Ministers' speeches Documents in the Publications Archive are at least two years old. They do not necessarily reflect current DWP policies or procedures. Old Ministerial speeches after 2007 are on: UK Government Web Archive For Ministers’ speeches 2002-2006, email the title and reference number of the publication you need to:
[email protected] Recent DWP ministers’ speeches are in: Ministers’ speeches 2006 Speeches by Lord Hunt Reference Number Lord Hunt defends new Age Discrimination Act Third Age 80063 Employment Network Speeches by John Hutton Reference Number Ending child poverty and transforming life chances: John 80103 Hutton speech to Fabian Society DWP City Strategies conference 80100 Scope disablism summit 2006 80096 NAPF annual conference London 80092 The Work Foundation pensions 80074 conference ILO 2006 Global Compact Policy 80071 Dialogue What will it take to end child 80069 poverty? Reviving the European economic 80112 reform agenda The state and the individual building a lasting pensions 80123 settlement Supporting families the role of 80126 welfare The active welfare state: matching 80128 rights with responsibilities Fabian women's network women 80137 and pensions Welfare reform 10 years on 10 80143 years ahead Welfare to work convention 2006 80149 CBI/Real Finance human capital 80160 awards Future services network 80161 ABI saver summit 80163 TUC disabilities conference 2006 80165 Child support redesign 80167 Pensions reform statement 80169 Speeches by Anne McGuire Reference Number Speech at the RNIB 'focus