Govetnnlent of B.,mbay SATARA NORTH 'DISTRICT CENSUS HANDB()OK (Rtlstd 011 the 1951 Ce1l t lls) • BOMBAY ~" A'~ 'l"!fi) HCRI'\"'OR I'Rll'>'U,(G l'Rt~q", 11,"'H>\~.W r( <lOAn, 'lOWl'ADA, TP ""'A On'iX1Jl!'lhk trnlll tt" Go'vernm€'llt Publications :'-lHlea D"pLot, J <tit'lle ,f S( "." HUll,l JAA, Fort, t1qubay (for purchasers in Boml ay City), from tll" Gov "umt'nt Book Dt~,{" (L9H l' Reed OarJenll, Bombay 4 (for orders frGIU the mofu..sil) 01' t"r .J, thp High Co'uait",;",>t'" for Tnrl!~, Il1dia House, Aldwych, I.ondon, W C. Z, lOr thll)',gh , ,p, "5"'7",113,)£1,,,,11 .. ·,, Price·-Rs. 2 As. 8 ,,'1' 4 ~ 6 d 1952 ..II). "::e "II. Il. 0 N d Il. ...... "~ III ~ U " Iq ~ ~ ... 0: ~ 1111 .... - § t t- () en -.Q 0 -c i :I: ~ "_"'b a~ 0 Z ~' ~ a< ~ "!'oo~ ~ ~ <) ~ ~ ~ I CONTENTS. A. General Population Tables. A-I Area, Houses and Population A-III Towns and Villages cl<lssified by PopUlation 6- \) A-V Towns arranged territorially with population by liveiihood classes. 10-11 3. Economic Tables. B-·J Livelihood Classes and Sub-Classes 12- 19 B-II Secondary Means of Livelihood 20-:25 B-III Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-Divisions. 26-W Index of non-agricultural occupations in the district. 10-,7 C. Household and Age (Sample) Tables. C-I Household (Size and Composition) 78-81 C-II Livelihood classts by Age Groups 82- 85 C-IlI Age and Civil condition 86-9;) C-IV Age and Literacy %-lOa C-V Single Year Age Returns 104-1117 D. Social and Cultural Tables. D-I Languages: (i) Mother Tongue 108 -112 (ii) Bilingua!ism 113-115 D-JI Religion 116-117 D-III Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 116-117 D-V (i) Displaced Persons by Year of Arrival 118-119 (ii) Displaced Persons by Livelihood Classes 118- ~ 19 D-VI Non-Indian Nationals 120-121 D-VII Livtlihood Classes by Educational Standards 122-125 D-VIII Unemployment by Educational Standards 126-129 E. Summary Figures by Talukas and Petas. 130--]35 Primary Census Abstracts J 36-:3:33 SmaU Scale Industries Census - Employment in Establishments. ... 334-341 1951 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK DISTRICT SATARA NORTH Satara N(rth district consisted, at the time of tLe 1951 Census, of thn arp :,< of thf for weI' Satara district Ol Boml>ay Province ( except f"l' WalYa, l{1I[ma­ pur and Tasgavn talukfls and 8birala peta t.ratlsferreJ to t)at-J.ra Bouth district). with the addition of tbe former InJian State of Phaltan alld parts of the f0l'wer InrliRll States of Jamkh:mdl, Smgli, Akalkot, Bl:o~ and Aundb and one "illtlge trom Puona distnct. The dibtrict had a 1951 p' pul;;tion of 1,175,309 and an area of 403-1'4 aquar" miles. according to the area figllre 'furnished by, thE' SUI Vt') UI GC'LJt'al of Illdia. This Handbook contains tables for Satara ~orth district, compiled after the 1951 Census of India. '1'be main results of the 1951 Oenslls are E'mbodied in thE' St'tte Tables published for the States of Bf)mbay, Saul''lshtra and Kutcb. In tbis Handbook, thE' data are exhibited in gn'ater detail. The numbers given to tables in this puhlication correspond to thode given in the State Censns RE'purt. The following tablt'El for the district have, however, not been included in this Handhook. :- A-G Variation in population dluing fifty years. A - IV Tnwll8 clas;ified by population with variations since 1901. D-IV ~1igrants Tn the E-Summary table, in lhi~ Handbook, Borne columns have ~Lee[1 ( milted. Ir, tbe ClS" of tbA C-series of tall1!'ll, excf'pt C-I. th" data wen' extracted on thE:> ha~i8 of a samplB Cl)unt of approximately 10% of the census slips, instead of a fn11 conut of all the f:'lips. The C·I tahlE' was prE'pareu from a four percent sample of the househo],]s recorded in the Natiollll Re";19ter of Oitizens relating to each to wn or villrtge. In 1941, tht> population figures were exhi bited according to corn munities in tbE' "Villa.!f' Handbooks" publish~d bv the Gl)vel'l1meat oE Bombay. In 1951, the basis of ciassl(ication c\t the Censns was cbangpd fl' 'ill d Boehl to an economic one, 1iTld the fi~Ul'E'8 for villa~es given in thE:> Primary Ct'mnq Ab~tracts and in table~ A-V. B-I, B·U, C-II and E al'e accurding to tnf> following eight Liv('libood Cl'lsses:- Agricultural Classes I Ol1Hhators of land, wholly or mainly owned; and their dependant •. 11 Oultivators of laud, wholly or mainly unowned; and their dependants. J I I Cultivating labourers; and their dependants. IV Non-cultivating 'owners of land j agricultural rent receivers; and their dependan~s. Non-Agricultural Classes Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means oj liveli­ hood from;- V Production other than cultivation• . VI Commerce. ~Vll Transport. VIII Other services and miscellaneous SOllrCe3. Dependants, whether earning or non-earning, were classified at the census according to the principal means of livelihood of the persons on whom they were dependent. The Primary Census Abstncts, which contain basic information in respect of every village and town, have been arranged according to talukas. and petas, units into which- every di.trict is divided for administrative purposes. The t'l~uka was, however, too small a unit to adopt for preparing the main cens us t lbles. Therefore, in the B, C and D-series of tables figures have beeR given tor tracts and not for talukas and petas. Before sorting the census slips and tabulating the result~, tracts were formed by combining the rural and urban areas of two or more taluka, nr petas. The tracts into which Satara North district was divided for this purpose are shown below:- Rural Tracts (1) Rural area,; of Satara and K".rad talukas. (~) Rural areas of Patan and Jaoli talukas. (3) Rural areas of Koregaon, Khatav, Man, Phaltan and Wai talukas and Khandala and ~Iahabaleshwar petas. Urban Tracts (1) Urban area, of Satara and "Karad talukas. (2) Urban areas of Koregaon, Khatav, Man. pha[tan and Wai talukas and Mahabaleshwar peta. Urban areas comprise the towns shown in table A-V. Sbortly before the 1951 population census, a census of Small Industries was taken, and the results of this census are given in the table called "Small Scale Indust\,ie:s Census-Employment in Establishments", included m this Handbook. The intention was to find out something about Cottage and Home Industries and small workshops. The larger establishments, that is, power-using establishments with 10 or more workers and non-power using establishments with 20 or more workers, were excluded from the scope of the enquiry as they now submit returns under the Factory Act. The enquiry did not concern itself also with workers functioning on their own and not employing other people, except when looms were used. Otherwise the concept was of an enquiry which embraced all forms of associate activity where articles were produced, repaired or otherwise treated for sale, use or disposal, A-I-Area, Houses DISTRlc'r Occupied Houses j\ rea ill Taluka or Pet. square Villages Towns miles j otal Rural Urban 2 3 4 6 7 Total 4,022.6 1,152 15 203.117 179,377 23,800 Jaoli 344,7 196 12,738 12,738 2 Kilrad 405.8 111 3Z,7t4 28,90~ 3,820 3 Khandala 203.3 45 9,114 9,114 4 Khatav 509.1 84 2 22,697 20,397 2,30Q 5 Koregaon 364.6 73 18,583 14,744 3,839 6 Mahabaleshwar 87.3 53 2 3,203 2,133 1,070 7 Man 556.0 70 15,291 13,598 1,693 8 Patan 513.5 203 28,325 28,325 9 Phaltan 455.8 78 17,444 15,352 2,092 10 Satara 353.4 151 2 27,849 21,440 6,409 11 Wai 229.1 Ss 15,209 12,632 2,1117 Note:-l. The area figure of the district of Satara North supplied by the Surveyor General of India is 4,034.4 sq. miles. The area figures shown in column 2 were obtained from the District Inspector of Land Records or from local records. 2. The number of villages shown in column 3 is the number of l'eVemlfl vilLtges, excluding uninhabited villages and villages which form part of municipal areas. 3. The number of towns given in column 4 is the number .of towns shown in table A-"- In general, a town means a municipal area, cantonment area or a place which has a popUlation of 5,000 or more inhabitants and exhibits urban ~h "-TO ~tE'ristics. and Population. SA'fARA NORTH Population Persons Males Fem~les ---- I Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban tal Urban T,04 - TI ~~la'i:- 8 9 10 II 12 I 13 16 _. ------- - ---- 1.175,309 1,014,970 160,339 512,967 491.360 81,601 602,342 523,610 18.132 71.(186 71,086 :l2,6bO 32,660 38,426 38,426 207 ;\113 ] 69.262 38,651 ) 03,981 84,076 19,90r; 103,932 85,186 18,746 48,09,~ • 48,095 23,279 23,279 24,816 24,816 131,360 • 119,370 11,990 64,452 58,477 5,975 66,908 60,893 6,015 115,689 93,957 21,732 56,286 45,178 11,108 59,403 48,779 10,624 20,448 10,938 9,510 10,070 5,238 4,832 10,378' 5,700 4,678 83,478 "74,333 9,145 41,387 36,R53 4,534 42,091 37,480 4,611 146,691 U6,591 70,463 70,463 76,228 76,228 99,781 87,639 12,142 50,095 43,798 6,297 49,686 43,841 5,845 162,529 121,459 41,070 78,585 57,586 20,999 83,944 63,873 20,071 88,239 '72,140 16,099 41,709 33,752 7,957 46,530 38,388 8,142 4.
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