Samuel Wagner 1939 ETHAN F. BASSFORD Edwin W. Bleeker E. Wade Close, Jr. Lt. Edgar W. Lorson Thomas J. Watt 1940 CARMINE R. LAVIERI Nicholas J. Christakos Philip D. Craig Roy H. Mcllwaine Edward Mel. Wiener 1941 RAYMOND E. THOMSEN John H. Cohen, Jr. Rev. A. Hugh Dickinson Bernard A. Moran, Jr. Robert L. Woodward 1942 ROBERT P. NICHOLS Maurice Fremont-Smith Robert J. Donahue Lt. Wayne R. Park 1962 1943 DREW Q. BRI KERHOFF Bidwell S. Fuller Cameron F. Hopper Michael Schacht RODNEY D. DAY, III 1944 WILLIAM B. STARKEY William M. Gannon Dr. Harold Katzman Clifford L. Terry David S. Alberts 1946 EDWARD J. WASHER William J. Howard Lee A. Lahey John L. Thompson Douglas K. Anderson 1947 THOMAS F. EGA John S. Hubbard Robert A. Laird 1959 John H. Baker, Jr. 1948 THOMAS M . MEREDITH Robert G. Hubbard William T. O'Hara WILLIAM C. JOHNSON, JR. Georges R. Fraise 1949 SUMNER w. SHEPHERD III Robert N. Hunter John L. Palshaw Michael E. Borus Lawrence R . Harris, Jr. 1950 Antony Mason Joseph F. Riccardo, Jr. Paul S. Campion John W. Kapouch HARRY K. KNAPP John W. Nesteruk Henry Scheinberg Donald W. Farmer Robert J. Kelleher Robert L. Beattie Richard E . Nicholson Robert L. Sind Douglas L. Frost Thomas M. Kelly Raymond M. Beirne Lyndon H . Ratcliffe Clay Stephens John R. Hamlett Robert W . McLeod Robert M. Blum Robert L. Russell J. Moulton Thomas, Jr. Peter R. Henriques Robert J. Mason Dr. Thomas S. Claros Edward B. Thomas Clarence A. Vars John E. Kenney William G. McKnight, Ill Robert L. Compton Benneville D. Wilmot Kenyon J. Wildrick 1/ Lt. Philip E. McNairy Arthur F. McNulty, Jr. John D. Corcoran John B. Wynne Robert M. Woronoff Herbert H. Moorin William H. L . Mitchell, III Douglas Donald, Jr. 1953 1956 Brian E. Nelson Roger E. Nelson Gordon C. Gilroy WINTHROP W. FAULKNER LT. BERTRAM R. SCHADER Samuel S. Polk Michael C. Niven Wardwell G. Hadley Rev. David J. Dean Lt. Richard G. Abbott R. Evan Scharf William M. Polk David M. Hadlow, Jr. Umberto Del Mastro Donald W. Anderson Albert R. Smith, II Frederick M. Pryor Rev. John F. Hardwick George Bruce Fox John H. Barter 1960 Allen M. Rudnick Justin S. Maccarone John B. Hanford, Jr. Robert D. Davis MARVIN PETERSON 2/ Lt. Shepard C. Spink John R. MacKesson Romilly Humphries Frank G. Foley Emil D. Arle David W. Strawbridge Francis Mullane Benjamin F . Jones, IV Dr. A. Thomas Guertin John W. Basset David A. Wadhams HenryS. W. Perez John H. Larson Bruce N. Macdonald Robert G. Beaven F . Peter Williams, Jr. Harry C. Rowney William Lauffer Edward A. Montgomery, Jr. Charles A. Bergmann J. Donald Woodruff, Jr.


BY PARTICIPATION BY AMOUNT CONTRIBUTORS CLASS ROLL DON ORS % CLASS AMOUNT CORPORATION AND FOUNDATIONS 1913 25 25 100.0 1. 1916 $10,672 1. ( Matching Gifts and/or Special Grants) 2. 1918 34 34 100.0 2. 1918 5,107 3. 1922 46 38 84.8 3. 1922 4,872 4. 1916 39 33 84.6 4. 1928 4,659 IEtna Life Affiliated Companies 5. 1917 38 31 81.6 5. 1934 4,425 ( M atching and Special Grant) 6. 19 19 36 28 77.8 6. 1950 3,527 Armstrong Cork Company 7. 1920 36 28 77.8 7. 1939 3,450 Bank of ew York 8. 1937 93 69 74.2 8. 1936 3,247 Burlington Industries 9. 1914 27 20 74.0 9. 1925 3,142 Chase Manh att an Bank 10. 1925 48 35 72.9 10. 1943 3,053 Chemical Bank ew York 11. 1921 23 16 69.6 11. 1923 2,842 Trust Company 12. 1934 101 68 67.3 12. 1915 2,577 Connecticut General Life 13 . 1923 31 20 64.5 13. 1931 2,528 Insurance Company 14. 1928 58 37 63 .8 14. 1913 2,477 Connecticut Light and 15. 1932 66 42 63.6 15 . 1917 2,475 Power Company 16. 1961 235 145 61.7 16. 1955 2,467 Connecticut Mutual Life 17. 1957 194 118 60.8 17. 1937 2,356 Insurance Company 18. 1926 58 35 60.3 18. 1951 2,215 Corning Glass Works Company 19. 1930 50 30 60.0 19. 1941 2,183 Deering Milliken, Inc. 20. 1927 36 22 59.5 20. 1930 2,171 Diamond Alkali Company 21. 1954 219 125 57.1 21. 1954 2,035 Dow C hemical Company 22. 1939 115 65 56.5 22. 1938 1,952 E so Foundation 23. 1948 188 106 56.4 23 . 1932 1,920 F afnir Bearing Company 24. 1938 101 56 55.4 24. 1948 1,912 Ford Motor Company 25. 1952 238 131 55.0 25. 1952 1,905 General Electric Company 26. 1959 229 125 54.6 26. 1944 1,890 General Foods Corporation 27. 1950 276 150 54.3 27. 1935 1,863 B. F. Goodrich Company 28. 1951 237 127 53.6 28. 1958 1,837 W. T . Grant Company 29. 1931 60 32 53 .3 29. 1960 1,699 Gulf Oi l Corporation 30. 1958 210 111 52.9 30. 1929 1,688 Hercules Powder Company 31. 1953 193 99 51.3 31. 1957 1,674 International Business 32. 1955 238 122 51.3 32. 1953 1,670 Machi nes Corporation 33. 1962 269 137 50.9 33. 1959 1,639 I A Foundation 34. 1943 121 61 50.4 34. 1942 1,631 Jones & Laughlin Steel 35. 1915 38 19 50.0 35. 1919 1,601 Corporation 36. 1936 95 47 49 .5 36. 1940 1,580 Lubrizol Foundation 37. 1944 104 51 49.0 37. 1949 1,520 P. R. Mallory Company 38. 1929 58 26 48.3 38. 1956 1,392 Foundation, Inc. 39. 1956 203 97 47.8 39. 1961 1,352 M anufacturers Hanover 40. 1960 278 133 47.8 40. 1927 1,270 Trust Company 41. 1942 128 60 46.9 41. 1921 1,260 Marine Midland Trust 42. 1949 174 81 46.6 42. 1947 1,229 Company of New York 43. 1940 101 47 46.5 43. 1926 1,086 McGraw-Hill Publishing 44. 1947 111 51 45.9 44. 1962 1.080 Company 45. 1933 68 31 45.6 45 . 1924 1,054 Mellon National Bank and 46. 1946 84 38 45.2 46. 1920 995 Trust Company 47. 1935 109 49 45 .0 47. 1933 895 Merck & Company, Inc. 48. 1941 109 47 43 .1 48. 1945 723 Merrill Lynch Foundation 49. 1924 35 15 42.9 49. 1946 695 (Special Grant) 50. 1945 77 25 32.5 50. 1914 643 N ational Distillers and Chemical Corporation ational Lead Foundation Company IMMORTALS (1894-1912) Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation CLASS PERCE TAGE AMOU T Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation 1894 75.0 $ 80.00 Owens-Corning Fiberglas 1895 66.7 82.37 Corporation 1898 50.0 500.00 Phelps Dodge Corporation 1899 100.0 82 .37 Pitney-Bowes, lnc. Quaker Chemical Products 1900 40.0 35.00 Corporation 1901 72.7 1,297.00 R. J. Reynolds Tobacco 1902 100.0 1,513.00 CORRECTION Company 1903 50.0 10.00 Last fall an Alumni Rust En gineering Company 1904 25 .0 20.00 Fund mailing piece indi- Simmons Company 1905 100.0 159.00 Singer Manufacturing Company 1906 100.0 496.00 cated that Wesleyan Uni- Smith Kline & French Laboratories 1907 66.7 190.00 versity had 31 % alumni J. P. Stevens Co. participation in its 1961- Textron Inc. 1908 41.2 200.00 J. Walter Thompson Co. 1909 65.2 6,829.00 62 campaign. The figure Fund, I nc. 1910 87.5 2,440.00 should have been 34.7 % . R. T . Vanderbilt 1911 48.4 740.00 Foundation (Special Grant ) 1912 72.7 995.13 Western Publishing Company


HONORARY ALUM I Allerton C. Hickmott V-12 Mrs. Beatrice F. Auerbach H . M. Horner John B. Kellaghan Earl D. Babst The Rt. Rev. Harry S. Kennedy Melvin Klickstein, D.D.S. Dr. Goodwin B. Beach The Rt. Rev. W. Appleton Lawrence Dr. William S. Licht The Rt. Rev. Charles F. Boynton Thomas B. McCabe Donald J. O'Hare John B. Byrne Henry D. B. B. Moore John D. Warwick Miss Florence S. M. Crofut Stanley H . Osborn, M.D. The Rt. Rev. John H. Esquirol The Rev. Dr. Daniel A. Poling Rabbi Abraham J. Feldman The Very Rev. Lawrence Rose, Dean Peter M. Fraser Dr. Howard L. Rubendall BEQUESTS Alfred C. Fuller Clarence N. Wesley Frank D. Woodruff- 1883 The Rt. Rev. Walter H. Gray, D.D. Howard A. Pinney- 1887 Joseph C. Grew GRADUATE SCHOOL ALUMNI Hill Burgwin- 1906 T. Stewart Hamilton, M.D. Merrill H. Dooey Matthew G. Bach- 1910 Dr. Greville Haslam Samuel A. Talbot Robert 0. Muller- 1931 Frederick Hasler Mrs. Hilma L. Talcott Thomas James Holmes- Hon. 1941


1832 Morba Livingston Bird Walker, A. W. Schmitt In Memoriam Seymour Reineman Blake Walker, R. F. Spencer The Rev. Lucius Walker Roberts, P. Breed Wessels Spofford Maro Purdy Wheeler Snow Carpenter Woodward Tiger White Xanders Evison In M emoriam 1857 Townsend 1903 Friend of 1909 Foote Ethan F. Woolley In Memoriam (Raymond John Herrick Bassford '14 The Rev. Edward Goodale Wean Founda- Holcomb 1917 J. Purdy 1904 tion) Penn 1915 Barnwell, F. L. Pettigrew Barnwell, J. B. 1884 Townsend 1910 Bailey Barthel mess Pulford Barnett In Memoriam (now deceased) Abbey Rankin Clement Lawson Purdy Capen Brinkman Creamer 1905 Segur Brown, T. C. Carpenter Wesse ls Dennis 1888 Bulkley Clark, D. W. Budd Dworski, M. In Memoriam Campbell Clark, J. B. 1913 Chapin Fend ell Carr Cook, J. R. Cowles Charles E. Purdy Adkins Fenton Clement Francis Edsall Griffith 1894 Goodale Gamerdinger Barber Kinney Barnett Gummere Belden Harriman Geer Kyle Has burg Roberts Gildersleeve Bentley Mitchell Greenley Brown Hatch Phair Harris Murray Hungerford 1906 Judge Burgwin Olafson Case Johnson 1895 Brainerd Leschke Peck Kramer Butler Larned Cook Platt Littell Deppen Ladd McCook Cowper McElroy Pressey McCoid Curtiss Fairbanks Smith, B. L. B. eff Foot McKay 1898 Fallow Oliver Smith, R. R. Parker Hinkel Smith Hsi Young Waterman Jewett Pratt Hunt Townsend Thompson, Rabinowitz 1899 Lauderburn Turner Marr Chester D. Marsden Racioppi Morgan Rehr Webster (now deceased) Rock Moulton, Carl F. In Memoriam McCreery In Memoriam McGee 1916 Schlier The Rev. Charles (now deceased) Horace R. Schwolsky Noble Baker Henry 1907 Bassford 'I 0 Sansbury Stark Elton G. Littell Charles Hobby Berkman Storrs Chamberlin Sawyer Bond Adrian Bassford 'I 0 Sayres, A. P. Tree Onderdonk Ferguson Friend of 1910 Easter by Wooster Moody (Mrs. Elizabeth Sayres, C. W. Elder Smith Sather, Einer 1900 Thompson B. Capen) English (now deceased) Vail Ferris Clement 1908 1911 Withington 1918 Fuller Green Bedell Berman Friend of 1913 Hanse n Beach 1901 Budd Buck H arding Beers Donnelly Christie 1914 Ives Blease Brinley Edsall Allen Brown Dissell Johnson Brandt Off Farrow Baridon Lambert Buffington Clement Porter Barton Cochrane Foster Linton Burnap Randall Green Blachford Lyo n Caldwell Evans Cooke Hahn 1909 Maxon Martin Carlson Rudd Pomeroy Craik Maxon Cohen Backus Rees Cross Meyer Gaberman Van de Water Barbour Wales Rosebaugh deRonge Miller Griffith Buchanan Sanford Dexter Morris Grime 1902 Butterworth Sherman Edge low Niles Gurian Backus Creedon Smith Fenoglio O'Connor Hampson Bentley Gaynor Trachtenberg Hudson Pierce Hatheway Carson Gilbert Lawlor Plummer Ives Gooden H allden 1912 Moore Randall James McCook Harriman Barnett O'Connor Rask Johnson Merriam Kean Bates Senay Redding Kates 14 Markham Bradley 1924 Stuer Kneeland 1932 Bayley Mitchell Clark Almond Thomas Koenig Abbott Benjamin Mullen Hersey Bleeker Tule Kostin Adams Bierkan Murray Hoffman Dorison Wall ad Loomis Andrus Bose Noll Hutchison Goodridge Whiston May Backstrom Burnside Phillips Jette Hough Williams Mills Baldwin Civittolo Phister Matthews Johnson Wool am Nordstrom Bialick Clark Pinney Neiditz Kennedy Rowland Boeger Coale Pollock Newsom Lundborg 1927 Spekter Burgess Co it Robertson Rachlin Marranzini Toomajian Campbell Cook Shulthiess Ransom Bas hour Turney Carlton Cowles Morton Bell Silverman Reitemeyer Mulford Uhlig Convey Craig Simonson Saling Bloodgood Walker Disco Daut Murphy Brown Title Shepard O'Connor Wardlaw Elliott Dixon Wessels Strong Cahill White Fontana Dumont Rich Celentano Friend of 1918 Thomas Whitney Funston Eddy Chapnick Ely (Sherman P. 1922 Zinner Garrison Voorhees) Conran Geiger Ewing Eberle Beard 1925 1930 Glassman Ferris 1919 Brainerd Forrester Fidao Ainley Barto Gledhill Antupit Buckley Hartt Graham Flynn Brynes Birch Kerridge Belden Fritzson Armstrong, E. G. Carey Bobrow Grainger Callaghan Kronfeld Greene Gallaway Barber Carey Casey Manierre Brainerd Brill Chapman Kibitz Gay Case, C. B. McCurdy Bush Goddard Buckley Cronin Cooper Lawton Casey Case, J.D. Meade Meier Grafe Chapin deCoux Miner Cornwell Grenfell Grayson Dubin Forastiere Meloy Hodder Clapp Minor Muenchinger Haring Cram Fishzohn Muller Fuhlbruck Jarvis Fleming Muzio Holland Cuningham Segur Kazarian Norman Howard Jessen de Macarte Geetter Sutula Keeney Leeke Geiger Ouellette Jackson Doran Wilbur Knurek Phippen Kelly Nirenstein Goodridge LaBella Norris England Prior Kingston Gable Guillard Linn (now deceased) Had low 1928 Reynolds Lokot Goldenberg Lovering Mason Partridge Hawley Alford Sayers Graham Macinnes Sidor Mayo Potter Guertin Jepson Baldwin Nye Pressey Jones Slater McClure Hurwitz Beers Petri kat McCornick Rorison Lischner Bent Smart Johnson Polo Smith, J. Midura Schartmann Kendall Malcolm-Smith Berger Raffa Shepherd Merchant, W. H. Stumpf Muir Kneeland Burr Regnier Mullarkey Sigal Montgomery Condon Sykes Kunkel Rogers Warwick Newman Silverberg Loomis Noble Doolittle Rosenbaum Skau Olcott White Onderdonk, Miller Ebersold Ryan Andrew Sturman Newsom Peiker Even Saliske Traub Phelps 1933 Rankin Nordlund FitzGerald Sloss berg Remkiewicz Valentine Parker Ricci Gibson Snow Acquaviva Vogel Samponaro Reuber Plumb Gotkis Squillacote Bernstein Rollins Williams Puels Shannon Gray Strong Butler Wyse Smith, K. D. Rosenfield Reynolds Green Wise Campion Schack Richman Stone Hartley Anonymous Carey 1920 Thorburn Schmolze Soule Jackson Cherpak Schneider Adkins .Styring Valerius Katz, A. Cotter Weiner 1931 Shaw Bond Thomson Katz, H . J. Cullen Smiley Boyce Tansill Wilcox Lacy Bl akeslee Egan Bl auvelt Smith, S. E. Bruce Tucker Large Eichacker Snowdon Cahill Childs Walsh 1926 Lib bin Frothingham Spellacy Griffin In Memoriam Ligety Dann Graham Avitabile Diman Sutherland Hartzmark Mrs. Helen Meier Grant Thomson Hoisington Tansill Bartlett Moses Doolittle, H. D. Holmes Burr Dunbar Tucker Jackson Nugent Houle Uhlig Kolodny Coletta Platt Durand Melrose 1923 Cook Giffin Ward Levin Ravich Norvell Zlochiver Lynch Bowdidge Dann Gooding Rosenfeld Nugent Friends of 1934 Lyon Calano Fertig Rulnick Harrison Ogg Miller Canner Ford Higgins (Kenneth R. Sa Iiske Paige, P. B. Mackenzie Mitchell Clark Gamble Small Jacobson Pratt Murtha Coogan Hough Kearney Allan Tull Tulin Prutting William H. Nichols Fitzsimons Hull Valerius Keating Richardson Perkins Gammell Jackson Walter Mackie Webster, Jr.) Robbins In Memoriam Pi rest Gaudian Keena Ward Mannweiler Sharkey Puffer Gesner Lieber Young Mathiasen Francis H. Sheafe Ballou Purdy Hallberg Lindsay Meeker Sis bower (In Memory of Hartt Lin non Mitchell Albert W. 1929 Sivaslian Hanninen Charles E. Merritt Loeffler Morse Thayer Purdy '88) Miller Messer Blank Scaife Ernest H. Tracy Higgins Purves Newell Morhardt Brown Schmolze Wadlow, T. S. Rosenberg Norman Newell Cole Tobin John P. Hodgson Lionel L. Long Shulman Perry, D. S. Newsholme DeBonis Twaddle 1934 Sprenger Post Nicol Diplock Vogel Raymond A. Stansfield Smith, H. L. Noble Ellis Wallbank AI bani MacE! roy Warner Smith, L. E. O'Brien Gillespie Waterman Ananikian Patrick McMahon Whipple Webster Parke Hallstrom Weinstein Arnold Charles Melville Friend of 1923 Roisman Hardman Welivar Baker James V. Shea 1921 (RobertS. Sheehan Hey Wilkinson Basch James B. Ameluxen Calender) Sherman Ihrig Wyckoff Bash our Webber, Jr. 15 1935 Nielsen Urban Hanson Smith, D . 1. Jensen Peck Alexander O'Brien Urbanik Harris, P. S. Speed Jerome Rackemann Am port Ogilvy Wilson Harris, R. 1. Spitzer Johnson, H. G. Resony, A. V. Baskerville Piacente Hart Stubbs Kloss Richardson Boothe Podorowsky 1938 Hayden Vogel Kuehn Rossi Brown Reynolds Hill Walker Ladner St. John Roberts Anderson Buckley Astman Hope White, J. S. Madama Scott Buess Rogers, L. S. Johnson, W. H. Wolf Madison Scott Barbour Steitz Bullock Barlow Klein Yetman Manning Tracy Cacase Scull Leggett McKibbin Spelman Benjamin Tribelhorn Coffey Berg Madden 1941 Middlebrook Tullar Cooney Starkey Mad or Mirabile Stein Blake Barnes Tyler Cosgrove Brennan Malliet Morris Upham D'Angelo Weeks Martin Bennett Chotkowski Bornstein Nichols Ward, C. D. Derrick Williams, 1. R. Maynard Paddon Winter Clapp Buck Warren Dickerson Connar McCarthy Payne Williams Farnell Merell Callaghan Corso Carpenter Pillsbury Friend of I 943 Gordon Cross Mertens Pizzo (Given by Hagarty 1937 Mills Chauser Culleney Clapis Pulito Merrill Lynch, Hanaghan Alpert Davidson Morgan, W. S. Rhines Pierce, Fenner Hart Bainbridge Morris Conway DeMonte Cormier Rosen & Smith) Hazen bush Baker DiCorteto Nelson Rosenthal Heyel Baldwin Newhall Day DiLorenzo Desmond Rothauser 1944 Irvine Banks Olson Scully Drury Ewing Balfe Johnson, 0. F. Barrows Fuller Pickles Simpson Junker Bauer Sackter Feldman Bellizzi Gilbert Foley Smellie Kearns Brooke Schmuck Sweetser Boardman Gladstein Fuller Borden Kellam Broughel Goddard Schn:ck Taber, S. B. Kunze Budd Schunder Goodman Bromberg Griswold, E. S. Hall Tamoney Lane Burdett Skelley Tuttle Buttery Griswold, W. R. Harris, J. W. Chambers Madorin Calderwood Hoegberg Smith, E. L. Viering Maher Carter Spaulding Hart Christensen Jackson Holcombe Vincent Marquet Colton Spink Weeks Conant Kennard Hungerford Cooper McCook Cramer Kenney Starkey White McKenna Cushman Sterbens Hurwitz Danyliw Lahey Insley Whitsett McQuade D'Angelo Tulin Wilson Davett Layton Johnson, A. V. Day Ohanesian Davis Leon Turner Wood, M.D. Olson Dexter Twiss Kelly, F. A. Dexter Lindsay Kelly, K. 1. Donohue Parsons Donohue, J. F. Lundin Upham Purdon Donohue, J. 1. Waterman Kiley 1943 Dorchester McCafferty Lavieri Eaton Roisman Doty McKee Werner Andrews Shaw, B. Downes, M. R . Wezowic Mancall Elton Montgomery Merwin Arnold Shaw, J. L. Dunn Wilcox Bailly Farnswofth Motten Molumphy Fay Sis bower Egan O'Malley Yates Baxter Slater Fanning Oliver Fink Peterson Pedicord Bonee Trantolo Fien Brinckerhoff Fried Pfanstiel 1940 Prendergast Ghent Trask French Piercey Bromberg Walker, G. H. Gagnon Alexander Randall Gossling Podorowsky Reese Brown Ward Gale Andrian Burk Grant Pomeroy Roberts Hastings Zietlow Gillespie Richman Bengston Byers Greco Bilka Russo Jarrett Schmid Sehl Carrabba Haight Bland Cobb Katz Sherman Smith, E. S. Kelly 1936 Haskell Shields Borin Corliss Hazen bush Burnham Spencer Litke Benson Spring Stenbuck Cunningham Blades Henderson Campbell Cuppia Ohrenschall Stevenson Thomsen Paine Bonander Hull Tattersall Canfield Daley Kelly Cassarino Tyler Peelle Brewer Tiedeman Welcher Denney Brezina Kobrosky Collins Dickinson Peterson, S. Tulin Williamson Richardson, R. E. Buckley Lehan Walker, B. Crabbe Fay Burke Lepak Duennebier Feehan Roberts, L. H. Walker, L. M. Root Carberry Lindell Widdifield Essex 1942 Fichtner Christensen Lloyd Ferguson Anderson Fox Rutt Lusk Fisher Sessa Clark 1939 Barber Gager Collins Martin Gallagher Beaty Gavin Shera Crawford May Barrett Hamilton Beidler Glidden Smith, T. A. Davis McCarthy Bartlett Harrison Bestor Guillet,M.E. Starkey Dexter McDermott Bassford Hazen Birmingham Guillet, E. G. Stein Geare McEldowney Buths Hopkins Bonsignore Gulliver Toland Grant McVane Colton Howe Bowman Hajek Torrey Greenberg Musgrave Couch Johnson, W. L. Calaceto Hall, R. B. Twitchell Henderson Nelson Cromwell Jones, J. F. Colton Heubner Urban Hollins Nielsen Crusan Lavieri Cushman Hodgkins Vanderbilt Hurewitz Nilson Davidson Lindner Dickson Hultine Van De Water Jennings Olshesky Driggs McLaughlin Donahue Jesse! Williams Jensen Onderdonk Flynn Morris Earle Jones, C. L. Zak Keane Parker Follansbee Nickel Elrick Jones, S. P. Kirby, C. K. Patton Francombe Onderdonk Fisher Kavanaugh 1945 Kirby, W. M. M. Payne Gaboury Pankratz Ford Kelly A spell Paynter Gilman Riley Getz Kennedy Brennan Leavitt Penfield Glaubman Maynard Rinehart Glynn Knowles Carothers Sanders Gorman Ritter McKee Hagedorn McAndrews Chester Scenti Gualtieri Rountree Hinckley McLaughlin Clark, P. A. Miller Scharf Haight Shapiro Hunnewell Mirsky Miller Cohen Smith, F. L. Hali,H. J. Shelly Jacobs Morrison Cross More Taylor Hamilton Slate Jehl Paine Dix 16 Fay Lorenzo Martin, R. S. Hutchins Donovan, E. P. Thomas Jennings Fredrickson Lozier May Julavits Donovan, R. F. Thornton Johnson, H. S. Frommelt Marggraff McDonald Jurczyk Do rison Tiedemann Jones Gerent Marr Meredith Kayser Dougherty Torrey, B. H. Kaufman Golkowski Martino Minturn Kennedy, A. D. Durbas Tcrrey, N. E. Keady Goodspeed Mellor Mitchell, M. C. Kennedy, J. J. Eblen Tsu Klingler Kapteyn O'Connor Molinari King Elovitz Turkington Kulp Marzialo O'Neil Morrell Lambert, F. Erickson Urban Landers Meyer Piligian Nicholson LaMotta Farrow Vanderbeek Laub Milligan Poliner Nirenstein Later Gabree Van Loon Lawrence Oberle Pope Norris Loveland Gavens Van Metre Leeds Pinsky Preston Nourse McGaw Geiger Van Why Loveland Rhein berger Reiche Page Morley Girdzis Vignati Ludlow Schroeder Richardson, R. B. Prendergast Mueller Glassco Wadsworth Maher Smith, M. C. Rosen Pricopoulos Noonan Grill Wainman Martel Stack Schroeder Proctor Norman Grinsell Warren McGaw Wildman, W. B. Stirlacci Reynolds, E. Obert Had low Watson McGill Tapogna Reynolds, W. H. Overton Halasz Wetter McKean 1946 Thomsen Richman Parker Hall White, P.R. Mecasky Argenta Verdi Rivkin Prigge Harries Wigglesworth Mehringer As bel Walker, C. W. Robertson Reiner Haselton Wilbur Mercer Cramer Wickenden Robinson, C. E. Requardt Hickok Wildrick Minturn Feldman Wicks Rockwell Richardson Hotchkiss, S. E. Wolford Mitchell, L. L. Ferrante Withington Roedel Root Hutchinson Wood Moore Golden, K. F. Woodward Savoy Rouse Katzman Wollacott Muir Goldfarb Schachter Shepherd Kelley, E. A. Young, M. L. Murray Hart 1948 Scharff Sherman Kelly, J. M. Zazzaro Nash Hazen Alexander Scholl hammer Simonian Knapp Zenowitz Nettel Kaufmann Andrian Schwartz Simons Knight Ziemba Newton Kelly, R. F. Anthes Simmons Smith, S. E. Kochanski Norden Klickstein Barnes Simpson Steidel Krackhardt 1951 Norton Knight Barnett Singer Straley Kratzet Oberg Lasch ever Boland Snider Surgenor Leahy Aldrich O'Connell Liscord Bradley Steinfeld Tanner Lohnes Allen O'Connor Loomis, D. Brand Stokes Taylor Long Anderson Osborne Magarian Brown Stratton Tenney Maccarone Barrett Paul Mahoney Burns Strongin Tribe! horn MacKesson Barry, T. H. Pierce Marra Byrne Threshie Urquhart Marte Bartoes Quortrup Mcintyre Campo Tyler Vi bert Martino Behley Raden Milling Carter Walmsley Waugh Matthews Berg Ransom Murtaugh Casey Weinhauer Willerup Mazotas Bertrand Reynolds Reed, J.D. Charles Weitzel, R. W. Williams McCiister Bishop Ricci Rittner Claughsey Wilson Wilson, D. I. Mellins Blair Richmond Rosen Cogswell Winquist Wilson, W. M. A. Meskill Bomberger Rogers Schwartz Co Iosey Wynne Wolfe Mullane Botters Rosenberg Shafer Davidson Zajicek Wood Nicholas Boyko Roth Stud well Dickinson Zdanuk Paddock Brewer Schubert Bridge Sturges Donnelly Ziegra 1950 Page Shelly Sullivan Dunn Palau Bulmer Simoni Tietze Faber 1949 Albright Palmer Burke Simpson Twitchell Faillace Anderson, R. A. Aldeborgh Parker Byers Sinaguglia Vincent Fandel Bartman Armstrong, W. A. Parmelee Condon Single Walker Forster Beattie Avitabile Patterson Coote Smith, L. S. Washer Frankel Beeghly Barrows Perez Curtin Stahl Wickenden Gershman Bingham Beirne Rankin Cutting Stanger Wilson Ghent Bird Bellis Rekas DeKay Stark Winter Glazier Blake Bennett, J. S. Robinson Dickey Stevens Gleason Bland Biddle Robottom Dickinson Stuart 1947 Godlewski Bowden Bill you Romaine Dobbs Surgenor Barker Goldstein Bracken Blake Ross Doing Tal boom Bonifazi Gottesman Chesney Blum Rowney Dorman Thomas, D. M. Bradley Gracey Chrekjian Bourgeois Ruth man Dudley Timour Daly Greenberg, L. E. Church Brainerd, F. J. Sanseverino Edwards VanHorne Dubinsky Guttenplan Cohen Brainerd, J. R. Sa tria no Elliott VanLanen Egan Helman Colman Brown Schear Elmes Vaun Ellis Hess Connors Brundage Scully Ferguson von Schrader Flynn Hunter Cornell Huell Sexton Fiske, F. S. Wack Friedland Huntington Coughlin Bunnell Shepard Fiske, W. W. Weikel Gately Jacobs Crafts Carey Sherman Freeman Whelan Gates Krinsky Cudworth Carpenter Smith, W. P.R. Friday Wilson, J. S. Gelderman Kuehn Davis Carter Snow Fritz Wilson, R. H. Hayes Lambert DeGrandi Cerosky Sou los Garrison Woods Hotez Lavery Duncan Chapin Stearns Grant Wright Hunt LaZarre Duy Chidsey Steelman Hamilton Young, C. F. Jennings Lemieux Edsall Clapp Stein Hansen Johnquest Lewis-Jones Epps Claros Stephenson Harding 1952 Jones, D. E. Lichtenberger Ferrante Cohan Stewart, G. L. Hardy Aiken Kelly Lim Fishman Corcoran Stewart, J. M. Hollyday Aldrich Kent Lockwood Giffin Cromwell Strother Howard Almquist, R. F. Kingston Loegering Gillette Custer Styles Hurwitz Anton Kinsella Lokot Ginszauskas Dabrowski Sullivan Irons Becker Koeppel Lovell Goldberg DeLuca Sunega Jachens Beers Laedlein Luby Gunning Detwiler Sutton Jackson, F. W. Bickford Levitt Man call Harper DiLorenzo Tansill Jacoby Blank, P. H. Lorenson Martin, L. F. Howard Donald Taslitt Jenkins Bleecker 17 Bolinger Russell Lauffer Davis, J. J. VanLanen Newman Murphy Brigham Sawyer Lecrenier Dillon, R. J. Von Thaden Nixon Nissi Brown Scheaf Lee, D. W. Dobrovir Waldman O'Hara O'Brien Buffum, C. C. Schild Lee, R. E: Duff Webber Palshaw Osborn Buffum, R. C. Shapiro Longobucco Eggert West Penfield Pauley Callan, F. J. Simmons Luquer Engelhardt Wilson Peterson Pengel Carver, R. A. Smith, D. R. Lyford Esquirol Windesheirn Price Perens Carver, W. B. Smith, G. E. Mallon Farnham Wolff Ralph Phillips Christakos Smith, R. H . Marden Farrar Woodbury Reed Piper Cliff Smith, W. W. Marriner Fawley Wormer Reese Reid Clough Spears McAlpine Ford Zembko Reine man Renkert Corwin Sproul McCandless Franchere Riccardo Rice Cowdery Stanley Mcfver Gillooly 1955 Riley Schader Currie Stark Michie Goodhart Allocco Roberts Schuh DePatie Steck Miller, S. P. Green Bartlett, H. W. Rose, S. H. See Diana Stever Miller, W. S. Griffith Bemis Rowe Shaw Edwards Stewart Mittleman Hennigar Bennett Royston Sivitz Ellison Taylor Mortell Hibbs Blake Scheinberg Skinner Farrell Thomas, E. B. Moses Higinbotham Blye Scherer Smith, L. C. Fetters Thomas, K. D. Moskow Hill Brett Sind Smith, W. Rodney Fisher Tomkiel Nelson Hirsch Britton Smith, C. P. Snow, J. T. Fitzgerald Trowbridge North Hodges Brody Snyder Stearns Forte Tuttle Nutt Johnston, D. F. Brotman Starr Stehle Foster, G. V. Ulrich Pado Johnston, R. Bryer Stephens Steinmetz Foster, J. R. Vi bert Paquette Kalinowski Burbank Thomas, J. M. Sticka Fremont-Smith Ward Parrott Kennedy, D. K. Callen Truitt Stiles French Welna Pattison Kimmick Cardwell Ullmann Stone Frost Wentworth Perkins Kipp Carlson Valentine Streeto Fuller Werdelin Peterson Knight Cerveny Valz Stuart Gilliland White Pollock Knutson Champenois Vars Swett Goodwin Wiberg Ramsay Koeppel Close Wainman Taylor, D. M. Goralski Wilmot Roback Laub Detzler Welsh, R. H . Tewksbury Gurwitt Woodhouse Romaine Lawler Dimling Whiting Townley Hale, R. H. Woodruff Rowen Leigh Donahue Whitman Townsend Harvey Wynne Sencabaugh Libby Dyke Wildrick Vaughan Hatfield Yeomans Shriver Logan Eberle Woronoff Vigneault Head Young Sloane MacColl Farnham Wright Wareing Hili, G.M. Smith, F. C. MacKay Fedden Yeomans Warren Hoisington 1953 Smith, L. W. MacKenzie Feinberg Yood Weisburger Holmes Allen Starr MacKimmie Ferraro Zampiello Willis Hopkins, B. B. Astlett Stenberg Mac Lea Foley, J.P. Wood Hopkins, J. V. Barber Stewart Marshall Freeman 1956 Woodward How Barhydt Tinsz Mayer Gardiner Abbott Zachs Howard, W. J. Barnett, T. A. Toole Mazurek Geetter Abrams Zito Hubbard, J. S. Barrows Valentine Mazzarella Gelman Ahlberg Hungerford Berdick Walsh McCauley Goldberg Anderson, B. F. Hunter, R.N. Bernhard Werner, D. L. McMahon Golledge Anderson, D. W. 1957 Keyes Berseth Whitelaw Mease Haeberle Baker Almquist Kilty Binda Whitmarsh Mitchell Hoag Barter Arrington Kirschbaum Blackler Wollen berger Morphy Holland Bates Babington Knapp Bogoslofski Yates Muirhead Hollister Bell Barber Krogman Brewer Young Murray Hopper Beren Barlow Kunkel Brown Zito Mutschler Hyde Bergerman Becherer Larson Burns Norman lslamoff Boss Beers Laub Callen 1954 Oberender Jsselhardt Briggaman Behr Lee Campbell, J.P. Adams, R. J. Ox holm Johnson Burr Bennett Lehrfeld Chew Paris Katzman Casale Boos Lewis Aiken Clark, D. R. Ainsworth, R. Pearson Killip Chard Bowen MacLean Clem Peppe Kopp Daley Bradley, E. S. Malkin Clifford Alexander Pike Anderson, J. R. Kramer Dodds Bradley, J. R. McCrehan Crawford Pizzella Lahey Fleming Brown, L. McElwee Davis Anderson, R. C. Rathbun Laird Flood Anthony Brown, T. Medford Dean Robinson Lapham Ginns Bruno Miller, J. H. Del Mastro Atwood Russo LaPointe Guertin Bulkley Miller, T. C. Douglas Austin Sauvage LaPorte Hammaker Calabro Minton Dwight, E. F. Avitabile Schenker Logan Hickin Case Morehead Dwight, S. A. Backenstoe Schoyer Luby Jewett Cataldo Morrisey Faulkner Bard Schrieber Lunt Johnston Channell Newell FitzRandolph Benton Scott Magelaner Kelley Clinton Norman Fox Berrone Secor Maher Klee Condon Norris Gagne Bloodgood Shaw McCrea Knight Couch Northrop, H. H. Guardo Bojor Shechtman McCully Kozuch Curran Northrop, J. N. Hamblett Bowen, C. C. Silverberg Mehldau Kramer Daniels, E. J. O'Brien Handy Bowen, G. H. Sivaslian Merriman Limpitlaw Daniels, J. M. Oliver Hayward, W. L. Braskamp Smith, A. L. Miller, D. T. Livingston Darcey Park Heller Brown Smith, E. H. Miller, R. N. Loeb Doolittle Petro Holmquist Bruce Smith, R. H. Moock Loveridge Douglas Quinlivan Hooper Bunnell Storms Morgan MacDonald, B. N. Drayton Raftery Howard Burroughs Taft Morrison MacDonald, W. F. Duff Ratcliffe Humphries Campbell Tansi Moss Malcolm-Smith Elder Rathbone Jones Carlough Thatcher Mountford Martin Elliott Raybold Joslin Christakos Tompkins Mullaney McAllister Ewald Rigopoulos Keller Craig Tucker Nash McCanless Finkbeiner Ringrose Kurland Crosier Van Brott Nelson Montgomery Fleishman Rogerson Larson D'Abate Vanderbeek Newlin Muirhead Foster 18 Fox 1958 Rosch en Jessen Bergmann Riter Haynie Frazier Back Rose Johnson Bjorklund Royden Hecht Giffin Barth Satterthwaite Joy Bowden Russell, R.N. Henry Gould Baxter Saunders Kardon Brashich Rutherford Herman Hall, J. Berg lass Schacht, M. A. Kenny Bredine Rutledge Hodges Hall,R.H. Blumstein Scharf Kerch is Brenner Ryder Hoffman Harlow Bockius Schaupp Klotz Bridley Sallinger Hubby Hoffman Bogert Segur Krawski Brink Salm Hughes, P.R. Johnston Bogli Shenkan Krim Broder Salmon Illick Kayser Bouldin Shuster LaGarde Bromley Schneider Jtsou Kelleher Bowden Simmons LaRochelle Brown, R. H. Schulik Johnson Kenefick Boynton Smith, D. A. Lieber Burger Schwiebert Kahl Kennedy Carter, R. S. Smith, F. S. Lomnitzer Butler Scribner Karvazy Kompalla Cass Smith, J.D. Loven Caple Seifert Kauff Kratz Corbett Smith, P. C. Luczak Chalker Snow Kilborn Kuiper Corley Spencer Lukens Chase Stephens Kimball Kylander Crandall Studley MacDonald Cimbora Stockton Knight Learnard Creamer Thompson, J. L. Macintire Clarke Stone Koretz Letcher Crombie Thorpe Mannion Costley Strasser Kreisel Luke Crowe, A. C. Vaughan Mayo Cox head Strawbridge Lazay MacDonald Crystal Wallace McDonough Crane Sweet Leiser Macisaac Drinkaus Warder Mcilvaine Curry Thomas LeStage Makrianes Edgerton Weinstein McNairy D'Anzi Tiffany Lovell Marion Elliott Werner Mills Davenport Tilzer Lowe McCracken Elsas Williams, B. J. Moorin Davy Tsairis Lynch Meader Elting Wittman Morgan de Coligny Varbalow MacDonald Miller, J.P. Enepekides Wolfe Muir Dunlaevy Wachs MacMillan Miner Faesy Zoob Murray I;:mley Wagner Mandell Morhardt Farr Nelson Farnsworth Walker Marvel Morrison Ferrucci Nichols Felton Wardell Mayer Morse 1959 Nolan Filiurin Weisz McCammon Fish Abeles Mortimer Flannery Olton Fleischman Whitelaw McFarland Murray Adams Onderdonk Flynn Wilcox McRae Fuchs Anderson, E. J. Myerson Gibson Outcalt Foy Winans Mixter Niness Gladfelter Angell Perce Frank Wright Morse Oarr Backman Pfeffer Gabrielson Wyckoff Musante Gleason Baskin Partridge Goldenberg Pingpank Gage, J. L. Yam Mutschler Payne, M. K. Borawski Pizzella Galati Zitt Myerson, D. A. Hasson Borus Percy Hawe Polk Gavin Myerson, P. J. Pershouse Bozzuto Price Gerundo Newberg Hazard Brian 1961 Pierce Headle Prince Golas Newman Pillsbury Brown, C. E. Putnam Goldhamer Anderson Odium Illick Burleigh Angell Pisetsky Israel Reopel Green, A. J. Pare Pitchell Campion Rewa Greenlee Avallone Perdue Jackson Bashwiner Popowics James Can ivan Reynolds Haddad Perlman Purdy Kaufhold Case Rovno Hall, R. P. Bell Perry Reichard, H. C. Kay Casella Salver Hall, R. T. Bernstein Phelps Richards Kenny Cerrito Scharf Hammaker Blanken Polstein Richardson Clarke, F. G. Scheibe Hochadel Boy kin Postma Kilty Bridge Rohlfing Kisor Coykendall Scheinberg Hokanson Quigley Rosenfeld Dorwart Schram Huffer Bros go! Rader, J. K. Krupp Brown Rowley Kulas Dubel Schreiner Hunter Ramsey Russo Kury Edwards Seastrom Jago Cantor Reese St. John Elwell Sgro Johnson, M. E. Carter Refalvy Larkin Cochran Salamon Larsen Fairbanks Shea Johnson, R. G. Rincon Shannon Lawson Farmer Simonaitis Koenig Coleman Rodney Shaw Lorson Fineschriber Simshauser Kotch Colket Rohlfing Sheffield Lourie Fitts Smith, A. R. Kroh Cowley Romig Sherman Lowenstein Ford Sneideman LaMothe Cramer Ross Slater McClenahan Foster Strass Langen Cressey Rowley Sleath Mcllwaine Freeman Thompson Larsen Cuddigan Rustigian Snider Merrill Frey Thurston LaValle Devendittis Sanders Solmssen Miller Frost Towle LeClerc Dinsmore Schnadig Spear Moore, D. E. Gay Tubman Lloyd, M. Dove Schumache1 Moran Gebelein Vaughn Lyons Draper Seibert Stokes Wassong Stout Muench Gignoux MacDermott Ewart Shaw Nevins Goodman Weeks Macho! Finkbeiner Shilkret Szamier Wei! Taylor, D. S. Newton Gowing Mason Fish Slater Noble Graham, W. J. Whitbeck McKelvy Fitzpatrick Smith Tews Widing Tobin Norris Graves Middleton Fitzsimmons Sobol Wischenbart Morgan Forest Stambaugh Valdati Olsson Hansen Zinner Varat O'Reilly Hardman Morse Forrester Steeves Vincent Painter Harnish Narins Frumkes Steiner von Molnar Park Harrod 1960 Osborne Gage Stroud Webster Parker Hartz Anderson, H. Paterson Georgeady Swift, T. R. White Perkins Henriques Anderson, P. S. Pedemonti Giegler Tansill Williams Perry, M. N. Hewitt Arle Perlman Gleason Tattersfield Wilson, J.D. Perry, W. C. Hill Arvantely Peters Guertin Thrower Winslow Polstein Hoag Bacharach Peterson Guild Tuomi Wolin Reed Hoover Barlow Phippen Gulotta Turner Woodward Renard Hunter Bassett Plank Gum mere Tuttle In Memoriam Renelt Jacklin Baum Puffer Hamilton Urban Raymond C. Repole Jaffe Beaven Rhodes Handler Vallone Kisonas Robertson Janes Beech Richardson Hankins Wachtel 19 CONTRIBUTORS TO THE ALUMNI FUND (cont.) Wagner Kuehnle Waldeck Lackey CONTRIBUTORS TO Watt LaRocca Weber Leahy THE PARENTS FUND Wechsler Leddy Werly Lee Alabama Mrs. W. Hochadel Wiener Lipkind Oswald W . Spoor Joseph H. Hodgson Wilson, T . A. Lloyd, M. California Jack Hoffman Wilson, T. B. Lloyd, T. Mrs. James R. Cogan Maurice J. Hoffman Wood Lockton Dr. Edward H. Kirschbaum H . V. Hokanson Woodward Luts Herbert Kunze! Benjamin L. Holland Zelly Lynde Hilmer G. Lodge Mrs. Charles W. Holmes Zimmerman MacKay W. Knox Mellon Raymond J. Hornfischer MacLeod Robert G . Mitchell Joseph D. Horowitz 1962 Mason Dr. Felix H. Ocko W. Ray Hutch McAlister Mrs. Helen K. Perry J. Henry Ingram Alberts McCurrach Robert D. Syer Dr. Clifford G. Johnson Anderson, D. K. McKnight J. N. Telischak Walter A. Johnson Anderson, G . K. McNamara Mrs. Hamilton Wallace Aadu Kallas Antoniou McNulty Wendell K. Wheelock J. William Kapouch Arp Mehringer Connecticut Louis J. Kaufman Ascher Menees Mrs. Frank W. Adams . Frederick Kirschner Bailey Meyer Otis H. Adams Robert C. Knox Jr. Baker Miller, A. J. David G. Ahlgren Louis Kotch Bartol Mitchell, W. H. L. Abraham S. Albrecht Robert A. Kraut Berkley Morgan Arthur M. Alvord Jr. Edward W. Lazzerini Bishop, C. H . Nardiello Paul Arcari Max Lipkind Blackwell Nelson The Hon. Nicholas F. H arold Lippitt Borawski Nielsen Armenta no Lester H. Loeffel Borus O'Brien R. M . Bagley Corado J. Lombardo Breed Perin Joseph Balciunas Melvin G. Loewenstein Brondy Pine John L. Barter Alan Lowenthal Brown, J.D. Polk Donald L. Bartlett Jr. Dr. Joseph A. Lubitz Browne, G . Pryor John H. Bartol Roger J. Macaione Bundy Raeder Samuel R. Basch Alexander A. Mackimmie Carlson Rand Werner K. Bender Benjamin Mandell Carroll Richardson Charles Berman Leroy C. Marshall Chase Robert E. Stanley Blackman Frederick Martin Classen Rodgers, D. B. Mrs. Mildred Bobruff Mrs. John A. Mason Cool Rothbard William W. Bois John A. Mason Cummings Roxby Robert B. Booth Berti! Mattison Cuneen Rudnick Mrs. Alfred B. Bowden Blakely R. McNeill Curtis Ryan William G. Brandt Dr. Gerard R. Miller Cutler Sankey Mrs. F . W. Brecker Morris Molinsky Daniels Sargent Mrs. Arthur F. Brown Mrs. Owen Morgan Day, L. V. Sears Howard H . Brown Jr. Murray H . Morse Day, R. D. Shechtman Douglass Burnham Salvatore Mozzicato Densem Sifton Rocco T. Calabrese Ralston Munson D 'Oench Spencer Albert G. Carlson Nathan M. Myerson Dole Spink Andrew J. Carlson Vincent N . Nardiello Duncan Stetler Mrs. George C. Case Frank S. Novakowski Fairbanks Strawbridge Mrs. Harry Chagnot John Ogden Farnum Sullivan William J. Cotta Horton O'Neil Fehm Sweeney William B. Crane George D. Ornato Fox Swope Dr. George Crawford Gordon L. Parlee Francis Syer The Hon. Searls Dearington Archie R. Perry Frey Synn Richard E. Deutsch Mrs. Andrew S. Pleva Friedman Thayer Louis J. Devendittis Mrs. Maria Querido Gallagher Thomas Robert K. Dickson Maurice J. Quirk Gates Traut Fred E. Dole Joseph Ravizza Gittins Turner, W. H . Walter Doll Jr. George K. Raymond Goodman Wadhams Mrs. Helen Duran Albert A. Repetto Gough Warren Melvin F. Evarts Sidney G. Richards Hall Werner Harold L Feingold William M. Richardson Harned Whitters Oscar H. Fidell John W. Ross Harris Williams William A. Fitzsimmons H . Carl Sandberg Harting Woodruff Louis L. Foster John A. Sargent Hiii, R.O. Woolsey Louis Friedman Herbert E. Schaltegger Hill, S. Zuill John Gacek SamuelS. Schoen Hoffman Michael R. Galati William Schwartzman Hopkins 1963 Mrs. Freda S. Gann Leslie W. Scofield Hunt, M. R . Nathan A. Geetter Abraham E. Silverman Ierley Clark Hendrick John G. Geremia Edward P. Simonian Johnson, P. A. Samuel A. Goldberg Harry Sitney Johnson, T. S. 1964 Samuel Gould Lewis F . Snow Jones David Gregg Jr. Brainard Michael L. Somma Kapouch Frank S. Gregorski Michael C. Sommer Kelleher Corris George M. Haddad Melrose Arthur E. Spielman Kelly Clarence C. Hallcher Robert E. Stansfield Kessler 1965 A. Brooks Harlow William 0. Stuart Ketchum Mrs. Mettie T. Harris The Rev. Benjamin Styring King Goodwin Donald S. Hersey William A. Swanberg Kraft Selchow Charles F. Hobson C. Sweet 20 Co TRIBUTORS TO THE PARENTS FUND (continued)

Vincent H. Szamier Kentucky Sherman J. Fitzsimmons William G. Whitelaw R. C. Taylor Jr. Allen M. Bond Jr. Mrs. Stanley N . Muirhead Millard F. Wood The Rev. J. Moulton Thomas Donald Cardwell Mrs. Lewis S. Robinson Stanley Zolto, 1r. Mrs. J. Gordon Tompkins Julian F . DePree Minnesota New York James W. Tower Mrs. Atherton eblett Thomas S. Brackett Sheridan Albert Arvin C. Wales James C. Stone Jr. Dr. Malcolm Y. Colby Jr. Donald B. Anthony Nathan H . Weinstein Maine Donald T. Klein Harry M. Auerbach Paul N. Wenger Thomas P . Jones Jr. Willard G. Schulenberg George F. Baker Jr. Albin K. Wetzel Maryland George R . Steiner Dr. Miriam Barber Harold T. White Jr. Harry A. Bowen Samuel L. Thorpe Jr. Mrs. Lyman A. Beeman William J. Whitehill E. William Chapin Missouri Park Benjamin Thomas S. Wilson Dr. Thomas E. Cone Jr. Francis V. Lloyd Jr. Victor A. Bennett Harry J. Winer Richard M. Cooley Eugene E. McDaniel Benjamin Bernstein John L. Wodatch Sr. Mrs. W. Kennedy Cromwell Jr. Thomas W. Pettus Jack J. Bernstein M. K. Zachariasewycz orman F. Edmonds eal 0 . Reyburn Frederick Born Dr. Leon W. Zimmerman Samuel Hopkins F . Carl Schumacher Mrs. Beverly H . Brasfield Edward Zinser Albert D . Hutzler Jr. G. Carroll Stribling Dr. Sigmund S. Briger Delaware Walter H . G arrett Horace V. Turner Reeve K. Briggers William J. Barnes Jr. Chase C. Gove Jr. John W. Waggett Frank H. Brigham Theodore S. Beck Albert E. Makin New Hampshire John H . Brinckerhoff John D . LaMothe Lawrence Perin Voyin P. Stoyovich Mrs. Cy Caine Gilbert B. Moyer Charles H . Smith Arnold S. Wood Ernest R. Carlson Carl Schlatter Clarence Carruth Jr. Frederick W. Wagner Jr. New Jersey F. H. Atherton Dr. J. Donald Woodruff Thomas S. Chapman Bernard R. Bralove Seymour H . Abrams Michael A. Cimilluca Massachusetts Jack H. Bagan Dr. Hugh H . Hussey Jr. Alan N . Anderson Jame G . Colvin Charles L. Kent W. Lloyd Barnard Dr. Bayard J. DeNoie David C. Bailey Philip K. Bartow The Rev. Malcolm Marshall Ralph A. Beebe Leon Densen James W. McNally H arvey W. Bingham Paul 0. Diesel Jr. George K. Bird EdwardS. Blackwell Jr. Richard C. Palmer Alexander Borawski S. L. Diner Alfred K. Ralph Dr. Abraham J. Bloomstein William C. Egan Mac R. Bougere Mrs. athalie Bodner Florida Raymond Boulanger Roy W. Ehrhardt John R. Brown Jr. Marvin Fein John W. Bailey George L. Crapo Eifert C. Burfeind Halleck A. Butts F. Stanton Deland Jr. Burt Franklin G . Frederick Burt Sherwood H. Friedman George A. Creighton John H . Draper Jr. Winfield A. Carlough Frank W. Tuttle Mrs. Robert J. Dunkle Jr. William L. Frost Jr. Anthony L. Carrod . Dr. Joseph A. Gaines Georgia Willis E. Egleston Charles E. Champenots Joseph L. Fraser Mrs. EdwardS. Emery Jr. Irving Gall G. Russell Clark Arthur Garson Hawaii Walder J. Engstrom J. Dudley Clark Jr. Howard Fitts Irwin Golann Dick Chang John M. Conover Morris Golub Leo Israel Dr. Kenneth S. Fletcher Dexter G. Cook Eli Freedson Edward Graham John . Warner Stuart P. Coxhead Mrs. Norman L. Griggs A. D . Waterhouse John D. Freeman Edme H . Deschamps William W. Gibson Mortimer Grossman Illinois H arry W. Dierman Philip D. Granger Stephen J. Door ley Jr. The Hon. Frank A. Gulotta James A. Arensman George R. Griffin Dr. John Heldt Albert E. Back Anthony C. Ferrara Mrs. Ruth S. Hallowell James D. Finley Mrs. Lillian R. Hemmerle Alfred W. Blanken Thomas E . Jansen Jr. Gerald B. Henry Charles M. Bliss James E. Grenhart Edgar H. Kent Dr. Winfield L. Hartman T. Jack Henry Dr. Hugh G. Bridegroom Regis Lamphear Fred L. Herdeen Holden K. Farrar Raymond Hartz George R. Larson James G. Henry Mrs. Walter Herrick R. A. Foster William H . Marden John K. Holbrook Henry Gamson Robert C. Howland Alex J. McFarland Merritt lerley Ross B. Hooker David J. Harris George K. Hopke Luther D. Hemphill Robert G . Millar Robert J. Jacobson William Minot V Dr. Jacob D . Katz John H. Jervis Mrs. Helen C. Jaeger Mrs. Zelma Kalnins Dr. Hilger P. Jenkins Louis F. Oldershaw Mrs. Betty W. Kelsey Homer G. Perkins Sr. Dr. Edward I. Kessler Milton Kardon, M.D. Robert J. Koretz Paul M. Perohonis Paul Kellner James C. Leigh Carl G. Langen Thomas P. Kelly Mrs. Martha B. Lorch Raymond T . Perron Asger F. Langlykke Charles N . Perry Irving Leibowitz John V. Kenney Robert C. Miller Sr. J. George Kinzler The Rev. Christian Rohlfing eil W. Rice C hester D . Leonard John Rimer Joseph F . Lord F. Shall us Kirk Robert W. Russell Captain John P. Koehn Don 0 . E. Schwennesen Edward P. Roberts John M. Mackie Hugh Roth Julius J. Marion M. Herbert Koeppel Harry J. Sigman Abraham Krisi loff Sherman T. Spitzer Esq. Harold Rudnick Lee Mason Andrew E. Seastrom Frederick A. Milholland Edward G. Ladewig Mrs. Phelps Sprague George A. Laub Harvey B. Stevens Charles N . Shepard Seymour Perkins Jr. Ellsworth Sherin Aubrey Perhouse Captain Stephen B. Lee Ralph Stone Dr. Julius J. Leichtling Edward A. Twerdabl Jr. Edward K. Smith Carl K. Rhine John R. Uphoff Richard D. Smith Irving Rogow Geoffrey J. Letchworth Jr. Francis D . Weeks Forbes C. Snyder Donald R. Rose George B. Levy Thomas E. Wells Jr. Thomas Taylor Dr. Oscar Rozett Dr. L. Maxwell Lockie Dr. Aaron Thurman Frank S. Lyons Dr. Richard J. Rushmore Dr. Everett A. Tisdale John M. Sartorious Carl J. Maim Dr. Robert J. Braidwood Harold K. Vickery H arold Masius James . Williams Frederick A. Smith Roland Weeks Kenneth A. Southworth Jr. Mrs. Lawrence Mehringer Iowa Mrs. Katherine G. Whittemore H arry R. Stern Benjamin Meiselman William P. E llwood Ralph B. Williams Robert R. Stroud Mrs. Hathaway K. Melchior Kansas Mrs. Frieda Switky John M. Meyer Jr. The Rev. J. M. Kadyk H . C. Blake George B. Wendell Ernest S. Meyers John A. Kroh Robert A. Emmett Jr. C . W. Weston Jr. Joseph A. Moore COMING EVENTS SUMMER CARILLON SERIES 1963 VARSITY FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Wednesday Evenings- 7: 15 Sept. 28 Williams 2:00 Away On the Campus Oct. 5 St. Lawrence 2:00 Home (Campus Conference) July 31 Ray Wingate, Alfred University, Alfred, New York Oct. 12 Tufts 2:00 Home Aug. 7 FrankL. Johnson '17, Newtown, Connecticut Oct. 19 Colby 2:00 Home Aug. 14 Wendell Westcott, Michigan State University (Parents Day) Aug. 21 Carl Zimmerman '61, West H artford, Connecticut Oct. 26 Susquehanna 2:00 Away Aug. 28 Mary Moore Grenier, Cleveland, Ohio Nov. 2 Coast Guard 1:30 Away Sept. 4 Kamiel Lefevre, Belgium (Tentative) Nov. 9 Amherst 1:30 Away Nov. 16 Wesleyan 1:30 Home Followed by a Guided Chapel Tour ( Homecoming Game)


Fred A. Morisse Dr. Stanley 0. Hoerr Donald B. Hurwitz D avid B. Zoob Robert D. Murdock Dwight W. Hollenbeck · Dr. Francis Jacobs Rhode Island Ernest Neulander W. Powell Jones Charles P. Johns J. Doane Anderson Jr. Dr. Morris Newberg Samuel P. McCalmont Benjamin F. Jones Mrs. H arold J. Field Albert C. Newlin Elliott B. McConnell James A. Knier Kenneth E. Fish Sr. Mrs. Charles Nygard Mrs. Charles H . McCrea John F. Kolb Jr. Joseph A. Grimes Mrs. William D. Orr D anforth S. Mitchell Dr. Louis H. Landay Howard Huntoon Courtier L. Parsons D an T. Moore Jr. Roy F. Larson Raymond S. Locke Edward W. Pastore J. Gobham Noyes Jr. Morris Lloyd Mrs. Laurence C. Woolman Sol Perens Arthur H. Schweitzer Jr. Briton Martin South Carolina Willis L. Reese Charles R. Snyder Jr. George F. McCord Sidney L. Schiro Kurt D. Rice J. D . St. Clair M. Joseph McCrudden Jr. Tennessee Sidney J. Rodner Mrs. J ustin Stevenson James L. Mcintire John A. Ewing Dr. Bernard Rothbard William G. Sutherland Jr. Renwick S. Mciver James S. Schoff Dr. Clark Weaver James R. Moor Mrs. Dorothy 0. Burger Sol Schwartz Dr. William A. White Jr. Dr. Joseph J. Moore Frank H. Gold Walter 0. Siegel Charles B. Morgan Thomas A. Graham Peter M. Sivaslian Mrs. James C. Burge Mrs. Burquin Hatch 1orrow Woods K. Wellborn Ri chard A. Smith Mrs. Bernice V. l gou S. F. Niness Utah William M. Smith G entry L. Pierce Dr. Eugene Norris Joseph E. Bernolfo Sedgwick Snedeker Pennsylvania John S. Peake William J. Tozer Steven~ Howard Petersen Dr. Ralph P. C. Minor Barringer C. Vermont Mrs. Ralph L. Tompkins Robert M. Bartlett William C. Pickett Jr. Ralph L. Tompkins H. Lloyd Beyer Jr. Louis Pierucci H. E. Karson EdmundS. Twining Jr. Dr. George l. Blumstein James R. Pitcairn Lewis M. Stewart Samuel S. Tyndall Richard Borden William H. Pope Virginia Vincent D . Wadsworth Anthony F. Bordogna Robert F. Powell Ernest C. Barrett Jr. W. Dean Wallace C. Van R. Bogert Jr. Cyril F. Reynolds L. Gordon Dorrier Charles N. Watson James M. Brittain Gerald F. Rorer Philip R. Moonves John L. Westney Frank S. Chaplin James C. Rowan Mrs. William C. Williams Jr. Thomas Wiltbank Mrs. Louis M. Childs II Walter . Russell Washington Henry H. Wiltsek H. Laussat G. Clement Edward J. Sargent Mrs. MyrtleS. Johnson Bernard P. E. Wolbarst Alan G. Clifford Lindley C. Scarlett West Virginia The Rev. Alexis Yonov Roger W. Clipp Casimir Sienkiewicz William Archer Jr. North Carolina Laurence Cooper Mrs. E. Eldridge Smith D avid B. Dalzell Dr. WilliamS. Jervey William B. Davison Jacob R. Sotter Oscar Brachman Jr. Charles E. Waddell Edmund K. Dawes Sr. Thomas E. Spence Dr. William H. Frackelton Jack Wardlaw Rodney Day Jr. Charles H. Spencer Jr. The Rt. Rev. William W. Ohio Paul B. Dickey 0. F. Stambaugh Horstick Robert H. Anning Bruce Dunham Alfred Steel Harold A. Lenicheck Charles S. Arms Robert C. Dunlop John C. Stolz Hugh L. Ross Louis W. Camp Jr. E. S. W. Farnum Jr. Andrew J. T. Sturrock Robert B. Trainer William C. Daley H enry W. Farnum Ernest vonStarch Foreign John Duncan, Jr. Henry W. Farrow RobertS. Voorhees Eugene W. Gilson Vincent Fiordalis Fred C. Foy Joseph A. Wagner, M.D. The Rt. Rev. R . H. Gooden orman W. Foy Mrs. M. Haarstick Mrs. Philip Wallis Ronald F. Howser Oliver M. Gale Donald S. Hevner W. Wyclif Walton John H. Murray Dr. Julian B. Galvin Wolcott M. Hey! Solomon Waxman Dr. Roberto Orellana Henry B. Heffner Alexander D. Hill Conrad A. Wickham Jr. George B. Sgoutas