Leading National Advertisers
1 | Advertising Age | June 27, 2005 Special Report: Profiles Supplement June 27, 2005 th annual 100 LEADING NATIONAL ADVERTISERS INSIDE Top 100 ranking Company profiles Sponsored by The nation’s leading marketers Lead marketing personnel, 50ranked by U.S. advertising brands, agencies, agency expenditures for 2004. contacts, as well as advertising Includes data from TNS Media spending by media and brand, Intelligence and Ad Age’s sales, earnings and more for proprietary estimates of the country’s 100 largest unmeasured spending. PAGE 6 advertisers PAGE 9 This document, and information contained therein, is the copyrighted property of Crain Communications Inc. and The Ad Age Group (© Copyright 2005) and is for your personal, non-commercial use only. You may not reproduce, display on a website, distribute, sell or republish this document, or information contained therein, without prior written consent of The Ad Age Group. 3 | Advertising Age | June 27, 2005 Special Report 100 LEADING NATIONAL ADVERTISERS SUPPLEMENT ABOUT THIS PROFILE EDITION THE 50TH ANNUAL 100 Leading National 30 ad categories using TNS’ Stradegy Yellow Pages Association contributed Advertisers Report ended in a dead heat data, from automotive at $20.52 billion, spending in Yellow Pages and TNS’s between perennial one-two finishers up 10.8%, to cigarettes & tobacco at Marx Promotion Intelligence provided General Motors Corp. and Procter & $318.8 million, down 17.1%. free-standing insert spending. Gamble Cos. as total advertising of the Unmeasured spending is an Ad Age Top 100 advanced 9.2% to $98.34 billion ● Brands: There were 569 brands on estimate and includes direct mail, sales in 2004.
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