OID‰†‰KOID‰†‰OID‰†‰MOID‰†‰C New Delhi, Friday,November 7, 2003www.timesofindia.com Capital 28 pages* Invitation Price Rs. 1.50 International India Sport Ranil heads home, CBI claims breakthrough Elber strikes as says he can put in Madhumita case, Lyon upset house in order Amarmani’s cousin held Bayern Munich Page 12 Page 7 Page 18 WIN WITH THE TIMES AFP Established 1838 26 die in turf wars Bennett, Coleman & Co., Ltd. Violence is not the solution; it is the most clear sign of 19 killed in Bengal tea Dalits burn 7 tribals in our failures.... — Anonymous garden fight over jobs feud over grazing land NEWS DIGEST TIMES NEWS NETWORK By Mohit Dubey TIMES NEWS NETWORK Opium processing: The Kolkata: A 700-strong mob butchered 19 government has decided to allow people and set their dismembered bodies on Dauspur Siwli (Unnao): Seven of a tribal private sector participation in fire inside a local trade union leader’s house family were burnt alive here on Wednesday opium processing. But it will in a tea garden in Jalpaiguri district. night, when a mob of over 200 Dalits locked remain a regulated industry and The incident occured early Thursday them inside their house and set fire to it. will be governed by the morning, when the The tragedy was Narcotics Act. P11 union leader the result of a spat Tarakeshwar Lo- between two neigh- BJP undecided: Though the har was meeting 19 bours — the Gan- Bharatiya Janata Party has released outside labourers garam family, who a list of 72 candidates for the Chhat- tisgarh polls, it’s yet to decide on its who he planned to were Kanjars, and chief ministerial candidate, to be pit- supply to the tea Ramnath, a Pasi (a ted against CM Ajit Jogi. P11 gardens of RNT Dalit sub-caste) — Plantations Ltd in over grazing land. CRICKET SPECIAL Birpara. On Wednesday The mob sur- morning, some of Zaheer Khan blasted 33 runs rounded Lohar’s Gangaram’s goats off 13 deliveries to bring India house and began strayed into Ram- back into the One-day match at JOYFUL AS THE BIG BOYS TUMBLE: A jubilant Indian team poses with the Asian under-19 trophy after they beat Sri demanding that he nath’s sugarcane Cuttack. He picked up two ear- Lanka by eight wickets in the final at Lahore’s Gaddafi Stadium on Thursday. Report on page 17 come out. At that fields, ruining ly wickets. But McMillan and point a shot was some of the crop. Styris raised a huge partnership fired from inside When Gangaram’s to give NZ a 4-wicket victory. the house, injuring wife went to get ■ Report on Page 17 a 20-year-old stu- back her goats School’s out for Indian girl child dent in the mob. from Ramnath, Police say,that was some of his men TIMES NEWS NETWORK when the crowd roughed her up. ● Almost half of the world's illiterates went on a rampage, storming into the house, Later, according to Babulal (the only mem- New Delhi: You may think of it as SHAME, live in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and killing the 19 labourers. Lohar and his ber of the Gangaram family who managed to a poor neighbour that sends hordes ● Iran, Sri Lanka, Maldives have more family managed to escape. The police have escape and survive the fire), Ramnath’s men of illegal migrants into India. But adult literates than India arrested 106 workers, including 25 women. and the village pradhan led a mob to Gan- Bangladesh has done what India is SHAME Lohar has also been arrested. garam’s house. unlikely to do in the next 12 years. UNESCO's ● Bangladesh and Maldives have Sources said, “Recently, about 70 vacan- Armed with batons, sticks and axes, the Unesco’s latest Education For All Global Monitor- achieved gender parity (girls:boys cies had been created at the garden due to re- group of Pasi men attacked the Gangaram (EFA) Global Monitoring Report ing Report going to school) at primary level; tirements. With most gardens in the Dooars family, doused the walls and roof of their says Bangladesh has achieved gen- 2003-4 says: India unlikely to do it even by 2015 in poor shape, such employment opportuni- house with kerosene and set fire to it. der parity — equal enrolment of ties were rare and Lohar was making the Gangaram, 55, his wife, Bitoli, 52, son boys and girls at school — at the pri- India and Bangladesh, they may not worst performers in providing uni- most of the situation.” Munni Lal, 24, and grand-daughters Seema, mary level. India scrapes the bot- be able to meet the gender parity versal primary education, adult lit- Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee 9, and Neetu, 7 all perished in the fire. Two tom of the list, just a little above targets at the secondary school lev- eracy and gender parity. said at the state secretariat: “Tension relatives who were visiting from Sitapur, Pakistan. In fact, it may not be able el by 2015. China, Malaysia, Thai- These goals were set at the Dakar over filling vacancies in the garden had trig- Hori Lal, 55, and Teena, 1, also died. to meet the gender parity target land, Philippines and New Zealand Forum in April 2000 to achieve EFA. gered off the incident. We are trying to find The fire was put out by villagers at even by 2015. are also likely to miss the target. According to Christopher Col- what happened.” about 3 am on Thursday. By then, all that The EFA report is based on data But these countries have very high clough, director of the EFA Global A spokesman of RNT Plantations said it remained were some smouldering clothes, indiatimes.com POLL collected in 2000. In Bangladesh, student enrolment. Monitoring Report team, India and was the fallout of intra-union rivalry.A gar- grocery and furniture. ‘‘gender disparities have been re- The report says India, Pakistan, other countries were lagging be- den worker said: “It was a spontaneous vent The police have arrested 11 people, Is Monica Bellucci hotter than versed’’. However, as the girls’ drop- Bangladesh and Nepal, along with hind because of domestic problems to the anger that had been brewing among including the pradhan, and booked them Aishwarya Rai? out rate after Class V is high in both 18 Sub-Saharan countries, are the rather than a cut in foreign aid. the garden workers for some time.” for murder. Yes 57% No 43% VOTE NOW: Do you agree with Imran Khan that Pakistan’s bowling is much better than India’s? Vote on indiatimes.com or SMS ‘Poll’ to 8888 BSNL wires jangled YOU SAID IT by Laxman By Sanjay Dutta panelled Grey TIMES NEWS NETWORK Worldwide, Head- start AirAds and New Delhi: Telecom minister Arun Soubhagya for Shourie is not amused at the mode handling its ad re- of communication adopted by quirements. The BSNL. More so, when the state- sources said this owned telephone giant spends over year too, MODE Rs 60 crore a year for the services of was recommend- an advertisement agency — which ed by a top min- does not figure in the official panel Arun Shourie istry functionary — to blow its own trumpet. to BSNL for an I- In a strongly worded letter (No Day campaign. 1701/TC/03 of August 14), Shourie However, knowing Shourie’s pen- has asked both BSNL and MTNL chant for transparency, the officials not to do any business with the ad brought the matter to the minister’s agency,MODE, in future. notice. An angry Shourie scrapped Official sources said though the deal and said all ads should only MODE was not empanelled, it had be handled by DAVP, the govern- Don’t make any mistake, Prince been using its ‘‘high connections’’ in ment’s publicity arm. Charles sits here! the ministry to bag BSNL and Criticising advertisements mere- MTNL campaigns, worth crores, re- ly listing ‘‘achievements’’ of the de- WEATHER leased on Independence Day,Repub- partment or BSNL and MTNL, lic Day and other special occasions Shourie wrote, ‘‘Work of the depart- Max. 33ºC/Min. 16ºC to highlight their work. ‘‘...(This) ac- ment and its various organisations Moonset: Saturday – 5.47 am tion of the agency,’’ Shourie’s letter should, in itself, be an advertise- Moonrise: Friday – 4.42 pm says, ‘‘would have led the depart- ment.’’ Shourie also stipulated that Sunset: Friday – 5.32 pm ment to completely circumvent the only the PM’s photograph should be Sunrise: Saturday – 6.38 am government procedure and award used whenever non-commercial ads Mist in the morning. Mainly clear sky. large contract’’ to the firm. are to be used and not of any other Minimum temperature will be around Last year, say the officials, when personality.Interestingly,in an elec- 15ºC. Maximum relative humidity on Pramod Mahajan was minister, tion year, this directive has ruffled Thursday 88% and minimum 22%. MODE bagged business worth Rs 60 many of Shourie’s publicity-hungry crore even though BSNL had em- cabinet colleagues. Islamabad bugged at London By Rashmee Z Ahmed on building plans, security codes and TIMES NEWS NETWORK visa application forms. He also enabled British intelligence London: Amid stifling secrecy and More than 100,000 jobs at officials to enter the Pakistan embassy high-wattage media coverage, Pak- incognito. istan and Britain are trying to limit The contractor, who has apparently www. .com the embarrassing bilateral damage now blown the whistle on MI5, re- caused because they’ve been caught India’s No.1 Jobs site mains nameless and featureless, ex- playing the old Cold War game of cept for a key revelation — that he once Book your Classifieds spies, spycatchers and dirty tricks of had mental health problems.
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