The London Gazette, December 9, 1881
6628 THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 9, 1881. No. 26, Newington Green-road, Islington, in the eonnty of Green, and of Cricklewood. both in the county of Mid- Middlesex, Plumber, Zinc Worker, and Gasfitter, and will dlesex, and late of the Green, Soutbgate, in the county be paid by me, at my office, No. 23, Cojeman-street, in the of Middlesex, and of Churcb-lane, Cheshunt, in the city of London, on Wednesday, the 7th day of December, county of Herts, Builder and Contractor. 1881, and on Wednesday following.—Dated this 5th day of OTICE is hereby given,that a First General Meeting December, 1881. HENRY W. BANKS, Trustee. N of the creditors of the above-named person has been summoned to be held at the Inns of Court Hotel. Holborn, The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. in the county of Middlesex, oo the 20th day of December, In the London Bankruptcy Court. 1881, at two o'clock in the afternoon precisely.—Daud this A FIRST and Final Dividend of 3d. in the pound has 3rd day of December, 1881. J\. been declared in the matter of proceedings for RICHARD FURBER, 8, Grrav's-ian-equare, London, liquidation by arrangement or composition with creditors, W.C., Solicitor for the said Debtor. instituted by John Cooke, of 126, High-street, Hoxton, in the county of Middlesex, Chemist and Druggist, and The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. Dealer in Photographic Chemicals and Apparatus, and will In the London Bankruptcy Court be paid by me, at the offices of Messrs. Barnes, Altree, in the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- and Co;, Chartered Accountants, No.
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