
5 Issues in Reforming Informal Water Economies of Low-income Countries: Examples from and Elsewhere

Tushaar Shah International Water Management Institute, South Asia Program, Anand, India; e-mail: [email protected]


The past decade has witnessed a growing sense of urgency in reforming water sectors in developing countries like India faced with acute water scarcity. India, like many other developing countries, is still focused on build- ing water infrastructure and services, and making these sustainable in all senses of the term. The new wave of ideas is asking it to move from this supply-side orientation to proactive demand management by reforming water policy, water law and water administration, the so-called ‘three pillars’ of water institutions and policies. But making this transition is proving difficult in India and elsewhere in the developing world. Here, making water laws is easy – enforcing them is not. Renaming regional water departments as basin organizations is easy – but managing water resources at basin level is not. Declaring water an economic good is simple – but using the price mechanism to direct water to high-value uses is proving complex. This chapter explores why. It distinguishes between Institutional Environment (IE) of a country’s water economy, which comprises the ‘three pillars’, and the Institutional Arrangements (IAs), which refer to the humanly devised rules-in-use, which drive the working of numerous informal institutions that keep a vibrant economy well lubricated. The relative influence of IE and IAs varies in high- and low-income countries because the water economies of the former are highly formalized, while those in the latter are highly informal. In high-income countries’ formalized water economies, IE has an all-powerful presence in the water economy; in contrast, in highly informal water economies of low-income countries, IAs have a large role with the IE struggling to influence the working of countless tiny players in informal water institutions. The emerging discussion exhorting governments to adopt demand-side management overestimates the developing-country IE’s capacity to shape the working of their informal IAs through direct regulatory means, and underestimates the potential for demand management through indirect instruments. Demand-management reforms through laws, pricing and rights reforms in informal water economies are ill advised, not because they are not badly needed but because they are unlikely to work. The real challenge of improving the working of poor-country water economies lies in four areas: (i) improving water infrastructure and services through better investment and management; (ii) promoting institutional innovations that reduce transaction costs and rationalize incentive structures; (iii) using indirect instruments to work towards public- policy goals in the informal sectors of the water economy; and (iv) undertaking vigorous demand management in formal segments of the water economy such as cities and industrial water users. Facilitating these requires that water resources managers adopt a broader view of policy and institutional interventions they can catalyse to achieve policy goals. Keywords: informal water economies, water institutions, institutional environment, irrigation management transfer, groundwater markets, groundwater recharge, energy, fishery, fluoride, India, , Mexico.

© CAB International 2007. Community-based Water Law and Water Resource Management Reform in Developing Countries (eds B. van Koppen, M. Giordano and J. Butterworth) 65 66 T. Shah

Institutions and Policies in Formal and The current chapter takes this broader view Informal Water Economies in attempting a preliminary analysis of water institutions in India and elsewhere (see Fig. A recent review of institutional changes in the 5.1). In doing so, it draws upon the vast emerg- water sector in 11 countries by Saleth and ing field of New Institutional Economics (NIE) Dinar (2000) deals with water law, water policy whose goal is to ‘explain what institutions are, and water administration, as the three pillars of how they arise, what purposes they serve, how institutional analysis in national water they change and how – if at all – they should be economies. This focus on law, policy and orga- reformed’ (Klein, 2000). We begin by borrow- nizations as central themes of institutional ing from North (1990) the notion of institutions analysis has been the concern of many analysts as ‘formal rules, informal constraints (norms of and practitioners of water resources manage- behaviour, conventions, and self-imposed ment (see, e.g. Bandaragoda and Firdousi, codes of conduct) and the enforcement charac- 1992; Merrey, 1996; Frederickson and Vissia, teristics of both’; and also the notion that ‘if 1998; Holmes, 2000; Saleth, 2004). However, institutions are the rules of the game, organiza- if institutional change is about how societies tions are the players’. It is also useful to borrow adapt to new demands, its study needs to go the important distinction drawn in the NIE beyond what government bureaucracies, inter- between institutional environment (IE) and national agencies and legal/regulatory systems institutional arrangements (IAs). IE refers to the do. People, businesses, exchange institutions, background constraints or ‘rules of the game’ – civil society institutions, religions and social formal and explicit (constitutions, laws, etc.) movements – all these too must be covered in and informal and implicit (norms, customs). the ambit of institutional analysis (see, e.g. Thus aspects that Saleth and Dinar (2000) Livingston, 1993; Mestre, 1997 cited in Merrey, include in their ‘institutional analysis’ represent, 2000, p. 5). mostly, IE. IAs, in contrast, ‘are the structure

Fig. 5.1. Map of India. Reforming Informal Water Economies 67

that humans impose on their dealings with each or by what North (1990) calls the ‘transaction other’ (North, 1990). sector’4 of the water economy. Informal water In the Indian context, then, IE would include economies, where the writ of ‘the three pillars’ various government agencies at different levels does not run, are marked by heavy dependence that directly or indirectly deal in water, interna- of water users on self-provision (through private tional agencies, governments’ water policy and wells, streams, ponds), on informal, personal- water-related laws and so on. And institutions ized exchange institutions or on community- or IAs – what Williamson (1985) calls ‘gover- managed water sources. In contrast, in highly nance structures’ – refer to entities like ground- formalized water economies – as in Europe and water markets, tube well cooperatives, water North America – self-provision disappears as a user associations (WUAs), Tarun Bharat mode of securing water service; all or most users Sangh’s johad (small pond) movement in Alwar are served by service providers – private- (Shah and Raju, 2001), groundwater recharge corporate, municipal or others – who form the movement in Saurashtra (Shah, 2000), tank interface between users and the institutional fishery contractors in Bundelkhand (Shah, environment. Volumetric supply and economic 2002), emergence of defluoridation plants in pricing are commonly used in highly formal the cottage sector in North Gujarat’s towns water sectors for cost recovery as well as for (Indu, 2002), private lift irrigation provisioning resource allocation. Here, water emerges as an on a large scale from Narmada canals in organized industry easily amenable to a host of Gujarat (Talati and Shah, 2004) and from policy and management interventions that government reservoirs in the Upper Krishna become infeasible in informal water economies. basin in Maharashtra (Padhiari, 2005), and Just how informal the water economy of a urban tanker water markets operating through- developing country can be was explored by a out cities in India and many other developing large nationwide survey (NSSO, 1999b, p. 46) countries (Londhe et al., 2004) and so on. carried out in India during June–July 1998. We begin with three propositions: Based on interviews with 78,990 rural house- holds in 5110 villages throughout India, its ● Water institutions existing in a nation at any purpose was to understand the extent to which given point in time depend critically upon they depended upon common property (and the level of formalization of its water econ- government) land and water resources for their omy; by formalization, we mean the propor- consumptive and productive uses. The survey tion of the economy that comes under the showed that only 10% of water infrastructural ambit of direct regulatory influence of the assets used by survey households were owned IE.1, 2 and managed by either a public or community ● In this sense, water sectors are highly infor- organization. The rest were mostly owned and mal in poorly developed economies and managed by private households or owned by become more formalized as national the government/community but not managed economies grow. by either.5 ● The pace of water sector formalization in If receiving domestic water from a ‘tap’ is an response to economic growth varies across indicator of getting connected to a formal water countries and is influenced in a limited way supply system, the same survey also showed by a host of factors but principally by the that over 80% of rural households were not nature of the ‘state’3 (i.e. how hard or soft it connected with any public or community water is) (Myrdal, 1968). How much difference supply system: they self-supplied their domestic these other factors make is unclear; what is water needs. In urban households (sample = clear is that India or Tanzania cannot have 31,323 households), the situation was the ’ level of formalization of its reverse: 75% were connected to a public water water sector at their present state of supply system. economic evolution. A somewhat different 2002 survey (NSSO, The level of formalization of a country’s 2003) showed that, of the 4646 villages covered, water sector is best indicated by the low level of only 8.8% had a public/community water supply interface between its water IAs and its water IE – system. People living in the rest of the villages 68 T. Shah

depended on wells or open water bodies for primarily on wells and tube wells, tanks and domestic water supply. A strong imprint of streams. economic growth was evident too. The propor- All these surveys suggest that rural India’s tion of villages with a public water supply system water economy – both domestic and irrigation increases rapidly as we move from a poor state use – is predominantly informal, based as it to a relatively rich one. In Bihar, one of India’s largely is on self-supply and local, informal poorest states, none of the 364 villages covered water institutions. It has little connection with had a public/community water supply. In the public systems and formal organizations somewhat richer Haryana state, over half the through which the ‘three pillars’ typically oper- villages surveyed had a public water supply ate in industrialized countries.6 system and, in still richer Goa, every village Figure 5.2 presents a clutch of empirically surveyed had a public water supply system. verifiable hypotheses – a set of ‘iron laws of The irrigation is equally economic development’7 – about how the informal. A 1998 survey of 48,419 cultivators economic organization of a country’s water around India showed that nearly 65% used irri- economy metamorphoses in response to gation for five major field crops cultivated by economic growth and the transformation of them. For nearly half of these, the source of irri- society that comes in its wake. It is difficult to gation was informal, fragmented pump irriga- find a country in, say, sub-Saharan Africa with tion markets (NSSO, 1999b, p. 42), which are a modern water industry of the kind we find in totally outside the ambit of direct influence of a European country. is an excep- the ‘three pillars’. In a 2002 survey of 4646 tion: white South Africa – inhabiting its towns villages around India (NSSO, 2003), 76% of or operating large, commercial farms in the the villages reported they irrigated some of the countryside – is served by what approximates a lands. However, only 17% had access to a modern water sector. In the rural areas of the public irrigation system: the rest depended Olifants basin, for example, only 0.5% of this

Fig. 5.2. Transformation of informal water economies in response to overall economic growth (from author). Reforming Informal Water Economies 69

formal sector – some 1600 registered users in a Governance – through markets, hybrids (like population of 2.5 million – uses 95% of the public–private partnerships), firms and bureaus water resources (Cullis and van Koppen, 2007). – is an effort to craft order, thereby mitigating The former homelands, where half of South conflict and realizing mutual gains. Good Africans live, are served by a water economy governance structures craft order by reshaping even more informal than India’s. incentives, which leads to the fourth level (L4) Water institutions that exist in a country or can of social analysis – getting the incentives right. be expected to be successfully catalysed by exter- L1 and L2 offer possibilities for change only nal actors depend upon, besides several other over the long term.9 Sectoral interventions factors, the stage of formalization of its water aiming to achieve at least L2 level changes10 – economy which, in turn, depends upon the over- property rights on water through a permit all economic evolution of that country as outlined system or reorienting the bureaucracy – are not in Fig. 5.2. Water IAs we found in India, Pakistan uncommon; but it is virtually impossible to and Bangladesh – such as, say, pump irrigation enduringly11 transform only the water bureau- markets or urban tanker water markets – are cracy while the rest of the bureaucracy stays the unlikely to be found in Australia or because same. All things considered, L3 and L4 they would serve nobody’s purpose there. comprise the most relevant playing field for Likewise, water IAs that are standard in industrial- institutional reform in the short term. ized countries – multinationals managing a city’s An important question that New Institutional water supply system – would not begin to work Economics (NIE) helps us explore is: ‘Why do until Dhaka has a water service market evolved, economies fail to undertake the appropriate at least, to the level of Manila or Jakarta.8 activities if they had a high pay-off?’ (North, 1990). The response to this question depends largely on L3 and L4 levels of institutional The Process of Institutional Change analysis. India’s water sector is replete with situ- ations where appropriate activities can poten- In understanding how societies adapt their insti- tially generate a high pay-off and yet fail to be tutions to changing demands, Oliver Williamson undertaken; in contrast, much institutional (1999) suggests the criticality of social analysis at reform being contemplated or attempted may four levels. At the highest level (say L1) of social not work, in the current context, because, embeddedness are customs, traditions, mores among other things, high transaction costs and religion, which change very slowly because make them inappropriate to undertake. of the spontaneous origin of these practices in An institutional change creates a ‘structure’ which ‘deliberative choice of a calculative kind is of pay-offs with gains varying across different minimally implicated’. At the second level (L2), groups of agents and, therefore, inviting differ- evolutionary processes play a big role; but ent ‘intensities’ of responses. A small group of opportunities for design present themselves agents each threatened with large loss may put through formal rules, constitutions, laws and up a stiff resistance to a change that is beneficial property rights. The challenge here is getting the for the society as a whole, and vice versa. rules of the game right through better definition Likewise, different groups of agents in IAs as and enforcement of property rights and contract well as in IE may experience different levels of laws. Also critical is the understanding of how incidence of transaction costs attendant on a things actually work – ‘warts and all’ in some change. In NIE, transaction costs are seen to settings, but not in others. However, it is one include: (i) costs of search and information; (ii) thing to get the rules of the game (laws, policies, costs of negotiation, bargaining and contract- administrative reforms in the IE) right; it is quite ing; and (iii) costs of policing and enforcement another to get the play of the game (enforce- of contracts, property rights, rules and laws. ment of contracts/property rights) right. Our key proposition in this chapter is: for a This leads to the third level (L3) of institu- policy or institutional intervention, all these tional analysis: transaction costs of enforcement three increase directly with the number of of contracts and property rights, and the gover- agents involved as well as with the strength of nance structures through which this is done. their preference for or against the intervention. 70 T. Shah

All three costs come into play in determining 20 million private tube well owners scattered the ‘implementation efficacy’ of an institutional over 600,000 villages. intervention because each depends on the One core NIE idea – especially, of the number of agents involved in a transaction, Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) branch – is which in an informal water economy is large. Just that economizing on transaction costs is a key take the case of groundwater regulation in a determinant of the nature of IAs that economic country like Mexico which, in some parts, faces agents evolve. Our proposition is that players in problems of resource over-exploitation similar to IE of sectoral economies too are sensitive to those of India and the North China plains. transaction costs in designing, implementing or Mexico’s new Law of the Nation’s Water provided abandoning institutional interventions. This for the registration of all groundwater diverters implies that the state too indulges in transaction and issue of ‘concessions’ to each, with an entitle- cost-economizing behaviour. This is indicated ment to pump a permitted quota of water per by the fact that water regulations in most coun- year. Nearly a decade later, the ‘implementation tries exclude small users from their ambit. efficacy’ of this policy regime has varied across Mexico’s Law of the Nation’s Water does not different segments of groundwater diverters: apply to anyone who stores less than 1030 m3 municipal and industrial diverters – all large, of water. Australia’s water law excludes users visible entities in the formal sector – have been who irrigate less than 2 ha (MacDonald and promptly and effectively brought within the ambit Young, 2001). Water withdrawal permits insti- of the new Law because these large diverters are tuted in South Africa and many African coun- few in number. Household wells – far too numer- tries in recent years exclude domestic users, ous, and each diverting small quantities – were homestead gardening and stock watering (Shah wisely kept out of the ambit of the law; the trans- and van Koppen, 2005). action cost of regulating them was not worth the One rationale for leaving these out is that gains in ‘implementation efficacy’.12 these represent lifeline uses of water. But The real problem was with over 96,000 agri- another equally important reason is that the cultural tube wells, some of them abstracting up inclusion of these would hugely increase search, to 1 million m3 of groundwater each per year. information and policing and enforcement costs Having registered agricultural tube wells, involved in implementing the new intervention. Mexico’s CNA (Comisión Nacional del Agua) Under its new water law, China has instituted a found it impossible to police and enforce system of water withdrawal permits to be concessions with the staff and resources at its obtained by each tube well owner. But, in real- command. To reduce policing and enforcement ity, except in selected provinces such as Beijing, costs, CNA created COTAS (Comités Técnicos Hebei and Shandong where tube wells are de Aguas Subterráneas), assuming that farmers deep and heavy duty, the permits are issued to would police each other better. A slew of recent the village as a whole. Doing this defeats the studies, however, have shown that Mexico’s intent of the law but it reduces transaction costs new Law of the Nation’s Water, its national (Shah et al., 2004a). When transaction costs of water policy as well as institutions like COTAS implementing an institutional intervention have had no perceptible impact on groundwa- become prohibitive, players in IE relinquish it ter abstraction for agricultural use (Shah et al., rather than enforcing it at any cost. 2004b). Alternatively, IE players discover well- If Mexico is serious about groundwater regu- thought out approaches to drastically reduce lation, it will need to either find effective ways transaction costs. Provincial and city water to reduce policing and enforcement costs of bureaus in eastern China have for long tried to tube well concessions or else allocate much regulate pumping of urban groundwater larger resources to absorb the high costs of aquifers that are under great stress. An array of policing and enforcement of groundwater regulatory measures – imposition of a water concessions on 96,000 tube well owners scat- withdrawal fee, increases in water price, sealing tered over the countryside. And if India were to of urban tube wells, etc. – failed to control try a similar strategy, it would need to provide urban groundwater depletion. More recently, for policing and enforcement costs for some many cities have begun sourcing water from Reforming Informal Water Economies 71

distant reservoirs and supplying it to urban pay-offs are high and transaction costs low water service providers. Alternative water (quadrant 1) are either ignored or thwarted or, supply assured, many cities have quickly at least, not built upon. In the following brought urban groundwater diverters within the sections, we briefly analyse a sample of situa- regulatory fold (Shah et al., 2004a). tions in each of these four quarters in Fig. 5.3 Another example of ‘transaction cost econo- before drawing some general implications aris- mizing’ behaviour of IE players is the Mexican ing from this analysis. government’s decision of levying a penal charge for electricity use by tube wells with- drawing groundwater beyond the concessioned Interventions with Poor Implementation volume. Having failed to police and enforce Efficacy (Quadrants 3 and 4) groundwater abstraction concessions through COTAS, the CNA found the second best When policing and enforcement costs of an approach, whose key merit is that it imposed intervention are high, the tendency often is to little ‘incremental’ transaction cost because design frivolous interventions without serious metered electricity use already provided a good intention to implement them or to abandon an surrogate of volumes of abstraction (Scott and intervention even if designed with serious Shah, 2004). intent. International pressure has often led to a In analysing the Indian institutional experi- persistent demand for a modern legislative and ence in the water sector, then, our key proposi- policy framework for orderly and effective tions are embodied in Fig. 5.3. It suggests that management of the water economy and several kinds of institutional reform tried or sustainable husbanding of the resource. suggested in the Indian water sector have Conditionalities imposed by donors sometimes tended to have entailed either high transaction oblige developing-country governments to costs (quadrant 2), low pay-offs (quadrant 4) or agree to interventions without a local buy-in. both (quadrant 3). In contrast, institutional One possible reason they submit to such pres- changes that have quietly occurred because sures is their dependence on them for financial

Fig. 5.3. Expected pay-offs versus transaction costs. 72 T. Shah

resources; however, it may also be that donors and reluctant to seem to be “revengeful” can pressurize governments to make laws but towards those who are doing no worse than not to enforce them. Even if governments had a trying to earn incomes by using water for rais- genuine intent to enforce, in a predominantly ing oranges.’ informal water economy such as India’s, the Instead of invoking the law, supply-side solu- transaction costs of enforcing a ‘strong’ water tions in the form of upgraded drinking water law effectively are so high that these attempts facilities and water tankers during droughts are often remain cosmetic, essentially setting preferred by people, gram panchayats as well ‘targets without teeth’. Indeed, laws and poli- as zilla parishads (district councils). IWMI also cies are often written to minimize transaction did a quick assessment of the Andhra Pradesh costs by progressively removing clauses that Water and Trees Act (Narayana and Scott bite and are likely to be extensively violated, 2004),14 and concluded on a similar pessimistic thereby reducing the effective regulatory note. A similar exercise has been the formula- powers of a law. When this is not done, deci- tion of the official Government of India Water sion makers responsible for enforcement shy Policy of 1987 and 2002. Both these pieces are away. an excellent example of bland, almost tongue- The Model Groundwater Law developed by in-cheek, enunciations that are not designed to the Government of India circa 1970 is a case in change anything in any manner.15 As a result, point; it has been tossed around for 35 years they have low transaction costs, but also no across state capitals but it has found no takers, pay-off. not only because of the virtual impossibility of Other widely espoused proposals entail high reasonable enforcement but also because of the transaction costs and promise doubtful benefits invidious political economy of rent-seeking that – at least in the prevailing circumstances. A it may create at the local levels. The Gujarat good example in India is the effort to introduce assembly passed the law but the Chief Minister volumetric pricing of electricity supply to decided, wisely, not to gazette the act in view of groundwater irrigators after having given up on high transaction costs of enforcing it.13 it decades previously. It was the high transac- The chief ministers of some other Indian tion costs of metering over a million irrigation states were, however, less transaction cost- pump-sets – which involved installing and savvy. So in 1993, Maharashtra made a law maintaining meters, reading them every month, with a limited ambition of disabling irrigation billing based on metered consumption of power wells within 500 m of a Public Water Source but, more importantly, controlling pilferage, during droughts, with a view to protecting tampering with meters with or without collusion drinking water wells. Ten years after its enact- with meter readers, etc. – that obliged State ment, the International Water Management Electricity Boards (SEBs) to switch to a flat tariff Institute (IWMI) commissioned a study of the during the 1970s (Shah, 1993). enforcement of this law (Phansalkar and Kher, A flat tariff, collected based on the size of the 2003). The law provides for stern action against pump horsepower rather than on the metered violation but has a ‘naughty’ clause requiring consumption of electricity for pumping, that the law be invoked only when a ‘gram succeeded in reducing transaction costs of serv- panchayat (village council) files a written ing a market where derived demand for elec- complaint’ (which, at one stroke, reduces to a tricity was confined to periods of peak irrigation fraction the transaction costs as well as the requirements. It would have been a viable potency of the law). system if SEBs had learnt to ration power The study found numerous cases of viola- supply to agriculture and gradually raise the flat tions of the 500 m norm, yet not a single case tariffs to break-even levels. However, neither of legal action has resulted because gram happened; farmer lobbies have managed all panchayats have failed to file a written along to prevent upward revision in the flat complaint. It concluded that: ‘There is a near tariff while compelling the SEBs to maintain complete absence of social support for the legis- electricity supply to the farm sector. The invidi- lation. The rural lay public as well as the office ous nexus between energy and irrigation – bearers of gram panchayats appear inhibited which has contributed to the bankruptcy of the Reforming Informal Water Economies 73

Indian power sector and rampant over-exploita- taining the power supply infrastructure in the tion of groundwater – has been discussed by village; and (ii) collecting user charges for a Shah et al. (2004c). We simply summarize its transformer assigned to him/her based on conclusion here. metered individual consumption from all cate- In the thinking of SEBs and multilateral gories of users. The sum of power use recorded donors about ways out of this imbroglio, a in the meters attached to all irrigation pumps return to metering power is critical, even if it had to tally with the power supply recorded at means taking on farmer lobbies. Several chief the transformer for any given period. The elec- ministers have tried to bite the bullet in the past trician was required to pay the township elec- few years. But farmers’ opposition has been so tricity bureau for power use recorded at the strong, swift and strident that they have been transformer level. either felled or obliged to retract. Some, as in This arrangement did not always work Punjab and Tamilnadu, have done away with easily. Where power supply infrastructure was farm power tariff altogether. Recommending old and worn out, line losses below the trans- metering farm electricity in today’s setting is former made this difficult. To allow for normal asking politicians to do hara-kiri. line losses, a 10% allowance was given by the But even if a politician were to succeed in township electricity bureau to the electrician. metering farm power supply, it would probably However, even this must have made it difficult change little because, if anything, transaction for the latter to tally the two; as a result, an elec- costs of metered power supply are much higher tricity network reform programme was under- today than they were in the 1970s. Most states taken by the national government to modernize have at least eight to ten times more irrigation and rehabilitate rural power infrastructure.16 tube wells today than they had during the Where this was done, line losses fell sharply,17 1970s; and farming livelihoods depend far and among a sample of ten villages I visited in more critically on electricity today than 30 years 2003, none had a problem tallying power ago. If metering must work in the India of today, consumption recorded at the transformer level we must learn from the Chinese experiments, with the sum of consumption recorded by indi- which always stuck with metering, and then vidual users, especially with the line loss focus on modifying the incentive structures to allowance of 10%. address many of the problems metering faces in It is interesting that the village electrician in India (see Shah et al., 2004a). Henan and Hebei provinces in North China is Surprisingly, the electricity–irrigation nexus able to deliver on a fairly modest reward of is not a subject of discussion in China at all. The US$24–30/month plus an incentive bonus of Chinese electricity supply industry operates on around $24/month (Zhang, 2004), which is two principles: (i) total cost recovery in genera- equivalent to the value of wheat produced on 1 tion, transmission and distribution at each level, mu (or 0.67 ha) of land. For this rather modest with some minor cross-subsidization across user wage, China’s village electrician undertakes to groups and areas; and (ii) each user pays in make good to the township electricity station proportion to their metered use. Unlike in much the full amount on line and commercial losses of South Asia, rural electricity throughout China in excess of 10% of the power consumption was charged at a higher rate than urban; and recorded on the transformers; if he can manage agriculture paid more than domestic and indus- to keep losses to less than 10%, he can keep trial use until a few years ago (Wang et al., 40% of the value of power saved. This gener- 2004). ates a powerful incentive for him to reduce line Until 1997, the responsibility for operation losses. and maintenance of the village electricity infra- In the way that the Chinese collect metered structure and user charge recovery lay with the electricity charges, it is well nigh impossible to village committee. The standard arrangement make financial losses since these are firmly in use was for the village committee and the passed on downstream from one level to the township electricity bureau to appoint and train next. Take, for example, the malpractice one or more local farmers as part-time village common in South Asia of end-users tampering electricians with dual responsibility for: (i) main- with meters or bribing the meter reader to 74 T. Shah

under-report actual consumption. In the than 5%. If the same arrangement were to work Chinese system, it is very unlikely that such in Punjab, Haryana or Gujarat or several other malpractices could occur on a large scale, since states where electricity use in the farm sector is the village electrician is faced with serious 30% or more, farmer resistance would be greater personal loss if he fails to collect from the farm- and commensurate with the effectiveness of the ers electricity charges for at least 90% of power volumetric pricing. And one thing that private consumed as reported at the transformer meter. power retailers in Indian villages would have to And since malpractice by a farmer directly hits do without is the authority of the village party other farmers in the village, there is likely to leader that helps China’s village electricians to exist strong peer control over such practices. firmly pass on all costs to farmers. In the absence In making metered power pricing work, of such authority structures, private entrepre- China’s unique advantage is its strong village- neurs would expect very high margins to assume level authority structure. The village committee, the role of retailing power on a volumetric basis. and especially, the village party leader, is This – as well as farmer propensity to frustrate respected and feared. These factors ensure that metering – would raise transaction costs of the electrician is able to do his or her job. In metering to very high levels. If the ultimate comparison to China’s village committees, purpose of volumetric pricing is to improve the India’s village Panchayats are utterly devoid of finances of electricity utilities, I doubt this power, as well as authority, as institutions for purpose would be achieved. local governance. In a recent paper (Shah et al., 2004c), we In India a similar experiment was tried out in have argued that, in making an impossibly bad Orissa, where private companies in charge of situation better, a more practical course avail- distribution first experimented with village able to SEBs and state governments is to stay vidyut sanghas (electricity cooperatives) by with flat tariffs but to rationalize them through forming 5500 of them but are now veering intelligent management of power supply. around to private entrepreneurs as electricity Farmers’ needs for power are different from retailers. Mishra (2004), who carried out an those of households or industries: they need assessment of Orissa reforms for the IWMI-Tata plentiful power on 30–40 days of the year programme, visited a number of these sanghas when crops face acute moisture stress. during 2003 and noted that: ‘None of the However, in most states, they receive a constant village committees were operational.’ These 8–10 h/day of poor-quality power supply worked as long as the support organization throughout the year. If SEBs were to invest in hired to catalyse them propped them up with understanding that their farmers are customers, constant visits and organizational work; as soon it should be possible for them to supply 20 as the support organization was withdrawn, the h/day of good-quality power to farmers on village vidyut sanghas became defunct. Mishra 30–40 days of peak irrigation need while main- (2004) wrote: ‘The situation today is quite simi- taining 3–4 h/day supply on other days. In lar to that [which] existed earlier before the order for such an approach to work, the nature interventions were made through the Commit- and capabilities of the power utilities have to tee.’ Sanghas having failed, power distribution change; so also does the thinking of donors and companies appointed three private entrepre- governments. neurs as franchisees on terms similar to those In sum, in improving the working of India’s facing China’s village electricians. These have water economy, many policy and institutional resulted in sustained and significant improve- interventions – already tried and watered ments in billing and collection of electricity down, or on the discussion table – are of little dues. value because its predominantly informal The Orissa experiment and the Chinese expe- nature makes its policing and enforcement costs rience suggest that, in principle, it is possible to prohibitive. India is not alone in devoting ener- make volumetric pricing and collection of gies and resources to these. electricity charges work if private entrepreneurs In Africa several countries have, during recent are given appropriate incentives. However, in years, experimented with demand management Orissa, the electricity use in agriculture is less ideas such as pricing of water, instituting water Reforming Informal Water Economies 75

withdrawal permits and restructuring regional occasional examples of such models having water departments as river basin organizations. worked reasonably well either in the industrial- Although it may be too early to write a report on ized countries or in India itself, but under the these, countries like Ghana are already having tutelage of an inspired local leader or an indus- second thoughts. The concerns are of five kinds: trious NGO. Its having worked in a few situa- (i) most reforms have remained largely unimple- tions in exceptional conditions becomes the mented, especially in the informal segments of basis for designs of major programmes of insti- the water economy that encompass most of the tutional interventions, commonly bankrolled by users and uses; (ii) nowhere have the reforms a supportive donor. produced evidence of improved performance of One classic example of ideas in this genre is the water economy, except in countries with a PIM (or its cousin IMT) which has been, for the large formal water economy; (iii) implementation past four decades, the ruling mantra for improv- of reforms has disrupted customary arrange- ing the productivity of irrigation systems in ments for water management that was robust India. What is extraordinary about this preoccu- enough to, at least, survive the test of time; (iv) pation with PIM (or IMT) is the sway it has when zealously implemented, reforms – espe- continued to hold on players in water IE, cially water permits and water taxes – hit poor despite virtually no evidence of it having people in remote rural areas hard; and (v) succeeded anywhere else except on an experi- ‘demand management reforms’ deflected mental scale, that too with facilitation of non- national IE players from pursuing water sector replicable quality and scale.19 priorities important to them, namely improving The idea of farmers managing irrigation water infrastructure and services to their people canals is not new; the British tried hard in the (Shah and van Koppen, 2005). late 19th century to get farmers from the Indus and Ganges areas to participate in irrigation management but without much success, except Areas in Need of Institutional Innovation in enforcing warabandi (rotational methods for (Quadrant 2) equitable allocation of available water) in the Indus canals (Whitcombe, 1984). More Rather than evolving organically from the recently, since 1960, WUAs (Water Users’ unfolding situation on the ground – and there- Associations) have been tried out on small irri- fore being demanded by stakeholders – many gation systems. Uttar Pradesh tried sinchai of the reforms currently being pursued in India, samitis (irrigation committees) way back in the such as Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT), early 1960s on irrigation tanks and reservoirs; River Basin Management and metering of elec- following that, Madhya Pradesh too tried it on tricity are actually promoted aggressively by thousands of its minor irrigation tanks. both researchers and funding agencies,18 and Other states have been trying to make pani are sometimes out of sync with the prevailing panchayats (water councils) work. But sinchai Indian context. By far the most frequent are samitis of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh situations where institutional interventions have disappeared without trace; and so have proposed would yield high productivity pay-offs pani panchayats in Gujarat and elsewhere. Yet, if successful; but they rarely succeed because of Orissa recently made a law that transferred all its high transaction costs. minor irrigation systems to instantly created pani In independent India’s history, the ‘commu- panchayats. Gujarat introduced joint irrigation nitarian ideal’ – the notion that villagers will management programmes as far back as in instantly come together to take over the respon- 1983, but the 17 irrigation cooperatives lost sibility of participatory, democratic manage- money and became defunct. In 1991 it made ment of virtually anything (land, water, another attempt, this time around with assis- watersheds, forests, irrigation systems, river tance from NGOs; 144 irrigation cooperatives basins) – has been behind innumerable were formed to cover 45,000 ha of irrigated abortive institutional interventions. What has area (Shukla, 2004); however, it is difficult to see helped fuel this enthusiasm for participatory precisely in what way these areas are better off irrigation management (PIM) by farmers are than other command areas. 76 T. Shah

Indeed, a core idea of Command Area ● The irrigation system is central to a dynamic, Development Agencies (CADAs) in the early high-performing agriculture. 1980s was to involve farmer organizations in the ● The average farm size is large enough for a management of irrigation projects. But we see no typical or a significant proportion of the trace of CADAs or their beneficiary farmers’ command area farmers to operate like agro- associations (BFAs), even in Kerala where businessmen. thousands of these were formed under a ‘big ● The farm producers are linked with global bang’ approach in 1986. An assessment by input and output markets. Joseph (2001) in the late 1990s suggested that, ● The costs of self-managed irrigation are an even in this land of strong traditions of local insignificant part of the gross value of prod- governance, good education and high levels of uct of farming. public participation, BFAs were a damp squib.20 As in Kerala, Andhra Pradesh overnight These are the conditions – all of which transferred the management of all its irrigation enhance the pay-offs, reduce transaction costs systems to over 10,000 WUAs created by the or both – obtained in Mexico, the USA and automobile company Fiat and a World New Zealand, from where emerge the resound- 22 loan; this ‘big bang’ approach to PIM has ing success stories we hear about IMT (Shah attracted all-round interest; however, now that et al., 2002). In South Africa the commercial the funds retailed to WUAs for farming sector, which satisfies all these condi- maintenance are over, field observers are tions, took naturally to PIM through its irriga- beginning to wonder precisely what the WUAs tion boards; but the same logic when applied to are doing better (Jairath, 2001).21 irrigation systems serving smallholders in The central assumption underlying PIM/IMT former homelands met with resounding failure is that, once irrigation management is transferred because these met none of the conditions that from remote bureaucracies to WUAs, the finan- irrigation boards satisfied (Shah et al., 2002). cial viability of the systems would improve and Even where all conditions are satisfied and so would the quality and reliability of irrigation. PIM/IMT declared ‘successful’, researchers have Physical and value productivity of water and presented a mixed picture of resultant impacts. land would increase. As a result, irrigation For example, an exhaustive global review systems would better achieve their potential for carried out for IWMI of IMT impacts by Douglas food and livelihood security for farmers in their Vermillion, a pioneer in IMT research, showed command. PIM/IMT programmes have belied that impacts are significant and unambiguously many of these expectations, even in countries beneficial in terms of cost recovery in , like Turkey, Mexico and where they Mexico, the USA and New Zealand. Fee collec- are known to have succeeded. As a result, early tion has improved; agency staff strength has expectations from PIM/IMT have been increas- declined. But the impact of management trans- ingly moderated and IMT is now considered fer on agricultural productivity and farm successful even if it just ‘saves the government incomes is far less unequivocal even in these money, improves cost effectiveness of operation countries (Vermillion, 1996, p. 153). In and maintenance while improving, or at least not Philippines, the Mecca of IMT and PIM, recent weakening, the productivity of irrigated agricul- studies show that productivity gains from PIM ture’ (Vermillion, 1996, p. 153). The drift of the have not been sustained (Panella, 1999). IMT discussion then, in recent times, has been None of the conditions outlined above are more towards getting irrigation off the back of obtained in a typical Indian surface irrigation the governments than towards improving the lot system. Most farmers in the command have of the farmers and the poor, the original goal at small-holdings, subdivided further into smaller which much public irrigation investment has parcels. A typical major system has hundreds of been directed over the past 50 years. thousands of smallholders, making it well nigh Some over-arching patterns emerge from a impossible to bring them all together to negoti- reading of the international experience. IMT ate. Over 90% of the surface water irrigated has tended to be smooth, relatively effortless area in India is under field crops yielding and successful where: Rs 15,000–18,000 (US$325–400)/ha of gross Reforming Informal Water Economies 77

value of output, compared with US$3000– gram panchayats can potentially sustain a 7500/ha in high-value farming in industrialized vibrant inland fishing enterprise and livelihood countries. Irrigation systems are at the heart of system. However, government policy has the farming economy of command areas. always been to give away monopoly lease rights However, the mushrooming of wells and tube to registered fisher-people’s cooperatives. wells, and booming pump irrigation markets in Thousands of such cooperatives are registered; command areas and in the neighbourhood of but probably a very small fraction – in my irrigation tanks have reduced farmers’ stakes in surmise, less than 1 or 2% – operate as dynamic managing surface irrigation systems. Head-reach producer cooperatives as, for instance, the dairy and tail-end farmers almost always have oppos- cooperatives do in Gujarat. ing motivations when it comes to management In South India, which has over 300,000 irriga- reform, with the former interested in preserving tion tanks, a decades-old concern has been about the status quo and the latter interested in change. the breakdown of traditions of maintenance of All these, together, raise the transaction costs bunds and supply channels, orderly distribution of implementing management reform through of water and protection from encroachment. PIM/IMT-type interventions. The prospects Several donor-supported projects first aimed at become worse because, almost everywhere, the ‘engineering rehabilitation’ and restored tank agency’s purpose in promoting PIM is to get infrastructure to their original – or even a better – WUAs to assume arduous responsibilities – main- condition. However, when rehabilitation of tanks tenance, fee collection, mobilization of voluntary again declined and needed another round of labour for repair and maintenance works, etc. rehabilitation, planners found something amiss in Moreover, farmers are generally quick to figure their earlier approach. Therefore, in new tank out that PIM often means increased water fees rehabilitation programmes – such as the new without corresponding improvement in service World Bank project in Karnataka – an institu- quality. These reduce the perceived pay-offs from tional component is added to the engineering reform. component. But the institutional component All in all, decades invested in the hope that invariably consists of registering a WUA of com- PIM or IMT would spearhead productivity mand area farmers. Except where such WUAs improvements in public irrigation are decades have been constantly animated and propped up wasted. PIM has not achieved any significant by support NGOs – as in the case of the Dhan success on a meaningful scale anywhere in Foundation in Madurai, Tamilnadu – it is difficult India, and it will indeed be a great surprise if it to find evidence of productivity improvements in does in the existing IE marked by hopelessly tanks because of WUAs on any significant scale low irrigation fees, extremely poor collection (Shah et al., 1998). and poor main system management. Besides the problem of high transaction There are similar institutional misadventures costs of co-coordinating, negotiating, rule in other spheres. In growing regions where fluo- making and, above all, rule enforcement and ride contamination of groundwater is endemic, improving the management of tanks – more in governments and donors have tried setting up North India than in South India – face some village-based reverse osmosis-type plants or special problems. One of them is of aligning Nalgonda-type defluoridation plants to control conflicting interests of multiple stakeholders. the growing menace of dental and skeletal fluo- Command area farmers have a direct conflict of rosis. Again, the management model chosen is interest with tank-bed farmers; and well owners communitarian, and these have invariably in the neighbourhood of tanks are a potential failed. In Gujarat, out of dozens of such plants threat to all other users because they can virtu- set up during the 1980s and 1990s, not one has ally steal tank water by pumping from their operated for more than a few months. wells. Then, there are fishing contractors whose An older experiment with a communitarian interests also clash with those of irrigators, espe- model has been with inland fishery coopera- cially during the dry season (Shah and Raju, tives. Numerous local water bodies controlled 2001). Registering a WUA of command area by irrigation departments, zilla panchayats, farmers and hoping that this ‘institutional inter- taluka panchayats (sub-district councils) and vention’ would increase productivity of tanks is 78 T. Shah

extremely naive. Improved management of now been extensively studied (see Shah, 1993; public irrigation systems, tanks and fishery Janakarajan, 1994; Saleth, 1998; Singh and represents opportunities for high pay-off but Singh, 2003; Mukherji, 2004 for a good survey has failed to be realized because the institu- of the literature). These studies analyse myriad tional models promoted have high transaction ways in which their working differs across space costs. and time. But common elements of groundwater markets everywhere in the Indian subcontinent Vibrant Institutional Arrangements are the features we listed at the start of this Ignored (Quadrant 1) section: (i) they are swayambhoo; (ii) they operate on such a large scale as to account for The core of New Institutional Economics is the over one-quarter of the Indian irrigated areas; notion that productivity of resources in an econ- (iii) water sellers everywhere constantly inno- omy is determined by technology employed vate to reduce transaction costs and create and institutions. And if ‘institutions affect value; (iv) water markets are the instrumentality economic performance by determining transac- of buyers and sellers of pump irrigation service, tion and transformation (production) costs’, and not of society at large or the IE; (v) as a then the Indian water sector is brimming with result, water markets are unrepentant when institutional changes occurring on the margins their operation produces externalities such as that are doing this all the time, and yet are groundwater depletion or drying up of either glossed over (or even frowned upon) by wetlands; and, finally, (vi) despite their scale the players in the IE. Most such institutions we and significance, the IE has been blind towards explore in this section are invariably swayamb- the potential of water markets to achieve larger hoo23 (self-creating and spontaneous); they policy ends. When they take notice of their exis- have come up on a significant enough scale to tence and role – which is seldom – water policy permit generic lessons. These invariably involve makers are often unable to decide whether they entrepreneurial effort to reduce transaction deserve promotion or regulation. costs; they serve an important economic Much the same is the case with many other purpose, improve welfare and raise productiv- water institutions. In the previous section, I ity; they are commonly faced with an adverse mentioned tens of thousands of fishermen’s or unhelpful IE. Crucially, these constitute the cooperatives that are lying defunct. However, instrumentality of the players of the game, and pond fishery entrepreneurs have sprung up sustain as long as they serve their purpose. everywhere who use ‘paper’ cooperatives as a The emergence of tube well technology has front for operating profitable culture fisheries. been the biggest contributor to growth in irriga- Why don’t fisher cooperatives exploit the tion in post-independent India; and the spon- economic opportunities that these contractors taneous rise of groundwater (or, more are able to? The most important reason is the appropriately, pump irrigation service) markets transaction costs of protecting their crop. has done much to multiply the productivity and Culture fishery is capital intensive but affords a welfare impact of tube well irrigation. The high yield. In common property village or irri- Indian irrigation establishment is probably out gation tanks with multiple stakeholders, in order of touch with the changing face of its playing to remain viable the fishermen should be able field: it still believes that only 38% of the gross to meet many conditions. They should effec- cropped area is irrigated, 55% of it by ground- tively defend their rights against poachers, and water wells. But concerning the reality of Indian against irrigators who may want to pump tank irrigation at the dawn of the millennium, the tail water below the sill level during dry periods to has begun wagging the dog.24 IE in the Indian irrigate crops, or against tank-bed cultivators water sector has little or no interface with either who want to empty the tank so they can begin the 75% of Indian irrigation occurring through sowing. tube wells or with the institution of water In South Asia, fisher communities are markets. commonly from the lowest rung of the village The working of groundwater markets has society. They would not only have difficulty in Reforming Informal Water Economies 79

mobilizing capital to buy seedlings and manure folk that village panchayats, as managers, could but also in protecting the crop from poaching not control. In a modified programme, the from outsiders, from the local bigwigs as well as Fisheries Department took over the manage- from their own members. Fisher cooperatives, ment of tanks from the panchayats to raise fish- as a result, always underinvest. Reserving fish- ery to a produce-sharing basis; but the ing contracts for fisher cooperatives is therefore Department was less effective than the the best formula for sustained low productivity panchayats in checking poaching. In 1973, a of the inland fishery economy. special notification of the Government of We discovered just how high the transaction Gujarat transferred inland fishing rights on all cost of protecting a fish crop was when we stud- water bodies, including village tanks, to the ied who precisely the fishing contractors were in Fisheries Department, which now set about two separate studies in central Gujarat and forming fishermen’s cooperatives in a Bundelkhand. We found that, in both the campaign mode. The idea was to entrust the regions, the key characteristic of people who management to the community of poachers emerged as successful fishing contractors was a themselves. painstakingly cultivated image of a toughie, or a In the Kheda district of Gujarat, for example, ruffian capable of enforcing his rights even by 27 such cooperatives were formed to undertake using violence. In Bundelkhand, ‘Everywhere intensive culture fishing. However, these were the fishing contractors involved stopped farm- none the better when it came to controlling ers from lifting water from the tank once the last poaching – including that by their own five feet of water was left. They had invested in members; and the gross revenues could not fish production and now were making sure they even meet the bank loans. Members lost heart get their money’s worth’ (Shah, 2002, p. 3). and cooperatives became defunct, a story that In central Gujarat, fishing contractors often has been endlessly repeated in various fields in have to resort to violence and even undergo a India’s history of the cooperative movement. jail term to establish that they meant business While all manner of government subsidies were when it came to defending their property on offer, what made culture fishery unviable right.25 Despite this unsavoury aspect, I would were three factors: (i) a lease offered for only 3 not be much off the mark in suggesting that the years, a period considered too short to recoup explosive increase in inland fishery in India the investment made; (ii) only registered coop- during the past 40 years is the result of two eratives could be given a lease and the process factors: (i) introduction of new technologies of of registration was transaction-costly; and (iii) culture fishery along with its paraphernalia; and rampant poaching and the high cost of policing (ii) gradual emasculation by the fishing contrac- and preventing it. tors of the idealized fisher cooperatives as All this time, culture fishery productivity was monopoly lease holders on water bodies. Had steadily rising. Although fisher cooperatives the cooperative ideal been enforced vigorously, were not doing well, culture fishery was, as India’s inland fishery would not have emerged entrepreneurs began using cooperatives as a as the growth industry it is today. front to win leases on common property water How changing IE policy unleashes produc- bodies. Doing this entailed significant transac- tive forces in an economy is best illustrated by tion costs; office bearers of cooperatives had to the evolution of Gujarat’s inland fishery policy be paid off, and gram panchayat leaders kept in over the past 30 years (Pandya, 2004). good humour so that the lease would be Following early attempts to intensify inland fish- renewed. Even then, whenever a gram eries during the 1940s, Gujarat Government’s panchayat leadership changed, the new order Fisheries Department began supporting village would terminate the contract to favour a new panchayats to undertake intensive culture fish- contractor. This dampened the contractors’ ery in village tanks during early 1960. However, interest in investing in high productivity. the programme failed to make headway, partly In 1976, the government began setting up because of popular resistance to fish culture in fish farmers’ development agencies in each this traditionally vegetarian state and partly district to implement a new Intensive Fish because of rampant poaching from local fisher- Culture Programme. Terms of lease began to 80 T. Shah

undergo change: private entrepreneurs were, in tors also have to acquire and deploy muscle principle, considered for giving away leases but power. there was a pecking order of priority where first Several less sensational examples can be priority was for a Below Poverty Line (BPL) offered of spontaneous institutions that operate family, followed by a local poor fisherman, then on a large scale to serve purposes for which a local cooperative and, if none of these were water establishments often promote copybook available, to any entrepreneur who bid in an institutions such as WUAs. I briefly mentioned open auction. earlier how hundreds of defunct community Earlier, the government had paid a puny reverse osmosis (RO) or defluoridation plants rental to the gram panchayats for using their set up by governments and donors to supply tanks for fish culture. Now that entrepreneurs fluoride-free drinking water to village communi- were allowed, gram panchayats began quoting ties have failed under community manage- an ‘upset price’ derived as an estimate of the ment. However, in North Gujarat, as a demand ‘fishing value’ of the tank, which was often 20 curve has emerged for fluoride-free drinking to 30 times the rental panchayats received water, some 300 plants selling packed desali- earlier from the Department. Even so, as soon nated water have mushroomed in the cottage as leases were open to entrepreneurs, many sector. Over half of these have been set up since came forward. A later change in policy gave 2001, mostly in mofussil (small towns) to serve cooperatives some discount in the ‘upset price’ permanent customers, as well as to retail water and other benefits. In general, the IE’s outlook in polythene pouches.26 constantly remained favourable to cooperatives The RO cottage industry of Gujarat was and suspicious of entrepreneurs. In 2003, a quietly serving a growing demand when the ‘IE’ series of new changes in the policy framework caught up with it. In 2001, the Bureau of Indian gave a further fillip to productivity growth: the Standards (BIS) made it compulsory for cottage lease period was extended from 3 to 10 years, RO plants to achieve the ISI mark.27 This which reduced the contractors’ vulnerability to entailed that each plant had to invest Rs 0.3–0.4 changes in panchayat leadership. It also made million ($6500–8670) in an in-house laboratory investment in productivity enhancement attrac- and pay an annual certification fee of Rs 84,000 tive. The new policy also removed the last ($1870) to the ISI. This single move immo- vestiges of special treatment to cooperatives, bilized the emerging RO water cottage industry; and provided for a public auction of the lease 200 operators had to close their businesses after open advertisement. because the new announcement doubled their During 1971–1998, the inland fishery cost of production. Yet, setting up an in-house output of Gujarat increased sixfold from 14,000 laboratory and paying an annual certification mt (metric tons) in 1971 to over 80,000 mt in fee implied no guarantee of quality assurance 1998–1999 (Government of Gujarat, 2004). because BIS inspectors hardly visit plants, if Considering that Gujarat had hardly any ever. Many customers (Indu, 2002) interviewed culture fishery before 1950, it must be said that wondered if the ISI mark – like the AGMARK the credit for this growth rightly belongs to the (standardized certification for agricultural food government’s efforts. The government invested products) ghee and honey – can by itself in subsidies, organizing inputs, bringing in new guarantee quality unless BIS itself put its act technology, extension and training and much together in the first place. else. All these played a role in expanding the Likewise, many state governments are strug- fisheries economy. However, perhaps, the most gling, in vain, to cut their losses from operating important impact has been produced by two mostly World Bank-funded public tube well factors: (i) the changes made at the margins in programmes by trying to transfer these to ideal- the leasing policies of water bodies that have ized cooperatives registered under the shaped the transaction costs of setting up and Cooperative Act. If the purpose of a coopera- operating a profitable culture fishery business; tive tube well is to enable a group of farmers to and (ii) the high costs of controlling poaching, mobilize capital, to install and operate a tube which has ensured that, besides several entre- well for the mutual benefit of members, such preneurial qualities, successful fishing contrac- tube well groups have existed for decades in Reforming Informal Water Economies 81

North Gujarat. The difference is that, having six cities operate a water trade worth Rs 203 been created to serve the purpose of their crore (US$45 million)/year. Despite being key members, their ownership structure and operat- players in urban water sectors: ‘There is no ing rules are designed to minimize the trans- record with any government department about action costs of cooperating on a sustained its size, scale and modus operandi. There is an basis (Shah and Bhattacharya, 1993). The absence of any government regulation on Government of Gujarat tried hard to transfer its groundwater withdrawals. Except in Chennai, public tube wells to idealized cooperatives but, municipal authorities refuse to even acknowl- thanks to the very high transaction costs relative edge the existence of such markets’ (Londhe et to the pay-off facing potential entrepreneurs, al., 2004). the programme made no headway until 1998 Tanker markets operate much like any other when the terms of turnover were rewritten.28 market, and serve those who can pay for their Basically, the requirement that a cooperative services. The IWMI-Tata study estimated that be registered under the Cooperative Act was 51% of consumers in the six cities are from dropped; the lease period was extended from 1 high-income groups, 43% from middle-income to 5 years; and changes were introduced that groups and only 6% from low-income groups. made it possible for one or few major stake- Contrary to belief that the poorest pay the most holders to assume the role of tube well manager for water, the IWMI-Tata study showed that the and residual claimant. These minor changes poorest pay the least, even when transaction suddenly gave a fillip to the turnover pro- costs and imputed cost of labour and time in gramme and, over a 3-year period, over half of fetching water are factored in (Londhe et al., Gujarat’s public tube wells, some 3500 in all, 2004). were transferred to farmer groups. An IWMI- One more case of institutions that ‘planners Tata study of turned-over public tube wells propose and people dispose’ that I want to (Mukherji and Kishore, 2003) showed that, discuss briefly concerns the world-famous within 1 year of the turnover, the performance Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) on the Narmada of turned-over tube wells, in terms of area irri- river. SSP must be one of the world’s most- gated, hours of operation, quality of service, planned projects. One of SSP’s key planning O&M and financial results improved. Two years premises was that the Project would construct after the turnover, it improved dramatically. lined canals with gated structures going right up In opening this section, I talked about the to the village service area (VSA), comprising significance of groundwater markets in India’s some 400 ha of command. A WUA would be irrigation. However, private provision of water organized in each VSA that would simultane- services is also an important part of India’s ously construct the sub-minor and field chan- urban reality. In an IWMI-Tata study of six cities nels to convey water from the pucca (lined – Indore, Jaipur, Nagpur, Ahmedabad, minor) to the fields. When SSP water was first Bangalore and Chennai – Londhe et al. (2004) released to some 80,000 ha of the command found that municipal agencies supplied only just below the dam in 2001, the Project 51% of the demand calculated at 80 l per managers registered, on a war footing, WUAs capita per day. as cooperatives in some 1100 VSAs. When the In Chennai and Ahmedabad, formal organi- water was finally released, however, the village- zations served only 10 and 26%, respectively, level distribution structure was not ready in a of the ‘normative’ demand, the balance being single village. either self-supplied or served by informal sector And it will never be, as we learnt in the players. ‘Tanker markets’ supply 21, 12 and course of a quick assessment of farmer 10% of the demand in Chennai, Indore and preparedness to receive Narmada irrigation Jaipur, respectively. In Chennai, tanker opera- (Talati and Shah, 2004). The perceived sum of tors have year-round operations and even have the transaction and transformation cost29 of an association. In other cities, tanker markets constructing village distribution systems seemed emerge during the summer and quietly disap- by far to outweigh the benefits people expected pear as the monsoon arrives. Londhe et al. of SSP. There was, however, a flurry of activity (2004) estimate that some 3000 tankers in the as SSP water began flowing into minors. 82 T. Shah

According to our quick estimates, several thou- by Rajendra Singh’s Tarun Bharat Sangh, a sand diesel pumps and several million metres of grass-roots organization. Saurashtra’s recharge rubber pipes were purchased by water entrepre- movement was truly multicentric, unruly, spon- neurs to take water to their own fields and to taneous and wholly internally funded with no provide irrigation services to others. support from government, international donors The trend for new investments in diesel or the scientific community – until 1998, when pumps and rubber pipes gathered further the Government of Gujarat became involved momentum in 2002 and 2003; and we found and proceeded to rid the movement of its quin- that village communities were none the worse tessentially swayambhoo and voluntary charac- for having violated the SSP planning assump- ter by announcing a subsidy programme (Shah, tion. The Government of Gujarat is, however, 2000; Shah and Desai, 2002). adamant on constructing a ‘proper’ village It is difficult to assess the social value of this distribution system in the SSP command – movement, partly because ‘formal hydrology’ never mind whether it will take 50 years to and ‘popular hydrology’ have failed to find a complete the canal network.30 meeting ground. Scientists want check dams The swayambhoo institutions I have dis- sited near recharge zones; villagers want them cussed in this section are all driven by oppor- close to their wells. Scientists recommend tunism. However, large-scale swayambhoo recharge tube wells to counter the silt layer institutions are often driven by more complex impeding recharge; farmers just direct flood motives including long-term, collective self- water into their wells after filtering. Scientists interest. The decentralized mass movement for worry about upstream–downstream externali- rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge ties; farmers say everyone lives downstream. that the Saurashtra region of Gujarat saw from Scientists say the hard-rock aquifers have too 1987 until 1998, when it became co-opted by little storage to justify the prolific growth in the state government, is a good example of recharge structures; people say a check dam is such an institutional development (Shah, worthwhile if their wells provide even 1000 m3 2000). of life-saving irrigation/ha in times of delayed The movement was catalysed first by stray rain. Hydrologists keep writing the obituary of experiments of ‘barefoot hydrologists’ in modify- the recharge movement; but the movement has ing open wells to collect monsoonal flood waters. spread from eastern Rajasthan to Gujarat, Early successes fired the imagination of a people thence to Madhya Pradesh and Andhra disillusioned with ineffective government Pradesh. Protagonists think that, with better programmes. Soon, well recharge was joined by planning and larger coverage, the decentralized other water-capture structures such as check recharge movement can be a major response to dams and percolation tanks. With all manner of India’s groundwater depletion problem because experimentation going on, a kind of subaltern it can ensure that water tables in pockets of hydrology of groundwater recharge developed intensive use rebound to pre-development and became energetically disseminated. Religious levels at the end of the monsoonal season every leaders of sects like Swadhyaya Pariwar and year they have a good monsoon. Swaminarayana Sampradaya ennobled this work Table 5.1 offers a comparative view of a in their public discourses by imbuing it with a sample of six ‘high pay-off–low transaction- larger social purpose. The gathering movement cost’ institutions that have emerged in India’s generated enormous local goodwill and released water sector in recent years. If we judge institu- philanthropic energies on an unprecedented tions by their contribution to increasing produc- scale, with diamond merchants – originally from tivity and welfare, all six can be considered Saurashtra but now settled in Surat and Belgium successful. Each can be found to operate on a – offering cash, cement companies offering significant scale, thus permitting generic cement at discounted prices and communities lessons. One notable aspect is that each insti- offering millions of days of voluntary labour. tution has arisen spontaneously and flourished In neighbouring Rajasthan, Alwar was also as an instrumentality of its players, serving undergoing similar mass action; but it was far a purpose important to them though not more limited in scale, and was orchestrated necessarily of the IE players. Each has devised Reforming Informal Water Economies 83 ct; f-interest was skill- f-interest was ligious leaders works Catalysed by religious Catalysed by organizations fully blended with missionary zeal and piggybacked lessened its character swayambhoo topography command area seepage, overcoming action cooperative Programme Krishna basinexploited aquifer Saurashtra user fields early withdrawal industry Transfer Well Tube and Upper of movement Fishing contractors contractors Fishing using cooperatives as fronts osmosis (RO) Reverse plants in North well companies Tube Urban tanker water of North Gujarat cottage Irrigation institutions Gujarat’s Decentralized markets Public and Gujarat’s unfolding in the groundwater Narmada command recharge fisheries in Indiatenfold increase in inland fishery produc- 1960–2000tivity water demand for clean serve Can protect fish better farmers individual and therefore can profit from serving To in intensive invest which culture fishery, pool capital and To cannotcooperatives emerging demand for in and investing by fluoride-free water profit from supply of To share risks of tube well Gujarat maintaining RO plant distributing profit by Swayambhoo To not be able would failure in creating and in cities where water water Improve public institutions an irrigation operating in an over- source by Narmada water cannot cope with the from lifting water Swayambhoo to do economic demand canals and transporting in wells availability infrastructure; irrigation when rubber pipe to it by for life-saving Swayambhoo monsoon makes crops, and expansion of Narmada possibility of a rabi Swayambhoo Swayambhoo irrigation dams 50,000 check crop Characteristics of swayambhoo water institutions. water of swayambhoo Characteristics Table 5.1. Table environment Strategy of reducing Strategy Instilling fear amongst and transaction costtransformation annual Cultivating poachers management Vesting Meet the demand as it of making Avoidance customers Re roles in members with occurs in a flexible of sub-minors and field reduced have largest share in manner reducing channels, costs of transaction Spread of theinstitution of thousands Tens Economic contribution Around 300 plants in small and large tank Some 8,000–10,000 Gujarat Contributed to to seven- achieving Raison d’être Most Indian cities treatment capacity to water Add and operate potential which thousand new Several Create irrigation 300,000 wells companies in North Mode of emergence demand and supply the gap between Fill distribution water in investment Private greatly Improved security of kharif pumps installed/year modified for recharge; Incentive structureIncentive concentration Pay-off concentration Pay-off concentration Pay-off concentration Pay-off concentration Pay-off Sel Outlook of the ‘establishment’ but changing Negative, in states like Gujarat NegativePreferred alternative institutional by Registered fishermen’s Community RO plants cooperativesWUAs Idealized Negative supply Municipal water WUAs Idealized Neutral/negative Narmada proje Negative/neutral Sceptical, but improved scientific recharge 84 T. Shah

its own methods of reducing transaction costs the mid-1980s – Vilas Rao Salunke’s pani and managing incentive structures. panchayats in Maharashtra, Aga Khan Rural Finally, each is widely viewed in the IE – by Support Programme’s irrigators’ association in government officials, NGOs, researchers, inter- Raj Samadhiala, Dhan Foundation’s Tank User national experts and even local opinion leaders Federations, Development Support Centre’s – as a subaltern or inferior alternative to the WUAs in Dharoi command in North Gujarat, mainstream notion of an institution considered community-managed tube wells that came up in ideal but that has not worked on a desired scale Vaishali and Deoria in Eastern UP, Anna or in a desired manner. As a result, far from Hazare’s Ralegaon Shiddi, Rajendra Singh’s recognizing the potential of these subaltern profusion of johads in Thanagazi, Alwar district, institutions to further larger social goals, the Chaitanya’s conversion of irrigation tanks into outlook has been to ignore their existence and percolation tanks in Rayalaseema – all these are social value, or even to emasculate them. examples. That the transaction cost reduction in all these was artificial is indicated by the absence of spontaneous lateral expansion/replication of Analysis and Discussion these experiments despite the high pay-offs they are seen to have produced. That it was tempo- The repertoire of institutional arrangements rary is evident in that many of these institutions that operate on a large scale includes numerous disappeared, stagnated or declined once the ‘successes’ of varied types and scales produced ‘transaction cost reducer’ was removed from the by exceptional local leaders and industrious scene, as in Sukhomajri, Salunke’s pani NGOs. By virtue of exceptional and highly panchayats and others. scarce resources at their command – such as A more important source of ideas – than the reputation, social status, allegiance of people, NGO-inspired islands of excellence – about funds, goodwill, influence in the IE, skilled what institutional change should occur and can manpower – local leaders and NGOs are often sustain are the swayambhoo institutions that able to drastically reduce transaction costs of have already emerged and are thriving, as we fostering institutional change of a certain kind explored earlier in the section under Vibrant in a limited setting for a limited period. Out of Institutional Arrangements Ignored (Quadrant hundreds of thousands of irrigation tanks in 1). These have found ways of reducing transac- India that can produce large pay-offs from tion costs in ways that are more natural, endur- improved management, there are but a few ing and upscalable. This is evident in that these hundred in which exceptional local leaders institutions multiply on their own, and are able have established and sustained novel institu- to sustain and grow as long as they serve tions for upkeep, maintenance, management purposes important to the participants in the and use of tanks to improve the welfare of the transactions. In my understanding, these offer community. The IWMI-Tata Programme studied six useful lessons (given under the following six some 50 of these during 2002–2003 headings) about how to make institutional (Sakthivadivel et al., 2004) and found that, change work in the Indian water sector. while the architecture of institutions (as rules-in- use) varied from case to case, the common aspect of all successful tank institutions was a Instrumentality leader or a leadership compact which, by virtue of the sway they/it has over the community, is The first, and most obvious, is that institutional able to drastically reduce the transaction costs change which multiplies and sustains is invari- of enforcing an institutional arrangement that ably an instrument of the exchange of par- would neither work in their absence nor survive ticipants, and not of the players in the IE them. who often design institutional interventions. Successful NGOs similarly create islands ‘Opportunism with guile’ is the driving force, of excellence by reducing transaction costs arti- even when high ideals and social goals are ficially and temporarily. The Sukhomajri experi- laboriously espoused as raison d’être. Trite as it ment with watershed institutions in Haryana in may sound, design of incentive structures is Reforming Informal Water Economies 85

amongst the most commonly ignored aspects in 2004a; Wang et al., 2005). A pre-specified most institutional development programmes. volume of water is released into a reservoir and Ideas like community-based groundwater de- is charged for at a certain volumetric rate. The mand management propose organizing cooper- reservoir manager’s remuneration includes a atives whose sole task would be to persuade fixed component and a variable component, their members to reduce their farming and the latter increasing with the area irrigated from incomes. Similarly, programmes to revive the same total volume of water. Like the traditional community management of tanks Chinese village electrician who is able to commonly overlook the performance-based perform a high transaction-cost role for a fairly rewards offered to neerkattis (tank water distrib- modest reward, the ditch manager too is able to utors appointed by command area farmers) improve water productivity for a modest bonus, and focus primarily on generating voluntary if recent studies are any guide (Shah et al., contributions of time and effort for the greater 2004a). good of the community. For institutional change to work it must serve a private purpose important to agents involved; otherwise, they High costs of self-enforcement will withhold participation or even work to defeat it. Experimenting with the Indian equivalents of Chinese village electricians and ditch managers would be an interesting study. From the trans- Incentive diffusion or perversion action cost viewpoint, however, there are two key differences between the Chinese and South Institutions fail to emerge to take advantage of Asian villages: first, the Chinese in general, high-pay-off situations often because incentives thanks perhaps to the Confucian ethics, are are diffuse or even perverse, but the transaction more respectful to State authority compared costs of implementing change are concentrated with South Asians. Secondly, and more impor- in one or a few persons. In fishermen’s cooper- tantly, the village committees and the village atives I discussed earlier, members faced party leader in a Chinese village enjoy far perverse incentives: the cooperative stocked the greater power and authority in the village soci- pond but members stole the catch. The secre- ety compared with India’s gram panchayats tary had no incentive to make enemies by stop- and sarpanch. This has great implications for ping poachers. When incentives became transaction costs. North (1990) suggests that: concentrated in the contractor as the residual ‘ … institutional setting depends on the effec- claimant, he was willing to control poaching tiveness of enforcement. Enforcement is carried and invest in higher productivity. Gujarat’s out by first party (self-imposed codes of public tube wells had no takers until the oppor- conduct), by second party (retaliation), and/or tunity arose for incentive concentration. That by a third party (societal sanctions or coercive only a fraction of the surplus created by enforcement by state).’ Transaction costs facing management improvement needs to be an institutional change are determined by the concentrated in the manager as a reward was ease of enforcement. A Chinese village electri- shown 40 years ago by Amartya Sen (1966). In cian or ditch manager backed by the village traditional tank institutions in South India, only committee and party leader can enforce the a portion of the surplus output was offered to new rules by both retaliation and recourse to the neerkatti, who absorbed the bulk of the coercion through the party leader. transaction cost of orderly distribution of tank In India, by contrast, Orissa’s model of fran- water. chisees for rural billing and collection of electric- This principle is at the heart of irrigation ity bills has attracted many entrepreneurs reforms in China. Except where traditional whose core competence is represented by their PIM/IMT is supported by a donor loan, China’s muscle power (Panda, 2002), because they strategy of making canal irrigation productive have no effective local authority to either disci- and viable consists of changing the incentive pline them or to which they can turn to in order structure facing the ‘ditch manager’ (Shah et al., to defend their rights. For the same reasons, a 86 T. Shah

typical culture fishery contractor has recourse programme; after getting nowhere for a decade, only to retaliation to enforce his property right it suddenly took off the moment entrepreneurial against a poacher. The high transaction cost of service providers were offered concentrated second-party enforcement of rules is perhaps incentives coupled with some legitimacy and the prime reason why entrepreneurs fail to sanction for undertaking service provision. On come forward to make a business out of operat- these counts, I predict that such service ing a canal or tank irrigation system. providers have failed to come forward to provide improved water distribution in surface irrigation projects because neither concentrated Structures of incentives and sanction incentives nor legitimacy and sanction are on offer for local entrepreneurs who would con- Catalysing effective local IAs is then a matter not template taking up such roles. Equally, the only of designing appropriate incentive structures entrepreneurial service provider model too – that entice entrepreneurs to undertake activities such as the culture fishery contractor – operating with a high pay-off but also of putting into place without the sanction, legitimacy and boundary community sanction or authority structures that: provided by a community organization is bound (i) enforce his/her right to do so; and (ii) establish to be fragile. the boundaries within which he or she operates. Here is where a community organization has a role in providing legitimacy or sanction and Institutional environment boundary to a service provider, thereby reducing his/her transaction cost of self-enforcement of Finally, the IE can have a profound impact on rules. It is difficult to overemphasize this point, what kind of IAs are promoted or discouraged, which is commonly overlooked in programmes of and what welfare and productivity impacts these creating participatory institutions. In the much- produce (Mansuri and Rao, 2004); however, acclaimed traditional tank management institu- they do not have such impact because often tions, all tank management was carried out not they neither understand their working nor how by the community but by the neerkatti, who had to influence it. Informal pump irrigation the sanction and legitimacy given by the commu- markets, the fishing contractor and a decentral- nity and a reward for services that was linked to ized groundwater recharge movement32 are the benefits they produced for the community. A spontaneous and seemingly autonomous; but self-appointed neerkatti would find it impossible each of these is amenable to strong positive or to enforce rules of water distribution amongst negative influence from the IE. ayacut (command area) farmers. Gujarat’s cottage RO industry fell in a single A recent study of neerkattis by the Dhan swoop of the Bureau of Indian Standards; and Foundation shows that, for various reasons, the working of pump irrigation markets can many tank communities have begun withhold- change overnight if policies related to electricity ing their sanction and questioning the legiti- pricing and supply to the farm sector were to macy of the role neerkattis have played for change (Shah et al., 2004c). Gujarat’s Public centuries; as a result, the institution of neerkattis Tube Well Transfer programme ploughed along has begun to decline (Seenivasan, 2003). without success for a decade and then suddenly However, in those few tanks where we find took off because an actor in the IE changed the traditional community management still work- key rules of the game. And the culture fishery ing, it becomes evident that it worked through a contractor faced drastic reduction in his transac- clear specification of the ‘governance’ role of tion costs of doing business when the leasing the community organization and the commu- policy for water bodies was changed at the nity-sanctioned, well-defined ‘management’ instance of some actor in the IE. How well role of the neerkatti, a service provider whose actors in the IE understand extant and potential rewards were linked to his performance.31 institutions, their net welfare and productivity The value of this lesson for improving the impacts and their backward and forward link- quality of ‘social engineering’ is evident in the ages determines how much they can influence Gujarat government’s public tube well transfer or manage them. Reforming Informal Water Economies 87

Path-dependence enforcing a groundwater law, making water the property of the state and stopping unlawful According to North (1990), institutional change diversion from nature, instituting water with- is inherently incremental and path-dependent. drawal permits and assigning water entitle- It invariably grows out of its context; transpos- ments, managing water at river basin level – ing institutional models that have worked in would be well nigh impossible to implement on other, different contexts therefore seldom works any meaningful scale in a predominantly infor- in catalysing institutional change. India’s state mal water economy such as that of India. governments would probably have found it Instead, governments of low-income countries easier to manage metered electricity supply to should focus their effort on areas where they farmers had they stayed engaged with the prob- can produce significant impacts, which in my lems of metering rather than abandoning it the view are four (given under the following four 1970s. Now that they face a huge groundwater headings): economy based on the ‘path’ of flat tariff, their here-and-now options for change are tied to this path. The notion of ‘path-dependence’ has Improving water infrastructure and particular relevance to popular institutional services notions, such as the Integrated River Basin Management, which have worked in highly This already is a high priority and will remain so formalized water economies in recent years. It is for a long time, even as opinion in the rich doubtful whether such models would work in world is turning against investments in certain the same way in the Indian situation, simply kinds of water infrastructure such as irrigation because by far the bulk of the Indian water projects. There are several issues to be economy is informal and outside the direct addressed such as mobilizing capital, improving ambit of the IE. the coverage of user households – especially from poorer classes, cost recovery, and so on. The point of attack, however, is the perfor- Conclusion mance of public systems, which has tended to be abysmally low, be it irrigation systems or A reader who comes to this stage of this chapter water supply and sanitation systems. will surely remark, as did John Briscoe, World Bank’s Asia Water Advisor: ‘But I find very little in the chapter that would help me if I am a Secretary for Water in Gujarat, or in the Institutional reforms focused on incentive Government of India, for that matter …’ This concentration and transaction cost reduction response is entirely understandable; however, on the contrary, this analysis does offer useful Public systems’ performance often responds advice for action that should always focus on strongly to demand for better performance not the ‘art of the possible’. Allan (2001) has wisely from users but from administrative or political suggested that: ‘The mark of effective research, leadership; however, such performance gains advice and policy making is the capacity of are transient, and become dissipated when those involved to know the difference between demand slackens. To achieve sustainable what “should” be done, and what “can” be performance improvements, institutional inno- done. This can be expressed in another way as vations are needed that restructure incentives awareness of “when” what “should” be done, and reduce transaction costs. “will be able” to be done’. The upshot of this chapter is that all the things that a Secretary of Water Resources at Honing and using indirect instruments and the state or federal level is enjoined to do by the strategies for achieving public policy objectives current discourse to promote improved demand management – imposing price on In its enthusiasm for direct management of water resources (rather than water service), water demand – through pricing, rights and 88 T. Shah

entitlements, laws and regulations – the current by investment in water infrastructure and discourse is overlooking numerous opportuni- services management. However, unless this ties to achieve comparable aims using indirect process keeps pace with what the market can instruments. True, the Secretary of Water can bear, it will face sustainability problems. do little to manage water demand directly. The current global water policy discourse However, in the particular situation of India, the focusing on direct demand management Secretary of Energy controlling the State is misleading in two ways for developing Electricity Board can do a great deal for countries like India with a highly informal water groundwater demand management, through economy: (i) it is enjoining it to institute policy pricing and rationing of electricity to tube wells. and institutional reforms that are good in principle but present insurmountable imple- mentation difficulties; and (ii) in contrast, it is Undertaking vigorous demand management deflecting attention away from things that need in formal or formalizing segments and can be done with a better understanding of the working of the water economy, warts and Finally, pricing and full cost recovery, tight all. water law and regulations, and water rights and entitlements are definitely indicated in the predominantly formal segments of the water Endnotes economy. These are to be found in cities, excluding the slums and shanty towns; and in 1 Formal and informal economies are a matter of the industrial sector where users are large and elaborate study in institutional economics. Fiege easily identifiable. It will probably take Delhi (1990) summarizes a variety of notions of infor- and Mumbai years before they can establish a mality deployed by different researchers. water supply and sanitation system that can According to Weeks (1975), cited in Fiege (1990, match those of Abidjan or Tunis. However, footnote 6): ‘The distinction between a formal and given increasing political support for manage- informal sector is based on the organizational characteristics of exchange relationships and the ment reforms, India’s cities – especially, high position of economic activity vis-à-vis the State. net-worth cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Basically, the formal sector includes government Bangalore – offer by far the most fertile ground activity itself and those enterprises in the private for water IE and urban governance systems for sector which are officially recognized, fostered, the introduction of global best practices in nurtured and regulated by the State. Operations in urban water supply and sanitation systems. the informal sector are characterized by the In summary, then, how formal a country’s absence of such benefits.’ According to Portes et water economy is determines what kind of al. (1987, cited in Fiege, 1990, footnote 6): ‘The policy and institutional interventions are appro- informal sector can be defined as the sum total of priate to it. In a predominantly informal water income-generating activities outside the modern contractual relationships of production.’ economy, where self-supply is the rule and According to Portes and Saassen-Koo (1987, cited water diversion from nature is everybody’s busi- in Fiege, 1990, footnote 6), in the formal sector ness, regulating the actions of all water diverters activities are ‘not intrinsically illegal but in which is extremely costly in terms of search, informa- production and exchange escape legal regula- tion, policing and enforcement costs. As a water tion’. To most researchers, an informal economy economy formalizes, self-supply declines and a is marked by the ‘absence of official regulation’ or few, visible, formal entities specialize in divert- ‘official status’. ing, processing and distributing water to users; 2 In most countries, the proportion of water use in in such an economy, the range of things public the informal sector would move in tandem with policy makers can do to improve water demand the proportion of water users. However, in coun- tries marked by high levels of income inequality – management becomes much larger. The pace of such as South Africa or Brazil – this would not be formalization of a water economy is a natural the case. In South Africa, for instance, 95% of the response to overall economic growth and trans- water diversion and use are in the formal sector formation of a society. This pace can be forced but over 99% of the users are in the informal to a limited degree by an authoritarian state or sector. Reforming Informal Water Economies 89

3 The nature of the State is a crucial determinant of 30% using water for livestock rearing reported the level of formalization. Colonial state in British dependence on a source ‘other than self-owned’. India – which lived off the land – had a huge and 6 Contrast this picture with a recent account by elaborate apparatus for land revenue administra- Luis-Manso (2005) of the highly formalized water tion reaching down to the village level. And since economy of : 70% of its population is the colonial state invested in irrigation for urban, and the country is facing continuous commercial reasons, its IE evolved and main- reduction in industrial workers and farmers. tained a firm grip over irrigated agriculture. Even Probably 15–20% of the Swiss population was today, China has a similar firm grip over its natural linked to public water supply as far back as the resources economy, thanks to the authority struc- 18th century; today, 98% of the Swiss population ture of the Communist Party and an elaborate is linked to public water supply networks and structure of farm taxes and levies that sustain the 95% is connected with waste-water treatment lower rungs of its IE. However, upon indepen- facilities. Switzerland spends 0.5% of its GNP dence, India all but abolished land revenue annually in maintaining and improving its water alongside the apparatus for its assessment and supply infrastructure, and its citizens pay an aver- collection, thereby informalizing its agrarian and age of CHF 1.6 per 1000 l of water (CHF = water economy. China is now on course to do just US$0.786). The per capita water bill that Swiss that. In Tanzania, during the Cold War years, citizens pay annually is around CHF 585, which Julius Nyerere had created Mgambo, an institu- is higher than the per capita total income of tion for civil defence from village youth trained in Bangladesh. All its water users are served by a martial techniques. The Cold War over, the network of municipal, corporate, cooperative Tanzanian state has transformed Mgambo into a water service providers; it has stringent laws and tax collection machinery. Van Koppen et al. regulations about water abstraction from any (2005, unpublished report) describe how water body, which can be carried out only Mgambo was incentivized to undertake the through formal concessions. However, these recovery of a water resource fee as a kind of poll concessions are held only by formal service- tax from rural people. providing public agencies; as a result, their 4 North (1990) defines the transaction sector as: enforcement entails few transaction costs. ‘that part of transactions that goes through the 7 Scott Rozelle used this phrase recently in referring market and therefore can be measured’ and, to the unexceptionable tendency of agricultural according to him, rapid growth in the transaction population ratios of countries to fall as their sector is at the heart of the transformation of a economies grow. But I think this also applies to traditional economy into a modern one. other responses to economic development, as 5 The survey estimated that approximately 36% of outlined in Fig. 5.2. all rural households (which include farmers, farm 8 One commentator on an earlier draft of this chap- labourers and households dependent on off-farm ter cited Abidjan, where a First World water livelihoods) used some means of irrigation. Of supply system has operated for decades. Abidjan, these, 13.3% (i.e. 37% of irrigators) used their however, seems to be the exception to the rule own source (well/tube well), 15.3% (i.e. 42.5% of that a city’s water system would rise to what its irrigators) used shared tube wells or purchased median earner is willing to pay for. If recent water and 12.1% (36% of irrigators) used govern- accounts of the travails facing global water ment-owned tube wells, canals or a river. Fewer companies like Vivendi and Thames Water – who than 2% used a locally managed irrigation were forced to cease trading – even in these source; 6.6% used more than one source, which increasingly affluent east Asian cities is any guide, is why the percentages fail to add up to 100. The we must conclude that South Asian cities have a survey also found that, of the 78,990 households long way to go before they can afford water interviewed, 48% reported ‘no availability of supply systems of European or North American community and government water resources in quality (see The Economist, 2004). villages of their residence’; another 42% reported 9 Societies often experience wide-ranging ideologi- the presence of community or government cal or cultural upheavals during which customs, sources but ‘without local management’. Only traditions, mores and values undergo massive 10% of households reported living in villages change. India’s Independence Movement – and with access to community or government water the rise of the Gandhian ethos – marked one sources ‘with local management’ by community such phase in India’s history. On a smaller scale, or government or both (p. 44). Only 23% of all the water harvesting movement in Saurashtra households interviewed reported depending for under the inspiration of religious formations irrigation on a source ‘other than self-owned’; such as Swadhyaya Pariwar and Swaminarayan 90 T. Shah

Sampradaya too represent an L1 level change. also contributed Y60,000; of this, 60% came from Both these, however, have proved largely tran- the funds from the village collective, while the sient; besides occasional lip service paid, remaining 40% was raised as farmer contribu- Gandhian ethos and ideals no longer dominate tions by charging Y80 per person. All the power Indian psyche quite like they did during the lines and other infrastructure were rehabilitated 1940s; and Saurashtra’s water harvesting move- during recent years under this national ment too is now energized by the Gujarat programme. New meters were purchased by the Government’s 60:40 scheme of government township in bulk and installed in users’ homes on versus community contribution rather than the a cost-recovery basis. A system of monitoring ideal of self-help the religious leaders had meters was installed too. inspired. However, both L1 and L2 may experi- 17 The village electrician’s reward system encour- ence rapid change in the face of rapid economic ages him/her to exert pressures to achieve greater growth and transformation of a society. Since efficiency by cutting line losses. In Dong Wang India is in the throes of such economic trans- Nnu village in Ci County, Hebei Province, the formation, the pace of change at L1 and L2 levels village committee’s single large transformer that should, in my surmise, be quicker than that served both domestic and agricultural connec- suggested by Williamson. tions caused heavy line losses, at 22–25%. Once 10 A good example is Francis Corten’s work during the the Network Reform Programme began, he pres- 1980s on reorienting the irrigation bureaucracy. surized the village committee to sell the old trans- 11 A charismatic and energetic political or bureau- former to the county electricity bureau and raise cratic leader does often produce significant atti- Y10,000 (partly by collecting a levy of Y25 per tude and behaviour changes; however, these family and partly by a contribution from the generally fail to last for long after the leader has village development fund) to acquire two new been removed from the scene. In this sense, such transformers, one for domestic connections and change is not enduring. the other for pumps. Since then, power losses 12 Because the law did not apply to anyone who here have fallen to the permissible 12%. diverted less than 1030 m3 of water/year. 18 Saleth (2004, p. 30) asserts: ‘ … most of the orga- 13 Anil Shah, an illustrious former bureaucrat of the nizational reforms, including the promotion of Government of Gujarat, fondly tells the story basin-based organizations observed in states such about Gujarat’s groundwater bill, which was as Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, and Uttar passed by the assembly in 1973. When the Chief Pradesh were introduced under different World Minister was required to sign it into the govern- Bank-funded projects.’ It is equally clear that ment gazette, he refused to do so because it Andhra Pradesh’s irrigation reforms proceeded at required that every irrigation well be registered. a hectic pace because a World Bank loan was His curt response to Mr Shah was: ‘Can you imag- able to kindle interest at all levels in new ine that as soon as this bill becomes a law, every resources available for maintenance work. talati (village-level revenue official) will have one 19 And that too only when a mid-sized NGO invests more means at his disposal to extract bribes from years of effort and resources in organizing WUAs farmers?’ This is the reason there are no takers for and using means to reduce transaction costs that the draft Groundwater Bill that the Ministry of farmers on their own would not normally possess. Water Resources of Government of India has Some of the best-known examples of successful been tossing around to states since 1970. PIM/IMT are the Ozar on Waghad project in 14 The Andhra Pradesh law tried harder to come to Nashik, Maharashtra, Dharoi in North Gujarat, grips with rampant groundwater over-exploitation Pingot and a few more medium-sized schemes in in Andhra Pradesh by emphasizing the registra- the Bharuch district. The success of farmer tion of wells and drilling agencies and stipulating management in all these – and its beneficial punitive measures for non-compliance. impact – is undisputed. In each of these, however, 15 The 1987 Water Policy to Saleth (2004, p. 29) is there was a level of investment of motivation, ‘… such a simple non-binding policy statement’. skill, time, effort and money that is unlikely to be 16 Although the Network Reform Programme is a replicated on a large scale. In catalysing Ozar National Government programme, the govern- cooperatives, Bapu Upadhye and Bharat Kawale ment contributes only a part of the resources, the and their Samaj Pragati Kendra, and senior balance being contributed by the village commit- researchers of SOPPECOM, invested years of tee. Just to give an example, Guantun village in effort to make PIM work (Paranjapye and Joy, Yanjin County of Henan got a grant of Y60,000 2003). In Gujarat, between the Aga Khan Rural (US$1.00 = Y8.33) under this project for infra- Support Programme and the Development structural rehabilitation. To match this, the village Support Centre, Anil Shah and Apoorva Oza have Reforming Informal Water Economies 91

invested at least 30 years’ professional staff time strong focus on high-value commercial crops for to organize, say, 20,000–30,000 flow irrigators export to Europe. Here in Turkey, it can be argued, into functional WUAs. My intent is not to under- IMT has succeeded because, as with South African mine this exceptional work but to suggest that no irrigation boards, in many respects there was government agency had the quality and scale of already a 40-year old tradition of farmer partici- resources needed to implement an institutional pation in the maintenance of the canal system intervention that could sustainably raise the through an informal, village-level organization. productivity of the 28–30 million ha of flow- Equally, irrigation fees under self-management in irrigated area in India over, say, 15 years. Turkey were 2% or less of the value of production 20 Here are some random excerpts from Joseph per ha, 3.5% or less of total variable cost of culti- (2001), based on his study of the Malampuzha vation and less than 6% of gross margin (Svendsen Project: ‘It is the CADA officials who took the and Nott, 1997). initiative in their formation and not the farmer 23 Sanskrit for self-creating or spontaneous. groups. In most cases, membership fee of Rs5 was 24 A large survey, covering over 48,000 farming not paid by the farmers concerned; payment was households throughout India during January–June made on their behalf by prospective office bear- 1998, suggested that over 66% of India’s Gross ers, or the potential contractors of field channel Cropped Area under the five most important field lining or the large farmers in the ayacut. 86% of crops (which account for over 90% of the Gross the Beneficiary Farmers’ Associations (BFAs) were Cropped Area) is irrigated; only one-quarter of formed in these 2 years (1986 and 1987) … for irrigated area is served by government canals. making possible the utilization of funds … Only Amongst other interesting things it suggests that 57 Canal Committee meetings were held by the 8 every fourth Indian farming household probably Canal Committees during a span of 10 years … owns a diesel or electric pump; and the area irri- 43 of them were held without quorums and 35 gated through groundwater markets is as large as with zero attendance of non-official members … the area irrigated by all government canals The level of knowledge … about CCs … And (NSSO, 1999b). their structure and functions is very low.’ 25 As North (1990) aptly notes: ‘If the highest rates of 21 In a recent paper, Mansuri and Rao (2004) have return in a society are to piracy, the organizations reviewed a much larger body of evidence from will invest in knowledge and skills that will make several sectors to assess the extent to which them better pirates; if the pay offs are … to community-based and community-driven devel- increase productivity, they will invest in skills and opment projects for poverty alleviation were knowledge to achieve that objective.’ effective, and have concluded that: (i) these have 26 An IWMI-Tata study (Indu, 2002, unpublished not been particularly successful in targeting the report) surveyed a sample of 14 such plants that poor; (ii) there is no evidence to suggest that served 4890 households. Reverse osmosis (RO) participatory elements and processes lead to water in 10 and 20 l cans is delivered daily at the improved project outcomes and qualities; (iii) customer’s door step; charges are levied on an community-based development is not necessarily annual basis (Rs 1500 (US$33) for a 10 l can empowering in practice; and (iv) ‘There is virtu- daily; Rs 2500 (US$55) for a 20 l can). Plant ally no reliable evidence on community partici- capacities vary from 500 to 2000 l/h. In addition, pation projects actually increasing a community’s most plants also retail RO water in pouches at bus capacity for collective action’ (p. 31). stops, railway stations and crossings and market 22 Even in middle-income countries, huge inequali- places. Consumers of pouches are typically low- ties in landholdings seem to have helped IMT. In income buyers; retailers are also poor youth the Andean region of Colombia where IMT has working on commission. In sum, this institution succeeded, according to Ramirez and Vargas serves a demand by transforming 800–2000 ppm (1999), farmers ‘mostly grow crops oriented to the TDS water into 150–300 ppm TDS water, and external markets, mainly banana and oil palm’; fluoride levels reduced to 0.25–0.50 mg/l. People and while 66% of the farms have 5 ha or less, had no way of ascertaining the quality, but 40.3% of the land is owned by 2.8% of large farm- 60 customers surveyed by Indu (2004, un- ers owning 50 ha or more. In South Africa, numer- published report) asserted that the taste of RO ous Irrigation Boards – WUAs par excellence – water was distinct. Many also claimed relief from have managed irrigation systems successfully for a the pain of skeletal fluorosis after adopting RO long time; but their members are all large, white water. commercial farmers operating highly successful 27 The seal of the Indian Standards Institution (ISI), citrus and wine orchards. In Turkey, 40% of the the national agency for quality control in all irrigated area was in 5–20 ha holdings with a manufactured products. 92 T. Shah

28 Registering a cooperative itself meant a great sharing the tank and the role of the neerkattis and hassle and cost in time and money. The policy thootis (village guards) – as management-agents also required that two-thirds of the command of the CoEs. Most routine aspects of decision area farmers submit a written no-objection decla- making are taken care of by inherited rules and ration for the transfer; past defaulters on water norms that result in ‘well-established patterns of fees must first pay up their dues. In addition, behaviour’ such as on crop choice, time of open- several conditions specified that the violation of ing the sluice under different rainfall regimes, any of those would qualify the government to payments to be made to neerkattis and labour reclaim the tube well. contribution in maintaining supply channels. The 29 Transformation cost would include the cost of role of the neerkatti is to execute these routine labour and material in creating a lined sub-minor tasks on behalf of the CoE; and his reward is a and field channels plus the cost of acquiring land. piece of cultivable, inheritable inam land in the Transaction cost would basically involve persuad- command and ten bundles of hay with grains per ing farmers to give up their land for making chan- each of the 250-odd roughly equal pieces of nels and to give right of way to carrying water to ayacut land cultivated. The CoE gets into the act downstream farmers. only when conflict mediation goes beyond the 30 In the North Krishna basin in western Maharashtra, authority vested in the neerkatti or when circum- a similar groundswell of numerous private irriga- stances arise that require responding to a new tion service providers has created an institutional discontinuity. As water inflow into the tank has dynamic that challenges orthodox notions of how steadily declined, the CoE decided to disallow irrigation systems should be designed. The sugarcane 20 years ago or, more recently, to make Bachawat tribunal’s decision on the division of a new rule that divided the 240 acres of ayacut Krishna water between Maharashtra and Karnataka into three parts and irrigate one part per year in made Maharashtra’s share contingent upon the annual rotation. Helping the CoE decide whether amount of water it could develop and use by 2006. water available can support the irrigation of a To maximize its share, the Government of summer crop, orderly distribution of water in the Maharashtra went on a reservoir-building spree. ayacut without any intervention from farmers, Strapped of funds, it chose not to build canal deciding the amount of irrigation water to be systems; instead, it encouraged private entre- released at different stages of crop growth, under- preneurs to set up numerous lift irrigation systems. taking repairs and maintenance of sluices In the command of one such small reservoir, (himself), and canals and supply channels by Padhiari (2005) found 1200 such private irrigation mobilizing labour from members are amongst the service providers serving an area larger than was tasks performed by the neerkatti. Cleaning of originally designed to be commanded. These entre- distributaries is carried out by farmer(s) benefiting preneurs resolved most key problems that canal from them; however, main canals never get irrigation faces in India: while most canal projects cleaned of weed and silt unless the neerkatti are unable to collect even 3–5% of the gross value summons all farmers to work there on a fixed day. of crop output they help farmers produce, private All in all, in the smooth management of the tank, service providers in the Upper Krishna basin regu- the neerkatti plays the pivotal management role; larly collect 25% as irrigation charge. They have a he is the operating system of the institution; the much better record of providing irrigation on CoE, mostly invisible and unobtrusive, vests in demand. It is difficult to understand what this is if him the authority and sanction to play that role on not Participatory Irrigation Management. behalf of all the members. A tank management 31 This is put into bold relief in a new, unpublished institution without a CoE or the neerkatti would case study, by Reddy et al., 2004, of traditional be a far lesser institution. community management institutions in a 32 In the Vadodara district, several leases given to Mudiyanur tank in a system of ten tanks in the fishing contractors were withdrawn because the Uthanur watershed in the Kolar district. Despite communities rejected the contractors. In one sweeping socio-economic changes in its surround case, for instance, the contractor used dead during recent decades, as if stuck in a time warp, animals as manure, a practice that offended the the management institution of this 1200-year-old community. In another, the chemical fertilizers tank has still retained many of its traditional used by the contractor ended up in a drinking features. Its striking aspect is the fine distinction water well within the tank foreshore; when this between the specialized governance role of the was discovered, the village refused to renew caste-based ‘Council of Elders’ (CoE), the the lease. Such aberrations would not occur if community organization responsible for oversee- the contractor had to obtain the legitimacy and ing general administration of all seven villages sanction of the community to operate. Reforming Informal Water Economies 93


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