Govetnnlent of B.,mbay



(Rtlstd 011 the 1951 Ce1l t lls) •

BOMBAY ~" A'~ 'l"!fi) HCRI'\"'OR I'Rll'>'U,(G l'Rt~q", 11,"'H>\~.W r(

On'iX1Jl!'lhk trnlll tt" Go'vernm€'llt Publications :'-lHlea D"pLot, J t'" for Tnrl!~, Il1dia House, Aldwych, I.ondon, W C. Z, lOr thll)',gh , ,p, "5"'7",113,)£1,,,,11 .. ·,,

Price·-Rs. 2 As. 8 ,,'1' 4 ~ 6 d 1952

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A. General Population Tables. A-I Area, Houses and Population A-III Towns and Villages cl

3. Economic Tables. B-·J Livelihood Classes and Sub-Classes 12- 19 B-II Secondary Means of Livelihood 20-:25 B-III Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-Divisions. 26-W Index of non-agricultural occupations in the district. 10-,7

C. Household and Age (Sample) Tables. C-I Household (Size and Composition) 78-81 C-II Livelihood classts by Age Groups 82- 85 C-IlI Age and Civil condition 86-9;) C-IV Age and Literacy %-lOa C-V Single Year Age Returns 104-1117

D. Social and Cultural Tables. D-I Languages: (i) Mother Tongue 108 -112 (ii) Bilingua!ism 113-115 D-JI Religion 116-117 D-III Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 116-117 D-V (i) Displaced Persons by Year of Arrival 118-119

(ii) Displaced Persons by Livelihood Classes 118- ~ 19 D-VI Non-Indian Nationals 120-121 D-VII Livtlihood Classes by Educational Standards 122-125 D-VIII Unemployment by Educational Standards 126-129

E. Summary Figures by Talukas and Petas. 130--]35

Primary Census Abstracts J 36-:3:33 SmaU Scale Industries Census - Employment in Establishments. ... 334-341 1951 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK DISTRICT NORTH

Satara N(rth district consisted, at the time of tLe 1951 Census, of thn arp :,< of thf for weI' Satara district Ol Boml>ay Province ( except f"l' WalYa, l{1I[ma­ pur and Tasgavn talukfls and 8birala peta t.ratlsferreJ to t)at-J.ra Bouth district). with the addition of tbe former InJian State of alld parts of the f0l'wer InrliRll States of Jamkh:mdl, Smgli, Akalkot, Bl:o~ and Aundb and one "illtlge trom Puona distnct. The dibtrict had a 1951 p' pul;;tion of 1,175,309 and an area of 403-1'4 aquar" miles. according to the area figllre 'furnished by, thE' SUI Vt') UI GC'LJt'al of Illdia.

This Handbook contains tables for Satara ~orth district, compiled after the 1951 Census of . '1'be main results of the 1951 Oenslls are E'mbodied in thE' St'tte Tables published for the States of Bf)mbay, Saul''lshtra and Kutcb. In tbis Handbook, thE' data are exhibited in gn'ater detail. The numbers given to tables in this puhlication correspond to thode given in the State Censns RE'purt. The following tablt'El for the district have, however, not been included in this Handhook. :-

A-G Variation in population dluing fifty years. A - IV Tnwll8 clas;ified by population with variations since 1901. D-IV ~1igrants

Tn the E-Summary table, in lhi~ Handbook, Borne columns have ~Lee[1 ( milted. Ir, tbe ClS" of tbA C-series of tall1!'ll, excf'pt C-I. th" data wen' extracted on thE:> ha~i8 of a samplB Cl)unt of approximately 10% of the census slips, instead of a fn11 conut of all the f:'lips. The C·I tahlE' was prE'pareu from a four percent sample of the househo],]s recorded in the Natiollll Re";19ter of Oitizens relating to each to wn or villrtge. In 1941, tht> population figures were exhi bited according to corn munities in tbE' "Villa.!f' Handbooks" publish~d bv the Gl)vel'l1meat oE Bombay. In 1951, the basis of ciassl(ication c\t the Censns was cbangpd fl' 'ill d Boehl to an economic one, 1iTld the fi~Ul'E'8 for villa~es given in thE:> Primary Ct'mnq Ab~tracts and in table~ A-V. B-I, B·U, C-II and E al'e accurding to tnf> following eight Liv('libood Cl'lsses:- Agricultural Classes

I Ol1Hhators of land, wholly or mainly owned; and their dependant •. 11 Oultivators of laud, wholly or mainly unowned; and their dependants. J I I Cultivating labourers; and their dependants.

IV Non-cultivating 'owners of land j agricultural rent receivers; and their dependan~s.

Non-Agricultural Classes Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means oj liveli­ hood from;- V Production other than cultivation• . VI Commerce. ~Vll Transport. VIII Other services and miscellaneous SOllrCe3. Dependants, whether earning or non-earning, were classified at the census according to the principal means of livelihood of the persons on whom they were dependent.

The Primary Census Abstncts, which contain basic information in respect of every village and town, have been arranged according to talukas. and petas, units into which- every di.trict is divided for administrative purposes. The t'l~uka was, however, too small a unit to adopt for preparing the main cens us t lbles. Therefore, in the B, C and D-series of tables figures have beeR given tor tracts and not for talukas and petas. Before sorting the census slips and tabulating the result~, tracts were formed by combining the rural and urban areas of two or more taluka, nr petas. The tracts into which Satara North district was divided for this purpose are shown below:-

Rural Tracts

(1) Rural area,; of Satara and K".rad talukas.

(~) Rural areas of Patan and Jaoli talukas.

(3) Rural areas of , , Man, Phaltan and Wai talukas and and ~Iahabaleshwar petas.

Urban Tracts

(1) Urban area, of Satara and " talukas.

(2) Urban areas of Koregaon, Khatav, Man. pha[tan and Wai talukas and peta.

Urban areas comprise the towns shown in table A-V.

Sbortly before the 1951 population census, a census of Small Industries was taken, and the results of this census are given in the table called "Small Scale Indust\,ie:s Census-Employment in Establishments", included m this Handbook.

The intention was to find out something about Cottage and Home Industries and small workshops. The larger establishments, that is, power-using establishments with 10 or more workers and non-power using establishments with 20 or more workers, were excluded from the scope of the enquiry as they now submit returns under the Factory Act.

The enquiry did not concern itself also with workers functioning on their own and not employing other people, except when looms were used. Otherwise the concept was of an enquiry which embraced all forms of associate activity where articles were produced, repaired or otherwise treated for sale, use or disposal, A-I-Area, Houses DISTRlc'r

Occupied Houses

j\ rea ill Taluka or Pet. square Villages Towns miles j otal Rural Urban

2 3 4 6 7

Total 4,022.6 1,152 15 203.117 179,377 23,800

Jaoli 344,7 196 12,738 12,738

2 Kilrad 405.8 111 3Z,7t4 28,90~ 3,820

3 Khandala 203.3 45 9,114 9,114

4 Khatav 509.1 84 2 22,697 20,397 2,30Q

5 Koregaon 364.6 73 18,583 14,744 3,839

6 Mahabaleshwar 87.3 53 2 3,203 2,133 1,070

7 Man 556.0 70 15,291 13,598 1,693

8 Patan 513.5 203 28,325 28,325

9 Phaltan 455.8 78 17,444 15,352 2,092

10 Satara 353.4 151 2 27,849 21,440 6,409

11 Wai 229.1 Ss 15,209 12,632 2,1117

Note:-l. The area figure of the district of Satara North supplied by the Surveyor General of India is 4,034.4 sq. miles. The area figures shown in column 2 were obtained from the District Inspector of Land Records or from local records. 2. The number of villages shown in column 3 is the number of l'eVemlfl vilLtges, excluding uninhabited villages and villages which form part of municipal areas. 3. The number of towns given in column 4 is the number .of towns shown in table A-"- In general, a town means a municipal area, cantonment area or a place which has a popUlation of 5,000 or more inhabitants and exhibits urban ~h "-TO ~tE'ristics. and Population. SA'fARA NORTH


Persons Males Fem~les ---- I Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban tal Urban T,04 - TI ~~la'i:- 8 9 10 II 12 I 13 16 _. ------1.175,309 1,014,970 160,339 512,967 491.360 81,601 602,342 523,610 18.132

71.(186 71,086 :l2,6bO 32,660 38,426 38,426

207 ;\113 ] 69.262 38,651 ) 03,981 84,076 19,90r; 103,932 85,186 18,746

48,09,~ • 48,095 23,279 23,279 24,816 24,816

131,360 • 119,370 11,990 64,452 58,477 5,975 66,908 60,893 6,015

115,689 93,957 21,732 56,286 45,178 11,108 59,403 48,779 10,624

20,448 10,938 9,510 10,070 5,238 4,832 10,378' 5,700 4,678

83,478 "74,333 9,145 41,387 36,R53 4,534 42,091 37,480 4,611

146,691 U6,591 70,463 70,463 76,228 76,228

99,781 87,639 12,142 50,095 43,798 6,297 49,686 43,841 5,845

162,529 121,459 41,070 78,585 57,586 20,999 83,944 63,873 20,071

88,239 '72,140 16,099 41,709 33,752 7,957 46,530 38,388 8,142

4. The number of occupied houses given in columns 5, 6 anG!. 7 is the number of census houses t,hat were occupied at the timE) of the census.

5. _ A house for' census purposes meant .. a dWfllling with 8. separate main enllranoe". . Thus mOre than one household might be fOlUld in the same census house 6 A-Ill - Towns and Village~


I Tot,al Population. Towns --- --_- --- Total I No. of I Less than 500 Taluka or Peta I inhabited I I towns & Persons I Males I Females ,I village". J No. Males Females

1 2 3 4, (> 6 7 8

District Total 1,167 1,l75,309 572.967 602,342 493 58,840 65,827

Jaoli 196 71,086 32.660 38,426 155 16.7St 19,772

2 Karad 114 207,913 103,9S [ 103,932 9 1,440 1,1i11i

3 Khandala 45 48,095 23,279 24,816 12 1,906 2,l14

4 Khatav 86 131,360 64,452 60,9013 11) 1,807 1,874

5 Koregaon 76 116,689 56,2Sfl 69,403 4 571 5\H

6 Maha baleah War 5.'i 20,148 10,070 10,378 52 4,759 5,231

7 Man 7l 8~,478 41,387 42,onl 16 2,706 2,706

8 Patan 203 146,691 70,-1.63 76,2211 112 14,19'/ 14,905

9 Ph ..ltan 79 99,781 50,095 49,686 22 3.045 3,169

10 Satafl~ ]53 162,529 78,585 83,914 62 6,77 J 8,077

11 Wai 89 88,239 41,709 46,5~0 39 4,8.')4 3,881 ----- Classified by Population 7 bATARA NORTH

and villages with a population of

500-1,000 1,000-2,000 2,000-6,000

No. Males i Females I No. Malt's I:Females No. Males Females i \) 10 11 j 12 13 14 16 16 17

298 103,888 112,497 254 168,724 179,902 104 1 ~5,740 151.287

31 9,471 11,306 S 4,121 4,955 2 2,284 2,393

28 10,438 10,913 48 33,470 33,909 25 35,231 35,670

16 5,008 5,373 14- 1I,3S!) 10,263 :I 4,329 4,593

32 11,238 11,906 24- 16,853 17,548 17 25,826 2~, 788

25 9,159 '},78] 34- 21,69!) 23,'>88- 10 13,749 14,819

1 246 276 :J,!:! ;9 2.259

30 10,741 n~141 12 7,405 7,477 12 16,001 16,156

~5 1.5,512 16,{l29 34 23,003 24,837 II 15,438 16,755

25 \),587 9,525 23 15,386 15,725 6 8,6.19 8,486

41 a,266 15,758 39 25,563 28,197 10 12,354 13,022

24 8,.222 9,489 18 10,835 12,403 7 \),600 10346 A-lll-Towns and Villages


Towns and villa.ges with a, (Klpulatioll of _--- 5,000-10,000 10,UOO-20,000 Taluka or Peta

~e. Males Feme.les N&. Ma.les Fenmles

18 19 20 21 22 23 ------

16,811 District Total 14 44,BUt 43.951 2 17.2101


2 Karad 3 9.276 8,~27

3 Khandtlla 2,647 2,473

4 Iihatav 3 8,728 8,792

I) Koregaoll 3 11,108 10,624

f, }Iahabalesh", fir 1 2,786 2.612

7 Man 1 4,534 4,6] 1

8 Pat an 1 2,313 2,801

9,016 8,480 9 PhaltaIll 1 3,412 3,211 1

10 f:at!l.r1!I

8,1118 !II.411 It Wai 1 ------;.------Classified by Population.-clI/.c[(f.


Towns and villages with a population of

------__ ------~------20,000-50,000 50,000 -100,000 100,000- & above j I I I No. Males I Females I No. Males I Females No. Males Females 24 30 31 32 25 _L_26_ L~~ ___2_8 I 29

2 3:J,7S7 31,987

14,126 13,091

1 19,631 18,890 11' A-V-ToWDS arra&ged TerritoriaUy ---- DISTRICT


-~--- - Persons (incluo1ng

TRInka or Peta NfIDle of Town V Production Persons Males r [ F'males I other than cultivation

I 1------MalE's I Females ! ) 2 9 4 5 6 7 -I _ I --- District Urban Total 16,0339 81.607 78.732 15.736 14,834 Kal'ad Karad M. i6,721 13,34~ 12,379 2,809 2,555

Kaw 7,H6 3,614 3,502 .!;03 474

Masur 5,814 2,949 2,855 359 354

Kbatav 6,838 3,423 2,41.5 398 413

Kaledhon 6,152 2,552 2,600 587 59(1

KO'l'ep:aon M. 8,05,') 4,007 4,Oi8 5B6 600

KoregoGfi 7,230 3,701 3,529 293 256

Satara. Road 6.447 3,400 3,047 1,840 1,537 (Pade1i) Mahabalel!hwar MahBbaleshwar M. 4,972 2,553 2,419 358 319 4,538 2,271) 2,~59 342 323

Man :lifhaswad M. 0,145 4,534 4,611 1,384 1,297

Phaltall l:'haltan M. 12,142 6,297 5,8i:; 1,503 1,409

Satara. Satara 41,070 20,999 20,071 3,617 3.452

Saeara Oity 38,521 19,fJ,U 1&,890 3,421 3,M7 Municipal"'", SatQ~a Subu1ban 2.549 1,8~8 1,181 96 llf; MunicipaJily Wai Wai M. 16,099 7,967 8,142 1,257 1,240

~--- - M Standll for Mmlicip&!ity with Population by Livelihood Classes. 11 SATARA NORTH

LIVELIHOOD CLASSES ------Non-Agricultural Classes Agricultural Classes ------I deJ>endants) who derive their principal means of IV Non·cultiva­ livelihood from I-III Cultivators. ting owners of cultivating labourers and their VI Com~-I VII ~~,~r ~?~ ,"":fEif' dependants -- - -1- --,------~ Males Females I Males Females I Males IFemales Males Females M'Iles I Female!

8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 I \ I

12.728 12,164 2,292 2,193 27,927 26,458 3,078 3,451 19,846 19,632 2,877 2,602 509 458 4-.530 4,139 880 98b ],737 ] ,(l4-0

57 58 206 171 190 223 2,658 :!,576

313 293 20 22 449 448 208 237 1,600 1,311

254 228 14 14 839 777 123 14-7 1,795 1,836

127 139 25 22 187 194 104 109 1,522 1.537

537 496 48 55 4fJ8 507 180 211 2,158 2,173

594 492 231 223 872 808 241 281 {,HO 1,469

123 131 66 78 266 174 li 10 1,099 1,117 322 421 76 72 1,724 1,525 73 78 359 397 83 61 1,426 1,40-1 31 35 38 39

436 465 34 58 858 817 50 98 1,7n 1,876

1,152 1,046 183 142 :?,l38 2,334 IS8 199 833 7)5

4,341 4,218 686 696 10,782 10,189 501 466 1, 17~ 1,050

4,245 4,103 666 674 9,905 9,488 499 461 895 817

96 115 20 22 8'17 701 2 5 277 233

1,236 1,1 ~R 287 292 2,852 2,971 376 446 1,949 2.015 ------12 Economic Table-B-I- Livelihood DISTEI(.,'T

K ote:~ 'Vh(lre a person was in reeeipt of an income and that iucome was sUfficient at least for his own maintenance then he, ( Ot she, as the case might b~) was to be regarded as a self-supporting person for purposes of tl,e consus enquiry. Anyone who Was not a 'Self-supporting person in this sense Was a dependant. A dependant might be either an earning ------Rural Areas of Talllka~ and Petas of - __-- -_------Livelihood Classes and Sub·Classes Satara Patan Koregaon, - and and Khatav, Man, Karad Jaoli Phaltan. Wai, Khandala IIDd MahableshlVar 2 3 ---_-4 ALL CLASSES:- PeriOD. 290,721 217,777 506,472

Male. J~I,662 103,123 246,675

FeDlales 149,0511 114.654 259,897

Agricolturlll Classes :­ Total P. \~5,M2

F. 125,989 103,473 218,460

Sub·class 0) Self-supporting M. 45,-185 35,954 tlO,524 persons ~'. 7,976 7,238 17,271

Sllh,c]A.'<8 (ii) Non-earning M. 59,768 46,857 102,232 dependants F. 81.596 57,759 135,334

Sub·d,,"~ (iii) Earning M. 12,655 9.328 20,432

I-Cultivators of land wholly or maiDly owned and their dep.ndallt& : Total M. 1 On,71 0 86,544 174,775

F. 112,076 96,996 185.50[1

8. C. (i) Self-supporting persons M. 40,771 33,839 68,266

F. 5,679 6,294 11,311

S. C. (ii) Non.earning cilependants M. 53,789 43,991 88,184

F. 73,386 114,177 114,864

6. c. (Iii) Earning dependants M. 11,150 8,714 18,325

F. 33,011 36,525 59,334 Classes And Sub-Classes 13 SATARA NCRTH dependant or a non-earning d!·pendant. The test was whether he secured a regular income even though it might be small. Where the income which he secured was not sufficient to support him that person WdS an earning dep!mdant. A person who did not earn any income (lither in cash or in kind was a non· earning dependant.

{'rban I\rellB of Talukas and Petas of Total for the District

Satara Koregaon, and Khatav, ]\fan, Rural Urbun Karad l'haltan, Wai TOTAl. Imd Areas Areas Mahableshwar 5 6 7 s

79,721 !'-O,618 1,014,9,0 160,339 1,171'),309

40,904 40,703 491,360 81,607 n72,!!67

38,817 39,915 623,610 78,732 (;02,342

17,634 28,373 86J, ]58 4v,007 '907,165

8,946 13,978 413,236 22,924 "36,]60

8,688 ]4,395 447,922 2a,083 471,005

3,690 5,569 !til ,963 9,269 \1.71,222

484 1192 3~,491 1,476 33,967

4,440 7,190 208,857 11,630 '220,487

6,784 9,292 274,689 16,076 290,765

816 1,219 42,416 11,035 44,451

1,420 4,111 140,742 .5,531 ~46,273

6,217 11,258 367,029 17,475 384,504

5,862 11,421 394,581 17,286 411,867 .'. 2,604- ~,454 142,876 1.~ 149,1134

132 M2 23,284 6';' 23,958 • 3,008 5,785 185,9M 8,793 194,757

4,514 7,302 ~42, 427 11,816 254,243

·1105 1,019 38,189 1,624 39,813

J,2Hi 3,580 1::8,870 4,796 133,666

-~- Economic Table - B-I-Livelihood DISTRICT 1-- Rural Areal! of Talukas and Petas of Satara Putan l,iv('hhood Classes and Sub· Classes and and -~ -l K!~:!~~~~' Karad Jaoli Phaltan, Wai, Rhandala aud Mahableshwar I 3 4 ------._--I - ----

11·' 'uitintol'S of land wholly (. - mainly unowned end theIr dependautII ~ Total M. 2',!!51 2,205 5,459

F. 2",652" 2,313 6,287

:'.0. (i) Self.supporting persons M. 1,200 865 2,330

F. (l2 184 208

S. 0. (Ii) Non.anming dependants J\'[. 1,298- 1,045- 2,654

F. 1,751 1,21 f 3,585-

s. C. (iii), Earning dapenda~t!t M. 3511' 295- 475

F. oow 915 1,494

nI·CuItIYating IaLounrs ana t&eir- dependlJ,nts ~ Towl M. 6,51)1 J,870' ) 2,621

'1,104' 2,19~ 13,317

s. C. (i) SeJf·~upportiag Fernons M. 2,548 691 6,212

F. I,11IY 362 2,540 s- C. (ii) Non-ea,ming depandlmts M. 2,984- 94& 5,494

F. 3,84& 1,047 8,115

.:;- _ C. ~iii) Earning dependants M. 969- 22& 921

2,143> 78~ 2;6&2

fV·Non-cufti'vatlng ~wn~(s of Candf agricultural relit rec.iven and their dependanu-: . • 'Fotal M. 2,S4'1 f(52() 10,321 F. 4,151 1,97f 14,347

S. C. ti) Self.supporting petllOllS M. 966- 55S 3,716 F. l,09(} 398 3,218

S. C. (ii} Non-earning dependants M, J,691 873 5,900

li', 2.61 :t 1,321 8,770

R C. (iii} Earning dependtmts M. 17& 94 711 F. 454 252 2,359 Classes And Sub·Classes-oonM, 15 SATARA NORTH Urhan Areas of Talukas and Petas of I Total for the District j-~ Satara Koregaon, and iIhatav, Man, Rural Urban 'l't)TAL Kal'ad Phaltan, Wai 1 Areall Areas and Mahableshwar 5 6 1 '7 8 9

321 ~(8 10,521 '9'69 ll,(90 261 M3 W,262 904 11,156

118 276 4,395 3114 4,789

4. 19 484 23 607

lSO 311 4,!l97 471 5,468

225 407 '6,550 '632 7,182

43 '61 \1.,129 104 1,233 , 32 211 ~218 "249 -3,467

629 ':173 "2{),998 1,402 '22,40(,

664 7&8 :22,6l4.. 1,442 24,056

245 ;a48 11,45'7 .."593 '10,050

147 212 4,017 ~59 4,376

2811 334 ~,42fl 'c623 10,049

344 ,344 ~3,008 .{i8S 13,1\96

115 {II 2,116 186 2,301

163 232 ~1183 3Q5 6,984'

1,779 ~,2Il!l 14,6gS 3,078 17,'766

1,911 ~,540 20,476 3,41H 23,1J26

723 491 6,235 1,214 '6,449

201 !JIll 4, 7 fI1l 426 -5.129

983 ':160 '8,470 1,743 10,213

1,701 1,239 12,704 2,1140 015,6440

n 48 983 121 1,104

II 82 -3,063 91 -3,156 16 Economic Table-B·I-Livelihood DIS TlU(;"!'

Rural Areas of Talllkas and Petas of

Livelihood Classes and Sub-Clas"e'l I l'latarn Patan Koregaon, and ami Khatav. :\lon, Karad JaoJi Phaltan, Wai, Khandala and Mahableshwar 1 2 3 4 ------Non-Agricultural Classes:- All Classes : Total P. 46,823 22,165 84,824 M. 23,753- 10,98i 43,387

F. 23,O7() 11, lSI 41,437

S. C. (1) Selr.supporting persons 1\L 10,733- 4,774 19,240

F. 1,472 673 2,616

S.C. !ii) Non.earning dependants 1\1. 10,964 5,399 20,685

F. 16,4(\1 ,1l,126 :10,100

S. C. (iii) Earning tlependant~ 1\1. 2,05& 811 3,462 F. 5,13t 2,382 8,672

Persons (including dep~ndantsY who derive their principal mean5 of livelihood from:-

V-Production other than. cultintioD ~ Totar M. H.6911 4,580 21,299 F. 11,309- 4,752 20.222

S. C. (i) Self· supporting persolls M. 4,913 J,803 9,141)

F. 372' 161 752

S. C. (Ii) Non.earning dependants M. 5,725 2,398 10,158

F. 8,332: 3,431 J 4,451

S. C. (iii) Earning dependants M. 1,052 379 1,996

F. 2,6-05- J,170 5,019

VI-Commerce ~ Total M. 2,511 1,778 4,948

F' 2,251 1,910 4,627

S.C. (i} Self.Buppo:rting perHons M. l,0;;7 724 2,083

F. 12~ 81 Bill

S. C. (ii) Non.earning dependants M. J,204 897 2,476

Y. 1,714 1,572 3,708

S. C. (iii) Earning dependaJlts 1\1. 25() Hi7 384

F. 418 267 598 Classes And Sub-Classes-contd. 1'l SATARA NORTH -- _- {lrban Areas of Talukss and Petaa of Total for the District

Satara Koregaon, and Khatllv, Man, Rural Urban Karad l'haltan, Wai TOTAL "nd Areas Areas Mahableshwsr ,; 6 7 8 ------__ 9 , 62,087 52,245 153,812 114,332 268,144,

31,958 213,725 78,124 .58,'683 136,807

30,129 25,520 75,688 .55,1149 131,:137

14,324 12,01l 34,747 26.,335 61,' 8t

2,221 1,683 4,760 3,904 8,ti64

16,717 13,202 37,048 29,\)19 ~6,qfl7

27,271 21,729 54,743 4"9,OO(} l(l3,7411

917 1,512 6,329 2,429 .8,758

637 2,108 16,185 :2,74.5 18.936

7,188 8,548 • 37,369 Hi,'736 53,30a

6,835 7,999 36,283 14,834 4)1.11 7

3,299 3,1190 15,861 6,989 22,851.1

374 294 1,275 -668 1,\)43

3,5711 4,164 18,281 7,740 26,021

6,179 6,521 26,214 12,700 38.914

313 694 3,427 l,()07 4,434

282 1,184 8,79

7,588 5,140 9,237 12,728 :21,965

7,171 4,993 8,794 12,164 :20,958

3,554 2,240 3,869 .5,794 11,663

329 204 527 533 1,060

:1,895 2,623 4,577 6,518 11,095

6,793 4,622 6,994 11,415 18,409

139 277 791 416 1,207

49 167 1,273 216 1,489 Ecot10n1ic Table - B-I-Lhrelihood DrSTRlCT

Rural Areas of Talukas and Petas of

------~-- Satara Patan Koregaon, LivE'lihood Classes and Sub-ClaalleB alld aud Khata v. 1\1an, Karad Jaoli PhaItan, Wai, Khandala and Mahableshwar 3 4 ------2 V!I-Transport : Total M_ 322 146 884 F. 399 205 836 s. C. (i) Self-supporting p~rsons M. 120 49 377

F. 5- s 12 8. C. (ii} Non-earning dependantB M. }SS 87 458

315 147 ~05

S. C. (iii) Earning dependants M. }4 10 49

Y. ').\) fA) H'i}

VIII-Other service& aDd miscellan- eous sources: Total 1\1. f),Z3G' 4,480 16,256

F. 9,10;'; 4.11l 15,752 s. C. (i) Self·supporting penons M. ~,643 2,198 7,630

F. .070 43:J 11030 s. C. (i~) Non.earning dependants M. 3,841 2,017 7,593

F. fl,l06 2,976 11,286 s. C. (iii) Earning dependWlts- M. 140- 265 1,033 P. 2,029 905 2.936 .Classes And Sub-Classes-collda. 19 SATARA NORTH ----- Urban Areas of Tllluk{l,~ and Petas of Total for the District ------Satara Koregaon, and r;:hatav. Man, Rural Urban TUTAL Karad Phaltnn, \Vai Area~ Areas and i\fahableshwlIl' 5 ---6 8 9 1,215 1,077 ] ,352 2,292 3,644

1,176 1,0\7 1,440 2,193 :1,633

625 000 546 1,125 1,671 .," 25 4 29 liM 1132 733 1,086 1,819

1,166 967 1, Hi7 2,133 ~,301l

36 46 73 81 '54

9 47 248 i6 ~Oi

15,907 11,960 29,966 27,927 57,893

14,9!7 11,511 29,lH 26,458 lio,u29

6,846 6,-581 14,471 12,427 26,B98

1,517 1,182 :!,933 2,600 i'i.611:!

8,692 0,883 j 3.457 i4,a7a 211,032

13,133 9,611) 2'0,368 22,752 43,1'W

429 496 2,(}38 925 2.963

297 710 0,870 1,007 '0,877 20 Economic Table-B-II - Secondary DISTRICT



I-Cultivators of II-Cultivators of II I -Cultivating IIV -N on-I:'ultiva- No. of persons land wholIy or land wholly or labourers ting owners of deriving their mainly owned mainly unowned ' I and; agriculturl'l secondary means \ rent receiver~ of livelihood I from: ~ __ - ___ 1- \ ------1 Males Females I Males ~emalesl Males IFemales Males Females I I 1 2· 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I ----- TOTAL I-Cultivation of owned land: Total 29,335 108,846 1,225 869 1,017 1,110 ! 34 767

Self-s~pporting persons 950 44 75(; 395 126 147

Earning dependants :!9,335 108,846 275 825 2t)l 715 108 620

II-Cultivation of unowned land: Total 8,193 2,051 505 1,555 83 fi~ 19 25

Self-supporting persons 6,94-1 245 70 12 17 9

Earning depEmdant~ 1,249 ],806 505 1,555 13 39 2 16 III-EmI>loyment as cultivating labourer: Total 7,530 16,932 442 756 J ,632 4,6'11 559 1,218

Self-supporting persons 3,530 729 2~3 29 367 377

Earning deppndqnts 4,000 ] 6,203 219 727 1,632 4,6] ] 192 !!41

IV-Rent on agri- cultural land: Total 384 165 51 5 406 205 250 86'5

Self-supporting persons 354 74 46 2 376 147

Earning dependants 3(1 9I 5 3 30 58 Z50 865

V-Production other than cultivation: Total 11,112 3,] 76 3!l2 136 548 330 1,141 499

Self-supporting persons 8,427 552 283 25 389 96 908 158

Earning dependants 2,G1'I5 2,624 ]09 111 ]59 234 233 341

VI-Commerce: Total 2,9B 605 81 25 139 tiS 538 113

Self-supporting persons 2,477 12fl 71 8 87 12 455 55

Earning dependants 437 476 10 17 52 56 83 58

VII-Transport: Total 523 47 30 3 12 5 64 12

Self-supporting persons 445 13 27 1 8 3 53 5

Earning dependants 78 34 3 2 4 2 11 7 VUI-Other services &: miscellaneous !lources ;. Total 11.415 4,512 .78 262 631 373 1,643 7&6

~elf-8upporting pe:reon~ 9,416 926 371 35 481 104 ],418 358

Earning dependant"_ 1,999 3,586 ]07 227 150 269 225 '08

- --~- MeaDs of Liyellhood 2l SATARA NORTH

CLASSES Persons who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from:·.

VIII.Other V·Produotion TOTAL other than VI·Commerce VII· Transport ser"ices and miscellaneou8 I alUltivation source'!! I I

Males Females Males Females Males Females I MaleR \Females Males I Femaletl I 10 11 12 , 13 14 15 I 16 17 18 111 _-- I I -- POPULATION

3.718 2,438 133 321 151 133 !!,732 1,832 39,245 1111,11115

3,D08 152 725 57 126 9 2,3H 282 8,032 1,08tS

710 2,286 168 264 25 124- 3lil 1,650 31,213 116,230

270 104 (0 10 9 4, U3 35 11,268 3,135

217 9 35 5 1 1a4 6 7,422 283

59 95 I) 9 4 3 9 29 1,846 3,1152

l",OU 2,158 140 271 25 76 6110 1,364 12,052 27,38~

647 110 92 22 10 388 71 5,267 1,338

437 2,048 48 249 15 75 262 1,293 6,805 26,047

1,742 285 1,250 88 197 30 2,892 390 7,172 2,033

1,623 77 1,191 56 19t 2 2,813 262 6,594 620

119 208 59 32 6 28 79 128 678 1,4I:l

3,332 4,878 322 IlI4 38 26 539 322 17,424 9,491

606 58 191 16 ]4, 2 357 31 11,175 938

2,726 4,820 131 108 24 24 182 291 6,249 8,553

3540 100 1,015 7HI 17 9 304 147 5,362 1,783

261 11 254 20 8 1115 30 3,808 265

93 89 761 696 9 9 109 117 1,5M 1,518

37 7 22 51 20 43 782 !l5

21 6 18 4 17 5n 28

16 4. 47 20 26 189 67

1,021 802 405 178 48 22 3,373 3,684 19,01-1, 10,5119

747 89 814 47 24 1,468 216 14,239 1,776

21,1, 713 In 131 24 21 1,905 3,4118 4,775 8,823 22 Economic Table-B-Il- Secondary DISTRICT


, I-Cultivators of II-Cultivators of I III-Cultivating IIV-Non-cultiva- No. of persons iand wholly or land wholly or labourers ting owners of deriving their mainly owned mainly unowned , ; land; agriculturll.i "econdary means rent receiverR of livelihood from:

I I I Males 'Females Males I Female" Males Females Males ,Females ,I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

RURAL I-Cultivation of owned land: Total 28,1i18 105,366 1,128 817 920 1,022 186 734 Self-supporting person;; 893 4i 713 379 83 129

Earning dependants 28.618 105,366 235 773 207 643 103 605 II-Cultivation of unowned land: Tot-al 7,423 1,792 483 1,448 1'10 47 15 22 Self-supporting persons 6,t45 :!34 68 12 13 8

Earning dependants 978 1,558 4R3 1,448 12 35 2 14 III-Employment as cultivating labourer: Total 7,1H 16,206 412 722 1,5.88 4,380 616 1,196 Self-supporting persons 3,325 692 207 28 341 369

Earning dependants 3,819 15,513 205 ti94 1,588 4,380 175 827 IV-Rent on agri- cultural land: Total 362 147 47 5 ~88 188 208 848

Self-supporting persons 274 60 44 2 364 134

Earning dependants 28 87 3 3 24 54 208 848 V-Production otber than cultivation: Total 10,475 2,886 367 111 498 256 1,044 459 Self-supporting persons 8,021 506 266 23 370 76 828 139

Earning dependants 2,454 2,380 101 ~8 128 180 216 320 VI-Commerce: Total 2,684 569 77 24- 103 63 414 109 Self-supporting persons 2,286 117 67 7 77 11 347 53 Earning dependants 399 452 10 17 26 52 67 56 12 VII-Transport: Total 461 35 ~l 2 10 5 44

Self-supporting persona 380 10 20 1 7 3 34 5

Earning dependants 71 25 1 3 2 10 7 VIII-Other servlces & miscellaneous 701 ~ources: Total 10,(,72 4,41)1 .39 22, 5S1 336 1,292 Self.supporting persons 9,050 912 318 33 454 [l3· 1,090 313 Earning dependants 1,9:!2 3,489 91 19J 127 243 202 388 Means of Livelihood 23 SATARA NORTH ------CLASSES ------Persons who derive their principal means of livelihood from:--

VIII-Other V-Production TOTAL other than VI-Commerce VII-Transport services and I miscellaneous ~lltivation souroes

Males IFemalesi Males iFemales I [Females! Males :Females I Males Femalee I 10 11 12 l 13 14 I 15 16 17 18 19 POPULATION

3,387 2,282 608 311 108 127 2,365 1,760 37,220 112,4.09

2,739 144 510 55 86 9 1,993 269 7,017 1,029

648 2,138 98 256 22 118 372 1,481 30,203 111,380

256 101 26 9 2 101 23 8,38.5 3,444

~98 8 23 97 2 tI,844, 2M

58 93 3- 8 1 4 ~l 1,541 3,]78

1,031 2,013 131 235 15 74 613 1,264 11,450 26,089

614 95 86 21 5 364 63 4,942 1,268

417 1,918 45 214 10 74 249 1,201 6,508 24,821

1,142 234 489 66 58 8 1,243 241 3,877 1,737

1,05n ijO 459 35 57 1 1,196 135 3,449 427

87 174 30 31 7 47 106 428 1,310

2,450 3,860 238 93 16 12 384 230 15,472 7,907

513 47 ]42 6 7 279 28 10,426 826

1,937 3,813 9t} 87 9 11 105 202 5,046 7,081

2t~ 74 699 3Q7 5 1 189 106 4,313 1,543

184 7 144 14 3 128 22 3,t35 231

58 t}7 455 583 2 6t 84 1,078 1,312

17 7 3 15 20 17 oi" 82

11 6 3 :l 10 468 25

6 12 20 7 UO 57

,i! 661 1'19 121 19 17 2,387 2,941 16,653 9,405

f,58 71 125 27 3 1,194 167 12,8~2 1,t1l7

~16 590 6-1, 94 i6 16 1,193 2,774- 3,831 7.78S 24 Eaonomic T able-B·II-Secondary DISTRICT


\ I.Cultivators of I II·Cultivators of I1I.Cultivating IIV.N on·cultiva. No. of persons land wholly or land wholly or labourers ting owners of deriving their mainly owned mainly unowned land; agricultufe.1 secondary means rent reoeivers of livelihood from: I Males IFouJ MaIM. Females 1 Males IFemales Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

URBAN (-Cultivation el awned land: Total 817 3,480 97 i2 .7 U 4i 38 Self-supporting perlone 67 43 16 43 18

Earning dependan&li 117 3,,(8' i6 82 64 72 5 IS

I1-CuJtiv.tion .f unowned land: TQtal 77. 259 22 HJ1 3 " 4 3 8elf·mpporting perlOn~ 4111l 11 2 4

Earning dependants 271 2,(1 22 197 1 • 4 2 III-Employment al eultivatinl I.bourer: Total 386 7i17 39 34 U 231 43 22

Self-mpportini perlODII 205 37 HI 26 8

Earning dependantll IiI 6.1i> 14 33 H 231 17 14

IV-Rent on a.ri- culturallandl Total 82 13 4 18 17 42 17

Self·.uppor~ing perlOns 10 14 2 12 18

Earning dependante 2 4, 2 (I 4 42 17

V-Production other than cultivation: Totld 637 290 25 26 59 74 97 49 Self.lupporting perlOne 406 46 17 2 III 20 80 HI

Earning dependants 281 244' S 23 31 .4 17 21

VI-CoDlmeree: Total 230 36 4 36 Ii 1~4 .. Self-supporting perlonil 1112 12 4 1 Ii 1 108 2 Earning dep0ndant. 38 24- ... 21l .. Hi 2

VII-Traolport: Total 72 12 9 2 20 Self· supporting penon. 65 3 7 HI

Earning dependants 7 9 2 1 1 VDI-Other lervice. 6: mileellllneou. l/l •••rcel: 'fotal "~3 111 29 36 .~ 37 lItil S.lf.mpPoFtin, perlonl lUll 14 211 2 27 11 S2~ 45

Eallnini dependant. 77 87 16 38 liB 26 23 20 Means of Llyelihood 25 SATARA. NORTH CLASSES Persons who derive their principal means of livelihood from:··

VIII-Other V.Production TOTAL VII· Transport services and other than VI-Commerce miscellaneous cultivation sources

Males Females 1'4ales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 , I - I - POPULAlION 331 Iii. 225 10 43 6 307 82 2,025 3,997 269 8 215 :l 40 348 13 1,015 57 82 148 10 8 3 6 19 69 1,010 3,850

20 3 14 1 8 2 42 12 883 391

19 1 12 5 37 4, 578 17

1 2 2 1 3 2 5 8 305 374

53 146 9 36 10 37 100 412 1,296 33 15 6 1 5 24 8 315 70

20 130 3 35 5 1 13 92 297 1,226

600 51 761 22 139 22 1,649 1411 3,295 ~96

568 17 732 21 134 1 1,617 127 3,145 193 32 34 29 1 Ii 21 32 22 159 103

882 1,018 84 31 22 14 1M 92 1,952 1,584 93 11 49 10 7 1 78 3 749 ]12 789 1,007 35 21 15 13 77 89 1,203 1,472 112 26 416 119 12 8 lUi 41 1,049 240 77 .. 110 6 5 67 8 573 34 31i 22 306 113 7 8 48 33 476 20i 20 111 36 26 204 13 10 16 7 126 3

10 4, 35 19 79 10

247 141 216 57 2t 5 886 743 2,361 I ,J ~4 189 18 1811 20 21 274 49 1,4.17 1111

1i8 128 27 37 8 1) 712 694 944 1,035 26 ECONOMIC TABLE-B-III-EMPLOYERS, EMPLOYEES AND BY DIVISIONS AND DISTRICT NOTES :-1. In this table, the self-supporting persons in the non-agricultural classes have been classified according to the productive industrieA and servicllB in which they were engaged. In addition to the 67,289 self-supporting persons shown in the table, there were 2,457 self supporting personli! who dllrivud their livelihood from unproductive activities as shown below:- Non-productive means of lIvelIhood: Persons.' Males. Females 11) Persons living principally on income from non-agricultural property 216 90 126 (2) Persons living principally on pensions remittances, scholarships and funds 1,029 .909 lZt) (3) Inmates of jaiJ8, aIm houses & recipients of doles 7 5 2

(4) Beggars & vagrants 10,99 870 22~ (5) All other persons living principally on income from non-productive activities ... 106 31

Rural A reas of Talukas and Pet'a8 of

Satara Pat an Koregaon, OCCUPATION and and Khatav, Man, Karad Jaoli Phaltan, Wai, Khandala and , Mahabaleshwar 2 3 4 ------All Ilidustries and Services. Total P. 11,554 5,294 2],365

M. 10,175 4,662 18,879

F_ 1,3-;'9 632 2.487

Employers M. 370 33 494

F. 36 53

Employees M. 3,371 1,311 5,568

F. 474 71 261

Independent M. 6,434 3,318 ] 2 8J7 'Vorkers F. 869 561 2,173

Division 0-- Primary Total M. 643 203 1,149 Industries not elsewhere 3pecifu.d. F. 33 11 95 Employers M. 14 64

F. 5

Employees M. 53 32 161 F.

Independent M. 576 171 924 "",'orkers F. 32 11 86 ___------INDEPENDENT WORKE.RS IN INDUSTRIES AND SERVICES 27 SUB-DIVISIONS SATARA NORTH 2. The census definitions of the terms employer, employee and independent worker were as follows :-

Employer: A person who had necessarily to employ other persons in order to carry on the business from which he secured his livelihood. (Thus, if a person empJoyed a cook or other person for domestic service, he was not to be recorded as an employer merely for that reason. )

Employee A person who ordinarily worked under some other person for a salary or a wage in cash or in kind, as a means of earning a livelihood.

Independent A person who was not employed by anyone else and who did not also Worker: employ anyone else in order to earn his livelihood. ---- - _---- Urban Areas of Talukas and Petas of Total for the District ----- S atars KOlegaon, and i>:hatav, Ma~, Rural Urban TOTAL Karad Phi\!tan, Wal Area~ Areas and MahaboJeshwar 5 6 7------8 9 15,728 13,347 38,?14 2 9,Q75 67,2S()

13,702 1 J ,759 33,716 25,461 5D,!77

2,026 J ,588 4,498 3,614 8,ll2

822 654 897 1,476 2,3i3

53 44 811 ~r7 186

6,913 5,285 10,250 12,198 22,448

733 597 806 1,330 2,13[;

5,967 5,821) 22,569 11,787 34,35(;

1,240 947 3,603 2,187 .5,790

204 241 1,995 445 2,-i4'@

18 7 139 25 164

3 78 3 81

6 6

36 55 246 91 337

4 4 4 8

168 183 1,6n 351 2,022

14 7 129 21 150 28 Table B-1I1 - ~------Rural Areas of Talukas and Petas of

OCCUPATION Satara Patan Koregaon, and and Khatav, Man. Karad Jaoli Phaltan, Wai, Khandala and MahBbleshwar 2 . 4 ----I 3 Sub·Division 0.1- Total M. 503 118 I,OiO Stook-Raising. F. 31 7 62 Employerl!l lf. 7 59 F. 1 5 Employees 1.\1. 32 12 ]50 1<'. 4

Independent M. 464 106 i31 \Vorkers F. 30 7 53 Sub· Division 0.2- Total M. Rearing of small animals & inseots. F. Employer. M. F.

Employee~ M. "F. Inoependent M. Workers F. Sub-Division 4).3- Tota.l M. Plantation Industrie$ F. Employerf M. F. Employees M. F. Independent M. ..• 1 'VorkeI'!'l F. Sub·Division 0·4- Total M. 14 20 48 Forestry and cofteotion -'6£ products not ' F. 2t elsewhere specifiod. Employer~ M. F. EmploYQ6s M. 14 20 Ii F. Independent M. 38 Work9rs F. 22 -c ntd. 29 ---- - ~~----- lirban Areas of Talnkas and Petas of Tota.l for the DiBtdct - --~ I~ Satara Koregaon, and Kha.tll.v~ Man, Rural Urban Karad 'l:'haita.n, Wai "TOTAL and Areas AreBs M ahabaleehwar 5 6 '1 & ~ ---~-. 115 145 1}.661 260 '1,92J

9 11 JOO 13 JI3

'66 ~ 67

6 6

'6 '3~ '194 43 '237 4 .. U)9 167 J,401 "216 1,61.'1

'1! 4, illl IS ,101

'6 'I '6 7



• i 1

::11 4~ 82 '7'1 q51J

8 2 22 10 32 2 .2 2

38 12 44 ~2 11. .. >4 4 1 32 88 33 n

% ~~ 1r' 28 C; ---" ----- ~a Table B-lIr ---- Rural Areas of Talukas and Petae of ------I- l"latarlli J?atAn Koregaon, OCCUPATION and anti Khatlllv, Man, Karan l Phaltan. Wai. Jaoli I I Khandala alld 1Ilahaba:sh w ar 1 2 3 ------Sub·Division 0.5- Total l\[. Hunting (including trapping and Game F. Propagation. ) Empfoyers M. F. Employees M. F.

Independent M~ ""Vorkers F.

"Iup·l'Hvision 0 Ii-Fishing. TotaJ ::I:L f2& 65- ii\} F. 2 4 11 ltmployers ;\L 7 & F.-

Employees J\L 7 :I F.

I'mlependEmt 1\f. 11Z' 65- 53 Workers F. 2: 4- n

DIvIsion r - Mining. & Total M. 245- 114 287 Q,ua l'I'ying. F. lU l3 26 Employers- J\I,.- n 14 F.

Employees M. 7 3 F.

independent M. 227 n(} 273 Workers F. 10' 13 25

I"ub-Divi~ion 1.5- 'rota1 MI 24:5- 114- :?87 Stone-quarrying, €lay tlnd sand pits. F. 10- 13 25 Employers M. n 1 14 F. Emproyees M. '1 3 F.

Independent M. 227 110- 273 Workers F. 10' 13 26 ---- -could. 31 Urban Al't'fLS of Talukas and Petas of Total for the District ------; aLara Koregaon, .",d ;,"hatav,1\[an, l{urt\! Urball TOTAL KUl'ad Phaltan, Wl1i Area.. Areas and Mah abalesl. War 5 (i 7 8 9

15 15 i5


Hi 15 Jji


f;S :':H 250 87 :333

1 17 1 18

1:1 '12

8 '8

58 29 230 87 ::ar7

1 17 18

[1\) 88 646 18'1 :0833

7 27 48 . 34 82

1 2(\ '21

7 lQ ;; ll.'1

2 2 2

H:: 87 610 li'S :- 89

7 2.) 48 :32 80

Illl 8~ 64-6 18'7 '833

7 27 48 :34 '82

1 26 II. :27

7 10 .. n

:1 2 :1

92 87 610 f7D ~89

7 25 48 32 $ ;J~ Table B-III Rural Areas of Tallikas and Petas of 1- -~ ------Satara Patan I(oregann, Khatav, Man, OCCUPATION and I and I Karad ;Taoli Phaltan, Wai, I Khandala and Mahabaleshwaf 2 3 4 I - -- Division 2- Total 1\{. 2,020 753 4,906 Processing & Manu- facture-Foodstuffs, Textiles, Leather & F. 225 79 496 Product$ thereof.

Employers M. 60 7 70

F. 1 15

Employees M. 284 9(\ 1,2~0

F. 24 6 88

Independent M. 1,676 650 3,616 Workers F. 200 13 393

Sub-Division 2.0- 'l'otaJ M. 7 9 21 Food Industries otherwise F. 2 2 uncl8S8ified.

Employers M. F.

Employees 1\1.

F. 2

Independent 1\1. (\ 9 21 Workers F. 2

Sub·Division 2.1- Total M. 52 24 102 Grains and pulses. F. 2 1 3

Employers M. 7 5 12

F. 1

Employees 1\1. 35 18 63 F. 2

Independent M. ]0 1 27 Workers F. -con'td. 35

---- -~ - - ~-- ---, Orban 4.rea.s of Talnkas and Petas of Total for the DistricL ------Batura Koregaon, and Rhatav, Man, Rural :Orban Karad l'haltan. Wai T(')TAL a.nd Areas Are38 Mahabaleshwar 9 -5 6 _L 7 -----S ---- 1,435 1,126 17,679 3,161 10,840

276 11.16 SOD 471 1,271

>66 15 '13:; HI ~78

it -6 16 '17 311

::liO no ;,606 540 ..2,140

161 13 US 174 "292

999 1,481 5,942 "2,480 .:8,422

i03 ~n e666 280 246

7() 58 -87 '128 165

4 4, .e g u

(> '6 .(j

3 1 II ~

..2 2 4

67 5Z :36 lJ.19 '156

3 3 :: 6 .9

122 III 178 :23S "11 6 :: (i 9 15

22 2! 24 46 "10

1 t '1 .:2

57 '64 US 12'1 237

2 1 4 .:l '7

43 23 ~8 '66 194

3 2 ! .0 6 M Table B-1I1 ~) R ural A rea.s of Talukas ana Petas of

Satara Patan Koregaon. OCCUPATION and and Khatav, Man, Kamd Jaoli Phaltan. Wal. I I{handala alld I Mahaba~shwar r 2 I :f - - ~-- - ~- --

Sub-Division 2.2- Total l\r~ 10& 120' 164 Vegetable oil & dairy products. ¥. II} 9 26

Employers M. 3 :r 7

F., 1

Employees M. 29 5 4t

F.- 1

Independent M~ 16 H4! ll& Workers Y.- To' 9 24:

Sub·Division 2.3'- Total M, l' 9<16 Sugar Industries. F~ of(f

EmpToyel'B M. 2 F. Employees M: MS F. 3Z

Tndependent M. 96- Workers F. ~

SUb-Division 2.4- Total l\L s: Z Beverages. F.

Employers M¥ 1 F. Empfoyees M" 3: F:'

Independent M~ J Workers F_

BnlS-Division 2.0- 1lotal- M. l(}' ]) 2 'l'obaeoo. F_ l'

Employers M. • F_

Employees M. 9- T "I F.

rndependent Mr t ]' Workers F. ], ------conid. 35 Urban Areas of 'l'111ukas and PetitS of Total for the District - - -~~--- :,; atan> Roregaoll, and I~hatav, Man, Rural Urban TuTAL Karad Ph.lltan, Wai AresA Aress and Mahabalesllwl1f 5 6 7 '8 9 l- ~~~ 135 122 392 257 649

34 4~ 51 76 127

4 Ii 11 21 32

3 1 3 4 37 20 75 57 132

14 ::! 16 17

94 85 306 179 485 20 3, 49 57 106

I) 13 9-17 lit '!JUG 40 40

~ 2

6 10 848 16 :86t' 32 32

3 97 3 ~OG 8 '8

22 7 5 29 :34

3 4, .Ii

19 4 3 21 '2(\

2 1 2 II

39 33 13 72 ~Ii

·20 26 46 47

6 3 9 ~

25 3 11 28 ::1!l 13 14- 14

8 27 2 :':15 ::17

7 25 1 :':12 33 36 Table 8-1U Rural Areas of Talllkas and Petas of

Satara PataH Koregapn, and and KJ",tav, yIan, OCCUPATION Karad Jaoli Phaltan, Wa.i, Khandala and MahabaleshwaI' --- 2 3 4 Sub-Division 2.6_ Total M. 547 166 834 Cotton textiles_ F. 58 20 128

Employers ~Il. 4 9 F. 2

Employees M. 167 6, 255 F. 17 5 53

Independent :'II. 376 98 570 Workers F. 41 15 73

Sub-Division 2.7- Total 1\1. 340 IH 420 Wearing appal:ei (except footwear) and F. 11 3 25 made up tex tile goods. Employers M. 7 21 F. 2

Employees M. 16 5 10 F.

Independent ::.\1. 311 138 389 'Vorkers fl. 9 3 23

Sub-Division 2.8- Total 1\1. 542 161 1,868 Textile Industries otherwise unclassi- Ji'. 104 17 227 fied. Employers M. 26 16

F. 1

Employees M. 5

Jl'. 3

Independent M. 511 161 1,852 Workers }<'. 101 17 220

8ub·Division 2.9- Total M. 410 129 547 Leathllr, leath'?r product.. ;md footwel'lr. F. 31 28 45

EmpJoyer~ M. 13 2 F. 2

Employees l\'L 19 2


Independent 1\1. 3/8 129 543 WorkeTs F. 31 28 43 ------_--- -cantd. 31

(I rOOn Areas of Talukll.B and Petas of Total for thb Distri(' t - . - --- Satara Koregaon. snd Khatav, Man, Rural .1 Urban Karad i'haltan, Wai 1 TOTAL and Areas j Areas !\h.habaleshwar j "5 6 7 8 9

2IG 40.7 1,M7 ·617 .2.104

21 46 206 ·&7 273

:2 t 14 3 1·7 2 '1 :3

-52 H 489 '99 :aSS

18 -5 75 ~3 98

156 ::l5g 11. .. 044 .t>15 J,.a59

3 40 i29 -<&3 172

4340 -383 ilO3 "817 1.720

35 25 "39 60 91l

12 !1 28 19 47

I 3 'I 14

53 13 31 ~6 'm

.2 t ·S t4

359 -363 '8440 '!l32 a,ii76

32 24 35 ·56 91

60 327 2,57'1. "387 :!!,968

34 .,,3 -348 :'7 425 42 42

I 'J '8

18 -5 1tS .23

20 3 :21 ~

42 327 "2,5:14 ,a69 -2,893

H 41 338 ·55 393

337 265 1.Q86 'G02 'i,688

121 7 ~O;f, 128 232

17 16 15 33 48

9 2 .10 !J2

100 9 21 109 130

91 92 92

220 240 1,050 ~69 1,018

21 -6 1,92 26 128

------+ _------Table B-ur Rural A reas- of Talukas and PetllB of ------_------Satan:>· Patan Koregnon, 0CCUPATION. and aud Khatav, Man, Karad· Jaoli. Phaltan. Wai, Khandala aud :Mahabaleshwa.r l' 2 3 4

Division 3- Total 1.f. 31()' 211 835 Processing and Manuf8.ctur.- Metals. Chemicals and F., HI' II Frllductl thereof. Employers l\C s- E.

Emllroyees :M. S1 ]'!~ 382:

F. i

fndf'pendent M.­ 2311 4311 Workers F. ]1' 21

2ub-Divimon 30- Total l.r.- ~O9> Manufacture of metal products otherwise unclassified. F:, 11' 21'

Ernployern 111. T-

Employees .M~ r+

E •. It'

rndependent M:' Ulg, 18~ 4Q1 Workers F. ~(} 211

~nb-Divi~ion 3.1- 'l:oto.:t 1\1. Ii). Iron and Stool: ,Basic manufacture) F': 3;

Employers M_ 1· F.

RinpJoyees MI- 1~

l? 3·

Tndependcnt l\L 'Workerll F. lub·Divisiozt 3':2~ 1lotal- Mo. Non-ferrous metals. (Basic ma1lufficture) F2

Employers M.- F.

Employees M .. Y..

fndependent Y. 3& Workerll F. -contd. 3\) Urban Areas 01 Talukas allll PetRs of Total for the Distric-t

..; atara Koregston, and ~~hatav, :\Jan, Hural Urban 'rOTA L Kurad Ph"ltan, WOI Aren~ Areaa and ~rahabaleshwar(, 5 7 8 9 --~- ... ~-~- 501 965 1,3GIl 1,466 2,R3:! 19 27 48 46 9i

]4- 18 31 32 63

237 7\\4 482 1,001 1. .483

6 14 It 20 31

2liO 183 8,~3 -433 1,286

n13 ... 13 37 ~~(, ~b3 '277 167 8811 .44 1,333 ].314 1-310 37 ~~4 -6-S (, I 4 10 29 If 43

7tJ J 2 76 88 '1(14 ,>" 1 :'I * 197 145 784 ::142 a,129

11 10 36 :H -!lJ

lJ) l,,}

3 .3

1 'I

14 0<1,

3 ::l


38 40 Table B-1lI I- Itul'al Areas of 'l'alukas find Peta.s of ~"tal'l' Pat-an Korega()n, I IIml 1111(1 Khatav, :'>lan, OCCUPATION K"",,

Sub-Division 3.3-­ Total :II. 13 Transport Equipment. F. £l1Jploye,s ;\1. :F.

Emvloyee" M.


Indepemlt:mt 1\1. z 5 Workers 11'.

Sub-DiviBi011 3.4- Tot,a! :".1. Electrioal machinery, appal'atu~. F. appliancEls and supplies. Employers 1\1.


Empfoyees ~L Fo-

Independent M. Work-ers F_

EJub-Division 3.5- Tot .. l M. 3 328 Machinery {other than electrical ll1aohinery ) 1<'. including Engineering Workshops. _Employpr;,; 1\1.


Empfoyeei< 1\1. 45- 2 316 Jr. ... 2

lndependen t ;\L :{ 12 \Vorkers ]7_

~llr)-Dfvision 3.6- Totar M. :2 Basic Industrial Chemioals, Fel'tiliSPl' F. e.nd Powef Alcohol. Employers' M. F·

Employees M. F.

Independent M. "Vorkers F. -conEd. _--Ij,~ {lrban Areas of Talnkas and Petl1

108 18 108 326 2 .2 .2

5 -5 'i

55 HI {is ~Hi

48 ~ 48 .i56

2 2 '2

1 1 '1

'l 1

59 779 379 :83S 'ii.~t.'7

U 2 14 16

3 3 3

55 746 363 ~Ot -},164

1( 2 H, 16

4 30 i6 :14 50

II 1 ~ '7 \10

1 1 2 1

5 6 -~

1 2

1 1 1 !

-~~--- Table 8~m Rura.l ArellB of Talukas and Pet as of

Sata~:- - --l- Pl1tan Kor.!)gaoll, OCCUPATION and and I Khatav, Man, JaoH Phaltan,. Wai, Khandata aud Ka~' I Mahabaleshwar 4

Sub·Division 3.7- Total MI. Medical and l'harmaceutical preparations. Emptoyer& !f.. F.

I F.

llndependent M. Workers F: Sub-Division 3.8- Total M. Ma.nufacture of ch"mical' products othllrwise F': unclassified. Employers M •.

Employees M .. 1

F: l' l' JndeFendimt M"v Workers

Division .('- r ,685' 52Z 1,968- Processing and' ManiJ~ facture-Not elsewhere F .. 85' 42 113 alll>Cified.· Employers- M •. 18 6()

F •. 11 4

Employees Mi· 810 39

41 2 2

Fndf'penoent· Ml 85~ S11 ],869' Workers 43: 40' 107 gul).Divisiotl4".O- Total M1. 16& Il8 285 Manufacturing Industries otherwise ,mclassified. F •. 1· 6·

Employers M.


1!fmployees M1~ 6 Y..

rndependent M •. 16fV 118' 2H Workers 1 8 -conla. 43 Urban Areas of 'falukas and PetaB of - Total for the District

S atafa Koregaull, and ~thaLav, ~lau, -Rural Drb..... TOTAL Karad Phaitall, 'Vai Area", Areas 8.lHi Maho.haleshwur 5 (\ 7 s \)


3 3

:l l "3 \l

~ 2


60 1.'; 23 US :88

2 3 2 -0 7

(\ {} HI '10

45 3 l!'l '-48 ''>1)

2 2 2 It

'? '6 7 1:1

3 11 a

] ,ly60 670 -4,175 1,736 '5,9U5

55 37 246 92 332

-10 8 78 48 l26

1 5 1 6

3!!l 63 :S5l -412 lJi,26u

13 45 14 59

671 699 3,2t3 !l,~70 -14,51·3

41 36 190 77 267

211 189 571 406 ~71

5 15 5 '20

11 Q It Ii ~6

]6 4 6 20 -:.2tJ

2 2 3

192 183 551 ~75 ·92f1

3 14 3 i7 ------Table B-HI Rural Areas of Talukas and Petaa of

Satar", Patao Korega(ln, anti Hud Khatav, Man, OCCUPA'fTON Karaf~ Jaoli Phaltan, Wa.i. Khandala and M ... hobllieshwar 2 ------" 4 Sub·Division 4.2- ']Iota! :\[. 36 10 Bricl<~. tiles and other structural clay FT. ]I 2 products. Empfoyer!t Mi. 1


EmpToyees l\l. 1'$ 2


]Independent l\1l. 22: 7 \\lorkers ¥. }! 2

~ub·Division 4.:1- 'Co tal, RL 6- Cement, cemenn pipes and other F. ~('ment l)l'oducts. Employers l'IL F.

ErripToyees Ilf~ F. '" :J:ndependEmti "r. \Vorkers. F~

~lJB·Division .f. .f- '1lotal .1'IT. 909' 115 668 Non·metAllic mineral' produots F. 51). 21 27

}J~mployel'S ilL l! 27

F. 1

llilnployees lH,_ 71D 2

Y. 3t;' 1

llndepemlent l\f. 191 )12 639 Workers l'l'. Nt 20 26

Sub-Division 4.5- Total l\f. Rubber product& 1tl1Ull1-£.9

Employers ]If. Y.

Employeos lIf.

Y. G.-"",

1ndtlpendent 1'11. Workers F. --(i(Jntd. il'> - - ~--~ --- (lrbau Areas of Talukas and Petaa of Total for the Distric t ------_- -- Satara Koregaon, and Khatav, Man, Rural Urban Karad l'haltan, Wai TOTAL and Areas Areas

Mahabaleshwar C 5 I) 7 _-- 8 9

fil 8 46 &9 106

9 :I 3 12 Hi

10 1 10 U

40 IS 40 56

7 "7 ~

8 29 '9 ~S

2 3 3 6 8

3 6 11 !l

6 3

222 12S 1,6'.)2 ::348 2,040

14 6 103 20 123

1 28 I 29

1 i

132 6 7tti 1Jl3!l 364 39 40

90 119 948 2()9 1,1517

13 6 6:\ HI S!!

. 1

------..t6 TaMe B.. m ----- Rural A reas of 'l'alukas and Pet'aa of

flatsra Patsn Koregaon, OCCUPATION and fUld Khatav, Man, I\iarad Jaoli Phaltan. Wai. Khandals aud J\1ahsbaJeshwsr J 2' g 4 ---~ ------

~ub-Division 4.6- '.fotal M. 526- 287 991 Wood and wood products other thaIl' V. 24 15- 74, furniture and fixtures. Employers M. 14 24 F. ]l 3

Employees M. 4~ ]9 II".

In{fependent M. 469' 281 949 Workers F. 23' 1& 71

~cl)-ni'9'iSiQn 4.'1- 'l!otal M'~ '1', 3 Furniture and fixtures manufacture. - F. Employers M. F. Employees M. F. I'lldependent M. J) 3 Workers A F.

gul\·IlJivil!lion 4.8- Total M. 3} Paper and papelf products manu· F. 41 facture Employers- l\T.. F. :tmployees M. 3li

F. of

Independent; M.· Workers F.

Sul).JJiviSibn 4·.9~ '.t'otaJ. M. ~ Z 11 Priuting and Allied lnd Wltriel!. F;. 2 Employers M.


Employees l\:V. 6- % Ii F. 1 Independent If. s; Workers F. I

~- -=-conta. .n

Urban Areas of TaJukas and Petas of To~aJ for the' District _--- S atara Koregll.on, I am:! ~{hatay~ l\laH, Rural UI'ba'n 'f'OTAL Karad Phaltan .. Wai Are8~ Areas and Mahabaleshwa'l' OJ 5 Q 7 S 11 ~----.. -~ 427 \l06 h!ro4 ':733 2 ..l)37

25 28 113 {;3 166

i 38 '8 46

t i

45 26 ill '\Ill i:n

3 ~ 4 279 '4354 "2,359 375 " 'ro6 ;22 ;2'1 l'()!1 49 158 -(l ~ .. H


6 4 &0


IH 35 ;21 1\'79 "200

2 ::z :.! '4 20 4, :24 .2'4

I \)_

11i. ~q IrS !l38 '1"56


13 4, ::J ~1 ~20

1 1 2 4g Table B-UI Rural Areas of Talukas and Petas of [-- - -- Silt...... PataH Koregaon, anu IUld Khatav, Man, OCCUPN1'j,ON K,,,rad Jaoli Phaltan, Wai, KhandaJ .. and Mahobaleahwal" 1 t 3 4

Division 5- Total' .M 42~ 251 1,309 Construc;tiop and. Utilitiu. Y. 2& 1

lI:rnpfoyees M. 81 38 380 , E. 2" 15

llnd"ependent M. 322' 21Z 917 Workers 1:<' •. 23 1<1 119

Sui) - DiviSIon 5".f- '!Iota.! l"II. 33g. liZ 886- Construction and- maintenance- F. 19 74 117 Bujldinga. Emglb.l'eJ1S MA 1191 11 F. 1

Emproyoos ~f_ 4-& 10

E_ 2: 1

Dndppendent 1\f. 280- 6) 865 Werkers F. 1& 74 115

SuB-DivisIon 5:2'- Total M'. 41 107 95 Construction and mainteuance- Bridges, Roads & other F: 6- I> ']]r.anspor.t "Vorks. Emvlo}'ers M_ F.

EmpToyeps 1\1'. 113 75

.F. 2

Dndepenuent M~ :Ii 161 20 Workers- F~ S 4

~ul)-D[vision 5.4"- Totar 1\f._ 71 262 Construction & maintenance operations-Irrigation & other F. 2 agricultural works 1!:mployerli' l\r.


Einpfoyees 1\1'. 2'8 239 If_ 2


------~ -cunEd, if!}

-~ -~--- Qrban !\.reas of Talukss and Petas of Total for the,District --- Satara Koregaen, -1- and Khatav, Man, I Rura! Urban Karad 1:'haltan, Wai TOTAL IlJld I Areas Areas Mahabaleshwar 5 6 I 7 g 9

673 469 {,982 1,042 ~;O24 39 43 235 $2 .311

17 26 22 42 114

2 :2

191 144 499 335 ~34 6 17 17 23 49

365 300 J ,451 <665 .2,116 33 26 216 -59 2Hi 400 366 1,287 '766 :2,053

33 35 210 (is :278

17 25 31 42 '13

2 2

26 64 50 :90 140

13 3 13 16 357 277 1,206 '634 1,840

33 22 205 -55 .260

11 8 249 t9 :21)8

2 12 "2 ·14 60 Table B-IIi ------Rural Areas of Talukas and Panas of

RatarlJll Patan Koregaon, I')CCUPATION and and Khatav, Man, K-arad' lac!;' Phaltan, 'Vai, I Khandafa and Ilt'[ahal'>a~Bhwar 2' 3 ------Sub·Division. 5-.5- Total M. 15- 2 WorKs & Services-Electric b'Qwur & Gas &upply. F. I' Employem MI. ...•. Yo

EmpToy.ees My HI 2' 11':

lindependElnt 1\1'., ~ Workers F. Il flu 6· Division 0.6:...... Total M'.- 1{y F 10 Works & Services-Domestic & Industrial water supply. Y.

Employers M_ 1


Empfoyees M. 12- F;,

lhdependent M.- ~ I g \Vorkers F.

Sull-Division 6.1- Total' M •. 6- ~ 55 Sa.r.itary worke & services including V. 10 eea.vengere: Employers M.·


Employees M. 5, 8 5&

F. J()

I'ndependent M •. Workers· F •.

lIi'vlsi(lIf 6"~ 'llotal M~ 1,.057 724 2,08S €:ommerce.· F .. ]25' 81 321

EmpIoyen; M:.. 60' 10 «101

Y. 11' l(t

EmpToyees M. 213' 95- 230

F .. 41 7 fr

Independent M. 784; 619 \,651 Workers F. ll(} 74 30& Urban Arf'a~ of 'falnlins and Petas of Total for the 13istrict

S ataru. Koregaon, ami ;ihatav, l\fan" Urban TOTAL Kal'a~ Phaitan. Wai )\r"RS and lIfuhaba1es1.wlI1' 5 t\ 7 8

60 41 101


58 41 13 '99 1112


2 4, .:l kl

t 1

II 21 :2~ -80 -57 " 4- 4 1 1

9 U 9 -21

21 it :21 35

4, 4 4

57 33 ~9 '90 q59 4 1'6 '" ;J.4

57 31 '68 '88 lJ&7

4 HI 4 14

2 2 :!!

3,554 ~,~40 3,86IJ 0 ~,79! 9,6GB

329 204 529 -533 1,060 535 314 271 ,g49 ],120 36 16 2\ 52 'i3

],029 3SS -538 1)117 1,956

]0 26 1'6 36 ,52

1,990 1,538 3,060 3,528 '6,688

283 162 490 445 '935 5-1 Table 8-II1 [- Rural Areas of Tlllllkas and Petas of Patan Koregaoll, ) ~utara I and r And Khatav, Man, u{'CUPA'flON Karad ;Tao Ii Phaltan, Wai, KhflIldaJa and Mahabaleshwllr l 2 3 4 -~~- ~------~ 134 190 • Sub-Division 6.0- Tot'll M~ 207 Hetail trade otherwise lll.lldassified. F~ 3Z' J~ 91

Employer!> 1\1. 1$ 6 F· 2" Employees M. 33: 19 8 F. 4

Independent 1\L 160> T15 176 'Yorkers F. 2& 13 91

'~ytn-D\v~'S>\)n '0 .... - ~,,\;,,\ ~\. <;.%f&. ~JH. \,lI:< Retail trade in foodstuffs (including bm'erages Y. 77 ao 171 & nar

F~ H 6

Employees ?oJ. g',? :to 131 F. 5 I'ndependent 431 :f6'1 869 "Vorkers "L F. 71 54 161

:511b -Divi>lion 0.2- 'I'otal }L 34> 12 25 Retail trade in [lle l. (including pet.rol) F. 2' 3 2

Employers l\J.. :;. \) F. 2

J;mployees )f. 4 4 5

W. I

I'udepende.nt M.• 21 8 11 'VollkeI'S' F. 2" 2-

S'ub·DlVision 6.3- Total 1\1. 87 91 211 Retail trade in t<>xtile and leather goods. F. 2 15

Empfoyers 1\T. I :I 39 F.

En1ployee" :U. 20- 6 27


Independent M. 66 82 145 'Yorkers 11'. 2 1 I4

-~ - --~--- - -contd. Orban Areas of Talukas and Petas of Total for tile) Diatrid

Satara Koregaon, and Khatav, Man, Rural Urban Kal'ad l'haitan. Wai TOTAL Areas Areall Iilld 1 MahabatshWIl.'l" ___ 5 7 8

678 (i05 ii31 1,483 '2,014

87 43 142 130 :272

105 60 20 lfi5 385

14 3 2 17 19

359 l()0 (\0 459 .D19

1 6 5 H

414 445 451 S59 l3W 69 39 134, 'l08 242 1,403 !J09 2,081 2,312 4,393 208 J36 303 647

196 138 161 495 13 10 11 3' 238 Hi! 253 ii42

1 21 6 22

969 620 1,661 :,589 -3,256

lll4 105 286 299 ·585

232 78 71 310 :381 20 13 7 -a3 40 32 19 12 '413

4 2 4 6

7i 18 '95

2 1 ~

123 41 216

14 ]2 26 30 483 405 389 1,277

5 6 18 U 29

122 6f! 43 il.90 233

2 2 4

112 59 53 224

1 1 2 241) 278 293 52V 820

2 3 17 22 Table B-JII Rural A reas of Talukas and Petas of

Satara PataI'} Koregaon, OCCUPATION and and Khatav, Man, fial' .. !t JaoH I PhaHan, Wal. Khandala sud Mahabalesh war 2 3 4 ------Sub-Division 6.4- Total M. 60 33 30 Wholesa1e trade III fuodstuffs. Fr 12 r 8

Employers M. t 4

F'r ~ 1

Employees l\f. 14

F~ 2

Independent M. 45, 29' 23 ~7oTkers F. 1 1 7

'ub-Divli>ion l}.5- Total M. 8 12

Employees M. l' 8- 17

F. I

fndepend\mt M. 'j, -t< 411 Workers- F. ]' 33

SUb-DiVision 6.6- 'Bot... ! M. Beal Estate. F ..

Em~loyers 1'II.. F.

Employeeq 1'11. F: rnd3pendent 1\1. WorkerlY F.

IUb-Dividion 6.1- '!;otal M •. Insurance. Y.

Employers 1\1. F. Employees M. F. Independent M. Workers F. ------con rd. 55" Urban Areas of Talu)",s amI Petas of Total for the District

;3 atara K1)I'egaol'l, and i.I.. hatav, ~Jan, Rural Urban 't'DTAL Karad Phaltan, Wai Ares,. A'reas and l\Tahabalesl.wl1r 5 6 7 8 9

17 123 lS HI

3 ;2 21 5 26 "2 i5 a 8

4, 4

3 2it 3 24

li! 2

'12 1)7 12 109

:I 2 '15 5 20

92 Hi9 471l '207 '686

2 36 2 38

18 13 25 31 56

2 II. 2 3

7 12 26 19 15 1

67 no 428 ~517 385

34 .34

2 2 2

'1 ~

1 1


31 3 45


3 5 56 Table B-III

Rural Area~ of Talukas find Petas of 1- Satara Pattln Koregaon, and an(1 Khatav, Man, OCCL'PA'I'lON Karnd Jaoli Phaitan, Wai, Khandala and :\fahabaleshwar 3 _ ----- :!" 4 Sub·Division 6.8- Total M. 98 3& at> Moneylending, banking & other finanl'i"j bu&iness. F.

Employers 1L 4 F. Employees- M. 49 :J4 39

1". Independent M. 45 J4 IS Workers- F.

IDivlsion' 7- Total 1\1. 167 7& 472' Transport, SCorage & Communications. F. 5- 8 12

Employers 1\L 5 20

F. ]1 Employees M. l46 71 335 F. :? \)

kllliependent 1\L IS 7 '117 WOl'kers F.

~ljb·DivisioD 7.1- Total 1\L 43 29 17B 'transport by Road. Y. i 6 .J,

Employers 1\L l 20 F. 1

Employees M. 25 22 5~ F. 3 Independent M. l-5 tOO Workers " F. 3 6

Su\,·Di"Vision 7.2- Total M. :;. 11 30 Transport by '\'ater. F. 1 Z 5

Employers M. 2 F.

Employees ~L ~ 11 1:1

C Y. :! Inderrendcn t M. \ 17 'Yorkers F. 5 -(, ntd. 57

-~-~- -~-~~- - -- l_lrban A.reas of Talul!as and Petas of Total for the'District

--~ --- --~- - Satara Koregaoll, and Khatav, Man, Rural Urba.n Karad l'haltan, Wai TOTAL and Areas Areas Mahabaleshwar 5 6 7 8 9 ~~~-- -I - ~-- -

~28 10~ 192 532 124 4 3 7 7

61 14 5 75 SO

1 1 2 2

201 42 112 243 ~55 2 2 4 4 166 48 75 :214 :289

1 I i

802 600 '117 ",402; 2,119

5 4 25 '9 34 20 12 25 32 .57

1 !i 631 475 552 1,106 1,658 5 8 6 14 151 113 UO :264- <10t ;; 16 3 19 612 360 250 '972 3,222 1 3 14 4 18 20 12 23 "32 -55


Hl 240 105 681 ~86

3 4

I'N 381 151 108 -~ 25'9 8 10 3 13

3 I} 52 12 i>4

8 8 2 2

3 4 32 7 39 2 2

5 18 5 23

6 6 58 Table B~m

Rutal A reas of Talukas a.nd Pet all of

Satara Patau Koregaon, OCCUPATI(}N and and I Khatav, Man, Karad Jaoli Phaltan, Wai, I aud i Mahaba:Bhwar 2

Sub-Divillion 7.4- Total M. 12 169- RaHway transport! F. 3

Employers M. F.

EmpTc>vees ~I.. 1Z 3 169' F. :} Jindependent M. Workers-

SUl).Divisian 7.6- Total' Postal S erviOOli. F. 91

Employers- M",

E'mproyees M~ III

T'lldependent M.l. Workers

SilO-Division 7.7- Total M. ':telegrapb Services. F.

Employers M •.


Empfoyees M.


~ndependent M~ WorkerB -confd. Urban Areag of Talukas and Petas of Total for the Dietrict

"l ar.a)"a KoregaoD, and I{:hatav, Man, Hural Urban 'l'OTAL KarM Phaltan, Wai Are .... Areas and Mahabales\,war 5 6 7 8

10 131 141

10 131 :185

166 44()


177 166


4 co Table B-Ill Rural Areas of 'l'alukas and Petas of

Satara Patat1 Korega(ln, and Khatav, iIIan, OCCUPA'1IION and Karad JII.(}IL Phaltan, Wai, I Khandala and MBhobaleshwar ------3 4 Sub-Division 7.8- Total 1\L T"lephone SerVicAf'. F.

Employers Mi. F.

Employee .. 1\I.


!independent 1\J1_ "\.Vorkers

fhb-Dhision 7.9- TotaL lU... \l/irl?less Services F.

Employers 1\T.


Employees 1\1. ]


IndepeIllIl'nt l\F. \-Vorkers F_

Division ff- Total M. 1,415- 897 2,316 Health, EducatioR & Public Administration. F_ }(r} 44 126

Employel'So M. 2

Employe~s M 824 2,266

F. 42 124

Inuependent 1\1 139 71 50 lYorkers

F. 5 2 -could. 61 - -~~------_-- Crban Area" of TalukBS and Petas of I Total [01' the District -1-- -~------S atlU'u Koregaon. and ::>:hatav. Ma~, Rural Urban T(}T)\L l\a4'ad Phaltan. \VaI Area" Aress and MnhabaleshwflT 5 6 8 ------'----




3,036 '2,li9 4,628 .fi.225 '9,803

404 318 271 '!752 :l;{)23

19 4. 31i '23 ~8

1 !I. ~

~.933 2,08.a 4,333 ~.{J18 '9,351

39§ 339 26~ no ~9.

84, 100 260 184 444

8 8 8 16 24 -- -- 62 Table R-IU - ---~~ ------Rural Areas of Talllkas !lDd Petas of

Satara Patal) KoraganD. and and Khatav, Man, U(5;CtJPATION Karad J'aoh Phaltan, Wai, Khandala and :\Iaho.baleshwur ]) 2' 3 4 ------buh-Dh·jsioD 8.1- Total M. 56- !4 93 Medical & other lIeo.lth. Services. F. }S; 4 12 Employers M. .. So Z F, 1

Employees M. 2& 32' 4~

]f, 8- 4- 1&

Independent M. 3(), l() 50- Workers- F. 5- 1

Bub-Division 8.2:'_' 'EotaJ l\1~ 602: :nz 921 Educational Services l!t; Research_ F:' 5]) 2' 00

Employers. M~ 2~ F:'

Employees Mr ~6' 251 927

K 51' 22' tI()

lbdependent M:' ros- In Workers FT 2'

Sub-Division 8.4'- '])0001' M. )4(}' 115- J53 Police (other than village we.tchmen). F: T iJ Employers M_ F.

Employees M.- 140> J11>- 153

F, 7- &

Independent M~ Workers .F.

S,\l'>·Division 8.5-Village Total M., 457i J2. 1'101 officers and aervanh including village wa.tchmell. Fr 29- )3c 4&

EmpfoyHs M. F.

Employees M. ,;57- J:2t 801 F. 29- IS; 40'

:fndependent M. ~ Workers Fr ------_--- -c,mtd. \13

-~ (lrban Areas of Talllkas .md PetaR of Total for the Distrid

SatanL Koregaoll. and Khatav, :\{"n, Rur~t Urban Karad l'haltRll, Wai TOTAl. I-llld Areas Areas M ... habalellhwar 5 6 7 8 9 -'--

238 277 \93 -M5 -;()~

94 J(JJ ~9 197 :226

19 4 Ii 23 :31

I 2

141 173 U5 :SJi .!JOY

86 95 22 l81 "21)3

78 IOU 90 178 "265

8 .. 6 15 21

702 6:3 1,8-11 1,325 ::3.,IlG6

194 186 135 :386 51i)

27 27

696 613 1,6·U ; ,319 :2,9611

]94 185 133 .a7S 512

6 170 6 1176

2 i 3

711 33;! 408 ~ ,043 ,451.1

11 2 12 13 .25

711 332 f08 fj ,45'1

11 2 12 -20

4 ],379 78

2 82 2 84

4 74 1,379 78 ,Hi]

2 82 2 64 Table B-lII ---- Rural Arsas o.f Talukns ,md Petas of

S ,tara Patan Koregaon, OCCUPATION "lId aud '" h ..ta.", 'Ian, Karad JllOh Phaltan, Wal, Hhandnla. fllld I I\rah!lbal~Bhwar 2 3 4 ---- -_--

:SU~).Dl\ ISlon 8 (i- 'fotal ;\1- 11 1'" 46 Employee!> of MUnl

]n€!cpendentl :\1' \.Vorkers F

$I'tO Div181OI'l 8- ';- T01la.! 1\11 ~& :2b5 239 ~rnployee~ of State- Governments (but Jr. 6 not mclurlmg perOfOns olasslfJl.tble undel' Employers lW any other dIVISIOn 01' au b.-dJ." 19lOn.. l- Jf.

Employees M. f>~ 265 239

y_ 1 f>

»nnependent :\~. 't}lorl\"ol'S!; F.

«'"b-rhvlm"n S S- Total ~T_ In 24 IYi I:;mployPe'> of the Umon. GoverIuncnt (but not F. ]! 2 3 llicllldmg person» cJasslfmlIJle undeI! f'mpTe>yers l\'f. any other dl\ 1810n Oll ~tlb-dn'lslon ~ IF.

JEm l? fuy-ee~ l\D. n 24 57

F_ 11 2 ;;

]ndependent ~L Workers W. :m ... i'sioD 9- '¥&tRl M'. 2.2E1' 90P 3,0.9 Services not elsewhere SVM\fM!l1 11'. '5{) 274 1,141

Employols ~L l>4~ 11 31

F. .20 17

Empfoyees \f. .Ji53 128 555

~'. 2(\~ 11 15

liUlepf'ndent Sf. 1 606 770 2.963 'Vorker" F. 431 263 1,10g

~~ -~------,;ontd. 65' (J r uan Area" OJ 'l'alukas alld Petas of I Total for the Di8trict -~ :) atm'a Koregaon, -1- and Khatav, Man, «ural Urban TOTAL Karad Phaltan, Wai .Area~ Areas and Mahabaleshwar 5 6 \ -; 8 9 ,------296 253 73 549 622

51 41 95 95

296 253 73 549

5t 95

1,082 609 562 1,69 t

51 13 1 (i4

1,0&2 609 1,6!H

61 13 >64

3 21 172

6 7

3 21 119S


2,438 2,571 6,659 5,00"9 11,66~

875 695 2,H15 1,570 3,735

111 ]1l4 184 305 "Sit

[, 21 37 ~" '63 1,130 1,141 J ,135 2,271 3,407

132 184 325 316 6H

1,197 1,236 5,339 2,433 7,772 738 490 ],803 ],228 3,031 66 Table S-UI ------Rural Areas of Taltlkas and Petas of

- _------~-- Satara Patan Koregann, and and Khatav, MOil. OCCUPATION Karad Jaoli Phaltan, Wai, Rhondala and MahobaleshwM 2 4 I ------3

8~b-Divi8ion !Hr- Total M. 1,223 390" 1,832' Services otherwise- unclassified. F. 575- 22S 894-

Employers 1\1. U F. 17 l:f

Employees M. 162 frS 113 F. 24;1 lO &

Independent M. 1,021 322 1,719 Workers F. 311 Z\S 876

SUD-Division 9~r- '1Iotal Mi 12}: 38 26~ Domestic services' (but not including. F:. 'l6' It) C,Z services rendered by members of EmployerS' ~L ?: f amil'y hOllseholdl!t to. one another)._ li'.

Employe('s M.- US< 3& 226 F: 41 (j Independent l\L 44- 3- liS ",rurkers F:. 66- 1'0- M

8ul:i-Divf~on 9.Z:- Totar M~ 306> J64 428 Berbers and beauty 81iOpS. F:' 9- 5- 3i1

Employers M~ 30- 2 ~ F:.

~mpIOyees M.- ~. , F:- 'fudependtlDt l'fL fS!)'- l6l' 424 Workers F~ 9 5- 31

SOD-Division 9.3- Total M.· J.60l 3'; J6& L8u~ldrieB and Laundry 6el"VICes. F.- 2& n 68

Employew M_ 20'

}<'_ }' J

Employees M.- 4'2: .I! Fv

Tndependent M.- 9~- 31 155- \Vorkers F: 19' n 61

__ -....C~,.______~ - -~~- -c,mtJ. 67 (1 rban t\reas of Talukas ------and Petas of Total for the District ----- Sutara Koregaoll. and Khatav, M<111. Rural Urban Karad l'haltan, Wal TOTAL lind Areas Areas Mahabalegll\\ at 5 fj ----_ ~ 7 8 !J 652 16 3,445 568 4,(J13 473 4 1,691 477 2,l74 H ·u

30 ~O liS \) 333 w. 4-10 30 :I 262 33 295 454 7 3,'068 461 '3,521) 443 1,4'05 444 1,849 D'W 1,395 423 ,9-H ~,1I61 810 592 HZ 902 1,044 2 12 2 14 1]6 ,') 1 5 '6 489 7tS -'336 iI,207 :).,543 88 15'i Ii} 245 :2lii 56 665 -85 720 SOl) 222 430 i 3t -652 783 166 li6 a98 -34l J,239 I 45 I 46 12 21 ~1'6 -33 ·13~

1 1. 11 ? ~l 24 "I Hi

137 tH 17'7l ~84 <1,056

45 45 106 lIS '353 :222 ·576 26 2l 99 42 ·14-7 3 5 2(} 8 ,,28 4 !! 4 '6 28 9 , oM :a~ -;gO 2 2 2

~5 i02 '2~O !l'71 ~6'7 26 16 97 42 ---__ ~39 Table B~m

huenl A rl",lb of Taluka. and Pet as of

::i"tara P "tall Koregaon~ OCCUPATION (I lid and Khatav ~ Man, Kar

l\I. :~ f; 12


F. 2 4

Indepenrleut ::\1. 56 83 231 '''olke!'> F. 11

Sllb· Divisio}ll !Ui- 1'ota] M. Hi5 Recreation sen·icC's-- Managers and employees- F. It> 8 of cinemas, musicians, actors, dancere. Employe! s 1\1. 15 acrobats, etc. F. 1

Employees 1\'1. 2t

F. 8

lndepernlent 1\1. 65 156 Workers lr. 5 7

:8ub.DiviHivn 9.L­ Total Mi. 30 72 Legal and blL~ilt~s". servieeli. Y. 5

Emplf'yern 1\1. 2 F. EmploytltlS M. 12 F. lHd"l'cndf'nt M. 3 Hi 40 ",rorkers F. 5 Sub-DivIsion g.7- Total Ill. 6 "AlltS, letters an.1 JQ,unaTi~lIl. Y. EmprDyenf 1\1. F. Employees :.11. F. lndf>pendem 1\1. 6 Vi'orkers F. $ub·DivisiQn U.l1 Total i\I, 77 ~oo lteligious, and Welfal'e Se1'vi<'t'S F. 45 45 ElllpJeryer; 1\1. 15 F. Emploroes M. H F. 3& Independent M. HO 77 200 )Vorker", F. 7 -c(lm;Zd. ii';} U rbl1n Areas of Talukas and PetaB of i Total for the Distripl - -\ S atara Koregaon, , snd Khatav, Ma~, Rural Urban TOTAL- Karad Phaltan, Wal Areru< Ar689 and Mahl1baleshwar 5 ----6 7 8 ~) 533 441 627 974 1,601

33 35 51 68 125

89 143 47 232 279

6 11 ~ l6 1-&

3.30 265 210 595 805

9 12 7 21 28 114- 33 370 147 ,vIi

HI 12 "8 3t "79

109 113 320 222 -M~

15 7 28 22 <"iO

5 7 18 U :30

2 :!l

47 48 35 ~lfi 130

5 8 U 13

57 58 273 115 '388 15 2 18 17 35 ]9t 81 105 272 :3'7'1

:J 2 5 5 ~O 2 \ ..3 70 28 44 '98 142 3 3 6 121 52 59 1'73 !!32

2 5 2 rj 86 II 6 46 ~ 1 2 1 " 15 HI 16

20 10 6 30 36

1 2 1 3 200 223 .76 423 8911

]5 .. 31 90 46 136 ,; 15 5 20 36 56 .4 92 136 2 5 38 '7 45 1(14 162 417 326 743 13 26 62 39 91 10



This index shows the number 0{ self-supporting persons, mares and females, having as their principal means of livelihood, the productive occupations shown in the index.

The index should be read with Economic table B-III. There were ~,4fI7 self-supporting persons who derived their principal means of livelfhood from unproductive activities as m~ntioned in ~he note to that table.

The group (,,,de numbers shown in colqmn 'z' of the index are the numbers given to the various oc:upatiom under the Indian Census Economic CIa3~ification Scheme

--~~~-f--~~'-~ - - ~~- Population Gronp Occupation Code ----~ No. Person8 l\

2 3 J 5

-~-- Aerated waterB and other beverages 2.40 25 25 manufacture Aeratt'u waters and ice vendors in shope 6.12 36 33 3

Artists, Bculptors and image maker& 1I.7l IS 16 2

Astrologers Ii.€> 8 S

Bakeries and other foori indumtrie& 2.0 11 8 3

:Banking and moneylendin§; 6.S 731 724 7

Barbe~B 9.2 1,285 1,239 46

Basket making: 4.64 630 502 128

Bee keepers 0.2Z 7 7

:Bldi manufacture 2.51 127 83 44

1Hacksmiths 3.01 1,041 1,005 36

Bticks, tiles and other structurat clay J.Z 1~0 105 15 products manufactur~ Brooms, mats and other woody materia.l!! 4.60 14, 11 3 manufacture Building construction works 5.10 857 735 122

Butcher'S 2.03 161 152 9

Butter, che.cse and other dairy ptoducts 2.23 247 184 63 manufacture

District Index of Non-Agricultural Occupations-col1lri. Population t Group ~ _---- - ()ceupation Code ! No • :Pel'sons Males FemalE's

) .:! 3 <1 5

EduCil.tional 8eFvices~-

ii Servants in edueatioIlaI institutions 8.20 13f; 90 46

ii) Teaehers s.n 3,523 3,051 466

iii} Profess(.rs, lecturers and 8.~ ~ 22 19 3 research. workers

Eleetrie appllBuces manufacture 3.40 1

):'lelOl'trieity supply 5.&t IZO 113 2

Engineering workshops ant{ meenanlm; 3.1> 1.233 1,217 16

EnginE'ers, surveyors and architect .. 9.63 82 82

Fishing 0.(\0 355 3:n IS

4.7 IT II

Gardeners 9.J3 318 2!H 24

Glasfllwa~e manuiacturB' 4.43 20 19

Goldsmiths> 4.0~ 905 S9f) 15

Govlllrnment empfoyccs:-

i.) State Go I'crnrnent. 8.7 2,324 2,253 71

Ii) UnionGovevnmen.~ 8.g 203 19& 7

'Gur msnufacture 2.31 26 20 6

Grain parehem 2.13 t 2'

Hand pounders of rice Ilnfl Cl'I'll';;{S 2.11 92 88 -#

Hat makers 2.74 19 17 2'

6.01 162 lQ9 f)::S

Hemp spinn~ng and weR.ving;: 2.8~ 233 218 15 Herdsrm)l} 0.11 1,693 1,595 98

Ho~italg and health services employee!!' S.W 298 248 :;."

lIo~itry manufacture and embroiderers- 2.12 49 42 7

House furnishing and lIext.ile goods 2.75 3 2 I manufacture

Hoteh a ...l restaurants f·.4 1,726 ],601 12'5

Runtin~ 0.5 16 15

Hydrogenated oil manufactUI'B 2.22 District Index of. Non-Aericultll"fll OCcup3t!ons -contrl. Population Group Occupation Code No. Persons Males I Females

2 3 5 . Ice manufacture 2.43 9 9

Ink manufacture 3.84 3 I

Insurance 6.7 45 45

Iron and steel manufacture 3.1 18 15

Ivory Bnd bone products manufacture 4.0 31 28

Irrigation and other agricultural works 5.4 374 369

Journalists, authors and editors 9 .,~" - 20 20 Lawyers 9.61 186 184

Lawyers, clerks 9.62 47 45

Leather works 2.90 41 41

Lime bUl'ners 4.40 64 59 'Ii

Masons 5.11 1,261 1,131 '130

Mazdoors i. e. unskilled labourers 9.0 2,791) 1,892 ~04 r~c..,;.', ~'[etal workers (excluding blacksmiths 3.03 140 and coppersmiths) Mint workers 3.05 5

Milling of cereals and pulses 2.12 332 323 :9

Midwives 8.14 18 14 4

Motor drivers (domestic service) 9.11 223 216 7 i\Iunicipai employees 8.6 717 622 '95

Musical instruments manufacture ,1,.05 10 10

Ordnance factoiY 3.06 8 8

Nurses 8.17 ]41 1141

Non-ferrous metals manufacture 3.2 3il 38

Paints, vllornishes etc. manufacture 3.83 :25 24 1

PaintE'rs and house decorators 5.13 213 187 26

Paper products manufacture 4.8 35 31 4.

Perfumes, cosmetics etc.:manufacture 3.81 3 :I

Photographers 9.73 17 16 1

Police 8.4 1,476 1,451 25

Postal Services 7.6 445 440 74 District Index of Non-Agricultural Occupa.tions-canta. ------_--.

\ ___ GrOilp ~puration Occupation Code No. Persons .!Hales Females T 2 3 .. 5


Pot,t~rB 4.41 1,220 1,14() , 80

Printing press wo-rkerS', 4..'.11 1,02<1 888 135

Pri~sts, sad hUB and religious workers 9.81 204 200 4

Pharmaceutical and medical prtlparations 3.7 7 4 3

Plastic materials manufacture 3.63' 10 8 2

Quarrying 1.5- 915- 833 82

Real estate ( rent collectors} 6.5 3 2 1

Religious edificfls, burial and burning Bround servants ;See also under "Priests" t 9.82' 11 11 Roads, bridges and other transport wl)rks. construction and maintenance o·f 5.2 282 268 14

Rope makers. 2.S& 2,565 2,249 316

RuMler products manufactul'"&o 4.5- 1

Sanitary workB' 5.7

i) Sweeper& 153 139 14

ii) Scavengen'l' . 20 20

SawyerS' 4.61 142 139 3

Services uncfassified 9.0 3,383 2,113 lA270

S:&08 making and cobbJiIl"gl' 2JtZ 1,472 1,355 117

Silk spiIUling & weaving 2.8& 39 19 20

Soap manufacture 3.82 35 33 2

StenographerS', acuountants and auditors 9.6~ 12 11

Sugar tmmuf!'!.C'ture 2,30' 980 946 34-

Sweetmeats preparation 2.0' 6 5 1

'I"iloFS 2.71 1,728 1,642 86

'Fanning. 2.91 407 292 115

Teiegraph ServIC"el'J" 7.7 4 4

Telephone S el'vices 7.8 3 3

'Fe~tiIes (miscellaneous) producfs 2.80

TobaccO' products manufacture 2.50 5 2 3 District Index of Non-Agricultural OCCUPations--contrJ. 15 PopUlation I Group Occupation Code No. \-~M"n. -,,~:. Females 1 2 I 3 ~ 5

Toy ihakers 4.09 II 9 2 Transport Services 1 Railway transport

i) Railway Employees 7.41 318 3J5 3 ii) Rail;ay hamals 7.42 70 7Q

2 Road transport 7.1

i) Bullock cart owners 92 S9

ii) B,icycle hirers 86 85

iii) Motor company workers 424 415

iv) Tonga drivers 14

v) Unclassified 624.

3 Water transport 7.2 72 64 Transport equipment repair,," ma.nufacture

i) Boat repairer 3.30 I

ii) B,icycle repairers 28 26

iii) Cauiage makers 1 I

iv) Motor mechanics 93 v} Railwa.y fitters

Trade retail in: 6.0 to 6.3

1 Bangles 287 193 '94 2 Bicycles .. , 86 86 3 Bookselling and Iltationery 136 130 4 Cloth and wearing apparel 1,248 1,223 6 Commodities other than foodstuffs 822 769 6 Dairy products 12t 84 7 Drugs and chemical stores 82 '18

8 Dyes 4,

9 Explosives ~ '0}

10 Eggs 101 '91

11 Electrical appliances 5 5 76 District Index: of Non-Agricultural Occupations-co/ltd. I Population Group I Occupation Code No. I Persons Males Females

1 2 3 4- 5 \ :~

12 Firewood and chl!rcoal 386 346 40

13 Fish ]26 98 28

14 FlowerS' 17 5 12

15 Fodder 13 10 3 16 Foodstuffs 4& 41 4

17 Fruits 187 143 44 l·8 Furniture and fixtur~ 13 13

Hl General stores 6'19 624 55

20 Glasswares 27 23 4

21 Grains and pulse., ],25-1 ],145 109

22 Grocers 1,11)5 1,084 III

23 Gunny bags 4 4

24 Hardware 54 53

25 Hats 2 2

26 Hosiery 4 4

27 Jewellery and orlllilllentll' ir.-. 28 28

28 Leather' 138 121 17 29 MeA,l 79 68 11

30 ~1il1.i 5l 27 24

31 Nim·sticks 2 2 32 Oil 90 77 13

33 Pan, lJidia and c.igarette~ 181 161 20

34 Perfumes, cosmellics, etc (; 3 ~ a 35 PetlOleum 35 35 36 Rope' 71 71

37 Milk; 9 9

38 SweetmeatS' 179 153 26 39 TOOlS 40 40

40 Tobacco> 69 65 4

.u UwbreHas 4 4 ----- District Index of Non-Agricultural Occupations -co ntrl 7'7 Population Group Occupation Code No. I--Persons }tlales IFemales 2 3 4 'l

---~ 42 "Utensils ] 05 86 19

43 Vegetables 450 30S 141

44 Watches and optical instruments 12 12

45 Unclassified 35-1, 346 8 Trade wholesale in :- ... 6.4 & 6.5 1 Animals 337 332 /)

2 Bones 10 10

3 Cloth 40 40

4 Commodities other than foodstuffs 7 4 3

5 Grains and pulses 75 63 12

6 Hardware 76 76

7 Jewellery 9 9

8 Motor 11 II !!

9 Musical instruments 1 1

10 Oil 16 15 t

11 Pan, bidies and cigarettes 68 61 7

12 Sweetmeats 1

13 Timber 70 70

14 Tobacoo 49 40 9

15 Utensila III 86 25

16 Wool 10 10

Umbrella repairs 2.70 20 17 3 I \' accinators 8.]5 4 4

Vegetable oil presser s 2.21 528 464 6i Vegetable gardening 0.30

Veterinary surgeons 8.18 18 18

Village officers and servants including 8.5 1.541 1,457 84 vi' watchmen Watches and clocks repair 403 34 34

Water supply (domestic) 5.6 61 57 4,

Woollen spinning and weaving 2.82 542 468 74,

Woodcutting 0.43 97 74 23

Wireless Service 7.9 1 --_ - __ 78 C-Household and C-I-Household DISTRICT

Total household population Total No. Total No. of house· of sample households TRACT holds

PersOns MaJes I Females I 1 2 3 4 5 6 I ----_ District Total 233,752 1,160,469 564,886 595,583 9,111

Rural 201,742 1,003,1'16 485,148 518,028 '},818

Urban 32,010 157,293 79,738 77,555 1,293

Rural areal of:-

Satal'll and Karad 56,(120 284,371 138,258 14(1,n3 2,342

Patan Bnd Jaoli 415,(177 215,415 101.948 113,467 1,747

Koregaon. Khata.v, Ma.n, Phaltan, Wai, Khandala and MAhabaleshwar 99,445 503,390 244,942 268,448 3,729

UrbaD are•• of :-

Sat-ara and Karad 16,346 78,412 40,050 38,382 6R9

Koregaon. Khatav, Man, "'ai, Phaltan and M aha baleshwar 15.M4 78.881 39,688 39,173 604

Note:-This table was prepared from 8. four per cent B&tnple of the households recorded in the National Register of Citizen. relating to each town or viJIage. The remaining C·series tables were prepared from a sampl6 count of approximately ten per cent of the census slip!!. Age ( Sample 1Tables .., 'l9 ( Size and Composition) SATARA NORTH

Sample Households

I Size of Households /------~ Small )Iedium Large Very Sample of household large population 10 members 3 members or lessl 4-6 nlembers 7-9 members Qr above

Num- Per- Males Persons I Femal:fNum~e~f ;ersons ;umbe:I'Persons I Number/ Persons ber Bons 8 16 17 7 I 9 10! 11 12 13 I 14 I 15

42,933 21,098 21.835 3,245 6,545 3.748 17 .925 1.660 12.330 458 6,133 36,862 17,969 18.893 2.739 5,595 3.264 15,531 1,442 10,598 373 5,138 6,071 3,129 2,942 501i 950 484 2,394 218 1,732 85 995

10,432 5,108 5.324 893 1,446 920 4,665 409 2,937 120 1,384

7,686 3,713 3,973 667 1,436 713 3,252 295 2,216 72 782

]8,744 !!,148 9,596 1,179 2,713 1,631 7,6)4 738 5,445 181 2,972

3,149 ],694 1,555 266 514 268 1,305 113 859 42 til

2,922 I,fi3S ],387 240 436 216 1,089 105 873 43 524 80 C-lIousehold and C-I-Househo\d DISTRIC'l'

------~- Sample ------Composition

I I I TRACT I Heads of house- Sons of ! Other I Other Iholds and their wives heads Daughters male female of of heads relations relations house- of house-I of heads of heads I- --- holds holds of house- of bouse h61ds Males Females I holds

IS. 19 20 21 22 23

---- -_ ~---- _" Total 7,179 7,363 9,577 7,079 4.316 7,359

Rural 6,129 6,351 8,154 6,067 3,660 6,447

Urban 1,t}50 1,012 1,423 1.012 656 912

Rural areas of :-

Satl>ra and Karad 1,744 ],837 2,335 1,761 1,029 1,726

Patan &; Jaoli 1,301 1,417 1,722 1,213 690 1,343

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan, Wai, Khandala and Mahabaleshwar 3,084 3,097 4,097 3,093 1,941 3,378

Urban areas of:-

Satara & Karad 550 528 729 574 315 f53

Koregaon, Kha.taV', Ma.n, Wai, Phaltan & Mahaba- leshwar 500 484 HII4 438 341 459 ------Age (Sample) Tables 81 (Size and Composition) SATAHA NORTH ------_---,-- Households

_- __ ------~-- of Households _------,~ Infants. non·adults and aduIt.s in households Civil condition

Infants (age Widowed or Non.adults (age Adults (age 21 Unmalried Married less than one 1.20 years) years and over) Divorced year) Fern· I Fern- Females Males 1\faIes Females Males Males Femaleiii ~Iales ales Males !F~male8 al€'s 24 25 . 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 939 958 10.724 10.498 9.435 10.379 11.144 8.285 8.497 9.907 1.457 3.643 805 834 9,)27 9,064 8.037 8,995 9.335 7,059 7,314 8,665 1,320 3.169 J 34 124 ) ,597 1.434 1,398 1,384 1.809 1,226 1,183 1,242 137 474

I\)3 166 ~,606 :!,574 2,577 2,013 2,103 2,309 428 1,002

HI 122 ],965 1,877 1,607 1,974 1,8ol9 1,251 1,517 2,013 347 709

471 5!6 4,556 4,613 .. ,121 ",.l3i 4,909 3,79;) 3,69t 4,343 545 1,458

.58 50 8{Ill 790 730 715 924 684 &98 625 72 246

76 ?91 614 668 669 Sall 585 617 65 228 82 C-ll-Livelihood Classes DISTRICT LIVELIHOOD

Agricultural clllSBes

Sample Population II-Cultivators Age I-Cultivators of of land Ill-Cultivating Group land wholly or wholly or labourers and I mainly owned mainly unowned their dependants and their and their dependants dependants

Persons Males IFemalesi Males IFemales /Males FemaleJ Males IFemales I I 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 I 10 Total

Total 117,432 57,549 59,883 38,692 41,088 1,232 1.137 2,254 2,337

0 3,805 1,928 1,877 ] ,247 1,:!28 49 42 60 42

1 -4 14,462 8,425 6,037 6,326 3,955 140 135 IIH 244

5 - 14 31,207 17,008 14,199 11,800 9,250 340 318 657 620

15 - 24 18,685 8,302 10,383 5,380 7,:;:99 176 167 401 333

25 -- 34 16,891 (l,fi62 10,329 4,043 7,513 165 173 299 344

35 - H 12,683 5,607 7,076 3,470 4,949 128 125 274 315

45 -- 54 11,358 4,654 4,704 2,991 3,213 120 93 187 226

55 - 64 tl,383 3,177 3,206 2,138 2,233 84 31l 122 132

65 - 74 2,783 J,287 ] ,496 869 1,05S 18 32 44 58

75 & Over 1,165 1194 571 424 385 12 13 19 23

Age' not stated 10 5 5 4 5 Rural

Total 101,423 49.412 52,011 36.946 39,328 1;128 1,05~ 2.1H 2,208

0 3,250 1,617 1,633 1,173 1,190 45 41 55 38

1 -4 12,640 7,499 5,141 G,100 3,7;;2 130 117 175 234

5 14 26,940 14,832 1~, 108 11,291 8.803 305 295 6:!3 586

15 - 24 15,887 6,917 8,97() 5,110 6,899 ]58 155 378 314-

25 - 34 14,704 5,50']' 9,200 3,898 7,263 153 162 276 328

3u - H 10,903 4,701 6,202 3,280 4,747 ]22 116 265 301

45 - 54 8,036 3,945 4-,091 2,842 3,059 112 3G 170 211

--~ -_- ~--- by Age Groups. ~3 SATARA NORTH

------~~ CLASSES

N on-Agricultural classes

IV Non- Persons ( including their dependllnts) who derive their principal cultivating owners means of livelihood from :- of lan'j, agricultural I rent receivers, V -Production VI VIII-Other services and their other than Commerce IVII-Transport II and miscellaneous dependants I cultivation sources

Males I Females I Males Females Males Females! Males IFemales Males Female!! I I 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


1,804 2,393 5,314 4,960 2.117 2,072 377 355 5.759 5,541 64 64 192 195 72 84 14 11 230 211 183 202 650 588 263 272 51 48 821 593 558 531 1,483 1,342 572 578 85 102 1,513 1.458 257 290 772 fl74 320 373 63 63 933 984 140 328 706 780 294- 304- 82 59 833 828 159 310 631 516 244 210 35 31 666 620 170 296 463 330 177 114 31 23 515 409

158 221 280 205 115 91 9 II 271 274

79 llO 106 91 52 35 3 4- 116 108

:16 4-1 31 39 8 11 ::I 3 61 56

Population 1.480 2.020 3,742 3,511 888 877 14-() 129 2.974 2,885

5G 4-9 135 139 31 40 9 (j 113 130

162 181 446 415 117 Jl8 2l 15 347 309

467 444 1,086 945 246 24G :36 45 7iS 74.1 184 227 522 610 120 155 14 13 431 4\17

108 Z83 487 550 t 22 143 33 29 427 44~

131 261 429 361 100 91 ]0 12 :~64 :H3

141 253 319 235 71 41 9 ij 281 200 --- by Age Groups. 85 SATAI:{A NORTH

- ---~- - CLASSES ._ - - - Non-Agricultural classes

.~-~---~ .. ---. TV Non- Persons ( including their dependants) who derive their principal ('ultivating owners means of livelihood from :- ( f land, agricultural , I rent receivers, V-Production VI JVIII-Other services !lond their other than Commerce I VII-Transport and miscellaneous dependants cultivation sources -: - - -_-- '1.1 ",les ! :Females 1\lale8 'Fernales I Males Females Males Femalesl Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

---- -~~~ .. _--- I 130 192 215 1540 57 29 3 3 141 154,

69 93 77 74 20 13 1 58 62 .3')- 37 26 28 4 2 34 3-1

Population 324 373 1,572 01,449 1,229 1,195 237 2lii 2,785 2,656 8 15 57 56 41 4' 5 5 Il7 81

21 21 20-1 173 146 15-1 29 33 274 28!

91 87 397 397 326 33;: 49 57 735 714: 73 63 250 264 200 218 49 50 502 487

32 45 2Ul 230 172 161 49 30 406 386

28 49 202 155 IH 119 25 19 302 307

20 43 144 95 106 73 22 17 234 20:')

:)8 29 65 51 58 62 6 8 130 120

]0 17 2!l 17 32 22 2 4 58 46

4, 4 5 11 4 10 1 3 27 22

---~-- ~---. 86 C-III-Age & DrSTRIC'l' Note:-The figures for divorced persoIlB have been included with widowed persons in this C--III table. Separate figures for divorced persons, McorJing to age groups, are as Ilhown opposite:-

Sample Population.

Total Unmarried I "Married I Widowed Or I divorced 1'RACT -- I P. ]\f. F. M. F. M. F_ M. F.

lI 2 :I 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 t Total 117,432 57,549 59.883 35,996 21,173 19,338 28,979 2,215 9.731 Rural 101,423 49,412 52,On 31,429 17,812 16,096 25,635 1,887 8,564 Urban 16,009 8,1:17 7,872 4,567 3,361 3,242 3,344 328 1,\67 e Rural areatl of:-

Satarll. and Karad 29,061 lot,1l8 14,943 10,86~ 4,143 2.930 8,265 320 2,535

Patan and il'60li 21,.27 10,427 11,300 5,712 3,873 4,406 5,602 309 1,8~5 Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Wai, Phaltan. Rh8ndala & Maha" baleshwar 50,636 24,867 25,768 14,849 9,796 8,760 1 J ,768 1,258 .,204 Urban areas of:-

Satara and KBJ'ad 7.953 4,073 3,6S0 2,300 1,670 1,597 1,611 176 5911 Koregaon, Khatav Man, Wai, Mahaba. leshwlU' and Phaltan 8,056 4,064 3,992 2.26~ 1,691 1.645 1,733 152 M8

_---- -~~-- ---~-- ---~ Civil Condition. 87 . SATARA NORTH

,Age Group Males Females Age Group Males Females Age Group Males Femalfs

Total 24 26

5-14 2 35-44 5 1l 65-74 3 1

6 45-54 3 75 &; over 1 1

25-34, 7 5 55-64 ------Age-O I Age 1-4 ___Age 5-1_4____ _

-I \ Widowed or _ ~ ____j T_o_t_R_1 _-'-----_T_o-,-t_R_I_--'-1 ~u_n_m_a_r_ri_ed_ _ _l\farri_ed__ --"- ___di_V_o-,--rC_ed_. ~

M. F. M. F. M. lII. F. !II. F. M. F.

11 12 13 14 15 1~·1 17 18 19 20 21 22

1,928 1.871 8,425 6.037 11,008- 14,199 16,823 12,220 18:1 1,927 3 52

1,617 1,~33 7,t99 5,141 14,832 12,108 14,652 10,301 178 1,765 2

311 244 926 896 2,176 ?,O(}1 2,171 1,9\9 162 10

~Sl 375 2,959 1,046 4,969 2,466 4,924 2,332 41') 1~6 7

385 359 1,417 1,165 2,909 3,024 2,836 2,258 72 752

899 3,123 2,930 6,D5! 6,619 6,892 5,711 61 887 1

Hil 120 440 443 1,052 1,001 1,050 948 1 2

150 124 486 453 1,124 1,087 1,121 971 3 108 8 88 C-IIl-Age & DISTRICr

Age 16-24 - Total Unmat'ried Married Widowed0r -T divorced TRACT


M. F. M. F. M. F. 1\1. F. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ------Total 8,302 10,383 5,781 ~HI 2,500 9,041 21 432 Rural 6,917 8,970 4,824 63,1 Z,075 7,958 18 379 Urban 1,385 1.413 957 277 425 1,083 3 53 Rural area5 01;-

Satara and Karael 2, 12~l 3,384 1,447 374 672 2,81l 3 199 Patan and Jaoli \,283 1,526 82.1l 5\1 I,M);;

Koregaon. Khatav, Man, Wai, Phaltan, Khandala & Maha- baleshwar :1,512 4,060 2.548 955 9 118 Urban areas of :-

Sa tara and Karad 719 722 546 15:! 17~ 530 40 Koregaon, Khatav Man. Wai, Phaltan all(Il\1f\habale~hwar 666 691 411 125 253 653 2 13 ------Ciyil Condition. S9 SATARA NORTH ------...... ~--~--- - Age 25·34 _---_- Total Unmarried. Married Widowed or I divorced J -~ -_- ---

M. F'. M. F. 1\1. F. M. F.

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

6,562 10,329 1.902 64 4,533 9,180 127 I,OSS ; 5,504 9,200 1,759 50 3,646 8,161 99 989 1,058 1,129 143 14 887 1,019 28 96

12 ],171 3,3115 318 826 2,908 30 395 21 1,292 2,] 35 79 1,185 ],890 28 224

3,041 3,750 1.364 17 J,636 3,363 41 370

666 68 480 115 18 47

492 563 75 10 4G7 1504 10 49 ------90 C-IIl-Age & ---- DISTRICT Age 35·44

Total Unmarried Married Widowed Or ~ Divorced TRACT M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 406

Total 5,607 7,076 290 3S 5,071 5,442 246 1.599 Rural 4,701 6,202 253 31 4,242 4,762 206 1,409 tIJ ban 906 874 37 f 829 680 40 190 Ru ral areas of:- Satara and Karad 886 1,985 123 1 720 1,555 43 429

Patan and Jiloli 1,173 (J 1,317 35 1,092 91H 46 32] Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Wai, Phaltau. 'Khandalll & Maha.- baleshwar 2,642 2,900 95 25 2,430 2,216 117 659 UrbaD anas of:- Satara and Karad 450 420 26 403 326 21 95 Koreg8011. Khatav, Man, Wai, Phaltan, a.nd Mahabaleshwar 466 464 11 4 426 355 19 115

-~-- ~-_------~ -_ Ci"ril Condition. -con td. 91 SATARA NORTH

Age 45-54.

I Total Unmarried Married i Widowed or Divorced --_ M. F. F. I' 1\1. I ~I F. 1\1. F. I 47 48 50 J 49 1_5_1_ 52 53 54 ~-----' 4,654 4,704 420 14 3,749 2,337 4115 2,353 3,945 4,091 407 14 3,135 2,047 403 2,030 709 613 ]3 614 290 82 323

703 1,165 353 2 308 530 42 633 951 772 16 6 839 355 96 411

2,291 2,154 38 6 ],988 1,162 265 986

363 304 5 314 140 44 161

346 309 8 300 150 38 159 92 C-IlI-Age & DISTRIC'l'

Age 55-64

Widowed or Total I divorced TRACT F. ~.-~-~-.- 1\1. F. M. F. III. T

55 56 57 59 60 61 . 62 I

Total 3,1'17 3,206 392 10 2,223 804 562 2,392 Rnral 2,759 2,825 3h\\ 6 1,903 706 470 2,113

Urban 4)8 381 6 4 320 98 92 279 Rura] areas of:- Satara and Karad 525 759 261 '1 180 261 84 497

Patan and Jaoli 674 6~0 109 529 13:; 36 485

KoregaoD, Khatav. MaD, Waif Pholtan, Rhandala & !\Iaha- baleshwar 1,(60) ,446 16 5 1,194 310 350 1,131

Urban areas of:- Satare. and R arad 193 179 2 149 133

Koregaon, ({hat,av, Man, Wai, Phaltan, Rud Mahabaleshwllr 2::!5 202 2 17\ 50 14~ Civil Condition. - elm trl. 93 SATARA NORTH ------~.~-- Age 65-7<1

Widowed or Unmarried Married Total divorced.

I I 1\1. F. M. F. M. F. M. I F. • I I 63 64 65 66 67 I 68 69 70 I I ! , l.496 23 4 750 211 S14 1,281 1,100 1,348 20 1 620 201 460 1,146 187 148 3 3 130 10 54 135

176 361 4 110 60 62 301

241 266 4 172 72 65 194

683 721 12 1 338 69 333 651

100 76 1 1 63 3 35 72

87 72 2 2 67 7 19 63 91 C-IU-Age & DI~TRI(JT _-_ -_ ------75 & Over.

Total Unmarried Married Widowed or divorced TRACT M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. I r I 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 I

Total' 594 571 8 33) 34 256 531 Rl..ral 533 488 8 297 32 228 456

Urban 61 83 33 2 28 81 Rural areas of:- Satara and Karad 126 88 70 14 56 74

Pat an and Jaoli 102 116 2 69 2 31 114 Koregaon, Khatav, Man. Wai, Phaltan, Khandala & Maha- baleshwar 305 284 ] 58 16 141 268

Urban areas of:-

Satara and Karad 2!1 46 ]5 14 45

Koregaon, Khatav )\1an. Wai. Phaltan and Maha.baleshwar 32 37 18 2 14 35 Civil Condition. -conclrl. .95 ::lATARA NOH.TH


Total Unmarried Married Widowed or divorced

M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F .

79 .80 81 82 83 84 86 g6

5 5 4 Z 3 1 5 5 4 2 :} 1

5 2 3 1 96 C-IV-A ge DISTRlCT Note:- The Census d~finition of literacy was the ability to read and write a simple letter in any language. PersOIlB who were able to read but not write were treated as illiterate at the census Separate figures for \his category according to age groups were 68 shown opposite ! ~ •

---- Sample Population

Total Literate Illiterate TRAOT I P. M. F. I M. F. M. F. 1 2 3 4 [ 5 6 7 8

Total 1)7,432 57,549 59,883 19,310 5,057 38,239 5~,826

Bural 101,423 49,412 52,01 I 14,872 2,921 :H,540 49,090

Urban 16,009 8,137 7,872 4,438 2,1'36 3,699 5,736

Rural areas of :

SatarB and Karad 29,061 14.118 14,943 4,998 961 9,120 13,982

Patan and Jaoli 21,727 10,427 11,300 2,619 443 7,808 10,857 Koregaon, Khatlllv, Man, Wai, PhaltaD, Khaudal8and M ahabalelhw81.' 50,635 24,867 25,768 7,255 ],517 ] 7,612 24,251

Urban areas of:

SBtara and Karad 7,953 4,073 3,880 2,368 J,217 1,765 2,1163 Koregaon, Khatav. Man, Wai, Phaltan and Mahabaleshw8l' !l,056 ~.064 3,992 2,070 919 1,994 3,073 and Literacy. 97 S.A-TARA NORTH Age group Males Females Age group Males Ferimles Age group Males Females

Total 361 102 25-34 57 15 55-64 18 4 5-9 68 26 35-44 67 8 65-74 5

10-14 53 23 .5-54 43 3 75 & over

15-21 411 22 Age not stated

. ------Age 0·4 Age 5·9

Total Total Literate Illiterate

___./ i Y. F. M. F. M. F. M. I F. I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I 16

10,353 1,914 8,833 7.608 2.116 875 6,717 6,733 9,116 6,774 7,746 6,536 1,704 585 6,042 5,950

1,23i 1,140 1,087 1,073 412 290 675 783

:1,440 1,421 2,618 1.354 690 204 1,928

1,802 1,524 ],486 1,597 288 105 1,198

3,874 3,829 3,642 3,584 726 276 2,916 3,308

601 563 536 526 224 159 3U 367

636 577 551 547 188 131 363 416 98 C-IV~-Age DISTRICT

Age 10-14

TRACT Total Literate Illiterate I M. F. M. F. M. I'- F.

1 17 18 19 20 21 22

Total S,175 6,591 4.960 1.657 3,215 4.934

Rural 7.086 5,5'13 4,086 1,1040 3,000 4,469

Urban 1,089 1,018 874 553 215 465

Rural areal of :-

Satara and K~rad 2,351 1,111 1,374 367 977' 744

l'atan and Jaoli 1,423 1,427 775 179 648 1,248 Koregaon, Khatav, MUll, WBi. Phaltan. Khand&la, and Maha.baleshwar 3,312 3,035 1,937 558 1,375 2,477 Urban areas of :-

S8tara and Karad 516 -178 424 293 92 ]85

Koregaon, Khatav. Man, Wui, Phaltan and Mahabaleshwar 573 540 4iiO 260 123 280 and Literacy. -cl,ntil. 99 SATARA NORTH ____------Age 15·24 Age 25·34

Total Literate Illi terate Total Litelate I Illiterate

M. F. I M. F. M. F. M. F. r-~L F.

23 I 24 25 26 I 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 I

8.302 10,383 4,200 1,316 4.102 9,067 6,562 10,329 2,997 638 3,565 9.691

6,917 8,9703,110 6{l7 3,807 8,273 5,504 9,200 2,228 3011 3,276 8,895

1,385 1,413 1,090 619 295 794 1.058 1,129 769 333 289 '96

2,122 3,384 859 210 1,263 3,174 1,171 3.315 747 110 424 3,205

1,283 1,626 588 91$ 696 1,'28 1,292 2,135 37& 36 914 2,099

3,512 4.060 1.663 389 1,849 a,671 3,041 3,760 ],103 159 1,938 3,591

719 722 579 3.'')7 UO 365 56'3 566 4114 197 112 369

elM 69t lill 262 t55 429 492 563 315 136 177 4,27

------__'___ - --- 100 C-IV -Age DISTRICT

Age 35·44

Total Literate - -I Illiterate TRACT 11'£. F. M. F. M. ~F.

1 35 36 37 38 39 40

Total 5.607 7.076 2,324 343 3,283 6,733' Rural 4,701 6,202 1,737 U6 2,964 6,056 Urban 9M 814 587 197 319 677 Rural areas of:-

Sa~ara and Karad 886 1,986 557 41 329 1,944 Patan and Jaoli 1,173 ) .317 281) 17 888 1,300

Koregaon, Khatav, ililan, 'V.. i, Phaltan, Khandala Bnd Mahableshwar 2,642 2,900 895 88 1,747 2,812

Urban .Ten of:­ Satara ano Karad 466 420 314 118 136 302 Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Wai, Phaltall and Ha".balelih WRr 454 273 79 183 375 and Literacy -contJ. 101 5ATARA NORTH

Age 45-54 \ Age 55-64 Illiterate Total-~-;--L-ite-r-a-te--'- - ;l-Ii-te-ra-te-- Total Literate -1- --

I r M_ ... F. M. F. M. F. I M. I F_ M. F. M. F. I I J I I i I 41 I 42 43 4

4.&54 4.704 1,528 132 3,12~ 4,572 3.177 3,206 752 55 2.425 3,151 3,945 4,091 1,132 50 2,813 4,041 2,759 2,825 563 17 2,196 2,808

709 613 396 82 313 531 418 381 189 38 229 343

703 1.165 435 17 268 1,148 525 769 237 5 288 754

951 772 178 4 773 768 674 620 83 2 591 618

2,291 2,164 519 29 1,772 2,125 1,560 1,446 243 10 1,317 ],436

213 50 15u 254 193 119 90 23 103 ]56

3411 309 183 32 163 277 225 202 99 15 126 187 102 C~IV-Age DISTRICT

-.---~ - --- Age 65·74

Total Literate Illiterate tRACT I M. F. M. F. 1- M. • F.

1 53' 540 55 56 57 58 ----I

Total 1,281 1,496 321 28 966 1.468 Rllral 1,100 ],348 228 10 872 I,S3l;

Urban 181 148 93 18 94 130

:h:ural arelll oE:~ Satarf\ and Karad li6 361 79 2 97 359

Pa,ia.D; and JaoJi 241 266 32 2 209 264

Korp~aon. Khatltv, Man, Wai, Phaltan, Khandala and Mahabaleshwar. 683 721 117 6 566 715

Urban areas of 1- Satara and Ka.rad 100 16 02 14 48 6!

Koregaon. Khatav, Man. Wai. Phaltan ond Mahabaleshwar 37 12 41 4 46 68

- _---_------Lind Literacy.- -cofield. 103 SA TARA NORTH . ------...___ Age 75 & Over. Age not stated " Illiterate --1-j Total Literate Illiterate

I --I M. . F. I M. F. M. F.

83 64 1 65 67 68 69 70

594 571 118 13 484 558 5 5 z 3 5 533 4SS 82 7 451 4S1 I) 5 2 5

61 S3 2$ 6 33 77

126 88 20 Hl6 83

10! llS 12 90 116

306 284 50 2 255 232 I) 5 2 . 3 5

29 18 6 11

32 31 HI 22 37 104 C-V-Single Year Age Returns. DISTRICT SATARA lWRTH -~ -_- --_~-- I Urban : Total I Rural Age Raturnfl. \--- I Females Males Females I Males I Females Malei! I

2 \ 3 4 5 6 7 I _~t - --- ALL ACtS 49,412 52.011 8,137 7,872 57.549 59,883 0 1,617 1,633 311 244 1.928 1,877 198 2,9()[> 1,372 1 2,668 1,174 237

2 1,910 1,2~1 234 243 2,144 1.524 229 1,588 3 1,3112 1,30t 226 1,530

4 1,559 1,385 229 226 1,78~, 1,611 1,729 5- ;],509 1,379 220 205 1,585 2()3 1,538 6- 1,883 ],335 224 2,107

7: 1,656 l'469 225 '2411 1,881 1,718

8- 1,468 1,297 220 J9S 1,628 1,495

go 1,290 1,055 198 217 1,488 1,272

11) 1,888 1,663 286 254 2,174 1,917

11 1,414 90t ]73 205 1,587 1,109 12.- 1.879 1,23fl :!S4 263 2,J63 1,499

13 1116 830 153 131 1,069 .61

14· 989 1)40 193 165 1,182 1.105 ]68 1,146 1,086 l~' 1,000 918 146

16 880 935 168 167 1,048 1,102

l>7 f>12 ~31 139 100 61)1 731

18· 916 1,239 207 199 1,123 1,4411

19> 311 622 89 89 400 611 209 311 1,431 2,165 2~ ),22.2 1.854 21 520 49(1 87 66 607 565

2~ 644 ],Oln 154 165 798 1.256

23- 392 666 8i 54 479 720 24- 520 615 99 94 819 709

2;;' 1,620 2,387 228 373 1,848 2,760

26- 3at! 664, 87 79 423 743 21 328 588 74 64 402 tJ52 28 541 784 11-& 99 65b 883

29 128 363 43 27 17] 390

30 1,600 2,51S 285 331 1,855 2.849 C-V--Sipgle Year Age -Returns - contd. 105 DISTRICT SATARA NORTH

---....,~ Rural Urban Total Age Returns ------_- Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

--_ -- ~ 31 117 379 2~ 13 145 . 392 32 569 694 124 99 693 793

33 ]26 405 41 19 167 424 34 139 418 34 25 173 443 31i 1,682 1,894 295 344 1,977 2,238

36 235 332 54, 38 289 370 37 137 232 40 23 ]77 255

38 250 410 59 46 309 456 39 187 206 36 17 223 223 40 ],586 2,142 285 316 1,871 2,458

oil 111 190 29 10 140 200 42 324 357 62 59 386 416 43 110 230 24 7 134 237

44 79 209 22 14 101 223 45 1,481 ],493 252 234 1,733 1,727

46 148 136 26 12 174 US 47 146 139 24 13 170 J 1)2 4S 211 238 54 24 265 262

49 103 273 13 12 116 285

50 1,374 1,260 229 272 ],603 1• .';32

51 HI 160 26 7 ]37 167 52 321 231 56 16 :277 24'1 53 76 117 18 10 94 12"1

lit 74 44 11 13 85 57

56 1,061 801 147 140 1,208 941

56 1I9 lJ9 25 10 ]44 129 57 85 105 11 6 96 111 58 163 130 21 8 184 138 59 123 163 11 2 134 165 60 901 1,034 151 184 1,O5:! 1,218

61 72 134 16 H 88 142

62 ]35 188 18 1.7 l{j.~ 2()/J 106 C-V-Single Year Age Returns-con/d. DISTRICT SATARA NORTH Rural Urban Total Age Returns Males Fema.les Males Females Males [ Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

63 42 66 11 2 63 68

64 68 85 7 4 65 89

65 520 562. 82 53 602 615

66 19 33 9 15 28 48

67 34 46 4 3 38 49

68 48 67 7 3 55 70 61). 32 54 5 2 37 56 7(} 366 379 69 62 425 441

n 14 21 3 2 17 28

'7Z 42 70 13 4 05 74

'23 13 81 1 I 14 82

U. 12 35 4 3 16 -38 7f)_ 159 168 2] 25 180 193

76 14 15 2 1 16 16

77 6 7 2 1 8 8 7& 28 12 2 1 30 IS

79- 4 4 4 4 80· 178 147 15 20 193 167 81 1 6 1 I)

82 13 3 1 2 14 I)

83 8 2 1 9 2

84 10 1 1 11 2

86. 35 48 10 21 45 69 86 2 2

87 4 1 4 1

88 6 6 1 7 6

89 2 12 2 12

90 35 23 1 8 36 31 91 1 1 92 4 2 4 2 93 1 3 3

94 1 1 c-V-Single Year Age Returns~concld. 107 DISTRICT SATARA NORTH

Rural Utban Total Age Returns Males MaIM \ F.maI~ Males Females I Females 1 2 3 4 fj (j '1

95 6 7 2 U 9 96 1 2 1 2 97 1 1 1 1 2 2 98 2 2

99 6 1 1 6 100 4 '1 2 .() '1 101 1 102 2 2 .2 .2 103 104 1 i 105 1 1 1 ]06

107 108 1 J. 109 no 1 .1 III

112 113


115 1 :l




1111 120 121 1 J. 122 123


}%6 1 .!


Language Males Females ---- - MARATHI 547.470 578,257 Rural sreM of:-

Satara and Karad Talukas 137,148 144,296

Patan and J aoli Talukas 101,786 113,175

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan and Wai Talukas and Khandala 239,034 21i2,570 Ilnd Mahabaleshwar Petas Urb3n areas of:-

Satura and Karad Talukas 34,019 33,246

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan and Wai Talukas and 35,483 34,971 Mahabaleshwar Peta

URDU 12,'(19'3 14,113 Rural areas of:-

Satara and Karad Talukas 2,260 2,807

Patan and Jaoli Talukas 734 955

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltau and \Vai Talukas and 4,345 4,356 Khandala and Mahabaleshwar Petas

{jlban areas of:-

f'atara Bnd Karud T9.1ukas 3,102 3,745

Koregaon. Khatav, Man., Phaltan and \Vai Talukae and 2,458 2,310 l\Iahabaleshwar Pata TELUGU 4.676 3,618 Rural arells of :- Satars and Karad Talukas 1,348 1,185

Putan arId Jaoli 'l'alukas 434 393

Koregaoll, Khatuv, Man, Phaltan and \Yai 'l'aluka~ and 1,273 1.206 Khalldala and Mahab.!lr~hwllr Pete!'

Urban areas of:-

Satara and Karud Talukas 1,137 435

Koregaon, Khatal'. Man, Phaltan and \Yai Talukas and 484 399 r.JllbabaIHI1>lal' Peis GUJARATI 2,549 2,526

Rural nroas of:-

Satara and Ka.rat! 'l'alukas 576 478

Patan am' Jt10li 'Ialukas 51 51

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, PhlOlltall and Wai Taluka. and 525 564 Khandala and Mahaba.leshwar Petal'! D-S&>CIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES, 109 D-I-LANGUAGES --(i) Mother Tongue. DISTRICT SA TARA NORTH

Language Males Femai!'s

Urban areas of :-

Satara and Karad Tnlukas 615

Koregaon, Khatav. Man, Phaltll:'l and \V,ti Talukas ,tn,l 782 789 l\IahabalE's]",'ar Peta

HINDI 2.098 1.8S8 • ',ural areas-of: - - :~ Sa tara and Karad Talukas 11'19 111 Patan and ,Jaoli Talukas 25 17

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan and Wai Talukas and 810 674 Khandala and Mahabaleshwar Petll8

Urban areas of :-

Satara and Kat'ad Talukas 333 "337

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan and \Vai Talukaa find 761 729 Mahabaleahwar Peta KANNADA 1.997 962

!lural areas of !-

Satara and Karad Talukas 120 17[

Patan aud Jaoli TalukR8 60 34

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan and \Vai Talukas ami ~76 ~58 Khandala and )[ahabaleshwar Petas

Urbll.n areas of:-

Satara and Karll.d Talukas 1,176 111

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan, and Wai Talukal! and 175 IS8 Mah'l.baleehwar Peta RAJASTHANl 719

Rural areas of:-

Satara and Ke.rad Taluk!lS )l

Patan and Jaoli Talukas 32 ~6 Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan and Wlti Talukas and 40 13 Khandala and MQhabalesh·wllr Petas urban areas of:-

Satara and Kared Taluka!! 40'1 208

Koregson, Khatav. Man, Phaltsn and 'Yal1'alnka!l and 208 181 Mahabaleshwar Peta

-- -~. --~---~--- 110 D-SOCIAL AND CULTURAL T~BLES. D-I-LANGUAGES-(i) Mother Tongue. DI$TRICT SATARA NORTH _-_------,---- Language Males Females

SINDHI 152 124 Rural areas of :-

Satara and Karad Talukas 7

Patan and JaoJi Talukas 6 3 Koregaon, Khatave, Man, Phaltall and Wai Talukas and Khandala and Mahabaleshwar Petal! 25

Urban areas of:-

Satara and Karad Talukas 81 Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan and Wai Talukas and ·'.'IIahabaleshwar Peta 40 40 KONKANI 133 99 Rural area of :- , Koregaon, Khatav. Man, Phaltan and Wai TaJukuo and l~handala and Mahabalfj!,hwar Petas 8 17 Urban area of:-

Koregaon, Khat9.v, Man, Pll&itan and Wai TaluIl;as and Mahabaleshwar Pets 125 .82 ENGLISH 144 Rural area of :-


Hatara and KSl"ad TaIuka" 4 6 Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan and Wai Talukas and Mahabaleshwar Peta 134 PUNJABI 40 20 Rural Brea of :-

K(Jfegaon, Khata.v, Man, Phaftan and Wai Talukae and Khandala and Mahabaleshwar Petal! 17 Urban a,reas of :­ • Satara and Karad Ta{ukas I

Koregaon. Khatav, Man, Phaltan and Wai Talukas and Mahabaleshwar Peta. 22 20 "ERSIAN 23 33 Urban area of :-

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaitan and Wai Taluka8 Il.fJd M ah",balesh wur Petit 33 ------D~SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES. 111 D-I-LANGUAGES-(i) Mother Tongue. DISTRICT SATARA NORTH

Language Males Females

TAMIL .. 23 28 Rural area of; -

Koregaon. Khatav, Man, Phaltan and '''ai Talukas:and 10 10 Khandala and lVIahabaleshwar Petas FTban area of;- Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan and Wai Talakas and 13 IS Mahabaleshwar Peta BENGALI 18 22 Rural area of:- Koregaon, Kh.tav. Man, Phaltan and Wai Talukas and 10 19 Khandala, and Mahabaleshwar Petas Urban areas of :-

Satara and Karad Taluka" 1

Koregaon, Khatav. Man, Phsltan, and Wai Talukas snd 7 3 Mahabaleshwar Peta NAIPALI 28 3 Rural areSB of :-

Satara and Karad Talukas 2

Patan and J soli Talukas 3 Urban areas of ;-

Satara and Karad Talukas 22 3

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan and Wai TsIakas and 1 Mahabaleshwar Pe ta

KACHCHHI 30 Urban area of;-

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan and Wai Talakae and 30 Mahabaleshwar Pet,a TULU 24 Urban area of ;- Koregaon, Khatav, Man, PhaltaD and Wai Talukas 2. and Mabahaleshwar Peta

ARABIC 11 Rural area of ;- "

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan and Wai Talakas and Khandala and Mahabaleshwat Petaa Urban areas of ;-

Satara and Karad Talakas 2

KoregaoD, Khatav, Man, Phaltan and Wai Talakas and 2 Mahabaleshwar Peta 112 D-SGCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES. D-I-LANGUAGES-(i) Motper Tongue. DISTRICT SATARA NORTH

Language Males Females

PORTUGUESE 11 4 Urban areas of:-

Satara and Karad Talukas 11

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan ami \Vai Talulias and 4 Mahabal~Bhw8r Peta GERMAN 6 l.:rban area, of:-

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Pholtan and \rai Talukas lind Mahabaleshwar Peta 6 MALAYALAM 7 Urban area of:-

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan and Wai'l'alulms an.l Mahabaleshwar Pets 7 PASHTO s 1 Rural area of :- 2 Patan and Juoli Talukall

{; rban areas of :~

Satara and Karad Talukas

Koregaon, Khatav. Man, Phaltan and \Vai Talukll8 and Mahabaleshwar Peta ITALIAN Urban area of:-

KOfbgaon, Khatav, Man, Ph'l\tan and 'Vai Tbluka80nd Mahabaleshwar Pet .. RUSSIAN 2 Urban area ot:- KoregllOn, Khatav, Man, Phaltan and Wai TlIIlukas and Mahabaleshwar Peta 2 BURMESE

l'rban area of ;~

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltem find Wai Tsiakas and. Mahabaleshwar Pe,tllt DUTCH

Urba.n are!~ of':~

Satara and Karad 1'a:lukas D-SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES. 113 D-I-LANGUAGES-(ii) Bilingualism. DISTRICT' SATARA NORTH ._-- Total persons returned as speaking Subsidiary languages Total Speakers a language subsidiary to that shown ill No. of Speakers Mother column 1 tongue ,,. Language Rural Urban. Rural Urban Rural Urban area area area areo, area n.rea

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

-_-.. _. .-- - 0 -_"

Marathi 988,009 137,718 3,951 3,187 Urdu 2,037 1,073 Hindi 774 1,335

Telugu 621 160

Gujarati 258 288

Kannada 251 287

Rajasthani 7 20

Sindhi 1 2Q

Bengali 1 3

Konkani 1

Tamil 1

Urdu 15,457 11,615 13,864 9,572 Marathi 13,716 9,425 Gujarati 71 4" Hindi 47 40

Kanne.da 10 4S

Telugu 20 S Tamil 2

5,022 2, D97 Telugu 5,839 2,455 5,057 2,169 Marathi Hindi 15 42

Urou 5 21

E:annada 14 8

Gujarati 1 1

Uujarati 2,24.) 2,830 1,898 2,066 Marathi 1,88i 1,67S Hindi I) 13'1

Urdu 1 46

'relugu 2 S

ICannada 3

Rajasthani 114 D-SOC1AL AND CULTURAL TABLES. D-I-LANGUAGES-(ii) Bilingualism. DISTRICT SATARA NORTH ------Total persons Subsidiary languages Total Speakers returned as speaking a language su bsidiMY Mother to that shown in No. of Speakers tongu(l eolumn 1 I .1 Langullge I Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban area area area are!) area area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 _------Hindi 1,806 2,160 1,648 1,57S Marathi 1.631 1,527 Gvjarati 1 32

Kannada 15

Urdu 13

Rajallthani 4

Telugu 2


Kannada 1,30[1 1,6511 1,010 185 Marathi 900 765 Urdu 34 2

Hindi 8 15

Gujarsti 8 2


Raj8llthani 151 1,004 111 71S Marathi no 564 Hindi 1411

Gujarati v

Sintlhi 41 235 21 HZ Hindi 15 89 Maratbi 3 16

Gujarati 4

Urdu I 3

Punjabi 2

Konkani :iii 201 HI 166 Marathi 19 13B Hindi 25

Kaullada 6

Gujarati I

English 1M 3 128 Hindi :I 94 Marathi 22

Tamil 10 Gujara.ti 2 24 Punjab) i7

~--~ -_ - ~----~. ------'--- Total persons returned as speaking Subsidiary languages Total Speakers a language subsidiary to that shown III I Mother I No. of Speakers column 1 I to~gU(l -~--- I- I Language Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban area area area area area area

2 3 4 5 6 7 S


Persiltn 56 44 Hindi 33

Marathi S

Guja,rati 3

Tamil 20 :11 14 )7 Marathi l) <'i Hindi 12

Telugu 5

Bengali 2D 11' 25 8 Marathi 25 Hindi 8

Naipali Ii 26 5 17 Rindi 3 H Marathi 2 3

Kachchln 30 29 Urdu t3 Marathi ]()

Hindi 6

Tulu 24 24 Kannada. 1'1 Marathi ()

Hindi ••J 1

Marathi (; 2 Arabic 6 9 '" Hindi 2

('ortugu611E> 15 Marathi

Corman 7 5 Hindi .a 6' Malayalam 7 6 Hindi

Pashto i /) 2 3 Marathi 2 I Hindi 2 2 Italian (I Hindi Urdu

Russian 2 Hindi ~ 1 Dtl\ch 1 1 Uarathi

__'__------116 D-U-- DISTRICT

Total Population Hindus Sikhs Jains TRACT I l Males \ Females pe:ons I Mo'" [F=a,,,IMa,e'l Fo'l Ma,,,1 Fe. I I males Imalee 3 4 -' __5 ~ _6_ !__ __ 8 9 10 --~- Total 1,175.309 572,967 602,342 550,069 580,523 75 53 2,822 2,479 Rural ) ,0) 4,970 4,9) ,360 52:1,610 479,694 512,552 52 47 l,OIl 854

Urban 160,339 81,607 78,732 70,375 67,971 23 6 1,8Il 1,625

Rural areas of :-

Satara lind KarBd 290,721 141,662 149,059 137,658 145,470 22 9 289 183

Patan aud Jaoli 217,777 103,123 114,654 102,110 113,547 27 17

Koregaon, Khatav, 506,472 246,575 259,897 239.926 253,535 29 38 695 654 Man, Phaltan. Wai, Khandala, and :'ilahablloleshwar

Urban areas of :

Satara lind Karad 79,?::!! 40,904 38,S17 34,!!i'i9. 33,lHl 5 3 776 695

Kuregaon, Khatav, 80,618 40,703 39,915 35,ol1G 34,852 18 3 1,035 930 Man, Phaltan, Wai, and Mahabaleshwar

D-lII--Scheduled Castes and DISTRICT ------~~------Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes TRACT Persons Males lFemales Persons 1.:\lales I "1 2 3 456 Fe~ales --- -~-_--_ Total 132,648 64.614 68,034 2,536 l.345 1, 191 Rural 117,235 56,671 60,564 2,203 1,166 ],037

Urban 15,413 ~,943 7,470 333 179 154 Rural areas ot : Fatara and Karad 31,808 15,086 16,722 269 144 125 Patan and JaoH 21,1309 10,473 11,136 626 315 all

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, 63,818 31,112 32,106 1,308 707 601 Phaltan, Wai, Khandala and MahabaleAhwar \{eligion 117


Buddhists II -;:roastrians I Muslimsl Christians I Jews IOther R3li[!;ioll' Non-tribal 'V£ales -\ Fe- \ Males IFema-I-es--'-I-l\I-a-l-eS--F-e-n-]a-IO~ I~Iales IFemal~ l:vrales I ;e~ I~Iales fFemale, males I males 11 12 13 14 15 16 I 17 18 19 20 21 I 22 ,,---- - 1 216 273 18,952 18.132 818 871 9 11 s ] 0,4.21 10,033 17(1 124 5

215 273 8,531 8,099 643 747 9 11

3,606 3.321 87 76

959 1,086 26 4

5,856 5.626 62 5

19 22 4.950 4,711 194 262 1 5

196 251 3,581 3.388 4J!) 485 8 6

Scheduled Tribes. SATARA NORTH

Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes TRACT /- ----­ p~rwnsl Males : 3 per~onsl M~es IFe~ale~ -----~--~--- Urban areas of ~~ Satara and Karad"". 6,736 3,565 3,171

2 Koregaon, Khatav. Man, 8,677 4,378 4,299 333 179 154 Phaltan, Wai, Khandala, and Mahabaleshwar f18 D-V (i)-Displaced Persons DISTRICT ------_------Total Population Displaced peraolIS' of Displaced Persons 1946 1947 TRACT

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

, 2 3 4 5 1\ 7 8

Total 600 304 296 185 19S Rural 293 157 136 110 108 Urban 307 147 160 75 90 llural area. of :- Satara lind Kared 16 12 4 3 2 Paten aud Jaoli 227 11. llO 86 84 Koregaoll. Khatav. Man, Phaltan, Wai, Khandala and Mahabaleshwar tiO 2& 22 21 22

Urban areas of ~- Satan. and Karad 255 123 l32 64 71

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Ph"ltan, Wai and MlIohabaleshwar 6:l 2t 28 11 19

NOTE: No displaced persons from East Pakistan were enuml1Eated in this dlBtriet at the Cen~us. D-V (ii)-Displaced PerSOn!) mSTRICT Agricultural " 1- Cultivators II-Cultivators Total Population of of wholly of land wholly Displaced Persons or mainly owned or mainly un- I & their depen- owned & their TRACT dants dependants I Persons Males Females Males Femalesl Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B - - - I --- TOTAL 600 3114 296 102 88 • 6 Rural 293 157 136 102 88 4 0

Urban 307 14'1 160 Rural areas of :­ Satara and Karad 16 12 4

Patan and Jlloli 227 117 110 lOt 88 4 6 Koregaon, Khatav. Man. Wai, Phaltan, Khandala and Mahabaleahwat !\() 28 22

U rhan areas of 1- Satara and Karad 265 123 132 Eoregaon. Kha.tav, Man, VI' ai, Phaltan and Mahabaleshwar 52 24 28 ------by year of arrival. 119 S.ATARA NORTH from West Pakistan. ----I - 1948 I 1949 o 1950 1951 Males Females Males Females :Males Females Males Females

9 n 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

114 96 1 4 2 43 .. 2b 3 2 'l1 70

7 2

:n 26

6 2

58 61

J:l 9

by livelihood classes. ~ATAl{A NORTH Classes Non-Agricultural Classes -_ -- IV-Non-culti- Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal III-Cultivating vating owners means of livelihood from- labourers & of land; agri- their depen- cultural rent V -Production IVIII-Other servi­ dants. receivers &their other than VI-commerce_j VII ICes & miscellane­ dependants. cultivation. Transport. ous sources.

:\lales F6J1""les Males Females Males Females lHalesiFemales Males I Fe- M ales Females males

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 9 20 - I ------3 3 28 33 108 115 12 9 41 42 S 3 1 2 17 22 10 i 20 11 27 31 91 93 • 2 5 27 31

2 3 2 7

2 2 5 5 1 2 9 7

1 1 12 17 6 4 4

27 36 79 83 2 2 1& 17'

12 10 3 12 14 120 D-VI-Non-Indian DISTRICT

BritIsh Iranian I Total TRACT 0 Nationals Nationalb

1 Males Females M. F. M. F. I-;e~~:~s I 3 4 (; U 7 8 ------_- -_- rotal 117 50 67 17 31 11 6

Rural 4 2 2 2

Urban 113 48 65 17 29 11 6

Rural areas of:- Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Wai, Phaltan, Khandala, and M a· habaleshwar 4 2 2 2

Urban areas of:- Satara and Karad

Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan, Wai and Mahabaleshwar 112 48 64 17 11 6

D-VI - Non-Indian Eurooean 1 Nationals Italian Yogoslavion TRACT ~ _ (unspecified) r Nationals I Nationals M. F. F. 1 HI I 20 1 ~i _I_ ~2 _I_ ;~ 24 Total 2 1 2 Rural

Urban 2 1 1 2 Rural area of Koregaon, Khatav, Mall, Wal, Phal",tan. KhandaJa, and Maha, baleshwar

Urban area of Sa tara and Karad

2 Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan, Wai and Mahabaleshwar 2 1 1 2

Note:-No non.Indian national was enumerated in the rural areas of Satara, Karad, Patan and Jaoli. i'lationals. 121 HA'l'ARA NORTH. I Portuguese German American Nepali Nationals N ... tionals ~~~~~::ls__ \ Nationals Nationals I ~I~ l T M. F. I 1\1. j F. r M. F. M. F. II 12 13 14 i 15 16 17 18 ~I fa 1 I ---'---I 6 1 8 6 4 2 3


10 6 1 8 6 4 2 2 ..



lQ 6 1 8 6 4, 1 2

------~ -~ Naionals. -elm'd J:~~~:~i--- ~~~!~~18 ---\ -~:t~~:;~

M. F. M. F. I 1\1. F. 31 I 32 33 34 35 36

1 1 1 I 1

1 1 1 I 1


·1 1 i t 122 D-VlI-Liyelihood Classes DISTRICT

Agricultural ------,- I II Cultivators of Total Population Cultivators of land wholly or Educational Standard land wholly or mainly unowned mainly owned & & tf,eir their dependants dependants I IPersons Males IFemalesi Males IF~aleB IMales [Female~

1 [2 3 I 4 I 5 i 6 I 7 \ 8 ---'-_ '---_---'---- TOTAL Literat& 221,231 17 3,992 47,239 106,711 19,617 2,574 414 II! iddle School 14,156 12,181 ],975 3,567 155 122 18

Matriculate or S. L. C. 3,649 3,161 488 314 31 6 Higher Secondary Intermediate in 251 217 34 11 2 Arts or Seience

De(J1'6e8 01' Diplomas Graduate iu Arts 44~ 396 45 25 3 I or Science Post-Graduate in 67 28 39 9 1 Arts or SCience-

Teaching 1,40~ 1,249 153 193 4 7 2 Engineering 109 108 6

Agriculture­ 53 53 4 1

Veterinary 6 6

COl1lrnerC6< 32 31 I 1

Legal 255 255 8

MedicaL 241 210 31 2 1

Othere. 62 50 12 1 1 RURAL Literaw 165,481 136,829 28,652 100,604 17,747 2,273 341

Middle School 8,990 8,127 863 2,930 99 108 18 Matriculate or S. L. C. 812 745 67 129 7 3 Highey Secondary Intermediate in '&"rts 58 53 5 6 1 or Sci'3nce

Degree8 ur Diplonw8 13 Graduate in Arts or Science J16 113 3 3 1 Post-Graduate in Artl! .r 7 I} 1 Science

Tea1lhing 639 608 31 174 4 7 t

3& 35 6 ---- By Educational Standal ds 12(1 HATARA NORTH

Classes Non-Agricultural Classes

III IV Persons ( inoluding dependants) who derive their l'rincipal Non-cultiva­ means of livelihood from. Cultivating ting o\\ners of labour~rs & land; agricul- theIr tural rent r V VI VII VIII dependants receivers and Production 'I Transport Other services their dependa- other than I Commerce land miscellaneous nts. cultivation , I sources. l Ma-l-e-s'\-F-e-- -'jlMales IFemaleS\Males IFemales ~:esl Femalesl Males Females! Males rFemales ~~ I 9 I 10 I 11 12 I 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

!'OPULA nON 3,918 457 7,202 4,137 19,600 5,371 11,067 5,988 1,713 757 21,207 10,498

246 9 1,312 289 1,033 210 1,517 2fl4 217 46 4,167 964

7 274 43 221 33 4.55 60 126 12 1,758 308

12 17 4 36 5 15 124 25

26 4 41 2 46 2 5 1 252 33

10 3 1 7 34

68 I 7 3 9 4 965 139

4 11) 1 81 1

8 2 37 6

2 4 8 16 1

21 4 12 210

I 2 2 1 202 30

3 9 1 36 11 POPULATION 3,598 414 5,358 2,742 11,671 2,531 4,460 l,ti76 511 165 8,354 3,036

234 9 1,080 198 575 79 625 71 61 12 2,514 377

3 95 6 77 12. 41 4 59 335 37

5 7 4 3 27 5

6 19 4 71 3

2 1

60 2 3 362 25

8 20 124 D-VII-LiYelihood Classes DISTRTC'['


I II Cultivators of Total Population Cultivators of land wholly or Educational Standard land wholly or mainly )1nowned mainly owned & & their their dependants dependants

IPersons Males IFemalesl Male8 IFemales I Males [-Females i I 2 3 I 4, _I I) I 6 I 7 I 8 Agriculture' 32 32 il

Veterinary' 1 1

Cvmmerc6' 4 4

Legal 14 14 1

MedicaL 55 51 4 1 1

Othors. 11 10 1 1 1 URBAN

I.iterate' 55,750 37,163 18,587 6,107 ],870 301 73 Middle Schoof 5,166 4,054 1,112 637 56 ]4

Nfatriculnte or S. L. C. Higher Secondary 2,837 2,416 421 185 24 3 1

Intermediate in Artlil or- Science 193 164 29 5 1 lJegree. (1'1" Dip&l_J4I

Grtlluat,e in Arts or SciellCEl' 325 283 42 12 3

Post.Gr"duatli in Artll-OJr 60 2'2 38 6 SciIWJ6

Teaching "163 641 122 19 1

Engineerin~ 74 73 1

A'gricultun 21 21

Veterinary 5- 5-

Commerc9 29 2'] 1

Legal 241 241 7

Medical 186 159 27 1

Others III 40 11 By Educational Standal dll 12iJ :\ATARA NORTH

Classes Non-Agricultural Classea ------III IV Persons ( including depllndants ) who derive their prinoipa.l Non.cultiva­ means of livelihood from. Culth'lLting ting owners of labourers & land; agricul. ----- their tural rent V VI) VII VIII dependants I receivers and Production I Transport Other services their dependa. other than Commeroe and miscellaneous nts. cultivation sources. -T---.----~-----, Males \ !:'leJMales \ FemaleslMales \ Females Malesl Femalesl Males Femalesi Males Females

10 16 17 18 19 20 9 1 [ __ .------~~_1_13_1 ~4 ~ 7 2.



10 2

1 1 47

3 3 1 2 pOPULA TlON

320 43 1,8441 1,395 7,929 2,840 6,607 4,312 1,202 592 12,853 7,462

12 232 91 458 131 892 213 156 34 1,053 587

4 176 37 144 21 414 56 67 II 1,423 271

7 10 4 32 5 12 97 20

20 4 22 2 42 2 5 1 181 3Q

8 3 1 1 7

8 1 5 2 6 4 603 114

3 8 1 6t

1 2 16


2 3 7 15 1

11 11 208

2 1 155 26

6 34 11

------~ 1!'I, D-VIII-Unemployment DISTRICT ...... - _--- - -~--

Nwnber of per~oD~ Nwnber of persons Educational I outside the labour force§ gainfully employed Standard I I . I I 1 I I Females Pe~ons I M~les IF",":IM Ip""f' I ""tiM I· 7

Illiterate 602,620 224,014 318,6015 327.'28 154,670 172,952

Partly Literate 1,640 ],014 h~6 1,351 1,246 101;

Literate 130,403 88,005 42,393 1I0.M5 85,773 "',832

Middle School G,527 4,8:.11 ],706 7,519 7,25'1 262

Matriculate or' S. L. C. Higher 1,] SO 784 396 2,410 2,3~3 167 ~econdary

Intermediate in Arts or Scienc(!I 68 44 24 181 171 10

i1e!J'rees 0'1" /Jiplomfl8

Graduate ill Arts 01' Science 88 M 24 350 3~9 21

Post-Graduate in Arb o-r SewIWII 35 12 23 3:! 16 16

TeachinJ( J3n lOS 31 1.260 ],138 122

Engineering 2-1 24 84 83

Agrieu1'ture< 6 5 48 4~

Veterinary :1 2 4. 4

Commerce: 11 10 1 21 21

LegaJ.i 23 23 232 232

Medicaf. (;4 37 17 187 173 14-

6ther~ 40 :Ill 12 22 22

'fotal 742,859 318,995 423.864 431,934 253.512 178,422

§ All persons beJ;;w 16-or abov; 60 years Of. age, ho?sewivt'~udents, permanently disabled persons etc. were treated liB bemg outBlde the labour force. by Educ.ational Standards ] 27 ..,:\_TARA NORTH

Number of persons unemployed for :-

3 complete 4, complete I) complete 6 complet.a upto 3 months months months months months --1--·-1--- i ----1- Males I Females Males I Females Males I Females 8 01 9 10 I 11 12, 13

36 2 !! 6 1


G3 13 17 2 18 1

30 5 3 7

10 4 3 2 3




143 27 17 35 6 1% 31 128 D-VIII-Unemployment DIST I:{, I C'l'

------~ Number of persons unemployed for :-

Educational 7 complete 8 complete 9 complete Standard months I months I months -\~--.--- I Males I Females Males IFemales . Males IF emtloleS 18 19 20 21 , 22 23 .

Illiterate 2 2

Partly literate

Literate 3

Jlliddle School 2

(»\. lHatriculate S. L. C. w Higher 2 Secondi).ry

Intermediate in Arts or Scif'nce

Degrees or Diploma8

Graduates in Arts or Seienee

Fost.Graduates in Arts or Science








Dthers fota~ 2 7 2 S 2 E'!lucational Standards-coneld. 129 5ATARA NORTH Number of persons unemployed for ;-

10 complete J 1 complete 12 complete months IUQnths months Totar'

- --_ ---~ - Males '~Ir Females Males \ Female~ Males \ Females Persons Males \ Females 24 25 !_6_-, _ _?2_ 28 29 30 31 32 ------~_-- - -~--- - 4 ii 20 H 930,360 378,767 551,593

1 2,994 2,263 731

11 2 81 4 221,231 173,992 47,239

3 1 44 3 14,156 12,181 1,975

-:I 26 3,649 3, 161. 488

I 251 217 34

45 441 208 39 67 28

1,402 1,249 i53

109 108 I

S3 .53

.I! 6 ()

32 31 1

255 255

2,U 216 -31

62 50 12

U 5 3 113 III 1,115,309 572.967 6112.3C

-,--~~- -~------130 E-Summary Figures by Talultas and Peta~. DISTRICT SATARA NORTH ------

Density Area PopuJl!.tio~ p:3r square in mil. T"luka or Pet!> 1951 1951 eq. • Mi).Q&

Persone 1 2 3 ~------District 4022.6 1,175,309 572,967 602,342 292 Rural 3833.8 1,014,970 491,360 523,610 265

lJrbalJ) 188.8 160,339 81,607 78,732

}aoli 344.7 71,086 32,660 38.426 206 Rural 344.7 71,086 32,660 38,42t! 206 Urban>

Karad 405.8 287.913 103,981 103,932 512 RuraT 375.4 169,262 84,076 85,186 451

Vrbl!.lb 30.4 38,651 19,905 18,746 1,271

IthaDdaia 203.3 48,095 23,279 24.816 237 Rural 203.3 48,095 23,279 24,816 237 Urban,

Khatav 509.1 131,360 64,452 66,908 258 Ru.raf 4.63.6 119,370 58,477 60,893 257 Urbano 41>.5 11,990 5,975 6,015 764

Koreg.oD' 364,6 115,689 56,286 59,403 317 Rurat 335.7 93,957 45,178 48,779 280 Urbau 28.9 21,732 11,108 10,624 752

Mahabaleshwllr' 87.3 26,448 10.070 10,378 234 Rural 74.7 10,938 5,238 5,700 146 Urbnn 12 CI 9,510 4,832

------~------I 1I III IV

Cultivators of Cultivators of Cultivating Non-cultivating lan'il wholly or land wholly or labourers and owners of land; mainly owned mainly unown- their dependants agricultural rent a!ld their ed and thsir receivers and their dependants dependants dependants

Males Males Females Males IFemales \ _ \ _ 9 10 11 Fe~~leB 13 14

384,504 411,867 11,490 11.156 22,400 24,056 17,766 23,926

3Cn ,029 394,581 10,521 ) 0, 252 20,998 22,614 14,688 20,475

17,475 17,286 969 90t 1,402 1,442 3,078 3,451

27,542 32,974 574 582 536 599 217 321

27,542 3Z,97-1 574 582 536 599 ~17 ;)21

66,279 67,233 2,215 1,904 5,250 5,655 3,159 4,057

61,001 62,223 1,974 1,710 4,774 5,132 1,881 2,612

S,278 5,010 :!41 194 476 523 1,278 1,445

15,491 16,897 343 358 571 639 1.14D 1.519

15,491 16,897 343 35S 571 639 1,140 1,519

44,035 45,482 1,704 1,629 1.710 2,042 3,690 4,922

40,941 42,34f> 1,605 1,528 1,586 1,907 3,4{13 4,666

a, OIl-! 3,137 99 101 1201, " )35 227 :25~

39,380 i2,344 813 871 1,802 2.0:13 2,234 3,221

35,116 38,004 701 770 1,481 1,705 1,807 2,719

4,264 -1,340 112 101 321 318 427 ..502

4,357 4,822 193 174 49 47 39 49 4,251 t,708 191 171 4,6 47 8 10

106 114 2 3 3 31 39

------~_,_. 13~ E-Summary Figures by T alukas and F"etas DISTRICT SATARA NORTH

---.~ LIVELIHOOD CLASSES ._-- -_ ------_ - Non-<\griculturaJ Classes Persons. (including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from:- ---- V ·VI VII VIII., Production Commerce Trnnsport Other services and Taluka or Peta other than miscellaneous cultivation sources. --- I Males Females I Males jFemales I Males iFemales \ Males I Females 1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 . 22

District 53,305 51,117 21,965 20,958 3,644 3,633 57,893 55,629

} r"'~~ Rural 37,569 36,2'>3 9,237 fl,7\.14 1,352 1,440 29,966 29,171

Urban 15,736 14,834 1:?,728 12,] 64 2,292 2,193 27,927 26,458

Jaoli 1.456 1,471 718 792 63 97 1.554 1.590 Rural 1,456 ],471 718 792 63 97 1,554 1,590


Karad 11,364 10,549 4,806 4,279 739 702 10,169 9,553

Rural 7,693 7,166 1, oM) 1,326 210 222 4,984 4,795

Urban 3,671 3,383 3,247 2,953 52() 480 5.]85 4.768

Khandala 2.358 2,225 1.153 1,069 132 121 2,091 1,988

R.umJ 2,358 2,225 1,153 1,069 13~ 121 2,091 1,988


Khatav 6,358 5,945 1,738 1.625 184 192 5,033 5,071 ! ! ~. Rural' 5,373 4,933 1,357 1,258 145 156 4,007 4,100

Urban 985 1,012 381 367 39 36 1,026 971 i(oregaol1 5,650 5,124 1.971 1,741 647 568 3,789 3,511

Rural 2,931 2,7:?5 717 1122 272 212 2,153 2,022

Urban 2,719 2,399 1,254 1,119 375 356 1,636 1,489

Mahabaleshwar 808 799 795 928 183 162 3,646 3,397

Rural 108 157 114 110 24 ~9 496 468

Urban 700 642 681 818 159 133 3,150 2,920 ------" ----- E-Summary Figures by Talukas and Petas.-cont I. 103 DISTRICT SATARA NORTH

Density Area Populatlot> per square in mile Taluka or P"ta 1951 1\151 > ~q. Mil

Persons Males Fllmales 2 3 4 5 6

Man 556.Q 83,478 41,387 42.091 150

Rural 52],5 74.333 36.853 37.480 143

U,'ban 34.5 9,145 4,534 4,61 t 265

Patan 513.5 146.691 70.463 76,228 286 Rural 513.6 146,691 70,463 76,228 286 Urban

Phaltan 455.8 99,781 50.09S 49,686 219 Rural 425.5 87,639 43,798 43,841 206

Urban 30.3 12,142 6,297 5,845 401

Satara 353.4 162,529 78.585 83,944 460 Rural 348.1 121,459 57,586 63,873 SU

Urban 5.3 41,070 20,9119 20,071 7,749

Wai 229.1 88,239 41.709 46530 385 Rural 227.8 72,140 33,752 38,388 317

Urban 1.3 Ill,099 7,957 8,142 12,383 ---- Not'l:-The area figure of the district supplied by the Surveyor General India is 4034.4 sq. miles. 131 £-Summary figures by Talukas and Petas-contd. DTSTRICT SATARA NORTH

------~ LIVELIHOOD CLASSES - -- --_ Agricul tuml CltIBses ---- I II III

Cultivators of Cultivators of Cultivating . land wholly or land wholly or labourerlPand Tainka or Peta muinly oWlled mainly unoWn- their dependants and their ed and their dependants dependants

Males Fem;les I Females Males Females 7 I _L M~es 10 11 12

Man 28.649 28,738 162 701 1,266 1.468 Rural 27,18-1 27,179 636 594 1,085 1,258

Urban 1,465 1,559 126 107 .181 210 Patan 59.002 64,022 1,631 1,731 1,33'4 1,594 Rural 59,002 64,022' 1.631 1,131 1,334 1.594 Urbc.n Phaltan 25,839 26,231 1,375 1.283 7,245 6,956 Rural 25,Ofl3 25,505 1,344 ],242 7,189 6,918

Urban 746 636 31 41 56 38 Satara 45,648 50,705 9S3 1,009 1,880 2,103 Rural 44,709 49,853 8S3 942 1,727 1,972 Urban 939 852 80 67 ID3 131 \\lsi 28,282 32,419 917 914 757 930 Rural 26,699 30,781 639 624 669 843

Urban 1,583 1,638 278 290 88 67 ---- E-Summary Figures by Talukas and Petas-concld. 135 DISTRICT SATARA NORTH

LIVELIHOOD CLASSES ------Non-Agricultural classes

IV-Non- Persons (including dependants) who deriv() their principal means of livelihood from :- cultivating owners ------of land, agricultural rent receivers V-Production I VI I VIII· Other Ber· and their other than Commerce \ VII-Transport vices & miscell. dependants cultivation aneoua sources

Males Females I Ma;e-:-I;emales I Males \Femalesil Males Females IMales. II Females 13 1,4 15 16 17 18 19 \ 20 21 22 ----r- - 2,023 2.742 4,662 4,555 951 963 59 90 3,015 2,831

1.973 2.644 3,278 3,258 515 498 25 32 2,157 2,017

50 98 1,38-1 1,297 436 465 34 58 858 817 1,303 1.650 3.124 3,281 1.060 1.118 83 108 2,926 2,724

1.303 1,650 3,124 3.281 1,060 1,118 83 108 2,926 :?,724

1.711 2,314 6.023 5,584 1,655 1,552 366 306 5,881 5,460 1.523 2,115 4,520 4.1 if) 503 506 183 164 3,443 3,136

188 199 1,503 1,409 1,152 1,046 183 142 2,438 2,334

1.461 2,011 7,514 7,595 5,293 5,149 798 873 15,028 14.499 P60 1,545 3,997 4,143 9q2 931 112 177 4,246 4,310

001 466 3.517 3,452 4,341 4,218 686 696 10,782 10,189

789 1.120 3.988 3.989 1,825 1.742 390 414 4.761 5,002

413 674 2,731 2.749 589 564 103 1Z2 1,909 2,031

376 446 1,257 1,240 1,236 1,178 287 292 2,852 2,971 Primary Census Abstracts

These abstracts show figures of population according to eight livelihood cla~s{'s for every town and vi llage. In the case of most municipal areas,.. figures have been given for wards as well. These abstracts are in essence a village directory, with the data exhibited according to livelihood classes, instead of communities as in 1941.

The area figures given in column 3 have been obtained from the District Inspe.ctor of Land Records of Satara North or from local records. The total area of Satara North district as calculated by the Surveyor General, India, is 4,034'4 square mile~.

The figures given in columns 4 and 5 and 9 to 12 have been extracted from 1. he National Registers, prepared by enumerators after the census. These Registers consisted of a :transcription of the replies to the more important census questions in respect of every person enumerated. Figures of literates according to tracts, derived from the census. slips, shown in tdble D-VII, are more reliable than the village figures derived from the National Registers. The census slip on which the replies to the census questions were recorded was the main document. The National Register was merely a copy. In addition, mistakes seem to have occurred while extracting literacy figures for villages in the Tabulation Office The percentage of literacy in tbe district was 20.59% according to table D-VII. It was 20.75% according to the 10% sample tablCl! C-IV and 18.33 % according c to the figures given in the Primary Censlls Abstracts.

Information contained in columns 29 to 33 has been extracted from the data collected for each village by the Bombay District Gazetteers ( Revision) Editorial Board. The following abbreviations have been used in the abstract :-

::\1. for Municipality. fl. S. for Primary Scbool. V, P, for Village Panchayat. C. C, S. [or a Co-operative Credit Society. C, S. for a Co-operative Society of any other kind Sun. for Sunday, Mon for Monday. Tues. for Tuesday, Wrd. for Wednesday, Thurs, for Thursday, Fri. for Friday, Sat, for Saturday, 138 Primary CeDsulI Abstrad ---- I . ----I loccuPle~ Houses Total No. of persons No.ofinrnate. Area of enumerated [including I of institutions S. N arne of village or village I I inmates of institutiol1ll I and houseles8 or town No. of No. of and houseleRR pe'!lOl1R] I persons No. town/ward in houses house square l holds mileR PerRons I M~le~ IFemalesl~~~-;emale~

2 3 4, 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 \ l TOWNS Nil VILLAGES Achali 0.8 37 39 J81 83 98

2 Adoshi 3.3 30 33 Hi7 68 89 \ 3 Ahir 2.8 70 102 477 221 256

4, Akalape 4.8 90 103 415 206 209

5 Akbade 1.3 93 93 486 248 238 28 23 6 Akhegani 1.3 32 69 277 117 160 7 Alewadi 2.0 72 122 601 265 336 9

8 Amdshi 1.3 5! 57 223 106 117

9 Ambeghar Tad 0.5 57 73 3811 174 215 11 10 10 AmbE'ghar Tarf 2.0 101 122 562 238 324 2 4 Mectha. 11 Andhari 1.3 26 ,,_•... 0 ]::I!) 70 6!) 12 Anewadi 0.8 108 170 1,005 491 514 63 3S

13 Apati 2.5 165 180 672 316 356

14 Arao 2.8 4;) 50 232 120 112

15 Arde 1.3 40 59 28~ 131 151 16 ASd.ui 0.8 33 35 146 69 77 17 Awalan 1.3 36 3'; Hi8 84 84

18 Babule 0.5 42 4~ 195 91 104

19 Bamnoli Kasabe '" 2.0 216 223 1,059 467 592 20 Bamnoli Tarf 0.3 138 157 716 343 373 38 40 Kudal 21 Belawade 2.8 101 103 568 243 325 11 11

22 Belollhi 1.0 47 98 403 175 228 7 23 Bhalegha.r 0.8 35 43 196 87 109 21 Bhamghar 0.8 23 31 139 73 66

25 Bhanang 1.3 129 164 781 337 444 JAOLI TALUKA ______--':1.. 139 -Ii- I Agricultural Classes III. Cultivating I q·N on.cultivating ~ I. Cultivators Ill. Cultivators 'I Literates i of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrl. • or mainly owned or mainly un- 1 their dependants cultural rent recei. vers, and their I and their I' owned a.nd j I dep"[ldantB their dependants dependants

- Mal". 1Females ~ M80I~s IFema.le.) - Mal~A IF~aleJ Male~ I Fema~eB- Males Females 20 _11__ ; _1_2_1_ 13 _ 14 \ 16 : 16_ ~ __ 1_7 __I_~ ___ 19

3 83 98 6 68 89 7 2 216 252. 3 4 1

5 198 202 3 6 2 I

66 19 227 219 6 4 6 6

31 4 116 157 64 265 335

~ 94 91 I 2 63 20 141 178 1

14 3 224 317 1 .., I 3 70 69

158 68 339 362 12 24 1 1 9 312 355 1 • 12 115 110 5 2

30 130 151 , II 1 58 66 83 84

19 3 88 l(H

112 47 439 558 1 2 2 1 4 '1

64 18 195 225 20 26 46 56 4 2 62 12 240 319

30 4 149 202 9 10

31 3 87 109 73 66

59 10 ~87 40'1 1 1 Ito Primary Census Absh-acl

1 ______N_o_n_-_A_g_riCUltUrftl Classes Persolls ( including dependants) who derive their principal ______m_c_a_n_s_o_f __ liv_e_l_ih_o_o_rl_f_ro_m ___ ~ ______s. N arne of village or I VIII-Other No. town/ward V-Production VI-Commerce IVIJ-l'ran"port services and other than cui. miscellaneou. tivation I 80tufJes .Males ! Males Females F,m"i Mal," FNO ..'" Me"'" I,',mal ) ! 21 22 23 24 25 26 I 27 28 - TOWNS Nil VILLAGES

1 Achali

2 Adoshi

:I Ahir

4 Akalape

~ Akhade

Ii Akhegani

7 A1ewadi

8 Ama"hi

\'} Ambeghar Tan Kuda! It) Ambeghar Tarf l\ledha 11 Andhari

J2 Anewadi

J3 iipllti •

}4 Arao

J;} ArdB

16 .~sani

J7 AwalsIl

18 Bahnle

19 Bamnoli KHsabe ...

20 Bamnoli Tali' Kudal 21 Belawadj~l';* ,

22 Boloshi

23 Bhaleghar

24 Bhamghar 25 Bhanang JAOLI TALUKA j

N eare1lt village, {til-fiB 1 N e post offiee Nearest Re.ilway Rema~. and its distance in station and its its distance in miles & of nQte, miles distance in miles Baw,r day. I

29 30 31 32 33

:'\fahabaleshwll r, 51 Sabara Road, Mahabaleshwur, 5~, P.S. I 35!; Tues. Bamnoli Kasabe, 8 Satara Road, 4:)- Medha, 16, 1\1on.

Bamnoli Kasabe, .. Padli, 36 j\Iedha, II, 1\1on. P.S.

Bamnoli Kasab(', 7 Satara Road, 42 l\!eclha, 16, :.\£on. P.S.

Humgaon, 3!8 Satara Road, 25 Humgaon 3/8, SUll. C.C.S.

Panchagani, 5 Wathar,30 Humgaon, 4, Sun. P.S.

Kudal,5 Batara Road, 3t Kudal, 5, Wed. P.S.

Bamnoli JIasabe, Siltara Road, 41 J\Iedha, 21, J\fon. P.S. 1~ Valuth, ~ Sutara R@ad, 32 Humgaoll, 2, Sun. P.S.

;U"dba, 5 Batura Road, 29 ilfedhs, 5, ].\[on. P.S.

Bamnoli Kasabe, 2} Padli,31 lIIedha, 7, l\Ion.

Saigaon, 1 Satara Road, 21 Bazar, Fri. P.S.

B .. mnoli Kasabe, 2 Sutat'a Road, 31 ::'IIed.ha, 5, 1\10n. P.S.

Eamnoli Ka8abe,12 Sutara Road, 47 1\Iedha, 21, ::'lIon. P.S.

Kndal, 2 Satara Road, 16 Kudal, 2, Wed. P.S.

::l.Iedha, 6 Sutara Road, 29 ;\Iedha, G, Mon. P.S.

BaIDIlOli Kasabe, '7 Satara Road, 39 i.\{edha, 13, Mon. V.P.

:i\Iahabaleshwar, 7 Satara Road, 37 Mahabaleshwar,7, P.S. rrues. P. O. b>\tara Road, 34 Medh<~, 9, Mon. P.S.,C.S.

Kudal,3 Satara Road, 18 Humgaoll, 3, Sun. P.S.

Kudal, 3 Satam Road, 16 Kudal, 3, 'Veel.

l\1edha, 8 8atara Road, 34 :'IIedha, 8, :'\10n. P.S.

Vnlnth, 2 Batnra Road, 33 Humgaon, 3, Sun.

(,Ieuha, 5 Satara Road, 30 :'Iledha, 5, Mon.

;l.ledha, 4 Satura Road, 2:l l\Iedha, 4, ::\lon. P.S.,C.S. Primary Ceasus Abstract

~ --~- Occupied Houses

Total No. of PerbOnS r No. of inmate. Alea of enumerated [including : of institution. N arne of vi}}age or village inmates of institutions I and houseleq~ :5. : or town No. of Ko. of f and hOllseless persons] f per'l(}I}S No., towll!waTd in houses house square holds miles • I perROIl~ 1 MI>I:s' I Femalesli\;:I:: --;:mal"8 2 3 .. 5 i 6 7 f 8 9 l 10

26 Bhiwadi 1.3 58 485 236 249

27 Bhogawali TRlf ••. 0.8 45 46 186 78 lOS 4 2 Kudal 28 Bhogawali 1.3 61 65 298 138 160 Tarf Medha 29 Bhuteghar 1.5 38 40 188 94 94

30 Bfuhawi l.S 140 146 687 30'1 383

31 Bondarwadi 1.8 68 68 138 187

32 C'hakadeo 1.3 22 26 J09 56 53

33 Chorambe 1.8 38 38 181 77 10i

Dahlia 4.3 25 28 ]29 67 Dabhakar 35 Dabhe Mohan 2.11 3Z 35 169 80 89 36 Dal\greghaJ" 0.8 71 75 412 172 240

<17 Dapa\-di 0.8 35 57 26-1, 107 157

38 Dare BJ.... 2.0 112 173 8011 378 431 19 ]3

39 Da,'" Kh. 1.5 65 108 492 218 274

40 Dare Tarf 1.8 55 ·68 2!H 116 145 Tamb 41 DehuJ' ~.3 39 39 182 96 86

42 Devasare J.O 38 39 168 80 88

43 Dhanakawadi 0.8 39 If)5 60 105

44 Dha\.di 1.3 19 19 76 34

45 Divdev O.S 58 62 289 130 159

46 DDooni 6.3 15 15 75 40 35

47 Dund 1.3 67 72 SOU 124 176

48 FufUs 0.8 30 30 Hl 66 75

4!) Cadhawali l.O 3i 41 170 71 99 50 Galdeo 0.8 21 21 so 32 48 51 Ganjt' 3.3 ]06 188 799 339 460

52 Gawdhcl;hi 1.8 77 77 280 121 159

53 Gogawe 1.5 102 102 4-18 215 233 JAOLI TALUKA I Agricultural Classes I ! I. Culti vatora II. Cultivators I III. Cultivating IV·N on.cultivating Literates of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrt. I Of mainly owned or mainly un- I their dependants oultural rent reooi. I and their owned and I vers, and their I dependants their dependants! dependants

~-:1emale8 f Male8[Females! lfaleR IFemales! Males J Females Males Femal~B

11 12 \ 13 14 \ 15 16 \ 17 .! 18 19 20 I l I ------86 12 178 195 5 3

17 74, 106 131 156

17 89 88

72 7 243 322 2 2 14 7 2 3

14 117 157 6 8 2 3

4 1 55 52

2 75 99 62 67 79 87

171 239

3 105 ]56 1

100 11 356 416 1 13

79 26 217 271

113 141 3 4

9 78 72 6

80 88 13 60 ]05

4 34 42

3 130 ]59

40 35

23 4 ]20 114, 3

64 75

6 42 55 24 31 1 2 II

32 48

51 3 279 412 3 2 2 4 120 159

22 6 180 203 1 3 3 4 8 ------_ IU Primary Census Abstrad _-- _- ---_---- Non-Agricultural 0IaB8".

Fer901l~ ( illcluding dependants) who uprive their prino;pal means of livelihood from s. Name of village or - --_------_--- VlIl-Other No. town/ward V-l'roduction VI-('ommerce VB-Tra".port l services and other than cui. miscellaneolJ' tivation \ sou."ces ----'- Males IFemal~8 21 ~ 22 '~:"" ':) At::" iF.~:'AAl M;" IF~:'h I I

26 Bhiwudi 21 14 15 13 11 18

27 Bhogewnli Tarf 4 2 Kndal 28 Bhogawali Tarf .6 4 Medha 29 Bhuteghar 5 6

30 Bibhawi 19 25 6 18 19

31 Bondarwadi 6 1 4 s 2 4

32 Chakadeo 33 Chorambo 2 5 :H Dabha Dabhllkar 35 Dabho Mohan 2 36 Dangreghar

37 Dapavdi

Dare Bk I) 3 1

39" Dare Rh. 3 40 Dare'rarf Tamb 41 DehuT 1 2 o 6 42 Devaaare

43 Dhanakawadi

44 Dhawli

46 Dodan!

47 Dund 1

48 Furuli 2 49 Gadhawali 3

50 Galdeo

51 Gllnje 36 26 2 17 17 52 Gawdhoshl

1i3 Gogal>e 15 8 4 !t JAOLI TALUKA

~--- -,---~-.,---- I 1

Ne"rest post office Nearest Railway I Nearest blU';ar village, 1 Remarl;;,. snd its distance in station and its its distance in miles & !Iltem~of Bote lI1ilell dista'loo in miles Bal':ar day. I ; j I I I 29 30 Sl ! 32 33 1 ! ~-- -~-- Kudal,2 Satara Road, 28 Kudal, 2, Wed. P.S.

Valuth,2 Satan!. Road, 33 Humgaon, 2~, Sun,

.:\[edha, ,~ Satara Roao, 23 i\iedha., 5, !II 01' •

Mahabaleshwllr,(i Satanl. Road, 39 lI{uhabaleshw,J,r, 6, Tues. p, S.

;,\Iedha,11 Sll.tara. Road, 24 lIIedha, 1), Mon. P.S"C,C,S.

Mahabaleshwar, 6 ~atara Road, 39 Mahabaleshwar, (i, Tues.

BamnoJi Sa.tara ROitu, 50 Medha, 24, Mon. Kssllbe,16 .:\Iedha, 2 Satara Road, 2G :lIedha, 2, l\ion •

Mah'abaleshwar, 6 Satura Road, 45 :\Iahab>lleshwltr, G. Tues,

lHahabaleshwar, 6 Sa tara Road, 45 Malmbaleshwar, G, Tues.

:\Icdlra, 6 Satara Road, 32 ;\fedha, 6, Man, P.S.

Pallchago:mi, :!~ Satara Road, 26} Humgaon, 6~, Sun. p, S.

Kudal,4 ."lata,'1l RO!td, 30 Kudal, 4, Wed. P.S.

Saigaon'1 Satara Road, 21 Anewadi, 1, Fri. p, So

Bamnol; Satarn. Road .. 35~ Medha, 101, Mon. Kasabe. I} ~Iedha, 26 Satara Road, 51 }Iedha. 26, Mon.

.:\lahabaleshwar, 6 Satara Road, 36 Mahabaleshwar, 6, Tues, p, S.

:\100118, I; Satam, Road, 21 ;\le<1h.. , G, Mon.

;\fedha, 8 Satara Road, 34 :\[edhlt, 8, lIIon.

Medha, 2 Satara Road, 28 ;l.ledha, 2, !\Ion.

Mahabaleshwar,16 Pauli,48 Mahabaleshwar, 16, Tues.

:'.Ieuha,3 Satara Road, 3 Medha, 3. Mon. P. S. Bamnoli Satara Road, 35 Medha, 10, Mon. c,s. Hasabe,4 Bamnoli Pauli, 32 :\Iedha, 8, :lIon, Kasabe, 1 l\1edha, 6 Satara Road, 32 :\ItlC\ha, 6, l\fon.

lIIeuha,2 Satam Road, 27 }Iedha, 2, :lIon,

Bamnoli Satura Road, 40 lIfedha, 14., :'lIon. p,i'S.P. Kasal'll, 8 Bamnoli Satara Road, 35 ~f~ha. 9, ~fon, P,S, Kasa,be,8 H~ Primary Cellsus Abstract - ---- [ [Occupied Houses I I ,- I Total No. of personll \ No. ofiruno.tes Are.orl I enumerated [including of institutions Name of village or village I inmates of institutions I and houseles8 S. l or town \ No. of No. of I and houseless persons) persons No. ,own/ward , in I houses I house I I square holds ' miles I I [ I_- ---- I I IPersons [ Males ~emale81l\1aleS Female.. I l 1 :I 3 4 5 I 6 7 8 9 10 I I r ~------54 Gondemal 1.0 20 27 III 46 65

55 Goudi 1.3 91 10] 569 266 203 30 25

56 Harchandi 1.5 M 73 302 145 157

57 Hatgc-ghov J.5 131 1(;2 7Z1 313 408 2

58 Hmngaon 3.8 266 277 1,351 633 718 27 19 59 IndawaJj 1.3 102 104 487 228 . 259

60 Jamhruk 2.3 67 73 285 119 166 9

61 Jnngati 6.~ 39 39 H!5 102 93

1>2 Kalamgnon I.S 37 40 157 73 84 Kalamkav 63 Kaloshi l.O 80 90 3S5 173 212

64 Kanda.t 0.8 22 23 97 52 45

65 KaramIi 1.9 142 15S 839 390 449 43 50 TarfKudaI 66 Karandi 1.3 46 52 301 137 164 TarfMerlha 67 Karandosi. 1.5 109 114 525 227 298 10 11 tiS Karanje 1.4 115 117 593 269 324 I) ti9 Kargaon 10.3 113 }')-_oJ 580 274 306

70 Karhar J.3 22 33 1,54 67 87 13

71 Kits 3.3 22 22 95 50 45 72 KatawflIi 1.8 31 75 389 184 205 64

73 Kawdi (J.S 21 39 J84 88 96 H Kedamoo ..8 117 J 19 498 227 271

75 KeJghar 1.0 108 109 540 241 299 44 35 Tarf Medha 76 Kelghar 08 45 52 206 101 105 Torf 80)8e 17 Kenj,,1 0.8 71 85 386 159 227

7S Kbombi! 1.0 42 43 200 93 107 Chorghe i9 Kllambil 0.5 I) 9 37 17 20 Pokal", 80 Khaf@hi 3.8 80 92 371 1i3 198

81 Klmrshi Tarf 1.3 131 204- 1,(~1)3 426 577 Baramure ...., ---- JAOLI TALUKA 147 _---- "':",' I Agricultural Classes

\1- Cultivators II- Cultivators III- Cultivating I V -Non-cultivating Literates of IRond wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrl. I or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependants oultural rent reoei. and their owned and vers, and their I dependants their dependants dependants

Malea Females! M.-. IF,ma-.1 Ma .. IFomalo'j Maled IFemales Males Fem"I~8 11 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 18 19 20 I I 4 46 65

22 2 235 276 1

11 127 125 1

]]2 21 2\15 393 1 3 2 (;

218 62 451 . 517 2 6 71 72 6 27

21 1 224 254 2 3 1 37 8 110 166

5 1 ]02 93

7 73 $40

28 1 153 205

23 ]8 2 3

4 18 336 393 21 137 164 33 2]3 283

44 3 259 322 I

16 1 211 242 33 34 8 12 2 4, 25 3 52 65

5 45 43 4 2 1

42 119 132 46 48 2

20 2 81 110

63 2 224 271 1 42 3 169 228 15 16 6 98 101

31 g 121 166 5 11 4 8 2 86 100 2 2 3 17 20

15 2 16l 191 1 2 1 1 99 23 339 484 5 9 6 3 3 -_ --- US Primary Census Abstraet

Non-Agricultural Classes

Person8 ( including dependants) who dE'rive their principI>I means of livelihood from B. Name of village or

No. !.own/ward V-Production VI-Commerce VII-TranRport I servicesVIIl-D'h" and other than cuI. miscellaneous tivation •. I I sources , Males Fernal"8 Male8 Females' Males i"_.I~ iM.I" IF,~," I 2 21 22 23 ~ 25 I 26 27 28

li4 Gondemal

55 Goudi 3 29 23 li6 Harchandi 5 7 3 4 ]0 19 57 Hatgeghar 5 5 4 4 2 58 Hnmgaon 47 35 32 31 2 • 3 22 27 59 Indllwali 2 60 Jambruk 9 61 lungati

1i2 Kalamgaon Kalamkar 63 Kaloshi 14 6 6 64 Kandat 27 24

65 Karandi Tarf 8 6 Kuda! 45 50 til) Karandi Tart Medha. 67 Karando:si 12 12 2 3 ti8 Karanje 3 7 69 Kargaon 12 8 4 4 4 2 70 Karhar !) 14 5 7 I 71 Kas n Katawali ]3 13 6 10 73 Kawdi 7 (l

H Kedambe 2 75 nelghar Tarf 20 22 21 30 Medha. 16 3 76 Kelghar Tarf 3 4 Solse n Kenjal 13 22 2 3 5 6 9 11 78 Khambil I> 5 Chorghe 79 Khambil PokaJe SO Kharshi 1 2 6 2 8] Kharshi Tarf 81 34 Bararnure 48 41 ----- JAOL.I TALUKA 149 ------~------

Neurest post ofTIce Nearest Railway Nearest bazar village, Items Remark. flnd its distance in station and its its distance in miles & of note miles distance in miles Bazar day.

211 30 .11 32 33

Medha, 4, Satara Road, 30 Medha, 4, Mon.

\le?ha, 3 Satara Road, 29 Medha, 3, ]\'[on. Bamnoli KasalJ(', 8 Satara Ro,td, 40 ;Uedha, 14, Mon. V.P.

Kharshi Tarf \Vathar, 45 Humgaon, 5, Sun. P.S.,V.P.,C.S. Baramure, a P. O. Satara Road, ?-_" Bazar, Sun. P.S.,C.C.S. Kudal, 3 Satara Road, 20 Kudal, 3, Wed. P.B.

Patan, 12 Satara Road, 3-1 Patan, I:!, Wed. P.S.

),ledhu, 30 Satara [toad, .jJ Medha, 30, Mon.

Mahabaleshwar, 8 Satura Road, 43 ;IIahabaleshwar,8,Tues.

;\~edha, 2 Satara Road, 28 Medha, 2, Mon. P.S.

]'lcdha, 23 Padli, 48 :l.ledha, 23, Mon.

Humg.lOn, 2 Satul'l~ Road, 28 Humgaon, 2. Sun.

]'Iedha, 3 i"ataru Road, 29 1\16<1ha, 3, lIIon.

Kndal, ! Batara Road, 30 Kndal, -1. Wed.

Uedha, 1 Bat1tra Road, 2G Medha, I, r,.ion. P.S. l\Iedhu, 12 Satara Road, 37 :UQ{lha, l -,oJ Mon. P.S.

Humgaon, 3 Satara Road, 33 Humgaoll, 3, Sun.

Bamnoli Pa.lli, 2-1 Medha, 6, Mon. Kasabe, 4 ?- P.S. Pancha.gani, I! Wathar, _D Humgaon, "" SUllo Panchagani, ! \Vathar, 3(l Humgaon, 2, Sun.

Medhu, 8 Satara Road, 3-1 ;lIedha, S, :lIon. P.S.

Medba, 6 Sl.\tara Road, 30 lI.fedha, 6, Mon. P.S.

Bamnoli Kasabe, 2 Satara Road, 31 ~redha, 7, Mon.

11edha, 5 S&tara Hond, 21 Medha. 5, 111m. P.S·

B Ull11101i K,Lsabe, 11 . Sat,Ha Road, 37 lfedha, 11, ]I.{on.

Bamnoli Kl>Sabe, 11 Satara Road, 37 ~Iedha, 11, Mon.

1 Saigaoll, 7 Satara Road, 12 Anewadi, 2, Fri. P.S. P.O. Satanl Road, 33 Hmngaon, 3, SUllo ------_----- 150 Primary CeDSUS Abstrad

Occupied Houses

Total No. of persons No. of inmates Area of enumerated [including of institutions Name of village or village inmates of institutions I and houseless S. or town No. of No. of and houseless pe~sonB) persons No. town/ward in houses house I holds I square I .. I miles I pers0ns I Males Fom.,+r.IM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I

82 Kharshi Tarf 1.8 132 134 737 342 395 8 3 Kudal 83 Khirkhandi 2.0 58 65 305 ·148 157 84 KolghUl' 0.8 19 22 77 37 40

85 Kotroshi 2.0 71 77 298 146, 132 86 Kudal 5,3 342 352 2,622 1,266 1,356 81 85

87 Kumbhargani 0.3 10 15 63 25 38

88 Kurloshi 2,1) 32 34 177 >35 92

89 Kuroshi 2.3 98 114 443 220 223 5

90 Kusupur 2.0 26 30 111 56 55 91 Kusawud0 3.0 3t 31 152 76 76

92 Kusumbi 3.3 14-1 220 9U6 40l 505 93 Lakhwad ],5 93 93 398 172 226 94 Lllmaj 4.3 83 9l! HZ 214 228 95 llIadashi 2.0 27 27 130 65 65

96 Mahalunge 3.5 59 66 344 H>2 192

97 Mahate Bk. 0,8 59 80 402 164 238 98 M .. hate Kh. 1.5 59 105 493 241 252

99 M::.higaon 1.8 74 91 465 225 240 32 20 100 MaLu O,S 53 120 519 217 302

101 l\Jaja~e Shembdi 0.5 29 32 141 70 71 102 lI.llljorewadi 0.5 6 6 34 17 17

103 11laIchondi 0.8 52 51 227 102 125

10.1 lI.laldeo 2.8 42 46 185 95 90 105 lUamnrdi 1.0 45 50 275 121 154 l06 Mordmure 0.8 40 42 198 89 109

107 MorIi 1.0 64 71 304 139 165

108 .l\'Iedha 2.0 21,9 313 2,055 1,018 1.037 70 68

109 J\Ict-I mlayali 4.8 15 21 79 3'9 40

---~ ~-- - JAOLI TALUKA 1lijj ---- Agricultural Classes

I 1- Cultivators II- Cultiva.tors IlI- Cultivating IV -N on-cultivating Literates of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrl. I or mainly owned or mainly un- I their dependa.nts cultural rent recei. and their owned and I vers, e.nd their dependants their dependants dependants ~ 1

MaleR IFemale·1 Male~ Females Male~ Fem.. l~s -M""I··m.", I MaIM 1•. =",1 I I 11 12 \ 13 14 I Iii 16 I 17 18 19 20 i I I I 1

11~ 28 290 3U 3 2 25 146 157

2 37 40

<; 117 119 2 6 198 139 521 546 30 28 35 25 69 12

4 25 38 27 75 79 9 13 1

35 1 212 222 1 I

4 2' 56 55

2 74 75

47 8 358 455 1 5 3 .5 42 5 171 226

5 214 228 4 63 62 2 3

40 10 144 191 3 1

H 3 15! 220 34 224 239

GO 13 121 13S 6 1 3 3 65 9 182 263 8 50 51 3 2 2 17 17 8 102 U5

8 84 80 1 3 1

4 121 ]54

24 4 89 109 32 3 136 164 483 167 299 306 5 2 6-1 55 27 45

6 33 33 6 5 1 1 16.2 Primary Census Abstract

Non-Agricultural Classes

Persons ( including dependants) who derive thetr principal means of live\ihood from B. Name of village or VlII-Otbo, N o. town/ward V-Production VI-Commerce IVII-TranRport I services and other than cui. miscellaneous tivation I 8Q.'t.lCCes

I 1\1aJ08 FtlIIlalea Males FemaleRI MaIeR F:OI~ MO'""l'omOI I : 21 22 23 U 25 26 27 28

I ~~~-- 82 Kharshi Tan 32 28 6 3 11 18 Kudal 83 Khirkhandi 2

84 Kolghar

85 Kotroshi 13 8 I 4 13 15

86 Kuda} 19ii 207 207 237 2 2 206 239

87 Kumbhargani 88 Kurloshi

89 Kuroshi 5 2

90 Knaapur

91 Kusitwade 2 1

92 KUi!umbi 23 19 4 4 4 5 8 1Z

93 Lakhwad I

94 Lamaj

95 Madashi

96 Mahalunge 4

97 3Iahate Bk. 3 4 7 14

98 lIahll.te Kh. 2 1 15 12

99 Mahigaon 35 40 3 10 5'; 48

100 ~fahu 31 34 1 1 3 4

JOI Jlajare Shembdi 2 1 15 17 102 l\lajarewadi

103 lIaichondi

101 lIaideo 4 3 1 6 2 105 Mamnrdi

106 lIardmuro

107 llarii 3

lOS )fedha 151 1;)2 165 • 162 8 9 299 305 109 1Id.lndavali JAOLI TALUKA

N'eurest p08~ offIce Nearest Railway Nearest bazar village, Items Remark. and its distance in station and its its distance in miles & of note miles distance in miles Ba"ar day.

29 30 31 32 33 ------_- ~--- Bamnoli Kal3ube, II Satara Road, 34 l\Iedha, 10, Mon.

:'\ledha,6 Satara Road, 30 :.\fedha, 6, Mon. P.S.

Bamnoli K!>sabe, 3 Padli, 20 l\If'dha, J, :o.10n.

Bamnoli Kal3abe, 8 Satflra Road, 42 :.\Iedha, 22, MOll. P.S.

P.O. Satara Road, 26 Bazar, Wed. P.S ,V.P.

Medlla,6 Satura Road, 22 :\Iedha, 6, Mon.

Medha,8 Satura Road, 32 l\Iedhfi, 8, ilIon. !P.S.

Bamnoli Kasabe, 9 Satara Road, 42 Medha, 21, Mon. P.S.

Bamnoli K asabe, 6 Satura Road, 41 :\Iedha, 15, Mon. P.S.

:\ledha,20 Satara Road, 45 :,\1 ulha, 20, Mon.

Medha,3 Satara Road, 28 lIIedha, 3, Mon.

Bamnoli Kasabe,6} Satara Road. 36 MOOh,., 10, MOil. P.S·

Medha, 14 Pacli, 37 Medha, 14, Mon.

Bamnoli Kasabe, 6 Sutara Road, 41 l\Iedha, 15, Mon.

Bamnoli Kasabe, 10 Satara Road, 41 J\Iedha, J 8, !lIon. P.S-

:'Iledha,4 Satara Road, 30 Medha, 4, Mon. P.S.

2Iledha,3 Satara Road, 28 Medlla, 3, \Ion.

8uigaon, ~ Satara l{,oad, 211 Anewadi, 3, Fri. P.S.

Panchagani, 4 Satara Road, U Hnmg-aon,4,Sun. P.S.

Bamnoli Kasabe, 2 Padli, 34 Medha, 10, Mon.

;\1 ahaba!eshwar, 5! Satara Road, 38 lIIahabaleshwar, 5~, Tues. :'\Iedha,3 Satarn Roan, 29 J\Iedha, 3, Mon.

Medha,6 Satara Road, 32 :'tledha, 6, Mon.

Medhn,2 Satara Road, 27 1Iedha, 2, Mon. Kudal,3 Satnra Road, J 6 Kudal, 3, \Ved.. Hnmgaoll, 3 Satara Road, 34 Humgaon, 3,Sun. P.S.

P.O. Sabra. Road, 211 Bazar, ~Ion. t P.S. 11edha, 12 Satara Road, 37 MOOha, 12, :'I{on. ------t P. W. D. Bungalow. Primary Census Abstract I ! I Total No. of persons INo. ofinmllte~ I A.ea of enumerated [inoluding I of institutions I Name of villMge or village \ inmates of institutions \ and houseles. !:'. or town No. of No. of and houseless persons] I personS I KO. town/ward I in houses house 1 I square holds miles 1__ - ____ _ I I[ PeTI'.OnS l Males IFema\es\~'t.1l.1eB \ Femal.<>f> 1 2 3 4 6 I 6 7_1_8_1~1~ __

110 :\ihaswe 2.3 178 251 1,0~2 474 598

111 i\Ihavashi 1.3 14 15 93 47 46

112 Mohat 1.8 'is 89 <\36 ] 9\1 237

]]3 Moleshwar Tarf... 1.3 13 ]3 27 28 Medha 114 ::Uorani ].0 39 ]93 88 105

115 l\Ioravale 0.8 49 69 292 133 ]59

116 l'IIorghar 1.5 78 95 4116 228 26~

117 Mukavli 0.5 25 27 121 59 62

~lunavl6 6.5 144 147 61] 283 328

119 Nandgane 0.8 19 20 79 24 55

120 Narfdeo (J.8 47 61 276 13t

] 21 1.5 77 77 330 143 ]87 1"" Niwali 3.0 55 69 302 150 ]52 5 123 Nizare 1.5 104 IH) 566 234 332 5

}:l4 Okha"tlarli o.s 30 34 lli5 71 84

125 Ozarfr 1.0 124 697 2!!2 405 1

126 Pali Tarf 1).5 40 40 170 60 110 Ategaon 1 '27 Pali Tarf -l.S 99 47 52 Tamb 128 Panas 0.8 41 304 120 184

129 Parwat 3.3 47 221 107 114

130 Phalani 1.3 25 41 42

} 31 PimpaJi 0.8 42 73 263 108 };).:)

132 Pimpari Tarf O.i; 34 37 196 97 99 :.\Iedha 133 Pimpari Tarf 4.5 ·111 142 270 2G2 Tamb 13-l Punawadi 2.5 .85 85 455 196 5 7

135 2.8 117 196 97:? 513

136 Os 58 240 lO:! 138 4 2

lSi 1.3 50 75 389 171 218 JAOl-I TAl-UKA 1:;::' ------_- 'I Agricultura.l Classes I I. Cultivators II- Cultivators III. Cultivating I ~ -Non-CUltivating Literates of l",nd wholly I of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrt. or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependantij cmltural rent. recei· and their owned and vers, and their depPl.ldante their dependantB dependa.ntR I -_- _------I . lisl"" IFemales I M.'~ rem.,,, I MaOOR IFemll.'eAi Ma.le~ IFemales Males Femal.s 17 18 19 2'0 11 I 12 \ 13 14 I Iii I 16 \ 1o ____ -----_-_ I I

148 30 3~4 411 3" 34 9 9 3 17 13 10 16 4 8

42 4, 177 216 1 " 26 25 20 86 105 1

17 2 1:13 148 1 59 10 189 209 3

4 58 62

33 4 242 292 38 33 l

1 23 55

~~ 1 132 137 1

3 114 143 4 1 1 4,

8 145 15~ 56 223 324 5 4 1 68 83 61 1 251 341 4 60 no 4 44 52 22 120 lSi 19 107 114 2 37 36 3 6

23 2 94 134 3 10 97 99 253 250 15 10

28 2 192 250 5 7

179 85 402 453 8 5 31 41 Hi 11 11 S5 107 2 2

21 2 171 218

_____ o - - - ~-~ 156 Primary Census Absuaet ------~- ~- Non-Agricultural Cla8Bes

Persolls ( including dependants) WIlD derive their pl"inoipal weane of livelihood from 8. Name of village or I Yin-Other No, tuwn/ward V-Production VI-Cowwerce \ Vll-Trallsport services and ollIeI' tha.D cui. miscellaneolll! tivation I SOl!rces Males Females Malee Males Fernal... ··~··""I Mol" 1'_.'" :2 2) 22 23 24 25! 26 27 28 --_ ------llO Mhus",e 46 60 ::!2 36 4 10 35 35

111 Mhav3shi 1 1 , .. J.! 8

)]2 Mohat 8 '7 2 12 ]3

113 Moieshwal" 1 3 TarfMedlla 114 1\IQruni

)15 Moravale 9 1

116 MOl'gh6l" H J8 2 2 2 22 34

117 lfukavJi 1

118 Munavlo 2 2

119 Xandgan·'

120 Narfdeo 4 1 1

121 Nipani 5 10 1 4 18 28

122 }l"iwali 5

123 Nizare 5 -l 124 Okhawadi 3 1

1:05 Ozare It) 27 14 17 11 20

126 PuliTarf At-egaon 12"1 rah Tarf Tamb ••• 3 128 Panas

129 Parwat

130 Phallni 1 131 PimpaJi 5 6 4 1 2 ..

132 Pimpari Tad .. ~ Medha 133 fimpal'i Tarf :1 :2 Tamb 134 Punawadi

136 Raigaon 2 ~

136 Ra..meghar fJ 15 4 3 2 Z 8

13/ Raughughu ------JAOLI TALUKA

Net..rel!t POSL office Neares.t Railway Nearest village, I terns Remark, snd it!! distance in station and its ita distance in miles. & ' of Bote miles distance in miles Bazar day.

33 29 I 30 31 32 I -_- - _ ---~ Kndal,l Satara Road, 26 Kndal, I, Wed. P.S.

Bamnoli Ktlsaoo, 1 Satara Road, 31 ;\Iedha, 6, Mon.

)iedha,2 Satara Road, :!8 Medha, 2, Mon. P.S.

;\Icdha, -l Padli,30 i\Iedha, 4, :\lon. , Bamn<:>1i I~ asabe, 1 0 Satara Road, 1-1 :.'Iledha, 18, Mon. .,.. P.S. :'Iledha, G Satara Road, :!o l\fetlha. G, Mon. • Snigaon, 2 Satara Road, 23 Anewadi, 3, Fri. 1'.8.

:.'IIahabaleshwar, 6 Batura Road, 37 ll.Iahabaleshwar, 6, Tuus. ~ •. S.

Mellha,12 Satara Road, 37 lIIedha, 12, :.\Ion. P.8.

:\ledha,7 Satara Road, 33 :lledha, 7, Mall.

Saigaon,2§ SB.tala Road, 23} Anewadi, 31, Pri'

B,fmnoli Kasabe, oj, tlatar<, Ro,l(l, 3l l\Iedho, 5, Mon.

:.\redha,8 Padli,43 :'Iledha, 8, :.'lIon. P.S.

:\Iedhn, :! Satara Road, :!3 :\lcdha, 2, :'lIon. P.S.

:'Iledha, 6 Satara Road, 32 ':\fedha, 6, l\!OIl.

:\Iedha,4, Satura Road, 22 ::'oIl'dha, 4, l'llon. P.S.

Bamnoli Kasabe, 6 Satara ltoad, 38 ::'oledha, 12, :'lIon. V.P.

')ledha,26 Satal'a Road, 51 ;'Iledha, :16, IlIon.

Panchagani, 4 Watha!',35 H Ulngaon, 4, Sun. P.S.

:.\ledha, 14 PadIi,37 :'IIOllha, U, :\lulI. P.S.

Bamnoli !{agabe, :! Pauli, 30 -'Iedha, 6, :.'lIon.

Panchagani. 3 Satura P.oad, 3t Humgaon, 5, Sun. P.S.

1\1 e<.l ha, I Satara Road, 27 .:\Iedha, 1, -'Ion.

B0Il1110Ji K!I~(lbl', 3 Satara Roud, 3. .1lpdha, l:l, :.\1011.

:\ledha,7 8atnra Hoad, 31 Medha, 7, :.\10£\. p.S.

Sa.igaon, I ~atura Road, U Anewadi, I. Frio P.S.

Humgson,3 Batsro, Road, 33 Humgaon. 3, Sun. P.S. 13amnoli Kasabe, 6 Su.tara Road, 30 :lledba, 6, :'lIon. P.S. ------Primary CeDSUS Abstract

lOCCUPied Houses

Area of -~~-I-- - Total No. of persons 1No. of inmates j enumerated [including lof institution. Name of village or village I I inmates of institutions I and houseleRs 8. ortowD I No. ofl No. of and houseless persons] I persons No. town/ward in I houses house I square I bolus , miles , I personR! Males' Females Males ',-;emale. 3 4 6 I 7 8 9 I 10

138 Raniani 2.3 97 182 852 399 453

13!) Ravandi 1.0 22 26 105 59 46

HO Reuo"hi 2.5 51 54 217 nO 107

141 Riktawali 0.8 54 57 254 117 137

Ruighar 1.5 47 III 5\2 268

143 Rule 2.0 67 67 260 114 146

lH Saigaon 1.5 266 284 1,!20 673 H7 39 39

145 0.5 22 29 57 78

Saili (j.8 18 20 93 i3 52

14.7 Saloshi 1.0 23 27 121 63 58

)48 Bangvi Torf (l.3 14 5-1 25 29 Kudol 149 lSo.1ngvi 1.3 4(; 50 236 97 139 Tarf Meciba 150 Sanpane \l.& )02 464- ]18 151 Sarjapm' {1.8 78 ]23 564 279

152 Sartale 2.5 178 20ft 1,001 H2 12 12 153 Sayati \l.S 88 88 436 173

154 Savri 0.8 21 21 94 42 52

l55 Sawrat 1.5 20 27 121 65 56

l56 8hembdi MOllje ••. 0.3 in 32 155 G9 87 157 Sheta 0.5 45 193 86 107

\58 Shintli 3.3 55 59 295 133 162 8 10 l5D Shirnar 1.0 15 15 70 33 37

160 Soman1i 1.5 43 48 266 12<1 142 3 3

161 Sonat 1.3 32 35 156 74

1(;2 Sondari 1.8 68 79 381 177 204

If>3 ~ong&on 1.5 118 156 784 373

1M 'l'alw"'ali ].') 37 38 160

165 TaloRhi 0.8 25 25 HI 63 78 JAOLI TALUKA 159 ------~ ~ ------Agricultural Classes ------j I-Cultivators \ II-Cultivators III-Cultivating IV·Non-Cultivating Literate.. of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners 0 f land, agrl. : or mainly owned or mainly un· their dependants cultural rent recei. and their owned and vers, a nd their . I dependants their dependants dep endo.nts I -----1----. I Ml1!e~ /FemaleB Males Females Males Femalesi Males Females Males Females 11 I 12 13 14 15 16 I 17 18 19 20 }43 11 393 450 3 1

12 1 53 41 6 5 1 109 107

24 117 137

50 223 - 241 4, 5 1 4

t 113 IH 2

271 75 435 516 19 21 4, 7 12 19

8 57 78

11 43 52

58 49 3 5 2 4

5 1 93 134 2 2

16 156 264 2 14 14

128 32 269 2'14

151 40 398 501 1 4 1 2

1(; 1 173 263

4 1 41 52

2 65 56

4 63 78 23 10 84 ]07

51 2 114 142 8 8 6 9 1

2 30 36 3 1

53 8 120 140 '" IS 2 G8 77 2 1 1 54 3 174 201 1 2

57 8 362 392 3 1 58 65 16 17 2 2

13 63 78

--_------_--- _------~-- --- l~l} Primary Census Abstrac t ----- '------Non-Agricultural Classes -- Peraons ( inoluding dependants ) who derive their principal meaOB of livelihood from B. Name of village or Vm-Oth~ No· town/ward V-Production I VI -Commerce VII-Transport Iservices and other than cui. miscellaneou8 tivation I 8e'uroes I Males Females M.'" IF-,., Males Females M&leS\Females 1 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 138 Ranjani 3 2 139 Ravandi ... 140 Renoshi 141 Riktawali Ruighar 2 ,H2 4 14 \4 143 RuYe

144 Saigaon 68 60 33 a6 82 88 145 Saighar

146 Saili 147 Saloshi

)48 SIl,ngvi Tad 2 2 Kudal 149 Ssngvi Tarf 2 2 1 Medha :P50 Sanpane 8 6

)51 Sarjapul'" "1 5 3 6 }!j2 Sartale- I) 14 ]3 13 4 20 21 le3 Savali )54 Savri ler. Sawrat

156 Shembdi Mouje .•• 4 6 2 3

)57 Shete 1 ]

156 Bh-indi 2 2 2 159 Shirnur

Somardi 160 4 2 161 Sooat 4 :1 16-2 Soodar-i 2 ...... S{lngaoTl 163 1 6 3 3 6- 6 lSi TaksvsJi 165 Taloshi ------JAOLI TALUKA HH i \ Ne post office Nearest Rliilway Nearest bs,.ar village, Items and it" distE'nce in station lind its its distanoe in miles and of note Remark. miles distanoe in miles Ba!l.8r day.

29 10 11 32 33 po.nchagani, 4 Wathar,30 Humgaon, 7, Sun.

Hamnoli Kasabe, 16 l$atara_Road, 4'2 ~Iedhll, 16, MOll.

Banmoli Kasabe,!J Satura Road, 42 l\Iedha. 21, 1\1 on.

Medha, "2 Sa tara Road, 3~ Medha. 2, 1\Ion.

Panchagani, l~ Wathllr,2; Humgllon, 8, Sun.

Bamnoli Kasabe, 8 Satara Road, 40 ~[edha, 14, Mon. P.S.

P. O. Satara Road, 21 Allewadi, 1~, Fri. f·S"V,P.C.S.

Panchagani, 1 ~ Wathar, 27 Humgaon, 8, Sun.

:\;Iedha, 6 Satara Road, 21 Medha, 6, Mon.

'1lahabaleshwar, 16 Padli,48 :\Iahdobaleshwar, 16. Tues. Kudal, 1! Satara Road, 27 Kudal, 1~, Wed.

Medha, 2~ Satara Road, 28~ ~Iedha. 2~, 1\10n.

Valuth, ~ Satara Road, 3 J Humgaon, 1~, Sun. P.S.

Pllcilwad,3 Satara Road, J 3 Anewadi, 3, Fri. P.S.,C.S.

Pachwad,1 Satara Road, 25 Pachwad, 1, Tues. P.S.,C.C.S.

:\Iedha. 2 Sata!"3 Road, 28 :\fedha, 2, Mon. P.S.

13amnoli J1i:asabe, 1li Satara Road, M ~Iedha, 8, Mon. P.S.

~ledha, 2il Satal'a Road, 54 Medhn, 29, Mon.

Bamnoli Kasabe, 3 Padli, 35 l\Iedha, II, Mon.

Kudal, 2 Sata-ra Road, 22 Kudal, 2, Wed. P. S.

Bamnoli Kasabe,13 Sat!\ra Road, 48 Medha, 2:<', Mon. P.S·

:\Iahabll.}eshwar, S Satara Road ,42 Mahabahlshwar, S. Tues.

Kudal, 2 Batara Road, 25 Humgaon, 2, Sun. P.S.

Mahabaleshwar, 7 Satara Ro::td, 37 Mahabaleshwar,7,Tues. P.S.

Bamuoli Kasaba, 6 Sa tara Road, 36 Medlla, 10, Mon. P.S.

Kudal, 2 Wathar,18 Kudal, 2, Wed. P.S.,C.C.S.

::IfedJm, 22 Satara Road, 47 1fedha, 22, Mon.

~redha; !J Satara Road, 35 Medha,9, }Ion.

-_- ~ ------Primary Census Abstract 1-----I~"~l~ied Houses-: Total No. of persons No. of in!U"t~s s. ! NAme of viJIF\ll~ or , A r"l1 of No. of enumerated [including of inBtitutioll@ I village \ No. of bouse ' inmates of institutions B."d hOU8eles~ No.i wwnfw ..rrl or town, h{}ul'f's holds and houseless persons) parsons in square I miles

2 .. 8 9 ](1

Tambi Kasabe 3.8 89 10;' 181

167 Tambi Tarf 0.5 18 SO 33 47 3 Medha J68 Tapolo 0.5 13 13 61 34

J69 TeUi 2:.3 88 103 439 2{lS 231

170 Uchat 4.5 142 151 674 300 374

171 Umbarj 1.9 48 51 244 115 129

17:l Y

113 Vaghali 1.3 2S 1::6 57 60 174 Vagheshwar 1.3 84 127 629 67

175 \'ahf\gaon 0.8 29 78 144 ]91

175 Vahite 0.3 10 It) 29 35

177 "aId ],3 53 223 113 110

178 Valane 0.3 85 87 397 196 2{)1

179 \'aJanjwadi 0.3 25 27 12l 58 63

1110 Valawan

lS1 Valutn 1.8 2.. 2 24-.! 1,165 5H; 6.50 7

182 Vanwali Tarf 0.8 42 43 170 86 84 Ategaon 183 "anw!\li Tarf 0.8 59 5\) 199 124 Solse 184 Varoshi O.S HJ2 47. 221} 257

185 Var8o)i Deo 0.5 Sf> 40 177 80 97

lS6 Varsoli Koli 0.8 21 59 9 8

lS7 Y"sote 1.5 34 36 1:::;6 68 83

188 Yatamoo 0.8 25 46 51 ISO Ve!flpur ] .3 SSt 156 178 190 Veffi S.5 148 660 339 32'1 JAOLI TALUKA 103

Agricultural Classes

I. Cultivat·ors II· Cultivators III- Cultivating IV -N on-cultivating Literates of I"nd wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrl. IOr mainly owned or mainly un- their dependants Gultural rent. recei- I and their owned and vers, and their i dependants I their dependants I dependants I I Males IFemales , Males [Females Males: Females! Maled I Fomnles Mn!CB Fcm::.:lles I 11 I 12 ! 13 I 14 15 HI I 17 I 18 HI 20 ------23 120 130 2 2 5

32 45

2 27 34

8 'lOS 13 HI 3 7 3 1\

74 15 155 211 74 68 21 32

6 115 128 1

51 2 145 172

13 44 6 12

68 4 207 57 53 2 I 41 6 131 175 2 1

1 29 35

4 83 78 I 195 201

15 58 63

11 104 82 2 5 2 1

179 37 381 481 7 3 2 83 84

7 59 8, 1 1

4 184 223 4 3 78 94 2 3 2 50 39

:1 68 88

1 39 48 i 2 I

6 136 152 2 3 5 6 72 62 SOl 305 1

------_--- -_ 16.( Primary Census ~ Abr>\ract

Non-Agricultural Classes ------1- Persolls ( illcluding dependants) who derh'e their principal means of livelihood from B. Name of village or I I VIII-Other No. town/ward V-Production VI-Commerce I VII-TranAport. I services and other than cuI. I miscellaneou. I tivation I i BOl',rces ]l1ale8 Females Males IForna'''i M.,,, Females M.,,, \Fa' ..... 1 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I

166 Tambi Kliosabe 20 26 2 2 2 3 J8 13

167 Tmnbi Tarf 1 1 Medha 168 Tapole

]69 Tetli

170 Uchat 21 28 6 23 3li

171 Urohan ; .. 172 Vagdare 9 13 2 " 173 Yaghali 5 3 1 1

)74 Vagheshwar 3-1 48 6 10 3 6 13 8

175 Vahagaon I) 11 1 1 4 176 Vllhite .•. 177 Yuki 16 14 3 3 10 Ii 17S Valane

179 Valanj-wadi

ISO Valawan lSI Vsluth 50 63 33 44 7 7 44 118 182 Vanwali Tarf 3 Ategaon 183 Va.nwali Tart 1 (\ 26 \} I) BoIse 184 Varoshi II 10 22 21 ]85 Vareoli Deo

186 Varaoli II B 1 Koli 187 VaBote

188 Vatrunbe

189 VeJapur 5 5 1 3 7 11 )90 Vele 25 2 12 14 - --_- ---- JAOLI TALUKA 1i55 I J

Neurest post office Nearest Railway Nearest bazo,r village, Items 1 t!.nd its distance in station and its its distance in miles & of note Remark~ miles distance in mileR Bazar dsy. I I

29 30 31 32 3:\

Medha, 12 Satara Road, 37 Medha, 12, Mon. P.S.

MedhB, 2 Satam Road, 28 Medha, 2, Mon.

Bamnoli Kasabe, 4 Satara Road, 36 lHedha, 10, l\Ion. V.P.

Bamnoli Kasabe, 1 PadIi. ,.:.3" Medha, 8, I\.[on.

Medhs. 16 Padli, -is 1I1edha, 16, lIIon. P.S.

Panchagani, .{ Wathar, 33 Medha, 10, lIIon. P.B.

Medha, 4 Satam Road, 30 J\Iedha, 4, :\10n. Medha, 4 Satara Road, 30 Medha, 4, Mon. P.S. Medha, 5 Satara Road, 21 Medha, 5, 1\1on. P.R.

Panc~1agani, 5 Wathar, 30 Humgaon. 4, Sun. P.8.

Mahabaleshwar, 6 SMara Road, 39 l\Iahabaleshwar, 6, Tues. Bamnoli Kosube, 6 Satart\ Road, 32 JI~dha, 6, Mon.

Bamnoli Kasabe, 6 Satara Road, 38 ]'.Iedha, 12, Uon. V.P.

Medha, !l Satara Road, 35 l\Iedha, 9, Mon. P.S.

Bamnoli Kasabe, 14 Satara Road, 48 Medha, 2(), 1\Ion. P.s.

P. O. Satara Road, 30 Humgaon, l~, Sun. P.S.

Bamnoli Kasabe, 5 Satara Road, 37 Medha, 11, Mon. V.P.

Bamnoli RaBabe, 3 Satara Road, 33 Hedha, 7, Mon. Bamnoli Kasabe, 7 Satara Road, 36 l\Iedha, 10, ]I.Ion. P.S. Bamnoli KU8ube, 7 Satara Road, 32 Medha, 6, Mon.

Bamnoli Kasllbe,6 Batura Road, 32 Medha, 6, Mon. Medhll, 10 8atara Road, 32 ]I,[e'dha, 10, j\fon. t Mahabalsshwar, 3 Satara..Road, 36 Mahabaleshwar, 8, Tues. BamnQIi Kusabe,7 Satara Road, 39 Medho, 13, :\Ion. Y.P.

Medha, 28 Satara Roud, 53 Medha, 28, Jlon. P.S~ ----- ._---- t Fort. 166 Primary Ceasus Abstract ------', Occupied Houses , Total No. of persons INo. of inmates I Area of enumerated [including of institutions I N arne of village or village inmates of institution~ 1 and houseless S'I or town No. of No. of and houseless persons] persons No. town/ward in houses, house I square holds miles I-- IPersons I ~:l:: iFernaleSlfila;:j Fama;: 2 3 4 5 I 6 I 7 1 8 I 9 I 10

191 Vengale 1.8 53 53 225 124·

192 Vival'Tarf Kudal 1.0 61 91 413 172 241

193 Yekiv 2.0 3i 37 1!11 89 102

194 Yarne Bk. 2.8 53 55 233 111

195 Yerne Kh. 0,8 18 22 102 39 63

}!J6 Zadani 15 18 79 34 45

Total for villages 3 ~4.7 12,738 15,114 71,086 32,660 38,426 693 744 ,....._. and taluka Primary Census Abstral t - --_- I Non-Agricultural Classes 1- p~:: ( including dependa~s) who de-ri-v-e-t-h-eir- ;~i-n-cl-p-..l -.. - I . mPlillS of livelihood from S. Name of or , VIlI-Othet NO'1 town/ward V - Production \ VI ··Commerce V II -Transport servk'es and other than cul­ : miscellaneous tivation , sources

Males Females Males Males 'Females' MaleslFemales

2 21 22 25 ! 26 27 \ 28 i __ ! __ __

191 Ven~ale

Ill2 Vivar 'farf Kurlal 3 3 lll3 Yekiy

1!)4 Yerne Bk.

1!)fi Yernf' Kh.


Total for villages~ 1,456 1,471 718 792 63 97 1,554 1,590 and taluka JAOLI TALUKA 157 ------".------~------Agricultural ClllBses

I-Cultivators iI-Cultivators III-Cultivating IV -Non-Cultivating Literates of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agri. or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependants cultural rent recei­ and their owned and vers, snd their dependants their dependants dependants

Males ;emBles 1- Males Females Males (Females Males Females 1\1 ales Females 11 12 13 14 10 I 16 17 ]8 19 20

______,I ~ ____~ ______1 ~ ____L ______

13 100 12!

37 169 238

20 ]0 84 95 5 7

27 118 106

15 36 63 2

2 34 45 6,685 1,325 27,542 32,974 574 582 536 599 217 321

JAOLI TALUKA ------~------I

Near""t post office \ Nearest R .. il way Ne.uest t.azar village, Items and it" distauoe in station and its it. diAtance in tniles and of note Remark~ miles distan"" in mile. Bazar d"y.

29 SO Sl 32 33 ----.-- ._------Bamnoli Kasabe, 6 Satara Road, 36 Medha, 10, 1\1on. P.B.

Panchagani, 4 Wathar, 36 Humgaon, 4, Bun. P.B.

Medba,6 Padli, 32 Medha, 6, rt'ion. P.S. l\J ahabalesh war, 4, Sll.tara Road, 39 Mahabaleshwar,4, Tues. P.S.

Mahabaleshwar, 5 Batare Road, 38 Mahabaleshwar,6, Tues. lilahabaleshwitr, 14 Padli, 48 Mahabaleshwar,14, Tues. 'l6' Primary Census Abstract loccu~ied ~~uses_1 Total NO'. of persDns Area Df [ f LOfi= .... ';numerated [including of institutions N arne of village or village I I inmates of institutions and houseless S. or town NO'. of I No. of and houseless persons] perSDns No. town/ward in I houses house I square holds I miles I I I I Males IFemales Males Female! It ' 6· I 2 I • I Ipo,,;= 789 10

, ___L~ ___ ~~l __ _ -~-----_.__---- -. - - --- TOWNS

Kale J!. fl 880 1,355 7,115 3,614 3,5f)2 81 72

Karad M. 8.8 2,024 4,810 25,7:31 13,342 12,379 313 2,14

Wan! I 474 ],090 5,253 2,643 2,610 17 6

II 337 2,701 ],386 1,''115 107

III 137 255 1,2913 641 657

IV 306 5(H 3,304 1,746 1,558

V 268 G51 3.057 1,578 1,479

VI 206 1/IB3 5,f87 2,956 2,531 177 143

VII 335 833 4,621 2,392: 12

)rlasur 9.8 916 ],176 5,814 2,949 2,865 25 18

Tots) for towns 30.4 3,820 7,341 38,651 19,905 18,746 419 334 VILLAGES AmLavade 1.5 48 57 275 135 140

2 Ane 1.8 128 161 780 3il 409

Autavadi 3.8 129 1::9 609 289 320 47

4 4.3 345 356 2,314 1,157 ],]57 147 126

BanavJi 0.8 64 77 3.J,9 187 162 26 28

6 Belavade Bk. 0.8 380 387 2,0,14 1,012 1,032

7 Belavade Haveli ... L5 212 212 ],029 520 509

8 Reinaro 2.0 129 130 666 308 3513 a Bhurabushi 1.5 70 70 350 1511 197

10 Chachegaon 181 1,160 606 1)54 85 59

11 Charp.gaon 7.0 645 769 3,776 1,864 ] ,9]2 11 8

12 ChiI~hali 3.3 241 257 ],350 M5 685

13 Chore 70 382 505 2,486 1,220 1,266

Dushere 1.5 232 2ill 1,413 711 7{12

15 Ghogaon 4.3 ZOG 209 l,Ol3 498 545

._._ -_. -_ - - - ~~------_. KARAD TALUKA 163

Agricultural Classes _. ------1- Cultivat.ors I II- Cultivators ! 111- Cultivating IV -N on-cultivating Literates of lll.nd wholly of land wholly i labouf"fs and owners of land, agrl. I or mainly owned! or mainly un- " UH~ir _dependants oultural rent recei· . and their I owned and I vers, and their I. depe[Jdants their dependants I dependants

Mall~B-I~eIDaleB r Males 'Fem8Ie~ \ MaieR 1-;~male81 Mo.les IFemales Males FemaliiS I I. I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 Iii 16 17 I 18 19 20

1,44:! 285 2,370 2,::1'8 36 25 252 293 190 223

6,£147 3,194 1,493 1,-110 79 66 165 880 985

2,315 1,235 173 170 6 6 1 599 662

701 274 369 335 4 65 73 40 37 167 36 74 t17 6 3 53 52 3 " 1,173 550 148 144 8 3 83

270 124 246 232 27 18 16 14 69

1,507 579 218 195 18 15 9 5 45 59

808 396 265 267 18 19 16 52 48

1,145 370 1,415 1,342 1:26 103 59 66 208 231

9,534 3,849 5,218 5,010 241 194 476 523 1,278 l.445

45 1 135 140

127 9 345 381 1

47 2 243 274 2-1

815 179 75!J 739 33 302 3 3

36 11 134 2 9 7

315 185 C,27 6.J.2 Hi 19 185 169 3

208 70 427 408 8 6 2 1

107 3-1 :290 340

9 104 123 55 73

207 35 556 497 14 7 2

701 178 948 907 119 118 141 203 131 175

74 22 494 500 57 61 1Z 16 11 9

285 45 856 863 15 12 35 145 17G

331 637 622

95 5 478 532 6 110 Primary Census Abstrac:t ------Non-Agricultural Classes

Persons ( including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from S. Name of village or . \ \ -- VIII-Other No. town/ward V -Productioll \ VI-Commerce VII-TranAport I services and other than cuI· misceVaneou8 tivation I source. ----~------,------~----~---- I I I J . Males Females I Males FemaleS MllleH I' Females I Males I Fe[lial~. 21 22 I 23 24 lo 25 ____2_6 _____ 27 I 28

TOWNS 1 Kale 503 474 57 58 206 171

2 Kmad M. 2,809 2,555 2,877 2,602 509 458 4,530 4,139

Ward I 429 371 344 337 44 45 1,048 1,018

II 349 308 87 93 64 57 408 408

III 99 98 75 88 21 24 310 319 IV 357 303 681 581 75 52 405 391 V 333 272 258 52 52 514 482 " 382 VI 548 518 683 575 138 117 1,297 ],047

VII 64-5 624 735 670 115 III 548 474

3 :Masur 350 354 313 20 22 449 448

Total for towns 3,671 3,:183 3,247 529 480 5,185 4,758 V1LLAGES 1 Ambavade

2 Ane 10 10 14 18

3 Antavt\di 14 \4 8 3

4 Atake 17 15 13 13 30 37

5 Banavdi ]6 7 4 19 20

6 Belavade BIt. ]24 132 35 47 25 20

7 Belavade Haveli ... 54 55 28 39

8 Beldare 14 12 4 6

fl Bhurabushi

10 Chachegaon ]3 13 21 36

11 Charegaorl 148 146 127 88 2 2 248 273

]2 Chikhali 37 43 11 10 43 43

13 Chore 11] 108 17 ]5 52 57

Dushere 29 30 10 11 35 39 ]5 Ghogaon 12 2 5 KARAD TALUKA H.:..

N""re8t post office Nearest Railway Ne.. ce8L t, ...... c IIlu.. ge.llteffi8 1 end its distanoe in j station and its Its distance ill miles and of note I Remum- miles , distance in miles Bazar day. J I

1 I

29 110 ~ __'_l 1 __a~_J~ 83

P. O. Shenoli,6 Bazar, Tues. P.S.,C.S

P.O. Rly. Station Bazar. Thul's P. W,D. P.S.,C.S. Bungalow

P. O. Rly. Station Bazar, Wed. P.B.,C.S.

Kole, 1 Karad,13 Kole, 1, Wed. P.S.

Kole, ~ Karad,12 Kole, ~, Wed. P.S.,C.S.

Masur, 5 Masur, 6 Masur, 5, "Ved. r.S.

P. O. Shenoli, 4 Kole, 4, "Ved. P.S.,C.C.S.

Ognlewadi, 5 Karad,l Karad, 3, Thurs. P.S.

Kole, 3 Karad, 13 Bazar, W.,d. P.S.,C.C.S.

P. O. Shira\'ade, 2 Shiravado, ], Fri. P.H.

Charegaou, 2 Karad, !l Charegaon, 2, Sat. P.S.

Yelgaon, 2 Sheno1i ,16 Yelg:;.on, 2, Thurs.

Ving, 2 Karad.6 Ving, 2, MO[l. PoS.,C.o.S.

P. O. Masur, 6 Bazar, Sat. P.So,V.P.,CoC.S.

Masur, 3 Masur, 4 Masur, 3, "'ed. P.S.,C.S.

Pal,2 Masur, 9 Pal, 2, Sun. P.S.,V,P.,C.C.S.

Yadagaon Shenali,3} Yadgeon HU\~1i, P.S.,V.P.C.S. Haveli, ]~ H,Mon. Yelgaon, 2~ - Karael, 19 YeIgaon, 2:,'l'hurs C.S. __ ------~--- - - ~----- Primary Ceusus Abstract

~----;------~------~--- -,------10000';00 no",,:

Total No. of persons I No. of inmatea Area of i enumerated [including of institutions N arne of village or village I inmates of institutions and houseleS!! S. or~own No. of No. of and houseless persons] persons No. town/ward 1D houses house square I holds I I miles ! ;~rsons l~lales 11-;emal~S' ~I ~;es IFe~~le8 3 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 9 10 ~---'------~- 16 Ghonshi 0.8 57 58 412 215 197

17 Goleshwa1" 2.5 200 206 1,125 549 576 53 51

lS Gondi 1.3 ]00 ]43 747 3nn 354

19 Gova1"& 2.5 176 ] 91 1,234 599 635 72 50

20 Helgaon 6.8 394 402 ],959 942 1,017 15 9

21 Hingnole 2.3 ]72 202 1,008 509 499 7 4

Indoli 4.3 320 453 2,084 1,067 1,017

,23 Jakhinwadi 3.8 224 232 ],095 548 547

Jinti 5.3 1\16 255 1,365 676 689

25 Kalawade 3,0 3118 359 2,015 1,005 1,010

I~algaon 2.5 227 282 1,523 702 821

27 Kamthi 2.5 97 99 523 269 25!

Kapil 1.8 308 3\2 1,658 8il 787 106 54

28 A Karaa Non·mun· ... Included.. 2SS 299 1,502 784 718 icipalana' in Kar_dM. 29 KBravadi 2,8 '203 238 1,312 654 658 45 34 :. llO Karve 6.8 618 729 4,037 1,992 2,045 78 70

:n K a'ar Shirambe ... 5,5 297 3!1 1,840 936 90!

32 Kavatll", 2,5 198 2'H 1,293 623 670 32 29

33 l{ese 1.5 131 135 755 363 392 17 27

34 Kharade 2.0 150 150 808 387 421 3 3

Khodashi 2.3 178 J 83 1,056 500 556 27 36

36 Khnbi 0.8 138 142 748 343 405

37 Kirpe 0.8 106 1I3 605 302 303

38 Kh'a] 8,0 329 396 1,823 888 935

:w Kodoli 2.3 231 312 1,637 856 781 11 7

40 KoJe 3.3 487 539 2,578 1,317 1,361

41 Kolewadi 3.0 3~3 374 1,848 963 885

Koneguol1 :l.3 15!) 163 913 460 453 KARAD TALUKA

Agricultural Classes

I I I ; 1· Cultivators j II. Cultivators j III· CUltivating IV -Non.cultivating Literates , of IImd wholly I of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agri_ Or mainly owned or mainly un- l' their depend8nts cultural rent reoei· I and their owned and vers, and their dependants 1their dependants dependants I I I Males I!F~male8Ii ~al68 /li'elliales! ;'jl"leR IFemales Mal68 J Females Male8 Fem81~ ' I i 11 12 I 13 a I 15 1 16 17 1 IS 19 20

75 12 1~5 178 6 I) 12 9 199 71 369 398 1

174 13 283 259 3 24 20 1 I

211 6 461 507 5 182 27 22 28 23 29 128 57 39! 392 12 10 23 39 \2 13 521 99 847 6 29 34 43 55

130 11 !71 496 13 3 2

131 6135 678 9 9

275 134 840 840 10 6 49 52 I5 21

195 73 523 603 76 7i 30 46 45 77 II 254 242 3 4

236 33 654 623 20 17 65 60 156 39 306 75 64 230 177 4, 243 67 396 31)8 s 3 6:l 64 53

7-14 167 1,261 ],286 54 57 106 115 55 78 HI3 37 816 76-! 32 26 33 37 107 55 502 551 5 3 72 S(I 145 27 31l 316 17 28 Hi

2 326 349 4, 16

190 22 333 381 66 77 115 22 208 237 84 10i) 112 5 286 286

358 112 564 589 37 40 59 61 -57

386 61 769 719 8 4 36 28

479 176 740 793 45 40 69 78 77 :1l0 92 395 358 HI 8 6 10

'36 '31 3,']6 21 15 51 47 3 174- Primary Census Abstract ------I N on-Agri(lUltural Classes I\---- I Persons ( including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from Name of village or S. ------VIII-Other No. town/ward V-Productioll VI-Commerce VII-TranAport services and other than cui. I I mi8cellalleou~ tivation S01Le61' ------I I ]\laleelFemales I Males IFemales: Males I F,m.'~; M."" IF"n.'~ I! ~1 I 22 23 24 I 25 ! 26 _I 27 28 1 I I

16 Ghonshi 10 5 2

17 Goleshwar 81 83 3 2 94 93

18 Gondi 34 27 2 ,) 45 41

19 Oovare 40 37 3 L 85 84

20 Helgaon 78 68 13 15 2 I) 93 97

21 Hlngno~.,. 54 33 1 13 1'2

22 Indoli 101 102 19 11 28 38

23 J al;:hinwadi 31 30 4 26 18

24 Jinti

25 Kalawade 84 80 1 3 1 3 5 5

26 Kalgaon 27 32 4 2 2 18 14

~7 Kamthi 8 4

28 Kapil 6 5 126 82

28 A Karadi Non 109 91 13 13 7 8 44 38 mun icip~LGl'_ 2!J Karavadi 131 116 9 8 1 I3 15

30 Kan.·e ]77 11)4 25 26 8 5 306 314

31 Kasar Shirambe ... 34 47 6 6 5

32 Kavatho 20 21 6 3 14 3

33 Kose 6 9 10 14 12 !)

3-1 Kllluade 7 i 2 -1 4 2

33 Khodashi 59 59 10 13 30 25

36 Khubi 28 38 1 ..... 17. Ill.

37 Kirp8 14 16 2

:It! Kival 1"" 120 11 9 10 11 51 48

:W KudoIi Hi 13 9 6 ]7 11

4(> Kale ] 36 131 75 53 4 179 185

41 KoIG~' ulli 373 368 55 52 92 76

42 K01 ... 838 @n 20 25 1 ].ll 23

~----- KARAO T ALUKA 175

N "arest p

29 30 III 32 33

- ~---- ~_I- Umbraj,5 Masur, 4 t1mbraj,5, Mon. V.P.

Karad,3 Karad, 6 Karad, 3, Thurs. P.S.,C.S.

Shenoli, 3 Shenoli,3 Shenoli, 3, Sat. P.S.

Ogalewadi, 2 Karad, 2 Karad, 1, Thurs. P.8.,C.S.

P.O. Masur, 5 Masur, 5, ~Ned. P.S•. C.C.s.

Umbraj, 2 Masur, 5 Umbraj, 2, Mon. P.s..

P.O. Masur, 6 Bazar, Frio P.8.,C.C.S.

Karad, 3 Karad, 6 Karad, 3, Thurs. P.s. Ond,4 Karad, 14 Nandgaon, 4, Fri. P.B.,C.C.s. Kala. 2 Shenoli, 2 Belavade BIr., 2, P.B.;C,G.8. Wed. P.O. Masur, 5 Masur, 5!, Wed. 1'.8.,C.C.8.

Kadegaon, 5 Karad, 4 Karad, 4, Thurs. RS.

Karnd, 3 Karad, 6 Bazar, Thurs. P.S.,V.P.,C.C.R P.O. Rly. Station, Baz!lr, Thurs. P.8.,V.P.,C.S. , Ogalewadi, 2 Karad, 3 Karad, 6, Thnrs. P.B.,C.S.

P.O. Kamd, 13 Kar'acl, 3, Thurs. p.s.,a.G.s.

Kale, 4 Shenoli, 8 Belavad~ Bk., 12, P.B.,C.C.S. Wed. Masur, 21 Masur, 2 Masur, 2~, .Wed. P,s., Karll.d,4 Karad, 7 Karad, 4, Thurs. P.S.,C,s.

Masur, 3 lVhsur, 2~ Masur, 3, Wed. P.S.

Kamel,2 Kal'ad, 5 Karael, 2, Thurs. P.s.

Machindra, 4, Shenoli, 5 Shenoli, 5, Sut. P.S.

Kole, 4 Karad, 9 Kole, 4, Wed. P.B.

Masur, 5 Masur. 6 Masur, 5, Wed. P.S.,C.s. Mllsur,3 Kamd, 12 Bazar, Wed. P.S.,V.P.,C.C.s. P.O. Karad, 12 Bazar, Wed. t P.S. P.O. Karad, 13 Bazar, Sat. P.S.,C.S. Masur, 3 Masur, 3 Masur, 3, Wed. P.8.,0.S.

-----~ t Rhri I'iMllHt IlhQdBgo:> \1Q,h"r"i r"ir h"lrl ~lmlJ"lIy in January, att~ndance 10,000. Prh::aiY CensulJ Abstrad

Occupied B()IIses

Total No. of persons No.ofinmat811 Area of enumerated [including , of institutiou@ Namf' (f viltage or village I inmates of institutions I and houseless '-it s. or ~own I No of I • .,f I and houseleJR persons} f perllons In houses I house I I square holdB I miles I I I Iperson~!~l'leS IFe~al~sIMales II;emale~ I 1 3 ______i ___ 6 __1 ___7_1 8 I _9 ___ 16 _L~- ! 9~~ 43 Koparrle HaveJi '" 4.0 546 2,781 1,401 1,380 51 10 44 2.8 142 119 826 409 417

45 Korivale 2.3 111 786 359 427

46 Korti 2.3 181 1113 ],Ill 534 577 12 9

417 Kusur 2.0 160 ~60 825 407 418

48 l\1alkhed 1.5 135 138 724 354 3.0

49 Manu 2.8 J92 192 974 498 1

50 IlIarafi 2.8 101 131 601 ll11 340 iiI Mhaeolj 4.3 353 359 1,839 rl94 945 52 l'vlhopro 2.3 2ii6 260 ],725 886 839 145 138

Mundh€l 2.8 200 229 1,362 667 695 53 62

M Nandguoa 4.0 249 284 1,354 G67 687

Nandlapul!" 0.8 117 120 630 327 303

~and~hi 1.3 154 163 834. 381 453

Nigadi 6.8 36B 377 _ 1,665 812 853

Ond 6.3 486 1319 2,543 1,295 1,248 10 9

59 l'lIclmnd 1.3 242 itS 124

60 Padali Pro 1.0 • 68 58 34'1 163 184. Knrad 61 Padali pro 6.3 287 299 1,465 (l5S 807 Ma!;l:lr 62 Pal 10.5 765 816 3,8(!5 1,853 1,952

63 Parle 1.8 157' 157 1,005 515 490 81 5i

64 Perule 4.8 323 323 1,665 825 840 11 17

65 Potale 3.8 180 HJ5 2,047 J ,002 1,04':; 21 23

66 Jlethure Bk. 6.3 785 834 4,646 2,461 2,185'

67 Kh. 2.5 !!90 :l01 1,645 836 809 11 to

68 Rlswad 3.3 214 2]8 1,023 491 532 2

69 8.8 970 1,662 5,173 2,713 2,4.60 13 7

70 Saidapur 2.3 226 267 1,342 700 fi42 KARAD TALUKA 177

\I Agricultural Classes I ------:1 1- Cultiva.tors I II- Cultivators I III- Cultivating IV -N on-culti vating Liter6te5 of land wholly I of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrl. Or ITI'linly owned or mainly Ull- I their dependants cultural rent reoei- ' and theIr owned ami I ~rs, and their d >ppndar '" I tbeir dependants I I dependants .. l I

-'\161~~ -ll~emaleB! ~:le~! Fe~Llf~!eB \ Male. ) Females -11 Malee Femal,," 11 12: 1" 1 14 I 17 ! 18 111 20 J • \ I

32 i ,047 1,045 10 6 128 146 13

64 2 396 40-1, 2 4

119 2G 331 3!li (3 6 8 10 3

274 43! 4,)1 13 36 68

195 348 315 2 3 2 2 II

141 II 25& 17 13 53

101 4 318 294 15 10 H IS

74 11 256 290 7 3 9

192 22 844 906 H

253 38 570 523 5 3 65 70

79 11 317 ~SG 10 10 188 254

278 43 405 420 9 9 24 27 t2

2 249 237

H3 19 365 7

313 50 497 iiOO 64 62 {; 3 '95

,,_I iii 916 891 5 ;) 6

44 J15

61 11 152 165

101 76 520 620 S til

5-10 159 1,082 1,10!) 43 32 85 101 15!}

t2S ]9 350 338 5 2 47 45

311 114 651 6il 2 41 -1

312 28 725 739 Ii 18 101 133 18

731 170 1,582 1,463 233 213 260 17l 21 8

308 :/4 681 6IL 40 47 36

29 382 408 11 11 22 45 66

1,l(i4 299 1,016 981 I) 3 26 38

73 12 561 543 15 17 1.78 Primary Census Abstract

- ~ -- - 1______NOn-AgriC~lh:al ~~~~ ______Persons ( including dependants) who derive their principlll means of livelihood from B. N arne of village or ------vITI-Other No. town/ward V-Production I VI-commerc~e I VII-Transport services and other than cuI. miscellaneou. tivation ___,-- BOlirCBS

I I I I I Males I<'emal8s Males FemUleS'1 MaIeR I Females, Males Fernal.,. 1 I ___2_1 22 I 23 24 25 ~6 _I 27 28

43 Koparde IIaveli 104 96 17 12 JO 3 72 08

44 Koregaon 7 10

45 Korivale 2 2 3 3 9 6

46 Korti 10 7 4 35 43

47 KUSUl" 27 11 2 17 16

48 IHalkhed 4 3 3 3 2 3 12 10

49 Manu 82 102 8 8 26 26

50 l\Iarali 18 12 2 2 16 III

51 Mhasoli 35 28 4

52 Mhoprs 83 85 120 99

53 Mundhe 65 51 23 28 2 2 60 57

Nandgaon 145 146 28 27 4-1 38

55 Nandlapur 66 57 i2 9

56 Nandshi 2 2 5 ;j

57 Nigadi 132 128 10 10 4 48 51

58 Ond 225 J99 51 53 8-! 81

39 Pachund 3 2

60 Pad ali Pro Karad ... 2 '1 2 2

61 Padali Pro Masllr ... 55 42 57

62 Pal 239 270 43 39 5 201 195

63 Parle 60 59 ]4 10 2 5 23 ta Perale 20 10 9 100 127

65 Potale 1~1 99 8 15 17

66 Rethare Bk. 20£ 199 49 40 2 106 90

67 Rt'thare Kh. 44 45 3 H) 24

6S Riswad 21 12 6 6 4

69 1,179 ],062 145 123 68 57 214 170

70 Saidapur 28 13 20 16 76 53 KARAO TALl.)KA 1~9

Ne"Tf:'st post office \ N"... "st Railway N "ar"~t b .. ",,,t vill.. ge, Items end i.t\; d\\;t.Q.n.~ in I!.l:.lI.ti,y. I J II 32

__~_.~ ____1 ______

P.O. Kamd, 2 Karad, 4, ThurS. P.S.,v.p.,e e,g Kurad, 3 I\:arad, 5 Karad, 3, Thurs· P.S.

Umbraj, 4 Masur, 8 Umhraj, 4, Mon. p.S. Umbraj, Masur, 3 Umbraj, 1, Mon P,S.,C.S. P.o. Karad,14 Kolewodi, I, Sat·. P.S.

Kasegaon, 2 Karad,13 13e1avade Bk., I;", P.'D.,D.D.~. Wed. Ond, ~ Karad,14 Nandgaon, I, Fri. P.S.,C.C.S.

Pal,2 Masur, 10 Pal, 2, Sun. P.S.

Ond, .. ~ Shenali. 11~ Bazar. i\f€>n. P.S.,C.S.

Charegaorr., 3 Karad, 12 Chan'gaon, 3, S,lt. P.S.,C.S.

Kamd. 2 Karad,4 Knrnd, 2, ThurS· P.S .. C.C.S.

Ond, ~ Kurad, 13 Bllzar, Fri. P.B.

Kurad,3 Karad, 6 Kamd, 3, Thur~, P.B.,C.S.

Masur, 3 Shiravade, Shiravade, 3, Fri. P.S.,C.S. lIlm,ue, 4 i\ras'll', 5 3Iasur, 4, Wed. P.S.,C.S.

P.O. Kamd,13 Knndgaon, ~, Fri. P.S, V.P.,C.S., C.C.S. ;Uasul', G Karad,4 Masur, tl, Wed. P.S.

Supne, 1 Korad,7 Karad, 4, Thul'~. P.B.,V.P.

Helgaon, ., l\fi'lsur, 6, W",d, P.S.,C.S.

PO. Masur, 10 Bazar, Sun. P.s.,v.p.,e.c.s.

OgaJowadi, Karltd,l K [lra-d, 3, Thurs. P.S.,C.C.B.

Lmbraj,5 ~lasur. 4 Umbl'aj, 5, Mon. P.E> .

Kolo, 2 Kamd,21 Kok, 2, ·Wed. P.S.

P.o. Shenoli,4 Shenoli, 3, Sat. P.S"V.P.

Rethurc Bk.l :l Shenoli,4 Kole: 5, ""ed. P.S.,C.'i.

'la~ur, 3 Masur, 4 Kara.:I, 3, Thurs. P.B.

Ogalewadi, Kamd, t Kamd, :;, Thurs. p.s.,e.s.

Karad,2 K>\rBd,3 Ka F!'>d , 2, Thurs. P.S.,V.P.,C.S.

t l\:handoba fair .held annually in Jimuary; rtttendance. GO,OOO lS0 Primary CeD5U!I Absbad

Occupied Houses f , Total No. of persnn8 INo. ofilllllate6 Area of enuIDel'ated [including of ilUltitutiollii Name of village or village inmates of inatitutiolll! I and houseles6 S. or town No. of No. of and housele88 persons) per80n& No. t,own/wllrd in houses house square I hold~ miles ~ __I -- I I Persons Males FernaleslualeB Female~

1 3 6 7 8 9 10

1.S 134 170 823 ng 405

72 4.& 78 83 385 203

Salsbiramoo 4.2 20l 304 1,607 813 3.3 3S!} 3115 2,OiB 1,002 1,07& lZ s 75 SayapuF 0.5 J6 19 92 36 5&

ShahapUIT 3.S 10"8 114 554 251 303

77 Sheno!) 4.0 30S 416 2,110 ],096 1,014 1& Shew 5.3 345 393 2,312 1,155 1,157 Shira.vade 2.0 284 289 1,578 775 803

8& 8hirgaon 3.5 140 207 1,076 521 555

81 Shivnuel 1.8 198 198 1,078 553 525

S2' S'lpne. 3.0 388 404 2,334 1,135 1,199

SUrU 4.5 226 226 ],275 639 636 7 5

Talbid 6.0 442 442 2,291 I,12!J 1,162

8J, T ..lgaorn 2.3 180 184 8~6 429 447

86- 1"ambaVeT 8.3 66,1 819 4,383 2,179

S7 T&uk 6.3 499 512 2,40S 1,1'tl1 1,281

'l~lJ;8avade L3 106 106 598 2~~ 308

'l'embhu 4.0 180 193 1,033 50S 525 26 :n

!)()' Tu.lg8n: 4.8 327 338 1,701 849 855

91 Urnbraj 5.3 659 918 4,507 2.259 2,248 183 190

1t2 Undafe 2.0 !45 253 1,341 693 (ItS [t 7

Vadagoou 1i.3 617 578 3,492 1,786 ].706 13) iH Haveli Vildagaon 2.8 154 170 901 436 465 Urubraj VadoIi 2.3 l56 158 8SS 412 423 BhikeshwQl' 96 Vadali 3.5 204 214 1,315 673 642 Nile.. hw8v !l7 Vllho.gflon 2.5 260 276 I,IHn' 758 7,;9 98 Vunav8smf1.Chi 166 180- 93S 4(0 493 g 44 KARAD TALUKA

A gricultural Classes

I I. Cultivators II· Cultivators III. Cultivating IV ·N on-culti vating Literat~s of l'lnd wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrl. \ or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependants oultural rent recei· \ and their owned and vers, and their I depelJdantl! their dependants I dependants I I M~:B-IIFemal:r Males IFemales 1\lale8 IFemales Male;, IFemales Males Fema.las 11 12; 13 I 140 15 16 17 I 18 19 20

110 8 418 405

53 3 12" 1 5 1 32 51

177 20 721 15 16 16 21 18 23

3S1 26 826 8,)S 32 53 27

6 24

43 6 241 295 1

365 116 757 695 31 24 28 32 68

406 1(12 789 729 39 52 130 18t 8

194 28 618 633 10 5 15 20 2t 46 :!!7 55 332 352 3-') 97 122 :Wl 36 330 328 ]6 16 31 22 74

493 118 1,0461,110 1 40 58 2

106 18 fi.t9 .350 39 40

402 103 1,052 1,087 5 8

129 14 345 347 72

732 97 1,768 J,765 17 11 20 '1):1

29:! 77 967 1,110 66 63 8 8 2

58 7 2,13 268 27 19

11)6 426

1(j8 16 793 791 2 28 35 1

851 173 850 851 Ii7 87 128 176 119 il62

232 30 474 459 85 64 59 58 8 H)

632 143 983 967 31 22 447 421 2l 39

113 34 320 339 43 43 6 1 31

174 158 317 309 17 10 26 3,)

1(17 49 594 3 1 17 18

215 33 492 472 2 22 6 :28

134 13 367 385 7 3 1 Primary Census Abstract ----.-----, Non-Agricultural Classos 1---Persons ( including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from B. Nome of village or I1- --. ------.- - - -vIU-OtIler No. town/ward V-Production I VI-Commerce \ VII-Transport I services and other than cul- I miscellll1l6ou. tivation ___, aodrces I

I Malt'S Females Males FemaleRI MalcR I FemaleSI' Males I «'emu I""

1 I 2 I 21 22 23 __ 2~ 25 1 26 27 28 I J I

71 Saiur

72 Sakurdi 12 16 4 5

73 Salshirambe 38 34 5 1

74 Savade 69 58 3 4 7 4 s 20 6 4 75 Sayapur • 76 Shahapllr 2 7 3

77 ShenoJi 12:3 105 17 18 27 101 8S

78 Shere ]00 104 18 ]5 72 6':;

79 Shiravad0 61 60 8 5 15 H 24 20

80 Shirgaoll 31 26 JO 2

81 Shivade 70 55 5 ]8

82 Supne 36 26 2 8

83 Surli 17 ]9 7 5 2 5 15 8

84 Talbid 32 29 2 :!1 1t)

85 Talgaoll Il ]1 11 7

86 Tambave 177 192 1 86

87 Taruk 31 2; ...... 49 G7

88 Ta~avmle 1

89 Tcmbhu 27 2 37

II G. 8

91 lJ1l1braj 281 252 244 212 5 II 51;' 497

Undale, 25 ]() 2 35 30

93' Vadagaon 150 ]]3 50 41 10 Hi 9+ 88 lIaveli !l4 Vadagaon 7 2 2 58 Umbrnj 95 "adoH Rhike­ 3u 1)0 ]3 14. 3 5 shwar ., Vndoli Nileshwar... 51 21 .) 5

97 Yalmgnon 107 123 17 10 2 4 109 88

98 Yanavasmachi 12 11 2 3 51 89

------KARAO TALUKA J83 I I I Neurest post office N6i~reat Railway N ell.re8 t bll.z.1r village, ltelu. I and its distance in station and its its distance in miles & of note Remark.. miles distance in miles Bazar day. I ~ !

29 30 31 32 83 _------_- Tnmbave, 2 Karad, 12 'rnmbavo, 2, Sat. P.S.

Kurad, 7 Karad, 10 Karad, 7, Thur8 P. !:-l. Oud, 2 Karad, 12 Nandgaon, 2, Fri. P.S.

Oud, 3 8henoli, 10 :'ofhasoli, l~, Mon. P.S.,C.S.

Ogalewadi, 2 Ka~ad, 2 Karad, 2, Thurs.

:\'[asur, 2 Sbiravade. 1 Shiravade, 2, Fri. P. S.

P. o. ShenolL 1 Bazar, So.t. P.B.,C.O.S,

P. O. ShenoIi. Shenoli, 2, Sa t. P.S.,V.P ,C.O.s..

P. O. Rly. St!1tion, Bazdf, Fri. P .. S.

Indoli, 2 MaBur, 13 lndoli, 2, Fri. P.s.,c.e.s.

Umbraj, ~ )IIUlW", 3 Umbraj, !. Mon. P.8.,C.::;.

1'. O. KRl'ad, 6 T"mbave. I, Sat. P .S.,C.O.S.

Kadegaon, 4 Karad, 4 KarOO, 4, Thurs. P. S.

P.O Shiravade, 3 Shiravade, 3, FrL P.S.,V.l'., C.C.s. Ond, 3 ShenoH, 13 Nandgaon, 3, Fri. P.8 .. V.P .• C.C.S. P. O. Karad, 10 BSl:ar, Slit. P.8.,V.P., C.O.S. P. O. KIHad, 15 Kolewadi, 1, Sat. P.8.,C.S.


Ogsle.vadi, 2 Karad, 2 Karad, 2, Thurs. P.S.,C.C.S. Orltl, 3 Karad. 13 Nandl!Ron. 3L Fl'i. P.S. P. O. l\11I&ur, 3 Bozar, Mon. t P.S.,V.P .• C.S., • C.C.s. P. O. 8henoli, 12 Nandgu.oll. 1. Fri. P.S.,C.C.S.

P. O. Shenoli, 12 Bazar, Mon. P.S.,\'.P., C.C.S. Ind.oli, 2 )lIrnmr. 7 Indoli. 2 Frl. P. S.

lIasup, 2 A'Iaimr, l~ l-I88I1r, 2. Wed. P. S.

Ugalewadi. 4, Kamd, -l Karad, 8, ThUrs. P. S.

Delavade Shiravade. 2 Shiravade. ~, Fri. p.s.,r.s. Bk.,2 Kurad, 3 S!lira. ,r&ue, :I ~t\rad, 3, Thul's. P. tl.

t P. W. D. Bungalow. 18'4. Pri~~ry Ce~us Abstract ~-~------I ,I O~upiod nou~, I I I I Total No. of persons No. of inmht. 8 S. Name of' vill or Area of No. of enumerated [including of inatitutione village No. of house inmates of iUlltitutions and houseleS8 No. town/ward or town houRes holds and houseleS8 persons] parsons in .. square ------_ miles Personsi Males Females Males FeJD'!.le~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 \I 1(1 99 Varade 1.8 78 101 4118 245 253 ..-.

100 Vamnt.~ad 2.8 263 268 1,417 697 720

101. Vllsti Sakurdi 1.8 117 ]4~ 664 319 345

102 Vathar ::!.5 171 176 1,511 732 779

]03 'Ving 6.0 464 471 2,729 1,391 1,338 15 8

104 Viravade 1,0 142 142 815 436 379 26 19

105 Wagheri 5.3 264 270 1,428 723 705

106 Warunji 2.3 ]99 ]99 1,381 684 697 120 ]33

107 Yelgaon (1.0 518 53:.! 2,994 1.417 1,.'')77 32 18

J08 Yonke.. 1.3 155 ISO 948 476 472 20 12

J09 Yenpe ~.3 271 28! 1,476 706 770 17 10

110 Yeravale 2.3 327 337 1,680 845 835

III Yevati 6.3 400 475 2,007 P09 1,098

Total for villages 375.4 28,904 32,025 169,262 84.076 85,186 1.807 1,525. Total for taluka 405.8 32,724 39,366 207,913 103.981 103,932 2,226 1,859 KAftAD TAL.UKA 1$5

Agrioultural Classes I ~~--- - -1- I I-Cultiva.tors II-Cultivators III-Cultivating , IV-Non-Cultivating Litera.tea of land wholly of land wholly la.bourers and owners of land. agri- or mainly owned or mainly un· their dependa.nts cultura.l rent recei. and their owned and verso and their dependa.nts :their dependants dependants ~ -- J ______, ______I Males F'ernaleB Male", ~'emales Males I"'emaleR .'\rales Females 111 ales Females 11 12 13 14 15 I 16 17 18 19 20 I

62 3. 19i 194 S 1 23 18 12 29

86 18 .')86 6]0 4 5

127 7 ~55 ~G3 IS 25 25 44

302 ~5 603 Gl-l 16 20 G G 3 6

401 (\0 1,179 1,18-1 3-1, 37 53 39 7 23

131 :en 185 185 3 -l 21 18 I 1

211 28 4:!0 !IS! 25 3-1 ?§ 4a

241 74 447 Hl 10 9 1 f>7 176 i9 IS I 385 175 1,081 1,270 3.1, 37 56 540 ()3 6l

129 15 387 390 24 3t

128 () 688 758

248 ~8 7Z-\ 72l

1 to 10 ,!l96 1,089 1 26,464 5,698 61.001 62,223 1,974 1.710 4,774 5,132 1,881 2,612 35,998 9,547 66,279 67,233 2,215 1,904 5,250 5,655 3,159 4,057 186 Primary Census Abstract

Non-Agricultural Chls~e8

Persone (including dependantij) who derive their pri n?ipal IDI"SD8 of livelihood from B. Name of village or ------_-_- VIII-Other NO'1 townfward V-Production I VI-Commerce , VII-Tra.nsport services and other than cuI. miscellaneou8 tivation I I r::.ourCeiI I l' I I I Males Femalesi Malee IFemales! Males Females! lIJaleS\FemalSF 2 1 I, 21 22 \ 23 _~_1_25__ 26 I ~7~,~_ 2~ I

99 Varade 4 4 3 8 ]00 Vaslllltgad ]04 6

10J Vasti Sdkurdi J3 8 4

102 Vathe.r 49 51 2 3 53 49

103 Ving 85 29 8 3 25

10-1 Viravad8 1 'j ,j 20 11 1 30 15

lQ5 Wogheri lit 158 12 15 5 3 58 G6

106 Warunji 29 5 5 J9 18

107 YelgitOn 9;; SG 47 4J Ii 35 25

lOS Yenke 3!l 33 26 18

Jon Yenpe ti 4 12 '8

110 Yeraval" 24 19 11 83 8t

. HI Yenlti 11 8

Total for villages 1.693 7.166 1.559 1.32S 210 222 4,984 4,795 Total for taluka 11.364 10.549 4,806 4219 739 702 10.169 9,551 KARAD TALUKA - ,------

N eareut post offloe Nearest R ..ilway Neru'6st bazar .. Wage. Items and Its distaooe In station and its Its dlstanoe ill milea and of note Remark! milea diaw,noe In miles Bazar day.

l 1 29 30 II i 32 ;>11 _------I Umbraj. 2 Masur, 3b Umbraj, 2, Moo. P.B.

Supne, 1 Karad, 6 Ka,rod, 6, Thurs. P.S.,C.C.S.

Karad, 7 ~arad, 10 Karad, 7, Thurs. P.B.

Kale, 2 Karad, 21 Kale, 2. Tues. P.S.,C.C.S. P.O. Karad, :l Bazar, Mon. P.S.,V.P"C.S. Karad, Karad, 3 Karad, I, Thurs. P.B. P.O. Karad, 3 Karad, 7, Thurs. P.S.

Karad, Karad, 4, Karad, 1, Thurs. P.S.

P.O. Karad, 21 Bazar, Thurs. P.S.,V.P.

Kole, 2 Karad, 10 Kole, 2, Wed. P.S.

Yelgaoo, 2 Karad, 23 Bazar, Thurs. P.S.

Ving. 2 Karad, 7 Vin.g, 2, Mon. P.S.

Yelgaon, 2 Shenoli, 13k Mhasoli, 2, Mon. P·S. IB~ Primary CeDsus Abstract ------[Occupied Houses I t I r Total No. of persons i No. of i-lIma~ Area of enumerate.l [including of institutions Name of village or village inmates of institutions I Bnrl h oUBeJes8 B. or town No. of No. of and houseless p8l'8on&) perBon!!. No. town/ward in houses house \ square holds miles --_- I .. 1------, Persons Male!! Femalesl Males Female3

1 2 3 4 I) 6 7 8 9 10 ---- TOWNS NIL VILLAGES

J Ahire ]0.8 406 H9 2,132 1,045 1,087

2 Ajnu) 5.3 ll5 126 7&8 o 360 39& :; Anaod 5.0 227 273 1,308 627 681 " 4 4 Asawali 6.8 242 331 1,540 712 82S a Atit 4.8 76 127 042 322 3!?0 6 Bavd6 3.0 281 346 J,774 852 922

7 Bhaaavade 1.5 123 It)2 779 354 4:15-

8 Bhade 7.8 307 312 1,528 748 780 2t 16 It Bhatgar O.S 40 60 295 1 :3'1 ]5S

10 13holi 7.0 275 307 1,488 '104 784 4 .'> II Bori 5.3 82 117 580 278 302

)2 Harali 2.50 53 54 234. 100 12&

}S Javale 2.S 14S 14fr 13& 33() 401 1

14 Kanhawadi 1.S M 5"9 303 145 158

]5- Kanheri 4.8 190 232 1,162 547 615 IS Karnawadi 4.5 172 172 801 380 421

17 Kavathe 3.0 126- 12& 639 266 283

18 Kesurdi 4.8 82 82 386 183 203

)9 Khandala 6.8 337 337 I,M7 739 808 20 Khed Bk. 9.0 326 372 1,986 1,002 984

21 Kopllrde 6.8 134 162' 846 415 13J 22 Lohom 1.5 60 97 443 210 233

23 Lonand 9.5 ],052 1,052 5,12,) 2,647 2,473

24 Loni 1.3 160 150 680 316 364

25 ' Mhava.shi 2. .5 66 75 354 111 183 KHANDALA PETA 1&9 ------I ~ AgrIcultural Clus!;(ls I

I. Cultivators II· Cultivators III. Cultivating I"·N on-cult; vating Literates \I of IImd wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrl. Or mainly owned or mainly .un- their dependants oultural rent recei. I and their owned and vers, and their I dependants their dependants I dependants

--Males P~males ( Males IFe:~les) - -}l,ddH IFemale~1 Male.. IFemales Males Fomal"H 11 12 t 13 i 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I 18 19 20

346 540 897 93:! G 12

152 19 276 306 15 13 24 32 6 H

183 37 -115 434 .3 S 14 22 07 115

2M 74 641 759 3 3 13 28 59 8 308 307 2

247 24 633 (199 5 12 21 18 54 76

149 25 221 no 8 . 3 86 148

109 21 540 584 10 15 29 22 35 43 54 4 35 56

221 66 502 543 6 a 3 8 63 103

43 231 243 4 3 13 13 "2 {;

27 6 108 1~5

1'"_0 27 322 391 20 135 149

195 47 509 570 5 7 15 22 3 t6

27 8 360 407 9 8

G9 18 22-1 2-11 3 7 15 22 2 4 22 2 183 203

296 89 503 5i9 9 17 25 ~4

308 88 583 532 110 127 40 32 125 31 23S 250 20 17 24 34 30 29 6-1 6 206 232

423 151 621 645 6 5 22 25 90 103 122 14 227 256 7 5 36 55

42 7 Hili I7l ;) 190 Primary Census Abstract ------Non-Agricultural Classes ,-f PerBollB ( including dependants) who derive their principa.l means of livelihood from B. Name of village or VIII-Other No. town/ward V-Production VI-Commerce I VII-Transport services and other than cul- miscellaneou.. tivation I etYurces Males IFemales I Males IFemalesl Males IFemales Males Fernal.... 21 23 27 28 1 2 I 22 I I 24 I 25 \ 26


1 Ahire 81 76 9 6 52 61

2 Ajnuj 34 30 5 '3

3 Andod 80 78 2 2 1 3 13 19

4 Asawali 35 28 2 1 18 I)

5 Atit 2 4 10 8

6 Bavde 76 73 19 17 44 27

7 Bhadavade 17 18 4 (j IS 20

8 Bhede 79 75 18 14- 37 27

9 Bhatgar 81i 81 5 10 12 11

10 Bholi 83 58 5 3 4!! 55

11 Bori 21 29 7 \)

12 TInraH 1

13 J3\'alo ]2 10

14 Kanhawadi 8 8 2

15 Kanheri 9 4 ~ ,1 2

16 Karnawlldi 5 3 6 :1

17 Kavathe 2 ., 5 7 4 18 Kesurdi

H' Khandala 72 71 20 2{ 2 5 ll9 88

2{) Khed Bk. 148 171 41 35 2 7 78 80

::n l{oparde 88 86 14 15

2:! Lohom 2 1 1

23 Lonand 496 410 719 669 71J 711 614 540 !!4 Loni 24 24 2 20 22 ZG ~_n.ayLl.Z":' 9 7 -4, " KHANDALA PETA 191

1 j I N ~"r'CM; .ust offic.. l N tl3C"Ht !:tail w ..y N"'H""L 1J ...... r village, ltelIUl tUl.~ Itil rl.istan_ in statiQIl and its it... dis"ance in miles and of note I ",;Jrnl distlOnOA in miles Ra..... day. I

30 &1 32

P.O. Louand, \} Lommd,9, Thurs. P.S.,C.C.S.

Rhundala, LODand, l-t Kho,.Ildola, J, Sun. r. '3.,C.C.S. 1'.0. LOlland, 5 l.:miilld, 5, Thurs. P.8.

Khandala, 5 Lonaton. 18 Kbamlala, .J, Sun. P.S.,O.O.M.

Shirval, 8 L.)nand, 21 Sl11fval, ~. Fri. P.B.

P.O. Lonand, 13 Khandala, 1~. Sun. P.B. Khanllala, 3, Lonl.nd, 13 KhnlldRla, 3, Sun. P.B.

Morve, I Lonund, !) Lonand, 9, Thurs, 1'.8.

P. O. Lonand, 27 BllOr, 1, Tues. P.S.

Shirval, i Lonand. 13 Shit'vol, -!, Fri. 1'.8•• 0.8.

Lonand,6 Lonand, G LOntlnd,6. Thurs. P.B.

I~handala, 4 Lonand, 11 Khandula, 4, Sun. 1'.8.

Rhandala, 9 Louand, 22 Kh.lllllala, 9, 8un. P.8.,0.0.S.

Bhor, 3 Lonand. 29 Bilor, 3, Tues. 1'.8.

Kilalld",la, 8 Lonand, 21 Khandala, S, :Sun. P.B.,C.O.S.

I~handala, II I.. onand, 24 Khandala, 11, Sun. P.S.,C.O.S.

Khand ..Lt, tl Lonand, 23 Shiryal, 6, Fri. P.8.", 4 LOlland. 17 Khuntlala, 4, SUIl. P.S. P,O. Lonltnd, 13 Bazar, Sun. P.S"C.C.S. ~ P. O. Lonand, 3 Lonunrl,3, 'Thul's. P.S.,C.C.S.,

Lonand, 7 Salpe, 1~ Lonand,7, ThlU·S. P.S.,C.O.S.

IChallrlah, 9 Lonand,,22 Khuttdala, 9, Sun. P.Iil.

1'. O. Rly. Station Ba2'tu, Thllra. P.S.,C.S.,C.C.S

Shirval, 1\ Lonanrl, 22 Shil'vai, 0, Ih:i. P.S.,C.B.

Lonand, 10 Lonand, 10 L\lt\"ud, 10, Thurs, P.S. 192 t'n· «1:j --':eQsus AbsU'ad ------Oj~"IIPIAd HOI"''''~ I, 'fot... 1 N., pt'r"):J8 No,. t,+- JDLntlotet Arca of -I eUllln ~,., r,A: I:dlldi'l~ of im'itut.iun. 1 !'-~ :!I:l~ :. t ~':!!;;,e;c or ,,;,:!!~g~ I fnm~t~~ o~ ~ ·, .. ;tut;C,u3 an~ :"Vu.ov~t.:·.~~· .r S. I or~owu No. of Nu v. and housel.' 'JO'!lOllR] p"TB')n~ No. to", >Iward In houses h,)","", squaT!' "old~ miles PersonA -;:I""~ IFernaleBIM~'I"" Femalel

I 3 4 l' 6 10 c I 8 I 9 ------26 Mirjo 3.5 83 107 498 241J 252

27 lUOrvt1 4.3 241 241 1,209 593 616

~ 28 Naigaoll 2.8 240 240 I,tOO 506 694

29 Nimbodi 3.8 119 120 688 3.13 345

30 Padali 7.. 5 1-18 148 757 391 366

31 Padegaon 2.3 129 Li5 650 32:'1 331

32 Paiasl.j 3.3 301) 31G 1,430 053 777

33 PargBon 4.5 17l) 23.7 1,066 505 561

::It Pimpre Bk. 7.3 213 251 1,244 619 623

31) Ru! 0.3 6 8 50 25 25

::If) Sangn:".i 1.5 69 (i5 270 123 147

37 Shirval 11.5 1,057 1,057 4.587 :',231 ~,:}5S Ii S

38 Sukhed 3.8 12:!. 130 641 32Q 327

39 Tondal 3.0 138 J38 621 299 322

4() Vaaw·oll 0.8 8,'; 'S9 4Hl InS 248 I! J.t

41 Vagoshi 3.0 I)~ 66 319 162 157

42 Wathar Bk. 4.8 137 137 648 311 33i 6 5

43 Wing 9.3 4'18 418 2,20:3 1,053 1,\50

44 Yelke 4.0 11!9 263 1,270 5S~ 688 4')0') 45 Zagalwadi 1.8 68 90 ~~ 1~7 ""-~-.) Total for vinages 233.3 9,114 lO,C32 48,695 23.279 24.816 S!l 53 aDai peta ---~_.,__,_~~- KHANDALA PETA 11.13 ------Agricultural Classes 1------i I I- Cultivators II- Cultivators I III- Cultivating IV -N on-culUvati1l8 ' r 1 1 n I ro , Ll~ra.te8 0, ....." wbuur I 01 I.. LlJ whollY I..buurer6 anu ownerl:! uf how:i, agrl - , Or mainly owned or mainly un- I their dependants oultural rent reoei· : and their I owned and vcrs, and thei! I dependant" ; their dependants dependants

Ma\es Fema,\eJ Ma,\.,s \<,,,,,,8.\,,,, \ M.b\"" \ 1""m~\e", ~\i\\",& \ 1"""'1>\1'>1'1 \\1>\"'" 1" ..mtI.~~ 11 12 13 I 14 I 15 16 17 18 HI 20 lI I I

70 7 219 224 12 ]7

150 34 377 427 13 10 46 52 8 19

169 27 482 574 ;I, 3 4 1

49 :2 2:15 235 8 10 1-1 ! I;) 16

lOS 11 2.4 :!tH Iii {I 7 8

141 :W 201 204 [; Lj 4, ;~

233 f')). 528 IH8 16 13 12 21 5 10

102 11 3(j6 ~OO 4 ;{ GO ~,il -

IIJ{) 33 376 3[10 3:! 23 III 3 '27 45

17 22 :1 2

l! .;, 1~3 1-!7

\)1 I' 858 IJ~5 118 129 4:\ .5S H;7 181

50 7 2:l3 :lll2 2 It II 540 64

(j, 7 178 187 31 28 15 9 61 8,

R-l 29 ItG IS6 18 ~ G ],'i • 5 6

32 136 125 4 4, ;') ,5

54 7 241 :l~3 20 27 l4 21)

327 :W B:!:l t ,O~1 10 11 5 J3 37 2.~

9'3 :m 3::?1 :)[i! 15 9 73 121

40 3 \G5 22ii 5,786 1,202 15,491 16,897 343 358 &11 639 1,140 1,519

-----~ 194 Primary Census Abstract

~--- Non-Agricultural Classes

1- Pl'rI!ons ( includit,g dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from S. Name of village or -VIiI-Other No. \own/ward V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport services and other than clll· miBcellanem~ tivatiQll I I source~ Malt's FernalAA Males fi'ernaleR MaIeR I I I 1 ! 21 22 23 2,. 25 1'"7:"1 M:T"':'·· ------I ------26 Mirje 4 2 11 9

27 MOI'VO 96 65 20 16 2 33 25 28 Naigaon 11 14 3 2 :1

29 Nirnbodi 43 33 2 2 2 :?4 25

::0. Paoali 37 37 7 6 51 42

:11 Padegoon 7 6 8 7 8 3 94 93

3~ Palaslli 62 117 Ii 6 24 l~

33 l'argaon 34 2S I) ;; 35 37

34 1>jmpr'3 Bk. 61 6.') 13 I:? 6 4 88 83

35 Rui 5

3l; Sangavi in Shirval 33i 3 ,h) Hl4 1 !l;l 30 ]9 484 500

38 Sllkhed 17 16 2 ') 11 11

::10 Tondal 7 5 7 8 ·to Yadgaon 14 H 9 ..

41 Vagoshi 9 18 S 5

4:' \Yathal' Bk. 14 Ie 3 6 9 fl

n.) 43 Wing 24 \) Ii 46 53

H Yplke l~O 1 ~~I) 18 13 1 2 31 1)1

45 ZagalwaJi 2 Total for villages 2,358 2,225 1,153 l,G69 132 121 2,091 1,988 IIDd pets KHANDALA PETA 195. ----~--

N e P06t offioe N_r""t R"Uway Ne&rest b&z&r village. Itema and Its diste.noo in station and Its it~ distaD"e in miles a.nd of note Remal'ks miles• distanoe in mile!! day •

29 10 11 32 I'll --- - 5hirval, 5 Lonand,22 Shirval,5, Fri. 1'.B.

P.O. Lonand, IO~ tonand, lO~, Thurs. P.S.,C.B. 8hir"al, 3 Lonand, 20 8hirval,3, Fri.

Lonand. 4 Lonand, 4 Lonand,4, Thurs. 1'.8. Lonand, 7 Lonand, '; l.onalid, 7, Thurs. P.s. Nira, 2 Nira. 2 Nira., 2, Wed.

Shirval.2 Lonand. 19 Bhirval, 2, Fri. P.8.

Khandala, Lonand, 131 Khnndala. ~, Sun. P.S. Lonand,5 I .. onand, 5 Lonand, 5, Thurs. P.S. Andori, 2 Lonand, 7 Lon and , 7, Th\lrs.

ShirYal,2 LOfland, 20 Bhirval,2, Fti. P.S. P. O. Lonand, t7 Bazar, Fri. P.S.

Lonand. (j Lonand, 6 Lonand,6, Thurs. 1'.8. Shirval, (i Lonand, to 8hirva.l, 6, Fri. p.S. Shin-ai,3} Lonand, 20 Shirval,3h Fri. P.8.

"'ndod. 1_b Lonand, 6 Lonand,6, Thurs. 1'.8. Andori, Ii Lonand, 8 Lonand, S, Thurn. P.S.,C.C.S. P. O. Lonand, 2.3 Bhor, 5, Tues. P.8.,C.C.S.

Khandala., 3} Lonand, 13 Khandala, 3~. Bun.

Khand!11a. 1 0 Lon£>nd, 23 Khaudalao 10, SUllo 1'0 8.

-----~-- IS6 PriI~:".I.l!"Y - C~~I!IUS A bstracl ~-I lo'm'p;~ Ho~, I Total No. of persons !No. of inmate:! I Area. of , 1 enumerated [includin~ , of inatitutioDI! Name of village or \'illage I inmates of institlltions I and h ousolesl! S. or town No. of No. of and houseles8 persollBJ I perllons No. town/ward in I hous.... s house , r square r holdR I I miles I I \-- I I !PO=OO ~ M~les I~emal:B\~ales !Fema1e~ 1 2 _I 3 4 r 5 I 6 7 I 8 I 9 l 10 I , TOWNS


2 Vaduj 23.0 ],310 ],310 6,838 3,423 3,415 Total for towns .•. 45.5 2,300 2,3J{) 11,990 5,975 6,015 VILLAGES

J Ambavade G.5 317 317 1,703 825 878

2 Ambheri 4.8 144 162 827 389 438

3 AnpbaJ 3.5 49 51 251 128 123 5 4

4 Anndh 9.8 S-H 895 4,6fi2 2,272 2,380

,5 Banpuri 2,8 97 100 570 269 301

6 Bhosare 3.5 204 252 ],330 630 700 1

'1 7.8 120 124 713 347 366

8 Bombale 5.5 200 208 973 481 492

\'} Budh 9.8 41)8 681 3,i12 1,814 1,898

If) Chitaii 14.0 635 678 3,919 1,924 1,995

II Chorool'-' 5.8 26.5 265 1,373 674 699

12 Dalmodi 2.8 82 99 562 266 2% 13 Dambhewl}di 3.8 122 137 766 352 414

14 Darj!\i 1.8 76 87 468 225 243 3 15 Daruj 3.8 207 211 ],211 6Q6 605 16 Dat,ewadi 4.5 76 80 402 18S 214

17 Dharpndi 2.3 )25 130 657 334 323

19 Dhondewadi 5·8 16S 172 854 406 448

III Diskal 16.8 689 SOl 4,193

20 Gopuj 3.8 243 243 1,IS2 5S6 602

21 Goregaon Nimsod 1.8 70 77 341 168 173

22 Gorego.on Wangi ... 3.0 ~22 1,139 au9 ~70

23 Gnrsale 9.8 21ft! 1,671 KH :"TAV TALUKA 197 i ----_---- Agricultural Classes , I Ill, CUh\vating IV,Non,oultivating \ I, Cultivat.ors I 11, Cultivators ! Litforate:s of I",nd wholly I of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrl. \ Or ma.inly owned or mainly un- their dependants ctllturall'6Jlt recei, : al'u their I owned and : vers, and their . depf'[1dll.nt" I their deptllJUllntH i dependants

) ------I I I }1&le8IFem~le8! Mal,," I'Fema.les! Male~ :Females!1 MaleB I Females I Malee Femaloo 11 12" 1'{ 14! If> Hl 17 1'8 III 20 I r I I ---+- -- -~--~-----~------

1,309 1,402 56 67 79 lOt lQ\!

1,145 531 1 ,695 1,73:; 45 57 55 .23 1,935 724 3,G94 3,131 99 101 124 13S 227 256

252 63 5 28 121

96 6 328 360 15 29

4 8 III 110 3 3

863 378 384 360 356 7 231 69 H) 196 WI) II 24 16 28

133 \) 570 1 :) 26 45

31 :I 235 246 1 37 71. 73

il 355 31lt 13 I(}

HI7 1.147 1,180 Ht U} 39 65 128

4lli; 126 1,284 1,310 8 6 6(1 St

84 453 466 1.5 156

ju ).

271 330 37

87 7G 218 235

90 21 ['j03 1

7 16(; 189 8, S 31i} 291 ..

143 3 326 1 13 12 ,53

545 104 1,885 1,9640 13 11 16 :~s us 24 7 10 126 133 12 28 3 143 140 16

137 11 3'90 BBO

{IS 1[i 725 728 7 198 ti'rimary Ceasu!I Abstl"att ------Non-Allricultural Classeo

Per80llEl ( including depend811t8 I who derive their ·,rinoip.. 1 I means of livelil,ood from s. \ N .. me of village or m-Othsr No. 1 town/ward V-Produ"tion r VI-Commerce VlI-TranHport •. ervices ·lI.ud other thaI' cui. ,niH<1el1alle01J@ tivatloll \ I dOurc,,. l Mltlp~ "'emales Males Females Males Females 31Idesil"f'mnl... 1 21 22 23 24 I :!ii ~6 "7 I ;l8


Kllledhon 587 599 1z7 139 25 22 187 194

2 Vaduj 398 413 254 228 14 14 839 777

Total for towns 985 1.012 381 357 39 36 1.026 971 VILLACES Ambavade 164 166 13 33 37

Ambheri 40 46 3 3 3

3 Anphul 7 5 2 5 4

Aundh 238 259 J96 1117 50 51 871 !1l9

5 17 24 7 5

Bhosare 22 26 4 9 fi

7 Bhllshangad 3 :r'"" S .k Bombala fi9 66 21 ] 2

\l Budh 205 211 86 so 5 7 185 19<1

10 (,hib.. ]i 317 17 17 4 184 lH

II Churoue 41 38 8 3 l~ D,Jlrnodi 8

5 Ii ., J.\ Dnrjai .) 3 5

15 Darnj 38 34 10 8

11\ Datewadi ]2 1

] 7 D},arpuii ]\) 1

18 DhondeNIl(li 5 "; 6 5

]5 3 !I Ii :1 G8 75 21 2:2 5 1 13 13

21 Goregaon ~im8ocl g 3

2~ GoregEon 'Yangi i2 69 7 4 63 n GUI'Salo 41 28 26 10 1l 139 KHATAV TALUKA

Nearest bazar village, Item! N"art'l8~ post offioe N"ar"H~ Railway GIld Its distance \n station and its l't~ Ol8tance 'm ro'l\es tIonU (}{ U(}W miles distaD"e in miles Bazar day.

32 29 10 II

P.o. P.S.,C.S.

Koregaon, 23 B~ar, Sat. P.W.D. P.S.,C.S. P.O. Bungalow.

P .'S.;C:C.8. P.O, Bahimlltpur,21 V aduj, 5, Sat. Khatav,3 Koregaon, 16 Khatav, 3, Tues. ['.s.

Mayani,2 Koregaon, 36 Mayani, 2, Sun. P.O. Rahimatpur, 13 Bal':ar, Tues. t 1'.8., V.P.,C·C.S. Kut,y.. khatav, 2 Koregaon, :ll l{atal'khatav, 2, SUfi. F.B. P.&. I{hatav, 3~ Koregaon, 18 KhntRv, 3~, Tues.

Mhasulne, 4 Rahimatpur, 22 Mhasurne, 4, Tues. § P.s.

Katarkhatav, 2 Koregaon, 30 Katarkhatav, 2, Sun. P.S. P.O. KorBgllon, 17 BSZQr, Mon. P.S., V p.,e.s.. P.O. Rshimatpur, 36 Bazar, Thutl! P.B., V .P.,C.s..

Mhasnrne, <1 R"ilimatpur, 17 :Mhasume, 4, Tues. 1'.8.

Vaduj.4, KOTege.on, '21 \' adU),

Katarkhatav, 3 Koregaon, 31 Katarkbatav,3, Siln. P.S.

Khatav,4 KoreglWn, 20 Khatav, 4, Tiles. p.s IV,P,

Kbat·vv,3 KOi'egaon. 19 Khatav, 3, TIleS. P.S.,V.P. l\]aY8ni, 5 Koregaon, 34 MaYRui, 5, SUIl. P.8.

ru)!l.tav, 3 il:oregaon, 18 !(hll,tav, 3, Tue8. P.S.,V.P.

May.m, 3 Korogaon, 37 Mayani, 3, Sun. P.S.

P.O. KOl.'egaoo, 12', Wed. P.S,.V.P.,C.S.

Aundh,5 Fahimf.ttpur, 17 Aundh, 5, Tn'6s. P.S.

_·hnbavade, 2 Koreg80o, 30 l\Ia;r&ni, 5, Bun. P.S.

Puae&liwali, 1~ R~~imatpm', lSi :rusesawali, It, Wed. P.S.

V"chrj, .0 Hahimatpul', 19 Vaduj,6, Sat. P.S,.C.C.S.

t P. W. D. Bungalow. § }<"gri; ~H'I,'O f"y ,nary Census Abstrad J-- !Occupied HO"""H I I-- Total 1\ ... of persons , No. of inrnatee Area of I enumerated [including of institutions N arne of village or village I inmates of institutions and houselesB s. or town I No. of No. of and houBeless persons] perDons No. town/ward in I houf!eB house equare holds miles ______£J_

Penons Males Femal6ejMal6s Femal6~

6 7 8 9 10 _1_1 __ 2 ___1 __3 ___ '1_

24 Hingana 128 132 731 383 25 Hivarwat!i 2.3 45 55 347 157 190

26 11 olichagaon 1.5 98 5(\2 271 291 6 7

26A Husenpur 3.3 Deserted

27 Jokhangaon 5.8 300 387 2,003 OIl 1,092

28 Jamb 3.8 136 ! 70 973 48~ 485 29 Jaygaon 5.0 252 296 1,:145 670 (j75 :w Kalumbi 4.8 144 IH 1,014 518 496 13 7

:II KanhaJ'waili 3.5 72 85 497 264 233

32 Kfitarkhntav 14.0 41H 562 3,114 ],533 1,581

33 263 336 ],755 890 865 Kharshinge 3.0 91 123 582 274 308 6 5

35 10.8 1,018 1,02& 5,530 2,753 2,777 122 73

313 Khatgun 4.0 318 318 1,682 817 865

37 Khatwnl 4.5 147 156 774 389 385

38 Kokol'afe 2.5 116 ]42 699 313 386 39 Kl1mtoo 1.7 217 220 1,274 629 645

40 KUI'Ia. 9.5 349 490 2,317 1,106 J,211

41 P.S 663 700 3,842 1,873 1,969 1

42 LadegaOn 2.3 96 96 517 248 26()

43 Lalgun 7.3 366 455 2,555 1,213 1,342 U 10 44 Loni 2.8 106 132 835 435 400 5 Ii.

45 Malld"6 4.8 130 ]36 778 407 371 I

46 Maradwak 1.5 38 38 184 89 U5

47 17.3 844 8-18 4,485 2,284 2,20)

48 )1hasurn B 11'0 419 450 2,471 1,245 1,226

40 Mol 10.& 263 270 1,627 S04 8~3

50 Morale 1.8 118 J25 668 314 344 ------_------_ ------KHATAV TALUKA iOl

Agdeultural Cla.asea ------1- Cultivat,oF8 II- Cultivator8 ! I11- Cultivating IV -NOll-cultivating Uterates - of IImd wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agri. or mainly owned or -mainly un-- their dependant.. cultural rent rooei. snd their I owned and I verB, tuld th-eir dependants their dependants I dependants

- -~ ''----_-,- --- Mele. tFemales [ Msles IFeme.le8,l Males: Femalesi Males ; Females MaJea Femal..s ! I I, 11 I 12 \ 13 I 14 i 15 16 t7 18 19 IIQ ! l' '

43 13 212 2137 Hi 18 1

87 2 148 180 1 '

34 1 2')5 1'2 12 25


203 53 781 927 14 14 1121

lI3 23 466 471

131 26 533 558 34

83 19 472 3 2

49 5 225 210 8 8

408 88 1,0(j8 1,03. 9 6 3 152

233 37 662 646 9 5 145

48 12 191 217 2 24 22 33 931 313 919 924 286 252 192 273 261 281

325 92 720 791 30

85 8 319 3H 8 (; 10 4,

105 26 248 259 30

137 ao 483 458 7 7 H

1 :16 40 820 865 45 34 26

559 Hl9 1,140 1,192 28 28 111 181 us 172 (;0 4 23-1 237

452 143 911 1,(121 21 II 40 121)

HS -!4, 323 307 27 18 IG 2'-

59 299 261 1 1

17 85 89

428 112 1,344 J,325 42 41 '98 108 -I()l 418 918 897 50 34 I@l :!28 786 807 3

:W 3 285 307 12 21 Primary CeDsulI Abstrot\

Non-Agricultural ct&1!se8 Persons ( inoludina dependantll ) who derive their prinolpal----- means of livelihood Itom @,' Nltme of ylllBoge or VIIl-Oth&r No. town/ward V-Productlon VI-Commerce IVII-Transport services and other than cuI· miscellaneou. tive.tion I 80urces" Males Females Moles Males Fern .. 1 Foo'··'1 M···I F_... 1 2 21 22 23 l 24 25 ( 26 27 28 ! I ~4 Hingane 51 W 11 18 " 3 16 Z4 25 Rivarwadi 7 ..

26 Holichaga()l) J3 7 14 7 26 A Husenpur Deser/ell 27 Jakhangaon 7 4 3 4 9 8

2.. .Jamb lZ S 3

29 JaygaOll 96 71 5 ~

30 Kalambi 22 23 2J ]3

:n Kanharwadi 21 7 1 8 8 :lZ Katl1rkhatav 178 ]52 43 53 5 159 172 33 Klttgllll 45 38 21 11 18 20

34 Kharshinge 12 17 16 17

3i> Khatav 388 368 257 240 11 8 439 43]

36 Khl1tgvn 39 33 -I 2 9 5

37 KhatwaJ 48 42 3 -1

38 Kc.kara~ 6 3 :3 46 86

3U Kumthe ... 31 38 5 12 4 7 51 47

4@ KllJ'la 52 53 3- 3 98 105 41 Kuroli ZW 197 4{) 50 7 12 122 137

*2 Ladegaon .. ;;e 4 4 ... 5 8 4:; l.aIgun 113 119 10 II 1 :l 53 40 J of! Loni 34 16 [> 3- i 7 S 4'" Mandve 36 34 6 ~ 31 30 46 ~laradwak 2 3 2 3

41 Mayani 453 395 110 12Q 3 3 184 171 I 4::1 MhaflUrIJoe 10-1 96 21 24 44 34 i9 Mol 3 3 lO- G

50. Morale 11 12 5 2

-~-~ -~-" -~~-~ --_.- KHATAV TALUKA a03

N fIIIoret!t. post office N""reet. RII.Il "'''' Ne6reet bawr v lUage, I telllll and Its distance in station' Bod ita Its distance in miles and of note Remark. miles di8tance in miles Bazar day.

29 10 '1 32 lI3 , ().,t " Vaduj, 2, P •.~. Vtiduj, 3~ Koregaon, ""i Sat.

Ml\yani, (j Koregaon, 4;:; Mayslll, 6, SUIl. P.S. P.O. Re,hlmatpur, 23 \'aduj, 8, ~at. P.S. Descrted

Khatav, :l Koregaon, 18 Khatav. 2, Tues. P.S.

Khatav, 6 Korogaon, I:! Khatav, 6, Tues. P.S. Aundh, 2 Rahimlitpur, 11 Aundh, 2, Tuell. P.S.

P\lBesawali, ::! Rllhimatpur, l4 Pl.lses1twllli, 2, W~d. P.S. ;;luyani,8 Koregaon, 36 Mayani, 8, Sun. P.S·

P.O. Koregaon, 29 Bazar, SUllo P.S., V .P.,C.C.S

Khahw, il Koregaon, 13 Khlttilv. 3. Tues. P.B. Aundh, 3 Rahimatpur, ] 3 _-\.undh, 3, TU(ls. p.s.,C.(].S. p,d. I{oregaon. 1'6 BaM.T, "rues. P.S.,V.P .. C.C.s..

P.O. Koregaoll, 14 Khl,lta\·. 2, TUGS. P.S.,Y.P.

Mayani,8 Koregaon, 34 ~InyL\ni, B, SUll. P.S.

J':batav, <1 Korogaon. 16 I(hatav, .1'. TueR. P.B.

:\u[\dh, 5 Ra.himatpur, 1" Aundb, 5, TUflB. 1'.8.

1'.0. Rahimfltpur, ]8 Plll!e~lIwaJi. a, Wed. p.s . .. ' P.O. Hahimatpur, 16 \'aduj, 5, Sat. ". P.S. \'odgnon, I·!; JiahimMpnr, 15 PUIltl8A.Wllli, 3, We.!. P.S.,C.C.S.

Budh, :! Koreg&on, 15 Budh. :!, MOil. P.S.,C.C.S. \ KtIllt8\',2 Ralli:natpuf, 10 Khatav,_2. Tues. P.S.


.Dfskul• .~ liOrog'80U, 4 Diakal, 2, Wed. P.S.,G.S.

~YM1i, 3 Koreglll:lll, g::; MaYlWi, 0, Sun. P.S.

------. .----~ t 1:'. W. D. Bungfllow. 204 Primary Census Abstract -i I !occuPied HouBes I I I ,- . Total No. of persons INo.ofirunatee enumerated [including of institutions Name of village or inWlltes of institutions I and housele88 S. ~~;:~I N" 0,1 No .•' I: and houseless persons] per8'ms No.. town/ward , ID hOUIle81 houae

, aquare l,olde 1: ____ , miles I • I i I I Persons Males FemaleslMaleR Femalel 8 ,i 9 10 I f 3 .. f> I 6 7 I i

51 Nndhwal 2.8 100 III f}5f.1 320

52 Nam.losbi 4.5 lli6 160 763 374 389

NeT 5.0 295 3CO 1,398 672 726

Nidh ..J 10.5 388 412 2,128 1,071 1,057

Nimsod 13.3 478 (ill 2,830 1,349 1,481

Pllcha ... ad 7.8 280 313 1,583 740 843 2 2

57 Parla1 4.0 103 10i 623 317 306

58 PalaS!!ROn 2.5 103 110 li70 277 293

59 3.5 ]28 142 921 462 41>9 7

60 Pargaon 2.3 93 ]lO 587 297 2110

6i Pedgaon 6.5 206 218 1,140 662 578

Pimpsi ~.8 139 146 779 359 420

l'UBf'gaon 5.8 454 466 2,351 J,199 l,152 44 33

PusE'ffiwati 6.0 469 562 3,166 1,595 1,571 19 25

2.3 105 ll(i 642 298 344

7.0 334 337 1,762 867 895

B6A Raml!l'lAwar 1.6 DB8erted

67 IShenawadi 3.0 138 148 754 352 402

6~ 8hiraswadi il.S 3::0 324 1,&94 767 827 1.6

69 4.3 20S 212 1,228 622 6(}6 23 16

'i0 '1_'rimali 3.S 152 182 820 371i

71 U~berm~I6' 1.5 64 fl6 361 178 183

72 Unghithone 1.5 74 77 860 179 181

73 VOOflill9n 0.3 349 352 '! ,098 1 ,O~!) 1,069 29 24

74 Vadi 2.0 118 155 BiO 4.11) 421

74A Vadkha~ ;" J.2 ,Deserted 75 33 186 Hi7 953 462 491 KHATAV TALUKA

Agriculturt!.1 Classes

' -1- Cultivat,o: --; Cultivators i -III- Cult::ng IV -Non-cultivating Literates \I of I~nd wholly of lan~ wholly i labourers and owners of land, agrl. Or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependants oultural rent recei- I and their owned and I vers, and thei, ! dependant-8 their dependants. dependants

~;ale8IFe-m-a-le-s-l- Male. j;e~:es 1\ Male: IFemales i M61e~ IFemales Femal<>i! 19 to 11 1 12 I' 13 14 I 16 I 16 lI 17 I 18

40 227 no 8 9

30 311 21 8 II I

300 483 10 H 15 119

253 2fJ SH 801 1 21 Hl 21

'1- 359 90 9 vi) 999 46 60

148 14 5-") 596 34

43 5 217 203 27 24 29 33 9

103 7 159 li7 '8 Hi 49 10 405 391 8 13

99 17 189 181 37 33

Jl9 19 510 521

73 18 281 321

51S 160 687 CSS 11 8 31 37 (;28 208 7Gt '";71 56 tOS

53 5 232 17 15 3\

77 410 437 21 70 81 Deserted

53 321 366 7 2

118 20 613 24 19 31 37 Deserted

100 11 492 4S2 I

63 13 312 357 18 :'11

10 5 155 168 2 52 14 175 176

J 78 15S 548 5S2 107 8! ~.;

so 13 352 7 s ~-

116 :!(l3 2H) 121 llG !3i Pri~ary CeDIIUII Abstra~t

'-_-______N_OD_-_A_g_r_icultural Claeses Persons ( Including dependantll ) who derive their prineipsl meaDS of livelihood from s. N6me of village or v I11-mher t.own/wsrd V-Production ! V!-CommArre VII-Transport services ..nt! other than cui. I I, miscellaneou. tivation I sources.. ·'1 ~ Males Fem61es I Males t Fem~'e8 Males! Females ~ Males FelOal.. I l 1 :z [ 21 22 I 23 I 24 25 I 26 c 27 28 ~1 NadhwaI, 36 34 1~ 11 52 Nandoshi 19 11 3 4 6 4

53 Ner 30 12 4 2 44 50

5-1 Nid!-!al 150 ltO 7 l.f 3 8 36 48

fi5 Nimsod 159 ]<19 41 36 4 -1 91 99

56 Pachawno llQ 100 :3 3 5:3 65

51 PacIal 35 34 2

58 PaJasgaon :l9 36 G 5 10 ()

,;9 PuJshi 15 7 6 8 7

,)- 60 PaX'gaon 27 ~I

61 Pedtaon 43 42 9 11

62 Pimpri 5 !) (; 1 1:l n

!i3 l'uscgaon ]79 123 6:J 50 4 :.? 146 131

64 Pusell8waIi 263 203 17::? 154 4 199 19S

tl5- Rahatani

66 Rajapur :238 2'W 9 15 11

66A Rameahwar DfJfier/pd

Ii, Sheno.wadi S 11 :2 2 6 S

Gb Shiroswudi 41 30 2 5 2:3 :!4 GSA Sundarpur De.·erled U9 Tlldavale 82 G} 5 4 39 4 .•

70 Trimali Ii 21 15 11

71 Urnbennole 7 5 4 2

"';~ Cnchitlmn<'

1iJ Vl\dgllOn 103 95 4S ';;1 13 14 11;! 11.4

7! Yadi i 4 1>3 6S

7M Vadl.:hal D'~ertod

7f> Vake'sliwae 3 4 4~ 4 .. ------_---- KHATAV TALUKA ~------.----~------

Newest post office Nearest Railway Nearest bazar vlUage. Items and It.e distance In station and ita ita distance in miles &: of Bote miles distance in mileH Bazar day.

29 80 31 32 33 ----

Vaduj. Ii Koregaon. 29 VarJuj, 5, Sat. p. S. Aundh, 2 Rahimatpur,9 Aundh, 2, Tues. p. S. Pu.segaon, 2 Koregaon, 10 Pusegaon, 2, Sun. P.3 .•C.O.S.

p. O. Koregaon. Ii Puoogaon. 6, Sun. p~ S.

P. O. Rahimatpur. 26 MhllBUrne. 4, Tuell. p.S.;e;na.

Kaledhon, :\ Kl)regaon, -1-1 Ka\edhon, 3, TUell. P. ~.

Mayani, I) Koregaon, 40 Mayani, 6, Bun. P.8'. P. O. Koregoon, 32 Katarkhs.tav, 3, P.S. Sun. Aundh, Rahimatpur. \6 Aundh. 4. Tues.. P. S. Puses3wali, 1 Rahimatpur, 16 PUBes3wali, 1, \\'ed. P .B., V. P.,O.O.B. Vaduj. " Koregaon, 24 Vaduj, 4, Sat. P. B. Ambavade, 2 Koregaon, 30 Mayani, 5, Sun· P. B.

1:'. O. Koregaon. 12 Bazar, Sun. P .• S,C.C.S. P. O. Rahimatpur• 17 Bazar. Wed. t P S ,V.P.,C,C,S. Vadgaon, :l Rahimatpur, 18 Pusesliowali. 5, Wed. P. S.

Budh, 1~ KOfElgaon, 1 Pi~ B8za~, Fri. P.R


Mhaaurne. 3 RuhimatpUl', 26 "MhLlBurne, 3. TU(lI<' P.S.,C.C.S.

Aundh, 7 Rahlmatpur, 19 Aundh. 7, Tuell. P.B.,C.C.S.


\'ltduj. 5 Koregoon. 29 Voduj. 5. Sat. p, S.

Aundh, 3 Rahlmatpur. 10 Bazar, Tues. P. R.

Khatav, 3 KOreg'80D. 13 Khatav, 3, Tues. P. S.

Pusesaweli, 1t Rahimatpur, 18~ PU8esawali, It, Wed, P. S. ., P. O. Rahimatpur, ~ Ii Pusesa.wali, ~, Wed. p.s. v,.p.e.s.

Aundb. 3 Rahlmatpul', 12 Pu_wali. 3, Wed. P. S.


Vaduj, 3 Korega.on. 21 Voduj. 3, Sat. P.R, V•• P .,C.C.B..

t P. \V. D. BmJgll.!oiV. !uh~ Primary CeD5US Absh'act

Ocoupied Houses

Total No. of p"r~onB No. of inm .. tes S. N arne ot vill or Area of N<>.of enumera.ted [ including of institutionli village No. of house inmstes of institutions .. nd bouseleB~ No. tow,,/wfU"(! or town hOllRep hold. and bOURele!l" perRons) .psrllOnB in square mile. Persom.l MaieR I!'emale. Malee IFf'mruee 1 2 3 4 ;; 6 8 !i I III 1 ------76 Vanzoli 2.8 90 96 623 249 274

77 Vardha.ngad 6.5 326 325 1,686 831 855

78 Varnd 40'3 lOll 208 1.20! ,607 594

79 Vetane 1.5 220 225 1,370 633 737 2 2 80 Vikhale 9.5 264 2117 1,669 748 821

81 ViBupur 8.8 566 065 2,778 1,366 1,412 9 9

82 Yeliv 3.5 116 123 682 . 346 336 9 8 83 Yelmarwltui 2.5 100 107 470 231 239

8t Yenkul 6.S 240 240 1,564 766 798

Total for vi lIages 463.6 20.391 22,295 lt9.370 58.417 60.893 314 24~ Total for taluka 509.1 22,691 US95 131.360 64.452 66,908 314 244

_.------~-- KHATAV TALUKA 209 _------_-'\ ______A_gr_io_u_lt_u_ral __ C_I_BSI!69 ------! I.Cultivatore I1.Cultivators \ III·Cultivating IV.Non.Cultivating Lite rates of land wholly of land wholly labourers and own ere of Ia.nd. agrj. or mainly owned or mainly un· their dependants cui tura.l rent reeei. and their owned and vere.and their dependa.nts ,their dependants , dependants • I I \ Females IMales Female. Males Females Males Fema.les :0.1 a leA Females 11 12 . I 1:1 14 Iii 16 17 18 1 9 20 I I ------38 10 2H 2it

230 55 66.5 670 11) 11 2 :i6 68

187 1i8 499 193 3 . t ;;n 64 37 31

137 8 523 689 34 31) HI 20 3S 72

IIH 31 678 754 II 6 1 2

248 40 1,058 1,018 25 22 2l 30 84 153

89 26 285 261 2 6 23 32

fit 6 146 1114 :l4 112

155 15 6:17 672 ~ 2 :I (, 5 l!) 15,652 4,294 40.941 42,345 1.605 1,528 1,586 1.907 3.4.63 4.655 17.037 5.018 44.035 45,482 1.704 1.629 1.710 2.042 3,690 4.922 ------HO Primary Census Abstract

NOD-Agricultural Classes

Persons ( inoluding dependants) who derive their prinoipal I meall8 of UveUhood from s. Name of viU&ge or I VIII-Otbet V-Produotion VI-Commeroe VII-Transport eervicea and town/ward ! other than ou)· mi8Ce118Deou~ tivatioD I I I slJurcee I Malee Femalea Malee FeIllalea Malee Females Males Femalee i ! I 22 28 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 i 21 I I 76 Vanzoli 2 1 ,2 1

71 Va,dhangad 18 22 Iii It :! 4 6/) 69 ;8 Vanld 2 7

79 Vetane 10 ij {I 12 80 VikhsJe 34 34 10 II 14 14

81 Vieapul' 140 146 (j tI 32 37

82 YeJiv 8 Ii 3 2 ~5 3u ., 83 Yelmarwlldi 40 Iii 10 7 84 Yenkul 116 lOS 2 Total for Villages 5.373 4,933 1;357 l.2S8 145 156 4.007 UOO Total for taluka 6,358 5.945 1.738 1,62S 184 192 5.033 5,071 ---- _----_._------KHATAV._.--;------.----,----- TALUKA

Ii6I!or6st JjOllt offloe Neare8t R .. ilway Nearest bazar village. Items I and ita is~anoe in station and its It.s distance ill miles and of note Rema.r~. miles distance in miles Bazar dsy. I I

Ii I, \ :!D 3(1 11 32 _1 _ 33

"!;,lJsesawflli, 6 Rahimlltpur, 18 PUSIlsawali, D, Wed. P.S.

Pt-sagaon, 3 Koregaon. 8 Pusegaon, 3. BUll. P.B.

P.O. Raliimatpur,. 13 AUDdh, 4, Tues. P.S. Budh, 2 Koregaon. 15 . Budh, 2, "'Ion. P.B.,C.C,S. Kal"dholl, 2 Koregaon, 41i Kaledhon, 2, Tues. P.S. P.O. Korf'gaon, 14 Pusegaon, 2, Sun. P.S.,V.P.

Aundh, :l Rahimatpur, 13 Aundb, 3, Tuea. P.S.

Katarkhat"v, ~ Koregllon, 30 Katarkhatav, 2, 8un. P.S. pusegaon, Z Koregaon, 34 Pusegaon, 2, Sun. P.S. Primary Cerasus Abstrad

Occupied Houses Total No. of personB INo.oHmo."" Area of I °enumerated.[including of institutiolls Name of village or village inmates of institutions I and houseleS8 S. or town I No. of No. of ,I and hOlIseie"8 persons) persons No. town/ward in I houses house ~quare holds I miles 1 I / I,-pe-rsons -I 1\1-6-le8-1 FemaiesIM~~es( Female. ! 3 I 4 I 5 6 I 7 8, 9 10 ------'---- TOWNS

Kor6gaon 9.0 1,240 1,399' 7,230 3,701 3.529 68 60

2 Rahimlltpur 1\1. ]2.3 ],35'; ],464 8,055 4,007 4,0.J.8 200 172

\Vlll'd I 274 214 1,539 731 S08 75 49

II 272 272 1,-l3i 740 60l 27 25 III " 138 200 1,217 610 607 31 IV " 193 193 1,119 567 552 43 38 V 19a Ht3 1,056 51 I 22 21

VI 121 163 840 412 428 i

,,' VII 164 lU4 853 40~ 451 Satam Road 7.6 1,24-1 ],327 n,!!7 :1 ,,1O() :1,04 i 13 Total for towns 28.9 3,839 4.l90 21,732 a,JOS 10,624 281 241 VILLAGES

Ambawade f1amllt 0.3 153 J 58 871 .us 453 7 Koregaon Ambawade Sarnat 2.3 180 224 1,189 IH2 047 Wagholi Ambheri 3.8 12:! 143 752 380 3i:!

4 Apshinge 2.3 J83 243 1,201 601 600

3 Ard 8.8 452 535 2,604 ],313 J,28' 3

., Asangnon 3.0 IHl 131 652 296 367 5 7

7 6.0 266 • 274 1,308 68S 720

8 Bhadalo 13.8 338 456 2,705 1,287 1,41S

I) Bhakta.wadi 2.0 III J 27 725 36S 3li7

JO Bhose 3.0 184 232 89Z 407 485

11 Bichukale 11.8 241 263 1,191 541 650

12 Borgoon 2,8 210 241 ],158 542 6]6

13 Borjah.a<)i 3.0 134 143 G70 310 360

Chanchali a.s 178 214 1,011 408 543 2

15 CJ. nvaneshwaF ].0 19 25 147 67 80

Je Clbimangaon ll.~ zOO 104 2650 J,21,; 1,374 I· A~riculturo.l ClasHes I ~_ I. Cultivators II. Cult.ivA.tors III. Cultivating IV ·N on.cultivar,ing LitertlteB \ of I"nd wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land. agri. Or mainly ownf'rl or mainly un- their dependants cultural rent recei· I, and their , owned and vers, and their a"p~[Jdants itheir dependant8 I dependants

--- ._-- _._ -_ .. -----~----- \ ' i }1ales !Femu.lflsi :l1a!,," 'Females I MaleR IFemales , Mal"" I Fem .. les Males Femai@s 11) 11 I I~ !, 13 14 15 : 16 17 I 18 20 i I t l

1,!J23 769 1,296 I,3aG 49 45 95 88 2H 28l

1,805 578 1,984 2,005 50 44 124 124 180 211

2t3 40 377 413 8 11 42 25

381 134 35:~ 25 37 53

225 73 220 216 10 7 16 18

315 120 203 202 9 () 4 6 51

250 69 284 268 22 :!() 23 8 17 227 86 263 268 10 13 20 :2ii

184 56 309 2

1,666 701 999 13 \02 106 HI

5,394 2,048 4,261 4.340 J12 101 321 318 427

12 303 326 9

210 39 425 525 19 22 Ii 8

120 18 313 306 7 17 ]0 I~

211 56l 569 17 13 Ii.

330 67 1,048 I,OO! IZ 13 33 35 93

III 28 245 283 1 11

lSI :n 424 408 106 !HI 987 38 ·n 76 29

117 22 226 273

115 1;; 387 456 6 12 s

202 509 614 8 9 II

75 38 490 56-1. 12 11 II

96 242 3 2 17 IS

34 386 439 20

33 25 a6 31 35 6

·3li2 104 1,Uo 1,215 23 40 29 Primary Census Abstract ~------~------.------Non-Aarlcultu'aJ Classes

P .. rsons ( including depende.ntR ) who dl'rive their .rinclplll meuns of livelihood from s. Name of village or I-\Trr-Oth\lr - I lilld No. town/ ...... rd V-Pruduction I VI-Commerce Vll-TranHport "",vices other than cuI. lJli8Cellaneou~ tivation so\~rce~

F Mal"" II l"lllal""! .."'. · _')".. I I TOWNS

Kor~gaon 293 25;) 594 492 261 223 872 80S RuhirnatrUl'l\I, 586 606 537 496 48 55 498 50i

Ward 1 11)7 183 30 7 15 18 75 11)1

II 53 44 1(3 142 27 29 86 56

'. III 79 82 143 145 1 12R 124 IV 95 90 ]33 no 69 69 v 99 85 58 59 4 41 49 VI .... SO 41 26 1 60 60 VII 73 81 4 ]3 39 48 Satara Road 1,840 1,537 123 131 66 78 266 Total for towns 2,719 2,399 1,254 1,119 375 356 1,636 1,485 VILLAGES

Ambawade Samat 37 20 Korcgaon Am bawade Sumat 73 2 13 ., Wagholi .:> Ambheri 12 14 4 17

5 Al'vi 80 70 16 14 1 30

G Asangllon 24 35 12 15

Be.nawadi 6 HI I Bhll<1lle 147 167 20 4 1 70 74

Bhaktawadi 108 52 3 8 2 23 30

iO Bhose 2

11 Bichnlmlc 13 2

Borg6on 114 J8

13 Borjaiwadi 13 12 (i 16

Ch:tnchcli 11 3 It 16 Hi

11l 21 14 II 31 26 11$. ------KOREGAON TALUKA I

Nsut'tllit post officI' Nearest Railway =" earest hazar village, Items \


~.o,. Rly. Statiou BUZ1U', 1.1 on. 1'.8., V.P.,C.S. P.O. Rly. Station Bazar, Thurs. P.S.,C.S,

P.O. Rly. Station B,..zuT', Wed. P.8.,C.8.

Kinhi, ~ 8atu%a Roud., :l Kinhi, 2, E'l'j, P.S .• V.I'. R0\', 1 'Palashi,2 Deur, 3, Tues. p.8.,C.O,:-;.

l'uhimatpul', t Rahlmatpllr, 0'. Rahjmatpul", 4, Thul'!l 1'.8. PO. RahimatplU', :I Rahimr.tpur, 2, Thul'S. 1'.8. Deu1', Targaon, (j 'Vathar Kircli, 3, <:>un. P.S.,V.P.,C.C.1:i. P.O. Wathae, -1 Deu!", I, Tues. P.S.

D,'UI', Palaahi,3 Dem', ~, Tues. P,S.

P.O. Wnthsr,7 Bazllr. Thul'S. P,S.,V.P.,C.C.s.

'>atarl1 Road., l~ SstarR Rond., 1~ Sata"''' Road., l~, Wed. P,8.,C.C.S. I ()hhnangaon, .) Koregaoll, 4 KOI\'gn.on, 4, :\ton. P.8.,O.C.8. ., lJflllr, Watbal'. 3 Dour.. 2, 'rues. 1'.8.

Rahiml\tp\w~ 4 Rahimatpm', 4 RaiJim~tpul', 4,Thuys. P.B.,C,C.S, Uhimallguon, 1 Koregaon, 6 Koregaon, 6, Mon. P.S.,C.S.

lIinbi, 3 . '~atara Road., G' Kinhi, 3, Fri. P.S .• V.P •

.::knaka. 2 "Vathar, a Pimpooe Bk .• S. Sun.

1'.0. K0~eg aOll, 6 ' , Koregaon, 6, MOll. l'.S:,O.O.&. 1lG Primary Census Abstract

Occup'I;ld Hou~">1

Total No. of perMoUl! No.ofinm.. tts fl. Nan,..' 'Wage or Area of No. of enumeratf'd f including of institutions viltag" No. uf hOll'*' iwnates of lllHtitutl()DB and bouselos. Ko. to • .,/wf\rd or tow n hOl.""" holdA and houRel"~B persons) persons in square mil"" IJ __ _ .J 3 ------_ 17 1.3 14, 1M 954 500 18 Deur 4.8 216 358 I,SIO 912 19 Dhamner 2.8 2&7 287 1,407 714 6113

DhumaTwo.di 2 .. 0 Ii-! 17'1 9]7 4ilt) 467 21 Dughi 2.0 )20 148 339 353 15 22 Ekambe 11.8 280 333 ),718 834 884 23 Eksal 2.8 146 179 907 441 466 24 Hivure 4.8 146 384 399 JaJguon 25 265 331 ],679 829 850 30 22 20 Jamb Bk. 3.:~ 170 216 ] ,017 472 545 Jamb Kh. 27 3.8 87 125 602 306 3 28 Jayguon 3.5 1:16 357

;II} KanoorkhetL' 3.0 156 ,186 916 447 469

30 Karunjkhop 6.8 280 3~3 2,007 989 ],018

3l1' Kathapu, 5.0 287 300 J,621 801 820 27 17 4.5 271 271 1.011 745 766

33 Kinhi 7.6 '209 421 t,20f) 1,06J ·1,136

34 Kiroli 2.8 232 ~32 1,101 531 630

35 Kolwadi 1.5 68 81 409 20(1 200

3G KUIDat]", 6.8 398 2.6]8 1, Z5{) 1,368 40 45 37 Lha~urne 3.8 282 3::1 1,635 788 847

38 MaugalapUI 1.0 71 97 535 260 27:'1

39 N~zari 7.0 283 1,491 719 772

40 Naudwol 3.8 281 28f) J,4;;1 722 729 41 Nsygaon 4.0 109 J2l.l ~63 3U 34$1 ]7 2()

42 Nhavi Bk. 7.S 197 254 1,314 627 687 43 Nhsvi Kh-. :J.b ]Ol 114 GSO 271 309 Nigooi 2.u 132 138 66: 32:! 330

45 4.8 l6) • 5[>6 KOREGAON TALUKA ------,-- Agrioultural CIa8888 I I I I-Cultivators II-Cultivators Ill-Cultivating Liwrl>u,. IV -Non-Cu It.ivating of land wholly of lund wholly labourers and owners of laud. agri­ or mainly own"d or mainly un- their dependants cultural rent recei­ I and their owned and vers, and their I dependants their dependants dependants II &Ie. IFemaies/ Males IF efll"l"... Ma::-/ Fen--IIt-Ie-"+-l\-1-a-le-S--;--F-e-m-a-le-s--:- M "Ies " arm,los

II I 12 i 13 I_~_ 15_1__ 1_6~-,-- __17_ _:___18___ ,---_1_1I __ _ 20 lll5 63 417 468 417 110 625 675 7 13 12 7 75 9l 314 61 304 266 10 15 13 187 235 124 2)9 240 7 7 8 130 270 7 It, :28 263 75 727 ti 3 so 1)8 159 22 392 400 7 7 s 13 77 7 313 315 7 9 2 II 235 34 827 8J8

71 8 382 454 7 10 73 11 279 293 3

118 15 324 319 :! 160 38 254 237 3!l 34 35 35 38 ill 148 669 676 19 19

2Z4 66 775 810 3 :, 70 643 7~3 3 204 441 S6 gO I,) J 3-1 163 39 529 628 82 11 164 153 25 23 o 495 030 989 33 \)3 tll 33 271 38 599 8 15 :J!l 267 2

68 666 709 11 18 22 76 667 553 115 138 '1<1 77 22 261 288 3 9 227 399 4:LS lU 13 74 13 94 III 2H 22t 1 22 27 122 278 6 8 I 250 443 4'19 17 19 ]0 i:l~ Primary Cenous Abstract

Noo-Agrwaltural CllI8Bes

Personll ( inoluding dependa.nts ) who derive their prinoipa.l mf'anB of livelihood from S, Name of village or _------_- - I l VII~-Ot! Elt town/ward V - ProduotioD I VI -Commeroe VII-TraDsport servlce~ Bnd other than cui. wl8oellaneoue N°·1 iiv8tioD ! , roU~5

Mllleli i.Female": MI,I"" IF"'llales Malae [Females Malos:Female" ,0 1 2 21 22 2l) ~1 25 26(1 -. :!ll I I) 17 DahigBon 12 13 4 t) 3 18 9

IS DOl1f 63 50 72 ()fj :! 32 20

2,) ')- 19 Dhl1mntr 58 58 :?4 21 ~O 94 75

~O DhuIDalwR,li 211 200 :2 4 :l 7 7

21 Dnghi ~2 U 23 15

l(j ~2 Ekambe 77 65 16 7 5

13 Eksl1l :!

~4 Hivare 38 41 3 i 10 'i

z5 Jalgoon :I

:!h. Jamb Bk. 51 45 10 14

:;7 ,Iamh Kb. i 4 2 9 2

:'S Jaygaon 2 2

:! ~~ Ii. anher khat! 0 11 S 70 U

:\0 Km"anjkhop 75 70 14 HH ~t)2

\) 31 Kathapnr ;) 1 10 :2

61 ;) 5 3 ~s II :1"" ~ Khed 18

33 Killhi 265 273 64 60 t 3 ]31 123

:It Kiroli

,-, Kolwadi "., j 11 1L 12 1 t1 ~;I ~6 KUUlathe 61 ;;6 :!6· lU I:! 70 ~4

::n Lhnsume 40 29 I~ 14- 4 '1 7S {l;;

:~d M311galapur 1

39 Nagznri 2 -1 7 3 10 4

4.0 Nllndwul 21 ]I) :! 1 ;:; ;1

41 Naygaon 17 11 20 :!l

4:! Nhuvi Bk. 106 ]02 II 4. 19 10

~3 :\'1lad "{(h. 4 7 9 $

H Nif;udi 17 13 5 7 15 17

,!,) l'alJ.sll1 S 7 6 S 10 14 19 Ii

~- ---~ 1

N"-~r"gl poet office Near"st Railway Ne'.r." ~ b""'fJ.f v·llalo(tl. [l,ums and ito distance in station and its it-~ diAtell"A ill miteR and of note Ren: ,rlt. mt~SB diHtnnoo in mil... Ba.~rday.


Wathar, 2 Deur, 2, Tues. 1'.8.,C.C.8.

P. O. \Vathar, 3 13 azal', Tues. P.S .• C.C.S.

P. O. Rahimatpur, ~ Rahimatpur, 3, Thu:'8. P.8 .• V .P.,C.C.S.

Batara Road, 3 Satara Road, 3 Pndali, 3. Wed. P.S.,C.C.S.

Hahimatpur, 4 Rabimatpur, 4 Rahimatpur, 4, Thurs. p. S.

P. O. Koregaon, 7 Koregaon, 7, Mon. P.8.,C.C.S. KoreglloIl, Koregaon, Koregaoll, 2t, Mon. P. B. Bhadale, ;:"!l.tara Road, 7 Bhadnle, 2, Thurs. P. S.

Salam Road, 2 Satarn Road, 2 Satara Roau, 2, Wed. P.S_,C.S.

Koregaon, 5 Korogaon, 5 Koregaon, 5, Mon. p. 8.

Kinhi, 2 Koregaon, 7 Kinhi, Fri. P. S.

Rahimatpur, 5 Rahimatpur. 5 Rahimatpur. 5. Thur~. P. S.

Rahimatpur, r, Rahimatpur, 5 Rahimatpul'. 5, Thurs. P, S.

P. O. \Vathar, 7 Pimpode Bk., 3, Sun. P.S.,C.C.8.

Rllhimatpur, 4 Rahimatpur, 2 Koregaon, 4, Mon;

iatara Road. 3 So.tara Road, 3 Satara Road, 3, Wed. 1'. S.

P. O. lSatara Road, 5 Bazar, Fri. P.8.,C.C.8. P. O. Targaon, 2 Bazar, Sun. P.S.V,.P.,C.O.8.

Sstara Boad, Ii Batara Road, I ~ Satara noad, 1~ Wed. P.S.,C.C.8.

P. O. Koregaon, 2 Bazer, Sun. P.S., V.P.,C.C.S.

P. O. Kortlgaon, Koregaon, .. ' _ Mon. 1'.S.,C.8.,C.C.8. g: ~,-' Koregaon, 3 Koregaon. 3 Koregaon,\_ 3, :..Mon. P. S.

Arvi, 2 Targaon, 7 Wathnr Kiroli, 4, Sun. P. S.

8onakEl, 2 Wathar, Il PimpQde Bk., 4, Sun. P.8.,C.C.S., :I Wathar. 11 Pimpode Ilk., 9, SlID. P. S.

Rahimatpur, 5 Rahimatpur.:S Aundh. 5, Tues. P.S., V.P.,C.S.

(himangaon. 2 Koregaon, 7 KOl'egaon. 7. Men. r. S.

Kol'e~"on, 5~ Koreglton. ol Koregaon. 5~. l\:lou. i·JS .• C.C.8.

J.-'.I..;I. "nmary CeDSUS Abstract

Occupit-d HOIl>

Total No. of pers.lne No. nfinmate@ Arpa (f elllJrnerat€o,l fllH")udjn~ nt illRtjtutiou8 I N"me of IlHlal{6 or \·ill~g. inm,.te. of ,"sr,'tlltions I and hOllsele;,~ I - S. I or tf'WfI No. ofl No. of in house I"ffil ,,",,~l,,~ ",_,-] 11_:_~BC)n~ __ No·1 squar,. hold .. 'I mil,," I bO~~'1 I i P"TR~lfI~ :>la!~8 FelO:l:rla~es l~e:~.. ",~~ 3 1 t ___1- 46 I.tI zr 1tlf til 57 47 Pimpari 5.5 :':09 :!3:.l 1,230 597 633

48 Pimpode Bk. 24.8 6!J3 3,340 1,603

49 Pimpode Kh. 3.3 211 261 1,144 5:JI 613 6 It}

Rllndullttbad 3.0 174 177 1,034 490 5H

61 Revadi 2.8 16:! 195 1,045 479 566 20 24

62 Rui 4.8 Ill8 232 1,07.3 531 544

63 Sangvi 2.3 109 149 699 336 363

5~ Sap 3.0 219 2(l3 1,427 688 739

65 Sasurve 3.3 194 296 1,073 528 545 Shendurjarw 2.5 66 113 618 281 331

57 Shirambe 1.8 187 213 1,063 505 558

6S Shirdhon 4.3 236 314 1,681 808 873 38 41

59 Solehi 4.0 165 165 987 487 500

60 Sonake 233 355 ],921) 90S 1,021

I'll Sur!} 134 177 824 4I7 40i 10

Tadavale Samat .•. 3.3 238 308 1,685 794 891 62 Koregaon 'l'adavalc Samat .,. 7.8 225 251} 1,218 563 655 Wagholi 134 Takale 1.3 99 103 oi3 264 279

65 Taliye 3.6 ]38 166 894 424 4'iO 3

66 Tandulwadi 2.3 159 189 899 432 467 )3 19

tli Targaon 9.0 41\0 fil8 3,677 1,748 1,929 34 33 68 Triputi 2.3 89 l05 488 234 254

69 Vele 6.3 2]8 225 ] ,186 55B 6~8 70 Vikhale 6.8 182 224 1,142 641 595

71 \\ agholi 13.3 457 470 4,212 1,941 2,265

Wathar Kiroli 6.3 408 fi22 2,555 1,2; 2 1;283 fi 3

73 Wath'lr Station 5.8 266 3GO 1,407 701 '106

Total for viUpgcs 335.7 1\1,744 17,917 93,957 45.178

I· Cultjvat()f~ II· Cultivator. Ill. Cultivating IV .N on·cultl vating Literatell of I ... nd WllOUV of 16nd wholly labourers and owners of land, "griD Or mltinly owned or mail1lv un- their dependant. oultura.1 rent rec"j· aud their owned 'and verB, and their aependant. their deptllldants dependant. I j

t "I... II Fern6''''1I" i M'";"" I'~emale. i Mal" .. / Female .. Mal"" I Females Males 11 j 12 I. 13 1.. I 15 I 16 17 I 18 Ii' - ~-~ ~- -_-.~ 19 58 57 224 49 397 394 16 17 30 45 102 12i 587 215 1,237 1,335 2-& 25 16 17 57 78

284 3-1 444 531 2 3

215 11 468 6 5

224 61 tJO 286 27 36 6

182 27 441 {50 5 8 3 10 26

115 9 301 323 1 14 2 :!38 47 621 GS8 210 36 497 015 6

127 82 217 249 11 17 Il 18 15 183 62 406 t36 41 42 17 28 29

all} 81 (HI 049 1 143 19..

11 437 'l58 6 2 IS il.2

286 86 729 14 22 7 Ul

139 24 352 II 15 16

S03 56 H76 777 3 2 11

257 8,8 3M 26 33 12l HiS

U6 20 217 227 5 18 18 17:1 46 324 379 49

184 27 335 355 7 (j .. '4 24

505 l.:!6 1,365 1,496 6 70 87 '611

78 14 154 172 18 ~I 14 8 -31

203 30 435 459 5 53 84

133 li 471J 535 15 16 3 Ii

259 42 1,53! 1.867 J3 II 46 411 92

87 913 80!) 18 24 83 89 92 lH

U4 30 2A2 3a8 18 26 3 II 14.715 3A62 35116 :lR,M4 701 7711 1 d!ll 1.705 l,S07 2.719 5.513 llii,38il 4t3411 813 f,7! 1.802 2,023 2,234 3.221 -----~, - ---- !!.2·n: Primary Ce.. us Abatrad

Non-AgriculLural C'-

Pf'rsOIl~ ( Illeludillg. dependftnt~ ) wl,o derive Lheir prinei!,") means of livelihood from S. Name of vII "'ge or I VIIi _" ',i;;, !.own/ward V-ProducLioD VI-CoWlllerce VII-TranRport scrvicc,; ana oLher than cuI. misoollaneoUJ. U"I t.!vation I \ I!

j 21 22 23 24 I 25 i 211"1 27_1_~2~ __ 46 Paratwadi 8

47 Pimpari 18 14 8 4 4 6 22 26

48 PilOpod9 Bk. 121 123 23 26 125 133 49 Pimpode Kh. 41 40 10 5 33 34 tiO Randullabad 10 I) .1 2 5 51 Revadi \61 152 23 25 4 5 44 52

5t Rui 55 39

53 Sangvi It 19 6 -I

54 Sap 30 17 17 ll) 18 17

55 Basurve 17 19 5 2 3 5

fiB ShendurjanH ]2 8 8 7 Ii 2 8

57 Shirambe 4 2 8 II

58 Shirdhon 46 43 15 14 59 75,

59 Solshi 5 2 Hi 2iI

60 Son like 5~ 56 7 JO 81 114

61 SurH 10 11 I) -I 25 16

62 Tadavale Samut ' .. 4 45 47 55 61S Koregaon ij3 Tadavale SlImnt .. , 31 32 17 :.!il Wagholi 64 Taka1a :! () 11

(\5 Taliyo 23 :21 ,J 20 11

1>1) Tandulwadi ~2 41 :: '2 If- 21

~ (7 Targnon 90 97 i" H 3;, 24 lOB ll

b:i Triputi S 8 4 [) 4 3

~y Velu 25 29 Ii 10 1 13 10

71) Yikhale 21 II; 4 :.! 11 ~

71 Wagholi 104 92 27 il 4 131 84.

72 WathaI' KiroIi ]08 98 29 21 29 ;{5

73 Wath3r Station 60 79 41 !i:6 127 ~2 15\3 121

...... _1 t .... ~ ..,:.1 ...... ~~ ."Q~u :> '7?" "'1 I:"~ ')'7'), "12 2.1<:~ ? Il?? Total for taluka 5,650 5,124 1,971 1,141 &41 568 3,789 3,511 KOREGAON TALUKA 223

N ebrest post office Nearest Railway Nearest bazar ,

29 30 31 32

Revadi, 3 Palashi, 3 S"tara Road, 3, 'Ved.

Rahimatpur, 3 R.ahimatpur, 6 Rahimatpur, 3, Thurs. P.s .. v.r, P. O. 'Vath"r, 3;Z Bazar, Sun. 1'.S ,V.l?,O.S.

Revadi. ~ Palashi, 2 Deur, ~, Tues. P. S.,C.C.S.

Bonnke, ..., Wathar, 12 Pimpode Bk., 5, Sun. P.S .

P. O. Pal~shi, l~ Satara Road, 3, \Veu. P. S.,O.S.

Chimangaon, :l Koregaon, 7 Koregaon, 7, Mon; P.S.

Chimflngaon, KOJegfl.On, 3 Koregaon, 3, Mon. P.SooC.C.S.

Rahimatpur, 3 Rahimatpur, 2~ Rahimatpur, 3, Thurs. P. S.,C.CS.

Rahimatpur, 3} Rahimatpur, 3~ Rahimatpur, 3~,Thur8. P.S.,C.C.S.

Kinhi, 2 Koregaon, (} Kinhi, 2, Fri. P.S.,C.S

KOrl'gaon, 4 Koregaon, { Koregaon, 4, Mon. P. S. p.O. Koregaon, :l Koregaon, 3. 1\1on. P.S.,C.C.S. ,.." ~ Sonake, 5 WathaI', 12 Wagholi,7, Sat. P.8.

P.O. Pimpode B~. 2, Sun. P.S.,C.C.S.

R.ahimatpur, 4 Rahimatpul', 4 Rahimatpur,4, Thurs. P.S.,V.P.

~atara Road, 3 Satarn. Road. 3 Satara Road, 3, Wed. P.S.,C.C.S.

P. O. Wathar, 2 Pimpode Bk., 4, Sun. P.S.,C.O.S.

Koregaon, 3 TargRon, 3 Soregaon, 3, :'\1on. P.S.,.C.C.,S .

Deur, 2 Wathar, 2 Deur, 2, Tues. P.S.,C.C.8.

Koregaon,5 Koregaon, 5 Koregaon, 5, Mon. P.8.,C.C.S.

P. O. Rly. Station, Bazar, Mon. P.S.,V.P.,C.C.S.

Korega,on, 4, Koregaon. 4 Ko.-egaon, 4, Mon. P.S.,C.C.8. ~ .. Rahirnatpur, 5 Rahimatpur, 8 Rahimatpur, 5, Thurs. P.S.,O.S. I» Deur, 5 WathaI', 3 Deur, 5, Tues. P.~.

P. O. WathaI', 4 Bazar, Sat. P.S., V.P.C.S. C.C.S. P. O. Targaon, 2~ Bazar, SUD. F.S.C.S.

P.O. Rly. Station, Deur, 3, Tues. P.B. 224 Primary CetlSU5 Absb-act

T.Jto.l N(). of ploru! NG. Name <>f vt\t"ge or ofium"~11 s. I Are" of No. of ~numerawd ( including of i lliltituthtu village Nil. Ilf house inmates of institutions and bau9.

2 ~ i :I 4 6 6 7 8 11 I 10 r I 1 ---- TOWNS JJa.haba)eshwar il-l. 11.3 1i21 1,MQ 4,972 2,553 Z,Q9 t ViaI'd 1 120 '2.27 I.! 4\) 617 502 II I2S J ~O' 794 385 409 III 1{)5 191 1.009 560 ,1411 IV 1;)2 214 I,lli'> 591 f.14 '" V lBI) ~12 905 460 445 t }' n ncbagaRi U. 1.3 Hll 812 4,53S 2,279 2,259 372 2ti8 W~.rd I 12S 13Z 1,182 579 503 1M ~7 II Hiu Hie. 1,14& 571 575 )!:{lS 241

III 4S 21() 1,104 OW 1;M IV 107 244 ),046 "Ill 527 Total fOE towns. 12.6 1,070 1,1132 9,510 ,11m 4.678 :m 268 \'ILLACES

Adt .. l (Ui 21 2l JIl5 48 """ I i Ambral 0.8 45 ;;8 263 l~~ 111 :l Awkali 1.3 31 32 165 j9 gfi 4 BllCk,,·,a.\i 1.5 43 .52 23t) III 119 •5 Btl;l" • 1.8 !IS 102 &22 241} 2,6 I> BhirWIJ.(h 4.5 99 '0, 'HI) 185 261 7 Rhos<> 1.3 70 101 43t Hl~ 232 S Bir8.t1ul.ll~ 4,5 5\) ;;0 :!Z9 giJ l30 1I '::ha.tu,rbet .1, I) 42 H. 213 99 lH 10 CllikhIJ.!i 0.5 16 ]~ 107 51 513 11 {l.S 51 In :?21 101 l~t) 12 Dul"" l.S. }!) );; 62 30 ~.> n 2.r. 70' 7fJ ;lZ;i ]55 I ji) ;; H Dhallrieghar 1.3 77 90 412 181) 226

---_ ~ ,.t Figures suspeet; Correc~ figure mny be 2,~j l~. Figure. suspect; Correct figure may be 514. MAHA.BALESHWAR PETA 225 - _------Agricultural Classes -- ---" --"------I.Cultivators I1.Cultivators I1I·Cultivating IV -Non.CultivfLtin@"t.... of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land. agrj. or mainly owned or mainly un· their .dependants " cultural rent recei. and their owned and vers, and their dt-pendants 'their dependants dependants ------\ Males Female8 Males Females Males Females Males Females Males FemaleD

11 12 13 14 15 Itl 17 18 19 20 ------_--

J,aN 440 71 78 2 4, 3·'~-. 102 213 j9 63 li7 :! 371 134 3 201 68

212 57 8 11

1,208 8~6 35 36 2 3 1 31 35

258 186 10 10 10 "7

300 272 B 8 9 11

335 179 4 11 10

315 189 13 17 3 1 7 2,532 1,266 106 114 2 :3 3 31 .19

H 54

34 8 121 1,1,0

9 6 64 6-0

:20 84 . B3

131 25 211 2B 9 10 3 I

til 6 142 196 7 15

57 197 230

15 33 48 2 :! ii II

119 114

2 50 56

37 3 100 117

9 29 3t

16 I :{(l J5g 6 5 2

65 14 149 189 1 :1 (j "------226 Primary Ceasus Abstract -- -- Non-Agricultural Cle.sses

Persons ( including dependants) who derive their principal mpans of livelihood from s. Name of village or ------~ I VIII-Qth" No· town/ward V-Production I VI-Commerce VII-Transport servioos and other than cui. miscellaneous tivation liources I ------. Males Females 7~~-\F~~:", i Males FemaleB Males Females 1 2 21 22 26 26' 27 28

TOWNS Mahabaleshwar M. 358 3l1! 322 421f 76 72 1,724 1,525 Ward I 65 54 86 83 29 20 467 344

II 21 25 38 40 6 l! 255 266

III 116 98 lflO 151 9 11 275 186 IV 96 86 13 117'" 18 18 3H 393

V 1i(J 56 ~5 30 14 12 353 336

2 Pauchagani 1\1. 342 323 359 397 83 6l 1,426 1,40-1

Ward I 38 40 65 53 14 fI 440 484 II 41 40 60 ]02 14 439 413

III 140 123 151 150 ]8 23 285 247 IV 123 120 83 92 37 28 262 260

Total for towns 700 642 681 818 159 133 3,150 2,929 VILLAGES Adhal 4 3

2 ' Ambral

3 Awkali 15 24

4 Bhekayali 5 ] I 2 20 24

I) Bhliar 3 21 20

Ii Bhirwadi 6 ]5 16 2 7 19 21

7 Bhose 2 2

8 Bh'amani 6 7 41 48 4 '4 8 10

~I Cltaturbet

10 C'hikhali

11 Danawali 3

12 Dare 1

13 Ds'vali 4 5 7 2

14 Dha~dcghar 3 4 2 2 2 4 26 21 ._ __ ~----- ~- t Figure BU.pact; Correot figure may be 321. • Figure Bu.peot; Correct figure may be 17. MAHASALESWAft PETA 2~7

N"arest post office Ne.Lrest Railway Nearest bazar village, Itemll and its distance In station and its it;. distance in mileA and ef note Remarks miles distance in miles Bazar day.

29 30 II 32 &3

P.U. Wathar,40 Bazar, Tue~. Hill P.S ..C.S. Station· Source' of Krh.hna River

P.O. "Vathar, 28 Bazar, Tues. P,S.,C.S.

Mahabaleshwar, \l Wathar, -l2 Mahabaleshwar, 9, Tues.

Panchagani, 4 Wathar, 26 Wai,8, Mon. r.s.,c.S.

Mahabalelihwar, 5 Wathar,35 Mahabaleshwar, 5, Tues.

Mahabaleshwar, 4 Wathar, 36 Mahabaleshwar, 4, Tues.

Panchagani,4. Wathar, 32 Wai, 12, Mon. P.S.

Mahahalesh war. 5 Wathar, 43 Mahabalt>dhwar. 5, Tues. P.S.

Panchagani,4 Watha,", 32 Wai, 12, Mon. P.S. Ma.habaleshwar. 11 Wathar, 49 Mahabaleshwar, n, Tues. P.S. Mahabaleshwar,10 Wathar, 48 J\1ahabaleshwar, 10, Tues.

Mahabaleshwar, 6 Wathar, 4.6 Mahabaleshwar, 6, Tues.

Panchagani, 7 . Wathar, 35 Wai, 15, Mon.

Mahabaleshwar, 5 Wathar, 45 Mahabll.leEhwar, 5, Tuell.

Mahabaleshwar.5 Wathar,43 Mahabaleshwar, 5, Tues. P.S.

PanchagUl\i, 1 Wathar, 27 Wai. 7, l\1

_-_--- - ~-- _- 228 Primary CeDsua Abstraet

Occupied Houses

Total No. of persons No.ofiIlDJ.atee Area of enumerated [including of institution8 N lUIle of village or village inmates of institutions and houseleSB S. 01' town No. of No. of and houseless persons) persons No. town/ward in houses house square holds miles -~---;------_ _'.'--- Persona Males Females Males Female.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 r 9 10 ______'-- ______. ___c_ __

15 Dhardao 0.5 25 25 122 60. 62

} 6 Dudhagaon 1.8 45 193 9-1 99

17 Dudhoshi 1.8 IS 18 88 43 45

... 18 Erando} f). 5 3J 31 138

19 Ghavari 1.3 50 51 2H 124 117

20 Ghonaspul" 1.0 II) 17 98 42

'21 Ghodavali ].3 "IS 79 360 176 190

22 Goroshi 0.8 10 12 72 36 36

23 Gureghal" 0.8 30 30 120 49 71

24 Haroshi 0.8 30 37 131 65 69

25 Hatlot 3.0 54 54 23S 104 134

26 Javafi 2.3 48 213 99 114

27 Kalamageon I.S· 33 176 92 84

28 Kasawand 1.5 42 47 214 108 106

29 Kasrud ].3 1& 25 117 56 61 II 10

30 Khengar i,8 41:! 1 ~Hl 223

31 Kumatha 2.S 7& 76 366 lSI 185

3>2 Kmnbaroshi 2.0 70 78 331 175 156

3-3 l\lachutar 1.0 48 51 259 1~7 132

MaluRar 1.0 16 18 )09 56 53

35 Mallghar 0.8 27 27 168 91 77

3& Met-Gutad O.S 65 73 322 165 157

37 Mei-Taliye o.~ 32 32 HI 70 71 2 4

38 Moleshwar 0.3 17 18 73 31 42

39 Navli 0.8 17 17 72 32 40

39..1 Old Mahabale- .60 94 426 233 193 5 shUJar 40 Pangari 0.5 5 11 69 49 29

41 Parpar 1.8 1& 16 66 32 3-1 MAHA8ALEWSH.o.R PETA 229

Agricultural Cla.s~ii.,,~

------~- - 1- Cultivators II- Cultivators III- Cultivating IV -N on-oultivating Literates of I"nd wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrl. or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependants Ilultural rent recei· and their owned and vers, and their dependants their dependants dependants

Males MaIeR IFemales Male.! IFemales Males Femalo" 11 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 20


2 GO 62

15 2 89 90 ] 7 20 22

13 1 6:!

18 77 87 1

4 55 42

61 3 152 167 3 3

31 32

9 37 58 7

7 1 65 68

9 96 1:<5

28 97 109

91 8,1,

Iii 105 ]03 2 1 3

3 25 27 22 50 7 ]84 222

16 172 1i9 7 5 1

60 6 77 69 48 45

3,1, 1 III 118 6

7 56 53

86 72 44 1 159 152 8

1 28 38

3 24 26 2 2

]00 30 46 25 18 3 I:.! 26 24 28 3 2ao Primary Cellsus ---- Non-Agricultural Classes

I Persons ( including dependants) who derive their principal melillll of livelihood from 8. Name of village or - I VIII-Oth,; N. town/ward V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport services and other than cui. miscellaneou. tivation I \ Ifources Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 ~1 22 23 24- 25 26 c 27 28 1 I ------

15 Dhardeo

16 Dudhagaon li 4 3

17 Dudhoshi 4 2

18 Emndol 1 1

19 Ghavari 38 27 I 6 3

20 Ghonaspur 21 Godavnli 21 19

22 Goroshi 5 3 1

23 GUl'eghar 3

24 Haroshi

25 Hatlot 8 9

26 JavaJi :! G

27 Kalamagaon

28 Kasawand

29 Kltsrud !) 11

30 Kllengar 5 1

31 Kumathe 1

~2 Kumbaroshi 23 23 5 3 22 16

33 !hchutar 3 5 7 5 34 Malusar

35 . Manghar 5 5

36 :\Iet.Gutad !i 5

37 1\1 et.Tllliye 5 5 65 65

38 ;\IoIeshwar 3 <1

39 Navli 6 12 0 39 A Old M aha bale· 7 7 5 "" 5 6 4 133 ll2 ahU'ar 40 Pangari 3 10 5

41 Parpal' 4. 3 ----- MAHABALE§.V\(AR PETA ------~--~----__ ~--__ --~ ----~----~------.

Ne_t PORt office Neatest Railway Nearest bazar "Village, Items and its distance in station and its its distance in miles & of Bote miles distance in rniles Bazar day.

29 30 31 32 33

----- ~ Mahabaleshwar, 10 "l,Vath o.r , 38 Mahabaleshwar, 10, Tues.

Mahaba.leshwar, 7 Wathar,47 Mababaleshwar, 7, Tues. P.S.

Mahabaleshwar, Ii Wathar,43 Mahabaleshwar, 5, Tues. ...

J\f ahabaleshwar, 7 Watho.r, q.j. Muhabalesh"ar, 7, Tues.

Mahabaleshwar, 7 Watho.r,47 1IIahaba!psbwar, 7, Tues.

Mababaleshwar, 12 Wathar ,5:l Mahaba1eshwar, 12, Tues.

Panchagani, 1 Wathor,27" \Vai, 7. Mon. P.A.

Mahabaleshwar, 9 W"th~r, 40 Mahabaleshwar, 9, Tues. P.S.

Panchagani, 1\ Wathor,33 Wai, 13, Mon.

Mahabaleshwar, 10 Wathar,50 Mahabaleshwar, 10, TueR.

Mahabaleshwar, 10 Wa,thll.r, 50 Mahabaleshwar, 10, Tues. P.S. l\I ahabalesh IV a r, 10 Wathar,50 Mahaba.leshwar, 10, Tues. P.S.

Mahabaleshwar, 11 Wathar,51 Mahabaleshwar, 11, Tues. l' .S.

Panchagani, 6 Wathar, 34 Wai, 14, Mon. lIIahabaleshwar, 8 Wathar,46 Mahabaleshwar, 8, Tues.

Panchgani, 5 Wathll.r, 3.j. Wai, 13, Mon.

Mahabaleshwar, 4. Wathof,44 Mll.babaleshwar,4, Tues. MahabaleBhwar. 10 Wathar, 48 JUahabaleshwar, 10, Tues. t P.S. Mahablliesh war. 6 \Vathar,46 Mahabaleshwllr, 6, Tues. l\1ahabaleshwar, 6 Wathar,46 Mahabaleshwar, 6, Tues.

Mahabaleshwar, 5 Wathar,45 Mahabllieshwar, 6, Tues. P.S.

Mahabaleshwar, 4 Wathar,36 Mahflbaleshwar, 4, Tues. P.S.

Mahabaleshwar, 3 WathaJ',41 Mababalesbwar, 3, Tues. ·'h Mababa\esh war, 6 Wathaf,40 Mahabaleshwar, 6, Tues.

Mahabaleshwar. 6 Watha!,,3S Mahabaleshwar, I), Tues.

M.habalesh'Wor, 3 Wathar.43 Mahabalesbwar, 3, Tues. J!, 4 Wathar,33 Wai, 13, Mon.

M"b.a.bll.leshwar, 6 Wathat, 4.6\ll,oalel>b.war, ~, Tuel/,.

- - ---~-----__ t Prata.pgad Fort; P. W. D. B'Ulgalow. 232 Primary Census Abstract

Occupied Houses

Tota.l No, of persons No. of inm.. t.e 8. Name of village or Area of No.of enumerated [including of inetitution, village No. of house inma.tes of institutions ..nd housciesl parsons No. town/w .... d or town houses holds and house less persons] in miles PerBon~1 M .. les Females Males IFemslea 0 I 'I 2 3 4 f\ II HI I I

------~-- ~-- 42 Parsond ].() 22 2:3 133 55 78

4:3 Parnt 1.3 18 18 913 42 54

44 J'etpar 0.03 20 21 81 43 38 45 Rajapuri 1.8 99 109 491 227 264 46 Ran Adavagound 0.8 ]9 2] 86 43 43

47 f'hindole l.5 14 ]6 84 40 44 .. , 4S Shir.. vali 1.5 26 33 124 52 72

49 Taighat 0.5 ~8 34 206 100 106

50 Taldea 1,5 31 31 145 77 68

51 Tekawali 0.8 15 15 IlS 45 53 52 ViVa!" ]'0 27 n 118 59 59 53 Zanjawadi l.1) 48 48 198 96 102

. Total for villages 74.7 2.133 2,358 10,938 5,238 5.700 24 14 Total for peta 87.3 3.203 4.i90 20.448 10,070 10,378 396 282

-'---~ --~ -~-~ -- MAHA BALESHWJ%~!,~~T.A 233

Agricultural Classes ------,- - - ;.Cultivators I II·Cultivators III·Cultivating IV.Non.Cultivating Literate. I of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agri. , or mainly owned I or mainly un· their dependants cultural rent recei. ( and their owned and vers, and their dependants )their dependants dependants

Mftles \FemBles Males Femftles Males Females Males FemBles Males Females

11 12 13 14 Iii 16 17 18 19 20

12 :2 48 64 7 4

11 1 36 49 5 3

14 14 20 15 10 5

40 7 226 264

]9 3 16 d4 17 1:3

10 4 45 51 2 1

41 4 79 82 3 'I 76 67

3-1- 42 4 3 6 58 59 17 2 93 95 1.187 165 4,251 4,708 191 171 46 47 8 10 3.719 ],431 4,357 4,822 193 174 49 47 39 49 ------234 Primary Census_ Abstraet

N on-Agricultu ral Classes - Persons ( including dependants) who derive their prinoipal [DeaDS of livelihood from S. Name of village or --~~ VIll-Otbet No· town/ward V-Production I VI-Commeroe VII-Transport Iservioes and other than cul- misoellaneous tivation I I ~68 Males Females Males Females Males Females Malee Female

1 ! 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 r 28 . - -_-_ - - 42 Parsond 3 7 43 Parut 2 1 44 Petpar :l 2 2 7 9 I) 45 Rajapuri

46 Ran Adavsgound ... 27 29 47 ~ Shindole 23 30 48 Sn1ravali 2 4 3 5 49 Taighst 3 2 ]5 21 50 Taldeo

51 Tekawnli 3 4 4 4 52 Vivar

53 Zanjawadi 2 6

Total for vilJages 108 157 114 110 24 29 496 468 Total for pet a 808 799 795 928 183 162 3.646 3,397 MAHAB4LESHWA'R PE·TA

N 8S.I"eSt. post ..ffille N""rest R"Uwllo, b"""r villiloge • Items e.od its distanoe in station and its its distance in miles and of note Remarlul mUeH distance In miles Ba.zar da.},.

29 SO I' 82 13

MahabaJeshwar. 6 Wathar, 46 Mahabaleshwar, 6, Tues. P.S.

Mahabaleshwar, 6 Wathar, 46 Mahabaleshwar, 6, Tues.

Mababaleshwar, 6 Wathar, 46 Mahabaleshwar, 6, Tues. P.B.

Panchagani, 5' Wathar, 2& Wai, 8. Mon. P.S,

),lahab!tJeshwar, 12 \Vathar, 50 Mahableshwar, 12, Tues.

Mah ..baleshwar, 3 Wathar, 40 Mahabaleshwar, 3, Tues.

Mahaba.leehwar, 7 \Vathar, 45 Mahabaleshwar. 7, Tues.

Pa.nchagani, 1 Wathar. 29' Wai. 9. Mon.

Mahabaleshwar, 12 Wathar, 46 Mahabaleshwar, 12, Tues.

Mahabaleshwar, 12 VVathar, 46 Mahabaleshwar,l~, Tues. J Mahaba!eshwar. 10 \Vathar, 46 Mahabaleshwar, lO,Tues.

Mahabaleshwar, 8 Wathar, 48 Mahabaleshwar. 8, Tues. Primary CeDSUS Abstraet I Occupied Houses Total No. of persoD~ Area of enumerated [including jNOO'of institutione ...... Name of village or village inmates of institutions and houseles8 S. No. of No. of and houselese persons} persons No. town/ward Ior \~wn houires houBtl flquare holda miles I Persons Males Females :,\1 rues Femalel II 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 f I .. TOWN

Mha~w,>d M. lH.3 1,6g:: 1,851 9,145 4,53! 4,611

Wanl 1 419 452 2,312 1,143 1,l61}

n 350 368 :!,.Ol~ ~82 1,034 III 461 497 2,383 1,15\ 1,232 " IV 254 305 I,3tH} 675 625

V 209 229 1,134 583 551


1 Andhali 2.0 528 530 2.727 J ,399 1,328

2 Bhahn'adi 7.5 176 176 891 4tH 430

3 Bhana,wi>li 3.3 120 131 6156 310 356 1

4' Bhat!!.; 5.5 64 6-1 283 146 137

I) Bidal 9.a 49(; ·196 2,530 ] .26:! 1 ,'l68

I) Bijavadi 8.5 210 241 J,206 602 (\04

7 Rodake 2.5 12 81 418 222 196

8 Bothe 4.5 100 III (,5-8 334 324

\) Dahivadi 15.3 6911 HI! 4,057 2,036 2,021

10 De.. apuv 4.3 !}5 IJ:; 490 243 247 2

1'1 Dhaka})i 7.5 }Ij! 161 690 :327 3S3 12 Dhamani 4.8 75 SO 364 IS!! J75

13 Dlmldea. 7.8 72 76 346 169 177

l~ Divad 8.0 272 310 ],214 583 631

0} .) I')') 15 Gangoti .o.J 122 495 246 249 2 1

16 GondavIe IrK. 9.8 501 537 2,352 1,174 1,178 18 13

17 Gon8avIe Kh. 9.0 186 220 1.214 615 599

1'!l Hingani 11.5 139 13\l t;~8 316 312 HI Injabao 5.3 191 ] 91 J,016 521 495

20 Jambhulni 10.3 172 184 857 388 469 MAN TALUKA 2B'1 ------Agricultural Classes

I I ! I 1- Cultivators ! II- Cultivators III· Cultivating IV.Non.cultivating Literates of l~nd wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrl. . o~ mainly owned OJ: mainly un- their dependants Qultural rent reoei. and their I owned and vers. and their I depp[ldants Itheir dependants I dependants

--~------Males Female8 ! Males 'Feomaleei Males Femalesi Malee IFemales Males Femsio!! 11 12 J 3 ].I. 15 16 17 I 18 111 20 L I J --- --

1,522 430 1,4Ga 1.559 126 107 181 210· 50 98

576 1116 178 188 10 9 14 31

180 30 4"-~G 43:! 33 20 '2:! 31 :.! 8

2il 93 518 596 39 41 110 115 33 42

318 116 157 133 15 11 21 19 15 48

177 25 187 :Z10 ~U 2ti 14 J.l

100 ::3 1,081 1.021 57 51 '41 43 ':!8 .5:!

59 2 347 3]6 11 5 11 S 12 .3t

79 14 192 222 5'; li7 7 7 :I U

4 130 H2 4 ;) 2 6 H

1:)2 10 957 931 13 10 26 :!7 86 U3

130 23 567 570 10 7 HI

45 1 • 170 134 9 8 7 5 22 .3( 6 3 297 289 " 689 245 1,04:! 1,059 135 53 113 126 6S ;;8

24 169 183 47 40 6 4 ~

~fl 4 ~90 318 14 n6

3 181 165 2 t 1

11 138 153 6

ll~ 10 408 411 61 89

1l 207 203 4 2 17 .32

48 14 69.3 675 :l 3 95 106 26 .51

!i5 38 444 444 48 5;;

16 280 269 5 4 17 16 11 HI

104 7 408 393 8 7 :! 21 31

47 256 290 2 38 70 12 27 208 Primary CeDsul Abstract

Non-Agricultural Cla8sOll ------_ Persons ( including dependants) who derive their principal me8Jl8 of livelihood from B. Name of village 0 r I VlrIC01h" lio. town/ward V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport services aUd other than cui. miscellaneau. tivatioll \ \ BOurces I Malf>B Females Males Females Males Females Males Fernal

2 ZI 22 23 24 25 26 " 2i 28

-_ --_- --~ TOWN M. 1,3S4 1,297 436 465 34 58 85S 817

Ward I 502 471 214 248 HI 27 206 195

II 295 292 20 18. i! 5 ]82 225 III ]99 ]89 70 71. 3 181 174 IV 190 169 113 107 9 19 155 119

V 198 176 ]9 20 2 4 134 104 VILLAGES Andhali 145 115 I} 13 35 3:f

2 BhaIavadi 69 59 4 4 7 7

3 Bhandavali 22 21 3 29 30

4 Bhatki 2 4 3 3

fi BidaI 151 171 10 5 19 11

6 BijavlJdi 18 ]0 () 7

7 Bodake 11 14 3

8 Bothe 32 35

9 Dahivadi 172 178 175 176 20 23 381 330

10 Devapur 11 II 2 9 4

II Dhakani 18 21 2 2 2 5

12 Dhamani 5 7

13 Dhuldeo 14 13 !I 10 14 Divud 59 72 J5 59

15 Gangoti 16 12 2

16 Gondavle Sk. 157 146 23 25 li6 172

17 Gondavle Kh. 104 89 4 ]5 10

18 Hingani 2 3

19 Injabllo {j5 39 1.~ 20 16 3

::!O J~mbhuIni 55 59 3 7 23 14 MAN TALuKA

S~lIor"8t poot offioe N" .. rest Railw8., Nearetlt tJazlIor vi1l .. "e, Itew8 end Its distanoo In station 8.nd its its distance in miles and of note Remarlts miles di8t~noe in miles Bazar day,

29 III 32

l' O. Ko;regaOD. t;; Hazar. Wed. § P.8.,

~Ialavaui, IJ. Kore-gaun, :!O Malavadi, J h Sun. P.:;.

Mardi. 3 KOl'egaon, 40 )lardi, 3, Fri. P.S.

Malavadi, Koregaon, 25 Malavadi, 1, Sun. P.S.

Mhaswad, II Koregaoll, 45 l\lhaswad. 3. Wed. P.S.

P. O. Koregaon, 3t} P.S·,C.S.

Dahivadi, 9 Koregaon, 37 Vavarhire, 6, tlat. P.S.

~Ialavadi, 3 Koregaon, 3:! 1Ilalavacti, 3, Sun. .I:'.S.

~Ialavadi, 5 Koregaon, 22 Malavadi, 5, Sun. P.S"C,C.S.

P. O. Koregac>ll, 28 Bazar, Mon. P.S., V.P.,O.S.

11haswad, t KOl'egaoll, 55 Mhaswad, 4, Wed. P.S.,C.S.

Mhaswad, 8 Koregaon, 41 1IJhuswad, 8, Wed. P.S.

Mhaawad. 6 KIJregaon, 30 Mhll.8wad, 6, Wed. P.S.

Mhaswad, 5 Pandharpur, :l:! Mhaswad, 5, Wed. P.S.

Mllaltwnd, 5 Koregoon, 40 Mhaswad, 5, Wed. p .S.

~Ihaswad, ;) Koregaoll, 54 ~lhaswlld. 3, Wed. P.S.

P. O. Koregaon, 2(} Bazar, ·Thurs. P.B.,C.S.

Gondavle Bk.• 2 Koregaoll, 31 Goudavl" Bk.. 2, Thu1'l!. P.S.

Mhaswnd, 6 Koregaoll, 57 ::.\llll'l,swad; 6, \Ved. P.S.

Mhaswad, 7 Koregaoll, 42 Mhaswad, 7, Wed. F.S.,C.e.D,

:\lhaswau, 6 Koregaon. 5G Mhaswad, 6, Wed. P.S.

§ p.'V.D. Bungalow, Shri Sid,lhanath f"ir he:d annually in November. attendance 15,000; Shri Nag-abEl. fair annually III December', attendance JU,UIJU • P. W. D. Bungalow. 240 Primary Census Abstract

----~------.~------IOCCUPied HDuseS Total No. of persons IN o. of inma~. AreaDri 1- enumerated [including lof iustitutiou@ village I inmates Df institutiDns and hDuseles8 N~me Df villOlle or 8'1 or town NO'. Of\ No. of and houselesB persDns] perSDns No t .. wn/ward in 'houses house square holds miles

Males Females Males Females

1 3 4 7 8 c 9 10

21 5.3 109 118 648 314 334 17 21

1\.8 144 151} OSI} 328 36}

23 Karkhel 68 202 1~6

24 Rhad\d 0.3 218 225

25 RhDkado l.l 12 16 79 41

26 Klmtbao 6.0 137 1311 671 333

27 Kimksat 7.0 1~3 1~9 769 381 388 28 Kukudwad 14 Ii 3!15 iiI II l,au 1.384

29 Kulukjai 6.5 180 20(1 J ,178 6IJO JO 6

lIO . Lorlhavade 4.8 12\) 139

:n MaTJlmaIlg"tl 16.& 63g 670 3,5111 1, ,,7 1,814

:J::! Mulavadi 7.8 331 21100 948 1,052

n.1\ 2\5 426

34 Mogralo 6.5 118 }26 52:! 264 258

l\Iohi n.o 306 340 1,760 885 875 30

36 Nar8\'ane H.O 1,108 1,161

37 J'uchavad 8.5 ]67 205 1,205 601

38 Palasavafle 6.0 43 44 178 86 \)2

39 Plilsl:i 17.5 459 491 2,267 1,093 ],lH

40 J'alnu"I 2.5 64 71 354 171> 179

41 Pangri 0.0 117 139 7~9 364 385 11 7

Panv".n 6.:1 135 159 691 \)

43 Paryanti Il.ll 99 99 809 410 399

44 J'jmpari 4.3 JSi 154 729 373 356

45 Pingli Bk. 8.0 222 222 J,I()O 514 1i811

46 PingH KIl. :l.5 77 77 463 225 238

47 P"lkoti 3.5 140 ]40 60! 292 3]2 ]~ 2

4S Rlljavadi 8.3 ]95 986 468 518 MAN TALUKA 241

Ajlricultural Classes

II 1- Cultivators II- Cultivators I IlI- Cultivating 1 V -Non-cultivating Literates of I",nd wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrl. or mainly owned or mainly un- , their dependant. "ultural rent recei- I and their owned and I vers, and their deppndants their dependants dependants I I I --~-----~------~------~- ~--- Males Males IFemales \ Mal"R Females M.. le~ IFemales Males Fernalos 11 I":"'j 13 14 I 15 16 17 I 18 19 20 ------~- 37 3 254 275 5 1 18 22

23 2 233 252 Ii 6

134 123 16

7 187 18~ I I 17 '2

38 41

45 3 303 280 3

62 6 273 271 105 106 9

51 3 \1M 914 55 10l 30 44

113 15 533 556

76 70 233 239 !:?8 80 liS

127 15 1,354 1,308 15 9 31 83 96

31 5 642 688 19 179 246

186 ] 26 788 760 52 58 )0 13 84 sa

79 201 ;W7 3 2 10

J 13 17 699 'i21 4 16 16 :u

1~5 22 687 686 147- 203 38

iO 11 512 13 '3

30 3 60 'i5 8 8 '2

180 28 818 861 9 6 13 3 ~8

48 170 172 5

52 10 317 335 13 :n3 318 4 2

331 309 7 8 23

222 234 17 22 Ii it:!

145 32 354 40t 43 42 29 31 15 as

2 lH \3\ 76 98

83 8 247 32 66 113 430 479 Ii '" H2 Primary Censull Absh-act - --.- ~on-Agricultural CIII.8.".

PerSOP8 ( includhlg dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from S. Name of villa!!" or I VlIl-Other I-ComInerce %!lo. town/ward V -Production v VI1-Trall"port I services ana otber than cul- wiscellaneoUs tivation \ I sowces Mal".. Females I Male.. M.I~ F.m..... j M~'AA Fe'nRles ~3 '_"'"12-l 25 1 2 21 22 26 27 28 _I~

~I Jashi :10 30 '7 Ii

22 KaIchaundi SO 103

23 Kal'khel 25 25 19 12

24 Khac.lki (j f, I:! 12

2f) Khokade

2H Klmtbao ~() 2-1 :! 2 12 Hi

27 Kiruksal :! :!

28 Kukudwad 205 IS!! I;) 15 2 :! 80 105

29 Klllakjai 3 4 f> 6 9 -I

30 Lodhavade 4.) 4[1 :!4 16

31 l\Iahirrlllngad 226 291i 3H 34 29 ::9

32 Malavudi 4\ 35 .1 5 65 59

Co aa Maldi 119 12U 7 9 80 OJ

34 JUograIe 27 :!l .) 23 16 24 35 l\Johi 55 40 4.l 57 40 27 30 Naral ane 149 I-1t\ 25 62 40 4 37 Puchavad II 25 :l 51 .5lj

38 -I 3 6 6

39 Palshi 134 14~ I) 13 46 68

40 Palvan

., Pangri 42 '3 5 7 42 Panvan ::0 2-1 3

H Paryanti 37 37 aq 23 U Pimpari 97 66 31 21

45 Pingli Bk. 45 50 27 20

46 Pingli Kh.

47 Pulkoti 2 8

~8 Rej,nadi 5 3 6 II MAN TALUKA 2·U

Nearest post office Nearest Railway Nearest t>azar Village, Itelllll and its distance in station and its its distance in miles and of note Remarks miles distance in miles Bazar day.

29 10 III 82 n

Ranand,2 Koregaon, 42 Palshi, 2, Sat. P.B.

Mhaswad,11 Koregaon, 62 Valkute Malavadi, 3, Fri. P.B.

Mhaswad, '7 Pandharpur,36 Mhaswad, 7, Wed. P.S.

Mhaswad, 6 Koregaon, 42 Mhaswad, ti, Wed. P.S.

Malavadi, 8 Koregaon, 20 Rajapur, 3. Fri.

Mardi, 3 Koregaon, 41 Mardi, 3, Fri. P.S.

Gondavle Bk.,3 Koregaon, 3t} Gondvale Bk., 3, Thurs. P:S.,C.S.

P. O. Koregaon, 54 Bazar; Fri. P.S.

Malavadi, 6 Koregaon, 22 Malavadi, 6, Sun. P.S.,C.C.S.

Gondavle Bk.,5 Koregaon, 30 Gondavale Bk., 5, Thurs. P.S.,C.S.

P. O. Koregaon, 20 Bazar, Wed. P.s.,V.P.

p O. Koregaon, 18 Bazar, Sun. P.S.,C.S.

P.O. Koregaon, 38 Bazar, Fri. P.S.,C.S. Malavadi,6 Lonand, 30 l\lal~vadi, 6, Sun. P.S.

Dahio; adi, 17 Koregaon, 57 Shingnapur, 4, Mon. P.S.

Gondav1e Bk.7 Koregaon, 36 Gondav!e Bk., 7, Thurs. P.S.,C.C.S.

Dahivadi, 10 Koregaoll, 38 Vavarbire, 7, Sat. P.S.,C.C.S.

Mhaswad,6 Koregaon, 57 Mbaswad, 6, Wed. P.S.,C.S.

P.O. Koregaon, 35 Bazar, Sat. P.S., V.P.,C.S.

Malavadi,.6 Lonand, 22 Malavadi, 6, Sun. P.B.

Dahivadi,7 Koregaon, 46 Vavarhire, 2, Sat. P.S.

Mhaswad,8 Koregaon,51 Mhaswad, 8, Wed. P.B.

Mhaswad,7 Pandharpur,40 Mhaswad, 7, Wed. P.B.

Palshi,2 Koregaon, 35 Palshi, 2, Sat. P.S.

Mahimangad, 4, Koregaon, 23 Dahh adi, 4, Mon. P.S.

Dahivadi,3 Koregaon, 27 Dahivadi, 3, Mon. P.S.

Mhaswad,3 Koregaon, ' 54 ,Mhaswad, 3, Wed. P.S.

Dahivadi,9 Koregaon, 37 Vavarhire, 5, Sat. P.S. Primary Ceasus A&straei ,I -1 Occupied Houses Total No. of persons INo. ofinmate~ I Area of enumerated [including , of institutions I N of village or village inmates of institutions and houseles!! S. or ~own I No. of No. of and houselesB pe~sonsl persons No. town/ward In houses house square holdB miles " f Persons Males Female. j FOmOIOr·IO. t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . 9 10 I I _-- 49 Ranand 7.5 285 329 1,652 845 807 45 n

50 Ranzuni 3.3 J56 ]56 425 205 220 7 3

51 Sambhukhed 3.3 47 47 219 107 112

liZ S!wnavadi 6.3 12t} 137 642 :1l8 324, 53 She\'l'i 7.3 143 157 109 357 412 5! Shindi Bk. 6 ..5 IOV 112 608 301 307

5."> ,shindi Kh. 5.5 167 173 831 407 424

56 Sllingnapur 5.8 239 257 I,H5 585 550

57 Shiriwflli 2.3 112 123 618 310 308 58 Shirtav 7.0 67 67 295 135 160

59 SOkflSI111 6.0 139 } 39 670 341 329

66- Thadalo 7.5 188 194 999 504 495

til Tonadalo 6.5 130 134 656 304 352 5 4

62 Vadgaon 6.8 123 138 711 364 347 3 12

63 VadjaI 4.8 !2Z 149 750 305 385

64 "ski 3.8 25 32 182 100 82

1>5 Vabi 8.3 1\17 HO 637 317 320 S S

6-1.) Vllrkute MilIa 26.0 552 572 2,971 ],485 J,t li6 vadi 6-7 Varkute r.Jhas· 8.0 221 221 1 ,016 486 530 1 Z wad 6-8 Varuglld 7.5 190 )95 880 433 447 69 Vavarhire 11.0 252 392 2,415 1,238 1,\ 77

70 Virali 11.0 267 271 I, \ 76 5110 586

Total Eor villages 521.5 13.5S8 14.837 ·74.3J3 36.853 37.48G 195 138

Total for taluka 556.0 15.291 16~688 83.478 41.387 42.091 195 138 -- _ _ ------~- ---_ ------MAN TALUKA 245

Agrioultural CI68ses

1- Cultivators II- Cultivators III- Cultivating IV -Non-cultivatin@ Literates of IImd wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrt. Or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependantt! cultural rent reoei. and their owned and verso and their dependants their dependants dependants

269 47 554 542 6 6

83 7 134 148 18 18

It! 68 76 9 10 6

22 228 218 2 [> 1 52 76

12 285 313 16 40

58 II 242 236 6 1 43 129 14 288 280 7 7 21

146 36 224 206 43 45 112 109

70 8 255 2511 3 2 6 11 15

19 3 10! 124 5 3 4

37 3 291 290 8

121 16 438 436 8 9 6 a3

30 4 285 325 10 15

58 325 323 10 7 3

89 9 307 307 1 1 3 10 10 116

9 55 47 8 6 2 3

9 7 234 220 1 67 '84

624 495 1,155 1,090 3 3 7 6 107

64 2 287 314 90 81 7 8 37

1 423 2 1 a

38 924 893 25 24 129 131

7 370 345 ... 203 223 5,704 1,526 27,184 27,179 635 594 1.085 1.258 1,973 2,644 7,226 1.956 28,649 28,738 762 701 1,266 1.468 2,023 2,742 --_- -_-_- _ 246 Primary CeQsus Ablluaet

Non-Agricultural Cla_

Persons ( including dependants) who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from s. Name of village or VIII-Other No. townfwa rd V-Production VI-Commerce I VII-Transport services and other than cui. miscellaneolll! tiva.tion I BO\lreeS Mo.lee Fema.les Mo.les F~... M.... !F_.. jM." Femo.!119 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I I - _------49 RRnand 139 ]37 ]2 16 134 106

50 Ranzani 32 26 19 ~8

61 Sambhukhed 18 13 4 3

52 Shenavadi 25 22 6 5

53 Shevr; 34 35 22 24

54 Shindi Bk. 10 12 1

55 Shindi Kh. 53 55 22 23 ;l 5 30 33

56 ~hingn&pur 59 69 30 14 117 117

57 ShiI'avali 31 27 8 -1

58 Shirtav 14 16 2 2 6 15 59 Sokasa.n 15 7 2 2 22 22

60 Thadale 30 28 17 8 5

61 Tonadale 6 8 3 4

62 Vadgaon 22 11 7 3

1.i3 V"djal 28 32 1 2 15 17 64 Vaki 15 12 20 14

65 Valai 3 1 12 15 6& Varkute Malavadi 131 147 25 29 57 86

67 V Elrkute Mhaswa.d 17 20 48 43

68 Varugad 3 2 - 3 69 \'avarhire 115 85 3 42 43

70 Virali 13 15 1 3 3 Total for village. 3,278 3,Z58 515 498 25 32 2,l51 2,017

Total for taluka 4,662 4,555 9S1 963 S9 90 3,015 2,834 ------MAN TALUKA 2-l;'

S ebrest post office Nearest Railway Nearest bazar village, [terns fl,nd its distance in station and ita its distance in miles & of note Remark~ miles, distance in miles Bazar day.

29 30 31 32 33 ------P.O. Koregaon, 42 Dahivadi,7,.Mon. P.S.

MhaBwad, 7 Koregaon, 36 Mhaswad, 7, Wed. P.S.

Mhaswad, 7 Koregaon, 43 Mhaswad, 7, Wed. P.S.

Mhaswad, 12 KoregJlon, 63 Varkute Malavadi, 3, Fri. P.S.

Dahivadi.4 Koregaon, 39 Dahivadi, 4,1Mon. P .S.

Mahimangad, 3 Koregaon, 30 Mahimangad, 3, Wed. P.S.

Malavadi, 2~ Koregaon, 26 Malavadi. 2!. Sun. P.S. Dahivadi.7 Koregaon,53 Bazar, Mon. t P.S. Malavadi, 4 Koregaon, 18 Malavadi, 4, Sun. P.S.

Mhaswad, 3 Korrlgaon, 54 Mhaswad, 3, Wed.

Dahivlldi, 6 Koregaon, 42 Vav9.l'hire, 2, Sat. P.S.

Dahivadi, 10 Koregaon, 50 Shingnapur, 3, Mon. P.S.

Malavadi,6 Lon~nd, 30 Malavadi, 6, Sun. P.S.

Dahivadi, 3 Koregaon, 42 Dahivadi, 3, Mon. P.S.

Kukudwad, 2 Koregaon, 53 Kukudwad, 2, Fri. P.S.,V.P., C.S. Mhaswad,4 Koregaon,39 Mhaswad, 4, Wed.

Kukudwad.6 Koregaon. 56 Kukudwad. 6, Fri. P.S.

Mhaswad, 9 Koregaon, 60 Bazar, Fri. P.S.,V.P. Mhaswad, 4 Koregaon, 39 Mhaswad, 4, Wed. P.S.

Ma.lavadi, 6 Lonand, 22 Malavadi, 6, Sun. P.B.

Dahivadi, 7 Koregaon, 46 Bazar, Sat. P.B.,O.S.

Kukudwad, 5 Koregaon, 46 Kukudwad, 5, Fri. P.S.

t Shingnepur fair held annually in April; attendance, 100,000 248 Primary Census Abstrar t --- 1, Occupied Houses ------1 Total No. of persons No. of inluIl.!,,,! 8. I N of villn~e or jAr" .. of No. of enumerated [ including of institution, "illage No. of house inmates of institutions and hbussles. holds No. wwn/wBrd I or town house .. and houReleHs persons] parsons In squll-re ------'--- l miles Personsl Males Females Mal.. " IFemalll!

1 2 3 4 5 6 !\ 0 9 1(, r I I ,---- I -_--- TOWNS Nil VILLAGES

Addeo 1.4 101 115 504 258 246

2 Adul 3.0 299 376 ],779 876 903

:\ Ambale 0.8 60 65 380 189 Hll

4 Ambawade Kh. 1.0 104 127 IH8 254 29!

5 Ambawane O.S 70 '/& 299 154 145

6 Arnbeghar Tarf ].Ii 83 84 441 ]99 242 Murali '7 _4.mbeghar Tarr 0.8 37 43 194 90 104 Flltan 8 Ambrag (I.S ']43 150 695 317 378

9 Ambruhl 1.8 150 153 702 355 347

10 Ara} 4.5 91 111 452 233 219 6 ...

11 At,\1i 6.8 78 81 3t{) 178 162

12 Awarde 2.0 142 148 746 352 394 11 10

I3 1.3 90 In 445 206 239 .0'.

14 Bahe 1.3 24 24 97 51 46 15 Bahule 4.3 3J9 375 1,852 fl30 922 Io Baja 0.8 24 27 10!} 51 58

J7 Bambavad6' ... 2.0 171 171 881 424 457 IS Banpuri 4.0 224 333 1,683 802 881 19 Belwade Rh. 0.3 J85 203 ],009 462 M7 19 22

20 Bhambe 0.3 66 69 290 ]55 ]35 21 Bhosgaon 2.3 214 214 ],164 549 t}15 ... 22 Bibi 3.3 159 ]65 779 391 388

23 Bondd 2.8 8& 89 431 225 206

24 Bopoli 1.0 30 30 153 71 82 4-

21, Chafal 5.3 566 581 2,687 1,203 J ,:i91

------"-'----- PATAN TALUKA 249

Agricultural Classes

I-Cultivators - r{~--~ultiVllotor8 III-Cultivating IV-Non-Cllltivatin~ Lit.erate. of land wholly of land wholly labourers and . owners of land, agri­ 'or mainly owned I or mainly un- their dependants cultural rent recei­ . and their owned and vers, and their dependants their dependantB dependants ---- !l1eJe. Femalesi Males :Females Males Males Females

,I 14 15 19 20 11 12 13 j iF'~;""" M,:" ",:-"'1 ----c------

46 258 'l·ll '2

ns :ll tHI S5o! U 17 [} -5 53 14 1M) 161 15 18 '" 45 245 285 1i 8

21 2 149 13!J

II 180 232

6 90 lOt

13 2 278 337 '1 38 2 349 345

26 4 223 218 173 161

liZ 35 266 295 22 ~8 30 40

30 12 195 225 2 5

51 46 266 62 667 629 9 9 94 107 ':i{ 11&

4 50 58

124 2t 369 423 4

228 34 723 779 5 3 29 ~6

104 7 342 365 5 9 15

7 153 135

163 27 4.93 M9

.W"~ 3 363 355 7 7 14 225 206

4 69 82

(;7 32 1,031 1,132 37 18 35 35 87 94

------~~ 250 Primary Celillua Ab.tracl

Non-Agricultural Olo.sses

PerSODS (inoluding dependants) who derive their principal meaDS of livelihood from s. Name of village or _------~~-~---- _------. I VTII-O"•• No· town/ward V - Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport eerviceB and other than cui· I miscelbneou8 tivation I BOUroet!I Males Females Males Mal"" Females Males Females ••rn· ... 1 .', I II 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28


1 Addeo 1

2 Adul 21 23 3 :I Amba!e 3 11 6

4 Ambawade Kh. 2

[; Ambawane 4 6

6 Ambeghar Tarf 17 10 2 Marali 7 A mbeghar Tarf Patan 8 Ambra.g 19: 18 8 9 ]2 12 9 Ambrule 3 ... .. 2 10 Ami {l 1

II Atali 3 2

12 Awards 18 18 16 13

13 Bacholi 4 6 3 2

U Bahe

15 Bahule 66 61 2 18 17 16 Baja-

17 37 31 4 2 ]0

18 Banpuri ]8 32 2 3 26 26

19 Belwade Kh. 73 84 16 39 {) 22 34 20 Bhambe

21 Bhosgaon 49 57 7 9

~i Bibi 20 26 I

~a Bondri

2t Bopoli 2

25 Olmf.. ! 36 43 12 8 :2 53 63

- --- _-~ ------~-- ~ PATAN TALUKA 251

New-est post office Nearest Railway Nearest bazar village, Items and its distanoe in station and its its distance in miles & of Bote miles distance in miles Bazar day.

211 30 31 32 33 ------'------

Patan,3 Karad, 23 Patan, :'I, Mon. P.S.

Malharpeth, 4 Karad, 20 Patan, 4, Mon. P.S.,C.S.

Tarale, 2 Masur, 16 Tarale, 2, Sat. P.S.

Dhebewudi, <1 Karad,21 Dhebewadi,4,Tues. P.S.

Patan, 6 Karad, 37 Patan, 6, Mon. P.S.

Morgiri, 5 Karad, 32 Jl.Jorgiri, 5, Thurs. P.S.,V.P.

Hel vak, 10 Karad, 42 , 10, Wed.

Morgiri, 1 Karad, 27 Morgiri, 1, Thurs. P.S.

Patan, 5 Karad, 24 Patan, 5, Mon. P.B.

Helwak, 14 Karad, 47 Helwak, 14, Wed. P.B.

Morgiri, 7 Karad, 26 Morgiri, 7, Thurs.

Tarale, 3 Targaon, 18 Tarale, 3, Sat. P .S.,C.C.S.

Dhebewadi, 6 Karad,23 D hebewadi, 6,Tues. P.S.

Morgiri, 4 Karad, 25 Morgiri, 4, Thurs.

P.O. Karad, 14 Marui Turf Haveli, P.S.,C.S. 2, Fri. Helwak, 6 Karad,42 Helwak,6, Wed. Tarale, 3 Masur, 20 Tarale, 3, Sat. P.B.,C.C.S.

Dhebewadi, 4 Karad, 25 Dhebewadi,4,Tues. P.S.

Pat an, 5 Karad,21 Patan, 5, Mon. P.::'.

Tarale, 13 Karad,24 Tarale, 13, Sat. Dhebewadi, t Karad, 22 Dhebewadi, ~,Tues. P.B.,C.S. Patan, 2~ ~arad, 24 Patan,2t, Mon. P.S. Patan,4, Karad,24 Patan, 4, Mon.

Helwak, 3 Karad,39 Helwak, 3, Wed. V.P.

P.O. Masur, 11 Bazar, Thurs. P.S.,V.P.,C.B., C.C.S. - ---- t Naikha Devi fair held annually in April; attendance 30,000 252 Primary CeDSUS Abstra( t

\oCCUPied Hou~e-8--

Totsl No. of persOn.B --- -1--- NO'. of inm"~Q s. "'-reo of I No. of "numerated [inoluding of imttitution@ villa!(e No. of house inmates of institutions and houseles. t,.Own/ward or tvwn houses I holds and houaeless p"rsonRj rarBon~ In _quare ( miles -P-er-s-o-J--M-al-e-e-'F-e-m,,~e8-MaleB'" Femaleo

2 7 8 ](( __ 3__4 6 I 1

26- Chafer 2.3 34 37 ]72 80 92 27 Chafoli 0.8 22 22 101 51 50

28 Chirambtt ].0 60 251 114 137 21) Chitegbar 0.5 23 100 46 1.5 220 ~O Chopaui 225 1,077 027 550 18 23

:11 Durlhol; 2.0 JJ4 115 527 247 280 C.S 23 26 117 58 59

33 Davari 1.5 82 b7 450 215 235 Deog'har Tarf 0.1 9 9 48 26 22 Helwak Deoghur Tarr 0.2 6 6 24 12 12 Patan Dervan 3.0 262 276 '1,285 6:l1 65,),

Dhaiti 1.3 67 68 295 153 142

37 A Dhakvanl!J 0.8 Deserted

38 Dnamani 4.S 41)3 516 ~,545 J,145 1,400 S9 Dhankal 2.3 51 55 209 89 120 2 40 Dhawade 2.3 69 69 300 155 145

41 Dhebewadi 1.8 83 87 471 231 240 8

42 Dhoka.wale 2.5 33 HH 81 70

43 Dhoroshi 2.0 154 154 802 401 401 44 Dicholi 3.3 35 36 161 86 81

45 Dikshi 0.3 24 24 lOS 48 60

46 Divashi Bk. 0.3 3]] :1l3 1,625 832 793

47 Divashi Kh. 4.8 122 122 5110 289 291

48 Dusale 1.0 52 52 284 141 143 49 Gadhawk.hop 1.8 &7 60 281 141 140 60 Garwade 2.5 231 261 I,S08 655 653

51 Ghanav 1.3 52 52 249 128 121 02 Ghano;vi 3.8 80 80 282 134

254: Primary Census Abstratt

-- -~ N on-Agricultu ral CISS€es ------_- _- - - PerSOns ( including dependants) who derive their prloolpBI mPQns of livelihood from S. Name of village or -- ---_ ------~-- I·m-o.... ' No' town/ward V - Production I VI-Commerce VII-Transport services and other than cuI. mi~elh~neou8 tivation I I sources

Males IFem::- Males ;emales Males Females Malee Female. , 1 2 21 I 22 2:1 24 25 26 27 28 ------_I - ----_ 26 Chafer

27 Cha.foli

28 Chirambe

29 Chiteghar 6 7

30 Chopadi 45 62 1 34 33 31 Dadholi ... 32 Dastan

33 Davar; co 34 Deogha"?T nrf Helwak 35 Deoghar Tarf Patan 36 Dervan 27 32 4 3 37 Dbaiti 37 A Dhakvane .•. Desert6d 38 Dhamani 25 22 6 7 24 21 39 Dbankal 3 5 40 Dhawade

41 Dhebewadi 28 34 75 68 56 58 42 Dhokawale

43 Dhoroshi 13 5 1 2 11 9

44 Dicholi 1

45 Dikshi 3 5 3 5

46 Divasbi Bk. 70 81 14 21 3 16 U; 24 47 Diveshi Kh.

B DUBBle 6 3 2

·Hl Gadhawkhop 1 2 4 3 3

50 Garwade 16 17 24 12 4 2

51 Ghanav 10 6 1)2 Ghanavi 1 PATAN TALUKA 255

N' ""rtlsl poet offioe N .... r".. t R .. i1w ..y N"ar""t bu."",r vill .. g", Items \ and its distanoo In station and its Its dista.nce ill miles and of note Remarlu miles distance ill mil"" Bazar day, 256 Primary Ceasus Abstrad

IOccupied Houses

Total No. of persons No. ofinmatelo Area of enumerated [inoluding of institutions N arne of village or village inmates of institutions I and houseleBt! S. or town No. of No. of and houseless pe~sonsl t persons N'o. town/ward in houses house square holds miles

Males Females Males Female.

3 4 5 7 8 II 10

53 OhBtmBta 0.8 8 10 44 15 29

54 Gheradategad 1.3 J8 21 95 44 51

55 Ghot 5.5 21H 306 1,38l 710 671

1i6 Ghotil 3.8 129 161 755 345 410

51 Gojegaon 1S0 483

58 Gokul Tad 2.8 54 74 277 147 130 Hehvak 59 Gokul Tarf 1.8 49 49 260 126 134 Patan 60 Goshatwadi 2.3 56 56 229 103 126

61 Gothane- 6.8 30 30 135 68 67

62 Govare 2.8 25 28 115 57 58

63 GudhO' 2.3 245 330 1,721 766 955

64 Gunjali 0.5 46 54 265 128 137

65 Guregh"r 0.5 11 13 56 30 26

bli Helwak 0.03 93 ]39 599 313 286 8 17

67 Burnham!" 4.8 34 35 116 58 58

68 Bnmborli 3.8 103 103 399 182 217

69 J afgewadi 2.3 120 ]23 563 270 293

70 Jalu 0.3 .0 70 366 173 193

'71 Jinti 5.0 215 218 1,133 561 572

72 Kadhane 2.8 163 175 1182 456 526

73 RadoH 2.8 41 41 180 .88 92

74 Kudve Bk. 3.0 329 336 1,482 714 768

75 Radve Kh. 0.5 117 117 531 271 200

7~ Kahir 2.5 61 61 213 127 146

77 Kalambe 0.1 64 64 274 138 136

78 Kalgaon 11.3 790 818 4,101 1,921 2,18Q

79 Kalkewadi 0.5 19 27 130 66 64

80 Kaloli 0.8 59 59 297 146 151 ------PATAN TALUKA 251 - -- i Agricultural C!allitElB

I lI- Cultivators III- Cultivating IV -Non-oultivating Iof ; land Cul~":"" wholly of land wholly labourers and Literates owners of land, "grl_ 1 Or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependants ollitural rent recei- and their I owned and "ere: and their I dept>ndantB I their dependants dependants

1 I ~1e.lea Females ( Male. iFemalll8! Ma.les IFemale!!! M.. le~ I Female~ MQ~68 Fems.lo. 11 12 IS U Hi 16 - 17 18 j HI j 20 l I I I ----~- --~- )5 29

43 51 90 2 680 6an H 23

63 4 294 374 23 8 7 I 6 10

18 G 380 414 28 28 3 13 24

14 1- 125 110 1 4 3 t 4 123 133

18 3 87 n3 12 9

:! 68 67

57 58

288 82 642 853 4 3 '2 26

21 128 137

21 21 5 3

143 37 72 68 :! 2 1 6 S {\ 58 58

38 8 107 ll8 2 2 23 22

37 253 27:.l .( 7

12 1 160 193

93 7 4

97 36 440 503 .( 2 2 88 92

,148 7 687 723 " ~ :-i HI 3 2(il 235 Ii n 2 126 145

138 136

389 85 1,532 1,758 5i) 51 23 27 '7 60 64 24 144 148 2 2

--~------25~ Primary CeDsus Abstra~\

Non-Agricultural Classes --- - Pel'sons ( including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from s. Name of villa!le or ------VIII-Other No., t.own/ward V-Production VI-Commerce \ VII-Transport services all(1 other than cui. miscellaneolJ> tivation I -- 815'111'068 I I Males Females Males Females Males Females "-'l~i Mol". ! 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ---- ti3 Ghatmata

54 Gheradategad 55 Ghot 14 7 2 I :3 50 Ghotil 3 S 11 6 57 Gojegaon 15 12 6 2

58 Gokul rarf 3 7 14 7 Helwak 59 Gokul Tarf 2 1 .. '. Patan 60 Goshatwadi 3 3 61 Gothane

gZ GOVA.r8

63 Gudho 43 31 10 12 65 36

, 64 GunjaJi

65 Gureghar 4 2

66 Helwak 52 52 70 79 3 6 108 '67

67 Humharne

68 Humborli 43 118 3 2 3 4 10

69 Jalgewadi 10 7 2 3 3

70 Jalu 11

71 linti 2 1

72 Kadhane 12 21

73 Kadoli

~4 Kadve Bk. 20 28 6 JfI

75 Kadve Kh. 3 12 2 2 76 Kahil'

77 Kalambe

78 Kalgaon 156 171 30 37 125 IlI6 79 Kalkewadi


~~~--~- \

N ebl'est post office Nearest Railway Ne.. rell~ ba",ar village, Items IIond its distance in station and its it@ distance in miles & of Rota miws distance in miles Bazar day.

!Il 50 31 3!! 33

----~~ Helwak.5 Karad. 39 Helwak. 5, Wed. V.P. Patan, 4 Karad, :>5 Paton, 4, Mon. t Tarale, 3 Targaon, 8 Tarale, 3, lSot. P.S.

Dhebewadi, :; Karaa, 27 Dhebewadi' 5, Tues. P.S.

lIeIwak, 10 Karad, 52 Helwak, 10, Wed. P.S.

HelwA.k, 2 Kar.. d, 36 Helwak, 2, 'Yed. V.P.

Morgiri 4 Karad, 31 Morgiri, 4, Thura. V.P.

Helwak.2 Karad, 31 Helwak, 2, Wed. P.s.

Morgiri, 11 Karad, 53 Morgiri, 11, Thul'8,

Helwak, 5 Karad, 39 Helwak, 5, Wed.

Dhebewadi, 3 Karad, III Dhebewadi. 3, Tues.

Morgiri, 2 Karoo, 25 Patan, 2, Mon. P.S.

Morgiri, 6 Karad, 26 ::'IIorgiri, 6, Thurs.

P. O. Karad, 34 Bazar, Wed. § P.S.,V.P,.C.s.

Helwak, 4 Karael, 34 Helwak, 4, Wed.


Chalal. 1~ Masur, 13 ChafaI, 1~. Thurs.

Tarale, 6 Targllon,14 Tn.rale, 6, Sat. P.S,

Dhebewadi, 7 Kal'ad, 29 Dhebewadi.7, Tues. P.S.

KumbhaTgaon, 4 KaTad, 13 Manewadi, 4, Sun

Morgiri, 6 Karad. 35 Helwak, 6, Wed.

Tarale, 2 Targaon,15 Tarale, 2, Sat. P.S.,C.C.S.

Tarale. 2 Targaon, 25 Tarale, 2, Sat. P.S.

MOl'glri, 6 Kllrad, 33 Morgiri, 6. Thurs. V.P.

Tarale, 11 Karad, 22 Tarale, 11, Sat.

P. O. Karad, !!3 Dhamani, 2, Mon.

Morgiri,4 Karad; 27 Morgiri, 4, ThUrs. P.S.

Patan, 9 Masur, 22 Patan. 9, ~fon.

- -~------~ tOld Fort. ~.ln8pection Bungalow. 260 Primary CeDSUS A bstrac t

~coupied Houses

Total No. of ptlrSODl! .N o. of inm"t",. B. Name 01 vill .. g .. or Ar68 of No.of enumerated [ including of institution. viHage No. of hOUBe inmates of institutions ..nd houseleso No. !.Own/ward or town houses holds and housel_ persons J pHreom III I squ miles Males Females Males Femsloo

2 3 4 8 JU I I

81 Kamargaon 1.0 SO" S{)­ 362 177 185 82 Karale 2.8 83 BS 38!} lSO )99

83 Kamnjawsde D.3 51 298 }:t4 164 6

Karat<> 2.3 72 76 343 Hl.,)

85 KarwaE 3.5 1i3 55 jOt 12Z

86 Kasani 3.B 69 7I 311} 1M 165

8'1 0.02 31 159 89 70 5 8S Katwudi 1.8 )IG 119 522 3(13 319

89 Kemare 2.8 5 .'} 17 7 iO

90 KEl'! 1.0 !>1 52 251 113 138

3.0 181 181 921 448 ~73

flZ Khala 2.5 266 288 },3U 600 744

tJ'j. KhivB~hj 1.5 51 52 235 120 1)5

~4 Khonoli J .5 88 88 378 )67 ~II

95 KiUemorgiri 2.8 .91 109 514 227 287 96 Kisrule- 4.3 89 114 455 223 232

97 Ko.1al 0.8 6 1 28 l~

98 Kokisare 2.8 140 142 657 304 3::'3 2 3 W Kolane 1.3 37 146 70 76

100 KoleksrwalU 1.8 119 241 333 2 3

101 Kololi 2.0 138 lH 7l() 370

)02 Kondhavale 2.8 50 70 283 141} 134

103 Konjawade- 0.3 100 125 a85 288 297

104 Koriwale 1.5 ]05 }23 642 306 3;16

105 Kumbhargaon 9.:1 9[17 9SS 5,114 2,313 2,801 17 37 106 Kus8.wado 11.& 223 249 1,158 5·56 602

)07 0.2 6.3 268 136 J;J2 lOS Kusrund 186 20J 9B~ 461 521 4 I) PATAN TALUKA 261 --- - Agricultural Cl8B!les I - I I -Cultivators II-Cultivators III-Cultivating IV -Non-Cultivatill!l Literates : of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agri- ) or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependants cultural rent reoei- 1 and their owned and vers, and their ) dependants tileir dependants dependants ------I Malee Females I Males r~a,~ Males Females !\1ales Females Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - --->- "I 35 8 170 177 3 2

20 2 139 11)5 40 35 8 9 41 8 124 159 .s 2 172 ]52

3 \15 117 1 5

7 103 115 48 47 3 1 i

7 84 70

58 8 290 306 11 13

7 ,. ]0

21 9 111 \36

fi5 4 391 42:1 57 50

225 57 !'i50 694 2 8 88 84

4~ J 2 1(i7 211

28 9 223 277 4 2

2 2~!O 232

16 12

57 7 278 3:n 2 3 70 76 17 2 231; 327

54 10 287 323 25 20 2 6 12 137 115

2il 5 1!l6 189 23 27 11 )0

53 4 298 3~6 I 3 6

794 )29 1.507 1,820 248 370 157 173 336 372

35 2 541 596 7 4 I 1

136 132 , 6:1 2 401 443 2 . 2 3 8 1 i\ ------

PATAN TALUKA 263 l~~- ~I---~

Nearest post office Ne.. reHt R •.!lway ~ ... r"Ht b .. ", .. r vIllagt>. I J '-ems and its distance in station and its It. di.tance ill mile. and of not.­ Remarks mi,,*, diRt"n"e in miles B",,;ar day.

29 10 II 32 3~

------~- Helwak, 4 Karad, 41 Helwak, 4, Wed. P.S.

Dhebewadi,8 Karad, ~7 Dhebewadi, S. Tues.

Helwak, 17 Karad, 54 Helwak, 17, Wed.

Patan, 7 l\lasur, 27 Patan, 7, Mon,

Patan, 6 Karad, 31 Patan, 6, Mon.

Dhebewadi,S Karad, 28 Dhebewadi, 8, Tues. P.S.

Helwak, 12 Kl1rad. 45 Relwak, 12, \Yed.

Patan, 2 Karad, 27 Patan, 2, Mon. P.B.

Helwak, 5 Karad, 39 Helwak, 5, Wed. V.P.

Patan, 3 Karad, 28 Patan, 3, Mon.

Tarale, 7 Karad, 2!J Patan, 7, Mon. P.S.

Dhebewadi,5 Karad, 18 Manewadi, 2. Sun.

Patan. 7 Karad, 32 Patan, 7, MOll. P.S. Chafal, 4 Masur, 19 Chafal, 4, Thurs. ... P.S.

P. O. Karad, 30 Morgiri, ~, Thurs.

Helwak, 9 Karad, 46 Helwak, 9. Wed. P.S.,C.C.S·

Morgiri, 4 Karad, 31 Morgiri, 4, Thurs. V.P.

Patan, 6 Kamd, 19 Patan, 6, MOll. P.B.

i';iorgiri, 9 Karad, 52 Morgiri, 9, Thurs.

Dhebewadi,.5 Karad. 27 Dhebewadi, 5:.Tues.

Chafal, 5 Masur, 20 Chafal, 5, Thurs. P.S.

Helwak, 1 Karad, 35 Helwak, 1, Wed. P.S.V.P.

Tar!lle, 1 'fitrgaon,12 Tarale, 1, Sat. P.S.

Bahule, 3 Karad, 16 Maul Tarf HA.veli, P.S. 3, Fri. P. O. Karae, 21 Bazar. Mon.

Helwak, 18 Karfld, 50 Helwak, 18, Wed. P.S.

Tarale, 13 Karad, 23 Tarale, 13,~Rat.

Patan, 5 Karad, 26 Patan, 5, Mon. P.B.

~~~------~------264: Primary Ceasus Absbact ---- IOccupieJ Houses

I~-~I-- Total No. of person8 No. ofiDmate~ Area of I I I enumerated [including of in~titutiom 8. Name of village or Village I inmates of institutions i and houseleBli or town No. of No. of and hOllseleRs persons) perSons No. town/ward I in I hou8{JS I house I square , I holds I I 1I1Ife8 : I-p-e-cs-o-n-s.------Males Females Males Female.

2 3 4 I 5 I 6 7 8 . 9 10

109 Kuthare 3.8 373 475 2,276 1,027 1,249

110 Lendod 58 58 21)7 120 H7

HI ~L,hind 2.3 135 . I'll 'i55 327 Its 69 58

112 l\Iajagaon 3.3 144 IIH 1,022 511 oil z

IJ3 Mala tUj 43 195 91 lOt 3

114 l'lIaldall 3.5 347 431 2,227 1,013 1,2J.l

0.3 173 174 785 382 403

} 16 Mandrul Tarf 3.8 503 708 3,400 1,655 1,745 Ravel, 117 ~h,ndIUl Tarf 4.8 522 544 2,717 1,311 1,406 KoJe 118 lHandu:re 2.8 101 103 531 264 267

119 ~laneri 2.5 47 53 207 96 111 l20 MaraTi 38 334 363 1,763 852 911

J21 Mm'loshi 2.0 9~ 101 461 216 245

122 :MaIllI Tan 3.3 367 370 1 )IO\} 943 957 Haveli J23 :MaruJ Tarf :J.8 100 ]1)0 413 207 206 Pat an 124 l\lendh 25 250 21)3 1.320 587 733

125 l\Iendh eghar 1.[1 20 24 118 '9 ti9

126 Mendl'oshi 3.8 116 195 874 404 470

127 .Mhavashi 4.5 321 377 I,S!LI 880 1,014 5 I} l:!& i'tlirgllon 2.3 75 75 349 158 191

129 Morgiri 1.5 270 !.!92 1,348 637 711 33 40

130 lIluJglllon 220 23-l l,lIP3 539 554

131 3.0 159 172 857 430

132 Nade 1.5 179 191 794 333 461

133 NadoIi 1.0 130 137 585 278 307

134 Ndhimoo 0.05 58 61 244 127 117

135 .Nanegttoll Bk. 2.5 173 173 758 36'; 393 10 8

136 Nauegoon Kh. 2.8 20ft 213 932 468 PATAN TALUKA 265

"'1 AgriculLural Classes 1 ___ "- I 1- Cultivators j II- Cultivators I III- c'ultivating IV -Non-cultivating Literates 1 of ],md wholly I of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrl. ilr mainlv owned or mainly un- tbeir dependant. cultura.l rent recei- 1 and their owned and J vers, and thei}' 1 dependants their dependant.. dependants I i i ~Ia.le8 ~~mal"B r Mal:. IFemales.1 MaieR Females Male~ Females Femal". J 11 13 14- 15 j 18 17 18 HI 20

371 79 671 836 123 53 88 33

28 117 14~ 3

35 323 "i2t 7

139 52 472 2

3 ~1 H)!

218 73 955 1,170 8

23 371 386 4 2 2

260 ],155 1,251 51 51 23 :29

294 62 1,129 1,214 13

52 15 259 21)5 1

4 96 HI

26:! 8(1 3 25 46

29 3 242

264 44 84() 85:! 3 36

13 193 178

31 460 576 7 .56 .2'

6 2 41 63 19", 3 383 166 26 816 957 4 :I

\) 1 155 188 2 2

154 406 469 47 9

83 3 415 416 2

69 10 368 345 '7

15 267 2 :I

2 265 298

21 5 122 lJ4 5 2

1()9 30& 337 4

77 434 9 H 266 Primary CeDsus Abstrat't ------_. Non-Agricultural Classes

P"rBons ( iflcludillg dependants) who derive their prinoipal , means of livelihood from s. N .nne of viU"Il" or VlIl-Other V-Prodllction VI-Commerce I VII-Tr"IlAport. services anl1 NO'1 I othe.r th~n cui· I misoellaneoll> tlvatlOll I sourceE- Mal.. s Fema.lesl ~~:Ies IFenHdes :M~les ~I Females Males Females 1 z 21 22 I 23 24 25 I 26 27 28 ----_-- -_-_- - - --l -_-- ]09 Kuthare 86 84 21 16 40 59

] 10 Lendori 1 2

]11 Mahind

112 l\lujagaou IS ]3 5 3 5 7

113 Mala

114 Mald8D 3 2 52 34

] 15 Maloshi 5 6 1 3 2 2

116 Mandrul Tarf 193 172 40 46 11 9 147 164 Haveli 117 Mandrul Tarf 74 86 26 25 1 57 68 Kole liS Mandure 2

Jl9 l\Ianeri

120 MaraH 107 99 3 2 40 50

1 ~l Marloshi

122 Maru~Tarf 10 9 9 10 6 6 Haveli 123 MaruI Tarf 13 2S P"tan 124 Mendh 35 45 7 12 20 17

125 Mendheghal' 4 4

126 Mendhoshl 19 16 2

]27 1\Umvashi 8 11 19 19 28 21 J28 Mirgaon

129 Morgiri 46 48 DO 1<0 3 4 34 32

130 Mulgaon 33 40 1 85 89

1:11 Murad 27 36 7 10 21 25

132 Nado 11 5 5 8 45 32

133 Nru!oli 4 1 '1 I}

: 34 Ka.himbe

135 N anegaon Blc 31 30 2 3 16 - 13

N anegaon:Kh. " PATAN TALUKA 267

Ne>.orest post office Nearest Railway Nearest ha.zar village, Items Q,nd its distance in station and its its distance in miles & of Bote miles distance in miles Bazar day.

29 30 31 32 33 ----

P. O. Karsd. 23 Dhebewadi, 3, Tues.

Morgiri,4 Karad, 31 l\1orgiri, 4, Thurs. P.B.

Dhebewadi, 7 Kara~. ~8 Dlwbewadi. 7. Tues. P. S.

Chafal,l Masur, 9 Chafal, 1, Thurs. P.S.,C.C.S.

Helwak. 10 Karad, 52 Helwak, 10, \\·ed.

P.O. Karad, 19 Dhebewadi, 2, Tues.

Tarale,8 Masur, 24 Tarale, 8, Sat. P. O. Karad, 14 Malharpeth. J, Wed. t P.S.,V.P.,C.C.S.

Tembewadi, ~ Karnd, 22 TembElwadi, ~, Tues. P.S.,V.P.,C.C.S.

Tarale,7 !(urad, 30 Tarale, 7, Sat. P.S.,C.S.

Helwak,4 Karo.d, 32 Helwak, 4, Wffi.

P.O. Karad, 24 Sulewadi, 2, SUIl.

'far ale , 4, Targaon. 12 Tarale. 4, Sat. P.s.

Bahule,2 Karact, 20 Bazar, Frio

Patan,9 )Iasur, !!6 Patan, 9, Mon.

Dhebewadi, 4 Karad, 26 Dhebewadi, 4, Tues. P.S.

Hel~ak. t Karad, 34 Helwak, ~, Wed. V.P. P.tan,6 Karad, 28 l'atan, 6, Mon. P.B.

P. O. Karad. 24 Patan, l~, Mon. P.S.

Helwak,6 Karad, 40 Helwak, 6, Wed. P.S.

P. O. Ko.1'OO. 2-l Bszar, Thurs. p .S., V.P.,C.C.s.

Patan,4o Karad, 21 Patan, 4, Mon. P.B.

Tara.le, 8 Karad, 20 Tarale, 8, Sat. P.S.

Malharpeth, 3 Karad, 19 Malharpeth, 3, Wed. P.S.,C.';.

Malhr.rpeth, 2 Karad, 17 Malharpeth, 2, Woo. P. S.

Helwak,7 KarM, 39 H"lwak., 7, Wed.

Chllfal, 2 Masur, 14 Chafal, 2, Tial'S P.S.

Chafai,4, Masur, 12 Chafal, 4, Thurs. P.S.

t InspectIOn Bungalow. !loS Primary CeDsus Ababac t

TotaJ No. of persons No. of iDlo ..te@ 8. Name 01 villRge or are .. of No. of enumerated [including of institution. village No. of house inmates of institutions ..nd houseles. No. town/wru-d or town hOUseR holds and houseleRs perRons) [)srBOnS in tY square --,------;-- - miles ------PereoMI Males Females Males Femalee

2 3 4- 5 7 8 I f 6 I 10

137 Nanet 1.3 49 4() 207- 811 121

]38 Nathoshi 4.1} 2R5 328 1,608 755 853 6 3 139 Nav 1.8 54 219 III lOS

J40 Navadi 3.8 391 397 2,288 ] ,172 1,116

141 Navai~ 8.0 95 386 181 205 6 6 142 Ne{"het 3.5' 113 36 138 65 73

143 Nerak 1.5 80 89 486 236 250

144 Nigade 1.0 83 84 368 ]65 203 1 J45 Nisar", 2.3 176 179 87') 418 452

l46 Nivad6' 0.3' 101 10] 474 238 236

147 Nivakane 7.3 151 ] 51 601 314 287 148 Nivi 2.5 70 70 359 177 ]82

Nune :l.3 142 216 ],075 511 56~

15(} Paehagani 0.3 62 62 263 12:3 135

J5t Padloshi ].8 84 8'1 441 222 219

15t Palashi 3.5 80 83 351 IS8 163 153 Paned 4.0 ]}~ 110 494 263 226

J54 Paparde- 2.3 177 ] 78 867 438 429 15/j Patao 2.5 763 770 3,630 1,78t; 1,S4-4 21 16 l56 Patharpunj 3.0 37 37 158 79 79 157 Patwade 1.5 :a 34 153 75 78 15S Pimploshi 0.8 66 343 176 167

159 PunawaH 1.5 29 29 131 66 65 160 Rahude 1.5 76 77 378 174 204

161 Rasat-i 3.0 75 75 336 145 ]91 8 6 162 Riswad 3.3 15 58 33

163 Rohine 23 . 52 65 234 96 ]3S

164 Ruvale ].8 118 126 622 277 345 3 4 PATAN TALUKA 269 - ---_ ----- , I Agricultural ClaaBes

--- - -

I -Cultivators II-Cultivators Ill-Cultivating IV -Non-Cultivatin~ Literate. of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agri. , or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependants cultural rent recei and their owned and vers, and their ... depenrlants It,heir dependants dependants I ---- Males Fernales/ Males FemaleR I Males iFemales Males Females Males Fe~ales 11 12 )1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I

5 84 120

116 10 724 813 1 3 1

34 9 111 108

245 56 1,067 1,028 1 l 10 6

35 6 ]67 196 ._-

65 73 31 3 224 246 12 4 ·1 14 163 202

144 36 a5"- 370 4 8 3 3 "2(} 24 12 2 237 236

15 2 314 287

4 164 161 13 20 1

75 .') 429 465 9 9 U 27 33 38

2 12( 130

38 2 138 138 8 (I 16 18 ,( 11

6 188 163

26 215 163 25 25 19 35 142 4 438 4029

936 367 394 408 128 ItS 3 4 11)4 123

79 79

2 73 76 2 2 24 4 165 145

18 M 65

.n 14 155 177 3 :; "2 4. 44- 7 73 104 12 22 2 33 25

29 " 9 95 138 29 Ii 268 340

--~~------~--- Primary Census Absttael

~--~------~ Non-Agricultural Classes

PerBona (inoluding dependants) who derive their principal mt'ans of livelihood from I Name of village or s. VlII-Othel town/ward V - Production I VI-ColDInerce I VII-Transport services aud Noi other than cui. misc!Mlaneou~ tivation I I I 60urcea I ! Males fFemaleo Females Male. Female.

1 21 I 22 28

137 Nanel 2 1

138 Nl1thoshi 8 8 1 1 19 28

139 Nav

HI) Navadi 68 65 4 22 16

141 Navaje 4 6 10 3 142 Nechel

143 Nerale

144 Niga<'le

Nisare 12' 11 1 31) 146 Nivade

147 Nivakane

148 Nivi

149 Nunt!' 1.'1 7 3 10

150 Paehagani 3 4

151 PadIl)sh; 45 38 11 13 152 Palashi

Jli3 Pener' 2 2 7

15~ Paparde

155 Patan 328 351 247 271 20 28 562 541 1M Patharpunj

.57 Fatwade

J58 Pimplosh. 10

159 Punawali 1

160 Rahude 10 12 4 6

161 Ratlati 7 7 10 4 40 162 Riswad

16~ Rohine

(64 RuvaIe 9 Ii PATAN TALUKA 211 j

Nearest P01!lt offioe I Nearest. Railway N".uest hazar vi!la!l:e. Items Its

29 iO 8) 32 U

HeIwak, 3 Karad, 33 HeIwak, 3, Wed. Morgiri .. 2 Karad. 2. M-Ol'giri, 2, Thurs. P.S. Helwak,7 Karad. 41 HeIwak, 7, Wed.

Bahule, 3 Karad. 21 Marui Tarf Haveli, P.s. 3, Fri.' Helwak, 8 Karad, 45 HeIwak, 8, Wed. P.s.

Helwak, 2 Karad, 36 H~wak, 2, Wed. V.P.

Plltan, 2 Karad, 25 Patan, 2, M'()n. P.S.

Dhebewadi, 6 Karad, 28 Dhebewadi, tJ, Tues. P.S.

Malharpeth. I Karad, 16 MaIhsl'peth, 1, Wed. P.S.,C.C.S,

Tllrale, 11 Karad, 22 Tarale, 11, Sat.

TaraIe, 8 Karad, 31 Tarale, 8, Sat.

Dhebewadi, 6 Karad, 28 Dhebewadi, 6, Tues. P.s.. Tarale, I Targaon,21 Tarale, 1, Sat. P.S.

Morgiri, 5 Karad, 240 Morgiri, 5, Thul'S.

Chafal, 6 Masur, 21 Chafal, 6, Thurs. .P.S. ,

Mol'gil'i. 6 Karad, 34 Morgiri, 6, Thurs. V.P .. P.:3.

Morgiri, 9 Karad, 31 Morgiri, 9, Thurs.

Bahule, 5 Karad, 17 MaruI Talf HaveH, 3,Fri. P.O. Karad. 24 Bazar, MOR. t Helwak, l() Karad, 67 He!wak, 10, Wed. ChafaI, 5 Magur, ]0 Chafal, 5, Thill'S.

Patan, 2 Karad, 26 Patan, 2, MOIl.

HeIwak, 14 Ka.rad, 67 HeIwak, 14, Wed P.S.

TaraIe, 1 Masur, 13 Ta.rale,~1, Sat. P.S.,V.P. SO Helwak, 2 Ka.rad, 37 Helwak, 2, Wed.

Helwak, 6 Karad, 32 Helwak,~6;,.Wed. ',- :

Dhebewudi, 8 Karad, 26 Dhebewadi, ,8, Tues.

.L I Dak-Bllngalow• 272 Primary Cel1llus Abstract

Occupied IIvuBes

Toto.l No. of persons "No. ofinrna~ Area of enumerated [including of institutioru S. Name of village or village inmates of institutioIll! Bnd house Ie". ortowD No. of I No. of and houseles8 pe"sons1 persons No. town/ward in houses house square holds mileR

Persons Males Females Males Femaleg

3 4 Ii 6 7 8 9 10 c,

165 Sadawag~apuF ... 4.3 162 173 693 374 319

)66 Saikado 3.8 377 l,!l~6 1,004

lGi Sakhari 2..& 134 l39 683 342 341

l6S Salve 3.8 251 268 581 645 13

Hi9 Banbt}()F 3.0 360 388 J,9Q6 8!}7 1,~08 11 11

170 Sangwad ... 2.8- 333 1.. 568 787 781

J71 8atay 3.8 42 43 215 ]08 107

li2 Savergl).ar 3iS 1§2 185

173 Shira} 3.8 UO 700 3U 356

Shirshinge 7.3 37 40' 146 78 (is

17& 8hiwandheshwsl" 0,3 24 25 91 48 46

17() Sonllwads- 5.0 49S 544 2,51~ 1,322 12 3

J77 Surul O.S 72 426 197

178 Taliye 1.3 46 106 100

'Talosh) 2.0 50' Ii{) 230 115 115

180 Taming 2.3 11 79 3S1 1&9 212

lS} 1'amknd6' 1.1) 136 137 433 221 212

Tamkane' 1.3 1i3 53 274 138 136

J83 Tarak, 7.S tiOZ My 3,SOl 1,919 1,885 23

184 Thomase1 In 178 842 392 450

lS5 Tirpudi 0.1 128 128 641 284 357

lSI) Tolewadi 1.0 15 78 296 ]M ]42

)87 Tondosh'i 0.5 55 56 299 141 158

lSB Torne 4.0 40 4Z I9a IH 99 6 3

J8!} Udhawane- 1.3 77 77 338 145 193

190 Umarkanchan 190 209 4S5 5&2

lit! Urul 0.4 185 204 1,251 5119 652

192 Vadi-Kotewade ... 0.5 91 91 407 20() PATAN i4LUKA 273

Agricultural ClasBes 1--. I I I. Cultivators II. CultivaLorn I III. Cultivating I II -Non-cultivatins Literates of I"nd wholly I of land wholly I labourf"!"s and oWllers of land. agrl. I or mainly owne

11 13 15 16 17 1 18 HI 20 14 \ _I 1

5 1 374 319

789 890 9 II 53

71 6 320 3

22 2 414 453 124 152 2

172 19 811 895 2

208 69 612 609 3 67 75 16

8 58 60 49 45 2

2 192 ]86 24 336 346

64 56 13 12

2 27 35 5

241 31 1,007 1,106 18 2 2 40

18 4, 186 212 3 I 2 106 100

19 III 113 1

169 211

9 81 87

37 5 137 136

706 214 1 059 1.036 12 14 26 32 83

47 1 3!6 362 6 1 25 72 4, 7

6 282 356

2 154 142

21 llO- 135 2 15 7 84 93

3 145 H13

156 28 344 3 3 10 11

81 57 459 508 5 1 50 58 12 18

205 193 1 274 Primary Census Absueet

Non-Agricultural ClasBes

~------Persons ( including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from

S. Name of v iIIag" or ~~ ------VIII-Othe~ No. town/ward V-Production VI-Commerce I VII-Transport services and other than cui- mi8c~llaneou. tivation 8ourC6t:- I --- -- Males Males Female.. Males' Females j F_·""'IM ... , 1 2 21 .IF.::I~ 23 24 '25 26 27 28 ------165 Sadawaghapur

166 Saikade 23 20 '3 ~ 18 16

167 Sakhari 16 15 2

168 Salve 2 3 1 26 20

169 Sanbool" 58 ti9 2 6 2 24. 24

170 Sangwad 61 49 I 2 29 26

171 Satar 1

172 Saverghar

173 Shir'll 6 8

174 Shirshinge

175 ShiwandheshwBr- ;) 14 4.

\7& 8onawade. 62 82 25 30 \0 12 4<1 34

177 SuruI 3 5 4. 7

178 Taliye

179- Taloshi 2 2

180 Tamine 1

181 Tamkarle 140 125

182 Tamkane

183 Tarale 303 287 193 200 3 2 262 231

184 Thomasa 9 8 2

185 Tirpudi 1

186 Tolewadi

IS7 Tondoshi 7 7 14

18S Torne 7 5

J89 Udhawane

\90 Umal'kanchan 68 116 ~ 2 38 28

191 Urul 56 57 2 IIi 10

192 Vadi-Kotew"de 2 3 I


Items Nabrest post office Nearest Railway Nearest bazar village, Remo.rl.. and its distance in station and its its distance in miles & of note miles distance in miles Bazar day.

29 30 31

Che.fal, 8 Masur, 11 Pdotan, S Mon.

Dhebewadi. <1 Karad,15 Manewadi, ], SUllo

Patan, 4 Karad,26 Patan, 4, Mon. P.S.

Dhebewadi, 8 Karad,29 Dhebawadi, 8, Tues. P.S.

Dhebewad i, 5 Karad,27 Dhebewadi, 5, Tue•. P.S.,C.~. P.O. Karad,19 Marui Tad Haveli, 2, Fri.

Dhebewadi, 8 Karad,24 Dhebewadi, 8, Tue3.

Tarale, 11 Karad, 22' Ta.rale, II, Sat. P.S.

Patan, 5 Masur, 45 Patan, 5, Mon.

Helwak,16 Karad,53 Helwak, 16, Wed.

Helwak,1 Karad,34 Helwak, I, Wed. V.P.

P.O. Karad, 24 Sulewadi 1, Sun.

Patan, \ Karad, 25 Patau. ~, 1.10n. P.S.

Helwak,4 Karad,3:1 Helwak, 4, \-Ved.

Helwak, ]2 Karad,49 Helwak. 12, Wed. P.S.

Helwak,7 Karad.41 Helwak, 7, Wed. V.P.

Pilton, 4 Karad·,29 Patan, 4, Mon. P.S.

Patan, 3 Masur, 13 Patan, 3, Mun.

P.O. Masur, ]4 Bazar, Sat. P.B., ..·.P. ,C.S.

Urnl, I Masur, 10 Malharpeth, 5, Wed. P.S.

Patan,3 Karad,17 Patan, 3, Mon. P.B.

Paten, 3 Karad, 27 Patan, 3, Mon.

Tarale, 1> Karad, 20 Tarale, 8, Sat. P.S.

Helwak, 3 Karad, 41 Helwak, 3, Wed.

Dhebewadi, II Karad,24 Dhebewadi, S, Tues.

Tembewadi, 5 Karad,27 Tembewadi, 5, Tues. P.S.,C.S.

P.O. };Iasur, II Malharpeth, 4, Wed. P.S.,C.C.S.

Morgiri, I Karad,26 Horgiri, ], Thura. 276 Primary CeDsus Abstract ------, Occupied Houses -----_- Total No. of persoll8 No. of inm.. tee B. Name of village or Area of No.of enumerated [ including of iIll!titutioD@ village No. of house inmates of institutioll8 ",nd housele81 No. town/ward or town house. holds and housele.s petRone) J,'srsons in square miles ----- Personsi Males Females Males Femo.lee c , 2 3 4 Ii 6 7 8 9 10 1 I I 193 Vaghane 2.3 18 18 85 4-3 42 194 Vajaroilhi 4.3 192 224- 1,083 559 524- ]95 Vajf'gaon 0.1 155 174 836 381 455

196A Va(wane 1.OJ "' Deserted

J96 Vanzole 1.8 62 65 241 107 134 197 Vstole 3.8 100 105 471 244 233 198 Vazoli 1.8 199 200 889, 398 491 ]99 Viho 3.8 324 347 1,699 824 875

200 Yerad 3.3 212 217 1,084 518 566

201 Yerphsle 2.0 233 235 1,077 495 582

202 Zadoli 1.5 12 17 87 45 42

203 Zakade 3,5 51 59 310 147 163

Total for villages 513.5 28,325 30,563 146,691 70,463 76,228 482 443 and taluka PATAN TALUKA 277

Agricultural CI6886s

-- ,,------~------IV.Non.Cultivating I1.Cultivators III ·Cultivating I·Cultivators owners of land. agri. of land wholly of land wholly labourers and Literatea their dependants oultural rent recei. or mainly owned or mainly un· vers, and their and their owned and dependants dependants their dependants

I Males Mal6!l Females Males Females Males Females 17 11 12 13 14 16 16

43 42 1 2 122 21 535 1106 2 38 12 13 17 18 15 ~3 27 327 383 Deserted

106 • 134

6 233

92 19 398 491 . 23 18 1 218 107 759 821 3 2 1 51 3 411 533 27 21 35 35 38 392 469 59 74 36 4Q 8 2

19 147 163 1,594 1,303 1.650 14,113 3,034 59,002 64,022 1,631 1.731 1,334 ----- _----- 27R _ Primary Census AbstraCt ~ - Non-Agricultural Classes

------~-- Persons (inoluding dopendunts) who derive their prinoipal mt>ans of livelihood from S. Name of "illage or - - _--_- -_. -_--- --"-- I VUI-(}tnl'l~ town/ward V-Produotion I VI-Commeroe VII-Transport se;rvices and otber than cui. miscellaneoul N°'1 tivation I I rclOurces I Males Females Males FeID3les Males Females Males Femlile

1 2 21 22 23 24 20 2&- 27 28 II --_ _ . ) 9il VlIgbane

]9.1 Vajaroshi 4 2 15 12

J95 Vlljeg&on Il ~

19,5A Valwune Deaerted

1 !HI Vanzole

1!l7 Vntolo 198 Vazoli .." 199 Vihe 25 16 5 5 • 8 11 200 Yerad 7 7 5 2 5 2

201 Yerphsle 9 4

202 Zadoli 1

:l():~ Zal;ade

Total for villages 3,124 3.281 1.060 1,118 83 108 2,926 2.124 and taJuka PATAN TALUKA 279

N " .. r .... t po.n office N".. r"Mt It.. ilw,,y NtlUreMt h"z... village, lteirul and Its distance in station 6nd its its distance in miles and of note Remarka mile. distance in miles Bazar df\Y.

29 10 11 32 113

Helwak,11 Karad,54 Helwak, II, Wed.

Tarale, 2 Targaon,8 Tarale, 2, Sat. P.S.

Helwak, 5 Karad, 41 Helwak, 5, 'Vell. P.S.


Helwa,k, 4 Karad,32 Helwak, 4, Wed. p,B.

Patan, I!. Karad,33 Pata.n, 11, Mon.

Dhebewadi, 4 Kal'ad, 26 Dhebewadi, 4, Tues. p.B.

P. O. Karad, 12 Charegaon, 4, Sat. . P.B. V.P.,C.C.S. Patan ,3 Masur, 13 Patan, 3, Mon. t Mandrul Torr Karad, 22 Paton, 3, Mon Haveli,3 Helwak,9 Karad,52 Helwak, 9, Wed.

Patan, 4 Karad, 30 Morgiri, 4, Thurs.

t Yedoba fair held annually in April; attendance 50,000. 280 Primary Census Abstrad

Occupied HOUBes ------Total No. of persons No. of inmate. Arell. of enumerated [including of institutions S. N arne of village or vii lage inmates of institutions I and houseleSl! or town No. of No. of and houseless pet'8ollB ) persons No. town/ward in houS'es house square holds m iles ,

Persons Males Females Males Female.

1 2 3 4 Ii 6 7 8 9 10 --- - TOWN Phaltan M. 30.3 2,092 2.447 12,142 6,297 5,845 21 16

WIt!d I 417 582 .2,802 1,471 1,331 21 16 11 398 493 2,380 1,2(l8 1,112 III 474 499 2,454 1,258 1,196 IV 378 403 2,027 1,027 1,000 ,. V 425 470 2,479 1,273 1,206 VILLAGES Adarki Bk. 5.8 24] 242 1,165 550 615

2 Adarki Kh. 5.0 140 1~8 987 494 493

3 Aljapm 4.5 129 136 722 369 35:1 4 Andarud 4.8 128 131 725 371 354

:; Aradgaon 3.5 114 ]50 .581 270 311

6 Asu 16.0 389 586 3,360 1,732 1,628 28 27 7 Barad 8.8 292 292 1,457 754 703

8 Bhadali Bk. 1.0 46 61 309 ]42 167

9 Bhadali Kh. 3.0 59 59 256 ]22 134 1& Bhilkatti 1'3 45 45 226 121 105

n Bibi ';".8 277 319 1,472 7Q3 769 12 Dalavadi 6.0 112 118 567 275 292

13 Dhav... 1 7 3 255 314 1,560 776 784

14 Dudhebavi 7.5 285 289 1,523 763 760

15 Giravi ] 9.8 380 403 2,320 1,136 1,184

16 GoklJali 5.3 275 3304 ],686 869 817

17 Gun ware 7.5 21)8 353 1,770 897 873

J8 Hingangaon JI.8 382 390 1,924 923 1,00] 6 10 19 HoI 6.8 1,244 ],429 6,1)23 3,412 3,211 9 10

20 Jaoli ] 1.5 116 ]29 696 351 345 8 7

~-~------~ ------PHALTAN T6.LUKA 281

., Agricultural CIR8868 I ----~-

\ I. Cultivat,ors I II. Cultivators II 111. Cultivating IV·N on-cultivat.inl! Literates of Itmd wholly I of land wholly labo\lrero and owners of Ia.nd, agrl. or mainly owned or ma.inly un- their dependants cultural rent recei- , and their ,owned and , vers. Bnd their I dept>l1dants , their dependants dependants

I~emale@-(-~Ble~ IFemales ,i Male~ I Femalesl Male~ IFemales Male" Fem"l!»! 2(; 11 I 12 .\ 13 I.j, I Hi I 16 I 17 I 18 19

2,!!06 1,229 746 636 31 41 56 38 188 199 435 131 125 98 2 10 5 4 11

849 504 177 1:J\J :J G 9

776 302 J 70 140 9 12 28 13 93 90

351 114 130 121 1 I 16

495 118 144 138 17 20 10 7 49

187 42 405 403 3 2 16 31 56 107

75 6 407 6 11 l3

49 5 335 310 6

22 327 315 10

68 15 150 154 3 3 45 60

252 1,070 ),026 11 12 529 487 22

145 15 407 380 18 17 110 99

19 95 Iii 2 1 28 21 .3

18 1I8 132 2

18 8 76 72 3 6 13 10 12

243 50 493 500 32 33 16 12 17 12 207 292 tt-71 15 505 519 8 9 31 38 87 126 12 486 459 72 89 i28

236 58 852 869 27 23 84 123 15

173 15 4~6 415 18 10 252 243 21 21

211 11 569 558 2 2 222 236 24 19

235 59 663 712 3 46 24 311

797 281 532 59~ 17 937 803 16 21

31 (j 247 215 5 II 28 57 9 282 Primary CeDsus Abratra ..

Non-Agricultural Classes I- ~ - -~-- P"r.ons ( including .:iepelldants ) who derive their principal means of livelihood from

N BIDe of vill.. ",e or ~--_------VII1=Qtliel No. town/ward V-Productioll VI-Commerce V 1I-Transport services aut,_] other than cui. Iniscellaneou.. \ e tivatioll I 8ource~ ------~ .---~ !\tal.. s Female. MaieH Females Males FemalesJ Males F'emale!! 1 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 I 27 28

TOWN Fhaltan M. 1,503 1.409 1,152 1,046 183 142 2,438 2,334

'Yard I 453 391 260 258 52 50 566 516

II 188 185 179 139 45 30 646 572 HI 26S 264 155 164 39 23 496 490 IV 236 232 387 337 \3 17 240 261 V 358 337 171 148 34 22 490 495


Adarki Bk. 33 33 4 () 4 -1 29 23

2 Adarld Kh . 4 2 2 2 58 23

:3 Aljapul" 10 13 2 7 13

4 Ar,darud 18 13 2 :! 6

5 Arad~aon 16 25 3 2 10 11 22 18

6 Asu 71 53 2 35 27

7 Barad 105 85 12 17 36 32

8 Bhadali Bk. I 22 12 2

tI Bhadali Kh. 2 to Bhilkatti 10 6 7 3

11 Bibi 70 75 17 25 32 37

12 Dalftvatli 3 4

13 Dhaval 97 84 9 8 39 34; 14 Dudhebavj 96 94 " 3 16 10 15 Giravi 76 61 11 8 2 8 69 62

J6 Gokhalj 92 77 6 7 54 «

17 Gunware 52 33 6 10 22 15

IS Hing,mgaon 74 70 11 16 15 13 83 105 19 Hoi 1 ;213 1,087 106 112 68 67 523 513

::0 Jttoli 28 22 3 3 31 17 PHALTAN TALUKA ~~'--

N_rest poet. offioe Nearest Railway N".. re~t t .."" .. r vill"ge, 1 It.e'Il9 Wld it.s distance In station and its its diota.noe in mil,,,. QIldl of nut" I mile& distance in mileR Bazar day.

10 II __:____" :,-1_53_

P.O. LonBnd. 17 BaZ8t', Sun. § P.S.,C.S.

Lonand, 8 Rly. Station Bazar, Sab. P.S.,C.S. Lonand,12 Rly. Station Adarki Bk" f!, Sat. P.S. Lonand, 10 Adarki,4 Lonand, 10, Thurs. P.S.

Shiganapur, I; LODand, 32 Barad, 6, Fri. V.P.

Lonaud, 5 Lonand, 5 Lonand, 5. Thurs. P.S. Shinnewadi, 2 Baram... ti. 9 Gouati, 3, Sat. P.8 ..C.S.

Gunware, 3 Lonand, 29 Bazar, Fri. P.S.,C.S.,C.C.S.

Phaltan, Ii Lonand, 22 Phaltan, 5, Sun. P.S.,V Phaitan,5 Lonand, 22 Phaltan, 5, Sun. V.P.

Phaltan,4o Lonand, 14 Phaltan, 4, Sun. P.S. Louand,9 Adarki,6 Bazar, Mon. P.S.,V.P., C.C.S. Phaltan,8 Lonand, 18 Phaltan, 8, Sun. P.S .• V.P.

1;>haltan,10 Adarki, 10 'Phaltan, 10, Sun. P.S. Phaltan,7 Lonand, 22 Phaltan, 7, Sun. P.S.,C.S.

P. O. Lonand, 25 Bazar, Sat. P.S.C.S.

Gunware, Ii Baramati,9 Bazar, Sat. P.S.,C.C.S.

P.O. Lonand, 29 Barad, 3, Fri. P.S.,C.C.S.

Lonand,6 8alpe,2 Lonand, 5, Thum. P.S.,C.C.S.

P.O. Lonand, 12 8akharwadi, 2, Thurs. P.S.,C.C.S. Phaltan,14 Lonand, 31 Barad, 6, Fri. t p.s.,e.s.

§ P. W. D. Bungale".; Rathosav and 8hri Rain fair held aIm:o",ny in ili

Total No. of person. No. of irunllote. Area of enumerated [including of institutioW! S. Name of village or village inmates of institutions and houseleBl! or town No. of No.of and houseless perSonsI persons No. town/ward in houses house square holds • miles

PerSOns Males Females Males Femalel o 6 7 8 9 I 10

21 ,Tinti 271} 401 2,069 1,099 1\70 30

22 Kalil! 0.3 187 187 873 419 4,")4

23 Kamblesgwar 3.S III In 513 263 250

24 :K&padgaon 3.;$ 75 hO 366 178, 188

25 Kapshi 126 131 630 308 322 ...

26 KhBdaki Il 11 III 36

27 Khamguon a.a :l39 :.!4:l 1,086 .';60

28 Khunte- 4.l! 298 298 },669 842 827 59 51

28A KopU'lfde 1.0 Deserted

Kmahale 2,3 41 42 223 108 li5

KOFege.on 88 458 217 241

:1' Kuravali Bk. Il.S JUI 463 241 222

<\2 Kuravati Rh. 3.8 58 til 300 138 1-62

33 Kusur 97 113 557 284 273 22 20

Malavadi 6, :_; 58 61 294 151 143

Mandavkhadak. 30 194 lOO 94 5

36 :r>liradhe 6.8 !II 84 415 200 215

37 Mir~gaon :l.S 101 101 518 257 261

38 Munjavadi f,.8 1M 206 1145 465 480

39 Murum 2.3 IJi) 124 632 316 316 10 13

40 Nandal 12.0 314 318 1,562 750 812

41 Nimbhore 6.6 227 342 1,636 820 816

42 Nimblak 14.8 405 401 2,384 1,201 1,183

43 Nirgudi 2.3 145 170 927 472 455

44 P_adegaon 5.6 320 320 1,530 762 768 Incl. in 4 if A Phaltan Non­ Phaltan 1,050 },050 5,354 2,719 2,635 municipal area M. 46 Pimpara~ ii.1) 208 ~38 1,212 1'82 630 I)

46 Raj ale 5.3 167 210 980 484 496 PHALTAN TALUKA 285

A!(ricultural Classes ------_---., I I. Cultiv .. tors II· Cultiv .. tors III. Cultiv ..ting I V·.Non.cultiv ..tinl! . Llter ..tes of ifmd wholly of land wholly labourers and owneNl of land, ..grl • \ or m ..inly owned or mainly un- their depend.. nts oultll .... 1 rent reoei. and their I owned and vers, and their I deppndll.nts ~ ~beir depen~::_ _ _ dependantB

~aJe8 Fe~.. ::-r-M"le" Fem.. les! MaieR i Fem .. les Male" J Fem.. les Males

11 12 1 \ 13 14 15 I 16 17 I 18 19 I 269 53 482 4613 10 6 21 11 19 32

50 7 316 3t 29

51 221 231)

34 5 95 103 2 22 27 \) 8

30 187 178 3 II 91 lIO

45 36

58 15 72 85 285 257

22l 44 599 622 30 21 23 8 Deserted

25 3 100 106 .5

38 5 172 11.10 I} 8 17 15

8 3 171 ]68 29 24

28 9 108 i :22 25

36 2 202 191 11 39 41

89 11 124 ] 13 11

12 81 82 4, 3 6

27 150 162 I} 25 22 13

28 75 62 92 104 62 62 15

67 2 318 3211 5 7 102 107

60 8 124 ]53 l46 106 I 4

70 697 635 Iii 11 II 7 101 175 18 3112 416 15 III 185 176 23

297 67 • 850 827 37 30 ]63 171 Iii

135 Jl 270 258 8 8 36 36 22

196 27 367 3g3 34 23& 221 44

455 59 1,100 1,096 303 268 898 899 4/j 63

116 15 325 345 25 22 146 170

81 13 387 409 64 63 Primary Census 286 -" Noo-Agricultural Classes

--~"~ Pereoos ( including dependants) who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from

8. Name of village or -~--" - -~ -- ---I~ VIII-Other V-Production VI-Commerce V I 1-T rallsport,. services and ~wn/ward No.! other than cui. \ miscelJl!.neou. tivation I \ sourCes I -- - I MalI'S Females Males IF.m'I~1 M.I., ._.... ~M.I~ Females 1 I ! 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I - ---

~1 Jinti 92 67 3 1 1 471 387 22 Kalaj 41 33 3 2 25 18 23 Kamblesgwar 41 20

24 Kapadgaon 7 14 4 4 39 32

25 Kapshi 5 4 2 ~ 14 14

26 Khadaki

27 Khamgaon 153 134 15 16 34 30

28 Khunte 17 14 173 159

26A Koparde Deserted

29 Korahale 2

30 Koregaon :I 18 19

31 Kuravali Bk. 23 15 12 g

32 K uravali Kh. 4 3

33 K!lsur 4 4 25 24

34 Malavadi 15 14 2

35 Mandavkhadak 7 3 2

36 Mjra~he 3 6 11 7

37 Miragaon 15 4 2 9 12

38 Munjavadi 2:3 19 11 4

39 MUl'IIrn 27 26 :I 17 24

40 Nand,,1 52 52 I 7 (;

41 Nimhho;"" 162 149 3 4 36 31

4:l Nimblak 58 59 17 18 61 46

43 Nirgudi 62 48 2 72 71 44 Endegaon 26 33 49 30

44A r'haltan ].... 011- 117 102 33 27 20 10 203 170 municipal "rea 45 Pimparad 32 28 2 ::I 43 48

46 Rajale 14 12 2 5 11 7 PHALTAN TALUKA !fH'

New-eet pt)8t office Nearest Railway Nearest bazar village, Items Remark.. snd its distance in station and its its distance in miles & or note miles distance in miles Bazar day.

:oW 30 31 32 3~ ---- PtJltltan,6 Lonand, It Phaltan, 6, Snn. P.S.,C.S,

Sakharwadi, 3 Lonand, 9 Sf.kharwadi, 3, Thurs. P.B.

Phaltan,5 Lonand, 17 Ph!dtan, 5, Sun. P.S.

Lonand, 64 Lon&.nd, 64 Lon~nd, 64, Thurs. P.S.

Lonand,4, Adllrki, 4, Lonand,4, Thurs. P.S.,C.S.

Phaltan, 7 Adarki, 7 Phaltan, 7, Sun. Lonand, 10 Lonand, 10 Pirnpalwadi, I~. Thurs. P.S.

Phaltan. () Lonand, 17 Phaltan, 6, Sun. P.S.,C.S. De.·erleri Lonand, 12 Adarki, 6 Bibi, 2, M:on. P.S.

Lrmand, Lonand, 1 Lonann, I, Thurs. P.S.

Gunware,4o ",Baramati, 1 4, Barad, 3, Fri. P.S.

Phaltan. 5 Lonand. 25 Phaltan,5, Sun. V.P.

Lon .. nd, 4 Lonand, 4 Lonand, 4, Thurs. P.S.

Phaltan, 10 Adarki, 8 Bibi, 3, ~lotl.

Phllltan, 6 Lolland, 26 Phaltlln, 6, Hun. V.P.

Gunware,.5 Baramati, 17 Barad, 3, FrL P.S.,C.S.

Phaltan, 4 Lonand, 14 Phaltan, 4, :;lun. P.S.,C.C.S.

Gunware, 3 Lonand, 29 Barad,3, Fri P.S.,V.P.,C.s.

Lonand, 9 Lonand, 9 Piropalwadi, 2, Thurs. C.C.S.

~ Lonand, 11 Lonand, II Lonand, II, Thurs. P.S.,V.P. P.s., Phalt3l4.2 LOlll.nd. 1-2 Ph e.l tall ,2 ,-SllJl. to ... ": P.O. Lonand, 27 lla.zu, Thurs. ..t l' fi. C.6.

Phaltan, 6 Lonand, 12 Phaltan, 6, Sun...... ",.~

Nira, Nira, 1 Lonand,3, Thurs. P.S.

P. O. Lonand, 17 Bazar, Sun. P.B.,C.S.

P.O. Lonand, 21 Phaltan, 6, Sun. P,B.,C.C.s.

Phaltan, Bararoati, 10 Phaltan, I, Sun. P.B.,C.C.S

----~-. - --- t P. W. D. Bungalow. 28B Primary Census Absirad

-l~(,CUPied Houses

Total No. of persoIlll No. of iDm.. ~o S. Name of "mage or Area of No.of enumerated [ including of Institutiont village No. of house imnates of institutions ..nd houseles. No. !'own/ward or town houses holds and houseless perRons] persons in square • miles p.~m\ M:,"' F"7t~, Fema.1ee 3 5 ](1

--'-----'-~ ------47 RaJuri 7.() 195 226 1,175 684 591

4S Ravadi Bk. 2.8 134 167 770 408 362

49 Ravadi Kh. 2.5 82 355 166 IS9

!SaJpEl' 5.0 101 175 876 412 464

51 Sangavi &.8 2:.!7 346 1,578 800 778 5 5 02 Sa.l'llde 4.0 201 267 ] ,345 686 659 4 '1

53 Saska}; 3.0 126 140 700 :In 359

54 9.5 337 342 1,801 874 927 7 5

55 Sa.thEl' 3.5 ~8 121 676 33S 338 511 Somanthwi 3.& 172 178 110& 442 466 57 Sonawadi Bk. l.t> 62 69 341 180 161

68 Sonawadi Kh. 2.0 43 46 238 124 114

SongaOfl 2.8. 173 173 787 413 374

60 4.~ 206 206 1,116 566 560

61 Tadavale- 3.8 195 223 993 498 495 2 2

82 Tilkalwade 2.() 103 118 003 26& 235

63 TambavEl' 3.!! 21~ 266 1,329 633 696 4 7 64 4.5 119 133 666 337 329

65 Taradgaon J3.() 792 861 4,370 2,121 2,249 9 9

66 T ..thavada 11 .() 141 199 1,OOZ 495 507

61 Tavadi 1.~ 20 23 100 50

68 Timkwadi 1.8 6S 69 327 157 170

69 Upalv& 9.0 177 ISS 1,013 523 7 10

70 Vadagaon l.B 6) 61 295 132 163 'n Vadajal }.{} 25 191 9-.1 97 72 Vadala 7.6 101 120 570 27& 297

'13 Yaghoshi J.8 48 50 281 138 143 PHALTAN TALUKA 289

Agrioultural Classes

I I-Cultivators II-Cultivators Ill-Cultivating IV -Non-Cultivatin. Llteraten of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, a~r( or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependants oultural rent recei. I and their owned and vers, and their I dependants their dependants dependants ------M ales Females Males Females Males Females M alf;ls Females Males Femllies

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

91 10 458 460 52 49 24 24

77 18 92 93 JO 15 249 197 10 9

7 53 57 9 5 100 124 2

116 36 263 317 4 5 15 9

115 10 320 324 28 23 21'i 185 !!.2

66 6 343 ·326 212 203

81 4 325 354 4 2 2 216 30 609 599 5 4 29 35 no 37 2 226 235 3 95 87

91 17 414 439

12 126 117 16 10 18

16 2 III 101 6 6

45 13 42 36 94 83 2

98 8 233 250 21 37 88 63 27

115 14 152 149 27 18 147 t65 24

40 3 170 155 18 II 54 55 :3

228 32 .509 558 18 21 29

60 -5 240 213 16 15 18 .33

645 154 1,116 ],221 144 129 240 271 1163 :188

104 17 380 390 4 41 20 .25

15 3 37 30 2 3 11

II 3 86 87 29 29 '26 26

65 7 413 430 I 28 48

16 109 '25 1 1 3 2

8 59 7Q 20 '1.4 9

62 I 167 4'0 46 :n. 36

26 1()5 III 2 290 Primary Census Absll'aet

Non-Agricultural CI&Bses

_-- - ~~--- Persons ( including dependants) who derive their prinoipal mpanB of livelihood from S. Name of villag{' or -"--_ - I VIII-Othet- No town/ward V - Production I VI-Commerce I VII-Transport services and othe~ th~n cul- misc.llaneouli tlvatlOn , I t I sources Males Me.le"IFem81~ Ma'M jF,ma,,, M. \ ••ma~" 1 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 \ 28 1'-"""1I "----- ~ ---"_------~----- 47 Raj uri 20 25 30 33

48 Ravadi Bk. 41 33 6 10

4\\ Ravlldi Kh. 2 "2 1

50 Salpe 32 39 4 8 30 20 64 66 5] Sangavi 213 221 3 15, to

52 l'arade 62 52 4 4 7 5 58 61)

53 Baskal 3 2 5

54 Saswad 83 JOO 19 17 19 20

fi5 Sathe 3 4 I) I)

56 SomanthaIi 28 26

57 Sonawadi Bk. 13 Hi 6 :1. 6

58 Sonawadi Kh. 4 6 3 1

59 ::Sungaon 85 72 7 3 2 1 181 171)

to Surwarli 134 125 12 11 51 47

61 Tarlavale 75 67 2 73 60

t::! Takalwade 13 3 10 6

ti3 Tambav9 22 22 5 6 49 40

64 Taradaf 45 li5 1 16 12

65 Tal'lt(lgaon 247 220 76 75 3 6 132 139

6(1 Tathavada 22 19 3 25 31

67 Tll\oaJi 4 4 .) 68 T:$kwadi 17. 27 ' . I : b" Up~,h:e 23 27 10 10 15 8 70 Yadagaon 3 2 4 T

71 VaclajaI 6 6

72 ,'"rlale 31 37 9 8

73 \ agboshi 26 ]9 1 3 7 PHALTAN TALUKA ::91

N eW'llst post office Nearest Railway Nearest bazar viI1age, Items Remark.. Bnd -its distance in station and its its distance in Il).i\~1! & of 'B.O~ miles distance in miles Bazar day.

29 30 31 32 33


Gunware, 4 Lonalld,29 Barad, 3, Fri. P.S., V.P.,C·C.S.

Lonand,7 Lonand, 7 Sakh&rwadi, 6, Thurs.

Lonand,5 Lonand, 5 Lonand, 5, Thurs.

Lonand, 6 Salpe. ] LOfland. 6, Thurs. P.S.,C.S.

Phaltan, 6 Bararnati, 8 Phaltlln, 6, Sun. P.S,.C.C.S.

Phaltan,10 Lonand, 30 PhaltilH, 10, Sun. O.C.S.

Phaltan, 5 Lona.lld,23 Phaltan, 5, Sun.

Lonand,6 Lonalld, 6 Lonand, 6, Thurs. P.S.,C.C.S.

NimbIak,3 Bararnati, 8 NimbIak, 3, Thurs. P.S.

.. ,-'::" - Phaltan,5 Lona.lld, 17 Phaltan, 5, Smt. P.S.,C.S.

Phaltan,4 Lonand, 19 Phaltan, 4, Sun. O.S.

Phaltan,:_ 4 LonaIld, \9 Phalt&n, 4, Sun. P.B.,C.S.

Phaltan, 8 Lonand. 28 Phattan, 8, Sun.

Sakharwadi,2 LOllll.ud, 10 Sakharwadi, 2, Thurs. P.S.,C.S. Lonand,9 Lonand, 9 Lonand, 9, Thurs. t P.S.,C.S.

NimbIak. I Lonand,25 Nimblak, I, Thul'S. P.S. V,.P.,C,C.S.

Lonand, 4 SaIpe,2 Lonand, 4, Thurs. P.S.,C.C. S .

Phaltan, 10 Adarki, 14 Phaltan, 10, Sun. P.S.

P.O. Lonand,4 Lonand, 4, Thurs. P.B., V. P.,C.S.

Phaltan, 12 Adarki, 10 Phaltan, 12, Sun. P.S.

PhaItan,4 Lonand,12 Phaltan, 4, Sun.

-~ .... ; PhaILan,6 Lonand, 24 Phaltan, 6, Sun.

Gir'''~'i, 5 Lonand, 18 Giravi, 5, Sat. P.S.

Lonand,14 Adarki,6 Adarki Bk., 5, S,1t.

Phaltan, 4 Lonand, 13 Phaltan, 4, Sun.

,Piroparad, 3 Lonand,2± Pha:Uln, 7, ~-lin. P.S.,C.S,

LOIlllnd,14 Adarki, 7 Lommd, 14, Thurs. P.S.

---~--- t P. W.D. Bungalow. Primary Censuf! Abstrnc:{

[OCCUPied Houses

Area of I -- -- ~-- Total No. of persons \ No. ofinmate~ enumerated [including , of institution~ s. N arne of village or village I inmates of institutions and bouseleBtl or town No. of No. of and houseless pe~8ons] persons No. town/ward in houses I house I square . I holds miles \ _____ i~_ I I I ,Persons l\f ales I Females ,"'I ales Fema..lel r 3 4 5 'fi 7 8 0 r 9 \ 10

74 Vakbari 6.3 174 174 905 454 451

75 Vathm: s.3 274 300 1,500 717 783

76 Vedani 8.5 366 468 2,tia:l 1,360 1,272 17 16

'17 VeloElhi . 2.5 32 38 180 87 !!3

'l8 Vinchm'ni 3,5 48 52 311 15i 157 Total for villages 425.5 15.352 17,450 87.639 43,798 43,841 239 236 Total for taluka 455.8 17.444 19.897 99,781 50.095 49,686 260 252

t'rimary Census Abstrael

------~~ N Oll-Alo!l'icultura.1 Classes

~~~~-_~ ---. ---- I--I Persons ( includiJ.g depelldants ) who df'rive tf,,,ir prinoip,.1 i lneans of livelihood from s. NSi'fle of villUo~e Or I ------V ill-Uther No. towlI/ward V-Productloll I VI-Commerce I \' iJ-'J'raJlHporl I services ana other than cl1l- I rfllseellaneoill I _tivation ______1 sources_ I Males FeiIl .. I,,~ Mal,,~ FemaleR Mal"ri I Female8 Males Il Fernaleo

2 21 z2 ___~ __ 24 l5_l,___2_6_-L __2_7_,--_28_

74 Vakhari 13 11 10 6 4

75 Vathar 166 182 21 29 ]0 7 61 93

7fl Vodani 76 72 25 3 103 95

77 Veloshi

78 Vinchurni 7 6 5

Total for villages 4,520 4,175 503 506 183 164 3,443 3,126

Total for talukll 6,023 5,584 1.655 1,55~ 366 306 5,881 5,460

-~- ---'------~------PHALTAN TALUKA 29

Agricultural Classes - - , __ - --- I 1- Cultivat.ors II- Cultivators III- Cultivating I I IV -Non-oultivatin€ Liter6tels • f lll.nd wholly of land wholly I labourers and ownerD of la!ld. agr' , or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependants Clultural reut recai- I and their owned and vers. and their dept'ndantB their depeI;dants dependants I I

I MalAR Females MaleR I Females Male. : Femalee Males F~mal~ Mal.. r...... ! 11 12 ) \ 13 14 Iii I 16 17 18 19 20 I I

72 11 400 408 7 6 11 6 9 13

200 49 161 163 183 188 ~03 107 12 1<10 l03 20 813 767 70 72 23. 208 36 33

6 74- 67 2 2 ]0 24

5 6 127 ] ~ 0 3 3 12 6 1

8,596 1,529 25,093 25.595 1,344 1,242 7,189 1i.918 1,523 2,115 11.502 2,758 25,839 26,231 1,375 1.283 1,245 6,956 1,711 2,314


N_r".. t p.ltlL offioe Nearest Railway Neare .. t. baz.. r vlllage.!Hems and its distanoo In station and its Its distance in miles and of note RemarkB miles distsnoo in miles Bazar day,'

29 3U II 32 113 ------Phaltan, 7 Lonand, 16 Phaltan. 7, SUD. P.S.,V.P.

Phaltan, 4 Lona.nd, 14 Phaltan, 4, Sun. P.S.

Phaltan, 3 Lonand. 20 Phaitan, 3. Sun. P.S., V.P.

Phaltan, 16 Lonand, 20 Phaltan, 16, Sun.

Giravi, 3 Lonand, 20 Giravi, 3, Sat. P.S., C.C.S. 2940-,- Primary Census Abstract Occupied Houses

Total No. of persons No. of inm"L"Il S. Name of village or Area of No. of enumerated [including of institution! village No. of house inmates of institutions and houseles. No. town/ward or town houses holds and houseleRs persons] parsons In square miles Malee Females Males Females

2 3 4 Ii 7 8 10 1 I


1 Satara City M. 1.3 5,641 8,185 38,521 19,631 ] 8,890 301 68

Ward I 381 848 3,744 1,903 1,841

II 712 718 3.459 1,837 1,622 140 7

III 395 833 4,627 2,300 2,327 13 35

IV 424 680 3,040 1;536 1,504 33 13

V 895 1,045 4,922 2,469 2,453 8'2 7 .' VI 665 1,398 6,293 3,255 3,038 9 1 VII 792 851 3,941 1,976 1,965

VIII 1,073 ],382 6,040 3,135 2,9()5 ]6 2

IX ~04 430 2,455 1,220 1,235 8 3

2 Satara 4.0 768 820 2,549 1,368 1,181 134 33 Suburb an 1\1. Total for towns S.3 6,409 9,005 41,070 20,999 20,071 435 101 VILLAGES

1 Akle 2.3 177 ·177 792 375 417

2 Alawadi 1.8 50 57 173 74 99

3 Ambawade Bk. 2.3 160 172 936 438 498 22 15

4 Ambawade Kh. O.S 90 93 465 215 250 IS 11

5 Amble l.Q 33 33 130 55 75

6 Anawale ~.8 49 50 221 96 125

7 Angapur Tarf 2.3 200 209 990 460 530 Targaon 8 Angapur Tarf 2.8 379 382 1,769 811 958 Vandan 9 Apsinge 3.8 364 371 1,880 845 1,035

10 Arala 3.8 264 :140 1,849 880 969

11 Are Tarf Parali 1.3 110 110 561 245 316 11 14

12 Arpha) 2.8 190 212 1,228 573 655 25 25

13 Asangaon 5.3 370 400 1,801 811 990 7 6 (including wadis) 14 Aehte 0.8 89 96 525 245 280 24 ]7 SATARA TALUKA 295

Agricultural Classes

I.Cultivators II·Cultivfltofe IlI·Cultivating IV ·Non.CuitillatinB Literates of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, Bgri· or mainly owned or mainly un· their dependants cultura.l rent reoei. and their owned find vers, and their dependa.nts their dependants deptlndants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

) 11 12 13 14 " 15 16 17 18 19 20 - - ~-

11,104 6,243 713 664 76 66 106 87 499 461 1,307 815 41 35 4 3 59 M

!1l6 538 30 18 '... 2 78 86 1,263 1,039 63 47 1 1 96 '18

843 412 4 2 6 6 33 "34 1,7 10 1,041 7G 70 12 10 2 2 76 47

2,305 1,337 ol 27 6 5 2 1 92 ~5 1,309 676 39 28 2 3 38 27

913 250 53 60 5 2 63 9 6 8 538 135 353 377 43 37 36 71 21 :a6 1,126 450 226 188 4 1 47 U 2 5 Q l'l.,'Z36 6,693 939 85'2. 80 61 153 131 501 466

85 l!l 362 408 1 1 8 71 98 it

123 11 339 416 3 2 2 7 3 0(1 21 4 163 209

11 2 54 73 1 2 23 85 113 2 176 58 390 460 15 18 15 25 7 4 353 99 609 732 1 3 15 24, 6 n 344 90 760 951 2 304 181 570 699 66 70 12 S 12 12 46 8 207 267 5 12 122 67 482 528 2 6 17 118 25 727 872 24 45 '19 16 212 251

--_- -- -~------~~ 296 Primary CeDsus Abstrae1

N on-Agricultl1 ral Classes 1- PerBoDS ( including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from ·Name of viUage 0:' I VIII-0 thel town/ward V - Production I VI-Commerce I VII-Transport services and other than cul- miscellaneolll! tivation I !!ources

M ales Females Males Females )\dales Females MaleS\Femaleo 2 21 22 23 ,24 26 260 27 I 28 ------TOWNS

1 Satara City M. 3,42l 3,347 4.245 4,103 666 574 9,905 9,488

Ward I 285 265 358 341 43 42 1,113 1,105

II 322 :::49 334 .339 31 :.H 1,042 897 III 332 369 596 5-l3 62 70 1,150 1,218 IV 305 312 345 2!.'5 &6 03 777 792

V 327 414 738 7400 97 88 1,121 1,082

VI 694 635 803 755 UI6 146 1.468 1,374 VII 261 281 558 60l 83 87 989 938 " VIII 664 615 396 376 ll3 107 1,835 1,728 IX 225 207 97 113 35 40 410 354

2' E starn Suburban M. 95 105 96 115 20 :12 877 701

Total for towns 3,517 3,452 4,341 UJa ~86 696 10,782 10,189 VILLAGES

Akl& 4 9 7

2 Alawadi 2 3 Ainbawade Bk. 77 58 2 12 8

4 Ambawade Kh. 29 18 23 23

5 .AmblG

6 Anawale 5 4 6 6

7 Angapur Tarf 9 6 5 [; 19 12 Targaon & Angapur Tarf 80 70 21 2~ 79 89 Vandan 9 Apsinge 50 52 2 :,I 31 28 10 Arale 106 89 4 .. 110 107

11 Are Tarf P arali 11 14 ~ 3 1 17 20

12 Arpha! 23 32 3 9 57 68

13- Asangaon 33- 37 3 26 32 (including wadis) 14 Ashte l! 6 31 23

~------SA'TARA TALUKA 297

Nearest bazar village, Items Neurellt post ~office Nearest Railway Remark~ Dond itll distance in station and its ita distance in miles & of Bote miles distance in miles Bazar da.y.

29 30 31 32 33

P. O. Satara. Road. 10 Baza.r. Sun. Ajimtara P.S .• C.S. fort

P. O. Satsra Roa.d, 10 Bazar, Sun. P. 8 .• C .S.

Kauher. 1/8 Satara Road, 18 Kanher, 1/8, Tues. P. S. Parali, 8 Satara. Road, 24 Parali, 8, Mon. P. S. Parali, 1 Satsra Road, 17 Parali, I, Mon. p. S.

Parali. 3 S 8 tara Road, 14 Parali, 3- Mon. p. S.

Parali, 6 Satara Road, 18~ ParaH, 6,' Mon. P. S.

Parali, 3 Satara Road. 18 Parali. 3, Mon. P. S.

Angapur Tarf Rahirnatpur, 3 Angapur Tarf P. S. Vandan, 1/8 Vandan, If8 Sat. P. O. Rahimatpur, 3 Bazar. Sat. P. S .• C. S PO. Rahimatpur. 7 Nagthane. 1, Tues. P.S., V.P.,C.C.S.

\Vaduth, 1/4 Satars Road, 5 Waduth, 1/4, Sat. P S .• V.P.,C.S. Satara, 5 Satars Road. 16 Satara. 5, Sun. P. S.

Wsduth, 1 Satsrs Road, 4 Waduth, 1. Sat. p.e., C.S.

Satara, 8 Satara Road, 18 Satara, 8, Sun. P. S.

ParaH, Se.tsrs Road, 16 ParaH. 1, 1\Ion. P.S. 298 Primary Census Absbact

Oooupied Houees I

Total No. of persons No. of inm.. t"8 S. N arne of village or Area of No. of enumerated [ inoluding of InstItutIon. village No. of house iwnates of institutions and houseles. No. town/ward or town hOUReS holds and house lese persons) porson. in squa{ll mils!! Males Females Males Female!!

2 3 4 8 ., H)

_'_I - ~~~---'--- - -~-- 15 Atali 1.3 35 35 15.6 68 88

16 Atit 6.8 307 442 2,147 1,042 1,105 40 31

17 Banghar 0.8 69 61l 323 149 174 14 19

18 Bhambavali 1.3 16 16 54 32

19 Bharatgaon 3.3 254 264 1,162 551 6U 6 6 20 Bhatmarali 2.3 74 99 560 268 292 13 13

21 Bhondawllde 0.8 53 54 328 170 158 27 6

22 Boposhi 0.8 102 102 566 282 284

23 Borane 1.8 44 44 158 74 84

24 Borgaon 3.3 243 271 1,301 6g6 605 6 8

25 Borkhal 2.5 201 225 1,087 523 564, 8 17

26 Chikhali 2.5 144 155 708 357 85J 2

27 Chinchaner S. Nimb 2.0 182 240 1,286 604 682 49 61

28 Chinchaner 2.5 220 2R2 1,379 649 730 Vandan Chinch ani 2.3 154 156 688 306 382 22 27

30 Dare Bk. 1.8 90 122 627 300 327

31 Dare Kh. 1.3 33 34 175 83 92

32 Dare Tarf Parali ... 1.5 61 62 258 112 146

33 7.3 435 513 2,547 1,206 1,341 14 11

34 Dhahiwad 0.8 100 105 421 178 24,3 3 2

35 Dhavali 1.8 48 48 154 56 98

36 Dhawadshi 1.8 151 171 832 398 434 24 20

37 Dhighawale 0.8 1 4 1 3

38 Dolegaon 1.3 87 103 577 282 295 31 31

39 Fatyapur 1.5 146 168 806 406 400 10 11

40 Gajwadi 118 137 630 298 332 10 21

41 Gawadi 70 72 362 161 201

42 Ghatwan 0.5 10 10 56 27 29 SATARA TALUK4 2~9 ------~---- Agricultural Classes

I. Cultivat.ors II. Cultivators III· Cultivating IV ·N on.cultivatillfl LitE!ratea of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agri • or mainly owned or mainly un- their depandantll oultural rent reoei. and their owned and vera, and thei? dependants tbeir dependants dependants

- ~eJes Females r Mal,," Males J Femal=! Mal&) I Females Males Fern.. IQlI 11 12 1 13 15 I 16 I 17 I 18 III 20

9 66 85

370 83 548 570 7 8 2 43

12 2 131 157

8 32

141 20 442 471 4 G 26

90 8 236 2J,9 2 1

10 4 16L 153

17 2 2155 264 11 ]4 I> 6

2 66 74 1 3

318 439 386 1 2 48 54 9 11

213 42 330 356 25 20 ~7 31 5 '1

345 339 2 2 7

234 82 466 508 28 51

296 93 533 632 35

103 5 258 330 2

41 3 154 169 2 4

24, 10 42 39 2

lIS 4 95 116 5 6 12

233 105 835 944 32 28 92 91 1

35 I 160 226 1 3 1

6 56 98

125 33 261 296 29 38 5 2 8 1 3

73 7 198 202 4 2 n

136 12 225 204 17 17 10 12 45 55

127 36 267 288 2 4 2 1)

10 6 139 17Q

1 27 29 300 Primary Ceasus Abstra~, ------_- --- Non-Agricultural CI68868

Per~ons ( including dependants) who derive their principal meaDS of livelihood from Name &1 village or VIII-Other No. 1 tow, ward V-Production VI-Commeroe I VII - T taDSport services and ot.her than cuI. miscellaneou. tivation I ----_ sd'ruces MaIl'S Females Males Fo;roalos MaIeR F~."'1 M.I~ \ '"'~I.. 2 21 22 23 24 21> 26 27 28 --- Vi Atali 2 3

16 Atit 198 225 85 65 4 153 178

11 Banghar 1& 17 1

~S Bhambavali

19 Bharatgaon 51 54 27 30

20 Bhatmarali II 12 20 21

21 Bhondawade 3 7 1 22 Boposhi

23 Borane 2 4 2 2

24 Borgaon 43 38 14 5 142 109

25 Borkhal 70 78 2 & 4 58 67

26 Chikhali 3 3

21 Chinchaner 51 45 9 13 46 53 S. Nimh 2g Chinchaner 52 48 3 29 14 Vandan 29 2 2 23 22 17 22

30 Dare Bk. 20 22 12-1 132

:n Dare Kh. 2 37 50 32 Dare Tart" 10 13 Farali 33 Degaon 159 201 11 12 2 74 65 34 Dhahiwad 14 13 S5 Dhavati

36 Dhawa.dshi 50 53 4- 7 1\ 3 29 26

31 Dhighawale

38 Dolegaon 45 43 36 35

31) Fatyapur 47 47 13 1& 49 50

40 Gajwadi 22 37 I)

41 Gawadi )3 18 9 13

42 Ghatwan ---- SATARA TALUKA 301

Nearest post office Nearest H .. Uway Ne.. reMt L.. z ..r village, Items a.nd it. distance in statiml and its Its distance in mileR a.nd of note Remarke mile. distance in miles Bazar day,

29 10 II 82

Farali, 8~ Satara Roa

Parali,9 Satar!), Road, 25 Parali, 9, Mon.

ParaH, 1:' Rahima,tpur, II Parali, 1~, Mon. 1'.8.

Satara,8 Satara Road, 18 Satara, 8, Sun. P.S.

ParaH, 2 Satara Road, 14 Parah, 2, Mon. C.S.

ParaH, 10 Satara Road, 26 Farali, 10, Mon. P.S.

Parali,3 Satora Road, 1 () ParaH, 3, Mon.

P. O. Rahimatpur, 8 Nagthane, If4, Tups. P.S.

Wadutb, 2 Satora Road, 4 '''aduth, 2, Sat. P.B.,C.S.

Parali,10 Satara Road, 26 Parali, 10, Mon.

Kshetra Koregaon,5 Satara, 5, Sun. F.S.,C.C.S. ,3 P. O. Rahimatpur, 6 Targaon, 2, Wed. P.S.,C.C.s..

Kanher,2 Satara Road, 19 Kanher, 2, Tues, P.S.

Satara, 2 Satara Road, ] 2 Satara, 2, Sun.

Satara, 2 Satara Road, 12 Satara, 2, Snn.

Satara,6 Satara Road, 16 Satara. 6, Sun. P.B.

P. O. Rahimatpur,9 Satara, 2, Sun. P.S.,V.P.,C.C.s.. ParaH, 2 Satara RORd, 18 Parali, 2, Mon. P.S. l'arali, 8 Satara Road, 24 Farali, 8, Mon.

P. O. Satara Road, ] 7 Kauhbr, 3, Tues. 1'.8.

Parali,6 Satara Road, 22 Farali,6, Mon.

Nagthane,4 Targoon ,14 Nagthane, 4, Tues.

Sat:.ra,6 Satara Road_, 16 Satara, 6, Sun.

Parali, 1 Satara Road, 17 ParaH, I, Mon. P.S.

Parali, 9 Satara ROad, 25 Parali,. 9, Mon.

i F. W. D. Bungalow. 302 Primary Cer.asus Abstratt

loccuPied Houses I Total No. of persons No. of inmate. Area of ---1---' enumerated [including r of institution~ S. Name of village or village I inmates of institutions I and houseleso or town No. of I No. of and houseless persons] persons No. town/ward in Ihouses house I square . holds miles \

I I personflales- Females Males Female. 9. 1 II 3 4 Ii 6 I 7 8 • 10

42 A Godoli Forms part of Satara SJIburban municipal area.

43 GojegaolJ ].(.1 100 105 506 254 252

Gove 3.8 227 292· 1,447 6in 786- 12 26 Hamdabad 0.8 44 46 261 121 140 4 2

46 Jaitapur 0.8 80 81 428 198 230 21 10

47 Jambhe 0.5 48 50 253 128 125 48 J ihe excluding Pha. dtarwadi and Mun. 4.3 211! 309 ] ,054 431 623 3-1 35 dhewadi 49 Kalambe 1.8 155 167 835 382 453 16 11

50 Kaloshi 1.5 110 113 540 218 322 8 8

51 Kamathi Tarf 0.8 106 108 46.3 212 253 8 7 Parali 52 Kamathi Tarf 4.5 185 247 1,210 523 687 Satara 53 Kameri 3.0 169 211 1,033 486 547 4

54 Kanher 2.0 138 197 ] ,003 463 540

55 Karandi 2.5 166 177 887 ~08 479 22 21

Karanja '.rarf 2.0 133 156 718 312 01,06 Parali 57 Karange Tarf 4.5 80 93 • 673 352 321 93 80 S.. tara 5S Karl 3.3 254, 260 1,3'12 598 714 28 17

59 Kasani 1.0 33 33 122 59 63

60 Kashil 5.3 314 383 1,863 1112 951

131 Katwadi Bk. 1.3 84 328 135 193

62 Katwadi Kh. 0.8 21 2:! 86 34 52

63 Kelwali 2.3 43 44 200 105

64 Khadgaon 1.3 66 77 307 135 172

G5 Khed 3.3 206 226 1,390 697 693 53 38

6l) Khodad 51 85 411 198 213

67 Khojewadi 4.3 197 213 1,021 497 524 :2

1J8 Kidgll.on 2.8 222 1,085 518 507

69 Kedoli 7.1> 396 458 2,236 ] ,057 1,179 11 9 SATARA TALUKA 303 ~ -- Agrioultural Classes

I.Cultivators II.Cultivators I1I·Cultivating IV.Non.Cultivating of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, a.gri. or mainly owned or mainly un· their dependants cultural rant race;· and their owned and vers, and their dependants their dependants dependlldlte

Males Females Malas Females Males Females Males Females Males ) 11 12 13 14 Iii 16 17 18 19 20

FOnDS part of Satara Suburban municipa.l area.

96 22 Hl7 209 25 21 1

266 97 485 554 37 55 46 53 21 35

64 17 96 120 2 I) 8

54 17 193 224 1 3 2 3

3 124 122 4 3

200 69 356 534 9 16 10 16 4 12

J 19 9 294 356 3 4 II.

41 2 183 284

22 3 202 246 I

160 8 490 646 2 2 3 158 36 446 495 13 20 2

128 31 382 452 5 4 1 3 4

160 37 306 351 19 12 4, 6 4- 7

43 8 291 369 3 .5 ii

93 19 137 120 3 2 4 185 36 472 598 2 22 25 2

8 1i6 61 1 2 249 64 589 610 22 17 78 85 48 79 20 133 192 28 29 4 95 105

33 4 134- 172 3.10 96 462 485 65 59 26 35

55 3 176 186 2 10 17

173 27 375 374 Ii 7 89 103 145 30 413 461 6 5 26 26

402 109 719 79'7 54 57 36 39 35 50

----~--- 3(}4 Primary Census Abstrae~

Non-Agricultural Classes

------~.-- Paraone ( inoluding dependants) who derive their prinoipo.l meaIll! of l~velihood from Ijj. Name of viUago or

No' ~wnJward V - Produotion VI-Commeroo I VIl-TrW'l.8Por-:-1 !!~t~t::~ other th!ID cuI. misoolJaneollO tivation f ~urces I Males F emales Males Females Males Females MOl.'!',:","" r 2 21 22 23 2. 26 26 " 2'1 28

42A Go doli Forms part of Satara Suburban munioipal area.

43 Gojega.on 19 14 1 \l &

~~ Govo 46 113 '1 ]f) 1~ lr.

45 Hamdabad 4 3 3 4 2 3 9

46 Jaitapur 2

47 Jambhe 48 Jibe (excluding Phadtarwadi a.nd ... 29 30 3 3 3 3 17 9 Mundhewadi) 49 Kalambe 51 50 1 I 32 40 60 Kaloshi 13 n 22 27 61 Ku[m,thi Tarf 9 '1 P~rali 52 Kamathi Tare 22 29 9 S Satara 53 Kameri 14 17 3 2 9 10 54 Kanhpl" 51 44 .. " 20 28 65 Karandi 51 03 3 3 20 37

56 Karaaje Tan 9' '1 2 11 2 2 5 7 PlIoral, 57 Karllnje Tarf 24 21 10 8 2 173 168 Satara 68 Kari 78 64 3 5 3 3 18 16 59' Kasant 2

60 Rashi! 93 97 10 10 72 53

&1 Ko.twadi Bk. 2 1

62 Katwadi Kh. 3 10 5 10 63 Kelwaii ... 64 Khadgaon

6i) Khed all 43 6 6 1 85 64

66 Khotlad 11 8

67 Khojewadi 8 18 6 3 ]5 19

68 Kidgaon al 29 7 7 2 36 36

69 Kodoli i1 61 19 11 6 12 128 146 ------__ - SATARA TALUKA 305

I Ne .... est POSL office Nearest Railw8,y Nearest hazar village, Items I Remark.. and its distallce in station and its its distance in miles & of BOte miles distance in miles Bazar day.

29 30 31 32 33

Forms part of Satara Suburban municipal area.

Tasgaon, 1 Rahimatpur, 4 Tasgaon, 1, Wed. P.S.

Limb, ! Satara Road, 6 Limb, !, Sun. P.S. SlIotara, 3 Satara Road, 13 Satara, 3, Sun. P,R.

Chinch,mer Vlmdan,l Rahimatpur, 8 Tasgaon, 3, Wed P.S.

Parali, 10 Satara Road, 2& PaTali, HI, }lIon.

P. O. Rahimatpur, 2 Tasgaon, 2, Wed. P.S.C.C.S.

Kanher, 3 SlltaI'a Road, 20 Kanher, 3, Tues.

ParaH, 2 Satara Road, IS Parali, 2, Mon. P.8.

ParaH, 2 Satara Road, 18 l'arali, 2, Mon. 1'$.

Kanher. 3 Satara Road, 20 Kanher, 3, 'fues.

Targaon, :I Targaon, 3~ Targaon, 3, Mon. P.S.

P. C,. Satara Road,17 Bazar, Tues. P.S.C.C,S.

Satara, 5 Satara Road, 15 Satara, 5, Sun. P.S.

Parali, 2 S~tara Road, 18 ParaH, 2, Mon.

Satara. I Satara Road" 11 Satara, I, Sun. t

Parali, 5 Satara Road, 21 Parali, 5. MOn. P.S.C.S.

Parali, 9 Satara Road, 25 ParaIi, 9, Mon. P.B.

Nagthane, 7 Targaon, 4 Atit, 4, Fri. P.S.C,C.S,

Parali, 3 Satara Road, 19 Parali, 3, Mon. P.S.

Parali,01 Satara Road, 20 Parali, 4, Mon.

Parali, 7 Satara Road, 23 Parali, 7, Mon.

Parali, 4 Satara Road, 20 Parali, 4, Mon. P.S.

Satara, 3 Satara Road, S Satara, 3, Sun. t P.S.

Apsinge, 3 Targaon, 4, Atit, ~, Fri. P.S.

Satara, 5~ Satara Road, 15! Satsra, 5~, SUD. P.S.C.C.S,

Satara, 3 Rahimatpnr, 10 Satara, 3, Sun. P,S.V.P.C.S. _---___::C_:_:.C.S. t P. W. D. BungalOW. 3('6 Primary CeDsus Abstrad

Occupied ~ouse81 I Total No. of ptlrlloDs No. of inmates 8. Name of village or Area of No. of enumerated [ inoluding of institution. village No. of housE) Inmates of institutions and hou801es. No. town/wa.rd or town houses holds and houseles8 persons] pdrsons In square miles PereoIll!i M ales Female: M alee IFemale. 1 2 8 II HI ~ __3 ____ 4 __ ~6 __I_tl I I

10 Kondve 2.8 258 277 1,475 721 754 17 9

71 Kopatde 3.3 218 2114 ],456 736 720 37 26

72 K8hetra. MallUli 3.3 21R 275 ],332 617 715

73 Kudeghar 0.3 7 7 35 21

74 Kumathe 2.5 ]38 221 1.039 475 564 33 38

Kuru! Baji 0.5 53 58 240 114 126

76 Kurul Taijai 0.3 21 72 34 3S

77 Kurun 0.5 35 35 146 63 83

'18 Kus Bk. 1.5 115 119 453 193 260

79 KU8 Kh. 0.3 37 37 133 53 80

80 Kushi 2.5 5-1, 497 225 273

81 KU8wade 4.3 186 239 1,039 501 538

82 LawangIlSr 1.8 117 119 588 253 335 6 7

83 Limb 9.8 1139 758 4,219 2.039 2,1~0 69 65

84 Lumanekhol 0.5 48 48 200 79" 121

il5 Mahagaon 2.8 171 184 844 409 435 5

86 Majgaon 2.5 ]32 188 843 423 420 5 4

8'1 l\lalgaon 5.5 272 a07 1,676 784 892 1

88 Mandve 4.3 225 254 1,301 '632 669 6

89 Marc:lhe 0.8 148 216 1.098 530 568 52 54

90 Matyapur 46 51 :!93 137 156

91 Mh&8ve 2.8 71 99 506 242 264 15 11

92 Nagthane 7.3 396 515 3,]29 ],537 1.592 68 62

Nandg~on 4.5 309 350 1,836 884 9;;2 28

Nawali 1.5 38 40 HI9 79 flO

95 Nele 2.R 163 183 876 410 46.6 11 16

96 Nigadi Tarf 4.8 295 339 1,511t 760 831 2 2 Satara 97 Nigadi Tarf 1.0 50 56 3(}Q 141 159 Vandan SATARA TALUI

Agricultural Classes

----~- I. Cultivat·ors II. Cultivator8 III. Cultivating IV Non.cultivat,ino Llterat.os of Il\nd wholly of land wholly labourers and ow

255 59 575 558 13 22 33 33 5 9

176 108 332 369 53 62 40 48 42 49

3 21

152 50 299 343 28 35 20 31

24 1 105 ll8 6 3 10 1 33 38

4 58 75 32 3 192 260

12 53 80

59 4 171 166 24 41

101 14 485 517 6 13

87 9 193 283

754 100 1,386 1,416 51 43 167 213 37 22 2 75 120 1

204 46 379 410 27 20 3 123 17 377 361 2 29 48 284 61 598 682 99 98

126 17 553 596 15 14 19 16 2 243 82 335 374 13 15 7

48 4 128 146 3 Ii

88 10 187 209 11 5

47\ 78 1,022 1,069 10 lG 40 53 '33 53

365 140 738 810 22 18 2 2 4 79 90

171 73 386 1

218 55 640 694 5 6 31 29 5 16 26 12 114 125 ------_ Primary Ceasus Ablrlra~

Non-Agricultural Ola88oo

Pflrsons ( including dependants) who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from ~am" •. f villagE< or - - VIII-Other No. town/ward V-Production VI-Commerce IVII-Transport services and other than oul. miscellaneo~ tivation 1 sOlVoes Males Females Males Females Males F_.'''''l M."" Fernal 1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

70 Kondve- 60 51 U 1& 1 1 HZ 151

71 KopardB- 4& 39 24 19 40 40 72 Kshetra l\1a.huIi 28 4! 30 27 2 4 90 112

73 Kudeghar

74 Kumathe 69 84 16 12 2 12 17

75 Kurul Baj] 1 3 2 2

76 Kurul 'faij,ai 1

77 Kurun 4 8 1 78 KUB Bk. 79 KUB Kh.

HI Kushi 2() ~7 7 13

81 Kuswade I) i)- 3 3

82 Lawanghaf' 36 27 24 25

S3 Limb 180 184 68 67 12 18 138 155

84 I,uffJanekhoJ 2 1 1

85 Mahagaon 86 Majgaon 3 12 9

87 Malgaon 37 41 IS HI 2 ]3 29 41 tiS Mandve 28 32 14 6

89 Mardhe [}O 53 17 13 108 109

90 Matyapur I) 1)

!H 11hasve 13 S 3 5 1 6 22 16

145 64 56 :1 223 212 92 Nagthane • 130 tl3 Nandgaon 38 40 4 7 2 7 78 68

94: Nawali

95 NeJe 19 21 4 2

96 Nigadi Tar! 50 63 3 2 ito 27 Satara 97 Nigadi Tari 15 10 7 7 ii 11 Vandan ------SATARA TALUKA 309 --~------_ ----,------.----

N " ...... st post office Nearest Railway Nearest baZ'H vlllsge. Items Mloi its distance in station and its Its distance in mile. and of note Remarka mile. distanoe In mil.... Bszar day.

29 110 11 82 IS

Satara, 3 Satara. Road, 13 Satara., 3, Sun.

Targaon, 3 Targaon,3 Targaon, 3, Sa.t. F. S.

P.O. Koregaon,7 Satara 3, Sun. P.S.,C.C.S.

Parali, 6~ Satara. Road, 22~ Parali, 6~ Mon.

Satara.8 Rahimatpur, 19 N agthane, 7. Tues. P.S.,C.S.

Parali, 7 Satara Road, 23 Parali,7, Mon. P. S.

Parali, 7 Satara Road, 23 Parali,7, Mon. P. S.

Parali, 2 Batara Road, 18 Parali, 2, Mon.

Parali,3 S atara, Road, 19 ~arali, 3, Mon. p. S.

Pamli,3 Satarn. Road, 19 Farali, 3, Mon.

Limb,3 S atara Road, 22 Limb, 3, Sun. P. S.

Satam, 7 Satara Road, 17 Satara 7, Sun. P. S.

Parali, 2 Satara Road, 18 Parali, 2, Mon. P. S.

P.O. Satara Road, 19 Bazar, Sun.

Parali,3 Satara Road. 19 Parali, 3, Mon. P. S.

Kshelra, Koregaon, 6 Satara, 6, SUD. P. S. Mahuli, I Apsinge, 1~ Targaon, r. Nagtllane, l~ Tues. P.S.,C.C.s.

Waduth,4, Satara Road, 6 Limb, 2, Sun. P. S.

Farali, 3 Targaon,12 Parali, 3, Mon. P. S.

Limb,2 Sa tara Road, S Limb, 2, Sun. P.S.,C.C.S.

Satara, 1~ Satara Road, 9 Satara, Ih Sun.. P. S.

P.O. Rahimatpur, 8 Bazar, Tues. P.S., V.P.,C.C.s.

Targaon. ~ Targaon, 1 Targaon.. !, Mon. P.S.,C.C.S.

Parali, 6 Satsro. Road, 22 ParaH, 6, Mon.

Sataro.,5 Satara Road, 15 Satara 5, Sun. P. S.

P. O. Rahimatpul", 7 Tasgaon, 2, Wed. P.S.,C.C.S.

Ango.pur Tan Rahimatpur, 4 Angapur Tarf P. S. Vandan, l~ Valldall,_lh Sat. ___ -- ~------310 Prir.Hlry Cel1sus Ab!lhud

--_ ------.-~- Occupied Houses

Area of _ - - -, 1--- Total No. of personB No. enumerated [including I ofinmate~ S. N arne of vHlage or village : of institution! I inmates of institutionB and houseles@ or ~own I No. of I No. of and houssls38 pe~sonsJ persons No. town/ward m I houBes house I square ' I holds miles

Per=:-- Males IFemales Males F~~ 1 4 5 6 7 I 8" 9 ' 10

98 Nigudmal 0.3 32 35 133 56 77 99 Ninam, 3.5 249 315 1,504 722 782 12 21 100 Nist'ale 1.3 97 119 622 300 322 101 Nitral 1.5 87 ,87 382 168 2.J4 102 NUDe 2.0 242 248 1,001 466 535 18 17 103 Padali 4.5 369 496 2,238 1,074 I,] 64 104 Palsawade 1 3 12 13 52 25 27 iQ5 Pangal'e 66 68 303 134 169 lOt) l'araH 1.5 270 302 1,196 579 617 55 32 107 Parma Ie 1.5 54 54 218 ]21 127 108 Pateghay 2.3 64 66 240 109 131 4 5 169 PatkhaJ 4.8 228 332 1,717 870 847 99 86 110 Petri 0.5 36 :16 ]91 93 98 111 Pilani 1.3 23 25 117 59 58 112 Pogarwadi 0.8 52 52 259 12] 138 113 Punawadi 0.8 35 42 166 71 95 H4 :Raighny 0.5 20 20 80 43 37 115 :Rajpud 2.0 111 III 479 231 248 ll6 Rewali 0.8 25 25 230 107 123 117 Revmnde O.~ 57 57 ,258 114 144 US Rohot 1.3 122 134 56il 249 319 II 17 110 Saidapur 0.8 52 52 295 148 147 21 18 120 Saili 1.8 86 86 392 173 219 7 2 ]21 Sandwa,Jj 2.0 32 33 136 67 69 122 Sangan l\lahuIi 7.8 150 154 1524 123 Sarkhal(including 309 315 7 Thomrewadi and 1.5 114 119 662 Inglewadi) 301 361 ]24 Saspade 2.8 288 338 1,920 971 949 28 34 125 Sawli 65 65 262 114 14fl SATARA TALUKA -- - -- Agricultural Classes ---~-. I.Cultive.tors U·Cultivators III·Cultivating IV.Non·Cultivt tl Literateli of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, 'gri or mainly owned or mainly un· their dependants cultural rent ,,,,,01 IlliU their owned. a.nd vers, and thel' dependants their dependants dependant.

M!\les Females Malos Females Males Females Males Females M ..ieII Fern I~!I , 11 12 13 14 Hi 16 17 18 19 ------4 53 77

J7ii 67 532 -540 13 8 ..,; 11 55 ~t

1I4 24 253 260 Ii :,: !!'6 45

23 4 167 214

178 :19 386 444 6 8 8 II 2 .?

442 III 794 839 5 6 61 80 44 ~5

24 25 .2

22 120 146 3 3 10 20

277 91 323 384 1 25 :32

2 121 127

-5 1 100 120 :2

289 71 730 729 1 26 18 I

"2.7 90 95 2 :a

20 I 55 49 -3

39 8 113 123 1 'l'l

17 'il 95

8 2 43 37

51 3 210 t30 ~ 2 :3

17 1 104 122 1

17 2 105 IS! 2 :2 57 ? 186 210 69 16 127 126 1 :)

3J 6 167 217 67 CO

136 42 HlO 169 16 13 3 27 :IS

23 ::!93 344

246 29 733 668 6 8 41 54 17 2D

9 1 90 121 ----- ...- 312 Primary CeDllus Abstraei -- Non-Agricultural Cl_e8 -- Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their principa.l means of IiveHhood from S. Name of or ---_- VlII-Ot... VI -Commerce IB6Tvices No' t.ownJw ..rd V - Production '/ VII-TrIIDBport. and other than cul- misceManeo1l8 tivation I sources Males Females MaieB Males Females.. Males Female. 1 :2 21 22 23 '_""I24 26 26 27 28 ------98 Nigudmal 1 99 Niullm 'H 97 7 6 2 39 3. 100 Nisrale 7 4 1 8 10 H}I Nitral 1 102 Nune- 27 25 17 19 20 23 103 Padali 1i6 68 18 14 86 62 104 Palsawade- 1 lO5 Pa1ilgare 1 106 Parali 44 41 58 45 127 115 107 1? Mlo.,le- lOS Pr.teg}!alr 9 8

109 Patkhal 62 58 15 14 35 ~i17 lHy Petri;

II], Pikmi- 4 5 1

112 Pogarw!ldi 7 S 1I3 Funawadil

114- RaighaJ:'

n17 RIlo~puri 6 J3 2 1

))16- Revoali I 111 REl'tr'anoo 7 8

115 Rohot 21 25 IS 46 6 8 J8 30

119 Saidapur :t 4 3 3 14 11

120 Saili 6 1 1 lZl Sandwali

122 Bangan Mahuli ... J9 12 15 12 4 2 68 71 123 SarkhaI (includ- ing Thomrewadi 4 7 4 10 and Inglewadi) 124 Saepade !JO lJ4 32 30 2 52 44 125 Sawli 5 9 10 1:; - _ ---- 313

Nearest Railway Nearest bazar village, Item, N ebl'est post. office Remark~ and its distance in station and its its distance in miles & of Bote miles distance' in ]Diles Bazar day.

211 30 31 32 33 -----

Parali, 5 Satara Road., 21 ParaH, ~5, Mon. P.S.

Padali, 1 Rahimatpur, 15 Nagthane, 31 Tues. P.S.

Atit, 2~ Targaon. 4~ Atit, 2~, Fri.

ParaH, 4 Satara Road., 20 Parali, 4, :\-lon. P .'3.

Kanher, 2 Satara Road., 16 Kanher, 2, Tues. P.B.

P. O. Rahimatpur, 14 Nagthane, 2k~Tues. P.B.,C.S.

Paraii, 3 Satara Rottd., III Parali, 3, Mon. Parali, 3 Satara Road .. 19 Parali, 3, Mon.

P. O. Satara Road., 16 Bazar, Mon. p.s.,e.s.

Sat'1l'a, 7 Satara Road., 17 Satara, 7, Sun. P.S.

Parali, 6 Batara Road., 22 Parali, 6, lIon.

Waduth, 2 Satara Road., 5 Waduth, 2, Sat. P.S.

Parali, Ii Satara Road., 18 ParaH, tti6, Mon. P.S.

Satal'a, 6 Satara. Road., 22 Satara, ,6, Thurs. Satara, 3 Sata.ra Road., 13 Satara, 3, Sun.

ParaH, 2 Satara Road., 18 Parali, 2, Mon.

Parali, 6 Satara Road., 22 ParaH, 6, Mon.

Parali, 8 Satara Road., 24 Parali, 8, Mon. P.s.

Parali, 3 Satam Road., 19 Parali, 3, Mon. P.B.

ParaH, 6 Satara Road., 22 Satara 6, Sun. P.s.

ParaH, I} Satara Road., 21 Parlloli, 6, Mon.

Satara, .. 2 ... :.Satara Road.,~12 Satara, 2 Sun. P.S.

Parali, 4 Satara Road" 20 Parali, 4, Mon.

ParaH, 8 Satara Road., 24 FaraH, 8, Mon.

Kabetra Ma· Koregaon, 8 Satll-ra, 3, Sun. P.S. huli, t Kanher, 3 Satara Road., HI Kanher. 2, Tues.

p. O. Targaon, 10 Atit. 3, Fri. P.S,

t Sajjanga.d Fort; Das Navami fair held annually in Februal'y; attendame 20,000 314, Primary Census Abstra~t

Occupied Houses

Total No. of PSrsoIlll No. of inl'J .. tes 8. Name of vill 0< IAre" of No. of enumeruteu [ including of institutiollt village No. of house inmates of institutions and houselesl No. town/ward or townl hom,e. hold. I ~d h"~'~" p.'~MJ P"~"'. squarell> I mile. i Persons' :>'1ale8 Females Males Feroale

2 3 4 11\\ i 8&\1 1\)

126 Saygaon 2.3 165 180 766 343 423 1 127 Shahapur 3.8 282 291 1,531 737 794 23 IS

)~8 Shelkewfldi 1.8 78 80 39& 205 191 7

);;9 Shendre 2.8 180 188 !llS 469 4-19 10 8

130 Shivthsr ?8 216 313 1,707 796 911 16 9

I3J SonapUl" 2.8 113 166 786 371 415

J32 Songaon S. Nimb 2.8 J36 143 756 363 393

133 Songaon Tarf 2.8 161 169 1,006 4&6 510 Satara 134 Sonwndi 0.8 9t 95 576 272 304 28 31

135 Takwali 1.0 28 115 52 63

136 Tasgaon 4.8 354 422 2,1)57 987 1,070 1 137 ThoS<'ghar 6.3 125 530 251 279

?38 Upli (I.S 38 38 J75 75 100 9 8

139 Yadgaon 0.8 38 4(.\ 223 96 127

14f) Va11gaJ 1.3 100 103 514 274 240 37 19

HI Varne induding 6.3 305 376 2,249 1,075 1,174 37 33 Wadis under Jihe 142 VaIye includjng 3.3 229 238 96! 470 494 50 24 Panmalyachi Wadi 143 \' echale 2.8 213 247 1,182 564 618 13

.14~ Vele 2.5 208 210 ],155 544 611

145 Veuegaon 3.8 325 415 2,005 1)69 1,03,}

146 Vinekhol 1.0 69 71 269 116 153 147 Wadhe 0.8 l57 162 1,027 480 547 27 HS Waduth 2.8 240 244 1,292 629 663 ]9 It-

14. Walase 1.8 85 85 36S 180 ]88

150 \Vawdare O.S 59 59 2~2 105 137

151 Yewateshwe.r <,_.a - 121 ]33 643 311 332 Total for villages 348 1 21.440 24,595 121,459 57,586 63,873 1,6%7 Total for talulca 35.j.4 27,849 33,6(10 162,529 78,585 83,944 2.052 ~}1 a SATARA TALUK~

Agricllitm'BI CI~~

UI- Cultivating I ll-N on-oultiveting \ 1- (Jultivat.orB \ 11- Cultivators i owners of lanf land wbotly ,labourers and LiterBtM their de:peude.TlU onlture.l rent reo"i- \ OT mainly owned OT mainly llll- \ veTS. and their , &-::ld their j owned aud dep"nd&nt~ \ ll"'P.. rtd.. n 't8 Itt,6lT dependants!

M... les Fern.. l.... MaieR \ Ferns!"RI MalA

2 52 63 '4 8 4 3 63 I 85 329 84 708 741 ::n 1 2 8 31 2 23S 247 7 7 5 1 138 85 1 6 1 3 24 3 92 JlS 3 3 I 136 H 245 209 13 7 .3 '2 198 41 918 1,013 13 16 III ::J 250 69 2115 345 11 15 12 6 Hi '39 124 28 3SG 400 15 1 2 4 ItH 26 483 539 ". :%8 3t 11 17 390 96 755 8111 1 103 126 " 1 1 1 1 210 60 457 528 6 5 22 22 175 137 569 539 \ 10 1(;8 4 16 169 1 23 5 101 131 {; 1 62 6 272 ~8'" ~ 1,121 1,912 960 1.545 11,501 4,230 44,709 49,853 883 942 1.(109 1.880 2,103 1,451 2,011 29.132 10,923 45,648 50,70S 963 ------3£0 Primary Census AbstrllCf

Non-Agricultural Class!',. ------P"fsons ( in .. lllding dependants) who d .. rive their principal means of livelihood from e, "home of viii"!!,, or ------vlfl-Othe' town/ward V-l'roduction I VI-Commerce I VII-Trallsport serviceB auu other tball cui. I miscellaneou,. tivation Bourees• --'--- Males Females ~al~~ -IFemales Maleei Female: ~8les \ Femllies 21 22 23 I 24 25 [ 26 "27 28

Saygaon 33 3S:! 2 1 2 4 4 1

121 ~habapur 121' 9& }O 1 3 107 14~

128 Shelkewadi '1 9

Shendre 4 J 2 13 13 no- hhivthar 68' 80 7 1 2 00 71 ]31 Sonall"t' 12' IS 2 24 17

132 Songaon ". Nimh 27 3' 16 10

133 Songaon Tarf IS 3' 4 S"tara 13.1, Sunwadi 'l{J 'I 28 31

J35 Takwali

Tasgaorr 12(] 140 28 34 2 9 63 60

J31 Thoseghav

J,3& Up!; )0 s

U9 Vadgaon 2

140- 12 13 13 15

14l V flrfte including 411 43 29 23 2 2 60 83 Wadis under Jihe In Varye including 22' 19 20 11 Z 4 104 S() Pruunalyoohi Wadi 1 -1,3' Veehala 7I 71'> 2' 1 3 12 59 70

Vale- 23 23 1 32 42

Veneg80n 79 27 68 60

Hi) VinekhoL 3 4 3 7 7 16

141 Wu.dlli> 3 17 18

148 Waduth 48 51 2 2 41 44

WaJase 5 2 4

150 Wawdare- 3 Ii

}iil YewltteshWar 3 6 2 2 2 27 34

Total for villages 3,997 4,143 952 93J 112 177 4.246 4.310 r otal for tahska; 7,514 7,595 5,293 5,H9 798 873 15.028 14,499 SATARA TALUKA 3i7


Ne... rest post offioe N".. c,,"t I:t"Uw.. , .Ne .. t"~t l>"Z'H \1111"1.:6, litem" a.nd its dist... noe In statioll and its It:s diRtonce in miles and of note Remarka mileR distanoe in miles Bazar day. i

-'} 29 10 II ~- I~ Kanher, 1 Satara Road, 18 Kanher, 1, TuE's. P.S.

Satara, 2 Satara Road, 12 Slliara, 2, Sun. P.S. Satara Road, 14 SatHra, 4, Sun. P.o. Sc.tara Road, 16 Satara, 6, Sun. P.S.

Waduth, 2 Sutara Road, 4, Waduth, 2, Sat. P.S. Padali, 1 Targaon, 8 Nagthane, 4, Tues.

Kshetr:lo ~!>tara Road, 5 Sa,tara, 5, Sun. P.B. l\1ahuli, 1 Satara, 3 Satara Road, 13 Satara, 3, Sun. P.S. P.':;' Parali. 2~ Satara Road, 16 Parali, 2~, Mon.

Parali, 6 Satara Road, 22 Parali, 6, Mon.

P. O. Rahimatpur, 4 Buzar, Wed. P.S.,C.C.S.

Parali, 6 j(,atara R"ad, 22 ParaJi 6, Mon, P. S.

Satara, 4 Satara Road, 14 Sat,ara, 4, Sun.

Parali, 6 Satara Road, 22. Parali, 6, Mon. P.S.

Limb, 2 Satara Road, 5 Limb, 2, Sun. P.S.

Angapur Tarf Rahimatpur, 4~ Angapur Tarf Vandan, P.B.,C.C.S. Vandall, 1~ l~, Sat. Satara, 4 Satara Road, 14 Satara, 4, Sun. P.S.,C.S.

Shendre, 1/4 Rahitnatpur, 16 Siltara, 6, Thurs. P.S.,C.S.,C.C.S. P. S.,C.C.S. Kanher, 3 Salara Road, 20 Kanher, 3,,,,,. Tues. P. O. Targaon, 4 Atit, 5, Fri.

Parali, 5 Sataro. Road, 21 Parali, 5, Mon. P.S.

Khed, 1 Sate.'a Road, 8 Satara, 3, Sun. P .S., v .P.C.S. P.S.,C.S. P. O. Satara Road, 4, Bazar, Sat. P.S. Padali, 1~ Satara Road, 17 Nagthane. 4, Tues.

8atara, 10 Rahmatpur, ] 0 Sat/Ira, ]0, Sun.

Satara, 3 Satara Road, 13 Satara, 3, Sun. P.S. 318 Primary Census Abstrad .- Occupied Houses

--T Total No. of persons INo. of inmate@ Area of enumerated [including of institution. 8. Name of village or village I inmates of institutions I and houselesp or towu No. of No. of I and hOl1seless persons] I perBons No.1 town/ward in houses I house I square holds miles

Males Females Males Female,

1 2 3 4 5 7 8· 9 10

TOWN 1 Wai M. 1.3 2,577 3.044 16,099 7,957 8,142 341 217

Ward I 438 578 3,074 1,512 1,562 4 4 II 334 498 2,995 1,573 1,422 107

III 611 696 3.548 I,U3 1,825 ~22 204

IV 748 748 3,762 l,bl2 1,950 8 9 v 446 525 2,720 1,3:'17 1,383 VIllAGES

Abhepllri 4,8 ItlO 265 1,344 617 7~7 3 2 Akoshi 1,8 133 135 647 2tl3 384 3 Anavadi 2.8 72 III 571 273 298

4 Asagaon 2.0 155 166 787 351 436 13 13

5 ABale 3.3 Hi8 168 886 4:!9 457 11 6 Asaro 2.3 227 227 1,056 467 589

7 Balakwa~Jj 1.0 49 56 213 98 115

8 Baleghar 2.8 } 01 103 515 247 ~68

Bavdhan 10.8 \162 1,002 4,'il:! ~,2ti3 2,449

)0 Bhiwadi 1.0 99 388 176 212

Jl Bhogaon 2.5 148 1411 858 421 437 30

12 BJ.uinj 6.8 595 664 3.2115 1,595 1,700 30 22

13 Bopardi 3.0 189 236 I,OtJ4 510 554 Bopegaon 2.8 128 1(\5 740 3-17 393

15 Borgaon Bk. 1.3 91 387 173

Borgaon Kh. 0.8 81 85 357 147 210

17 Boriv U.8 83 88 344 143 201

18 Cbandak 4.0 183 237 1,052 465 51:17 :I . 4 1\J C1Jaudawadi f).3 40 40 117 126 ~2 30 20 Chikhali 2.8 217 260 1,233 535 698 WAI TALUKA 31~

Agricultural 018888s' _---- I.Cultivators II·Cultivators III.Cultivating IV .No.o..cUlw.vatiuu Llteratea of 16Ild wholly of la.nd wholly labourers and owners of 11IIlIi. agri. or ma.inLy owned or ma.inLy un· their dependants oultural rent recel. and their owned and vers. and their dependants their dependants depend6Ilts

Males Females/ Ma.les Females Males Females Males Females Males Fema.lelJ

11 12 13 14 Hi 16 17 18 19 20 I ---

4.662 2.647 1.583 1,638 278 290 88 87 376 446

830 644 203 230 63 69 7 12 109 107

1,099 612 95 103 15 11 96 102 983 549 394 401 ]8 17 6 13 25 42

].117 601 341 335 III 3 ]39 33 21 120 157

633 241 550 569 59 5i 41 41 26 28

121 31 4,)5 512 90 80 7 8 21 44 263 384

7:l 12 249 283 5 () 129 22 267 353 3 .. 4 4 173 42 227 250 ]2 3 62 99 102 7 462 587

5 tl8 115 28 247 268

9.~2 270 ),688 1,803 52 40 17 18 23 '23 51 2 174 211 ItO 20 197 231 10 13 4 6

697 342 995 1.039 37 33 71 80 163 213

169 36 328 341 24 20 13 18 42 82 ]28 ]4 296 33] 8 6 10 10

29 2 166 203 2 6 141 202 38 ]2 143 200 169 29 631 555 5 8 6 6 28 H- 95

Il17 12. 4811 668 ! ! 320 Primary Census Abstrael ------Non-Agrioultural Cla8l!es --- Persons ( inoluding dependants) who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from S. Name of village or _------\ VIll-0,"~ No' town/ward V-Production I VI-Commeroe VII-Transport services and other than cuI- mIscellaneous tivation I I ~urcetl Malee Femeleo Malee F_'~I Males Female!! Males Female. I 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 0 27 28 --_----- TOWN

W'iiI M. 1,257 1.240 l,236 1,178 287 292 2.852 2.971

Wa.rd I 171 169 183 146 60 H 716 765

200 202 515 456 71 53 680 49.~ " II HI 362 359 185 208 87 85 646 700

IV 258 256 261 291 29 38 647 713

V :l6& 264 !l2 77 4(1 42 263 298


1 Abhepun 48 41 3 5 33 36

2 Alioshi

3 Anavadi 15 fj 4 .4

~ Asagavll 56' IH 6 3 15 10

[> A sale 112 84 4 4 1 6 11 10

I) AM"''' 4 2

7 BaJakwadi

8 Baleghar

If Eavdhan 184 182' 38 40 4 5 257 . 338

}O Bhiwadi 2

11 Bhogaon 145 135 23 10 42 42

12 Bhuinj H6- 133 62 54 10 13 141 135

13 Bopardi &8 44 S Jl 37 38

H Bopegaon H 24 2 3 4 I) 13 14

15 Borgaon Bk. ]5 10

16 Borgaon Kh. 6 8 .... 17 Boriv 18 C'handak 3 5 (j 7 4 13 2

19 Chandawadi 22 30

.,~ I) :TO Chikhali 30 ~ I 'l 14 321 WAI TALUKA

Ne"rest post office Nearest Railway Nearest bazar village, Items Remarks Md its distance in station and its its distance in miles & of note miles distance in miles Bazar day.

30 31 33

Wathar, IS Bazar, MOD. Dak p.S.,C.s. Billgalow

Dhom, 1 Wathar,2'1 Wlli,6, Mon. 'P.8 .• C.0.&

Panchagani, '1 Wathar, :32 Panchagani, 7, Tues. P.B.

()zardE', 3 \Va'thar, 12 Bhuinj, 3, Sat. P.B.,C.C.S.

Panchgani, (l Wathar.30 Panohaga'lli, 6, Tues. P's.. V.P.

Bhuinh 1 Wflthar,U Bhuinj, 1, Bat. P.B.,C.C.S.

Dholll, 4- Walhar,29 \Vai, 9, Mon. P.S.;C.C.S.

Mll.habaleshwar, 5 Wathar, 35 Mshabaleshwar, a, Tuell.

Wai,7 Wll.thar, 18 Wai, 7, Mon. P.S.

P.O. Wathar,23 Wai, 3, Mon. P .S., V.P .,C.C.S.

Dhom. ol Wathar,29 Wai, 10, Mon. P.S.,V.P. Mun. P.B. Wlli, 2~ Wathar,20 Woi, 2~, P·O. Wll.thtlr, 15 Bazar, Sat. P.S •• V.P.,C.C.S.

P.O. Wathar.22 Wai, 2, MOIl. P.B.,C.S.

Ozarde, 2 \Vathar, 14 Surur, 2, Sun. P.S. Panchagani, 4i Wll.thar, 33~ Panchagani, 4~ Tues. P.B. Panohagani, " Wll.thar,30 Pachagani, 4, Tues. Panohagani, 3 Wathar, 27 Panchagani, 3 Tues. P.S.

Surur, 4 L()nand, 21 I'!urur, 4, Sun. P.H.,C.C.S. V.P. Dhom, 1~ Watnar, 2S Wai, 7, Mon., 2 W"thar,28 P"nchagani, 2, Tues. P.S. 322 Primary Cellsus Abstract

Occupied Houses

Total No. of perSOnB No. of !Dllu.tea S. Name of village Or Area of No. of enumerated [inoluding of InstitutioD' village No. of house inmates of lDstitu tJons and houselesa No. town/ward or town housell holds and houseless persons) persons' in sqU6l"e miles Males Females 1M ..les Fern ..l ..

2 3 4 Ii 8 , (I 10

21 C'hmdhawah 18 FIg 223 95'! 430 522 1

22 Dahyat 1.0 71 345 1M 191

23 DaswadJ O~ 48 48 213 97 118

24 Degaoll 05 233 259 1,253 542 711 2 3

25 DhawadJ 50 148 204 1,020 478 542

26 Dhawah 05 27 28 140 5b 84

27 Dhom 20 150 173 1,006 489 517 39 39

28 05 22 2'! 90 38

29 Ghera-KelanJ8 _. 20 27 1 ....~­J 62 73

30 Golegaon 1 :; 19 :!I 52

31 Galewadl 1.8 48 48 237 120 117

3t Gave 1 0 B5 81 3il8 Hi9 I 91)

33 GuIumb 4.3 282 367 qao 838 992

34 Jamb 20 204 209 1,003 470 533

35 Jambhah 90 48 51 301> 146 162

Jambhulane 03 7 34 18 16

37 Jor 9.5 80 80 393 206 187

38 Kadegaon i,8 65 98 456 211 245 36 34

39 Kalambe 1 8 120 HI 725 352 373 4 3

40 KalangwadJ 28 84 85 409 174 23.3

41 Kanur 38 276 277 1,164 524 640

42 Kawathe 4.0 394 431 2,405 1,164 1,241 21

43 4 [) 311 311 2,096 1,005 1,091 7 7 Khadakl 1.5 97 98 535 276 259

45 Khanapur 1.5 131 158 782 344 438

46 Khavah 1 I) 81 81 410 188 222

47 Kholawadl 2.8 102 III 572 254 318

48 7 :; 250 458 2,768

------~-- WAI T4LUKA. 323

Agricultural Cl6l!1IEl8

1- Cultivat·ofs II- Oultivators Ill- Cultivating I~ -Non-adltlvat.inrJ Literates of IImd wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrl. or ma.inly owned or ma.inly un- their dependll.nta cultural rent. ,,,"cfli- and their owned and vers, a.nd their I dependlints their dependants dependantB Mall!!! Females) MSlesl Femsl~8 Male.! I Femal811 Malea Femalllll Ma''''T~.. 1 11 1~ 13 14 15 16 17 18 111 20 1 \ I I I 1

233 85 310 lt87 11 15 51 60 6 18

J36 177

26 1 93 109 3

205 72 485 640

150 17 463 539

13 56 84,

293 61 446 485 7 6 2 2

9 36 52 2 10 62 73 1 52 52

6 9" 96 '0, J4 1 145 184 2 5 5 4

241 71 718 872 2 2 4,

256 88 352 405 2 6 33 40 7 Ii 146 I\)2 4 18 16

22 206 lS'l

29 10 139 149 23 39 1 2 176 36 294 311 4, 1 "' 50 12 154 l!20

169 39 310 352 1 is 70 4. 16

604 151 780 845 21 19 23 13 8 14

403 127 826 865 5 2 13 17

9~ 40 240 231 6 2

61 Jl 256 310 22 28 22 33 17 38 " 173 !03 2 1 45 18 226 283 8 15

211 48 1,047 1,215 37 39 38 4!l 4 11

--~ 3:J~ Primary CeDlfU! Abstt2.l!ci

Non-Agricultural Classes ------Persons ( iflCluding dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from ~:8me of village or \ I vm-ou"" No wWD/ward V-ProductioD VI-Commerce I VII-Tram.port I services ann other than cui- mj~cellaneoru tivo.tion I Bources Males Females Males Females Males F_'lt·l~ Female!! ! 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 -_------_------2t Chindhuwali 29 2& 6 6 1(1 17

22 Dahyat J8 14

23 Daswads 2 2 2

2~ Degaon 49 &3 3 <1 5 14

25 Dhawadi 12 1 2 3

2.) Dh aw ali

27 Dhom 7 I:) I) 3 18 15

28 Dui, hiw3di 29 Ghera-Kelanjll.

30 Golegaon

:n OD~ewadi 17 II 9 10

3~ Gove I} 6

33 Gulumb 17 72 3 1 38 41

34 Jmnl> 30 &2 12 12 13 3 :!.7 28

35 JBmbhaJi

36 Jambhuhlne

37 Jor

38 Kadegaon 16 }t) I) 29 3 21 9

3g Kalamhhe 23 2() 2~ 112 10 6

40 Ke.}nngwadi 8 3 1 11 11

41 Kanu!" 9U 125 5 9 28 34 28 3'1

42 KaWBthe 170 liS 23 20 I) 7 134 i45

,43 Kenjal 74 107 14 24 3 9 7() 67

H Klmdaki U 10 4 2 14 14

45 Khanapur 12 12 9 5 1 I) 1 I

46 KhavaJi 4 I) 6 7 3 2 2

47 Kholawadi 7 7 1 13 12

48 Kikali 94 90 15 10 5 5 i3 62 --_------WAf TALUKA 325

Nearest post offioe Nearest l:I.aUway N".. r bazar village. I I terns Ildld its distance in fltation and its Its distance in miles andl of note Remarkll mile@ dietanoe in mile8 Bazar day. I all 111 29 ,_82__ 1_ _&S

P.O. Wathar,16 Bhuinj, 1, Sat. P.S.

:hiahabaleshwar,1 W"thaT, 3l Ma\w.baleshwI\r, '1, Tues. p.R,e.e.S.

Panchagani, 2 \Vathar, 2~ Panchagani, 2, Tues. P.S.

P. O. Wathar,12 Bhuinj, 3, Sat. P.S.

\IVai, 5 \Vathar, 25 \'1 ai, 5, Mon. P.S.

l'anchagani, 3 Wathar,28 Panchagani, 3, 'Iues.

P.O. Wathar,26 Wsi, 5, Mon. P.S.,C.S.

Wai,10 Wathar,30 \Va.i, 10, Mon.

Wai,5 Watha.r,36 Wai, 5, Mon.

)fahabaleshwor,3 WB-thar,38 Mahabaleshwar, 3, Tuc8.

Mahabaleshwar,4 Wathar, 38 Mahabaleshwar, 4, Tues. P.S.

Dhom, 3 Wathar,27 \Vai, 9, Mon. V.P.

Surur,2 Lonand, ~5 Surur, 2, Sun. P.S.,C.S.

Bhuinj,3 Wathar, It Bhuinj, 3, Sat. P.S.

Dham, \J Wathar,36 Wai, 15, Mon.

Wai,7 Wathar, 19 'Vsi, 7, Mon.

:\Iahabaleshwar,3 Wathar,40 Mahabaleshwar, 3, Tuee. P.8.

Wai,4 Wuthar,14 Wai, 4, :\Ion.

Udatarc, lk :3atara Road, A newadi, 1, Fri. P.B.,C.C.S. Bhuinj,4 Wathar,10 Bhuinj. 4, Sat. P.S.

Bavdhan, 1 ''''athar,20 'Vai, 5, .Mon. P.S.

P. O. 'Vatllar,16 Surul', 1, Sun. P.s.c.S.

P. O. Wathal',18 SUl'ur, I, Sun. P.S.,C.C.S.

Bhuinj,2 Wathar,11 Bhuinj, 2, Sat. P.S,

Ozarde, 1 Wathal',17 'Vai, 3, Mon. P.S.

Dhom, 7 Wathar,33 Wai, 13, 1\Ion.

. Wui,4- Wathar,11 Wai, 4, Mon. P.S.

P.O. Wathar,H Bhuinj, 4, Sat. P.S.,V.P., C.C.i!,

--._ ~ 326 Primary CeDsus Abstract I Occupied Houses

Total No. of pel'8OQS NO Ofi wnat6t1 Area of enumerated [including rof instit• utiona S. Name of vi Uage or village inmates of institutions and houeel_ or toWD No. of No. of and houseless persons] perS ons No. town/wB rd in houses houstl square holds miles --.~ Persons Males Females Males Female.

1 3 4, 6 6 7 8 9 10 I • 49 Kironde 1.0 31 31 127 66 61

60 Kondawali Bk. 1.5 80 80 368 168 200

51 Kondawali Kh. 9.8 31 31 158 65 93

52 Kondhavale 4.3 76 97 406 179 227

63 Kusgaon 2.5 135 146 738 315 423

5<1 Lohore 2.8 106 132 731 374 357 11 it

55 Malatpur 1.3 52 61 270 119 151

56 Mandhardeo 4.3 159 166 820 365 455

57 Menavali 2.0 150 182 900 455 445

58 Mugaon 0.8 29 34 173 76 97

59 Nagewadi 1.8 103 110 461 210 251

60 Nandagane 1.0 45 4/i 225 112 113

61 Nhalf'wadi 0.8 36 til 3/)2 120 182

62 Oholi 0.8 27 27 124 55 69

1'>3 Ozarde 4.8 386 407 2,281 1,128 1,153 56 50

64 Pachawl.ld 2'8 228 265 1,302 615 687

65 Panas 1.3 29 30 152 72 SO

66 Pande 1.5 153 180 805 371 434 27 22

67 Parkhandi 4.3 168 290 1,246 596 660 10 9

68 Partawadi 1.0 61 65 315 147 168

69 Pasarani 4.8 424 4:!4 2.389 1,152 1,237

'10 Renawale 1.5 ]23 133 587 286 802

70A Shelarwadi '" Included 34 41 207 90 117 inWaiM. 71 Shenrlurjane 4.8 224 266 1,444 697 7" 2Q 28 72 Shiragn.on 48 257 271 1,357 645 712

72A Sidhltnathwadi ') r Form part of Wai Municipal area. 72B Songirwadi J 720 Sultnnpur ... Included 45 53 303 ]51 152 InWaiM. WAI TALUKA "327

Agricultural CI688e. - I.Cultivator. II .Cultivators III·Cultivl;ting IV.Non.Cultlvatins Literates of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of lWld. agri. or mainly owned or mainly un· their dependants cultural rl'mt recel- and their owned and verB, and thE-if dependants their dependants dependant.

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femulel!

1 11 12 13 14 , 15 16 17 18 Iii 20 I . 328 Primary Census Abstract ----

Non-Agricultureil C1asse B ---- Person8 (inoluding depende.ntB) who d erive their prinoipal means of livelihood f rom s. Name of village or VIII-Othe~ No· ~wn/w8rd V - Production I VI -Commeroe VII-Transport. services and other than cul- misc~l1aneou8 tivation I I I BOurces _ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femalet o 1 :: 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28

- - -- - 49 Kironde 60 Kondawsli Bk.

51 KOlldawali Kh.

52 Kondhavale- 3 4 53 Kusgaon [} 4 15 22

54 Lohore 17 16 6 7 5f? Malatpur S 8 1 4 6 5

M Mandhardeo-

51 Menavali 54 54 21 19 40 47 68 MuglliOD 59 Xag6wadi 45 62 4 8 6 12 21 14 fiO Nandgane- iiI Nhalewadii

1\2 OhoJi

63 Ozarde ISO 160 31 25 36 35 6 .. Pachawad 6.5 74 20 26 4 2 102 103 65 PanaS 2

66 Pande 111 10 26 20 10 11

67 Parlthandi 33 23 4 2 1 28 15

&S Partawadi 69 Pasarani 1213 116 64 67 1 1 52 39 10 Renawale 70A Shelarwadi 4 4 2 4 5

71 Shendurjnne J51 196 20 16· , 4 31 35

72 28 31 12 8 2 122 138

72A Sidhanathwadi ") ~ Form part of Wai municipal area ?2B Songirwadi J 720 Sultanpur 1 329 WAI "rll.LUKA

Nearest Railway Nearest bazar village, Items Remark" NetOreat post office or note and ito distance in station and ito its distance in miles & miles distance in miles Bazar day.

32 33 29 30 31 _------]2, Mon. V.P. Dhom, 7 Wathar, 39 Wai, 4, Tues. Panchagani, 4 Vvathar, 30 Panchagani, 4, Tues. Panchagani, 4 Wathar, 30 Panchagani, Mon. P.S.,V.P. Dhom, 6 Wathar, 37 Wai, 12, Mon. Wai, 5 Wathar, 25 Wai, 5, Mon. Bopardi, 1/8 Wathar. 22 Wai, 2, P.S. l'anchagani, 2t Wathar, 28 Panchagani,2b. Tues. 8, Mon. P.S. Wai. t! Wathar, 28 Wai, Mon. E' .S. Wai, I Wathar, 22 Wai, I,

Panchagani, 4 Wathar, 27 Panchltgani,

Dhom, 10 \XJathar, 37 Wai, 16, Man. 1, Sat. P .S.,C.C.S. P. O. Wathar, 15 Bhuinj, Tues. P.S. P. O. 'VathRr, H B9zar, l\fon. C.C.S. Dholll, 5 'Vathar, 30 \Vai, 10, 6, Mon. P.S. Ozarde, l~ 'Vathar, 17 Wai, P.S. Wai, 3 Wathar, 22 'Vai, 3, Mon.

Mahabaleshwar, 6~ 'Vathar, 31 Mahabaleshwar, 6}, Tues. P.S.,C.C.S. P. O. Wathar, 23 Wai, 3, Mon.

Dholll, 6 Wathar, 31 Wai. 12, Mon.

Wai. 2 Wathar, 22 Wai, 2, Mon. P.S. Wai, 2 Wathar. 19 Wai, 2, Mon. P.S C.G.S. P. O. Wathar, 10 Bhuinj, 2, Sat.

Form part_of Wai municipal area

)'lon. Wai, I!! Wathar, 21~ Wai, It, 330 Primary CeDllus Abstract

Oooupled Houses ------Total No. of persoll8 No. of l.nm"""e s. N &me of village or AreB of No. of enumerated [including of institution. village No. of bouse Inmates of institutions and bouselesl No. town/ward or town houses holds and bouseles8 persons) persons in square miles Personsl Males F_"'" tM""" Female!! 2 3 4 I) 6 7 10 1 I I 8 "

73 ~urur 4.8 273 359 1,781 894 887 18 11 74 Udatare 2.8 306 341 1,711 809 902 75 UJumb 1.8 45 45 217 94 123

76 y ..doli ],0 43 44 212 92 120 , .. 77 Vahagaon 1.3 56 60 255 106 149 78 Vaigaon 1.3 76 77 389 184 205 79 Vasole- 3.8 180 180 765 343 422

80 Velang 2.8 105 168 910 399 511 27 23 81 Vele 5.8 16\) 282 1,372 644 728 82 . Viramade 1.3 147 151 741 331 410 36 31 83 Vyahali 1.3 85 85 355 154 201

84 Vyajawadi 1.5 141 161 8ri8 385 473 85 Warkhadwadi 1.3 88 107 559 255 304 86 Washiwali 1.3 90 91 37-1 179 195 87 Yeksar 1.8 111 134 727 357 370

88 Ysruli 2.3 66 69 308 141 167 Total for villages 227.8 12,632 14,556 72,140 33,752 38,388 455 408 Total for taluka 229.1 15,209 17,600 88,239 41,709 46,530 796 625 WAI TAL~A 3:n

Agricultural CloSsa. 1-- --._ 11. Cultivators I II. Cultivator. Ill. Culti vating IV.N on.oultJvatirlll LIt",rattts of Il\nd wholly of land wholly labourflrB Bud owners of land, <'11;", or marnly owned: or mainly un- their depfmd"nt" ol,ltural rent re!.'e;. and their owned and vers, and their depPhdants : their depenrlantM dependant. I I •• Nr,,::_! Male" IFemales MaleR Female. Male" IFemale. Males Femalo. 13 14 Iii Ie 17 I 18 19 2{t 11 I 12 \ I 323 104 608 603 2 2 '" 4 411 161 571 662 4 3 3~ 37 2 2 94 123

7 83 III 3 2 21 2 101 U2 2 2 1

11 183 203 1 2

58 1 336 412 6 II 1 .., 12 106 8 272 380 67 61 '" 284 66 476 668 31 38 3 2 6 8

133 28 264 340 I) 4- 1 27 149 199 lUi 6 334 402 '" 7 1 '" 78 10 242 282 1 5 2 '" 34 178 194

55 S 267 268 31 24 1 20 3 140 167 10.718 2.874 26,699 30,781 639 624 665 843 413 674 15.380 5.521 28.282 32,419 917 91t 757 930 789 1.120 33 ~ Pl"imary Census AbstrQ(:'

NOfl-AlI;ricultural Clas"e.

------~-- P"r80[l8 ( Illeludmg dependants) who derIve their prmoipal means of livelihood from "Itlm" of vllI"ge or ------,(rn=Other town/ward V-I-'roduction I VI-Commerce VIl-TnUlsport servIces au(] other tlll.'n cul­ mlscellaneo", tlvatlOlI sOllll'ces

I .\1 .. I"s }I'emales l\Iales FemaleSI Males Ifemalesi Males Fern"les I 21 22 23 24 25 26 r 27 28

73 Surur 147 136 19 13 2 112 128

74 Ud'\tare 1L6 114 23 16 1 62 78

75 Ulumb

76 Vadoli 5 7 1

77 Vahagaon 2. 1

78 Vaigaon

79 Va&ole so Velang 42 39 2 18 15 81 Vela 36 29 7 fj 78

82 Viramade 34 24 24 27 14 14

83 \ yah ali 5 2

84 Vysjaliladi 21 36 14 10 :I 4 8 9

85 Warkhadwadi 2 8 13

86 Washiwali 1

87 Yeks .. r 33 46 26 42

88 Yeruli

Total for villages 2.731 2,749 5139 564 103 122 1,909 2,031

Total for taluka 3,988 3,989 1.825 1.742 390 414 4,761 5,002 333

N".. rest poet office N","""~l H. .. Uway N .... r .. H. l">£,,, vHla~e. It

29 10 III 31 S~ - ---- P. O. Wathar, 17 Bazar, Sun. t P.S. P. O. Wathar, 1~ Pachawad, ",'. Tues. P.B.C.C.S.

Mahabale~l",ar, .. Wathar. ~5~ Mahabaleshwar, 4, Tues.

Dhorn. 8 Wathar, 35 Wai, ]4, Mon.

Sru'or, 'Vatnar, 17 Surur, I, Sun.

Mahabaleshwar, 5 Wathar, 33 MahabalABhwar, 5, Tups. P.S.

Dhorn, 5 Wathal, :15 Wai, 11, MOD. P.S.,V.P.

Dhom, Wathar, 27 Wai, 7, Mon. P.S.,C,S,

Surur, ~ Lonand, 23 Surur, 2, Sun. l'.:3.,C.C,R.

Saigaon, 2 fatal''' Road, 19 Anewadi, ~, Fri. P.S"C,C.S.

Wai. t} Wathar, 26 Wai, 6, Mon. P.S,

\Vai, 6 Wathar; IS Wai, 6, Mon. P.S.,C.C.S,

\ ai. 31 Wathar, 241 Wai. 3~, Mon. P,8.

Dhom, 6 'V ..thar, 33 Wai, 12, Mon,

Wai, 4 Wathar, :'4 Wai. 4, Mon.

Wai, lS Wathar, 29 Wai, 8, Mon. P.S.

Oak Bungalow.

Employment in Establishments~ 335 SATA~A NORr:n ------[ Boys Men Total Females I Girls 'Vomen I P. W· P. W. P. w. P. W. P. ~./ I I 8 I 9 10 11 12 I 13 14 15 16

6 3 2 2

5 3

106 66 1,671 61 .1,140 469 12l 63 1,019 401<

()O 66 1,321. 35 862 421. 77 ()3 185 ~5&

4fi 350 26 278 48 H 234 48




2 93 5 49 43 49 43 ., 63 3 43 22 42 22

2 30 2 I) 21 ~ 2t

24 22 2 :20

1 15 14 2 U

9 8 8

54 ]6 675 108 563 182 27 25 538 Hi7

54 16 637 108 53l! ]82 27 25 605 lli:7

. 38 31 31 163 82 2.479 177 1.776 194 150 B8 1.626 601 US 82 2,039 146 l.452 625 106 88 1.346 537 48 440 31 324 69 44 280 lil



115 19 1 1 46 19

9 1 1 ..... 3 3 1 I 3 aM Small Scale Industries Census- DIS~IC1' Total Total Ma.les Nam. of Industry Establi·Touw Ishments IW. P. W:-I-P~- 1 2 3 4 5 6

)0 Pouu.den, millers etc. T. 164 366 I}, 368 64

R. 125 280 45 273 42

U. 39 86 22 85 22

U Oil pres!l1Dg a.nd refining T_ 164 :t67 107 267 45

]~. 96 194 lot 126 42

U. 1>8 173 3 141 3

112 Dailly pl)oducVs '1'. I I> 6

K 1 6 6 U.

:u. &'lterages '" aerated waOOl"!I T. ]9 43 4 41 4 R.

U. 19 43 4 41 4

];4 'l'olisccQlo p:tOOuo~ T. 10 62 :I 46 3 R- ... U. 10 62 :1 .6 3 t6. flthel' article. of we..,- T. S 10 10 10 10 R.

U. S 10 )0 10 10

l!J :t.eathel' wOl"k!!l' T. 368 554 112 511 .67 R. 220 318 71 276 4.9 U. 148 236 41 235 18

1''1 CaRning r~uit. fith et4l'. T. 56 103 26 90 18

R. 11 8 7 7 5 U. 44 95 19 83 13 18 13f"c{i;emithe & cutler§ T. 149 240 45 228 42

R.- 95 124 17 119 15 U. 54 116 28 109 27 Employment in Establishments-cont": 337 SAl'A~A NORIH 1 Boys Men Total Females 1 Girls I Women 1 \ W· P. w. P. P. P. W. 1 P. W. I I j 13 14 j 15 'Hi ~'I 8 I 9 10 11 I 12 I I 3 1 355 63 8 3 8 2

3 270 41 '1 :I '1 :s

85 2~ I

2 265 45 100 6~ 100 <62 2 124 42 68 6: 6S .!12

14l 3 32 ~2



n 4, 2 2

41 , 2 2

46 3 16 tG

46 :I 16 Ifl 10 10

10 10 3 508 67 43 45 43 46

3 273 49 42 22 4l! .22 235 )8 1 23 I "23 90 18 13 8 U 8

7 5. 1 2 1 "2

83 13 12 6 U ., 2 226 42 12 3 U :3

119 Iii 5 2 5 2 2 107 :7 '1 1 7 I 333 Small Scale Industries Census- DISTRICT I ~ Total Total • Total Males N I\me of Industry Establi· I shment.s W. P. W~'-I-'P~

1 2 3 4 5 -----I 6 19 Metal·hasic manufactureil T. 2 1

R. 2 U.

20 l'ranaport equipment T. HI 204 29 ·204 ·29

R. 42 1>2 8 52' 8

U. 99 152 21 162 21

2'1 Other maehinery of workshops '1'. 14 21 g 21 8

R. 2 6 6

U. 12 l5 8 15 8

22- Soaps, Cosmetics, paints' etc-. T. 9 45 34

R. 12 12

U. 8 33 22

23 Watch Repairers T. 12 11'> 2 IS 2 R.

U. 12 18 2 18 2

Z4 Golasmi.l;h and' fewel"eJrii; T. i28 155 33 ]55 33

R 46 49 ]0 49 .10

U. 82 106 23 106 23

%5 Bricks ..Dd tiles T. 26 114 7'1

R. 9 1>7 3]

U. 16 1>7 46

26 Earthenware. porcelain etc. T. 137 195 102 147 51

R. 83 126 50 89 35

U. 54 69 43 58 16 n Furniture and fixtures T. 29 88 4 88 4.

R. 16 41 41

U. 13 47 "- 47 4 Employment in Establishments -rmdd. 3S!l SA1'A~A NORTH ------,-,- - -~--- Boys Men Total Females Girls I 'Vomen _.J ____ ~_ W~ I ]5~ - W· P. -,-W. P. W. P. I W. \ P. 7 P 9 10 11 ]2 13 14 I 15 16

1 1 1

~ 202 :!Il

fl2 8

2 1;';0 21

21 8

6 In s

34 11 11


2~ II 11

18 2

18 2

154 3il

48 ]0 ]06 23

77 37 37 31 26 26

'6 11 lJ

2 2 145 49 48 51 1 1 47 50

2 2 87 33 37 24 1 1 36 23

58 16 11 27 11 27

88 - 4


47 4 340 Small Scale Industries Census­ DI~TRIC'l'

Total Total Males Name of Industry Ishmentsi~~~li-I' ---,W.... --;-r ---.p".---:---"w:-----P.

1 2 ~_I_~ __j 5 6

28 Other wood proouctB '1\ 24'1 33;; 62 301

R. ]86 250 48 226 33

u. 01 S5 ]4 75

%11 Printing & allied industrit>S T_ 29 119 8 119 s

R. 1 6 6

u. 28 1]3 8 113 8

Total for Noa-TeJ:tile IDdUltries T. 1.739 3.123 641 2.794 443

R. 959 1,581 388 1.367 258

u. 780 1.542 253 1.427 185

GRAND TOTAL T. 3.004 7.541 1.594 5,436 702

R. 1.969 5,187 1.241 3,521 486

U. 1,035 2,354 353 1.915 216

Notes-(Il The ('e'1RU~ ofSm'l.)l Scale Industries was done by revenue officers in addition to their normal work. It was not done simultaneously in all talukas and districts. nor was it possibl" to give any spAcial training to the staff engaged on this census. In the result, th.. accuracy of the data furnished by this census cannot be guaranteed. The figures may, however, be regarded as illustrative of the nature of the small Bcale industries carried on in the District. (2) :Males under 18 were clflssified ali boys and females under 15 as girlR. Enployment in Establishments-cOl1Cld. :14 sA/Al'tA NURfH ---- I Boys Men Total Females I Girls Women I I \ . W. P. w. P. W. P. I w. P. I W. -I -P-:- 7 8 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

2 299 36 at 26 33 26

2 224 33 24 15 1 23 Iii

75 3 10 II 10 II

119 8


113 8 ,

17 3 2.777 440 329 198 2 1 327 197

13 3 1.354 255 214 130 2 1 212 129

4 1.423 185 115 68 115 68

180 85 5,256 617 2.105 892 152 89 1,953 803

128 85 3.393 401 1.666 755 108 89 1,558 BGS

52 1.863 216 439 137 44 395 137

~------Abbreviations llsed:-

T.-Total; R.-Rural; U.-Urban; W.-Whole-time; P.-Part·time.

-Printed at the Kohinoor Printing Press; Thana..