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Untouchable: The Strange Life and Tragic Death of Michael Jackson Randall Sullivan

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Randall Sullivan

Untouchable: The Strange Life and Tragic Death of Michael Jackson Randall Sullivan Untouchable portrays Michael Jackson’s life and death in unprecedented depth. Beginning with his last departure from Neverland, Sullivan captures Jackson's final years shuttling around the world, and plans to recapture his wealth and reputation with a comeback album and planned series of fifty mega-concerts. Sullivan delves deep into Jackson’s past, depicting a man both naive and deeply cunning, a devoted father whose parenting decisions created international outcry, a shrewd businessman whose failures nearly brought down a megacorporation, and an inveterate narcissist who desperately wanted a quiet, normal life. Sullivan has never-before-reported information about Jackson’s business dealings, the pedophilia allegations that besmirched his reputation, and the fate of his billion-dollar-plus estate, and exclusive access to inner-circle figures including Jackson’s former attorneys and managers. Untouchable is a remarkable portrait of the man who still reigns as King of Pop.

"A dishy Michael Jackson biography that makes the exhaustively covered King of Pop fascinating all over again."—People

“The first deep-dive narrative by a veteran journalist covering the King of Pop’s convoluted final years on earth . . . [Untouchable] helps cast Jackson in a new light.”—

“A tale of family, fame, lost childhood, and startling accusations never heard before.”—ABC Nightline

Untouchable: The Strange Life and Tragic Death of Michael Jackson Details

Date : Published November 13th 2012 by Grove Press (first published June 1st 2011) ISBN : 9780802119629 Author : Randall Sullivan Format : Hardcover 776 pages Genre : Biography, Music, Nonfiction

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Mellamoureaux says sadly this had the potential of a phenomenal book- loaded with interesting (and some tragic ) facts. Many things that no one knew- a true inside look at a fascinating life cut short. However, the author threw it together like a sloppy mess. it seemed as if he wrote each chapter as he acquired the information and never bothered to go back to put it in chronological order. I guess you can say the book died tragically with MJ. If you are patient and/or good at skimming it is interesting.

Mark says

He was not a pedophile. He was a good entertainer. The entire Jackson family is messed up. Jackson was a caring soul, He will not be remembered like Elvis. The book is good but too, too long

Martha Ames says

I want to make clear that the author Randall Sullivan was not a fan of Michael Jackson's when he started to write this book. He was a past editor and that magazine judged MJ rather harshly at times. He became sympathetic to this great entertainer and man during his research for this book as he publicly stated. This book often delves into Michael Jackson's business and management issues in detail. Sources cited often had been fired or eventually sued MJ. There are some inaccuracies. The author rehashed some very stupid and silly tabloid stories in this book unecessarily. Was that part of the agreement between him and his publisher? I've heard stories of some who wanted to write a pro-Michael book and could never get published. That said, the one outstanding part of this book is that is covers the accusations and 2005 trial. Even this author came to feel, as many before him have discovered since 2009, Michael was not guilty of these crimes and accusations. In fact, many of the accusations truly border on the ridiculous. If you didn't know that, then you might want to read this part of the book. This is a very interesting conclusion coming from a author who was not a fan of the man and deserves noting. There is no single book, and I have read many, that truly captures the spirit of Michael Jackson, the man. You can only hope to get glimpses of who he was by reading many books and stories from those who knew him. He was very intelligent, loved to read, and had a huge heart. I'm glad some have felt this book was sympathetic. I never assume one source is definitive on any issue. As there are parts of this book that are one star, five star, and three star, it's hard to rate. I'll give it a 3 star I guess.

Deodand says

This book loses stars to its insane length. Most of the focus is on Jackson's later life, and I was hoping to read more about his early/teen years, as bad as they were. Jackson started out life with 14 strikes against him. It has served to rehabilitate Jackson's image in my mind a bit - not to say that he wasn't batshit crazy, that much is well-known. The book reveals some of the causes of Jackson's manias and how he could never seem to escape the demands of his extremely fucked-up family. The book also does a good job of pointing out

PDF File: Untouchable: The Strange Life and 3 Tragic Death of Michael Jackson... Read and Download Ebook Untouchable: The Strange Life and Tragic Death of Michael Jackson... unsubstantiated rumours and tabloid garbage that was flung around - dissecting it from fact. There were a few things I had accepted as facts about Jackson's life that were made up out of thin air. This book is worth reading but you might want to skim the financial parts.

Alex says

Poor Michael Jackson. The man spent his entire life being picked apart in the public eye, only to recapture the deification he craved so deeply - in death. Sullivan's reporting of Jackson's life helped me understand, from a significant distance, his personality and the circus that surrounded him, which is one of the book's big positives. In the last years of his life and even to the present, reporting on Jackson's life, actions and whereabouts usually took the form of breathless Perez Hilton posts about ditching this or that house, camping out in this or that hotel, being sued by this or that associate. Sullivan does an admirable job of assembling information that was originally reported in brief flashes and expanding it into a more comprehensible narrative.

That said, there were times when the reporting didn't match the pacing of the narrative - most obviously in the last quarter of the book, which was wholly devoted to the characters seeking control of Jackson's estate. This is all valid and helpful information, of course, but my eyes glazed over in the last hundred pages and it was a slog to the finish. A few bright spots emerged from this clumsy final section, namely Sullivan's descriptions and portraits of Jackson's children, who were rarely reported as anything other than "the keys to the estate" in the media - and among lawyers and some family members, it turns out.

And furthermore, there were a few times when Sullivan got sloppy with his facts. In his description of Jackson's appearance at James Brown's funeral, Sullivan wrote an intriguing description of Michael's expression of grief, so I sought out the YouTube video - and found that Sullivan's quotation of Michael's remarks was almost totally off. That sort of cast a pall over the rest of the book for me - it's one thing to have to paraphrase or reconstruct a quote from memory from an artist who doesn't allow recording devices, like Prince; it's another thing entirely to do that to Michael Jackson, who had cameras trained on him and microphones in front of his mouth his entire life.

This story was compelling for a time, but I'm left to wonder how much of it was accurately reported and edited. I walked away with a painfully close description of Jackson's legal proceedings and finances - presumably obtained from documents, court reports and other cut-and-dried sources - but a workmanlike history of his life and art. I remain hopeful (and confident) that a better, more vibrant book will appear.

Mary says

I debated whether I should admit here to reading this book, partly because I generally don't list the, well, less-than-highbrow books that I read (and I do read some) and partly because I've seen the scathing reviews of the book posted here and elsewhere by what I can only assume are MJ's devoted fans. But here's the thing: I would never have picked up a 776-page book about Jackson if I was not myself a fan of his, albeit one who has never known quite what to believe about the last 20 years of his life. And I certainly would never have kept reading it (all through Thanksgiving weekend, and every free moment since) if Sullivan hadn't provided a deeply compelling story that grapples with the same uncertainties I've had and attempts to sift through the contradictory, obviously self-interested stories of the people who surrounded Jackson. But it is Sullivan's research--particularly the wide range of interviews he conducted--that gave me reason to trust his conclusions (seriously: any reviewer who claims this author didn't do any research has no credibility

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As for the other common reader-reviewer criticisms: sure, it gave me pause that many of Sullivan's sources outside the interviews were in fact tabloids, but those were the main publications covering Jackson in the latter stages of his life, and TMZ's scoop of CNN (and everyone else) on 6/25/09 speaks for itself. And I myself noted a few small errors of fact (Paris's birthdate is incorrect in some source notes), though all on peripheral matters. But again: how many celebrity biographies include 173 pages of detailed source notes? Sullivan is no hack; he clearly wants to get the story right, insofar as such a thing is possible in Jackson's deeply murky world.

The one criticism I do agree with (generally made in the published reviews) is that sometimes Sullivan gets too bogged down in the details of the Jackson's seemingly endless legal and financial skirmishes, which are difficult for even a careful reader to keep straight, especially without an index. Sullivan was obviously adding material up to the last possible moment before the book went to press, as the Jackson family battles over MJ's fortune continue. For better or worse, there is no end in sight.

Andrea says

This was a challenging read because of its minute details and zealous analysis of the Michael Jackson myths and realities. I skipped through a lot of the legal issues that comprise a good part of the book, and tried to keep track of the scattered timeline.

Laura says

This book exhaused me. At nearly 750+ pages, it detailed every single detail of Michael Jackson's last four years of life. While I appreciated the attention to detail, it was overwhelming.

Carol Storm says

If you ever wanted a comprehensive look at the last few years of Michael Jackson's life, this is it. Randall Sullivan does an amazing job at filling in the blanks, going from the celebrated entertainer's last trial for child molesting and pedophile sex to his mysterious "accidental" death at the hands of an M.D. who broke nearly every rule in the book.

The problem is, Randall Sullivan is not really a man who knows or cares about the world of Michael Jackson. Unlike Randy Taraborelli, he's not a lifelong fan of soul music, or the Jackson Five, and seems to have very little knowledge of the black scene in America. He writes more like a financial analyst from the Wall Street Journal, explaining Michael's bad business choices but maintaining a discreet silence over his plastic surgery, his interest in young boys, and his strange behavior in general.

There are so many uncomfortable things about the story of Michael Jackson. And Sullivan sidesteps every one of them.

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The best Michael Jackson book is still THE MAGIC AND THE MADNESS by Randy Taraborelli.

Danny says

For those who aren't Michael Jackson insane but definite fans, Untouchable was chock full of gossipy tid bits and the real medical, psychological, and monetary Michael Jackson suffered with his entire life. The author is a fan and doesn't seem to believe Michael molested the kids, but is far enough to be critical of many of his moves.

Since his life is so overly-covered, I was really happy that this work tried to focus on post 2003 since it allowed you to get a more in depth look at his downfall better than the regular tabloid fodder allowed.

Many reviews on freak out about the content and sources but I have to say a. half the time they get it wrong and base their review on an incorrect press release and b. it's Michael Jackson, there is no such thing as a reliable source. As the book shows, his family members are motivated by pure greed and change their stories based on where money is coming from and Michael Jackson's "handlers" changed so often due to his own issues that every Michael Jackson source is someone who was at one point suing and/or fired by Michael Jackson. also- love that someone finally called out Kathrine Jackson for being just as money grabbing as the rest of the family.

Corban Ford says

This is NOT the definitive biography of Michael Jackson, I can state that for certain. In fact, this might be one of the worst biographies I've had the misfortune of reading. Randall Sullivan definitely produced a tome of a book (a pretty hefty 500+ pages) .and there were a few parts that were insightful, such as the coverage of Jackson's 2005 trial as well as the last few months of his life. Unfortunately the bulk of the material was tabloid fodder, and although Sullivan admits he was not the biggest fan of Jackson, his writing makes that confession a complete understatement with how overly critical it is throughout, permeating the book. Michael Jackson was an immensely talented yet deeply troubled individual. In my opinion his story deserves to be handled with depth, nuance, and respect; carefully crafted to present the complete picture. This book failed miserably at all attempts to do so.

Georgette says

This is a book that took me awhile. I had plowed through half of it months ago, then put the bookmark in it and it sat on my living room table for two months. I made headway on vacation, but only earlier in the week did I have the impetus to finish it. It's a lot of reading, a lot of business transactions that are both startling and puzzling, and a lot of Michael Jackson being taken advantage of. Yes, the child molestation charges are addressed, as is his death at the hands of that charlatan Dr. Conrad Murray. What you feel at the end, if you didn't feel it before, is empathy, sympathy, and alternately horrified. I don't care if you are or aren't a fan, the man didn't deserve to be taken advantage of to that extent- and upwards of 20 years before he even passed. That shit started with Thriller, man. Overall, I can say that I had an idea from press reports that MJ had

PDF File: Untouchable: The Strange Life and 6 Tragic Death of Michael Jackson... Read and Download Ebook Untouchable: The Strange Life and Tragic Death of Michael Jackson... serious financial issues; I had no idea to what extent until I read the book. But like most, childhood trauma and a fragmented family history gave way to adult issues, and sadly, this was the case. At least we all had and continue to reap the benefits of Mr. Jackson's talent for generations to come.

Melanie says

Since I've read just about every well- researched story on Michael Jackson, I read this book, too. Most of the information has been previously reported or documented in other print media and on the cable news and entertainment shows. However, there were some new (to me) details about the inner dysfunctional workings of Jackson family members and these details salvaged what would otherwise have been a long, repetitive and mediocre book.

Helen says

This book is just MORE TABLOID TRASH in my opinion, Vanity Fair published excerpts from this book in their October 14th 2012 issue. There was more fiction than fact. It also did NOT make the New York Times Best Sellers List either. There are 114 Reviews rating this Book a 1 star on Amazon. Sullivan says in his book that "A bandage covers MJ's nose which is so cut away that, without a prosthetic, it looked like little more than a pair of slightly ridged nostrils." That is totally false! The Full Autopsy Report is ONLINE for those readers who want truth not speculation from a tabloid journalist. The New York Times review says this book is "Bloated and Dispensable". The Website Michael: And Justice for Some has detailed information disproving Mr. Sullivan's book. Sullivan's comments about Princess Diane are nothing but gossip not facts! If you want to read facts about Michael Jackson read The Michael Jackson Conspiracy which has a five star rating, or Joseph Vogel's 4.5 star rated book Man in the Music, or even Frank Casio's book My Friend Michael. Frank knew Michael.

Tracy says

I had a very hard time reading this, and I've read many, many Michael Jackson books. Sullivan mixes a whole lot of fiction with a little bit of fact. There are some enjoyable parts, most notably, his details of Michael's time in Ireland after the not guilty verdict in the 2005 molestation trial. I really don't see how a 'non fan' can read this without their head spinning with all the events and people swirling around Michael during this time period. Sullivan also ends this interpretation of the last years of Michael's life in such an odd way in the final chapter. It's unfortunate and aggravating that most people will read this as definitive truth and more puzzling to me that Thomas Mesereau stands behind it.

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