Requirements Documentation and ABAP Exercise Programs

The source code for this book is available on GitHub via the book’s product page, located at It contains the following: • The file containing the requirements document describing the associated ABAP exercise programs (.pdf). • The file containing the supplemental source code described by the requirements document to be included in each new exercise program (.txt). Use this as the source for the code to copy and paste into each new exercise program because, unlike .pdf documents, it retains consecutive spaces used for maintaining proper formatting and alignment of the ABAP code. • The files containing the source code for each of the associated ABAP exercise programs (.txt). • The file containing the ABAP program for uploading all the exercise programs into your training system (.txt).

373 © James E. McDonough 2021 J. E. McDonough, Automated with ABAP, APPENDIX B

Answers to Chapter Quizzes

Answers to Quiz #1

Presented at the end of Chapter 4

Multiple Choice: Select the Best Answer

The correct answers to the multiple choice selections of Quiz #1 are the entries highlighted in bold. 1. xUnit describes A. Manual code–driven testing frameworks

B. Automated code–driven testing frameworks C. Consolidated code–driven testing frameworks 2. xUnit enables testing at the A. Internet level B. System level

C. Module level 3. xUnit facilitates

A. Test-Driven Development B. Extreme programming

C. Seat-of-the-pants development

375 © James E. McDonough 2021 J. E. McDonough, Automated Unit Testing with ABAP, Appendix B Answers to Chapter Quizzes

4. xUnit tests are implemented as A. Breakpoints B. Conditions

C. Assertions 5. xUnit facilitates preparing a test through A. Dynamic definition

B. Fixture C. Collection 6. The order in which xUnit tests are executed A. Is the order in which they appear B. Is dependent on test attributes

C. Should not matter

True or False

The answers to the True or False statements of Quiz #1 are shown to the right of the statements. Advantages of using xUnit testing include

1. No need to remember what the test result should be True 2. Elimination of user testing False 3. Tests are automated True 4. Reduction in requests for changes False 5. No need to think about how to implement logic False 6. No need to write the same test more than once True 7. Can substitute for design discussions False 8. Enables testing of peripheral systems False

376 Appendix B Answers to Chapter Quizzes

The phases of xUnit can be described using the word sequence

9. Ready, Set, Go False 10. Arrange, Act, Assert True (Osherove) 11. setup, Exercise, Verify, Teardown True (Meszaros) 12. open, Test, Close False

Answers to Quiz #2

Presented at the end of Chapter 5

Multiple Choice: Select the Best Answer

The correct answers to the multiple choice selections of Quiz #2 are the entries highlighted in bold. 1. ABAP Unit tests are written in A. SAPScript B. Java

C. ABAP 2. ABAP Unit tests

A. Must be implemented as local classes B. Must be implemented as global classes C. May be implemented as either local or global classes 3. ABAP Unit tests can be executed A. Only from the editor B. Only from the Code Inspector

C. From either the editor or the Code Inspector

377 Appendix B Answers to Chapter Quizzes

4. An ABAP Unit test class definition requires the class to be

A. Marked as “for testing” B. Inherited from a globally defined static class provided by SAP C. Defined in a separate module 5. An ABAP Unit test validity is asserted by A. Using an ASSERT statement

B. Invoking static methods of the class cl_abap_unit_assert C. Calling function module ASSERT_THIS 6. An ABAP Unit test may test A. Only code written using classes and methods B. Only classic procedural ABAP code

C. Classic procedural ABAP code and code written using classes and methods

True or False

The answers to the True or False statements of Quiz #2 are shown to the right of the statements. An ABAP Unit test may be defined for

1. Executable programs True 2. Class pools True 3. interface pools False 4. Module pools True 5. Function groups True 6. Configuration False 7. subroutine pools True 8. Type groups False

378 Appendix B Answers to Chapter Quizzes

An ABAP Unit test

9. By default is compiled into all environments False 10. Accommodates using a fixture True 11. is embedded with the object to be tested True 12. Can generate the source code to comply with the test False 13. May accept parameters False 14. is transported along with its tested object True


Concepts Associated with Defining Local Test Classes

Although the ABAP Unit Testing Framework requires that a unit test be written as a local class, such a class requires the use of only a few of the many object-oriented ABAP statements. This section covers those concepts of object-oriented programming necessary to be known in order to define and use local test classes effectively. If you are reading this section, the assumption is that you know nothing about either object-­oriented programming or the ABAP statements used to write object-oriented programs. We will concentrate only on what is required to be understood in order to use the object-­oriented extensions to the ABAP language to define and execute local test classes.1 With object-oriented programming, the fundamental unit of design is called a class. A class is a complex data object consisting of attributes and behaviors. Collectively, attributes and behaviors are known as members of the class. An attribute of a class is simply a data item. Each attribute is defined as a data field or as a constant, using the ABAP statement DATA or CONSTANTS, respectively. The TYPES statement also may be defined within the class to assist in defining the data fields and constants. A behavior, also known as a method, is an action defined for a class that can be used to read or change the values of its attributes or to produce some other type of processing result. A method must be invoked to perform the action it provides, similar to using the PERFORM statement to call a subroutine that performs some action.

1For a comprehensive explanation of using object-oriented design in ABAP programs, refer to Object-Oriented Design with ABAP: A Practical Approach (McDonough, James E., Apress, 2017) 381 © James E. McDonough 2021 J. E. McDonough, Automated Unit Testing with ABAP, Appendix C Concepts Associated with Defining Local Test Classes

The following example, from the SAP online help,2 shows a simple production class named myclass and a test class named mytest3:

* Production classes CLASS myclass DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-DATA text TYPE string READ-ONLY. CLASS-METHODS set_text_to_x. ENDCLASS.



CLASS mytest IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD this_test. myclass=>set_text_to_x( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = myclass=>text exp = 'X' ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.

As with all classes defined using the ABAP language, each class has both a definition component and an implementation component. The definition component of a class specifies its attributes as well as the names and signatures of its methods; it begins

2 00a421937/content.htm?no_cache=true 3With this example, I have taken the liberty to change the name of the method defined in class mytest from mytest to this_test simply to avoid confusion with a class and one of its methods having the same name 382 Appendix C Concepts Associated with Defining Local Test Classes with the CLASS … DEFINITION statement and ends with the ENDCLASS scope terminator statement. The implementation component contains an implementation for each of the methods specified in the definition component; it begins with the CLASS … IMPLEMENTATION statement and ends with the ENDCLASS scope terminator statement. The statements METHOD and ENDMETHOD are functionally equivalent to the statements FORM and ENDFORM found with classic ABAP. Both the definition and implementation components together represent a complete class. In the preceding example, class myclass has been defined to contain a static attribute (CLASS-DATA) called text and a static method (CLASS-METHODS) called set_text_to_x. These are both defined in the PUBLIC SECTION, which assigns public visibility to any attributes and methods following this section header. Public visibility means that any external entity has access to these members – can read or change the attribute and can call the method. Effectively, external entities can see these class members. However, in this case the attribute text also carries the READ-ONLY qualifier, which means external entities can read its value but cannot change it. The implementation for its method ­set_ text_to_x uses a simple ABAP assignment statement to set its attribute text to the value ‘U’. This is about the simplest example of how a class could be defined which has both an attribute and a method. By comparison, class mytest has been defined to contain no attributes but with only a method called this_test. The method is defined on a METHODS statement in the PRIVATE SECTION, which assigns private visibility to any attributes and methods following this section header. Private visibility means that only the class itself has access to these members – can read or change the attribute and can call the method. Effectively, external entities cannot see these class members and so have no access to them. In addition to the usual ABAP statements (CLASS, ENDCLASS, PUBLIC SECTION, PRIVATE SECTION, METHODS, METHOD) used to define any type of class, mytest also includes ABAP statement words that specifically designate the class as an ABAP Unit test class. These are • The additional clause FOR TESTING appearing on the class definition statement • The additional clause FOR TESTING appearing on the methods definition statement

383 Appendix C Concepts Associated with Defining Local Test Classes

There are other ABAP statement words and clauses also associated solely with defining ABAP Unit test classes, but the FOR TESTING clause on the class definition statement is the only one necessary to designate the entire class as a test class. Using the preceding example, class mytest is dependent upon class myclass – that is, class mytest knows about class myclass, but class myclass knows nothing about class mytest. This dependency exists because class mytest includes a statement in its implementation of method this_test to call the static method set_text_to_x of class myclass: myclass=>set_text_to_x( ).

This statement makes use of the functional syntax for invoking a method of a class. Prior to the introduction into the ABAP language of the functional syntax for invoking methods of classes, there was the original, and still supported, syntax for doing so: call method myclass=>set_text_to_x.

Though it uses more words, this syntax variation for invoking a method of a class has similarities with the syntax of the CALL FUNCTION statement to invoke a function module to perform some action, and indeed the concept of calling a method of a class via the call method statement is comparable to calling a function module of a function group via the call function statement. In addition to invoking method set_text_to_x of class myclass, the implementation for method this_test of class mytest also has a statement calling static method assert_equals of class cl_abap_unit_assert: cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = myclass=>text exp = 'X' ).

Here again the call to this method of this class uses the more recent functional syntax. Had the original method invocation syntax been used, the statement would have looked like this: call method cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals exporting act = myclass=>text exp = 'X'.

384 Appendix C Concepts Associated with Defining Local Test Classes

The call effectively requests an assertion that the actual value (parameter act) found in attribute text of class myclass is equal to the expected value (parameter exp) of ‘X’. Our conclusion that the expected value should be ‘X’ is based not so much on knowing anything about how method set_text_to_x of class myclass is implemented but is based simply on the name of the method itself – we expect that when we call a method named set_text_to_x, an attribute named text will be set to the value ‘X’, just as the method name suggests. If indeed the value found in attribute text of class myclass is equal to ‘X’, then the assertion passes; otherwise, the assertion fails. Before continuing, look again at the code defining these two classes and determine for yourself whether you think the assertion call in method this_test will pass or fail. When we request to execute an ABAP Unit test for a program containing these two classes, the ABAP Unit Testing Framework will be invoked, which eventually will determine that method this_test of class mytest is to be invoked. When method this_test of class mytest does gain control, the first thing it will do is call method set_text_to_x of class myclass. This will have the effect of setting attribute text of class myclass to the value ‘U’. The next thing method this_test will do is to call the method assert_equals of class cl_abap_unit_assert, requesting it to assert that the value in attribute text of class myclass is equal to the value ‘X’. This assertion will fail because the actual value ‘U’ in attribute text of class myclass is not equal to the expected value ‘X’.

385 Index

A Automated unit testing (AUT), 9, 29 ABAP code Fowler, Martin, 29 challenges to effectively languages, (see xUnit, languages) testing, 83–89 MUT (see Manual unit testing (MUT)) components eligible for testing, 43 Smalltalk programs, 29 ABAP List Viewer (ALV), 87, 88, 115–118, Autropolis 255–261, 292 challenges, 370 ABAP Test Double Framework extended program check, 368 (ATDF), 330–351 legacy program, 371 ABAP Unit test manual testing, 367 automatic class software industry, 369 generation, 51–52 USS enterprise, 368 language statements related to, 53–55 writing, 55–71 B ABAP Unit Testing Framework Builder design pattern, 336 components of, 48–51 controlling, 89–95 evolution of, 82–83 C invoking services of, 71–76 chained method call, 350, 351 Advanced Business Application class_setup, 67, 70, 96, 130 Programming (ABAP) class_teardown, 68, 70, 96 applicable, 1 Code coverage credentials, 6 metrics, 353–355 exercise programs, 2, 3 Configurable test doubles, 15, 329–351 introduction, 1 unit tests, 3–6 Arrange-Act-Assert, 36 D, E ATDF, see ABAP Test Double Depended-on components (DOC), Framework (ATDF) 159–162, 164, 192

387 © James E. McDonough 2021 J. E. McDonough, Automated Unit Testing with ABAP, Index Design testing G, H categorizing input/output, 138–140 Global variables characteristics, 136 gaining control over references to, encapsulating indirect input and 131–134 output Guard assertion, 127 annotated code, 144 class/method, 142 function module, 141 I, J, K interaction, 143–148 Input production path, 141 categorizing, 138–140 subroutine, 141 direct, 140, 148, 164, 190, 195 subroutine validate_message_ encapsulating, 140–152 severity, 146 indirect, 140–143, 149–152, 192–199 validate_message_severity_s Interaction points, 143–148 method, 148 Isolation frameworks, 329 global variables, 139 input processes indirect input, 149–153 L stricken statements, 150 Leveraging service locator, 251 output processes, 153–157 function modules, 255–261 production code, 135–138 global class repository, 253–255 DOC, see Depended-on components list processing statements (DOC) assertion, 302 Dummy object, see Test doubles, automated unit test, 291 categories of classic list report service, 294, 295 Duration (class qualifier), 54 create_report, 289, 290 highlighting/stricken lines, 297 interface defining methods, 292 F local variable definition, 302 Fabricated test data production path, 292 creating and using, 127–131 report, 288 Fake object, see Test doubles, report_writable class, 293 categories of report writer service creation, 296 For testing (class qualifier), 53 resulting report, 301 Four-phase test, 35, 127, 359 selection criteria, 288 Function modules, 107, 108 subroutine report, 296

388 Index

test double, 298 districts, 13 testing subroutine, 299, 300 Service Locator, 15 MESSAGE statement, 261 Software Quality, 14 assertion statement, 284–286 TDD, 15 class messenger, 271, 272 productive development pursuits, 12 control flow, 274 running manual tests, 11 error messages, 279, 286–288 software design, 12 error message statements, 264 SUnit, 11 highlighting/stricken unit testing, 10 lines, 270, 277–279 Martin, Robert C., 33, 95, 306, 308, 309, interface defining methods, 265 359, 360, 366 issue messages, 275 Meszaros, Gerard, 16, 32, 35, 39, 190, 359 message_dispatcher service, 269 mockA, 330 messages information, 283, 284 , see Test doubles, messenger service, 267 categories of messenger_test_double Modularization units, 49–51 class, 280–283 production class, 266 production path, 264 O RETURN statement, 280 Object-oriented code screen validation, 262, 269, 274 issues related to testing, 365–366 testing subroutine, 262, 263 Osherove, Roy, 36, 71, 77, 106, 122, 135, validate_file_name, 273 306, 329, 357, 370 MESSAGE Statement, 251, 252 Output respective implementation, 252 categorizing, 138–40 direct, 140–143 encapsulating, 140–152 M, N indirect, 140–143, 153–157, 199–210 Manual unit testing (MUT) calisthenics, 17, 18 consideration, 10 P, Q legacy code, 16, 17 Pillars/good unit tests, 357–358 maintenance efforts, 12 meaning, 9 Mutville R autropolis, 16 Red-Green-Refactor, 306–308, 310, 313, cultivating good test writing 315, 317, 319, 321, 323 skills, 15 Risk level (class qualifier), 53–54

389 Index

Rudiments leveraging ALV reports, 115–118 to manage function classic list processing module, 255–261 statements, 119–122 to manage global class, 253–255 confident refactoring, 122–125 to manage list processing fabricated test data, 127–130 statements, 288–303 function modules, 107, 108 to manage MESSAGE global class repository, 108–110 statements, 261–288 MESSAGE statement, 110–115 municipal service directory, 212 modifiable global variables, 131–134 production path, 215, 216 persistence repository, 128 purpose of, 211, 212 simple message presentation ticket sales program, 213–215 program, 99–103 using, 212–226 subroutines, 131–134 Setup, 35, 38, 67–68 sufficient collection, 125–127 Software quality, 21 valid message severities, 104–108 ascending levels, 27 assess information, 24–26 capabilities, 21 S development cycle, 26–27 Self-checking, 32, 37, 368 diagnosing input, 22 Service factory easy maintenance, 22 using, 226–249 efficient, 22 Service locator, 211 handling invalid input, 22 alternative definition, 217, 218 hierarchy levels, 23, 24 class declaration, 218 levels of, 14, 21–24 concepts, 212 requirements, 21 effect process, 220 Subroutine pools, 50 factory creation condensed version, 244, 245 effects process, 228 T highlighting/stricken code, 238–244 TDD, see Test-Driven Development (TDD) highlighting/stricken lines, 247–249 Teardown, 35, 38, 68, 70, 96 local components, 229, 243, 244 Test coverage, 360–361, 367 meaning, 226 Test doubles single method, 228, 229 assertion method, 208 ticket sales program, 227, 231–237 base class scenario version modification, 246–248 code description, 178–181 full ticket sales program, 221–225 equivalent method, 172, 173

390 Index

production path, 173 production path class, 183 subclass definition, 174 UML diagram, 181 UML diagram, 171, 172 variation, 185–188 variation, 175–177 interface reference, 166–169 categories of, 190–192 meaning, 161 dummy object, 190 output, 200–210 fake object, 192 PERFORM statement, 168 indirect input and output, 190 purpose of, 161–169 mock object, 191 refactoring code, 170 test spy, 191 subroutine, 162 test stub, 190 using, 192–209 configuration Test-Driven Development (TDD), 34 ATDF framework, 331 benefits of, 308, 309 consecutive statements, 350 cleaning up code, 312, 324–327 framework, 330 compilable code, 309 highlighting and stricken cycle of, 305–306 lines, 343–349 get_sign method, 313, 319–321 isolation frameworks, 329 negative_test method, 314, 315 mockA framework, 330 positive and negative numbers code, modification, 337–343 315, 316 statement, 334–336 production code, 305, 310, 311 testing capabilities, 349 red-green-refactor cycle, 307 ticket sales program, 350 sign_setter class, 313, 321–323 unit test class tester, 332–334 steps, 305 dependency injection test code, 305 technique, 165, 166 tests pass, 317, 318 DOC, 159 three laws, 306–307 FOR TESTING clause, 170 Testing object-oriented code, 365, 366 function module, 163, 164 Testing process input programs, 192–199 coverage, 360, 361 interface deliberately failing tests, 363 automated unit test path recommendations, 361 class, 184 simplicity, 358–360 class definitions, 182 unit testing code, 362–365 code description, 188–190 Test runner, 33, 47, 48, 70–72, 88, 115, 298 components, 181 Test spy, see Test doubles, categories of equivalent method, 182 Test stub, see Test doubles, categories of

391 Index U, V, W language statements DURATION, 54 Unit testing RISK LEVEL, 53–54 ABAP statements and features TESTING, 53 affecting, 110–122 requirements, 46, 48 applicable results report, 77–79 components, 48 SAP recommendations and constraints modularization units, 49–51 when writing, 361–362 subroutine pool, 50 static method, 71–76 automatic generation, 51, 52 steps, 44 base runner, 76, 77 testing framework, 44 challenges tips for writing, 362–365 ALV report, 87 writing code classic event block, 84 class definition/methods classic list processing statements, 62 statements, 87 code under test, 56 effective code, 84, 85 corresponding unit test, 63–66 global variables, 84 empty method definition, 57 MESSAGE statement, 85, 86 executable program, 59, 61 open SQL statement, 89 fixture methods, 67–71 client category override, 90, 91 FOR TESTING clause, 56 client control category, 90 local class, 55 components, 43, 45 method executions, 70 configuration METHODS statement, 57 application server block, 94, 95 minimal local class, 55 button setup, 92, 93 productive code, 57 client block checkbox, 94 RISK LEVEL clause, 56 SAUNIT_CLIENT_SETUP, 91, 92 single subroutine, 65, 66 evolution, 82, 83 static method, 58 execution, 79 analyzing and reporting, 80–82 editors, 79, 80 flow control (QUIT) X, Y, Z parameter, 73 xUnit for function module, 107–108 advantages of, 31, 39–40 for global class, 108–110 assertion methods, 36–39 graphical illustration, 46 associated language, 30 incidental benefit, 44 emergence of, 30

392 Index features of, 30–34 self-checking test, 32 interacting tests, 39 software elements, 33 languages, 30 test code, 31 phases of, 35–36 TDD, 34 productive code, 31 testing frameworks, 33 prototype code, 30 test suite, 38 pseudo-code, 37 text document/spreadsheet, 33