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New Delhi, Friday,November 7, 2003www.timesofindia.com Capital 28 pages* Invitation Price Rs. 1.50 International Sport Ranil heads home, CBI claims breakthrough Elber strikes as says he can put in Madhumita case, Lyon upset house in order Amarmani’s cousin held Bayern Munich Page 12 Page 7 Page 18


Established 1838 26 die in turf wars Bennett, Coleman & Co., Ltd.

Violence is not the solution; it is the most clear sign of 19 killed in Bengal tea Dalits burn 7 tribals in our failures.... — Anonymous garden fight over jobs feud over grazing land NEWS DIGEST TIMES NEWS NETWORK By Mohit Dubey TIMES NEWS NETWORK Opium processing: The Kolkata: A 700-strong mob butchered 19 government has decided to allow people and set their dismembered bodies on Dauspur Siwli (Unnao): Seven of a tribal private sector participation in fire inside a local trade union leader’s house family were burnt alive here on Wednesday opium processing. But it will in a tea garden in Jalpaiguri district. night, when a mob of over 200 Dalits locked remain a regulated industry and The incident occured early Thursday them inside their house and set fire to it. will be governed by the morning, when the The tragedy was Narcotics Act. P11 union leader the result of a spat Tarakeshwar Lo- between two neigh- BJP undecided: Though the har was meeting 19 bours — the Gan- Bharatiya Janata Party has released outside labourers garam family, who a list of 72 candidates for the Chhat- tisgarh polls, it’s yet to decide on its who he planned to were Kanjars, and chief ministerial candidate, to be pit- supply to the tea Ramnath, a Pasi (a ted against CM Ajit Jogi. P11 gardens of RNT Dalit sub-caste) — Plantations Ltd in over grazing land. SPECIAL Birpara. On Wednesday The mob sur- morning, some of blasted 33 runs rounded Lohar’s Gangaram’s goats off 13 deliveries to bring India house and began strayed into Ram- back into the One-day match at JOYFUL AS THE BIG BOYS TUMBLE: A jubilant Indian team poses with the Asian under-19 trophy after they beat Sri demanding that he nath’s sugarcane Cuttack. He picked up two ear- Lanka by eight wickets in the final at Lahore’s Gaddafi Stadium on Thursday. Report on page 17 come out. At that fields, ruining ly wickets. But McMillan and point a shot was some of the crop. Styris raised a huge partnership fired from inside When Gangaram’s to give NZ a 4-wicket victory. the house, injuring wife went to get ■ Report on Page 17 a 20-year-old stu- back her goats School’s out for Indian girl child dent in the mob. from Ramnath, Police say,that was some of his men TIMES NEWS NETWORK when the crowd roughed her up. ● Almost half of the world's illiterates went on a rampage, storming into the house, Later, according to Babulal (the only mem- New Delhi: You may think of it as SHAME, live in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and killing the 19 labourers. Lohar and his ber of the Gangaram family who managed to a poor neighbour that sends hordes ● Iran, Sri Lanka, Maldives have more family managed to escape. The police have escape and survive the fire), Ramnath’s men of illegal migrants into India. But adult literates than India arrested 106 workers, including 25 women. and the village pradhan led a mob to Gan- Bangladesh has done what India is SHAME Lohar has also been arrested. garam’s house. unlikely to do in the next 12 years. UNESCO's ● Bangladesh and Maldives have Sources said, “Recently, about 70 vacan- Armed with batons, sticks and axes, the Unesco’s latest Education For All Global Monitor- achieved gender parity (girls:boys cies had been created at the garden due to re- group of Pasi men attacked the Gangaram (EFA) Global Monitoring Report ing Report going to school) at primary level; tirements. With most gardens in the Dooars family, doused the walls and roof of their says Bangladesh has achieved gen- 2003-4 says: India unlikely to do it even by 2015 in poor shape, such employment opportuni- house with kerosene and set fire to it. der parity — equal enrolment of ties were rare and Lohar was making the Gangaram, 55, his wife, Bitoli, 52, son boys and girls at school — at the pri- India and Bangladesh, they may not worst performers in providing uni- most of the situation.” Munni Lal, 24, and grand-daughters Seema, mary level. India scrapes the bot- be able to meet the gender parity versal primary education, adult lit- Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee 9, and Neetu, 7 all perished in the fire. Two tom of the list, just a little above targets at the secondary school lev- eracy and gender parity. said at the state secretariat: “Tension relatives who were visiting from Sitapur, Pakistan. In fact, it may not be able el by 2015. China, Malaysia, Thai- These goals were set at the Dakar over filling vacancies in the garden had trig- Hori Lal, 55, and Teena, 1, also died. to meet the gender parity target land, Philippines and New Zealand Forum in April 2000 to achieve EFA. gered off the incident. We are trying to find The fire was put out by villagers at even by 2015. are also likely to miss the target. According to Christopher Col- what happened.” about 3 am on Thursday. By then, all that The EFA report is based on data But these countries have very high clough, director of the EFA Global A spokesman of RNT Plantations said it remained were some smouldering clothes, indiatimes.com POLL collected in 2000. In Bangladesh, student enrolment. Monitoring Report team, India and was the fallout of intra-union rivalry.A gar- grocery and furniture. ‘‘gender disparities have been re- The report says India, Pakistan, other countries were lagging be- den worker said: “It was a spontaneous vent The police have arrested 11 people, Is Monica Bellucci hotter than versed’’. However, as the girls’ drop- Bangladesh and Nepal, along with hind because of domestic problems to the anger that had been brewing among including the pradhan, and booked them Aishwarya Rai? out rate after Class V is high in both 18 Sub-Saharan countries, are the rather than a cut in foreign aid. the garden workers for some time.” for murder. Yes 57% No 43% VOTE NOW: Do you agree with Imran Khan that Pakistan’s bowling is much better than India’s? Vote on indiatimes.com or SMS ‘Poll’ to 8888 BSNL wires jangled

YOU SAID IT by Laxman By Sanjay Dutta panelled Grey TIMES NEWS NETWORK Worldwide, Head- start AirAds and New Delhi: Telecom minister Arun Soubhagya for Shourie is not amused at the mode handling its ad re- of communication adopted by quirements. The BSNL. More so, when the state- sources said this owned telephone giant spends over year too, MODE Rs 60 crore a year for the services of was recommend- an advertisement agency — which ed by a top min- does not figure in the official panel Arun Shourie istry functionary — to blow its own trumpet. to BSNL for an I- In a strongly worded letter (No Day campaign. 1701/TC/03 of August 14), Shourie However, knowing Shourie’s pen- has asked both BSNL and MTNL chant for transparency, the officials not to do any business with the ad brought the matter to the minister’s agency,MODE, in future. notice. An angry Shourie scrapped Official sources said though the deal and said all ads should only MODE was not empanelled, it had be handled by DAVP, the govern- Don’t make any mistake, Prince been using its ‘‘high connections’’ in ment’s publicity arm. Charles sits here! the ministry to bag BSNL and Criticising advertisements mere- MTNL campaigns, worth crores, re- ly listing ‘‘achievements’’ of the de- WEATHER leased on Independence Day,Repub- partment or BSNL and MTNL, lic Day and other special occasions Shourie wrote, ‘‘Work of the depart- Max. 33ºC/Min. 16ºC to highlight their work. ‘‘...(This) ac- ment and its various organisations Moonset: Saturday – 5.47 am tion of the agency,’’ Shourie’s letter should, in itself, be an advertise- Moonrise: Friday – 4.42 pm says, ‘‘would have led the depart- ment.’’ Shourie also stipulated that Sunset: Friday – 5.32 pm ment to completely circumvent the only the PM’s photograph should be Sunrise: Saturday – 6.38 am government procedure and award used whenever non-commercial ads Mist in the morning. Mainly clear sky. large contract’’ to the firm. are to be used and not of any other Minimum temperature will be around Last year, say the officials, when personality.Interestingly,in an elec- 15ºC. Maximum relative humidity on Pramod Mahajan was minister, tion year, this directive has ruffled Thursday 88% and minimum 22%. MODE bagged business worth Rs 60 many of Shourie’s publicity-hungry crore even though BSNL had em- cabinet colleagues. Islamabad bugged at London By Rashmee Z Ahmed on building plans, security codes and TIMES NEWS NETWORK visa application forms. He also enabled British intelligence London: Amid stifling secrecy and More than 100,000 jobs at officials to enter the Pakistan embassy high-wattage media coverage, Pak- incognito. istan and Britain are trying to limit The contractor, who has apparently www. .com the embarrassing bilateral damage now blown the whistle on MI5, re- caused because they’ve been caught India’s No.1 Jobs site mains nameless and featureless, ex- playing the old Cold War game of cept for a key revelation — that he once Book your Classifieds spies, spycatchers and dirty tricks of had mental health problems. 24 hours service: “51-666-888” intelligence gathering. Pakistan’s foreign ministry has al- In a throwback to the days of the ready said it will take the matter up * 20 + 8 pages of Delhi Times Iron Curtain, Britain is alleged to have with London. Its accusation came trusted Pakistan, its strategic ally in within hours of Pakistani foreign min- the war on terror, too little to pass up ister Khurshid Kasuri meeting his the chance of bugging its London mis- British counterpart Jack Straw in Lon- sion, stealing confidential documents don and officially agreeing to an- and infiltrating security codes. nounce they had talked on only the fol- That golden opportunity was al- lowing issues: ‘‘India, Pakistan and legedly offered to MI5 and the CIA by a Kashmir; Pakistan’s role in counter- building contractor, hired by the posh- terrorism; and human rights”. ly-located Pakistani High Commission On Thursday, the British foreign of- last year. fice told TNN it could not comment on The contractor,who was supposed to London’s response to Islamabad’s com- renovate the embassy, noticed its lax plaint. Asked what London was doing security procedures and decided to to soothe Islamabad’s ruffled figures, turn spy. Hilariously approaching the the British spokesman said: “I’m not CIA through directory enquiries, he prepared to discuss confidential diplo- was eventually passed on to MI5 and matic exchanges that we’re having paid thousands of pounds for passing with the government of Pakistan”.

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2 Friday,November 7, 2003 DELHI The Times of India, New Delhi

SPEEDSTATS Nirmal Sharma Corley’s love traced to Vizag Source of Drinking Water Hand pumps and wells are a common By Sachin Parashar source of drinking water for most Indians. TIMES NEWS NETWORK Online crush Out of 36% with access to tap water only 17% have it in their premises New Delhi: US national Ken- •Western Union in Delhi had three fund transfers of 700 dollars neth Corley and the Delhi po- each from Corley to his online crush Others 9.6% lice’s search for ‘‘Aishwarya •Corley had said that he had not heard from the ‘‘woman’’ after Well Rai’’ has led them to a Vishakha- 18.2% patnam cyber cafe. Corley was he sent the money Handpump duped of 2,100 dollars by a per- •The ‘‘woman’’ also told him that while her father was an Indian, Taps 35.7% son who had mailed him the Bol- her mother was Italian 36.7% lywood actress’ photographs on- line. The person had later claimed that she was an Aish- sioner of police (crime) Depen- immediately requested her to warya Rai look-alike. But the po- dra Pathak, adding that the po- visit him in USA. The person, lice say there is a distinct possi- lice would pursue the matter however, claimed that she did bility that the person is a man further only if Corley insists on not have the money to reach posing as a woman. it. him. On this, he had sent her The e-mail sender had told A cyber crime cell officer said 1,400 dollars. After that he again New Mexico resident, Corley, the police were in a position to sent 700 dollars through West- Source: Census of India 2001 she was a resident of Delhi. The nail the culprit. ‘‘We are refrain- ern Union money transfer. The two were apparently contem- ing, as we are yet to receive a for- person told him that her name plating marriage. Corley had mal complaint from Corley.This was Anita and that she lived in sent 2,100 dollars to the is clearly a case of cheating,’’ he the New Delhi area. ‘‘woman’’ through Western said. Corley had said that he had To chat on SMS send 'cchat' to 8888 Union money transfer to enable Corley had earlier told The not heard from the woman after “I don't want to kill people” — DAYA NAYAK, her travel to New Mexico. Times of India that he had he sent the money. The woman Sub-Inspector, Crime Branch, Mumbai Police The Delhi Police has identi- made a mistake in approaching also told him that while her fa- For complete chat log on to http://chat.indiatimes.com fied the cyber cafe used by the the police and that the ‘‘woman’’ ther was an Indian, her mother person, but are yet to zero in on was flying to New Mexico to was Italian. the person as the complainant meet him. After that he had ‘‘Western Union in Delhi had has asked them to refrain from stopped communicating with three fund transfers of $ 700 doing so. the police. each from me to her. When 2 pm: Kaizzad • Ek Din...: At best, a well-made ‘‘Corley provided us a few de- ‘‘The person met Corley on somebody told me that it could Capadia telefilm tails initially which helped us the Internet. Corley became be a cheat, I thought I was out of Fitness Expert Nandita Das steals the show in this track down the person. He has fond of her and asked her to a dream come true with a very On the science of slice-of-life movie made by the late weight training Anant Balani. Rahul Bose is wasted now told us no action should be send her pictures. The person, beautiful, artistic and spiritual in a 20-minute role, and the movie taken against the person and however, sent Aishwarya Rai’s Indian woman,’’ Corley had 4 pm: Aasma is just not worth shelling out 150 that there was no need to identi- photograph, claiming they were said. Corley further said that Popstars bucks. The movie is good for fy her either. He is obviously her’s,’’ said an officer. this was a story of love and that On what Nandita fans. sentimental about the whole Corley apparently liked the nothing otherwise should be sets them apart from the other To listen, log on to thing,’’ said deputy commis- photographs so much that he read into it. desi pop bands? http://talkradio.indiatimes.com Consumer complaints on inflated BSES bills High capacity buses: Only on film TIMES NEWS NETWORK By Shruti Kohli the pilot route between New Delhi: B L Behel’s Kashmere Gate TIMES NEWS NETWORK Ambedkar Nagar and ISBT shop downed shutters over a year ago. The New Delhi: For a change, Kashmiri Gate. man was hoping to spend the rest of his days ‘‘The buses are ready to in peaceful retirement. However he has the Delhi government has be introduced. But the road spent the last two months running from pil- kept a promise. The high re-engineering work is lar to post to get his electricity bill corrected. capacity bus system pending,’’ said Srivastava. Instead of a bill of Rs 771 that he received (HCBS) will be introduced A meeting at the chief sec- in November 2002, Behel’s July 2003 bill this month. But don’t get retary level will take place amounted to Rs 4,94,587.79. ‘‘Despite my ill- excited, it will only be a health I have been everywhere from BSES’s screen-experience. All you within 10 days to discuss offices to the consumer redressal forum. get is a film on the buses in the project, he said. They have not corrected my bill,’’ he said. foreign locales at the India Municipal Corporation Behel added that private power distribution International Trade Fair of Delhi (MCD) commis- company BSES officials, had checked his (IITF). sioner Rakesh Mehta said Delhi’s dream to see high capacity buses like this one are the project awaited the fi- shop and even submitted a report that con- Delhi special secretary far from becoming a reality soon. curred with the consumer’s complaint, but (transport) Jalaj Srivastava nance department’s ap- little has been done. ‘‘I do not want any lia- said: ‘‘The transport de- to know when the buses leased in October, 2002 proval. ‘‘The project costs bilities. I have paid my dues but the arrears partment is exhibiting the will run on Delhi roads. promised that by Novem- Rs 4 crore per kilometre, it continue to be added to my bill,’’ he said. Metro, the HCBS, and the Delhi transport minister ber, 2003 high capacity bus- can’t be hurried,’’ he said. P C Garg from Okhla who received a bill of conversion of public trans- Ajay Maken says it will es would run on five corri- A detailed survey of the Rs 4,642,428.22 in September instead of an port to CNG as its major only happen after the elec- dors stretching over 100 stretch between Ambedkar average Rs 15,000 also complains besides the achievements at the IITF.’’ tions now. km. November is here, but Nagar and Moolchand has inconvenience of getting inflated bill, it was No one, however, seems The transport policy re- work is yet to begin even on been conducted. an uphill task getting it corrected. ‘‘The staff is rude and we keep getting sent from one desk to the other.The situation is as bad as a government office. I don’t feel the benefits of DU teachers’ hunger strike on Dec 14 Japanese held at IGI privatisation,’’ a resident said. TIMES NEWS NETWORK the Delhi Development Authority at Consumer complaints continue to stretch a cost of Rs 70 lakhs and has great for possessing bullet across the board in south, central, and east New Delhi: The Delhi University ‘‘historical significance’’. Union Delhi. Most residents complain that despite Teachers Association (DUTA), DU members are now demanding an in- TIMES NEWS NETWORK repeated reminder and letters, the company Researchers’ Association (DURA), quiry into the demolition and want New Delhi: The Delhi Police have fails to take cognizance of their fault. the Karmachari Union (DUCKU), university authorities to restore it arrested a Japanese citizen from the Indira Says an Anand Vihar resident P N Goyal, and the Delhi University Students’ to its original form. Gandhi International Airport for possessing ‘‘After the new meter was installed I should Union (DUSU) will be going on a day ‘‘The most shocking fact is that a bullet. have been billed on the new meter reading long hunger strike on November 14 this Nehru memorial has been de- Makita Masaru (25), who works with the instead of taking an average consumption to protest against the demolition of molished under the guise of restora- Japanese government, was apprehended reading.’’ Though the wrong billing was in the Jawahar Gulab Vatika in the DU tion of the vice-regal lodge, when while he was about to board an Uzbekistan April, Goyal has not been able to get redres- main campus. the garden does not even come in Airlines flight, on Wednesday night. sal despite complaining to BSES’s east Delhi The representative bodies say way of the restoration work,’’ said a The .38 bore bullet was detected in his office and the DERC. that the Vatika was constructed by DUTA executive member. hand-baggage during X-ray screening. Deputy commissioner of police (airport) D C Srivastava said:‘‘The bullet had the mark of a firing pin on it.’’ The police have regis- tered a case under the Arms Act and in- formed the Japanese embassy. Masaru was questioned by a joint team of the Intelli- gence Bu- reau and the special branch. However, nothing sus- picious came on record, the police said. During the interroga- tion, Masaru said that he was a tourist and had been to America, Bangladesh , Syria, Pak- istan, Viet- nam and China. Two and a half months back when he was in Cambodia, Masaru said he had indulged in shooting practice. ‘‘Appar- ently, one of the bullets misfired and he kept it,’’ Srivas- tava said. Masaru reached In- dia two months ago. What has surprised the police is that the bul- let was not noticed in Masaru’s baggage at the time of his arrival.

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The Times of India, New Delhi DELHI Friday,November 7, 2003 3 Criminal held in Karol Bagh EC to notify New Delhi: The crime branch has arrested a man who was Harshvardhan may pull off hat-trick a proclaimed offender in three cases, including one under TADA, from Karol Bagh. The police seized a locally-made TIMES NEWS NETWORK problem but his electorate poll today pistol and a live cartridge from the accused. refuses to pin blame on the ‘‘Amarjeet Singh Jeeta had been booked under the Nation- New Delhi:‘‘Krishna Nagar TIMES NEWS NETWORK MLA. ‘‘The water supply is al Security Act (NSA). He has been booked again under NSA is no different from any oth- bad all over east Delhi, and New Delhi: Elections which means he won’t be able to get bail,’’ said deputy er east Delhi area, low lying mandate 2003 the quality of water is also for the Delhi Assembly commissioner of police (crime) Dependra Pathak. TNN with narrow streets and by- bad, but since all over Delhi will be notified on Fri- lanes and a teeming popula- Krishna Nagar Sitting MLA: Harshvardhan (BJP) it is not that good, the 3 day.This will mean addi- tion, so basic services are hours of water we receive is tional restrictions for po- more important here than Overall Performance: ★★★✩✩ fine,’’ adds Baldev Singh. litical parties. caste combination of the ★★★✩✩ ★★✩✩✩ Harshvardhan’s initiative According to EC area,’’ says Sudha Sharma a Accessibility: Water: in getting a 25-bed materni- guidelines, no official resident of Krishna Nagar. Power: ★★★✩✩ Sanitation: ★★✩✩✩ Roads ★★★✩✩ ty centre in the area has functions can now be at- In fact, for the past ten MLA’s Profile: An ENT specialist, he was health minister in the 1993 BJP-led Delhi government. Introduced the been much appreciated. tended by the members years that Dr Harshvard- Anti-smoking Bill in the Delhi Assembly. Has won both times from the Krishna Nagar constituency The building of pucca of the Delhi cabinet. The han, the sitting MLA from rooms in the 21 government notification also means the area has been their rep- WHAT’S BETTER...... AND WHAT’S NOT schools have also drawn ap- that the chief minister resentative, the residents ▼ and the council of minis- have had a very basic crite- ▲ Schools: 21 schools in the area with Parking: Narrow inner roads and local ters will have to hit the rion for evaluating his per- resistance to building parking lots at least 12 rooms In 1993, the water campaign trail in private formance. “ vehicles. ‘‘In 1993, the water log- ▲ Power: A 33 KV grid station at Kanti ▼ Sanitation: Dhalaos not cleared logging after the heavy Any official order will ging after the heavy mon- regularly. Residents blame the MCD Nagar Extension eased power woes monsoon used to also go out in the L-G’s or soon used to continue there the chief secretary’s for days and days. However, ▲ Roads: Largescale carpeting of roads. ▼ Cattle menace: Despite frequent continue there for name. According to Del- now its come down to a few New cement roads drives, no end to bovine trouble in sight days on end. However, hi’s Chief Electoral Offi- hours,’’ says Sushil Arya, a cer (CEC) Arun Goyal, resident of Kanti Nagar ex- ▲ ▼ Waterlogging: Roads waterlogged for now it has come down Parks : 33 parks developed. A 22-acre the CEC will start receiv- tension. Harshvardhan says park in Kanti Nagar Extension days during rains this year to a few hours ing nomination papers that the worst water logging ’’ from Friday. ‘‘The con- still occurs near his own — Sushil Arya trol room has started house nearVijay chowk. PROMISES WHAT’S BEEN FORGOTTEN Resident functioning and Delhi ‘‘So no one can point a fin- Police, MCD, NDMC, and ger and accuse me of feath- Water: Underground reservoir at Kanti ▼ Traffic management: Poor efforts have preciation. Delhi Cantonment ering my own nest,’’ he caused depreciation of land rates Nagar Extension to ease things East Delhi has largely Board have appointed chuckles. been a Congress-friendly nodal officers to enforce Others are not that chari- Old age home: For the homeless ▼ Sewers: Some areas still not area, and the MLA’s main ri- the code,’’ he said. table. Baldev Singh, a resi- elderly at Kanti Nagar Extension connected to sewage mains val in 1993 was Arvinder ‘‘Nearly 2462 hoard- dent of east Seelampur says Singh, Lovely’s father ings and over 67,000 the concentration of most Auditorium: A 528-seat auditorium at ▼ Development: Areas other than Balvinder Singh. posters have been re- high profile projects has the cost of Rs 2 crore Kanti Nagar extension neglected ‘‘The fact that I am repre- moved by these bodies been in Kanti Nagar Exten- senting this place for 10 till now, and 2 cases been sion area. ‘‘From the water ▼ Stormdrains: Most of them are Coffee home: A coffee home to come straight years means that registered with the po- reservoirs, to parks, and up at Kanti Nagar Extension choked, causing sanitation problems people are happy with me,’’ lice,’’ he added. even the coffee homes all says Harshvardhan. have been built in Kanti Na- Even Pandit, who is a se- gar Extension,’’ he says. KEY OPPONENTS: S N Mishra, Ramesh Pandit (Cong) rious contender for the Con- Harshvardhan has a very gress ticket from the area re- simple answer to this com- Opponent’s Poll Plank fuses to say that his rival did plaint. ‘‘Land in my con- no work. stituency is very scarce, Improvement in sanitation with special arrangement to pick up garbage from dhalaos. Kanti Nagar is the only Traffic management at Lal Quarter and Krishna Nagar shopping areas. Improve roads ‘‘My aim will be to im- place where large tracts of prove on what Harshvard- to check waterlogging. Focus on basic services rather than peripherals like gymnasiums, han has done so far, just land have been available for swimming pools and beautification of parks development,’’ he says. faster than he has, I wont take 10 years to get the A major problem that per- Rating Key: Poor ★ Average ★★ Good ★★★ Very Good ★★★★ Outstanding ★★★★★ sists in the area is sanita- sewage lines to improve,’’ he tion, with overflowing dha- Says MCD councillor ‘‘The area is jam packed than satisfied with Harsh- said. laons and non-working Ramesh Pandit,‘‘There are with people, with very little vardhan. The recipient of a World sewage lines. Although the still some areas where space left for any kind of de- ‘‘The 33 KV grid station at Health Organisation (WHO) MLA claims that he has laid no lines exist, let alone old velopmental work,’’ says Kanti Nagar Extension has award for moving, as Delhi new sewage lines in all ar- sewage lines.’’ Sanitation Laxmi Goel, who owns a augmented power supply health minister, the anti- eas of the constituency, in fact is one area where sweet shop in the area. How- here,’’ says Jai Bhagwan, smoking Act in the city, some rural areas still lack the constituency lags be- ever, when it comes to pow- another resident. Harshvardhan might still these basic facilities. hind. er, his electorate is more Water still remains a pull a third term off.

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4 Friday,November 7, 2003 DELHI The Times of India, New Delhi

FLIGHTS OUT WEATHER OF DELHI Rainfall likely at isolated places in Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipurm, Mizoram, NATIONAL Tripura,WB, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh.At few places in Mumbai: I-A 0700, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, south Konkan and Goa, 0800, 0900, 1200, 1300, south madhya Maharashtra, coastal Andhra Pradesh, Rayalaseema, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, The SMS bug bites the BJP think tank too 2300 Jet Air 0650, Karnataka, Andaman and Nicobar islands, Lakshadweep. At many places in . Mainly dry weather will prevail over the rest 0800, 0935, 1400, 1725, TIMES NEWS NETWORK dengue in the city has been campaign messages. While the BJP plans to 1935, 2030, 2200, of the country. Tech fight is on Sahara 1700, 0935, INDIA WORLD making the rounds for a few Says Vimal Khurana, Del- concentrate on door to door 1520, 1800, 2025 New Delhi: ‘‘My Delhi, I days now. hi BJP chief Madan Lal campaigning, new technol- KOLKATA: I-A 0700, Max Min Max Min Max Min BJP, too, decides to use SMS and e-mail to reach out Amsterdam 12 06 care, let’s not think about • 1600★★,1700,1945 Delhi 33 16 Guwahati 30 21 According to BJP to voters Khurana’s son: ‘‘We are ogy will also come in handy. Jet Air 0600, 1720, Mumbai 35 26 Dehradun 27 12 Bahrain 30 22 dengue, I’ll worry about my sources, ‘‘This is not official planning a tie-up with an With posters and banners Sahara 0620,1915 33 24 Hyd’bad 30 16 Bangkok NA NA chair.’’ This ditty sent to CHENNAI: I-A Kolkata 32 22 Indore 32 18 Beijing 14 03 campaigning, just a prank •They add, however, that the party has nothing to do agency to send out SMSs banned by the Election 0640,0955★★★ Bangalore 29 19 Jaipur 34 19 Chicago 21 08 thousands of cell phone started by someone, a with the SMS jokes making the rounds and e-mail to the elec- Commission, and loud 1645,1900 Jet Air Ahm’bad 37 21 Lucknow 32 16 Geneva 12 02 0645,1900 users through the short catchy way to get attention torate.’’ speakers not allowed after T’puram 30 22 Patna 29 18 Hong Kong 28 22 BANGALORE: messaging service (SMS) is to issues.’’ •An unofficial SMS war is thus on with .the Congress Apart from that, the par- 10 pm, this is cheap and ef- I-A 0650, 1645, 1900 Bhopal 33 19 Rajkot 35 23 London 15 06 Jet Air 0635,1715, B’eshwar 31 23 Shimla 19 09 Los Angeles 18 08 part of the SMS war going The recent conviction of ty will also tap local cable fective way to reach out to Sahara 0725, 1745 Pune 29 18 Srinagar 19 04 Moscow 06 -3 on between the BJP and the the former youth Congress medium, its creative too,’’ are quick to distance them- networks to beam election people. HY’BAD:I-A 0630, 1745 Congress in the city. GOA: I-A 1200, TRAIN RESERVATIONS leader, Sushil Sharma has said a party source. selves from these jokes. The messages to people’s homes. ‘‘SMS is creative, and Sahara 1200 The message about the in fact provided more grist Even as the BJP is tying underground war,say party ‘‘RWAs will be contacted for catchy,almost everyone has KULU: Jagson 0630, ★ Earliest date on which berth / seats were available at 2000 hrs. on Delhi government’s inept to the mill for chatpata a more personal access pro- a cell phone nowadays,’’ 0650, 1215 06.11.2003 in important trains leaving various Delhi stations. up with professional agen- leaders, is different from AHMEDABAD: response to the outbreak of SMS. ‘‘SMS is an effective cies to send out SMSs, they the official, more sedate grammes,’’ said Khurana. said a party source. I-A 0600,1700★★1845, Train No. Train / Exp / Mail 1 ac 2 ac Ac 3t Sl Jet Air 0610 NORTH GUWAHATI—BAGDOGRA: 4033 Jammu Mail 10.11 11.11 17.11 16.11 I-A 0555★★, 1010• ★ Jet Air 1010 4645 Shalimar Exp — 27.11 19.11 13.11 Ph: I-A:140,142. ★ Mon, Wed, 2403 Jammu Exp 12.11 17.11 17.11 24.11 Fri, ★★Tue, Thu, Sat, ★★★ EAST Mon-Fri, Sun, Jet Air: (City) 2302 Kolkata Rajdhani 08.11 10.11 12.11 — 6853700, (Airport) 25665404 Dikshit, Prem Singh cross swords Sahara: (City) 2335901-9, 2304 Poorva Exp 12.11 09.11 12.11 27.11 (Airport) 25675234/875, (Tele- 2382 Poorva Exp 10.11 07.11 10.11 01.12 BJP gets tough Checkin) 25662600. • Mon, Fri. 2312 Kalka Mail N.A. 09.11 14.11 03.12 By Nistula Hebbar ta, while Prem Singh is TIMES NEWS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL 2392 Magadh Exp 07.11 13.11 08.11 11.11 War of the seats pushing Harcharan Singh 2418 Prayag Raj Exp 07.11 08.11 08.11 10.11 Josh. In some seats, the BANGKOK/TOKYO: Thai 4056 Brahmputra Mail — N.A. 27.11 01.12 New Delhi: The BJP came Air 0010 (TG-316), 5622 North East Exp — 11.11 26.11 08.12 process of candidate selec- A-I 0050 (IC-855) out with its first list of 35 on dissidents 2554 Vaishali Exp 07.11 12.11 11.10 25.11 tion is stalled due to wholly FRANKFURT: Lufthansa 2816 Puri Exp — 10.11 10.11 13.11 candidates for the Delhi as- unexpected reasons. TIMES NEWS NETWORK 0305 (LH-761) 2802 Purshottam Exp — 24.11 11.10 17.11 sembly polls on Wednesday. Sachdeva has been a AMSTERDAM: 8476 Neelanchal Exp — 14.10 07.11 11.11 In Hauz Khas, everyone long time party worker The Congress, however, ap- KLM 0140 (KL-472) 4230 Lucknow Mail 08.11 12.11 12.11 17.11 CM Sheila Dikshit and DPCC chief Choudhary Prem Singh had expected sitting MLA New Delhi: Bharatiya and is a former member of LONDON: British Air WEST pears in no hurry to disclose in a deadlock over selection of candidates Kiran Walia to be fielded Janata Party’s Delhi chief the New Delhi Municipal 0210 (BA-142) 2904 Golden Temple Mail 10.11 13.11 17.11 03.12 this information. PARIS: Air France 2926 Paschim Exp 13.11 17.11 24.11 10.12 Seat: Kamla Nagar again. Both the CM and Madan Lal Khurana has Council (NDMC). Accord- The official reason may be 0040 (AF-147), 2952 Mumbai Rajdhani 17.11 17.11 17.11 — CM's candidate : Purushottam Goel Prem Singh however, have suspended from the party, ing to sources, he had op- A-I 0205 (AI-159) 2954 AG Kranti Rajdhani 12.11 14.11 17.11 — ‘‘consultation with the the New Delhi district SINGAPORE: Sin’pore Prem Singh's candidate: Shaadi Ram expressed ambiguity about posed NDMC members 2474 Sarvodaya Exp — 04.11 20.11 20.10 screening committee,’’ but chief Kedarnath Sachde- Airlines 2315 (SQ-407), 1078 Jhelum Exp — 19.11 18.11 18.11 Seat: Model Town her. Chances are that she like Mohini Garg at that A-I 0050 (IC-855) 2916 Ashram Exp 08.11 14.11 14.11 16.10 the real reason is the tug of va for four months. The CM's candidate: Amit Goel might still be repeated. time too. ‘‘I wanted to sus- DAHRAIN: SOUTH war between Delhi chief In Sultanpuri too the situ- gesture has sent a strong A-I 0245 (AI-818) 2616 G T Exp 09.11 10.11 11.10 11.11 Prem Singh's : Sushil Goel pend him four months ROME/MANCHESTER: 2622 Tamil Nadu Exp 10.11 10.11 11.11 11.11 minister Sheila Dikshit and ation is piquant with the signal to the rank and file back but did not. This Seat: Timarpur A-I 0300 (AI-139) 2432 Trivandrum Raj 18.11 N.A. 09.11 — Delhi Congress chief Choud- Jaikishan being a strong of the party just ahead of kind of rank indiscipline HONG KONG/SEOUL: 2626 Kerala Exp — 10.11 10.11 18.11 hary Prem Singh. CM's candidate: Harishankar Gupta A-I 2340 (AI-310) candidate and having the the Assembly elections. will not be tolerated,’’ said 2618 Mangala Exp — 17.11 17.11 16.11 The deadlock, which con- Prem Singh's candidate: Harcharan Singh Josh AIR INDIA 2628 Karnataka Exp — 11.11 10.11 12.11 support of both factions. The move, reportedly, Khurana. 2724 A P Exp 12.11 11.11 11.11 13.11 tinued on Thursady night’s The only question mark on was prompted by Sachde- Sachdeva has not just AHMEDABAD/MUMBAI: 2430 Banglore Rajdhani 10.11 24.11 18.11 — meeting with the screening According to sources in Kunwar Karan Singh,’’ said his candidature is his name va’s open opposition to the 0010 (AI 127) 7022 Dakshin Express — 10.11 — 10.11 been accused of opposing MUMBAI: 2030 (AI 471) commitee resulted in the the party, a few seats have the source. candidature of Poonam No. of passengers dealt on 05.11.2003 (Delhi Area): 61,446 (N. Rly. Area) being mentioned in connec- the party’s choice but of A-I: (City)23736446 /47/48 2,45,296. It does not necessarily mean that reservation is available on all meeting being called off in turned out to be especially ‘‘The CM’s candidate from tion with the 1984 anti-Sikh Azad, wife of cricketer releasing a statement to (Air.)25652050, British Air: subsequent dates. For further information regarding reservation: Ph: 131 for (Air.) 25652908, Lufthansa: computerised PNR, for status enquiry contact 1330, 1335, 1345. 40 minutes. ‘‘They were problematic. Model Town is Amit Goel, riots by the Nanavati Com- Kirti Azad, from the Gole that effect. According to 23323310, Singapore Airlines (Information supplied by Indian Railways) 23356286, Thai Air: 3323638 deadlocked over nearly 50 ‘‘In Kamla Nagar, Dikshit son of long time leader J P mission. With matters now market constituency. sources in the party,there seats. Now the screening wants to push Purushottam Goel, while Prem Singh and in the hands of Sonia Gand- Apart from Azad, Sachde- were reports that Sachde- commitee has decided that Goel, while Prem Singh Jagdish Tytler are pushing hi, CM Sheila Dikshit is sup- va also opposed the candi- va had also asked several all those with a list of candi- wants Shaadi Ram. In Model Sushil Goel’s case,’’ said the posed to have gained the up- dature of Manoj Jain, who party members not to at- dates should send it directly Town, the situation is source. per hand in candidate selec- has been asked to fight tend Khurana’s Parivar- ‘Bigger fleet to to Sonia Gandhi,’’ said a strange with bothe being In Timarpur, the CM is tion due to her good rapport from Minto Road. tan Yatra. source. against the sitting MLA pushing Harishankar Gup- with Gandhi. bring in revenue’ Neeraj Paul TIMES NEWS NETWORK It might be quite a quiet DTC annual audit New Delhi: Delhi transport minister Ajay Maken be- •November 6, 2002: lieves that adding more bus- Rs 1.24 crores poll this December es to the Delhi Transport October 27, 2003: Corporation (DTC) fleet • TIMES NEWS NETWORK Rs 1.25 crores alone can help check its fi- New Delhi: Election ticket- nancial losses. SOUNDS LIKE ELECTIONS aspirants beware. Don’t A comparative study of poration made on this day make too much noise during DTC’s performance over the this year is almost the same The Law campaigning or you will in- past one year has proved as it was a year ago even as ● vite trouble. Noise level limits (in decibels) Day: 55 Night 45 that the addition of 500 bus- the bus fleet was increased This is the message sent es has not had a bearing on by over 500 buses for the par- The Loopholes out by the state election of- the Corporation’s revenue. ticular day. ● fice to all ticket-aspirants. Election officials unaware of the official limits The DTC incurs a loss of DTC fleet strength on Bhai ● Acting on the Election Com- Punitive action only if there is a complaint about Rs 100 crore annually. Duj last year was 2,688. This mission’s directives, the Every year, the DTC makes year it was 3,222. state electoral office has What enforcers say an assessment of its per- A senior DTC (finance) of- ● warned political parties Limited number of decibel meters formance a day after Diwali ficial said, ‘‘Private players against going overboard ● on Bhai Duj. This year’s like the Blueline buses have Meters unreliable with loud speakers and late study shows that the DTC marred the business.’’ as proved during Diwali night meetings. has made no improvement However, Maken is quite Delhi’s chief electoral offi- even as the number of buses happy about the increase in cer, Arun Goyal said: ‘‘The the annual earnings of the has increased by about 20 EC has ordered stringent ac- per cent. The earnings made corporation during the fi- Catching 40 winks while the high command decides who gets the all-important ticket. tion to be taken against the on this festival day every nancial year 2002-03. He said, Congress ticket-seekers in front of the AICC office. indiscriminate use of loud- year has been set as the stan- ‘‘DTC earned a revenue of speakers at odd hours and at dard to judge the perform- Rs 332 crores during the fi- odd places, like schools and ance of the DTC bus fleet. nancial year 2002-03 which is hospitals.’’ The revenue that the cor- the highest ever recorded.’’ Held for murder after 10 years The authorities have been TIMES NEWS NETWORK Pramod, who was arrested mother. ‘‘They developed a asked to adhere to the on Sunday for murdering his close friendship,’’ Golcha Supreme Court guidelines, New Delhi: A man, Shyam mother.’’ said. governing noise pollution Sunder, has been arrested Pramod told the police On November 25, 1993, standards. ‘‘As far as the use for murdering a court clerk, that he was upset with the Sunder and his friends al- of loudspeakers is con- Pratap Singh, in west Delhi relationship between Sun- legedly murdered Singh cerned, the Environment cy of these meters are sus- under Section 66 of the Del- 10 years ago. der and his mother. Sunder with the help of Pramod’s Protection Act, 1986, clearly pect. A senior Delhi Police hi Police Act,’’ said P S Deputy commissioner of reportedly met Pramod’s mother, who left the en- specifies separate noise lev- officer said, ‘‘Diwali has Bhushan, DCP (election cell). police (west) Satish Golcha mother 10 years ago when he trance door to the house els for residential, commer- shown that these meters are said: ‘‘Sunder’s involvement came to Delhi from Meerut. open. Pramod and his broth- cial and industrial areas,’’ not always reliable. Enforce- It has been observed that in the murder was disclosed He apparently belonged to er, Sandeep, were witnesses an officer said. ment of the SC guidelines the use of loudspeakers, by Singh’s 20-year-old son, the same state as Pramod’s to the incident. However, some officials will be a problem.’’ whether fitted onto a vehicle admit that there are rules to Officials also agree that or in public meetings, for regulate the decibel limit, the punishment is not strin- election campaigning adds Vigilance inquiry but inadequate decibel me- gent enough to contain the to the noise pollution. Be- ters in districts. Also, the violators. ‘‘A fine of Rs 500 sides being a public nui- confusion over how to meas- would be slapped against the sance, loudspeakers also into MCD lapses in ure the noise level restricts contesting MLA. Else, the give rise to tension in a po- its effective enforcement. loudspeaker alongwith the litically surcharged atmos- tackling dengue Moreover, the very effica- vehicle could be confiscated phere. By Himanshi Dhawan Residents oppose TIMES NEWS NETWORK New Delhi: Municipal Corporation of Delhi ladies’ park (MCD) commissioner Rakesh Mehta has asked the civic agency’s vigilance department to inquire in TIMES NEWS NETWORK to the functioning of two health department offi- New Delhi: A ‘‘ladies’ park ‘’ in Man- cials with respect to the dengue crisis. The number dakini Enclave is emerging as a battle of dengue cases in the city has reached 2,539. turf for residents. Everything seems The department is expected to submit a report to be contentious here, and few seem on November 10. Mehta had issued memos to addi- to be pleased that a green patch is be- tional medical health officer Dr Sat Pal and deputy ing developed in their neighbour- medical health officer Dr N K Yadav on Monday. hood. Battlelines are drawn and the Confirming this, Mehta added: ‘‘We had sent mem- ladies’ club members and other resi- os to both officials, questioning their role in han- dents are preparing for a head-on. dling the crisis.’’ The foundation stone for the park The course of action will be decided once the vig- was laid on October 6, by Subhash ilance completes the inquiry.According to a senior Chopra, the local MLA. A hall with a official, however, heads are likely to roll. The re- seating capacity of 100-150 for women port will look into the lapses in the officials’ reac- is also reported to be coming up in the tion to the crisis, despite the presence of an action park. plan formulated after the 1996 outbreak. Residents, are not impressed. ‘‘It is MCD sources, however, say that those responsi- an archaic idea, having a park exclu- ble might once again go unscathed as in 1996 when sively for women. Why are we going over 400 people died and 10,000 people were affect- back a 100 years in time?,’’ said Nalini ed by dengue. Nayak, a peeved resident. A signature ‘‘Those officials did not face any disciplinary ac- campaign has been started. Chopra, tion then. It is likely that political pressure will however, said the park was promised bail them out once again. It’s only junior officials in the party manifesto. ‘‘The park is who are being made scapegoats for the entire being developed by the government. I episode,’’ said a source. know that residents have raised ob- In a related development, the 135 fogging ma- jections,’’ he said. chines that had been ordered by the MCD a fort- night ago, have finally arrived and have been pressed in to service. Meanwhile, 35 fresh cases were reported on Thursday.No deaths have been reported so far. MCD officials said that 1,990 employees checked 1,04,556 homes and found mosquitos breeding in 192. Legal notices were sent to 123 people, while the remaining were prosecuted.

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The Times of India, New Delhi DELHI Friday,November 7, 2003 5 Priest molests minor, held Using scrap to inspire budding Einsteins By Bhadra Sinha family. ‘‘She had gone to the Priyadas joined the organ- TIMES NEWS NETWORK By Surabhi Upadhyay VIII. Practical lessons for making 3-dimensional homes. Each teacher is to place of worship for her dai- isation five years ago. He is a TIMES NEWS NETWORK Scrap from various in- models of abstract cell and have one kit as well, so that ly prayers,’’ he added. resident of . During New Delhi: A 29-year-old The girl had gone to the their interaction at the place dustries alongwith com- •New science text- organ structures in biology. he or she can work out ways priest was arrested for al- New Delhi: Students in mon household articles will ‘‘Most of the writing in which to use the kit to its temple at 8 pm when of worship, the girl’s family Delhi’s government schools books being prepared legedly molesting a minor Priyadas garlanded her. The came to know more about be used for preparing these by the SCERT will be work for textbooks is near- ‘‘maximum potential’’ and girl in a place of worship in have some ‘‘practical ac- kits. Used mineral water ing completion and we will demonstrate experiments accused caught her and Priyadas. ‘‘They took a lik- tion’’ in store for them, dur- accompanied by special Lajpat Nagar area. The ac- kissed her.This outraged the ing for him and was invited bottles, cardboard pieces, kits now be focusing on the kits. in class. cused threatened the girl, a ing their science classes. bits of plastic pipes, ther- The idea is to provide stu- The SCERT had been des- public in the pooja hall. for dinner to their home on The new science textbooks student of Class 12 with dire They called for the police several occassions,’’ the offi- mocol used in packaging, •Different kits will be dents with an additional ignated the task of prepar- consequences when the po- being prepared by the State empty cosmetic bottles and tool alongwith their books ing textbooks for classes I to posted at the temple and cer said. prepared for students lice apprehended him on Council for Education Re- toy cars — the list may not so as to motivate them to ex- VIII following a row over handed over Priyadas to Priyadas reportedly also from Classes 3 to 8 Tuesday night. An FIR (No: search and Training sound very scientific, but periment and take greater copyright issues between them. got friendly with the girl. 706/03) has been filed. (SCERT) will be accompa- authorities are hoping that •Scrap will be used for interest in the subject,’’ the state government and According to the police of- ‘‘The parents permitted Ramanand Priyadas was nied by special ‘‘science these simple articles will preparing these kits said SCERT director, Jana- the National Council for ficer, the girl’s parents also them to speak to each other roughed up by a an irate kits’’, so that students can change the way science is ki Rajan. Education Research and work as preachers with the since they thought he was a mob after the word about the ‘‘learn by doing.’’ taught in schools. as delivery tubes in various According to officials, be- Training. The government organisation. ‘‘Both parents spiritual person and it incident spread. The police Different kits will be pre- While used mineral wa- experiments. Packaging sides providing some basic had said that it did not are otherwise doctors by would be beneficial for their had to step up security as the pared as per the curricu- ter and cosmetic bottles cardboard is to be used for material, the kits will also agree with ‘‘a certain line of profession. But they have daughter to interact with lum and will be given to all will be used as beakers and making test tube holders have a list of articles which thought’’ present in the situation got tense. now left their profession to him. The incident has, how- students from classes III to jars, the pipes will be used and thermocol will be used can be easily found at their NCERT textbooks. A police officer said the serve here,’’ the officer ever,shocked them,’’ the offi- accused knows the girl’s added. cer said. TOI Diversion: Motorists avoid Two held with Chandni Chowk Main Road, More parking Qutab Road, Rani Jhansi Road, 66-yr-old killed Roshnara Road, Chanta elephant tusks Char, Shakti Nagar, Rani space at Pratap Marg between 9 am TIMES NEWS NETWORK and 6 pm. TNN trade fair Ghaziabad: Sahibabad po- in Janakpuri lice arrested two men with TIMES NEWS NETWORK TIMES NEWS NETWORK ter-in-law on their return two large pieces of elephant from office. tusks on Wednesday. The New Delhi: A 65-year-old New Delhi: With just a ‘‘Her daughter-in-law men hailing from Bijnor woman was found dead in week left for the Trade works with the National Fair to begin, the India have been booked under Sec- her residence at Janakpuri Museum. They found the Trade Promotion Or- tions 51, 52 and 57 of the in west Delhi on Wednesday body lying in a pool of blood ganisation has man- Wildlife Protection Act. evening. on their return from of- aged to arrange for a lit- According to Ghaziabad The police said that the fice,’’ he said. tle more parking space superintendent of police body of the woman, Raj Ba- The police ruled out rob- for visitor’s vehicles. (city), Umesh Srivastava, Ji- tra, had injury marks on The Northern Railway tendra and Surendra were the neck and hands. bery as the motive behind hasagreed to allow nabbed near the Hindon riv- ‘‘The woman was a re- the murder, saying that parking on land which er following a tip off. The ac- tired clerk with CPWD. Her there was no ransacking of formerly housed its cused were found carrying husband died about 30 the house. container depot be- approximately 5 kgs of ivory years ago,’’ said deputy ‘‘The assailants were ap- Former Youth Congress leader Sushil Sharma is finally nailed. tween Bhairon Road in a cloth bag. commissioner of police parently served tea and Ring Road on On interrogation, they told (west) Satish Golcha. before they attacked the Thursday. the police they had pur- “She was living with her woman. The entry into the ITPO officials claim Sushil’s fate to be decided today chased the ivory from some son, who is a computer pro- house was friendly,’’ said an that the area can ac- Najibabad forest residents fessional with a firm in officer. commodate about 1,500 By Rakesh Bhatnagar such that there is no alter- course for betrayal of the for Rs 20,000. They said they Nehru Place,’’ said Golcha. The police said that a vehicles. Parking will TIMES NEWS NETWORK native but to impose the motherland. Three, when were taking it to Delhi to sell. The police said that the case of murder has been death sentence even after ac- the victim is an innocent also be allowed on the New Delhi: The fate of Investigations are on, said victim’s body was first no- registered in the Janakpuri radial roads at India cording maximum weigh- child, or a helpless woman the SP. ticed by her son and daugh- police station. Sushil Sharma, who killed tage to the mitigating cir- or old or infirm person or a gate. This area has his wife, Naina Sahni, and space for about 800 cars. cumstances which speak in person vis-a-vis whom the burnt her body in a tandoor, favour of the offender? murderer is in a dominating A ‘park and ride’ ferry will be decided on Friday service will be available There are five circum- position or a public figure when sessions judge G P stances under which the ex- generally loved and respect- for visitors who park in Thareja will offer ‘‘special these areas. ‘‘The wild treme penalty can be award- ed by the community. reasons’’ while deciding ed. Four, when a member of a vegetation at the Rail- why Sharma should live or way’s land is being First, when the murder is scheduled caste or minority die. cleared and the land committed in an extremely community is murdered not While dealing with sever- should be ready within brutal, grotesque, diaboli- for personal reasons but in al cases of death sentence, the next three days,’’ cal, revolting or dastardly circumstances which arouse the Supreme Court has said said ITPO general man- manner. Two, when a mur- social wrath; or in case of that the trial court must ask ager Safdar H Khan. der is committed for a mo- ‘‘bride burning’’ or ‘‘dowry two questions and also an- Traffic officials say tive which evinces total de- deaths’’ or when murder is about 23,000 vehicles swer them before awarding pravity and meanness such committed in order to re- are parked around Pra- the extreme penalty. as murder by hired assassin marry for the sake of ex- gati Maidan at any giv- Is there something un- for money or reward or a tracting dowry once again en time of the day dur- common about the crime cold-blooded murder for or to marry another woman ing the trade fair. Till which renders sentence of gains of a person vis-a-vis on account of infatuation. now,ITPO has managed imprisonment for life inade- whom the murderer is in a And five, the crime is to provide space for quate and calls for a death dominating position or in a enormous in proportion. only 8,400 vehicles yet. sentence? And are the cir- position of trust, or the mur- For instance, multiple mur- cumstances of the crime der is committed in the ders.

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The Times of India, New Delhi INDIA Friday,November 7, 2003 7 PTI 3 militants Sinha speaks of killed in J&K Srinagar: Security forces killed an unidentified mili- new Silk Road tant at Gangmar Garoora in Bandipore district on Thurs- TIMES NEWS NETWORK India and Central Asia, day. A pistol and a wireless Sinha announced that the set were recovered from New Delhi: Declaring that Institute of Defence Stud- him, the spokesman said. Central ies and Analyses in Delhi The Army received a tip Asia is would provide 10 scholar- off about heavily armed mil- ‘‘our imme- ships a year to scholars itants waiting at the Line of diate and from Central Asia. In addi- Control to infiltrate, follow- strategic tion, the ICCR would ing which they launched an neighbour- porivde 30 full scholar- operation in Bhagati forest hood’’, ex- ships for students from the area of the district on ternal af- five republics of the re- Wednesday evening. fairs minister Yashwant gion. Two Pakistani (RPT) mili- Sinha has said India would Sinha also pointed out tants were shot dead by do everything it could to that the with the decision troops near the LoC in Ra- strengthen economic and which India, Iran and jouri district on Thursday political ties with the re- Afghanistan have taken to morning, while others es- gion. open a new sea and road caped. He was speaking at the route through the Iranian They were trying to facili- third India-Central Asia port of Chahbahar,the dis- tate the cross over for the conference in the Uzbek tance between India and capital city of Tashkent. heavily armed infiltrators, Central Asia will be re- the spokesman said. Despite being land- duced by 1,500 kms. locked, Central Asia is ca- Two AK rifles, a Pika gun, seven magazines, nine pable of becoming the cen- MORE ON OUR WEBSITE tre of the world, he said, grenades, a UBGL grenade, adding that its oil, gas, ● TVS Cup: Day’s action in pics three IEDs and Rs 24,000 gold, silver and mineral ● Forum: Is Fleming justified in were recovered. and water resources criticising ODI schedule? In another incident, mili- ● meant the region could be- Crisis in Lanka: Live updates tants shot dead one Abdul ● Elections 2003: Complete come ‘‘a new silk road of Rasheed at Kundan Khari in Coverage prosperity once again.’’ Banihal area of Doda dis- Underlining the strate- For round-the-clock Breaking News CHUGGING BACK IN TIME: Steam locomotive engine back on the trict. The police swung into gic congruence between visit www.timesofindia.com track on the occasion of the celebration of 100 years of the action and nabbed the Shimla-Kalka railways in Shimla on Thursday. militants. PTI Tripathi’s cousin arrested in Madhumita case New Delhi: The CBI on Thurs- day arrested two people, includ- ing cousin of former Uttar Pradesh minister Amarmani Tripathi, in connection with the Madhumita Shukla murder case. Santosh Rai and Rohit Chaturvedi were arrested in Luc- know by the agency sleuths. While Rai is a small-time politi- cal leader, Chaturvedi is Tri- pathi’s cousin. The arrests were an important development in solving the murder mystery, sources said. Tripathi had been arrested by the CBI in September in connec- tion with the murder of 24-year- old Madhumita, who was shot dead at her Paper Mill Colony residence by two assailants on May 9 this year. The murder had created a po- litical furore in Uttar Pradesh leading to sacking of Tripathi from the Mayawati-led UP gov- ernment. The case was later handed over to the CBI for thor- ough probe. PTI

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8 Friday,November 7, 2003 INDIA The Times of India, New Delhi Right to read, but a catch in the monitor By Shivani Singh TIMES NEWS NETWORK Educating all? New Delhi: He will have the •Bureaucracy will have power to catch students more powers than bunking school. He can pun- attendance authorities ish parents who don’t send •Immunity granted to their children to school. Or govt officials against take to task a teacher who legal action can’t stop students from bunking school. He will be •Bill silent on powers of influential enough to tell a citizens’ forums posh private school to admit a maali’s daughter and not reservation for poor chil- charge fees. Seems like an dren in private schools. omnipotent authority? Not Educationists say many of really. the powers are an eyewash. The government’s Free ‘‘The Bill proposes to give and Compulsory Education these powers to local bodies For Children Bill promises like gram panchayats and to give these powers to ‘‘at- municipal corporations. tendance authorities’’. But They are elected bodies and like most official promises, perform government func- this also has a catch. tions. So the promise that The attendance authority common man will have a say will be recruited from grass- in basic education for chil- root bodies like gram pan- dren does not hold true,’’ chayats and municipal cor- said Anil Sadgopal, profes- porations. Much like the tru- sor of education, Delhi Uni- ant inspectors in the UK, versity. they will be expected to man The Bill says citizen fo- streets and schools and keep rums like village and ward a tab on the ground situa- education committees and tion. But, they will still be parent teacher associations ordered around will be formed to by the bureaucra- look into the cy. FLAWED functioning of The Bill gives schools. But these the Central and BILL bodies will work the state govern- as mere ob- ment all decision- servers and will be expected making powers. To make the to submit quarterly reports situation worse, the Bill also to local authorities. The Bill grants immunity to govern- does not say whether the ment officials against any le- recommendations and pro- gal action. posals made in the quarterly The Bill allows ‘‘no suit, report will be binding on the prosecution or other legal schools or agencies respon- proceedings against the gov- sible to provide free and ernment or any authority in compulsory education to respect of anything which is children. done in good faith, or intend- ‘‘The real people’s bodies ed to be done under this will, therefore, have limited Act’’. powers,’’ Sadgopal said. ‘‘This grants immunity to To file complaints against government officials from the basic education authori- any civil and criminal ac- ty,the Bill proposes to set up tion. They will make all the a grievance redressal au- decisions but will not be thority in each district. This held responsible for any- will be headed by a district thing that goes wrong,’’ said magistrate and comprise lawyer Ashok Aggarwal, two educationists and a local who filed a PIL demanding lawyer. HRD favourite is in trouble

TIMES NEWS NETWORK New Delhi: The HRD ministry’s pet project on elementary education, the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), is all set to hit a snag. The government has already reduced the allocation of funds for this project. And foreign donors, which are the ministry’s last hope, are now dragging their feet despite putting the SSA on their fast-track initiative list. In the 10th plan, the ministry is expecting a shortfall of Rs 15,000 crore for SSA alone. Other schemes on basic educa- tion are also likely to suffer due to a cut in fund allocation. The ministry was hoping to make up this deficit by addi- tional foreign grants from the World Bank and the Euro- pean Union, among others. In 2002, these donors had put In- dia along with Pakistan, Bangladesh and other two coun- tries on their fast-track initiative list. SC clears doubt on witnesses TIMES NEWS NETWORK New Delhi: The Supreme Prosecution Court has cleared all doubts about the su- at fault in premacy of the prosecu- tion in summoning wit- Best case? nesses for testimony dur- By Presley Thomas ing a trial. TIMES NEWS NETWORK In a significant judg- ment, the court under- Vadodara: Can the scored the public prosecu- relatives of the ac- tor’s discretion in produc- cused be fielded as ing witnesses during the witnesses in a sensi- trial. It ruled that if in a tive mass-murder tri- given case, witnesses com- al? Advocates say that prise ‘‘relatives and non- can be done, but the relatives’’, then it was the prosecution normally duty of the prosecutor to avoids taking such a produce witnesses from step as they are the latter category. bound to take the line A Bench of Justices Do- of the defence. raiswamy Raju and Arijit However, the prose- Pasayat said: ‘‘The situa- cution in the Best tion in a case where the Bakery case did not prosecution cited two cat- hesitate to present at egories of witnesses to the least six relatives of occurrence, one consist- some of the 21 ac- ing of persons closely re- cused as witnesses be- lated to the victim and the fore the fast track other consisting of wit- court of judge H U nesses who have no such Mahida. This is one of relation, the prosecutor’s the points likely to be duty to the court may re- raised when the case quire him to produce wit- is heard afresh. nesses from the latter cat- egory, also subject to his nesses were not examined discretion to limit them to which lead to discrepancy one or two among them.’’ in the prosecution version Without impairing the of the incident. cause of justice, the court The court rejected his said, a limited number of argument. Pravin had witnesses should be cited tried to save some girls by the prosecution to from being molested by avoid wastage of the Banti. court’s time. Lauding Pravin’s bold- The judgment is a fall- ness which, though, took out of an appeal b y Banti, his life, the court said: who was convicted for ‘‘Gone are the days when murdering one Pravin. He people used to wish that had challenged the verdict the tribe of good samari- on the ground that all wit- tans would increase.’’

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10 Friday,November 7, 2003 ENTERPRISE G The Times of India, New Delhi AAI observes Bhel units bag Scope meet focuses on vigilance week excellence award TIMES NEWS NETWORK New Delhi: Airports Au- New Delhi: Bharat Heavy Electricals corporate efficiency thority of India (AAI) is ob- Ltd (Bhel) has achieved a milestone with three of its plants and one power TIMES NEWS NETWORK serving ‘vigilance aware- sector division bagging the CII-Exim ness week’ at all its 124 air- commendation certificate for business New Delhi: The govern- ports. An intensive cam- excellence. ment is initiating a process paign was launched at 67 The recognition has been conferred to allow fixed-term employ- commercially important air- on Bhel units at Haridwar, Trichy and ment so as to provide the ports spread all over the Bhopal, besides its Power Sector-North- much-needed flexibility in country,this week. ern Region. labour laws. Addressing the senior ex- Jointly issued by the CII and the Contractual employment ecutives on the occasion at Exim Bank, the highest recognition of will be allowed in many in- Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan, AAI’s its kind in the country has been award- dustries not related to core corporate headquarters, ed for business excellence, aimed at im- areas. This is expected to im- Janki Ballabh, vigilance proving the overall operations and en- prove employee relations, commissioner, central vigi- couraging TQM at all levels. provide flexibility and gen- lance commission, empha- The criterea for the award included erate more employment, sised that a procedure From left: Labour minister Sahib Singh Verma, Scope chair- display of visionary leadership, be- said Union labour minister should be evolved and fol- man C P Jain and Employees’ Federation of India president S sides demonstrating a clear policy and Sahib Singh Verma while in- lowed meticulously so that Tarneja at the conference. strategy in achieving the vision in a augurating the 23rd Nation- corrupt practices could be time-bound way. al Employee Relations Con- gestions from Scope, CIE said that both equity and ef- checked. He appreciated the In addition to effective deployment of ference on ‘Balancing em- and other organizations so ficiency require constant various measures taken in manpower and other resources, this ployment equity with corpo- that impediments can be monitoring and planning for this direction by the AAI called for creating synergy with the rate efficiency’, organized eliminated for creating effi- ‘‘role effectiveness’’. and commended the staff for company’s partners in a bid to satisfy by Standing Conference of ciency in the industry. S M Dewan, director-gen- services rendered to the pas- Public Enterprises (Scope) Expressing the view that eral, Scope, said that though its major stakeholders. TNN sengers. in association with Interna- equity for employees has to technology and capital are tional Labour Organisation be balanced with the effi- flowing freely, the objective (ILO). ciency of the organization, C of free movement of labour The minister sought sug- P Jain, chairman, Scope, is yet to be achieved.

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The Times of India, New Delhi INDIA Friday,November 7, 2003 11 December elections: Who’s doing what George revokes Centre allows rebels’ expulsion DATES TO WATCH BJP yet to zero in TIMES NEWS NETWORK November 7, 2003: Election process November 14: November 15: Scrutiny New Delhi: As a pre-emp- pvt players to commences on Friday with filing of Last date of submitting November 17: Last date of tive move, Samata Party nomination papers nomination papers withdrawal of papers on Jogi’s competitor president revoked the expulsion of process opium MADHYA PRADESH CHHATTISGARH RAJASTHAN TIMES NEWS NETWORK campaign.’’ four Samata rebels, party But the list contains the name New Delhi: The BJP still does MPs Raghunath Jha and TIMES NEWS NETWORK Seats Seats Seats of leader of the opposition Nand not have a chief ministerial can- Brahmanand Mandal, and Kumar Sai from Tapkara (ST). New Delhi: Moving cautiously in the 230 90 200 didate it can project against CM two Bihar MLAs Ganesh Initially,the party had toyed with minefield of narcotics, the government MAIN PLAYERS Ajit Jogi for Chhattisgarh. Paswan and Bhai Virender. MAIN MAIN has for the first time decided to allow Cong and BJP On Thursday,the party said the the idea of projecting Sai, but he The action is being viewed PLAYERS PLAYERS was not seen as a strong enough as an attempt by Fernandes private sector participation in opium STAR CONTESTANTS three party leaders, Union minis- Cong, BJP Congress candidate. Worse, there was the processing. But it has made it clear that Digvijay Singh(Cong), Uma Bharti(BJP) ters Dilip Singh Judev, Ramesh to sabotage Jha and Man- it would remain a regulated industry and NCP and BJP embarrassment of his daughter dal’s plan to try and retain ■ Congress announced 220 names Bais and state BJP chief Raman and governed by the Narcotics Act. STAR CONTESTANTS STAR CONTESTANTS Singh, will not contest the polls, joining the Congress. their identity as Samata Par- This decision of the Cabinet on • Nine candidates not announced Nand Kumar Sai Vasundhara Raje Naqvi and Raman Singh ruled ty MPs in the , fol- reportedly due to tug of war unlike the party’s chief ministe- Thursday is prompted by the glut in un- (BJP), Ajit Jogi (BJP), Ashok rial candidates in Madhya out the possibility of a joint Op- lowing the recent decision of processed raw opium, while the gov- between Digvijay Singh and (Congress, name Gehlot (Cong, position candidate against Jogi the party to merge with the his deputy Jamuna Devi. Pradesh, Rajasthan and Delhi. ernment is forced to import processed not announced), V name not Releasing the names of 72 can- or an alliance with the NCP. (U). opium to meet the growing needs of the • One seat given to electoral C Shukla (NCP, announced) Of the 72 candidates, 9 belong With the national council partner RPI didates for Chhattisgarh, party pharmaceutical sector. There has been name not announced) ■ BJP has announced general secretary Mukthar Ab- to the scheduled castes, 28 to the of the Samata Party yet to an anomalous situation of piled up opi- ■ BJP declared 171. Yet to decide ratify the merger,Fernandes ■ 93 names bas Naqvi said, ‘‘We are not field- scheduled tribes, 21 are sitting um and high import of processed opi- about 159 seats. BJP announced 72 names is clearly taking no chances. ■ Congress likely to release ing Raman Singh, Judev, Ramesh MLAs and five are women. um. • Some names of BJP candidates ■ Cong hasn’t declared names Party spokesperson Shiv names of candidates on Bais or Karuna Shukla (the PM’s Sources also indicated that the India is one of the 11 top opium pro- in Indore district held up due to ■ NCP has named 13 Kumar said Jha and Mandal Saturday (November 8) niece, who was a member of the party was waiting for Jogi to de- ducers in the world, with an annual a rift among party leaders candidates outgoing assembly) in these elec- clare his constituency to decide would have their member- yield of 700 tonnes. But it processes tions, so that they will be free to on the BJP candidate. ship of the national execu- only 122 tonnes at two of its facilities at tive restored. Neemuch (Madhya Pradesh) and Ghazipur (Uttar Pradesh), under strict Bomb-maker supervision. Cong infighting Stating that this would require a leg- Tunda’s death None to match islative amendment, parliamentary af- fairs minister Sushma Swaraj told re- may delay lists porters after the Cabinet meeting that baffles CBI any private player could apply for a li- TIMES NEWS NETWORK PM’s charisma cence for setting up a opium processing unit. Currently, opium processing is for three states New Delhi: In death as in By Smita Gupta may have ministerial ex- under the exclusive control of the Cen- life, ace bomb-maker Abdul TIMES NEWS NETWORK perience, but not on par By Mahendra Ved tral government. Karim Tunda kept investiga- with Ashok Gehlot’s TIMES NEWS NETWORK tors on tenterhooks without New Delhi: Having decid- hands-on experience. Soft loans to textile giving them a chance to ed to make ‘‘lack of devel- Worse, in the case of Ra- New Delhi: The Congress is paying a price, catch him despite a hefty re- opment’’ its major plank jasthan, as in Delhi, the at least for the time being, for seeking to ward and a Red Corner No- in the coming assembly BJP is not able to run a move ahead of other parties by announcing industry extended tice from Interpol. elections in Congress- personalised campaign the names of its nominees for the coming as- The report of his death in ruled MP, Rajasthan, Del- against the sitting CMs, as sembly polls. TIMES NEWS NETWORK gang warfare near Dhaka hi and Chhattisgarh, the it is doing against MP’s Reports from MP of protests by party has baffled CBI bosses since BJP might bank on the workers denied nominations, some of which New Delhi: The Cabinet Committee on Digvijay Singh or Chhat- the trial in the series of rail- Prime Minister and the have been violent, may make the party lead- Economic Affairs on Thursday extend- tisgarh’s Ajit Jogi. The way blast cases was at a con- ‘‘feel-good factor’’, that it ership go slow on ‘‘reforms’’, including giv- ed the technology upgradation fund frontrunner for Chhattis- cluding stage in a designated claims his government scheme that offers soft loans for mod- garh, Dilip Singh Judev, ing women more tickets, at least partially. court in Ajmer. In fact, a CBI has generated, to do the ernisation of textile units by three also a Union minister, is What is called ‘‘sitting-getting’’ may prevail. official had just been sent to trick. years to March 31, 2007. best known for his ‘‘shud- The party may also delay the announcement assist the lawyers in Ajmer. Party sources admitted It also enlarged the scope of TUFS by hikaran’’ conversion cam- of names for the three other states. Tunda faced trial for his that it cannot depend on offering the small-scale powerloom paign. Congress insiders are chagrined at this role in five bomb blasts in its chief ministerial can- units an additional option of an incen- In the event, it will be and see this as a setback to party chief Sonia the Rajdhani trains in the didates to project good tive of 20 per cent of the cost of modern left to the PM to campaign Gandhi’s policy of making the selection first week of December 1993, governance. Madanlal weaving machinery upto Rs 50 lakh. intensively for a week. He process transparent and completing it well killing two people and injur- Khurana may have a The powerloom units will also have the will devote two days each before time. For the record, a party func- ing 22. A single chargesheet proven track record as CM facility of getting credit from a wider to Rajasthan, MP and tionary pointed out that the burst of was filed by the CBI for all of Delhi, and can, per- network of banks and financial institu- Chhattisgarh and one day protests may last ‘‘no longer than 48 hours’’ the five cases in a TADA haps, claim the develop- tions, including cooperative banks and to Delhi from November before the workers get on with the cam- court in Ajmer after a year. ment plank, but the other non-banking finance companies. 18 after he returns from paign. two CM aspirants, Uma The CCEA, chaired by Prime Minis- Of the 16 accused, four Russia. But the party can ill afford those denied Bharti and Vasundhara ter Vajpayee, extended the operation of were absconding. Tunda was BJP sources say that the tickets strengthening the rival sides. ‘‘Our TUFS by three years, to allow the entire one of them. It was a meas- Raje, cannot. Uma Bharti other point the party will first priority is to prevent ‘defections’ (to se- textile sector time to take the benefit of ure of his notoriety that the may have been a Union stress in its campaign is cure nominations from other parties),’’ a the scheme in view of the freeing of CBI had announced a re- minister but she is better that it would be advanta- party leader said, requesting anonymity. global textile trade quotas from 2005. ward of Rs 3 lakh for infor- known for her rabble- geous for the people of The MP list has 34 women nominees. This The scheme was launched on April 1, mation leading to his arrest. rousing speeches and her these states to be ruled by means that a majority of them have re- 1999, for five years, offered soft interest An Interpol Red Corner association with the Ram the same party which is in placed male candidates. ‘‘People keep asking credit for modernisation at rates lower Notice was issued alerting Temple movement. In- power at the Centre, i.e, for change and fresh blood. But when we act, by five percentage points from the pre- the world that a ‘‘dangerous deed, this is why she has the BJP, as it would facili- there are protests,’’ said the party official. vailing market rate. fugitive’’ was on the run. been asked to run a fo- tate the flow of funds for Traditionally, women aspirants have lost The CCEA also approved the contin- CBI sources feel that though cussed campaign, attack- development. out on ground of ‘‘winnability’’ since they uance of the Centrally-sponsored advanced years — 60 at the ing the state’s ‘‘en- Sources added shipping are perceived to have no muscle power and scheme of restructuring of teacher ed- time of his death — had to trenched bureaucracy’’ minister Shatrughan Sin- many,not even money power. Many of those ucation system. The scheme will have a some extent blunted his and her own background, ha, minister of state for who make it are nominees of male relations. projected outlay of Rs 950 crore during striking ability, if he had the fact that she grew up external affairs Vinod To change this trend, three Congresswomen the 10th Plan, out of which 95 per cent been caught, he could have in the midst of rural Khanna, Hema Malini — Margaret Alva, Noor Bano and Prabha has been earmarked for state-level ac- provided them with a grip- poverty. and Dara Singh will also Rau — are involved in the selection process. tivities. ping account of the ISI net- Vasundhara Raje, too, campaign. Of them, Alva has been ‘‘particularly ag- work in India. Allahabad University gressive’’ in seeking tickets for women. gets Central status Ministry told to rework

New Delhi: HRD minister M M Joshi, who had taught physics at Allahabad social security scheme University to the likes of former PM V P Singh, has more than paid back his By Bisheshwar Mishra diesel for funding the scheme. debt to his alma mater. The once-famed TIMES NEWS NETWORK Swaraj said the cabinet felt that ‘‘Oxford of the East’’ is to be restored there was need to finetune the Bill New Delhi: Labour minister Sahib its Central university status. before its introduction in Parlia- Singh Verma suffered a setback on The Union Cabinet on Thursday de- ment. ‘‘It is only being finetuned.” Thursday when the Union cabinet cided in principle to take over respon- The Bill aims at bringing 75 per asked his ministry to rework its sibility of the 116-year-old university cent of the country’s work force, much-hyped social security scheme currently run by the Uttar Pradesh gov- which constitutes the unorganised for the unorganised sector. ernment. An Act of Parliament will be sector, under the social security net required to restore its Central status. The ministry had prepared the Unorganised Sector Workers Bill, by providing benefits like pension, The university has produced one health and welfare schemes at some President (Shankar Dayal Sharma), 2003, and along with it three ambi- tious insurance schemes for work- nominal cost to the workers. The en- two Prime Ministers (V P Singh and actment of the Bill would also make Chandra Shekhar), six governors, five ers. ‘‘The cabinet had no objection to the legislation as such. It only want- minimum wages enforceable to the chief ministers and five Chief Justices unorganised sector. Until now, the of the Supreme Court. ed some clarification over the insur- ance schemes,’’ official sources said. Minimum Wages Act of 1948 only The Cabinet’s decision will mean covers the organised sector. doubling the Central grant for Alla- Parliamentary affairs minister Under the proposed law, no work- habad University, which at present is Sushma Swaraj, who briefed the er would be required to work for about Rs 16 crore annually. Besides, Press, said ‘‘the unorganised sector more than eight hours a day and there will be substantial Plan assis- workers’ Bill, which was considered each is entitled to a half an hour tance for the building, equipment and at the meeting, was likely to come up library. again in the next cabinet meeting’’. break. The Bill spans 122 unorgan- The other Central universities in- The Bill, which seeks to extend ised sectors like ragpicking, scav- clude Aligarh Muslim University, Ba- minimum wages and other social se- enging, stone-crushing, pottery and naras Hindu University, all the IITs, curity benefits to crores of labour- rickshaw pulling. Pondicherry University, Jamia Millia ers across 122 sectors like ragpickers The clarifications sought by the Islamia and JNU. Allahabad University and rickshaw pullers, had been cabinet pertain to providing three has been facing difficulties owing to cleared by a group of ministers basic need to workers in the unor- several reasons, including a rigid gov- headed by Deputy PM L K Advani. ganised sector. ‘‘There were some ernance structure, financial crunch Sources say the Bill included an grey areas here on which the cabinet and inappropriate faculty set-up. TNN innovative proposal to impose a cess wanted some more clarification,’’ a of 10 paise per litre on petrol and senior official said.

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12 Friday,November 7, 2003 INTERNATIONAL The Times of India, New Delhi

AROUND THE WORLD All under control: Ranil Reuters AP Colombo: Sri Lanka looked headed for a major showdown when Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe returns home on Friday to confront a hostile president who has been tightening her grip on power through emergency laws. Wickremesinghe sounded confident as he left Washington saying he had faced many crises and promising to put things in order. Aides said a large number of supporters will go to the airport to welcome Wick- remesinghe, who returns with an endorse- ment of his leadership from US President George W. Bush to face the toughest chal- lenge to his authority. His cabinet on Thursday announced it will press to get back the defence, interior and media portfolios taken away Tuesday by President Chandrika Kumaratunga, Policemen in Colombo asks a photographer who also suspended Parliament for two to not take his picture. weeks. full freedom of expression,’’ her office said. But there was no sign of the president The statement was the first official ac- backing off as she began exercising her knowledgement by the president that she new powers as defence and interior minis- was now running the largest news network Country music singer Shania Twain lifts her foot so publicist Jason Owen can find out ter as well as the new media minister, her in the country. AFP office said in a statement. who made her shoes at the 37th annual Country Music Association Awards in Nashville. It said she had taken over the four state- MORE ON OUR WEBSITE Sick ship docks: The can no longer expect such Dog shoots man: A run radio and television networks as well Crisis in Lanka British luxury cruise ship Au- an intelligence community to French hunter was shot by monitor and infiltrate suspi- as the largest publishing company,which is Live updates rora returned to Southhamp- his dog after he left a loaded also owned by the government. ton on Thursday at the end of cious organisations or terror- shotgun in the boot of his car ‘‘The president has ensured the media visit www.timesofindia.com a cruise during which hun- ist groups,’’ Rep. Jane Har- with two dogs and one of the dreds of passengers caught man of California, the senior animals accidentally stepped a severe stomach virus and Democrat on the House Intel- on the trigger, police say. The ligence Committee, said at a UN rights were caught in a diplomatic man, from Espelette in the hearing. Reuters Musharraf denies spat between Madrid and Basque region, was admitted envoy meets London. Only one of the 500 Spiderman returns: A to hospital on Monday. Reuters people who came down with man who spent six days bar- Italy seeks Miss Digital: helping N Korea the virulent strain of gas- ricaded atop a construction The crown of Italy’s 20th Suu Kyi troentiritis was still sick, crane in London dressed as Spiderman climbed down af- century icon Sophia Loren is Seoul: Pakistani president ‘‘I would like to assure sources said. AFP being challenged by virtual Pervez Musharraf on you that all reports linking Yangon: UN rights envoy ter causing traffic chaos, po- Paulo Sergio Pinheiro met Changing our spies: US lice say. David Chick had divas in the first “Miss Digital Thursday denied any tech- Pakistan to North Korea’s World” competition. A new nological ties between Is- nuclear programme are to- with Myanmar’s democracy spy agencies must change dressed as his daughter’s their Ivy League white male favourite comic book charac- beauty contest kicking off in lamabad and North Korea tally incorrect and mali- leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Thursday after coming un- image if they are to gain ter to lobby for “fathers’ Italy next week will give pixel- to help the communist cious in nature,’’ he said in perfect pin-ups the chance to der fire from the Congress ground in fighting terrorism rights”, against what he said country’s nuclear drive. an interview with the Ko- and other threats around the was a system that kept him steal Sophia’s sex-symbol ‘‘Such cooperation (be- for not achieving reforms in rea Herald newspaper. world, lawmakers say. ‘‘We from seeing the girl. Reuters status. Reuters tween North Korea and The summit, the first be- the military-run state. Pakistan) did not exist in tween the two leaders, fo- Pinheiro, who saw Aung the past and will never be in cused on the nuclear crisis San Suu Kyi at her residence the future,’’ Mushar- and bilateral relations, es- where she has been confined Long voyage to solar system’s edge Righteous raf said at a summit pecially trade, South Kore- since September, is only the with South Korean an officials said. second outsider to meet with Voyager 1, an exploratory spacecraft launched in 1977, President Roh Moo- Islamabad wants to pro- her since her arrest in May Brothers’ in the wake of violent unrest may have reached the edge of the solar system, which Hyun. mote Korean investment in is between 85 and 120 times farther from the sun than The Pakistani Pakistan and is hoping to in the country’s north. Hatfield dies leader expressed boost bilateral trade, cur- But as he conducted his the Earth, scientists argue in two separate studies support for Seoul’s rently worth around 700 sixth mission to Myanmar, Kalamazoo: Bobby Hat- Pinheiro was attacked by US The solar push for a peaceful million dollars annually, to Voyager 1 is now field, of the chart-topping resolution of the five billion dollars over the lawmakers who accused the system’s duo the Righteous Brothers, year-long nuclear United Nations of failing to 8.4 billion miles ever-shifting next five years. from the sun or 90 has died, police say. crisis, according to The US request for troops end a deadlock between the boundary, called times farther from Hatfield’s body was taken Roh’s office. for Iraq was also on the military government and the termination to the Kalamazoo County Pakistan, which agenda of the summit. the opposition National the sun than the shock occurs Medical Examiner’s Office maintains cordial Washington has asked Is- League for Democracy Earth. where solar for an autopsy and a state- ties with North Ko- lamabad and Seoul to dis- (NLD). wind merges ment was to be issued later, rea, has been repeat- patch combat troop to help ‘‘Let me be blunt — that ef- with the police reported. He died on edly accused of aid- fort and the effort of UN en- maintain security is post- Bow Wednesday. ing Pyongyang’s war Iraq. Seoul has agreed voy Paulo Sergio Pinheiro shock According to the group’s atomic ambitions in without specifying num- has failed,’’ Congressman web site, “You’ve Lost That return for help with bers. Joseph Crowley said on Lovin’ Feelin,’” recorded in Wednesday. Islamabad’s own “We are reluctant to Solar system 1964, stands as the most missile development. agree,” said a Pakistani ‘‘While the regime promis- Interstellar played song on radio. Musharraf, how- diplomat based here. “But es, as it has for the past 15 wind Hatfield and partner Bill ever, denounced the summit between the years, to make a transition Medley met in Orange Coun- such charges as a two presidents might help to democracy, there is ab- The heliopause ty,California and performed smear campaign. us with the decision.” AFP solutely no evidence to sug- marks the together for 41 years. gest that this is true.’’ beginning of Heliopause They were performing in US law makers interstellar space a local bar as part of a five- also called for the and the end of our Voyager 2, another piece group called the Para- resignation of Unit- exploratory spacecraft, mours, when a Black Marine ed Nations envoy is also headed out of shouted “That’s righteous, Razali Ismail, a the solar system. brothers,” leading to the Malaysian diplomat In the solar system name, the web site relates. who has been trying Since their launch, the two Voyager spacecraft have visited Medley and Hatfield were to build bridges be- all the giant outer planets of the solar system, 48 of their inducted into the Rock and tween the junta and moons and their ring systems. Roll Hall of Fame this the opposition. AFP year. AFP

LUV2HATE MAIL I don’t want to use bad words, just stop this nonsense, please for the sake of your newspaper . — P S .Bais Hi! I am regular reader of Dubyaman. I like it very much as it is very humurous. Keep it up — Dilip Gupta For more mails go to www.timesofindia.com e-mail: [email protected] New US plan will cut back troops in Iraq Washington: The Pentagon is prepar- ing to rotate its forces in Iraq next year, amid plans to cut back US troop num- Coalition loses 2 bers to 100,000 while Iraqi security forces increase in size, senior defense of- ficials said. more US soldiers US Defense Secretary Donald Rums- Baghdad: The US-led coalition said feld signed orders to set in motion a Thursday that two more American force rotation next year that will send soldiers were killed in Iraq while back US Marines along with active duty an attack on a convoy claimed the army and national guard and reserve first Polish fatality as strikes on units, a senior defense official said coalition troops showed no sign of Wednesday. abating. The rotation would involve the re- One of the US soldiers was killed placement of the bulk of the 132,000 US Thursday near Husaybah, on the troops now in Iraq and will include border with Syria, 335 kilometers some 35,000 to 45,000 national guard and from Baghdad. reservists, said the official, who spoke The other soldier died and two on condition of anonymity. more were wounded Wednesday Units ordered to move were being no- evening when assailants fired rock- tified overnight, the official said. et-propelled grenades and small “There will be some active Marines, arms at a US convoy near Mah- some reserve Marines,” he said. mudiyah, 30 kilometers from Bagh- Although most of the deployment dad, the coalition said. AFP plan has long been in place, the Penta- gon had held off a final decision in forces. It does include Navy and Air hopes that a third multinational divi- Force with their capabilities to partici- sion could be formed to take up some of pate,” he said at a congressional com- the slack. mittee hearing. But the multinational division has so “So I think you’ll see a very broad far failed to materialize, forcing the Pen- look at the capabilities that are required tagon to implement a backup plan to and the joint solution to those problems, make up the difference with additional although clearly the United States Army US forces. and United States Marine Corps’ capa- General Peter Pace, the vice chair- bilities are more needed right now on man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the ground than the Navy and the Air on Thursday that the Pentagon Force.” would be announcing “a very specific Since the marines departure, the laydown”. army has carried the full burden of “It does include the call-up of Re- what has turned out to be an increas- serves. It does include the use of Marine ingly bloody occupation. AFP

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14 Friday,November 7, 2003 The Times of India, New Delhi A Fine Legacy Long Distance Call A THOUGHT FOR TODAY Recently, some 80 NRI organisations came How do you plan to achieve your goals? Piecing the Bits Together together to form an umbrella body called Since we may not be very familiar with Sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity ‘Promise of India’ (POI), with a view lot of things happening in India, we try to By Dileep Padgaonkar Like Isaiah Berlin, the Oxford historian of are not negotiable issues. to voicing their collective concerns on collaborate with the NGOs already working ideas, he believes that truth has many Even at the peak of his career — the editor- communal harmony and development here. We identify areas where we can — Lakshman Kadirgamar, Sri Lankan presidential advisor facets, that there have to be many ways to ship of The Times of India from 1967 to 1978 issues. Raju Rajagopal, an erstwhile San provide resources or expertise. Also, given apprehend it, that all good values are not — Sham Lal side-stepped the booby-traps Francisco Bay Area business entrepreneur, the current environment, we can be more necessarily compatible and indeed that of journalism without a twitch of self- chairs the steering committee of POI and proactive in insisting that NGOs sensitise there might be some issues whose resolu- Lanka Landslide righteousness. He seldom rubbed shoulders devotes all his time on voluntary initiatives. their own staff as well as their target tion may well lie beyond human ingenuity. A bitter power struggle is at the with the rich, refused to play confidant to In the past, he has worked extensively in community to the issue of communal the powerful, shunned socialites and never This is why he is happier asking Gujarat, both after the earthquake and harmony. As Persons of Indian Origin heart of the crisis in Colombo broke bread with celebrities. questions than providing answers, happier the communal carnage. He spoke to (PIO), we want to express our concerns For democracy in South Asia, it is crisis time once again. Contentment for him meant the company debunking shallow enthusiasms and holier- Aruna Srinivasan about the need to and contribute our resources not only in In Sri Lanka, president Chandrika Kumaratunga has of a few chosen friends and more so the than-thou postures than presenting blue- consolidate the various NRI voluntary business but also in social causes. We want precipitated a dangerous constitutional impasse by company of his books. Despite his failing prints for a better world. Thus Sham Lal efforts working for the welfare of India: to bring back peace and social harmony. striking at the heart of prime minister Ranil eyesight, it is this very contentment that he can commend Ananda Coomaraswamy’s There are so many NRI groups working Wickremesinghe’s popularly elected government. In an still seeks to warm his spirits in the winter abiding love for India’s arts and philoso- The role of NRIs has increasingly come for one cause or another. How different extraordinary series of moves, she has sacked three key of his life. He turns 92 this week. The phies even while taking exception to his under a shadow in India, thanks to the in- will POI be? ministers in the UNP government, suspended parliament, publication of One Hundred Encounters loathing of the present. Likewise, he can volvement of many of them in overt political Many NRI organisations are already called out the army and declared a state of ‘short-term’ (Rupa), the first volume of a selection of question Gandhi’s touching faith in the causes. Where do you place your initiative? working in the field. But they remain emergency.In keeping with the cloak-and-dagger nature of his writings, two years ago not only republic of villages even as he salutes the I don’t want to give our initiative any confined in their own little areas. We the unfolding political drama, Ms Kumaratunga’s “coup” enchanted those who have long admired Mahatma for seeing more clearly than his political name. POI does not take any politi- wanted to bring them together in one was staged at a time when the prime minister was away him but it also attracted the attention contemporaries the nihilism, paranoia, cal positions nor has it any political lean- umbrella body for a more consolidated on a state visit to the US, ironically to solicit support for of readers who hadn’t been born when he hubris and self-destructive tendencies in ings. Our prime concern is to uphold the effort. Individually, each organisation will the peace process. In the recent past, the Lankan president retired from the paper. a high-tech civilisation. true Indian spirit. We are only concerned continue to do its own work. The POI had voiced increasing impatience with the peace Sham Lal’s bookishness, much like Don He knows too where to draw the line about reiterating India’s true potential and coalition will give expression to our negotiations, charging Mr Wickremesinghe with ceding Quixote’s, had made him light and profound between pragmatism and opportunism, ethos, and emphasise its harmony in collective beliefs. Right now our focus is on far too much ground to the Tigers. Ms Kumaratunga has at one and the same time. It had also made between spiritual yearnings and religious plurality. We have great faith in the Consti- mobilising support. We already have the claimed that her actions are aimed at “preventing a him, as Susan Sontag says fakery,between patriotism and tution, which was designed to protect every support of 43 prominent members like M S further deterioration of the security situation” in the about the hero of Cervantes’ chauvinism. Hence his bitter citizen’s rights. We want to capture the spi- Swaminathan, N Ram, Shabana Azmi and island nation. But given the long history of friction seminal novel, beyond com- criticism of the Left and Right rit of that positive India. We want to make a Desh Deshpande. When we have the support between the two leaders, not many would be inclined to promise and corruption. The alike, his deep scepticism concerted effort to of major religious agree with such an assessment. Clearly,a major reason for appearance of Indian Realities about self-professed liberals, prevent any further leaders from vari- the showdown lies in Lanka’s system of political dyarchy in bits and pieces (Rupa), the his distaste for the new bloodshed in the Q&A ous faiths, we would — an institutional arrangement, cutting across many second volume of his selected apostles of the market eco- name of religion or consider that a South Asian states, which allows for more than one centre columns, will, if anything, nomy and globalisation. His caste and support When there is violence, major achievement. of legitimate constitutional authority, inevitably giving generate even more enthu- sharpest barbs, however, are development issues. we are told to be silent, That will be a rise to a fraught and unstable environment. siasm than One Hundred reserved for philistines of all Why the name, because speaking about great moral support In the Sri Lankan case, the president resorted to a Encounters. This latter book hues: Those who, in a post- ‘Promise of India’? violence may make to our secular initia- pre-emptive strike in the backdrop of moves by ruling focused on writers and thin- modern rage or commercial It was a group matters worse. When tives. What distur- party members to impeach the chief justice, and thus kers of foreign provenance promiscuity, place on par decision by the there is relative peace, bed me during circumvent her constitutional authority. Beyond the while the new book addresses Adidas and Advaita, Versace steering committee we are told that speak- the Gujarat violence power struggle, there is another important facet to the issues and personalities of and Vedanta, Gulshan Nanda of 12 members. The ing up for harmony was that many could spark violence. Lankan situation, namely, the Eelam question. While Ms topical concern to India. and Muktibodh, V Shantaram word ‘promise’ has Udayshankar prominent spiritual Kumaratunga has declared her continuing commitment to Sham Lal’s range of inter- and Satyajit Ray. two meanings. One, leaders remained the ceasefire, it is clear that the president is not averse to ests is awesome. He engages in Time and again, Sham Lal the promise made to every citizen of India silent. And so did many other Indians exploiting the fears of the majority Sinhala community a lively dialogue with the most warns the country’s movers in our Constitution by our founding fathers. who believe in peace. We want this silent for political ends. Yet, Mr Wickremesinghe’s peace stimulating minds who have thought about and shakers to take into full account the We want to reaffirm the nation’s faith in the majority to speak out. When there is strategy,based on extending the greatest possible political India’s past and present, its political impact of population growth, of the frantic Constitution and the rule of law. And, violence, we are told to be silent, because autonomy to the Tigers within the framework of a arrangements, its economy, its society, its pace of technological change, of the logic second, the promise that the nation holds. speaking about violence may make matters unified Sri Lanka, remains the only reasonable basis for a educational system, its arts, its literatures of democratisation set in motion by adult We feel that India has begun to discover its worse. When there is relative peace, we are negotiated settlement to the Tamil question. While the and philosophies, its religions and its franchise and of the ongoing process of true potential in recent years. But in terms told that speaking up for harmony could problem of secessionist movements cannot be resolved future. In the process, he helps us under- globalisation. All these factors, he argues, of economic and social development, there spark violence. Those who support POI be- through the creation of yet more states, staying with stand why we are where we are and what is can and do exacerbate ethnic, religious, is much work ahead. We believe that India lieve that silence is not an option anymore. the old statist paradigm of majoritarian will, absolute likely to be in store for us if we fail to learn regional and class conflicts. He urges the can set a good example in tackling poverty. What explains the cultural conservatism of sovereignty and extreme cartographic anxiety is even less from the mistakes we have committed in the conscience-keepers of the nation to pay We are making great strides in bringing NRIs? Is it a kind of insecurity? helpful. What is required is a new political imagination course of our journey as a free nation. heed to the encounter between tradition rural areas and marginalised communities No, I don’t think so. It is a natural which goes beyond the antiquated logic of nation-states. Sham Lal approaches issues not as a and modernity and to the grim conse- into the mainstream. More significantly,we phenomenon associated with an immigrant In one word, no independence but unlimited devolution. scholar or a specialist, and even less as an quences of the commodification of ideas, can demonstrate to the world that multiple community. I have heard people explain And that’s as true of the Tamil question in Lanka as it ideologue or an activist, but as a moraliste. philosophies, the arts and other works faiths can co-exist amidst diverse cultures this as insecurity.But, compared to some of is of the separatist movement in Kashmir. This old-fashioned French word has no of the human mind. and ethnicities. the earlier immigrant communities which precise equivalent in English. It refers to He reminds them that difficult questions What explains the appeal of rightwing arrived in the US, and were anxious to blend New space data confirms an author of reflections on the human cannot be settled by laws alone and that nationalism for a lot of NRIs? quickly into the American ‘melting pot’, the condition as a whole: On its values, beha- without the exacting norms of integrity I really don’t know. But I guess, since Indian diaspora is one community that has Arctic meltdown viour, customs, habits, ways of thinking, and sustained interest in the nitty-gritty of many NRIs are politically active in the US, never faced any identity crisis or insecurity VIEW modes of feeling, patterns of organisation governance, India and the world at large they perhaps think that they have to take a in the US. However, when the second and so forth. These reflections, moreover, could come a cropper. political position and support a political generation of Indian immigrants sees other have to be rooted not in religious or ideo- The two volumes of Sham Lal’s selected ideology in India. And with increasing immigrants having their own cultural Save the planet from logical certainties or in the vanities of columns bear witness to the workings of a terrorism around the world, including 9/11, groups in the universities, they also want power and wealth but in clear thinking scintillating mind: At once tough, humane, and its alleged association with Islam, many a sense of belonging. They are eager to about the ends that men seek and about the wise, principled and, not least, endowed perhaps feel that a right wing party may be trace their roots and know more about global warming means they deploy to meet them. with a fine sense of humour and irony.With able to tackle terrorism better.Whatever the their culture. But some vested interest eware critics of global warming. A new report on And so it is that Sham Lal, like a the standards he set for himself he has giv- reasons, their political leanings are not groups take advantage of this and try to Bthe Arctic meltdown, based on a NASA study of moraliste, cultivates a taste for complexity. en Indian journalism a cachet of greatness. necessarily based on religious ideology. enrol them into their ideologies. radar data and images beamed down by a European Space Agency satellite, offers irrefutable proof of the thinning of the Arctic ice sheet and its grave consequences, including lengthening summers and Qur’an Revealed damages to the Arctic ecosystems. This is a scientific The Yoga Class study and not a figment of the green lobby’s imagina- By Harsh A Desai arched, barking out ins- When my father told tion. Already global air temperature has increased by tructions, correcting some me that guruji had been During Ramzan Trust & Hope one degree Fahrenheit in the 20th century, with a Early on Sunday mor- student or the other. In a sickly young boy with By Saniyasnain Khan 10 per cent increase in precipitation in the Northern nings, my father would retrospect I do remember suspected tuberculosis, Those who believe hemisphere. Sea levels worldwide have increased by shout my name from the world looked quite who with sheer will power Prophet Muhammad would this month is acknowledge- in Him 4-8 inches. Indeed, not only has there been an erosion across the hall. I would interesting when you had overcome it by turning often sit alone in the cave ment of the divine blessing. Get to the gate in Arctic permafrost, vegetation is incredibly sprout- snuggle deeper inside the stood on your head doing to yoga and then achieved of Hira, near Mecca, to This month is eminently of salvation. ing in the cold tundra. Animals like the polar bear are quilt hoping that the sound shirshasana but at that mastery over it, I could not pray and meditate, asking appropriate for reading and Those who believe in now finding it difficult to fish in waters in the absence would go away. But father age everything was any- believe it. It was a clear the Creator of the Heavens understanding the Qur’an. Him are of the sturdy ice sheet banks. Ocean currents are was unrelenting in his way interesting. A few stu- case of mind triumphing and earth for answers to Special recitations of the Saved with their kin. getting disrupted and shorelines are receding. enthusiasm to wake me up dents were his favourites over body. the questions that surged Qur’an are held; it is also Those who believe in It is absurd to dismiss all this as hype. In the last and soon we would be off and he would give them Outside class, guruji was through his mind. What is recited during the tarawih Him swim across and half a century, Arctic ice has lost as much as 40 per for our yoga class. particular attention. They very relaxed and would man’s true role in life? prayer. The tarawih is help others to swim. cent of its thickness. This is not a natural cyclic phe- The class was held would come in for a joke around with students, What does the Lord require actually the tahajjud prayer, Those who believe nomenon, as global warming critics would have us every Sunday morning in barrage of criticism for laughing, all the time. He of us? From where does man which instead of being in Him believe, but an abnormal development that doesn’t fit the Campion School hall. not following instructions exuded energy.And he was come, and where will he offered before dawn is Don’t have to beg into the patterns of warming and cooling witnessed Around 40 students would correctly. Of course the not averse to demonstrat- go after death? The Prophet offered after the isha prayer of others. in the various ages of the millennia-old global be there to learn yoga best part was, when incom- ing mastery over his body. would meditate alone, during this month for the Such is the Name of temperature cycle. Climatic vagaries have been from B K S Iyengar who petence of a student We went for a week’s camp surrounded by nature, seek- convenience of the devout. God the Pure, disrupted beyond redemption by unsustainable was affectionately called became too much for him to Mahabaleshwar. One ing answers to all these The Qur’an introduces Those who believe development activity. We are unable to replenish car- guruji. I was at this he would demonstrate how evening, he saw a rock at profound questions. the Creator and explains in Him bon sinks as fast as we’re depleting them. Greenhouse point 12 years old and a asana was to be done. the edge with a deep On one of the nights the relationship between They alone get to gas concentrations in the atmosphere since 1750 have did not see any point in He would move to a precipice on the other of Ramzan, as usual, the the Creator and His cre- know Him. increased by more than 30 per cent. Critics take note: spending three hours on corner and do shirshasana side and promptly did Prophet was sitting all alone ations. A major portion of Guru Nanak Before that, this had remained stable for at least a Sunday morning con- or some other asana.The shirshasana there. in the cave. Suddenly, the the Qur’an deals with the ✥ 420,000 years. Unless we reverse this process some- torting my body into class would crowd around Of course, nothing could Archangel Gabriel appeared stories of the prophets, such how, it will be burial at sea for the whole of humanity. different positions. in anticipation. Everyone convince me that this before him in human form as Adam, Noah, Abraham, When you repose faith But I was really imp- would gape in awe — unique opportunity was and taught him the very first Joseph, Moses, Jesus and and trust in God, there COUNTERVIEW ressed by guruji. He would nobody could believe that worth taking. My sleep on verses of the Qur’an.The many more. These stories is room for hope. If you stride up and down the the human body was capa- Sunday mornings was too Prophet felt that the verses enshrine a moral code of have no faith, then you class between rows of ble of such control and precious for me. Couple of had actually been written on conduct for believers of all go about blaming others Another fiction from students who were doing soon he would go back to years later, I finally told his heart. In this manner the time. A sizeable portion of and God for all the ills various asanas, his chest striding through the class my father, ‘‘Sorry, buddy, Qur’an began to be revealed the Qur’an talks about of humankind. doomsday Cassandras pushed out, his back barking out instructions. I am not coming.’’ by Allah to the Hereafter — Sri Jayendra Saraswati Prophet Muham- which mainly ✥ orget the raves and rants of the eco-terrorists, mad through the covers the gra- nothing can stop the march of human progress Strong Son of God, F CONVERSATIONS WITH READERS angel. It look phic description and development. It is in human nature to endeavour immortal Love,/ Whom 23 long years of the delights to improve the quality of life; that’s the story of in declaring Mother Teresa ‘blessed’. The we, that have not seen Beatification Bombast to complete the of Paradise and our evolution and survival. True, the industrial Church does not declare anyone a saint or thy face./ By faith, and revelations of the the agony of Hell. revolution launched the era of mass production and In his article ‘Beatification Boon’ (Oct 30), blessed ‘‘for their effort in popularising faith alone, embrace,/ Holy Book. Historical events, consumerism, but to presume from this that we’re Balbir K Punj has tried in vain to malign Christianity’’, but for his or her extraordi- Believing where Being the true faith and reli- all soon to go up in smoke in an overheated world is the names of Mother Teresa and Pope John nary holiness and heroic virtues, worthy of we cannot prove. word of Allah in gion, religious preposterous. Greenhouse gas emissions have long Paul II. In an attempt to demonise them, emulation by fellow Christians. Moreover, THE human language, commandments, We have but faith; been a hard reality, even before factories began Mr Punj has betrayed his own fear and the Church does not attribute any healing SPEAKING we cannot know./ insecurity that Asia is firmly on the road to to a saint. The healer is God himself, acting the Qur’an is divine promises, belching industrial smoke and vehicles CO2. Methane, the eternal book prayers and mat- For knowledge is of a natural by-product of decomposition, is also Catholicism with this beatification. Mother through the powerful and effective inter- TREE things we see;/ And yet Teresa never attempted to convert anyone cession of the saint to whom one prays. of instruction for ters of civil law released through agricultural waste and livestock all mankind. It provides are also dealt with. we trust it comes from gaseous emissions. Development and environment to Catholicism. She only brought dignity — Fr Joe Eruppakkatt, General Editor, Thee,/ A beam in the and solace to the poor and dying. She is St Paul’s, Mumbai correct and understandable When the Qur’an is protection need not be mutually exclusive. We’ve got answers to all the central read during the month darkness: let it grow. the figures, we’ve seen the effects — of thinning polar considered a saint by millions around the world — especially the poorest of the questions which arise in an of its revelation, Ramzan, In Memoriam, caps and the ozone layer. But in itself the data makes Sania Days inquisitive mind. It serves as it creates an atmosphere Lord Tennyson little sense as no equivalent statistics are available for poor — to whom her order, the Sisters of Charity,brought succour. As one who was Hats off to tennis players Sania Mirza and a guiding light, inspiring which reminds us of the ✥ prehistoric times spanning a millennia of geological Rushmi Chakravarthy who scored victories present at the Vatican for the beatification and leading the devout on time when the divine light When we trust as far as and climatic changes. in the semi-finals to set up an all-India final the right path. from heaven fell upon the Meteor hits, volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, ice ceremony,I witnessed a spontaneous we can, we often find in the women’s singles at the Afro-Asian The guidance given in the earth. The Qur’an is a age — our planet is no stranger to life-threatening outpouring of emotions when the Pope ourselves able to trust Games in Hyderabad. Mirza defeated Qur’an is a unique blessing guiding force in man’s life. calamities. The Earth has survived all this and more. declared her blessed. All around, people at least a little further. Czarina Arivelo of the Philippines, while to mankind from God, He earns his livelihood Given the rapid pace at which science and technology from every corner of the world shed tears Mark Gibbard Chakravarthy quelled a strong attack from because it shows man the according to its dictates. He is progressing, it should be no time at all before we of joy.The Vatican has not bent any rules ✥ Indonesia’s Sandy Gumulya to assure India path to ultimate success. It bathes in the ocean of its find more eco-friendly ways of production. A mere a gold and silver medal each. The Andhra tells man how to conduct life to cleanse his soul. Hope springs eternal 50 years ago, human life expectancy in India was From timesofindia.com government must honour this duo to boost himself, so that in his in the human breast: barely 32 years. Today, it is 60-plus. Not only has The Qur’an is a reward to their morale. Most Indians are crazy about eternal life he may gain Man never is, but the quality of life improved, we have discovered His servants from God. And cricket. Even a child knows how many entry into Paradise, which is always to be, blest. palliatives and cures for many diseases that were Sardar Sidelined fasting is acknowledgement centuries has scored, the ultimate goal. Fasting is The soul, uneasy and terminal afflictions only decades ago. True, with of the reward. Through It is ironic that on his birth anniversary but not many have heard of Sania Mirza. the path to it. fasting man makes himself confin’d from home, changes and improvements in lifestyle, new diseases on October 31, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Kudos to the sports authorities for giving The month of Ramzan, worthy of being thankful to Rests and expatiates and problems have cropped up. But as we have done who united India by merging about Andhra the opportunity to host the AAF. therefore, is an annual God. He obeys the command in a life to come. in the past, we will deal with these, too. Clean tech- 562 states, hardly received a mention, — Rajesh Singamsetty, via e-mail reminder of this unique of God and thus gains Alexander Pope nology is the way of the future. Even assuming for the except in one newspaper. The same day, Letters to this column should be addressed to Letters c/o Edit page blessing. The celebration of a keen awareness of the ✥ sake of argument that the human race plunders our the Prince of Wales, from a country Editor, The Times of India, 7, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New the revelation of the Qur’an supremacy of God. Having planet beyond habitation, that may not be reason that ruled and divided India, hogged the I can believe anything, Delhi-110002. email:[email protected] is not observed in the gone through a month’s for despair. Who would have imagined, during the headlines in most newspapers. How can No. 266 Vol. 54. Air charge: Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai ,Cochin, Chennai & via provided it Rs.3, Indore and via 50 paise. National edition: No aircharge.Price in Nepal: NEP Rs 5, except usual way, but is marked fasting, he creates the industrial revolution, that we would touchdown on we accuse our youth of blindly following Sunday: NEP Rs 7. RNI No. 508/57 MADE IN NEW DELHI REGD. NO. DL-25002/92. Published for is incredible. the proprietors, Bennett Coleman & Co. Ltd., by Balraj Arora at Times House, 7, Bahadur Shah by abstinence, and by being ability in himself to lead the Moon? We could well establish habitable colonies the West when we do not give them a Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110 002 and printed by him at 13, Site IV Industrial Area,Sahibabad (UP), Oscar Wilde Faizabad Road, Chinhat, Lucknow and MNS Printers Pvt. Ltd., Industrial Area, Phase II, Panchku- grateful to the Almighty, a life of piety as ordained in outer space and eventually even devise ways of chance to appreciate our great leaders? la, Haryana. Regd. Office: Dr Dadabhai Naoroji Road, Mumbai - 400 001. Editor (Delhi Market): Bachi Karkaria-responsible for selection of news under PRB Act. Executive Editor: Shekhar Bhatia. expressing this in various in the Qur’an. controlling climate variations at the flick of a button. Shel Prakash, via e-mail © All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the pub- lisher is prohibited. Postal Registration No.: TN/Chief PMG/399/2002 forms of charity. Fasting in http://spirituality.indiatimes.com

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The Times of India, New Delhi, Friday,November 7, 2003

For more trade Ringing out loud Looking at growth Former WTO director- SingTel phone booths are a First deputy MD of the IMF, general Mike Moore common sight in Singapore. Anne Krueger (left), and encourages trade and The firm’s Q2 profit rose Brazilian economy minister investment in the Asia- 14 per cent on the back of Antonio Palocci have worked Pacific region at the CEO a strong showing from out a new deal for maintaining Forum in Hong Kong its Australian unit, Optus growth rate for Brazil

Selling rate: Currency notes Rupee Value US $: 45.80 UK £: 76.85 Euro: 52.50 S Fr: 34.50 Yen (100): 42.90 A $: 33.60 NZ $: 29.15 S $: 27.10 Saudi Riyal 12.60 UAE Dirham 12.85 Thai Baht (100) 115.80 Source: SBI, Mumbai

Teledensity is DISINVESTMENT moving up, Tatas apply for 7 more WLL-M licences TALKS says Trai By Baiju Kalesh and Himachal Pradesh. Planning big If DoT approves all these ap- gal, including Kolkata),’’ an Naik for equity TIMES NEWS NETWORK The new applications are in plications, Tata Tele and Re- analyst said. TIMES NEWS NETWORK addition to those for operating liance Infocomm will both An investment banker advis- Mumbai: With unified licens- •Tata Tele has applied for basic services in four circles — have a presence in 17 states. ing telecom deals said ‘‘The New Delhi: The country’s ing in the telecom sector set to basic licences in West sale in IOC teledensity (phones per 100 kick in soon, the Tata Group Haryana, Kerala, Punjab and Bengal (including Kolkata), With a subscriber base of just Tatas have taken a systematic people) targets may be met seems to be in a hurry to catch Uttar Pradesh — which are Bihar, Orissa, UP (East), 1.2 million as against Reliance and steady approach in a tur- TIMES NEWS NETWORK well before time. Provided, up with rival Reliance group pending with the DoT. Madhya Pradesh, Ra- Info’s 4.7 million, the Tatas are bulent regulatory scenario, New Delhi: The petroleum ministry is the heady growth of sub- in the limited mobility race. Tata Tele is the first player jasthan and HP clearly keen to catch up. whereas Reliance has been ag- weighing the option of shedding upto 15 scriber base is sustained. According to department of to seek WLL licences from ‘‘Going by the licence fee for gressive.’’ It’s the first player seek- per cent government equity in refiner In- And, this optimism comes telecom (DoT) sources, Tata DOT after the Cabinet ap- • the fourth cellular operator The current WLL sub- ing licences after the dian Oil Corporation (IOC) to help the from telecom regulator Trai. Teleservices has applied for proved the group of ministers (which is what each new WLL scriber base is 6.9 million unified licence regime was government meet its disinvestment tar- Much of the telecom basic licences to operate WLL- (GoM)’s proposal for a unified licence will cost), the group while cellular subscribers notified recently get now that the big-ticket oil sector sell- growth has come from wire- based mobile services in seven licence regime wherein any may have to cough up close to have grown to 19.3 million. offs have stumbled over legal hurdles. less telephony—cellular and more circles — West Bengal operator, whether cellular or Analysts say the licences Rs 400 crore for obtaining the According to a DOT study, the • ‘‘The government has 82 per cent in WLL-M. In October, India (including Kolkata), Bihar, basic, can offer the whole will cost Tatas around Rs licences for nine states (There total mobile customer base is IOC. We can offload 12-15 per cent in the added 1.69 million sub- Orissa, Uttar Pradesh (East), range of phone services to its 400 crore were no bidders for the fourth expected to touch 100 million market to garner resources to meet the scribers (1.05 million cellu- Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan customers. licence in Bihar and West Ben- in 2007. lar and 0.64 million WLL-M), deficit in the disinvestment target. This according to Trai. ‘‘In India, will not alter the company’s flagship sta- by October 2003, fixed lines AFP tus wherein the government wants to were around 42 million and Torrent plans Philip Morris brings hold at least 51 per cent equity,’’ oil min- mobiles around 25 million ister Ram Naik said. (both cellular plus WLL-M). unit in Poland Marlboro sans GPI ‘‘The deficit (in the disinvestment tar- At this rate of growth, we ex- get) is a concern for the finance and the pect (India) to reach teleden- By Swati Bharadwaj-Chand TIMES NEWS NETWORK disinvestment ministries. The petrole- sity of 7 in 2003 itself.’’ TIMES NEWS NETWORK um ministry will extend full co-opera- New Delhi: Tobacco major Philip Morris The telecom growth the tion to bridge this,’’ Naik said. bypassed its JV partner Modi family to world over has come, howev- Ahmedabad: Torrent Phar- The minister said a similar quantum launch the most prestigious cigarette er, from cellular telephony. maceuticals is setting up a of equity could also be offloaded in brand from its stables — Marlboro — in In- The reason: Cellphone net- separate subsidiary in ONGC and Gail India. dia. The decision to go solo with Marlboro works are cheaper and faster Poland to focus on Eastern He declined to say whether the offer- comes after an initial failed attempt to to set up compared to land- European markets and has ing would be domestic or overseas, or a launch the brand in India through the JV lines connections. Besides, a firmed up marketing al- combination of both. ‘‘These are the op- firm Godfrey Philips India (GPI). large number of people on liances with two European tions. The cabinet will take a final deci- Philip Morris India spokesman Ajay the move need to be always companies for marketing sion,’’ adding that his ministry was yet Sahgal said, “As an equity partner in GPI, connected in a 24X7, and in- generic formulations short- to formally make a proposal. we have held dialogues with the Modis on creasingly globalised, world. ly going off-patent in Eu- IOC too had suggested selling 20 per various business strategies. But it is a com- Delhi itself may have rope. cent equity in the overseas market for $ 2 more mobile phones—cellu- According to sources, TPL pany policy to go alone with Marlboro.” billion to break the selloff logjam. Ana- lar plus WLL-M—than land- has already appointed While legal experts pointed out that the lysts believe that offloading 12-15 per lines. There are about 3.4 Krystof Bernt as v-p and MD move defies the government’s stated policy cent equity of IOC or ONGC could fetch million cellular and WLL-M to head its Eastern Euro- on JVs, Sahgal said, “We are following the the government Rs 10,000 crore. lines in Delhi, as against 2.3 NYSE interim chief John S Reed is taking quick steps. pean operations, which will law of the land. The subsidiary cannot in- At its last meeting, CCD had asked the million landlines. be headquartered at Warsaw fuse fresh FDI and we are only importing oil and the disinvestment ministries to in Poland. the packs.” work out by December a way to break the The new subsidiary would The brand is being launched through a logjam over the stalled oil sector selloffs. Vedanta to NYSE revamps board be TPL’s second European distributor. It is introducing the product at Naik said the CCD decided to simulta- arm after it incorporated a Rs 75 for a pack of 20 cigarettes. The brand, neously weigh the options of either seek- By Floyd Norris and prove the arrangement is mer board. The eight direc- wholly owned subsidiary is already available in India through the Landon Thomas Jr ing clarifications from the Supreme raise $700 m not yet clear. tors will preside over such Torrent Pharma GmbH in unofficial channelsand sold at around Rs 80 Court, working on a political consensus TIMES NEWS NETWORK ohn S. Reed, the interim Senior officials in the of- sensitive committee func- Germany last fiscal year. for a similar pack in the grey markets. chairman of NYSE, for parliamentary approval to disinvest J fice of the chairman, tions as regulation, com- For marketing alliances, The aggressive pricing has led to Hindustan Petroleum and Bharat Mumbai: Anil Agarwal-pro- proposed significant William H Donaldson, and pensation, board nomina- TPL has entered into an rumours of under-invoicing. But Sahgal Petroelum and examining whether some moted Vedanta Resources — changes in how the ex- elsewhere at the agency tions and audits. agreement with $ 1.28 billion refused to divulge its pricing details and IOC equity could be disinvested. ‘‘There the newly formed holding change will be governed, said that the proposal was Under the new rules pro- speciality formulations play- margins saying “it is confidential company was no proposal to split IOC.’’ company for the group’s including the creation of a a good first step, and they posed by Reed, no one can er Alpharma. information.” non-ferrous metals firms stock exchange board that praised Reed, who was ap- serve on the board while he like Sterlite, Malco, Balco he said would be unencum- pointed in late September, or she is an executive of a and Hindustan Zinc — is bered by insider ties and planning to raise around conflicting interests. for moving so quickly. company that owns a bro- $700 million (Rs 3,200 crore) The structure would But the officials also em- kerage firm or of a compa- by listing on the London leave the exchange with its phasised that the commis- ny whose securities are Stock Exchange. self-regulatory operation, sion might, in the coming listed on the exchange. The Vedanta IPO is tipped although it would be far months, order the ex- Such executives could to be the biggest on the Lon- more insulated from possi- change and other stock serve on a second board don bourse this year, and ble influence by brokerage markets to disclose more proposed by Reed. will be the first primary list- firms or exchange traders. information and change The 20 members of the ing of an Indian firm in the “It’s first time in the ex- the way they are regulated. board of executives would London market. change’s history that we The board includes four be selected by the Investment bank JP Mor- have had a board that is in- retired chief executives of independent board from a gan and HSBC are joint glob- dependent,” Reed said. major companies and only variety of constituen- al co-ordinators to the pro- Whether SEC will ap- two members of the for- cies. NYT News Service posed IPO.


ties at Dhaligaon, Assam. RIL NATIONAL Off to the market: Petronet LNG’s will also help BRPL in mar- Suresh Mathur is planning big. He is keting the entire output. PTI GoM meet on airports launching an IPO in January, 2004, postponed: The group of to raise Rs 250 crore. Around 25 Orissa asks Rites to ministers’ meeting on privati- per cent of the equity capital, or identify party: The Orissa sation of the Delhi and Mum- 200 million shares, will be on government has asked Rites bai airports, scheduled for offer. The fund will be infused to identify a company which Thursday, has been post- in construction of the would take up the responsi- poned to Sunday, with the Rs 800 crore Dahej bility of expanding the ministries concerned having import terminal in Gopalpur seasonal port into sought more clarifications. Gujarat. an all-weather port, the state The Naresh Chandra Com- commerce and transport min- mittee, which is finalising the ister, Arabinda Dhali has said. new civil aviation policy, is The government had no expected to present its final funds to develop the port for report to civil aviation minister which it was looking for pri- Rajiv Pratap Rudy by the end vate sector investment, but of this month. While ministry efforts since 1995 had not officials said the committee been fruitful, he said. PTI will decide on foreign airline equity in Indian carriers, Rudy Sebi proposes to seek said no such proposal has additional disclosures: been discussed as yet. TNN Sebi is considering revision of the standard letter format for Maruti’s new wage pact: Ajit Ninan takeovers, with a view to Maruti Udyog on Thursday Govt not to check rising Reliance in pact with seek additional disclosures announced that it had cut the steel prices: The govern- Bongaigaon refinery: Re- from acquirers and protect in- annual wage hike for its em- ment has ruled out any move liance Industries Ltd said on vestors interest. The corpo- ployees from 9 per cent to to intervene to check soaring Thursday it would provide rate bodies, persons or enti- 3.5 per cent. This, with the steel prices. ‘‘Government technical and manufacturing ties seeking to acquire stake massive manpower has no role to play in it... support to Bongaigaon Refin- in target company should restructuring drive, will result movement in international ery and Petrochemicals Ltd, provide explanation about in huge savings on Maruti’s prices is reflected in domestic an IOC subsidiary, for achiev- reasons for plans to take con- wage bill, among the prices,’’ steel minister B K ing capacity utilisation of the trol of the target company, highest in India. TNN Tripathi said. PTI latter’s petrochemical facili- Sebi has said. PTI

day. Bertelsmann CEO on Thursday its quarterly Hyundai Motor strike: INTERNATIONAL Gunter Thielen said in the profit had more than doubled, Workers shut down Hyundai note European and US cartel boosted by strong DVD sales Motor on Thursday, joining a McDonald’s October US approval processes would as well as growth in newspa- half-day nationwide strike to sales seen strong: Mc- start shortly. Reuters per earnings. News Corp, fight the government’s labour Donald’s is likely to post a stuck with its forecasts for policy. Some 40,000 Hyundai seventh straight month of ro- News Corp profit surges high single-digit to low dou- Motor workers downed tools bust US sales, offsetting on DVD sales: Rupert Mur- ble-digit earnings growth for for four hours. AFP overseas weakness that has doch’s News Corp Ltd said the fiscal. Reuters kept investors from buying into its turnaround story. Wall Street has been banking con- ET INSTA POLL servatively on a monthly sales Yesterday’s results: gain at McDonald’s. Reuters Why do you surf the Net? Entertainment Information Office work Bertelsmann, Sony to 0016% 74% 10% merge music units: Ber- • The poll reflects the opinions of Net users telsmann signed a letter of in- who chose to participate, and not necessarily of tent with Japan’s Sony to the general public. merge their music units in a Today’s question: Would you 50-50 joint venture, Bertels- prefer to buy an assembled PC rather than a branded one? mann’s head said in an e-mail To vote, log on to to the group’s staff on Thurs- http://economictimes.indiatimes.com

TOID71103/CR1/15/M/1TOID71103/CR1/15/C/1TOID71103/CR1/15/K/1TOID71103/CR1/15/Y/1 CMYK OID ‰ † K OID ‰ † OID ‰ † M OID ‰ † C

16 Friday,November 7, 2003 STOCKS The Times of India, New Delhi

Pun.Nat.Bank 200.40, 201.95, 18.75, 18.90, 18.05, 18.50 Camph.& All 31.25, 31.55, 30.65, 25, 27.90, 24, 27.10 Hind.Sanitar 94.95, 104, 102.20 194.25, 196.80 Albert David 54, 57, 55.60 31.50 Everest Inds 80, 75.75, 76.65 95.35, 103.90, 94, 102.15 201, 201.90, 195.05, 197.70 Albright & W 210.05, 210, 215 Canfin Homes 36.05, 37.50, 36.75 73.05, 79, 73.05, 76.30 Hind.Spg &Wg 14, 13.05, 13.06 Pun.Tractors 217.10, 226, 212, Alembic 344.90, 330, 330.20 36.30, 37.35, 36.30, 36.70 13.10, 13.10, 13, 13.10 NSE SHARE INDEX BSE SHARE INDEX Sensex down 17 pts 219.80 340.90, 340.90, 328, 329.90 Caprihans(I) 18.10, 19.70 F Hitachi Home 21.95, 23, 21.15, 22.50 219, 226.90, 212.50, 221.05 Alka (I) 0.70, 0.73, 0.63, 0.72 Carborundum 167, 179.50, 178.75 22, 23.20, 21.35, 22.75 1700 5400 Ramco Systm 252.05, 260, 250, 252 Alkyl Amines 19.10, 20, 19.50 179.50, 181, 177, 178.40 FAG Bearings 97.10, 103, 100.90 Honda SIEL P 108.30, 112, 108.20, 99, 102, 98.20, 100.05 255, 260, 250.55, 251.65 Allahabad Bk 21.50, 22.05, 21.70 CCL Products 26.25, 25 110 1675 5300 Mumbai: Stocks lost early gains and majority of blue-chips even Ranbaxy Lab. 1034, 1036, 1020, 22.05, 22.05, 21.50, 21.60 Ceat 45.40, 51.60, 51.05 Fairfield At 10, 10.35, 9.52, 9.59 109, 113.85, 106.50, 109.65 registered marked falls for the second consecutive day, pushing 1029.80 Alok Inds. 36.50, 38.50, 36, 38.15 45, 52, 45, 50.95 FCI OEN Con. 125, 132, 130.55 Hotel Leela. 29.20, 32.90, 28.55, 5200 1033.35, 1035.80, 1019, 1029.60 36.20, 38.40, 36, 37.95 Centur. Bank 13, 11.97, 12.10 126.75, 134.85, 126, 130.05 32.55 1650 the Sensex down by another 17 points at close on The Bombay Raymond 139, 144.45, 138.50, Alps Inds. 22.95, 23 12.25, 12.70, 12.05, 12.15 FCL Techno. 23.95, 20.45, 22 28.85, 32.90, 28.45, 32.40 5100 5064.91 141.55 21.10, 21.10, 20.15, 20.15 Cerebra Inte 3.80, 4.05, 3.96 22, 22, 20.80, 20.80 1625 1618.70 1612.20 FDC 71, 74.50, 69.80, 73.80 Stock Exchange on Thursday on late sell-off by retail investors 139.80, 143.70, 138.30, 141.40 Alstom 54.95, 61.40, 59.20 CESC 119.25, 126.90, 118.90, I 5000 RCF 31.70, 32.50, 31.20, 31.50 Amara Raja B 63.30, 64.75, 64.15 121.35 70.85, 74.45, 69.80, 73.50 5097.84 and financial institutions. Finan.Techno 23.80, 24.85, 23, 24.15 IFCI 13.65, 15.75, 13.64, 15.53 1600 5047.54 31.40, 32.60, 31, 31.55 64.25, 65, 63.30, 64.30 120, 127, 117.10, 122.05 1609.15 4900 Initially,the BSE benchmark 30-share index showed signs of a Rel Capital 83.50, 88.20, 83.40, Ambica Agarb 51, 47 Chemfab Alk. 35.10, 35.20, 32, 33.95 First Leasin 19.90, 20.50, 20.35 13.65, 15.65, 13.60, 15.45 20.45, 20.45, 20, 20.25 Igarashi Mot 52, 60.55, 59.25 1575 87.80 Ambuja Cem.R 6.01, 6.15, 5.82, 5.96 Chemplast Sa 25.70, 26.30, 26.25 4800 smart recovery,rising to the intra-day high at 5118.08 on the back 83.50, 88.25, 83.50, 87.70 5.95, 6.15, 5.85, 5.95 26.25, 26.45, 25.50, 26.45 Flat Product 101.30, 104.60, 98.75, 52.30, 55, 52, 54.35 99.10 IL&FS Invt.M 30, 27.40, 28.85 of heavy buying interest. Later, it met with a strong resistance Reliance Ind 491.95, 501.40, 489, Amex Info. 13.60, 14.90, 14.66 Chettinad Ce 72.20, 75, 73.65 1550 4700 491.75 Amforge Inds 81.95, 79, 81.95 Cheviot Co. 144, 145, 140.55, 143.10 Flex Foods 7.50, 8.25 27.90, 29.40, 27.90, 29.10 and dipped to the low of 5030.04 before ending at 5047.54 from Flex Inds. 30.95, 33.25, 32.85 Ind.Swift 84, 90, 81.10, 84.10 492, 501.50, 489.10, 492.85 Amrutanjan 80.95, 81, 78, 79.85 Chola.Inv&Fi 61, 60.05, 61.05 1525 4600 Rolta (I) 81, 84.35, 80.10, 82.15 Amtek 66, 68, 65.25, 67.35 61, 62, 61, 61.55 30.25, 33.25, 30, 32.90 Ind.Swift La 33.50, 33, 33.50 Wednesday’s close of 5064.91 — a net loss of 17.37 points or 0.34 Forbes Gokak 103.15, 110, 109.40 33.80, 33.80, 32.70, 33.30 80.50, 84.35, 80, 82.20 Amtek Auto 270, 283, 267, 279.60 Chowgule Stm 8.10, 7.80, 8.36 November 4 November 5 November 6 November 4 November 5 November 6 per cent. SAIL 44.70, 47.35, 44.50, 46.95 270, 282.70, 266, 279.20 Ciba Sp.Chem 121, 122, 118.15, Fortune Info 20.70, 23.75, 22.68 India Gelat. 11.70, 12.95 44.65, 47.35, 44.50, 46.95 Andrew Yule 15.10, 15.70, 15.40 120.05 Foseco (I) 232, 236, 230.55, 232 India Glycol 79.80, 82.45, 79.10, 81 231.05, 238, 231.05, 232.30 India Gypsum 54.05, 60.30 Attributing early smart rally in key counters to hefty net in- Satyam Comp 335.90, 347.75, Ankur Drugs 21.50, 23, 22 Cinevistaas 29, 31, 30.40 +0.18% CHANGE OVER PREVIOUS CLOSING -0.34% CHANGE OVER PREVIOUS CLOSING vestments of Rs 1,107 crore in the first two sessions of the week 330.30, 340.90 Ansal Prop. 14.50, 13.75, 15.22 29.50, 32, 29.25, 30.30 Frontier Inf 3.10, 3.31, 3.22 55, 59.35, 54.10, 59.35 337, 347.80, 335.35, 340.05 AP Paper 95, 98.70 City Union B 54.50, 54.85, 54, 54.45 Fulford (I) 341.50, 324, 384.45 India Nippon 342, 333.10, 340 by foreign institutional investors (FIIs), market sources said re- Saw Pipes 233, 240, 231, 231.95 Apcotex Lat. 32, 32.50, 31.80, 32.20 54.75, 55, 54.25, 54.40 Futura Poly. 14.98, 15.55, 14.60, 342, 342, 342, 342 234.40, 240.40, 230.60, 232.30 32, 32.25, 31.75, 32 Clariant (I) 173.90, 170, 170.45 15.20 Indian Card 51.25, 53.40, 51, 53 46, 46.40, 44.85, 46.40 PCS Inds. 21.10, 22, 21.55 Supreme Inds 206, 197, 198.75 tail investors were extremely cautious and availed any opportu- 50.50, 52.70, 50.50, 51.40 Krebs Bioche 171.90, 175.90, 170, Pennar Alum. 3.30, 3.06, 3.23 199.70, 203, 198.50, 199.05 SBI 484.80, 475.05, 477.15 Aplab 33.50, 31.20, 31.45 168.05, 172, 168.05, 171.25 G 481.90, 483.80, 475.35, 477.80 Aptech 52, 52.50, 50.85, 51.55 Classic Diam 44.60, 45.60, 43.35, 45 Indian Hume 1765, 1830, 1762, 170.90 Pentamedia G 8.10, 8.50, 7.80, 8.17 Supreme Petr 15.35, 16.05, 15.80 nity to book profits at the day’s higher price levels in reaction to 1801.35 Shipp.Corpn. 125.80, 136.10, 51.20, 52.50, 51, 51.55 Clutch.Auto 9.60, 9.30, 10.07 Gabriel (I) 167.70, 171.80, 163.30, Krishna Life 1.90, 2.05, 1.88, 2.03 7.90, 8.80, 7.80, 8.10 16, 16.35, 15.60, 15.90 selling by financial institutions. PTI 125.70, 131.55 Archies 54, 52.75, 52.90 Coates (I) 110, 116, 109.50, 115.80 1825, 1825, 1825, 1825 Krone Comm 75, 76, 73.10, 74.15 Pentasoft Te 2.95 Surana Tele 16, 16.60, 16 166.55 Indian Resor 78.50, 79.90, 77.50, 79 127.50, 136.40, 127, 131.45 54, 54, 52.50, 52.90 111, 116, 108, 115.85 Galaxy Enter 34.50, 30, 34.75 KSB Pumps 94, 90 3, 3, 2.95, 3 16.90, 19.60, 16.25, 16.35 Siemens 583, 595, 571, 578.45 Arvind Rem. 2.75, 2.74, 2.75 Cochin Minrl 12.11, 12.85, 12.12 Indian SeamM 16, 16.30, 15.50, 92.80, 92.80, 89, 90.45 Pharmacia He 115.80, 113.45, Surat Elec. 197, 205.90, 196, 203.15 Gammon (I) 220, 221.95, 216, 15.65 KEY: The BSE quotations of a scrip are given in the first line while the quotes in ital- 581, 596.60, 571, 578.50 2.75, 2.75, 2.75, 2.75 Color Chips 7.60, 8.18, 8 217.15 113.70 194.25, 206, 194.25, 201.55 Silverline T 5.75, 5.60, 6.48 Ashapura Min 98, 100, 96, 98.05 7.70, 8.20, 7.65, 8.10 Indo Gulf Fe 83.50, 84, 82.55, 83.25 L 115, 116, 112.90, 113.50 Surya Roshni 15.50, 16.25, 15.40, ics are those of the NSE.The quotations are in the sequence of the day’s opening, 218, 223, 215, 218.40 81.50, 84, 81.50, 83.30 SKF Bearing 83.40, 87.90, 86.45 97.50, 97.50, 96.15, 96.15 Colour Chem 247.25, 245 Gandhi Sp.Tu 23.85, 24, 23.05, 23.35 Phillip Carb 74, 68.10, 74.35 15.95 Indo Mat.Car 83, 82.25, 82.30 Lakhani (I) 62, 61.50, 63.45 69.90, 75, 69.90, 75 17.40, 17.40, 15.50, 15.85 high, low, and closing. Each time a company’s closing share price falls below its “last 83.80, 87.40, 83.20, 86.25 Ashima 16, 17.35, 16.25 250.85, 251.90, 246.05, 246.35 Garden Silk 37.90, 50, 49.65 Lakshmi Au.C 112.05, 116.90, SPICE 50.01, 49.50 15.60, 15.80, 15.60, 15.80 Compucom Sof 30, 30.45, 29.60 Indo Nationl 351, 354, 350.50, Phoenix Lamp 22.85, 23.40, 22.80, Surylak.Cott 33.40, 34.80, 33.05, offer price” on BSE, the name of the company is underlined. 47, 51, 46.95, 50.20 353.75 111.25, 112.75 STC India 140, 130.30, 131.20 Ashok Ley.Fn 65.25, 72.40, 72.10 Compudyne Wi 9.50, 10.49, 9.20, Garware Poly 35.90, 32.15, 33.40 23.20 33.70 350.05, 360, 349.90, 357.30 117.90, 117.90, 114, 114.80 Pioneer Embr 56.70, 54, 54.05 33.05, 33.50, 33.05, 33.20 113, 119, 113, 117.55 India Cement 31.90, 32.70, 31.40, 131.05, 132.75, 130, 130.85 68.75, 72.60, 68.70, 72.05 9.25 Garware Wall 22, 21.55 Lakshmi Elec 53.50, 54.75, 54.50 Dabur (I) 70.60, 72, 70.25, 70.90 31.90 Sterl.Biotec 62.95, 57.50, 60.20 Asian Elect. 78.75, 82.20, 78.60, 10, 10.50, 9.30, 9.40 Indraprast.M 11.65, 15.50, 14.99 Plastiblend 62, 65, 63.30 Sutlej Inds. 55, 56 BSE SPECIFIED Gati 51, 45.05, 45.30 14, 15.15, 14, 14.90 Lakshmi Mach 3524, 3485, 3500 72, 72, 70.20, 70.95 31.90, 32.70, 31.40, 31.90 61.20, 61.45, 59.40, 60.30 79.90 Computech In 5.30, 5.95, 5.68 Genesys Intl 33, 35.45, 32.80, 33.95 PNB Gilts 31, 31.40, 31.20 58.20, 61.50, 55, 55.90 Indus.Inv.Tr 26, 28.40, 26.45 3465, 3542, 3465, 3500 31.50, 31.50, 30.80, 31.20 Suven Life 352, 362, 360.75 & NSE INDEX Dena Bank 25.90, 25.95, 25.70, Indian Alumi 169, 170, 162, 163 Sterl.Inds. 985, 1062.75 80, 81, 78.75, 79.60 5.75, 5.75, 5.50, 5.65 33.60, 35.35, 32.85, 33.85 Lanco Inds. 10.80, 11.50, 11.11 25.80 169, 171, 161.80, 163.40 Sterl.Optica 53.25, 55.55, 53, 55.15 Asian Hotels 135, 128.25, 131.25 Cont.Const. 14.75, 14.10, 14.40 Innovis.E-Co 0.36, 0.33 Polyplex 152, 154.50, 149.55, 153.95 360.25, 365, 359, 360.65 Geodesic Inf 229.30 Insilco 13.70, 14.40, 13.64, 14.11 Landmarc Lei 7.65, 6.25 ABB 512, 538.95, 510, 535.30 25.50, 25.95, 25.50, 25.75 Indian Hotel 342, 372, 371.35 52.80, 55.60, 52.80, 55 133, 133, 125.10, 131 Control Prnt 29, 29.50, 29.35 George Willi 52.10, 52.90, 51.35, 149.90, 154.40, 149.50, 153.45 Swaraj Engin 215, 212.70, 224.90 Inter.Travel 52, 53.50, 51.20, 52.35 LG Balkrish 318, 323.75, 321.30 Porrits&Spen 101.20, 102.50, 100.50, 520, 548, 520, 537.85 Digital Glob 562.50, 594.80, 559, 371, 372.50, 365.10, 370.60 Sun Pharma. 600, 609.80, 575, Assam Co. 17.75, 16, 17 Corom. Fert. 93.05, 103, 93, 101.50 52.45 315, 329, 315, 320.45 212.95, 226.95, 212.95, 225.20 Abbott (I) 386, 390, 382.50, 384.95 590.15 Indian Oil C 374.10, 381.55, 372.30, 578.20 Astrazen.Ph. 629, 595 94, 103, 94, 101.80 Ion Exchange 35.90, 36.70, 35.10, 101.50 Swaraj Mazda 187, 190 53, 54, 52, 52 35.95 Liberty Shoe 69.60, 71.45, 71 ACC 235.45, 239.90, 231.90, 233.55 568, 593.80, 565.20, 587.40 375.45 603.50, 614, 573.60, 578.60 610.95, 611, 586, 595.35 Cosmo Ferr. 8.05, 8.30, 7.82, 8.20 GIC Housing 30, 32, 29.60, 31.45 Praj Ind. 80, 82.25, 78.50, 79.50 185.60, 190, 185.60, 189.65 IP Rings 88, 83.50, 86 73.90, 73.90, 70.30, 70.65 79, 82.80, 77.55, 78.90 234.90, 240, 232, 234.25 Dr.Reddy’s 1375, 1290.15, 1297.80 372, 381.80, 372, 376.30 Syndicate Bn 34, 33.45, 33.55 Atcom Techno 9.89, 10.25, 9.75, 9.93 Cosmo Films 87.90, 88.75, 86.10, 29.60, 32.45, 29.60, 31.15 Lloyds Steel 4.13, 5, 4.96 Syncom Form. 33.55, 35.50 Adani Export 199.50, 201.95, 197.55, 1375, 1375, 1292, 1301.90 Indian Ov.Bk 31.40, 31.80, 30.75, 34, 34, 33.50, 33.60 10.40, 10.40, 9.55, 9.95 88.15 Isibars 6.31, 6.93, 6.30, 6.90 Precision Wr 37.90, 38.60, 37.25, Synergy Log 5.97, 6, 5.80, 5.97 Glenmark Pha 80.50, 81.50, 78.60, Ispat Inds. 12.24, 12.84, 12.01, 4.45, 5, 4.35, 4.90 201.05 Dredging Cor 405, 415, 397, 401.50 31.35 Syngenta (I) 136, 138.20, 130, Atlas Copco 258.10, 264.90, 258.05, 88.55, 88.80, 87, 88.10 79.05 38.40 12.74 LML 61.70, 62.15, 60.10, 60.65 37.40, 39.10, 37.40, 38.40 T 202, 203.95, 198.55, 201.65 E-Serve Intl 675, 660, 668.25 31.35, 31.80, 30.70, 31.25 130.35 258.55 Creative Eye 10, 10.50, 10.25 81, 81.50, 78.55, 79.30 61.30, 62.30, 60.05, 60.65 Alfa Laval 409.95, 410, 402, 402.55 656, 663.95, 651, 654.80 Indian Rayon 209, 210.80, 205, Tata Chem 128.50, 128.60, 122.10, Atlas Cycles 70, 70.50, 69.60, 70.10 10.75, 11, 10, 10.10 12.15, 12.85, 12, 12.75 Premier Inst 310.50, 326.95 Global Tr.Bk 21, 20, 20.40 IT & T 12.35, 13.10, 12.62 Logix Micro. 15.05, 15.75, 15.04, T Spiritual 50.50, 50, 50.50 408, 408.75, 401.10, 403.30 EIH 240, 245, 236.10, 240.95 205.80 122.95 69.35, 71, 69.35, 69.65 Crest Comm. 26, 27.20, 26.65 20.90, 21, 19.50, 20.70 311, 326.80, 311, 326.80 12.65, 13.15, 12.40, 12.65 15.63 Premier Tyre 7, 6.75 Taj GVK Hotl 103, 103.30, 97, 100 Alstom Proj. 107, 112.50, 105.10, 235.30, 246.90, 235.25, 239.55 208.90, 211, 205, 205.75 129, 129, 122.50, 123.45 Atul 39.50, 39.95, 37.70, 39.50 26.10, 27, 26, 26.80 GMM Pfaudler 97, 97.35, 97 Loy.Tex Mill 70, 68.55 99.90, 103.30, 98.55, 99.75 105.45 Engineers (I 375, 384, 368.65, Indo Rama Sy 92.85, 94.30, 91.10, Tata Elxsi 91.80, 94.80, 91.10, 92.95 38.50, 40.50, 38.05, 39.60 CRISIL 440, 417, 425 ITC Hotels 83.05, 86.95, 86.60 Prism Cement 10.20, 10.62, 10.15, GMR Techno. 14.50, 12.50, 13.23 83.40, 86.75, 83.40, 86.65 Lumax Ind 45, 46.50, 45.45 Tanfac Ind. 22, 22.20, 21.05, 21.15 106.10, 112, 104.50, 105.45 369.75 91.70 91.50, 94.60, 90.50, 92.85 Auto Axles 215, 219.50, 212.25, 437, 437, 421, 425.70 Goa Carbon 46.90, 48.50, 46, 46.10 10.35 ITI 15.20, 16.60, 16.45 46.50, 46.50, 45, 45.45 10.25, 10.60, 10.15, 10.30 TASC Pharma. 35.50, 36.60, 35, Andhra Bank 46.70, 44.85, 44.95 380, 380, 369, 369.85 91.80, 94.35, 91.65, 92.25 Tata Infotec 343.40, 355, 343.05, 218.95 Godavri Fert 57.60 Lyka Labs 34.10, 35.70, 33.05, 35.30 35.50 46.10, 46.15, 45, 45.10 Escorts 56, 65.55 Indusind Bnk 26.20, 25.40, 25.65 346.10 217, 220.95, 215, 219.70 D 15.85, 16.70, 15.70, 16.50 Pritish Nand 27.50, 27.85, 27.35, 59.90, 59.90, 59.90, 59.90 IVP 28, 29.50, 27, 27.90 30.50, 35.50, 30.50, 34.90 35.50, 36, 34.75, 35 Apollo Hosp. 154.95, 156.65, 152.50, 57, 65.50, 57, 65.50 26.40, 26.40, 24.60, 25.65 Tata Motors 385.80, 388.40, 376.15, Auto.Stam&As 65.25, 67.25, 65, Godfrey Phil 369, 382, 375.35 27.50 Daewoo Motor 5.91 27.60, 27.60, 27.40, 27.40 28, 28.25, 26.80, 27.55 Tata Coffee 116, 133, 115, 125.35 153.80 Essel Propac 238.50, 256.40, Infosys Tech 4980, 5150, 4960, 378.30 66.25 373.25, 378.40, 373.25, 374.80 M 114.90, 134, 114, 126.25 154.85, 156, 153.10, 153.80 235.10, 251.75 5064.35 386, 388.50, 376.15, 378.75 66, 66.90, 65.45, 66.45 Dalmia Cemen 238, 244, 231, 231.85 IVRCL Infras 90.80, 93.50, 90.10, Prraneta Ind 3.90, 3.98 238, 239, 231.50, 233.35 Godrej Inds. 53, 54.50, 54 92.40 Tata Finance 43, 43.50, 42.40, 42.55 Apollo Tyres 229.65, 236.50, 234.55 238.65, 257.50, 235.10, 254.55 4980.15, 5147.70, 4980.15, Tata Power 251.80, 256.40, 250.05, Avanti Feeds 36, 38, 37.55 54.40, 54.40, 53.10, 53.80 Maars Soft 11.96, 12.43, 11.26, 12 PSI Data Sys 72.90, 70, 70.90 Danlaw Tech. 20.65, 20, 20.25 90, 93.20, 89, 91.90 11.75, 12.50, 11.50, 11.85 72, 72.80, 70.20, 70.65 42.60, 43.50, 42.25, 42.60 230.50, 236.90, 228.55, 235.20 Exide Inds. 113.70, 114, 108.50, 5075.40 253.70 Avery (I) 34.50, 38.80, 34.30, 37.70 Goetze (I) 46.40, 43.15, 44.20 Tata Honeywl 269.90, 270, 261, Arvind Mills 45.50, 46.90, 45.25, 109.30 Infotech En. 142.80, 148.50, 144.85 252, 256.40, 250.20, 253.90 Avon Organic 38.55, 40.85, 37, 38.85 Datanet Sys. 4.25, 5.02, 4.10, 5 Macmillan (I 220, 211.05, 213.75 PSL 69.40, 73.10, 69, 72.20 DCM Shr.Con 133, 136, 132, 133.10 46.40, 46.40, 43.50, 43.95 J 263.95 46.25 112.95, 113, 108.20, 109.60 142, 148, 142, 144.85 Tata Tea 265.50, 271, 263.20, 264.70 Aztec Soft. 25, 26.50, 24.35, 26 Goldiam Int. 29, 32.75, 28.75, 31.75 220, 220, 211, 215.15 69.20, 73.20, 68.95, 72 134, 135.85, 132.05, 133.20 Madhav Marb. 23, 23.10, 22.65, Pudumjee Pul 21.80, 23.50, 22.35 268, 270.95, 261.25, 262.20 45.40, 47, 45.10, 46.30 Federal Bank 195, 200, 193, 194.35 ING Vysya Bk 472, 475 265, 271, 263.50, 265.65 25.40, 26.50, 24.60, 26.05 Goldstn.Tech 19, 20, 19.70 Jagatjit Ind 22, 20.70, 21.05 Tata Infomed 162, 163 Asahi (I) Gl 106, 111, 104, 108.55 195, 200.85, 193.60, 195.50 473.50, 478, 473.25, 476 Thermax 317, 313, 313.45 DCW 31.75, 32.75, 30.70, 32.10 22.85 23, 23.90, 22.50, 22.85 30, 32.85, 30, 32 19.85, 20.10, 19.30, 19.50 Jagsonpal Ph 110, 108 161.90, 163, 161.90, 162.10 105.10, 109.80, 104.30, 108.65 Fert.&Chem-T 27.95, 26.40, 26.85 Ingersoll R 255, 248.10, 249.75 315, 320, 313, 313.65 B Goldstn.Tele 6.24, 6, 6.09 112.90, 112.90, 108, 108.50 Madhucon Prj 73.85, 71, 73.85 Pun.Alkali 9.09, 9.20, 8.91, 8.95 Deccan Cem. 38.35, 38.40, 36.50, 37 Madras Alum 156.50, 163.70, Pun.Chemical 171.70, 178, 169.05, Tata Invest. 215, 211.10, 212.40 Ashok Leylan 243, 244, 235.10, 27.50, 27.50, 25.05, 26.75 247.05, 253, 247.05, 250.05 Thomas Cook 288.60, 290, 282, 5.95, 6.20, 5.85, 6.10 Jai Corp 74.90, 76, 74.30, 74.70 215.10, 215.55, 213, 213.45 237.20 Finolex Cabl 131, 135.90, 130.25, IPCA Lab. 559, 544, 547.95 283.05 BAG Films 9.80, 9.95, 9.10, 9.88 Deepak Fert. 38.30, 40.25, 37.60, 155.20, 157 171.85 10.45, 10.45, 9.60, 9.75 39.30 Goodlass Ner 365, 360 75, 77.95, 74, 75.60 Tata Metalik 70.50, 71.65, 69.50, 244, 244, 235.10, 237 134.65 550, 559, 547.05, 549 285, 291, 283.05, 286.55 363.90, 367.95, 359, 359.95 Jain Irrig. 81, 80, 88.45 Madras Cem. 735, 773.55, 708, Pun.Communi. 61.45, 63.40, 62.85 Bajaj Auto F 69.75, 70, 67.60, 68.55 37.95, 40.90, 37.95, 39.20 712.50 70.85 Asian Paints 298, 311.90, 309.15 130.80, 135, 130.80, 134 IPCL 203, 211, 202, 208.25 TISCO 372.80, 376.85, 367.20, Goodricke 29.90, 29.30, 30 81.50, 87.25, 79.50, 87.25 70.30, 72.40, 70.30, 71.30 297, 312.50, 296, 309.20 Finolex Inds 53.50, 55.25, 52.50, 203.50, 211.25, 202, 208.50 374.40 68.40, 68.95, 68, 68 Deepak Nitr. 54.30, 57.45, 54.15, 7130, 7450, 7000, 7074.05 R Bajaj Elec. 41, 43.60, 39.50, 39.95 57.15 Goodyear (I) 40, 43.90, 42.95 Jain Studios 10.90, 9.85, 10.60 Tata Sponge 83.90, 85, 80.80, 81.80 Aurobindo Ph 330, 335, 311.75, 55.10 ITC 888, 891.85, 875, 876.05 370.50, 377, 367.15, 375.10 Graphite Ind 85, 89.95, 84, 86.80 9.10, 10.75, 9.10, 10.55 Madras Fert. 17.50, 18.70, 18 Rain Calcing 19, 20.30, 18.75, 19.95 Bajaj Hindus 174, 180, 168.05, Denso (I) 35.50, 37.50, 35.25, 37.30 17.90, 18.65, 17.80, 18.05 77, 84.45, 77, 82.10 314.85 51, 55.50, 51, 54.90 887, 892, 875, 877.15 Titan Inds. 115, 117.30, 113.25, 84.80, 89.95, 84.05, 87.15 Jaipan Inds. 7.15, 7, 7.05 18.95, 20.25, 18.70, 19.90 Tata Telcom 162.50, 169.50, 168.25 355, 355, 312.30, 316 Gail (I) 176.80, 180.25, 173.60, J&K Bank 272, 264, 264.35 114.45 178.95 Dewan H.Fin. 22.30, 23 Mah.Scooter 140, 147, 141.75 172, 184, 171.10, 178.50 23.15, 23.90, 22.85, 22.90 Grauer & Wei 17, 17.50 Jay Bh.Marut 59.80, 60.90, 59, 59.10 Raj.Spg.&Wvg 25.50, 27, 26.05 162.85, 169, 162.70, 167.65 Aventis Phar 531, 531.80, 505.25, 174.85 270, 273, 263.50, 265.35 115.60, 117.20, 113.20, 114.70 Greaves 42.75, 47.70, 42, 46.55 58.25, 60.75, 58.25, 59.25 140, 147, 137, 142.30 26.10, 26.90, 25.70, 25.70 Bajaj Tempo 424, 435, 420.05, DFM Foods 5.10, 5.82 Mah.Seamless 199.90, 205, 195, Tata Teleser 12.62, 13, 12.40, 12.47 509.95 176.40, 180.35, 173.55, 175.20 Jaiprakash I 112.80, 124.70, 112.20, TN Newsprint 82.20, 91.75, 82.10, Grind Norton 197, 197.75, 190, Jayant Agro 44, 45.25, 45 Rajesh Exp 107, 107.50, 105.50, 12.90, 12.90, 12.40, 12.45 531.95, 531.95, 506.50, 512.10 GE Shipping 110.25, 118.15, 110, 123.30 89.10 430.25 Dhampur Sugr 14, 14.37, 14.10 196.70 Bal Pharma 26.50, 28, 26.25, 26.85 14.30, 14.30, 13.80, 14.05 191.90 43.05, 45, 43.05, 44.95 105.60 Tayo Rolls 48, 48.15, 47 Bajaj Auto 900, 927, 907.05 114.25 113, 124.40, 113, 123.10 82.70, 91.45, 82.50, 89.10 Gruh Finance 29.50, 33.75, 32 Jaypee Hotel 12.15, 12.70, 12.10, 201, 201, 194.90, 196.75 Rajshree Sug 21, 22, 20.65, 21.25 Bal.Law.Vanl 16.20, 16.45, 15.75, Dhanalak.Bnk 22.95, 23.45, 22.20, Mahavir Spg. 82.80, 79, 79.25 Tele Data In 21.50, 19.95 929.50, 929.50, 901, 906.10 109.80, 118.40, 109.45, 114.20 JB Chemicals 294.40, 306, 293, TN Petro 19.95, 20.55, 19.75, 20.25 GSFC 29, 29.70, 27.95, 28.85 12.23 18.20, 21.75, 18.20, 21.25 Texmaco Ltd. 91.50, 90.10, 91.50 Balaji Tele. 66.05, 71, 70.10 Geometric So 456, 485, 454.10, 297.15 19.75, 20.45, 19.75, 20.20 15.80 23.15 79, 81, 78, 79.95 Balkrish Ind 272.50, 268, 274.20 27.90, 29.90, 27.60, Jayshree Tea 37.55, 40, 39.50 Rallis India 84.75, 83.10, 83.90 Themis Medic 68.05, 70.50, 66.85 68.35, 71.20, 66.80, 69.95 481.80 296, 306, 294.75, 297.35 Torrent Phar 372.35, 373.65, 356.25, 29 39.45, 40.30, 39, 40 Mahind.Gesco 19, 20.30, 19.60 83, 84.50, 83, 83.70 Balmer Law.I 41, 42.50, 41.50 19.40, 20.35, 19.40, 19.95 Thiru A.Sug. 26.75, 27.75, 26.05 Ballarpur In 76.75, 85.25, 75, 83.30 455, 486.90, 455, 479.55 Jindal Iron 176, 175.50, 192.10 358.15 GTC Inds. 15.60, 16, JCT 5.29, 5.59, 5, 5.39 Rama Newspri 8, 8.05, 7.98, 8.03 26.10, 26.10, 25.30, 25.30 76.90, 84.90, 75, 83.60 Gillette (I) 574, 584.50, 567.50, 175.50, 192.40, 175.50, 192.40 372, 376, 354.10, 357.30 Balmer Lawri 99, 97.95 Mahindra Ugi 16.05, 16, 17.60 97, 99.95, 97, 97.50 15.05, 15.70 JIK Inds. 14.15, 14.17, 13.50 8, 8.05, 7.95, 8 Thirumalai 76.90, 68.55, 69.75 Bank of Baro 181.80, 188.50, 580.70 Jindal Steel 885, 890, 862, 866.75 Trent 249.50, 250.90, 238, 239.40 15.65, 15.80, 15, 14.40, 14.40, 13.40, 14.05 16, 17.50, 15.60, 17.50 Ramco Inds. 231, 240 Balrampur Ch 178, 179.75, 176, Majestic Aut 21.70, 22.50, 21.50, 68.45, 71, 68.45, 70.30 179.25, 187.55 570, 588, 570, 579.55 882, 894, 860.10, 868.15 251, 252.85, 236.30, 239.40 15.50 Jindal Drill 229.95, 232.80, 227.90, 233.50, 238.40, 231, 238.05 Tide Water O 1432, 1410, 1425 179.95, 188.50, 179.25, 187.20 GlaxoSmith.C 290, 299.50, 288, 298 Kochi Refin. 129.25, 129.75, 127.20, TVS Motor Co 864.95, 865, 846, 177.70 22.35 175, 179, 175, 177.40 GTN Textiles 29, 29.90, 229.15 Rane Brake 365, 350, 350.85 TIL 15.25, 16.90 Bank of Ind. 62.40, 62.70, 61.50, 295, 304, 291, 299.90 128.05 847.80 28.55, 29.10 Jindal Photo 44.80, 45.50, 44.10, Malwa Cotton 32.95, 28.25, 29.80 364.45, 364.45, 353, 355.10 Banco Prod. 112.90, 113.80, 108, 27.50, 29.50, 27.50, 29.50 14.60, 14.60, 14.60, 14.60 61.60 GlaxoSmith.P 505, 513, 502, 506.10 128.90, 129.70, 127.05, 127.90 855, 861, 840.05, 843.85 28, 30, 28, 29.50 45.25 Rane Madras 103, 103.50, 103 Timex Watch 12.15, 12.65, 12, 12.13 62.40, 62.60, 61.50, 61.65 505.30, 513, 502, 506.10 Kotak Mah.Bk 336.90, 343, 336.50, Union Bank 46.70, 47, 46.30, 46.45 108.45 Man Inds.(I) 108, 114, 105, 110.70 Bank of Punj 24.45, 24.65, 23.80, Gufic Bio Sc 26.55, 44.20, 45.65, 44.15, 45.40 108.40, 110, 102, 102.90 Timken India 53, 48, 48.70 BASF 150.85, 154.40, 148.70, 152 GNFC 50, 56.70, 54.60 338.05 47.25, 47.30, 46.30, 46.45 27.70, 26.80 Jindal Poly. 297.25, 303.30, 296.05, Manglr.Chem 4.92, 5.15, 4.90, 4.92 Ravalgaon Su 2025, 2085, 2009, 149.95, 153.50, 149, 151.90 51.90, 56.50, 51, 54.65 336, 343, 336, 338.50 23.95 Manugraph In 51.10, 54, 49, 50 Tinplate Co. 36.65, 34.80, 35.15 Uniphos Entr 406.70, 411.65, 397, Guj.Alkalies 59, 62, 300 2011.95 Tips Indus. 33.90, 36.65, 36 Bayer Cropsc 254, 278, 253.05, Godrej Cons. 154.85, 158, 155.15 L&T 423.90, 425.95, 415.10, 418.65 400.85 25.10, 25.10, 23.80, 24.10 Maral Overs 13.61, 14 Bank of Raj. 30.35, 31, 30.05, 30.15 58.65, 61.60 297, 303.75, 296.05, 299.90 Rayban Sun O 65, 66.50, 64.60, 34.95, 36.80, 34, 35.75 271.40 153, 156.50, 152.10, 154.30 424.90, 425.85, 416, 419.35 402, 413, 398, 401.15 58.25, 61.20, 58.25, JK Corp. 12.80, 12, 12.12 14, 14.20, 13.85, 14.05 66.10 254, 278.90, 254, 269.70 Grasim Inds. 910, 917, 880, 890.20 LIC Hsg.Fin. 169.90, 172.30, 163.50, 30, 30.75, 30, 30.10 Mascon Globl 10.90, 10.92, 10.10, Todays Writi 43, 42, 42.90 UTI Bank 74, 74.80, 72.10, 72.90 60.75 JK Synthetic 5.75, 5.55, 5.91 Reg.Ceramic 30.50, 32.25 42.90, 43.85, 42, 43 Bh.Earth Mov 236.45, 248, 236, 903, 917.85, 875.05, 892 165.30 74.60, 74.70, 72.20, 72.90 Bannari Aman 215.90, 225.95, 215, 10.77 220 Guj.Amb.Exp. 19.75, JL Morison 102, 105 32, 32.40, 32, 32.25 Torrent Guja 10, 11, 10.53 246.40 GTL 65, 67.90, 62.50, 64.25 171.40, 173.75, 163.50, 165.60 Videocon Int 63, 67.25, 61.60, 65.85 20.25, 19.60, 19.95 JMC Projects 17.10, 18.15, 17.50 Matrix Lab. 1087.85, 1045.25 Rel.Ind.Infr 51, 58.85, 58.20 237.60, 247.45, 231, 245.45 65, 68.50, 62.55, 64.20 Lupin 605, 615, 582, 599.05 61.70, 67.40, 61.65, 66 213.90, 225, 208.10, 221.80 Matsushita L 47, 49, 46.55, 47.80 Tourism Fina 9.21, 9.57, 9.35 Bata (I) 39, 40.40, 38.25, 40.20 19.60, 20.25, 19.40, Jubilant Org 430, 440, 436 52.35, 59.30, 50.05, 58.40 9.15, 9.75, 9.05, 9.50 Bharat Elect 509.70, 517, 500, Guj.Amb.Cem. 293, 295, 285, 286 600, 618, 590, 598.60 Vijaya Bank 36.35, 37, 35.75, 36 20 435, 441.70, 431, 438.50 Max (I) 92, 97, 91, 93.20 Relaxo Footw 29, 30.80 503.80 292, 294.60, 285, 286.30 M&M 350, 351.50, 338, 340.75 36.90, 37, 35.75, 35.95 37.85, 40.50, 37.55, 40.05 91.90, 97, 91.10, 93.30 Transnat.Sec 26.10 Bayer (I) 1748, 1789, 1690, 1733.20 Guj.Apollo E 56, 66.30, Jupiter Bios 79.90, 82.20, 79.30, Revathi Equ. 134.45, 135, 132.20, Transpek Ind 25.75, 25, 25.80 508.85, 516.90, 500, 504.80 Guj.Gas Co. 475, 479.70, 472.60, 349.80, 351.20, 338, 341.85 Visual Soft 220.90, 230, 220, 225.45 53, 60 79.80 Mega Corpn. 3.90 133 Bharat Forge 608.70, 609.50, 601, 474.50 Marico Inds 190, 196.95, 190.75 218.30, 229.90, 218.30, 226.45 Bayer ABS 107.40, 109, 106.50, Melstar Info 14.10, 14.35, 13.25, Transport Co 36 107.10 Guj.Flouroch 111, Jyoti Struct 65.50, 65.40, 70.70 Rico Auto 260, 265, 255, 264.40 36.50, 36.55, 36.05, 36.55 601.80 479.40, 479.70, 475, 475.45 191.95, 197, 191, 191.30 VSNL 129, 129.50, 123.50, 124.55 113.50, 112.80 64.90, 70.30, 64.90, 70.30 13.57 260, 265, 259, 259 607, 610, 594, 602.60 Guj.Mineral 149.80, 165, 160.70 Maruti Udyog 338.60, 345.45, 129, 129, 123, 124.85 106.05, 109.15, 106.05, 107.10 13.65, 14.50, 13.55, 13.95 TRF 31.50, 34.30, 34.20 Bayer Diagno 215.05, 223.95, 220.40 111.90, 114.70, RPG Life Sci 29.10, 29.70, 28.30, Trigyn Tech. 15.55, 16.30, 15.25, Bharti TeleV 84.75, 87.90, 83.55, 150, 164.40, 150, 160.45 333.90, 338.05 Whirlpool 21.20, 21.40, 20.20, 21.20 110.10, 112.20 K Mercator Lin 168.70, 171.65, 163, 29.40 84.70 HCL Infosys. 349, 364.30, 360.25 340, 345.70, 334, 338.45 Wipro 1420, 1486, 1451.45 Beck India 60, 62.95, 62.50 171.05 15.45 Berger Paint 131, 135, 132.50 Guj.H.Chem 22.90, 30, 30, 25.80, 29.70 15.25, 16.30, 15.25, 15.50 84.40, 87.70, 83.60, 84.80 349.45, 363, 348, 360.20 Mastek 242, 255.50, 241.90, 248.15 1429.90, 1488, 1422.30, 1449.65 22.60, 22.65 Kaashyap Rad 1.70, 1.76, 1.51, 1.75 Metroche.Ind 19.50, 20, 19.45, 19.70 134, 135, 132, 132.50 Kabra Extr 125, 131, 121.10, 127.30 RS Software 23.60, 24.60, 21.50, TTK Healthca 22.30, 22.95, 21.45, BHEL 478, 481.50, 467.25, 470.35 HCL Techno. 253.40, 253.90, 245.50, 242.20, 255.40, 242.20, 249.35 Wockhardt 600, 605, 595, 600.10 22.95, 23, 22.60, Mid-Day Mul. 33, 30.30, 30.60 21.95 477.90, 481.50, 467, 471.25 252.65 Mcdowell Co. 51.90, 55.35, 51.05, 576.05, 608, 576.05, 599.85 Bhagya.Metal 26.90, 27 Dhunseri Tea 16.25, 15, 15.45 125, 132.50, 122, 128.50 33, 33, 30, 30.75 22.20 28.50, 29, 28.50, 28.50 DIL 200.05, 206, 200, 201.10 22.70 23.50, 25, 21.25, 21.75 Tube Invest. 139.10, 140.60, 138.40, Bombay Dyein 137.95, 142.80, 252, 254, 245.30, 252.45 54.70 Zee Telefilm 147, 151.90, 145.50, Guj.Ind.Pow. 45.20, 48.35, 47.90 Kajaria Cer 48.10, 49.10, 48.40 Mindteck 12.52, 14.10, 13.50 Bhansali Eng 146.75, 141.10, 141.65 Divi’s Lab 865, 889, 880.15 44, 50.85, 44, 48.85 Ruchi Soya 53, 54, 51.10, 53.15 139.65 137.65, 138.90 HDFC 532, 511, 520.05 51, 55.30, 51, 54.75 146.75 45.15, 48.30, 45.10, 47.90 Mirza Tanner 37.50, 36.70, 36.95 55.95, 55.95, 52.50, 53.35 137.95, 143, 137.10, 139.50 534.90, 534.90, 511.10, 519.95 Merck 359.70, 362, 357.55, 359.95 146.80, 151.90, 145.55, 147.05 Bharat Bijle 582, 593.35 879.90, 890, 854, 881.20 Kakatiya Cem 41.30, 42.90, 41.65 37.30, 37.30, 36.95, 37.15 138, 145, 138, 142.80 Bharat Rasay 24.80, 23.50 Dolphin Off. 15, 15.30, 14.16, 15.27 Guj.Sidh.Cem 6.92, 7.10, 6.76, 6.82 TV 18 161, 174.90, 167.95 Bongaigaon R 84, 84.60, 81.50, HDFC Bank 303.25, 309.95, 303, 360, 362, 356, 360.05 6.85, 7.05, 6.50, 6.70 42.30, 42.50, 41, 41.40 MM Forgings 123.10, 122.25, 123 S 82.15 307.80 MICO 10500, 10915, 10839.50 B1 - GROUP 22.05, 23.15, 22.05, 23.10 Donear Inds. 170, 174, 171 Kale Consul. 39, 44, 42.55 Modipon 23.75, 23.80, 23.30 161.25, 174.75, 160.90, 168.60 Bhartiya Int 28.65, 28.20, 28.70 DSP Merrill 315, 310 Gulf Oil Cor 102, 102.50, 101.10, 84, 84.70, 81.70, 82.35 307, 310, 303.10, 307.85 10545, 10800, 10500, 10760.45 101.35 39.75, 43.85, 38.25, 42.50 Monalisa Inf 0.25, 0.26, 0.21 S.I.Bank 64.25, 70, 66.45 TVS Autolec 140.50, 128.20, 128.60 BPCL 358.70, 361, 347, 349.55 Hero Honda 371, 377.90, 366, MIRC Electr. 224, 224.95, 220, 3 29, 29, 28.35, 28.50 E Kalpa.Power 61.95, 66, 60.95, 64.20 Monnet Ispat 64.50, 64.05, 67.05 65.30, 70, 64.50, 66.85 TVS Srichakr 54, 54.20, 53.50, 53.70 358, 362, 348.35, 350.20 371.15 220.55 Bhushan Stl. 59.75, 62.40, 58.50, H 60, 68, 60, 65.45 Monsanto (I) 954, 970, 944, 953.80 Sabero Org. 12.25, 14.20, 13.42 60.95 U Britannia 505.40, 555, 550.40 369.80, 379, 365.95, 372.85 224.45, 224.45, 220, 220.95 3M India 432.50, 434.90, 425, 430 Eicher 71.70, 60.50, 72 Kalyani Brak 400, 387 942.40, 967.90, 942.40, 960.50 14.20, 14.20, 13, 13.35 Bihar Caustc 29, 29.45, 28.30, 28.70 Hathway Bhaw 6.90, 7.16, 6.70, 6.96 Kalyani Stel 45.60, 47.45, 44.85, 557.10, 559.80, 551, 553.35 Hexaware Tec 338.90, 346.20, 335, Moser-Baer 521, 565.60, 556.90 427, 435, 425.30, 430 59.15, 70.75, 59.15, 70.75 Morepen Lab 9.72, 9.30, 9.73 Saint-Gobain 19.60, 20.70, 19.95 UB Holdings 23.10, 24, 22.10, 23.30 BSES 479, 486.50, 471.60, 474.95 340.60 534.90, 565.80, 521, 560.55 Bilcare 191.15 Hatsun Agro 70, 64 46.35 9.35, 9.75, 9.30, 9.70 Sakthi Sugar 22.25, 24, 22, 23.75 Bimetal Bear 153.10, 157, 149, Eicher Motor 171.90, 172, 169, Ucal Fuel 285, 288.90, 280, 282.85 478, 486.35, 472, 475 335.30, 346.65, 335.30, 340.80 Mphasis BFL 565, 567, 555.15, A 170.15 Havell’s (I) 215, 224.80, 214, 218.75 Kanoria Chem 44.80, 46.90, 45 Morgan Stan 14.35, 15, 14.94 22.65, 23.80, 22.30, 23.55 156.35 217, 223, 214.25, 218.20 46.95, 46.95, 45, 45.10 284, 288.40, 280, 281.95 Cadila Healt 350, 355, 342, 343.90 Him.Fut.Comm 17.95, 16.25, 16.93 564.90 169.95, 171.65, 167.25, 169.20 14.25, 15, 14.25, 14.90 Salora Int. 63, 70.60, 62.10, 66.10 Uco Bank 18.55, 18.65, 18.45, 18.55 352, 355, 342, 343.90 17.90, 18.25, 16, 17.05 570, 570, 557, 564.50 Aarti Drugs 84, 86.80, 85.50 Binani Inds. 17.80, 19, 17.35, 18.50 Hawkins Cook 18, 18.70, 18.10 Karnatak Bnk 85, 85.40, 84, 84.05 Motherson SS 195.10, 197, 195, 63.80, 71, 62.75, 66.55 Biopac (I) 7, 7.90, 6.71, 7.48 EID Parry 137.05, 151.80, 136, 18.70, 18.70, 18.50, 18.55 Canara Bank 134.90, 135.80, Hind.Inks&Re 382.90, 393, 377, MRF 1710, 1660, 1678.75 85, 87, 85, 86.05 148.60 Hazoor Media 5.05, 4.37, 4.38 84.95, 85.45, 84.05, 84.20 195.05 Samkrg Pist. 49.70, 49.75, 48.05, Aarti Inds. 162, 164.95, 160, 160.90 Birla Corp. 59.35, 62.25, 59.20, HBL Nife Pow 29.70, 30.10, 27.10, Karur Vysya 302, 306.40, 301.65, Ultramarine 97.85, 99.45, 94.40, 131.25, 132.05 386.75 1698, 1700, 1665, 1674.95 135, 152, 135, 150.20 193.50, 201, 193.50, 196.80 48.95 97.15 135.20, 135.90, 131.30, 132.30 377.15, 392, 375, 387.10 MTNL 116, 116.30, 113, 113.30 160.05, 163.50, 160.05, 161.70 61.55 27.30 302.90 Mro-Tek 14.70, 14.85, 13.80, 13.85 Samtel Color 27.65, 29.50, 26.85, 59.50, 62.35, 59.10, 61.70 EIH Asso.Hot 20, 20.50, 19.05, 19.20 Unichem Lab 309.90, 313.85, Castrol (I) 193, 194.95, 194.10 Hind.Zinc 89.45, 95, 92.75 115.75, 116.15, 113, 113.45 Aarvee Denim 14.10, 15.50, 14.65 Eimco Elecon 61, 63.70 HEG 63.90, 72.25, 62.60, 71.05 302, 305.40, 301.55, 304.40 14.50, 14.75, 13.80, 13.85 27.80 Aban Loyd 396, 398, 386, 390 Birla Eric. 11.90, 12.50, 11.81, 12.40 63.50, 72, 62.90, 71.15 KDL Biotech 15.05, 17.20, 16.99 306.55, 309.95 Century Enka 137, 141.45, 139.80 Hindalco 1224.80, 1238, 1180, National Alu 154.35, 156.10, 150, 60, 64, 60, 63.95 MRPL 38.45, 40.50, 38.20, 39.80 27.80, 29.50, 27, 28 307.90, 314.90, 305.75, 309.50 139, 141.35, 137.50, 139.90 1187.70 151.05 399.95, 400, 385, 389.65 11.65, 12.45, 11.65, 12.20 Helios & Mat 32.40, 36, 34.70 14.60, 17, 14.60, 16.60 38.50, 40, 38.50, 39.65 Sandesh Ltd. 108, 109.40, 107.25, Birla Glob.F 24.90, 26, 23.25, 25.80 Elder Pharma 110.95, 113, 111.55 Uniflex Cabl 10, 11.40, 11.10 Century Text 113.70, 116.25, 111.05, 1234, 1245, 1180, 1189.75 154.50, 156.25, 150.10, 151.30 ABG Heavy In 22.50, 24, 21, 23.75 110, 113, 109.75, 111.30 Henkel Spic 17.10, 17.75, 16.85, KEC Inter. 35.05, 35, 40.30 Mukand 18.55, 21.20, 21.10 107.35 Abhishek Ind 8.05, 8.10, 7.97, 8.08 24.40, 26, 24.40, 25.95 17.40 35.50, 40.65, 35.50, 40.65 Unitech 60, 60.90, 58.15, 60.75 111.55 Hinduja TMT 252.45, 261.90, 252.10, National Fer 37, 37.45, 37.35 Elect.Kelvin 7.70, 7.90, 7.40, 7.82 19.20, 21.50, 18.60, 21 106.50, 109.20, 106.40, 106.75 59.15, 60.50, 59.15, 59.95 113.50, 116, 111.10, 112.25 253.85 Nestle (I) 570.05, 579, 570, 570.50 8.10, 8.10, 8, 8 Birla Yamaha 21.75, 22, 21.45, 21.65 Heritage Fds 71.50, 72.50, 70.05, Kenna. Widia 154.50, 151.25, 151.55 Mukta Arts 56.15, 57.50, 56, 56.85 Sangam (I) 21.40, 22.80, 20, 22 Blow Plast 22.30, 20.75, 20.90 Electro.Cast 285, 280, 280.25 United Brew. 96, 102, 99.05 Chambal Fert 17, 17.20, 16.80, 17.15 252.50, 262, 252.10, 254.80 Neyveli Lign 57.90, 59.90, 59.60 Adam Comsof 7.97, 8.04, 7.67, 7.90 285, 289, 280, 281.10 72.20 Kerala Ayurv 7.40, 8 57.50, 57.50, 56.10, 56.75 20.40, 22.45, 20, 22.45 Addi Inds. 33.30, 32.35 Blue Dart Ex 113.80, 114.75, 109, 72.90, 73.25, 71.10, 72.70 Kerala Chem. 20.05, 21.20, 20.95 United Phos. 30, 29.20, 30 16.90, 17.20, 16.80, 17.10 HLL 183.50, 183.85, 180.70, 182.95 57.50, 59.80, 57.50, 59.30 Elgi Equip 64.90, 65.50, 64, 64.50 Munjal Auto 69.90, 83.10, 69, 81.70 Sanwaria Agr 36.90, 37, 33.50, 33.55 29.15, 30.20, 29.05, 29.85 Chennai Pet. 71.25, 72.25, 69.75, 184.40, 184.40, 180.70, 182.95 Nicholas Pir 500, 600, 559.15 Adlabs Films 83, 83.80, 78.75, 80.40 113 HFCL Infotel 14.45, 15, 12.71, 13.30 Kesoram Inds 57.50, 58.50, 55.15, 67.25, 82.75, 67.25, 77.95 Saregama (I) 47, 48.75, 48.35 113.50, 115, 110, 113.10 65.40, 65.40, 64.30, 64.75 United We.Bk 27.50, 28.50 69.95 HMT 18.25, 17.65, 17.85 579, 589, 550.30, 557.15 82.75, 83.45, 78.55, 80.65 Elgitread (I 232 Hi-Tech Gear 166, 168, 164, 167 55.70 Munjal Showa 241.05, 235, 235.05 47, 49, 46.50, 48.05 Ador Welding 36.40, 37, 36.10, 36.60 Blue Star 110, 115.90, 112.80 165, 169.40, 165, 168.75 57.95, 58.75, 55, 55.55 28, 28.40, 28, 28.30 71.50, 72.45, 69.90, 70.20 18.05, 18.20, 17.70, 17.85 NIIT 181.80, 197, 194.35 232, 232, 232, 232 240, 240, 235, 235.40 SAT Invest. 17, 18, 16, 16.70 Upper Ganges 15.30, 18.95, 17.45 Cipla 1194, 1206, 1172.10, 1178.35 HPCL 334, 337.90, 329, 330 182.05, 196.30, 182.05, 193.65 37.25, 37.95, 36, 36.70 112, 115, 110.10, 112.50 Hikal 367, 375, 361, 363.25 KG Denim 19.25, 20.15, 19, 19.25 Mys.Cement 9.25, 9.50, 9.01 Satnam Over. 58.45, 54, 56.90 Blue Star In 152, 152.45, 149.10, Elpro Inter 18.35, 21.90 17, 18.85, 16, 17.50 1190, 1209.95, 1175, 1181.25 335, 337.75, 328.90, 330.15 Nirma 335, 347, 335.50 Advik Lab. 23.50, 23.60, 22.85, Emco 58.90, 62, 57.75, 59.95 373, 377, 361.15, 363.75 Khoday (I) 12.55, 13.72, 13.20 9.40, 9.50, 8.75, 9.05 54.90, 56, 53.15, 55.25 23.35 149.60 Himat. Seide 172.55, 178, 172.40, Kinetic Eng. 90, 100, 87.05, 88.65 Usha Martin 45.45, 47.75, 45.10, CMC 509, 510, 495.10, 497.60 Hughes Soft. 451.10, 469, 466.55 336, 339.90, 334, 335.45 Encore Soft 7.50, 7.49 Satvah.Ispat 13.78, 13.76, 15.23 47.50 500, 507, 490, 495.15 458, 470, 454, 468.65 Novartis (I) 325, 339, 329.50 AFT Inds. 57, 57.10, 57 149, 154, 149, 152.50 176.80 Kinetic Moto 31.20, 33, 31.50 N Savita Chem. 86.80, 90.95, 87.95 BOC 41.80, 40.60, 40.85 Eonour Tech. 3.36, 2.70, 3.16 45.50, 48, 45.50, 47.45 Colgate 136.50, 140, 136.75 I-flex Solu 710.75, 740, 705, 732.90 ONGC 641.95, 650, 635, 639.35 Aftek Infosy 300, 305, 288.65, Esab (I) 69.35, 74.90, 66.50, 73.55 180.10, 182, 173.10, 177.80 Kirloskar Br 322.50, 327.90, 316.50, 100, 100, 86.80, 87.30 294.85 40.80, 41.45, 40.50, 40.80 Hind Lever C 290, 290.25, 286.50, 323.65 Nagar.Agrich 26, 27, 25.05, 25.80 Uttam Galva. 12.45, 13.10, 12.36, 139.10, 140, 136.50, 136.85 711, 739.50, 708.20, 732.05 648, 652, 635, 639.70 67.50, 74.80, 66.50, 73.60 SBI Home Fin 13.05, 13.49, 12.95, 12.95 Container Co 540, 544, 526.25, IBP 865, 873, 846, 854.20 Oriental Bnk 247.75, 249.70, 241, 305, 305, 287.05, 291.45 Bombay Burma 43.25, 45.50, 45 287.45 Kirloskar Oi 254.50, 255, 248.50, Nagar.Const. 103, 108, 102, 104.90 13.41 44, 46, 44, 46 ESI 42.40, 44.75, 42, 43.85 103, 108.50, 101.50, 105.65 13.35, 13.35, 12.40, 12.85 534.45 865, 875, 850, 853.55 244.55 Agro Dutch I 24.50, 24.65, 24, 24.25 42.25, 44.50, 41.10, 43.85 290, 295, 285.10, 288.95 249.10 13, 13.60, 12.70, 13.45 537.60, 545, 526.25, 530.30 ICI (I) 161, 166, 159, 164.70 247.10, 249.90, 240.65, 244.75 23.90, 24.80, 23.90, 24.45 BPL 36, 38.35, 35.20, 37.70 Hind.Constn. 112, 116, 113.75 254, 255, 248, 248.75 Nagar.Fertil 6.05, 6, 6.69 Schenec.Herd 38.05, 40.80 36.50, 38.45, 36, 37.80 Eskay K’N’It 3, 3.15, 2.90, 3 6, 6.75, 6, 6.75 V Corpn. Bank 220.85, 223.50, 217.85, 162, 168.10, 159.15, 164.60 P&G Hygiene 605, 606.50, 600, Agro Tech Fd 65.95, 62.15, 64 Essar Oil 12.55, 13.25, 12.25, 13.10 111.50, 116, 111.05, 114.40 KLG Systel 33.95, 31.70, 32.20 39.25, 40.75, 38.15, 40.40 220.65 ICICI Bank 246.25, 249, 238.50, 601.65 66.25, 66.25, 62.50, 64.35 Brijlax. Le. 100.95 Hind.Motors 13.95, 14.30, 13.77, 31.50, 33, 31.50, 32.45 Nahar Export 21.60, 22.75, 22.45 Selan Explor 12.25, 13.25, 12.15, Vaibhav Gems 24.75, 25.30, 24.60, BSL 26.25, 27.25, 26.80 Essar Ship. 16.25, 16.20, 19.10 22.25, 22.90, 22.25, 22.50 219, 226.60, 217.25, 220.65 240.15 Pfizer 450, 458.95, 436, 437.05 Ahmed.Elect. 91.40, 97, 89.50, 92.45 Essar Steel 20.30, 21.45, 20.05, 14.20 Kopran 66.40, 60.10, 62.60 12.61 25 Crompton Gr. 118.95, 126.50, 118, 244, 249.95, 238.10, 240.45 450, 455, 436, 437.65 90.10, 100, 89.95, 92.45 27.80, 27.90, 27.60, 27.70 14, 14.25, 13.80, 14.15 62.10, 65.10, 60, 62 Nahar Indl.E 23, 22.50, 25.15 Sesa Goa 331, 382, 373.20 Vanavil Dyes 44.55, 35.45, 42.95 Burrough Wel 600, 649.60, 591, 21.25 Nahar Spg. 99.25, 96.60, 97.50 125.70 IDBI 53.45, 53.90, 51.65, 51.90 Pidilite Ind 299, 299.05, 294.10, Ahmednagar F 54.45 20.15, 21.35, 20.10, 21.20 Hind.Oil Exp 43.40, 45.40, 42.70, 45 Kothari Prod 175.25, 179.95, 176.60 330, 379, 329, 373.95 Vardhman Pol 41, 40.50, 41.90 118, 127, 117.60, 125.85 53.30, 53.45, 51.60, 51.90 295.10 55.75, 55.75, 55.75, 55.75 638.10 43.70, 45.50, 43, 44.75 175, 178.05, 175, 178.05 99.50, 99.50, 96.75, 97 Sesha.Paper 75, 77, 76.70 40.50, 42.35, 40.10, 41.55 ETC Networks 45.15, 46.85, 44.60, Narmada C.Pe 18, 18.30, 17.55, Cummins (I) 109.80, 113, 109.75, IDBI Bank 30.85, 31.25, 30.40, 30.90 294.90, 299, 294.90, 298.05 Ajanta Pharm 53, 53.70, 51, 52.10 44.80 Hind.Org.Chm 19, 19.35, 18.60, KPIT Cum.Inf 253.70, 256.50, 77, 77.95, 75.30, 76.10 Vardhman Spg 80.50, 76.15, 77.50 110.45 30.65, 31.55, 30.55, 30.70 Polaris Soft 163.75, 167.85, 162.40, 52, 53.90, 51.60, 52.30 C 19.10 249.40, 254.25 17.80 Sh.Cements 123.60, 128, 117, 78.60, 79, 76.75, 77.20 45.55, 46.75, 44.65, 44.95 17.55, 18, 17.50, 17.85 110.90, 113.65, 109.15, 110.55 IGate Global 248, 257.50, 252.65 166.25 Aksh Optifib 18.85, 18.95, 18.25, Camlin 54.15, 56, 55.70 Eveready Ind 24, 27.65, 27.15 18.50, 19.40, 18.50, 19.15 250, 256.70, 248.30, 254.20 119.55 Varun Ship. 17.25, 18.05, 17.15, D-Link (I) 115, 118.50, 114, 117.10 248, 257.30, 248, 252.20 162, 168, 161.80, 166.05 18.70 Hind.Power 48.10, 45.25, 45.80 KRBL 46.50, 44.50, 46.50 Nat.Steel &A 10, 10.50, 10.39 129.60, 129.60, 116, 119.20 17.95 10, 10.60, 10, 10.50 Sh.Digv.Cem. 26.75, 30.80, 30.40 17.45, 18, 17.10, 17.90 Natco Pharma 95.10, 96, 94.30, Shah Alloys 71, 72.70, 70.25, 71.35 Vashisti Det 12, 12.42, 12.22 Name NAVs Name NAVs Name NAVs Name NAVs Name NAVs Name NAVs 94.75 Shalimar Pai 38, 38.75 11.90, 12.40, 11.80, 12.25 MUTUAL FUNDS 94.10, 96.45, 94.10, 94.65 Shamken Spin 3.16, 3.15, 3.21 Venky’s (I) 63.50, 64.70, 63.30 (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) Nath Seeds 7.11, 7.80, 7.66 Shanti Gear 150, 147 63.95, 65, 63.25, 63.30 7.45, 8, 7.30, 7.75 150, 152, 150, 150.95 Veronica Lab 10.05, 10.40, 9.60, 9.78 Open-ended Schemes National Per 1651, 1673, 1611, Gilt Plus-PF Plan-(A)(D) 11.78 Dynamic Bond Inst.(G) 10.02 Franklin Growth 9.39 Idx-SensexPl(FV 32.16) 52.91 Gilt Short Term (D) 10.97 Kotak Gilt Ser. 2005-(G) 14.33 Shasun Chem. 322, 338, 333.55 Vesuvius (I) 120.40, 123.90, 119.50, Gilt Plus-PF Plan-(B)(G) 19.13 Dynamic Bond Inst.(MD) 10.02 Franklin Index 12.29 Income (D) 10.94 Gilt Short Term (G) 12.76 Kotak Gilt Ser. 2007-(D) 12.17 1670.30 336.90, 336.90, 330, 333.25 122.35 Gilt Plus-PF-(C-AD) 19.12 Dynamic Bond Inst.(QD) 10.02 Franklin Index Tax 12.63 Income (G) 15.57 Growth & Value (D-Y’ly) 17.14 Kotak Gilt Ser. 2007-(G) 17.00 Nava Bh.Ferr 119.90, 118.15, 123.70 Shaw Wallace 53.65, 58.85, 53.60, 122.50, 124.85, 120, 122.15 Name NAVs Gilt Plus-Reg.-(AD) 12.15 Dynamic Bond Reg.(AD) 10.02 Franklin Infotech (D) 11.80 Income Premium Plus (D) 10.99 Growth & Value (G) 22.30 Kotak Gilt Ser. 2011-(G) 16.36 118, 122.80, 118, 122.80 56.80 Viceroy Hot. 14.10, 15.10, 14.50 (Rs) Gilt Plus-Reg.-(BG) 20.99 Dynamic Bond Reg.(G) 10.02 Franklin Infotech (G) 17.26 Income Premium Plus (G) 15.64 Growth & Value(D-Hf Y’ly) 15.40 Kotak Gilt Ser. 2013-(D) 12.19 Navneet Pub. 150, 151.95, 149.90, Shirpur Gold 20.05, 22, 18, 19.35 Videocon Apl 12.85, 13.75, 12.55, Gilt Plus-Regular-(C-AD) 21.03 Dynamic Bond Reg.(MD) 10.02 Franklin Internet Opp 7.67 Income-Premium (D) 10.97 Index BSE Sensex 14.20 Kotak Gilt Ser. 2013-(G) 17.52 151.45 Shrenuj & Co 31.70, 33.50, 33 13.69 INDEX (Div) 10.90 Dynamic Bond Reg.(QD) 10.02 Franklin Intl. 9.51 Income-Premium (G) 15.62 Index Nifty 14.17 Kotak Gilt Ser. 2019-(D) 10.42 150, 152.90, 149, 152.10 32, 32.80, 32, 32.50 13, 13.85, 13, 13.70 As on 05/11/2003 INDEX (G) 16.72 Floating Rate Fund (G) 10.02 Franklin Pharma 15.19 Liquid (D) 10.06 Liquid Account Call 10.90 Kotak Gilt Ser. 2019-(G) 16.81 Nelco 39.60, 45, 44.25 Shriram Inv 17.30, 17.70, 17, 17.30 Videocon Fin 20.75, 21.50, 20.55, Alliance Capital Mutual Fund IT Plan A (Div Payout) 16.10 Floating Rate Fund (MD) 10.02 Franklin Prima (D) 26.18 Liquid (G) 12.38 Liquid Inst. (D) 10.00 Kotak Liq.Instl.-(DD) 12.23 39, 44.80, 39, 43.75 Shriram Tran 17.15, 17.50, 17.25 21.40 95 (D) 38.03 IT Plan A (Div Reinv) 16.10 Floating Rate Fund(WD) 10.02 Franklin Prima (G) 57.96 Liquid-Premium (D) 11.96 Liquid Inst. (G) 11.57 Kotak Liq.Instl.-(G) 12.48 Neuland Lab. 135.05, 139.95, 135, 16.50, 17.65, 16.50, 17.35 19.30, 21, 19.30, 20.60 95 (G) 70.40 IT Plan B (G) 18.68 Insta CP-Reg.(D) 10.15 Franklin Prima Plus (D) 20.00 Liquid-Premium Plus (D) 11.96 Lq. A/c (D) 10.00 Kotak Liq.Instl.-(WD) 10.02 138.25 Shyam Teleco 53.40, 54.45, 52.25, Vidhi Dyestu 12, 15.45, 14.90 Basic Inds.(D) 20.27 Income Plus Inst. A(D) 27.01 Insta CP-Weekly(D) 10.13 Franklin Prima Plus (G) 41.08 Liquid-Premium Plus (G) 12.41 Lq. A/c (G) 11.57 Kotak Liq.Instl.Prem.-(G) 12.48 Nilkamal Pls 38, 39 52.80 Vinati Org. 10.75, 11.20, 10.75 Basic Inds.(G) 23.37 Income Plus Inst. B(G) 27.95 Insta Cash Plus 10.43 Franklin T TMA (Dly) 1511.96 Liquid-Premium(G) 12.40 ING Vysya Mutual Fund Kotak Liquid-Regular (D) 10.02 38, 39, 38, 38.95 55.80, 55.80, 52.30, 52.90 Vindhya Tele 24.45, 25.50, 24.90 Buy India (D) 7.70 Income Plus Plan A(D) 10.76 Insta Cash Plus-(DD) 10.29 Franklin Taxshield (D) 19.46 Liquidity - Call (Dd)(Z) 10.43 Balanced Portfolio (D) 8.95 Kotak Liquid-Regular (G) 12.46 Noble Explo. 6.61, 6.87, 6.60, 6.70 Siemens VDO 95.50, 99.90, 95.45, Buy India (G) 7.71 24, 25.40, 24, 25 Income Plus Plan B(G) 27.80 Premier Bond (Reg) 10.93 Franklin Taxshield (G) 41.41 Liquidity - Call (G)(Z) 10.88 Balanced Portfolio (G) 8.95 Kotak MNC 11.95 NOCIL 12.50, 13.88, 12.49, 13.79 96.60 VIP Indus. 27, 27.45, 26.65, 26.85 Capital Tax Relief’96 92.71 MIDCAP (Div) 14.00 Premier Bond Instt. 10.99 IBA (Instl Plan)-(Qtrly) 10.91 Liquidity -IP(D)(Z) 11.40 Gilt Portfolio 10.64 Kotak Tech 3.97 12.80, 13.85, 12.45, 13.70 Simbh.Sugar 9.57, 9.56, 10 Cash Manager (D) 10.00 27, 27.75, 27, 27.50 MIDCAP (G) 17.51 Premier Bond-Inst(MD) 10.61 Maxima (D) 11.37 Liquidity -IP(G)(Z) 13.52 Growth Portfolio (D) 7.77 LIC Mutual Fund Nova Petro. 33.85 Simplex Conc 52.60, 55, 52.55, 53 Visaka Ind. 41, 41.75, 41.55 Cash Manager (G) 15.32 MIP Plan A (D) 11.13 Premier Bond-Inst.(QD) 10.64 Maxima (G) 18.13 Liquidity -SP(D-W’ly)(Z) 10.63 Growth Portfolio (G) 9.28 Balance Fund-(G) 22.96 34, 34, 32.15, 33 Sintex Inds. 72.05, 74, 71, 72.55 Cash Manager Instnl (D) 10.00 MIP Plan B (Payment/G) 14.88 Premier Bond-Reg.(MD) 10.62 SIP 25-Apr-05 10.37 Liquidity -SP(G)(Z) 12.92 Income Port.-Inst.(G) 16.72 Balanced Fund-(D) 10.45 40.80, 42, 40.80, 41.55 Novopan Inds 35, 36, 34, 34.10 72, 74, 71.15, 73.30 VJIL Consult 6.55, 7.40, 7.05 Cash Manager Instnl (G) 10.31 MIP Plan C (Payment/G) 14.88 Premier Bond-Reg>(QD) 10.59 T Children’s Asset 19.32 Liquidity-Sp(D-D’ly)(Z) 10.64 Income Portfolio (G) 16.63 Bond (D) 10.94 34, 36, 34, 34.05 Cash Manager Instnl. (DD) 10.00 Sirpur Paper 66.30, 71, 65.55, 65.75 Voltas 107.80, 123, 107.50, 120.50 MNC Plan A (Div Payout) 28.58 Short Maturity Fund 10.55 T Floating Rate In LT (D) 10.19 Prudence (D)(Z) 21.41 Income Portfolio (I) 10.31 Bond (G) 17.79 NRB Bearings 126.75, 124.95, 66.90, 70, 65.15, 66.20 Equity (D) 24.16 MNC Plan A (Div Reinv) 28.58 Short Maturity MD 10.23 T Floating Rate In LT (G) 11.21 Prudence (G)(Z) 41.28 Income Portfolio A(I) 10.31 Children’s Fund 12.10 107.60, 122.45, 107.60, 119.65 128.10 Siyaram Silk 63, 65.40, 62, 63.15 VST Indus. 184.80, 189.50, 182.50, Equity (G) 45.64 MNC Plan B (Gr) 42.65 Short Maturity Weekly (D) 10.27 T Floating Rate In ST (D) 10.01 Short Term (D) 10.12 Income Portfolio Q’ly(I) 10.31 Equity Fund 10.50 123, 128.55, 122.60, 128.55 Frontline Eq(D) 14.93 Sweep Plan (D) 10.02 DSP Merrill Lynch Mutual Fund T Floating Rate In ST (G) 11.20 Short Term (G) 11.34 Income Portfolio-Bonus 16.63 Govt.Sec. (D) 10.98 Skanska Ceme 223 185 Frontline Eq(G) 16.04 NRC 18.50, 18.80, 17.70, 18.30 222.50, 224, 222.50, 222.70 184, 191.45, 182, 189.30 Sweep Plan (G) 10.60 Balanced (D) 12.95 T G Sec (D) 12.14 Short Term-Prem. (D) 10.84 Income Portfolio-Inst A(D 10.37 Govt.Sec. (G) 17.50 18.55, 18.75, 17.75, 18.20 G-Sec Long Term (D) 11.19 BOB Mutual Fund Balanced (G) 15.85 T G Sec (G) 22.40 Short Term-Prem.(G) 11.36 Income Portfolio-Inst Q(D 10.37 Growth Fund 4.43 Snowcem (I) 15.90, 14, 14.05 VST Tillers 49.75, 49, 51.70 G-Sec Long Term (G) 18.35 Balance Fund-(G) Plan 10.38 Bond (D) 11.19 T G Sec Tr (D) 10.77 Short Term-Prem.Plus (D) 10.83 Income Portfolio-Inst.(B) 16.72 Index Nifty 12.71 Nucleus Soft 86.50, 88.45, 87.65 14.60, 15.45, 14, 14.20 VXL Instrum. 22.85, 23, 22, 22.50 G-Sec Short Term (D) 10.14 Elss 96 16.99 Bond (G) 22.62 T G Sec Tr (G) 12.00 Short Term-Prem.Plus(G) 11.36 Income Portfolio-Inst.(D) 10.37 Index Sensex 12.66 86, 89, 86, 87.85 Soffia Soft. 37.80, 40.05 G-Sec Short Term (G) 14.35 Gilt (D) 10.50 Bond Fund - Instl.(D) 10.39 T IBA (D) 11.74 Sovereign Gilt-IP(D)(Z) 10.99 Income Portfolio-STO (D) 10.71 Index Sensex Adv. 12.55 38.65, 40.30, 38.65, 40.30 W Income (D) 10.43 Gilt (G) 10.50 Bond Fund Inst. 10.92 T IBA (G) 23.19 Sovereign Gilt-IP(G)(Z) 15.20 Income Short Term 10.92 Liquid (D) 10.74 O Softsol (I) 9.75, 10 Walchandngr 42, 44.60, 42 Income (G) 22.69 Growth Fund-(D) Plan 10.50 Equity 24.67 T IBA (H-Y’ly) 15.12 Sovereign Gilt-PP(D)(Z) 11.29 Invst. Portfolio 13.82 Liquid (G) 11.14 OCL (I) 217, 220.10 Solectron Ce 84.60, 93, 89.40 Income 54EA (D) 10.44 Growth Fund-(G) Plan 10.50 Floating Rate Fund 10.25 T IBA (Instl Plan) 11.80 Sovereign Gilt-PP(G)(Z) 17.19 Treas.Port.-Auto Sweep(G) 13.22 MIP Growth 17.77 90, 92, 87, 89.75 41.50, 41.50, 41.50, 41.50 Odyssey Tech 9.75, 10.94, 9.62, Warren Tea 40, 41, 40.70 Income 54EA (G) 22.68 Income (D) 11.02 Floating(D) 10.07 T IBA (M’ ly) 15.22 Sovereign Gilt-SP(D)(Z) 10.74 Treas.Portfolio(Daily Div 10.77 MIP Monthly Income 10.82 10.60 Solvay Pharm 165, 166, 161.60, Income 54EB (D) 10.45 Income (G) 11.02 Floating(WD) 10.01 T IBA (M’ly B) 20.23 Sovereign Gilt-SP(G)(Z) 12.77 Treasury Portfolio (D) 10.77 MIP Yearly Income 11.14 164.60 Wartsila (I) 156, 147.30, 151.80 Oil Country 9.50, 10.20, 9.40, 10.17 148, 151.80, 148, 149.55 Income 54EB (G) 22.54 Liquid (D) 11.03 Govt.Sec. (A-D) 11.63 T IBA (Q’y) 15.11 Tax 2000 (D) 19.75 Treasury Portfolio (G) 13.22 Short Term Plan (D) 10.09 9.35, 10.30, 9, 10.20 Sona Koyo St 166, 169.90, 165, Income Q’ly (D) 10.35 Liquid (G) 11.16 Govt.Sec. (A-G) 21.18 T Income (D) 11.42 Tax 2000 (G) 24.40 JM Mutual Fund Short Term Plan (G) 10.29 167.40 Wellwin Ind. 10.30, 10.81, 10.02, Monthly Income (G) 18.96 Omax Autos. 83.90, 86, 81, 83 10.74 Canbank Mutual Fund Govt.Sec. (B-D) 10.79 T Income (G) 23.48 Tax Saver (D)(Z) 24.41 Balanced (D) 12.13 Tax 13.21 84.90, 86.40, 80.90, 83.25 Sonata Soft. 12.30, 12.95, 12.74 Monthly Income (M’ly) 10.99 Canbonus 11.65 Govt.Sec. (B-G) 14.47 T India Growth 25.04 Tax Saver (G)(Z) 34.15 Balanced (G) 14.54 Unit Linked Insurance Sch 12.62 12.60, 13, 12.50, 12.70 9.95, 10.90, 9.95, 10.75 Monthly Income (Q’ly) 11.04 Cancigo 10.96 Liquidity (D) 12.41 T India Growth(D) 22.51 Top 200 (D)(Z) 18.02 Basic 16.55 OM Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance Ondeo Nalco 330, 321, 330 Welspun (I) 54.75, 54.95, 53.05, 54 Onward Techn 21, 22, 20.15, 21.25 Spel Semicon 2.98, 3, 2.60, 2.61 New Millennium (D) 5.65 Cancigo (G) 13.19 Liquidity (DD) 10.01 T Liquid (D - D’ly) 10.00 Top 200 (G)(Z) 34.37 Equity (D) 13.44 Balanced Fund 12.04 SPIC 7.91, 8.13, 7.90, 8.07 Welspun Guj. 41.10, 42.05, 40.40, New Millennium (G) 5.66 Canequity Diversified(B) 11.37 Liquidity (G) 15.19 T Liquid (D) 10.00 HSBC Mutual Fund Equity (G) 12.77 Gilt Fund 10.25 20.85, 21.95, 20.85, 21.30 41.50 Opto Circuit 70.40, 75, 68.05, 73.80 7.50, 8.15, 7.50, 8.05 Short Term (D) 10.03 Canequity Diversified(G) 11.37 Merrill Lynch Oppor.(D) 15.23 T Liquid (G) 15.45 Cash Fund 10.51 Floater Fund - Long (D) 10.13 Growth fund 12.85 SPL 22.70, 22.10, 22.90 Wendt (I) 241.05, 245, 241, 243.50 Short Term (G) 11.13 Canequity Diversified(I) 11.37 Opportunities 16.68 T Liquid Plus 11.59 Cash Fund -(D) 10.19 Floater Fund - Long (G 10.13 Money Market Fund 10.21 68.50, 72.90, 68, 71.65 West Coast P 225, 229.80, 224.75, Orbit Multi 0.12, 0.10, 0.11 22, 23.30, 22, 22.60 Short Term Fund Instnl(D) 10.02 Canequity Tax Saver 12.77 Savings Plus 11.33 T Liquid Plus (D) 10.00 Cash Fund-Instl.(G) 10.51 Floater Fund-Short (G) 10.17 PNB Mutual Fund SQL Star Int 6.10, 7.10, 5.75, 6.99 225.80 Short Term Fund Instnl(G) 10.10 Canexpo 15.63 Savings Plus (MD) 10.56 T MMA 1.00 Cash Fund-Instl.Daily (D) 10.44 G-Sec (D-Reg) 10.48 Balanced Growth (I) 14.06 Orchid Chem 178, 182.50, 177, 227, 229.90, 225.40, 225.50 Aviva Life Insurance 179.55 SRF 34.50, 37.50, 34.15, 37.20 Canexpo (G) 20.41 Savings Plus (QD) 10.67 T Monthly Income (G) 15.20 Cash Fund-Instl.Month (D) 10.44 G-Sec (G-Reg) 19.45 Debt (I) 33, 37.50, 33, 37.10 Wim Plast 35.75, 37, 34.20, 35.30 Easy LifePlus Unit Linked 15.93 Canganga 11.65 Short Term (G) 10.88 T Monthly Income (H-Y’ly) 11.35 Cash Fund-Instl.Week (D) 10.44 G-Sec PF 18.32 UTI Mutual Fund 178.80, 182.45, 178.80, 179.60 Wimco 26.15, 27.50, 26.05, 26.55 EasyLifePlus Unitised Pro 10.80 Orient Info. 34.75, 32.90, 34 SRF Polymers 23, 26.20, 25.95 Cangilt PGS (G) 17.27 Short Term (WD) 10.07 T Monthly Income (M’ly) 10.39 Equity 21.99 G-Sec PF Plan-(G) 19.99 Bond (G) 18.52 Sri Adhikari 64, 67.15, 63.10, 65 26.05, 27, 26.05, 26.75 Life Bond Unit Linked 15.93 Cangilt PGS (I) 10.21 Short Term(D) 10.22 T Monthly Income (Q’ly) 10.33 Equity - (D) 17.79 G-Sec Reg (GB) 10.62 Bond (I) 10.99 33.65, 34.80, 32.75, 33.70 Wockhardt Lf 26.40, 26.60, 26.05, Life Bond Unitised Profit 10.80 Canglobal 7.39 Technology.Com 6.55 T Pension Plan (D) 14.91 Income-Invest. 11.15 High Liq.Growth - Bonus 10.80 Brand Value 11.05 Orient Paper 25, 26.40, 25.75 64.35, 67.10, 60.55, 64.50 Life Pension Plus Link 13.23 SSI 138.25, 143, 135.10, 137.90 26.30 Canincome (B) 10.28 Top 100 (G) 18.60 T Pension Plan (G) 25.83 Income-Invest. (D) 10.50 High Liquidity Daily Div. 10.00 CCP 14.42 25.40, 26.75, 25, 25.65 26.10, 27, 26, 26.40 Life Saver Unit Linked 15.93 Canincome (G) 11.22 Top 100(D) 17.37 T ST Income (G) 1145.15 Income-Invt.Instl.(D) 11.16 High Liquidity Inst.(MD) 12.08 CRTS 101.39 Oriental Con 24.15, 24.50, 24.10 144.90, 144.90, 135.05, 137.60 Life Saver Unitised Profi 10.80 Income-Invt.Instl.(G) 11.16 State Bnk Bi 1230, 1293, 1281.70 Wyeth 390, 400, 388, 390.80 Canincome (I) 10.21 Escorts Mutual Fund T ST Income (M’ly) 1024.39 High Liquidity-Annual(D) 12.08 Equity Tax Savings 16.62 Oriental Hot 97, 103.80 390, 400, 387, 392.85 Lifelong Unit Link 15.93 Canliquid (D) 10.05 Balanced (D) 17.62 T ST Income (Q’ly) 1021.64 Income-ST.Instl.(D) 10.52 High Lq. (D) 12.01 G-Sec (G) 17.86 101, 103.10, 100.10, 103 State Bnk My 1750, 1798, 1725, Lifelong Unit Profit 10.80 Canliquid (G) 11.28 Balanced (G) 19.58 T ST Income (W’ly B) 1050.89 Income-ST.Instl.(G) 10.62 High Lq. (D-D’ly) 10.41 G-Sec (I) 10.91 1775 Y PensionPlusUnitisedProfit 10.40 Canpremium 14.70 Gilt (D) 12.55 T ST Income (W’ly) 1089.94 Income-Short 10.61 High Lq. (G) 17.27 Grandmaster 93 15.42 P State Bnk Tr 1261, 1292.55, 1244, Birla Sunlife Insurance Canpremium (G) 17.63 Gilt (G) 13.73 T TMA (G) 1553.29 Income-Short Term (D) 10.11 High Lq. Inst.(G) 10.32 Index Select Eq. 19.70 1249.95 Yokogawa Blu 67, 65.55, 68 Group Fixed Interest 11.50 Canshort Term Plan(G) 10.06 Growth (G) 19.60 T TMA (W’ly) 1244.71 Inst. Income Invst. (D) 10.58 High Lq.Inst.(D) 10.02 Liquid Cash (MI) 10.04 Padmalaya Te 87, 82.05, 82.40 Std.Indust. 5, 5.45, 4.91, 5.32 65.55, 68, 65, 68 Group Growth 15.55 Canshort Term Plan(I) 10.06 Growth (D) 17.75 T TMA (Wkly B) 1401.37 Inst. Income-Invst. 11.25 Income (D) 10.43 Liquid Cash Plan (G) 10.18 84.40, 86, 82.20, 82.90 4.95, 5.60, 4.95, 5.35 Group Secure 14.96 Cantriple 26.99 Income (D) 10.47 T TMA (Y’ly) 1180.75 Inst. Income-STP 10.65 Income (G) 26.31 Liquid Cash Plan (I) 10.04 Panacea Biot 42, 41.20, 42.75 Sterl.Tools 65.25, 65, 74.95 Z Group Stable 17.05 Chola Mutual Fund Income (G) 19.26 Vista (D) 5.58 Inst.Income Short Term(D) 10.17 Income Bonus 11.17 Mahila Unit Scheme 15.30 42.25, 43.25, 41.60, 42.70 Su-raj Diamn 14.25, 14.75, 14.48 Indiv.Builder 14.50 FMP Yearly(D) 10.33 Income Bond (D) 10.54 Vista (G) 7.53 ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Income Serial-2004(G) 10.43 Master Growth-1993 23.20 Pantaloon Re 280, 293.60, 287.30 14.40, 14.80, 14.30, 14.50 Zandu Pharm 2000, 2050, 2020.40 Indiv.Enhancer 16.05 Freedom In.-STF Reg.-H-D 10.27 Income Bond (G) 12.53 GIC Mutual Fund L.Link Balancer 15.60 Inst.(G) 26.40 Master Index 15.74 293, 293.30, 282.05, 287.50 Suashish Dia 21.50, 24.90, 23.95 2034, 2050, 2002, 2025 Indiv.Pension Pol.Enrich 11.20 Freedom In.-STF-Cum-Inst. 18.12 Opportunities (D) 12.52 Balanced 14.29 L.Link Maximiser (G) 18.54 Inst.Annual (D) 11.02 Master Value Unit 1998 25.89 Paper Prod. 142.60, 146.65, 142.35, Subex System 265, 269.95, 260, Zenith Exp. 31.25, 37.40, 35.20 Indiv.Pension Pol.Growth 10.99 Freedom In.-STF-Inst-M-D 10.07 Opportunities (G) 15.48 D’Mat 12.66 L.Link Pension Balancer 14.49 Inst.Monthly (D) 10.57 Mastergain 92 16.85 145.80 266.65 38, 39.90, 36.70, 39.55 Indiv.Pension Pol.Nourish 10.93 Freedom In.-STF-Reg.-M-D 10.06 Tax (D) 16.33 Debt (G) 10.69 L.Link Pension Max.(G) 18.30 Inst.Quartly (D) 10.70 Masterplus 91 26.75 147, 147, 143.15, 146.65 270, 270, 260.30, 263.65 Zensar Tech. 88, 89.70, 86.10, 86.55 Indiv.Protector 13.46 Freedom In.-STF-Reg.Cum 18.08 Tax (G) 16.33 Fortune 94 12.38 L.Link Pension Protec.(I) 12.13 MIP - Annual (D) 10.35 Mastershare 86 15.87 Paramount Co 5.31, 5.60, 5.35 Subhash Proj 27.45, 29.95 87, 89.90, 86.60, 87.10 Benchmark Mutual Fund Freedom Tech.(Cum) 11.15 First India Mutual Fund G Plus II 14.80 L.Link Protector (I) 13.55 MIP - Growth 10.36 Money Market (G) 17.46 Parekh Plati 6.88, 6.99, 6.70, 6.90 27.60, 28.30, 27.60, 28.30 ZF Steering 179, 182, 177, 179 Liquid BeES 1000.00 Freedom Tech.Reg.-Q(D) 7.25 Gilt 11.60 Gilt (G) 10.63 L.Time Balancer 15.60 MIP - Monthly (D) 10.27 Money Market (In) 17.11 6.85, 7.10, 6.65, 6.85 Subros 115.05, 123, 121.35 Zicom Electn 35.15, 36.70, 34.85, Nifty BeES 161.60 Gilt Investment-Cum 17.78 Gilt Fund - (D) 10.62 Liquid (D-Reinv) 10.01 L.Time Maximiser (G) 18.54 MIP - Q’ly (D) 10.36 Nifty Index 10.08 Parry Agro 95.05, 105 Sulzer (I) 126, 136.95, 125 36.60 Nifty Junior BeES 269.96 Gilt Series-Cum 13.50 Growth 17.83 Liquid (G) 10.96 L.Time Pension Balancer 14.49 Short Term 10.36 PEF 18.21 Parry’s Conf 150 Sundaram Cla 409, 390, 396.45 Zigma Soft. 11.10, 12.60, 10.45, Birla Sunlife Mutual Fund Gilt Series-Reg 13.50 Growth Fund (D) 14.31 HDFC Mutual Fund L.Time Pension Max.(G) 18.30 Short Term (G) 11.12 Petro 19.25 Advantage (A) 44.35 149, 149, 145, 145 404, 414.90, 386, 391.95 12.49 Gilt-Investment-Q(D) 10.72 Income 11.56 Balanced 14.00 L.Time Pension Prot.(I) 12.13 Short Term Fund Inst.(D) 10.08 Pharma & Healthcare 16.61 Patel Engg. 170, 173.20, 168.30, Sundaram Fst 785.05, 777, 785 Zodiac Cloth 140, 135, 135.10 Advantage (B) 44.35 Growth Fund-Cum 22.57 Income Fund (D) 10.40 Balanced Fund (G) 15.24 L.Time Protector (I) 13.55 Short Term Fund Inst.(G) 10.43 RBP 1994 17.31 Balance (D) 11.88 173.15 781, 800, 775.15, 778.20 135.50, 138, 132.65, 134.50 Growth Fund-Q(D) 13.58 Liquid (D) 10.22 Capital Builder (D) 15.34 IL&FS Mutual Fund Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund Regular Income 10.46 Patspin (I) 12, 12.60, 12.58 Sunflag Iron 6.05, 6.02, 6.42 Zuari Inds. 34.50, 37.40, 35.85 Balance (G) 13.43 Liq.Fund-Cum-Inst.Plus 12.59 Liquid (G) 11.15 Capital Builder (G) 17.91 Bond (B) 11.38 Kotak 30-(D) 17.77 Regular Income Scheme (G) 11.17 Bond Index Fund (Div) 10.59 Liq.Fund-Inst.Plus-W(D) 11.39 Short Term 10.95 Childrens Gift-Invst. 16.43 Bond (D-Q’ly) 10.70 Kotak 30-(G) 19.92 SUNDER 162.39 12.55, 12.75, 12.15, 12.65 Super Spin. 84, 86, 83.50 34.75, 37.50, 34.50, 35.95 Bond Index Fund (G) 10.59 Liquid Fund-Apr-06-Reg 12.40 Short Term (D) 10.33 Childrens Gift-Savings 14.71 Bond (D-Y’ly) 10.39 Kotak Balance 14.51 Service 22.34 Bond Plus Inst.(D) 10.45 Liquid Fund-Reg.Cum 12.56 Tax Gain 61.98 Equity (D)(Z) 18.94 Bond (G) 17.07 Kotak Bond - Deposit (D) 10.87 Short Term Plan (G) 10.22 Bond Plus Inst.(G) 11.58 Liquid Fund-Reg.W’ly(D) 11.38 Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund Equity (G) (Z) 45.18 Bond Fund-Inst.(AD) 10.94 Kotak Bond - Deposit (G) 16.58 Short Term Plan (I) 10.03 Bond Plus Retail (D) 11.20 Liquid Instl. Cum 10.00 FT Balanced (G) 14.04 FRI-(L) 10.39 Bond Institutional (D) 11.96 Kotak Bond Instl.-(D) 10.71 Software 9.94 Bond Plus Retail (G) 11.56 Liquid Instl.(D) Payout 11.17 FT Gilt Invst (G) 14.52 FRI-(S) 10.43 Bond Institutional (G) 17.14 Kotak Bond Instl.-(G) 17.04 UGS 10000 14.56 Cash Plus Inst.(G) 16.82 MI- Regular -M(D) 10.40 FT Gilt Invst (M’ly B) 12.99 Floating Rate IncomeLTPDI 10.01 Bond Short Term (D) 10.06 Kotak Bond Short Term-(D) 10.09 ULIP 14.54 Cash Plus Inst.(MDP) 10.01 MI- Regular- Bonus 10.60 FT Gilt Invst (Q’ly) 11.91 Floating Rate IncomeSTCDI 10.02 Bond Short Term (G) 11.42 Kotak Bond Short Term-(G) 11.18 US 2002 7.65 Cash Plus Retail (D) 16.35 MI-Regular - Cum 10.60 FT Gilt Liquid (G) 11.57 Gilt Long Term (D) 10.78 Bond Short Term-Inst.(D) 10.07 Kotak Bond Wholesale (AD) 12.12 US 95 (G) 26.74 Cash Plus Retail (G) 16.79 MI-Regular - Q(D) 10.47 FT Gilt Liquid (M’ly) 10.30 Gilt Long Term (G) 15.20 Bond Short Term-Instnl.GD 11.44 Kotak Bond Wholesale (B) 11.32 US 95 (I) 15.90 Cash Plus-Inst.(D) 10.79 Triple Ace-Inst Reg 11.11 FT Index - BSE 14.59 Gilt Short Term (D) 10.18 Dynamic Fund (D) 12.27 Kotak Bond Wholesale (G) 16.98 Variable Invt.(ILS) 12.98 D Yield Plus(Div) 11.15 Triple Ace-Inst.-H(D) 14.20 FT Index - Nifty 16.05 Gilt Short Term (G) 12.06 Dynamic Fund (G) 12.27 Kotak Bond Wholesale (QD) 10.66 12.82 D Yield Plus(G) 17.89 Triple Ace-Instl. Cum 22.72 FT Monthly Income (G) 15.10 Growth 15.66 E-Com (D) 3.64 Kotak Floater-(D) 10.04 Principal Mutual Fund Equity Plan 23.79 Triple Ace-Reg.-Cum 22.62 FT Monthly Income (M’ly B 13.42 Growth Fund (Dividend) 13.87 E-Com (G) 3.64 Kotak Floater-(G) 10.18 Balanced (D) 15.41 FMP Quarterly Group 1 (D) 11.19 Triple Ace-Reg.-Q(D) 11.10 FT Monthly Income (M) 11.51 High Int. Stp (D)(Z) 10.52 Floater Fund-STP (D) 10.01 Kotak Gilt Investment-(D) 10.74 Balanced (G) 15.27 Float.Rate Long Term(D) 10.24 Triple Ace-Reg.Bonus 12.57 FT Monthly Income (Q) 11.63 High Int. Stp (G)(Z) 11.46 Floater Fund-STP (G) 10.09 Kotak Gilt Investment-(G) 21.63 Benefit Debt (QD) 10.46 Float.Rate Long Term(G) 10.24 Triple Ace-Semi-Y(D) 14.10 FT PE Ratio 13.78 High Int.(D-Half Y’ly)(Z) 10.97 Gilt LTP Prov.(D) 10.25 Kotak Gilt Savings-(AD) 10.29 Benefit Fund Debt (AD) 11.47 Float.Rate Short Term(D) 10.21 Deutsche Mutual Fund Franklin Balanced(D) 14.71 High Int.(D-Q’ly)(Z) 11.21 Gilt LTP Prov.(G) 10.25 Kotak Gilt Savings-(G) 15.39 Benefit Fund Debt (HYD) 10.47 Float.Rate Short Term(G) 10.21 385DAYS - 260303 10.40 Franklin Balanced(G) 15.32 High Int.(D-Y’ly)(Z) 11.68 Gilt LTP Prov.(PAAR) 10.25 Kotak Gilt Savings-(MD) 10.42 Benefit Fund Debt(G) 11.46 Gilt Plus-Liquid-(A)(D) 10.56 Alpha Equity 14.74 Franklin Bluechip (D) 19.01 High Int.(G)(Z) 22.83 Gilt LTP Prov.(PDAR) 10.25 Kotak Gilt Ser. 2003-(D) 10.42 Cash M-Liq.Inst.(MD) 10.00 Gilt Plus-Liquid-(B)(G) 15.31 Alpha Equity Fund-(G) 17.38 Franklin Bluechip (G) 42.88 Idx-Nifty(FV 10.33) 16.36 Gilt Long Term (D) 11.00 Kotak Gilt Ser. 2003-(G) 14.56 Cash M-Liq.Inst.(WD) 10.01 Gilt Plus-Liquid-(C-AD) 10.20 Dynamic Bond Inst.(AD) 10.02 Franklin FMCG 13.62 Idx-Sensex(FV 32.16) 49.71 Gilt Long Term (G) 13.77 Kotak Gilt Ser. 2005-(D) 11.34 Cash M-Liq.Inst.DD 10.00

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The Times of India, New Delhi, Friday,November 7, 2003

Woods faces stiff challenge Wenger wants Euro glory Roddick boosted Tiger Woods goes into the season-ending Tour Arsene Wenger admitted the Champions World No. 1 Andy Roddick has Championship knowing that he is by no means League has become an "obsession" for a favourable draw at the Mas- certain to win his sixth player of the year award Arsenal after a dramatic win against ters Cup as he bids to end since 1997. Woods says he is more concerned Dynamo Kiev kept them alive. Wenger the year at No.1. Alongside about winning the the players' award than the money list, said, "I am very happy. It becomes a bit of him in the Red Group are which is headed by Fijian Vijay Singh an obsession if you are not winning” Coria, Schuettler and Moya Ashley Cole’s late strike gives Arsenal win over Dynamo Kiev

When I came onto the scene I focused on bowling.But the body's not getting any Zaheer’s blitzkrieg not enough Indian boys tame younger, so I've got to chip in with runs to keep my spot in AFP the side. McMillan, Styris put NZ Sri Lanka in final - Heath Streak after getting his maiden Test hundred. Lahore: India came up “Lastly, it was heart- on road to victory with a spectacular per- warming to get the kind of SPORTS DIGEST Cuttack: New Zealand were 196 for five after formance to silence Sri treatment we did here in Lanka with an eight-wick- Pakistan. The people were Ajit Ninan 40 overs as they chased 247 for victory in the TVS Cup tie against India on Thursday at Cut- et victory in the final of extremely warm and tack. The Kiwis looked like floundering after the Asian Under-19 tour- friendly.The place is great. losing four wickets early. But a fighting stand nament on Thursday, in I must tell our people to between Scott Styris and Craig MacMillan the process avenging their come here more often,’’ brought them back. opening loss to the Emer- said Rayudu. Earlier Zaheer Khan provided the sparks ald Islanders. “The defeat is disheart- with a blistering assault as India overcame a Set a victory target of ening. The boys played ex- mid-innings slump to score a respectable 246 226, India paced their in- ceptionally well through- for nine in the crucial triangular series cricket nings well with Robin out the tournament,’’ said match against New Zealand here today. Uthappa slamming a well- Sri Lankan skipper Mo- After India were struggling at 207 for eight in made match-winning hammed Mahroof. the dying stages of the innings, Zaheer struck knock of 88. Later, skipper Scoreboard Rayudu and R Solanki pro- an unbeaten 13-ball 33 to take the hosts to a de- Sri Lanka: ADC Kularatne c Karthik b cent total which also had a determined 64-run duced a half century each Sunny Singh 12, HE Vithana lbw b contribution by Mohammad Kaif. to deny the Sri Lankans Pathan 6, WU Tharanga c Sunny Singh The last over from Jacob Oram fetched as further success as India b Raina 13, JK Silva lbw b Pathan 0, many as 20 runs as Zaheer launched a brave coasted to a thumping win. RWMGA Ratnayake run out (Piyush counter-attack which included two sixes on a Earlier, Irfan Patel and Chawala) 45, MF Maharoof lbw b Sun- Sunny Singh bowled bril- ny Singh 57, GT de Silva c Shukla b slow track which was hardly conducive for Sunny Singh 16, CKB Kulasekara b strokeplay. liantly to restrict the Sri Pathan 29, AD Mathews not out 15, Electing to bat, the Indians went into the Lankans with a 3-wickets RSR De Zoysa run out 3, PUM Chana- match with a brand new opening pair of Sachin haul each. Pathan also ef- ka run out (Pathan) 2. Extras (lb 3, w Change dates: Pakistan wants to fected a run out to add to 20, nb 4): 27. Total (all out, 49.4 ensure New Zealand captain Stephen Tendulkar and VVS Laxman. his haul. overs, 229 mins) 225 Fleming does not get a chance to The new opening pair launched the innings Rameez Raja, CEO, Pak- Fall of wickets: 1-23, 2-25, 3-28, 4- complain as far as playing conditions with a flourish by maintaining a reasonably 43, 5-143, 6-163, 7-179, 8-214, 9- and match timings are concerned. brisk run rate before Tendulkar’s belligerence istan Cricket Board, was 220. With New Zealand’s tour of Pakistan was cut short by a rather dubious lbw decision all praise for the Indian Bowling: 9.4-1-33-3 set to start in late November, the Pak- by umpire AV Jayaprakash off Kyle Mills. Kaif, team. “The Indians were (4w); VR Singh 9-0-56-0 (2nb, 8w); istan Cricket Board (PCB) has re- promoted to the No. 3 slot, began cautiously and simply outstanding. They Sunny Singh 10-2-35-3 (1w); Raina 3- played good cricket 0-11-1; Avinash Yadav 6-1-25-0; alised that the acute dew problem in was quite content to keep the scoreboard tick- Shukla 2-0-8-0; Piyush Chawala 10- Punjab province and the holy month ing with gentle nudges and pushes, while Lax- throughout the tourna- 0-54-0 (2nb, 1w). of Ramazan could make it inconven- man was a little more aggressive at the other ment and emerged deserv- India: AR Uthappa lbw b Mathews 88, ient for the visitors. The PCB has end. Laxman and Kaif added 50 runs for the ing winners,’’ said Raja. SK Shukla run out 19, RK Solanki not hence asked the ICC and New second wicket before medium pacer Scott Styris “It was a total team ef- out 56, AT Rayudu not out 54. Extras Zealand Cricket for approval to hold fort especially after losing (lb 2, w 4, nb 3): 9. provided the Total (2 wickets, 44.4 overs): 226. the day and night matches under a breakthrough to Sri Lanka in the lung- new time schedule. Fall of wickets: 1-54, 2-136. by getting rid opener,’’ said an ecstatic Bowling: Maharoof 8-0-40-0 (3w); Tour to go ahead: Sri Lankan of Laxman India skipper Ambati Chanaka 6-0-31-0 (1w); Kulasekara cricket officials on Thursday said the who was New Zealand’s Kyle Mills tries to hold on to a return catch off Mohammad Kaif during the Tri- Rayudu on receiving the 6-1-16-0; Mathews 6-0-30-1 (2nb); country’s President and Prime Minis- caught and series One-day International at the Barabati Stadium in Cuttack on Thursday. Videocon trophy. De Zoysa 8.4-0-54-0; Ratnayake 9-0- ter have given assurances that a tour “Robin Uthappa was 53-0 (1nb); Vithana 1-1-0-0. bowled for 31. bounce getting lower as the day wore on. India: V.Laxman c and b Styris 31, S.Tendulkar lbw b Mills Man of the Match: Robin Uthappa by England’s cricket team will go 14, M.Kaif b Styris 64, R.Dravid c Styris b Vettori 31, Y.Singh brilliant in the final. And Left-arm-spinner Daniel Vettori then struck (India). ahead next week despite the Island’s Rahul c Mills b Vettori 0, H.Badani c McCullum b Tuffey 41, though everyone chipped Best Wicketkeeper of the Tourna- political crisis. The English team is Dravid and twice in one over to remove Rahul Dravid S.Bahutule lbw b Styris 11, A.Agarkar c McMillan b Tuffey in well, special mention ment: Dinesh Kartik (India). scheduled to arrive on Nov. 13 for Kaif then caught qt mid wicket by Styris for 31 and Yuvraj 7, H.Singh b Tuffey 5, Z.Khan not out 33, M.Kartik not out 1. must be made of Irfan Highest scorer of the tournament: three Tests and three One-day inter- steadied the Singh caught at long on for a duck. Kaif and Extras: (b-4 lb-2 w-2) 8.Total: (nine wickets, 50 overs) 246 Pathan who was simply ex- Harsha Vithana (Sri Lanka —179 nationals. The first One-day match is innings as Badani looked comfortable adding 33 runs for Fall of wickets: 1-27 2-77 3-136 4-136 5-169 6-193 7- traordinary.Irfan has been runs). scheduled for Nov. 18 at Dambulla, they batted the fifth wicket before Kaif was castled off an 206 8-207 9-223. Best Bowler of the Tournament: Ir- great with the ball and bat. fan Pathan. 150 km from here. “We are going watchfully on inside edge by Styris for a well made 64. Badani Bowling: Tuffey 10-1-31-3, Mills 8-0-51-1 (w-1), Oram He made things a lot easier ahead with our plans,’’ Sri Lanka Best Player of the Tournament: Irfan a track which 41, Bahutule 11, Harbhajan 5 and Agarkar 7 fell 10-0-68-0 (w-1), Styris 10-0-38-3, Vettori 10-0-39-2, Har- for us. Pathan. Agencies cricket secretary Mohan De Silva told. saw the in trying to get the scoring rate up. ris 2-0-13-0. PTI Keshta Mitra hospitalised:Kesh- ta Mitra, a prominent footballer of yesteryears, has been hospitalised following a heart attack. Mitra, who Dalmiya can help Munaf played in Mohun Bagan in the 1970s By Pradeep Vijayakar as a forward, complained of chest There is a provision in such cases. For TIMES NEWS NETWORK pain on Tuesday night and was taken the player to appeal to the BCCI presi- to Ranaghat Hospital, his wife Smriti dent and secretary. He has done that. Mumbai: Mumbai appear to be hooked The decision is expected.’’ When BCCI Mitra said. He was shifted to Gandhi to pace sensation . They memorial hospital. president’s Jagmohan Dalmiya’s office were denied his services because of a was contacted, they said he was still TENNIS RANKINGS technical hitch— he did not get the out of the country.But the office has re- NOC from Gujarat Cricket Association WOMEN ceived the request from the player ‘‘to and the cut-off date for transfer, Sep- Rank Player Points sort out the mess.’’ tember 30, lapsed. But they hope presi- Shetty said the GCA secretary 1 Kim Clijsters (Bel) 6596 dential intervention can sort out the 2 Justine Henin (Bel) 6,461 ,Vikram Patel, had held up the NOC mess. pending a meeting with Patel which he 3 Serena Williams (US) 4,400 The Bharuch lad, who claimed five 4 Lindsay Davenport (US) 3057 has declined to attend. wickets in the tour game against the 5 Jennifer Capriati (US) 2,746 The question then arises:‘‘Why did 6 Amelie Mauresmo (Fra) 2736 New Zealanders, thus faces some time Munaf Patel did not want to play for 7 Venus Williams (US) 2,507 in limbo. But Prof. Ratnakar Shetty, Gujarat. The player himself could not 8 Anastasia Myskina (Rus) 2492 joint secretary, Mumbai Cricket Asso- be contacted. But T.A. Sekhar, co-ordi- 9 Elena Dementieva (Rus) 2340 ciation, also the BCCI joint secretary, nator, MRF Pace Foundation, who had 10 Chanda Rubin (US) 2231 said on Thursday: ‘‘It is obvious Munaf him at the foundation for a year put a source: bbc.com does not want to play for Gujarat hence finger on it: Said Sekhar: ‘‘Munaf his wish to change. No association can played two matches for Gujarat’s un- BETTING METER force anyone to play against his wishes. der-25 side.” CRICKET England vs Bangladesh, first ODI BARABATI HIGHLIGHTS England 1/25, Bangladesh 8/1 Scott Styris proved as per ladbrokes.com •Crowds waiting for Sachin-Sehwag fire- to be a pain in the TODAY’S ACTION works were disap- neck with three pointed as Sehwag wickets each. NATIONAL was ruled out of the •It was the case of CRICKET: Ranji Trophy various venues match with an ankle Hey Ram Oram for FOOTBALL: Mahindra vs Salgaocar injury. big Jake as he got (semifinals), Durand Cup, New Delhi •Kaif played a timely smashed by Zaheer GOLF: Hero Honda Masters, New Delhi and industrious Khan for 21 runs in INTERNATIONAL knock of 64 in 108 the final over. The CRICKET: England vs Bangladesh, 1st ODI balls and justified his Baroda speedster Chittagong (Live on Star Sports, 8.22 pm); promotion to the No.3 gave it a good old Zimbabwe vs West Indies 1st Test, Day 4, slot. humpty smashing 33 (Live on ESPN, 1.25 pm). •As in the Tests in 13 balls. It might TENNIS: WTA Championship, Los Angeles. Daryl Tuffey and well turn out to be a winning hand. Roller-coaster ride for Windies in Harare Reuters Harare: A freak accident and a rain shower failed to slow West Indies’ progress on the third morning of the first Test against Zimbabwe on Thurs- day. At lunch, the visitors were 109 for one in reply to Zimbabwe’s first innings of 507 for nine declared. Wavell Hinds was 68 not out with Daren Ganga at the other end after an unbroken stand of 59. Opener Hinds, ig- noring the early-morning swing, scored steadily with drives, pulls and cuts in his two hours at the crease, facing 84 balls and hitting 13 fours. The start was delayed for two hours after a ball being used by Zimbabwe during a warm-up rolled onto the pitch and under the wheels of a roller prepar- ing the wicket. The incident caused an indentation in line with leg stump and on a length. Umpires Simon Taufel and Billy Bowden delayed the start while groundstaff carried out repairs. West Indies resumed on 11 without Groundsman Robin Brown, watched by West Indies captain Brian Lara, works on loss and brought up the 50 in the 11th the pitch before the start of the third day of the first Test at the Harare Sports Club. over of the day after Chris Gayle Zimbabwe (1st innings): 507-9 decl. 9. Total (for one wicket, 26 overs): 109 crashed two head-high drives for four West Indies (1st innings 11-0 overnight): Fall of wickets: 1-50. off fast bowlers Heath Streak and Andy C.Gayle lbw b Streak 14, W.Hinds not out 68, Bowling: Blignaut 9-1-54-0 (nb-2 w-1), Streak 9- Blignaut. D.Ganga not out 18. Extras: (b-4 lb-1 w-1 nb-3) 3-25-1 (nb-1), Mahwire 8-3-25-0. Agencies.

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18 Friday,November 7, 2003 TIMES SPORT The Times of India, New Delhi

Nayeem, Banerjee face Constantine ire: PK Banerjee and Syed Nay- eemuddin, having found faults with India team coach Stephen Constantine, are now facing his ire. Having ‘taken’ his boys to the Afro-Asian Games final in Hyder- Arsenal revive chances abad the other day, the Englishman obviously thought it was time to fire back. At the media briefing before the final, he had a dig at those who criticised his Paris: Arsenal snatched a last CHAMPIONS LEAGUE functioning. But he didn’t stop at that. Both Banerjee and Nayeem found that out minute victory over Dynamo Kiev on when they went to wish him luck before the big match at the Lal Bahadur Stadium Wednesday to revive their hopes of they overwhelmed Deportivo La as Constantine simply gave them the cold shoulder. TNN reaching the knockout phase of the Coruna 8-3 in the Principality with Champions League while Celtic beat Dado Prso claiming four goals. Anderlecht to boost their chances. Ludovic Giuly, Jerome Rothen, Ashley Cole connected with a div- Jaroslav Plasil, and Edouard Cisse ing header in the 89th minute at completed a remarkable scoreline Highbury just when the match was which surpassed Paris Saint Ger- heading for a goalless draw that main’s previous record 7-2 win over would have virtually ended Arse- Norwegian side Rosenborg and left nal’s chances in Group B. Lyon heading Group A. Juventus Their first win in eight Champi- booked their place in the knockout ons League matches means Arsene phase after holding Real Sociedad to Wenger’s team remain bottom with a goalless draw in Spain. AFP just four points from four matches, but group leaders Inter Milan are RESULTS only three points ahead after a 1-1 Group A: Bayern Munich (GER) 1 (Makaay 14) lost home draw with Lokomotiv Moscow to Lyon (FRA) 2 (Juninho 6, Elber 53); Celtic (SCO) and Arsenal travel to Milan next. 3 (Larsson 12, Miller 17, Sutton 29) beat Ander- Celtic roared past Anderlecht with lecht (BEL) 1 (Aruna 77); Group B: Arsenal (ENG) 1 three goals in the opening half hour (Cole 89) beat Dynamo Kiev (UKR) 0; Inter Milan (ITA) 1 (Recoba 14) drew with Lokomotiv Moscow from Henrik Larsson, Liam Miller (RUS) 1 (Loskov 54); Group C: Monaco (FRA) 8 and Chris Sutton on their way to a 3-1 (Rothen 3, Giuly 11, Prso 26, 30, 45, 49, Plasil 47, victory in Glasgow which lifted Mar- Cisse 68) beat Deportivo La Coruna (SPA) 3 (Tris- tin O’Neill’s side into second in Group tan 39, 52, Scaloni 45); PSV Eindhoven (NED) 2 (Bouma 51, Robben 63) beat AEK Athens (GRE) 0; A above Bayern Munich who crashed Group D:Olympiakos (GRE) 3 (Mavrogenidis 6, to a 2-1 defeat at home to Lyon. Castillo 34, Giovanni 90) beat Galatasaray (TUR) 0; Monaco,meanwhile smashed the Real Sociedad (SPA) 0 drew with Juventus (ITA) 0 competition’s goal-scoring record as Big win for Chandigarh TIMES NEWS NETWORK New Delhi: Government Mod- el High School, Chandigarh overcame H.K. Senior Sec- ondary School, Ibrahimpur, Haryana 3-2 to enter the super league of the ONGC-Nehru sub-junior hockey tournament. The Chandigarh side went ahead with the early goals from Harmanpreet Singh and Sandeep Singh. They in- creased the lead through a stroke, which was converted by Ranjodh Singh. But the determined Haryana boys struck within a span of five minutes to pull back two through Dharmendra Antil and Arjun Antil. They could have found the equaliser too had their forwards showed more understanding once they reach the circle. Earlier, C.R.Z. School, Sonepat thrashed Ashok Public School, Maha- rashtra 8-0, Young Pioneers English School, Imphal crushed Shri Oswal Jain Senior Secondary School, Alwar 5-1.

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The Times of India, New Delhi TIMES SPORT Friday,November 7, 2003 19 Jules’ Durand award left in the cold East Bengal to meet AI By Raju Bhattacharjee Pankaj Nangia and they had promised to tee said he had nothing to do DURAND CUP TIMES NEWS NETWORK give a refrigerator to the best with it. “The prize was New Delhi: Jules Alberto, player of the tournament. promised by the sponsor and By Nilanjan Datta the Mahindra United medio “Neither the organising they had taken the responsi- TIMES NEWS NETWORK who won the Man of the committee nor the sponsor bility to deliver it to the foot- have ever contacted me,” Al- baller, ” he said. New Delhi: A huge red-and- Tournament in the 2001-02 Durand Cup, is yet to receive berto told TNN on Thursday. Incidentally, unlike the gold flag hung over the press Meanwhile, Bhupinder last five years, there will be box. Mohun Bagan skipper his prize. Allwyn was the ti- tle sponsor of the 113th edi- Singh, the secretary of the no Man of the Tournament Rennedy Singh, however, present organising commit- award this year. would have loved to see a ma- tion of the prestigious event roon-and-green one. At the Ambedkar Stadium on Thursday,he saw it flutter in the early-winter breeze and being folded by East Bengal fans with care at the end. His best pal Baichung Bhutia didn’t score against Baichung Bhutia tumbles as Dempo stopper Rodrigues and Dempo, but East Bengal did. Majek Bolaji (R) look on in the Durand Cup on Thursday. Thrice. Mike Okoro (51st), Once, however, he tried to dent, interviewed Baichung Malsawntulunga (82nd) and turn an active protagonist. and slipped into the crowd. Kulothungan (90th) scored On the turn, he chested down With East Bengal’s defence once each to guide the de- an Okoro one-two and feinted still preferring to stand on a fending champions to the past marker Stanley Colaco, parallel-line, he knew like Durand Cup semis and book but was pulled down. everyone, that the ‘Sikkimese a clash with Air India (Mo- Dempo, who enjoyed terri- Sniper’ will have to play a hun Bagan’s replacement). torial advantage till the last major role if trophy is to Baichung somehow didn’t quarter,were denied twice on travel to the ‘Mecca’ at all. look revved up enough. Play- the goalline and once by the A minute’s silence was ob- ing his fourth match in sev- woodwork. served prior to the match in en days, he looked tired. He After the final whistle, memory of Test player Sub- shrieked when Mario Ro- even as Dempo’s Liberian rata Guha. drigues elbowed him off-the- striker Sunday Seah consoled Air India advance: Air In- ball, thanked the heavens Prakash for muffing up from dia, Mumbai held Vasco to a 1- when RC Prakash muffed the spot, East Bengal coach 1 draw to advance to the semis Dempo’s penalty and stayed Subhas Bhowmick admitted on better goal-average. Den- silent when booked. And that his team was lucky.“You nis Cabral (12th) scored for when Tulunga netted from cannot progress without Vasco while Suprit Jathanna his through, he ran to em- luck,” he commented. equalised in the 55th. brace him. The master In the midst of all this, a Friday’s semifinal: Mahindra United vs looked human today. Brazilian soccer correspon- Salgaocar (2.30pm). CAPITAL SPORT Posen set for glory Rahul to lead: Rahul Goyal of Sachdeva Public School, Rohi- TIMES NEWS NETWORK ni, will lead the Delhi boys vol- New Delhi: Posen should lift the Ma- leyball team for mini national jor PK Mehra memorial Cup at the volleyball championship that Delhi races scheduled for Friday. begins in Bangalore from Nov 6. Team: Sahil Yadav, Shrey Chopra, Bhagirath Selections: Steinbeck Plate: Div 1: 1000m Singh, Vaibhav Jain, Rahul Dahiya, Rahul (2.10pm): Lucky Evidence 1; Great Ovation 2; Ten- Pawar, Rohan Kapoor, Vijay Das, Gaganjeet, nis Girl 3. Race 2 — Steinbeck Plate: 1000m: Rahul Goyal Sonu Sharma, B. Singh, coach: R. Kapoor, Dancing Light 1; Pride & Prejudice 2; Prince Thun- manager: Ashok Goswami. der 3. Razeen Plate: Millennium Girl1; Open Cast 2; Red Heptad 3. Race 4 — Landplate: Heroes Bridge tournament: Delhi Gymkhana Club- Best 1; Right Combination 2; Most Durable 3. MTNL Open Team of Four and Haren Choksi Open Race 5: PK Memorial Cup: Posen 1; Sexy Gal 2; pairs bridge tournament will be held from Nov 7 to 9 Celine Dion 3. Race 6: China Kingplate: Torres 1; at Delhi Gymkhana. Entries close on Friday 9am. King of Mohra 2; Quick Step 3. TNN Apex win: Defending champions Apex Public School defeated Upras Vidyalaya 6-0 in the Jatin Bedi memorial football tournament. Rajkumar (3), Rajib Karmakar (2) and Nobin Sing (1) were the scor- ers. In another match, DPS RK Puram routed Prab- hu Dayal Public School 8-0. Dipank Sagar scored five goals including a hat-trick. Kanav advances: Kanav Mehra moved to the second round of Delhi State Junior Snooker Cham- pionship beating KN Sondhi 58-28, 80-27, 52-39. In other matches, Srikant beat Gaurav Sharma 3-1 and Rahul Arora beat Sunil Kumar 3-1.

CROSS COUNTRY Isha stuns Sania Mumbai: A week back in Hy- derabad Sania Mirza was on Cloud nine but a week later in Mumbai she came thud- ding back to earth suffering a three-set reverse to Isha Lakhani in the quarterfinals of the $25,000 ITF Women’s Circuit tournament at the National Sports Club of India (NSCI) courts on Thursday. Isha prevailed 6-3, 1-6, 6-2.TNN

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20 Friday,November 7, 2003 TIMES SPORT The Times of India, New Delhi Last chance to catch selectors’ eye Railways are on track, Jeev flies into By Santosh Suri the Ranji Trophy 19 years ago. None TIMES NEWS NETWORK RANJI ROUND-UP in the present team have faced each waiting for green signal other, though they know each others’ Kanpur: The Elite Group A Ranji In other first round Group A fix- game as most of the UP lads play By Ruhi Batra Bangar, JP Yadav and Murali Trophy match between Delhi and Ut- tures, Mumbai take on Baroda at cricket in Delhi. To say that Delhi hold TIMES NEWS NETWORK Karthik have been selected in the lead with 66 tar Pradesh will be in limelight be- home, Andhra play Railways at an edge over UP because of experi- national squad, Sharma feels that cause it marks Ajay Jadeja’s return New Delhi: Railways’ coach Vin- By Siddharth Saxena der-par 69. Delhi, Kerala meet Punjab at ence and talent is to state the obvious. they haven’t received ample op- to official cricket after being banned od Sharma has no clue what else TIMES NEWS NETWORK Jyoti Randhawa was un- Palakkad. And finally the pitch: The main portunities to prove themselves. three years ago, and the controversy he and his wards need to do. His able to shrug off a pain in his In group B fixtures, Gujarat square here was re-laid over a year “People need a few chances to New Delhi: An eagle on the surrounding the Green Park pitch bowlers take wickets by the shoulder, but held on to take on Hyderabad at home while ago along with other nine Test cen- 14th and Jeev Milkha seemed which last month led to the first Test dozen, his batsmen plunder runs perform. I feel sorry for Bangar record a sub-par round, Rajasthan play Bengal at home tres, but ever since no first class all set to soar at the Hero between India and New Zealand be- but somehow they never seem to and Yadav. They are a rare breed while DGC veteran Gaurav and Karnataka take on Tamil match has been played on it. It is hard Honda Masters 2003. At the ing shifted from here to Ahmedabad. be in the race for an India cap. of all-rounders but they haven’t Ghei carded level par. In a Nadu at Bangalore. Assam have a and firm and has some grass on it. It end of his round on Thurs- After all the heat and controversy Kulamani Parida, Yere Goud got enough chances,” he states. case of expressway greens, rest day. should help the seamers early on. day,the usually effusive Jeev generated in the DDCA over the in- and Amit Phagnis, among oth- Karthik, who is currently Kang appeared the only pro Then it should roll out into a placid was even more so. You would clusion of Jadeja in the Delhi team, ers, have played key roles in Rail- with the national team, is anoth- to feel otherwise, Mexican be fancying their chances. surface, with low bounce being the be too, if your card read: Six now is the time for action. The play- ways’ triumphs in recent sea- er sour point with Sharma. Pablo del Olmo also served While most of the Delhi players only cause for concern. under par 66, Round One. ers will be giving their best in an at- sons. But an India cap continues “Karthik is the best left-arm notice of his intentions with would be looking to impress the na- Early days at the Masters, tempt to catch the attention of the na- tional selectors, the UP players are UP: Jyoti Yadav (captain), Rohit Prakash, Rizwan to elude them. “Parida can turn spinner in the country but his a 68. Local pros Jaiveer Virk, and the Delhi Golf Club tional selectors’ who will be picking out to prove their worth to their state Shamshad, Rahat Elahi, Gyanendra Pandey, Mo- the ball on any surface, even on a talent is going to waste. He Pappan and Jumman shot a course was playing true to the team for the Australian tour at the selectors. Four UP boys played in the hammed Saif, Deepankar Malviya (debut), cement track,” says Sharma. should’ve been in the Test team three under 69 as did ama- Ashish Zaidi, Shalabh Srivastava, Praveen Gup- type. High scores were the or- conclusion of the on-going tri-series. Indian under-19 eleven in the Asia “He is as good as Muralitharan. simply because of his excellent teur Vikrant Chopra. ta, Lalit Verma (debut). Reserves: Ratnesh der of the day, and with the The foremost among the con- Cup in Karachi. Suresh Raina, It pains me to see that his talent performances.” Jeev attributed Thursday’s Mishra, Mirtunjay Tripathi, Deepak Yadav, Ali sun setting over a golf course tenders is Vijay Dahiya, whose one Avinash Yadav, Piyush Chawla and is not being recognised,” he Captain Abhay Sharma is tally of five birdies and the Hamid, Anshul Kapoor. in pristine condition and the good performance can bring him into Shivakant Shukla have done well Delhi: Mithun Minhas (captain), Ajay Jadeja, adds, looking visibly distressed. quite happy with the way the final cards trickling in, Jeev eagle to great putting. Twen- reckoning for second wicket-keeper’s enough there and are knocking on the Sarandeep Singh, Rahul Sanghvi, Vijay Dahiya, “Yere Goud too has been preparations have gone. “Every- took early lead for the round. ty-five putts for the round in- place. There are some dark horses too state team’s door. Rajat Bhatia, Amit Bhandari, Gautam Gambhir, among the runs but he hasn’t thing is perfect. Everybody is US-based Korean Anthony dicated that. However, de- like Sarandeep Singh, Mithun Min- Though UP and Delhi share com- Arun Singh, Salil Oberoy, Kunal Lal, Sanjay Gill, even got a look in yet.” just raring to go,” he says with a Kang, it looked, would pro- spite the thrill of a great has and Gautam Gambhir, who must mon boundary, the two teams met in Pradeep Chawala, Varun Kumar and NS Negi. Although players like Sanjay confident smile. vide the early challenge to score on a tough day, Jeev is Jeev at four under after 10 still looking for those elusive holes — it included an eagle ‘‘four great rounds of golf,’’ on the 18th, his ninth. But which according to him has then it went bust and he fin- been giving him the slip for ished with a two-under par 70. the last couple of years. It was the solid Vijay Ku- Confidence was the key and mar who finally provided it, Jeev admitted to a lack of it albeit late; going into the sec- what with him being winless ond round on Friday with a since 1999. “Winning gives bogey-free four-under par 68. you that confidence to look It was heartening news on a ahead for the weekend with day where the course was de- even a poor start. It’s what manding — the pros requir- guys like Arjun (Atwal) and ing to keep the ball straight Jyoti Randhawa possess.” and putting becoming para- Leading scores (after 18 holes, Indians mount. unless stated): 66 Jeev Milkha Singh; 68 Vijay Kumar, Pablo del Olmo (Mex); 69 Arjun “The greens are playing Atwal, Jaiveer Virk, Pappan, Jumman, hard and fast, especially the Vikrant Gupta (A), Pat Giles (Aus); 70 Glenn ones on the back nine,” said Joyner (Aus), Arjun Singh, Vinod Kumar, An- both Jeev and Arjun Atwal, thony Kang (Kor), C Muniyappa; Ashok Ku- mar; 71 Digvijay Singh, Jyoti Randhawa, Ali who finished with a none- Sher, Ajay Gupta, Shamim Khan, Rafiq Ali, too-disappointing three-un- David Gleeson (Aus), Akinori Tani (Jpn). Pankaj Nangia

Digvijay Singh in action at the Hero Honda Masters at the Delhi Golf Course in New Delhi on Thursday I’m not yet in my best shape LONG DRIVES Jyoti Randhawa

I did not der. have the Overall I had five birdies right kind and all of them were from of feeling less than 15 feet. The from the birdies came on the 14th, morning. 18th, second, third and And it eighth. After a two bogey seemed to start, a one under did not get a little seem too bad. worse after the first five The course is looking in holes or so on the opening great shape. The greens day of the Hero Honda are hard and fast and some Masters. But fortunately, I of the pin positions were managed to keep myself challenging. It was inter- in. On most previous occa- esting playing on them. sions I have done well on When I came back to the the opening day and I felt if club house, I learnt Jeev I just managed to keep it Milkha has burnt the under par, I would be very course with six under 66. much in the tournament. I That’s really a great start have maintained that a on this course. Jeev has score of about 12-under been going through a could win the title at Delhi rough patch, but he is a Golf Club, which is look- very good player. He could ing very good but is also well be one of the major very chal- contenders lenging on the final right now. day. Physi- Another cally I was good score not in top in the shape, but morning mentally I session told my- came from self to just Mexican to hang in Pablo del there. Olmo, who Starting had a four- on the under 68. tenth, I be- In the af- gan with a ternoon Vi- bogey-bo- jay Kumar gey and after that I was al- also shot a four-under and ways trying to stay in. his card was bogey-free. Then that niggling injury That’s an excellent card to on the right shoulder, begin with but on this which has bothered me in course the key is to keep it Japan too, seemed to flare going for the next three up. I tried to keep focussed days. and just when things Arjun Atwal at three-un- seemed to get better, I der 69 looks good, though it found the cart path on the could have been better but fifth and doubled bogeyed for that bogey on the 18th. the hole as I also duffed a Still it is a fair start at the chip. I finished at one-un- DGC. Tiger Sports Marketing

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