Press Release:

A Mark of Excellence| Serena Leads in World Travel Awards 2015

June 2015: Serena Hotels is celebrating another year of excellence at the just concluded World Travel Awards. This year, the ceremony held in the Seychelles saw travel professionals from all over the world converge for the “Oscars of the travel industry”.

Serena Hotels celebrate…

Africa's Leading Green Hotel: Serena Hotel, Kenya's Leading Hotel: Nairobi Serena Hotel 's Leading Hotel: Kigali Serena Hotel 's Leading Hotel: Uganda's Leading Hotel Suite: Presidential Suite @ Lake Victoria Serena Resort & Spa

Recognition of Excellence:

Speaking of the Serena Groups’ glittering array of awards, Mr. Mahmud Janmohamed, Managing Director, Serena Hotels Africa said, “the recognition for excellence is indeed an honor in itself and we are very proud to receive these 5 awards. The awards confirm that our strategy to invest on an ongoing basis, in both our hardware-the physical product; and our software-our human resources; continue to pay dividends. To all those travel professionals who voted for us we would like to say, thank you for valuing us as highly as we value you; your faith in us will continue to be rewarded. To our staff, we would also like to offer a big ‘thank you’, because we know that it is entirely thanks to your unwavering dedication and loyalty that we have been fortunate enough to have attained the various accolades.”

The World Travel Awards

This is the “Oscars of the travel industry”, universally perceived as the ultimate global travel accolade. The World Travel Awards was established to acknowledge, celebrate and reward excellence across all sectors of the global travel and tourism industry. The awards culminate from opinions and preferences of travel professionals across the globe, and are issued in 47 categories that span the breadth of the industry from hotels to airlines. The World Travel Awards has a global media partner network that reaches an estimated 90 Million people. About the Serena Group

The Serena Group portfolio of 24 Safari Camps, Lodges, Hotels and Resorts are located in Kenya, , Zanzibar, Uganda, Rwanda and , in some of the most evocative, exotic and enchanting destinations of the world. The Group also offers eleven properties in , and .

Serena takes pride in the level of personal care and warmth of welcome that they extend to their guests.

Each Serena property is designed to complement its environment, while nurturing the landscape, culture and community that surrounds it.

The Serena Group leads the field in East African eco-awareness and eco-policy implementation insisting upon eco-complementary architecture; the use of local materials, skills and labour; waste recycling; pollution-reduction and non-CFC use; solar and wind generation, low energy- use devices and heat recovery systems. The group also hosts a number of revolutionary tree planting and indigenous plant re-stocking projects; butterfly breeding; and turtle-protection projects.



For more information contact Serena Hotels at: Tel +254 20 2842000/ 284233; Fax +254 20 2718102 Reservations Email: [email protected];



