BELFAST GAZETTE/ 16fH MARCH'; 1979 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCED - MINERAL DEVELOPMENT ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1969 The Department of'Commerce (hereinafter referred to as "the Department"), hereby gives notice pursuant'to section 11(3) of the above Act that the Department proposes-in exercise of its powers under section 11 of the above* Act to grant a prospecting: licence authorising Ulster Base Metals Limited to enter the lands in the Counties of Armagh and Down listed in the Schedule hereto and there do all such things as are necessary for or reasonably incidental .to the purposes of searching for all such mines and minerals as are vested in the Department. : Maps illustrating the said lands may be inspected at the offices of the Department, 64 Chichester Street, Belfast BT1 4JX and also at the offices listed below, between the hours of 9.30 aim. - 12.30 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. - 4.30 p.m. Monday to Friday. -...-:-•-:. " ; ..; .:.'-.'. • • . •'. ... "".":"•.'" ; Banbridge District Council, Avonmore House, Church Square, Banbridge, Down Dlstric^ Council,^24 Strangford Road, Downpatrick, Newry and Mourne District Council, Monaghan Row^-Newry. :--- Any person may make representations to the Department at Chichester House,' 64 -Chichester Street, Belfast BT1 4JX, with respect to the proposed licence within one'month-from 17th March, 1979. ' "~ ' i SCHEDULE Map Townlands Total Area Reference of Unit : ' " " ' PART I 1 . .. Newry and Mourne District Council App/lA Belleek Ward • -. ••"' Dorsy (Mullaghglass) (part), Carrowmannon (part), Tullyah (part), Drumilly (part); Camlough Ward - . Dorsy, Dorsy (Cavan O'Hanlon) or Roxborough (part), Dorsy- (Hearty) (part), Ummerinvore (part), Aughanduff (part), Carncally (part), Carrick- nagalleagh, Lislea, Dubuiren, Sturgen (part), Carrickcloghan (part), KeggaLl (pait)7 Ballyhaleck, Aghamakane, Ballard, Doctor's Quarter, Levallymore, Clarkhill, Ballykeel, Latbirget, Carricknagavna, Tullymacreeve, Cashel, Ummeracam (Ball) North, Ummeracam (Johnston), Annacloghmullin.
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