JLWAUKEE MA AZINE JULY, 1929 Ailbranr;Hej on the Jame Tree; Allgrowing out of the Chryjler Rootprinciple of Jtandardized Quality
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he JLWAUKEE MA AZINE JULY, 1929 Ailbranr;heJ on the Jame tree; allgrowing out of the ChryJler rootprinciple of Jtandardized quality CHRYSLER "75" CHRYSLER IMPERIAL CHRYSLER "65" DODGE BROTHERS SENIOR DODGE BROTHERS SIX DE SOTO SIX PLYMOUTH DODGE BROTHERS TRUCKS, BUSES and MOTOR COACH.ES FARGO TRUCKS and COMMERCIAL CARS CHRYSLER MARINE ENGINES All ProductJ of ChryJler MotorJ Jt1a~ing a science offine craftsmanShip HRYSLER MOTORS, with all of its great In the great ChrysYer Motors engineering labo C properties united under one marutgement, ratOries, ultra-scientific devices accurately gauge has placed every phase ofits ttemendousmanufac the strength, efficiency and wearing quality of turing activities on the basis of an exact science. every part under the most aggtavated, abnormal NOthing in modern industrial practice could be conditions. Delicate instruments check dimen more exacting, or more scientific, than the pre sions and measutements to split.hair ftactions. cautions which Chrysler Motots Scales sensitive ro a pencil mark takes to make sure of flawless on a piece of paper detetmine quality and fine precision through weight standatds. The natural, in every step from blueprint to evitable outcome of ail this cate nnished product. and ptecision is that every The Chryslet MOtOts system of Chrysler Motors product-from inspections and tests is at once the highest priced to the loweSt extensive and intensive. Thete are pticed-is a nner and more valu metallurgical tests, chemical tests able product in every phase of and mechanical tests. Every bar petformance, safety and long life. of steel, every pane of glass, every All ef which is tully borne out yard of upholstery-everything and refleCted in the ever-incteas that goes into the making of ing prestige and popularity of Chrysler Motors engineers put every Chrysler Motors products -must make ofbattery to exhaustive Chrysler Motors products in all prove up exactly as specified. tests before they are Jelected of their respective ptice nelds. for ChryJIer.built carJ. CHRYS,LER FOR BETTER PUBLIC SERVICE • • 9hrilling Scenery/ 9he New Olympian Chicago .. Spokane-Seattle-Tacoma Moving swiftly, silently through abysmal canyons, hemmed by sheer and tinted walls; -winding its electrified way up snow-crowned slopes, often timberclad and fragrant; -coursing the valleys of rushing waters whose force eventually moves its wheels; -emerging from tunneled mountains that once seemed insuperable barriers; -the new Olympiantraversesthe most spectac ular of the glorious Rockies, and the Cascades where Nature's architecture inspires and thrills. For 656 electrii/ied, cinderless miles the mountain trip is a marvel ofscenic travel. Roller bearings contribute wondrous riding ease. Coil spring mattresses induce refreshing rest. For enjoyment and comfort-observation parlor-club car, ladies' lounge, maid-manicure, showerbaths,barber-valet,library,sodafountain, afternoon tea, far-farned meals- no extra fare. The Milwaukee Road is the shortest route be tween Chicago and Puget Sound and the only line operating over its own rails all the way. Geo. B. Haynes W. B. Dixon Pass'rTraffic Manager General Pass'r Agent Chicago C)/ze MILWAUKEE WORLD'S LONGEST ELECTRIFIED RAILROAD 476-16 ROAD Page One F ib Why Wait? Get it Now! T is better to have it when you need it, than to need it and not CONTENTS haveI it. Qc=:::JD Why not insure your earning pow er with an ineome, before you are Page lick or J'url and can't get itl Ca.noeing on Head. of the Lakes Waters.................•............Front Cover Think it over. You cannot do much with the small monthly Head of the Lo.kea..............•................•.......................... " 3 premium while working, but you Sale Day at "The Lockup".................................................. 6 or yours can do something with $1000 or a monthly income which 'Vhat the O'Fnllon Dccil!iion Me-o,H8 ............•...Sanluel O. DDnn......... 8 the small monthly premium pays Arc You 'Veatlug the ~Iihva.ukce Botton?. 9 for when lick or hurl and unable to work. R. F. Altcrton 9 Olsen and Johnson, Engiueor and .Flremn.n ~ ................•........ 9 Continental Casualty The Offici".! Opening . .. .. .. .. ..• .. .. 10 Company R.,lph Earl Aldrich . ..•........ 10 (Th, R.ailroad Maris Company) The Bnreau of Safety :. 11 Chicago Card. of Thank•.............................•............... .. ........ Ii) Onr Off-Llno Agendes ............•............•............................ 16 --------------------CUT OUT AND MAIL TODAY Cla.i.nl PrevelttioJl ..............•............................................ 18 Contine.ntal Casualty Company 910 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Ill. Help 'Vanted .....................•.•....................................... 19 I am employed by the MILWAUKEE SYSTEM. The Electric PJa..h ................................................•......... n . Division. 1'Iea.~ send me. i~formation in regnrd to your Health Current News ot the Itailroad ..............•....................•.......... 21 and AMldent POliCIes, such OIl are ct>rried by hundreds of lDJI fellow employees. The Log of 0. Rea.lly H"rd 'Vinter...............•...................... :.... 22 My age is, _ The Milwankec Ra.llroa.,l 'Vomen'. Cluh.................................... :23 At. Home. .•..... 27 Name _ The 'Vomen'. Club and S",fety First........................................ 20 ADDRESS _ On tho Steel Trail ;... 30 Luggage fora Lifetime The harder Omaha Printing Co. luggage is used the greater opportunity it will have to prove its long lasting and good looking qualities. A complete line of Travelers' Goods,, real leather pieces that you will be proud to carry: SUITCASES, BAGS, BOSTON BAGS, DRESSING CASES, HAT BOXES CORRESPONDENCE CASES, PORTFOLIOS, PASS CASES Always glad to offer gift suggestions for usual or unusual occasions. OMAHA PRINTING CO. Farnam at Thirteenth LUGGAGE DEPARTMENT OMAHA, NEBRASKA Page Two Head of the Lakes THE territory included in the district Comparison of the principal ports of million tons; in 1928 over ten million which the business world names the United States by the chief of engi tons. "Head of the Lakes," is interesting and neers, U. S. Army for one calendar year, Another item of great importance in comprehensive. It is one of the busiest giving the relative. standing of the largest westbound lake-and-rail traffic are the districts on the North American Conti eight, based 011 total tonnage arriving and automobile shipments. Receipts at Duluth nent, for in its wide sweep it serves land departing, places New York first and Du by boat this year, to date, number 11,300, and water, the surface of the earth and luth-Superior Harbor second. This being all destined for points as far west as its underground riches. To its ports "official" it may be understood that tbere Seattle and Tacoma. It would seem that come the largest and finest "freighters" is nothing flamboyant in the statement. every boat except the coal and ore car which sail The Great Lakes, and meeting It is also, officially, the largest fresh riers making this port has its quota of them on their wonderful docks are the water port in the world. Quite some dis automobiles to unload at the Terminal great trunk line railroads of the North tinction. Docks which during the unloading, look west. This is a story concerned mainly with like super-sized motor warehouses, with One does not need to have acquired a freight traffic, for that is thc main in the long' lines of glittering surfaces and knowledge of the intricacies of com terest The Milwaukee has in the remark shiny tops, inside and outside the build merce and transportation to find the Du able Head of the Lakes business. We are ings, even to the roof. To finish with fig luth-Superior Harbor and its activities an the latest entrant into the rail terminals ures for tbe present, let us just glance at intriguing story; but if onc has an in of this district. vVe operate on joint the butter shipments of the past year, stinct for the busy life, and a seeing eye tracks, using our own equipment, power totaling 112,230,720 pounds; the eggs for the development of great natural re and crcws between the Twin Cities and numbering l46,44D cases. The i1'01l ore sources from a primitive state to a high degree of cultivation, the story means more, and the picture this· wonderful harbor and its terminal facilities pre sent has a greater value. If you know your map, you will recall the extreme western tip of Lake Superior where the south shore comes in to mee't the grandly curving circle of the north west boundary, and just at the tip on the Minnesota shore lies Dulnth, while across SUFlerior Bay is West Superior, \Viscol1 sin, with the Duluth-Superior Harbor be tween, landlocked be'hind Minnesota Point, a seven-mile-long sand-spit extend ing lrom the Minnesota shore nearly across to the opposite side of the bay. A natural opening is left by the termination of Minnesota Point, and in olden days that was the one means of entrance and Goneral Agent Edward Mathern an,I His St.aff: Lea t<> right-Sitting, C. Harris, T. F. A.; egress to and from the peaceful waters of jUr. M-athern; P. P. Gehrig, C. }o'. A.; Standing, S. P. Elmshie, C. F. A.; Ira J. Gilbert, the harbor. On its outer littoral the Stenographer; Luke Walla, T. en... Agent; {'earge ,Y. La.rson, Chief Clerk. pounding "eombers" of the great lakc the Yards in Duluth. Our warehouses shipments, which, of course, are one of break with all their majesty, while on its and freight depots are in joint occupation the foundations of the Duluth-Snperior inner shore line, even though the waves with the other Trans-Continental Lines, Harbor wealth are brought in from the outside ride "mountain high," there is and sinee our entry into this particular great mineral ranges of the north country always serenity and a peacdul haven. district, Milwaukcc service has been re and are shipped out from huge ore docks, It would be hard to imagine a more ceived with gTeat favor. There is a heavy by water to eastern ports.