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THE FARMER: MARCH G, 1914 .1 1 . 9& IR.Tr It'js ' E JP VIf All'" Here C-- TER (EDITEDFORBY WAGNER) T O New j HOilUS WAGNER MAGNATES RUSH DOWN BAY JIMMY GARRY NAMED; AS SIGHS CONTRACT TO SIGN RETURNING STARS UMPIRE FOR EASTERN LEAGUE Modest Shortstop Says Pittsburgh t v Pays Him More Than He mpprieu is worth Federals Serid Wireless Messages TelL Bridgeport Glub Sigijsjltifiejder;,Mbrf, naimacaens AOTJ !j -- :Foft-0 $25.00 $30.00 VALUE Pittsburgh, Pa., March S liana ing Players To Wait 4 ; rissey Wagner. veteran, .shortstop of the Pittsburgh National League Ciub, to-- .brought his signed contract Pirate Big Offers . v r'r- headquarte-rs:'- yesterday. ; He i,'tlw last Pirates to sign except Hen dirix i i : ; Lusi-tan- ia " 'vV- - - er and Simon, who have' signed with the On board the revenue cutter that 'If the 'players On board the (By Wagner.) ; 3 . V a' traded withr'inyV" ; ' . Federal League. bay today to fail to sign for what" we offer . Jimmy' Garry of. DaltonV Mass.; who 'Edwards Tut failed.J5 He' was - r went down New .York . , was Wagner's i fifteenth .contract '1 them, they are crazy," said Gilmore. with' Meriden Mast season and ' looked lf '.' who aire managed the Meriden club last season, Robei-taoli- e with Pittsburgh and .has eighteenth greet the world tourists "We will offer every player on board promising.' . Bridgeport' offered, has been appointed a. member of the ; in '; organized baseball. The Pirates aboard the' 'XAisitahia will e several big contract, and will' be so. big ' and; Batch, for the youngster. ' a it Eastern , association, umpire staff. for", Ky ' i ; V He l v ? . will' Jeave Dawson Springs, club, ..owners of, the National and that they will not refuse to sign with - Way-cros-s, y $20.00 VALUE ; ; M. McLaughlin , succeeds J. of . Saturday night t beginrspring train- Leagues, who endeavored to us." .'"- Iuke Duehenil, the young Pittsfield American Ga., was ' : - ' .who released a few Jby , , , players was would ; - pitcher, drafted the Boston Nation-- 1 ing. sign up the returning before Gilmore confident that he signed- , . ' " eu-r- al days after he President Coming down on the- - elevator from come j in contact wren. tne c procure Sam Crawford z and VTns. als, is expected to at" the camp they O'Rourke heard McLaushJin's .ability - .'' "the pktisbuFgi hall dab Ijeagua. cpawd. So--; as could Speaker iwith. rthe- offers wouid In Macon, 'Ga., tomorrow. the office ef far that had 'been overesti-mate- so i - any f he. decided Y'''' :.;.',. TVagiier, was asked, what the- trouble be learned,- - President Gilmore or be "made' to these two players, The . - 'to drop him. Garry has been very ;of ! was between htm and Barney. representative "outlaw" organ- Wards are, i Crawford and Trds ' Oakland the ;Paoic' Coasti league 'I I of the after anxious to get a , place and is con- .ex- "Wagner replied cutter, Sox, and, ' " beat the Chicago 'white Sox in, an "Trouble riothdns," were .notf aboard the Speaker of the Red if they ' .. ization fident 'of making good. game .. si . hibition yesterday by. 7 j "Why, I have no kick coming. I am but s rumored yesterday that the manage to obtain the names .of these to OVERpOATCJ, ; "big - LARGE REDUCTION ON SUITS; getting' more than I am worth." vyjvHnue' had" chartered a tug and two' star leaguersc to contracts, ' 1 Owner Clarkin Hartford' mak- - of is for' - man- Cornell 'is tied first place in the This is .supposed .to the first- time would, meet- the .players at' Quarantine. Walioo.'Sam will, be made the . y s ing, an awful roar over the ar- Intercollegiate league ball player; has ad- . yescer--da- ager of Brooklyn Clubl j Basketball as a FANCY VESTS Aim PANTS on record that a As soon as Gilmore arnvea the rangement putting- 20 - - ivoad-tan- of adddtioinal victory Pennyl-- was getting more than . Chicago- Eight players are ia result of the ovef j mitted thai he from he sent a wireless aboard the games on schedule provide Co- -- employer. the to for vania last night by 35 to 19. If he was worth from his nUwm aiiA told them not to that the Federal League will says-I- t; - you " Sunday ball. He is unfair for lumbia' wins its final- game with ; Yale - "But, said the scribe, "don't sign with organized 'baseiball until they make, a desperate attempt to steal Bridgeport and' WatertoMry be necessary consdd--. - - away Be- clubs like it will for Cornell .and think you are entitled to some conferred with him- wumore ana from organized baseball. to have 83 home games while Hart- Columbia to play off" ITh era.tioT tvr yoxrr past brilliant work on .1 Wuril innuired all day yes- - sides Crawford and Speaker, they are: the tie for first: Tin O - ford only vote - diamojid?" fir Magee ;tvy Wingo St. has The in favor r ir aw tn admission- to the Lee' and of the ' ? the '...'- sev- nAin toy of the measure was txmanimdua If w$ , "Well, Chat, may. for .cutter. Several attempts were made Ixuis Clulb, Iefty Xieverenz of the - j ' yestei-day- ' w cbh-- n Owner Carey of Springfield,' whx held Frank- Chance amkranoed eral years-- 1 nav e signed a blank Gflmore to secure -- a pass to cu t- Browns, Mike Doolan of the Phillies proxy, '"was that?.iieJ first.! Clark'in's opposed to the intends 'to' 'playi for' the ; ' and allowed Barney to; fill , in ter, fout each case the 'leader of the and Jack Bliss of the Pacific Coast York-- ; , :'. I- - tract Iil scheme, why didn't he get sip at the New i Americans 'yesterday.' He 1154 "MAIN ST. , ELZ ..-- . OPPOSITE how' 1 Slave attempt. League: : ' . the amount later. That Is Feds was unsuccessful in. his meeting and vote against It?'; To those has .ordered a special headgear tp- pro- ......... ,. 7 , feH about mj . service. In other on the outside it does look as if the tect him- - from,' wild pitches which" 'have words, I ajn' worth Just what "Barney so often." Injured him' ln: the past. BOXING NOTES KING COLE OF N.'Y. directors made a mistake in' ohanging - - - - feels like paying, and at that I thing ther-- possi'bUity V. ; . ' my 'ahiiity."' ' the schedule and is a ' ' he overestimates PITCHING STAFF VERY ; meeting may The Federal, league baclter In Pidts-- 1 off (By T. S. Andrews.) that another be called you thank the f . i f "Hans, what do , . i. : burgh- is E. Gwinner,' a you wtill Probably be a good thing j FOND OF SOFT WORDS to modify .the action. President 'contractor League? Do think it - jst Federal box- , i who said to be,, worth $10,000,000. - 1 big some of the boxers 'and the O'Rourke when told that Clarkin : denounced by President Jiv as the two for - as popular' - . able, become country If to appeal Secretary Far-re-ll He'll be to 'stand, a few. touches V no ; ; - ing promoters in this the threatened to - ' EVERS' MATTER uncertain terms. .... leagues?".. strictly l : King Cole, the. pitcher who was res- associarti on, said;' for advance salary, then. ; " "Ton will 'rhave to excuse me on former were held more to.acr of the National player, count as. regards contracts, etc.,"1 the cued from the minors bythe Yankees, '"Secretary Farrell has nothing to do that topic. I am a ball or at many who jumped to ; I., Manager Zeller of Ptttsfield 'has reV I poll--' same as in England. There are the Federals and then with the matter.. am not prepared, - BE FIKEO least have beei one, and ' not a in United States back to the Yankees, is the type of Bay".whether: directions acted ceived the signed contract of "Van WILL FIVE TO am prophet. Ail I times when boxers the ta the Horn, - M& ticIan, neither I a enter into contracts and break them player 'who thrives on . flattery. To wisely or Their business interests the first baseman he drafted know is that the public want the course, - states charge Cole with being' a quitter takes not: from the Vincennes, Ind., club.-- Tom-m- y money." ,. with impunity Of" in are at stake and they smnst use their Taguer,: utility man, BY MOGUL" TODAY worth of their iiike New York and Wisconsin, where the heart put of him;, to make him be- own judgment aibout the schediulew r. t the has also , TACKLE GILDEO lieve ; you .think.-- ; is ; a. , signed; i'j"Vani Horn. made a great 'rec- .sport legalized the boxers are he wonderful "lasts--seaso- the is ord .i and . Zeller expects strictly "to account regarding the pitcher is to transform him into a real ... : held There is nothing new in the Bridge- ?vV' i . ; - , "but so .wonder. i ': him tp Stick. ;.,- New .York, Marches Behind the ARTHUR FLETCHER making- of contracts, there are .. port manager mlxup. Jake Boultes SCHOOL TOMOn sport Is not le- When Cole joined , the Cubs some ' cloak of the welcome being extended many places where the ' has not accepted .terms yet, '.despite galized "they do about as the years.' ago Frank '.Chance, then mana- An 'int&nation that' "Tris" Speaker., today ; touring? that story apeared an evening to the returned world ' .A:A-i-."j;r- ger : the which in rjenterfielder of "thei. Boston American team, soon learned; ' ' pleastt. of the that - ; ' Sox,-mor- e Tomorrow t V. : r. BREAKS F1I1GER i paper.- Secretary Reddy stated todty league Giants and White afternoon at , r 3 team, not Inclined accept serious only way forpromoters, it Cole susceptible to flattery.