Lambeth Conference Resolutions Archive
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Resolutions Archive from 1920 Published by the Anglican Communion Office © 2005 Anglican Consultative Council Index of Resolutions from 1920 Lambeth Conference Resolutions Archive Index of Resolutions from 1920 Resolution 1 - Christianity and International Relations Resolution 2 - Christianity and International Relations Resolution 3 - Christianity and International Relations Resolution 4 - Christianity and International Relations Resolution 5 - Christianity and International Relations Resolution 6 - Christianity and International Relations Resolution 7 - Christianity and International Relations Resolution 8 - Christianity and International Relations Resolution 9 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 10 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 11 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 12 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 13 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 14 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 15 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 16 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 17 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 18 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 19 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 20 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 21 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 22 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 23 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 24 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 25 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 26 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 27 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 28 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 29 - Reunion of Christendom - 1 - Index of Resolutions from 1920 Resolution 30 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 31 - Reunion of Christendom Resolution 32 - Missionary Problems Resolution 33 - Missionary Problems Resolution 34 - Missionary Problems Resolution 35 - Missionary Problems Resolution 36 - Missionary Problems Resolution 37 - Missionary Problems Resolution 38 - Missionary Problems Resolution 39 - Missionary Problems Resolution 40 - Missionary Problems Resolution 41 - Missionary Problems Resolution 42 - Missionary Problems Resolution 43 - Development of Provinces Resolution 44 - Consultative Body Resolution 45 - Consultative Body Resolution 46 - The Position of Women in the Councils and Ministrations of Resolution 47 - The Position of Women in the Councils and Ministrations of Resolution 48 - The Position of Women in the Councils and Ministrations of Resolution 49 - The Position of Women in the Councils and Ministrations of Resolution 50 - The Position of Women in the Councils and Ministrations of Resolution 51 - The Position of Women in the Councils and Ministrations of Resolution 52 - The Position of Women in the Councils and Ministrations of Resolution 53 - The Position of Women in the Councils and Ministrations of Resolution 54 - The Position of Women in the Councils and Ministrations of Resolution 55 - Spiritualism, Christian Science, Theosophy Resolution 56 - Spiritualism, Christian Science, Theosophy Resolution 57 - Spiritualism, Christian Science, Theosophy - Spiritualism Resolution 58 - Spiritualism, Christian Science, Theosophy - Spiritualism Resolution 59 - Spiritualism, Christian Science, Theosophy - Christian Resolution 60 - Spiritualism, Christian Science, Theosophy - Christian Resolution 61 - Spiritualism, Christian Science, Theosophy - Christian - 2 - Index of Resolutions from 1920 Resolution 62 - Spiritualism, Christian Science, Theosophy - Christian Resolution 63 - Spiritualism, Christian Science, Theosophy Resolution 64 - Spiritualism, Christian Science, Theosophy - Theosophy Resolution 65 - Spiritualism, Christian Science, Theosophy - Theosophy Resolution 66 - Problems of Marriage and Sexual Morality Resolution 67 - Problems of Marriage and Sexual Morality Resolution 68 - Problems of Marriage and Sexual Morality Resolution 69 - Problems of Marriage and Sexual Morality Resolution 70 - Problems of Marriage and Sexual Morality Resolution 71 - Problems of Marriage and Sexual Morality Resolution 72 - Problems of Marriage and Sexual Morality Resolution 73 - Social and Industrial Questions Resolution 74 - Social and Industrial Questions Resolution 75 - Social and Industrial Questions Resolution 76 - Social and Industrial Questions Resolution 77 - Social and Industrial Questions Resolution 78 - Social and Industrial Questions Resolution 79 - Social and Industrial Questions Resolution 80 - Social and Industrial Questions - 3 - Resolutions from 1920 Resolution 1 Christianity and International Relations We rejoice that in these times of peril God is giving to his Church a fresh vision of his purpose to establish a Kingdom in which all the nations of the earth shall be united as one family in righteousness and peace. We hold that this can only come through the acceptance of the sovereignty of our Lord Jesus Christ and of his teaching, and through the application of the principles of brotherhood, justice, and unselfishness, to individuals and nations alike. Resolution 2 Christianity and International Relations The Conference calls upon the citizens of all nations to promote in every way the resumption of the efforts, interrupted by the war, to increase international comity and goodwill, and to secure expression for these by an increased recognition of international law and custom. Resolution 3 Christianity and International Relations The Conference, heartily endorsing the views of its Committee as to the essential Christian basis of the League of Nations, is of opinion that steps should immediately be taken, whether by co- operation of concurrent action, whereby the whole Church of Christ may be enabled with one voice to urge the principles of the League of Nations upon the peoples of the world. Resolution 4 Christianity and International Relations We hold that the peace of the world, no less than Christian principle, demands the admission of Germany and other nations into the League of Nations at the earliest moment which the conditions render possible. Resolution 5 Christianity and International Relations The Conference commends the Report of its Committee on International Relations to the careful consideration of the Churches of the Anglican Communion, both in their assemblies and in other ways, and urges upon all Church members the importance of supporting the League of Nations Union. Resolution 6 Christianity and International Relations It is the duty of all supporters of the League of Nations to set their face against injustice to the indigenous or native races, and particularly in regard to such matters as the tenure of land, forced labour, and the trade in intoxicating liquors, and also the morphia traffic in China and other abuses. - 4 - Resolutions from 1920 Resolution 7 Christianity and International Relations The Conference records its protest against the colour prejudice among the different races of the world, which not only hinders intercourse, but gravely imperils the peace of the future. Resolution 8 Christianity and International Relations The Conference, believing that nations no less than individuals are members one of one another, expresses its grave concern at the evidence as to the disease and distress from which the populations in large tracts of Europe and Asia are suffering. It therefore calls upon all Christian men and women to support by every means in their power the action which is being taken, both by governments and by voluntary associations, for the relief of this suffering. Resolution 9 Reunion of Christendom The Conference adopts and sends forth the following Appeal to all Christian people: An Appeal To All Christian People from the Bishops Assembled in the Lambeth Conference of 1920 We, Archbishops, Bishops Metropolitan, and other Bishops of the Holy Catholic Church in full communion with the Church of England, in Conference assembled, realising the responsibility which rests upon us at this time, and sensible of the sympathy and the prayers of many, both within and without our own Communion, make this appeal to all Christian people. We acknowledge all those who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, and have been baptized into the name of the Holy Trinity, as sharing with us membership in the universal Church of Christ which is his Body. We believe that the Holy Spirit has called us in a very solemn and special manner to associate ourselves in penitence and prayer with all those who deplore the divisions of Christian people, and are inspired by the vision and hope of a visible unity of the whole Church. I. We believe that God wills fellowship. By God's own act this fellowship was made in and through Jesus Christ, and its life is in his Spirit. We believe that it is God's purpose to manifest this fellowship, so far as this world is concerned, in an outward, visible, and united society, holding one faith, having its own recognized officers, using God-given means of grace, and inspiring all its members to the world-wide service of the Kingdom of God. This is what we mean by the Catholic Church. II. This united fellowship is not visible in the world today. On the one hand there are other ancient episcopal Communions in East and West, to whom ours is bound by many ties of common faith and tradition. On the other hand there are the great non-episcopal Communions, standing for rich elements of truth, liberty and life which might otherwise have been obscured or neglected. With them we are closely linked by many affinities, racial, historical and spiritual. We cherish the earnest hope that all these Communions, and our own, may be led by the Spirit into the unity of the faith and