Consulting Study 12: The Felda case study December 2015 Authors This study was conducted between March to April 2015 by Yuleng Khor of LMC with research associates Dr Johan Saravanamuttu and Deborah Augustin. LMC International Ltd 4th Floor, Clarendon House 52 Cornmarket Street Oxford OX1 3HJ United Kingdom. Tel: +44 1865 791737 Fax: +44 1865 791739
[email protected] © The High Carbon Stock Science Study 2015 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You are free to reuse, reprint, or republish the work, in whole or in part, without written permission, provided that the source is acknowledged. To view a copy of this license, please visit This report has been independently prepared by the authors for the High Carbon Stock (HCS) Science Study. It is part of a series of consulting studies on high carbon stock, in the areas of biomass estimation, soil carbon dynamics, remote sensing, and socio-economics. Together, these consulting studies provide background information for the HCS Science Study’s synthesis report, but also they constitute stand-alone research that aims to shed light on this critical area of enquiry. Contents Introduction 06 Background & Methodology Abbreviations 08 Executive Summary 10 • Expectations in the next decade and broad lessons from Felda • Positive & negative socio-economic outcomes for stakeholders 11 • Socio-economic impacts of plantations and future expansion 12 • Institutional features and mechanisms