Chairman: John Hunt

Clerk: Emma Gibson Parish Council PO Box 15524 NN1 9JJ Tel: 07715651904 email:[email protected]

Minutes of the Meeting of Spratton Parish Council held on Tuesday 16th April 2019 in Spratton Village Hall, Spratton at 7.30 pm

Present: Cllrs John Hunt (Chair), Lydia Crawford, Colin Donnelly and Sally Wilkes. In attendance: Emma Gibson Clerk, PCSO Miller and 2 members of the public. Apologies: Cllr Denise Fry.

55.19 PUBLIC FORUM: Members of the public and press are invited to address the Council at its Open Forum. 15 minutes. Speakers have up to 3 minutes each. • Members of the REC Committee in attendance and requested the following: 1) Extra wheelie bins to be placed in the REC. Mr Ward agreed to empty these extra bins. Clerk to make enquiries with DDC regarding the possibility of four extra bins for the REC. 2) Money for work to the barriers at the REC. Council were informed that the REC Committee’s accounts have been sent to the Clerk. Clerk advised she had not yet received them. REC representatives confirmed that they would need half of the money required for the barrier as they could secure the other half. The total cost for the barrier would be £1300 the REC Committee are therefore requesting £650 from the Parish Council. Council agreed once they had received the accounts, if all in order, then they would be in a position to make a resolution to pay the £650 requested towards the fence.

56.19 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE- Apologies received from Cllr Fry due to being away on holiday. Council RESOLVED to accept these apologies.

57.19 CO-OPTION OF NEW COUNCILLOR: No applications for Co-option received.

58.19 RESOLUTION TO SIGN AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON TUES 19th MARCH 2019. Council RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 19th March 2019.

59.19 MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (if any) – For Information only. None.

60.19 MEMBERS’ DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST/DISPENSATION REQUESTS FOR RELEVANT ITEMS ON THE AGENDA: To receive 1. Non-pecuniary – None. 2. Disclosable Pecuniary Interest – None.


a) Income received: Welford PC contribution to buses £3494.01 Bank interest £17.29 Newsletter adverts totalling £117.00

125 b) Payment of outstanding invoices. Parish Council resolution to approve those listed plus additional received between 5th April 2019 and 16th April 2019 (if any)


22/03/19 L Gibson Reimbursement leaflet Bank transfer £18.79 £18.79 printing 18/04/19 Calico Website host fee Bank transfer £20.00 £4.00 £24.00 18/04/19 H Peterson Reimbursement 3318 £27.95 £24.00 Millennium Garden 18/04/19 Autela Payroll Q4 Bank Transfer £65.00 18/04/19 Clubs for young people Consultation and taster Bank transfer £150.00 £30.00 £180.00 £24.95 session 18/04/19 R & G Mowing Bank transfer £427.26 £85.45 £512.71 18/04/19 S Wilkes Village maintenance Bank transfer £50.00 £65.00 18/04/19 J Pye Greenworks and Bank transfer £28.00 maintenance £180.00 18/04/19 B Blowfield Greenworks Bank transfer £58.85 £11.77 £70.62 22/04/19 O2 Office phone DD £31.98 £6.40 £38.38 24/04/19 E Gibson April salary and HW All Bank transfer £780.70 £512.71 24/04/19 NEST April pension DD £56.37


b) Bank balances, Bank Reconciliations and Receipts and Payments report 29th March 2019: Parish Council RESOLVED to approve. c) Policies for review: • Freedom of information policy. Council reviewed the policy and RESOLVED to approve and re-adopt. • Archiving policy. Council reviewed and agreed that further work was needed regarding this policy and it will be reviewed again after the annual meeting. Some of the Clerk’s time may need to be set aside to get Archiving up to date. • Vexatious abusive policy. Council reviewed the policy and RESOLVED to approve and re-adopt. • Internal controls and procedures. Council reviewed the policy and RESOLVED to approve and re- adopt. • Public participation. Council reviewed the policy and RESOLVED to re-adopt. d) Budget review: Council considered the budget review document and RESOLVED to approve the suggested amendments as detailed in the document. Further reserves to be implemented as follows. £3,000 for the Youth Club, £1,000 for the Millennium Garden, £700 for the REC fencing, £5,000 for a Community Event. Reserves are subject to review and amendments as necessary. e) Debit card for Parish Council: Council RESOLVED to approve the application for a debit card for the Parish Account to allow Clerk to purchase items that cannot be paid for by cheque (after prior approval of Council). For example, as on-line items, stationery, and village meeting refreshments to negate the need for the Clerk to use personal accounts and claim back. Resolution made in accordance with the debit card application form section 3b.

62.19 PLANNING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE a) Planning Applications to consider and make resolution – None Application Description Location Respond by Case Officer No. DA/2019/0144 Outline application with Land To The West Of 18.04.19 Anna Lee main point of access Mercedes Avenue, included for development (Brixworth/Scaldwell Parish), to provide commercial

floorspace for Class B1b, B1c, B2 & B8 employment uses (resubmission)

DA/2019/0144 : Council RESOLVED to endorse Brixworth PC objections. ACTION: Cllr Wilkes to draft a response to DDC. b) Planning application decisions to report (if any)- None. c) Planning appeals for information: None. d) Planning Committee for information: None.

126 63.19 CHURCHYARD CEMETERIES AND OPEN SPACES (CCOS) ADVISORY GROUP a) Village Handyman: Up-date to be received. Additional work (if any) – None. b) East View Cemetery Issues (if any) to discuss and make resolution – Complaint raised by resident regarding youths in the cemetery drinking alcohol when she attended her family grave. Council RESOLVED to monitor this closely. c) Mowing/Maintenance Issues (if any) – Trees: Cllr Hunt met with NCC Highways regarding the trees in the village, NCC have agreed to cut the trees on Road. d) Defibrillator: Visual check completed on the unit at the REC all in order, some further information needed regarding the units alarm system. Unit on the Kings Head to be checked this week. e) DDC Litter pick kits: Litter pick kits available from DDC. Clerk has ordered Spratton’s allocation they just need collection. Cllr Crawford to try to arrange collection, once collected to be passed to Mr Chris Saul. Clerk must report back to DDC on how they have been used by 20th May 2019.

64.19 NATURAL SPRATTON (including Spratton Pocket Park Advisory Group) Parish Council to receive and consider update reports and Advisory Group recommendations in respect of the following: - a) Jubilee Wood – Up-date received. Simon Barnett to undertake work on the wood. b) Spratton Pocket Park - Up-date received.

65.19 HIGHWAYS ADVISORY GROUP (including Street Lighting Advisory Group and Northampton Northern Orbital Consultation Sub-Committee) a) Streetlighting: Up-date to be received. Clerk has been approached by a broker to obtain quotes for streetlighting. Council considered the company and decided not to use this company at this time as no other local Councils had used them. However, other Clerks have suggested other brokers that they had successfully used Cardinal Energy and Resolve Energy. Council RESOLVED to use these previously used companies for quotes. b) Buses: Council received an up-date regarding progress, service level agreements and memorandum of understanding. The Service Level Agreement between NCC and the bus company is still not finalised however, the Parish Councils have assurance that they will not be paying anymore than £15,000 and the bus service will continue for a year. The On Demand Service being piloted in other local areas by University Northampton is still being considered as a possible future for the long-term bus service in Spratton c) Speeding cameras: Up-date regarding the purchase of new speeding cameras in the village. Cllr Wilkes has met with NCC Council and the cameras can be positioned where the Parish Council wish. The cameras will be battery rather than solar powered. Cllrs and villagers are happy to maintain the batteries that will need charging every 10 days. New battery to be ordered for the exiting speed sign in the village. d) Drainage into ditch: Reports have been received of guttering on some residential properties within the village that maybe incorrectly draining into a ditch. Council are still making enquiries into this. e) Verges on Smith Street: A number of complaints have been received regarding the school traffic on Smith Street over running the grass verges and causing damage. Council received up-date that Spratton Hall School will be repairing damage to the verges once the work at the school has been completed.

66.19 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT ADVISORY GROUP: Parish Council to receive and consider any updated reports and Advisory Group recommendations. a) Youth Club- Up-date received. Report from CYPN regarding “taster session” and next steps. Council RESOLVED to make the requested contribution of £1,500 p.a to the Youth Club in the village. Closing balance of the previous Youth Club is understood to be approximately £600, this was given to Spratton Town and Charity Land to spend on the youth in the village. Clerk to make enquiries as to whether this money is still available. b) PCSO – Cllr to discuss any priorities for the PCSO that can be passed on to the SPOC Mr Peter Hunt. None at this time. c) Broomhill –Any issues for liaison with Broomhill to be discussed and a resolution made if appropriate. None at this time. d) Millennium garden- Up-date regarding the work done to the garden received. Council RESOLVED to budget £1,000 for the work to the garden. Council extended thanks to all those helping with this work. e) Phone-box – Up-date carpenter to commence work on the phone-box on the 6th May 2019. It is hoped the phone-box will be officially opened during Spratton Open Gardens Sunday 9th June 2019. f) ANPR Cameras – Councillors discussed the possibility of installing vehicle number plate recognition cameras to help with crime reduction in Spratton. The new speed cameras in the village are likely to have this capability. Council RESOLVED not to pursue this at this time.



69.19 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FOR DISCUSSION AND TO AGREE ACTION (IF ANY) (previously circulated)- a) Membership of ACRE: Council to consider joining ACRE. £40.00 per annum. Council discussed and RESOLVED to join ACRE.

70.19 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED- Northamptonshire Heritage Fund: Statement in relation to Unitary Government proposals in Northamptonshire. Council considered the correspondence.

127 71.19 URGENT MATTERS FOR REPORT ONLY (Notified to the Chairman before the meeting: None.

72.19 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 21st May 2019, 7.30 pm, Spratton Village Hall, School Road, Spratton.

Meeting closed 9.35pm

Signed……………………………………………. Date: John Hunt, Chair to Spratton Parish Council


May Tuesday 21st May 2019 (Annual Meeting of Parish Council)

Annual Parish Meeting (NOT a Parish Council meeting): Tuesday 14th May 2019