2020 Virtual Gala

Tuesday, November 17, 2020 Celebrating 46 years of Diplomacy in Action NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY 2020 VIRTUAL GALA SPONSORS

Silver Sponsors

Thomas S. Hexner

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York

Bronze Sponsors

John V. Connorton, Jr., Esq. Brendan R. McGuire, Esq. Richard and Elizabeth Howe Jeffrey and Mary Lou Shafer The Ronald and Jo Carole Donald and Genie Rice Lauder Foundation Donald Zagoria National Committee on American Foreign Policy Board of Trustees

Honorable Jeffrey R. Shafer - Chairman of the Board Honorable Nancy E. Soderberg - Vice Chairman of the Board Ambassador (ret.) Susan M. Elliott - President and CEO Richard R. Howe, Esq. - Executive Vice President & Treasurer Donald S. Rice, Esq. - Senior Vice President Professor Donald Zagoria - Senior Vice President John V. Connorton, Jr., Esq. - Secretary Dr. George D. Schwab - President Emeritus Grace Kennan Warnecke - Chair Emeritus Honorable David Adelman - Trustee Honorable Donald M. Blinken - Trustee Andrew L. Busser - Trustee Steven Chernys - Trustee Honorable Karl W. Eikenberry - Trustee Thomas S. Hexner - Trustee Kimberly Kriger - Trustee Brendan R. McGuire, Esq.- Trustee Honorable Thomas Pickering - Trustee Nicholas R. Thompson - Trustee NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY MISSION STATEMENT

The National Committee on American Foreign Policy, Inc. (NCAFP) identifies, articulates, and helps advance American foreign policy interests from a nonpartisan perspective within the framework of political realism. Founded in 1974 by Professor Hans J. Morgenthau and others, the NCAFP is a nonprofit policy organization dedicated to the resolution of conflicts that threaten U.S. interests. The NCAFP fulfills its mission through Track I ⁄ and Track II diplomacy. These closed-door and off-the-record conferences provide opportunities for senior U.S. and foreign officials, subject experts, and scholars to engage in discussions designed to defuse conflict, build confidence, and resolve problems. Believing that an informed public is vital to a democratic society, the National Committee offers educational programs and issues a variety of publications that address security challenges facing the United States. EVENING PROGRAM

Welcome Ms. JACQUELINE ADAMS Emmy Award-winning Former CBS Correspondent Evening Host

Special Remarks DR. HENRY A. KISSINGER Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc & Former Secretary of State

Opening Remarks AMBASSADOR (ret.) SUSAN M. ELLIOTT President & Chief Executive Officer National Committee on American Foreign Policy

HANS J. MORGENTHAU AWARD DR. ROBERT M. GATES Former Secretary of Defense & Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

Presented By The Honorable JEFFREY R. SHAFER Chairman of the Board National Committee on American Foreign Policy

Question & Answer DR. ROBERT M. GATES Former Secretary of Defense & Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

Moderated By Ms. JACQUELINE ADAMS Emmy Award-winning Former CBS Correspondent Dr. Robert M. Gates

Robert Gates served as the 22nd secretary of defense (2006-2011) and is the only secretary of defense in U.S. history to be asked to remain in that office by a newly elected President. President Barack Obama was the eighth president Gates served. He previously served under President George W. Bush.

On Gates's last day in office, President Barack Obama awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America's highest civilian honor.

Before becoming secretary of defense in 2006, Gates was the president of Texas A&M University, one of the nation’s largest universities. Prior to assuming the Texas A&M presidency on August 1, 2002, he served as interim dean of the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M from 1999 to 2001.

Gates joined the Central Intelligence Agency in 1966 and spent nearly 27 years as an intelligence professional. During that period, he spent nearly nine years at the National Security Council, the White House, serving four presidents of both political parties

Gates served as director of Central Intelligence from 1991 until 1993. He is the only career officer in CIA's history to rise from entry-level employee to director. He served as deputy director of Central Intelligence from 1986 until 1989 and as assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser at the White House from January 20, 1989 until November 6, 1991, for President George H.W. Bush.Gates has been awarded the National Security Medal, the Presidential Citizens Medal, has three times received the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal, and has three times received CIA's highest award, the Distinguished Intelligence Medal.

He is the author of four books, Exercise of Power: American Failures, Successes, and a New Path Forward in the Post-Cold War World, published in 2020, A Passion For Leadership: Lessons on Change and Reform from Fifty Years of Public Service, published in 2016, Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War, published in 2014, and From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider's Story of Five Presidents and How They Won the Cold War, published in 1996.

Gates currently is a partner in the consulting firm, Rice, Hadley, Gates & Manuel, LLC, with former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley. He is a member of the national executive board of the Boy Scouts of America, where he served as president of the National Eagle Scout Association from 1996-2006 and National President of the Boy Scouts of America from 2014-2016. Dr. Robert M. Gates (continued)

He has also served on the board of directors of Starbucks, the board of directors and executive committee of the American Council on Education, the board of directors of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges.

A native of Kansas, Gates received his bachelor's degree from the College of William & Mary, his master's degree in history from Indiana University and his doctorate in Russian and Soviet history from Georgetown University. In 1967, he was commissioned asecond lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force and served as an intelligence officer at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri.

In February 2012, Gates was installed as chancellor of William & Mary. He is the first William & Mary alumnus in the modern era to serve as chancellor of the college.

In May of 2018, Gates succeeded General Colin Powell as National Chairman of the Eisenhower Fellowships. SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES

Ambassador (ret.) Susan M. Elliott

Ambassador (retired) Susan M. Elliott is President & CEO of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, a position she assumed in August 2018. Ambassador Elliott is an accomplished diplomat who held a variety of leadership positions at the U.S. Department of State during her 27 year career as a Foreign Service officer.

From 2015 to 2017, Ambassador Elliott served as the Civilian Deputy and Foreign Policy Advisor to the Commander of the United States European Command. Ambassador Elliott was the U.S. Ambassador to Tajikistan from 2012 to 2015. Prior to her Ambassadorial appointment, she served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, U.S. Department of State.

Ambassador Elliott worked in a variety of overseas and Washington-based assignments. Her previous overseas assignments include Moscow, Russia (twice); Belfast, Northern Ireland; Athens, Greece; and Lima, Peru. In Washington, Ambassador Elliott worked on the staff of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Earlier in her career she reported on conflicts in the countries of the former Soviet Union when she worked in the Office of the Coordinator for Regional Conflicts in the New Independent States. The Honorable Jeffrey R. Shafer

Jeffrey R. Shafer Is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy. He is a Member of the Management Board of S&P Global Ratings. He is Chairman of the Board of mCD IP corporation, a fintech startup offering a new deposit product to provide liquidity at lower cost in the post financial crisis bank regulatory environment.

From 2011 to 2019 he provided advice on economic and political developments as principal of JRSHAFER INSIGHT.

From 1997 to 2011 he was Vice Chairman of Global Banking in Citigroup and predecessor institutions. He served as Senior Asia Pacific Officer in New York. Prior to this, he established and headed Citi’s Economic and Political Strategies Group. Still earlier in his fourteen years with Citi he worked with governments in Asia, Latin America and Europe on financial stabilization, liability management, debt issuance and privatization.

From 1993 to 1997, Mr. Shafer was Assistant Secretary and subsequently Under Secretary of the U.S. Treasury for International Affairs. At the Treasury Department, he focused on strengthening economic growth and financial stability in both developed and developing countries, fostering financial market development and liberalization, and strengthening the IMF and multilateral development banks. He was also responsible for the inter-agency CFIUS process to review foreign investment in the United States.

From 1984 until 1993, Mr. Shafer held a series of high-level positions at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Prior to the OECD, he served with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Federal Reserve Board and the Council of Economic Advisors.

He served as an officer with the 1st Infantry Division in Vietnam in 1967-68 and was awarded the bronze star with “V” device and oak leaf cluster.

Mr. Shafer holds a B.A. in Economics from Princeton University and M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees in Economics from Yale University. He has taught at Princeton, Columbia, Carnegie Mellon and Yale Universities.

In addition to his role with the NCAFP, he is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. The Honorable Dr. Henry A Kissinger

Henry Alfred Kissinger was sworn in on September 22, 1973, as the 56th Secretary of State, a position he held until January 20, 1977. He also served as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 20, 1969, until November 3, 1975. In July 1983 he was appointed by President Reagan to chair the National Bipartisan Commission on Central America until it ceased operation in January 1985, and from 1984-1990 he served as a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. From 1986-1988 he was a member of the Commission on Integrated Long-Term Strategy of the National Security Council and Defense Department. He served as a member of the Defense Policy Board from 2001 to 2016.

At present, Dr. Kissinger is Chairman of Kissinger Associates, Inc., an international consulting firm. He is also a member of the International Council of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.; a Counselor to and Trustee of the Center for Strategic and International Studies; an Honorary Governor of the Foreign Policy Association; and an Honor Member of the International Olympic Committee. Among his other activities, Dr. Kissinger served as a member of the Board of Directors of ContiGroup Companies, Inc. from 1988-2014 and remains an Advisor to the Board, a position he also holds at Company since 2005, after serving on the Board from 1984. He is also a Trustee Emeritus of the Metropolitan Museum of Art; a Director Emeritus of Freeport-McMoRan Copper and Gold Inc.; and a Director of the International Rescue Committee.

Among the awards Dr. Kissinger has received have been a Bronze Star from the U.S. Army in 1945; the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973; the Presidential Medal of Freedom (the nation’s highest civilian award) in 1977; and the Medal of Liberty (given one time to ten foreign-born American leaders) in 1986.

Dr. Kissinger was born in Fuerth, Germany, came to the United States in 1938, and was naturalized a United States citizen in 1943. He served in the Army from February 1943 to July 1946. He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard College in 1950 and received M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Harvard University in 1952 and 1954. From 1954 until 1969 he was a member of the faculty of Harvard University, in both the Department of Government and the Center for International Affairs. He was Director of the Harvard International Seminar from 1952 to 1969. Ms. Jacqueline Adams

Jacqueline Adams launched a second career as a communications strategist after more than two decades as an Emmy Award winning CBS News correspondent. Her boutique firm, J Adams: Strategic Communications, LLC., has served a variety of corporate and non- profit clients.

She has co-authored a new book which is scheduled for publication in the fall of 2020, “A Blessing: Women of Color Teaming Up to Lead, Empower and Thrive.” For more information or to pre-order the book, visit www.leadempowerthrive.com.

Ms. Adams covered the groundbreaking campaigns of Jesse Jackson for President and Geraldine Ferraro for Vice President before spending five years as a White House correspondent during the Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations. In the 1990s, she was a prolific contributor to the CBS Evening News with Dan Rather and CBS News Sunday Morning. She won a News and Documentary Emmy Award for the 48 Hours broadcast, “The Search for Matthew.”

A graduate of Harvard Business School, Ms. Adams serves on the Board of Directors of the Harvard Business School Club of New York and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations as well as the U.S. Institute of Peace International Advisory Committee. A music aficionado, she is studying the classical composers at the Juilliard School of Music’s Evening Division.

The Nizami Ganjavi International Center

wishes to congratulate this year's Hans J. Morgenthau Award recipient:

Dr. Robert M. Gates Former Secretary of Defense

Nizami Ganjavi International Center is a cultural, non-profit, non- political organization dedicated to the memory of great Azerbaijani poet, Nizami Ganjavi and to the study and dissemination of his works with a mission to build a dialogue and understanding between cultures and peoples for building functional and inclusive societies. Congratulations to this year's Morgenthau Award honoree

Dr. Robert M. Gates

And thank you to Ambassador Elliott and the entire NCAFP staff for their hard work and dedication! Tom Hexner Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York proudly supports the NCAFP Virtual Gala! Many thanks to the National Committee on American Foreign Policy's Chairman Jeff Shafer and its President Ambassador Susan Elliott for their inspired leadership and tremendous dedication during the past year.

Very special thanks to the NCAFP’s staff for their dedicated efforts to continue the mission of the NCAFP during the trying days of the current pandemic.

Congratulations to tonight's honoree for his significant contribution to American Diplomacy

John V. Connorton , Jr. The Ronald and Jo Carole Lauder Foundation salute the NCAFP and join in honoring



FOR INSPIRED, IMAGINATIVE AND EFFECTIVE VIRTUAL MEETINGS AND PROGRAMS DURING THE COVID PANDEMIC Jeff Shafer, Chairman of the NCAFP, and Mary Lou Shafer join with the friends and supporters of the National Committee in celebrating its 46th anniversary at the 2020 Virtual Gala.

We salute our honoree

Dr. Robert M. Gates

And we thank Susan Elliott and the NCAFP staff for their tremendous work and success in bringing the Committee through this disruptive pandemic period.