.'. •..•.is'.'-im- 'mmmi • .' •.•#^:'•'•r'^.'--^^/>^y^^^,^«»A'*s^-''—^^^^^^^ .^^:•;^::•;A^«or|l•r•el•Ilt^ire^,'•'••A; ••.}•..•:j Highest 9f,#in LotTeaiof Pownr.>-U. S. €ov't Report, Aug. 17,1889^ V'Tbla .luorutitg abiwt.twb o'cioeit; Jobu Wood, tbe well-hnowu plumber ThHr8r» October 18,18$l, \ wbo resides on Main Street, was' awakened by hearing gloss break. Ou IVIieMfleld. " getting out of bed be received ft blow '^\ I Nloo weather for torn hunkliw-AlBledon on tbe bead. He immediately grap* I iHoUool Ulhtrlot. No. S. ara buliaiDK ». now pled with the burglar,: aud after a I brJokBPhool Uouie-CharlMBeemanlibuHd 'Ingoniiddltlon tohUawelllng.-Mrj.Tarrrt,; terrible atruggie succeeded In balding ,of Uratlot county, made her djughtor^JIM. B, hlin until Ills wife obtained help. On I V Kent a vlaltloat week -Mr Oeo Haddle, being searobed at tlie statiou, Mr. IUotKuUiii eouuty, waa. th« guoat of;frjonda lu Wood's watch and wallet were found MASON; MIGH.;™^ thiH vicinity, ferinorlyhla old: home.-Mra. AT CLARK HOUSE, MASON. !: inobortStuadman la atlll very.^lowi chanoea on Ills person. He gave tbe name of ' aro nnulnHt hor rooovery.T-TheJnaeoia are get; Bmder Bobert Terry, Tbe broken glass r tlngiu their, lUnny work at the espenaO:of proved to be a bottle of Sulphur Bitters tlioarly sown wheat.. IfEWS NOTEB. I L. T, Hemaiis is cleaning house nt wblob had almost cured Mrs. Wood of his office. ' "The Aniericdu House Is now vacant, VniTB AHD VINITUBM- rbeutnatisin.—Evohange, 09 See Mr. 'riiorburii's notice of "Man , iillit! AfiSOiJUtEiar PURE Cold ralus the fliat^f the week. The festive folks'caii have a show A, V. Peek was In Chorlotte last Tuesday. • Mrs. Goo. Cook will enlertain Hie lAdles Wanted." Social Club at her home.Saturday ^atterntK)n "There ure forebodings of winter,' every night next .week. , ' . Dr. 3. H. Welling wna in town last Monday. , The City Bakery makes fresh Sf tniB week. A' good ttttendanoe l« "The frost la on the pumpkin and . Mrs. L, C. Welih waa In Detroit laat Tuea-^ -Caleb Thompson Ja very alck.-panco at the West AiirellDs. ' ' Easily answered,—If a strong man ( We wimt a good correapoiideut at Saratoga Chips every day; Stf day, ... I now town hallPrlday nIaUt,October 16,glypn who bas frequently suflTered pain, the corn is in the shock." , - . by tho Holt oroheatra.-ThoBchool IndlBtrlct Too late for lost week. • • , • • grows Impatient and rebellious, bow .Stockbrldge fair this year received JudgeJIir.' D, Chutterton was'lh town ycaler- Ko. J, Delhi, has been olosef on account ol 1;"'? Kckhsrt IB visiting Mra. TIIII9 Markley At the Sturgis races lost Tuesday $1,087.03 aud paid $1,700. Protlt, $287.- I Blckuos'J, scarlet, fever bolng.ln four ttoillles. In Windsor.—Win. Mix aud wife visited at inuob more Impatient sliould be tbe Great bargains In dress Roods at M. Greenbacks trotted In 2:23,1. day. • . , . •. i-Mr. UlBsUcl, of Kden.uu old comrade-of 1 .npeer laai weok.-Berl Hoot, of North Leallo baby wbo does nut know what sutler- Brood Mans, Colts, lies! hoes that yon buy at low price and Qregor's. . 8tf. ,03. .. ..: L. T. HemauB was nt'Eaton Rapids lust 'Alonzo Cheney made him aeall lost week,— visited Ben-Keeler over Sunday,—The Fox We appreciate highly the good work Friday, , : , Brothers with their respective families, from ing means. For tbe pains of colic, that wear out in a week or two, The City Bakery makes fresh Sara­ '-'•A gentleman named Sullivan is ' M . 1 nd krs iillohool Osslo. of Jackson, visit, teetbiug, etc., Dr, BuII'h Baby Syrup of ourcoirespondentaof late. ' ' Fred E, Baynes, of Leslie,.waa in town Did You Heat ^^^^^^.^^^ id tholr uloco,MrB.Wra. Pryor. last weok.- Klalo, were gueata ut Bert Colllna' laat week.- or good solid wai-r.-mted goods toga Chips every day. Stf overseeing the construotion of the Monday. Itort Hllllard walka quite lame, owing to a D. N. Bateman resumed buslneas last week la tbe sovereign remedy. Price 25 cts, that cost yon but little more ? You can And the most complete, line trenches for water mains. with a full force o< iioods.—Emma Slaughter The full proceedings of the board of Rev. J. A. Uarocs preactaoa ot Albion last Of the bargiilns vve are oiiering in ', liBlirulnodnnklo. ,. , " la much Improved In health.—Mrs. Luman of uuderwear at M. Gregor's. .8tf..' Rev. W. J. Maybee will lead the j Sunday. Fowler Is very alck with tho omlarlal fever, KenI Ralnae 1 riiiinr«ra. supervisors next week. '.' ' New Goods ? '.'w- 'fV^W Stiickbrldffe. —James Bodge and family vialted rclatlvoa I Tbe following Is tbe list of transfers Ford & KIrby speak of some attract­ meeting of tho Young Men's League Miss Gertie Covert, of Leslie, la visiting her hero la»t week.-Tbo Willing Helpers meet The undersigned will sell at public auctson on : School books and school supplies at ive bargains iu their adv. this week. at their rooms next Sunday at 3:30 frlenda hero. ! i William Jlllner serves osOlrcult Court Juror one week Inter than tlioir-regular appoint­ for two wceka ending Oct. 12, 1801, Call's postolHce book store. 3 'next loru),—Stockbrldge fair .was a •gmud ment which *lll bo October loth lustead of o'clock. , ^Mrs. Jay Lane, of Eaton Rapida,;is vlalllng '"ucooss this year. UeceW about $2,100.-Mr. the 8tb.<-Beleu Hogoboom is on the sick list wuere tbe consideration Is )t600 or over: Mr, James Blackmore of Leslie is friends .here. •/•Y0U/bld^'N0t|;fgj|| illoll and Miss Holt, of ferry, visited ftlonds this week.—Ada Taylor Is boarding some of James J. Bnlrd to Franola Whipp Bii of Barker & Co will have for .sale at decidedly the busy man of the board Jay Lane hooked aplckerel frum the hero last weok.-Glad Tidings day will bo the dryer bands.-A letter from L. L. Uarsh lota Sand 8 bik 103 Lanxing t 500 We Sell ihe Lafler their yard Jackson Sewer PIpeat cost.* of supervisors. mill pond last week that weighed Dr. J, F. Campbell, of Lansing, was In Ma-- • observed by tho M. E.Svmdoy Bofiooriiext oftlnlon City slates that he aUrtcd the 6lh Ida E. Cottlngtnn to Edward W. Spar­ son yesterday, Well, \ve give you a cordial invlta- ' I Snuduy oveulng.-Jamea WallaoD, of Detroit, for laylorslown Pa, to attend tha annual row a 22 It of n mi4 ft of lots I and Zblk if you wish to laugh see Saekett- eight pounds and 10 ounces.—Eaton Barker & Co. will not make tile any Rapids Journal. Mrs, John R. Oldman visited Leslie friends tion to call and see what ;'vye are'oi-:'*i]>i| iv sited hero durlUK the fair. Ho has been meeting of National Aasoclallon of Improved | 110 Lansing 12,750 KUiKie comctlles nextiweek.—MIohigan the fli-at of Ibis week. ' - nbaont 20 years,-Mrs. Thomas Kelloy aged 80 Black Tops, He brings buck u number of ewes Adam Durst to Homer D, Rowland lot S City Dispatch, September 23. . longer, for their reason look among fering in new- goods. ' - ^ v-''-:'i •i'^'.'ll • yours died last week. She waa a flneol d lady. lor parties hero, blk 49 Lansing.. SOO And would be pleased to show you our business locals. S^tt . Tho eighth semi-annual Joint con­ Mr. A. M. Cummlna was ;ln Jackaon ou i-Eutma Nichols was homo^from Harlnnd Jobu E. Hullcn to John E.Clark bJ.4 of sec. 4 Aurellus 2,-100 The executive board of the ladies' lius and Delhi will be held at the Handkerchiefs, : Gloves; Mittehsi boon quite sick. Is on the gnln.-Aiigust Lis- Winfleld. John Bussman to Fayette Reason and you will be ple.ised with them on difficult for him of this paper to library association will meet at. their Theo. Hoffman started for the Chicago ex­ lormaii swooped onto Jim Conlsou'scorpen- Wm. 11. Clark a ptof s>.!;of sec23Stock- gather much news these days. Grovcnburg ohurcu, November II. position lost Tuesday. Hosiery, Lamps, Crockery, Bc/dksjV.^i!^^^^^ tor tools for labor.-We will have an addition Either the oorrospondont or somebody olse brldge l.OSO inspection. rooms tomorrow at 3:30 p. M. Program later. to our school house.next spring. Tho propos. got hla brain In a tangle last week na ft was Jones d! Potter to Henry A. OogawoU School Commtsalonor Stephana was in Ma- .ind in fVicttilhidst everything. . i Kev. W, W, C'liatlleld nud wife who visited Ai I fr'clock p. m., ihe following properiy: OneweeK from next Moiida.v you We take pleasure In calling your at­ aou the flrst of the week. lllon has carried at last. at Charlotte,—James Trefry nnd wife return­ lota6,7, 8,9,10 and II of blk-6Green Married, Thursday, October 15,1801, .We vvill soon h.nve oiir Holiday - U Oak add Lansing 2,400 may have a quail dinner. Don't get tention to the announcement of Hall St, J.P.I^o and E. W, Sparrow, of Lnnaing; ed Monday from Lansing where they have Win. Leaaney to Samuel and Abraham your gun on Sunday if it is ihe \ai. at the residence of the bride's father, were in Maaon yesterday, Opening and will have b.irgains.'for , L];-l M • South Delhi. . been spending a lew days with Mr. Trelry's ^.^)f;t7f)PvCTwe Dispi«> Bates, leading clothiers, in this issue. E, S. Baldwin, by Bev. Napoleon daughters—Oscar Moore and wife Have not Leaeney 3U ac olt e side of nej^ of swji evei7body,'and the largest variety, V| Potato digging Is the order of the day .-.A coinmencod housekeeping yet but expect.to of BBC 21 Delhi .:. .: 600 Bay mare 6 years old, by Harry H., in foal to Greenbacks; The W. J. Cannon farm, ottered for One fair for the round trip to Bay i Smith, Benjamlu Fowler; of Lnusliig, _Mr. 'isil" Hawley has been among hla lowMuBoa people wore In Holt Sunday night, Geo. Cllppert to Godfrled and Caroline sale In this paper last week, was sold I Mason frlenda this week. to select from in the countyV ' soon.—Mrs. Ed. Morrisaon returned from ber Morrolalkle lot 0 blk 21,5 Lansing 700 .Tt is very well to talk of an .it- , brown Napoleon mare 10 years old, in foal to Clothier; brown City November 5 to 'II Inclusive. and Miss Emma Baldwin, of this city. -Tho VoHiigDndlos Social Club will raoet at visit at Hillsdale lost week.—Ella Harwood The Best Line of Shoes on Monday to L. H. Spencer of Locke. Mra.'W.'Z. Soarleand children, of Potoskey. Don't fail to call and see us; the horno of Mrs, MalUe Cciok, Saturday who has been quite sick la again able to be Matilda W. Howiird to Henry O, Barker tractive displ.ny m Furniture, but it' Good to return not later than Novem­ Mr. and Mrs; Harpeir Reed think of ! are viaUlnglrlends In Mason, ' nfloruoun, Octolior 17. All nroluvlted.—S, M. out.—Mr. and Mra. Bartlott, of Jaokaon, und U of lot 2 bib 87 Lansing 1,000 [mare 4 years old, by Harry H, in foal to Clothier; brown mare It paid to advertise. ber 12. • '•. Wall favored tho NBwa oflico with sevea visited at Sherman VanMnrter's laat Satur­ Johathan M.- Ilariwell to Louisa J. Allen the prices arc not as attractive as the having their residence nicely lighted Mr. and Mrs'. Hiram B. Elliott, of Tomp- potatoes that weighed 18;!^ lbs., one welgHInz day und Sunday. Airs, VanMartar'a j tola 10 and 11 and nt of 12 of bIR 15 display, you arc not likely to give- i4 years old, by Ben Harris, in foal to Clothier; bay yearling For Ladies' and Men's we.arfin the Agents wanted for sale of nursery Last Monday Justice Ferguson setit by electricity. They are bound to get i klna, were in town laat Monday. , 'm us. They were of the Boso Seedling. brother, Stephen Mlllor, also visited there,— Waldo'a Znd add to WintnmBlon 2,000 city at ~ stock. No previous experience requir­ some beuefltof that plant. While they • . Respectfully, • NexL-JJinmaOhllnftor, of Indiana, IsvlslUtig F, b. Evana vialted Onondaga and f.,eslle Sat- Geo. Demutb to Michael Burke loU3,4 the mattera second thought. We ; filly by Greenbacks, dam by Harry H; seven weanling colts Mark Brailey to the Detroit house of Mra. Otto Caple goes to Bruce Lake, Ind- her parents here—The entertulnment to be urday.-iRev. Norman Glbba ond family are I and 6 blk 0 Sparrow'B add William- ed. Write for terms.. L. G. Bragg correction for Go days. Druiik and are the heaviest tax payers in town the lana,;to-nlght for several days; vlalt. Klvoii at the f^orth achool house has been have everything in the Furniture- & Co., Kalamazoo,,Mich. , 97tf electricity outside : never came near expected bomo this week.—Jamoa IVtatthews, { aton fiOO and fillies by such sires as Greenbacks, Clothier, Cordova, disorderly. { Mr; and Mrs. WiUlam tHaynea, of Leallo, postponed fornn Indellnltotlme on account a i'ormer resident of tbia place, arrived tu I muii line to furnish your house, ,'md we them. were lu town on business ycBlerduy., of the ooarlot fever. Notice will be clven town Friday morning. He balls from cedar 725 Greenbacks Jr., and Harry H; and one good work horse. A communication from W. M. Married, by JustioeFarkhurst, Octo­ FPRb&KIRBY^I hoioaftor.-Tho Holt orchestra aviU give a Springs, Iowa.—Frank Whitbeck, a former Frank Cllppert to Geo. Cllppert lot 8 blk will see that it costs you Jess than ICIinuiel of Omaha says that he is ,W. B, Glldart, B. StoU and 8. A, Fowler, of soclnihoput tlio town hull Friday evening. resident of tbla place, has been visiting at hla ber 10, Sylvester Clemmer of DeKalb Last Saturday, while at play, Bert, October lU. All Invited. - . ^' 21S Lansing - you CHI get it for elsewhere. We Also one platform wagon—nearly new, one Jump-seat Car A. Welb's Shoe Store. much Improved in health and that Stockbrldge, were lu Maaon last Saturday. fatber'a,—Farmers have their fall work nearly Charlotte Price to Bouona and Cyuthla comity, Indiana, and Aura fiorabeck the littlesoUofMr, and Mrs. "Colonel" done In this vicinity. Steadmnn eH of uw!4 of see 21 ex 0 ao deliver small orders to your station riage, one light-farm Wagon, two road carts, one light single Jolni and the family are well. of Meridian, this county. Nellia. fell from an apple tree and Mra.DnnIci CampbeUand aouareturned to In uw cor Tjocke l,SaO freight paid, and large orders we broke both bones of his left arm about their home at Mt. Vernon, 111., this week. Fitchburg. Mrs. S. B. Wiley will sell her per­ Franola B. Brewer to Henry Chapman put into your hou.se free of expense harness, one heavy singlts harness, and numerous other 't, R. Nichols sowed the seed on Coe two inches above the wrist. It is a fiov.Fr.Slattory.of Lansing, held Borvlces John Curtis who wont north to work this Bunkorbill. lot 6 blk 4 of Jerome's add Lansing t,IS0 sonal property at auction, at the farm, & Hawley's ground and H. G. Coe did at Mr, M. Flannory's last Tuesday morning. Leonard Field lo John Kapeller lolaO to you. Oak Sideboards, with bev­ articles. one mile north uf old county farm, on bad fracture but Is doing well under Winter was married a short time ago lo a Indy Remember the baltoon.aacenslon at Leslie andlObtk 20 Mason l,'200 the hoelug for some mangel-wurzels the care of Dr. Gibson. Ira Clark, bualnoBa'manageroi tbo Lansing tMancelnua, and will soon bring bis bride Thursday. Agood many from bere will at­ Augusta N. .Saokrider to David P. Whlt­ el glass, from $15 to $16. Chamber Thursday, October 20. John Hlmel- omo. Wo understand tbat he will run hla tend.—A good tlm« la reported by those who bergcr. auctioneer, * that Nichols now exhibits. They-are Journal, was In the city last Friday ovcnlDg, Sfiilhor's bliicksmlth shop at this place In the attended the Stockbrldge fair,—Edgar Uluke more lot Obi k 22 Mason 1,000 Suits from $13 up. We have 20 gigantic. C)ue weighs lOJ pounds. Lewis Resto, son of J. R. Resto, was Mr.'nhd Mra. R. Watkliis,"'or Mlddlovllle, A. li. Hardy, Entered at the Poitojflee at JiTaton aa are vlBlllng their daughter, Mrs. W.A. luture.—Mrs. Norton, of Oakland county, has was home from Jackson over Sunday.-Mr. I floors filled with Furniture, and accond-cluaa matter. • Married, at Ilje Baptist parsonage in born November 7, 1853, at Cohoctoii, visited herslslor-ln-lttw, Mrs. John Ml'!»r, Ashley will soon movolnono of A. J. Kayuer'a ' Ueglster. Sherin Paddock went to Ohio last Stubeii county, N. Y., aud died at I Shank. Mrsi Kdson Olds, of Alba, has been vlsUlng ' honsfis, occupied ut present by ,Matt Bunker. It is a bard thing to treat nasal would be pleased to show you tills city, by the pastor, Wednesday. relatives hero for tho past two weeks,—Eight —A compauy.of friends und Helghbors met at PVBLIBBBD EVEBY TBnBHn\Y,'By October 14, 1801, George Wygant and week aud brought back Bert Petty o'clock, P. M., Tuesday, October, 13, Mr. Cue, ol tho Ypsllanll Commercial. vlslU hundred ljuahols of poUitoesi from four acres fherestdencoofDan Pnlmatler last Saturday catarrh in children; but Old Saul's around. who Is charged with burglarizing the 1801, at his parents' residence In Aure­ cd his brother, H. C. Coe, ol this pity, last night, ll beluga complelo surprise forChnr- Miss £dith Goodrich, both of Webbcr- Monday. ' Is what C. Earlo Is bragging nbonl.-P. A. Cross Catarrh Cure Is easy to use, s-^afe and J. T. CAMPBELL. vllle. depot nt Holt September 14 and thus llus. He had suffered from coiisuiiip- received first premium ou his collection of lle. A more enjoyable time has not been All sums of $10.00 or under,, cash; all sums over $10.00, one obtaining railroad tickets unlawfully. ourloultles at the Stockbrldge falr.-Jomea spent for aomo time by all that wero theio. eflicaolous. Sold everywhere for 25) VSZiS^lBr -' tion about llvo years, and during the E. H. Putnam Is again snttle'd

i'l y^v-^i-it'ToomigKtlia'felni ••' o ''i'j|tir«at'''de'al'aa'-''eou^ijiilaa: :«nt;''^'niy-;t'husband'rmaint^^^ ipii hatdral: : S&e~ttai! a plaj«^^^ •«'{|!'gMtioiu'''-(6:. .B« ' Made'., bri-.Hr. ;',1f*n»* layour baah'sCm ipunli)n'tcaii»,.v; c;,;,. ,lacQr:;WJ^6,left'her'a^o^^ ijfltta the Oehhan • professor / about^a - '''..',:.aiiiker.lu'IIU'.Re|iart--.r^^^ tw your friend, and aomo Mad boor i^ak arbndfuf'EngUah.'r • • , - •'^^:—' " BUa li'oa sebn'^ and been' throngti' flMMk :iMm'.s-»mu«,re(riMa-tliat'iiih:tht.»iiif<.^^ 4 BbdWood FatX8, ; Minn.. >0i3fc 17.'--1 Moan to DOko It aU bcrowBi , "I do.noniiinirtKot r sKonW be irook iimim^; andfahiowed herself ao well 'ro'ad' |: . • Bhi'g BUiy.-MeKtnlar,Ol.v,':••;'i;\><,>- • • In the lasfc'ampaign, nhon tlmes'',were'.;;,;i:i,.'|i».ij • Ravlhgi-'liBnlk*, and Vsteri'alim of tUa William Rosia.;w.as hdB^d:at 4:65 a. m. l»0,B0V«(M»V-t6»:IUIe<|Mm«lV.^':'a.>;'-;:.-l-'-': I ajraelf spent many aa hour at hi* ill Uteraiareihat I Mste0ed> her witli' : It's over the oountry avarywhare;''«> ; ' ' J. T. OArJPBELU'Publlrtor., :Ml,.(|he Crewea plabtatlon bear Helena, free Oellvury Myntein to lie UrKed. •eei 00wrettbt:doM lioartt Ldani femr.,.''i Mvere oritle, bccattMi~weU/;;B«iau«»' .§imU»-1»--. former;:^jNan.** • \t» :mm, ..'baird''.aad'inl8fort'unos.6( '.Ynriqus'.ItljiiMiii'^S^^ ind cut both 61 her eiwepil. . .. under the new" law, wHfiih rbqniroa :i understajii;d,,vory lUitle-jEngllslV^llowi ,.),( i.. SIngpilly MoKlaley, O,! ... '^weiris'.belhg'bbrnWby: this •peopld;\l>'ntthe 'Atrk.y^ during the aVaonca of their pa> Washing'ton, Oct 17.—Postmaster that all executions must take place be­ tion'a boat bloiioma may b« given ' U.gd'i. ' V '-J „';-? < ''{ ,Wheii'j'ou'roWropsterwakaaup,oh,bol , •,' •.; v.CAiiFo«!fM^. A « ««lAn wt A^aB- ralsln^roY*n(a4n 'nmnp 'y was SUid iO. •' nett'er'oo*. maclaiho lovo'her douiitfy?" ' I'nody'answers.' •'('!''/{'.. \ ,'i''.''Oii. r 'rea'gl' b wUl anatob blmias bald aa s droir, / •ituatioh is biitirbly diffbront ot the j^re*'"v-fc 'jj i MASON be the! Idi^ffeat^overraised. : General Woniimaker is collecting tha tween midnight and dawn and out ol ' Mile, Adele now received the .oo«al>' duta for his annual report to congress. • ;"D6 I, lovo it?,, Tho., lovely givaa i:;' T>i',s,did not pleaae, tajr pi«tty,am^gtli;^ rVot thote'ii ndttody lii It in Ohio ' '"• ' - • ' ent iline;'-:-The fBcts''riro'Wi'61>ni''1l>rfgHt':lifrf§j;M ; The jfov;ernor of New'Mexico in his V PERSOfjAL AND POLmCAt. sight of all newspaper men. The trap II »box of olabaster • '-'• •d smiloi and curtsied to "Monstetir to :bor.,: Her fan moved qnleker,'wM,'tba ' •--'Butwily^McKlnloy,'©! ' .-...:• i'jc; So far as can be ascertained, the spe- lale, OS wo call it; iiiy poor lireland, that Prince:""' : and' benbflciiiil''naturb.' Thbrb'>m Mm^m ;: 'annual report to the interior depart- GpN.;\y.U.vP.,I^EB, second son, ol was sprung at 4:SU a. m. There was a Tpr your darllnff'a bead you bold, ia now being ^ desolated Land' de­ :laGe Jabot on her.-, ftill bosom rosia and ^cial' features' of the report' will .be dull crash and the rope parted 9 Costly, proclouM, and would cast hor , Our tobogguaalhio wits lined with .tin- l\ '' i ;cloud in the ,8ky:pf'gepioroVprp^spbrlti^^^ , ,. r metitat Wnshinffton recoiiimo QenV R:s E; M6Klnloy, OI ' vii,:>;;„• <. ol.indiistrynro ,dbing Woll'.'dnd ;ii.o'.in'nn,.S''r'j!:?k«^ •I in congress and was a uicinber-elect of was picked up, curried on tho plat­ Stay not for tbo toucb of sorrow;' j embetaht-^r thoy would have put an "To-day, in driving past," said I.- ^thought of my convorsation with the And as down tbo slide thoy swiftly aplo > '^^ ,V '^••'i'RESMiNs-ofrtHo'^soiaiere^^ ol tho service, and bo is likely to form, laid down, face upward, .upon Break It now. 'I wiio,is•'Willing to;vvbrk ia obliged ^^''ixpmi •DOMESTIC. • • the < buttle, of ,Fpi;t Kecoycry, O., 100 tlienisxt house.'' make a s]ieeial point lor their develop­ end 'to . thoV disorder long ago.; The "I BOW her, too, yesterday in church; oonnt, nnd said, coolly: i . • Thoy raise an awfully.dlsmal dlD •; ,"[:;;!-.• the readjusted trap. . The second Ilcttsr alienee by the caatcet. ' the girt is induoij marvelotisly bcautt- And bowl .lis tbey lo'e a chunk ot skta';. ,; i ridie.;.,,;;,;,.,:''•;: x:.:A,- ... •: 'y)fn.-'i'^-f^Mm years ago, were disinterred and burled 'Samuki. RiiicMS, theibldcBt man in ment. His postal telegraph scheme ,is Prussians should manage things; they "Doyou mean Miss Ellen? f think I.; .Darn Billy MoKlnloy, O I, ,.:'.,, , , •-•If...Mr.' Mills cari;4 ' iql Ton: .OMt^l^/S-fjM 'cemetery.at that nooso dangliilfj^ from above was pulled Funorul oulosy. unsaiil. would iinderstaudl' Are you "hot! n' fnl, and she really Bcemedtopray,"Bdi{d I she can be called neither little; forward Minnesota, died at Oaytou, aged 103 not dead, all reports to the contrary down, adjusted quickly and the trop fban (bo llvlnit llp.^ thai anU It •Tbe'tarlflllnrsareonthesklp ' w,': ' i ^he; wwould;, say,:;that;vithe,:,cauntra'/i>i'Sf« years.,. \ • • , v • , notwithstanding. * The last congi'ess Prussian, air, and an officer? I thought ,he',, as ii;to himaeli; ''•:,','.,'.'.,,' •',,''•;•',','' nor lean." i- -. • I Chicnffo AilEasfr'., sprung without any attempt to, raise OI!C^ ENJOYS Lscli tbutvord tnat'a merited. I told him ol my meeting at the con- : , ••81ngBtllyM<^Klnley,0!> . • - ..'i was --never, in ibbtter conditlon.v afti;^ijs/!j;fi! Ex-Gov;.Sam'uet. VV. Hams, 61 New Eut down on it, but now Wan- Jloatli roads no ohituufyi • / . •oat once.' :.Are all'the Prussian'officers "Indeed? And how would you d»- Their free trade yarns bava been too flip, : ;' things considered,' than it is this; year-piKiiJai him to his feet. Then ensued a slow Both the method and results wh^n •o tall and ao—so strong?" snl's; ho listened attentively and then Hampshire, died at the residence of his amakcr proposes asking tho next process of strangulation. ' Hears no roqulom; loam how •fl(ibe this Miss Elleii'/" ; , SlPB BUly'MoKlnley, Ol , , ,, Hb may shut his eyes tootholtruth M house to look into it and in­ Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant Prnlao lo spoali. pro-mortuary; •eemed lost in meditation. *'l; think,; as a veiy graceful, well- For Billy MoKtnley bas got a grip' .,;:,T:^nK.tatistic8^co™t^ S^mes Xlark. the enfflnoor.. and brother, tt. A. Hale, in Brooklyn, N. V. . Speak H now. "By height and strength our officers Aa tib'bt ns'wii'x on tbogovornorshlp,. ' much as ho'pIoaBes,'but ho cannot pro* 5';i;\i')j'' ' CoMMODoKE iNonAirAM.^ on tlid re­ vestigate the arguments and fig­ Tho murder for whioh Rose was and refreshing to the taste, and acts "Goodnight," said hei'in tha vesti­ bred lady.to whom one can Ibten Aviih ,jknbuing"of'tiiii bargo ofHoo^^a^ Now .Sna?d"washburne, . . Frade.riok W. would not quell tho rebollion," 1 said . And ho'U hold tbo holm of tuo Buckeye sblK venvent'tht the people frofromm ' soolhaoolng 'that'thoy.iii-!:?y^thot thoypv K ::.l;'.Xorlt show that SO.llS steernBO passen- , l^eonaitt ; nasnourue. tired list ot tho United States navy, ures ho is now preparing in its sup­ hanged was a sensational ono behind gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, iiettereoflln plain nnd flowerloss, bule of tho hotel. . pleasure." ;; : • Sliig Ullly MpKlnloy, O!; have ample reason to bb aatisfibd. ond'(« n j Henry ond Frank McCafferty.reportors smilingly, "but I feel convinced that have ample reason to bb satisll'dd, 'ond'•;y,i'r,|,'i died at Oharleston, S. C, aged 81 years. port. Much tho same arguments will which there was a romance. Rose Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- Holrtlng ono vrlioae llfo vrns nUod "Goodnight," I answered. "Yea;" said the lady, slowly; "she .:i I gers were'ilapded 'durliiffv8eptembi2r. on the Chicago Inter Ocean, were in­ Pull of fragrance. Gifts are poworloaa tlie Prussians would straighten up mat­ We'll put your frne-trado kid to Bleep, that.thetarlff syatbm is a constant and j'lji.v^';;;! .,} Of these 30,601 were immigrants and .' BiiOTiiEK Amorg.^s Dikdeu. tlio old­ iae used. The same may be said ol the came to r.*;dwood county from Piko , "Shall you dream of bluo eyes or seems to have learnt a great deal. I surpassing help to them. This Is nota^^K-yi'h stantly killed, When tho bi:atlng heart la stilled. ters in Ireland quickly. But shall we . SlngBlUy MoKlnloy, Ol , . , ,'.p,ff23.n-cre .citizens of the United States. est member of tho Benedictine. ordor postal savings bank. Mr. Wanainaker county. 111., where ho was born, Janii- tem eflectUttllyi dispels colds, head- Kiss bolntnd. lovo post-mortem, talk politics while such sweet strains of blonde curls?" envy her; I know so little." New ITork'a stuffed prophet niay bowl and time for,calamity speeches. '•Tho oy^^^^^ !' : I'!': FAitMElis have.boycotted the'town.of JosEPU E. Palsieh, of Brooklyn, was in the United States, died In tho mon­ is thoroughly convinced that ono of ary 81.1801. Hero he fell in love with aches and fevers oud cures habitual Cannot smooth tho furrowed brow; eome Irom tho piano?" I laughed and said porhaps of both. With thot, sho lifted her beautiful Weep, , ' . • • '.'•'.',• deuces of! thrift and', happincas dro!' Bp j;)tl i;;'-' j el ected national commander Of the astery nciir Latrobe, Pa. tho most beneficial additions to the Miss Grace Lufkin, a pretty girl ol eoiistipatiou. Syrup of Figs ia the Oarlaods throw no bacliwnrd perfume; "Ahl a newly-diaoovored beauty? Yott eyes; which wciro lieovy with unshed For money Is good and sugar Is obonp,' ; I iJLndpnin, Ttix., because tbe town coun- Wreathe thom now.- "Then we should not talk at.all, but And crops aro healthy enough to keep -. : plentifiil that any ' iiitplllgcnt'; frian.j.'jj f;i;j) j cil'passed an ordinance prohibitinff tho Union Veteran legion. present postal service would bo tho es­ 20, the daughter of Farmer only remedy of its kind ever pre are a, Don Juan. I shall warn Miss tears, and looked me full in the face. 1 should be ashaihcd: to spook in, ii dple- L',;' FOREIGN. tablishment of savings banks in post- —Jultn n. May, In Good Housclccoplng. listen politely," said tho lady, with her American farmers from going to sleep, ; I • " I I'uuning, at larRO of stock in the cor- A Bki.gian syndicate has bought l.'iO,- Moses Lufkin. The girl recipro- ^aced, pleasing to the taste and ac Rennort against you." With that ho might strive all I would, beneath the Slag Billy WcKlaley.O! . ful and discouraging strain. It,Is'^yjiil^f 000 acvas of conl, iron and'timber lands Fei.so-N.vdok, a large and flourish­ dflleea. D His e.\perience and ithoreports mischievous smilo; "or what subject disappeared. And I really dreamed of ! .poratdllmltB.-• ' - ' ' ' , cated Rose's love, but on the advieo o£ «-,„f„i;i5 •ifi ^.„„,„„i. », t„ would you propose?" she continued, magic ol those eyes I was powerless: nonscnso to teU.tho people that they;,'ii, 1:51'i, in eastern Kentucky. .. , ing villag«! of Transylvania; has been from tho country generally during tho her father refused to see her lover, f,?!^;! ^.,J t..!.ll bluo eyes and golden hair; and the new- And, although I felt that I was on dan­ Then hammer your cans and tin cups, too, ' j.; At Lima, O., Ray F. Burlco. shot his last year convince him more thorough­ A WINTER AT NICE. lowering her lashca. ' For Billy MoKlnley. Ol ore .groaning under .oppression when in!?);.!-i;i',{:'n ' I' .ftuntj Mrs. Frank Burlte, killing lier in- TJiElhilidna Grand tiodgo of Good ebmpletoly destroyed by fire.; Rose was angered at this, and one "8 Mtion Oud truly beneficial fo its . ly-discovered beauty was tho young girl gerous ground, 1 forgot tlio rest ol the Tho littlo tin bucket Is solid for you ' fact tliey are rejoicing over the-niost.i'i4'|;'!;: Templars in session at Indianapolis William McBean, speciilativo ly than ever ot its practicability. The "If it is not too inquisitive, 1 should who ran into my arms on the steps that ^ jistautly; and'thenshothiirisolljTrouble, evening at du.sk shpt Lufkin dead 5«ecto, prepared only from the most By E. VON bSTS(l like to ask If raadamo is on her wedding Oh, Billy MoKlnley, O! , ., pronounced success. Thoy know, very-i- \'\ \ i adopted resblutions favoring all neces­ builder and operator iu real estate at demand for such institntions in f.nrra- through an opou window while the lat-; healthy and ftgreeablo substances, its ddjr. Tbougb tbe enemy bowl till tbo air Is blue. , over money matters was the cause. • ing districts and small villages where tour?" We ,have gono, ,ln to wia, and we'll see , It well 'that the cost of living has been ' j Ala.,; six tana, wore instantly; killed, by an im- of residents in any one locality. He wishes to try. it Do not, accept any bright," said I, looking nt her smaU table, had Installed themselvea there. It' is almost a year since the. neW; his talk about depression and disaster. i',-';;{vi',!'I stables at Sa'gan, Germany,' together will recommend that there bo no more the governor twice set the day for his often resembled coquettes, why could tariff went into effect, among misrepre­ The covinti^ has ovorcomo thodra\y.- -U^ ? • i negroes,were fatally hurt menso fall of rock at Red Lodge. v with 140 head ol, eattle, twelve hor.'iea Bubstitnte. not a French marquis per sang look white hand, which lay quite neor me on Tho portly mother sat thoro in her than one bank for every 10 miles of execution. tho arm of tho chair. morning dross, knitted and beat time to sentations and misunderRtandings I baeks' thot justified doubt and cowtri'i'r.f • TiiE Guldn line steatner Alaska ar- The ba-y-mare Nancy Hanks,, record •and many sheep, and swiue-were de­ CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. like an adventurer of the lowest order? which were discreditable to the coun­ •rived in New York thirty-six hours 'pJiOOiwas soldto byHar' j. Mt . BoswellForbes,, ooff LexBoS-- area and tiiat the interest • paid On de­ AMERICAN SAILORS KILLED. She raised her hand and moved the anew duet which her oldest daughter 1 plaint, and tliere is no rodson left' foi: '.. i | • stroyed by ,firo. : , : ' posits be one-half of 1 per cent lower 'BANFRANCISOOi CAL • JAy surmises on this subject became try. What hove been its results? i overdue. !She encountered a terrible ington, Ky., " •" ' - Four of tho Crew of the United .StHtcH ring back and forth as she looked down and the lean miss were practicing, I such statements as Mr. Mills la utter-;!;'-;£.;,:: storm on her passage. '.-<•• :ton„ for S4.5.000. Shano HAl adv Ices state that a num­ than that paid by private bankers. ' tawtviuE. KY. */£Uf yos/(.jt.y. almost certaiuty when uiien paying a It was said that it would stop ex­ Ing in Ohio. He cannot give a sluglo | vfj^'J^^ The annual report ol the- Pullman ber of French officers and soldiers had ' nittii-of-War llnltliiiore Slain in u Street 'call nt our German representative's, at it under various physical and mental dlfB- Sylvesteb Ellis, ol \Vabash, Ind., "It is very wide and heavy," sho said cultlos. ports. But within the last twelve valid reason lor' any ono of his many • i i};;j'| ••-idlpd of starvation, resulting from ,a Palace Car Company shows that during been slain by Chinese pirates. riKht with Chilian Sallom. worthy 'Herr v. R 'a, I saw through mouths exports have been larger in With regard to penny postage the •Valp.uialso, Oct.: 17.—Three, per­ at last in a low voice. "It is somewhat At the same timo mamma kept strict propositions ol distress. Tho whole '.;';•,;•:;: '"partial paralysis of the muscles of the the prist year 5,810,613 passengers were It was reported that the Rnssihn postmaster general is not so enthusias­ a door, allglitly ajar, the consul in value than they ever were beforo in situation ia ogoinst him. His repbU^':'';:!|:;; carried, against 5,023,05'? for the preced­ government, was negotiating ,for the haps four, American •' men-of-war men tight, too." She raised hor lashes and watch of her two youngest offspring, I throat. tic as ho was. While in his recom­ earnest conversation with him of tho loolccd in my oyes. I,any year. For the first time the mar­ tions of previous charges and declard-\;.i;i i;,,' ing yoavl' The total number of persons purchase of large quantities of bread- were killed and several others were dark-blue spectacles. who were studying half-aloud at a table velous year > 1881 has been surpassed The grand councir ol the American mendations he will not recede from the I—well, what I wanted to do or say is near by, and quarreled between times tions are flat and tiresome, , and hla,'y;'' in the employ of the company' in its stuffs in tho United States. Fourteen position taken in his former reports ho more or less severely wounded in a des­ LITTLE Tho door was finally closed, and some within the last twelve months in spite Sons of Columbus, a new secret order perate .street fight here Friday after­ not clear to mo, for at that moment tho for amusement. I held the lady in tho party will inevitably lose more than'it I ., '.i' composed' of Catholics, met at Fort manufacturing and operating dep.irt- million per.sons wore said to be in need will not lay special stress on this rad­ minutes later the consul received me in of the short crops of wheat and corn will gain by hia methods of advocating' ;.:'.;;} Waync, Ind. , . ' ment was 18,885 and the wages paid of immediate help. noon with, a crowd ol Chilian, sailors. "Midsummer Night's Dream" closed highest esteem as a mater familias, and lostycor. ical chaiiffc. Tho postmaster general his drawing-room, introduced mo to his only wished that her circumstances TBB CARD OAME WITU COUNT DEOENFCLB. its claims and purposes.—St Louis ';'- -j FoTi the month ended September 30 during the year amounted to 37,303,108. • Tire steamer Citta di Roma was The Chilians did not do nil tlie fight­ with a crashing accord; beforo mo stood is anxious to see the penny postage, wife, an Englishwoman, and gave me tho Russian, who asked in his deep, low were stich that she could have a privote It was sold that tho tariff would "ta.Y Globe-Democrat- :;.;'j-vi-v!'t.' bi-eadstuffs exports from the United TiuiEE men were killod and nine in­ wrecked at Marino cove, N. F.; and her adopted, but congress will have to ing, for when the fight was ended n ^'liver a cordial invitation to his house. company in a conversation carried os number of them were found to bo voice: room. everything from tho cradle to tho states were valued at S1-15,0'J5,120, jured by the bursting of , a fly, wheel in crew ot twunty-flvo men and 000 cattle make tho change possible by increased At dinner I again met tho Russian. in nn undertone. grave." But since it went into com­ REPUBLICAN PRINCIPLES. against 5110,003,310 forthe nine months the Amoskeng cotton; works at Mau-/j{ were drowned. appropriations. * , pretty badly hurt, though so far as "Shall we take a cup of cofltee at On a small sofa at the window lay "^1 PILLS His name was Lapotin—Sergius La- Shortly belore rising from tho tabl* plete operation o full hall ol all the Oem's of Eloqneucv from Now ITurk's Ko- ; J 11 > ended Sept.. 30,1890. • . Chester, N. XI. , TjiB Russian government has closed can be ascertained now none of them Eumpolmeycr's again to-day?" Count Degonf eld, reading tho "Figaro." Tho extension of ,the free delivery DO NOT «BIFE KOn SICUS. potln. Ho looked pale, greeted mo Mrs. Gifford said: imports have been tree ol oil duty, a publloun Komlnoo for Ouvvrunr. ' ' i; fj ' It was reported that at leai?t twenty •• In his first annual report Gov. Steele, .the Univor.sity ot KiefS and placed 500 were killed. The American blue jack­ I sprang up, stammered a confused I had been introduced to him, and as system is one of the points which will Bute tare lor SICK IIEAD> pleasantly, but seemed rather absent. "Rubinstein gives a concert to-mor­ thing which has never happened be­ The man ivlio is' a foe to labor is this ' !, |'i lives wore lost oil tho Eoekaiyay. (N. of'Oklahoriia, regrets that proper pro- I of the students under arrest on account ets who ivcro engaged in the battle AOlllS. Impalrtd dltjcitton.eonitt- "Very gladly," bowed low to the lady— I greeted him in passing, he threw down receive much attention in the report His old friend looked him sidelong in a row, my husband cannot bear music; lore under any party or tariff during enemy of his race. L,:j|;; ,' J.) beach during the recent storm. vision does not exist for common of their rovoliitionnr.y behavior. wero from tho United .States crui.ser vital orgHDi, rumovo nausea, dif- ' troubled m;inner. I did not dare look at her—and loft tho his paper und asked: The last congress appropriated .1510,000 will you be kind enough to escort me?" all tho seventy years in which records From shirtsleeve to shirtsloovo, la '. j;; TiiuEE of Andrew ' Lup's children schools in tbe territor.y, and hopes that The pope sa.ys he is afraid of being with which to try the free delivery Baltimore aud the Chilians wore from tine... Hnolcnl citcct on Kld« Beti'-ccn my pretty neighbor and mo room. In passing out, 1 heard the Ger­ "Shall wo play a game of piquet, I bowed. the various war.ships now in the har­ •"iy?.''.'"'"ln.|' extending the free delivery throiiglioiiv tho blue jackets from the Ai-.erican pointing to my dress. I duties, therb has been an actutil de­ Octobers was 7,100, on >vhich the ag-. improving. JosiE JI.VN.spiELD, who figured in ttio with tho roast, alw.ays succeeding a Wo walked through tho streets silent­ and seemed to consider indispensable. crease in the'amount of duties'paid on color, no matter what their stature, no ; -' i; murder of Jim Fiske, by Stokes, at amount of warsliip.s were sometimes subjected O GOOD NEWS • ly, and took scats at a small tablo in "Count Degenfeld w-ishes to intro­ matter what their wealth, no; mattcpiri |.; i;; gregate first payment amounted to : Thuee cowboys rode up to the 1 irst the country. The amount of mono; mei'veillo; only her blush deepened and Count Degenfeld played on excellent duce me, at the club." other imports. .: New York twenty years ago, was mar­ to insult. It is alleged tliat a party j A FORTHE MILU0N80F CONSUMERSOP m tho cafe. game. 1 held poor hands. After we what their race, in tho groatstrugglo ..;',i 1 81,000,01-1. '• national bank at Enterprise, Nob., at needed to put the system into operation of men from the Baltimore, ashore ou a slight smile quivered about her full He nodded as much as, to say,. I It W'as said that the removal Of the The customs receipts at New York noon nnd at the point of revolvers com- ried in London to Robert L. Rend, a has not been estimated, but Mr. Wana- , lips. Mile. Adclo seemed piqued, because had iilayed awhile I had lost quite a sugar diity was . a cheat, woidd ; not of life all men-in theeyea of tho l(vw, I' Neiv York lawyer. I TntVa the "Russian prince"—all Russians round sum. thought so. wero absolutely and every where equoh ' * ,j during the first ten days of October .pelled the cashier to hand over S3, .TOO in maker feels justilicd in guaranteeing , liberty, went up with tho Chilian men- I This time as sho rose and shot a "Ah!" ho remarked, playfully; "yon benefit the consumers, and would only Hi.10 Goszai.es and Cavetano Sub- that tho inwease of revenues will rce- | of-war mon. Tho hatred of the "Yan- j . It irtvoB Br. Tutt i>lcn««ro to on-. pass lor princes with that class—had were S2,8S'l,.'i50, being l54,.'iS8,SSa less bills. glance at me from the door I could not . Tho count was in high goodhtimor aro pitching in, baron—yesterday in tha enrich otlior countries ,or, the sugar There is no one thing ao imijortatit i''1;i' United States tho business anos were shot in Mexico b.y order of j ompeiise tho government for the kees" led to some insulting remark, ' |nouiicetlmtlioUnoW|iuttiiiar»pa I not a smile for her this evening. and talked very interestingly of hia : than they were during the correspond- Ik tho resist the temptation ol lollowing her drawing-room, nnd to-day—well, I have triisf The' fact is that, the cost of to laboring men, to tho oynera 61 -.':f,i^ ing period last year. failures during the seven days ended on Gen. Garza. Tho men were charged j I which was resented by one of the hot- | into tho dr;iwing-room. I tried to make up lor it; sho ac­ travels round the world—by the world sugar to: consumers, has, been reduced small homes, to employes iu large con- with being revolutionists. necessary outlay, TINY UVER PILL« no right to prevent, scarcely to. warn, The total value of the exports of beef, the 10th ni-imbered 250, against 240 tcr-headed Americans, and this brought She was seated in a rocking chair, cepted my attentions condescendingly. meaning of course Paris, Baden-Baden moro than two cents per pound, which corns', than il sj-stem'of voting'vrhich. j;^ Five persons were Bultocated by a . which l» ofcxcecdlndly «ntiiH sljo, yet . you; but only ono rcqueat-^-keop your, hog and dairy products from the United the preceding week and 227 for tho A FORGER'S FLIGHT. on the general fight which was at- | k retaining »U tho vUlutH of tliu larRer f half hidden by - a jardiniere, a paper in "Ono must encourage youthful talent;" and Vienna. ' means iih 'actual gain of more thiih five guarantees them; tho untrammelled ox- ';;ni,;;; fire in a tenement house iu London. eyes open; all is not gold that glitters. : States for the month of September was corresponding week last year. ' • A I'ruuiliient Biibetick (\VI<.) Lunilierinnn I tended with such fatal results, 'iliere 'ones. Thoy aro B"nrrtiiteed puruly her hand. Tho clergyman wns placing she seemed to think. Tho past winter, ou account of his dollars a .year for every family, rich oroiso .of. their own.faculties arid en-; '••: Lady M.vodonald, widow of the late kvelfetahl... Both «lze» of these pills i If you wish to gamble, go rather to, 810,831,080. It was ealetdated that from 3,000,000 Uttorii .Spurloui i'npoi- to tho Kxtviic uf ^ was much excitement in the city when the pieces for a game of chess with tho "You wero at Monte Carlo yester­ wife's ill-health, he had spent in Egypt, and, poor.. , A year ago', granulatbd •ablesius to, have pur,vote takeu pa'|';':'j.! Canadian premier, has been made a 'are stUl Issued. Theoaiot sUo or ' Monto Carlo; there one,can at least James JI.Lavelle county auditor, to 5,000,000 bushels of wheat woiild Nearly SfiO,U0O uud IllHUppiuirH ou tho the news of the fight spread. The un­ TVTTS TISY WVEK PIi;i.S i German professor. day?" I began. • nnd there found his ideal. Tho mingling sugar sold for .?0.02 per 100 pounds, and election,,day,-, not in ;accordance witli baroness, with the title of Baroness leave off'ivheu ono wishes to!"; and 1. B. Ha;wes, a well-known citizen bo utterly-ruined in northern Minnesota Illriduvory of ills Crime. I fortunate affair is greatl.y regretted in ' U shown In tho border of this Tho long lushes woro lowered, "Yes," said Lapotin, with difficulty of gi-eat' luxury and refinement with nbyi' it.sells.for S4.37 per 100 pouiid.s. itho wishes of employers,, not in accordtj j i!; of Daviess county, Ind., were charged and North Dakota :by heavy rains and Macdonald. Mn.WAUKEE, Oct 17.—One ol the ! official circles and among the better dragging himself from his brooding. barbarism and vulgarity seemed to [to BE CONTINIJEI).), ancorwith the threats ol political,dicta-.; TiiHEE men from an American man though I was positive the l.ady had seen It was said that priaps of every ai-tl-- with setting the courthouse on fire to, :snow. biggest forgeries ever know in the busi- : class of citizen,?. mo. The rocking chair was moving "I am miserable company," continued please him beyond measure ele. consuined''would: be ehhance'd by; ;ttors;: 'but i ill' aceordanco with the die- r 1.1,! |, destroy the county records and prevent A OANO of glassblowers undertook of war were killod and several others ness history of Wisconsin came to light • ho, with a sad sirillo, "and did wrong in ; ALONG DE SOTO'S ROAQ. •tatos''of our own manhood.- wore wore or less severely lyounded in affairs; IN TWO TERRITORIES. THF •'•^'^ ffi^wite train between slowly back and forth and alforded mo Ho had not lacked adventures of the ; tlie new tariff. ,,';Thb fact is tha'tTetail. -N.,.af.;..::M the uncovering of their dishonesty. to demolish Klintz's saloon at Alexan- Friday afternoon. The name of George taking you from tho music-rooni. 'Vou Intcrcstlner Discoveries -on 'the^ noutfi' SI dil' and' Express. ' • • a desperate .street fight in '\'alparaiso Aiiiiunl Reports of thu Gnvcriiurii Xew I nt Chicago ond tho East, on ac- a glimpse of two dainty little feet in most piquant nature, and ho related prices to cOnsumars arc'almost without- Geoiioe Cupps "shot and instantly dria,,Iud., when Michael Sapp, the bar­ Hiles, tho millionaire land owner and ' will do a kind deed if you remain with Trayolcil by tho Great Spaniard. , with a.crowd of Chilian sailors. ' Alexlva and Oklahuniu. NnRTH count of its superior equip- open-work silk stockings and them with great freedom. Ho also exception as'lbw.asbrlower thaii'.they, IclUed Geovgo and • James ' Howaivl, tender, shot and killed James McCann capitalist has been forged for nearly satiu mo awhile.' I' am ill—ill in body nnd I have ni letter from H. S. Halbert,'61 ; i ,: NOTES OF THE DAY. Santa Fe, N. SI., Oct 17.—The gov­ 'I ment, fast time, and conven- iippers. showed tno his treasni-os in pictures were under the old ' tariff, nnd this - is brothers, who lived in Bath county, and Andrew Gallagher. {;50,000. Till! fraudulent paper passed SHDnE '^'^^ hoursof departuroandor- mind—nnd your :faco,'3'our voice do mo Mississippi, an admirable stholar and .,. , ; . . LATER NEWS. ernor's amiual report to the interior Seated on a low stool by tha fireplace, collected during hia tmvols, some of p.i'rtic'xilnrly true of clothing, outlcrj^ ' I {!2Sr;ihe,:republicans will carry .Mas^',.;?;^^^^ .Ky. A woman was the cause of the , A si.iBUT carthqnako shock was felt tlu'ough the hands of M. K. Hansen, • iiBari>i>n ^^^"•^^ 'Vostibulcd,sumptuously -good. Do you know that .you are-be­ gentleman, descriptivo of tho roadway Mas. TiiuiijiAN, tho wife of Judge department at Washington has bcea I looked towards hor over my book, which could not be exhibited.in salons.. and other articles on which iluties were, aachusettsj New.' Y'ork, Pennsylvanldi -i'j:';;| crime. • in East Nashville, Tenii.. , , who was reputed to be a wealthy lum­ LllniTcU furnished, and perfectly light- ginning to supersede mo with my ouo which Do Soto opened and used in the Allen G. Thurman, died: at Cohimbn.s, published. Among othei;recominenda- watching for a 'mark of ifavor. His haggard face with tho inlhimcd really ndviinced.',But in ^fact ilijties Ohio and Iowa. 'That:will bb: o. grand ii,;:) It has been established that C. C. The disappcarnnce of M. R. Hansen, berman of Hansen, Wood county, himi I bu j^^^ heated, it is a palatial only friend here? ' Miss Renncrt spoke lowlands ol tho Tombigbee belort 0., aged 80 yeavs: Sho was the victim tions made in it are tho admission of hotel on wheels. Leaving Chicago via There was a tcrriblo din at tho piano. lids and innuincrable wrinkles about were reduced by the new.tariff on more; i;Send-off.-lor the presidential' yeai;.--- i i j-j ; ;'Washburn post, of Madison, is the old­ a Baboock (Wis.) lumberman, brought which is near Babcoek. of you to rao ' continually at tablo and Columbus, Miss., s.tys a writer in the of la g-rippo during last winter aud New Mc^lIco as a- state, the survey and Michigan Central, "The .Niagara Falls This time I' was not scared away by it; the eyes, and those eyes themselves articles tlia'n were advanced'in'_rate|of QhiOago'Journah ••• •» ' •••••m .-. ifl^fii est G. A'. R. post in Wisconsin. to light a mass of forged paper which Sir. Hiles has made it a rule fonrmanr manyy mew xuexico as ii- aiu.i.<=, i.>i>^ ou.,",, ^ juiciiigan uonirai, -xiio .j.'';f^Y'l TiiE Ecumcnieai Jfethodist confer- may amount to S-00,000. ycar.'s never to give notes or indorse marking of the boundary line on tho , Routo," ntlS.SOnoonevery day, itreaches n.atural that I should move my chair corresponded well with all the rest— in the old road three hundred years old. It was n.ssorted. that even if retail The State bank at Gretua, Neb., "And you as lipr obedient, protogo , cra'ts,'miist bo added tl'ib .nain'o of Rps"|!.';'.-M;>i .''enco at 'Washington passed a resolu­ • Tiini'i'EEN valuable trotting horses anybody else's note and all such-paperi.-.paperss ' Texas side, the reoecupation of Fort , New York nt 8.45 nnd Boston^6.40 p..m. Into the . quieter corner, near tlio altogether a very revolting picture. It has two trackways parallel with one' prices were not immediately ndvnnoed' tion asking the authorities of the were/lost b.y the burning Of the'stable closed, its doors. , Marcy and the ninendment of land next day. Close connections at junction swallow tho prescribed medioino as 'ivell'iP. Flower. '.Ho' is.'already dis^'jjijj Neai! .McGregor, la., Ileiiry Ilahn, bearing his name are forgeries. Ilan- | points enable almost any e.'istern point to jardiniere. Finally ho proposed to' introduc'o' me another for Do Soto's cannon carriage they would inevitabl.y bo at no distant courdged and,,d6sppndent' dt .thp'.wdy;:;'.j:'iJv world's fair to close the exposition on of U.' jr. Jlorgan at Sabin.a, 0. sen disappeared several days ago and courts so as to protect small owners, well as j-ou can," said I, laughing. "I enraged beeuiise the daugliler of John \ bo reached tho day after leav- The overture to "Jlidsummer Night's at the International club, in whioh, ho wheels. Indians tr.avclcd single file- day; 'because wholesale ,price's ,.b't;,all his campaign!,is. being,,maniigqd ! by;"!'-; J; •' Sundaj'. ', , A COLLISION on the Pan IIandle",rail- his whereabouts are unknown. His Tho report also dc«il.s at length with feel very much flattered." Otto would not marry hini, shot and ' ingChicagoi Admirable meals THF Dream" \yas ringing out, when my ears said, one could be sure of losing one's making paths. Roads were mado biily products must be enhanced- and-the Tammany.Hall.—Albany Journal.-;!-;;v^^ Tiie dies iu use at the New Orleans road at Mingo Jiiiietiou, 0., wrecked mills and property have been at­ public schools, irrigation, climate, rain­ "You should feel so," said Lapotin, killed Ml'. Otto and his'brotUer William served in Dining Cars en route. ufknTii heard a slight rustling and my oyes money only to one's equals. by white men using wagons that made eost'Ofproducing everything.' But the : lES^Tho .skies-are,,bright;: .witli/:'thiji.;:i;'p^^ mint for making Silver dimes are so the east-bound limited train and two tached by creditors. He hu'^^^ and fifty other persons were injured, ment would soon follow the action of ol feet of lumber nre in the hands of whispering softly: "Madamel" The Stura from Palermo arrived >t train on a piece of track called tho Moreover I bolieva in nn aristocracy of face, as if on ugly caterpillar wero to high and throe wide at the base. It was the next house, to 'try-to''do 'anything' thpusand people coilectpd,to hoar thom,::?;; ten probably fatally. , Gcrman.y and raise the prohibition on the sheriff. Tho principal creditors aro She started; New Orleans with 7'76 Sicilian Immt "gauntlet" The crash was terrific, minds, which recognize one another by creep over o delicate white lily. found on a littlo island in tho Warrior about tho tariff.-iN;:Y. Tribune.' " , Gov. 'Campbell hod :tho'; odvantago 6i;;;:i;)Ss Sixteen men ' have thus far been ar­ the importation ot American pork. George Hiles and L. Ward, of Milwau­ grants. ' Twenty-seven .were held oa completely demolishing the engines, "Ah! sir, you are very kind! I om so secret sighs, like freemasons. 1 havo river, near Tuskaloosa, and Is held by • I.'" the,!flrst ondi last ..in the,lynching ol the negro Coe." Rapids and the Messrs. Anderson, ol The Soap me?" the count, looking after the youthful MlUB. MlLLEB and Mrs. !Peddlety, of Bibility ot a natural gas famine in In­ cars, but fortunately only derailing ono devoted friend-" Mass. Rey, or rex, king of Spain nnd A Dootrliio That Does Ifot' Fit tltb Time nvgument - In' fact, whilp' hla op'pbhbiit % ] •! , Veteiians celebrated the iboth an­ La Crosse.' Many ol his employes have form, whioh hurried gracefully on. ^Bcnton.jWis., were fatally injured at diana. Sleeper. The responsibility for the ac* And hor eyes, which had a strange, B.y tho side of such views I appeared India, are conimoaplaco words, but wo dldUds'full shiive'olUhb talking^ ihbrp^^' niversary-'o^ -Qeh.'"St Cloir's battle their wages tied up in the concern ehlmmcring briUianco, looked for a mo- "Ono good thing in the suffering condi­ East Dubuque, IlLj by , being thrown The explosion of a large cannon at cident has not yet been ascertained. vvi.' "ii.r'O'no'Vo a inrRo rooit uum mo „i,„„„, small and naiTow-mindcd; still I could havo yet to learn what tho.so numerals I Tlio grOot mistake of Roger Q. ' Mills was'Uttl'bisblidity !br sviUatdnco ia''wh'dtV''''' with tho Indians at-Portlandl Ind. without security. tion of my wife is, that she cannot do from a buggy ! ,' , Fort Recovery. O., tore the side of a Cjpnldn't Find the Culprit, ,it had como down tho mountain dur- chui'geilnoonuigt t conceal the. fact that tho clrcutn- signify. Perhaps they, tell ,tho distance Is ehronological. Hp is proceeding up­ At Frankfort, Ky,, the Loulsvillei it dw'cliing out and killed two children ulRlil. laHNuroyouthia ellinb wnsn false prtetauco without tho girl, so., ono always has : Thk Grand Army of the Republic is Mississippi Vallklle^y Doctora. Chicago, Oct.; 17.—Six men of Crete, I'lit Irom start to llnlah. There Is a " Ise pi'jstauco was unpleasant - to mo. Un- De Soto had miirchcd iTroin tho' Florida on the theory that a .lost, year's bird's . Nashville Riiilrond Company was fined pud seriously injured three men. 17.'Z='rho Mississippi something pretty in tho house." for repairingitis traiJks on Sunday. said to hare a plan for the erection St. Louis, Oct. Vt^xao itiibi)ibbi(>[f> tho for \lo dlirorcnce In the atinoHphoro, Karl {willingly I thought of my arlatocratio coast A Spanish league ia two nnd nest is adopted to service in this year's of 1 a monument to Qen; Gran t at Wash; ; , A.nLACKSSUTii- of Bcnu'vais, Franco;, \ all mora or loss. Somo fainted; "I belipvc tho young lady is a niece cnmpnign. Thiit ia to'siiy,- his irecen^' Valley Medical association has elected causIR'v ehel old thoen aeatinquesn ott mFridae mrey cint <.^iiicBgo thio •(id llioy foil "BO light" tlioy could SavIiigStnother's lace when sho learned that one-half miles, and if we add the ocean's Wm.,roony 1 things:;it;:doesulti ..^ront.di^o:;!j.;!i:i| A BTOBY telegraphed from Baltimore ington. . ••• - named Menard, was arrested on'tho of yours, o-'junt?" said I, gravely. speeohes'in • Ohio^ are 'lit le'astl twcl,v'b' to the effect that:Albbrt ;Ordway was tlieso officers: President, C, A. L. I C8"snewspapeo of thr e medeatn h anofd thEngineee three rCldcag Clarik (ill wliollior tlicy wero standing or "f"'o"',tlicoldlady of whom I had spoken so \ "Well, yes; a far-removed nleee. width to the length of Do Soto's inarcli, jAmorlcon shlpa, to. cari'y !on:AmotU(iiin:i:ti i^l Cleaver'&tKTCiiEB, hardware deal charge of i having murdered his four lt.a lack of breath forn moment and highly had onco been a lady's maid, on land tho' numbers inoy doribfe "the 'tnp'nths'latb''n's''to'thb:' iribs't' of' their implicated in' the murder ,6i; A. J. wivps.'.; •.••:!:; :. ; . -rj.;:- •',: . Reed, Cincinnati; first vice president, Thtirsday. Thoy foimd thiit a proper Hard jiwna well. Krom the summit some Daughter of a second cousin. . I am(pot trode,: and.. commoved;!;! t Tho; iBRitisltiM^iji era ntQalnesvllle.vTejir, failed foir amount of diligence was not used by Jpouyor.TS mllo.i away, with nalcod be tiTedl^''" would raiso her eyes with a slight iillstancc, 6,830 miles, from Madrid with rbprpso'iitittlbn's,'lind '^yhblly.'.disregdi'd-; SuoU.ol Chicago, "and that ho dtiii C. S. Botid, Richmond, Ind; sec­ IHoolcod like a plat of ground laid iu tho least fatherly.", other 'confc'dcrates afterwiird stranjjlcd '^mbbo;'.'.,,•'!•;.•',.-;.';:;:.'':• i/^ •The stallion St., Blaise wan ^8oId at the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Company after hof'^"'^''^'^'" ^""''^'"'^ heaven; '.'It was torri- prosimato aocuracy, Ferdinand .and i;u'i p'l.tlio ,f ile.t' thiit i"nipprt|ii'nt; ehongos! New York to Charles Reed, of Galla­ ond , vico president J. -Hunt » orcliard. I foar this will lack In- ,o phi to tliink" 61'what kind of nooiiln "So much tho worse," thought I, and httyP'p(3curv;ij^ since , Tiiscptt, • was discredited, ^y ith'ei police TjfE Columbia bank and tbo Bank oil Stiicky, Louisville; secretary, E. S. at Crete station in guarding tho Silas i"^*" to thiiik" 61'what kind of pooplo |took my leave.. Isabella, in any event, vvero not lorgot^ fColiinihjiiai ';b^^ 'located ,'at' ;NaishviUe,, tin, Tex., for 8100,000. ;••. went,' into'.;, pperatioii; •;,jAlc'cb'rd^njg; j ,it6, .ftuthoritlbs of.Cliicojfb.- . .ir MoKeb; Cincinnati;, judicial coun- switches, Froia the evidence laid be­ Water was flnd°no ,was throv.'n with in travoliug." , I Coimt.Dogenfold wa.snotatdinner. In ton by tho Spaniard'Wh'6 marked that Tenn,, have cloaed their dobrs. ; ' •' • • Gov. -.SrEKLE,' 61 Oklabbmn; has ro- loUier, can I Ko out to tlsh?" hi's sVpry, the countr.y ip, npi^i Ip j |i,,;,»nils;.. • yiivu^ Rose was hanir^d latRod";, fore them they also found that four law. Tl "Besido'a," continued Lapotin, "1 his placo sat; liHss Ellon, lis I had heard iitono. ' - VMv ScHiMBED,' pi^esidont; and M;^ aigij'ed,,"and; the resignation ;hoa been 'cil, P. O. Hooper, Little Rook; Har­ criibip plight, "the dopth.^pfjidospnlr,;'!' wood'.FMIb; .iMln'n.i'for-tUo.m^ men were crushed to death In the wreck fo, no, my Kllla sonny. terd'ny Imust tell you that Miss Rennort was a her called. On that account I could D'awson,'' cnahl^r ,;6f .tho'.^ypming^ nil- ncoe.ptc'd by President HarrlHoh; ' old N. Meyer, Chicago; James M. Math­ : —Father (sternly)—"Do you expect i^s ho phrases:it, bocauso of-tho; repi»l>': - M oflcs tiufkin; Rose, protested • ;bi8 iar of train No. 0, tho wreck being caused 11 Itnow you'vo boI, a swollen foot Stoll. Gwell-educated girl, nnd only nccompa- easily sob hor, whereas formerly tho tion al: baiik at' 'titir'amle;' Wy oi}' w*'"' Mas. Ann A. DoDOK,''an inihate ol ews, Louisvillo, and D. J. Thompson, my daughter to, bo; a patty tpsii ihon: li(!on tariff; 'Bystoiri;.;Uudbr,\tiidt'sys- '.;noccncc;te'tKb*last'''V'/f by an open switch. Who left the switch ly preolousilluio honey." '"'"""''> coiiviotenlcd a rouch-loved foster-sister, nyoung largo vnso had hiddoa her from me. drowniid in Sutton's' lake by the over* the pobrhouso at Butte, Mont., and 80 Indianapolis. Dr. Joseph Rausohofl, rlago lor money, sir?" Suitor (bash' tefnf lie,' dpclaresi i the -'wages! ipl^ TifK wlUoltho late John Twohtff, 6) open thoy were unable to learn, and ,they got u bottle of Solvadon Charles least Prussian; countess,'at her express She wns truly bewitchlngly fresh and turning of a boat ••:.'•.-,•;••,,••',•••,;•','•;•,•- years ol age, has received notice that ol Cincinnati, waa elected chairman ol is Lenox. lully)—"N-no, sir—but it can't bo, air. 1 liavp.Sboon'reduced;'tho iourtes,'oi^i'Cm^^ Ban Ahtoni6i'«lVx,i, leaves tW alter spending six hours In cross-exam* d he went and caught an eel, vlolatlDiwl.sh to Courland, \vhen she married youthful, .and wois'moro' strikingly so ' VlNooMiNoyesBeU at she i« the hoir to sn estate worth the committee on orrongementfl. The really haven't got a oeat,"—]Mly'Coa ploy'inont ••hiive • beeh/icurtii'llbdj^^'.p^^^^ IiJh fortiino;; 88;ooo,j066, t^' promote; the inatlon the jury gave up the task. ) it llkca itiau. » jUnd wonted • familiar l8«« near hor. next the laded, yellow face of kha ];|prt.:yerir;/sta>^ ' 18,000,000 in Khglaad.. next convention will be held in Clncin- • 'i'..v--'^.~-A*w-H(iSb!;^U-; rntSfgtg^tWi'/^i'f.hnlln^nliiltiaK;'---:':':''-..[••',-'.^ ' ^"^^ 1 18.000.000 inungiaaa. , joatnani in October,.iuc«>Dcr^m^ ,,''»'r.;.V:;,-j.,.;

\'i siiedi^llilwes'hi MerldlknJtbvlriiahip. ! ->TliurI<,e8lie Republicnii'lS'^mncii' ini' liroved In many; ways—especially In grainmar and orthogru)>hy. : HALl: «K Niext Stitidiiy' is jsndwh ih Mioblgui^ -Al^ THE «wd W^*eftt;.Brlto^^^^^ as prison Sunday; Clergymen' are • f-T^HBilooal option )«w:J9 a'^upom .In lovolvW the. wiglug.ofi wwfarft^^ u^^^ '^0ii.oeat,.lBrecelved^: , acdiistomed to preach on prison topics l^nfturan aii.d ubw.GcaMot.^ouaty^^ tbe prooMMi by wbioU oth^^^ It m^'e]iteii&tm printed slip endl«iKd,< that'doy. : -ti?:^Jiist'.received-a^ noVliig, tp ,tUftt air^tloH,- ' • ' andtt'see'&'a tb'niwab falladioua that a employ tbeIr people .and earn .Uielf. •ohHd %6uld a'nawerit.' < National baritca English Currents, Poatmastor Call'liiis been visiting bread.' It iBfoptfaViiiwai^ri^^^^ ^ra. authorized : lo issue their notes— the several postollVceH of this county as 'TaB:!f;eaI of those f^riblgh'lgmtlettioii' nation in tlio olviliiMd .world: baa lereot*. required, by the depiirtiiieiit, aha re- Nl^and;Wint^ wi^b'.aretin; greatQteasaiei',thesbiirae ed a defetialve barrier against,; tbe, ag­ not the notes ofthe United States,-, but! • Tisit«d tbtaOoantveMli nii»ntli fofitlie past bix inoattas. and diii^iis tbeao-ylaitB has examined and tboir corporate -ubtea—to circulate,aa proMribed tot bundredii and efilaoted xaany ot tha .moat Wonderful' Ouroa evet' made in tbe State I. Ijorts tlie'm generally \vell conducted, «nd support of thelaretJlstent'deihb'n^ gressor...'ni.';nv.riiM.\. .•it :/;i,'<-. .ihdneyionly by. those who are: 'wUIIng tba;t?lh% iriaritets of this cbiihtry- sbBil :);Kree trade,aaitis developedby^our. .Asfc your frlento anil neighbors almht Dr. I^^^ S.ilumphrey. Tlibrd Is BCiii'CGiji; a nolghborlioort In tho county thnt Albert Porter haa cut 30,000 cords of to [take them. They stand jUke any, wood; from the lloweruian land In. ; THe',Latest and,most lE^ishionabicrj'i^'J'^^^^ Ve opened to tbe freo ucoess of prod«o< syatem of reclproelty,' proceeds upon btlter, note: issued by,,a corporation.. has not had the benefit bt the doctor's wonddrtul skill, liudrarely a taiuiiy which liaa not Imd one or more ot its membortirade The uationtbat has aaurplus of grain ' ••„'••' • •:'-''''•••••'•,V'';:'1^;^fy| polldy, Would'Uuke necesaary.r^uiriiey BBiwe have, or of some kinds of nianu Ished. In .order tohiake them ab^d- I The new house of Elhis Sanders, u Best valiics in Meii's, Boys'atid Children's-—— ' ' . Jutely safe tbe United Stales,'itself a At Hudson Horiso, Unsing, Ooli ?8; at bonneily ^^^^ ahortdlstuiicu north of .Leslie viiluge, are seeking,to add to^tbeaocolossHl ud>< fadtures, tradelB'With the natibh' that i'ocoaimtsy D. D. Mallory Brand, Now IS the time' to place your order'';'•,;•,!;'jl; has more cbfl^ and sugar'than, It,' re^ larger' debtor; evidenced' by Its' bon'ds burned last VVodiiesday night. A vanti^ges.t le fuj^tUer one of obeupening Ghronlo Blae|wen ' ' SSUITS AND OVERCOATS tbo/09d supplies of British 'Operatives, 'quires for its own needs and lees wheat butstaudiiig, requlrts 'each bank' to se-' ExttinluitUoii Free to All. The dootor treats noocotaldltteAa, bntdovoten small barn WHS alao consumed, Willi cuire its circulating notes by a deposit: his whulo tiino tn the IreatnieDl ef ohnmlo aad 150 bushels uf barley and some wheat Having the exclusive ri^hti Every by «i;^faU.lu,t;ho price of Auterioan aud Hour and implements of agricul­ Although tho dootoris in many caacs min- lima BtaadinK nnd eurglcal digcMoi; oases givon AllForei^uNuts, : - . • .—•—To be fount!'in the city. fanuprotluctfl., AfuUinpricesofsu«h ture. • • ., as tbo resulting liici'eaise in nmkiis ni) cliatftoi* t(> niiy one, bollorlug it to linois, Alahamn, OiwMla. Mnnrto, Ohio and It ruins every wlisre ami whenever the , ALL the prosperity, peace and happlness'of States upon the samo,tei'uis aiid condi­ bb n part of tho'iiliyBiciiin'sdnty toa^cortuiu Indlimn. havo booo foil} Gva Unia* tbat number: Nobhy Lin@ Oossys-breasted Suits- ings. , Come and. See,,., importations would' iieijfessiirHy force all the parties oouoerued. ,, . tions, .'rhese bunds uroiidt Z|ivu«a I neiirly two-thirdn ot theeo R«M^ wore givon np expuriiiieiitera want it to, und If tlicy, w , . GRADES N'fci^l out of their preaokt 'employment The commerce promoted by Great •ty of,'the. Ulilted ^tiites, us tlie para- totl)0 Bultpnir. Whoijover and wtioiovor Dr.' >i« iinpolcss iuvalid*, tniMluwIRiod, enmedoaf. arc not (ho cauae of it .>mrely there ia We can convince you that we have the Best Goods ' % hundreds of tbousuuds of uien now und oihors n |«-oy to iicr:no room for of protection that It has thus been en­ biiy tlieae bonds ut'their iiiffrkel jirlce lukiug a ODCstiou, hi>ti' ;• ;^ •<• .alwiiy.sthe CheaiDcsl-.' ,' coutraversyou this poiut.,. >ye.:cau- abled to show to the world methods of tho tnmblois,'unit th.i pnmiioct ••f n aitv. Thoil.ictm- is eutrouiidcd wl'h tiio finoBt nnd was a aiicceaaful one. All papers pre- Co'luc and see. Wa ar-e /all o/ Jiatyains. Moat/ and now- have-to-pay u very large and moat womlori'ii) nf nil h« viilin-i, liin lirst must oxtiMiBivo oollboilnnollnetramoataevarlin- • • •• That will please all, :it the ' • not allow foreigheia.'to .do tthe mapu- free trade tbat are consistent witti the premium on them. They are tlie debt seutcd were able and iliterestiiig. The complete lino Geilta' Fumishiltf/s'to he found anywhere " • T'fJ/J: facturlng: fot' this cuuntry /and j at the I iniproBsion anil iiiH Inok iit a imiu'iit niirro niirUil to thlB country for csnminins and trnnt- election of otlUiera resulted as folto'.va: Home-made Bread I also sell-the' Domestic' and all the ^highest development of home iiMiustry of the people, consUlerwl the highest than all elBcand Dr.IIaiuiditi'y ie uovit oiis- iiiK nil forma tif ulironionilmontsof thohcnd,fuco same time keep.our .owu ^people em-; in contrast with those that are destruc­ pooaible security. They are the. pro­ tnkon in liis.fliiiKnni^iB in imy ciiho. liroat.nriBii, cliest, Innge,. heart, etnmacli, Preslilent, T. A. StepheiiM, .Stockbrldgej other Ler(d,ing..»S.e.vvirig.M.ichiries.' ': ployedib.tbellnea,«o 'iniiiiy of.thein tive and ruinous. .Thodoctor'BniothndjtiliflofiiiurliiMlly frnin iH. ImwelB.-roprodnctive or- NEW GROGERY. Vice, President, Miss .liilia .foi'dun,; are now worUlug. Ifot.eveii tbe wild­ perty of the bunk, Aviiich like any >. hrnin aud nervous ByBtmn. And we are but at the begiiiniihg of other holder, is entitled (o the interest tho gouoral pructitinn-T in nil r<<.,t.oi,:R. ni, filok Iicndiichc, iinokiichii, liUiisiiij;; Secretary, IVIissMyrta Hull, Big Drives Uitidorwear-Gloves & CSitfens. est theorist lu the free tradecoiitingent Following tho plan of .St. fi.-ormi'HIliliiiiiui l 'iBoascB.ptlcB. liipdlBauai-, Willlainston. 'I'liu next meeting will J. N, SMITH, Tailor. V: disputes' this fact. Confronted by. tlie reciprocity business. With Cuba'ln It, aa it ocoriiea. i Theao boiida are . de-' nf ijoudon,'lin rogirttcrBiivfry p„rtti'nl,tr nn leers and every form of RESPECTFULLY. eveu the British West ilndies cannot posited wltb a designated ollicer in til tho putiout's pliyBioiiU'iindiilcin niul irii.'ii. Le held in Lansing Jtiiiimry lO. certalhty/of cdnfmrioh;tb r >>iii'lt'i>i',r.iii. In. . or fomalo. dusti'les tliat rtiuat follow tbe first ap- afford to stay out. With Brazil In It, itrust, to collect the interest and pay it modloincs go strainiit in Kniest,' the uiglit-year.s-old son of the Other South Anierlcan • • Mntlons to tile owners of tite bonds, but to hold ..„.! can. bo plniniv fijlt ot Mr. and Mia. Henry IJellaiiiy of this Remember, We Bake Every Day. proachito fi'ee foreign trade, and con­ M'ith llio amount nod niiliiru uf tl..» rll^i'ntin. k in tlin liw'iiscd parte very BlioitlyiiJti>rtlimi- founded j by tbo demand' that thoy: must (oilow. ' the principal aa a security for the out­ ,.... in Wotfiin. Thoy iire plcnHiintto laito.mikl hut W city, liied la.st Moiuliiy at 10 o'clock ; The ' Aiiierlcan free trader .agrees standing notea-of the bank. The gov­ In thia way tho outiro ninniiiit.iif vilul ouor. . . iiliiiiK ill iictiiin. yot iigren witii tlio lllDBtdnli-jninst d - A, U.. He.wtia a pirpll in tlie Hrat sliullolfer some.solution for tbcpro- ernment pays iiulhiiig to the bunk ex­ Si Kim iiru.roiidily.iHiaipntfd and ili,- rc-lnriri: I'ltiy or child, do not mliico tliOHtrcnclh.rcncth.ami i B 17fl--1.1 IJiiiiiiu'y (icparttiic'iit of our schools lilem thus'ridsed, the ^heralds of the with bis European friends in disliking p',| ijrjwor (if t.h«,I.Ki•)' imod wUilo ut. tho' UBunl occnimiiimtiMn.''(i' - H 1 pronoaedoew dlspensuMouqultO:nat­ the whole inoveiuent; ftist, because cept what it would pay lo any other iirjil oh.si' K iiiiii iiuKili .loved. The ftiliei'ul services urally looked tofJEnglaiid for a hint to his sympathies have always been with iiolderof these bonds—the Itiierest as wore held on Tuesday at !5 o'cloek v. M. Gail On le! bo used; by wiiy of uuswer. Ami It tlie induHtrlal enemies of this country, it accrues. Biit the Utiitud States lev-, Kev. W. J. Miiybeo olllulntiiig. Sixty and second, because all his proiiliecies ies iipon the hunlt a tnx of one pL>r cent,' little pupils I'fom 'tlio primary depart- K was spoii .'i'orthuoiiiing. friiiii Iho liist In the Huntington Building • llvlngcrein'eseiitutivu .-of thnt . trinity oi' the .iiijuriaus effects ol' |M'ot«ctlon ini Its eirctilHtiiig notes, parily to re­ TliKr.sday, Octulicr 22, lUdl. niciit, under tliii command ofCurrle H. are I'lilsilied by the development of a imburse e.^ipenses iliciirreil by tlio gov- 'ray'"''tlieir teacher, marched to the where I have the of statl'is^ieti—Cdbden,'Bright, Glad- CURTAINS!! Notliing.adds.more,.to: tlie cbm'fo'rt «loni,'-;-cai)ttjiiilly proinlVieiii in ItVaug- grand foreigii cbiiimerce througlr thi; eriinient lii printing the notes In order gniveand each deapositcda liuitdaoiiiu liisfruineiitulily of that eystem. to liave tlld most ample security . He's No (jraiiger. boiKjiiel in ineinory of their little com­ nnd conveniencaof .T house than •.; uratlug,the iixiati/ig' Urltiah revenue Jolin.T. BuhIi, iiUleriiiiiii from the Gleanesi Rosnis in lown. policy. Mr. •Gladstoiie, with aii ' eye Nothliig,' however, is more i;j poor I'nrin wlHi the other iiieinbera of Itisiiwell known fact Unit curiioiuite of tho outside world, answered that ciprocity baa come to stay.—Textile lioh tts a loan by the United States 'tn WmMtabiiiiiiirsSSIIiiiis Record. the liaiik is beyond my compreheti- tlio.boaril hiat Tiiur-sday, and vvliili; li' innl i:nrly dooiiy, 'ir^'iinrc i-j.-^h. pre;,,, - knowledge of iiov.' furiiiliig und .sl(ii;k vvliole.'iomu bri'iwl and cake, and liua COLD LUNCHES. isli. operativea, who could thereby jifKEWEU I.B«IWI.ATIoy. tional banks or the policy of supplant­ ly u,..-,i...... tnr.* tn-- i.f irni in:(nly linv/ nn, inV'i|r.l.t;i.-y l.i'.H nf vitul fllii-l--, l'..-nil IRISH POINT LACE, ing tliein'ily'some other form of circu­ Vimr C'li*!'iniiy III-t'tiHily c.oi-iili!.-lint, r''- the Mlu. fall a sylliiblc or uvo Ilmt told llie among tlie oldest and at tlie aauie time than now- And forlhwltli all the . . iieaulu HeiiHtv. lating notes, thia can be aaid of them niJKlput brin«H you nnnvr t'l" .IV..- -.^'jii-u -in lni>iinilili> slfiiro in-i.v kiv|ii- •iitii'ri i.tUinMnt; ln,iriki,iii tli-Tn i[l |ii-..b'itily uni...- r.imut wl.t,-!, llii< i:ntn aDd'MADRAS IHisifdlytofiiffla Ems! that tile s.ystem haa beeu tlie most sue- vi-ni... wlnMi till* ni.yrn^> t.\7K. in-.-il III.' 1,1 n-nii..n ni Ltin ••>: |.i'rl--fi('i..I «[K'fiiiti.-i in-.n' 11 Hill ilif..-!., Ill- 11.., cultural ediH.'iilloii wiiH not inrulliliU'. ing powder. Iti.-iull evolved in gas with tho plea of cheapuess' they liow ceasful liaiikiiig system ev-er devised the dangerous qualities of amiuotiia liy man. No one has ever lost a dol­ A, l.ir-. nf i'^xiiiii'l'-n-..-mill <>o).i,nuiil(y. w-'iniVM In inillNLnr tn 11 iIlH..|ii-.:,l h.,(iy, It ii|a..ii?..(i mlnil. ,>f.fl ini'.Lrin,:. At dinner ilia lirst rot'iiu'sl, v.as for olio- i b.v tho lio;it nf the tiven, and leaves iio CURTAINS! go up ami down tlrbiland asking voters comes from the alarming increase of T)r. Tiomi.lin.y'H nhf.iii'lir.i li',-i n i|.•.•.<.•..,I dio (.tiuly hi;.;'v.'-.i Irtieeof itself in the food, aiKi it la thla ii) closo the shops und factories of tbis lar on the circulating iioieisf any na­ IJ.itiH tilN-.| '-villi innrlLM ib'^irn-* ami fparfnl tipiirLM.imsmu,:. • i,),-. ITiini- f coliito fiilce nnd lemon pk-, nnd iiosoiin- its nao in baking pcvdera. ]?eople tional liunk, und the governiiiefiV, lias siiry anil \n•ivnlL^ prin-.tiiM., und in-my i.f iJn- li iiiv wniirli.rfiil I'liiu;- In- In fmm tl,(, fiiiit nf ih.) iiinstt^uii'iiii 111, mill t^jinci111- ii.t'iliri.ii.iii iai.iwn niil.iT or wns hi.i gorge Uni.slicd tliun lie tliat gives it ila great vuluuas a leaven­ Soda Wafer and Cold m'mks The best made for all" our homes i country until such time us tlie upper who absorb it iu email qiianUties from , it::t\ tlnio, if loid, wmlil r 1 jn.irn lU.* h.-iii.n ii.jin 1,1 rliiti nr ,i,iy i.tlit'r.p.niritt'y, bur, iilwi :n ilio fm-.f nf tin. ilin-isf ii.li,n-f,i-.. ing agent in tho o])iiiioii ofthe physl- and nether millstones of enforced Idle- paid nothing to llieiii except the in­ '•i tn IlnK;rn;,t liKhpitnls n( li^iiropti hi*. ii,tnnrln;iUii>H luivn hi.,- m tlio ii.-iiiittiir uifjulal il-'i.ri-.-isi.m hlv.-ayK f.-iii, grubliud die suit anil aturted in )^rL>;it the day to day suiter from alow Ammonia terest tliat it would ]i!iy to any (itlicr (in liviUK in.'in'H. nnt ftuly en, bnt. In ' - Uaw i'iml,li-J f. • infti-i' ii luirt nf liiti nwii ni..T„) : conrtdenci) to salt tin; hof,'a. lIi, ciiiiia.—New York .Tournal. SILK ailli CHENILLE iiesa aud pressing necessity grind poisoning. Talcing internally in suf­ creditor upon his bniids. of aillinds. jiricea down in conformity with the reiio-liiv.l iliu buniytU'il iiml Kniderly uccuiiK^ 1,1,1: vjii'iiTc'ii brililiipii*...-, ficient quantities it eats away the i,.;ri..-i ii pliieintj Ilia llniiiib.'j in Ills arm pita jj„ ihem, A G^reai va- if she knew it. Such powders not ment of these notes, but they are to iiakeil of the superiiiieiident iiow . \ You have ndmirocl Prescott's "Conqi]' Every Day. Look Out for J. BEECH circulate as money without redemp­ l>r. Hnnipliroy is tho only iilivsjfinu i,!.,, hurt tuk.-n JillicnilH In nfTi,i-L Illn.p. imprniioiir. Iialiitu nf yi.ntli nr h'-.xi.'.i i-:;!- „ ' ''X rieiy of Patterns only undermine the health, but am­ has Imd tho epocial advantage of liiiiniii-un in nnifllr., y. arn, nr nay („in-C f t.'il il.-l.tt'' iiiiiiiy times (liey liiid iieoii sliorii tliisJ"^ ot Mc.Nico," lis hnlliant and hcantj monia itnpurts a sallow aud blotched tion or the promise of redemption. nf siiiil iiruiin iinil rmally hriiuk ',!(,wn It.n hcuihI (l,--'-XU'vl (nai'linu*-. t*ii*-»-tlil>',-. ii -i.'.i.i the Wagon. Mos'r of the provisions of the so- hiiBpitid studios In mioroAOopy of tho liiniid M1 until ro ili-olC. l-n-.-n in i.. hm:-.-. wl.-n, lv t;itr-f>,l. t'nln-ult'itintt /;-„.• ..ml ^Iii. year* antl if ringbone or apuvlti pre-""''' It history ns was ever written, but S9 and Values. At Foundry, Maple Street called McKinley tarlll' law have now complexion. When issued they are simply an irre­ and tisBUCB, wlio carries with liim a full line Ims iHippMp-d itiiiiMiiul sl:iU nmy "i-'P H"' i'"- deemable paper money, preciaely simi­ nf InBtrnmouts nod iipparatua for mulcing btructivo operuti'in, HTity (li.. iiimnil:. nf rl.c itjn- iiii':iti:il. Aljimlutn cmn.-i ,--liar.nili'. d vulk'd to any e;cteiitaiiiong tlieni.' lie oi you may not Icnow under what v lawmn been in forno for a year. The principal Following is tbe bill recently passed strictly sciontiiic exiimiDiitinns nf tliu variims ,*,-!i ineiirrod. viewi'tl I'verytliiiig iiliout the i.l.'ii.-,! -'ind WM. SHULTS by tbe Minnesota senate. It's the lar in character and form to conti­ oase. nud kIvo tiin palii-nt ii cnnif.irutblu ;.iiil iir-n- advantages it was written—that C JJJ8T ItEClSl VED ! A new invoirr. nP lU^,-., ,f 1 r. , ^ exceptions are tho transfer of raw I textures und Bocrotions ot tlio body, as the ful life. Other ctiNCB, if ni'sleuteil, lifter piie-tiiu.^ Kti'lfp*y Of Fll*i!<;ien(ili.-,i'.li in-m...; .nn viM'y critically and on hia return to tlio kca Oysters, freshly put up and shipped Bugara to the free list, lu force.April 1, danger signal which the law throws nental money and the French assign- urioo, blood, diacliargOB of auy kind, catarrh- a cortaiu stauo, illo in Bnito nf ail thnt Bkill ran pnBitlvoly oureil liy a noyer-fiiiiiiig nn r!i...l. quest of Mcxico-for Prescott was] scls CaroetsCarpets,. of nL.^lnewest an\d choices'hZZ t 1patterns f . ^ Moquette and Body Brus- out for the protection of tbe people. iil Bocrotions, etc., etc.. wiiloh ozaiuinations dn. HoncLi it is not nnly (laOitBrnuH lodnniy.hut board introduced Mie following reaolu- 30se and the Increase of duty on tin plates, ats, or more recently still, tiie Rhode aro now cnnsiderod IndiaponBlblo to a correct rersnns uiisktUfiilly tr**i,1i'*f liy iunnr- tally blind, and he had two piece direct from Baltimore. FARMERS' BANK ! ABIII for an ActloHevulntetheTraffio Island money issued at the close of tlie ofttimoB orlmlnul, fnr iiicwt nil nf ns livn for ant protnndora who kfop triiiinw wiili tlnnn tioiis for tho benefit of the farm : the wood fastened parallel to each other, iu force, July 1, 1891. Short as has In BnfclUK Powder, dlHgnoBis in all forms nt nbsonro and chronic thoHO wo liivo, fnr innro lliiin fnr nnrsi-lvos. and ninttth after ninntlt, giving pnipntmuH and ' WiiEUKAa, Tho most cruel trait in tlic aiUv been the life of this itieasuie, and tem­ revolutionary war by the people's dUeiiBCB. Aa very tew doctors ontaido tho it is a crime «««in»t thuBO fn noglout onrsolvcB with his pen hetwecn those piece THE BO SON BBOS. CABPET CO.. Lansing. Oldest and Strongest Stale and SaviUBB section I.—Any person who shall knovrine- party of that day. largo oitioe aro thus prepared with costly ont- nntll premature death olnsi-s tho sonao. Jnrinus unmpuuudH, slionld call iiuii bub cliaractor of Falhor'rimois tlintliosometimes »,,„'+ JUNE 21, 1801. porary as its iullucuce must necessarily ly sell or procure tbe sale of, or offer for sale lltot microscopic and other oBsontinl instra- OliieBSUK nf Wumen, doclnr. steals unawares upon lils viotiih'f', ' thtit wood he wrote, the stroke against i DETROIT^ have beeu, it haa already secured a any pooUaite or can of Baking Fonrder, con­ inontB tor making astrintly firat-elassdiagno. WnnilBrruI Cures by iny impmvod nuili- piece of wood telling how far the sis in ninny cases, the afllictcd woald do wall anch aa havo biiined tho skill nf all nthor tiliysl. nd «t troHtmontaooompii«ti<'d in imrvniis d.- iJerafued by Uioboardof supervisors of Ing.,oUs Coiiimuiiicatcd. niche iu the country's lilstory vouch­ taining any ammonia lu It, not dlstlnotly, clnBfl and tlioir romedluB, D,-. Hninphroy qnicHly bility, pronmtnro ileolino ,if manly piiworn. -^"f" t'latucoilvcnioiitand respectabfo ° must go in one way, the stroke nga! Coitinioii Council I'l-oceedlngs. LANSING & NOBTHERN B. B. CAPITAL, $75,000. legibly and durably branded, stamped or to oall upon tiio dootor and goi his opinion pair pflioriis bo placed upon tVo head of tlio'^"*'?writ*- [ornoiAn.J safed to;few Congreasiomileuactments. ORTQAOE BALIS.—WiiKHKAB, dofanlt has and learn whether tho doors of iinpo are yot cun-s. Ulcers tnmnvs, tilimid and iinlyiinid nnd kindred nlfnetionB, which h»«u b"«n ui'u- hornless cow that stands in thoiiorUi-enatcor-aomo the other piece of wood telling how „„^f ^.f,,,,^??'''*"^-^" '^sue of Trains Lv. Lansing for a.m. am p.m. pm pm U uder mortgage tb a faction of political marked In a conspicuous place wltU the M _l)oon'''' \° 705 Powder — ot arory disoago; tliis is cspoeially trno of all Maohooil I'orfeetly Kestored. onnsnltation prt-forablo. Wo ifanmutin uuin- years of said cow; and bo it further book now much men will endure for worlgj^lfi^ benflt not nlm,« nP .'n'i^'rr"?"! Tuesday evening, Oct. 2(i, 1801. Howell ...„ a 40 860 •818 7 05 L.C.WEBB, - Vice-President their support a removal «f all .protect­ ;reat plea, or any letters equivalent thereto cott, Ella-Wolcott blB wife and Mcliada Wolcott priigroBsivo diseases, all or any ot which aro Unick, palnloPB and eortiiin cnro fnr impntonco Resolved, that the insects now at woric in Toledo via Howell 8 SO 300 7 05 ive dutlesi or failing tbis, .the .nearest ?n length, shall Begullty of a mlsdemeauor, of Vevay, dngliam coanty, Mich,, to Gmroa O. ioi-t manhnnd. flpormiitnrrl.nci. InBses. woaknoBB bio OIIBOB. knowledK^e tind^ for worldly snccf^'e^XL w^l'i°sh Mason, Mich., Oct. 20,1891. Toledo via Detroit 850 J. M. DRESSER, Cashier and punished by a line not loss tban IIM nor Itccd of tbo City of Mason Micli., which Bald corablo up to a certain timoj thot Is, until sncli our wheat be and aro horoby required to at ppies "siio poaaible approttch thereto ithat could mortgago was recorded in tho olllce of tho reg­ once cease tlioir liostllities and vacate our Council met and was called to order more tban S&O; slialt be contlned iu the premlaos; and further tiiat there bo provided Circuit Court" ^f.""^ certlllcates publiahed here- by Pres. Murray Present, Alda. a.m. pm p.m. p.m. pm command the necessary votes ifor its County Jail not less than ton or more tban ister ol docds, for tho coaaty of Ingham, in Rt tlie expouso of thla connly, for the use of .''In, ofthe wonderful cures performed hM Paid on Tiae Hates of Spit. passage, tho ropreacututh'es of .what twenty days or by both tine and Imprison­ liber 77 of mortgages on pago 14, on thu '^Oili day tho Inmates of our county poor liouso, la Brown, 'VanSlyke, Peek, Neely and Grand Ledge iooo 2 ID ment, at the discretion of the court. of April In tho year A. D., im, at ll:i!5 o'clock A. Court convened at Lansing last •'by myself upon the people of this and •3 21 18 805 Money to Loan. Call and See Us, some delight to call "the .party.of tbe K.' And whereas tlie said mortgage has been duly Haia^ali'. Michigan, where alf letters from tills eeotlnn can bo addretiHid. Lock box Si}. canopy top snrieys and 11 road carta, (and by Monday with a long calendar of cases surrounding districts, to ask them­ Smith. Ionia A Howard City.. 10 OO 210 8 J8 people" yielded to tho lasbin. the hand Section 2.—The salo or oll'er lor sale of the aisaigncd by the saldKmina 0. KcedtoJnmcB Hit- tbo way I have them to sell) and tliut tlio Minutes of last meeting read, cor­ Cadlllao & Mackinaw 10 00 8 18 substance mentioned in the foregoing section AU corroKiinndoueo «iid coUBUltation In sirlctost «ionlld.-u8olidly lu paokagea not stamped, marked, branded or son, of Auu Arbor, Michigan, by aBaigiunuut g^All letters lueloslug abiuip for poatatra auBwered fron, oners of this county are hereby Instruotod to by Judge Persou was to grant a new rected and approved. DiBKCToRs-L, O. Webb, D. P. Whitmore labeled as therein required, shall bo prlma- boaring date the lath day of Jane, In tbo year this traveling doctor actually curing ••Every day. Other train week days only. • against every provision .of .the .bill— A. D., 1880, and recorded in tlio olllco ut these resolutions into Immodiiito oxoou- trial to Prank A. Allen, motion for such a large number of so-called Incur­ REPORTS of committees. Parlor cars on all trains to Grand Baplds Geo. W. Bristol, J. Dwlneli, Harpo" Reed, II ugalnat free sugar, as well .as .against facle evidence of knowledge of the character of the register of deeds of tho said Son. of said substance, on the part of the person so countyof Ingham on tho S'Jd day of March, A. D., which was argued last week. Uuleas able patients upon whom many learn­ The finance committee reported back and on 8;E0 a. m., 3:00 and 8.18 p. m. trains to lowering tho tarift on steel irails, and BoUlugor otTeringfor salo and his employer. the proaecuting attorney Is again well Detroit, seats Zflc. jeOC, at oao o'clock i-. M., in lihor 73 of mortgag- ORTGAGE SALE. Whersaa, default has hason markets. From a Vriond Ont West. ed doctors have exhausted their skill tlie following claims, recommending Direct conneutlons nt Howell JuncUon and every suggested provision .for the Section it.—'rbis act shall be tn torce on nnd CB, ou pago tho power ol sale coutainca in said Dakln to Frank 13. Ciickner hy aflslgnmont bear­ Dreaaer caabior, by assignmout bearing date tbe present tlmo I have been intcrcsled. Tho Helen Edwards vs. Ruaael A, Clark people answer. Here are cases mortgage lias become operallvo. ing dato tho 2flth day af Jiino, in tho year A. D. 2let day of February iu the year 1800, and re­ UISCEnnANEOUS. western portion of Iowa Is very broUtn and of paralysis, consumption, catarrh, E. 11. Williams aud men on street 27 12 Hams, Bacon, Lftenoe—lu face of all impediments—! 1801. and recorded lu tho olllce of tho rogtslor of corded n tho onico of tbe roglstor of deeds of far from good farming country. On entering and Albert Clark, ejectment, has been J. C. Flngerle listing nnd etc 85 Si WEST MICHIGAN BY. tho law ibaa wrought out a viudication iJittle Girl's Expcrleitcein a Light- deeds nf said county of Ingham,, ou the 20th day tho said county of Ingham, on tbe Slat day ol SALT.Saginow, per barrel...... Nebrasku I was moved by llioso unbounded settled; the case of William T. Lainer- organic heart disease, obscure female A. L. Vahdercook groceries furnished For Grand Haven and Muskegon 8:ai p. iard, Salt Pork, Now iliofcforo. jiotico is hereby given, that by of July, A. D. 1801, at 7 o'clock r. M., in Llbor 83 BEANS, unpicked, per busbel corn Holds, moadows and pasture lauds—that troubles. Ulceration of the stomach, Henry Bellamy nnd Frank Redy etc. m. train connects [except Sunday] with that at once brings confusion .to >its liouse« virtue of thu eald power of Baic,anuin|inrBuancu February in tho year 1800, at 8:45 o'clock r. M., POTATOES, per busbel ® eaux vs. Jeremiah Williama, assump­ per director of poor. 3 20 oppouents and coniii'matlou for the! of the statute in such caso made and provided, ol mortgngcB, on pago 15, and tho same is now in liber 73 of mortgagca, un page itll, and which comprising tlieonUrolndustry of the portion deaf people and the hopelessly blind, 6:17 p. m. train for Manistee and Traverse City Fresli Fisli, Oysters, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Treacott are the aaid mortgage will be foreclosed by a eale owned by him. said mortgage was again duly assigned by the EQQB, fresh, per doien of the staio through which we passed. It sit, waa removed to tho United States all cured. In view of these facta Is my Hoyt Bros, groceries furnished Mrs. Col- which lias freo chair car to Manistee. strongest .pi'edictioua of Its supporters keepers of the Gov. IJIghthouse at of the prcmlBes tlierein desnribod, at public auc' And wlicreaB tho amount claimed to ho due on aaid J. M. Drcsaer caBhicr, to L. E, Spafford, by LARDAPPLES, pe, rdried poun, dpe r pound...... ® 5 aroused in mo a little of the umbltlou of my court, and the case of Samuel J. Stev­ ton for Nellie Odell per director of Best Route to the Summer Resorts ol Celery, Cabbages. None of the neceaaarlea of life affected said mortgage at tho dale of this notice is tho assignment hearing date the 0th day of Septem­ ® 10 younger days to run a stock rniicli on thcso mission among your people one of Nortboru Michigan. GEO. DeHAVEN, Sand Beach, Mich, and are blessed tion, to tho highest bidder, at tho front door o: ber, in tho year liSW, and recorded In tho oiUco CHERRIES, dried, per pound... western prairies. One could count tho farms enson va. the C. & G, T. railroad, tres- poor 2 OO by tai'lir are higher now tbau one the court house m the City of lilasnu, in said Bum of sixteen liandrcd and sixty dollars of BUTTEftPEACHES,dried, per pound...... , per pound...... im 12 press on the case, waa strlclten from the pretention or an absolute godaend Gen'l Pass. Agent. with a daughter, four years old. Last County of Ingham, on the 15th day of January princlpiil nna intercut, nnd tho further sum of of tho register of deeds of tho said county of ONIONS, per bushel „. a 75 b.v the trees sot out us wind breaks, entirely to the afillcted? J. M. Dresserpuld prlullng of bonds 15 00 Grand liaplds. \ year ago. More men can now find April she was taken down with the tUirty-llvo dollars as an attotnoy fee provided for Ingham, on thoSOlh day of Aagiist, in tho year biding tho buildings from view. As wo fol­ calendar. The case of Warren S. Abels CASH m BIDES AND.FELTS. next all o'clock in tho nftcrnnou of thut diy 180l,at 11:35 o'clocic a.m.,in liber 83of mort- AGRICULTURAL SALT, per ton ©SCO lowed tho Platio river. It was a continuous Moved and supported that report of employment at wages as high as then Measles, followed wltb a dreadful which said premlsea aro dcacrlhed in said mort by statute, which is tho whole amount claimed "samouess" through the entire state. vs. the Lanalug National Bank, as­ When I put my large advertisement committee be^ allowed aud orders paid. No ludualry baa beeu impaired, gago as follows ,10 wit: All that certalu pioco or lo ho unpaid on said mortgage, nnd no suit or ages, on page 33, and tbo same is now owned LAND PLAS'IEB, per ton 5 60©8 Od iu your county papers this spring, Cough nnd turning into a Fever. parcel of laud situate in the townBhiii of vovay in proceeding having boon InBtitutcd at law to ro. g HAY, por ton 7 00 On entering Colorado the scene Is somowhat sumpsit, and Warren S. Abies vs. drawn for same.' Carried. Yeas, Aids. Michigan (Tentral unless it be thut of tbe importer of: iDoctors at iiome. and Detroit treated the county oif Ingham, and State of Michigan, and cover the debt now icmaiulng secured by said y blm. - HVK STOCK AND MKATS, ciianged. the land Is more rolliuK and less Merrlt L. Coleman, tieanass on the people were amazed at the claims put Brown, VanSlyke, Peek, Neely i^nd L. BLISS. foreign goods.; wliile a number of I And whereas, titc wbolo amount claimed to CATTLE, per 100 pounds 2 5q@8 00 forward, but their amazemeut la now " The Niagara Fails Route." her, but iu vain, she grew worse rapid deecrlbedas follows to wit: Thu north half (U) mortggng e or any part thereof, whereby tho power bo unpaid on aaid mortgago at tbo dato of thia HOGS, per 100 pounds.. 3 25133 60 productive, tho principal crop boiug airalfa case, both growing out of the AUen- Smith. foreign capitaliats, recogniisliig the ly, until she waa a mere "baudful of of tbo northeast quarter {'a) of bocHou twenty, of Bale contained in said mortgage has bocomo PORK,dressed, por 100 pounds ms oa clover of wlilcli three crops are cut each year Whittacre affair, will be tried during doubled by tho fact of every claim SOUTHWARD. live, except tbo uant llfteen ucrun. operative. notice ia the sum orSl,U'.!7.17, of which aaid sum 8® 0 nnd the last was then being scoured. We Moved by Aid. VanSlyke, supported futility of further etforta at "revenue of bonea."—Then she tried Dr. King's (08.07 is now duo together Willi an attornoy fee HAMS, per pound rido miles without seeing a green siirub or thla term. having been made good null true In by Aid. Smith that the chair appoint .roform"iiu the Uirectloubf free forelKU Dated Oct. 21,1801. JAMES KITSON, Now, therbforn, notice is horoby given, tiiat hy of SIB and legal cuate, and no suit or CHICKENS, per pound, dressed.. , m lu the short space of less than one year's a. m. a. m. n. m. p. m. NiCW Discovery and after the use of K. 8. AVBIIV, AB«ilglleo. virtue of Iho auld power nf salo, and in pur«n- proceeding having been instituted at law to re­ 0HlCKEN8,per pound, nlWe tree. So." me: to try a bottle ol Dullam's Great from the dato lot this order and that withlu tance In length of nearly 10 miles, and In Db. Holman S. Humphbky,- «um buys more goods for the coiufort Dated Sontombor 2,1801. twenty days the complainant cause this order to many places tho elevation oxcoediug 25 por £dward Schlotter and three caaes Hamilton,llldh., April 11,1801. German Uterine Tonic, and after tak­ E. 8. A'^BRY, Attorney for AssiEUco. cent, ol its course. It roaulios tho aitltudo ot Chicago, III. and Hillsdale, Mich. and ndorDmoiH.Of homo thau at any ing three, bottles, can say I am iu t. E. SPAPFUKD, Assignoo. bo published in the Inoimm Countv News, aaid againstCbiules Bomenaki, all grow­ For sale by O. W- Halstead & Sou. » provloufl date in the world's .history. publication to lie continnod once ta each week 14,1:17 feet above tbo sea level. Itself It plain­ ing out of violations of the liquor law; Dr. H. R. Burner, better healtii than I bare been for 20 for six weeks in anccCBslon or that a copy of ly shows what perseverance and capital can Chief Assistant. This Js the coodltiou of,af(aira.diat ao years nnd am now sixty years old, but "THE ACME" tlila order bo served on said dofondant poreonolly do and one is constrained to ask who would tho people va. George und Anna overwhelmed the I thoorlea. nf tluiae nt least twenty days before tho time of appear­ lirst coiieolva tlio Idon o( coustrnotliig a rail­ Fronck, secreting stolen property: Next visit In Maaon October 29. TRAVEi|«pUBLICI feol as young aa at thirty.-t$1 a bottle. GRICULTURAL ance proBctlbcd heroin. road up suoli giddy hoighta and over such -THE- whoall along hayo prated about the obstacles as tliey oncouiitorod. Rooks had to tho case of Theodore Mevls, charged OtHce at the Donnelly House. "bligliting inljuehce of a protective Jiiiiea,' 18W. Mks, Thom. Tandy, A BOILER. IIGLLIN n. PEBSON, be blasted und chasms spanned lu ollmbliig with stealing a horse and wagon, and , The mall route trom Datisville to Maioii policy,", For tho tlidusatiuth tluio, Fllnt,.MIch. ForsalebyO. W. Hal­ For Cooking Feed for Sleek, A. M. (!tiji.«iNa, Clrcnit Jiidgo. the steep. Tlio day I made tho ascent thoy the cuso of the people va. John Breisoh, having been dlaooutlnned, tbe aubsorlben •Complainant's Solicitor. 0w7 bad to stop an.f-'omove a largo rook from the will hereolter run a vehicle over the road und never more forcibly, haa a tariff stead'& Son. Healing Water, and Qener- track that Und como down the mountain dur­ charged wltb obtaining money under The Sackctt-Kiuzlc. mm MMT Mim dallyCSundaysand the 4tU of July eteeptedl fnujied with, tbo'uvowed'object of foa- sling Stetm for Various Pur-Uuicd. ing thu niglil.. I assui'o ynu this climb wnsa false pretenses, IMie Saekett-KInzIe dramatlo com­ for the oonveyance of passengers, express: Uow Often grand niglit from start to tlnlsh. Thoro is a pany entertained a crowded house In and freight, at reasonable rates, reaving tSS torlug domestic iiidustiles, while pro­ potoi. lit. percoptlblo dlll'ercnce lu tlio atinosplioro, Is ever ready to serve you vlUeatf o'olook A. M. and arriving at MMon ;?':::-:^«^l viding: revenue for support of govern- of Crete, Kai'lICuxva. the Central Michigan Slozart hail last night. Every seat We see some young, man who has. For Doscrlptlvo Circular for t iitleotnig all luoro or leas. Somo fainted; Savings Bank, motion for a new trial best. Kept by atorbeforelOo'cIook A. M., returning at aui* Salt Rhaum, Eonma, Woundi, Burns, ineHt,, worked its vindluatltMi by secur­ and Price List, address the into tho ot.linrs said they foil "bo light" Uioy could was taken and many were compelled times each day as shall beat promote tht •'^•':...'^S'V''S'3,fl squandered his money and ruined his hardly toll wliollier tlioy wore standing or denied. Two charges against B. .Stoll convenience of tbe pnbUo. ^ ' • ' V .8oraai''C«upjVBrbnbhllla,'EitJijV-'^'-rv;^ '''•'•^^Sfl^ii ing at the same time a home'competi­ health by excesses, und before 30years manufaoturor, C. H. DICK e Chicago not. I fella lack ofbrcatli for a moment nnd to stand up. This speaks well for the tion tbat;miuiiul!ie8 the prices of, pro- of Stookbridge for violation of liquor popularity of tbe company, which Is HEBMAN FRAZEL. dfitge is an ;

''itilBiiSM^^ uuoki.e:8 MORTALS i.^.V.'V'A^j'V-^^v!J.'?.^^:K;;'''^?.V>:''' —. WHKAT rieUD« aOBMtRQBD. murphvVmission. 'tiM'WM'KiUad iHMlirilt|'.Hartta;a Ball*' KKw.FAr«.W MICHIOAN STATE NEWS. aoM. onublunombo. .,a„,^on»u.aiKo«hW .ra..^ . ' 7 \ i^HE CHRIOTIAN BATT£^ resnrreotloh of nothing, aiid'in jthe life' Wo'.hovVfa havob gogott to.to'' e»••:•;•.,",•• .'• .that never •shall'', be. '^'Amonl"' 'That. IS' «i>"i.o«'on'' .. ••'... r A Ckleata,* .LOW8. . Varmaniito'.'.CMa'for It. - 'Amerlc'an Worn.'''•'•':••,••'::,• :'••,.:•..:!,•'-''' .•Bermou • by:,Bev.'.1V ^.Dewftlti'jiriu. ple In this day-' If you hove a mind to body guard composed exclusively .of AN KXCCLLENT UIi.MRUY FUKE OV .OUAItOi:; to'' Sho In n nuUiicrlber or nou III.—The 'aaclMar anil' Tbraa>i'Ciileaso:' , DicmtfOK, O.. .ObtVlS. — T%e]^ bouses all tho w%ek. Wo have got to oil who are bona lido suflorors from Chroule tfaiiniaMaU Ata KUtad—Ordaa Caraloaa* I ST.'PAVt,'Minn., Cot 14.~ItisBnow» , . Wabdixo'ton, Oct l the: close of laat: year's encampment, gineer James Clark and Fireman acres of wheat flolda. It is the consen­ duced himself almoattothepolnt of beg­ Henry Matthuse, of Montpelier, O. And lllll liaud olavu unto tho sword.—II. hand. I tell you my friends, Ve IJloomsbury Sijunre, London, England. They were brothers and were seated Bamiicl, xxlll. . of righteousness. want a few John Knoxes and John ,T]lE empress of Austria smokes nearly r |toRiGlobo's correapondent, loved- and leaves ,91,185,04 In the treasury. Tha Frank Lafferty. The tralnv was sus of opinion among, elevator moo that gary„_..,. Murphy turned up at the Paris I forty Turkish cigarettes a day. She keeps —your sufferings from Cdtarrli.-f,: side by side;. Ten of the injured per­ A great general of King David was As I look nt Eleazar's hond I also Wesloys In the Christian church to-day. "Mr full ti'"ntle Is getting quite brisk," •biifirbt in marriage a Piovldenoo girl following officers were chosen for the speeding along at fort.y miles an hour not less than 4,00U,0OO bushels of wheat exposition with plans of' ' a "co' m pal- them in a silver box tliot stands on her That is, if yoil go about it in !the;'j^^^ jtw'onty years ago, but hor stern father, to make up lost time. Through tho Franklln sons wilt die. AU the pablio Iraildlngs Eleaziir. tho hero of tho text The notice his spirit of self-forgctfulness, The whole tendency is to refine on said tlio slippery pool as the sixlh pnsHor- ensuing'year: will botef t to rot in the :flolds. Colonel ace," but Director General Philistines opened bottlo ogoinst him' ^yriting table and deposits the ashes in by yicldod lo tlioexactiona ol gravity.—Bal­ right way. '^;-V;',-!^;-;!' i» inilUonalro by the woy, said hay; Grand patriarch, E.'K'Root,'«>( Platnwellt negligence of some one the switch at and tho American commissioners in Uioksvlllo have been tamed into llo did not notice thot tho hilt of his Christian work. We keep on refining timore American. P. B. Walker, of Minn^apolla, said and his troops retreated. Tho cowards a golden tray. There are plenty of '\vrong ways,^.;-; grand tilffh prieat, Edwin n. JobDsoo, oflLuth. Crete leading to the roundhouse hod snubbed him and deolined to have any­ hospitals and doctors from Defiance sword was eating through tho pnlm of on it .until we send apologetic word to Tuesday evening^ fled, Eluazar nnd three of his com­ .;! Siii John PorK«PB*!Ka8BV, in whoso er; grand acribe, E. H. Whitney, ot Lansing; I been left open. Upon the switch-track thing to do with the com project The and Fort Wayne are attending the in­ his hand. He did not know It hurthlm. Iniquity wo aro about to capture it. The Only Oiio Kvcr Printed—Uau I'ott Find ,that perhaps you'vo ; found oiit.;i\ grand treasurer, Andrew Harabaw, of Alpena; "1 have ]ust returned from a trip tbrougb tha rades wont into the bottle oud swept MosTuotbocoufoiindodwilhcommon cath­ Iho VVorrI'.' person the Irish people flrst robijked ' were two flat cars loaded with coal. Rod rlvor valley, and It mado my boarl actaa to treatment he received made many be­ jured. Vlco President King, who waa As ho went out into the conflict ho was And v.-e must go with sword sllver- They may relieve foT a time, but-:: aenlor wardoCi John B. PsnUeld, of Vlcksburg; the field, for four mon with God on artic or iiui'gative pills. Carter's Littlo Liv­ Tliere Is a 3 inch display ndvcrtisemont Piarnoll, died on tbe same day as tho Junior warden, Joslata Dandy, ol Orand Raplda; The train whirled around the curve wltnoaa tbo ruin, la order to appruclato it ono lieve Murphy was a crank, nnd in his car, is badly wounded. The en­ so anxious for the victory he forgot cha.scd nnd presented' by tho ladioa er PlllBiiroontiroly unlike them in ovory ro- they don't cure. ' -'^li must actually soo it. There aro thousands ot their side arc stronger than a whole in thia pnpcr, this week, whleli hus no nvo i liito leader. There is something in this roprcaontailvo. to grand aoverclga lodge, W, south of the village and' plunged into he was treated accordingly. After gine, moil car and coaches were not himself,' ond that hilt might go never and wo must ride on white palfrey un spect Olio trial will prove their aupci'iorit.v. Worse yet, thoy may drive tho- - acres ot simply wonuortul wheat nelds almost battalion wiUi God ogoinst them, "Fa.ll words aliltc o.\cept ono word. Tho same Is .ooonrronoo that can not /oil to ottrtict W. Owen, ol MualiogoD, the open switch "There was a collision getting the cold shoulder from Ameri­ derailed, but every sleeping car and so deeply into tho palm of his bandit dor embroidered housing, putting the true of each new 0110 appearing each weok, disease to the lungs. You can't-•; utterly destroyed by tbs rains. And the nud 1 back!" shouted tho commander of the I "LovB levels all ranks," bnt uot tho rank 'ili<)'attontlon of the euperstitlous. of terrific force, and a 'moment later It la pertoetly execrable. Day urtor day wa can olHcials ho turned hla attention to tho private car of tho oiBcersof the could not disturb him. "His hand olove spurs in only just enough to moke the from The Dr. Hui'tor Medicino Co. This Henllh In MIohlcan. Philistino army. The cry ran along odor of an onion, that is too much for it house places a "Crescent" on overylhlng ,affor d to experinient. roundhouse, engine, tender and bag­ tramped In tho alush aorosa Holds—slush halt- tho American tourists in Paris. With rood turned over twice. unto the sword." O, my brothers anu cliargor dance gracefully, nnd thou we soinetinios.—Philadelphia Press. Beports to the state board of health knee deep. Tbe roporta published la tbo pa. the host: "Fall backl" Elcazar, having tlio.v mako and publish. Loolc for it, send | But ther(3 is a right way, and a. The Arizona tcrrltorlol logislaturs gage car were together in a shapoles.'j his wife and cook ho visited the hotels When tho express train was at a sisters, lot us go into Christian conflict must send a missive, delicate as n wed­ I them the name ol' the word antl the.v will by sixty-eight obsorverajn different pera do not half cover tbo devastation. Aa far Bwept tho field, throws himself on tho I Denti.sts - are not all fdi'iners, but they sure 5v,ay, that doea cure. Thou­ •at itfi last session passed an act exempt-' mass of splintered and steaming debris. which Americans patronized and sur­ point not far from the station, where It with the spirt of self-abnegation. Who ding card, to ask the old black giant of ! retni'ii you boolc, beautiful lithographs or parts of the state for the week ended BB tbo oyo can roach In ovory direction ara • ground to rest, but the muscles and live oir the achers jiist tho same.—Fitta- samples I'reo. ingalllaod nsod in the cultivation of Pour of the men who had been in tho great big shocks ot wheat, and it all would prised them at their dinners by laying is not scheduled to atop, in rounding a cores whether the world praises us or sin if ho will not surrender. burtfli Dispatch. sands or othei'AvisQ hopeless casea- October to indicated that pneu­ engine were burled under the heap of •Incws of hln hand had boon so long! Sugar beets, as well as the plant and •have graded No. 1 hard had it beoa thrushod before them generous supplies of shorp ciirvo oh an embankment 80 feet denounces us? What do we caro for You and I have .seen It many a time. have proved it. - It's with Dr. Safe's- ; monia, cerebro-splnal meningitis and ruins. The fireman escaped serious bent around' tbo hilt of tho sword 1 "Tnosi; are L'npitnUei.torti," said the man machinery employed in the manufact- out before tho rain foil. Now nothing can American' "johnny-coke." American hlirh tho four rear cars—tbree coaches I misrepresentation, or abuse, or perse­ There ore in the United States to-day If .vou want to bo cured of a coiigh use who wrote I 0 U in acknowiedgeinent of a Catarrh Remedy. By its mildj i'i' scarlet fever increased, and ty­ Injury by leaping from tho cab. il„ I bedouo. Ii'a too lato to save oven a modicum. that the hilt wos ' imbedded m tiro of domestic sugar, from taxation cornstarch pudding and other corn and vlco Froaldent King's private cution in a conflict like this? Let us many aged minister of the Gospel. Halo's Honey of Iloreliound and Tar. much wanteil loiui.—Wnshinglon Star. soothing, cleansing and healing-, f phoid fever, inflammation of the , , . . _ 'Were tho shoclts in a condition to bo thrashed In the llosh, and the gold , wire Piko'sToolbacho Drops Cure in ono mlnuto. iOr io years. focKls. car—left the track and rolled forget ourselves, Thitt man who is They aro too feeble now to preach. In brain ond cholera infantum decreased and several others aboard the train re- jt would bo a pbyalcal impoaslblllty to do of the hilt' had broken through Fast 'I'rulii tVost. properties, it perm.anently cures the- celved sUirht bruises and cuts. The anything with the crop for the reason that tho When Secretary Rusk took hold of ^ down tho embankment, turning afraid of getting his hand hurt will tho church records the word opposite in area of prevalence. Diphtheria was the .skin of tho palm of tho TniniE ia many a dynamiter wlio Is afraid PassencerB bound west arriving at Chl- worst chronio cases. Catarrhal. , : BsioKB is finding its champions In roster reads: • 'teams cannot haul the wheat lo tho thrashers. agricultural affairs ho was greatly over twice in their descent to the never kill o Philistine. Who cares their namo is "emeritus," or tbo words to give ills uiother-in-lnw a blowing up.— capooii nil Eastern Trunk Linos atS.OOto reported at thirty-five places, scarlet hond, and ho could not drop the sword Headache, "Cold in the Head "~- /England, notwithstanding tho efforts -Tho dead: Leonard Washburne, baseball , nor haul luol to the onglaes. "Tha surprised that no official effort had bottom. Tho train was running at a wliothor you got hurt or not if you tret aro, "a minister without charge." Texas Siflines. O.JlO p. Ul., miiko good connection with tho fever at thirty-two, typhoid fever at which ho had so gallantly wielded. now train on the Cliieago, R.ock Islands; everything catarrh.il in its nature,, ; .'hiado to prcvont its dlAusiuu iu the edltoroftbeluC Ocean; Frank M-Cafl^^^^ in the flrat place arose over been made in Paris to show the value speed of SO miles an hour and tho the victory? Oh, how many Christians They were a heroic race. They hrtd forty-eight and measles at five places, i getting bolp to do the tbraablag, but tha "His hand clavounto tho sword." That Paoilio called ttie "Big Five Limited," that ^atmoapliot'Q. It is claimed that tho artist for -the Inter Ocean; Fred Henry, re­ of American corn as a food. .Ho heard crash was awful. In a momont the air there nre who arc all the time worry­ small salaries, ond but few books, ond MoxKY talks. In America it talks cents, is tho nnl.v Inst tram leaving Chiciife'o nt 10 is cured as if by magiti. porter for tbe Inter Ocean; JUmes Claric, en­ railway companies succoodod in gottlog botb is what I call magnificent fighting for nnd in Franco it is always franc iu its ut­ •carbon in the smoke is a powerful do- mon and machines into the Holds. When thoy of Mui^phy and wrote to him just about was hideous with the groans and ing about tho way the world treats thoy swam spring freshet to moet terances. . p. m. daily, nnd arrives at Denver at 7.40 a, It's a way so sure that tho in'O-!- Hcrolam of » Wounded I.ad. gineer, Danville, 111, the Lord God of Israel. And wo wiint m. Jno. StiiAS'riAX, G. T. &. P. A. fodorizor and, as such, ia a bles&ing "Injured: Frank Lafferty, (Iremau, Danrlllo. arrived thoy were powerless. Nothing can ba the time that the "corn crank" was on shrieks ot tho injured and impriaoncd them. They are so tired, and they aro their appointments. But they did While Edward Reynolds, a farinor'a more of it. I propose to show you this prietors of Dr. Sage's Remedy: | -.Mil ? 22 years—I suffered with rheu­ ficers were olceted us follows: Presi­ thrash. In the northern part of North first test. Just as tho locomotive lial truth, and let tho rest of the truth go, roe. Ho had wielded vast inllueneo, RYE-W,aierii '.illViJj in-li I ing. The return train left at •:j:30 and He got Abraham S. Hewitt to intro­ lo work as I begin to play," and for bnt I only knew him as a very aged POKlv-M,--s.s, New 11 iJO i,-n'-'.5 It is believed that the indiscrlrainatr) dent, A. E. Cole, FowlerviUe; vice the newspaper men took berths in the Dakota there will, however, be more duce a bill in congres.'* givins' 8100,.000 been run off the switch tliora BO that the Philistines, seeing tho forty minutes, during tho awful pangs LAKU—Wifsleni Sleuin G 7i'.'.(iii « 7.5 matism of the hip. I •was cured by the use of sianghtev of birds for tholr plumage is president, D. P. Deraing, Tuscola; sec­ loss' from lack of laborers thau from wos o puff of steam, a loud re­ loosened grasp, wrench the whole man. The most remarkable thing about BUT'l'Er.~Wijalo.-n Creamery. i'D U 3i' sleeper. toward introd ucing this arliolo abroad, of amputation, lie moved not u muscle him was his ardor for Christ. Wlion he vcsponslWo for the alarming increase retary, Sliss Anna E. I'otter, Lansing; Tliey arose at 8 o'clock and on going bad weather. but the bill failed to pass. Aftor port and the men wore blown BWord away from them. 'I'ho onl.y safe nor dropped a note, while he played CHIC.XGO. St. Jacobs Oil. T. C. DODEh of injurious insects. Novor in tlie his­ lecturer, C. E. Loekwood, Coldwater. Northwestern Minnesota gives about iu every direction. An cxauiina* thing for ns to do is to nut our thumb could- not stand up in the meetings BEEVES-Shlpplag Steers.... SS 40 (ft 0 25 to the dining-car wore surprised to twenty years Secretary Rusk takes up somo sweet tune. Oh, is it not strange without propping ho would throw hla CoK-s a 1 !iU (iji ;) W tory ol the farm and garden have tho meet Loouiird Wasliburue, the well- the same report as North Dakota. It Tlldon's Idea nnd Is putting his best tion of tho engine showed that on the Book of Genesis and .sweep our that with tho music of the Gospel of SUieliiii'.s 'a uu (lli il 7.5 » "m RIGHT I ST. JACOBS OIL DID IT." fl farmer ntiii gnrtlcuer been corapelleiJ to Sliutiorod Ills ilaw. commenced raining again about Crook- I the crown-sheet of the boiler had given hand around tho book until the New arm around a pillar of the church, I-'eeilvl's 2 M © » 25 known baseball writer. efforts into making It a success. Up to Jesus Christ, nnd with this grand march and though his mind was partially gone, lUUeliei-s'Sioers a tO (ii; 4 SJ flglit such a variety and suoli a quantity An Intoxicated man attempted to os- ston Monday and continued all day. way, though it was supposed it would Testament comes into tho palm, and of the church militant on tbo way to Bulls 1 n.) & ;i t)i At Moraence Henry and McCurt'orty Ills" ,.r Mriimzl^' i e,ilitl,I.Mn-i> th.' d,iul,if coiilil his love for Christ was so groat that oil HOOS-I.lve ;i T.'i H 4 75 of Insott pests aa thoy aro now com­ sist Deputy Sheriffl Ford, of Ontonagon ! There havo been only a few days , l'',itlii'rKill }',••:ii nil l''ili,-l,ls v/l\., Iiiivij Ih'imi eiil-,',stoo] d nt least 230 pounds. « on sweeping our hand around the book become tho church triumphant wc can invited AVashburne to rideit: the en­ Iiud nihiit.illy. Dihi^KSii or d-'bili were In deep respect and profound admi­ HI I EE 1=" 3 .IJ la 0 S.'5 pelled to fight. county, to arrest an escaped convict at ' gine and hi! aocopted the "invitatioii. of dry weather in four weeks, and 1 whil,.' i,v..r )-wi,U-^S "'"iil'illy. Dihi'sBii or d,'bili' until the tips of our fingers clutch at not forget ourselves and forget ,ill DTJTTIOR Creamery IS »i. 3) Lake Gogebic. The ollicer ordered him farmers are getting discouraged. In ,lL-niii!ii,n.Hl.i-, „n(i /,-*' •";x._rMiilill)X f'rpldly ;d.,^tf,,yf d'>Mr,,yl ntli (linn ,tnt.rt;i,-r „mT(;i>'i« OF COMfWERCE. ration, and wore moved when ho spoke. (iooil to C'l.olce Dairy II © 21! V A S E LIN E JMy=Y. The engineer aud fireman gave their incu iimvcii thnt (if il'H' I'luHtieity• • . djiu..i th•e •}iru;h t i GROWTH the words: "In tho beginning God pang and all sorrow and oil persecu­ away, but in spite of tho command he i Traverse county and central westeru it!,,, iiinl i,rti'n ili'„l i-.,yf^ tlii' hriiilil I was called to see him die. I entered EGOS—Fresli W„H 20 A Zulu prince, tho youngest son of guests tile best seats iu the cab. As the a liriwiivor r)Iuni-i- litin is th,, niiiiiifin-ini.' ,'f i.:iinii,l Incrouio In tho Exports nnd Imports created the heavens nnd the earth." I tion and all perturbation. UKOfi.M COll.M- -AN nrVALTfABLB FAini.T EEMED-y FOB- covered the convict with a revolver and Minnesota the larger portion of the like an infidel a great do.il better than the room, and be said; "Mr. Talmuge, Hiu-I • .'I'-S'^n -Iii icing Cetowa Tetowa, is an interesting train approached Crete the speed had D'urliig the Vour. We kuow what men accomplish under Bnma, WoundB.Spralna. Rheumatism, Skin DiaeaaeB, Hemorrhoids, Bun Duma,: •in a moment of excitement drew the wheat has not yot boon thrashed, and I do ono of theso namby-pamby I can not speak to you now.' Ho was .Solf-H'orkln:; .'I'/jfJ fii-i Cbilblaina,JEto. Taken Internally, Will Curo Croup, Hguve on tbo streets of St. Louis, Tho been increased to 40 or 45 miles an hour. Ip.luiiiRi, insiiiu-, I tn (lot bull (>r«»»n ,,r -irni.n.-t i tiikI t»i*i Washinqton, Oct 1,').— A compar­ worldly opposition. Jlen do notshrink Daina-.'ci Sli® i!% trigger. The prisoner's jaw was shat­ men and machines are grbatly needed. «,'n |iliio,Mi« I,, hlTtii'l lilt, tinip'T fiiiiiiii.,11 J rie.,i;„l, Christians who hold a part of in a very pleasant delirium, ns ho Im­ POTATOES (lier hu.l 'JO & 2.S Cougha, Colds, Sore Tbroat, Etc, prince is a stalwart young man weigh­ South of Crete there is a sharp curve I orijiin itnil fin/illy bni't.'< W(,r.Ti iieim,l ative statement has been prepared at back for antiigonism, or for hiirdship, tered by the ball, but no fatal injury ' ' ifiil.,r0(i tho truth, und 'ot the rest go. By agined he hud nn fuulienco before him. I'OHK—.Mes.s S .50 & 8 iVlV, ing 180 pounds, with a face of a rich to the east and at .the bond there is a SEAS MOUNTAIN HIGH. pro itt-olC. Iv-.'n in ...iiii., tii'i,-,"* wh'Mi ll.ifl if) iii'itt tho treasury department, showing the Vou hove admired Proscott's "Conquest LAliU-aicam (1 (u)Oyi!-i eURE VASELINE (2-02. boHle) lOots. VASELINE SOAP, Unsoenled lOots. was expected. | tuicni'd uiiimiiid sldU inny i-l,i|i tlm il,.III-..-7.. , mlnicle God preserved this Bible just Ho said: "I must toll these people to •copper hue and curly red hair. He is semaphore target signal. The sema­ volume nud value of exports and im­ of Mexico," as brilliant nnd beautiful FLUUK-Sprinp Patents D irj (10 .'1 75 VASELINE SOAP,Perfumeil ..25 " Short but .>»trity Itnm*. i ronrful KBoct of the Storm -Vlong •'»• Ivooporatiiini„, •,„„,,„,.-, siiiy. lli., inrTO.il, a, ,.. f :l.i, din- Iv l;nr,'l as it is, and it is o Damascus blade. como to Christ and prepare for Heaven." W'.iiiei' t tttunts 5 CO (11, fl 25 POMADE VASELINE (2-oz. bottle) -15 " ono of t",vcnty-one clilldvcn, his father phore announced a clear track. .Tust ... ^, . u Tl,.... 1 bd kIvKivo tlitlioo pnti.'l.pntifi.tt liii r.iiufiirLiilr.mifiirLiilili uu;,n, ;,n,ll 11-',ii-i,-- • fi ports. According to this statement, a history ns wus ever written, but some lluUerii' 4 .50 & -i '.!> WHITE VASELINE (2-oz. HdIIIb) 25 " Peter Teller, an ex-resident of Bay n>!( iiM The severest tost to wbicli a sword cfin And then in this pleasant delirium,'both VASELINE COLD CREAM 16 " possessing tlie luxury of forty wives. nofth of tho station thoro is a switch Atlantlc Coast - Several Llvoa Loat-Other ciihto, if nnKleotml. uftor pii6Biu.< during the eleven months from October of yon may not Icnow under what dis­ GKAIN-Wheut. No, 20u3li.... »5-y»5-;.i© 'M'.i i CAMPHORATED VASELINE (2-oz, tiollle) 25 " Fnrluufi Gules In Europe. in stano, dlo in spito iit nil tlmt (.kill i-iin be put in the sword factory is to wind arms lifted, this octogenarian preached Corn, No. 2...... 14'-a'' © He is being educated by Baptist minis­ City, died at Areola, Jliss. loading to a roundhouse. Tho soutli- y.ifr 1, 18!»0, to August ,S1, 1891, tho total advantages it was written—that Con­ VASELINE CAMPHOR ICE 10 " CARBOLATED VASELINE (2-OL l)Ottlol--25 " •v..,.r v.,,,,^ f><.f n Tbo Wnrlfl «nvs '^n™.'''""h dnn««ron» lod„i(iy, but tho blade around a gun barrel like a Christ, and told uf the glories of tho Ouls, No. 2 27-iir«i ters for missionary worlc in Africa. The Micliig.an cranberry crop is re­ bound freight at fl::i0 hud switched two poSltlv value of tho foreign commerce is quest of 5fexico—for Proseott was to­ K,-e, .\'o. 3 !KW \oitK, Oct. 14.—ino i>onu bays <,ri„,„„|_ „, „y„ j,,^ Pers ribbon, and when the sword is lot loose world to come. There, lying on his dy­ 1 la rlny—CItioiL 10 Choice.... Be baraful to nccopt only the Banulao, nut up and labolod by us, if you -wlBh to ror olvo valuo for ported as almost a complete failure. , -." " .•"„„ *,,v ,'„rn,-,vi:r,, UIIO SI,0011,783,300. or an increase of S74,70S,- tally blind, and he had two pieces of .••12 (tt flat cars loaded with coal on the track thaoff tUockawa probablyy twentbeachy blivey tbs ewor e l"'-it raK«o, far more il„in for .,nrs,.lvoH, and ant pro it flies back to its own shape. So the ing pillow, his dying hsmd clave to his I.UMBEK- yourmonoy. If any doalor offorB you aa Ualtatlon or aubotltuto, docUno it DO NOT BB OHEASBDTi The systematic replanting of tha Tiie ,Iuly drought is to blame for this leading to tho roundhouse. Whether storm of crime uguinHt theso to ncgloet unrselvee niontli. 030 over the value of the foreign com­ wood fastened pjirnllel to each other, ond Sunday and Sunday night. Among. _; ireinatnr_,o death cIhsch tho Hciinu. jnrions sword of God's truth has been fully sword. Bi'ltii-.' m 0:> H'M 03 CHE8EBROUCH MANUFACTURING COMPANY. JIalagan forests ia urged in a Ivew bul­ state of ali'air.s. I or not the freight crew went awa.y Among: i,i,B„,„. „, merce during tlio corresponding period with his pen between those pieces of Plio.-i ig ;i'l OJ di.'M I" doot,/r. tested, !ind it is bent this w.ay and that letin, or^gntta perclia will disappear. The new board of control of .state leaving tho switch open is to bo learned. of tbe previous year, when it was wood he wrote, tho stroke against one There is the headless body of Paul Coininii.'i liourds i:! uu rn.i:! .'iQ The trainmen lijivo beeu arrested at Won. ^ way, bnt it always comes back to its F,;iK-lP.g. 12 OJ lilil to JFilty years ago gutta perobu was un- penal institution.s has adopted a reso­ 8t,539,01!i,037. The average annual in- piece of wood tolling how far the pen on tbo rood to Ostea. His groat brain Lill.ll l>ry •! !/J ru; 2 i:u Danville. Tbe ill-fated passenger train New "Vork, who star ' Wliti'.'t S1,539,01M,0:27. The ttvcrnge aiinnal in- own .shape. Think of it! A book' writ­ Itnown iu Europe. Now the annual must go In one wn.y, the stroke ogalnst Olid his great heart have been severed. .Slilngle.s ; 2 00 «j. 2 110 lution to tbo effect;that its manage­ ' did not intend to stop at Crete. The nfternoou in two boats to tish for shark, ja. No cotting7no paiu. nii dniigi,, and kini crease of foreign commerce during tho ten eighteen centuries ago, and some ST. LOUIS. ILLINOIS CENTRAL consumption amounts to 1,000,000 the other piece of wood telling how far The olmwood rods had stung him fear­ ment should bo strictly unpartisan. sp(!ed was increased rather than abated Tbe Storm came up shortly after theyl Manhaod rorfcctly l{cKiarelon- freo of duty during the corrospondiug and try to wrench out of your lumd tbo got in prison, the rheumatism affecting A. N. Kellogg Newspaper Go. to multiply lliey will evcntuall.y be of eureor. For a number of years ho acted u.s see- eleven iiiontlis of the prior year, an in­ Or sailed tlirougli bloody seas? -the greatest value to the country, ftir- Prof. John ,T. Anderson, of Holland, i wllh the whole roundhouse piled on top of It." cliiy. The Alaska rode the storm well. entire lifo of the Lord Jesus Christ and his limbs, or the neuralgia piercing his I Tbo shoelv tlirew tho passengers from Durins' the storm the assistant piirsor ; relury of legations in ailTorent countries, and crease of .?n3,031,80l. What have wo sufl'ored in comparison i|\ A TELEGRAPH OPERATOR'S: . nisliLng food, clothing and tho means of formerly member of the faculty of : oigliteon or nineteen yenrs ago was secretury your associates in the store, or the temples, or the thirst th:it fevers his their scuts, but none were injured save j bad two ribs and an arm broken und The value of importations ot mer­ with those who expired witb suffoca­ Syrup" WORK IS PLEASANT r •jtaimsportation. Hope college, went out for a sail and ! of tho German legnlloa at •Waslilngion. llo wua shop, or the factory, or the banking- tion, or were burned, or wore chopped tongue? Oh, no. His hist words ore We offer fd our Customers and The Trade Pays Rood WBKOB nnU loads :\ tho boat capsized and be was drowned. those named above. Not until l;;jO was several soiiinen and passengers sus- I appointed minister to this countr.v in May, chandise free of duty during the fiscal house will try to wrench out of your the b.ittle shout for Christendom: "I totliQnlBboatposltlon&, Wa^-' the wreelcage cleared away sulllciently to pieces for the truth's sake? We tnllc Those who have not generally the most satisfactory work possible tcnoU It tiulclily anaBtart,-: Parker, Webb & Co.'s packing bouse taiued miuor iii.'jurieB. j 1SS8. Previous I o that tlino he wus consul gen. year ISIIO was §305,088,030, tho largest hand the entire Bible; but in tbe om now ready to be offered, nnd tho ourffraduatos In riuiroiidor- : SEOiiETAilv Tii.vcv will in Ins next to reveal any of the bodies. 'Wasliburne of the persecution of olden times. A Throat used Boschee's Ger­ in Detroit ivas damaged to the e.vtont , Considerablf, ilaiiiage has been done ' oral in Egypt for tliree yenrfl. Count .\rco Val- in any year in tho history of tlie com- strength of tho Lord God of Israel, and time of my departure is at hand; I havo In these branches. Our facilities enable.us cominorcliil sorvlco. Orops^: report to Congress rccorainend the was found lying between the engine ! ley wus divorced from hla wife, tlio Au.strJua mereu. In comparison it will bo ob­ Thoro is just as much persecution go­ uro snlondld, llallroaas are v of .SlOO.OOO by fire, and Joseph lleefe along till! Ne\' ,Torse,y coiist by liio with Eleazar's grip, hold on it Yon ' fought the good fight" And so his dy­ man Syrup for some vory •busy. Oporawrsiiro In : i building o£ a number o£ 1,000-ton gun­ and tender. A bolt of .somo ll.yingond ; actress JanUhn.] served that tlio valuo of imports of ing on now in various ways. In 1840, and Lungr to turo out worli very rapidly. If you desire was burned to death. Sturm. The whole coast, from Sand.y give up tho Bible, you give up any part in Aladagasciir, eighteen men were put ing hands clave unto tho sword. severe and chronic rakWiV^fffiJ.*" boats, to be used for const defense, nud of some rod bad passed almost en­ Hook Point to Seaside I'iiric, is strewn freo morebaudise for those cloven to release your type on some large job, send Miss Hello AVindies, a teacher iu tho tirely through his head, which of it, and you give up pardon and to death for Christ's sfiko. Thoy were Specialty. trouble ofthe Throat Valentino's School of Iclcscaiilir. JoncBTlllo, Wla— tho recommendation will probal;!.',' with wroelvago. Tlio waves were i THE WATERWAYS. months was .593,093,707 greater than for peace, and lifo and Heaven. It was in the front room ontbosecord and lyungs can hard­ meet with general favor. It will t:i!:o Spring Arbor schools, was l:illed by a was ci'usluul nnd scorched al­ to bo hurled over tho rocks, and before floor that my father lay u-dying. It was It to us for either stereotyping or electrotyp- nuicli higher than at an,y time IlcsoUitluiis Ailnptod by tlio Convention the year 1890 and .'15108,174,358 greater they were burled over the rocks, in ly appreciate what a truly wonder­ fieveral ye.trs to comp.ete all tho big runawa.y horse, most beyond recognition. The body Saturday morning, fonr o'clock. Just THi'OHIO" of McCail'e'ly was taken out (ooii since tlie big .-.torm of Septem­ at EvaiiHVlll,!. lllll, than for the year 1889. I see hundreds, periiaps thousands, order to make their death more dread­ ful medicine it is. The delicious Ing, and it wiil be returned to you promptly' ships tbat havo been provided for al- Ilurvoy W. Wiland, of Lansing, has ber, two years ago. Thoy washed It is also noted that the total value of young men in this audionoo. Do not three yenrs before that day my mother WELL 1 been appointed superintendent of tho oftor 3 o'clock. His"- neck had been EVANSviM.K, Ind., Oct. 10.—The ful in anticipation, they were put iu sensations of healing, easing, clear­ and In good order. BORE reiiuy, and while that work is being broken and be was badl,y scalded in over tbe outer ends of tbe fl.shing pier of imports for tho eleven mouths, 87113,- bo ashamed, young man, to have the baskets nnd swung to and fro over tbo had left him for tho skies, and ho had DRILL- I done the half dozen small gunboats sug­ state public school at Coldwater. waterways convention met promptly been hcnnesiek to join her company. ing, strength-gathering and recover­ many places. Ho had beeu thrown on nt Asbury Park ani;! tho fishing pier ut 0 o'cloulj Thursday morning, t'er- 510,01)5, exceeded in valuo tho imports world Icnoiv that yon nro a friend of precipice, th.atthoy might see how many We maiie a specialty of Newspaper Head­ WELIpS gested by Secretary Tracy could ho Seven cows belonging to E-/.ra Joiin- of any year lu tho history of our gov­ Ho was eighty-three years of ago. ing are unknown joys. For Ger­ with onr faniDiiiitVoll top of Henry, whose head was crushed, andtheo.d wave-povror pier in Ouoau manent organization was elVcctod by tho Bible. This book is the friend of hundred feet they would have to be ings and Guts, and have the largest assort­ AInculner.v. Tlio ontl iurnod ont, and at no very great cost. son, of Clayton, Genesee county, were Doth were crowded down under the Grove, and battered aw.ay at the "iiullz- ernment, excepting tbe fiscal year 1890, all that Is good, and it is the sworn dashed down, and while thoy were Jlinistcrs of tho Gospel came in to com­ man Syrup we do not ask easy cases. nrtoct eolf-cloiinlnii and the elcctioM of ex-Gov. E. 0. Stannard, fort him, but he comforted thorn. Dow But-dropplngtoolglnaBe. liable to lose their hoofs because they boiler and hud been terribly scalded, heads and cut tho sand from under tho of Missouri, as chairman; T. W. Ven- when their value was 8789,810,409. If enemy of all that is bad. An eloquent swinging in these baskets over tho Sugar and water may smooth a ment In these lines to be found anywhere in LOOMIS & NYMAN, It is said • that one of tiie electric wandered into burning muck swamps. but in each case death must have boen big oeeun plu-/.as of both Asbury Park however, the imports of September writer recently gives an incident of o rocks they sang: . wonderfully tho words sounded out throat or stop a tickling—^for a while. TirFIN, OHIO. neman, of Evausville, secretary, from his dying pillow: "I have been the country from which to select. ligUting liompanies has adopted an in- Samuel Slingerlnnd's dairy barn at instantaneous. Engineer Clark was and Ocean Grove. The suri run 'over assisted by J. \^'. Bi'yant, of Louisi­ last equal those of August the total im­ very bad man who stood in tho coll of a This is as far as the ordinary cough : genious scheme for carrying its v/ires Manistee was burned. Twenty-three under the tender, his body all crushed. ports will largely exceed lIio.se of 1800. Jesus, lover of iny aonl. young and now nra old, yet havo I the beach at the foot of Deal lake, cut­ ana, and 13. M. Sharon, of Iowa western pri.son. This criminal had Let me tu Thy bosom lly, medicine goes. Boschee's German RHEUMATISM CUREbli ; tlirougli underground conduits. A cows, three liorscs and a large quanti­ Not until the tender had been raised h} ting out the sand iuul undermining tho STARVING PEASANTS. gone through all styles of crime, oud never seen the righteous forsaken, or Syrup is a discovery, a great Throat tho big lifting-jack could his body be On taking the chair Gov. Stannard AVhllo tlio billows near mo roll, his seed begging broad." They bathed A. N. Kellogg Newspaper Co., limall terrier has been so trained that ty of winter grain were consumed. new sluiceway eractod last sumiuer by : made a speech in favor of river im- ' lie wus there waiting for the gallows. While tbo temptest still Is high. and Lung Specialty. Where for medicine andpiirtlfluliirs.ror a-VUN'r MTAMP.> >< removed. Fnniliiu, Scurvy, Typhus uiiil Itiibullloii ia his brow, and thoy bathed his sea a sro oearqorn sr., ohioaqo, ill. JACKSON MANUS'ACrOKlNO CO., ColuuiLUB, O,-; when a light cord is attached to him ho Loss, .55,000; insurance, .W.SOO. James A, Bradley. A number of thu i proveinents, which, ho said, were de- Many «r Itusnta's Provinces. Tlie convict standing there at the wind­ Then the.y were dashed down to years there have been sensitiveness, •.runs through the tube to tho next out­ [Leonard Wnshburno was born In Torro hands, and thoy bathed his feet, and 824 a 830 WALNUT STREET, ST, LOUIS, MO. trXUUiaUPAl'IBanurUMinnlli, ; v?;i:. Holly is the flrst town in the state to bulkheads of the cottagers nt Elboron niandud as a menace to the high rates Si'. PuTEimiioiiQ, Oct, 15.—Medical ow, the writer says, "loolced out nnd death. Ob, how much others have en­ pain, coughing, spitting, hemorr­ 71 a 73 ONTARIO STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO. let, and is, in fact, the most o.vpert "wire Haute, Ind., iu 1807, and has boen In newspaper were badly damaged. At Long Branch ! -declared: 'lam an infidel.' IIo said they succeeded in straightening out tho talk of a roller skating revival. work in wostorn cltios for soverul years. As of railroads. C. A. Fiokc, of Iowa, councils havo been summoned in tbo dured for Christ and how little we en­ hage, voice failure, weakness, slip­ 177 k 17a ELM STREET, OINCINNATI, OHIO. a few mon of liberal oducntlom.- runner" in tlie country. After each per- tho sea nintle a number of big cuts into that to all tho men and women nnd feet; but they did not succeed in bath­ 10 Introduoo AnplliiiiooB for County-"': v Roaring River, Barry county, has a i basobiill eillior of tho Inter Ocean hl.s bright mado an appenl for the Hennepin distressed provinces of tho ciupiru. dure for Christ. Vi'e want to ride to ping down hill, where doctors and 401 WYANDOTTE STREET, KANSAS CITY, MO. WANTED ,OlBtrlot SdUooIh. I'nrtlos duolrlnK: i ' iformance ho Is treated to some favor- Sunday-school list , of sixty-four. and huniorous stories of tho national guinu tlie bluff along the east side of Ocean children who happened to be gothered ing open tho hand so It would stay normnnontponlUDniiwIlldowolltolnvcBtlBiito, Adl--," ;i canal, showing its necessity and tho Scurvy and typhus are raging in tho Heaven in it Pullman sleeping-car, our open. They bathed tho hand open, but medicine and advice have been swal­ M a 40 JEFFERSON ST., MEMPHIS, TENN. :ite morsel, and thus ho has come to There aro only sixty-five persons in gave him wide promlnonoe and u high Btand- avenue. j work already done in its behalf. .T, F, there: 'I am an infidel,' " and the elo­ 74 TO 00 t*»T aTH aiUMt, »T. PAUU MINN, '"S.Mi.*;;.?.'^!!,?*"'wubasb AV. ciiloHi'o.'in.:: 1; ing in hlH profession. wako of the famine. Tho Novosti say s feet on soft plush, the bed made up It camo shut Thoy bathed it open lowed and followed to the gulf of ;Joolc on bis work as a most enjoyable the town. LOMiox, Oct. 14.—A groat .storm is Dravo, of Pennsylvania, spoke of quent writer says; "Every mon and early so that wo can sleep all tbe wuy, '•pastime. ' Frederick W. Henry wus 93 yours of ago and tbat tbo faraino prevails in thirteen again, but it came shut What was tho despair, where there is the sickening . WMAIU lUU mxuat«lt llBi rnwiHk :;:;J::j Woodsmen estimate that there are a native of Kentucky. He had boen on the In­ prevailing on the English and Irish the improvements needed in tho Ohio different governments of tho country woman thoro believed him." And tho tho black porter of death to woke us ter Ocean but a tow wooljs and eumo to Chi­ coasts, and London is p.'irtl.y cut oil writer goes on to sny: "If ho hod matter with the thumb ond the fingers conviction that all is over and the The news comes from I'hiladelphin 200,000,000 feet of hemlock in Alpena river. Resolutions were adopted ask­ and that 14,000,000 persons are 1 up only In tlmo to enter tho golden of that old hand? Ah! it had so long C^i cago from Louisville, wli'orc he had boon on tho Jrom coninmnication with the outside ing congress to mako fixed and con­ stood there saying, 'I ora a Christian,' end is inevitable, there we place i -of a great change in the manners and county and those parts of Alontinorcn- Courier-Journal stuff. Ho had tho reputation in urgent need of succor. The city. Wo want all the surgeons to fix clutched tlio sword of Christian conflict 3 Iroproved XjSlSSi.?.''!'"' S""?'',;"BM"lB«tloi>niia«r.,-.J oy and Presquo Isle counties adjoining. world, no telegrams having been re- tinuous appropriations for improving government is purchasing corn for tho every man and woman would havo our hond up. Lot them bring on all German Syrup. It cures. You are customs of tlie tluakers. ,Tlio womuix of being u brilliant nnd promising young man. •aid: "He's a liar!" This Bibio that "his hand clove unto the sword." The clothing store of Barney Julius Frank A. MeCiiiTorty, tbo iiriist, wn.i IW years ceeivcd during Tuesday from Ireland. | waterways; to malte it a penal offense purpose of feeding tho famishing peas-, the Hut and oll,^ tho baudagos and all a live man yet if you take it. ® • nclMllToUurenB «». u Atoian, clmlmiMl, 0..'.'I'j littvo discarded their little .hlaclc bon­ Heavy damages to tho lato erop;, is the sworn enemy of all this wrong, 5LIGKER nets and sedate black dresses with at 'Vicksburg was burglarized and pt ago und a native of Fhlludelphla. At tho to encroucli upon the channel of ants of tho stricken districts during tho salvo, for our hond Is hurt, while i I preooh this sermon as a tonic. 1 latter city ho obtalnod his art training nnd did are known to follow tho storm, rtvers by dumping irofu.so; urg­ tho winter montlis. Tlin sufferers in and it la tbo friend of oil thot is good. Elouzar does not know his hand is I want you to hold the truth with Inerad­ o a l» Guar»i)tc«4 OVSKO wllliiri'io(tarifc: '' :,white collars for mora modern cos- twonty-six overcoats, valued at S300, eonsldorublo work for muga'/.lno.s and tho PhU- GRATEFUI COMFORTING. No TAl'I'INO, A NKWHKM. rji v^ore stolen. and property in oyery direction bus ing that navigable rivers bo ob­ the Volga districts will bo the first to Oh, hold on to it. Do not take part of hurt. "His hand clove unto the sword." icable grip, and I want you to strike vj»jo/irtrfy wnter.^ , KDY.a'rlBl PHoknKe sent on V J' , , tumcs, and tholr "thou" and "that?" of adolphhi Press. A .yonr ago he was oniployod it. There ore so many people now who An express train struck a team at by tho St. Louis Post-T)lspatch. Quito recent­ been serioH.sly injured. Great los.se.s structed us littlo as posslblu receive assistance, as it is oonsidorod . As I look ot Elcazor's hand I come to BO hard for God that it will react and ' : address arc as uaf amiliar us their old to shipping aro cviiient along the , do not know. ' You ask them if the West Bay City, completely wrecking ly he cuuie to Chiougo, bolloving tbnt this city by bridges; recommondlng continued absolutely necessary to succor them tho conclusion that he has done a great while you take the sword the aword .stylo of dross. A good many of the or- oITered u bolter Held for h Is H-ork, coasts. Tremendous winds are blow­ Boul is immortal, and thoy soy: "I EPPS'S COCOA itbodox Quakers havo begun to show a it and seriously Injuring Henry Klein- appropriations for tho upper Missis­ before tho Volga Is frozen over. deal of bard hitting, i am not surprised will toko you, ^ o Slickers liivt • L-^* James Clurk. the engineer, was ono of tho ing iu this city, accompanied by heavy sippi and commending tho action ot Twenty pounds of wheat will bo givsin Vf- guess it ia; I don't know; perhaps it is, when T see thot those four men—Elea- But what will your chagrin ond mine BREAKFAST. baWuhe Full Bnni ' O*. A • ' ipreferehoo for the Hicks, doctrine. It lich, of Amellth, tho driver, veterans ot tho Kastorn Illinois roud. Ho was rain. Many ohimuuys have fallen and i perbops it isn't" Is tho Bible true? "By a thorough knowledge o( the natural laws TMDUi.Bii on evny Coal». « , AC : .ja mainly in the south now that the j John Grove, living Smiles westof 4.i yours old unpcHW| Grlflln^s mllUnory store: in. Union. City, pursuit of him and overtook him at there is gambling, and there:is lust and ied . . , circus advance agent, a land boomer, spicuously identified wltli tho stirring in the dr.awing room over the steam less than 100 families of Mexicans in and arose from nothing, nnd oscondod YOU WILL SAVE MONEY, were burned, the total loss being 80,-' Deshlor and returned homo with him. thore ore ten thousand battalions of in­ MISCELLANEOUS .CUTS, ' n. dotecttvc, a book agent and a bus- events of this state which preceded ond pumping . room, adjoining the en­ tbis city who have depended on Ills ehiir.^ to nothing, and now slttoth at the . Thy aainlB In nil this glo rioua war' 000. •'' • • '•"•' : They' quarrcsled all the way homo, iquity, armed Philistine iniquity. How, CATARRH pleloua ...charaotor .who- _^yould bear aided' in• preolpitatlng the i civil war. gine 1. house. . When tho wheel Ity for a living for many years. During right hond of nothing, : from Shall oonQuer though thoy die; "watching, Ono' man •"took'lilm'.for a William Daniels^: the' pugilist,; and lie was elected a member of the first young Burkb being partioularly angry burst, thoy were carried to tho base­ ore they to becoptured and overthrown? They soothe triumph (1:0m otar, ; ^BdW;by droralsta or seat 1)^^^ the drought of 1885 and 1880 ho paid out which it will come to judge nothing. I CATARRH 1 IL blliig; Nevtiltpn Cq., 368-70 Oeutiua St, Chici|i • !.1 FrankBrahlbtto,-both of Rhinblander, at Mrs. Burke, and after going honiio ho ^bft sbrmpnsih morocco caseslaid down ,, .AndBelaeltwItbtbecye.,,:. ll(to.i;v.'ajT,;H»^ jnoonsliin'o. hunter, and.'.otfered-to givd state Kupi'einc: court ond ^vns respon­ ment in tho . debris. Some of them' every day 8100 to the hclplop poor of believe In the holy agnostic church,aDd I Wls.iv wore" at Crystal Falls acquitted of picked a.quurrol with her dud shot his In front of an e><]uislti(i'audience will BY VBINQ hliu aaino:inforinntlon for a-conaidcra- sible; for the establishment of tho Statu were caught In the heavy timbers and I Bon Antonio and Burroundlng'soctlou. In the communion of nothlngarlanB,and When that llluatrlousday'sbaU'rlBo, ,' , m jthe murder.' of Frlzo-Flghtcr. Jim Mc-i aunt twice hn.d thou i)le\v;hisi Vu'oins out not do it Vou hove got to call things And ull Thy iirmlea Bhine tion,: Tho bishop parposelyconeeulod board of agriculture, vvhlch he' organ­ Iron beams. hi tho forgiveoebs of nothing, and the Ely's Cream Balni'i I .Corroick at-that^place on July 10 last ized . " 7 ~ • iron uuuiim. by their right names. _ In robus of victory through tbo Bkloa,' wiiBN WNiTiNA/i^ AnvKRTimena '.ills identity^; '••••?;i^''•^;';'-,'^j•l:?v^v^';S'^'•ft;'• McCormlck;dled after flffhtlog Daniels.;! 'The glory shall be Tbluo. ' , ew Catalogue. tPbteM- 1 out of Ills private fortune. ' [ewcomb, Davenporti wm : Mta I ikai ;7M:.aa»., llw,A*. t* :.aia -its mm m msm :^'-:vj'' mm JMiiiiiMj^i^iiiiiii 1;; Ml-Henry RBtbbii^^^^ itidtty in October; :''Alll»ie'^ {finyited to atteiid-TrWilliaiiM Teller :1b, VOL. XXXiII.~NO. 44. I'YialtinK bis futber,:M.;e;/;OldB.^CdrM; MASON, MIGH., THURSDAY OCTOBER 29,1891. WHOIiE NO. 1712a ihusldnKisbelngruiitied by niostfttrui- , .iiersJ—Murrledv- ^ TUursduy , VevenlMg, ••1'^; October 15, iit tlie .resldeuce.'.of tbei .f'bHde's preutsi^Mh • iaiid M«5;'/M. ;G; NEWS NOTES, Mr. Hull, of Buffalo, visited at C. C. Great bargains In dreas goods at M; Death's Hardest, Blow. '-mm jrOlda, of Aiuledon, Mr: Levi King aiid: Caaterlln's laat week. Gregor's. 8tf. Dr. A. B. Campbell is dead. After LMIaaGlaiaZi Olds; -both of Alaledon. entertaliilhg you all ngain.-^There will ' ReHl EHlntelrniiHrerii. Stanly M. Turner was iu Mason The City Bakery makes fresh (j Rev. George H. Hudson, of .Okeinos be it warm candy social at the White Ribbon sale this week at L. Hugh- three long weeks of hardest battle The following is the list of transfers Monday. • •• iperfornied tlie iCereinbuy. Twienty: Oak Grange Hall, Thursday, October Saratoga Chlpa every day. 5tf son & Shanks'. ' with typhoid feyer he had to yield last for two weeks ending Oct. 10, 1801, uight iut 1:4(11 o'clock. No other an­ ;il^ ot lot Ladles, you can And tliune elegant^ John R. Oldman iiays cash for game, ity or the cause of deeper gloom. For ^O.blU;120LunslnB.' 1,000 toga Chips every day. 5tf fine kid lined shoes, at Brown Bios'. * such as partridge, and quail after Nov­ about 15 years he haa practiced medi­ the largtet and hnestassortmeiit pf.j|^j /] presented the hiippy,couple with Souie chased liew books. hoes that yon buy at low price and llnrmon VnuSlvke to Leslie Kleotrlo School bonks and school supplies at ember 1. # cine here with the best of Success and ! valuable gifts. A very .pleasant time Light Co lot 1 blk 13 Leslie SOO that wear out in a week or two, Barker <& Co will have for sale at liwaaenjoycd by all and It was toward Edward W. Sparrow to Herbert B. Call's postoftlce book store, 3 during all that tluie hua been so close Plain, ilcorated and FanlByjii BuiikcrhiU. Johnson lots blk 1 Bush, Uutler and or good solid warranted goods their yard Jackijou Sewer PIpeat coat.* Harper Reed sold hla 2-years-old to ail the people tliat he seemed a mein- ; ithe snuili hours of the ntornlug before Sparrow's add Lnufilng 3,200 You ean find the mo.it complete line Greenbacks Ally to M. J. Bement for 'ithey departed. The happy cotiple After carefully looking nt the corn "Hurrah! Uurrah!" they'll sing; that cost you but little more ? Mr, C. H. Doolittle will go to berof many familiea. He waa every­ China, Lamps, Etc,, llelds, I think some of our folks will .Marguerct Rowley to James Q. and Behold a wonderous thing; of underwear at M, Gregor'a. Stf. Shuftaburg fi,>r aeveral months work $200 yesterday. body's friend und there are many who • >ittirt out in life with a host of frlenda Flora Rowley a parcel ol land on sji of Hurrah I Hurrah I Hurrah I Ever shown AVho wish them success in life.—John have cold fingers around here.— ne% of ae>4 ot sec 32 Locke 2,fi00 We've now a sober pa I Truo to its porfessiou. Ford's bazaar ut lumbering. A. H. HIgby sold and then re­ will hardly know how tospare hiiii. j jWlae, whoae former residence has been Arthur DeCump contemplates going Henry Dletz to Cburlcs S, Whilmore e 7 apeaks to you again this week. purchased tbe burlier shop in the rear He waa a strong man in every sense, eg.-int 1 to Battle Creek this fall.—The social ro

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