LOUISA PRITCHARD ASSOCIATES FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR 2018 Louisa Pritchard Associates, Flat 5, 81 Battersea Church Road, London SW11 3LY Tel: + 44 20 7193 7145 Email:
[email protected] The complete list LPA is proud to represent: Geraldine Cooke Literary Agency (translation rights) Elliott & Thompson (ANZ, translation) Annette Green Authors’ Agency (US and translation rights) Influx Press (ANZ, US and translation rights) Andrew Mann Ltd (translation, excluding Germany) MBA Literary Agents (translation rights) Moth Publishing (ANZ, US and translation rights) Myriad Editions (ANZ, US and translation rights) Emily Sweet Associates (translation rights) The Science Factory (translation rights, excluding Japan and Korea) Robert Smith Literary Agency (translation rights) The Zeno Agency (Brazil, France, Greece, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Nordic countries) For all enquiries, please contact: Louisa Pritchard LPA Flat 5 81 Battersea Church Road London SW11 3LY Email:
[email protected] Tel: + 44 20 7193 7145 Mobile: + 44 7714 721 787 We’ll be based at table 8N in the agents’ centre at the Frankfurt Book Fair. 1 CONTENTS FICTION Crime and thrillers 3 General fiction 12 YA and children’s 39 Science fiction and fantasy 40 Gift books and graphic novels 45 NON-FICTION Health and well-being 52 Philosophy 57 Popular science 61 Economics 93 Current affairs, feminism 94 and politics History, biography and memoir 98 2 LPA 2018 Crime and thrillers THE KENNEDY MOMENT Peter Adamson ‘It reads like an Elmore Leonard novel, only with more emotion and more depth. I was spellbound, in genuine suspense, the writing is so damned good.’ Adam Fifield Compelling and convincing political thriller about five professionals at the top of their careers who hatch an ‘unthinkable’ plot to blackmail the government of the United States.