Astronomy 241: Foundations of Astrophysics I. The Solar System Astronomy 241 is the first part of a year-long Prerequisites: Physics 170, Physics 272 introduction to astrophysics. It uses basic (or concurrent), and Math 242 or 252A. classical mechanics and thermodynamics to Contact: Professor Joshua Barnes analyze the structure and evolution of the (
[email protected]; 956-8138) Solar System. Tuesday, August 21, 2012 Astrophysics BS Degree Proposal in ASTR PHYS MATH CHEM preparation FALL 241 251A 161, 171 or 181 year 1 161L, 171L, or 181L SPRING 170 242 252A 162 year 1 170L 162L Foundations of Astrophysics I: FALL 241 272 243 253A The Solar System year 2 272L Foundations of Astrophysics II: SPRING 242 274 244 Galaxies & Stars year 2 274L Observational Astronomy & FALL 300 310 311 (or 307?) Laboratory year 3 300L 350 SPRING 301 311 Observational Project year 3 450 FALL 423 480 Stellar Astrophysics year 4 495 SPRING 496 481 Senior Project I, II year4 485 1 of: ASTR 320, 426, or 430 Tuesday, August 21, 2012 Units Text uses MKS units (meter, kilo-gram, second); e.g. G ≃ 6.674 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2 (gravitational constant). Astronomers also use non-standard units: AU ≃ 1.496 × 1011 m (“average” Earth-Sun distance) 30 M⊙ ≃ 1.989 × 10 kg (Sun’s mass) yr ≃ 3.156 × 107 s (Earth’s orbital period) Tuesday, August 21, 2012 Order of Magnitude & Dimensional Analysis: An Example Given that Jupiter’s average density is slightly greater than water, estimate the orbital period of a satellite circling just above the planet.