HIH2183A | University of Exeter
10/01/21 HIH2183A | University of Exeter HIH2183A View Online THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY SINCE 1900 1. Clarke, P.: Hope and glory: Britain 1900-1990. Allen Lane, London (1996). 2. Clarke, P.: A question of leadership: Gladstone to Thatcher. Penguin, London (1992). 3. Cook, Chris.: A short history of the Liberal party, 1900-1997. 4. Strange, J.-M., Carnevali, F., Johnson, P.: Twentieth-century Britain: economic, cultural and social change. Pearson Longman, Harlow, England (2007). 5. Thorpe, A.: A history of the British Labour Party. Palgrave, Basingstoke (2001). 6. Hennessy, P., Seldon, A.: Ruling performance: British governments from Attlee to Thatcher. Blackwell, Oxford (1987). 7. 1/45 10/01/21 HIH2183A | University of Exeter Hennessy, P.: The Prime Minister: the office and its holders since 1945. Allen Lane, London (2000). 8. Francis, M., Zweiniger-Bargielowska, I.: The Conservatives and British society, 1880-1990. University of Wales Press, Cardiff (1996). 9. Lindsay, T.F., Harrington, M.: The Conservative Party, 1918-1979. Macmillan, London (1979). 10. Ramsden, J.: The making of Conservative Party policy: the Conservative Research Department since 1929. Longman, London (1980). 11. Ramsden, J.: The age of Churchill and Eden, 1940-1957. Longman, London (1995). 12. Ramsden, J.: The winds of change: Macmillan to Heath, 1957-1975. Longman, London (1996). 13. Seldon, A., Ball, S.: Conservative century: the Conservative Party since 1900. Oxford University Press, Oxford (1994). 14. Green, E.H.H.: Ideologies of conservatism: conservative political ideas in the twentieth century. (2002). 2/45 10/01/21 HIH2183A | University of Exeter 15. Butler, D., Butler, G.: Twentieth century British political facts, 1900-2000.
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