CYBER SECURITY AND CYBER FRAUD Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce The Honourable Senator Doug Black, Q.C., Chair The Honourable Senator Carolyn Stewart Olsen, Deputy Chair 1 For more information please contact us: by email:
[email protected] by mail: The Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce Senate, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0A4 This report can be downloaded at: The Senate is on Twitter: @SenateCA, follow the committee using the hashtag #BANC Ce rapport est également offert en français 2 The Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce TABLE OF CONTENTS COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP ........................................................................................ 4 ORDER OF REFERENCE ............................................................................................ 5 LIST OF RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................... 6 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 8 EDUCATING CANADIANS ABOUT CYBER SECURITY AND RESILIENCE ........................... 14 ENHANCING CANADA’S CYBER SECURITY STRATEGY ................................................. 19 A. Making consumers aware of the risks associated with the Internet of Things ...... 19 B. Assisting Canadian businesses and ensuring compliance with privacy laws ......... 21 1. Allowing information sharing among the private sector and governments ....... 22 2. Introducing