Native Hawaiian Plants for Honey Bees: Big Island (Hawaiʻi)

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Native Hawaiian Plants for Honey Bees: Big Island (Hawaiʻi) Native Hawaiian plants for honey bees: Big Island (Hawaiʻi) Elev Bloom Period* Scientific Name+ Common Name Soil Sun (ft) J F M A M J J A S O N D Forbs Argemone glauca Pua kala <6200 Well drained Full 2000- Partial- Astelia menziesiana Pua’akuhinia Well drained 7000 shade Bacopa monnieri Water hyssop <300 Moist Full-partial 1600- Bidens hawaiensis+ Ko’oko’olau Moist Full 4600 400- Dianella sandwicensis ‘uki’uki Dry to moist Full-partial 7000 Heliotropium Polynesian Coastal Well drained Full anomalum heliotrope Heliotropium Salt heliotrope <6800 Well drained Full curassavicum Melanthera integrifolia Nehe <150 Well drained Full-partial 2000- Lobelia hypoleuca Opelu Dry to moist Full-partial 5000 Phyllostegia Large leaved 2400- Well drained- Shade macrophylla mint 4000 moist Portulaca lutea Yellow purslane <130 Well drained full 3300- Portulaca sclerocarpa ‘ihi makole Well drained Full-partial 5300 Portulaca villosa Hairy purslane <2000 Well drained Full Scaevola coriacea Dwarf naupaka <150 Well drained Full Sesuvium Shoreline Well drained- <150 Full portulacastrum seapurslane wet Well drained- Waltheria indica ‘uhaloa <4000 Full moist Vines Canavalia hawaiiensis Puakauhi <1000 Moist Full-partial 1000- Well drained- Freycinetia arborea ‘ie’ie Full-partial 5000 moist Ipomoea pes-caprae Puhuehue <2000 Well drained Full Jacquemontia Pāʻū o Hiʻiaka <100 Well drained Full-partial sandwicensis 600- Well drained- Smilax melastomifolia ‘hoi Shade 6800 wet Vigna marina Mohihihi <1000 Well drained Full-partial Shrubs 650- Abutilon menziesii Ko’oloa ‘ula Well drained Full-partial 1700 150- Well drained- Alyxia stellata Maile Full-partial 5000 moist 1000- Well drained- Broussaisia arguta Kanawao Partial 6000 moist Capparis sandwichiana Maiapilo <325 Well drained Full Clermontia 1000- ‘ohawai nui Moist Partial hawaiiensis+ 5000 2500- Well drained- Clermontia montis-loa+ ‘ohawai Full-partial 6000 moist 400- Well drained- Clermontia parviflora+ ‘ohawai Partial 4600 moist 4000- Coprosma ernodeoides ‘aiakanene Well drained Full-partial 8500 1 Native Hawaiian plants for honey bees: Big Island (Hawaiʻi) Bloom Period* Scientific Name+ Common Name Elev (ft) Soil Sun J F M A M J J A S O N D Shrubs (continued) 1100- Gardenia brighamii Nāʻū Well drained Full 1700 400- Hibiscus brackenridgei Ma’o hau hele Well drained Full-partial 2600 500- Hibiscus kokio Koki’o Well drained Full-partial 3000 2000- Well drained- Ilex anomala Kawa’u Full-partial 4500 moist 700- Myrsine lessertiana Kolea lau nui Well drained Full-partial 7200+ 1000- Well drained- Myrsine sandwicensis Kokea lau li’i Full-partial 4800 wet Osteomeles ‘ūlei <7600 Well drained Full-partial anthyllidifolia Pittosporum 550- Ho’awa Well drained Full-partial confertiflorum 7000 2000- Rubus hawaiensis ‘akala Moist Full-partial 10,000 2000- Rumex giganteus Pawale Mesic-wet Full 10,000 Rumex skottsbergii+ Pawale Variable Well drained Full Santalum 1500- Well drained- ‘iliahi Full-partial paniculatum+ 6500 moist Scaevola Mountain 1500- Well drained- Full-partial chamissoniana naupaka 3500 moist 3000- Scaevola kilaueae+ Huahekili uka Well drained Full 5000 Scaevola taccada Beach naupaka Coastal Well drained Full Sesbania tomentosa ‘ohai <2500 Well drained Full-partial Styphelia Well drained- Pūkiawe <10,000 Full tameiameiae wet 1600- Well drained- Vaccinium calycinum Ohelo kau la’au Full-partial 5800 moist 2100- Well drained- Vaccinium reticulatum Ohelo ‘ai Full-partial 12,000 moist Vitex rotundifolia Pōhinahina <50 Well drained Full Wikstroemia Well drained- Mesic tree ākia 10-5000 Filtered sandwicensis+ wet Wikstroemia Hawai’i ākia <7500 Well drained Full phillyreifolia+ Trees 200- Acacia koa Koa Well drained Full-partial 6500 150- Acacia koaia Koai’a Well drained Full-partial 4000 Antidesma 1500- Well drained- Hame Partial platyphyllum 4000 moist Antidesma pulvinatum Hame <5000 Well drained Full-partial Caesalpinia kavaiensis/ 250- ‘uhi’uhi Well drained Full Mesoneuron kavaiense 3000 Cheirodendron 1600- Well drained- ‘ōlapa shade trigynum 7000 wet 2 Native Hawaiian plants for honey bees: Big Island (Hawaiʻi) Bloom Period* Scientific Name+ Common Name Elev (ft) Soil Sun J F M A M J J A S O N D Trees (continued) 1200- Well drained- Full- Coprosma pubens Pilo 6200 wet filtered Diospyros sandwicensis Lama <4000 Well drained Full-partial Erythrina sandwicensis Wili wili <1950 Well drained Full Metrosideros Well drained- ‘ohi’a lehua <7200 Full-partial polymorpha moist Myoporum sandwicense Naio <7700 Well drained Full 425- Nesoluma polynesicum Keahi Well drained Full-partial 2100 100- Nestegis sandwicensis Olopua Well drained Full-partial 4265 850- Pisonia sandwicensis Aulu Well drained Full-partial 3500 295- Pisonia umbellifera Pāpala kēpau Well drained Full-partial 2625 Pittosporum 1700- Well drained- Ho’awa Full-partial hawaiiense+ 6000 moist 1200- Pittosporum hosmeri+ Ho’awa Well drained Full-partial 3500 500- Psychotria mauiensis ‘opiko Moist Partial 5000 Psydrax odorata Alahe’e <2700 Well drained Full-partial 500- Well drained- Rhus sandwicensis Neneleau Full-partial 2500 moist 1400- Sophora chrysophylla Māmane Well drained Full-partial 10,000+ +Indicates plant species endemic to Big Island Bold names indicate plants that have been used in traditional Hawaiian medicine. Note: Do not attempt to consume or self-treat with plants you are not familiar with. Phytochemicals can be toxic, or interfere with other medications you are taking. Always consult a physician before consuming unfamiliar plant materials for medicinal use. Purple names indicate plants that are used in lei making. Blue names indicate plants that are edible, at least in part. Orange names indicate plants that are used in lei making and also edible, at least in part. *Line color corresponds to flower color (gray=white), however multiple color variants may exist This table is adapted from “Selecting Plants for Pollinators: Hawaiian Islands Province” (full publication available at Further information about these plants may be found in the Native Plants Hawaii online database ( 3 .
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