The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) Waterville Materials
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Colby College Digital Commons @ Colby The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) Waterville Materials 11-13-1885 The Waterville Mail (Vol. 39, No. 23): November 13, 1885 Maxham & Wing Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Agriculture Commons, American Popular Culture Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Maxham & Wing, "The Waterville Mail (Vol. 39, No. 23): November 13, 1885" (1885). The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine). 1158. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Waterville Materials at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. “ThAt’s so! they .alnt,” audibly growls " Inthiecf |»eb«. a lean lilng-bcarded gcniii.* in the back ground. as he twitches the yarq through a hole in his mitten. Hutchins is a womao hater, aitd neclecL* no opportuni a. S. I>4J[fM£!R,' ty to declavii his creed. ••Wnl,” says Mr. Flint, “’s all ac SURaBON DENTIST. cordin’ a* they’re doric by. They’re much like the dumb critters, I've often orriOK-M MAia Stbmt, thought. You’ve got to h ive if clear un- BISBMUCR-t OoUJiaa Stuit, OMimbb ' Pr UBTBIUIU, Btbbb*. dersLindin* yritK ’em, to begin with,— Par* ttUroupjCMde Uttp conPlantly slick to titat, .and use ’em weU, and OB AAAtfa ^ they'll pull throiigli most anything with yc." , “Ef there is sich a thing a.s a fffimi P. A. ROBERTS, M.D. critter in the whole consarned lot on 'e.n, VOL. XXXIX. NO. 23. Td like lo find her,’ intcrjKxscs Hutchins. OrfWM ST BBSTDBNGS Waterville, !M.aine • • ■ V ■ F’riday, Nov. 13, 1885. “A man," proceeds Mr. Flint serenely, —“a man th,at kin break a colt .ts a colt StBUT, Om. BLBVOOD iOTBL oughter be’broke ncier need hev no •» ■** 09ovrMt IfOUBB. THE OLD DOCTOR'S STORY. tional advantages for dealing with the trouble with a woman’* notions. Mostly T I-* to t A. 1 to 1, OBd • to I P U. Bceilans. evil. LctLeoXIII by all means given ^pplatervilie it'.* your high .strung skittish sort tii.i' **I have aliitle story to tell you, boys,'' favoring ear to this letter. It will he m.akc* all the fuss and they want to B^BGN FOSTEE. A LECTURE the old doetdr said to the young people more to his credit than the set'lementof know who’s master — that’s all Oh the other day. “One day—a long, hot several Carolines disputes. Krii. maxhah. dan’lh. wing. yes, they’ll l.ay back tltcir cars, and look GIVE GOD THE PRAISE, day it had beanI too—-Ir met my father on BUITOBS AND I'norRIKTOnH. wicked out of the corners of tlieir eyes— Ooui^ellor at Law, Pluck^—A fifth ward young man in BT A, BINDS. the road into tovn. Syracuse,tN. Y., possesses a very lilteral I've seen ’em—ami then, if a feller is fool I wish ydif^du cdcUilld lakr this packsge endowment of persevemnee. “Miss B.," enough to let ’em hev the wltij). why, he WEtfRVXLLB. ON MAN. < How rnooh of power we grant to feeble men. to the village for me, Jim,’ Re said, hesi The “Letter fhom a LGnoiKd Camp," may Like his ticket for the Idggest kind How little to the vaat, oternni plan said he, “do you love me ? ’’ -r - - - tatingly. “I .am sorry to say lliat I do nol;'’_was taken from th^ Comet of the L. B. S. U. of a sm.Tshup, .sure; and sarve him right. Of Him who mlea in equity the world 1 “Now I was a boy of twelve, not fond Hilt rfOw you jest make on 'em a hltlu ' J.K.SOULK, We aee with awe from their deep baaea bnrled the reply. Society, lint omitted in the account of Old ayateme; to the truth that nnderliea of work, and was just out of the hay Reid, along first—kind d’ git ’cut vyonteijr'-ibd where I had been at work since daybreak. Well. then," he persisted, “wdn’tyou the anniversary, last week, apiiears below. Xeateli^r of Mt^sio. A preaent glamour dims oor retied eyea. at permit me to renew the tiucstion let ’em knotv, tetv, tnat tfUcii yeoii dew The asea paaa, the miata are cleared away. I was tired, dusty and liungry. 1 was It was written by a lady of our village, gil liold, ycou never let go—and bless Do'UtrlA first-elaat ifntid'al fndtPW' ,WVa( a piece of vorjc is man/ how With deeper fathoming thought men learn to tills evening ? ’’ noble in reason! how inflnile in facul- two miles into town. I wanted to get my well known by her choice jxictical con- your soul, they'll take the bit into their m*nts, H'i7{ tune Pianos in a Ihorongh Gatch^g beneath the babblb Vho nndertnne.-- supper, and wash and dress for ringing Not this evening," .said the maiden. «N«nner. iiu! in form and moving how csrptvrt May 1 ask some other evening ? " ntodth.s, sweet .as new milk I I've seen school. tnbutions to the 'cnJ. SanJ Harris; tljat coffee’s all g'oin’ WATKKVlLLK.Mb. and admirable! in action how like an ''OlTeOfNl tbe praiae} 't waa Hia and Hia Not some other evening, Mr. (j., but alone," "My first Impulse was to refuse, and AddnOB P> O. Bai to*.. angel! in apprehension how like a god! you may aik some other girl." LOG CAMP LETTER. up chimney, bddy and soul I ’’ the beatUp/ of the world! the paragon of Did Lincoln** pen, furAOoth. tho bondman free? to do so harshly,,-for I was vexed that he Your corresjtondent i* ,at tltis moment Sant Harris, convicted of a momenLI- The awurd uf Grant give him bin liberty V should ask me after my long day’s work. Those Ci.ever Gkeeks.—If you turn Ita C.JflAm E D OBifna/*/—SUAKeePKAKE. Did Luther'a hammer at the temple** porrb seated U|)on a piece of pine log, squared ry negligence, snatches the great tiii pot Shake tbe firm baationa of tbe guilty oburcb? "If I did refuse, he would go himself. a book upside down and look at the let off, and .set ii]) endwise, for Ills paniculnr off tlie stove. Jim takes himself up from oVpitiiC, Oor.|l^lri nod Templa 8tr«ctB. Did John, the great Forerunner, bring the He was a gentle, patient old man. But ters, every s will seem much smaller at convenience. The tin candlestick wtiich tile flddr. witlt a stretch and a shake. faith something stopped me; one of God's the bottom than at the loj), altliotigh. “There they be," he s.tys—’’team’s in.” MBfllDENOB.Malo^t.,0pp. Elmwood. That lit the world with Ohriat of MaiaEelh ? aflords him illnmiiialion is p(:rch:;(I just How bcButdlul ore tho above lines ut good angels, I think. When the book is properly licld, both Above his head, tii>on a br.ackct of birch Wc c,in ju'vt catch the distant crush of The«e all. Indeed, vrere aomewbat, but not halves appear the same size to the eye. Odlo« lloaro, 6to 9 A.M.— much; " ‘Of course, father, I will lake h," balk, inserteil between tlie logs which the snow, and creaking of the sled, witlt tered by the world’s grandest mind 1 The upper part of the type that prints I l^lo 2 lind 1 lo t r M. Like Alary Newton'a mo«t ethbrini tpuUeb, s.nid I, heartily, giving my scythe to one form tile w.ills of Itis present abede. His a confused ring of voices, muffled by tHe How Infinite tlio scope ofmnn’s pow. Tlier, in (heir weaknoM, did but fire the train of the men. He gave me the package. the letter s is made smiillcr than own knees arc the only writing desk thick night air. Snow is falling, arid the In the dark oD’Pbi beneath life'* solemn main “ ‘ Thank you, Jim, I w-as going my the lower half to correct the fault which the prentisies afford, and tliese are sound ot their .ippro.icit only re.icl1es il.s.' E. Em. JONES, er if his faculties are well preserved. From nntota eonaby th* Eternal lain. self, but somehow 1 don't feci very strong,’ of tlie eye, wtiicli always sligiitly exag as they ntake the turn in the roail, just — Fort. Adv. in danger of getting a scorch from their ' ‘ ID E isr T I s T, Nothing, short of creation, is to he said. gerates the former. When the letter is proximity to a huge wood fire, now roar below the camp. 'WATB&VILLS.KR., him impossible. Our soul is lost in He walked with me to the road that turned over, this same trick of Itie siglit ing lip tlie chimney which occupies the But Mr. Flint Lakes the pipe out of his O VS T ABI, £ turned off to the town, rttld as he left; makes the difference seem greater than it center of mir apartment. -> month will) a quick gesture. 4)vno9* Froat'roomt over W,l«KUlo SAvlnfa admiration when we contemplate the put hi* hand dri nly arm, saying again ; really is; and, of course, were it of the Twenty men at* sitting or Iving around “'That aim no wjo.l sled," he Sdy.*' Baak.