Playing Music in Just Intonation: a Dynamically Adaptive Tuning Scheme
Karolin Stange,∗ Christoph Wick,† Playing Music in Just and Haye Hinrichsen∗∗ ∗Hochschule fur¨ Musik, Intonation: A Dynamically Hofstallstraße 6-8, 97070 Wurzburg,¨ Germany Adaptive Tuning Scheme †Fakultat¨ fur¨ Mathematik und Informatik ∗∗Fakultat¨ fur¨ Physik und Astronomie †∗∗Universitat¨ Wurzburg¨ Am Hubland, Campus Sud,¨ 97074 Wurzburg,¨ Germany Web: Abstract: We investigate a dynamically adaptive tuning scheme for microtonal tuning of musical instruments, allowing the performer to play music in just intonation in any key. Unlike other methods, which are based on a procedural analysis of the chordal structure, our tuning scheme continually solves a system of linear equations, rather than relying on sequences of conditional if-then clauses. In complex situations, where not all intervals of a chord can be tuned according to the frequency ratios of just intonation, the method automatically yields a tempered compromise. We outline the implementation of the algorithm in an open-source software project that we have provided to demonstrate the feasibility of the tuning method. The first attempts to mathematically characterize is particularly pronounced if m and n are small. musical intervals date back to Pythagoras, who Examples include the perfect octave (m:n = 2:1), noted that the consonance of two tones played on the perfect fifth (3:2), and the perfect fourth (4:3). a monochord can be related to simple fractions Larger values of mand n tend to correspond to more of the corresponding string lengths (for a general dissonant intervals. If a normally consonant interval introduction see, e.g., Geller 1997; White and White is sufficiently detuned from just intonation (i.e., the 2014).
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