Port of London Consolidation Act 1920
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[lo & 11 GEO. 5.1 Port of London (C'omlidatio,~) [Ch.clxxiii.] Act, 1920. CHAPTER clxxiii. HEREAS by the Port of Londoii Act 1908 the Port of Londoii Authority (in this Act called " the Port Autho- rity ") were incorporated aid by that Act and the subsequent Acts nientioiied in Part VII. of the Third Schedule to this Act certain property powers rights authorities privileges duties and obligatioiis were vested in or traiisferred to or conferred or imposed on the Port Authority : And whereas the Port Authority have from time to time issued port stock of various classes under thc powers in that behalf conferred upon them by the Port of London Act 1908 aiid the following stocks were outstanding at the date of the passing of this Act :- $9,379,752 0 0 3 pcr cent. A port stock 1929-1999; %13,210,706 16 0 4 [)or writ. €3 port stock 1929-1999; $2,000,000 0 0 34 per ceiit. iiisc~ibed port stook 194!4- 199!) ; E1,000,000 0 0 4 per cent. inscribed port stock 1940- 1960 (issued 17.12.13) ; S1,000,000 0 0 4 per cent. inscribed port stock 1940- . 1960 (issued 17.6.14); ~500,000 0 0 per cent. inscribed 1)ort stocli 1921 ; $1,000,000 0 0 5% per cent. iiiscribed port stock 1923- 1933 : And u-hereas it is expedient that the provisions of the vnrions statutes by which or by reference to which the consti- tution powers rights authorities privileges duties and obligations [Price 18s. 3d. Net.] A 1 [Ch.clxxiii.] Port of London (Consolidation) [lo & 11 GEO. 5.1 14ct, 1920. A.D. 1920. of the Port Authority are at present defined should be unified - consolidated and amended as in this Act appears: And whereas the objects of this Act cannot be effected without the authority of Parliament : May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted and be it enacted by the King’s most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Cominoiis in this present Parlianieut asscmbled and by the authority of the same as follows :- PARTI. PRELIMINARY. Short title. 1. This Act may be cited for all purposes as the Port of London (Consolidation) Act 1920. Interprets- 2. In this Act the following words and expressions have tion. the meanings hereby assigned to them respectively unless there be something in the subject or context repugnant to such construction (namely) :- The expression “Port of London” means the port within the limits described in the First Schedule to this Act; The expression “ the corporation ” means the mayor alder- men and commons of the city of London in common council assembled ; The expression “the Trinity House” means the master wardens and assistants of the guild fraternity or brother- hood of the Most Glorious and Undivided Trinity and of St. Clement in the parish of Deptford Strond in the county of Kent commonly called the Corporation of the Trinity House of Deptford Strond ; The expression ‘‘ goods ” includes live stock minerals and merchandise of all descriptions ; The expression “ rates ” includes all duties of tonnage port rates on goods dock dues canal dues registration fees and other tolls charges and dues payable 60 the Port Autho- rity whether in respect of ships goods river craft or otherwise ; 2 10 65 11 GEO. 5.1 Polf of London (CYotbdidutiotL) [Ch.c1xxiii.j Act, 1920. The expression “ vessel ” iiicludcs ship boat lighter and A.D. 1920. craft of every kind and whether navigated or propelled I_ by steani or otherwise and seaplanes hydroplanes and similar craft ; The expression “ ship ” includes every description of vcasel used in navigation not propelled by oars; TIN word “ lighter ” includes any barge or other like craft for carrying goods ; The expression “ river craft ” nieans any tug river steam- boat niotor boat lighter or barge registered under Part V1. of this Act; The expression “ wliarfinger ” means the occupier of a wharf quay warehouse or granary adjoining the Port of London mainly used for warehousing the goods imported into thc Port of Loiidon of persons other than the occupier of such premises ; The expression “ prescribed ” means prescribed by regula- tions made by the Ministry of Transport; The London Docks ” means and includes the docks basins cuts locks entrances works warehouses buildings wharfs quays lands estates and other landed property formerly vested in the London Dock Company or now or at any time added to or forming part of the same dock system; The St. Katharine Docks ” means and includes the docks basins cuts locks entrances works warehouses buildings wharfs quays laiids estates and other landed property fornierly vested in the St. Katharine Dock Company or now or at any time added to or forming part of the same dock system ; Tlic Victoria aid Albert Doclrs ” means aid includes tlic Royal Victoria Dock thc Royal Albert Dock and thc Royal Albert Dock Extension and all other docks basins cuts locks eiitrances works warehouscs bnildings wharfs quays laiids cstatcs aid othcr laiidcd property now or at any tiiiic adcitd to or fornijiig part of t’hc Victoria and Albert Dock system ; The Tilhury Docks ” nieans and includes the docks basins cuts locks entrances works warehouses buildings wharfs A2 3 [Ch.clxxiii.] Port of London (Consolidatioi~)[ 10 & 11 GEO. 5.1 Act, 1920. A.D. 1920. quays picrs jettics lands estates aid other laridcd pro- _- pcrty forniing part of the works situate in the parislies of Grays Thurrock Little Thurrock and Clisdwell St. Mary’s in the county of Essex formerly vested in the East and West India Dock Company or now or at any time added to or forming part of the same works; “The East and West Jndia Docks” means and includes tlir: docks basins cuts locks entrances works warvliousw hiiildiiigs wharfs estates laiids quajrs uncl other lanclcd property fornwrly vcsted in tlic East aid lVcst India l.)ock Conipany otlicr tliaii tlrc Tilbury Docks ; “ ‘L’hc Surrcy Canal ” iiicsns the Grand Surrey (‘wd iu\d dl such parts of the Surrey (’omniercial Doclts as are from time to time used as a canal for the conveyance of goods by water and for purposes coiiiiected with sucli coiivcyttrice ; “ Thc Surrey C‘oninicrcial Docks ” nicaiis aid iiiclitdtbs tlic docks basins cuts locks timber ponds entrances works wueliouses buildings wharfs quays lands estates and other landed property formerly vested in the Surrey Commercial Dock Company or now or at any time added to or forming part of the same dock system other than those forming part of or comprised in the Surrey Canal; ” I’he Xillwall Docks ” means and includes the docks basins cuts locks entrances canal works warehouses buildings wharfs quays lands estates and other landed property formerly vested in the Millwall Dock Company or now or at any time added to or forming part of the same dock system; The expression ‘‘ docks and works ” means and includes the docks canals piers wharfs quays bridges railways stations slid other works and coiiveiiiences and the lands and buildings hereditaments and property of every descrip- tion and of whatever nature of or at any time vested in or belonging to the Port Authority; The expression “ undertaking ” means the undertaking for the time being of the Port Authority; The word “ superintendent ” means the superintendent of aiiy docks works warehouses or premises for the tinie 4 [lo & 11 GEO. 5.1 Port of London (ConsoZidation) [Ch.clxxiii.] Act, 1920. being under his control and shall include his deputies A.D. ~20. - and assistants appointed by the Port Authority ; Thc word “ dockniaster ” used with reference to a dock or caiial meaiis the docliriiaster canal master or canal ranger of such dock or canal and slia11 iiicludc his clc1)iities aid assistants appoiiitetl by tlie Port Authority ; The word “ conservators ” nieans Conservators of the ltivcr Thames : The expression “ the fi’atermen’s Company ” nieans the master wardciis aiid coiiimuiialtp of watermen ailcl lightcr- men of the River Thames; The word “ pier ” includes any fioatiiig pier and any jetty; The word “wharf ” includes any wall and building adjoin- ing the River Thames; The word “master” when used in relation to any vessel meaiis any person whether the owner master or other person lawfully or wrongfully having or taking the command charge or managemeiit of the vessel for the time being ; The word “ ballast ” includes every kid of gravel sand niid soil and every comiiodiby or thing comnionly nsed for the ballasting of vcsscls ; The expression “ daily penalty ” means pei2alty for each day on wliich any offcncc is continncd after conriction therefor ; The word “ London ” iiscd in coniicxion with thc pii1)Iica- tioii of any notice or hyyelaw puopos(~1or madc iiieaiis the atlniinistrntivc voiinty of J,ondoii. 3. On the comnicnccment of but subject to the provisions Repeal of of this Act the several Acts mentioned in the Third Schedule Acts. to this Act so far as the same arc still in forcc arc Iicrchy repcaled subject as regards tlic Port of Loiidon Act 1908 the Surrey Commercia1 Dock Act 1864 and the Watermcii’s mid Ilightcr- men’s Ameiidmeiit Act 1859 to the exceptions in the said schedule mentioned. 4.-(1) Notwithstaiidiiig thc repeal of my of the Acts Saving of repealed by this Act the several sections and provisions thereof I’‘zg::of which are set forth in the Fourth Schedule to this Act shall Acts, A 3 5 ~ [Ch.clxxiii.] Port of London (C'onsoliclation) 110 & 11 GEO. 5.1 Act, 1920. -1920. so far as the same are at the comrnencenieiit of this Act in force remain in full force and this Act and the several powers and provisions thereof affecting the several docks of the Port Authority to wliich such