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Core 1..108 Hansard (PRISM::Advent3b2 17.25) House of Commons Debates VOLUME 148 Ï NUMBER 422 Ï 1st SESSION Ï 42nd PARLIAMENT OFFICIAL REPORT (HANSARD) Wednesday, May 29, 2019 Speaker: The Honourable Geoff Regan CONTENTS (Table of Contents appears at back of this issue.) 28213 HOUSE OF COMMONS Wednesday, May 29, 2019 The House met at 2 p.m. Dorion will gather on June 6, 7 and 8 for the 27th edition of the Seigneuriales. There, they will eat, drink, play and sing as they celebrate the rich cultural heritage of our community, Vaudreuil- Soulanges. We have a plethora of stories to share and celebrate. Prayer I would invite all the lords and ladies of Vaudreuil-Soulanges to Ï (1405) join me at the Musée régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges to enjoy activities for the whole family, local artisans and everything our [English] seigneury has to offer. The Speaker: It being Wednesday, we will now have the singing of O Canada led by the hon. member for Victoria. I hope everyone enjoys the Seigneuriales. [Members sang the national anthem] *** [English] STATEMENTS BY MEMBERS VICTIMS AND SURVIVORS OF CRIME WEEK Mr. Dane Lloyd (Sturgeon River—Parkland, CPC): Mr. [English] Speaker, this week is Victims and Survivors of Crime Week, NATURAL RESOURCES dedicated to bringing awareness to victims. Mr. Darshan Singh Kang (Calgary Skyview, Ind.): Mr. Today, I reflect upon a terrible crime committed near my Speaker, this morning I awoke to more bad news for Alberta, and community. the forecast is foreboding. The dark clouds of recession are on the horizon again, and On July 3, 2010, Lyle and Marie McCann of St. Albert left on a Alberta's economy remains in a fragile state. While we have road trip. On July 5, their motorhome was seen engulfed in flames managed to bolster domestic oil prices through curtailment, we are and their bodies were nowhere to be found. Their killer was arrested losing out on millions, even billions, of dollars. Why? Because, as I and following years in the courts, he was convicted. Now, nearly have mentioned once or twice before, we are lacking the ability to nine years later, we still do not know the whereabouts of Lyle and move our oil. Marie. I would be remiss if I did not spend these last weeks before the That is why I introduced Bill C-437, known as McCann's law, House rises reminding the government, and indeed members of the hoping to encourage killers to reveal the location of their victims. House, about our dire need for progress on this front, not only for The bill would make co-operation a factor in parole hearings and Alberta but for all Canadians. would give judges more authority to limit parole. My constituents are worried, and they have good cause to be. Let All parliamentarians should support legislation that seeks to return us not play politics with Canadian lives and Canadian jobs. Once and the remains of victims to their families. It is time to put victims and for all, it is time to move forward. families first and pass McCann's Law. I implore the government to approve the Trans Mountain pipeline *** by June 18 so we can have shovels in the ground by July 1. Let us get Alberta working again. [Translation] *** FAMILY SUPPORT CENTRE IN SAINTE-JULIE [Translation] Mr. Michel Picard (Montarville, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, I want to tell you about the Maison de l’entraide, an organization in my riding VAUDREUIL-DORION HERITAGE WEEKEND that has been supporting families in Sainte-Julie for 40 years. The Mr. Peter Schiefke (Vaudreuil—Soulanges, Lib.): Oyez, oyez, organization got its start with a fundraising drive organized by Mr. Speaker! Lords, ladies, nobles and the good folk of Vaudrueil- Denyse Labrecque in 1976 and was incorporated on July 4, 1979. 28214 COMMONS DEBATES May 29, 2019 Statements by Members Today, the Maison de l’entraide continues to fulfill its founders' Ï (1410) mission by supporting low-income families in Sainte-Julie and working in collaboration with local partners to improve their quality [Translation] of life. In Ottawa—Vanier, the Vanier Community Service Centre is The organization's main source of funding is a thrift store that is organizing the Vanier VéloFest, an event aimed at getting young open to the general public. The store generates roughly 80% of its people on bikes. revenue. The board of directors and volunteers are determined to keep overhead expenses as low as possible to ensure that all funds [English] raised go directly to the recipients. This financial support represents about 75% of its expenditures. I would like to thank the Fitness Industry Council of Canada for Congratulations to the Maison de l’entraide for 40 wonderful promoting public health and wellness for all ages and abilities across years. the country. *** Here is the challenge for Canadians. I encourage them all to [English] participate in and celebrate National Health and Fitness Day. THE ENVIRONMENT *** Ms. Niki Ashton (Churchill—Keewatinook Aski, NDP): Mr. Speaker, climate change is a reality in our north. First nations and SCLERODERMA AWARENESS MONTH northern communities are feeling it. Mr. David Sweet (Flamborough—Glanbrook, CPC): Mr. This past week, the federal government made an announcement in Speaker, this Saturday marks the beginning of Scleroderma my home community, committing $28 million to rebuild an airport Awareness Month and while the past few years have seen in Thompson, which is sinking because of melting permafrost. advancements in treatments that can ease pain and slow the progression of the disease, researchers have yet to find the cause This is an important investment but it is not enough. It does not of scleroderma and are still looking for a cure. change the reality of the 18 communities in our north that are facing a crisis of climate change and isolation. These 18 communities As many in the House know, I have witnessed the terrible effects depend on ice roads as their lifeline, and these are disappearing. of this disease first-hand while I was forced to watch my mother Jean Where is the federal government when it comes to working with deteriorate under the awful effects of scleroderma, which ultimately first nations to build all-weather roads? Just this month, York Factory took her life. came to Ottawa to get support for an all-weather road. Where is the federal government to work with Wasagamack and Pauingassi, Scleroderma is a chronic autoimmune connective tissue disorder which do not even have airports? Where is the federal government to that can attack one's organs and shut them down one by one. This work with first nations like St. Theresa Point and Berens River to rare disease can also cause weeping ulcers, esophageal dysfunction, build the all-weather road connection they have proposed? Where is Raynaud's disease, skin deterioration and other symptoms. Almost the federal government to act urgently for communities trying to deal 80% of those afflicted with scleroderma are women and most with the reality of climate change? sufferers are diagnosed between the ages of 30 and 50. The federal government is not there. First nations and our north We cannot settle until researchers find a cure. I urge all cannot afford to wait any longer. governments, the medical research community and academia to continue to advocate for more funding for scleroderma research so *** we can stem the tide of this disease and find a cure once and for all. [Translation] *** NATIONAL HEALTH AND FITNESS DAY Mrs. Mona Fortier (Ottawa—Vanier, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, we LONG SERVICE AWARD are honoured to have with us today senior officials from the Fitness Industry Council of Canada. Thanks to them, on Saturday, June 1, Mr. T.J. Harvey (Tobique—Mactaquac, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, I hundreds of Canadians will be taking part in National Health and rise today with great pride to recognize the hard work and dedication Fitness Day. of someone I have worked with for only four years, but has given a [English] great number of years to this place in more ways than I can share in a single statement. With activities led by certified fitness professionals for people of all ages and abilities, National Health and Fitness Day will highlight Last night, she received her long service award for working for the importance and impacts of a healthy lifestyle through fitness. the House of Commons for 31 years. May 29, 2019 COMMONS DEBATES 28215 Statements by Members Throughout her time on the Hill, she has not only worked with dives deep into the pockets of Canadian taxpayers. It is a tax plan MPs and staff, but also developed long-standing relationships with that punishes Canadians living in rural Canada. the staff at the parliamentary restaurant, the custodial staff, all the security staff, the IT staff and across all party lines. She has gone The Conservatives will lay out a real plan to tackle environmental above and beyond to advocate for necessary changes to benefit challenges. However, the real question is this. Where is the Liberal others. climate plan? Her character is that of honesty, courage and integrity. She never *** backs down from a challenge and represents the glue in my office. Ï (1415) Some members may remember her for organizing the All Party Party some years back. DISABILITY AWARENESS WEEK Although she does not do a single thing for the purpose of credit, Mr. Wayne Long (Saint John—Rothesay, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, when it comes to her substantive contribution to the lives of on Sunday I was honoured to help kick off Disability Awareness Canadians throughout her work with various governments and Week celebrations at key industries in Saint John.
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