NEWS AND FEATURES FROM THE ANGLICAN COMMUNION ISSUE 4 1/2021 thy kingdom come Archbishop Stephen is encouraged by the young The Church and Junkanoo Dr Carlton Turner on the heart and soul of the Bahamas The nskk The Anglican Church in Japan 1 NEWS AND VIEWS FROM USPG AND OUR ANGLICAN COMMUNION PARTNERS Contributions are welcomed and should USPG be emailed as a word document to 5 Trinity Street, London, SE1 1DB
[email protected] 0207 921 2200 Please attach images (with captions) as high resolution JPEGS. The views expressed here do not necessarily Follow us on: represent the official views of USPG or any of its employees. Editor: Linda Mackenzie MBE Registered Charity number: 234518 Design: Gulp Creative Whilst KOINONIA is distributed free of charge, any donations to cover USPG costs of production will be welcomed. To subscribe to Koinonia free of charge, please email
[email protected] Cover: Shutterstock Credit: Gulp Creative USPG is the Anglican mission agency that partners churches and communities worldwide in God’s mission to enliven faith, strengthen relationships, unlock potential and champion justice. FOUNDED 1701. 2 ISSUE 4 CONTENTS EDITORIAL The Changing Church Landscape ... 4 The Struggle of Human Rights By the Rev’d Duncan Dormor, in the Philippines ........................... 5 General Secretary USPG The Connected Global Anglican Family .............................. 6 Encouraging ‘hope-bearers of God’s kingdom’ - this is what the Expanding Horizons in Bahrain ...... 7 The Rev'd ‘fairly new and still learning’ Archbishop of York sees his role in Duncan Dormor, Bringing New Life to the General your people.