Instructor's Edge Spring/Summer 2016
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Spring/Summer 2016 VOLUME 40 NUMBER 3 PSIA/ASSI Dues, Clinic Fees Intermountain President Rich Increases Explained McLaughlin (l) and Keith Lange (r) The PSIA/AASI Intermountain Board of present Norm Burton Directors continues to carefully evalu - with a plaque ate the division’s well-being in making commemorating his decisions that impact the membership. induction into the PSIA Intermountain As previously outlined in the Edge, the Division Hall of Fame board held several strategic planning during the 2016 (Stratcom) meetings from 2014-to date Brian Oakden Spring Clinic banquet. to assess the division’s short- and long-term objectives. In weighing clinic fee and dues increases, the board N Many other divisions were preparing also increased employee compensa- wanted to ascertain what the other to increase their dues and/or clinic tion and travel reimbursement, so eight divisions were charging. T he re- feesinthe2015-16or2016-17seasons. employee compensation is more in- sults were eye-opening: The 2007-08 season was the last time line with the other divisions. N Intermountain’s Level 1 dues were Intermountain increased dues. The In regards to dues increases, our affilia - 50 percent of what PSIA/AASI-East 2010-11 season was the last time Inter - tion agreement stipulates that the divi - assessed its members; Level 2 and mountain raised clinic fees. Most recent sions should notify PSIA/AASI national of Level 3 dues were about 61 percent dues increases have been at the national any changes prior to implementation. As a of what PSIA/AASI-East assessed its level. Bottom line: Intermountain’s net result, there is a one fiscal year lag in exe - members (as of the 2014-15 season). income margin has averaged 6.8 percent cution.Theduesincrease(to$50)matches N Intermountain’s dues were around over the past five years; not enough to what four of the other divisions were 10-20 percent lower than six other continue to provide innovative products charging as of 2015, but is still below what divisions. Only PSIA/AASI-West’s and services, increase employee com - PSIA/AASI Rocky Mountain and dues matched Intermountain’s, and pensation, or generate sufficient reserves PSIA/AASI East assess their members. The that was for its Level 2 & Level 3 for the division’s long-term health. board believed that it could not unduly n - members (as of the 2014-15 season). With last season’s clinic fee crease member dues at one time to keep N Intermountain’s clinic fees were increase, Intermountain’s clinic fees pace with the other Divisions, and plans lower than the other eight divisions, are closer to what the other eight divi - on reviewing matters on an ongoing basis. and have not kept pace with sions are charging. In conjunction with inflation. the clinic fee adjustment, the board continued on 6 President . 2 Children. 10 Notes from the office CS news. Spring Clinic . 8 Achievements . 12 Photos from Sun Valley. Recognition for hard work. PROFESSIONAL SNOWSPORT INSTRUCTION IN THE INTERMOUNTAIN WEST 2 PSIA-I N AASI-I President’s Message The Instructors EDGE The Instructors EDGE, official publication of the Professional Ski Instructors of America Rich McLaughlin President PSIA/AASI Intermountain Intermountain Division and the American Association of Snowboard Instructors Hello! Once again we are coming out of a very success - Intermountain Division, is scheduled to be ful winter season. The snow this year was great and visi - published three times a year at a nonmember subscription rate of $15. tations to our resorts in the Intermountain division were strong. Some of the resorts even broke records! Opinions presented in the EDGE are those I had an exciting time in my first year at the reins as of the individual authors and do not president. I was able to travel to the national board meeting in Denver mid- necessarily represent the opinions or policies of the Professional Ski Instructors season with Kent Lundell, and had the chance to meet the standing board of America, Intermountain or the American members. I saw some really good presentations by the national team trainers Association of Snowboard Instructors, for the new publications coming out in the near future. Having never had the Inter mountain. Submission of articles and chance to see one of these meetings I had some preconceived ideas as to what photos is encouraged. Contact the editor. went on in them. I was pleasantly surprised to find that they run their business Editorial/Advertising Office very much like we run ours here in Intermountain. The board was very profes - Rodger Renstrom, Editor sional, friendly and down to earth. They all put in a lot of hard work to represent 770 Pinewood Dr, Sandy, UT the membership. I have to say they are very thorough and that Kent represents (v) 801 566-9727 (e) [email protected] us very well. I also want to congratulate Nick Herrin as the new CEO of the national board. PSIA-I Division, AASI-I Division Office Speaking to our members here in Intermountain, I want to welcome all of Vicki Mills, Kathy Sudweeks, Kathryn Milne our new members and send out a huge congratulation to everyone that achieved 7105 Highland Dr., Suite 201 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 certification this year! Thank you for all your time and effort to continue your (v) 801 942-2066, (f) 801 942-7837 education with us to strengthen your professional careers. I hope that everyone (e) [email protected] attained their goals this past season and will continue to do so in the future. This year’s Spring Clinic was Awesome! Thank you Sun Valley for putting PSIA-I, AASI-I Officers and Chairs President: Rich McLaughlin on a great three days. The event went off without a hitch. The clinics were well Administrative V. P. : Mike Thurgood attended. I don’t know about you though, I thought the weather was HOT! At Communications V.P. : Evan Ricks one point the thermometer read 70 degrees! It made for some great spring PSIA Board Representative : Kent Lundell riding and some great fun. Even the silent auction raised some money for the Certification Manager: Dustin Cooper Education Manager: scholarship fund. I want to thank Vicki and Kathy in our office for all their Stephen Helfenbein work in making it happen. They spent countless hours coordinating for this. Snowboard Manager: Open Susan Oakden even came out of retirement to once again help us out with the Nordic Manager: Grant Bishop coordination of the event and to make sure it all happened as smoothly as Adaptive Managers : Johnny Landward, Jason Malczyk possible. Brian Oakden was able to snap your picture for the records! Children’s Manager : Mark Nakada There are lots of congratulations at this time of year and my report would Ski School Management Committee : not be complete without a shout out to the new members of the national Maggie Loring teams! It was a very long and arduous process and I wish you success over the Current Board Members next four years. To those that tried out but did not make it onto the teams, 2014-2017: Carl Boyer, Nancy Kronthaler, your efforts are not in vain. You are stronger for the experience! Never give up. Evan Ricks, Joe Waggoner, The ASEA Presidents Council met by phone conference on May 31. The Mary Flinn Ware discussion was consultation —when and the nature of it —and basically cov - 2015-2018: Andy Baker, Mark Battaglia, Kent Lundell, Mark Nakada, ered communication between ASEA and the divisions in accordance with the Rich McLaughlin Affiliation Agreement. Also discussed was the November 4-5 conclave 2016-2019: Dave Butler, Anita Oliveri, agenda. This meeting will be to discuss and define the roles and responsibili - Charles Rodger, Mike ties of the national organization and the divisions. At this meeting we will also Thurgood, Coulter Tucker be choosing a new leader. Bill King will be stepping down from this roll. continued on INSTRUCTORS EDGE SPRING/SUMMER 2016 3 What I proposed in my election mani- Making PSIA-I/AASI-I Great Again ... festo was a commitment to PSIA/AASI, a commitment to serve the needs of the Or maybe just relevant? than a beauty competition, a foregone membership and to be ava ilable for the conclusion—that is, name recognition membership and the board throughout in terms of DECLs or resort managers the term of my appointment. By Charles A. Rodger providing an obvious advantage. I sus - What I can promise each of you is pect that some of Bernie Sanders’ sup - what I will not do as a representative. I Perhaps not exactly following in the porters, confronted as they are by the willnotacceptthestatusquo.Norwill Trumpster’s footsteps, but as with every - familiar HRC, may have similar feelings I accept that the membership con - thing that Mr. Trump says, there is per - about the interminable primaries and cerns are not addressed because the haps something we can take from his their outcome. In putting myself for - board representatives do not have messages as he tries to galvanize his elec - ward as a board candidate I recognized time during the busy winter ski/ride torate. I am not suggesting that we start that I am essentially an unknown, sim - season, and I will not accept that in issuing baseball caps with the message ply a PSIA member, but I have an our region, that “communication” is a “making PSIA-I/AASI-I great again,” but energy. I am committed to maintaining title and a responsibility bestowed as I read the various PSIA/AASI Inter - the P in PSIA (the P is not silent!) and I upon the communication VP.