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t p > n_i ijwj.. ii hi sssmmmmmmm The ciovuhnut or the Uniteo btmi or hh Jm X MdUiitliui 11 I'liu'r 1/ WlUtumi HO IJ T il ER N C K \ T KA L OB loW S COMMBftCXAI* KBVXSW. THK URAND INOUKTK1AL U» yyopoaad Udu»4ml laHMIia% t»«nssm»M a. o 7 iswuui C*lt*n AliKICUliTURAL AHSOl IATION. tWcin in America, , 1850 texai or OF 1861. CXU1I1TIOM Latkduu, umI with wrnUn, kadwaa J N -1 JmJuon Oglt I Ifavid Kaufman 'PiIK KifJi Annual Fair of the Houthein (Vol, A MONTHLY JOURNAL OF TRADE aiul individuals in tikis IM la SMMttu* 1' U Job country, Th^ExtttUivt. Mann y Volney E tlo Wttlll 1 ml Agricultural Association, will beheld COMMERCE, AGRlCULTUKK,mtt rini; or this central cuj shttk* kur -run lurwu UUUia tb* INTERNALI.MPftOV 1'ursuant to llu notice given, the t'cutnl dense, a|t|>rubatioa Ihfaitaast, wLd a in the lias full coiibdeuce in tba wwuitle« 3 J mm Thoiii|»aoii i H im The Committee charged Willi tlie duly ol uiidt rsi^nod IB (/onunidce t« Mi|«ninUiKt ittc <»u KMKNTS,Ac. mete at the lurnna of the National Institute,Committee anacd by that Dakili. Wi.bmi.ii, nf M#s« Sec of Slate. lltnry I the Institute. j -j4 Alfred tillmore '.I (I'm llthaiti tiuch general rulea as ilit-v may deemprescribingbluluiiriil of a gout hern l"f ** at W*ahli«ftl'»n d), Publlofcad Monthly, by J D. B. Da Bow, Patent <>ltiee,on Thuisday evening, 13th instant, . I avail of Thomas Corwim, of Ohio, Sec.ofUieTreaa. I rhode i«i anu to a of the to be dKVtftiil to till' tfffl (! li lt* r of N"Uti» 22 Place, the at H o'eloek. myself lbu> U> renew to y l 3 /anil's JHracham proper management approachingnecessary ilftciutuja Opposite tbe asauraiM-c ojajortuuily William A. Graham, of N. C. See. of the I ti have the uru aiwJ institution* tliv iIiam^iuiimiUmi **1 Post Office, New Oilcans Tlx meeting was nailed to oidei by PiuftMor ol my high mi uMlnntohHl « Navy. Urnrgt aihk 4 Lucius 11 l'eck Fair, adopted following flights I sidviatiuii. - M. of L»i. . Sec. oil whose motion l ot. I'ttei Force JOHN Charles Conrad, of W«r. J AWAmi l>uou Vim.inia Gcnkhal Kcoui.ai ions. correct information ah to Northern Policy , *u4 t)u Tt.NMV $.rl 1'KK ASM M, IN 4UVANI £. it. Johnaou, Walter M. CLAYTON. < ailed the and F. IIuik>iable Kir 11. L. A. II. 11 Siuart, of 1'it. Sec. of luUrior. Sumii Carolina. i John S Million 1st The Fair Grounds and Buildings will be courm of |Joiiti< al a&iio generally, with«*it n farcru Advea ating (In iMlcit-bl* of lite South and West, Max to Chair, Charles fstaubury Kigbl Bulmkm, tic. Nathan K. of N V. P. M. General. to the old luu-v ol W ** ! Ifemoiiat. Ar th« t i'XMUeui. will ik4 lie tlie len choaeii fciei retaiy of the meeting. Hall, J Ihtiucl WmIIiu i Richard K Mi-iule opened for visitors on morning, and |iarty I»»jc Kt.vlS.tA Extract from the Circular Ik* ' Monday of Royal John J. Criitenuen, of Ky. Alt. General. i J L Orr 3 Thomas It is therefore raugciucut* art* How lit |>fo«uj»Uy to niMiit I dI tIw gieai i«U roll (J Tiuub, Commhuc*:luiiiilfuanp This tempo!ary organization having been elfccted, II Averetl open until Friday evening. continuethe issue Committioners. The 3 J A Woodward 4 Thomas S Hacotk that all articles lor desirable of Btu.li a undei llw: title of A.mi, iiitai: throughout tin- World Commerce in the cuuuilittee proceeded to organize permanently by "The Commissioners Judiciury. persons having ill various and uiultilorni relations in its the of the lion. Millard Fillmore, Vine have fell that it would bo 4 John McQ.ueen .r> I'aulua l'owidl ahull be on the as as Friday or THE SOUTHERN PRESS, History, apjMxirituuns as far as supreme court or I'llk . ground early exhibition, it and it* tv.aUxlN - t oiiiiucu isl President of the Ibiiled and 1'rof. desirable, possible, to 5 Annum-nil Hurt Ii James A Scdden when a Corn Lavas, couunoditiea; States, Cliaiiuian, prevent any B. Saturday, the litli and 10th August for the conduct of which, suitable hdiUna have Ix t it of Trails;, inlri Nlatc and Walter U. Johnaou from bending hither articles which cannotpersonsbo Roger Tanet, of . Chief Jualicc. li !«««' E emulation* inlur-Natioiial, Secretary. Maryland Holmes 7 Thorns 11 Ravly mittee will be there ready to receive them. cii|ap[(;dt wlio wJJI aho receive tlu: did ot a numbe r Tiratn*, and Domestic Excise* and At the the of the Force,) admitted, rather than to lite articles . request Chairman, (Col. John of Ohio ... Foreign Tarilt, after McLean, Associate. 7 W KColcock H A lex R tld. The Association has an fund, and w ill, ot eminent and and able contributor.**. their arrival in reject " Holliuay ample Porta, M ariiM' il lations, Enterprises of I'umntcree, the following papcis were read by 1'rof. Johnaou, in London. They feel also that James M. of . . the Wayne, Georgia Tlnnlaill. '.I JrrfNMti/iMorion in all become for the There will be a a tri and a in f ami duties ol the delicate and « cuaes, responsible sale-keeping daily, weekly, weekly Nnii'i'isii, s, Kailkoaim, and Hitam of the appointment and responsible task of on the John Catron, of Tenneaaee ... explanation deerduif 1 Andrew Johnson 1(1 Richard Parker ol articles which lie in the hands ol its issue.the laltij to contain substantially , the same in Mercantile laiwsand eouiiniltee : ndiniKsinn or of John of " may placed rion, , Hjsterna, Codes, NatIt, rejection articles destined for McKinley, Kentucky 1 .llhtrl 0 If alAow II James McDowell officers and owner taking a check matter a* the former, and intended to reach those In ancient as well Static exhibition Peter V. " committees, (the I'isioiin, tuodcru, flunking Department, by foreign contributors ought not to be DaniHl, of . 3 Jetinl .V tfiulniM I- II A Edmund sou w of the whose mail facilitic* ar< limited. Samuel Virgiuia lor the same,) until the close of the Fair, hich jh>i1119 country en, Exchange, Partiu isliip, Karlnrage Guarantee,Insurain Wakiiinuton, May 17, ISaO. upon uny Kuglish Uibunul, but imposedbo Nelson, of New York . 4 John II. The lMtner will nut be cfclti*to< lu political but anould Levi Snva-je 13 KM'Mullen will lie announced beforehand, in umplo time to Bnkuiagt, Bankruptcy, Wiei k, Salvage, Freights, 'I'o the J'resident of tin JV'atumul Institute referred to one aving the confidence of the of N. . \ w unu it i \t ii n-..i« will mIiccI the General Ntw» ol Woodbury, llanip. give them opportunty to recover their goods, and embrace on its broad Prirate rung, Manpicand llepiisal, Piracy, fur the I'rutin, liun of Science. theirsi.ves, anil standing freeexhibitors Robert C. of Penn. ... fi the Domestic anil mail and from Grier, James II Tin una* 15 77i"tin« H lluymunil to the leaving of any goods or day, Foreign, hy tele-j and Custom House Regulations, etc. tic({uuaraiitin*',; Sik: 1 have t*e he. nor herewith to tranamit of natiouul entirely prevent thereby ami Agricultural kk possibl* .n|Mitations 7 MrrrttUh I' Crnlry Wisconsin. articles after the of the graph ^Commercial Intelligence, LrrtrtAi and Hiouuaimi v. ComMtaciALol a which has taken accrr to udiuil to|mrtiulity. They TIIIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. H Andrew Clius unprotected adjournment Criticisms, Original lawn, Jjlcrary ami I'eisous to discontinue tlseir correspondence place copies nigly propose exbibitloa such Ewuig I L)«rkee, (F 8) Association. Literary I/- wishing the Minister I'ltiupotentialy of her Majestybetweenforeign articles as be forwarded to / erni commenced March 4, and will end March II Ishaui (J Harris 'J Orsasmui Cole Miscellaneous; ami, in short, all those items of to the Havicw, art: tu litesubscnption" and this only may them 1849, 3d. Mark A. Cooper, Richard Peters, David W. the collected of which required give the t^ueen of Great Jtritaiii Department by the Central Authority (whatever be its 4, 1851. 1 0 Fred'k P Stanton 3 James D. Wm. and James M- are general interest, aggregate tin rc mnntlin, notice. Publishers,to the industrial Exhibition to be held nature) in may Doty. Lewis, L/.zurd, Calhoun, constitutes the and valuable New spa- Hound acts ol lac Review proposed relative each country. They will communicate Senate. Cai.ivohkia. a committee whose it shall be to see interesting <+ Commercial iu Condon in the year 1S51. to such Central appointed duty per. Ureal care will he taken to give lull and cor- to date, 7 volumes, for sale at New Authority the amount of Number of Slutea 30. ledge W. Wright, that all articles the fair for Orluaiui,complete From the circular of the Royal Coininissioners of which cun be allowed to the apace reprenented. VEdward Gilbert. entering grounds rect Report s of the Proceedings and Debates in Isith oi at Ctiailealon. Tliey will be sent to any point on Great hereto it will be observed that productions of the President. William R. Kino. sfia'l have first been eiitcrediu the 's Houses of as as the action of the lliitain, annexed, for which it and will Contested Mr. Secretaryexliiilion, Congress, well oi der. all intended to he introduced from country acts, also state (he Ashuury Dickens. uy Littell. book or labelled with the local on the Southern objects foreign conditions unit limitations Secretary. registry.then Legislatures question. K. WAKING lOOIl, Traveling Agent for countries and entered lor that are which may from time in fDelegutes from i]ie Territories. and residence.and iffor A limited nuiiitier of AdveitisemenU will be Exhibition required to time be decided on w ith IPkigs Italics; Natives in Small Capitals; price, sale.givingowner'sname only tic .Sooth. to have been first submitted to and a respect to the admission 111*. HOUSE IN riUUBKS. to the owner a card.and then main to furnish a approved by of articles. All Those S. are corresponding eceived.the object being large Agents: It. Mourns Se Co., and their or of the from articles forwarded such Roman; marked F. Free Sutlers.Democrats £lemocral* and such order amount matter. Suh-Agunts. authority commission country central by 111 arranged by departments, and in classified ol'reading which shall be and that no other will Authority will then lie admitted, Central Term Tetm V and The will he on a in they brrougbt, provided they Vhig* Natives 101 as to facilitate the labors of the several committees paper printed s.haet equal PROSPECTUS OFTHE EIGHTH VOLUME. Iw as a as do ijot require a greater F'ree-Soilers those of the other and the sizeto recognized central authority except such uggregute amount of Expires. Expires. ] 4 on premiums ; ami also to employ such police ami VVasbington papers, This work lias been regularly published lor nearly shall have been so certified the Government of the space (hail that assigned to the productions of the Alabama. Miciioan. Vrac«uiciea 5 and as shall be for will he especially for the purpose. materialfour Its success has been by tVom which Jeremiah Clement, 1R51 T.auria P. i fill doorkeepers clerks, necessary procured years. signal throughout country in winch it exist*. country they come; and, the of the and and It is confidently hopedtlut every true frieml to the the whole Southern and Western and its also, that do not violate provided, Win H 1855 protection grounds buildings, South will aid in subscribers, and forward country, That American industry and arts may he enabled to they the conditions and King AlpheusFelch 1853 Total, exclusive of Delegates 231 such clerks as may need in the arrangement procuring siibaciprtion list steadily and rapidly increased there in the allotted to it will be limitations ol which due notice shall they the with the amount to some u.ot I.. ... I,... ..f I... 1'l.. It... I..i..r appear place them, have been . Missouri. names, subscribed, - - It will rest Should the vacancies be filled as hrfore, and and labelliug of articles. Southern at r^' that a recognized central authority shouldindispensablebe given. with the Central in VVin K Sebastian 1853 forthwith. it ha* a Thomas H Denton 1851 j the Free Soilers into Democrats and 4th. There will be in all Representative Washington, gained larger circulation than any other constituted ; and 1 am under the that the each to decide the meritsAuthority Solon Borland 1855 David R Atchison 1855 ividiug positively required, Postmasters arc authorised hy law to remit Southern work, ami the iutluertcu. Coin, impression country upon of the yVhigs, as they nre on all other Imt that canes, a minute and accurate written statement tree of strongest National Institute, having been regularly incorporated several urticles for and to Connecticut. New Hampshire. questions postage subscriptions letters and notice* have been received act in care presented exhibition, 0 f the the House will he us follows :. and every article sent for nliinentary by of. Congress, and being habitually take that loose which are sent are as S Baldwin 1851 P r territories, illustrating explaining from every source even the as could be engaged such Roger John Hale (F S) 185.1 emocrul* 117 exhibition.the statement to be delivered to the very highest, matters pertaining to the arts and sciences, is the fairly represent the of llieir Truman Smith 1855 Moses Norris, Jr 1855 T*ruis. shown did space permit. The Commercial Jteview for the initiative in industry yi'liigs 114 Secretary. For instance, if a Machine, a statement has and proper body taking constituting fellow-countrymen. Delaware. New York - advocated the such a of it powers and uses, cost, time of invention, and For Daily.the price will be per annum, $10,00 upheld central authority. " Her John Hales 1851 Daniel S Dickinson 1851 other fact For Tri-weckly during the Session of Commerce and Agriculture of the 1 therefore heg leave to submit to its consideration Majesty'« Commissioners will consider 1851 H'illiam // Seward Democratic minority 3 nuy deemed valuable by the inventor or 5 00 and Western States. the and which lias been tlmt to be the Central in each case Presley Spmance 1855 maker. If or and Semi-weekly during the recess, Southern interesting important subject is Authority trhich Florida. New Jersey. Horticultural Agricultural Products, Weekly 400 Congress, and exhibited from time to time their to the attention of this the staled to be so by tire Government of its countru. mode of of land and manure and paper, complete brought Department by once David L. Yulee 1851 ff'm L 1851 Tht Grtural lit suit in preparation soil, The of must be B TAT 18 T I C 8- Envoy of her Government, Having been put in communication with a Dayton Figure* time of mode of an price subscription paid invariably distinguished Majesty's Central Jackton Morton 1855 Jacob IVMiller 1853 planting, cultivation. If Animal, in and the cash the name and to request such action or suggestions as may seem Authority in any country, must de Oi.i> Pxitiii. Fass-Soit.. Vacancies. the or mode of &e. If advance, accompanying TUE AMERICAN and they Georgia. North Carolina. Stain. Drut. linn. pedigree stock, age, raising, sent. in FARMER, published necessary in order that the natural productions, the cline, absolutely entirely, any communication John M Berrien 1853 Willie P 1853 HTng. MTug. It'hig. Drin' Needle-work or Painting, or any work of Art, the tlie city Italtimore, Maryland, commences the ingenuity, and arts of the United States with private and unauthorized -. names to industry, ; Mangam Airkunsus 1 . . All procuring ten shall he entitled (ith volume of the series on individuals and, IVm C Dawson 1855 E 1855 length of time bestowed on it, or the amount of persons present the 1st July, may he fully and suitably represented 011 the should uny such be addressed to . . a one cun George Badger AIlabamn 12 5 . . receive copy for year. them, they Indiana. Ohio. labor; the age, if by children or very old persons grutin 1850, (which will be 'he 32d of its existence.) It occasion herein referred to. only refer to a central This . A. P. body. decision is c< innecticut 12 . . BUTLEH, interesting Jesse D 1851 Thomas 1 the value, uses, gcc. Since this is the most reliable is published on the 1st ol each month, erch number 1 have the honor to be, very respectfully, yours, essentially necessary, in order to 1851 . JACKSON Bright Ewing £),elaware 1 . . . MORTON, prevent JWhitcomb 1855 S P Chase 1855 mode of collecting such information as may be R. containing thirty two urge oc'avo pages. JOHN M. CLAYTON. confbsion. IF . S) pioridn 1 . . . . TOOMBS,* " Illinois. Pennsylvania. worth publishing in the transactions of the J. THOMPSON. Terms: $4 per annum ; six copies for #.">; This communication was laid before the National No articles of foreign to . whom- Gi 3 5 . . . Society, manufacture, A 1853 Daniel 1851 eoigia visitors, patrons and members, all will take notice, for #10; thirty for AiiO, in advance. thirteenInstitute, and by it referred to a select committee, soever tliey may belong, or wheresoever Stephen . Douglas Sturgeon minois 1 G . . . they may James Shields 1855 James 1850 that a premium w ill not be awarded to any WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. The publisher offers tor the largest list of new which brought forward the following report: be, can be admitted for exhibition unless Cooper Indiuna 18 . . . tliey Iowa. Rhode 1 whatever its merit, unless next annual session of this Institution will subscribers, at the above rates, the prize of a the Committee the National Institute: come with the sanction of the Central Island. . . accompanied . nf (\f Io wa 1 . article,by Report Authority W Jones 1851 Albei t C 1 illustrative and made out commence on the 2d in October, Pitcher, valued at #50 : for the 2d largest,Silvera of the of which are the Greene . statements, country George 1851 . Wednesday to was L(luiniana 3 .. 1 explanatory THE valued at The special committee, which referred they produce.. C 1855 John H Clarke in legible hund, and in a style fit at once for the i? A cm TV Goblet, £15 ; for the 3d do., #25; 4ih do., The Commissioners do not insist such arti- Aug . 1853* . upon Dodge Maine 2 5 . . the communication from the lion. John M. Kentucky. South Carolina. press. D. President #15; and for the 5th, 6th, 7 th, 8th, and 9th largest Clay r.les being in all cases actuully forwarded the . Rev. John jvi 3 . . . The Right Johns, D., ton, of State, relative to the formation by Jos R Underwood 1853 Robt W Barnwell aryland 3 5lh. The of the scrvcral list, pii/.cs of #12, #10, #is, #5, and #3, payable in Secretary Central though consider that 1853 . of Moral a they . delegations Professor central for articles to this Massucliusetts 7 . 1 . county and Philosophy. of authority transmitting Authority, 1855 A P 2 arc and to make agricultural books or implements.the lists and would generally be the most Butler 1855 . out,Societies T Trofessorof Jlinry Clay . to be . requested Beverly the Exhibition held M 2 1 . enjoined upon Judge uckkh, Municipal to Industrial iri London in satisfactory Louisiana. ichigan a of the condition of cash be forwarded as received, up to the ; but it is indispensable that the arrangement Tennessee. . consulatlon, Law. sanction of . report . present and m issouri 5 . . Constitutional 1851, offers the following report: Sol U Downs 1853 1851 in their several of the S. Professor of Mathematics of the Maryland Agricultural State .Societymeetingon Hiii h authority should in all cases be Hopkins LTurney m 4 .. . Agriculture counties, Benjamin Ewell, The eonnnittee, whit the expressiy Pieire Soule 1855 John Bell ississippi in and the 22d October, when the decision will be made impressed importance given, and that it be held resnonsihU »».«. 1853 . to . and /he the N