ABAP Object Unit, 747 ABAP Unit, 747 Abstract Setup Decorator Defined, 449 Example, 453 Acceptance Tests. See Also Customer Test
Index A Hard-Coded Test Data solution, 196 ABAP Object Unit, 747 preface, xxi ABAP Unit, 747 anonymous inner class Abstract Setup Decorator defi ned, 786 defi ned, 449 Test Stub examples, 535–536 example, 453 Ant, 753 acceptance tests. See also AntHill, 753 customer tests anti-pattern (AP) defi ned, 785 defi ned, 786 why test?, 19 test smells, xxxv accessor methods, 785 AOP (aspect-oriented programming) ACID, 785 defi ned, 786 acknowledgements, xxvii–xxviii Dependency Injection, 681 action components, 280 retrofi tting testability, 148 agile method API (application programming inter- defi ned, 785–786 face) property tests, 52 Creation Methods, 416 AllTests Suite database as SUT, 336 example, 594–595 defi ned, 786 introduction, 13 Test Utility Method, 600 when to use, 593 architecture, design for testability. annotation See design-for-testability defi ned, 786 arguments Test Methods, 351 messages describing, 371–372 Anonymous Creation Method as parameters (Dummy defi ned, 417 Arguments), 729 example, 420 role-describing, 725 835 836 Index Arguments, Dummy, 729 improperly coded in Neverfail Ariane 5 rocket, 218 Tests, 274 aspect-oriented programming (AOP) introduction, 77 defi ned, 786 Missing Assertion Messages, Dependency Injection, 681 226–227 retrofi tting testability, 148 reducing Test Code Duplication, Assertion Message 114–119 of Assertion Method, 364 refactoring, xlvi–xlix pattern description, 370–372 Self-Checking Tests, 107–108 Assertion Method unit testing, 6 Assertion Messages, 364 Verify One Condition per Test, calling built-in, 363–364
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