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Dining Dining what to do • where to go • what to see February 25–March 9, 2008 The OOfficialfficial Guide to BBOSTONOSTON WHAT’S HOT IN BOSTON DINING PLUS: New England Spring Flower Show New England Home Show Tea Tasting on Newbury Street panoramamagazine.com contents COVER STORY 14 What’s Hot in Boston Dining Our annual look at recent restaurant trends and the Hub’s culinary hotspots DEPARTMENTS 6 around the hub 6 NEWS & NOTES 12 STYLE 10 DINING 13 ON EXHIBIT 11 NIGHTLIFE 18 the hub directory 19 CURRENT EVENTS 37 MAPS 26 CLUBS & BARS 43 FREEDOM TRAIL 28 MUSEUMS & 45 SHOPPING GALLERIES 51 RESTAURANTS 32 SIGHTSEEING 67 NEIGHBORHOODS 35 EXCURSIONS 78 5 questions with… Musician FRED WESLEY A WISE CHOICE: Luis, co- owner of The Savant Project in Boston’s Mission Hill neighbor- hood, enjoys a dish of assorted tapas along with a Mangria on the cover: cocktail. Refer to story, page 14. Erik of Maggie Inc. enjoys PHOTOPHOTO BY J ONATHAN D AISY the grilled salmon at Kingston Station (refer to listing, page 58). Photo: Derek Kouyoumjian. Produced by Heather Burke. ___ FEBRUARY 25–MARCH 9, 2008 3 The Official Guide to BOSTON www.panoramamagazine.com February 25–March 9, 2008 Volume 57 • Number 20 Jerome Rosenfeld • CHAIRMAN Tim Montgomery • PRESIDENT/PUBLISHER Josh B. Wardrop • EDITOR Scott Roberto • ART DIRECTOR Sharon Hudak Miller • PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Heather S. Burke • PHOTO EDITOR Saba Alhadi, Della Huff, Jonathan Daisy, Derek Kouyoumjian, Shawna Spingel • CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Eva Medoff • EDITORIAL INTERN Jacolyn Ann Firestone • VICE PRESIDENT, ADVERTISING Kristi Wolfrom • ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Rita A. Fucillo • DIRECTOR OF MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Paul Hurst • NATIONAL ADVERTISING SALES HURST & ASSOCIATES, INC. 800-397-8908 • [email protected] Peter Ng • INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER Melissa J. O’Reilly • BUSINESS MANAGER Tyler J. Montgomery • OPERATIONS MANAGER George Ghareeb • TECHNICAL CONSULTANT PANORAMA is published bi-weekly by Jerome Press Publications Inc. Editorial and advertising offices at 332 Congress Street, Boston, MA 02210. Telephone (617) 423- 3400. Printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or otherwise reproduced with- out written permission of the publisher. PANORAMA is a member of the Massachusetts Lodging Association, The Back Bay Association, The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, The Greater Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau, Cambridge Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Boston Concierge Association, the Harvard Square Business Association, the Newbury Street League, the South End Business Alliance, the North End Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Crossing Association. PANORAMA is audited by BPA Worldwide, an independent audit bureau recognized by the American Association of Advertising Agencies. a magazine affiliate ___ ___ 4 PANORAMAMAGAZINE.COM FEBRUARY 25–MARCH 9, 2008 5 BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! ST FOR A LIMITED RUN! aroundthehubby Josh B. Wardrop NEWS&NOTES OPENS JANUARY 31 "...take her to see Signs of Spring Menopause The Musical othing says “so long, winter” better than the arrival of bright and fragrant flowers, where hot flashes and from March 8–16, Boston’s Bayside Expo Center is going to be filled with more Men N It get standing flowers than Elton John’s rumpus room when the 137th New England Spring Flower Love Too!!! ovations!" Show brightens up the Hub with more than 5 acres of beauteous, blooming blossoms. - CBS Mornin g Sh Each year, more than 80,000 gardening enthusiasts make their way to the Flower Show to ow check out 38 gardens designed by landscaping professionals and garden clubs from around the nation. The event features amateur competitions highlighting the creativity of area garden clubs and hundreds of garden-related vendors exhibiting and selling their wares. The Spring Flower Show also offers a full schedule of special events such as a March 7 Preview Party featuring live jazz music, a silent auction to benefit the planting of gardens on Boston’s new Rose Kennedy Greenway and a chance to sample the Flower Show’s Discover what nearly 9 million fans in signature cocktail, the Cucumber Crush. Also, on March 9, gardeners with green thumbs can learn how to live truly “green” during the show’s SafeLawns and Landscapes Day, 12 countries are laughing about! featuring tips on how to keep our environment healthy. So, if you’re looking to say a big hello to spring, come to the Bayside Expo Center and STUART STREET PLAYHOUSE • Boston say it with flowers. Refer to listing, page 20. 200 Stuart Street at the Radisson Hotel cont. on page 8 >> FOR TICKETS CALL 800-447-7400 news & notes 6 • dining 10 • nightlife 11 • GREAT DISCOUNTS FOR GROUPS 15+ CALL 1-888-440-6662 ext. 6 style 12 • on exhibit 13 www.stuartstreetplayhouse.com • www.menopausethemusical.com ___ PHOTO COURTESY OF 6 PANORAMAMAGAZINE.COM M ASSACHUSETTS H ORTICULTURAL S OCIETY aroundthehub:NEWS&NOTES aroundthehub:NEWS&NOTES calendar of events WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Sensitive and swoon-worthy British musical heartthrob James Blunt brings his brand of tender love songs to the Orpheum Theatre, joined by special guest Sara Bareilles. Refer to listing, page 22. HOW TO MAKE YOUR SATURDAY, MARCH 1 HOME SWEET Everybody’s favorite TV dad, With spring in the air, Jell-O pitchman and legendary spring cleaning is soon to stand-up comic Bill Cosby, follow, And, as any home- makes a triumphant return to owner knows, “spring clean- Boston stages with two shows at ing” is soon followed by 5 and 8:30 p.m. at the Opera “spring redesigning,” House. Refer to listing, page 19. “spring new wallpaper,” “spring why-don’t-we-build- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 an-addition?” and so on. It’s an Eastern Conference RELIVING << cont. week of events kicks off on show her off, but she (the That’s why a visit to the showdown when Paul Pierce THE from page 6 March 5 at 6:30 p.m., with doll) hasn’t a thing to wear? 2008 New England Home (pictured), Kevin Garnett and MASSACRE an oration of famous Solve that problem on Show—taking place the Boston Celtics take on It may seem macabre to speeches by patriots John March 8, when the beloved February 27–March 2 at Chauncey Billups, Rasheed commemorate a violent con- Hancock, John Warren and doll retailer, in conjunction the Seaport World Trade Wallace and the Detroit Pistons frontation that took place in others given by local high with The Freedom Trail Center—is a must for any- at TD Banknorth Garden. Refer the streets of Boston, but school students. On March Foundation, hosts a special one looking for new ideas on to listing, page 24. here in a city proud of the 8 at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., American Girl Doll Fashion how to freshen up their place it holds in the birth of youngsters are led in a re- Show for little girls and domiciles. The show features THURSDAY, MARCH 6 & our nation, it’s a tradition enactment of the event by their beloved toy compan- hundreds of vendors and SATURDAY, MARCH 8 to annually recall one of the rangers from nearby Adams ions. The event, which takes home experts offering tips Watch your children be swept up ELDMAN triggering events of the National Historical Park. place at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. for improving, maintaining in their own imaginations as F American Revolution: the And that same night at 7 at the Renaissance Hotel on and decorating your home, American Repertory Theatre Boston Massacre. p.m., local re-enactor the Boston waterfront (301 while home décor experts presents the acclaimed chil- ICHARD In March, the Bostonian groups present a full re- Northern Ave.), features an like “The Wall Wizard” (pic- dren’s production The Island of R BY Society and the Old State creation of this defining American Girl and Bitty tured above) and “Dr. Anyplace at Zero Arrow Theatre. TO House Museum join forces moment in American liberty Baby Runway Show, tea and Gadget” are on hand to open Refer to listing, page 21. HO P to present a week of events (pictured above). Refer to crumpets at an elegant table your eyes to wondrous commemorating the 238th listing, page 23. (complete with doll chairs devices you never thought FRIDAY, MARCH 7 anniversary of the conflict for your child’s guest of you needed, but will want to Enjoy classical music with a between American colonists honor), goodie bags and make your own. You’re sure Celtic twist as the acclaimed 30- (AMERICAN) and British Redcoats that many other surprises your to find enough at the Home piece Camerata Ireland makes GIRLS’ DAY OUT took the lives of five citi- child is sure to love. Call Show this weekend to fill up an appearance at Jordan Hall, zens and started Americans You say your little girl 617-357-8300 or visit the rest of your weekends performing works by Mozart, on the path toward the would love to take her www.thefreedomtrail.org for the foreseeable future. Tchaikovsky and others. Refer to Revolutionary War. The American Girl doll out and for ticket information. Refer to listing, page 20. listing, page 19. ___ ___ 8 PANORAMAMAGAZINE.COM FEBRUARY 25–MARCH 9, 2008 9 aroundthehub:DINING by Josh B. Wardrop aroundthehub:NIGHTLIFE by Josh B. Wardrop Warm Something’s Dolls and Your Brewing Cue Balls Bones INMAN SQUARE RIB INVITATIONAL East Coast Grill 1269 Cambridge St. 617-491-6568 February 25 n a cold Vox Pops the Cork O February night, nothing could be CHAMPAGNE CRAZY o, you say you’d like to elevate your better than some Vox Populi Susual “big night out” fare from beer hot, juicy, stick-to- 755 Boylston St.
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