St. Thomas Aquinas and the Mendicant Controversies
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ST. THOMAS AQUINAS AND THE MENDICANT CONTROVERSIES Three Translations 'By St:. Thomas J/quinas TRANSLATED BY JOHN PROCTOR, 0.P. Edited with a New Introduction by Mark Johnson ALETHES PRESS Leesburg, Virginia Copyright© Alethes Press 2007 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopy. recording, or any information storage and retrieval system now know or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, or broadcast. · CONTENTS ISBN-13: 978-1-934182-00-0 (cloth text) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225 7 -1274. ISelections. English. 2007] St. ·n10mas Aquinas and the mendicant controversies: three Introduction, by Mark Johnson vii translations I by St. Thomas Aquinas; translated by John Proctor, O.P. ; edited with a new introduction by Mark Johnson. Summary: "Presents in one volume the English translations of three Part I: works by St. Thomas Aquinas, in each of which he defended, under "Against Those Who Attack the Religious State different aspects, the fledgling mendicant orders (his own Dominicans and the and Profession" I Franciscans) against the attacks of the established secular or diocesan clergy"-Provided by publisher. Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index. ISB N 978-1-934182-00-0 (alk. paper) Part II: i. Monasticism and religious orders-Early works to 1800. 2. "On the Perfection of the Spiritual Life" 237 Monastic and religious life- Early works to 1800. 3. Perfection- Religious aspects-Catholic Church- Early works to 1800. 4. Clergy-Religious life- Early works to 1800. 5. Catholic Church-Clergy- Early works to Part Ill: 1800. 6. Theology, Doctrinal- Early works to 1800. 7. Catholic "Against Those Who Would Deter Men from Entering Church-Doctrines- Early works to 1800. I. Proctor, John, O.P. II. Johnson, Mark, 1961- Ill. Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274. Contra impugnantes Dei Religion" 325 cultum et religionem. English. IV. Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274. De perfectione spiritualis vitae. English. V. Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, i225?-1274. Contra doctrinam retrahentium a religione. English. VI. Endnotes 399 Title. VII. Title: Saint Thomas Aquinas and the mendicant controversies. BX2432.3.T5613 2007 271'.06-dc22 Index 409 2007004701 Published by Alethes Press, 525-k East Market Street, #293. Leesburg, VA 20176 SAN 851-9315. Printed on archival quality, acid free paper and bound to library requirements. INTRODUCTION WE READERS OF THE TWENTY- FIRST century, coming to the works of St. Thomas Aquinas, can easily forget that the religious order to which Thomas made his life-long profession was at one time a fledgling, just as all religious orders once were. For us, Thomas's religious order- the Dominicans, now almost eight hundred years old- has always been there, a seemingly permanent element of Catholic Christianity. This volume is a vivid reminder that things were not always thus, and that, further, the young Dominican Order, not too long after its birth, and just as St Thomas was becoming a teacher in it, had at times to defend its very existence. Written in the highly-charged environment of the University of Paris, over the fifteen-year period from 1256-1271, the three transla- tions provided here constitute Thomas Aquinas's direct defense of his order. These works, and their dates, are: Contra impugnantes dei cultum et religionem (1256) De perfectione spiritualis vitae (1269-1270) Contra doctrinam retrahentium a religione (1271-1272) Originally published by John Procter, O.P., in two distinct volumes,' they are published here together, both for the sake of convenience and because of their common subject matter: the so-called "Mendicant Controversies:' The reader is treated to Fr Procter's original, elegant English translations from the Latin text of Thomas, but a new intro- duction is being provided, for we have learned much about Thomas's life and work and about the mendicant controversies since the original publication of Fr. Procter's volumes. The usefulness of these three works is not limited to medieval his- tory, for in them one can find the seeds of important doctrines worth our consideration today, in theology, philosophy, and political science. To take but a single example. In his 1891 encyclical, Rerum novarum, So Dominic and his small band of preachers were given the perma- which initiates, scholars often say, the papal tradition of Catholic social nent commission- unheard of at the time- to be specially trained teaching, Pope Leo XIII in paragraph 51 cites Thomas's teaching from preachers in the diocese of Toulouse. Commission in hand, Dominic the Contra impugnantes dei cultum et religionem on the rationale for saw two needs, which he immediately worked to meet. First, because free associations, and the thread of that teaching is picked up and em- his own success as a preacher had been the result of his extensive train- ployed in subsequent papal teaching (e.g., John· Paul II's Centissimus ing in the Bible, Dominic forced his preachers to study the sacred texts annus). 2 One could.also add that in his De perfectione spiritualis vitae in-depth; indeed, when he learned that the city of Toulouse now had a Thomas produces a fine accounting of how material goods- the basis master of theology in its midst, the Paris-trained Alexander Stavensby, of economics- should be evaluated and distributed. Dominic enrolled his brethren in the master's classes. Second, Dominic Intense, immediate disputes have a way of forcing a thinker to select knew that his preachers would never get a hearing from those whom and defend his deepest intellectual principles. These three works, the they sought to convert if they were wealthy, as the local monasteries product of such disputes, put the real and authentic Thomas Aquinas- had become. No, his preachers would be like the ones the Lord sent Christian, Dominican- on full display. out in Luke 10, bringing nothing of their own and asking for sustenance St. Dominic of Caleruega's "Order of the Preachers" came into ex- wherever they went. Dominic's preachers were to beg for their up- istence first as a localized band of preachers in the diocese of Toulouse, keep- mendicare in Latin. They were to be "mendicants'.' in southern France, in the year 1215. The bishop there, named In 1216, Dominic and his brethren were given a church of their own Foulques, had been happy to enlist Dominic's help in combating the in Toulouse, the church of St. Romain; whereupon the group began to viii presence of heresy in his diocese, as practiced by the Albigensians. Like work on what they figured would be their home. They added a cloister ix the better-known Cathars of which they were an offshoot, the and individual cells- to give each man his own place for study. But two Albigensians held a dualist view of the world, in addition to condemn- events changed everything. First, Pope Innocent III had decided that ing many practices of the Catholic faith. The concern of how to address this young band of preachers (whose potential to do good work in these heterodox beliefs had occupied Foulques and indeed the papacy places outside of Toulouse, indeed in the universal Church, he was for some time; letters that detail strategies of engagement with the quick to realize) should have a proper rule under which the brethren Albigensians went back to 1208, when Pope Innocent III launched the would live. In light of the fact that the recently concluded church coun- Albigensian Crusade. Dominic's preachers, however, were the more cil, Lateran IV (1215), had sought to restrain further proliferation of pastoral part of the pope's overall strategy, whereby virtuous and in- religious rules, Dominic chose for his group an already-existing rule, telligent men (homines honesti et discreti) were sought out to help the one under which he had himself been living for almost 20 years: the diocese of Toulouse preach to these heretics. For the traditional means Rule of St. Augustine. This rule was not a monastic one, which was of trying to win them over were simply not working; local Cistercian completely to Dominic's advantage, for monastic rules, with vows of monasteries had been tapped-out to preach to the Albigensians, but stability and requirements for manual labor, would cripple the young the Cistercians were ignored altogether as soon as the Albigensians order's flexibility and its emphasis on study and preaching as its prin- noticed how wealthy and well-clothed were the men preaching to cipal work. The Rule of St. Augustine had none of these monastic re- them. And it also seemed that, at the level of doctrine, those who had quirements; and thus, while emphasizing religious-order poverty, been trying to convert the Albigensians to Catholic teaching were not chastity, prayer in community, and being tonsured, it could also easily up to scratch. accommodate studying and preaching. Dominic's followers were now 1ntroductiori 1n troductiori to be, as he was, a "canon"- and canons were usually ordained as order was now in principle mobile and not wanting for papal clout, priests. So Dominic's order was now visible within the larger Catholic Dominic headed back to Toulouse with a plan. First Toulouse, soon world as a certain, well-known kind of thing: priests who lived together everywhere. in community, and under a rule. Quite likely military events in the area around Toulouse forced Second, during the winter of 1216-1217, Dominic had been fabu- Dominic's hand, for a rebel count, Raymond VI, was poised to conquer lously successful in working with Pope Honorius· III (Innocent III's suc- Toulouse- and did, in September .