The Engineering and Mining Journal 1885-08-15
Aveust 15, 1886. THE ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL. 107 = GINEE! BERING withdraws, and objects to redeeming in gold all of its share of the five- franc pieces coined under the agreement. The Bank of France conse- Tre URNA, quently demands that the government, if the convention be renewed, shall guarantee the bank from loss through recoinage, It will be inter- MINING JO esting to see how Italy, Switzerland, and France will now proceed ta make Belgium redeem its silver. It is said that a bureau of monetary Statistics will be establish-d in Paris to collect and distribute informa- le tion on the production of metals, circulation of coin, etc. Entered at the Post-Office of New York. N. Y., as Second Class Matter. THE most disastrous mine accident that has occurred in the Wyoming VoL. XL. AUGUST 15. No. 7. Valley for years was that at the Mocanaqua mine, situated at the west- ern extremity of the coal basin. Twelve men lost their lives by suffoca- tion. The mine produced some fire-damp, but RICHARD P, ROTHWELL, 6.E., M.E,, Edito it was not this but ROSSITER W. RAYMOND, Ph.D., - the presence unger ground of four steam-boilers that was the cause of the disaster. An accident to the fan caused (e- Articles, communications, reports, documents, books—all a stoppage of the ventila- tion, and the gases from the boiler fires. carbonic acid, nitrogen, proba- thiags whatsoever belonging to the Editorial Department. should be bty some carbonic oxide, and a little sulphurous ac.d from the pyrites thus addressed: MANAGING EDITOR ENGINEERING AND MINING in the coal, quickiy spread along the levels and throuzh JOURNAL, P.O.
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