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2-18-1972 The iB son, February 18, 1972

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at Scholar Works at Harding. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iB son by an authorized administrator of Scholar Works at Harding. For more information, please contact [email protected]. reaps reward from free music By Kathy Burtoa Is it tile same format as your "I'd do it free if they didn't summer sllow? pay me money to do it." And "It's not quite so gimmicky so Ray Stevens feels about his as the summer show was. But bag- music. it is a musical-variety show with After Saturday night's ~ guests, comedians and singers hour show Stevens, the multi­ and with the emphasis on music, talented performer, talked about naturally." his profession. What about nightclubs 8lld "I enjoy what I do more Uve concerts? than anything else. I'm really "After playing nightclubs for having a good time. I don't consider it work. I'm lucky to about two years, I decided I had really rather work live COD• get paid for something I really like to do" · certs like this. Nightclub audi­ ences are not as electric or as What about your fellow musi­ cians? Do they feel the same exciting as a one-nighter audi­ way? ence. I don't know why. Maybe this is my type show.,. "All the ones that are any good do. There can be very few Which facet of your talents people in a business like this do you favor - arranging, writ­ who aren't in love with what Ing, performing •••? they're doing." "I just kind of ball them all _Wbleb type of eatertafDIDg do into one. All the different facets you enjoy the most - night of what I do - like arranging, clubs, televfslon, live coo­ or writing or singing - I con­ certs.•• ? sider as one ball of wax. I ~·I enjoy the quick mental re­ look for the end result." actions required by T.. V. It's For a wbile ~ dropped out a lot more satisfying. We just of the performing scene and taped two weeks ago a new arranll!d music for other peo­ pilot for 20th Century Fox which ple. Do other sfDgers still come is, I think, so much better than to you for that? the summer show I did for ..-'They haven't because I got Andy Williams in 1970 because out of that end of the business. I learned so much doing the I got started doing comedy summer show. records like 'Ahab the Arab,' "Whether or not it will be 'Jeremiah Peabody's ... Purple picked up or a sponsor will buy Pills,' 'Harry the Hairy Ape' it as a regular series or not and stuff like that. is still up in the air. Evervone "I got typecast. I couldn't put Witb music raugiDg from "Ahab the Arab" to a medley of Ray Charles favorites, recording artist tells us that it's a good show. out a straight record like Ray Stevens and bis stage family entertains Har cUng students at the February 12 Jyceum. So we're hoping it'll get aired." (See Stevens Page S) - PHOTO BY KENNY 11111• Alpha Chi inducts 32 in formal ceremonies VOL 47, NO. 18 HARDING COLLEGE, SEARCY, ARK. 72141 FEBRUARY 18, 1872 Initiation ceremonies for 32 Other new members of AlPha students into Alpha Chi, the Chi are: Wayne Hawley, Doris national college honor scholar- Healy, Kathy Henderson, Sharon 'It's Happening' ship society, took place Wed- Holderb~. Edward Howard, Ken­ ne$day aftern~n in the Trophy neth Lair, MariLynn· Mclnteer, Room of lhe Aiiierii::an Ifentage - Lorna McKinney, -Robert- -Ma­ Student· Association hosts leaders Center. haffey, ..O'Neal Masters and Sue The 25 seniors and 7 juniors Elleri ~ey. ·· · · By Robyn Smith panel groups will be held. sophomore Jo Stafford, "Com­ were formally inducted into the :Also initiated were: Michael Following a lunch break, a munication with Faculty." Arkansas Eta Chapter by spoo- Miller. John Nunnally, Beth Harding's Ninth Annual Lead­ faculty--student panel discussion Faculty advisors are Mrs. sors Dr. Don England, associate Saxton, Ron Stough, S w a i d ership Conference with the will ensue, in which material Barbara Barnes, instructor of professor of chemistry, Dr. Swaid, Doug Tanksley, Susan theme "Circumspective '72; It's presented to guests in the morn­ physical education; Mrs. Jo Neale Pryor, aSsociate profes- Thomas, Susan Vance and Wil- Happening . . . among and ing panels will be discussed Cleveland, assistant professor of sor of Bible and Hebrew., and liam Wallis. , around us,'' and "Introspective among selected faculty mem- English; Dr. Winfred Wright, Dr. Joseph Pryor, dean of the In addition to the national '72; It's Happening ... within . bers and student panel heads. assistant professor of French; college. requirement of the upper 10 per us," will be held tomorrow in Dr. Neale Pryor, associate pro­ Billy Roy Cox, associate pro­ cent of the junior and senior the American Heritage Center. fessor of Bible, will close the fessor of business administra­ The inductees include: Larry classes and one year of attend­ The conference, sponsored by forum with a speech on "Jesus tion and Dr. Steve Smith, as­ Anderson, Mary Bailey, Ron ance In the given institution, the the Student Association and as a leader." sistant professor of mathe­ Blachly, Leon Blue, Gary cage, Eta Chapter requires a 3.7 cum­ under the direction of S. A. The student-heads for each matics. Harold Davis, Carolyn Dell, ulative average on at least 80 Secretary Karen Holland, will panel are junior Shawn Jones The Leadership Conference is Thomes Estes, David Fincher, semester hours or a cumulative have around 100 guests. made with the theme topic "Atti­ a yearly affair, but this one is Myra Fletcher, Beverly Guyer average of 3.5 on at least 104 up of faculty members, the S. A. tudes toward Rules;" senior the first to be worked into a and Ronnie Harrison. semester hours. Executive Council and class, Gerald Burrow, "Goals of Har­ full-day meeting, according to organizational and club officers ding;" senior Nancy McClug­ director Karen Holland. on campus. gage, "The Importance of Har­ "We hope to bring forth ideas The day will begin with a ding and the Changes Which through this conference that Knights rescue sweepstakes prayer breakfast at the Heritage Could Be Made;" sophomore may be of help to the organiza­ Cafeteria at nine, and after a Mike Justus, "Teacher Evalua­ tional leaders on campus," she morning speaker, student-headed tion and Curriculum;" and said. in intramural speech tourney · Winners in the 1972 Intramural Mike Justus, Chi Sigma Alpha, Speech Arts Tournament were first; Danny Tullos, Chi Sigma announced Monday in chapel by Alpha, second; and David Cun­ John H. Ryan, tournament ningham, Knights, third. director. Mike Murrie of Beta Phi Knights took both the Pi Kappa placed first in Interpre­ Kappa Delta Forsenics Trophy tation of Drama. Rose Peddle and the Woodson Harding Arm­ placed second. strong Sweepstakes Trophy, In Bible Reading; Stephen TNT and Chi Sigma Alpha Tucker, Galaxy, took first, Patty social clubs tied in number of Williams. Zeta Rho,. second and points for the Alpha Psi Omega Bill Fowler, TNT, third. Dramatic Arts Trophy. Placing in the Pantomime -In the Readers Theatre event, event were: Jim Hulsey, TNT; Ju Go Ju took first place. TNT first; Jenny Peddle, Gata, sec­ placed second and Chi Sigma ond; and Jann Mahaffey, Oege Alpha was third. third. Marion Barton, Ko Jo Kai, "Eugene Goudeau, Knights, placed first in Interpretation of took first place in Extempor­ Prose. Donna Dale, MEA, was aneous Speech. Mark Moore, second and Bobby Beasley, Chi TNT, took second and Larry Sigma Alpha, was third. Wheeler, Knights, third. Jn Interpretation of American Eugene Goudeau also placed Poetry, Patty Williams, Zeta first in Original Speech. David Rho, took first; Elaine Shipp, Lacey, TNT, took second and 'The Enchanted' premiers Ju Go Ju, second and Rose Dick Russell, Knights, third. Giraudoux's ''lbe Enchanted" Opened last night on the Harding stage for a three-day nm. Pic­ Peddle, Regina,. third. In Argumentative Speech, tured above are Jim Lanp, Rick Moore, BUl McDonald, Kerry McQurg, .Glenn Greeavme ud Placers_ in Interpretation of Beau Robinsen, Knights, placed _Teresa RIISbtGD. See Page J for story. - PHOTO BY STEPHENS ERNS"• Modem Poetry were as .follows: (See Speech Page S) 2 -* 11IE HARDING BISON, Searcy, Ark. Feb. 18, lfl'2 from lbe Editor's Desk: Clubs: to socialize or to serve? Join. of club rosters. Due to lack of interest in chapel prsg:rams According to Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, "join" and service projects Shown by social clubs within the past By nm Bruner few years, a generation has evolved witheut appreciation is a verb meaning "to become a member of a group" or Making the announcements to­ "to take part in a collective activity." According to ~g for these social functions. And as a result the satisfaction once experienced in united club participation has somewhat day is Dr. B. Lowe Parr. College. "join' 'is an exceedingly active verb meaning "'to "Mrs. Birdsall announces to challenge students to develop as many interests- and talents diminished. College an!i university fraternities sororities across the person that keeps taking the as their time and health will permit." and Sports Illutsrated from · the Membership in any. of the almost infinite variety of the nation are being phased out because of student disin­ library that he missed last special interest groups on campus is available to anyone te.rest. Harding College, claiming to be different from the week's issue, and it is being with the time to attend a meeting. But the one organiza­ outside world, may be confronted with the same situation. held on reserve for him. tion that rises above the ethers in magne~ism toward stu­ A social revival rests in the hands of the social clubs. "Will someone please turn the dents is the campus social club. Tlie Southern Christian Establishment for homeless child­ sidelights back on? ren at Morrilton needs organizations to sponsar a child or "Students eating at .P.attie The social club, Harding's answer to sta~ campus Cobb will receive sack lunches fraternities minus the frat house, is designed to extend children in their home. If 50 club members can shell out 10 dallars apiece for club jerseys, then the club certainly for tomorrow's noonday meal. membership and fellowship to any student interested in It is requested that everyone joining. Every student applying for membership receives a should be able to buy school supplies and clothes for a child bring his own sack. club bid with as little respect of persons as possible. Ac­ during the year. "The registrar would like to ceptance of the bid guarantees pledges an invitation to Located an hour's drive from Searcy, the Arkansas see all graduating seniors in his enjoy tht humiliation and embarrassment associated with Children's Colony at Alexander, Arkansas welcomes visita­ office this afternoon at 3:00. October pledging activities. tion. The colony cares for retarded children, and its staff "Mr. Beck announces that the appreciates club .entertainment and personal attention for trophies are in for the winners But is it possible that J)ledges, after ·developing club of the distance race from chapel loyalty through. pleqging idiosyncrasies, may find their the children. No doubt there are countiess other areas available for to American Heritage. You may spirit of brotherhood buried in cold social cement? pick them up after lunch. Perhaps it is we of the upperclasses wbo have failed to service, and with a little imagination and effort each social "From Jack Ryan: the establish .goals for our social clubs outside the intramural club ougbt t-o find a project suitable to its tastes. Knights social club won first arena. As stated in the 1972 Harding CoLLege Catalog, social While the semester is still young, why not channel the place in the University of Texas clubs "regularly engage :in service projects, present chapel efforts of your club toward sharing its social activities with Forensics Tournament yeSter­ programs and enjoy banquets, parties and outings." the outside world. You might join a serendipitY. day. From Dr. Evan Ulrey: the -M.J. Harding debate team placed Practically every social club deserves commendation third. for satisfying the "banquet, party and outing" facet. But "Bernie Vines would like to apparently chapel programs and service projects are "out know if there are two depart­ of it." Lyceum series to herald ment heads who would be in· Each year a new generation of pledges signs the club terested in taking tickets at roll, and every four years there is a complete metamorphosis the next home swim meet. · "In intramural action Galaxy 'Enchanted' performances meets Sub-T in the large dub, Talk Bloc A-team finals for the champion­ By Helen Hdward and face with him the adven­ ship this evening. If Sub-T wins, ture of life in the government there will be another game be­ "The Enchanted," Harding's service. tween the two teams. If Galaxy Cause- effect· second major dramatic produc­ "The Enchanted" presents a wins. they will capture the tro­ tion of the season opened last whimsical look at a moment of phy. So let's all be there to • night and will be presented encounter - as the ideals and support our favorite club and praytng again tonight and tomorrow, as illusions of youth meet life's players. Remember, 8:30 t o­ part of the Lyceum series. reality. It is a moment of tran­ night. By PbD JolmsoD Written by French playwright sition. an interlude, which is, "Incidentally, the basketball Jean Giraudoux, "The En­ by the way the French title of team beat College of the Ozarks When we talk about prayer miracles? chanted" is the story of a small last night. ,. it usually comes out, "I don't When Jesus came to earth, the play. French village which, according Others in the cast include ·~students may pick up :their pray enough . . . It's hard to that was God interfering, God to one of its citizens. is caught pray . . . Sometime I just don't caring; God changing things, Glenn Greenville as the Doctor refund from the Serendippy in an interlude of ecstasy. Na~ feel like praying." Why is putting the permanent rip in who is the philosopher of th~ Swingers' performance by show­ ture seems to be actively work­ play, Dan Bateman as the Ma­ ing their or anybody's I.D;: card prayer hard? the pattern - robbing the pat­ ing with the town and towns­ ·Because it is not natural to tern of its natural power over yor of the village, Karen Olree at the business office this ·after- people in an effort to achieve and Sharon Brazell as the noon. . pray. Each prayer asks God to individuals. almost idyllic happiness. break in on the impersonal Prayer is powerful, because Mangebois sisters, who are re­ "Members of the Bisott edi­ turning of men and affairs - God lives above and hides with­ T h e national government, sponsible for much of the town's torial staff please rememt>er the to change things. But we know in the cause and effect world when informed of the surprising news circulation, Rick Moore important meeting in M r . goings-on within- the village send and Jim Lange as the Execu­ Organ's English 103 class, .Wed- the world. Everyday locks in we see. And every prayer takes nesday at 1:25. · the history of the day before, its place in the very active an inspector to investi_gate. The tioner, David Cunningham and and' the pattern develops. will of his God. Inspector, played by Bill Mc­ Randy Zeps as card-players "The weekly Wednesday even­ He has cancer, so he will die. Prayers are Fragile Donald, is a confirmed skeptic and Marion Barton, Brenda Ben~ ing showing of "Civilisation" She is hated, so will hate in like strings from me to you. who has no patience with the son, Novie Mann, Margaret will be pre-empted this week by turn. I failed. so I will suffer. Delicate webbs dangling life. happiness that he is investigat­ Rubarts, Nancy Schreiber and the latest Pink Panther release, Cause-effect pattern after pat­ Father make mine strong pray- ing; he sets about at once to Debbie Shipman as Isabel's "Pink Panther meets The Road tern - what can a small prayer ers. find out what's behind the cur­ sixth grade students. Runner." I. D. cards and 21 breathed from a darkened dorm Prayers are confused. ious occurances. . "The Enchanted" is being cents per person will be required room be to it all? Will God inter­ Mixed maze of motive He quickly discovers that the directed by Rober E. West, in­ for admission. fere, wrinkle the pattern for a surrounding simple minds from source of the disturbance is structor in speech. He also de­ "If anyone is interested in a split second to work my heart­ free prayer. Isabel, a young school eacher, signed the set, which has been teaching career with the Ken­ felt wish? That would be a Father make mine simple pray­ played by Teresa Rushton. She· constructed by Morris Ellis the sett kindergarten, please·· con­ miracle. But who believes in ers. is actively involved in courting technical director and costume tact the Placement Office im­ the spirit world to assist her in designer. mediately. A master's degree a campaign to lift humanity Tickets are still available for in sandology and B.A. degree in from its self-imposed heaviness. the remaining two perform­ toyic literature are preferred. Isabel succeeds at last in ances. There is no admission "Will the person who keeps coaxing a young spirit into re­ charge for students; reserved writing Fifth Column please re­ turning to the world. The In­ seats may be obtained by pre­ port to Dr. Joe Hacker's office spector, who doesn't believe in senting I. D. cards in the Busi­ at his earliest convenience? anything beyond life except ness Office today between 8 a.m. "Campus Couples, Inc., which "worms and bones.," sets a trap and 5 p.m. Tickets for non stu­ disbanded earlier this year be­ for the hapless Ghost, portrayed dents are $2.00 cause of the unbalanced ratio ••Uberty is Found In Doing Right'' of applicants, has been revived by Kerry McClurg. His ambush, Curtain time is 8 p.m. in the however, results in unmistak­ Main Auditorium. with the return of warmer able proof that spirits do, in weather. It is hoped that more fact, exist than three males will apply this Editor ....-...... Kathy Burton Isabel is elated and looks for­ semester. Associate Editors ...... Tim Bruner, Mike Justus Auditions for "A Doll's ward to a rendezvous with the House," by Henrik Ibsen, "Girls are now passing out News Editor ...... Carol Garrett spirit, in which he promises to l:allots for the election of Keller Sports Editxlr ...... - ...... ······--··Larry Brown will begin Wednesday after­ reveal the secret of life and noon at 2:30. The cast of ten Hall's 1-A Wing Member of the Women's Sports Editor ...... MariL-ynn Mclnteer death for which she has been Year. Desi~mate your choice and Photography Editor ...... ---··············· ...... Kris West includes five male and five pass them to the center of the yearning. There is a new ob­ female roles. No experience Proofreaders ...... Charles Anderson, Bill Robertson, stacle, however, in the form of aisle,' and someone will take David Staggs is necessary to tcy-out. them up after the bell rings. the Supervisor, who is played Copies of the play may be Columnist ..... - ...... --··-····.... Phil Johnson by Tim Bixler. The Supervisor "The International Studies Secretary ...... -...... Susan Woods obtained at the library, for Program will now offer an ad­ is a handsome young govern­ students wishing to famil­ Staff Accountant ...... Randy Brewer ment official who fancies him­ ditional hour of credit in P. E. Business Manager ...... Richard Taylor iarize themselves with the 123, Tennis and Shuffleboard, self a protector of the fairer play before auditions. Faculty Sponsor ...... Dr. Neil B. Cope sex, and in particular, Isabel, for those enrolling in this sum­ "A Doll's House," which mer's program.. " Official weekly newspaper published during the regular academic whom he loves. will be the final major dra­ year except holidays and examinations weeks, by Harding College, When the spirit returns, Isabel matic production of the year RRRRIIINNNGGGG! Searcy, Arkansas. is faced with the decision: to is scheduled for mid-April: "The chapel speaker for today go with the spirit and have the Subscription Rates: $3 per year It will be directed by Morris could not make it, so we have answers she's been seeking, or Ellis, instructor in speech. a short chapel scheduled in his Secoad Class Postage Paid at Searcy, Arkansas 72143 to remain with the Supervisor place. You are dismissed."

• 'DIE IIAitDING BISON, ~. Aft. · J ~$t8vens ... Expert to address I . * (Coatlaaed from Pqe 1) ecology meeting '.' They With MyseU." Do you plan to Harding College in cooperation wouldn't even play it. They'd do that again? with Arkansas Department of KHCA program log put it on, listen to about four "I'm building a new studio Education is holding an Environ­ bars, say 'Ah, that's not funny' in Nashville with a 24-track mental-Conservation Education aQd take it off. machine which means that you Conference today in the Ameri­ Feb. 18-24 7:110-8:00 KHCA Music- Your can overdub 24 tracks without can Heritage Auditorium begin­ DaUy Scbedule kind of music :: "I was stymied there. I stop­ 7:20 Campus News ped records. I any loss of quality whatsoever. ning at 9 a.m. making stopped Mon.-Fri. - Morning 7:30 !ARN World News doing everything for a couple So if I wanted to I could write Coordinating the activities for 6:45 Devotional ot years. out all the parts and if my range Harding will be Dr. E. G. 6:44 ARN Ark. News 7:55 ARN Ark. News would let me, I could sing all the Sewell, Chairman Department 8:30 ARN Weather "I had to live. So I started parts up to 24 parts and it of Education, and moderating Saturday Afternoon arranging, playing piano in re­ would sound really big and huge the conference will be F. H. 2:00 Power For Today cording sessions and singing like a choir." "Ranger Jim" Martin, Environ­ 2:05-6:00 KHCA Music . background vocals. After a few mental-Conservation Specialist, Coeds, Dean Egly 2:55 ,ARN News · years, I decided to try a straight Uving in Nashville, do you Arkansas Department of Edu­ 3:30 Campus News .. SQng and came out with 'Mr. feel much of a Nashville in­ cation. 3:55 ARN World News Businessman.' And sure enough fluence? Participating will be educa­ attend AWS Conf. 4:55 ARN Sports it broke the jinx." "I live there but I travel a tion major seniors. Other dis­ By Janet Rlehardsoa 5:55 !ARN Ark. News lot. When I am in Nashville Evening Schedule . Do you write for a eertaia ciplines are invited to attend Three Harding coeds accom­ ·- public? I'm busy doing my thing~ But along with in-service teachers panied Bernadine Egly, dean of Mon.-Fri. "'' . ' • I think everybody is influenced from nearby schools. women. to a state convention 7:30 ARN Sports . ~ .... "I just write what I want to, by everything they hear or see The conference will present of the Association of Women 7:50 World Press Digest !Uthough I try to say something no matter where they are." an overview of some of the Students in Arkadelphia Feb. 9:50 How Business Affects when I write a song. When I "We shouldn't care about the environmental problems, sug­ 4-5. You compose, it's whatever I feel length of his hair or the color gested solutions and motivation Representing Harding at the 10:30 Campus Radio Voice like writing at the time - not of his skin. Don't worry about techniques. conference at Ouachita Baptist 11 :25 !Mind Your Money trying to categorize anything." what shows from without but University were sophomores Facts Concerning Busi­ the love that lives within. We're Tonya Howard and Cathy Trapp ness Affairs -_. ~ .. ~- You put out an album on gonna get it all together now. Speech ... and junior Donna Stanfill . 11: 55 Serioqsly Speaking - . " . ., wlllch you did aU the voices Everything is gonna work out (Continued from Page 1) AWS is a national organiza­ Andy Harwood . )'0~ - "Have a Uttle Talk fine." first and Barry Watkins, Beta tion which has chapters in Daily Eveaing Sebeclule Phi Kappa, placed second. operation on most Arkansas Fri. Mike Havens, Beta Phi Kappa, campuses other than Harding. 6:15 Music From Around The It World- Brazil Y~s. rH•'f HAo'l't llu,cu/£ took first place in Radio Speech. is primarily concerned with Mark Moore placed second and the disciplinary aspects of col­ 12:05 ,KHCA Music Revival - FUuJC.~ AIJO 611'T IDeAS.. Lowrey Hershey, Beta Phi lege life, but is also involved in A special look this week un TAI.K TO Tf441"\ at the music - past and A&Cc.tT OIIA. WliDDioJQ. Kappa, tfiird. some service and social func­ Placing in Short Sermon tions. present - of Elvis Pres­ were: Mike Root, Chi Sigma ,The AWS Judiciary Board is a ley Alpha, first; Bill Fowler. sec­ concept in discipline which is Sat. ond; and Dick Russell, third. receiving favorable r e a c t i o n 10:00-1:00 Solid Gold with Dial Janet Franklin, Tofebt, won from all involved. The Board is •n - We'll take your re­ first place in Bible Story Tell­ composed of a president, vice­ quests for songs and play ing. Holly Catterton, Delta Chi president and two representa­ them back between 10:00 Omega, took second and Sheila tives from each women's re­ and 1:00 Fitzgerald. Kirei Na Ai, took sidence hall on campus. 11:30 Saturday Scoreboard - third. This entire group is elected Greg Bagley with Sports, Spectators were present at by the women students and is especially from around every event of the tournament under the direction of the Dean campus which was held Friday and Sat­ of Women. The Judiciary Board Sun. urday. There were 139 entries is responsible for hearing all 6:15 Music from Around The with 23 clubs prticipating. charges of rule infractions and World - Mediteranean "It ran very smoothly, the setting the punishment or pen­ 7:00 KHCA Music DRIVE BY AFTER CLASS. interest was high and a health­ alty for those involved. They 9:15 Herald of Truth ly competitive spirit prevailed," also submit rules to the. ad• 10:15 Significance - L e o n said Ryan. ministration for approval. Brown presenting today's music with a message We Would Love To 10:35-10:40 Weekly Review - A review of last weeks Serve You top news stories AUTOMOBILE MOD. and 6:15 Classical Allusion Three--drive-ins now in 7:00 KHCA M1.1sic operation for your PROPERTY 10:45 Bison Bull - Updating campus sports convenience Tues. INSURANCE 6:15 Classical Allusion • 7:00 KHCA Music 8:30 Cultural Events Bulletin We invite faculty Board 8:45 Freed Hardeman Hymns lii'St ~nd students to come 11:00 Havens-Shore's News and '1/CUI'it}' by and visit us. Comment Wed. wit 6 :'15 Classical Allusian A 7:00 KHCA Music EUBANKS AGENCY 8:30 and 10:10 Question of the Week Thur. Member FDIC 207 E. Market 268-5838 6: 15 Classical Allusion 7:00 KHCA Music COLLEGE BOWL THE FUN SPOT IN SEARCY PIIONI 161-3979

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2202 E. RACE 4 * THE HARDiNG BISON, Searcy, Ark. Feb. 18, lr12 Mathias shoots Bison past UA at M By Ken Beck With a 59 per cent field goal average by the team and 23 points scored by junior Joe Mathias. the Harding Bison By Larry Brown basketball team made it four consecutive AIC victories last After a close win over UAM, Thursday night as they handed the Bison have extended their University of Arkansas at Monti­ winning streak to four consecu­ cello an 88-81 setback. tive AIC wins. Not bad for a Taking a quick lead in the team that only several weeks first half, the Harding cagers ago was extending a different held off repeated rallies by the type of streak against the same Boll Weevils as Mathias and teams. guard Tim Vick kept the Bison II'he difference; "We seem to offense rolling. h a v e developed confidence At one point in the first period which a good team must have UAM was within five points of in order to -be successful," ex­ Harding, but at the half Har­ plained head coach Jess Bucy. ding commanded an 11-point Harding will be on the road lead, 47-36. again for the first game of the The Weevils returned the sec­ week Monday against Hendrix ond half to chop away at the College in Conway. They will Bison lead, and with 7:55 to go return to the home court on in the gme, UAM had closed it Thursday to meet Henderson to 66-62. College. Harding's center Fred Dixon Hendrix seems to be one of then came in and scored five the most unpredictable teams quick po~ts, and late period in the AIC. When they play free throws by Vick, Bill Chism well, they are capable of de­ and Lester Busby proved es­ feating any team in the league. sential to the Bisons as they Home court advantage seems maintained an 88-81 win. to mean more to Hendrix than Vick totaled 21 points, and some of the other teams in the Dixon added 11, while Mathias league. They are always very led all scoring with 23. tough at home as they will be Vick also set a new· school Monday night. They are also a Freshman guard 11m Vlck uses left-handed ball-control tactics to offensively outmaneuver tbe Boll record in assists with 12, whiqh Weevij defender. - PHOTO BY STEPHENS ERNST team that likes to run with broke the old school mark of 11 the ball. by Ned Boaz in 1964. Tigers rallying with a 13-point A veteran team, Hendrix re­ The Bison were unable to burst before the Bison could turned four of their starters sustain their chain of victories manage a two-point tally. The from -last year. Thev also as they dropped an away game Harding quint could not close possess the canable ball hand­ to Ouchita Baptist 7~5. Tues­ the gap before time ran out BANQUET FLOWERS ling of Dannv Thomas. the lead­ day night. with the score 75-65, Ouachita ine; scorer in the AIC. Several After trailing by only 31-30 leading. Call 268-6779 other outstanding scorers round at half-time, the Harding cagers The Bison challenge the Hen­ out the team. reurned to the cOurt to find the drix Warriors Monday. Henderson College is the most phvsicallv strone; team in the MASON'S AIC. This is evidenced by the fact that only one of their Finale of basketball games Across from Fred•s starters is under 6'4 ... The Reddies are also a iump­ ing team. Sam Witherspoon and climaxes spirited club rivalries 10o/o Mike Peterson, both 6'6'\ are By Doug Shields the defending champion, Sig two of the best rebounders in Club basketball will go out in Tau, is untested at 2-o and Beta Clul) Discount the league. Witherspoon and style tonight with championship Phi is 4-1. Peterson are averaging 20.5 and games for A and B teams of Galaxy C team won their 11 16.3 points per game respective­ both small and large clubs. The bracket by beating Sub-T. Sig We Put Our HEART .. ly. Henderson's top scorer is schedule, as released by Cecil Tau's C team won their division In Our Flowers Larry Bray, a junior college Beck, director of intramural by treating the Beta Phi C team transfer who averages 22.4 points ner game. 6:00 Beta Phi A vs. Sig Tau A ' Henderson is currently the athletics.7:15 Galaxy is: . B vs .. Sub- T B ~i~ke~Wl~·~se~.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ third place team in the league. 8:30 Galaxy A vs. Sub T A Bucv feels that rebounding will 9:45 Lambda B vs. Sig Tau B be the important factor in the In the A team matches, the game. "If we can stay within defending champion, Sub-T, is five or six rebounds of them, it 2-1 ·while Galaxy is undefeated ONE HOUR MARTINIZING should be an exciting game." at 3-o. In small club A games flllllllllllJIDIIIIIRIIIJIDIUIWIIIIItiUIWini!IDiliiiiiUIJIOIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIUIUIIIIDIJJIUIIIIIItlllUWUiilDJIJJIUIIIIII9 ONE-HOUR SERVICE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE I WE~OM~ :;·:~TSTUDENB I

1 CAR WASH I On, HOUR ;a Highway 67 East ~I ii Across the street from Carder Buick ~ lRIINTI/1/l/DG. ONE HOUR SERVICE I t NO EXTRA CHARGE i ~ s:Jo,.. zss· 66oo I 25c For Each 5 Minutes I ~=-= ALL NEW Equipment--600-lb. psi ~ FOUR BAYS AND TWO VACUUM 6 1414 E. Race 268-6600 I SOAP, RINSE & WAX I 2 dresses or 2 suits ~ Free Wheel, nre aacl lug Soap 1_:==- Make your engine & body sparkling clean. • for $1.59 I February 17-23 I We Will Strive To Give Excellent Service I B = I NOEL HIPP, Owner I NOW GIVING TOP VALUE STAMPS ~ ~ ~llllllllliDJIIIOIIIIDIIIIIII~HIIIIIJDIIUIIDIRICUlllliWIIti