Legend Rīga Suggested Route: Rīga – Skrīveri – – Koknese – Pļaviņas Road classification E 22 A 6 Main roads Sweet-Tasting – Medieval Sensations – Viking Boat Tour P 80 Regional roads The route begins only 76 km from Rīga going by the A6 motorway; the length ~ 40 km. One-day trip for motorists. Along the route, you Local roads can choose other sightseeing objects and extend the tour to two days. The all paved road leads along the right bank of the Other roads revealing beautiful scenery. Road pavement Paved roads Koknese Medieval Castle Ruins 29 are located in the flooded confluence of the Daugava and the Pērse. Gravel roads The castle was built in 1209 for the needs of the Archbishopric of . It was situated on the very top of the Improved unsurfaced roads dolomite rock and was difficult to conquer. In 1701, the castle was blown-up by the Saxon troops, and it was Unsurfaced road never rebuilt. The castle now stands in water as a result of the construction of Pļaviņas HPP. The visitor centre arranged next to the ruins offers a chance to forge medieval coins and gain an insight into a landscape long Aizkraukle Spīgana Railway • Station • Stop A6 lost to the eyes of people. Entrance fee. Muldakmens Railway without traffic Crafts Centre “Mazā kāpa” 37 – offers to learn the creation process of leather souvenirs and make yourself a little keepsake – a key pendant or a bookmark. Advance booking PĻAVIŅAS City Skrīveri Food Factory 9 welcomes you to learn about the unique is required. Gotiņa candy, taste it and find one of the most beautiful folk songs on the Vecbebri Village Koknese inside of the wrapper. Skrīveri Viesturi Group of farmsteads Pļaviņas Aizkraukle Stūrīši Farmstead (selection) Skrīveri Sweets 7 you can try your hand at wrapping a Gotiņa candy and participate 76 km in creative programmes where you can make artwork from marzipan. GOSTIŅI Part of city

Airfield • Church Skrīveri Home-Made Ice Cream 8 you will be surprised by poems about the cold delicacy and real artwork made from ice cream of various typically Latvian flavours for Filling station all tastes. You will also be able to make your own ice cream. Hotel, motel • Camping th Other accommodation Plaviņas Hydropower Plant 18 The largest hydroelectric power plant (HPP) in the Memorial Site “Likteņdārzs” 30 – a gift from the entire Latvian nation for the 100 Baltics with the second greatest capacity in Europe. Both banks of the Daugava are birthday of created in memory of all those people in Latvia who suffered from Museum • Restaurant, cafe connected by the longest tunnel in Latvia.. During spring floods, spectacular views are totalitarian regimes. The author of the Garden’s project is Japanese landscape architect Vecbebru Outstanding object of historic muiža revealed to passers-by when the Daugava waters fall over the opened shutters creating Shunmyo Masuno. Currently, a memorial apple tree alley and viewing terrace with a view or cultural value Klintaines the highest waterfall in Latvia. Tours are free of charge advance booking of ruins and the Lutheran church have been completed, while works on sausgultne Nature object of interest is required. the amphitheatre and the grey sunset pile built from boulders brought in by people are in Bormaņkalns process of construction. The length of the trails is about 2 km. 120 m Outstanding hill Aizkraukle Museum of History and Art in Kalna Ziedi 20 – farming property by Avotiņkalns Castle mound the shores of the Daugava, which Jēkabs Dannenfelds, the Blacksmith of Aizkraukle Tour on the Daugava in a Viking boat “Lāčplēsis” 47 after an epic hero with reminders Manor, purchased from the Manor in the 20th century. At present the museum is offering of tales and legends. The boat is 12 m long and 3.3 m wide and holds 24 people. The tour Built-up area Allotment gardens the opportunity to view its permanent display “Tales of destiny from the shores of guided by the captain takes riders along the Oliņkalns, Sēlpils castle mound and many of the Daugava”. The museum organises seasonal celebrations, educational museum the Daugava’s little bays. The duration of the trip is about 40 minutes. Next to the pier is Forest • Swamp programmes for pupils, as well as weddings and other traditional activities. “Liepkalni” 48 bakery which offers delicious meals, as well as warm, freshly baked bread. Bicycle route

14. Art Within Art garden festival to feel “the breath” of the ancient legends boating fans. The last 500 metres of the river 36. Pastamuiža Devil’s Stone (an ancient 42. Vecbebri Manor Complex 51. Gostiņi Lutheran Church celebratory halls. Two buildings are used for SIGHTSEEING OBJECTS Relax in the garden of the best-kept farmstead and beliefs of Daugava Valley, enjoy a cup are especially thrilling for kayakers. ancestral sacred site). Located by the old features the manor’s dwelling house, barn, was consecrated in 1830. The church is a late economic activity: the ancient Tavern inn in Skrīveri by enjoying a refreshing drink, tea of tea with cheerful witches and learn how The Daugava Valley Nature Park near Riga- highway which slides into the cellar, stable and park. Classicism style cruciform building with a low offers both catering and room rental, while or coffee on a hot day and viewing the artwork to fly with a broom. Among other activities: Dzirnavas. Daugava in the vicinity of the stone. The camp Bebri parish, +371 26339168, 65164291 tower topped with a semi-circular tinplated the beer and kvass in high demand in pubs of different techniques created by Professor a tour through the old limekiln and the site “Senči” is nearby. The stone consists of two dome. Opposite the main entrance stands a around Latvia are made at Castle brewery. SKRĪVERI COUNTY The Old Lutheran Church of Aizkraukle Vecbebri Holy Family Roman Catholic Vigeo Saule, who has spent the majority of his outdoor “Flash Ludo” game for both adults 27. parts with the largest one being 3.5 m long, 43. pulpit altar, which is a type of altar seldom An opportunity to book excursions in the The church is an architectural monument of Church life in Venezuela. You will be introduced to the and children. Guided tours by a certified 3.1 m wide and 0.9–1.9 m high. found in Latvian sacral architecture. manor ensemble and Castle brewery. national significance. The stone church was The church was built on the foundations of the 1. Skrīveri Dendrological Park 8. “Skrīveri Home-Made Ice Cream” – artwork by Mārīte Saule, spouse of the painter environmental guide 34 Lielā Street, Pļaviņas Odziena, Vietalva parish, +371 20533333, built on the site in 1680, while it acquired its Crafts Centre “Mazā kāpa” old manor house, located in the territory of The creation of the 16.8 ha large park was Manufacturing Facility and Cafe and graphic artist Vigeo Saule. Anita Turlaja, +371 28372730, 37. www.odzienasmuiza.lv current appearance in 1896-1899, following By taking part in the workshop you will learn Manor Park; opened in 2008. Pļaviņas Farmers’ Market started in 1891 by the distinguished dendrolo- Here you can treat yourself with different Advance booking, [email protected] 52. the plans of the architect G. Krons and being some leather craftsman’s skills. If you wish to Advance booking, +371 26328578 A place to buy home-baked rolls, smoked fish, Vietalva Lutheran Church gist Maximilian von Sivers. The park has been kinds of home-made ice cream flavours Entrance for donations. 60. 25. Aizkraukle Medieval Castle Ruins influenced by the neo-gothic trends see the process of making leather souvenirs meat and chicken, fruits and vegetables, berries The church was built in 1814 and it is located divided into 19 floristic regions. On the other served in a leisurely, cosy atmosphere. 10 Kastaņu Street, Skrīveri, +371 29187066 Jaunbebri “Potato rebellion” – The ruins of Aizkraukle medieval castle are of the time. and take an opportunity to make a little 44. and mushrooms, cottage cheese and other on a hill by the side of the Vietalva–Odziena side of the road you will find forest culture and “Poetry of Ice Cream” is a unique surprise a Place of Remembrance 15. Kurelian Memorial Stone located on the bank of the Daugava by the Advance booking. +371 26593956 souvenir for yourself. delicacies for healthy living. Monthly evening road. During World War II the church was nature trails: Moss Trail, Lake Trail and The awaiting every guest. Ruins of the red barn and the punishment pine The Kurelian movement began in July 1944 in estuary of the River Karikste. 4 Lakstīgalu Street, Koknese, market on the third Friday of each month. destroyed. Traces of shells can still be seen Good Luck Bear Trail. Rest area with a gazebo SIA “Rozīne”, 96 Daugavas Street, Skrīveri, 16. The Daugava creative workshop is NEW! Exhibition “Soviet Years” aside Jaunbebri Manor are witnesses of the Skrīveri near Robežu estate. This is where the For safety reasons, it is advisable to view the 28. +371 29227936, 59 Raiņa Street, Pļaviņas, +371 27873332 on the walls of the church, however, the roof and fire places next to Lake Kalnamuiža. +371 28361561, www.majassaldejums.lv located at the historical fire station. Here one The exhibition at the House of Culture of peasant rebellion in 1841, called the “Bebri Skrīveri battalion of several hundred troops ruins from a distance. www.mazakapa.lv of the church is renovated and the grand hall Advance booking. +371 25661983, can learn about the process of silk screening, Aizkraukle Parish displays the largest Potato Rebellion”. The Daugava Raft originated. The slogan of Kurelians was “For a 53. is now paved. Mass is held there on the first [email protected] textile printing, pottery, and tile decoration. The River Karikste. collection of historical and utilitarian objects, Organic Farm “Janavas” +371 26339168 On Daugava Street, right on the bank of the Free Latvia!” 26. 38. Sunday of every month. Prior application required. One of the most interesting places in as well as culture-historical heritage of the Tourist groups can enjoy herbal tea-tasting in a Daugava, a model raft placed on boulders 2. Biological Farm “Ragāres” Advance booking. Dīvajas Street–Mucenieku Irši www.vietalvasbaznica.lv 70 Daugavas Street, Skrīveri. +371 28386655, Daugava Valley. The former Aizkraukle stone second part of the 20th C. in Latvia. unique environment and learn about the organic, 45. and a stand tells rafters’ memories which are The farm gives an opportunity to learn about road, Skrīveri, The place of the largest Baltic German colonies [email protected], castle, which housed German nobles, was Advance booking. Kalna Street 20, preservative-free face cream “Beāte”. Possibility supported by historical photos. 61. Veseta Flood-Land Swamp 100 different medicinal plants. Various herbal +371 26374155 (Pēteris Mozulis) in the Baltics, founded in the 18th century by the www.facebook.com/radadau built on its zigzagged bank. During the spring Aizkraukle parish, to take a walk along the nature trail, as well as A protected complex of wetlands with an tea mixes, herbs and instant vegetable soups Russian Empress Catherine II. In the centre of Bulkhead floods, the river provides a challenge for +371 65123351, 28305405 examine wild and medicinal plants in nature. 54. area of nearly 430 ha. Home to one of the of 100% biological ingredients are produced the parish you can see the storage barn and An almost 2 km long bulkhead protects “Janavas”, Koknese parish, largest populations of marsh saxifrages by the farm. You can enjoy a tour through the former parish house of the colonists – an Pļaviņas from the spring high waters. The 8 +371 25994160, www.janavas.lv in Latvia and a diversity of birds. There is a the fields of medicinal plants, with relaxing originally built wooden building and a memory bulkhead has become a popular recreation AIZKRAUKLE COUNTY walking trail and a memorial for national tea-tasting and tasting of “Ragāres Fire Soup” Creative House stone in remembrance of the Irši colony. spot for leisurely walks or sports activities. 39. partisans – a dugout and a cross – in the cooked on an open fire. 9. Skrīveri Food Factory KOKNESE COUNTY We offer different entertainment programs for Tours guided by Valda Kalniņa. Irši parish, territory of the nature reserve. Advance booking. Skrīveri, “Ragāres”, Produce the unique milk candy “Gotiņa” 17. Daugava Valley Nature Park 20. Aizkraukle Museum of History and our guests with dances, games and handicraft +371 26369665 +371 29229588, www.ragares.lv which one can taste and enjoy during a tour. was established to preserve the most typical Art offers the permanent display “Tales of workshops. Advance booking. Melioratoru 62. Exhibition hall dedicated to Juris 29. Koknese Medieval Castle Ruins Anyone is welcome to discover the cultural 46. “Zemitāni” Safari Park Listen to the candy making story and do a part of the Daugava Old Valley, with ter- destiny from the shores of the Daugava”, the Street 1A, Koknese, +371 26575499, Kalniņš. A classroom in memory of Juris 3. Andrejs Upīts Memorial House and It is cultural monument of national significance heritage of the previous centuries, see the The farm is engaged in world-class trophy The museum offers a general purchase. There are the greatest folk song races created by the river which have survived new depository features a vast exposition of [email protected] Kalniņš (1847–1919), teacher of Vietlava Garden. and one of the most popular sightseeing ob- restored Fawn’s Head fountain originally created deer breeding. At present, more than 1300 exhibition and tells the story about the “Boys verses printed in the candy-wrapping papers. unchanged through the construction of the farming tools, as well as exhibitions, tours, Congregational School. Kalniņš was one of jects in Latvia. The historic display exhibited in by sculptor V. Jākobsons, wooden sculptures 40. Latvian Museum of the red deer and fallow deer, as well as other wild of Moss Village”, various games and riddles 2 Daugavas Street, Skrīveri, +371 28685600, Pļaviņas Hydropower Plant. The valley provides museum programmes, Latvian traditional the first leaders of the National Awakening in the pavilion will give you an insight into a land- Catfish, Owl, Castle Tower and the height meter, History of Beekeeping animals (moufflons, bison and wild boar) roam as well as a tour in the museum’s garden [email protected] the possibility to observe rare and protected games and family activities. Campfire spots the countryside. A unique individual, scape long lost to the human eye. Services: the highest wooden sculpture in the Baltics For The exhibits, which are spread out in four halls, through around 300 hectares 54 created by Andrejs Upīts himself. species of plants and animals, as well as and tent places. he was an excellent teacher, a very talented coinage, souvenirs, weddings performances Eternity by Ģ. Burvis, the New Castle Ruins, give an insight into the life of a bee colony, bee of the park. The local guide will introduce you 58 Daugavas Street, Skrīveri, culture-historical objects. Choose what suits Muzeja Street, “Kalna Ziedi”, Aizkraukle, choir conductor and a socially active worker: a for newlyweds in a medieval and old Latvian Swedish era cannons, wheel crosses and Devil’s food base, bee products and their importance. to the unique park and the animals living in it. 55. Pļaviņas Regional Museum gives a +371 29496725, www.upisamuzejs.lv you the most: travel by foot, cycle or go by car. +371 65123351, 28305405 Neo-Latvian, publicist, member of publication style , medieval games. Entrance fee. cellar. The longest path will take you to the site You can order honey-tasting with rye-bread Advance booking. www.aizkraukle.lv www.aizkraukle.lv chance to learn about Pļaviņas County and editorial boards and a literate. +371 65161296, 29275412, on the bank of the River Pērse where the lonely and milk. Advance booking. “Dravas”, Bebri Irši parish, +371 20039217 its history. “Skola”, Vietalva parish 18. Pļaviņas Hydropower Plant 21. Kalna Ziedi Castle Mound www.visitkoknese.lv “Pērse Girl” mourns over the lost waterfall. parish, +371 22411283 50 Daugavas Street, Pļaviņas, +371 28442692 [email protected] is the largest power plant in the Baltics and the The castle mound adjoins the territory of the A beautiful view to the castle can be enjoyed 41. Memorial House-Museum of the second largest in the European Union. Kalna Ziedi museum. The mound was inhab- from the gazebo of the tea pavilion. Trail “In One 56. Stone of Peter the Great. The stone is 63. “Dzidris” – home winery Sculptor Voldemārs Jākobsons Advance booking is required for a free tour. ited from the end of the 1st millennium B.C. Breath”. Length: 1.5 hours. Inguna Žogota, considered to be one of the four boundary- Dzidris is a homemade wine from Ozoliņi The museum features an exhibition of the 9 2 Enerģētiķu Street, Aizkraukle, Perhaps it was used as a refuge mound. +371 26575499, [email protected] marks of Lokstene with a carved coats of Farm. Apple, rhubarb and blackcurrant sculptor’s art works, ancient household items +371 65110309 arms of the Archbishop of Riga and his vassal wine and Dzidris cider are made from fruit, 22. Aizkraukle Evangelical Lutheran 32. Koknese Manor Ensemble and furniture, footwear collection, including th 10. The Two Sisters’ Kitchen [email protected] Vrangelis (not earlier than the 14 century). vegetables and berries grown at Ozoliņi 3 Church of Christ Power The former estate steward’s house, where the the mighty traveller’s boots, small library and a The home production offers you various and other nearby farms. Presentation and Although the evangelical Lutheran congrega- writer Rūdolfs Blaumanis lived from 1885 to collection of photos. 57. Swedish Fortification. Only remains 4. Ravens’ Stone jams, jellies and preserves, sauces and tasting avaiable. Advance booking. “Ozoliņi”, tion in Aizkraukle city was founded in 1991, 1887. Today the building houses “Galdiņi”, Bebri parish, of the ramparts and bastions have survived An impressive 40 t heavy stone, an ancient dressings made of different seasonal garden 29 th , +371 65100305, 29186953, it only got its own church in 1998. Architect Vidusdaugava Forestry. +371 26339168, 27294969 46 from the Swedish fortification built in the 17 cult place. The River Kraukļupīte and a spring goodies. Advance booking. www.dzidris.lv Rudīte Lipore. century. The one in Gostiņi is one of the most can be found nearby. 102 Daugavas Street (2nd floor), Skrīveri, 30. Memorial Site “Likteņdārzs” 33. Koknese Lutheran Church 1 Baznīcas Street, Aizkraukle, impressive fortifications in Latvia. +371 26527353 (Garden of Destinies) The church was built in 1687. Its tower features 64. Brewery “BURSH” Science Centre of the Latvia University +371 65121259 5. Together, we are forming a garden that tells the a large cast iron bell, while the interior is deco- 58. Gostiņi Cultural History Park One of the smallest breweries in Latvia. of Agriculture. The centre is engaged in 11. Nature Supermarket th Every day from 10:00 to 17:00 it is possible to 23. Meļķitāri Stone with trough-shaped story of our nation in the 20 C. and symbolises rated with paintings by A. Dobenbergs. PĻAVIŅAS COUNTY The historical research of Gostiņi has the selection of perennial grass plants and Celebrate good times in the live, unspoilt 18 taste and purchase the light and dark BURSH hollow, also called the Sacrificial Stone and its continuous resurgence. It is a place of gath- Advance booking, +371 65161347 resulted in the creation of a park with seven the cultivation of seed mixes; it carries out nature, exploring the unknown about the beer, as well as find out information regard- Devil’s Stone. In the past, large oaks grew ering, where one may feel the energy of nature memorial sites dedicated to the historical agricultural research in the territory of the flora, greens, juices and teas! Find out how to 19. Aizkraukle St. Teresa of the Child Jesus 34. Nature trail 47. Tourist Service Centre “Latvju Spīķeris” rye bread and other delicacies, enjoy a mug of ing the preparation of beer. Excursion groups here and every year people sacrificed the first and the nation. Here, outstanding landscape names of Gostiņi in different time periods: Daugava Valley Nature Park. The centre use the natural goods in food, cosmetics and Roman Catholic Church All lovers of nature may walk along the natu- Tourism information, souvenirs. The Centre bread kvass and see the bread oven. should apply in advance. There are fire and yields of grain, as well as ears of grain, butter architecture flows as one with the beauty of the Evestmunde, Glazmanka, Trentelberģis, offers educational excursions for agriculture household. Architect Juris Letinskis. The most typical de- rally formed trail with wooden bridges, crossing offers rides on the Viking boat “Lāčplēsis”, “Liepsalas”, Klintaine parish tent places available within the territory of and milk on this stone. People used to throw Isle of Koknese and the River Daugava. Zarnu miests and Žīdu miests, Dankeri, and professionals and other enthusiasts. Advance booking. tail for catholic churches – two towers marking ravines and inlets of the River Daugava. The sleigh rides in the snow, bike rentals, air pistol +371 26449567, www.liepkalni.lv the brewery. There are also rooms that can money into the trough. This is where children +371 25495544, www.liktendarzs.lv Gostiņi. Each of the sites has an information “Selekcija”, Skrīveri, “Osēni”, Skrīveri, +371 25627459 the religious affiliation – was used for the walk may be started at various points. and archery rental; as well as a walking trail be rented for events (with up to 40 people). are said to have been christened. You can be stand with facts and photographs. +371 65197512, www.zzi.llu.lv first time in the post-war construction of new 1905. gada Street 7, Koknese, 49. Stukmaņi Manor SIA “ECOS”, “Burši”, Aiviekste parish, and cycling route. “Liepsalas”, Klintaine parish, th 12. Hydrometeorological bureau a part of the “Latvian baptism ceremony” led Built in the 16 century, currently it can only be th churches in Latvia. The church stands in the +371 65161296, 29275412, +371 26161131, www.mezmalasvikings.lv 59. Odziena Castle. The mid-19 century +371 29252115 6. Aizkraukle Castle Mound – Augstie or Excursions with information on the by Anita Ostrovska, +371 29497587 midst of a wonderful garden with a beautiful www.visitkoknese.lv seen from the outside. You can also visit the Odziena Castle is one of the most noteworthy Kraukļu Hills. Settlement of the Balts from daily work of meteorologists, observations, 48. Liepkalni bakery-café family tombs (17th century) of the owners of 65. Dzeņi Landscape Garden view to the Daugava. 24. Witch Airfield and the Old Limekiln Neo-Gothic style monuments in the Baltics, the 1st millennium B.C. The ancient town with weather forecasts, and measurements. 35. Koknese Regional Tourism informa- 22 Lāčplēša Street, Aizkraukle, +371 29191335 During excursions you can taste the Liepkalni Stukmaņi Manor, found near the Manor on the which is experiencing a slow revival. One of Here you will see interesting moss sculptures streets and houses and artefacts of the Lat- The first artificial Latvian satellite was Witch Airfield will give you an opportunity tion centre. It is possible to view mock-ups castle mound Vīnakalns. the wings of the castle already houses five and a beautiful garden, which will take your galians and Livs were discovered on the site launched from the Skrīveri Hydro- of the Garden of Destiny and Koknese Castle. “Stukmaņi”, Klintaine parish breath away with its summertime splendour. during archaeological excavations. The ancient meteorological bureau. A large exhibition hall and an extensive offer Soak up the sun’s energy, play a game of out- castle has been mentioned in Norse Sagas. Advance booking. 31a Sporta Street, of souvenirs. There is an interactive tourism 50. Oliņkalns door bowling, boil a pot of soup, relax in the Skrīveri, +371 28601605 30 A gently sloping, wooded island in the Pļaviņu 7. “Skrīveri Sweets” – Manufacturing Facil- stand available outside, next to the tourism outdoor tub and take a stroll in the landscape centre, offering tourism information HPP water reservoir opposite Stukmaņi. A garden where you can come across Winnie ity, Shop and Cafe. Here you can learn about 13. Blacksmith’s Workshop. Craftsman 31. Park day and night. small castle mound embankment, the remains the old tradition of the candy “Gotiņa” (Little Aivars Grīnbergs will tell of blacksmith’s se- The gate to the former manor park, with stone the Pooh himself! 1905. gada Street 7, Koknese, of an outdoor stage, a dolomite outcrop a few Cow) – one of the Latvian national symbols. crets and demonstrate his masterful works. pillars and a zoned off old road along the ponds “Dzeņi”, Aiviekste parish +371 65161296, 29275412, metres high and the remains of Andreja Cliff, 82 Daugavas Street, Skrīveri, +371 29377817, Advance booking. 2 Bērzu Street, Skrīveri, of the old mansion, will lead you to one of the +371 29378376 www.visitkoknese.lv can all be seen on the island. 65197009, www.skriverusaldumi.lv +371 26597632, www.art-ag.lv 19 24 most popular recreation sites in Koknese. 47 59


SKRĪVERI Holiday House “Pērses krasts”, Hotel “Klidziņa”, +371 29409917, +371 29435631 www.klidzina.lv Recreation Complex “Kalnavoti”, +371 26554204, www.kalnavoti.lv AIZKRAUKLE Guest House “Sidrabi”, +371 26593210 Hostel of Aizkraukle County School, Camping “Daugavas radzes”, +371 26524446 +371 65123026, 28382330 Camping “Gaurauši – Vecbordzēni”, Hostel of \ Vocational School, +371 26567971, www.vecbordzeni.viss.lv (payments via an online bank transfer only) Tent Site “Senči”, +371 25227262, 29644683 +371 65133704 Motel “Kokneses DUS”, +371 65161994 Recreation Complex “Zariņi”, +371 29410426, 26397619, www.zarini.viss.lv Hostel of Vecbebri Vocational School, +371 26593960 Guest House “Valteri”, +371 26161062, 26182772, [email protected], Hostel of Koknese Boarding-school and www.atputavalteros.lv Development Centre, +371 29182926 Bath House “Bebru pirts”, +371 29293877 Country House “Pakalni”, +371 65123289, 29282229, www.viesunamspakalni.lv Bath House “Zutiņa pirts”, +371 26380142, www.zutinapirts.lv Holiday House “Cepļi”, +371 29149439, [email protected], PĻAVIŅAS ceplumajas.blogspot.com Odziena Tavern, Holiday House “Lejas Bitēni”, +371 2053 3333, www.odzienasmuiza.lv +371 29268119, 29363048, www.lejasbiteni.lv Guest House “Jumiezis”, +371 29501699 NEW! Studio-type apartment, +371 27183284 (reservation), Motel “Bu-bū”, +371 65133273 www.booking.com/hotel/lv/industrija Guest House “Arita”, +371 26757742 Rest Site “Labais krasts”, +371 26538740, KOKNESE www.labaiskrasts.lv Hotel “Orinoko”, +371 26637918, Recreation Complex “Avoti”, www.orinoko.lv +371 29490111 Holiday House “Mazā kāpa”, +371 29227936, Odziena Boarding School, www.mazakapa.lv +371 65133848 Holiday House “Līči”, +371 29610596, Recreation complex “Mežezera stāsts”, www.lici.viss.lv +371 29664410, www.mezezerastasts.lv


SKRĪVERI Nameisis boat – coming in 2016, it will bring joy to tourists with rides between Koknese Leasure Activity Site “Kopā ar dabu” – Castle Ruins and the Garden of Destiny. The mini golf, beach volleyball, badminton, route will serve as a link between various trampoline, cricket, novuss. Advance booking. historical objects and events of our native land. 2 Miera Street, Skrīveri, +371 29323139, Legendary names: Nameisis, Koknese, Garden [email protected] of Destiny. The ride on the river will bring “Sarmīte Stables” – horse riding, ride in magical experiences and a sense of adventure. a cart, winter sledge rides. Pony rides for It is a chance to spend a moment in the past children. and be aware of the unrelenting strength of our Lielkažoki-1, Skrīveri, +371 29748079 nation. 19 places. Legend The Daugava Valley Nature Park – +371 26161131, www.mezmalasvikings.lv introducing the ancient Daugava Valley to Main street Hotel • Other accommodation Public building Boats Dock: (selection) cyclists, Nordic walkers and hiking enthusiasts Koknese Medieval Castle Ruins, Gundegas, One way street in Skrīveri and Aizkraukle municipalities. Restaurant, cafe • Market Outstanding building Memorial Site “Likteņdārzs” (selection) www.skriveri.lv/turisms Pedestrian street Post office • Self-government Built-up area with 12 house numbers PĻAVIŅAS Unsurfaced road AIZKRAUKLE Hospital • Out-patient clinic Farm “Pīlādži”. Horseback riding, walks. Unsurfaced road Industrial area The Daugava Valley Cycling Route “Stēģi-2”, Klintaine parish, Pļaviņas county, difficult to travel Church • Monument for cyclists wishing to explore Daugava Valley +371 22088402 Pathway Deserted built-up area in the counties of Aizkraukle and Skrīveri. Museum • Open-air theatre Sports Club “Vietalva”. Stadium, sports fields, www.aizkraukle.lv/turisms Paths Allotment gardens cross-country skiing, tent places. Cinema • Internet Society Sports Club “Garām ejot” – Wi-Fi РигаRīga “Mailes”, Vietalva, +371 28626845 Koknese cycling development in Aizkraukle. Railway • Station Forest, park Tourism information Rīga www.garamejot.lv Sports Club “Juko”. Cross-country rally, winter sprint for beginners, enduro. Volleyball, Boundaries of administrative Skrīveri Pļaviņas Cemetery Aizkraukle Koknese Aizkraukle Regional Sports Centre – basketball courts. A cross-country track with and territorial units Castle mound offers various athletic opportunities: volleyball, start and finish at the “Lukoil” petrol station. basketball, football and handball. The 1st floor Pļaviņas parish, +371 26728575 Bus terminal, Bus stop Swamp of the hall houses a 60 m long running track Rock, cliff with four lanes and a long jump pit. Here you Sports Base “Jaujas/Jankas”. Cross-country Parking Bike route can also practice high jump and hurdling, skiing and biathlon tracks, rollerskating track, AIZKRAUKLE KKS Filling station Stadium • Sports ground Nature trail play tennis and table tennis, and make use of orienteering and cycling competitions during COUNTY COUNTY PĻAVIŅAS the summer season. Aiviekste parish, COUNTY several gyms. 21 Lāčplēša Street, Aizkraukle, +371 26182772, Pļaviņas county, +371 26171250 SKRĪVERI 26446219, [email protected] “Cigoriņš”. Alpine skiing slopes, children’s hill, COUNTY “Artemīda L” shooting range – cross-country skiing track, ski rental, offers shooting classes and individual training picnic area. “Cigoriņi”, Aiviekste parish, Pļaviņas county, +371 29203537 Skrīveri Koknese either with personal guns, or those that are Pļaviņas available at the shooting range. Squash Court. Squash court for individual, Aizkraukle 21 Lāčplēša Street, Aizkraukle, +371 65129005, as well as group training. There is also table www.artemida.lv tennis, parallel bars and bars for strength Horse rides in “Lejas Bitēni” – offers relaxing training available at the hall. horseback rides and horse-drawn carriage 28 Rīgas Street, Pļaviņas, rides in summer, or sleigh rides in winter. +371 29704563 “Lejas Bitēni”, Aizkraukle parish, Aizkraukle NEW! Open-air squash court Skrīveri Information Point Pļaviņas County Tourist county, +371 29268119, 29363048 The only open-air squash court in Latvia +371 25661983, Information Centre Raiņa Str. 66b, Pļaviņas, [email protected], www.skriveri.lv 49 Daugavas Street, Pļaviņas, +371 29704563 Pļaviņas county, LV-5120, KOKNESE Aizkraukle “Mežezers”. Alpine skiing slopes, snowboard +371 22000981, Tourism Information SkrīveruPoint informācijas punkts Pērsejas Boat Dock. Pērsejas boat and SUP slope with jumps, inventory rental, instructors. [email protected], rental is located in a picturesque place at the Culture House, 2 SpīdolasA. Upīša Street, iela 1, Skrīveri, Skrīveru novads, LV-5125 “Mežezers”, Aiviekste parish, Pļaviņas county, www.plavinunovads.lv bank of the Pērse river. Aizkraukle, Aizkraukle+371 county, 28373530, +371 29345686, www.mezezers.lv Koknese, +371 29119882, www.persejas.lv LV-5101, +371 65122396, 25727419, [email protected], www.skriveri.lvTourism Service Centre [email protected], Koknese Sports Centre municipality agency – “Latvju spīķeris” www.aizkraukle.lv Aizkraukles novada pašvaldība sports hall and gym, swimming pool, sauna, “Liepsalas”, Klintaine parish, steam bath and sports grounds. Lāčplēša iela 1a, Aizkraukle, AizkrauklesPļaviņas county, novads, LV-5129, LV-5101 Tourism and Public Relations Division 27a Parka Street, Koknese, +371 65161790, +371 26394302 (Ilona), +371 26161131, of Koknese Municipality Council www.koknesessportacentrs.lv [email protected], [email protected], Tūrisma sadaļa Koknese Tourism Information Centre Lielkalni R – a farm offering recreation with www.mezmalasvikings.lv 1905. gada Street 7, Koknese KNDA “ Koknesesparish, Tūrisma centrs” prior booking: enduro trails, horse riding, Koknese county, LV-5113Melioratoru iela 1, Koknese, Kokneses novads, LV-5113 motorcycle rent, camping places. +371 65161296, 29275412+371 65161296, 29275412, “Rosmes”, Bebru parish, +371 28750130 [email protected],[email protected], www.visitkoknese.lv www.koknese.lv Horses in Koknese – vintage horse-drawn carriage rides; horse-back rides; photo Pļaviņas Open-Air Swimming Pool. Pļaviņu novada tūrisma informācijas centrs sessions; fulfilment of different creative ideas. Open during the summer season, with a “Liepsalas”, Klintaines pagasts, Pļaviņu novads, LV-5129 Koknese, +371 29120878, 29452397 volleyball court and changing rooms. Publishers: Aizkraukle, Skrīveri, Pļaviņas County Municipality and 1 Baseina Street, Pļaviņas +371 22000981, Raibbalts – special design bicycles for rent Koknese Tourist [email protected], www.plavinunovads.lv Eight adult bicycles, two children’s bicycles Stadium “Gostiņi”. Football field, stands with and one tandem bicycle for your enjoyment. 140 seats, football training, competitions. Photos: archives of Aizkraukle County TIP, AB Aerofoto (www.skyfoto.lv), 61A Lielā Street, Pļaviņas, +371 26564699 Prior application required. During the summer, Koknese TIC, Pļaviņas County TIC, Skrīveri TIP rental is also available at the Koknese Miniature golf course – an opportunity to

Cover : LTDIzdevējs: “ABC Jums” Aizkraukles, Kokneses, Pļaviņu un Skrīveru novadu pašvaldības Tourism Information Centre. play a game of miniature golf in your free time +371 29766242, www.raibbalts.mozello.lv or visit the nearby Pļaviņas skate park and Layout andSagatavots: maps: Vīgante boat – rides on the Daugava with street gymnastics grounds. LTD “JāņaSIA sēta «Karšu Map izdevniecība Publishers”, Jāņa sēta» 2014 routes of various duration. 26 seats. 50 Daugavas Street, Pļaviņas, 2018 +371 28490667, www.vigante.lv +371 65134040