JoeBortzPressRelease2_Layout 1 4/27/12 11:10 AM Page 1 JJooee BBoorrttzz ttoo HHoosstt HHiissttoorriicc DDrreeaamm CCaarr DDiissccuussssiioonn PPaanneell aatt 22001122 PPOOCCII In addition to being the son of the legendary Chrysler designer, Virgil M. CCoonnvveennttiioonn iinn Exner, Jr. is also a very accomplished designer in his own right, having worked with his father early in his career and later on his own. He will Designer Ray Koenig started at GM Styling in the "Class of '56." While there, be offering a unique view on Pontiac design- from the standpoint of a he worked under Harley Earl and Bill Mitchell, along with Chuck Jordan, competing designer. SStt.. CChhaarrlleess,, IIlllliinnooiiss Wayne Cherry, Larry Shinoda, Bill Porter and current head of GM Design, ream car collector and his- Ray Koenig started at GM Styling Ed Welburn. He also worked with John DeLorean, Pete Estes and Bill Collins. For Immediate Release: torian Joe Bortz has pre- in the "Class of '56" and remained ast, Hemmings Classic Cars, Car Bortz on the panel. Joe will then as- Contact: pared a special treat for there until 1977, when he left to D Collector and countless others. His sume the role of Master of Cere- Don Keefe participants at the 40th Annual accept an assignement at GM’s book GM's Motorama: The Glam- monies. He will then question the Pontiac-Oakland Club International International Group. While at GM Keefe Media International orous Show Cars of a Cultural Phe- panel and direct the conversation. Convention in St. Charles Illinois, Styling/Design Center, he E-mail:
[email protected] nomenon, is unquestionably, the The Bortz Dream Car panel disus- this coming July 17-21.