Budget Plan Would Boost Taxes, Cut Spending City Postpones WASHINGTON (AP)-- Presi- Was Described by President Bush Gulf
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.. .. CTHE TUFTS DAILY7 boycott would go into effect. Pansing noted that the other schools that have’ adopted this anti-discrimination stance recently have also adopted a 2-year grace period. Junior Chris Holmes, a mem- ber of air force ROTC, has or- ganized a group of cadets who will address the Senate regarding Hoping to pressure the United thc motion. He said, how.evcr, And does it ever end? States Defense Department into that the group will wait to see abandoning its discriminatory what happens within the Senate policy against gays and lesbians, before deciding on any plan of Student gro UPS f Om2 Tufts Community Union Senator action regarding the motion. Wally Pansing has proposed a “We have to be really careful motion in the Senate that would because we’re not oflicial repre- Walls Pansing -. coalition- ~~ against CLT call upon the Administration to sentatives of hemilitary,” Holmes -u threat& to refuse Reserve Offi- said. Nonetheless, he said he feels by PATRICK HEALY dents about CLT and to inform cer Training Corps scholarships that any proposal to ban ROTC is militarism,” Pansing said. Senior Staff Writer the campus of the danger if Ques- and disassociate itself completely “pretty much cutting off the bmch Some student opponents of the Tufts student leaders, organi- tion 3 passes. with the ROTC program. to cure the tree.” proposal also have the availabil- zations and concerned individu- The CLT proposal would, if Pansing’s motion, which is “A lot of cadets contribute to ity of scholarship funds as their als met last night to discuss ac- approved, roll back state taxes expected to be voted on in the diversity -- I know that’s a really primary concern. tion against the Citizens for and fees to 1988 levels, forcing Senate in the next two weeks, overused term -- but we are from “Tufts University can’t afford Limited Taxation Question 3 on approximately $1 billion cuts in proposes that the University give varied socio-economic back- to throw away $1 million,” said the Massachusetts ballot. the state budget. the Department of Defense an grounds,”Holmes said.“IfROTC Senator Chuck Marks. “We want to get as many stu- Last Wednesday, University ultimatum: If after two years the is banned, Tufts is losing a par- Though Pansing’s proposal was dents as possible registered to President Jean Mayer joined a policy has not been revoked, Tufts ticular viewpoint. It’s not often not voted on last night, Senator vote by Oct. 5,” said President of group of over 30 prominent will withdraw its support of the you can sit down and talk to Stu Rosenberg sent an absentee the Tufts Democrats Jane Selton. Massachusetts leaders yesterday ROTC program. someone who’s been at a missile ballot to the Senate meeting “The Tufts Democrats wants to in condemning CLT’s recent Under current Defense Depart- site.” opposing the motion. get students to register so they budget cutting initiative. Mayer ment policy, gays and lesbians Holmes also believes that the “Unfortunately you’re not can vote against CLT Question 3 spoke on the potential effect that are ineligible for military service kind of cadets that are educated hurting the Defense Department on the ballot.” passage of the UTquestion would for what the depamnent has tamed in aTufts environmentmay make as much as you’re hurting the Tufts Democrats is one of have on the state’s higher educa- “security reasons” and thus can- better officers and ultimately students on the ROTC scholar- several student groups involved tion system. not receive ROTC scholarships. contribute to a more enlightened ships,”Rosenbergsaid last night. in the growing coalition against “When you threaten these “The goal is clearly not to end military. “You may be fixing one wrong, CLT. Included are the Tufts institutions... you are cutting the ROTCatTufts.Thisisn’tan anti- Pansing, the chair of the Sen- but you’re creating another by Community Union Senate, the muscle of future development of ROTC thing. This is against the ate Culture and Ethnic Commit- eliminating the ROTC program.” Leonard Carmichael Society, the the state. The last thing to do is Department of Defense’s policy,” tee, said that by discriminating “This proposal is going against Massachusetts Public Interest cut the very muscle that would Pansing said. “We have a non- against gays and lesbians in mili- the Department of Defense pol- Research Group, and possibly the pull the state out of recession,” discrimination policy at this uni- tary service, the Department of icy by threatening to attack the Tufts Programming Board and he said Wednesday. versity, and we’re not living up to Defense and ROTC programs are students... it’s still an attack on the Inter-Greek Council, accord- To vote in the Massachusetts that by supporting this discrimi- denying gay and lesbian students the students,” Marks said. He said ing to Senate President Julian election on Nov. 6, eligible citi- natory agency.” equal educational opportunities. he knew of at least four other Barnes. zens must register by Tuesday, Pansing said that his proposal “In a time when scholarship senators who feel as he does. The coalition against CLTmet Oct. 9. Selton said the student includes the 2-year deadline to money is getting more and more Holmes said that students last night in the Campus Center coalition will be running the allow room for the Adminisua- rare in this country, especially on should try a top-down approach to discuss voter registration and registration drive only until Oct. tion to make alternate plans to a federal level, that program is a to changing Department of De- orher proposals. Those interviewed 5, because of the Columbus Day provide financial support LO those valuable prowfor all students, fense policy, starting by writing agreed that the central purpose of students who would still be here not just straight students, regard- the coalition is to educate stu- see CLT, page 13 on ROTC scholarship when the less of what you think about see ROTC, page 5 Budget plan would boost taxes, cut spending City postpones WASHINGTON (AP)-- Presi- was described by President Bush Gulf. higher deficit projection to the discussion on dent Bush and congressional in a Rose Garden announcement, It was not clear whether Bush deteriorating economy and grow- parking spaces would sign the measure later leaders on Sunday forged a$500- and the Senate quickly followed. ing projections of the costs of The University was unable billion, five-year compromise “It is balanced, it is fair, and in Sunday prior to a tcchnical mid- rcscuing thc savings and loan night expiration of the existing to express it’s concerns about package of tax increases and my view it is what the United indusuy. the proposed elimination of spending cuts, spurring Congress States of America needs at this budget, but as a practical matter With congressional leaders at the exact timing of his signature up to 100 parking spaces near to quick action on a stopgap spend- point in its history,” Bush said in his side, Bush said “I do not the intersection of Boston and ing measure needed to avoid announcing an agreement that -- which was a certainty -- was welcome” the tax increases -- not significant long it College Avenues at the meet- slashes in federal scrvices Mon- concluded budget negotiations that as as oc- which he opposed during his 1988 ing of the Medford Traffic day. began in May. curred within a day or so. election campaign. But he said Commission on last Wednes- The House approved the tem- The package contained $134 House Speaker Thomas Foley, they were needed to help the D-Wash., praised the compromise, day. Due to a full agenda, the porary financing bill just three billion in new tax revenues, in- country’s economy, and he said commission was unable to hours after the budget agreement cluding new taxes on gasoline, but agreed with Senate Demo- he would join in a bipartisan ef- cratic leader George Mitchell of make time to discuss the is- cigarettes, alcohol and luxury fort to get the package enacted by sue, which has been put on the items. Medicare costs for the Maine, who said “Now comes Oct. 19. the hard part,” in pushing it past agenda of the commission’s Inside I elderly and disabled were in- “I will do everything I can to next meeting on Wednesday, Op-Ed p. creased; defense spending was special interest groups and through ............................ 3 Congress. generate support fiom the Ameri- Oct. 19. Money, money, money -- Tufts stu- slashed as well. can people for this compromise,” The Commission this sum- dents look at the economic crises facing On a 382-41 vote, the House The compromise would shear $40 billion off the deficit ex- he said. mer recommended eliminat- the nation and the University. passed what is called a continu- ing the spaces near the inter- pected for the new fiscal year. The components of the final ing appropriations resolution to section in front of Curtis Hall Arts ................................ p. 7 keep the government operating Without action, the 1991 short- budget compromise was a deli- fall was projected. hit $294 cate political balance between, in an attempt to make the area The Back Alley Theater features two at full speed through next Friday to At billion, $73 billion higher thaq tax increases Democrats sought safer. the upcoming meet- plays about women, and Spalding Gray while lawmakers weight the pro- ing, Community Relations is over at the Emerson Theater. the previous federal record for and spending cuts Republicans posed budget compromise. Director Barbara Rube1 will The resolution, which then red ink and almost triple the favored.