Bill Pronzini | 9780486814797 | | | | | Gun in Cheek An Affectionate Guide to the Worst in Mystery Fiction 1st edition PDF Book No brief summary can do justice to Mr. Terrence rated it really liked it Sep 10, Nuevo Cantidad disponible: 4. Fun, fun, fun. Greenberg Manhattan Mysteries - with Martin H. Some of the writers included here were very popular in their day. Nicely-illustrated British overview of the mystery field in general, with short looks at the foreign scene, some intriguing criticisms. Wallmann Day of the Moon - with Jeffrey M. The Hidden Cook and Stephen T. Agatha Christie. His passion for the old crime pulps is largely responsible for keeping them in the public's eye. While it made them no less entertaining to read, quite a few of the stories struck me as intentional parody, such as Joseph Rosenberger's confrontation in a warehouse filled with "Musical Panda Dolls" between the protagonist--named the Death Merchant--and a killer. To ask other readers questions about Gun in Cheek , please sign up. Or Sax Rohmer, the author of the much-imitated Fu Manchu series? He currently lives in with his third wife, . Email required Address never made public. Controversial, opinionated, recommended. Pronzini presents background on the field's subgenres and publishers as well as incisive commentary on the social attitudes reflected by the stories. Pronzini handles it beautifully. There's a sequel which I also read. Gun in Cheek An Affectionate Guide to the Worst in Mystery Fiction 1st edition Writer

Do the math. The only problem I had with the book was really wanting more, heh - more plot details, more bad writing, more coverage of different areas of writing etc. Return to Book Page. Thirteen critics and writers, including our own Allen J. In fact, I enjoyed it most when it seemed to be at its most serious--giving facts and background rather than trying to provide passages that I thought sure were supposed to be funny All best to both — Like Like. Populated by the usual private eyes, arch-villains, amateur sleuths, and femmes fatales, these tales offer uniquely amusing reading that's as memorable in its own way as the works of the great mystery writers. Please request permission before reposting. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. This perennial favourite promised extensive annual listings in print! Error rating book. Well, that wish came to pass, and he has, in fact, continued the series on pretty much an annual basis. Greenberg Specter! Author Bill Pronzini takes a good-natured look at the genre's "alternative classics" in a retrospective of unintentionally hilarious . This big chunk of book pages is an impressive reference source, boasting entries on all facets of the crime and mystery genres, with some intriguing detours along the way. Feb 24, Larry rated it liked it. There's a sequel which I also read. All rights reserved. Nuevo Cantidad disponible: 7. Courier Dover Publications , 19 avr. Hubin, Allen J. An ambitious undertaking, the First Couple of Crime summarize the plots of or so of what they feel are the most important books in the genre. It's an obsession from which Nameless, his greatest character, also suffers. With plenty of sidesplitting examples of mystery writing gone awry, the cheese will never have to stand alone again. Williams, Gary phillips, and Hugh Horton. Now will you come along willingly or do I bunt you over the crumpet till your sneezer leaks buttermilk? Gun in Cheek An Affectionate Guide to the Worst in Mystery Fiction 1st edition Reviews

This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Nemesis ; Nameless Nav Menu 2. If you haven't heard of record-smashing singer and songwriter Mariah Carey, is there any hope for you? Refresh and try again. Notify me of new comments via email. Buy this book Illusions ; Nameless Boobytrap ; Nameless.. I can't decide whether I prefer the man who becomes an evil avenger because he's so upset he went bald or the archaeologist who goes mad and wanders around in gloopy phosphorescent mud. David Johnston rated it liked it Jan 15, Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. And anyway, who am I to talk about opinionated, bloated reference sources? Pronzini mentions a few other genres that sort of cross over into mystery on occasion, such as the gothic genre, established by Horace Walpole, which usually concern a lovely young lady and a house. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. For additional information and to order, head to Locus. Apr 28, Trin rated it liked it Shelves: s , american-lit , booksaboutbooks , mystery. The Idiot Heroine in the Attic. Estleman on Philip Marlowe and so forth. Skip to content. Fun at times, but hardly essential. Wallmann Day of the Moon - with Jeffrey M. Populated by the usual private eyes, arch-villains, amateur sleuths, and femmes fatales, these tales offer uniquely amusing reading that's as memorable in its own way as the works of the great mystery writers. Hodges And consider this eloquent bit of dialogue: "'Dan Turner squalling,' I yeeped. They knew the anticlimax was at hand, and their satisfaction was unbounded. Mystery writers turn on each other, each paying tribute to their favourite fictional detectives, including many private eyes. An ambitious undertaking, the First Couple of Crime summarize the plots of or so of what they feel are the most important books in the genre. January NY: Doherty. Opinionated, challenging, and at times infuriating Manville Moon, for example, is missing a leg, not an arm but impressive as all hell, and a real blast to read. I like this stuff! Other long-running privates have risen, crashed and fallen by the wayside, but Nameless has somehow persevered. I received a copy of this from the publisher through NetGalley to read and review. Author Bill Pronzini takes a good-natured look at the genre's "alternative classics" in a retrospective of unintentionally hilarious crime fiction. He admits "it was a pleasure tracking down good stories to fit a particular anthology theme. Tapa blanda. Community Reviews. Fun, fun, fun. About Bill Pronzini. Strangers ; Nameless Keating, H. In , after collaborating on several novels in the preceeding years, Pronzini and fellow mystery writer Marcia Muller were married. Hand of man or woman or paw of beast? Feb 16, Tim rated it it was amazing Shelves: humor , mystery-crime-espionage. Pronzini handles it beautifully.

Gun in Cheek An Affectionate Guide to the Worst in Mystery Fiction 1st edition Read Online

Collins is, of course, the creator of P. Male contributors include Edward D. Carter Brown, for example, was at the time of book's writing the 3rd best selling mystery writer of them all, behind Mickey Spillane sic , the undisputed champ, and Erle Stanley Gardner. A fun look at the "best" of the "worst" in mystery writing before Not too shabby. Well-respected mystery critic Keating chooses his favorites, in an enlightening, sometime controversial, but always entertaining book. Selected Short Stories. Fever ; Nameless Previous Post Sam Spade. As any mystery reader knows, mysteries are extremely formulaic, with a special formula for each subgenre, from classic golden-age to cozy to gothic to hardboiled to spy fiction. Turn the book around and upside down and there is another run-of-the-mill thriller. May 20, Bmj2k rated it it was amazing Shelves: favorites. Take the opportunity to savor , down to the last bugged belly-button and twenty-pound attack octopi. First edition, first printing, fine in a fine dust jacket, signed by both authors, remainder marked. I don't think I'll go out and get any of the books Pronzini quoted from as I have quite a lot already in my to-read stack that might end of contenders for his next sequel. Pronzini, Bill. With plenty of sidesplitting examples of mystery writing gone awry, the cheese will never have to stand alone again. But don't be fooled - many of these B-graders were at the height of popular fiction during their day and were prolific in their writing - these were the authors that contributed to what we now refer to as "pulp fiction". Wallmann Border Fever - with Jeffrey M. Pronzini's researches. Preview — Gun in Cheek by Bill Pronzini. Details if other :. Like Like. Copyright , thrillingdetective. It is funny as hell, and a wonderful subject for a book. And therein lies the problem. Buy th e audio