

No. 57






That the Minister for the Environment and Minister for Heritage no longer enjoys the confidence of the House given she:

(1) Failed to inform the public for more than 54 hours of the hexavalent chromium leak from the Orica chemical plant at Kooragang Island on 8 August 2011.

(2) Failed to inform the public for more than 24 hours of the ammonium nitrate leak from the same Orica Chemical plant on 9 November 2011.

(3) Neglected to speak to any representative of Orica about these extremely serious threats to public safety, including CEO Graeme Liebelt, who tried to contact her on at least three separate occasions.

(4) Has admitted that she doesn't read documents before she signs them in her capacity as Minister.

(5) Has demonstrated that she has no understanding of the legislation in her portfolio during budget estimates hearings.

(6) Has lost the confidence of the people of and is clearly incapable of performing her duties as Minister for the Environment and Minister for Heritage.

(Notice given 22 November 2011)

3556 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011



†1 Industrial Relations Amendment (Non-operative Awards) Bill; awaiting agreement in principle speech. (Introduced 10 November 2011—Mr Mike Baird).

†2 Children (Education and Care Services) Supplementary Provisions Bill; awaiting agreement in principle speech. (Introduced 10 November—Mr Adrian Piccoli).

3 Budget Estimates and related papers 2011-2012; resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Mr Brad Hazzard, “That this House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers 2011-2012”. (Moved 8 September 2011—Mr Greg Piper speaking, 11 minutes remaining).

4 Heritage Amendment Bill; consideration of Legislative Council amendments (Ms Robyn Parker).

5 Graffiti Legislation Amendment Bill; consideration of the Legislative Council's message dated 13 September 2011.

6 Agricultural Tenancies Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Anthony Roberts, “That this bill be now agreed to in principle”. (Introduced 9 November 2011—Ms Tanya Mihailuk).

† Bill forwarded from the Legislative Council



1 Petition—from certain citizens requesting that specific public areas be made smoke-free (Ms Jillian Skinner).

(Discussion set down for 24 November 2011).

2 Petition—from certain citizens requesting the immediate rezoning of South Tralee or for the rezoning to be referred to Queanbeyan City Council (Mr John Barilaro).

(Discussion date to be advised).

3 Petition—from certain citizens requesting the inclusion of a multi-storey car park in the planning of the redeveloped Tamworth Base Hospital (Mr Kevin Anderson).

(Discussion date to be advised).

4 Petition— from certain citizens requesting that revenue raised from traffic enforcement cameras be spent on road safety initiatives (Mr Mark Coure).

(Discussion date to be advised).

3557 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011



1 MR GREG PIPER to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act to amend the Local Government Act 1993 to increase, from 21 to 30 years, the maximum period for which a lease or licence in respect of community land may be granted.

(Local Government Amendment (Community Land) Bill).

(Notice given 9 May 2011)

ORDERS OF THE DAY (for Bills)—

1 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Maintenance of Local Government Development Consent Powers) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Greg Piper, “That this bill be now agreed to in principle”. (Notice given 4 May 2011, introduced 6 May 2011—Mr Ray Williams).

2 Cross-Border Commission Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Richard Torbay “That this bill be now agreed to in principle”. (Notice given 10 May 2011, introduced 12 May 2011—Mr Daryl Maguire).

†3 Truth in Labelling (Free-range Eggs) Bill; awaiting agreement in principle speech. (Introduced 8 November 2011—Mr Jamie Parker).

4 Strata Legislation Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Ms Clover Moore “That this bill be now agreed to in principle”. (Notice given 10 November 2011, introduced 11 November 2011—Mr Daryl Maguire).

† Bill forwarded from the Legislative Council

ORDERS OF THE DAY (General Orders)—

1 Public Water Supplies Act 1957; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr John Williams—

That this House requests that the Public Water Supplies Act 1957 be amended to give local water authorities the ultimate power to make decisions concerning the addition of fluoride to public water within their locality.

(Notice given 4 May 2011, moved 2 June 2011—Mrs Roza Sage).

3558 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

NOTICES OF MOTIONS (General Notices)

33 EARLY-INTERVENTION PRESCHOOLS MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House calls on the Government to adopt recommendations by the nation's leading education authority, Mr Tony Vinson and establish early intervention preschools to save children from a lifetime of disadvantage.

(Notice given 9 May 2011)

35 PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT MR JONATHAN O'DEA to move— That this House notes the substantial need for public infrastructure investment in 's north after 16 years of neglect under NSW Labor.

(Notice given 9 May 2011)

36 DEMENTIA AND ALZHEIMER'S MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that dementia and Alzheimer's are claiming more than twice as many Australian lives as they did a decade ago. (2) Notes that the Hunter Medical Research Institute, the John Hunter Hospital, and the Calvary Mater Hospital would appreciate more funding for research and development to combat this insidious disease.

(Notice given 9 May 2011)

37 PUBLIC UTILITIES PRIVATISATION MR RICHARD TORBAY to move— That this House calls on the Government to not allow any further privatisation of public utilities without a referendum being conducted.

(Notice given 9 May 2011)

38 W LEAGUE - JETS MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Matildas' contender, Hayley Crawford was nominated W League Jets player of the year. (2) Congratulates Hayley Crawford and all the W League Jets players for the high standard they set in the Hunter for women in sport.

(Notice given 9 May 2011)

39 PRINCES HIGHWAY MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Government on its commitment to deliver $574 million for the Princes Highway. 3559 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Condemns the previous Government for its failure to adequately support and fund the Princes Highway. (3) Notes the Government stands ready to consult with the local community to deliver results for motorists and tourists.

(Notice given 10 May 2011)

40 LUPUS MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 10 May 2011 is World Lupus Day. (2) Notes that a support group has been established to give heart to those people in the Hunter with lupus and raise money to fund research at the John Hunter Hospital. (3) Notes that the people of Wallsend appreciate the work of Ms Juliet Roosendaal, Honorary President of the Scleroderma Lupus Support Society, which provides assistance to sufferers of a disease more prevalent than many recognise.

(Notice given 10 May 2011)

P 41 NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK MS CHERIE BURTON to move— That this House: (1) Notes the theme for National Volunteer Week 2011 is "Inspiring the Volunteer in You". (2) Notes that National Volunteer Week provides an opportunity to acknowledge, highlight and thank those 5.4 million Australians who volunteer in their communities each year. (3) Notes that Volunteering is the national peak body for volunteering, representing the views and needs of the volunteer movement while promoting the activity of volunteering as one of enduring social, cultural and economic value. (4) Calls on the Government to continue the support and initiatives of the previous Government with respect to volunteering in New South Wales.

(Notice given 10 May 2011) P - item of business postponed

42 INNER WEST LIGHT RAIL MS CARMEL TEBBUTT to move— That this House: (1) Notes the strong community support for the light rail expansion in Sydney's inner west and CBD, including the Greenway, a walking and cycling track with bush care sites. (2) Notes that substantial preconstruction work has commenced on the inner west extension and planning approval has been granted. (3) Calls on the Government to commit to ongoing community involvement in the further design and construction phases. (4) Calls on the Government to ensure that construction occurs on time so that the inner west light rail extension is operational by 2012.

(Notice given 10 May 2011)

43 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE 3560 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the University of Newcastle and its graduates on the record number of graduation ceremonies at the University during May 2011. (2) Wishes the students the best of luck for the future.

(Notice given 10 May 2011)

P 44 MOTHERS DAY CLASSIC WALK/RUN MS CHERIE BURTON to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Women in Super for establishing the Mothers Day Classic Walk/Run for breast cancer research. (2) Notes that the purpose is to raise money for breast cancer research, to increase awareness of breast cancer within the community and to support and remember those touched by cancer. (3) Acknowledges that Women in Super established this event because breast cancer is one of the leading cancer related deaths in females. (4) Recognises that from modest beginnings in 1998 the Mothers Day Classic has grown from 3,300 participants in the first year to 100,000 in 2010 and has raised over 7.8 million for breast cancer research projects.

(Notice given 10 May 2011) P - item of business postponed

45 KENGO YAGAMI MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Kengo Yagami, Head Coach Swimming, Lake Macquarie City Council, has mentored young swimmers, hosted many overseas swimming squads, promoted 'World Peace through Swimming' and that his efforts are highly appreciated by our community. (2) Congratulates Kengo Yagami for the valuable friendship links he has fostered between the Hunter and Japan.

(Notice given 10 May 2011)

46 LAKE MACQUARIE LOCAL AREA COMMAND MR GREG PIPER to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the population served by the Lake Macquarie Local Area Command is approximately two and a half times the State average. (2) Notes that the police-to-population ratio is approximately half of the State average. (3) Calls on the Minister for Police to ensure an equitable pro-rata provision of police staffing and resources to serve residents of Lake Macquarie.

(Notice given 11 May 2011)

47 INTERNATIONAL NURSES DAY MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: 3561 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(1) Notes that on International Nurses Day, celebrated on 12 May 2011, the community thanks nurses across the health spectrum for their crucial and tireless work in the community. (2) Congratulates these wonderful practitioners on providing high quality care and improving health outcomes for all Australians across all demographics. (3) Acknowledges in particular the hardworking John Hunter Hospital and Calvary Mater Newcastle nurses.

(Notice given 11 May 2011)

48 NATURAL DISASTER RELIEF AND RECOVERY ARRANGEMENTS MR RICHARD TORBAY to move— That this House calls on the Government to undertake a review into the payment of Category C grants under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements with a view to bringing the NSW allowance of $15,000 into line with the $25,000 available to applicants in Queensland.

(Notice given 11 May 2011)

49 FEDERAL BUDGET MR ROBERT FUROLO to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Federal Government has delivered its first budget, one that is on course for a surplus in 2012-13. (2) Notes that the budget is well received by economic and political commentators, who describe it as a tough budget. (3) Notes that NSW reaps the lion's share of road funds in the budget. (4) Notes that the budget provides a long-awaited mental health package to address prevention, a critical issue recognised by all political parties and congratulates the Federal Government and in particular the Treasurer for his tough, but in many ways, fair budget.

(Notice given 11 May 2011)

50 MORISSET HOSPITAL MR GREG PIPER to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Morisset Hospital has cared for mentally ill patients and that its capacity for mental health services is under-utilised. (2) Notes that the site and its buildings have historical significance but are in disrepair and subject to vandalism and theft. (3) Notes that the inadequate security of the site has failed to prevent vandalism, theft and cruelty to the local kangaroo population. (4) Calls on the Minister for Health to re-assess the use and management of the site so that optimum levels of service and adequate security are achieved.

(Notice given 11 May 2011)

51 GLENDALE HOLY CROSS PRIMARY SCHOOL MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that much needed works at Glendale Holy Cross are almost complete, thanks to a $3.5 million facelift under the Federal Government's stimulus package. 3562 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Notes that more than three-quarters of the school was rebuilt and playground space has doubled. (3) Congratulates Holy Cross Primary.

(Notice given 11 May 2011)

52 MORISSET HEALTH CARE FACILITIES MR GREG PIPER to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Morisset is a growing regional centre whose population has inadequate access to health care facilities. (2) Notes that the median age of the area's residents is five years above the national average and that the population will continue to age in this pattern. (3) Notes the distance to the nearest hospitals ranges between 31 to 57 kilometres. (4) Calls on the Hunter New England Local Health Network to establish a local health care facility that would provide many of the services normally provided by a hospital.

(Notice given 11 May 2011)

53 BALD AND BEAUTIFUL DAY 2011 MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House congratulates Bald and Beautiful Foundation president, Julie Midson York and all the wonderful volunteers for yet another successful pampering day, Bald and Beautiful Day 2011, for Hunter adults fighting cancer.

(Notice given 11 May 2011)

54 GRAFFITI ACTION DAY 2011 MR RYAN PARK to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 15 May 2011 is Graffiti Action Day, when communities around Australia get together to clean up graffiti around the local neighbourhood and look at ways of reducing graffiti on a permanent basis. (2) Notes that the economic cost of graffiti is estimated to be over $100 million a year to the NSW economy and that graffiti has been shown to have a negative impact on the way in which the community perceives the overall safety of their local area. (3) Calls on all members of Parliament to register to get involved with this initiative to improve the overall appearance of their local communities.

(Notice given 11 May 2011)

55 KIAMA RELAY FOR LIFE MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Chairman Steve Dalton and the Kiama Relay for Life Committee on the success of the 2011 Relay for Life held on the weekend of Saturday 30 April and Sunday 1 May at the Kiama Leisure Centre. (2) Commends the outpouring of community spirit shown by locals with over 1000 people participating in the event. (3) Acknowledges the fundraising effort which resulted in more than $100,000 being raised to support the battle against cancer. 3563 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 12 May 2011)

56 WATER FLUORIDATION DR ANDREW MCDONALD to move— That this House: (1) Calls on the Member for Murray-Darling to explain why he has twice postponed his motion regarding water fluoridation which reads: "That this House requests that the Public Water Supplies Act 1957 be amended to give local water authorities the ultimate power to make decisions concerning the addition of fluoride to public water within their locality". (2) Calls on all members of this House to support fluoridation of water supplies.

(Notice given 12 May 2011)

57 MARINE RESCUE VOLUNTEERS MR ROB STOKES to move— That this House: (1) Notes the outstanding work undertaken by Marine Rescue volunteers in communities throughout New South Wales. (2) Notes that on Saturday 7 May 2011 volunteers from the Cottage Point Marine Rescue Unit, led by Commander David White and his crew John Bensley, Luke Andrews, Paul Millar and Luke Hogarth, were involved in two successful emergency situations involving critically injured boat owners. (3) Notes the skill and professionalism shown by these volunteers. (4) Congratulates all Marine Rescue volunteers throughout New South Wales on their invaluable contribution in keeping our waterways safe.

(Notice given 12 May 2011)

58 BALMAIN SHIPYARD MR JAMIE PARKER to move— That this House: (1) Notes the important contribution of the Balmain Shipyard to the maintenance of Sydney's ferry fleet. (2) Notes the key role of the Balmain Shipyard in developing and maintaining a skilled maritime workforce. (3) Notes the contribution that the Balmain Shipyard makes to the local area as a significant employer. (4) Calls on the Government to ensure that the Balmain Shipyard and the jobs, pay and conditions of Balmain Shipyard workers are not put at risk by any changes to the management of Sydney Ferries.

(Notice given 12 May 2011)

59 COMPANION ANIMAL WELFARE INQUIRY MS CLOVER MOORE to move— That: (1) A select committee be appointed to inquire into companion animal welfare with the view to improving their welfare. (2) That the committee consider the following matters: 3564 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(a) The number and cause of companion animals arriving in NSW shelters and pounds each year and their outcome, such as whether they get re-homed, re-united or euthanized; (b) The breeding of companion animals; (c) The practices associated with the sale of companion animals including from pet shops, markets, pounds, shelters, on-line, classifieds, or to the overseas market; (d) Mandatory desexing, including prior to sale; (e) The effectiveness and enforcement of the Department of Primary Industries' companion animal policies, standards and guidelines; (f) The effectiveness of the Companion Animals Act and its application by local government; (g) The effectiveness of micro-chipping; (h) The treatment of companion animals travelling by airplane; (i) The impact of pet bans in accommodation including apartments, strata, retirement villages, and rental properties; (j) The impact of pet bans on public transport; (k) The existence and effectiveness of education programs on responsible pet ownership, including the importance of desexing; (l) Data collection by government and non-government agencies to inform and monitor companion animal welfare; and (m) Any other matter relevant to improving companion animal welfare. (3) That the committee consist of six members as follows: (a) Ms Clover Moore, who shall be Chair of the committee; (b) Three Government members; and (c) Two non-Government members. (4) That the members be nominated in writing to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly by the relevant party leaders within seven calendar days of the passing of this resolution. (5) That at any meeting of the committee four members shall constitute a quorum.

(Notice given 12 May 2011)

60 BALMAIN HOSPITAL CASUALTY SERVICE MR JAMIE PARKER to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the previous NSW Government cut the 24 hour casualty service at Balmain Hospital in April 2009. (2) Expresses disappointment with the response of the Minister for Health to a question without notice by the member for Balmain on 5 May 2011 regarding restoration of the 24 hour casualty service at Balmain Hospital. (3) Calls on the Minister for Health to explore options for re-opening the 24 hour casualty service at Balmain Hospital.

(Notice given 12 May 2011)

61 COMMUNITY SECTOR WORKERS PAY EQUITY MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes Fair Work Australia's recognition that for decades community sector workers have been underpaid and that the recent tribunal decision is an important step towards closing the gender pay gap in Australia. 3565 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Acknowledges that women in many caring jobs are paid less than men for equivalent work. (3) Calls on the Premier to withdraw the Government's submission opposing the pay equity case ahead of the further scheduled public hearings.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

62 PUBLIC EDUCATION DAY MS CARMEL TEBBUTT to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 26 May 2011 is Public Education Day which celebrates the values, traditions and achievements of public education. (2) Notes the contribution public education makes to our society by providing opportunities for all students to have a quality education irrespective of income or location. (3) Thanks the many teachers, staff and parents in the NSW public education system for their commitment to public education. (4) Calls on the Government to adequately fund public education to ensure quality teaching and learning for all students.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

63 DISABILITY TRUST WHITE KNIGHTS FUTSEL TEAM MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Recognises the achievements of the Disability Trust White Knights Futsel Team and wishes them well as they head to Italy for the Global Games in September this year. (2) Congratulates the Futsel Team on their success at the National Championships in in January 2011. (3) Recognises the opportunities provided to people with disabilities by Sports4All. (4) Acknowledges the achievements of Gerringong resident Mitchell Forrest on being selected for the national team.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

64 UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG 60TH ANNIVERSARY MR RYAN PARK to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the University of Wollongong on its 60th Anniversary in 2011. (2) Notes that the University is now recognised as one of the leading teaching and research institutes in the world. (3) Congratulates Professor Gerard Sutton for his leadership and dedication to the University and his contribution to the broader Illawarra region.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

65 PHILIPPINE-AUSTRALIAN COMMUNITY SERVICES MR JOHN ROBERTSON to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Philippine-Australian Community Services Inc. has been offering guidance and support to Filipino migrants in the local community for over 20 years. 3566 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Notes that Philippine-Australian Community Services provides assistance for recent Filipino migrants in finding employment, as well as services to assist with immigration, legal matters, domestic violence, family and relationships, child care, aged services, women's health, mental health and income support. (3) Congratulates President Julie Nunez for her commitment to providing support to the Philippine- Australian community in Blacktown.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

66 BROTHERS OF ST PATRICK MR GUY ZANGARI to move— That this House: (1) Notes the contribution of the Brothers of St Patrick towards the education of young men and the Brothers' support of the local community since 1953. (2) Commends the Patrician Brothers community (College, Old Boys Union, Junior Rugby League Club, Soccer Club, Cricket Club) for their tireless work within the Fairfield electorate.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

67 NSW SENIORS WEEK ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 2011 MS LINDA BURNEY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Mrs Susan Rance and Mr Ken Curtis, winners in the category of community service/volunteering in the 2011 NSW Seniors Week Achievement Awards. (2) Recognises the significant contributions made by these volunteers.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

68 STARS OF TAFE 2011 AWARDS MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the recipients of the Stars of TAFE 2011 Awards held at the CityBeach Function Centre on Thursday 19 May 2011. (2) Commends the work and efforts of Dianna Murray, Institute Director and especially her dedication to growing the TAFE sector. (3) Commends the hard working teachers, staff and students in the NSW TAFE sector.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

69 WOONONA SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB MR RYAN PARK to move— That this House: (1) Notes that theWoonona Surf Life Saving Club has been contributing to the local community for over 90 years. (2) Notes that the Woonona Surf Life Saving Club encourages a safe surf environment at Woonona Beach and actively aims to develop self-confidence and leadership skills amongst members. (3) Congratulates Woonona Surf Life Saving Club on achieving bronze level status in the Surf Life Saving NSW Quality Clubs Program.

(Notice given 25 May 2011) 3567 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

70 JOHN HUNTER HOSPITAL MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that on 25 May 2011 the John Hunter Hospital celebrates its 20th birthday. (2) Acknowledges the hard working staff who have strived to make the Hospital the best health facility it can be. (3) Notes that fundraising efforts and assistance from tireless volunteers have resulted in state-of-the- art facilities.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

71 NEWTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE MS CARMEL TEBBUTT to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Newtown Neighbourhood Centre has been assisting the local community for over 30 years and offers a range of important services for older people, people with mental illness, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, people on low income and people with disabilities. (2) Notes that Newtown Neighbourhood Centre organises the Newtown Festival, a celebrated annual event to fundraise for the centre. (3) Congratulates and thanks the Centre's Executive Officer, Ms Lisa Burns, the Board and the many volunteers and staff for this valuable community service.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

72 KENSINGTON TO LA PEROUSE LIGHT RAIL MR MICHAEL DALEY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Government's promise during the recent State election campaign to conduct a feasibility study into the expansion of light rail to Kensington. (2) Calls on the Government to expand the scope of the feasibility study beyond Kensington to La Perouse.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

73 BONNYRIGG MEN'S SHED MR NICK LALICH to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the extremely worthwhile contribution of more than 25 volunteers who regularly assist with the operation of Bonyrigg Men's Shed. (2) Notes that the Men's Shed has been operating for over 4 years and the intention is to now launch a new network aimed at assisting migrants and refugees who can be trained and upskilled in assimilating them into the wider community. (3) Congratulates Brian Waights, Allan Foresight, Michael Johnston and Matthew Dillon for their invaluable work in conducting a highly successful 'Shed' for the benefit of so many. (4) Notes Bonnyrigg Men's Shed plays a very important community role in the electorate of Cabramatta in relation to men's health and wellbeing. (5) Requests funding in the near future for the relocation of the Bonnyrigg Men's Shed to larger and more suitable premises at Fairfield Showground. 3568 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

74 MEALS ON WHEELS FAIRFIELD MR GUY ZANGARI to move— That this House: (1) Notes the contribution of Meals on Wheels Fairfield to the elderly and disabled. (2) Congratulates the volunteers and management for their preparation and of food to the community.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

75 TELSTRA BUSINESS WOMEN'S AWARDS 2011 MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Urges the community to nominate outstanding local women for the 2011 Telstra Business Women's Awards. (2) Notes that the prestigious award provides an excellent oppportunity to uncover our best local business women and acknowledges the contribution they make within our community.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

76 KOOLOORA COMMUNITY CENTRE MR MICHAEL DALEY to move— That this House: (1) Commends the work done by the Kooloora Community Centre at Malabar and the contribution its services provide to the surrounding community. (2) Notes in particular the hard work done by Co-ordinator, Julie Spies and President, Gillian Collinson and thanks them for their efforts. (3) Notes the appreciation of the local community for the services they provide including the vegetable co-op, seniors gentle exercises, playgroup for kids from low socio-economic families and support services to the large social housing estate located near the centre. (4) Supports the centre in its application for further funding from the Department of Community Services and calls on the Department to provide enough funding for a second full time community worker.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

77 CANTERBURY OLYMPIC ICE RINK MS LINDA BURNEY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Canterbury Olympic Ice Rink is celebrating 40 years, being in operation from 1971 to 2011. (2) Congratulates Cheltzie Lee for finishing in 21st place in the senior ladies singles at the World Figure Skating Championships in Russia in April⁄May. (3) Congratulates Danielle O'Brien and Gregory Merriman who finished in 37th place in senior dance at the World Figure Skating Championships in Russia. (4) Congratulates Fire on Ice Synchronized Skating Team who recently competed in Finland in April at the World Synchronized Skating Championships where they finished in 18th place.

(Notice given 25 May 2011) 3569 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

78 BLACKTOWN CITY ASSOCIATION MR JOHN ROBERTSON to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Blacktown City Netball Association has been supporting local netball teams in the Blacktown area since 1967. (2) Notes that the Blacktown City Netball Association has over 3500 members and supports 26 netball clubs. (3) Acknowledges the massive contributions of over 1000 volunteers who help run the Blacktown City Netball Association. (4) Congratulates President Sandra Marks for her 39 years of involvement with the club and her tireless dedication to netball in Blacktown.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

79 CHINESE AUSTRALIAN SERVICES SOCIETY MS LINDA BURNEY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that on 5 March 2011, the Chinese Australian Services Society (CASS) celebrated its 30th anniversary at its head office in Campsie. (2) Acknowledges that CASS assists with the integration of Chinese-speaking people into Australian society and fosters mutual understanding between Chinese Australians and the wider community.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

80 LIFE@LEANNES COMMUNITY CAFE MR GUY ZANGARI to move— That this House: (1) Notes the charitable work carried out by staff at Life@Leannes Community Cafe in Villawood. (2) Acknowledges the selfless contribution made by the volunteers in providing meals and other services to the community.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

81 WARATAH WEST PUBLIC SCHOOL MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Waratah West Public School on its very successful breakfast program. (2) Notes that breakfast is essential, helps children concentrate in class, and that the program has shown improvements in the students' behaviour and attitude. (3) Congratulates the community organisations who support and sponsor the program.

(Notice given 25 May 2011)

82 AGED CARE BEDS MR JOHN WILLIAMS to move— That this House notes that aged care beds are not meeting the needs of the community of Broken Hill, with a constant demand exceeding the available beds. 3570 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 26 May 2011)

83 PLATTSBURG PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARY MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges that the Federal Building the Education Revolution scheme enabled construction of a state-of-the-art library in the wonderful Plattsburg Public School, in the heart of Wallsend. (2) Congratulates the former Government for funding a much needed fence around the school. (3) Congratulates the school on holding a ceremony to note the contribution of the Federal Government, the students, teachers and the school community.

(Notice given 26 May 2011)

84 SPLITROCK TO BARRABA PIPELINE MR KEVIN ANDERSON to move— That this House congratulates the Government on funding a share of the much needed Splitrock to Barraba Pipeline.

(Notice given 26 May 2011)

85 LIGHT RAIL TICKETING INTEGRATION MR JAMIE PARKER to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the extension of light rail will provide improved transport options for thousands of inner west residents. (2) Calls on the Government to integrate the light rail into the public transport ticketing system. (3) Calls on the Government to arrange for concession card holders to travel on the light rail at a concession rate.

(Notice given 26 May 2011)

86 HUNTER SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL RUGBY LEAGUE TEAMS MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Under 15 and Under 18 Hunter Sports High School rugby league teams for their wins at the rugby league trials held last week. (2) Congratulates the 12 Hunter players who were selected for the Northern 15 years side for the NSWCHS selection trials and the 8 players selected for the Under 18 Northern team.

(Notice given 26 May 2011)

87 SOUTHERN RIVERINA STATE FORESTS CLOSURE MR JOHN WILLIAMS to move— That this House notes the closure of State Forests in the Southern Riverina has impacted severely on the economies of Deniliquin, Mathoura, Moama, Balranald and Barnam.

(Notice given 26 May 2011)

88 WARATAH PARK 3571 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

MR ROB STOKES to move— That this House: (1) Notes the outstanding heritage and environmental values of Waratah Park, home of Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, in Duffys Forest. (2) Notes the threats and uncertainty Waratah Park has faced in recent years. (3) Notes the tireless work of the Waratah Park Nature Reserve Foundation in highlighting the plight of the park. (4) Calls on all members to support the protection of this internationally acclaimed sanctuary for future generations to enjoy.

(Notice given 26 May 2011)

89 UNIVERSAL PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION MR JAMIE PARKER to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Australia is moving towards providing universal access to one year of pre-school education whereas most OECD countries offer universal pre-school education for two years. (2) Notes that the benefits of two years of pre-school education are well established. (3) Calls on the Government to introduce a scheme for an additional year of public pre-school for two days per week for all children in New South Wales. (4) Calls on the Government to introduce a first stage of the scheme that offers an additional year of pre-school to 10,000 children from Aboriginal families and disadvantaged communities. (5) Calls on the Government to work with the Commonwealth to provide all children with access to two years of pre-school by 2018.

(Notice given 26 May 2011)

90 KELLY MCGOWAN MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Kelly McGowan for her outstanding volunteer service with St John Ambulance, which was recently recognised at a special ceremony at Government House. (2) Notes that Kelly McGowan has been admitted as a member of the Order of St John.

(Notice given 26 May 2011)

91 MENINGES – POONCARIE ROAD CLOSURE MR JOHN WILLIAMS to move— That this House notes that the Meninges-Pooncarie Road has been closed for an unacceptable period over the last 12 months.

(Notice given 26 May 2011)

92 ARMIDALE TRAFFIC EDUCATION CENTRE MR RICHARD TORBAY to move— That this House calls on the Minister for Roads and Ports to consider the reuse of the Armidale Traffic Education Centre as a full time facility for driver training, particularly for young people in country New South Wales. 3572 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 27 May 2011)

93 GLENDALE POLICE STATION LOCAL AREA COMMAND MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes a site is yet to be chosen for the proposed Glendale Police Station Local Area Command in the Lake Macqaurie precinct. (2) Notes that there is $1 million in funding from the 2010-11 budget to purchase the land. (3) Notes that the Police Force in the Lake Macquarie LAC needs the LAC centre to be built and staffed as soon as possible.

(Notice given 30 May 2011)

94 OLD BAR CLAMS RUGBY UNION CLUB MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Old Bar Clams Rugby Union Club on celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. (2) Commends Richard Crook for his devotion to, and hard work for, the Old Bar Clams Rugby Union Club.

(Notice given 30 May 2011)

95 NEWCASTLE INNER CITY BYPASS, STAGE 5 MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that funding is required for the last stage of the Newcastle Inner City Bypass, Stage 5, from Jesmond to Rankin Park. (2) Urges the Government to fund the completion of this orbital link.

(Notice given 30 May 2011)

96 INTERNATIONAL NURSES DAY MR NICK LALICH to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges International Nurses Day and applauds the tireless and unselfish work that nurses undertake on a daily basis to deliver high quality healthcare to the entire community. (2) Notes that Nurses Day acknowledges the importance of nurses throughout the world, including the service of those at Fairfield and Liverpool Hospitals.

(Notice given 30 May 2011)

97 BRAYE PARK FACILITIES MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that funding for facilities at Waratah's Braye Park needs to be a priority for the Newcastle City Council. (2) Notes that park users cannot use the playground and picnic area because it lacks basic facilities such as a toilet, bubbler and barbeque. (3) Notes that the community deserves acclamation for their efforts to preserve the park's flora. 3573 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 30 May 2011)

98 UNIFICATION OF ITALY 150TH ANNIVERSARY MR GUY ZANGARI to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Italian Republic on the 150th anniversary of the unification, which took place on 17 March 1861. (2) Acknowledges the achievements of the Italian community in Australia especially in New South Wales.

(Notice given 30 May 2011)

99 REGIONAL ACHIEVEMENT AND COMMUNITY AWARDS MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Encourages people in regional areas to nominate worthy individuals and groups who contribute to the enhancement of their local communities for the Regional Achievement and Community Awards. (2) Notes that Awards Australia administers the scheme and that nominations close on 5 August 2011.

(Notice given 30 May 2011)

100 ST PATRICK'S CHURCH, WALLSEND MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the congregation of St Patrick's Church in Wallsend, which celebrated 80 years of service to the Wallsend community since the opening of St Patrick's Church. (2) Notes that St Patrick's Church is a well known iconic building in Wallsend with many great memories for those in the community.

(Notice given 1 June 2011)

101 ST MARY'S RSL SUB-BRANCH BOER WAR COMMEMORATION MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Mr Tony Frier, from the St Mary's RSL Sub-Branch, for his organisation and leadership of the second annual commemoration of the Boer War held on Sunday 29 May 2011 at the St Marys RSL Sub-Branch outpost. (2) Congratulates Ms Cheryl Dwyer, Principal of Colyton High School Trade School, teacher Stevenie Harman and the 30 Colyton High School Trade School Year 10 boys for their significant contribution, with the St Mary's RSL Sub-Branch, to the commemoration of the Boer War.

(Notice given 1 June 2011)

102 ADA STAADER MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Ada Staader for hosting her 12th Australia's Biggest Morning Tea. 3574 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Congratulates Ada Staader for raising $24,743 for the Cancer Council over the past decade and for being a wonderful ambassador for the Hunter community.

(Notice given 1 June 2011)

103 ORCHARD HILLS RESIDENTS AGAINST INDUSTRIAL DUMP ACTION GROUP MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Notes the dedicated work of the Orchard Hills Residents Against Industrial Dump (RAID) Action Group in fighting an inappropriate development proposal that would see an industrial and commercial recycling and dump business locate within their community. (2) Congratulates the RAID Action Group for gathering 9,090 submissions against the proposal within a 4 week period.

(Notice given 1 June 2011)

104 HUNTER CHILDREN'S RESEARCH FOUNDATION MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Encourages the community to support the Hunter Children's Research Foundation. (2) Congratulates the Foundation for reaching the $1 million fundraising milestone in October 2010, which money is used to research treatment of debilitating and terminal illnesses in children. (3) Notes the Foundation is in need of continued community support.

(Notice given 1 June 2011)

105 GO RED FOR WOMEN HEALTHY HEART CHALLENGE MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Heart Foundation's 'Go Red for Women Healthy Heart Challenge' program which is designed to raise awareness that heart disease is the number one killer of women. (2) Encourages women in NSW to participate in the 10 week personal challenge to raise awareness of heart disease being the silent killer of our women and to achieve better personal health and well- being.

(Notice given 1 June 2011)

106 NORTHERN BEACHES POLICE LOCAL AREA COMMAND MR ROB STOKES to move— That this House: (1) Notes the outstanding work performed by police officers from the Northern Beaches Local Area Command. (2) Notes that Detective Inspector Craig Wonders, Sergeant Vanessa Robinson, Leading Senior Constable Christopher Papallo, Leading Senior Constable Nino Jelovic, Senior Constable Roland Chrystal, and former Detective Inspector David Walton were recently awarded with clasps for 20 years of service. (3) Note that Senior Sergeant Richard Janssen, Sergeant Alan Le Surf and former Sergeant Robert McKenna were recently awarded with clasps for 30 years of service. (4) Congratulates these officers for their invaluable service and contribution to the Northern Beaches community. 3575 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 1 June 2011)

107 PARACYCLING WORLD CUP MR JOHN ROBERTSON to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Blacktown resident and Paralympian Jayme Paris is currently competing in the UCI Paracycling World Cup, the first round of which took place in Sydney earlier this month. (2) Notes that Jayme is currently ranked number one in the world for both road and track cycling in her category. (3) Congratulates Jayme for her ongoing success in paracycling and wishes her luck as she travels to Italy, Spain and Switzerland for the second round of the UCI Paracycling World Cup.

(Notice given 2 June 2011)

108 RURAL FIRE SERVICE ILLAWARRA ZONE MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the members of the Rural Fire Service Illawarra Zone who were recently awarded national medals and long service awards. (2) Acknowledges the hard work and dedication of the Rural Fire Service members and recognises that without their service our community would be at a great disadvantage. (3) Notes that Carrington Falls, Oak Flats, Mt Kembla, Foxground and Illawarra Support Brigades also received category 1 tankers, category 7 appliances and personnel carriers to help assist them in their vital job.

(Notice given 2 June 2011)

109 INCREASED FUNDING FOR WEAVE MR MICHAEL DALEY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the great work done by Weave and the Kool Kids Club Early Intervention Program for children aged seven to thirteen in social housing from Kingsford to La Perouse in the Maroubra electorate. (2) Calls on the Minister for Family and Community Services to commit to future funding, following reports in the Southern Courier (24 May 2011) that the Minister would consider it.

(Notice given 2 June 2011)

110 WOLLONGONG STREET STALL IN THE MALL MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the local Wollongong Area Command officers on their 'Street Stall in the Mall' initiative. (2) Notes that the stall provided an opportunity for the public to meet local police officers and learn about strategies to reduce crime and improve public safety. (3) Commends Superintendent Kyle Stewart and his team for their ongoing efforts and their dedication to keeping the public safe.

(Notice given 2 June 2011) 3576 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

111 BLACKTOWN SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL MR JOHN ROBERTSON to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Salvation Army, Blacktown took part in the Red Shield Appeal on Sunday 29 May 2011. (2) Acknowledges the hard work of the hundreds of volunteers who will be involved in the Red Shield Appeal in Blacktown. (3) Congratulates the Salvation Army, Blacktown for raising money to fund their valuable community services.

(Notice given 2 June 2011)

112 AFFINITY INTERCULTURAL FOUNDATION MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Affinity Intercultural Foundation on their recent Women of Culture Dinner held at the Portafino Lounge in Wollongong. (2) Notes that outstanding women such as Mia You from the Nan Tien Temple; Hacer Ozkan Saral, director of Affinity Intercultural Foundation; Monica Watts, Deputy Principal of the Illawarra Grammar School; Mazik Anzari and Margaret Biggs attended the evening and contributed to the theme of this year's dinner – "Hand in Hand for Social Harmony". (3) Acknowledges the outstanding hard work and dedication of Mrs Semanur Kombeci in organising such a worthwhile event.

(Notice given 2 June 2011)

113 HOMELESSNESS IN PENRITH MR STUART AYRES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Penrith Valley Fund under the leadership of Richard Eastmead of The Good Guys, Penrith in mobilising the local business community in raising awareness of homelessness and rough-sleepers in the region by organising the inaugural Penrith Valley Fund Business Sleepout. (2) Commends the ongoing work of the non-government sector in the Penrith electorate in providing food to those experiencing severe hardship through such organisations as: Barnardo's Penrith Children's Family Centre; Foothills Vineyard Church; Westcare Penrith; Penrith Community Kitchen; Ministries of the Rock; The St Vincent De Paul Society; Sydney Christian Outreach Centre and the Salvation Army.

(Notice given 14 June 2011)

114 MR ALF STONE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the passing of Mr Alf Stone on 27 May 2011, at the age of 92, one of Newcastle's last and best known prisoners of World War II. (2) Notes that Mr Stone valued his position as the Newcastle Ex-POW Association President, as he had spent four years in a German prison camp. (3) Acknowledges that diggers like Mr Stone shared a strong bond and looked after each other, and that their brave work defending Australia will never be forgotten. 3577 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 14 June 2011)

115 WOLLONGONG HAWKS MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Wollongong ahm Hawks guard Rhys Martin on his selection to the Australian Men's national basketball (Golden Star Boomers) team training camp squad in preparation for the upcoming YouYi Games against China. (2) Acknowledges that Rhys is entering into his 4th successful season with the Hawks and that he is an integral part of a great team under the leadership of Matt Campbell. (3) Notes the outstanding dedication by the Hawks management, coaching and support staff, and wishes all the players well for next season.

(Notice given 15 June 2011)

116 TOM FARRELL INSTITUTE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Commends Newcastle University's Tom Farrell Institute for promoting their Leaders in Sustainability Series. (2) Notes that former Newcastle Lord Mayor, Greg Heys, was recognised on 8 June by the Institute for instigating the 'Pathways to Sustainability' conference in 1997.

(Notice given 15 June 2011)

117 PUBLIC SECTOR WORKERS MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the Government on its continued bullying of workers in the public sector, in preventing them from attending a rally at Parliament House on 15 June 2011. (2) Acknowledges the Government's attempts to avoid scrutiny of the changes to industrial relations laws designed to erode wages and conditions for frontline workers and their families, by gagging debate in the Legislative Council. (3) Notes that the action of the Premier in gagging debate has not been attempted for over 100 years.

(Notice given 15 June 2011)

118 MYALL CREEK ANNUAL SERVICE OF COMMEMORATION MR PAUL LYNCH to move— That this House: (1) Notes the annual service of commemoration held at the Myall Creek Memorial on Saturday 11 June 2011. (2) Notes that the events commemorated at the service are central to the history of this land. (3) Congratulates the organisers of the commemoration.

(Notice given 15 June 2011)


That this House: (1) Notes that Hunter clubs contribute to the community in a very valuable way through the Community Development Support Expenditure Grants. (2) Notes that some of the local organisations supported by Wallsend Diggers include: the Hunter Prostate Cancer Alliance, Wallsend Diggers Cricket Club, Australian Drug Foundation, Lifeline Newcastle and Hunter, Wallsend Athletics Club, Wallsend Junior Soccer Club and the Wallsend Warriors Swimming Club.

(Notice given 15 June 2011)

120 ILLAWARRA SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT CAITLIN FOORD MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates 16 year old Illawarra Sports High School student Caitlin Foord on her selection to the Matildas squad for the 2011 Women's World Cup in Germany. (2) Acknowledges that Caitlin is the youngest member of the 21-player squad, which includes 13 World Cup debutantes, and shares the pride of her family, friends and community. (3) Notes the outstanding work undertaken by the teachers, staff and coaches at the Illawarra Sports High School in helping young people realise their sporting dreams.

(Notice given 15 June 2011)

121 REECE ROWBOTTOM, BMX RIDER MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Reece Rowbottom of Maryland, in the electorate of Wallsend, for making it to the National BMX World Championships held in Cairns recently. (2) Notes that Reece had progressed through four rounds of a State level qualifying competition to finish as the second highest qualifier for the 12 years Boys Dynamite team. (3) Commends Reece on finishing 6th in the finals and wishes him well for his future endeavours in BMX.

(Notice given 15 June 2011)

122 ILLAWARRA SYSTEMS DATA CENTRE MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Calls on the Government to confirm its pre-election commitment to the creation of a high physical security, technologically advanced surveillance and detection systems data centre in the Illawarra. (2) Acknowledges that the creation of such a data centre will provide an unprecedented boost to the high-capacity data centre sector in the State, as well as meeting stringent greenhouse emission and security standards. (3) Notes that the data centre project will provide significant jobs growth for the Illawarra region, with a share of approximately 400 jobs from the construction and design phase of the project.

(Notice given 15 June 2011)

123 MEDICAL RESEARCH WEEK MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: 3579 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(1) Notes that 6 to 10 June 2011 was Medical Research Week. (2) Congratulates all our medical researchers and commends them in their search for discoveries and breakthroughs to improve our health. (3) Notes the efforts of the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) to find cures for diseases and recognises its prominent place within the Hunter Community. (4) Acknowledges and thanks the 2000 volunteers who contribute to the operations of HRMI.

(Notice given 15 June 2011)

124 INDEPENDENT PRICING AND REGULATORY TRIBUNAL MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the Government for breaking its promise to reduce energy prices for families in Wollongong and across the State. (2) Notes the Premier's comments following the March 2011 election that the price increases recommended by IPART would be fully implemented, contradicting statements prior to the election that families would be 'given a break'. (3) Notes that time and time again whilst in Opposition Mr O'Farrell's shadow cabinet said IPART recommended increases should be rejected.

(Notice given 15 June 2011)

125 SHORTLAND WATERS GOLF CLUB SUPERINTENDENT MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Shortland Waters Golf Club Superintendent, Craig Molloy, on his election as President of the NSW Golf Course Superintendents, which will now take him to the United States on a study tour. (2) Commends Craig on his desire to extend his knowledge for the benefit of the Shortland Waters Golf Club and other clubs in New South Wales.

(Notice given 15 June 2011)

126 WEST WALLSEND INDOOR SWIMMING CENTRE COMMITTEE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates long serving committee members, Wendy Wilson and Anne Dever, who were recently honoured with life membership of the West Wallsend Indoor Swimming Centre. (2) Acknowledges the new club executive: President, Robert Campbell; Vice President, Terry Moonen; Secretary and Race Secretary, Lee Bendeich; Treasurer, Nigel Richardson; and committee members, Janeen Richardson, John Herring, Todd Holden and Anne Dever.

(Notice given 16 June 2011)

127 UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG'S 60TH YEAR OF OPERATION MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Notes that this is the University of Wollongong's 60th year of operation as a tertiary institution. (2) Commends the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Wollongong, Professor Gerard Sutton, on his 16 years of service as Vice-Chancellor and on his service to the tertiary sector. 3580 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(3) Congratulates the dedicated staff of the University of Wollongong on their efforts to make this institution an award-winning university.

(Notice given 17 June 2011)

128 DAFFODIL DAY DR ANDREW MCDONALD to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 26 August 2011 is Daffodil Day in support of the Cancer Council. (2) Notes the work of the Cancer Council in advocacy, research, prevention and support for people with cancer. (3) Calls on all members to support the Cancer Council.

(Notice given 17 June 2011)

129 PALLIATIVE CARE SERVICES MR ROB STOKES to move— That this House: (1) Notes the outstanding work undertaken by palliative care providers throughout New South Wales. (2) Notes the essential role Hammondcare plays in providing palliative care services to residents on the northern beaches. (3) Notes that the Cora Adcock Palliative Care Day Hospital on the grounds of Mona Vale Hospital provides excellent service on a superb site to terminally ill patients and their families. (4) Calls on all members to support the provision of palliative care services to help reduce pressure on our local hospitals and to assist the most vulnerable members of our communities.

(Notice given 17 June 2011)

130 BROADMEADOW TO SYDNEY TRAIN SERVICE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Newcastle is the second and most prosperous city in New South Wales, and the lower Hunter is a growth area for both population and employment. (2) Notes the need for a faster train from Broadmeadow to Central and that a two hour train journey from Broadmeadow to Central is achievable.

(Notice given 20 June 2011)

131 PARRAMATTA LOCAL AREA COMMAND DR GEOFF LEE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the outstanding work of the police in the Parramatta Local Area Command. (2) Congratulates the 10 police officers awarded the Parramatta Rotary 2010/11 award for outstanding service. (3) Congratulates Sergeant Andrew Cross, named as the Parramatta Rotary Officer for 2010/11. (4) Commends the Parramatta Rotary clubs for the intitiative and support of these important awards.

(Notice given 20 June 2011) 3581 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

132 HUNTER TRANSPORT PLAN MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Government's dedicated transport plan for the Hunter. (2) Notes that Hunter citizens are enthusiastic about discovering how they will benefit from the plan, and are optimistic that funding for the Glendale Road Rail Interchange will be a priority in the Hunter plan. (3) Notes that NRMA Hunter Director Mr Kyle Loades looks forward to shovel ready projects in the Hunter.

(Notice given 20 June 2011)

133 LAMBTON-NEW LAMBTON RSL BOER WAR COMMEMORATIVE SERVICE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Boer War is one of Australia's forgotten wars. (2) Acknowledges the Lambton-New Lambton RSL Club, and members Ray Warry, Warrick Budden and Murdoch MacGillivray, for conducting a Boer War Commermorative Service to honour those who fought and died in the Boer War.

(Notice given 21 June 2011)

134 MACQUARIE SHORES VILLAGE BIGGEST MORNING TEA MR GARRY EDWARDS to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the residents of Macquarie Shores Village who for the 9th year held Australia's Biggest Morning Tea - Macquarie Shores Style. (2) Acknowledges that every year the cooks, knitters, crocheters, artists and dressmakers produce items for auctioneer Bob Brooks to auction. (3) Notes that this year's efforts raised just under $2500 and over the last 9 years the group has donated over $18,000 to the Cancer Council of NSW; a sterling effort and a great day for all involved.

(Notice given 21 June 2011)

135 LAMBTON HIGH SCHOOL GREEN DAY MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the staff and students of Lambton High School for running their annual environmental day, called Green Day, on 24 June 2011, which highlights the school and community's recognition of the importance of protecting our environment. (2) Acknowledges both the staff and students at Lambton High School for this clever environmental intiative.

(Notice given 21 June 2011)

136 STAR STRUCK 2011 MR GARRY EDWARDS to move— That this House: 3582 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(1) Congratulates the 137 schools from across the Hunter and Central Coast who on 16 June 2011 opened the 2011 season of Star Struck, a variety concert that showcases excellence in performing arts throughout the Hunter and Central Coast regions. (2) Notes the contributing schools from the Swansea electorate: Belmont High School; Belmont North Public School; Blacksmiths Public School; Marks Point Public School; Mannering Park Public School; Lake Munmorah High School; Nords Wharf Public School and Valentine Public School. (3) Congratulates the teachers, aides and parents who make this amazing event, which is now in its 19th year, possible.

(Notice given 21 June 2011)

137 PROFESSOR MAREE GLEESON OAM MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Hunter Region Medical Institute's Chief Executive Officer, Professor Maree Gleeson, who has been honoured for her work in medicine and education with a Medal of the Order of Australia. (2) Notes that Professor Gleeson was also recognised for her contribution to raising awareness and fundraising programs for Alzheimer's disease and breast cancer.

(Notice given 21 June 2011)

138 OLYROOS V YEMEN MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Supports the Olyroos in their match against Yemen at Ausgrid Stadium, Broadmeadow on 23 June 2011. (2) Notes that Jason Hoffman, former Novocastrian, and Jets Player, Marco Jesic will have a strong local following as they represent Australia in the international fixture.

(Notice given 22 June 2011)

139 LIONS CLUBS IN THE ST GEORGE REGION MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Recognises the work of the Lions Club, the world's largest service club organisation with 45,000 clubs and 1.35 million members worldwide. (2) Notes the important services provided by volunteer organisations such as the Lions Club, which has over 10 clubs in the St George region. (3) Congratulates the executives of the Lions Club of Oatley and the Oatley Leo Club on their successes, which were celebrated at the recent Combined 2011 Changeover Dinner on 21 June 2011 at Mortdale RSL and wishes the new executive all the very best. (4) Congratulates the executive of St George Lions Club on their achievements, which were celebrated at the Changeover Dinner on 16 June 2011 at Kogarah Golf Club.

(Notice given 22 June 2011)

140 ROSE DAVIDSON MS SONIA HORNERY to move— 3583 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

That this House: (1) Congratulates Callaghan College, Wallsend student Rose Davidson on her selection as part of the Australian cheerleading squad "The Poms" who competed at the International Cheer Union World Cheerleading Championships in April 2011 in Florida. (2) Notes that Rose is also a member of the successful Callaghan College Comets cheer squad which has won two state titles and an Asia Pacific World Cup in the past three years and is headed to the nationals in November 2011.

(Notice given 22 June 2011)

141 CANCER COUNCIL NSW MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes that half of all Australians will be affected by cancer in their lifetime and that this disease comes at a significant economic, social and personal cost to those affected and their families. (2) Notes the important work done by the Cancer Council NSW as a community funded, community focused cancer charity dedicated to the defeat of cancer. (3) Congratulates the Cancer Council NSW on the recent opening of the Information Centre at St George Hospital to provide important resources, support services and information to cancer patients, their friends and families. (4) Urges all members to support the work of Cancer Council NSW through events such as Australia's Biggest Morning Tea and Relay for Life.

(Notice given 22 June 2011)

142 CAMBEWARRA RURAL FIRE SERVICE MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Cambewarra Rural Fire Service on its successful community fundraiser at Hawell Faulks Reserve, Cambewarra on Sunday 19 June 2011. (2) Commends the outstanding work of rural service volunteers across the Kiama electorate on their continued contribution towards protecting our local community.

(Notice given 22 June 2011)

143 RIDE OF SILENCE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Ride of Silence was conducted by Hunter cyclists to remember those who have been killed or injured on Hunter roads. (2) Acknowledges Hunter Olympian, Olivia Gollan, for organising the Newcastle event.

(Notice given 22 June 2011)

144 MAKE A WISH FOUNDATION MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the invaluable work done by the Make a Wish Foundation to give children with life- threatening medical conditions experiences to improve their quality of life. (2) Congratulates the St George & Sutherland Shire Make a Wish Foundation on its recent 3584 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

fundraising ball which took place on 18 June 2011. (3) Encourages all members to commend the hard work of the Make a Wish Foundation and the support it provides to the most vulnerable in our community.

(Notice given 22 June 2011)

145 SHOALHAVEN HISTORY FAIR MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the organisers of the 7th annual Shoalhaven Family, Local and Cultural History Fair. (2) Notes the work and outstanding efforts of Joy Vost, Wayne Vost and Lynne Allen who have been integral in building the fair's success.

(Notice given 22 June 2011)

146 OATLEY CHINESE COMMUNITY MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the important contribution made by members of the Chinese community in the Oatley electorate through business, community services and cultural exchanges such as the Chinese New Year Festival and the Moon Festival. (2) Congratulates Sunny Chung on the 4th anniversary of the opening of Sunny's Harbour View restaurant on 27 May 2011, which was an occasion to celebrate the success of this local Chinese business with other members of Parliament and members of the Chinese community.

(Notice given 22 June 2011)

147 NOWRA ANGLICAN COLLEGE MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the commissioning of Chris Pitt as the Principal of the Nowra Anglican College. (2) Congratulates the Nowra Anglican College on the provision of a quality education for its students.

(Notice given 22 June 2011)

148 ST GEORGE COMMUNITY TRANSPORT MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the reliance of many elderly, disabled and vulnerable members of the community on volunteer support services for mobility and quality of life. (2) Notes the important contribution made to the St George region by St George Community Transport which provides a range of invaluable services for the aged, frail and disabled. (3) Congratulates St George Community Transport, its executive, volunteer staff and drivers on their performance of this work. (4) Encourages all members to support the organisations that are such an asset to our communities.

(Notice given 22 June 2011) 3585 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

149 SHIRES ASSOCIATION OF NSW MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Councillor Ray Donald on his election as the President of the Shires Association of NSW. (2) Congratulates Councillor Adam Marshall on his election as Vice President of the Shires Association. (3) Extends its congratulations to elected members of the new executive and wishes them every success in their representative duties on behalf of Shires in our State.

(Notice given 22 June 2011)

150 ELECTION FUNDING AND DISCLOSURE SYSTEM MR JAMIE PARKER to move— That this House calls on the Government to further reform the electoral funding and disclosure system to tighten the cap on and restrict to individuals the ability to make donations to political candidates and parties, and introduce more timely disclosure of political donations.

(Notice given 23 June 2011)

151 MORTDALE COMMUNITY SERVICES MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the reliance of many elderly, disabled and vulnerable members of the community on volunteer support services for mobility and quality of life. (2) Notes the important contribution made to the region by Mortdale Community Services providing a range of invaluable services for the aged, frail and disabled. (3) Congratulates Mortdale Community Services, its executive, volunteer staff and drivers on this work. (4) Encourages all members of this House to support volunteer organisations which are such an asset to our communities.

(Notice given 23 June 2011)

152 DENTAL HEALTH WEEK MRS ROZA SAGE to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Dental Health Week is observed from 1 to 7 August 2011. (2) Notes that this year's theme is bringing public awareness to oral cancer. (3) Call on members of this House to promote the message that together we can give oral cancer awareness a voice.

(Notice given 23 June 2011)

153 NOWRA ANGLICAN COLLEGE MOCK TRIAL TEAM MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Nowra Anglican College Mock Trial team on its success in the Mock Trial competition to date. 3586 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Acknowledges the participation of Georgia Barton, Jack Gaudie, Lauren O'Connor, Mourd, Dana McMullen, Jessinta Ison, Jennifer Williams, Nicholas Olds, Blake Ritchie, Brittany Jeston, Gabrielle Dover, Aleksander Luzaic and Jasmine Hannigan. (3) Commends their legal studies teacher, Felicity Reynolds on her dedication and efforts towards the team's success.

(Notice given 23 June 2011)

154 ST GEORGE MEN'S SHED MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the important role played by Men's Sheds in supporting and raising awareness of men's health issues. (2) Looks forward to the establishment of the St George Men's Shed so it can continue the good work of Men's Sheds across New South Wales to promote positive health outcomes for men in the St George region and provide an important community and social venue. (3) Applauds the Minister for Healthy Lifestyles for his commitment and advocacy for Men's Sheds. (4) Encourages all members of this House to support the work of Men's Sheds in their communities and improved awareness of men's health issues.

(Notice given 23 June 2011)

155 BRAVEHEARTS MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the extraordinary contribution Bravehearts makes towards child protection in New South Wales. (2) Acknowledges the annual Bravehearts dinner at Parliament House on 7 September 2011 and encourages all members of this House to attend. (3) Requests that the House pay greater attention to strengthening child protection laws in New South Wales.

(Notice given 23 June 2011)

156 MORTDALE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the important work done by local Chambers of Commerce throughout New South Wales and the role that businesses play in the Oatley electorate in promoting the local economy and providing important jobs and services for families. (2) Commends the important work of the Mortdale Chamber of Commerce in supporting and advocating on behalf of local businesses in the Oatley electorate. (3) Encourages the Mortdale Chamber of Commerce to continue the important work already undertaken and work with the Government and local members to find new ways to promote business opportunities and make New South Wales an attractive place to do business.

(Notice given 23 June 2011)

157 LIFELINE MR GARETH WARD to move— 3587 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

That this House: (1) Commends the Government for demonstrating its commitment to improved mental health outcomes in New South Wales by delivering on its election commitment to provide $2 million per year for four years to Lifeline and establishing the first ever Minister for Mental Health portfolio in New South Wales. (2) Notes the rate of suicide in New South Wales continues to cause concern. (3) Congratulates the very important work of Lifeline volunteers. (4) Notes the hard working and dedicated counsellors at the Nowra and Wollongong Lifeline offices.

(Notice given 23 June 2011)

158 HURSTVILLE EXCELLENCE IN BUSINESS AWARDS 2011 MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the invaluable contribution made to the Oatley electorate by a number of local businesses. (2) Congratulates all recipients of awards across all categories at the recent Hurstville Excellence in Business Awards held on 6 June 2011. (3) Notes that small businesses play a huge part in our local economy with over 14,500 shopfront and home-based businesses.

(Notice given 23 June 2011)

159 STOLEN BABIES GENERATION MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Offers its deepest condolences to the victims of the 'stolen babies' generation and welcomes the apology that has been issued to those affected. (2) Notes the latest Senate enquiry. (3) Supports the establishment of a national scheme for helping women and their families and requests that more is done to help and support the victims and their children.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

160 THE VISION CHINA TIMES MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the invaluable contribution made to our community by all ethnic media outlets in promoting a positive contribution to society by those of a non-English speaking background. (2) Congratulates The Vision China Times on its fourth anniversary and its importance to members of the Chinese community in the Oatley electorate. (3) Supports Vision China Times to further engage the local Chinese community in our civic life.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

161 MAKE A WISH FOUNDATION MR RYAN PARK to move— That this House: (1) Notes the inspirational work that the Make a Wish Foundation does within the local community to support children and their families with life-threatening conditions. 3588 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Congratulates the Make a Wish team from the Illawarra for their fundraising efforts and wishes Pam Rimmer and her team of volunteers all the best for fundraising events. (3) Calls on all members of this House to do what they can to support this very important community charity.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

162 DOWN SYNDROME - RIGHT START MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges that Down syndrome is the most frequent genetic cause of mild to moderate intellectual disability and associated medical problems that occurs in around one out of 800 live births. (2) Congratulates Right Start in raising awareness of Down syndrome and their goal to build a Down syndrome centre.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

163 EDUCATION WEEK 2011 MS CARMEL TEBBUTT to move— That this House notes: (1) That Education Week 2011 is being held from 1 to 5 August 2011; (2) The theme for Education Week 2011 is NSW Public Schools – Creating the Future; (3) The dedication and hard work of teachers and staff in the education system in NSW; and (4) That the support of parents and the community is vital to a vibrant education system.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

164 LEARN TO SWIM PROGRAMS MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the importance of all children learning to swim, as it is a positive health and social activity and it reduces the risk of drowning in backyard pools and other swimming locations. (2) Notes the number of people in our community from a migrant or refugee background who also take up the opportunity to learn to swim and participate in a distinctly Australian past time. (3) Congratulates the Peakhurst Amateur Swimming Club on 50 years of teaching children to swim. (4) Thanks the Peakhurst Amateur Swimming Club for making the member for Oatley patron of the club and for promoting the importance of learning swimming in the community.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

165 JESMOND LIONS CYCLEWAY CLEAN UP MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House thanks Troy Herbert Symes, Bob Hodgson and the Jesmond Lions for their monthly voluntary cycleway cleanup project in the University Precinct in the Wallsend electorate.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

166 CAWDOR PUBLIC SCHOOL 3589 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Cawdor Public School on a very successful billy-cart fundraiser on Sunday 31 July 2011. (2) Acknowledges that it was a well supported by the community with over 2000 people in attendance helping to raise over $20,000. (3) Recognises the significant contribution made by Darrin and Tanya Wickham, Principal of Cawdor Public School, Sharon Ihlein, Matt Owens the event coordinator, the Cawdor Rural Fire Service and everyone else who made the day a great success.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

167 STACEY STREET, SOUTH WEST SYDNEY MS TANIA MIHAILUK to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Stacey Street is a significant arterial road in South West Sydney. (2) Notes that there is an open drain on Stacey Street which causes significant traffic congestion and safety problems. (3) Notes that the Minister for Roads has recently said that the situation in Stacey Street is "not untenable". (4) Calls on the Government to find a solution to fix Stacey Street.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

168 NATIONAL TREE DAY AND SCHOOLS TREE DAY MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the importance of National Tree Day and Schools Tree Day, which took place on 29 and 31 July 2011, in promoting awareness of environmental issues and a positive outcome for the local environment. (2) Notes that National Tree Day and Schools Tree Day is the biggest community tree-planting events in Australia. (3) Congratulates Penshurst West Public School, Narwee Public School and Peakhurst West Primary School for participating in Schools Tree Day. (4) Encourages all members of this House to participate in important and practical environmental activities like National Tree Day and Schools Tree Day.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

169 BELLAMBI NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE MR RYAN PARK to move— That this House: (1) Notes the enormous contribution that our Aboriginal community has made to the Keira electorate. (2) Congratulates Karen Dale and the team at Bellambi Neighbourhood Centre for their outstanding efforts in staging NAIDOC Week celebrations..

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

170 PAINT THE TOWN READ 3590 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

MR STUART AYRES to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the ongoing efforts of the Paint the Town REaD campaign across various local government areas in New South Wales in promoting early literacy development. (2) Congratulates Penrith City Council, in conjunction with Mission Australia and for their promotion of the program within the Penrith electorate.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

171 RESERVE FORCES DAY MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House congratulates the Reserve Forces of the Hunter, who recently celebrated the 63rd Reserve Forces Day with a ceremony and celebrations recognising serving and former reservists.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

172 SAFE USE OF MEDICINES MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the importance of promoting safe use of medicines for all members of our community and particularly those of a non-English speaking background. (2) Commends the Australian Chinese Community Association (ACCA) on its safe use of medicines seminar held in Chinese dialects to assist those of a Chinese speaking background. (3) Supports ACCA in looking at ways to promote safe use of medicines.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

173 YAGOONA STATION MS TANIA MIHAILUK to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Yagoona Station potentially services up to 30,000 people in the suburbs of Yagoona, Yagoona West, Georges Hall, Bass Hill and Bankstown West. (2) Notes that this is an area with a growing and ageing population. (3) Calls on the Minister for Transport to make Yagoona Station a priority under the Easy Access Program.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

174 THIRLMERE TRAIN WORKS MUSEUM MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Thirlmere Train Works Museum on hosting the Thomas the Tank Engine weekend attended by 3000 people. (2) Acknowledges the contribution that the Thirlmere Train Works Museum makes to local tourism in Wollondilly. (3) Praises the organisation staff and volunteers for a successful event.

(Notice given 2 August 2011) 3591 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

175 HUNTER ACADEMY OF SPORT MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Thanks the Hunter Academy of Sport for its excellent Hunter Festival of Sport held during the July school holidays. (2) Notes the festival helps children develop their sports skills and gives them a chance to try sports they may not otherwise get to try.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

176 RADIO 2AC MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the invaluable contribution made to our community by all ethnic media outlets in promoting a positive contribution to society by those of a non-English speaking background. (2) Congratulates 2AC on its 16th Anniversary Dinner held on 1 July 2011 and its importance to members of the Chinese community in the Oatley electorate. (3) Supports the work of 2AC to further engage the local Chinese community in our civic life.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

177 BANKSTOWN BITES MS TANIA MIHAILUK to move— That this House: (1) Notes that "Bankstown Bites" is a festival held on the last Saturday of July each year which aims to showcase the variety of cuisine available in Bankstown. (2) Notes that this year's Bankstown Bites celebrity chef was Darren Simpson. (3) Congratulates Bankstown City Council, Bankstown Sports Club, the Bankstown Torch, Bankstown RSL and all of the other sponsors for their involvement in this event.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

178 CASS HUA-KANG SENIORS' GROUP MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the important role and contribution made by members of our seniors community and particularly those of a non-English speaking background. (2) Congratulates the CASS Hua-Kang Seniors' Group on its recent 15th anniversary celebration lunch held on 29 July 2011. (3) Supports seniors groups in our community and the positive contribution they make to society.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

179 BLACKBUTT NATURE RESERVE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the addition of two new diamond pythons to Blackbutt Nature Reserve. (2) Notes the snakes have been donated to the Reserve, enhancing the wide variety of wildlife 3592 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

exhibits at Blackbutt.

(Notice given 2 August 2011)

180 KOGARAH COMMUNITY SERVICES MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the important work undertaken by community and social service organisations, both staff and volunteers, that provide invaluable services to the most vulnerable and needy members of our community. (2) Congratulates Kogarah Community Services on recently receiving the Community Services of the Year Award. (3) Encourages all members of this House to support the work of community and social service organisations across New South Wales.

(Notice given 3 August 2011)

181 HUNTER WETLAND CENTRE BUSH TUCKER GARDEN MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the iconic Hunter Wetlands Centre for the launch of their Bush Tucker Garden which houses over 250 wildlife species. (2) Notes that the garden will further assist in education about the significance of the Hunter Wetlands, including its use as a rich source of food.

(Notice given 3 August 2011)

182 SARAH HILT, SWIMMER MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates local meningococcal survivor and quadruple amputee, Sarah Hilt, for her recent success qualifying for the Para Pan Pacific Games. (2) Acknowledges her courage and dedication to achieve this milestone. (3) Wishes her luck at her next swimming fixture and her future efforts to qualify for the London Paralympics.

(Notice given 3 August 2011)

183 ILLAWARRA AND SOUTH COAST LOCAL BUSINESS AWARDS 2011 MS ANNA WATSON to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates all of the local nominees and recipients of the 2011 Illawarra and South Coast Local Business Awards presented at the annual awards evening held on 20 June 2011 at Dapto Leagues Club. (2) Acknowledges the outstanding service provided by each business to our local community, as well as to tourism, trade and the economy. (3) Notes that behind every great business, there is a dedicated and hard working team who are equally worthy of the deserved recognition.

(Notice given 3 August 2011) 3593 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

184 RAMADAN MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the importance of the holy month of Ramadan in the Islamic calendar, which is a month of personal and spiritual renewal through fasting, prayer and charitable works. (2) Notes the importance of charity as a pillar of the Islamic faith and the particular emphasis on charitable works in the community during Ramadan. (3) Encourages everyone to share in the sense of community fostered during the month of Ramadan, especially through the shared iftar, or breaking of the fast, at sunset each day. (4) Offers our best wishes to members of the Muslim community during this important time in their calendar.

(Notice given 3 August 2011)

185 EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF DIABETES MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Gives thanks to Dr Bruce King and the diabetes specialists of the John Hunter Hospital who are working on studies to see if better public awareness of type 1 diabetes will prevent late diagnosis of children with diabetes. (2) Notes that early diagnosis of diabetes in children can assist in the prevention of the development of serious health issues.

(Notice given 3 August 2011)

186 MY MACARTHUR SCHOOLS CHALLENGE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Appin Public School on their recent success in winning the My Macarthur Schools Challenge and the cash prize of $10,000. (2) Acknowledges the generous sponsorship of the challenge by the Macarthur Advertiser and the Campbelltown Catholic Club.

(Notice given 3 August 2011)

187 MR MAX MARIANI'S 'BOOKS EN ROUTE' MS ANNA WATSON to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Mr Max Mariani for sharing his love of reading with the community via his 'Books en Route' service. (2) Acknowledges that Mr Mariani's mobile business is more about service than profit, taking an affordable and stimulating service out into the community as well as providing social interaction and enjoyment for those who would otherwise miss out. (3) Notes that 'Books en Route' success will rely on the general public's use of the service and Government funding in order to maintain an affordable service.

(Notice given 3 August 2011)


MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the importance of public education in providing children in the Oatley electorate the positive learning environment they need to excel. (2) Congratulates all recipients of awards at the Beverly Hills Primary School Gold Assembly held on 27 June 2011. (3) Encourages students at Beverly Hills Primary School and all schools to strive for excellence in their studies.

(Notice given 3 August 2011)

189 MR WARREN EVANS - HUNTER REGION SPORTS ADMINISTRATOR AWARD MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Mr Warren Evans who received this year's Hunter Region Sports Administrator Award. (2) Notes that the award acknowledges the outstanding work done by sports administrators in the Hunter. (3) Notes Mr Evans received the award for his contribution to the work of the Hunter Academy of Sport and the Hunter Festival of Sport.

(Notice given 3 August 2011)

190 OUR LADY HELP OF CHRISTIANS PARISH PRIMARY SCHOOL MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Our Lady Help of Christians Parish Primary School for its recent success at the J Rock competition. (2) Acknowledges the significant achievement of the students who received excellence awards in choreography, sound track and costuming.

(Notice given 3 August 2011)

191 SHELLHARBOUR TRANSPORT AND MOBILITY REGIONAL FORUM MS ANNA WATSON to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the NRMA for facilitating an expert discussion panel called, 'The Shellharbour Transport and Mobility Regional Forum'. (2) Acknowledges that by 2012, the Government should develop and implement a transport and mobility plan for an ageing population. (3) Notes that community consultation is the key to identifying and addressing existing and future transport infrastructure projects and services, whilst also taking into account the transport and mobility needs of older people.

(Notice given 3 August 2011)

192 ST GEORGE LOCAL BUSINESS AWARDS MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: 3595 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(1) Notes the invaluable contribution made to the Oatley electorate by a number of local businesses. (2) Congratulates all recipients of awards across all categories at the recent St George Local Business Awards held on 13 July 2011. (3) Notes the vital role business plays and looks forward to working with all local businesses to further promote and invigorate the economy.

(Notice given 3 August 2011)

193 JESMOND LIONS CLUB MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Thanks the Jesmond Lions Club for its ongoing charitable work for the community. (2) Notes their major donation given to support medical treatment of children at the John Hunter Hospital. (3) Congratulates the new Lions Club president, Chris Bullock, secretary, Troy Herbert Symes and treasurer, Lyn Waymouth.

(Notice given 3 August 2011)

194 SECOND CHANCE TOYS MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes that a number of disadvantaged children in our community lack the opportunities and childhood experiences enjoyed by many other children. (2) Congratulates Second Chance Toys in the Oatley electorate on its initiative to take second-hand plastic toys and provide them to those children most in need. (3) Supports the work of Second Chance Toys to promote opportunities for disadvantaged children.

(Notice given 3 August 2011)

195 CADEL EVANS MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Cadel Evans on becoming the first Australian to win the Tour de France. (2) Notes his 20 years of hard work that contributed to his achievement.

(Notice given 3 August 2011)

196 HASTINGS PUBLIC SCHOOL MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House acknowledges the outstanding work, determination and commitment of the Hastings Public School Principal, Grant Heaton, and P & C President, Mrs Kylie Sherwood in ensuring that the recently opened BER project provided both an appropriate and cost-effective asset to the school infrastructure.

(Notice given 4 August 2011)

197 KIDZWISH FOUNDATION MS ANNA WATSON to move— 3596 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

That this House: (1) Notes that the KidzWish Foundation, a self-funded organisation, provides life-long benefits such as improved health, higher self-esteem, increased creativity and above all, a greater chance of happiness. (2) Congratulates Lesley Patmore, Gary Luck and Chris Bevan on the outstanding service they provide for sick, disabled and disadvantaged children, through the KidzWish Foundation.

(Notice given 4 August 2011)

198 JAMES MAGNUSSEN, SWIMMER MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House recognises the outstanding success of Port Macquarie's champion swimmer James Magnussen and acknowledges his recent achievements at the FINA World Championships in Shanghai.

(Notice given 4 August 2011)

199 MACARTHUR CYCLING CLUB MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Macarthur Cycling Club is one of the most progressive clubs in New South Wales with a growing membership and three major cycling events on the domestic cycling calendar. (2) Notes that one such event is the two day Goulburn to Sydney Classic which began in 1902 and travels through Wollondilly. (3) Acknowledges the importance of the Goulburn to Sydney Classic to the region of Wollondilly and to the cycling community. (4) Congratulates the Macarthur Cycling Club on staging this important event.

(Notice given 4 August 2011)

200 NEPEAN AREA DISABILITIES ORGANISATION MR STUART AYRES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation on their successful and growing operations over the last 30 years in promoting programs and support for patients and carers. (2) Extends its support and encouragement to the organisation led by Denise Heath.

(Notice given 4 August 2011)

201 JOHN THERRY HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH FORUM MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates John Therry High School for hosting a youth forum encompassing many local high school students. (2) Acknowledges that the youth forum provides an excellent opportunity for youth to let community leaders understand issues that affect them and provide practical solutions to overcome them. (3) Congratulates year 12 student Joshua Cotter who started the youth forum.

(Notice given 4 August 2011) 3597 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

202 KATHY BALODIS, MID NORTH COAST TOURISM MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House recognises the contribution of Kathy Balodis, Chairman of the Mid North Coast Regional Tourism Organisation, and her ongoing dedication and commitment to promoting local tourism and her efforts in establishing the Legendary Pacific Coast Touring Route.

(Notice given 4 August 2011)

203 BARGO SPORTS HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Bargo Sports Hall Management Committee for the successful running of the Bargo Sports Hall. (2) Recognises that the committee is a group of volunteers who give their time freely for the benefit of their local community.

(Notice given 4 August 2011)

204 LOCAL GOVERNMENT REGIONAL NAIDOC AWARDS 2011 MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the success of the 2011 Local Government Regional NAIDOC Awards held at Shellharbour Workers Club held on Saturday 2 July 2011. (2) Congratulates the many award recipients, including: Uncle Steven Russell, Male Aboriginal Elder of the Year; Aunty Nell Mooney, Female Aboriginal Elder of the Year; Corey Belsito, Aboriginal Young Achiever of the Year; Ricki Lee Donovan, Aboriginal Young Achiever of the Year; Natalie Beckett for Outstanding Service in Aboriginal Health; Roy 'Dootch' Kennedy, Aboriginal Community Representative of the Year; and the Illawarra Aboriginal Corporation, Aboriginal Organisation of the Year.

(Notice given 4 August 2011)

205 WOLLONDILLY CANCER SUPPORT GROUP MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges that the Wollondilly Cancer Support Group provides much needed support to cancer patients and carers in the Wollondilly region. (2) Congratulates Wollondilly Cancer Support Group on its great work. (3) Congratulates Wendy McIntosh, the Wollondilly Cancer Support Group spokesperson, for her dedication to the Wollondilly region.

(Notice given 4 August 2011)

206 HOMELESS PERSONS WEEK DR GEOFF LEE to move— That this House: (1) Recognises that homelessness is a significant and pressing issue facing New South Wales. (2) Notes that Homeless Persons Week, held in August 2011, aims to draw attention to the plight of homeless people across Australia. 3598 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(3) Notes the outstanding work undertaken by Anglicare's Street Outreach, Parramatta Mission and other community organisations in the Parramatta area in feeding the local homeless population. (4) Thanks Greg Hirst and Stan Small of the Brotherhood of Christian Bikers for their assistance in promoting a positive and hopeful message on homelessness in the Parramatta area.

(Notice given 5 August 2011)

207 WOLLONDILLY ARTS GROUP MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Wollondilly Arts Group, comprising artists and crafts people of all age groups, backgrounds and talents, is a not-for-profit organisation operating since 2004. (2) Congratulates the Wollondilly Arts Group on its vision for a dedicated community space to better meet the needs of the group and the executive committee, in particular Janet Dalton, Roswitha Giersh, Ester Kasepuv and Lyn Eberhart.

(Notice given 5 August 2011)

208 UNITED INDIAN ASSOCIATION DR GEOFF LEE to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 15 August 2011 is Indian Independence Day. (2) Acknowledges the contribution made by Indian Australians in Parramatta and in the wider community to Australian culture, society and the economy. (3) Congratulates the United Indian Association for its work in organising community events in the Parramatta area to commemorate this important day. (4) Wishes the United Indian Association in Parramatta and across New South Wales all the best as they celebrate this pivotal day in Indian history.

(Notice given 5 August 2011)

209 LIONS CLUB OF BONDI MS GABRIELLE UPTON to move— That this House: (1) Notes the important community work that the Lions Club of Bondi does locally, nationally and internationally, which is made possible through its commendable fundraising efforts. (2) Congratulates the members of the Bondi Lions Club, its leadership group and the President, Dr David Rosenwax, AM, on their efforts.

(Notice given 5 August 2011)

210 FESTIVAL OF FISHER'S GHOST MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the excellent ten day community festival held by Campbelltown City Council, the Festival of Fisher's Ghost. (2) Acknowledges that the festival is steeped in local history dating back to 1956 and is named after Australia's most famous ghost, Frederick Fisher. (3) Congratulates the organisers and the people of Campbelltown for holding the festival. 3599 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 5 August 2011)

211 AUSTRALIAN DIABETES COUNCIL MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes that one in four Australians have diabetes or pre-diabetes and that this disease comes at a significant economic, social and personal cost to those affected and their families. (2) Notes the important work done by the Australian Diabetes Council to promote awareness and stamp out diabetes. (3) Congratulates the Australian Diabetes Council on the recent conference held at Parliament House, Sydney to discuss new ways to tackle diabetes. (4) Urges all members of this House to support the work of the Australian Diabetes Council and support the establishment of a Parliamentary Diabetes Support Group.

(Notice given 5 August 2011)

212 'FROM CANTON WITH COURAGE' EXHIBITION DR GEOFF LEE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the launch of the exhibition 'From Canton with Courage – Chinese Australians in Parramatta and Beyond' on Saturday 6 August 2011. (2) Acknowledges the ongoing contribution made by the Chinese community in Parramatta and in the wider community to Australian culture, society and the economy. (3) Congratulates the Parramatta City Council Lord Mayor John Chedid, Parramatta Heritage Centre, author Jack Brook, Gay Hendriksen and the wider Sydney Australian Chinese Community for their work and support in organising this exhibition.

(Notice given 5 August 2011)

213 SOLOMON ISLANDS INDEPENDENCE DAY MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Solomon Islands on its Independence Day function held on 2 July 2011. (2) Notes the importance of the Solomon Islands as a tourist destination and as an Asia-Pacific neighbour. (3) Notes the contribution made by members of the Solomon Islands community to New South Wales. (4) Thanks all members of this House and local Government representatives who also attended the function.

(Notice given 5 August 2011)

214 NEPEAN DISTRICT NETBALL ASSOCIATION MR STUART AYRES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Nepean District Netball Association on its consistent success in developing players to represent New South Wales in the national championships. (2) Acknowledges the contributions to be made by Courtney Tairi, , Anita Blanco and Alix McDermott to the New South Wales Swifts in future competitions. 3600 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(3) Thanks the Association's executive committee under the leadership of Rodney Watson.

(Notice given 5 August 2011)

215 MAYFIELD/WARATAH BLIND AND VISION IMPAIRED INC MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the work of Mayfield/Waratah Blind and Vision Impaired Inc in assisting the blind and vision impaired in our community and its work for local and international charities. (2) Congratulates Mr Stephen Hallian on his appointment as President.

(Notice given 5 August 2011)

216 WOLLONDILLY HERITAGE CENTRE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Wollondilly Heritage Centre is run and staffed by volunteers from The Oaks Historical Society. (2) Acknowledges that the community can learn about the local history and development of Wollondilly and the Burragorang Valley through the Centre. (3) Congratulates the volunteers on keeping the Centre open for the benefit of the community.

(Notice given 5 August 2011)

217 COUNCIL OF INDIAN AUSTRALIANS DR GEOFF LEE to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 15 August 2011 is Indian Independence Day. (2) Acknowledges the contribution made by Indian Australians in Parramatta and in the wider community to Australian culture, society and the economy. (3) Congratulates the Council of Indian Australians for its work in organising community events in the Parramatta area to commemorate this important day. (4) Wishes the Indian Australian community in Parramatta and across New South Wales all the best as they celebrate this pivotal day in Indian history.

(Notice given 5 August 2011)

218 SALVATION ARMY KOKODA WALK MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House commends Rebecca Joy of Callagahan College, Jesmond and her colleagues Jacob Riordan and Jessica Manzalo, who are three of ten students sponsored to undertake the charity walk along the Kokoda Trail, for the Salvation Army in 2011.

(Notice given 5 August 2011)

219 AL MINIEH LEBANESE ASSOCIATION MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Al Minieh Lebanese Association on its annual dinner held on 23 July 2011. 3601 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Notes the important services provided by the El Minieh Association, which is one of the largest Lebanese village associations in New South Wales. (3) Thanks all members of this House and local Government representatives who also attended the function.

(Notice given 5 August 2011)

220 RESEARCH INTO SNAKE BITE CURE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the University of Newcastle, the John Hunter Hospital and the Calvary Mater Hospital on the discovery that an ointment commonly used for wound healing could increase survival rates from snake bite. (2) Commends the work of Dirk van Helden, Megan Saul, Paul Thomas, Geoff Isbister, Peter Dosen, Margaret O'Leary and Sally McFadden on their research study.

(Notice given 5 August 2011)

221 YMCA 2011 YOUTH PARLIAMENT MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the organisers of the YMCA 2011 Youth Parliament. (2) Acknowledges all members of Parliament who took part in proceedings, including the Premier. (3) Commends local high school student and Youth member for Kiama, Peter Mumford for his contribution during the proceedings. (4) Acknowledges the Government's contribution of $10,000 to enable participants from indigenous and culturally diverse backgrounds to take part in the next YMCA Youth Parliament.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

222 LACHLAN MCVICAR, HUNTER'S LEUKAEMIA FOUNDATION MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House acknowledges Lachlan McVicar for over 12 years volunteer work for the Hunter's Leukaemia Foundation, including helping to drive patients to hospital, organising other volunteers and chairing the Foundation Committee.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

223 NORTHERN ILLAWARRA NEIGHBOUR AID MR LEE EVANS to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Northern Illawarra Neighbour Aid has moved into new premises in Helensburgh. (2) Commends the work done by this mainly volunteer organisation in providing services, such as Meals on Wheels and organising transport to medical appointments for the frail, aged and disabled residents of the Northern Illawarra. (3) Commends the group for supporting their community.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)


MS LINDA BURNEY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council on the establishment of the Aboriginal Health College at Little Bay. (2) Recognises the leadership role of Christine Simpson, OAM CM, Chairperson, and Sandra Bailey, CEO. (3) Notes that 60 graduates in 2011 have gained a wide range of awards in areas of health that affect First Nation People. (4) Notes the importance of Aboriginal health professionals involvement in the delivery of health outcomes for Aboriginal Peoples.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

225 CANCER COUNCIL MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Daffodil Day this year is on the 26 August 2011. (2) Notes the hard work of the Cancer Council in advocacy, prevention, research and support for people with cancer. (3) Calls on all members of this House to support the work of the Cancer Council.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

226 NEW LAMBTON FOOTBALL CLUB MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates New Lambton Football Club for raising money for the cancer charity, CanTeen. (2) Notes the club will be hold various fundraising events and hopes to raise a total of $2500 for the charity.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

227 WOLLONDILLY ANGLICAN SCHOOL MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Wollondilly Anglican School on its recent production of "Bye Bye Birdie". (2) Acknowledges the leads, Tammy Nelson, Briony Roelandis, Genevieve Woods, Jacob Fleming and Hannah Buick for their outstanding performances. (3) Acknowledges the Wollondilly Anglican School staff for its leadership and in particular headmaster Dr Stewart Quarmby; creative arts director and conductor, Simon Denley; backdrops coordinator, Belinda Taylor; music director, Mrs Sarah Talbot; choreographer, Mrs Christie Lee Ferris, together with Samantha Pool and Brandan Hay. (4) Acknowledges the entire cast and crew including the orchestra and stage production crew on a fantastic performance.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

228 CAMPSIE SALVATION ARMY MS LINDA BURNEY to move— 3603 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

That this House: (1) Congratulates the Campsie Salvation Army for establishing and running a homework centre. (2) Notes the high number of children and families especially from non-English speaking backgrounds attending and benefitting from the centre. (3) Notes that 40 to 60 children, on average, attend the centre each session. (4) Congratulates the wonderful volunteers involved.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

229 COUNCIL OF INDIAN AUSTRALIANS MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Council of Indian Australians on its India Fair Day held on 7 August 2011. (2) Commends the work of Dr Yadu Singh and his committee including Subba Rao varigonda, Stanley D'Cruz, Praful Desai, Keyur Desai, and Shailendra Wadhwa in organising such a successful event. (3) Acknowledges the contribution made by the Indian Australians in Hornsby and the wider community to Australian culture, society and the economy.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

230 INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE WORLD'S INDIGENOUS PEOPLE MRS BARBARA PERRY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 9 August 2011 is International Day of the World's Indigenous People. (2) Celebrates the important role that Australia's indigenous people have played in the development of our nation. (3) Expresses sorrow at the mistreatment of indigenous communities in Australia and around the world.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

231 SOUTH COAST TOURISM AWARDS MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the South Coast Tourism Awards which recognises the economic and social contribution of local tourism operators. (2) Congratulates the awards finalists Lisa Kelsey from the Sebel Harbourside in Kiama, Rajarshi and Sophie Ray from the Silos Winery Estate in Berry, Sally Bursell from the Kiama Visitors Centre, Professor Michael Hough from Wings Over Illawarra and Mark Bryant from Kiama Rugby Sevens.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

232 BULLI SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB MR LEE EVANS to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Bulli Surf Life Saving Club celebrating its 98th year of service to the community of Bulli and notes its centenary in two years time. 3604 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Congratulates all Club members on their record of never experiencing a death at Bulli, when patrolled, in its 98 years. (3) Acknowledges the Club's surf life saving achievements and their awards.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

233 HURSTVILLE AND ST GEORGE POLICE LOCAL AREA COMMANDS MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the outstanding work of police in the Hurstville and St George Local Area Commands. (2) Acknowledges and thanks the Police from both area commands who combined this year for the St George Regional Police Ball raising money for Bear Cottage, which provides support to families, in particular sick children in our community.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

234 MR DAVE TORR OAM MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Notes the death of Mr Dave Torr OAM (2) Acknowledges the work Mr Torr undertook through his volunteer work at the Rail Transport Museum which began at Enfield and later at Thirlmere. (3) Extends its condolences to Mr Torr's family, his wife Wendy and their sons.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

235 CAN-TOO MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: (1) Notes the work done by "Can-too" in raising funds for cancer research. (2) Congratulates Margaret-Anne Hayes for her efforts in raising funds for cancer research and Can- too, in particular for organising the Old Fashioned Country Ball at Hornsby RSL on 5 August 2011. (3) Calls on members of this House to support the work of Can-too and the other organisations in raising funds for cancer research.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

236 MR DAVID JESSON, SHELLHARBOUR CITY COUNCIL MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates David Jesson on his tenure as Administrator of Shellharbour City Council. (2) Acknowledges his efforts to improve the governance and performance of Shellharbour City Council and his advocacy of important local projects such as Shell Cove Marina. (3) Thanks Mr Jesson for his efforts in serving the people of Shellharbour.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)


MR LEE EVANS to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the students of Heathcote High School who were involved in the recent fashion parade. (2) Acknowledges the high calibre of sewing skills at the fashion parade. (3) Recognises the effort and dedication of the teaching staff at Heathcote High School.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

238 ST GEORGE LIONS CLUB MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Thanks the Lions Club of St George for its ongoing charity work for the community. (2) Notes its contribution to the Jeans for Genes Day on Friday 5 August 2011. (3) Calls on all members of this House to support the work of local groups such as the Lions Club in their community.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

239 PROJECT EYEWATCH MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the timely implementation of Project Eyewatch, that brings the Neighbourhood Watch program in to the 21st . (2) Congratulates Mr John Chew from Macarthur Gardens in the Wollondilly electorate for his involvement in the local program.

(Notice given 8 August 2011)

240 PREGNANCY AND INFANT LOSS AWARENESS MRS SHELLEY HANCOCK to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the continued work of PILARI, the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness and Research Institute. (2) Notes that 15 October is internationally recognised as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. (3) Notes the 54th Parliament unanimously endorsed a motion to give consideration to recognising an annual Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day in New South Wales. (4) Calls on the Government to declare 15 October as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day in New South Wales.

(Notice given 9 August 2011)

241 WAYNE ROGERS, AUSTRALIA'S GOT TALENT MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Wayne Rogers of Wallsend on his performances in the finals of "Australia's Got Talent" and for being a wonderful ambassador for Wallsend. 3606 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Notes the community support and that Wallsend was renamed "Waynetown" during the finals.

(Notice given 9 August 2011)

242 KENDALL COMMUNITY OP SHOP MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House: (1) Recognises the ongoing work of the Kendall Community Op Shop and especially the ongoing and significant financial contribution it makes to local projects. (2) Commends the dedication of the hardworking committee members, both past and present.

(Notice given 9 August 2011)

243 DANIELLE TAYLOR, NETBALL PLAYER MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House congratulates Danielle Taylor of the Wallsend electorate on her selection in the New South Wales Netball Team for the School Sports Australia championship to be held in Darwin in October 2011.

(Notice given 9 August 2011)

244 TARA BOYD, KARATE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Tara Boyd of the Wollondilly electorate on her recent success in winning the Australian Karate Federation's national under 10's kata championships in Caloundra, Queensland. (2) Acknowledges Tara's other significant achievements in 2011 including gold medals in the Commonwealth Karate championships, the Junior Olympics held in the USA and the USA Karate Open held in Las Vegas. (3) Congratulates her karate instructor Shihan Ivan Pacek for his skill and dedication.

(Notice given 9 August 2011)

245 SCHIZOPHRENIA FELLOWSHIP OF NEW SOUTH WALES MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House commends the Schizophrenia Fellowship of New South Wales, a non-profit fellowship committed to improving the circumstances of those living with schizophrenia in the Hunter.

(Notice given 9 August 2011)

246 NORTH COAST REGIONAL DRAGON BOAT TEAM MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House acknowledges the recent success of the North Coast regional dragon boat team at the state titles and recognises its commitment to the sport of dragon boat racing.

(Notice given 9 August 2011)


(1) Notes that the Samaritans and Kaiyu organisations are teaming up to provide additional support to disability services in the Hunter. (2) Commends their work in providing mental health services for adults, programs for young people and community based services, to help those with disabilities gain social skills and self- confidence.

(Notice given 9 August 2011)

248 ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY COMPEER PROGRAM MR STUART AYRES to move— That this House: (1) Notes the challenges of organisations across the Government and non-government sector in addressing mental health related problems of residents who live in isolation. (2) Notes that Compeer is a program that matches volunteers in one-on-one friendship with a socially isolated adult living with a mental illness. (3) Commends the St Vincent de Paul Society as it seeks volunteers aged over 50 in the Penrith area as part of the Compeer program.

(Notice given 9 August 2011)

249 KID-SAFE EDUCATION VAN MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House acknowledges the Good Guys stores of Kotara, Maitland and Warners Bay and the Jesmond Lions for raising more than $100,000 to contribute towards the new Kid-safe education van, teaching safety awareness to young people throughout the Hunter region.

(Notice given 9 August 2011)

250 MRS DIANNE HINES, KIDS OF MACARTHUR MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the contribution of Dianne Hines for her contribution to the Kids of Macarthur Foundation, including creating more than 200 toys this year. (2) Notes that Mrs Hines is one of many knitting volunteers who contribute by creating bright bears that are distributed to sick children in hospitals in the Macarthur area.

(Notice given 9 August 2011)

251 NANCY MALCOLM, NEWCASTLE DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Commends Nancy Malcolm, of Wallsend, as a long serving member of the Newcastle Diabetes Support Group and currently convenor, secretary and interim treasurer. (2) Notes the important work of the group in helping many people suffering from diabetes across the Wallsend electorate.

(Notice given 9 August 2011)

252 KENDALL MEN'S SHED 3608 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House recognises the important role of the Kendall Men's Shed within the local community and congratulates the committee and the organisation on the official opening on 13 August 2011.

(Notice given 9 August 2011)

253 JUSTICES' ASSOCIATION 100TH ANNIVERSARY MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Lake Macquarie branch of the New South Wales Justices' Association on its 100th anniversary. (2) Notes the milestone achieved marks a century of important voluntary work by the organisation.

(Notice given 9 August 2011)

254 BOWEL CANCER MR STUART AYRES to move— That this House: (1) Notes that bowel cancer kills 73 Australians every week and affects both men and women. (2) Thanks the efforts of residents across New South Wales, such as Lyndel Walsh, for their involvement in awareness raising activities and events such as the Cancer Council's campaign to introduce federally funded screening programs. (3) Encourages those residents who are eligible to take part in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.

(Notice given 9 August 2011)

255 PHYSICAL DISABILITY RUGBY LEAGUE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the dedication of George Tonna in his efforts to establish the first Rugby League competition for people with a physical disability. (2) Acknowledges the support from New South Wales Rugby League and Macarthur Disability Services for this initiative.

(Notice given 9 August 2011)

256 SALVATION ARMY CITADEL, WALLSEND MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the former Salvation Army citadel in Wallsend is expected to be demolished within the next two weeks. (2) Notes the member for Wallsend has lobbied on behalf of the local community for the demolition of this derelict, vandalised and neglected site since January 2008.

(Notice given 10 August 2011)


That this House: (1) Acknowledges all nominess and participants who took part in the recent Campbelltown Local Business Awards. (2) Congratulates Geoff Lee, manager and the staff of Priceline Macarthur Square on winning the Business of the Year Award. (3) Congratulates John Hayward of Holy Sheet! winner of the Business Person of the Year Award.

(Notice given 10 August 2011)

258 ADAMSTOWN RAILWAY GATES MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that an answer from the Minister for Transport to a question from the member for Wallsend indicates that the Government has no plans to replace the Adamstown railway crossing gates or to replace the gates with an overpass. (2) Calls on the Government to take steps to dedicate land for the Fassifern to Hexham corridor so that freight trains are not required to use the Adamstown line.

(Notice given 10 August 2011)

259 ISRAELI FILM FESTIVAL MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the success of the Israeli Film Festival held at the University of Wollongong on 6 August 2011. (2) Notes the attendance of the University of Wollongong Deputy Vice Chancellor Judy Raper and Israeli Ambassador Yuval Rotem. (3) Congratulates the organisers Doron Katz and Yoke Berry on the successful event.

(Notice given 10 August 2011)

260 CHRISTOPHER BUNTON, GYMNAST MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Christopher Bunton of St Clair for his achievement at the Special Olympics World Summer Games Athens 2011 where he won gold on high bar, silver on rings and bronze on parallel bars and for his overall third place. (2) Notes that despite having Down syndrome, Mr Bunton has diligently applied himself, together with the support of his family, to achieve success at national and international levels of gymnastic competition.

(Notice given 10 August 2011)

261 CITY TO SURF FUN RUN MS CHERIE BURTON to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the organisers of the Sun Herald City to Surf fun run that will be held on 17 August 2011. (2) Notes that this fundraising event has been held annually since 1971 and has grown to be the biggest charity fun run in the country. 3610 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 10 August 2011)

262 CHARLES WEBB, VOLUNTEER MR TIM OWEN to move— That this House notes the work of Charles Webb in the greater Hunter region, who assists school children through a food program, teaching life skills and tools to defend themselves against bullying.

(Notice given 10 August 2011)

263 ST GEORGE AND HURSTVILLE POLICE FUNDRAISING BALL MS CHERIE BURTON to move— That this House congratulates the St George and Hurstville Police for their fundraising ball held on 6 August 2011, an annual event which this year raised money for Bear Cottage that supports terminally ill children and their families.

(Notice given 10 August 2011)

264 SURF LIFE SAVING AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE 2011 MR CHRIS SPENCE to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates all winners at the 2011 Surf Life Saving Awards of Excellence held by Surf Life Saving NSW. (2) Recognises the Central Coast Branch for being named as joint winner, together with the Far South Coast Branch.

(Notice given 10 August 2011)

265 WORLD VETERINARY YEAR MR ANDREW CORNWELL to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 2011 is World Veterinary Year. (2) Notes that 2011 marks the 250th anniversary of veterinary education. (3) Notes that 2011 marks 101 years of the faculty of Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney. (4) Notes the contribution of the veterinary profession to agriculture, biosecurity, animal welfare and the social and economic wellbeing of New South Wales.

(Notice given 10 August 2011)

266 DEATH OF SIMONE MORRISSEY MS MELANIE GIBBONS to move— That this House: (1) Notes the sudden death of Simone Morrissey, at just 24 years of age. (2) Notes that Simone was The Greens candidate for Menai at the 2011 State election. (3) Offers condolences to her friends, family and loved ones.

(Notice given 10 August 2011)

267 VANDAL TRAK MR KEVIN CONOLLY to move— 3611 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

That this House: (1) Recognises the valuable community service provided by Vandal Trak, a private graffiti reporting service based in north-western Sydney. (2) Commends the initiative and dedication of Anthony Krkac, the founder, and the other directors of the organisation.

(Notice given 10 August 2011)

268 KIAMA STUDENT LEADERS FORUM MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the success of the Kiama Student Leaders Forum held at Parliament House on 9 August 2011. (2) Congratulates the participants from Albion Park High School, Bombaderry High School, Kiama High School and Smiths Hill High School for their contributions.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

269 WESTERN SYDNEY CYCLING NETWORK MR NICK LALICH to move— That this House congratulates the Western Sydney Cycling Network, which operates out of Fairfield Showground, for their initiative that minimises landfill by using recycled bicycles and maximises the promotion of healthy lifestyles for the community.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

270 JAKE STEIN, ATHLETE MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates 17 year old Jake Stein of Luddenham for breaking a 10 year record in the under 18 octathlon at the Australian Combined Event Championships in . (2) Notes his athletic achievements on winning Australia's first gold medal with a World Youth World record in the octathlon at the 2011 IAAF World Youth Championship Lille, France . (3) Commends his father and coach, Phil Stein, the assistant coaches and Athletics Australia for their guidance and support of Jake.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

271 WOLLONDILLY NORTH ROTARY CLUB MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Wollondilly North Rotary Club on its recent changeover dinner and service to the community. (2) Notes that the club won the Presidential Citation Award and the Bigger, Better, Bolder Award. (3) Notes the club's community events including an annual swap meet at Oakdale and the Youth Achievements Awards.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

272 HAWKESBURY SES 3612 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

MR KEVIN CONOLLY to move— That this House commends the Hawkesbury SES for its professionalism and dedication over many years in relation to emergency response in times of flood, storms and road accident rescue.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

273 LOCAL CLUBS MR CHRIS SPENCE to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the contribution local clubs in New South Wales make to their local communities. (2) Recognises the significant contributions made by the seven local clubs in The Entrance electorate. (3) Acknowledges that the Government supports the principle, "strong clubs, stronger communities". (4) Notes the damage that the Federal poker machine pre-commitment proposal will have on New South Wales clubs.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

274 SCHOOLS' TREE DAY MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates all schools for their support of Schools' Tree Day on 29 July 2011. (2) Thanks every participating principal and teacher for facilitating this environmental life lesson to our young citizens. (3) Acknowledges the participation of Glenmore Park Public School and its principal Michelle Collins.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

275 SUTHERLAND SHIRE COUNCIL SSHED PROGRAM MR LEE EVANS to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates everyone behind the Sutherland Shire Council's SSHED program to drive local economic growth and job creation. (2) Commends the Council for its innovative approach to accelerate local business. (3) Recognises that as of July 2011, 94 businesses benefitted from advice and support provided by the program. (4) Calls on the Government to continue its support for SSHED program.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

276 DARLING POINT SOCIETY MS GABRIELLE UPTON to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the important work undertaken by local residents groups to create a strong and enduring sense of community in our neighbourhoods. (2) Congratulates the Darling Point Society on its recent successful afternoon tea at "Lindesay", the historic house, in building a sense of community. 3613 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

277 SURF LIFE SAVING MR CHRIS SPENCE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the importance of surf life savers on our beaches each summer. (2) Notes that the next season of surf life saving begins in October. (3) Congratulates the volunteers who patrol the beaches at Shelly Beach Surf Club, Toowoon Bay Surf Club, The Entrance Surf Club and The Entrance North Surf Club.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

278 FIGHT AGAINST CANCER MACARTHUR FOUNDATION MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the dedication of the volunteers of the 24 Hour Fight Against Cancer Macarthur Foundation. (2) Congratulates the board of directors of the foundation. (3) Notes the contribution to the Wollondilly electorate made by the volunteers of the foundation. (4) Acknowledges all those who have lost family members and friends to cancer.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

279 ST MARYS SOUTH PUBLIC SCHOOL MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulate St Marys South Public School on its 50th birthday on 13 August 2011. (2) Thanks the principal, Wayne Newton, and the organising committee, teachers and parents for their work in organising the commemoration.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

280 DUNLEA CENTRE, ENGADINE MR LEE EVANS to move— That this House: (1) Commends the staff and volunteers of the Dunlea Centre in Engadine, Australia's original Boys' Town, in its mission to help boys and girls who are at risk of family breakdown. (2) Notes that the work undertaken at the Dunlea Centre in repairing and maintaining family life. (3) Congratulates the centre and it supporters.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

281 GREAT WALK FOUNDATION MR STUART AYRES to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the tremendous effort made by all those who take part in the Great Walk Foundation's Bathurst to Blaxland charity walk, which raises funds for a number of local not-for- profit organisations. 3614 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Recognises the commitment and dedication of all the walkers in the 2011 event and their road crew. (3) Congratulates the Foundation and their sponsors on successfully raising $230,000 for local charities since the inception of the Bathurst to Blaxland charity walk.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

282 GERRINGONG UNITING CHURCH MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Gerringong Uniting Church on the official opening of its refurbished Sunday school hall held on 7 August 2011. (2) Acknowledges the $20,000 contribution from the New South Wales Government's Community Building Partnerships Program towards the project. (3) Notes the hard work and dedication of church Minister Peter Chapman in organising the official opening and Steve Pottie, local builder, on his dedication to the project.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

283 AFL ISRAELI-PALESTINE PEACE TEAM MS GABRIELLE UPTON to move— That this House: (1) Welcomes the AFL Israeli-Palestinian Peace Team to Sydney to compete in the AFL International Cup to be held from 12 to 27 August 2011 in Sydney and . (2) Commends this widely known peace initiative run by The Peres Centre for Peace and the Al-Quds Association for Democracy and Dialogue which demonstrates that Israelis and Palestinians, Jews and Muslims can and do work together to reach their common goals.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

284 CREATIVE TRADERS MARKETS MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the organisers of the Creative Traders Markets held in Wollondilly. (2) Acknowledges that such markets provide an opportunity for locals to buy and sell local produce and crafts.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

285 TAYLAH STEVENS, GO KAN RYU MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Notes the sporting achievement of 11 year old Taylah Stevens from St Clair who won gold in the KATA event of the Go Kan Ryu World Cup in Birmingham, United Kingdom. (2) Acknowledges Katrina and Mark Stevens, for their support and encouragement of Taylah who commenced Go Kan Ryu as a four year old. (3) Commends the Premier in his support to the Stevens family in enabling Taylah Stevens to compete in international competition.

(Notice given 11 August 2011) 3615 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

286 GARIE SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB MR LEE EVANS to move— That this House: (1) Commends the members and volunteers of Garie Surf Life Saving Club. (2) Congratulates the Club on its efforts to keep the beach safe and beautiful. (3) Recognises that since its inception in 1938 no person has drowned at Garie Beach whilst it has been patrolled. (4) Acknowledges the club for its 1,287 lifesaving awards.

(Notice given 11 August 2011)

288 ONCOLOGY NURSE AT CALVARY MATER HOSPITAL MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Wallsend community for its efforts to enable the employment of an oncology nurse practitioner for the next three years at the Calvary Mater Hospital. (2) Notes that the Newcastle-based group Supporters of Cancer raised $90,000 and brokered a three- year sponsorship with the Newcastle Port Waratah Coal Services for the appointment of the nurse practitioner.

(Notice given 23 August 2011)

289 LAURA ARCHIBALD MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Notes the personal and academic achievements of Laura Archibald from Glenmore Park. (2) Congratulates Laura on being selected and sponsored by the University of Western Sydney to attend the University Scholars Leadership Symposium in Thailand in August 2011.

(Notice given 23 August 2011)

290 VIETNAM VETERANS DAY 2011 MR RYAN PARK to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 18 August 2011 was Vietnam Veterans Remembrance Day. (2) Recognises the efforts of Vietnam veterans across the community and pays tribute to the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice in protecting their country. (3) Congratulates the Vietnam Veterans Association in the Illawarra for their moving ceremony held at Flagstaff Hill on Vietnam Veterans Day in honour of those from the Illawarra who fought and died for their country.

(Notice given 23 August 2011)

291 DOUGLAS PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL ENVIRONMETAL PROJECTS MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the green initiatives and environmental projects at Douglas Park Public School. (2) Encourages the school to continue their interest in the environment and the importance of 3616 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011


(Notice given 23 August 2011)

292 TAMMY HENDERSON MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Tammy Henderson of Callaghan College, Jesmond on her selection for the National Youth Science Forum. (2) Notes the program aims to help students, moving into year 12, who have an interest in working in science. (3) Notes the support of Rotary, the Australian Government, research institutes and universities to the program.

(Notice given 23 August 2011)

293 JOHN WILCOCKS, RUNNER MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Commends John Wilcocks of St Marys for his many years of dedicated service to the St Marys Community Development Committee's Fun Run⁄Walk and the St Marys South Public School fundraising fun run. (2) Notes that John Wilcocks has organised and participated in these fun runs every year for the last 13 years. (3) Congratulates John Wilcocks for running in every City2Surf since the race started in 1971.

(Notice given 23 August 2011)

294 ILLAWARRA TOURISM MR RYAN PARK to move— That this House: (1) Notes the contribution tourism makes to the economy across the Illawarra. (2) Recognises the efforts of those tourist operators who recently won awards in the South Coast Tourism Awards.

(Notice given 23 August 2011)

295 CAWDOR PUBLIC SCHOOL ECOLOGY PROJECTS MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the ecology and biodiversity projects undertaken by the Cawdor Public School. (2) Congratulates Principal Sharon Ihlein and the staff for encouraging their pupils to be environmentally conscious.

(Notice given 23 August 2011)


That this House congratulates St Therese's Primary School football team of New Lambton, who will be representing the Hunter in the 2011 final of the State-wide Catholic primary schools' rugby union knockout.

(Notice given 23 August 2011)

297 SUTHERLAND 2 SURF MR MARK SPEAKMAN to move— That this House congratulates the Wanda Surf Life Saving Club on the successful 40th anniversary of its Sutherland 2 Surf run held on 22 July 2011 with over 7000 entrants.

(Notice given 23 August 2011)

298 PROFESSOR HOWARD DICK MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the work of Professor Howard Dick of the University of Newcastle and his contribution toward the Hunter Independent Public Transport Inquiry. (2) Notes his ongoing efforts to ensure a better system of public transport for both the University of Newcastle and the Hunter area.

(Notice given 23 August 2011)

299 APPIN PUBLIC SCHOOL GREEN GARDEN MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Appin Public School on its plans to build a green garden complete with 'bushtucker' garden and compost heap. (2) Commends the year 5/6 class for its presentation outlining the importance of the garden to their education in environmental sustainability.

(Notice given 23 August 2011)

300 NEW SOUTH WALES SECOND XI CRICKET TEAM MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the New South Wales Second XI cricket team will be playing in Newcastle for the first time in 20 years in a four day match in February 2012. (2) Congratulates the Newcastle Cricket Association for bringing the match to the Hunter.

(Notice given 23 August 2011)

301 BENNETT ROAD PUBLIC SCHOOL 50TH ANNIVERSARY MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Bennett Road Public School in Colyton on its 50th anniversary celebration on 2 September 2011. (2) Commends relieving Principal Ms Doyle and the organising committee, teachers and parents for their work in preparing for the celebration. 3618 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(3) Commends the school for embracing the wider community by organising a 50th Anniversary Community Day to be held on 17 September 2011.

(Notice given 23 August 2011)

302 WALLSEND WINTER CARNIVALE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the organisers of the 2011 Wallsend Winter Carnivale, and acknowledges the continued support of the Wallsend community. (2) Commends Father Robert Catt, Max McCorkell, Wallsend-Maryland Rotary and the co-ordinator Kathie Heyman.

(Notice given 23 August 2011)

303 SOIL TESTING FOR LEAD CONTAMINATION MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House calls on the Government to conduct soil testing for lead contamination around the Chichester pipeline in the residential area of Shortland, for the safety and security of the communities of Shortland and Sandgate.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

304 MARINE RESCUE MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House recognises the ongoing services to the community by the Camden Haven Marine Rescue and the Port Macquarie Marine Rescue and the men and women who volunteer to ensure the safety of people in the water.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

305 ANNUAL HOLIDAYS ACT 1944 MR RICHARD AMERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the New South Wales Labor Party has a strong and proud history of improving working conditions for people living in this State. (2) Notes that since 1944, the Annual Holidays Act has provided New South Wales workers with access to paid annual leave. (3) Notes the Annual Holidays Act has been vital in improving quality of life and supporting families in New South Wales.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

306 ROBERT GRIMSON MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Rosemeadow resident Robert Grimson on his recently awarded commendation for bravery, presented by the Governor General. (2) Notes the danger Mr Grimson voluntarily placed himself in to save the lives of individuals caught in the flash flood outside of Broughton School in 2007. 3619 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(3) Commends Mr Grimson for his service to the community.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

307 DEATH OF WARREN EVANS MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the passing of Warren Evans, one of Newcastle's finest citizens. (2) Notes that Mr Evans will be remembered for his dedication to youth and sport. (3) Notes that, in July 2012, Mr Evans was presented with the Paul Trisley 2011 Hunter Region Sports Administrator of the Year Award.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

308 MINGARA RELAY FOR LIFE MR CHRIS SPENCE to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the 2011 Mingara Relay for Life will be held at the Gatorade Regional Athletics Centre, Tumbi Umbi on 15 and 16 October 2011. (2) Encourages all members of the Central Coast community to participate in the event to help celebrate and remember the lives of those who have battled cancer. (3) Calls on members on this House to raise awareness about this important health issue.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

309 COOTAMUNDRA SESQUICENTENARY MR RICHARD AMERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that on 9 August 1861 the Government gazetted the plans for the township Cootamundry. (2) Notes that on the weekend of 13 and 14 August 2011 the township of Cootamundra celebrated its sesqui-centenary. (3) Congratulates the township of Cootamundra on achieving such a significant milestone.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

310 INDIA-AUSTRALIA FRIENDSHIP FAIR MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the United India Associations Inc. India-Australia Friendship Fair took place on 14 July 2011 at Sydney Olympic Park. (2) Congratulates the United India Associations Inc. for its work on behalf of Indian Australians to promote multiculturalism and positive relationships within the community. (3) Congratulates India on its Independence Day which was recently celebrated across New South Wales.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)


MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Newcastle sisters-in-law Rebecca and Julie Young have been named in the Australian Jillaroos rugby league squad. (2) Congratulates these local sports women and wish them well in the forthcoming test match against Fetu Samoa.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

312 EXECUTIVE SLEEPOUT MR CHRIS HOLSTEIN to move— That this House congratulates the co-ordinators of the Slither and Slumber Executive Sleepout held on 5 August 2011 at the Australian Reptile Park which raised over $60,000 for the homeless (Coast Shelter) and for youth suicide (Iris Foundation).

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

313 ST LUKE'S DAY CARE SERVICES MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the work of St Luke's Day Care Centre, in the Oatley electorate, which has recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. (2) Commends the work of the Centre in providing respite care for people with disabilities and, in particular, the Centre's coordinators, Ruth Constable and Pam Lindberg.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

314 SAMUEL TERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL MR STUART AYRES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Samuel Terry Public School in Cranebrook on hosting its successful Book Character Parade to promote childhood literacy among the school community. (2) Notes the ongoing work of the school to engage with the school community to promote childhood literacy in the family home, through a website which provides tips to parents on how to build the writing skills of children and which also provides age-appropriate reading materials.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

315 SLICE OF HAVEN FESTIVAL MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House acknowledges the Slice of Haven Events Committee for its work in organising the Slice of Haven Festival, which in just two years has grown to become a huge success attracting thousands of people each year.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

316 KEVIN THOMAS MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Kevin Thomas on his recent retirement from Picton High School as the Head 3621 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

Teacher of Social Science and wishes him a happy retirement with his wife Sue Thomas. (2) Acknowledges Kevin's dedication to public education and to the local community over the last 24 years.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

317 MAX POTENTIAL 2011 MR CHRIS SPENCE to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates all participants of the Max Potential 2011, which is a youth leadership development and coach skills development program for young adults. (2) Recognises that the program was successfully run through the Mingara Recreation Club and promoted through the clubs industry with the support of 12 local high schools.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

318 LUGARNO EVENING VIEW CLUB MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the 39th anniversary of the Lugarno Evening VIEW Club, celebrated on 15 August 2011. (2) Commends the Lugarno Evening VIEW Club for all the work it does in the community, particularly championing services for women, since VIEW was established by The Smith Family in 1960.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

319 MEALS ON WHEELS MR CHRIS SPENCE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the vital services provided by Meals on Wheels. (2) Acknowledges National Meals on Wheels Day on 31 August 2011, which recognises over 78,700 volunteers across 740 branches in Australia. (3) Congratulates Meals on Wheels Central Coast for the upcoming opening of its new distribution centre at Tuggerah, which merges Gosford City Food Services Inc and Wyong Shire Food Services Inc into one organisation.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

320 NEPEAN DISTRICT SOCCER FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION MR STUART AYRES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Nepean District Soccer Football Association on achieving 50 years of service to the Penrith region. (2) Acknowledges the efforts of the current executive committee and staff members in the day-to-day operations of the Association. (3) Recognises the contribution made by previous supporters of the association, such as George Churchward, in building the Association from eight teams to over thirty teams and clubs.

(Notice given 24 August 2011) 3622 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

321 PROSTATE CANCER INSTITUTE MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the significant public health risk posed by prostate cancer, which claims the lives of 3,300 men each year and is equal to the number of mortalities from breast cancer. (2) Congratulates the Prostate Cancer Institute for its efforts to raise funds and work with the community to open stage 2 of the Prostate Cancer Centre at St George Hospital on 17 August 2011. (3) Commends the Minister for Health and Medical Research, the Hon Jillian Skinner MP for her commitment to improving health and medical research outcomes across New South Wales. (4) Commends the staff at St George Hospital and the members of the community who have supported this important initiative.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

322 CAMDEN HAVEN MUSIC FESTIVAL MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House recognises the success of the Camden Haven Music Festival, which each year brings music and cultural activities to the Port Macquarie electorate.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

323 TOM REEVE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Tom Reeve on his recently awarded commendation for bravery, presented by the Governor General. (2) Notes the danger Mr Reeve voluntarily placed himself in, to save the lives of individuals caught in the flash flood outside of Broughton School in 2007. (3) Thanks Mr Reeve for his service to the community.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

324 AFL INTERNATIONAL CUP 2011 MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the invaluable contribution that sport makes in bringing people of all backgrounds together to build positive community relationships. (2) Congratulates the AFL on its initiative in bringing teams from all around the world to compete in the 4th AFL International Cup 2011 taking place until 27 August 2011. (3) Commends the China Red Demons who visited Hurstville Public School and attended a luncheon to promote AFL to members of the Chinese community in Hurstville. (4) Encourages all members of our community to lead active and healthy lifestyles.

(Notice given 24 August 2011)

325 HAWKESBURY TOURISM MR BART BASSETT to move— That this House: 3623 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(1) Congratulates Paul Maher, the owner of Loxley on Bellbird Hill in Kurrajong who recently won a prestigious award at the 2011 Australian Hotels Association NSW Awards and was inducted into the Hall of Fame. (2) Recognises the importance of tourism to the economy of New South Wales. (3) Welcomes the establishment of the new portfolio of Tourism, Major Events, the Arts and Racing under the Minister, the Honourable George Souris. (4) Commends the establishment of Destination NSW with a board of directors from the industry to maximise the opportunities, provide jobs and investment to cities and regions across New South Wales, including the Hawkesbury, Penrith Valley and Blue Mountains.

(Notice given 25 August 2011)

326 BROOKE LAWRENCE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Brooke Lawrence on her recent success in winning the South West Sydney Academy of Sport Athlete of the Year Award. (2) Notes her achievement in gaining entry into the Academy's netball program and representing the Wollondilly region. (3) Wishes Brooke luck in her netball career in the future.

(Notice given 25 August 2011)

327 DAVID HICKS MEMOIR MR DAVID ELLIOTT to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the inclusion of David Hicks' memoir, 'Guantanamo Bay: My Journey', on the short list for a Queensland Premier's Literary Award. (2) Calls on the Queensland Premier, Anna Bligh to remove Mr Hicks' memoir as a potential prize winner. (3) Notes with respect the sacrifice made by all Australian servicemen and women in the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan. (4) Remembers the 2,977 innocent victims of terror who lost their lives on 11 September 2001, in New York City, Pennsylvania and in Washington, DC.

(Notice given 25 August 2011)

328 SYRIAN REFUGEE SUPPORT GROUP MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the work done by the Syrian Refugee Support Group to raise awareness and funds for displaced communities in the Middle East. (2) Congratulates the Syrian Refugee Support Group for its fundraising dinner on 18 August 2011.

(Notice given 25 August 2011)

329 JORDAN SMITH MR CHRIS HOLSTEIN to move— That this House: 3624 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(1) Acknowledges Water Secondary College, Woy Woy, student Jordan Smith on winning the Central Coast Regional School Based Apprentice/Trainee of the Year Award. (2) Congratulates the Peninsula Village management for its support of Jordan to work at the Village to gain practical skills for his trade qualification.

(Notice given 25 August 2011)

330 HAWKESBURY RURAL FIRE SERVICE MR KEVIN CONOLLY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Hawkesbury Rural Fire District annual championships presentation ceremony is on 28 August 2011. (2) Congratulates the volunteers and staff of the Hawkesbury Rural Fire Service for their generosity, commitment and hard work in protecting the safety and property of Hawkesbury residents.

(Notice given 25 August 2011)

331 DEATH OF BROTHER CLARENCE CUNNINGHAM MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the passing of Brother Clarence Cunningham on 18 August 2011. (2) Notes the significant achievement and service Brother Cunningham gave to the education industry including his accomplishments as Principal of St Gregory's College, founding Principal of John Therry Catholic High School in Rosemeadow and founding Principal of Mt. Carmel High School. (3) Pays its respects to Brother Cunningham's family.

(Notice given 25 August 2011)

332 RESOURCEFUL AUSTRALIAN INDIAN NETWORK MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the work of the Resourceful Australian Indian Network (RAIN), which is a St George based community group. (2) Congratulates RAIN on its annual fundraising event on 20 August 2011.

(Notice given 25 August 2011)

333 WESTERN SYDNEY PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYMPOSIUM MR BART BASSETT to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the organisers of the 2011 Western Sydney Public Transport Users Association Transport Symposium that brought stakeholders together and advocating for a better deal for transport users. (2) Congratulates Patricia Guy, Ken Moriarty, Marianne McCloud and John Svbota from local networks in the Londonderry Electorate, St Marys and Mount Druitt who are lobbying for the restoration of local bus services that were cancelled by the former Government.

(Notice given 25 August 2011)

334 DAFFODIL DAY 3625 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the 25th anniversary of Australia's Daffodil Day on 26 August 2011. (2) Thanks the Cancer Council of NSW for its ongoing work in research and support of cancer sufferers. (3) Notes that to celebrate this year's special anniversary there will be many events within the Hunter, including a yellow couture catwalk during Newcastle Fashion Week.

(Notice given 26 August 2011)

335 UNANDERRA RAILWAY STATION MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Calls on the Government to ensure the installation of the Easy Access lifts at Unanderra Railway Station. (2) Notes that the former Government allocated $11 million in the budget for the Easy Access upgrade. (3) Reminds the Government of its pre-election commitment that the community had nothing to fear with the election of a Liberal Coalition Government.

(Notice given 26 August 2011)

336 RAAF RICHMOND MR BART BASSETT to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the importance of RAAF Richmond as a military institution that provides vital logistical support for military operations in times of conflict and peace. (2) Congratulates the New South Wales Department of Transport's Transport and Logistics Workforce Advisory Group on holding the Greenlight Transport and Logistics Day at RAAF Richmond for students in years 9 to 12 who are interested in pursuing a career in the transport and logistics industry.

(Notice given 26 August 2011)

337 LACTATION BREAKS MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the Government for refusing to explain why working mothers have lost their guaranteed right to paid lactation breaks under industrial relation laws. (2) Calls on the Minister for Finance to explain why the Government has failed to include lactation breaks as a 'guaranteed minimum condition of employment'. (3) Notes that working women across the State deserve to be treated with respect and provided with an immediate explanation. (4) Congratulates the Opposition spokesperson on Industrial Relations and Women, the Hon. Sophie Cotsis MLC on continuing to fight for basic rights for nursing mothers.

(Notice given 26 August 2011)


MS MELANIE GIBBONS to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Allan Dabbagh, Wattle Grove businessman has been named 2011 NSW Community Father of the Year. (2) Notes that Soriah Dabbagh nominated her father for the award in recognition of his efforts. (3) Congratulates Mr Dabbagh and commends his work to reduce graffiti in the local area through his Locals Against Graffiti and Gangs group.

(Notice given 26 August 2011)

339 CALVARY MATER NEWCASTLE AUXILIARY MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Calvary Mater Newcastle Auxiliary for its wonderful effort, in presenting $206,145 to the Hospital on 4 August 2011. (2) Commends the Auxiliary for raising over $1.5 million over the past 11 years.

(Notice given 26 August 2011)

340 RICHMOND GOLF CLUB MR BART BASSETT to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the important role registered clubs have in supporting local communities. (2) Notes the appointment of the Member for Londonderry as the Patron of the Richmond Golf Club and thanks President Mr Alan Simpson, General Manager Michael Creighton and the board of directors.

(Notice given 26 August 2011)

341 ILLAWARRA RUGBY LEAGUE MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Illawarra on 100 years of rugby league, and for having produced a total of 43 international players, including four Australian test captains: Joe Jorgenson, Keith Barnes, Graeme Langlands and Bob Fulton. (2) Recognises the outstanding efforts of the Centenary Committee, particularly Chairman⁄Project Co-ordinator Bob Millward OAM, in organising 13 events to celebrate this important milestone, culminating in a Centenary Dinner. (3) Acknowledges the $60,000 in funding contributed by the former Government.

(Notice given 26 August 2011)

342 NSW PARLIAMENTARY DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the establishment of the NSW Parliamentary Diabetes Support Group which held its inaugural annual general meeting on 25 August 2011. (2) Congratulates the Member for Oatley on his election as Chair and the Member for Campbelltown on his election as Deputy Chair. 3627 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(3) Thanks all members of this House who attended and expressed an interest in being involved with the NSW Parliamentary Diabetes Support Group. (4) Looks forward to working with organizations involved with diabetes and working to promote the awareness and prevention of diabetes.

(Notice given 26 August 2011)

343 HUNTER WOMENS SOCCER MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Commends the Australian Matildas soccer team on its success in the recent World Cup. (2) Notes the positive impact that this success has had on young females across the Hunter, who are following in the Matildas' footsteps and joining local teams. (3) Notes that 2011 has been a record year for girls' registrations in soccer teams, as 46,238 have joined up to play alongside the boys in their local teams.

(Notice given 26 August 2011)

344 EAST RICHMOND RAILWAY STATION MR BART BASSETT to move— That this House notes that consultations have commenced with stakeholders to prepare a plan to upgrade the level crossing at East Richmond Railway Station, with a view to the project being completed during the 2012⁄2013 financial year.

(Notice given 26 August 2011)

345 NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the teachers, students and parents in the 147 National Partnership schools for their outstanding performance in literacy and numeracy. (2) Particularly recognises the outstanding efforts of students at Cringila Public School, Cringila; Farmborough Road Public School, Unanderra; and St Francis of Assisi Primary School, Warrawong who participated in this worthwhile program. (3) Acknowledges that the participating schools used the available National Partnership funding to establish intervention programs to meet the specific needs of individual students, which has resulted in an increase in the percentage of students at or above the minimum NAPLAN standards.

(Notice given 26 August 2011)

346 LONGWORTH AVENUE, WALLSEND UPGRADE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Newcastle City Council has plans to upgrade Longworth Avenue, Wallsend, between Newcastle Road roundabout and Cameron⁄Cowper Street, but are hampered by two Hunter Water Corporation trunk mains constructed in 1884 and 1902. (2) Requests Hunter Water Corporation to immediately begin the design process for the replacement of the trunk mains to allow the council to undertake the necessary major road rehabilitation works. 3628 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 6 September 2011)

347 PORT MACQUARIE BUSINESS AWARDS MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House congratulates Priscilla and Gary Turnbull from East Port Veterinary Hospital on winning the prestigious Excellence in Business Award at the 2011 Greater Port Macquarie Business Awards.

(Notice given 6 September 2011)

348 NEWCASTLE CITY COUNCIL MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Applauds Newcastle City Council for its opposition to the Industrial Relations Amendment (Public Sector Conditions of Employment) Bill 2011. (2) Notes that the Council, at its meeting on 5 July 2011, declared its support for Newcastle public sector workers, recorded its concern about the impact of the legislation on services to Newcastle residents and recognised the outstanding contributions made by public sector workers.

(Notice given 6 September 2011)

349 RURAL FIRE SERVICE MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Bush Fire Awareness Week is from 24 September to 1 October 2011. (2) Notes the Rural Fire Service Open Day will be held on 24 September 2011. (3) Encourages communities to visit their local brigade to learn about the Rural Fire Service and the services it delivers. (4) Thanks the Rural Fire Service volunteers and management for their spirit and dedication to the community especially at times of natural threat.

(Notice given 6 September 2011)

350 FOOTBALL WORLD CUP 2014 QUALIFYING MATCHES MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that New South Wales will host three games of the 2014 Football World Cup qualifying matches. (2) Encourages the Government and Football Federation Australia to consider Newcastle to host one of the games.

(Notice given 6 September 2011)

351 AUSTRALASIAN FIREFIGHTER CHAMPIONSHIP MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House congratulates our firefighters for their service to the community and wishes all participating teams well in the upcoming Australasian Firefighter Championship to be held in Port Macquarie from 14 to 16 October 2011.

(Notice given 6 September 2011) 3629 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

352 CHEMICAL BIOLOGY AT UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges Adam McCluskey and researchers at the Centre for Chemical Biology at University of Newcastle who have developed a technique to stop viruses and bacteria multiplying in the body. (2) Notes this technique could be used to fight diseases such as HIV, cancer, hepatitis C and neurological disorders.

(Notice given 6 September 2011)

353 AUSTRALIAN HISTORY COMPETITION MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Notes the participation of 6,691 year 10 students from 141 schools in the inaugural Australian History Competition held on 21 June 2011. (2) Congratulates the 27 students from year 10 Glenmore Park High School for competing in the competition. (3) Congratulates the following Glenmore Park High School students for their achievements: Carl Ramirez (equal first place); Jarrod Robinson and Emily Adams (top 5%); Emily Duncan and Victoria Roberts (top 10%); Riley Brewis (top 15%); and Keighly Smith, Andrew Flores Castillo, Karina Nicholson, Brad Colling, Nathan Milgate and Sarah Crittenden (top 20%).

(Notice given 6 September 2011)

354 FROCK ON FASHION PARADE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates "Frock On", which was held on 3 September 2011, for raising $50,000 for the Aspect Hunter School for children with autism. (2) Notes that the fashion design competition provides a professional platform to showcase the work of designers and to raise the profile of Newcastle as a fashion destination.

(Notice given 6 September 2011)

355 PENRITH READ CONVENTION MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Penrith City Council's Children's Services Team, Mission Australia Bronte House team, Rotary friends, Penrith Panthers, Centro Nepean Management and businesses and Nepean High School students for a successful "Paint Penrith REaD" convention on 1 and 2 September 2011. (2) Encourages all members of this House, local councillors, business and community members to get involved and support this early intervention literacy program in their local communities.

(Notice given 6 September 2011)

356 MATT BANTING MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— 3630 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

That this House congratulates Matt Banting, of Port Macquarie, on winning the Open Men's Title at the Australian Surf Festival at age 17 and wishes him well for the upcoming World Junior Championships.

(Notice given 6 September 2011)

357 ST MARYS SPRING FESTIVAL MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the St Marys Development Committee, with the assistance of Penrith City Council, on delivering the St Marys Spring Festival on Saturday 3 September 2011. (2) Notes the St Marys Spring Festival attracts over 15,000 visitors. (3) Thanks the St Marys Development Committee, specifically, Phil Martin, Tom and Norma Thorburn, Tony Biddulph and other volunteers.

(Notice given 6 September 2011)

358 TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLE RIDE FOR CHARITY MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House acknowledges the hard work of Jo Nixon and David Saunderson and the organising committee of the Triumph Motorcycle Ride for Charity in Port Macquarie that raised $11,500 for prostate research in 2011.

(Notice given 6 September 2011)

359 PENRITH PANTHERS BMX CLUB MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Penrith Panthers BMX Club on its successful open race meeting held on Saturday 3 September 2011 at Creek Road, St Marys. (2) Commends the club for fostering a family friendly atmosphere where riders from all age groups can race in a competitive, yet supportive and fun environment. (3) Thanks Olympian Luke Madill, World Champion Jordan Lecher as well as the club's own Pro riders. (4) Thanks President Lynne Docherty, Secretary Deanne McNair and all other committee and parent volunteers for their excellent organisation and delivery of a successful meeting.

(Notice given 6 September 2011)

360 FERRY SERVICES MS GABRIELLE UPTON to move— That this House: (1) Notes that ferries are an important and popular transport choice for residents of the Vaucluse electorate. (2) Congratulates the Government for its strong commitment to delivering improved and expanded ferry services.

(Notice given 6 September 2011)


That this House: (1) Commends Colyton High School students for making the ceramic art story stacks in the Library Atrium. (2) Congratulates Colyton High School Principal, Cheryl Dwyer, and art teachers for initiating this creative project. (3) Encourages the local community to participate in the upcoming opening of their art exhibition 'Story Stack'.

(Notice given 6 September 2011)

362 REBEKAH OUTTERIDGE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Rebekah Outteridge, youth member for Wallsend, for her contributions in the YMCA Youth Parliament program. (2) Notes that since being selected, alongside eighty-eight other young people, Rebekah has been working with the committee investigating education and training in New South Wales.

(Notice given 7 September 2011)

363 NEPEAN AREA DISABILITIES ORGANISATION MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Notes the support provided to clients and their families by the Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation (NADO). (2) Congratulates NADO employees of the year: Gity Shariati, winner of the Peer Award; and Jacki Long, winner of the Community Award. (3) Thanks local businesses for supporting NADO with work placements and employing the workers who come through NADO training programs.

(Notice given 7 September 2011)

364 PROFESSOR TRISH DAVIDSON MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the appointment of Professor Trish Davidson, of John Hunter Hospital, as the Director of Children, Young People and Families in the Hunter Children's Health Network. (2) Notes this role will draw together diverse services to ensure they are of a consistently high standard throughout the Hunter region.

(Notice given 7 September 2011)

365 NEPEAN FOOD SERVICES MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Notes the vital community work performed by the management committee and volunteers of Nepean Food Services in providing services to the frail, aged, people with disabilities, people with special needs and their carers, so that they can remain independent in their own homes. (2) Thanks the Minister for Ageing and Minister for Disability Services for funding the upgrade of the kitchen in Regentville Hall to support Nepean Food Services. 3632 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(3) Thanks Jenny Gillespie for her advocacy of Nepean Food Services and wishes her well in her next community endeavour.

(Notice given 7 September 2011)

366 GLOBAL MITOCHONDRIAL AWARENESS WEEK MR RICHARD AMERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 18 to 24 September 2011 is Global Mitochondrial Awareness Week. (2) Notes that researches have linked mitochondrial dysfunction to many other major diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Huntington diseases. (3) Calls on both the private and public sector to promote more public awareness of this disease.

(Notice given 7 September 2011)

367 JACARANDA PARK, GLENMORE RIDGE MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Stockland on its vision and its investment into the design and construction of Jacaranda Park, Glenmore Ridge. (2) Thanks the landscape architect Anton James for the Park design, incorporating reflections of the history of the area into the modern design of the Park. (3) Recognises the work Penrith City Council planning staff and Stockland have put into making Glenmore Ridge a sustainable and community-centred development.

(Notice given 7 September 2011)

368 RED CROSS, WALLSEND BRANCH MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Wallsend branch of the Red Cross for its continued community assistance. (2) Notes the appointment of its new executives: Julie Urquhart, President; Elaine Plessiant, Secretary; Sue Stein, Treasurer; Karen Rose, Assistant Secretary; Pat Watson, Vice President and Gary Rose, Publicity Officer.

(Notice given 7 September 2011)

369 CLAREMONT MEADOWS COMMUNITY CENTRE MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates St Marys Area Community Development Project Inc for conducting the second open day of the Claremont Meadows Community Centre. (2) Thanks Lisa Foster, manager of St Marys Area Community Development Project Inc and Greg Harriden, the local community development worker for Claremont Meadows for organising and promoting these important open days that foster social inclusion and community cohesion. (3) Thanks Penrith City Council for funding 'Sustaining the Meadow' through its Magnetic Places program.

(Notice given 7 September 2011) 3633 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

370 MCGRATH FOUNDATION MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House congratulates the McGrath Foundation for its fundraising efforts which enabled the financing of a cancer nurse to support breast cancer sufferers at the Calvary Mater Hospital.

(Notice given 7 September 2011)

371 DEATH OF RACHEL 'RAE' BUDGEN MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the passing of Rachel 'Rae' Budgen. (2) Notes her dedication to community work in the region, founding the Camden Society of Artists and being one of the first telephone councillors for Macarthur Lifeline. (3) Congratulates a life of community service and volunteering and pays respect to Rachel Budgen's life and to her family.

(Notice given 8 September 2011)

372 IRISH FAMINE REFUGEES MR PAUL LYNCH to move— That this House notes the annual commemoration of the arrival of the 'orphan girls' in Sydney as refugees from the Great Irish Famine and congratulates the Great Famine Commemoration Committee on its ongoing work.

(Notice given 8 September 2011)

373 FIGHT AGAINST CANCER CHARITY WALK MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Notes the upcoming 24 hour Fight Against Cancer Charity Walk on 15 to 16 October 2011. (2) Congratulates the organising committee on its successful events in the past and the money it has raised for the Wollondilly region.

(Notice given 8 September 2011)

374 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT 1996 MR RICHARD AMERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the New South Wales Labor Party has a strong and proud history of improving working conditions for men and women living in this State. (2) Notes the introduction of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 by the late Honourable Jeff Shaw. (3) Notes that, until recently amended, the Industrial Relations Act 1996 included fair protections for workers' wages and conditions. (4) Notes that New South Wales Labor is continuing to lead the fight against the recent amendments to the Act.

(Notice given 8 September 2011)

375 'MUSIC: COUNT US IN' PROGRAM 3634 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

MR STUART AYRES to move— That this House commends the community of York Public School in Penrith on its participation in the 'Music: Count Us In' program and the role music plays in building both language and performance skills into a student's further education.

(Notice given 8 September 2011)

376 ST MARY MACKILLOP MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the recent celebration of the first feast day of Australia's first Saint, Mary MacKillop. (2) Notes the spirit of community engendered by this special feast day, particularly in Catholic schools of the Oatley electorate involved in community service. (3) Congratulates students of St Joseph's Oatley who took up the spirit of the day by helping out in the local community. (4) Commemorates the important example of St Mary MacKillop for all Australians, regardless of faith, as an ordinary person who lived every day to help others.

(Notice given 8 September 2011)

377 NEPEAN DISTRICT TENNIS ASSOCIATION MR STUART AYRES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Nepean District Tennis Association for 90 years of service to the Penrith community. (2) Commends the work of the Association's office bearers in Neil Renaud, Chris Woodland and Dennis Sales for the decades they have contributed to the Association. (3) Supports the future endeavours of the Association including the introduction of clay courts and the ongoing development of tennis facilities in the Penrith region.

(Notice given 8 September 2011)

378 RIPPLES SWIM CLUB MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Ripples Swim Club for finishing 9th out of 117 clubs at the 2011 State Swimming Titles. (2) Congratulates Mania Betham, Nathan Robinson, Molly McNamara, and Cameron Slaughter on winning medals at the titles. (3) Congratulates coach Jenny Pilgrim and the Club on its outstanding achievements.

(Notice given 9 September 2011)

379 MOUNT LEWIS INFANTS SCHOOL MS TANIA MIHAILUK to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Mount Lewis Infants School's Kindergarten Gifted and Talented Programme came first in the Investigating Mathematics Competition held by the Mathematical Association of New South Wales. 3635 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Notes that Mount Lewis Infants School was one of only three public schools to win a place in the competition. (3) Congratulates the students and teachers on their hard work and achievements.

(Notice given 9 September 2011)

380 MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Recognises that Wests Tigers is a great rugby league team. (2) Notes that Wests Tigers will play against St George in the final series on 9 September 2011. (3) Wishes Wests Tigers all the best in its attempt to beat St George. (4) Looks forward to seeing Wests Tigers winning the 2011 Grand Final.

(Notice given 9 September 2011)

381 VANESSA SMITH MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 11 year old Vanessa Smith of St Clair was only 2 years old when both her legs and her fingers were amputated after contracting meningococcal disease. (2) Notes that at the age of five, Vanessa had to undergo a liver transplant. (3) Commends Vanessa Smith on her outstanding courage in the face of these personal adversities and in being awarded the Child of Courage Medal at the 2011 Pride of Australia Awards ceremony. (4) Commends Vanessa and her mother for continuing to visit The Children's Hospital, Westmead to speak with families affected by meningococcal disease.

(Notice given 9 September 2011)

382 EAST RICHMOND LEVEL CROSSING MR BART BASSETT to move— That this House: (1) Welcomes the announcement that community consultations commenced in August 2011 with stakeholders preparing plans to upgrade the level crossing at East Richmond Railway Station. (2) Notes the works to upgrade the crossing will be completed during the 2012/13 financial year.

(Notice given 9 September 2011)

383 BANKSTOWN MEALS ON WHEELS MS TANIA MIHAILUK to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Bankstown Meals on Wheels has been operated by Bankstown City Council since 1966. (2) Notes that Bankstown Meals on Wheels delivers approximately 90,000 meals annually with the help of 270 dedicated volunteers. (3) Notes that this service provides hot meals to elderly residents and people with disabilities. 3636 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(4) Congratulates Bankstown Meals on Wheels for its hard and worthwhile work in the Bankstown and East Hills electorates.

(Notice given 9 September 2011)

384 ALEX SHORTLAND MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates local Tahmoor resident Alex Shortland, for his selection as a finalist for the 2011 Pride of Australia – Child of Courage Medal. (2) Notes the difficult circumstances of Mr Shortland's early childhood and the subsequent achievements he has made despite initial setbacks. (3) Congratulates Alex on his nomination, which allows his story of courage and progress to be told to Australia.

(Notice given 9 September 2011)

385 KASEY WRIGHT MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Kasey Wright of St Marys Wolves Indoor Cricket Club, for being selected in the national Indoor Cricket Women's squad. (2) Commends Kasey on being a positive role model for other girls and women in western Sydney especially as she is the sole female in the St Marys Wolves Men's 3s team. (3) Extends to Kasey and the Australian team best wishes for the Indoor Cricket World Cup being held in South Africa during October 2011.

(Notice given 9 September 2011)

386 MEN'S SHED MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the fantastic Men's Shed initiative and commends the great work they do in both the Wollondilly region and New South Wales. (2) Notes the importance of Men's Sheds in the community and the support network it provides. (3) Commends the community spirit and charitable nature of the Wollcom Men's Shed.

(Notice given 9 September 2011)

387 ABBEY MCPHERSON MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates 10 year old Abbey McPherson of Luddenham for winning the National level 5 Glenn Wood Tap Choreography competition. (2) Congratulates Abbey on her first place in dance school for the last two years and her high distinction in ballet with the Royal Academy of Dance. (3) Commends Abbey on her drive, enthusiasm, and on recently ranking 30 out of 1000 applicants at auditions for the Sydney production of 'Annie'. 3637 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 9 September 2011)

388 ST GEORGE-ILLAWARRA DRAGONS MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the St George-Illawarra Dragons will play the Wests Tigers in the National Rugby League final series on 9 September 2011. (2) Wishes the St George-Illawarra Dragons all the best as they enter the finals. (3) Looks forward to the St George-Illawarra Dragons winning back to back titles. (4) Notes that St George-Illawarra Dragons are the most outstanding team in the competition.

(Notice given 9 September 2011)

389 ILLAWARRA STINGRAYS MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Illawarra Stingrays on their third successive Football New South Wales Women's Premier League grand final win. (2) Acknowledges the outstanding leadership and expertise of coach Brett Wallin, Michelle Carney and club president Rob McKie in taking the team to victory. (3) Remembers the contribution to the team's success of Ash Connor who recently passed away in a car accident. (4) Wishes the team all the best for next season and into the future.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

390 PORT STEPHENS TOURISM MR CRAIG BAUMANN to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the outstanding contribution of tourism operators in Port Stephens. (2) Congratulates Ms Sweeby Bryan of Corlette who was named the Young Achiever of the Year at the North Coast Tourism Awards. (3) Notes that Samurai Beach Bungalows at Anna Bay has been inducted into the hall of fame for the backpacker section and that Moonshadow Cruises, Big 4 Soldiers Point, Halifax Holiday Park, Shoal Bay Resort and Spa and Shoal Bay Country Club were all various award winners. (4) Congratulates the Government on its Budget announcement of a total investment of $15.6 million for regional tourism.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

391 HORNSBY CWA HALL MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: (1) Notes more than 50 years service by the Hornsby Branch of the Country Women's Association to the local community on many issues of concern as well as the provision of hospitality. (2) Notes that Hornsby Shire Council proposes to demolish the current home of the Hornsby CWA with the intention of placing a road over a heritage park. (3) Notes that the CWA Building, a highly valued example of early modern architecture, has recently been listed by the National Trust but is still under threat of demolition. 3638 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(4) Calls on the Premier, Minister for Primary Industries and Minister for Heritage to urgently review this matter, and for Hornsby Council to find an alternate route to access the pool and Old Man's Valley.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

392 NORTHERN NEW SOUTH WALES STATE LEAGUE FOOTBALL GRAND FINAL MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges Broadmeadow Magic's stellar season, culminating in winning the minor premiership and the Northern New South Wales State League Football Grand Final. (2) Commends the performance of South Cardiff Gunners in the grand final with the match decided by a penalty shoot out. (3) Congratulates South Cardiff coach, Steve Piggott and Broadmeadow Magic coach, Damien Smith, the players and the volunteers of all the teams in the Northern New South Wales League.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

393 J.H.MILNE PREPARED SPEECH COMPETITION DR GEOFF LEE to move— That this House: (1) Recognises the NSW Police Force prosecutors for conducting the prestigious J.H.Milne Prepared Speech Competition for 50 years. (2) Notes the highly competitive and professional performances of Luke Johnston, David Anderson, Gabrielle Combes, P.J. O'Brien, Andrew Kingston and Stephen Soars. (3) Acknowledges the competition winner Andrew Kingston with his speech, "The Johnnies and the Mehmets". (4) Congratulates Leah Argent for winning the Trainee Prosecutor of the Year.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

394 PROSTATE CANCER AWARENESS MONTH MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. (2) Commends men in the Hunter for raising awareness of prostate cancer, and increasing testing levels from the previous lowest in NSW to the highest.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

395 PORT KEMBLA MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the former Government and the Port Kembla Port Corporation on their vision for the port and the recent launch of the reclamation of land, injecting hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to establish a world class facility. (2) Notes the hundreds of additional jobs in the local area created, particularly through the car imports facility at the port of Port Kembla. (3) Calls on the Government to ensure that the port of Port Kembla remains in public ownership with continued investment. 3639 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

396 ANNUAL SCARECROW GATHERING MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Shirley Clarkson and the organisers of the Galston Scarecrow Gathering taking place on 18 September 2011 as a part of the Bushland Shire Festival to be held at Fagan Park. (2) Acknowledges the work done by the organising committee to promote arts and crafts in the Hornsby district.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

397 ILLAWARRA JOBS MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Welcomes the statement by the Member for Heathcote that the Government will support the people of the Illawarra in the strongest way possible. (2) Calls on the Government to increase investment to help create specific jobs. (3) Calls on the Government to relocate a government department to Wollongong to help provide job opportunities for displaced workers.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

398 2011 TOUCH FOOTBALL WORLD CUP MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 11 players and one referee from Wallsend were recently selected to play for Australia at the 2011 Touch Football World Cup in Scotland. (2) Notes that Australia has now won its fifth World Cup title, with the Men's Open, Women's Open, Mixed Open, Men's 30's and Men's 35's teams taking out their respective titles. (3) Congratulates Wallsend representatives Stephanie Halpin, Kylie Hilder, Holly Smith, Amy Smith, Nathan Jones, Joshua Sparke, Jason Toby, Matthew Stanton, Darren McSpadden, Brad Squires, John Clarke and Beau Newell.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

399 MICHELLE GRICE MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Notes Glenmore Park mother Michelle Grice, starting her own home-based graphic and web design company Dot Com Women. (2) Congratulates Michelle on founding Dot Com Women to connect women in all stages of business and entrepreneurial activity. (3) Notes that the website enables women in business to promote their enterprises, forge strategic alliances and become critical thinkers. (4) Commends Michelle Grice for her leadership and inspiring other women to believe in themselves and each other.

(Notice given 12 September 2011) 3640 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

400 SEACLIFFE BRIDGE MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Member for Heathcote on his recognition of the former Government's investment in the Seacliffe Bridge in the Illawarra. (2) Notes the recognition of the bridge as an iconic landmark featuring in many international car company advertising campaigns. (3) Encourages people to experience the magnificent drive across the bridge. (4) Condemns the Government for its failure to acknowledge the former Government for the $52 million investment in this iconic infrastructure.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

401 ROADS TO RECOVERY PROGRAM MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the decision of the Commonwealth Government to cut funding to the Roads to Recovery program from 2014. (2) Notes the success of this program since its introduction in 2000 in addressing the infrastructure backlog on local roads with funding in the order of $1.2 billion annually. (3) Commends the Government for its record commitment to infrastructure in the 2011-12 Budget and through Restart NSW. (4) Calls on the Commonwealth Government to reinstate funding to Roads to Recovery to help maintain safe local roads and to assist local government.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

402 KRISHNA JANMASHTAMI DR GEOFF LEE to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Krishna Janmashtami is an important Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Krishna, an avatar of the god Vishnu. (2) Conveys its best wishes to the Parramatta Hindu community, in particular followers of the Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, on the occasion of Krishna Janmashtami. (3) Congratulates Yogi Savania and the organisers of this year's Krishna Janmashtami for their efforts in putting on the event.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

403 COLON EXHIBITION MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House congratulates Calvary Mater Hospital and Rotary Australia for funding the $6000 colon exhibition in Newcastle to highlight colon cancer facts and increase public awareness.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

404 ELLA NICOL MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: 3641 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(1) Congratulates Ella Nicol of Prouille Primary School, Wahroonga for being cast in the lead role of the stage musical, Annie. (2) Wishes Ella every success in the upcoming production. (3) Acknowledges the support of her parents and the staff at Prouille Primary School.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

405 HEADSTART ACQUIRED BRAIN INJURY SERVICE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Hunter's Headstart Acquired Brain Injury Service, established 25 years ago, to help people suffering from brain injuries. (2) Acknowledges the Service's Acquired Perspective Photo Exhibition, created by 10 students all of whom have suffered from brain injury and have attended photography classes run by Headstart.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

406 WESTERN SYDNEY COMMUNITY FORUM DR GEOFF LEE to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Parramatta-based Western Sydney Community Forum works to build strong, organised communities by bridging the divide between communities and policymakers at the local, regional, state and national levels. (2) Notes that the ZEST Greater Western Sydney Community Sector Awards, supported by the Western Sydney Community Forum, recognises excellence in community sector organisations across the region. (3) Praises the work being undertaken by the Forum, under the leadership of its Executive Officer, Mary Waterford, in preparation for the 2012 ZEST Awards and welcomes the financial contribution of the Government towards hosting the event.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

407 HUNTER ACADEMY OF SPORT MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the 27 talent development squads of the Hunter Academy of Sport who were acknowledged at their annual presentation night on 6 September 2011. (2) Congratulates the Academy and all participants for their tremendous efforts.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

408 RETURNED SERVICES LEAGUE, WINDSOR SUB-BRANCH MR KEVIN CONOLLY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Windsor sub-branch of the Returned Services League will celebrate its 80th anniversary on 18 September 2011. (2) Notes that the sub-branch has faithfully commemorated the sacrifice of Windsor district members of Australia's armed forces. (3) Commends the members of the sub-branch, past and present, for their dedication. 3642 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

409 JIM MILLS MENSWEAR AND SWIMWEAR MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Notes that after 56 years of operating in St Marys, clothing store Jim Mills Menswear and Swimwear is closing down. (2) Congratulates Paul Mills, son of the original storeowner Jim Mills, for working in the store since he was 4 years old. (3) Congratulates John Smythe, the owner for the past 35 years, for expanding the business. (4) Extends to Mr Smythe and Mr Mills best wishes in their retirement.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

410 CHINESE AUSTRALIAN FORUM DR GEOFF LEE to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the contribution made by the Australian-Chinese community to the growth and development of modern Australia. (2) Notes that the Chinese Australian Forum is a non-partisan body established in 1985 to provide the Chinese community with a voice in the Australian political process. (3) Congratulates President Tony Pang and the office bearers and management committee members for their contribution to building a harmonious and socially cohesive Australian society.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

411 BO SEO MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Bo Seo for his selection in the Australian debating team which recently competed in the world schools debating championships in Scotland. (2) Congratulates Bo for his success in the competition which saw him achieve a ranking 5th in the world.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

412 MAD HATTERS TEA PARTY FOR HEARTKIDS MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the greatest killer of young Australian children under 5 years of age is childhood heart disease. (2) Congratulates Stephen Snowden, a teacher at Penrith Christian School in Orchard Hills, for organising a Mad Hatters Tea Party to raise funds for HeartKids. (3) Thanks Mr Snowden for his community leadership for this critical children's health issue.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

413 PARRAMATTA CITY BAND DR GEOFF LEE to move— 3643 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

That this House: (1) Recognises the award-winning Parramatta City Band for a century of outstanding service to Parramatta and New South Wales. (2) Notes that 2011 is the 100th anniversary of the Parramatta City Band, and that a centenary dinner was held on 20 August 2011. (3) Congratulates musical director Jonathan Gatt, secretary Gillian Howell, and all past and present members of the Parramatta City Band for being part of this treasured cultural institution.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

414 LEADING SENIOR CONSTABLE CHAYNE FOSTER MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Leading Senior Constable Chayne Foster for his work in raising funds for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (2) Notes that prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Australian men claiming the lives of close to 3,300 each year. (3) Supports the work of the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and the vital role it plays in the fight against prostate cancer and towards reducing the impacts of prostate cancer.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

415 WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY MR CRAIG BAUMANN to move— That this House: (1) Notes that World Suicide Prevention Day was held on 10 September 2011. (2) Acknowledges the work of the Port Stephens Suicide Prevention Network in the community. (3) Congratulates the Rotary Club of Salamander Bay for its involvement in jointly hosting a Suicide Prevention Walk with the Network on 10 September 2011. (4) Congratulates the Government for supporting Lifeline in its suicide prevention and counselling services with funding of $8 million over four years.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

416 JACK AND JILL KINDERGATEN 50 YEAR CELEBRATION MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Jack and Jill Kindergarten Hornsby on celebrating 50 years of quality teaching in the Hornsby area. (2) Thanks the dedicated and hard working teachers, directors and staff who have made Jack and Jill Kindergarten such a special part of the Hornsby community, and acknowledges the work of the teaching director Shelly Laycock and special needs teacher Helena Van Breda for their outstanding service. (3) Acknowledges the contribution of the parents and friends who volunteer to serve on the management committee and social committee in organising the 50th anniversary celebrations, including the family fun day.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

417 WASTE NOT WANT NOT 3644 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

MR JOHN WILLIAMS to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Waste Not Want Not has been selected as one of the ten semi-finalists from 300 entries in the Community of the Year Award to acknowledge the outstanding achievements and contributions it makes to the community. (2) Extends best wishes to Waste Not Want Not for the judging on 23 September 2011.

(Notice given 12 September 2011)

418 GOOD START BREAKFAST PROGRAM MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Red Cross, and the Wallsend Branch of the Red Cross, for their continued support of the Good Start Breakfast Program. (2) Notes that Plattsburg Public School and Shortland Public School in the Wallsend electorate participate in this program by providing breakfast to its pupils.

(Notice given 13 September 2011)

419 HUDSON FAMILY MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Hudson family who are celebrating 30 years of business in Port Macquarie. (2) Notes that Peter Hudson has also contributed 30 years, his sons Grant and Wayne 10 years each, as surf coaches on the mid north coast.

(Notice given 13 September 2011)

420 CHILE COUP 38TH ANNIVERSARY MR PAUL LYNCH to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 2011 is the 38th anniversary of the coup in Chile that overthrew the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende. (2) Acknowledges that the coup and the resulting deaths of President Allende and thousands of other Chileans were commemorated in Fairfield on 11 Septemebr 2011. (3) Congratulates the members of the Salvador Allende Monument Committee for their work in organising the commemoration and maintaining the statue of President Allende.

(Notice given 13 September 2011)

421 B'NAI YACOV SCHOOL DR GEOFF LEE to move— That this House: (1) Notes that western Sydney is home to an active and growing Jewish community based around the Parramatta and Districts Synagogue in the Parramatta electorate. (2) Notes that the B'Nai Yacov School is in its second year of operation and offers an education grounded in the teachings of Judaism for Jewish families in western Sydney. (3) Conveys its supports to Rabbi Wernick and the Parramatta Jewish community in striving to maintain the warmest, most inviting and family friendly synagogue in Australia. 3645 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 13 September 2011)

422 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE LIBYAN STUDENTS MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the University of Newcastle and the Federal Government for supporting the six Libyan students who have had their scholarships frozen under international sanctions. (2) Notes the University has waived its fees until the end of the year. (3) Expresses its support for those students and all Libyans living in Australia.

(Notice given 13 September 2011)

423 MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Mid-Autumn Festival hosted by Ovideo Media and the Chinese Students Association was held on 10 September 2011. (2) Notes the importance of the Mid-Autumn Festival in the Chinese calendar as one of the most important traditional Chinese holidays. (3) Notes that the festival symbolises the arrival of luck, joy and harvest and family time. (4) Congratulates and expresses best wishes to the Chinese community as it celebrates the Mid- Autumn Festival.

(Notice given 13 September 2011)

424 AARON ROYLE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Aaron Royle for being selected to compete at the U⁄23 International Triathlon Union World Championship Series in . (2) Notes that Aaron finished in 45th place at the World Championship Series race in London in August 2011.

(Notice given 13 September 2011)

425 HASTINGS CHORISTERS MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Hastings Choristers for entertaining the community with 80 concerts in the past 21 years. (2) Congratulates president John Thompson and musical director Robyn Ryan for their contribution to the choir.

(Notice given 13 September 2011)

426 FAIRFIELD HIGH SCHOOL MR GUY ZANGARI to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Fairfield High School year 11 students for their floral arrangement display at the 3646 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

Gardening Australia Expo. (2) Commends the principal and teachers for the introduction of the floristry course as part of the work skills curriculum.

(Notice given 13 September 2011)

428 AUSTRALIAN-HOKKEIN HUAY KUAN ASSOCIATION MR MARK COURE to move— That this House congratulates the Australian-Hokkein Huay Kuan Association for hosting the Mid- Autumn Festival banquet and moon cake 'Bo Bing' function held on 11 September 2011.

(Notice given 13 September 2011)

429 GLASSHOUSE ARTS, CONFERENCE AND ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the cultural benefits of the Glasshouse Arts, Conference and Entertainment Centre in Port Macquarie. (2) Notes that the Glasshouse was named the best cultural and heritage tourism attraction on the North Coast, as well winning an honourable mention award for best presenter at the Drovers Awards, conducted by the Australian Performing Arts Centre Association.

(Notice given 13 September 2011)

430 MATER DEI SCHOOL MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the success of the fundraising dinner held on 10 September 2011 that raised $250,000 for the Mater Dei special school. (2) Acknowledges the work done by the school to assist children from Wollondilly, Camden and Campbelltown. (3) Thanks the organising committee for its dedication and hard work in planning the dinner.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

431 PUBLIC SECTOR WORKERS MS ANNA WATSON to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the Government for its attack on public sector workers across New South Wales. (2) Calls on the Government to withdraw the 2.5% cap for wage increases. (3) Also calls on the Government to re-instate access to arbitration through the Industrial Relations Commission.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

432 LORI DWYER - R U OK DAY MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Lori Dwyer for her courageous efforts in telling her story of how suicide in her 3647 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

family inspired her to help others. (2) Congratulates Lori Dwyer for blogging her story which won the Best Australian Blogs Competition 2011 in the personal/lifestyle category. (3) Congratulates Lori Dwyer for promoting R U OK Day. (4) Encourages the community to participate in R U OK Day.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

433 MOUNT DRUITT COURT COMPLEX MR RICHARD AMERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the excellent service provided by the Mount Druitt Court Complex. (2) Notes that the complex was just one of many projects for the residents of Western Sydney delivered by the previous Government.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

434 KANAHOOKA HIGH SCHOOL MS ANNA WATSON to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the staff and students at Kanahooka High School on the opening of a new language centre, funded as part of the Building the Education Revolution initiative. (2) Acknowledges that the BER policy locates schools that require special support due to low socio- economic status and provides them with financial support. (3) Notes that this centre provides an added opportunity to support students interested in studying a language. (4) Notes the partnership between the school and the University of Wollongong provides students studying languages into year 12 with favoured status for tertiary language courses.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

435 WATER AND IRRIGATION STRATEGY ENHANCEMENT THROUGH REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP GROUP MR BART BASSETT to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledge the importance of the Hawkesbury-Nepean River Catchment to all of Sydney. (2) Recognises the work undertaken by the Water and Irrigation Strategy Enhancement Through Regional Partnership Group chaired by a former Speaker of the House, the Hon Kevin Rozzoli AM, to assist stakeholders develop better strategies for water usage and quality. (3) Notes the recent signing of a memorandum of understanding by the mayors of Blacktown, Hawkesbury, Liverpool and Penrith, the University of Western Sydney and the WISER Group to enhance the co-ordination of programs and research.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

436 'DRESS FOR SUCCESS' MS CARMEL TEBBUTT to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates "Dress for Success" on officially opening its show room in Marrickville on 31 3648 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

August 2011. (2) Notes the great work of "Dress for Success" in assisting disadvantaged women with clothes and career advice so they can gain employment. (3) Thanks "Dress for Success" founder and chair Megan Etheridge, the board and their volunteers for their outstanding work in supporting women in New South Wales.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

437 PANANIA FESTIVAL MR GLENN BROOKES to move— That this House: (1) Notes the strong community support shown for the first annual Panania Festival. (2) Congratulates the Mayor of Bankstown, Khal Asfour, for his opening speech and his support for the plans to revitalise the Panania shopping area. (3) Notes that both the Honourable Tony Abbott, Federal Leader of the Opposition and Craig Kelly, the Federal member for Hughes attended the Panania Festival. (4) Notes the Government's support for the East Hills electorate and for the western suburbs of Sydney.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

438 SAMISONI LANGI MRS BARBARA PERRY to move— (1) Congratulates Samisoni Langi on his selection in the Australian Schoolboys Rugby League team. (2) Notes Samisoni's achievement in becoming Vice Captain of Trinity Catholic College, Auburn. (3) Notes that Samisoni is the first student of Tongan heritage to be selected to a senior leadership role at the school.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

439 BAN ON EXOTIC ANIMALS IN CIRCUS PERFORMANCES MS ANNA WATSON to move— That this House: (1) Supports the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Animals Australia and Animals Asia call for the ban on exotic animals in circus performances. (2) Notes that scientific studies show that circus life leads to stress and boredom and often results in abnormal behaviour. (3) Notes many non-animal circuses have shown that the success, quality and economic viability of the circus does not require the use of any animals.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

440 APRON STRINGS BOOK LAUNCH MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the success of the function launching the book 'Apron Strings' held at the Oaks Heritage Centre and Museum on 11 September 2011. (2) Commends the work done by Jenny Wood and the Oaks Heritage Centre and Museum. (3) Congratulates Jenny and the entire team on the publication of the book. 3649 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

441 ROTARY RACE MR BART BASSETT to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Rotary Club of Kurrajong North Richmond for its organisation of the annual Rotary Duck Race at the Penrith Whitewater Stadium on 10 September 2011. (2) Notes that 3000 rubber ducks were sold, raising over $15,000 to support the work of local schools, sports clubs and other community based organisations. (3) Commends the Rotary Club for allocating some of the funds raised to build new class rooms and educational facilities at the Umoja Centre in Tanzania for disadvantaged students. (4) Thanks the Penrith Whitewater Stadium and other businesses who donated money and prizes to the event.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

442 MT COLAH NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Mt Colah Neighbourhood Watch Association on celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. (2) Notes the positive impacts that Neighbourhood Watch groups have had in helping reduce local crime and improve the safety and wellbeing of the local community. (3) Thanks the hundreds of volunteers, including Mick Gallagher, who have been instrumental in the continued operation of the neighbourhood watch and contribution to the Mt Colah community.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

443 SOPHIE MACAULAY MS ANNA WATSON to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the Minister for Education for the decision to deny Sophie Macaulay, a severely handicapped student, access to the Assisted School Travel Program. (2) Notes that Sophie is 9 years old, is tube fed and in nappies and that her mother has two other children and her father works away from home. (3) Notes that it is currently not possible for Sophie's mother to get her to school on time. (4) Notes that the bus currently picks up another child who lives in the street next to Sophie to attend the same school.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

444 GEORGE KRUGER MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates George Kruger for organising the Tahmoor Community Garden Day on 17 September 2011 (2) Notes the Tahmoor Community Garden is a great community program enabling people to grow flowers, plants and food. (3) Encourages everyone to attend the Garden Day. 3650 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

445 KAYE SCOTT MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Kaye Scott for her efforts and achievements, representing Australia at the third International Women's Boxing Tournament held in the Ukraine during September 2011. (2) Notes the contribution of both the local community and in particular the Hornsby Police Citizens Youth Club in supporting the talents of members of the community.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

446 'WORK CONNECTIONS' PROGRAM MS ANNA WATSON to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Disability Trust on its transition to work program, 'Work Connections', based at Oak Flats, which provides local residents who have a disability with assistance into employment. (2) Acknowledges that Work Connections is a two year program that works primarily with school leavers to get them ready for employment. (3) Notes that each person's plan is based on their individual interest, skills and experiences to build a pathway to employment.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

447 13TH ANNUAL CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL MR GLENN BROOKES to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the 13th annual Children's Festival will be held on 24 September 2011 at the Bankstown City Paceway. (2) Congratulates the President of the Children's Festival Organisation Incorporated for his dedication to the thousands of children and their families who have enjoyed the activities of the festival for more than a decade. (3) Notes the aim of the Children's Festival is to develop an Australian society based on shared knowledge and a common understanding. (4) Notes the work of the New South Wales Chapter of the Vietnamese Community in Australia and numerous other organisations and individuals for their support of the festival.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

448 BEROWRA WALLABIES MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Berowra Wallabies Junior Rugby League Club for its effort this season in claiming four grand final victories. (2) Congratulates the efforts of Club President Wayne Dickerson, Secretary Lisa Jeffries, all of the coaches, managers and committee members, parents and volunteers in supporting their community sporting club. (3) Notes the benefits that community sporting clubs have in bringing together the local community, in encouraging active and healthy lifestyles and in developing and fostering the talents of these players. 3651 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

449 BELINDA SIDMAN MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Belinda Sidman in winning a bronze medal at the World Disabled Water Ski Championships held recently in the United States of America. (2) Congratulates Mrs Sidman for equalling the Australian record for tricks and for setting a new Australian record for slalom. (3) Congratulates Mrs Sidman in being accepted into a nursing course with Sydney South West Area Health Service. (4) Acknowledges that despite her setback in losing her right leg when she was 16, Mrs Sidman is an inspiration to the Wollondilly community.

(Notice given 14 September 2011)

450 BANKSTOWN CITY NETBALL ASSOCIATION MS TANIA MIHAILUK to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Bankstown City Netball Association is celebrating its 50th anniversary in September 2011. (2) Notes that there are sixteen netball clubs involved in the 2011 competition. (3) Notes that more than 2000 players participate in the Association's competition. (4) Congratulates former President Betty Moore for more than 20 years of service, current President Margaret Stefanoff and Secretary Simone McDonald and acknowledges the first President Irene Robinson. (5) Congratulates the current and former executives, volunteers, umpires, coaches and players for their ongoing efforts and on this magnificent milestone.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

451 LYNNE STRONG MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Lynne Strong of Jamberoo on becoming one of two finalists in the Rabobank Farm Industry Leader of the Year Award. (2) Notes that Lynne is a sixth generation farmer of Clover Hill Dairies, an industry leader providing milk to more than 50,000 Australians.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

452 ST GEORGE HOSPITAL HEALTH SERVICES MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Government is investing $2 million to commence the expansion of the St George Hospital Emergency Department. (2) Notes this investment in the Oatley electorate in the Government's first budget. (3) Commends the Government for delivering on the important health services urgently needed in the community, including 4475 more nurses. 3652 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

453 ST MARYS RUGBY LEAGUE CLUB MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Notes that St Marys Rugby League Club, formed in 1908, is the oldest club in the Penrith District. (2) Congratulates the teams, coaches and managers of the 2011 season for having a record breaking season and winning 19 grand finals in the junior and senior rugby league competitions.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

454 SCOUTS MR DAVID ELLIOTT to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Oscar Sheppard and Robert Slater on their recent appointment by The Queen, as Queen's Scouts. (2) Recognises the contribution made by scouts and the scouting movement to the Australian community for more than 100 years. (3) Commends the 2nd Baulkham Hills Scout Group for its development of youth leadership in the Hills Shire.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

455 BANKSTOWN SPORTS WOMEN'S CRICKET CLUB MS TANIA MIHAILUK to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Bankstown Sports Women's Cricket Club has been operating for more than thirty years. (2) Notes that Bankstown Sports Women's Cricket Club competes in the Sydney Cricket Association Women's Competition. (3) Notes that women's sport remains significantly underfunded in Australia. (4) Congratulates the Bankstown Sports Club for its support of women's cricket. (5) Congratulates the players of the Bankstown Sports Women's Cricket Club as well as the coaches Rob Mack, Max Mcleay and Byron Hackshall.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

456 DHARAWAL NATIONAL PARK MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Government has committed $686,000 as part of its election commitment to establish Dharawal National Park including walking tracks and signs. (2) Notes this investment in the Oatley electorate in the Government's first budget. (3) Commends the Government for its commitment to important environmental outcomes and protections in New South Wales.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

457 KATE BELLAMY 3653 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratualtes Kate Bellamy of Cambewarra on being selected into the All Australian Schools' Shadow Basketball Team. (2) Notes that Kate captained the NSW All Schools Basketball Team to victory in the gold medal game against Victoria earlier this year. (3) Extends our best wishes for Kate's continued success when the Australian Schools side travels to America later in 2011.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

458 CLAIRE ENGLISH MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Welcomes the return of Claire English of St Marys, who recently arrived back from Puka Urku in Ecuador, where she was part of Volunteer Eco Students Abroad program. (2) Encourages Claire to complete her studies in human rights. (3) Commends the University of Western Sydney on its donation to help Claire to travel to Ecuador as part of the volunteer program. (4) Commends Claire on her inspirational journey and for being a positive role model to other young men and women in western Sydney.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

459 DR JIM TAGGART OAM MR DAVID ELLIOTT to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Dr Jim Taggart OAM on his recent election to the board of the Asia Pacific Financial Services Association. (2) Commends Dr Taggart's contribution to various charities in the Hills District, including the Salvation Army, St. Michael's Parish and the Hills Community Engagement Organisation. (3) Acknowledges Dr Taggart's passion for the Hills community as an advocate for youth development and as a promoter of family causes.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

460 PENSHURST PUBLIC SCHOOL CROSSING MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the provision of a crossing supervisor for Penshurst Public School. (2) Notes this investment in the Oatley electorate in the Government's first budget. (3) Commends the Government for its commitment to supporting students in public schools and providing a positive learning environment for students across New South Wales, including 900 more teachers.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

461 MICHAEL PELDA MR GARETH WARD to move— 3654 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

That this House: (1) Congratulates Michael Pelda of Bomaderry on being awarded the joint winner of Ray Tunbridge Medal for Best and Fairest in the South Coast Australian Football League. (2) Notes that Michael has been a standout performer for the Nowra Blues all season and extends best wishes to Michael and his family.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

462 GRANT AND TRISH CULLEN MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges Grant and Trish Cullen of the St Clair Strikers Soccer Club for their hard work in coaching, managing and running the canteen for the club. (2) Acknowledges the long association of the Cullen family with the St Clair Strikers Soccer Club, which was founded by Ross Cullen in 1981. (3) Congratulate Grant and Trish on their nomination in the Service to Sport category in the Mt Druitt St Marys Standard's Junior Sports Awards.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

463 CONSTITUTION HILL RETIREMENT VILLAGE MR DAVID ELLIOTT to move— That this House: (1) Commends the Constitution Hill Retirement Village for its commitment to improving the lifestyles of seniors and retirees. (2) Congratulates the committee and management for its successful Annual Spring Fair held on 10 September 2011. (3) Applauds the Village for the variety of active pastimes made available to residents.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

464 MATTHEW ELY MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Matthew Ely on winning the International Showcase Jewellers Design Awards in the creative division and the People's Choice Award. (2) Congratulates Matthew's father Robert Ely for his support and encouragement.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

465 FLASHING LIGHTS AT SCHOOLS MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the investment in flashing lights at schools in the Oatley electorate including Mortdale Public School and Oatley Public School. (2) Notes this investment in the Oatley electorate in the Government's first budget.

(Notice given 15 September 2011) 3655 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

466 SMALL BUSINESS SEPTEMBER MR STUART AYRES to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 2011 is the 11th year of Small Business September. (2) Acknowledges the efforts of the Penrith Valley Chamber of Commerce, Penrith Business Alliance, Glenbrook and Brooklands Chamber of Commerce, the Kingswood Traders and Citizens Association and the Penrith Business Enterprise Centre in the ongoing advocacy and commitment to the development of small businesses in the Penrith electorate.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

467 CHRISTIE ARTHUR MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Christie Arthur of Gerringong on her recent success in the Rotary District 9710 public speaking competition. (2) Extends best wishes to Christie in Canberra for the finals competition to be held at the District Conference in October 2011.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

468 HURSTVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL UPGRADE MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the investment in Hurstville Public School to upgrade and provide needed facilities in a school of over 1000 students. (2) Notes this investment in the Oatley electorate in the Government's first budget.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

469 CARLIN SIMON MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Carlin Simon of Kiama Downs on his recent selection into the Australian Indigenous under 16s rugby union team. (2) Extends best wishes to Carlin and the team when they travel to New Zealand on 18 September 2011 to compete in matches to be held before the National under 16s Championships in Sydney.

(Notice given 15 September 2011)

470 GOVERNOR'S RESIDENCE MR ANDREW ROHAN to move— That this House: (1) Recognises the important role of the Governor in New South Wales. (2) Notes that Government House has been home to 27 Governors from 1846 to 1996 and that Governors in every other State reside in their respective Government House. (3) Commends the Premier for returning Government House as the Governor's residence. (4) Commends the Governor of New South Wales, Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir AC CVO 3656 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

for her loyal and dedicated service since 2001.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

471 CARDIFF RAILWAY STATION LIFT MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Government has stopped work at Cardiff Railway Station on the building of the $6.5 million lift, funded by the former Government in June 2010. (2) Urges the Government to continue work on building the lift. (3) Notes the representations made by local business and the community to get the lift installed. (4) Notes the difficulty people with disabilities, the elderly, parents with prams and commuters have in traversing the stairs to the platform.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

472 TAHLIA TUPAEA MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates 14 year old Tahlia TuPaea of Glenmore Park who was recently selected in the School Sport Australian Open Girls Basketball team to tour Texas and Arizona in 2011. (2) Notes that all other team members are aged 17 and above. (3) Congratulates Tahlia on her other sporting achievements, including joining the WNBL Sydney University Flames Academy, selection to the NSW Metro team that won gold at the Pacific Coast Slam and bronze in the under 16 National Championships.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

473 BULLI HOSPITAL MR RYAN PARK to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates all the staff of Bulli Hospital. (2) Condemns the Government for closing the emergency department at the hospital and not allocating additional funding for the proposed urgent care centre. (3) Calls on the Government to allocate funding and commence construction on the $9.4 million Integrated Primary Care Centre before any changes to the emergency department take place. (4) Condemns the Government for misleading the Northern Illawarra community by not keeping its election promise to upgrade services at Bulli Hospital.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

474 GOVERNMENT HOUSE MR DAVID ELLIOTT to move— That this House: (1) Commends the Premier for his decision to return the Governor to Government House. (2) Recognises the importance of Government House as a functioning Office of State, residence and as a public historic building. (3) Condemns the former Government for removing the Governor from Government House. 3657 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

475 SOUL CAFE AND WALLSEND BAPTIST CHURCH MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Thanks the volunteers from Soul Cafe and Wallsend Baptist Church who prepare and serve free meals at the Church for disadvantaged members of the Wallsend community every Monday and Thursday. (2) Notes the service provides meals for different people in the community, including those who are homeless, having financial difficulties, and seniors, and feeds over 40 people each session. (3) Commends Phil Skinner of Wallsend Baptist Church for his efforts and initiative.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

476 MULTICULTURAL CELEBRATION DAY 2011 MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Jan Frikken on organising the 5th Annual Multicultural Celebration Day 2011 held at Bomaderry on 18 September 2011. (2) Notes the event also celebrates the International Day of Peace. (3) Acknowledges the financial support of Shoalhaven City Council for this project. (4) Recognises the tireless efforts of the Illawarra Multicultural Services and Shoalhaven Multicultural Group.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

477 MAMRE HOMESTEAD MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Mamre Homestead in St Marys on hosting the third annual 100 Mile Dinner on 29 October 2011 and as a part of the Crave Sydney International Food Festival. (2) Commends Mamre Homestead for demonstrating leadership in sustainable food practices with a menu of fine food. (3) Encourages food lovers to support Mamre Homestead in reducing greenhouse gas emissions by selecting food within a limited geographical area. (4) Thanks Costa Georgidias of Costa's Garden Odessey on SBS and Simon Marnie of ABC Radio for their support in hosting the third annual 100 Mile Dinner.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

478 ILLAWARRA DIGGERS REST HOME MR RYAN PARK to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Illawarra Diggers Rest Home in the Keira electorate has been providing aged care to veterans, their families and the broader community for 65 years. (2) Congratulates the Chief Executive Officer, Mr Rex Leighton, Chairman, Mr Barry Glover and the staff, executive and Board for their commitment to aged care in the region. (3) Congratulates the RSL Sub Branches and Womens' Auxiliaries of the Central Southern and Southern Metropolitan regions for their ongoing support of this facility. 3658 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

479 PARTNER HOUSING AUSTRALASIA MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Partner Housing Australasia for the success of its fundraising activities held on 8 October 2011. (2) Acknowledges the work done by Peter Sheldon and the Board of Partner Housing Australasia in assisting individuals with accommodation. (3) Notes the next dwelling to be built is at Tahmoor.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

480 JOEL HERBERT MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House congratulates Joel Herbert of Elermore Vale, on his selection as a ball boy at the Davis Cup World Group play-off tie between Australia and Switzerland from 16 to 18 September 2011.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

481 KIAMA REGIONAL WINE SHOW MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Chairman John Kelly and his committee members on organising the 6th Annual Kiama Regional Wine Show on 23 and 24 September 2011. (2) Recognises the success of local wineries Coolangatta Estate and Tertini Wines in winning major Gold Medal awards. (3) Acknowledges the support of Kiama Municipal Council and the host of local businesses who sponsored the show.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

482 DANIEL MCNAMARA MR RYAN PARK to move— That this House: (1) Notes the contribution that young people make to the of Keira electorate. (2) Congratulates Daniel McNamara for representing the young people of the Keira electorate in the recent Youth Parliament. (3) Calls on the Government to establish a bipartisan committee to examine the proposed Bills put forward by the Youth Parliament to ensure that our young people are having the issues important to them considered by the Parliament.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

483 BANKS PUBLIC SCHOOL 25TH ANNIVERSARY MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Banks Public School, St Clair, on its 25th Anniversary and on the opening of the new classrooms and upgraded library. 3659 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Commends school captains Brayden Fisher and Synthia Shin for their introduction to the anniversary celebrations. (3) Congratulates the School Choir on its performance at the celebrations.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

484 ALEISHA BAILEY MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges recent Callaghan College Jesmond Senior Campus graduate Aleisha Bailey, for her contribution to the Newcastle Craft and Sewing Show. (2) Notes her dress was created as part of her HSC textiles project.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

485 CAMBEWARRA PUBLIC SCHOOL MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Cambewarra Public School on receiving the award for Best New School at the Wakakirri story and dance competition held at the Entertainment Centre in Wollongong on 4 August 2011. (2) Acknowledges the Director Trent Burns. (3) Notes the performances of 60 students and 17 backstage crew from the Cambewarra Public School during their dance production based on the children's book 'Dancing the Boom Cha Cha Boogie'. (4) Commends the school on its outstanding achievement in their first year involved in the competition.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

486 REGAL BY THE LAKE FILM FESTIVAL MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House congratulates the fundraising efforts of the hard working Friends of the Regal Cinema Group, in partnership with Lake Macquarie City Council, on conducting the 2011 film festival at Lake Macquarie Performing Arts Centre.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

487 MR BILL BALL MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Recognises the dedicated and selfless service of over 50 years by Mr Bill Ball in his promotion and advocacy of cricket in Western Sydney. (2) Thanks his family, Penrith District Grade Cricket Club and Penrith City Council in their commitment to name a cricket oval in St Marys the Bill Ball Oval. (3) Encourages all sports participants who use Bill Ball Oval to learn of the great service and contribution of Mr Bill Ball to the community including his legacy for cricket.

(Notice given 11 October 2011) 3660 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

488 THOMAS LIBBESSON MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House congratulates the achievements of Thomas Libbesson, Elermore Vale, on winning the indigenous apprentice of the year at the NSW Group Training Awards and on achieving outstanding academic results throughout his study for the Certificate III in construction carpentry.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

489 PICTON SHOW MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledge the success of Picton Show held on 8 and 9 October 2011. (2) Acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the organising committee, in particular President Alex Apps and his wife Gale Apps. (3) Notes the importance of such rural events to promote local produce, agricultural practices and businesses.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

490 PENRITH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Penrith Christian School chemistry students for their success in the National Chemistry Competition. (2) Notes that 17 students from the Penrith Christian School placed in the top 40% of the competition. (3) Congratulates Christina Petherick who scored 100% in the test. (4) Congratulates Christina Petherick's parents, for their encouragement and support. (5) Thanks Science Coordinator Denise Bailey and the other science teachers for their teaching and inspiration to these students.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

491 WILLIAM MILLER MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates William Miller of Berry who was recently selected in both the Australian Schoolboys Rugby Union side and the Australian Under 18 Seven-A-Side Rugby Union team. (2) Acknowledges William's rugby prowess and talent. (3) Wishes William all the best of success in these two Australian teams and his rugby career.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

492 RURAL FIRE SERVICE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Notes the great work that local Rural Fire Service Brigades contribute to the local community. (2) Encourages the community to support their local Rural Fire Service. 3661 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

493 STEPH'S HAIR STUDIO MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Steph's Hair Studio in Meroo Meadow on winning the best senior hairdresser award at the recently held NSW International Hairstylists Society competition. (2) Congratulates those staff members who also won a number of prestigious awards at this competition. (3) Extends our best wishes to all the staff at Steph's Hair Studio for the National International Hairstylists Society competition finals to be held in Melbourne in October 2011.

(Notice given 11 October 2011)

494 REGIMENTAL BANDS MR DAVID ELLIOTT to move— That this House: (1) Recognises the significant role that regimental bands have played within the armed services for over 100 years, especially in the maintenance of troop morale. (2) Notes with regret the recent plan to close 14 of the 23 regimental bands within the Australian Army, many of which are based in New South Wales. (3) Demands the Federal Government stop the planned closure of these regimental bands in the interests of military tradition and the morale of servicemen and women.

(Notice given 12 October 2011)

495 APPRENTICE AND TRAINEE AWARDS MACARTHUR REGION MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the presentation of MG My Gateway Apprentice and Trainee Awards for the Macarthur region on 7 October 2011. (2) Congratulates the five Wollondilly Council staff nominated and notes that Council staff have performed well at the awards over the past two years. (3) Congratulates Melissa Taylor on winning the Local Government Trainee of the Year Award and Amanda Irvine for winning the Trainee of the Year Award.

(Notice given 12 October 2011)

496 CLUBS NSW MR DAVID ELLIOTT to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Clubs NSW for a successful annual conference which highlighted the contribution that local clubs make to this State. (2) Acknowledges the significant role that registered clubs play with local communities across New South Wales as providers of community services. (3) Recognises the difficult environment in which clubs now operate as a result of Federal Government's proposal.

(Notice given 12 October 2011) 3662 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

497 CAMDEN LOCAL AREA COMMAND MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Camden Local Area Command that services the Wollondilly electorate for the successful launch of the Camden LAC Facebook page and the Eyewatch program. (2) Notes that this will allow residents to participate in crime prevention activities to benefit community safety. (3) Thanks Crime Prevention Officer, Senior Constable Christine Millan for her support in policing the Wollondilly electorate. (4) Acknowledges the work done by the Local Area Command in its services to the Wollondilly electorate.

(Notice given 12 October 2011)

498 FORESTVILLE AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION MR BRAD HAZZARD to move— That this House: (1) Notes the concerns of residents about the proposed Affordable Housing SEPP development at Forestville. (2) Notes the proposed development application has been made under the Affordable Housing SEPP implemented by the former Government. (3) Notes the number of residences proposed is excessive and, if approved, will cause major negative outcomes for the residents of Forestville.

(Notice given 12 October 2011)

499 MEGHAN RUTLEDGE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates 15 year old Meghan Rutledge of Picton for being crowned the senior women's Australian champion in motocross. (2) Acknowledges the great success that Meghan has had in winning previous events. (3) Notes that Meghan will now be competing against the under 19 boys in the Australasian Supercross Championships in Campbelltown on 5 November 2011.

(Notice given 12 October 2011)

500 SYRIAN CAMPAIGN 70TH ANNIVERSARY MS TANIA MIHAILUK to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the 70th anniversary of the Syrian Campaign during World War II (WWII) is on 13 October 2011. (2) Notes that reporting on the Syria-Lebanon Campaign was limited for propaganda purposes at the time and the role played by Australians in the campaign is one of the least known Australian operations of WWII. (3) Notes the central role played by the 7th Division of the Australian Imperial Forces in the campaign. (4) Commemorates the brave men who fought in Syria and Lebanon against Vichy France. 3663 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(5) Congratulates Mr Dick Payten OAM of the 7th Australian Division AIF Association for organising the 70th anniversary ceremony.

(Notice given 12 October 2011)

501 MENANGLE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Wollondilly Shire Council for taking the first step to preserve Menangle's heritage after allocating more than $11,000 to fund a heritage report on the town and its surroundings. (2) Acknowledges the good work done by the Menangle Community Association in advocating and supporting the heritage town of Menangle in the Wollondilly electorate. (3) Notes Menangle was a leader and innovator of Australian agriculture with firsts in wool, cattle, dairying, wheat, fruit and wine.

(Notice given 12 October 2011)

502 BALI BOMBINGS NINTH ANNIVERSARY MS TANIA MIHAILUK to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 12 October 2011 is the ninth anniversary of the Bali bombings in which 88 Australians lost their lives. (2) Notes that this is an opportunity to remember all those who have lost their lives due to violent crime and acts of terrorism. (3) Expresses its condolences to victims of violent crime and terrorism and their families and friends.

(Notice given 12 October 2011)

503 CARBON TAX MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House notes the adverse affects that will be placed on the residents of Wollondilly and the increased cost of living with respect to rising fuel costs, housing affordability and general daily expenses due to the unnecessary burden of the Federal carbon tax.

(Notice given 12 October 2011)

504 POLIO SURVIVORS MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges that polio survivors continue to be the single largest disability group in Australia, numbering in the tens of thousands. (2) Notes that this number includes those who contracted polio in Australia during the epidemics last century, as well as young polio survivors who have migrated from countries where polio is still prevalent or only recently eradicated. (3) Notes that the needs of polio survivors have become a lower priority with successful vaccination programs but as sufferers age chronic sufferers will become a greater concern. (4) Recognises the wide variety of symptoms of the late effects of polio. (5) Notes over the last 20 years polio survivors have established State-based post-polio organisations, providing information and support for fellow survivors, are run by polio volunteers who themselves are experiencing increased disability and decreased mobility. 3664 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(6) Calls on the Federal Department of Health and Ageing to allocate specific funding to support post-polio survivors and to Polio Australia as a matter of urgency.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

505 PENRITH PANTHERS BMX MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the performance of Penrith Panthers BMX riders at the New South Wales Championships held on 1 to 3 October 2011. (2) Congratulates Nicole Docherty (2nd, AA Ladies), Jordan Lecher (1st, 15 Boys) and Chelsea Boylan (2nd, 11-12 Cruiser Girls). (3) Commends President Lynne Docherty and the management committee of the Penrith BMX Club on their dedicated and passionate drive to see BMX sport grow and flourish in western Sydney.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

506 WOLLONGONG HOSPITAL EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the additional pressure to be placed on Wollongong Hospital Emergency Department following the announcement of the decision to close Bulli Hospital Emergency Department. (2) Notes the emergency department is already working beyond capacity. (3) Calls for an increase in resources for Wollongong Hospital Emergency Department. (4) Commends the efforts of all health service personnel at Wollongong Hospital working with limited resources.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

507 MANUFACTURING EDUCATION PROGRAM MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House congratulates Regional Development Australia and leading manufacturers Varley Engineering, Ampcontrol, BAE Systems and Forgacs along with local schools for working together to open up career opportunities for local students through the Manufacturing Education Program.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

508 VARIETY BASH MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House notes the efforts of Camden Haven residents Robert Dwyer, Wayne Poll, John Skyes and Robert Plante in raising more than $10,000 in the 2011 Variety Bash.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

509 SHELLHARBOUR UNDER 12 FIRST DIVISION FOOTBALL TEAM MS ANNA WATSON to move— That this House congratulates Shellharbour under 12 first division football team for reaching the final 20 in the Junior Masters Australian Competition.

(Notice given 13 October 2011) 3665 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

510 MICHELLE ARENTZ MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Michelle Arentz on the opening of her art exhibition "From Campbell Town to Campbelltown" and encourages people to attend the exhibiton. (2) Notes that the exhibition is a collection of drawings and paintings of the history of Campbelltown's architecture. (3) Notes that Michelle Arentz 's work has featured in many competitions, and that she was a finalist in the 2008 and 2009 Fisher's Ghost Art Award.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

511 PALLIATIVE CARE NEW SOUTH WALES MR RICHARD AMERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Palliative Care New South Wales is the peak organisation in this state representing palliative care providers. (2) Notes that the organisation was established in 1981 when palliative care services started to develop in New South Wales. (3) Notes the organisation operates to promote the access of every person to quality care at the end of life.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

512 LIONS CLUBS MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the contribution made by local Lions Clubs as volunteer organisations in our communities. (2) Notes that Lions Clubs around the world have a membership of 1,368,683 people committed to making a positive contribution to their communities. (3) Commends the Lugarno Lions Club for the festival which was held on 18 September 2011, an event attended by thousands of people supporting community groups and charitable causes.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

513 CENTRAL VENUES AUTHORITY MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Calls on the Government to ensure that local service providers are not at risk of losing out following the amalgamation of the Illawarra Venues Authority with the new Central Venues Authority. (2) Welcomes the assurance of the Minister for Sport and Recreation that Wollongong and the Illawarra will not be disadvantaged by the amalgamation. (3) Notes the commitment of St George Illawarra Dragons to playing competitive NRL-level rugby league within the Illawarra. (4) Calls for 50% of all St George Illawarra Dragons home games to be played at Wollongong Stadium.

(Notice given 13 October 2011) 3666 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

514 ORDER OF THE OLD BASTARDS MR CHRIS PATTERSON to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Camden branch of the Order of the Old Bastards who raise money for ill children in hospital. (2) Acknowledges that this organisation is made up of community minded people. (3) Acknowledges that with the humble sausage barbeque they have managed to raise over $10,000.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

515 JOHN HUNTER HOSPITAL VETERAN VOLUNTEERS MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Commends all the veteran volunteers for their continued support and work at John Hunter Hospital. (2) Notes that the veteran volunteers are a vital part of the team at the hospital committed to their volunteer work. (3) Notes that one volunteer, Pat Fields, recently celebrated her 80th birthday.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

516 LENORE FLANAGAN MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Lenore Flanagan from Glenmore Park on the establishment of her website Bullied Kids Have Voices, which is a safe forum for children who are victims of bullying to express their feelings and share stories. (2) Commends Ms Flanagan for her innovative idea to help combat the problem of bullying in schools.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

517 PROPOSED TAFE RESTRUCTURE MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Calls on the Government to guarantee that it will not close any TAFE colleges, following the release of a discussion paper flagging a restructure of the vocational education sector. (2) Calls on the Government to ensure that tuition fees will not rise excessively as part of any restructure. (3) Calls on the Government to support TAFE teachers and not change the Technical and Further Education Commission Act that would cut the incomes and working conditions of TAFE teachers. (4) Notes the quality of education in the vocational education sector.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

518 ZONTA MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— 3667 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

That this House acknowledges the ongoing work of Zonta in Port Macquarie in advancing the status of women in the Hastings area and wishes the organisation well for its annual conference in October 2011.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

519 KYLE HOGAN MS ANNA WATSON to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Kyle Hogan on his recent achievement in the 15 boys division of the BMX State Titles held on 1-3 October 2011. (2) Commends Kyle Hogan on his success in BMX and for qualifying to compete in the Australian Titles.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

520 KEN HALSTEAD MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Councillor Ken Halstead on recently being re-elected Mayor of Wingecarribee Shire Council for a second term and Councillor Larry Whipper on being elected Deputy Mayor. (2) Commends Councillor Halstead for continuing to deliver outcomes in the best interests of Wingecarribee Shire.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

521 OZHARVEST NEWCASTLE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Commends the good works of Ozharvest Newcastle for providing 300,000 meals to disadvantaged Hunter residents since its formation a year ago. (2) Notes the generous help and donation from the nib foundation, and the commitment of many volunteers and supporters.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

522 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE STUDENTS MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Recognises and commends all Wollondilly students for their hard work in preparing for the forthcoming Higher Schoool Certificate (HSC) exams. (2) Acknowledges the great work and commitment of the teachers and support staff at all schools in the Wollondilly electorate. (3) Wishes all HSC students success in their exams, and in achieving their aspirations for the future.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

523 SPEECHCRAFT COURSE MR MARK COURE to move— 3668 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

That this House: (1) Notes the commitment of many organisations to promoting multiculturalism and opportunity for migrants to fully involve themselves in our community, both socially and economically. (2) Congratulates Pole Depot and Guardian Funerals for establishing the "speechcraft" course, designed to teach migrants confidence in public speaking and to enhance English language skills. (3) Commends the students who participated in the first course that concluded with an awards ceremony on 6 October 2011. (4) Commends the students who are participating in the second course, commencing on 7 October and is being run by St George Migrant Resource Centre and Guardian Funerals.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

524 FIRST HOME BUYERS MS NOREEN HAY to move— (1) Condemns the Government's decision to cut stamp duty concessions for first home buyers. (2) Notes that this decision will make it even more difficult for first home buyers and impact up to 95,000 first home buyers with an average tax of between $10,000 to $20,000. (3) Calls on the Government to provide real initiatives to help those in our community seeking to purchase their first home.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

525 CARP-O-THON MR CHRIS PATTERSON to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Camden Councillor David Funnell for organising the annual competition "Carp-o- thon" fishing competition in Camden dams. (2) Notes that the 2011 event attracted over 100 participants and families in the sport of fishing. (3) Acknowledges the initiative to clean up dams and alleviate the problem that carp cause.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

526 CHRIS LEVI MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House congratulates Professor Chris Levi named as a finalist in the Australian Museum's Jamie Callachor Eureka Prize for Medical Research.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

527 PENEFRANCIA FESTIVAL MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Fillippino community celebrates the Penefrancia Festival each September. (2) Congratulates the Australian devotees of Our Lady of Penefrancia including Jun Relunia and Father Chris De Souzafor of St Nocolas of Myra Church parish for organising the festival activities in Sydney over the past five years.

(Notice given 13 October 2011) 3669 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

528 "CALL ME" CAMPAIGN MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Wollongong Police and University of Wollongong on the "Call Me" campaign to raise awareness of personal safety. (2) Notes the campaign is to raise awareness of the need for safety both on and off the university campus, protect personal belongings and to encourage communication with police. (3) Recognises the contribution of students and police in the development of the project and campaign.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

529 LYNDA CHAMBERLAIN MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Lynda Chamberlain for establishing the Eggtober Foundation to raise awareness of gynaecological cancer. (2) Notes the fundraising event to be held on 29 October 2011 to raise money for medical equipment at Liverpool Hospital.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

530 ST GEORGE CHARITY BALL MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the contribution of many business organisations to charitable groups in our community. (2) Congratulates the organising committee of the St George Charity Ball held on 17 September 2011, which raised funds for the St George Hospital. (3) Encourages all members of our community to become involved in philanthropic and charitable works.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

531 PORT KEMBLA MARINE RESCUE MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Marine Rescue of Port Kembla Search and Rescue base for its swift action when a yacht capsized off Bellambi Reef during the Cruising Yacht Club's annual Sydney to Flinders Islet race. (2) Commends the NSW Police Marine Area Command on its participation in the successful rescue of the vessel and 14 crew. (3) Acknowledges the outstanding work undertaken by all emergency service personnel in the Illawarra.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

532 SANDRA MCCARTHY MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: 3670 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(1) Congratulates Councillor Sandra McCarthy on recently being re-elected as Mayor of Kiama Municipal Council for a record twelfth term and Councillor Brian Petschler on being elected Deputy Mayor. (2) Commends Councillor McCarthy on continuing to deliver outcomes in the best interests of the Kiama Municipality.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

533 DR LONGTING LIN MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the John Hunter Hospital, the University of Newcastle and the Hunter Medical Research Institute on their initiatives to exchange ideas between stroke specialists. (2) Commends Dr Longting Lin of China whilst on placement in the Hunter for her work in regard to the area of clinical methods and advanced imaging technology, and for sharing her knowledge and use of acupuncture in the rehabilitation of stroke patients.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

534 PAWS IN PARK FUN DAY MR CHRIS PATTERSON to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Camden Council for organising the Paws in Park fun day to be held on 23 October 2011, in particular, the organising committee for its hard work on this inaugural event. (2) Recognises the Camden Council's initiative to raise awareness of the need for responsible animal ownership and extends best wishes for the day.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

535 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PREVENTION MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Calls on the Government to focus on financial hardship as part of its domestic violence prevention strategy. (2) Notes the finding of the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research that women who experience financial stress are more likely to become victims of domestic violence. (3) Urges the Legislature Council Standing Committee on Social Issues to consider evidence and address causative factors, like financial stress, as part of its current enquiry.

(Notice given 13 October 2011)

536 CAMPBELLTOWN HOSPITAL MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Tresurer for attending the progress inspection of the $139 million upgrade to the Campbelltown Hospital on 10 October 2011 and acknowledges the work of the Government in developing the health system. (2) Notes the extra facilities and enhanced services that will be available following the upgrade. (3) Acknowledges the General Manager Leisa Rathborne and the medical staff of the hospital for their work for patients of the Wollondilly electorate. 3671 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 14 October 2011)

537 ST JOHN AMBULANCE AUSTRALIA MR DAVID ELLIOTT to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the establishment of the Parliamentary Auxiliary of the St John Ambulance and looks forward to the collaboration between the St John Ambulance (New South Wales) and the Parliament through the new auxiliary. (2) Commends St John Ambulance Australia for its contribution to our community for over 125 years, currently through over 12,000 volunteers.

(Notice given 14 October 2011)

538 LUGARNO PROGRESS ASSOCIATION MR MARK COURE to move— That this House notes the work done by the Lugarno Progress Association in supporting the community through important local projects and congratulates Joan Curtis on her leadership and contribution to the association.

(Notice given 14 October 2011)

539 COUNTRY WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION PICTON BRANCH MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Picton branch of the Country Women's Association, including its president Tracey Robinson, in the launch of the second CWA cook book. (2) Acknowledges the good work and community spirit that the Country Women's Association provides the Wollondilly electorate. (3) Notes that the Picton branch will be celebrating its first anniversary on 23 October 2011.

(Notice given 14 October 2011)

540 ST GEORGE DISTRICT ATHLETICS CLUB MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the importance of promoting physical activity and healthy lifestyles in our community. (2) Congratulates the St George District Athletics Club on its recent 90th anniversary celebrated at a dinner on 8 October 2011. (3) Looks forward to many more successful years of the St George Club in promoting and supporting athletics in the local community.

(Notice given 14 October 2011)

541 LEARNERS FOR DRIVES IN WOLLONDILLY MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Wollondilly Shire Council on its initiative for the "Learners for drives in Wollondilly" which provides a logbook run around Wollondilly roads. 3672 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Acknowledges Leanne Ledwidge, Road Safety Officer, and her colleagues in the community services section at Wollondilly Shire Council for their hard work in providing a safe alternative for younger drivers. (3) Notes that the next drive will be on 13 November 2011.

(Notice given 14 October 2011)

542 ST CHARBEL'S COLLEGE MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the importance of a safe and positive learning environment to provide the best educational experience for students. (2) Congratulates St Charbel's College, Punchbowl, on the opening of the new multi-purpose hall and the Creative Arts Exhibition on 23 September 2011, and extends best wishes to the staff and students of St Charbel's for their future success.

(Notice given 14 October 2011)

543 CONSTABLES KRISTAL MATHEWS AND MATTHEW HANLY MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Constable Kristal Mathews and Constable Matthew Hanly who recently dived into the Georges River during wild weather to save three teenagers who couldn't swim. (2) Acknowledges all police who put their lives on the line on a daily basis and thanks them for their service.

(Notice given 14 October 2011)

544 DHARAWAL NATIONAL PARK MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the importance of the creation of the Dharawal National Park and looks forward to the dedication of the national park later in 2011. (2) Commends local community groups, including the Macarthur Bushwalkers, the National Parks Association, and Rivers SOS as well as Macarthur Advertiser and its editor Jeff McGill, for their strong advocacy of the creation for the national park. (3) Notes that over 2,000 upland swamps will be protected.

(Notice given 17 October 2011)

545 STEPHEN WEYMAN MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Stephen Weyman, of Orchard Hills, on being awarded the NSW Rural Fire Service Medal for long service, acknowledging 40 years of service. (2) Congratulates Mr Weyman on his many other awards including his life membership of the Orchard Hills Rural Fire Service, the Centenary Medal and the National Medal for Service with a 35 year clasp. 3673 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(3) Acknowledges the contribution made by Mr Weyman to the Rural Fire Service in Western Sydney, including his key role in bringing together the Penrith, Blacktown and Fairfield districts to form the Cumberland Zone.

(Notice given 17 October 2011)

546 BOB FULTON MR RYAN PARK to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Bob Fulton, of the Thirroul branch, for being awarded the prestigious McKell Award for his service to the Australian Labor Party. (2) Recognises the service over many years that Bob Fulton has given both the Australian Labor Party and the Northern Illawarra community.

(Notice given 17 October 2011)

547 WARRAGAMBA SILVERDALE NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Warragamba Silverdale Neighbourhood Centre Incorporated on its success in staging "Dam Fest" at Warragamba on 16 October 2011. (2) Acknowledges the importance of this event for tourism in Warragamba and its surrounds.

(Notice given 17 October 2011)

548 TAFE ILLAWARRA INSTITUTE MR RYAN PARK to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Guy Brooks of TAFE Illawarra Institute for winning a silver medal in welding and Michael Ashton of TAFE Illawarra Institute for winning the Excellence in Construction at the International Work Skills Competition in London. (2) Calls on the Government to ensure that the TAFE Illawarra Institute continues to get the resources it needs to help students achieve these results.

(Notice given 17 October 2011)

549 RACHEL SUESSKOW AND JESSICA PEASE MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Rachel Suesskow and Jessica Pease from Glenmore Park on their fundraising efforts for Tresillian Nepean. (2) Acknowledges the success of their fundraising movie night that raised $715 towards equipment.

(Notice given 17 October 2011)

550 PENRITH PHANTOMS ICE HOCKEY TEAM MR STUART AYRES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Penrith Phantoms on its success at the 2011 State Ice Hockey Senior 3674 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

Championships. (2) Recognises the contributions made by Chris Bell, Rob Gray, Frank Corby, George Kozumplik and Bill Kourelakos to the ongoing success and operation of the club.

(Notice given 17 October 2011)

551 QUOTA CLUB MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Quota Club of Campbelltown on its 50th anniversary and acknowledges its support of the community and in particular helping people in need. (2) Notes the club members serve the community in three distinct areas of disadvantage: women and children; hearing and speech; and community service. (3) Acknowledges President Lisa Harvey of Bradbury and other members Barbara Martyn, Jan Wallace and Barbara Rochaix for their service to the club. (4) Wishes the club all the best over the next fifty years.

(Notice given 17 October 2011)

552 COLYTON LEARNING COMMUNITY SHOWCASE 2011 MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the work of Mrs Collette Rankine, of St Marys Public School, and other committee members in co-ordinating the Colyton Learning Community Showcase 2011 which included dance, drama and choir performances. (2) Congratulates Colyton High School Trade School, St Marys Public School, Bennett Road Public School, Colyton Public School, St Marys South Public School and Oxley Park Public School on their participation in the Showcase.

(Notice given 17 October 2011)

553 PEDAL AGAINST POVERTY MR GLENN BROOKES to move— That this House: (1) Commends Pedal Against Poverty for their 24 hour charity event held on 15 and 16 October 2011. (2) Notes the efforts of the many volunteers who made Pedal Against Poverty a great success. (3) Congratulates Reverend Matthew Le Claire, Chief Executive Officer, for organising the 2011 and previous years events. (4) Acknowledges the work undertaken by organisations like Pedal Against Poverty to raise funds and increase awareness about people who are disadvantaged by poverty. (5) Encourages the Government and all members of the community to support efforts to reduce poverty in Australia and worldwide.

(Notice given 17 October 2011)

554 PENRITH OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE MR STUART AYRES to move— That this House: 3675 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(1) Commends the Penrith Outback Steakhouse restaurant in their support of victims of domestic violence and their children by holding its Christmas lunch in conjunction with the Nepean Domestic Violence Network. (2) Extends our encouragement to members of the business community who provide in-kind, volunteer and financial support to community services across Penrith.

(Notice given 17 October 2011)

555 SHERWOOD HILLS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates senior students from Sherwood Hills Christian School, Bradbury, for their outstanding community service. (2) Notes such community service includes six weekly visits to elderly residents of the Illawarra Retirement Trust Macarthur Care Centre to help residents create memory books and perform musical items.

(Notice given 17 October 2011)

556 SCHOOLS FIRST PROGRAM MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the National Australia Bank Schools First is a national award program that encourages schools to partner with their community to make a significant difference to outcomes for young people. (2) Congratulates St Clair High School students and Principal Chris Presland on winning a seed funding award of $25,000 for their school-community partnership with Worley Parsons to support Aboriginal students. (3) Thanks NAB, the Foundation for Young Australians and the Australian Council for Educational Research for the program that encourages engagement with learning and stronger school- community partnerships.

(Notice given 17 October 2011)

557 COMMUNITY LINKS WOLLONDILLY MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Community Links Wollondilly for its successful funding application for a local aboriginal project. (2) Thanks and notes the work that Community Links Wollondilly provides to the community of Wollondilly. (3) Acknowledges the support of the Government in providing $150,000 for the local Aboriginal project, Culture Connect.

(Notice given 17 October 2011)

558 EMILY GITTOES MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House congratulates Emily Gittoes from Glenmore Park on being named a finalist in the University of Sydney's Photography, Art, Literature and Music (PALM) Awards. 3676 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 17 October 2011)

559 BAULKHAM HILLS AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL CLUB MR DAVID ELLIOTT to move— That this House: (1) Recognises the success of the Baulkham Hills Australian Football Club in the 2011 season. (2) Congratulates the 180 local Auskick players on the receiving their awards. (3) Notes the enthusiasm of local AFL participants in engaging with the new Greater Western Giants, as they prepare for entrance into the Australian Football League.

(Notice given 17 October 2011)

560 'MUSIC: COUNT US IN' PROGRAM MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Surveyors Creek Public School, Oxley Park Public School, St Clair Public School and St Marys South Public School for participating in the 2011 'Music: Count Us In' program. (2) Commends these schools on their commitment to music education and involvement in a national awareness campaign.

(Notice given 18 October 2011)

561 CHRISTIE LAMB MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House congratulates Christie Lamb on her singing career and first recording to be released by the end of 2011.

(Notice given 18 October 2011)

562 DHARAWAL NATIONAL PARK MR MARK COURE to move— That this House commends Save Dharawal, Go River and the Georges River Alliance along with Anne Wagstaf, Brian Shaw and Sharyn Cullis, for their strong advocacy for the creation of the Dharawal National Park.

(Notice given 18 October 2011)

563 SUTHERLAND SHIRE LOCAL BUSINESS AWARDS 2011 MR MARK SPEAKMAN to move— That this House congratulates the winners of the 2011 Sutherland Shire Local Business Awards and notes the contributions of the winners to the job creation and the provision of outstanding goods and services in the Sutherland Shire.

(Notice given 18 October 2011)

564 FIGTREE HIGH SCHOOL MR RYAN PARK to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the staff, students and the parent body of Figtree High School for creating a 3677 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

positive learning environment. (2) Notes that the school urgently needs funding to upgrade its out of date library facility. (3) Calls on the Government to fund the library upgrade to enhance school facilities.

(Notice given 18 October 2011)

565 RENAE LAWRENCE MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House acknowledges the community work of Renae Lawrence of St Paul's High School, Port Macquarie, and congratulates her on being presented with a Duke of Edinburgh Award by the Governor of New South Wales, Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir AC, CVO.

(Notice given 18 October 2011)

566 WOMEN IN LEAGUE - YVONNE PURTELL MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Yvonne Purtell, of Mulgoa, manager of the Penrith and District Junior League, on her nomination for the Women in League 'One Community Volunteer of the Year Award'. (2) Commends Women in League for providing recognition for women contributing to their communities.

(Notice given 18 October 2011)

567 PICTON COMMUNITY BANK MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Wollondilly community on the opening of the Picton Community Bank. (2) Notes the Wollondilly public looks forward to the bank's contribution to the fabric of the community.

(Notice given 18 October 2011)

568 SAVOUR AUSTRALIA RESTAURANT & CATERING AWARDS MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the important role played by the restaurants and caterers as local businesses and employers. (2) Congratulates all winners at the Savour Australia Restaurant and Catering Awards for Excellence held on 19 September 2011. (3) Congratulates the Penshurst Italian restaurant on receiving an award for excellent cuisine and outstanding service.

(Notice given 18 October 2011)

569 MACCABI HAKOAH JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB MR BRUCE NOTLEY-SMITH to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Maccabi Hakoah Junior Football Club and award winners at the presentation on 16 October 2011 for an outstanding 2011 season. 3678 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Notes that the Maccabi Hakoah Junior Football Club is one of the largest junior sport clubs in the Eastern Suburbs, and the largest Jewish sporting club in Australia. (3) Extends to all players, volunteers and parents best wishes for the 2012 season.

(Notice given 18 October 2011)

570 GLENBROOK CINEMA MR STUART AYRES to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the Government's commitment to events, tourism and the arts across Penrith and the lower Blue Mountains. (2) Notes the integral role of Ron Curran of the Glenbrook Cinema, Jill Hogwood and the management committee at the Glenbrook Players Theatre Society and the Blue Mountains City Council in sustaining the Glenbrook Cinema building as a tourist attraction.

(Notice given 18 October 2011)

571 AQUA SCULPTURE PUBLIC ART WORKS MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Port Macquarie-Hastings Council for organising the outstanding display of Aqua Sculpture public art works on Town Green, Port Macquarie to celebrate National Water Week (2) Commends the Outcomes Group members, Dr Jenny Hutchison, Jo Davidson, Jenny Hooper, Kim Staples and Sheree Munday.

(Notice given 18 October 2011)

572 RANDWICK BOYS HIGH SCHOOL MR BRUCE NOTLEY-SMITH to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the recently elected captains, prefects, School Representative Council members and house captains of Randwick Boys High School. (2) Wishes all leaders the very best for their terms.

(Notice given 18 October 2011)

573 ALICE SPRUIT MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the recent 100th birthday of Alice Spruit, of the Oatley electorate. (2) Congratulates Pole Depot and the organisers of Alice's birthday party held on 14 September 2011. (3) Looks forward to celebrating future birthdays with Alice. (4) Congratulates all of those who have made an outstanding contribution to their communities over many years.

(Notice given 18 October 2011)

574 KINGSWOOD HIGH SCHOOL MR STUART AYRES to move— 3679 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

That this House: (1) Congratulates Shannon Thompson and the Kingswood High School community on the establishment of two food and craft markets serving the residents of Kingswood. (2) Notes the other efforts underway at Kingswood High School to engage with the full spectrum of the local community, including their creative partnership with the Penrith Valley Men's Shed. (3) Encourages all schools across New South Wales to take part in projects to increase engagement with the community and maximise the utilisation of school grounds outside of school hours.

(Notice given 18 October 2011)

575 MARY RACKLYEFT MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Pay respect to Mary 'Nancy' Racklyeft, of Buxton, who passed away on 24 August 2011. (2) Notes that Mary Racklyeft lived in Buxton for 85 years, attended Buxton Public School and was involved with Red Cross and the Country Women's Association. (3) Acknowledges the great community service that she provided to Buxton and the Wollondilly region.

(Notice given 19 October 2011)

576 SNOWY SCHEME MUSEUM MR RICHARD AMERY to move— That this House notes: (1) That the Snowy Scheme Museum at Adaminaby was opened on 15 October 2011. (2) The significance of the museum as a historic record of the construction of the Snowy Hydro Electric Scheme. (3) That the museum also tells the role of post-World War II migrants in the development of one of Australia's greatest engineering feats.

(Notice given 19 October 2011)

577 DR MALCOLM BORLAND AM MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Dr Malcolm Borland, AM, on his receipt of the Honoured Citizen of the City of Penrith Award. (2) Thanks Penrith City Council and in particular, Councillor Ross Fowler OAM, for the initiative and commitment to see the award bestowed on a deserving citizen. (3) Thanks Dr Malcolm Borland for his drive in seeing the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre built in Penrith. (4) Sincerely thanks Dr Borland for his broader service to the community, including as President of the Australian Foundation for Disability since 1974, making him the longest serving president of any charity in Australia.

(Notice given 19 October 2011)


That this House: (1) Recognises the work that staff and research professionals do at the Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre. (2) Notes that there are a number of workers who live in the Keira electorate employed at the Centre. (3) Calls on the Government to reverse its decision in relation to the closure of the centre.

(Notice given 19 October 2011)

579 BRISBANE WATER OYSTER FESTIVAL MR CHRIS HOLSTEIN to move— That this House acknowledges the Brisbane Water Oyster Festival for showcasing the produce of Brisbane Water, Broken Bay and Hawkesbury River oyster farmers.

(Notice given 19 October 2011)

580 2011 FAIRFIELD RELAY FOR LIFE MR ANDREW ROHAN to move— That this House: (1) Recognises the Relay for Life 24 hour walk and the money it raises for the Cancer Council to help prevent and manage cancer. (2) Congratulates Allanah and Lee Falappi and the Fairfield Relay for Life Committee on the successful relay held on 15 and 16 October 2011 at Horsley Park Showground. (3) Commends the community for its support of the 2011 Fairfield Relay for Life through 5,000 participants and raising almost $100,000.

(Notice given 19 October 2011)

581 KOGARAH COMMUNITY SERVICES MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the important role that Kogarah Community Services plays in providing services to seniors including activities and social interaction in the St George area. (2) Commends the collaborative work done with local migrants studying English to produce a book of residents' stories to celebrate our multicultural community, which was published on 19 September 2011. (3) Looks forward to future projects to promote social cohesion, multiculturalism and positive interaction between older citizens and new migrants.

(Notice given 19 October 2011)

582 ROB MORAN AND THE DILLY WANDERER MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the efforts of Rob Moran and the residents of Wollondilly involved in the "Dilly Wanderer". (2) Thanks those involved in bringing this mobile preschool service to the children of Wollondilly. (3) Acknowledges the great work done by Rob Moran in supporting the families of Wollondilly.

(Notice given 19 October 2011) 3681 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

583 CARER ASSIST MR GLENN BROOKES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Carer Assist, a branch of the Schizophrenia Fellowship, for providing 25 years of service within the Bankstown Local Government Area. (2) Notes the invaluable service provided by Carer Assist to carers and families of those suffering with a mental illness or other disability. (3) Notes that Carer Assist will be celebrating their 25th anniversary on 25 October 2011. (4) Extends its thanks to Carer Assist and best wishes for another 25 years serving our community.

(Notice given 19 October 2011)

584 PEAKHURST RETIREMENT VILLAGE MR MARK COURE to move— That this House congratulates the Peakhurst Retirement Village on the outstanding quality of service provided to older residents in the Oatley community over the last 30 years.

(Notice given 19 October 2011)

585 WOLLONDILLY SENIORS ADVISORY GROUP MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Wollondilly Seniors Advisory Group on receiving a grant of $10,000 to help seniors identify problems that could be affecting their wellbeing. (2) Notes that the grant will enable seniors to increase awareness of important issues and develop a range of activities to reduce social isolation and strengthen community engagement and support.

(Notice given 19 October 2011)

586 MAMRE HOMESTEAD MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Mamre Homestead Chief Executive Officer, Rosemary Bishop, staff and volunteers on the Mamre Harvest Festival on 16 October 2011. (2) Notes that Mamre Homestead provides training opportunities, including supported employment programs for people with a disability, "Links to Learning" for school students at risk of not completing school, English language and settlement skills for Sudanese families and the African Employment program. (3) Thanks Rosemary Bishop for her leadership and vision that will see Mamre Homestead expand in its assistance to people, sustainable horticultural and dining experiences, sustainable life practices and healthy lifestyles.

(Notice given 19 October 2011)

587 TERRY LIDGUARD MR GLENN BROOKES to move— That this House: (1) Notes that after 25 years of service, the Principal of the Georges River Grammar School, Mr Terry Lidguard is retiring. 3682 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Congratulates Terry Lidguard for his contribution to both the life of the school and to the community in general. (3) Acknowledges the achievements of Georges River Grammar School as an outstanding educational institution with New South Wales.

(Notice given 19 October 2011)

588 TRAFFIC CONGESTION MR BART BASSETT to move— That this House: (1) Notes the recent statements made by the Leader of the Opposition to the Hawkesbury Gazette about traffic problems in the North Richmond District. (2) Condemns the former Government for its failure to provide adequate funds for capital works to address traffic congestion and road works in the Londonderry electorate. (3) Acknowledges the recent visit by the Minister for Roads to the Londonderry electorate to inspect the problems and examine possible solutions first hand.

(Notice given 19 October 2011)

589 WOLLONDILLY HERITAGE CENTRE AND MUSEUM MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Thanks Wollondilly Heritage Centre and Museum for offering children who attend schools in Wollondilly and surrounding areas the opportunity to participate in workshops covering life in colonial Australia. (2) Notes and commends the Centre and Museum's many volunteers without whom this valuable program would not be able to continue.

(Notice given 19 October 2011)

590 NEW HAWKESBURY RIVER BRIDGE, WINDSOR MR BART BASSETT to move— That this House: (1) Notes the ongoing planning, consultations and preparation of designs to build a new bridge across the Hawkesbury River at Windsor. (2) Condemns the former Government for failing to lodge an application to complete the planning requirements. (3) Notes plans have now been expedited for work to commence on building the new bridge at Windsor that will assist in alleviating traffic congestion and improving safety for motorists in the electorates of Londonderry, Hawkesbury and Riverstone.

(Notice given 19 October 2011)

591 WOLLONDILLY LIBRARY HSC INITIATIVE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Wollondilly Library for the assistance it provides to students sitting their Higher School Certificate examination. (2) Commends the library in providing a range of resources to assist students with their studies. 3683 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 19 October 2011)

592 NICKY DILES MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates motorbike racer Nicky Diles, of Thirlmere, who will race in the 125cc class at the Australian Superbike Championships, at Phillip Island in November 2011. (2) Notes that he is currently ranked second in Australia. (3) Wishes him every success in representing New South Wales at these championships.

(Notice given 20 October 2011)

593 LEANNE TOBIN MRS ROZA SAGE to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Leanne Tobin, of Springwood, for winning the Parliament of New South Wales Aboriginal Art Prize 2011 with her work titled "Defending Country". (2) Acknowledges Leanne as an outstanding ambassador for the Darug people with her work in the community especially in the local schools.

(Notice given 20 October 2011)

594 ASSYRIAN CHURCH OF THE EAST MR ANDREW ROHAN to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Assyrian Church of the East is one of the oldest churches in the world with a history dating back almost 2000 years and that the Assyrian Church of the East still conducts its sermons in Aramaic. (2) Notes that His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Catholicos Patriach, the spiritual leader of the Assyrian Church of the East arrived on 7 September 2011 for a four week tour of Australia during which he officially opened the St Mary Village and the new assembly hall at St Hurmizd Assyrian Primary School. (3) Congratulates the Assyrian Church of the East in Australia on the opening of the St Mary Village and the new assembly hall at St Hurmizd Assyrian Primary School as well as the successful visit of His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV. (4) Recognises His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM, Archbishop of the Assyrian Church of the East for Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon for his vision and dedication to the church and the Smithfield community.

(Notice given 20 October 2011)

595 LEUKEMIA - SETH MASON MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the women of Picton Bowling Club for their generosity in supporting Seth Mason who was diagnosed with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in 2010. (2) Thanks Picton Bowling Club for donating $400 to provide Seth with a scooter that will assist him. (3) Notes the struggle that many families, children and adults face with leukaemia in New South Wales and notes the community support that local organisations in Wollondilly provide to individuals in these circumstances. 3684 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 20 October 2011)

596 GILAD SHALIT MS GABRIELLE UPTON to move— That this House: (1) Welcomes the recent release of Gilad Shalit to Israel and to his family. (2) Congratulates the NSW Jewish community for strongly advocating for Mr Shalit's cause and his release.

(Notice given 20 October 2011)

597 DEATH OF ALLAN CARRIAGE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Pays respect on the passing on 9 March 2011 of Aboriginal elder Allan Carriage of the Wadi Wadi community. (2) Notes Mr Carriage was a strong environmentalist and respected member of the community. (3) Notes he is survived by his wife Janet and that the family maintain a website in his honour.

(Notice given 20 October 2011)

598 ERIN DARK MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Erin Dark, of Gerringong, on her recent success in riding a perfect 10 wave at North Cronulla Beach. (2) Notes that Erin Dark is the current NSW Open Women's Longboard Champion and NSW Under 18 Champion. (3) Wishes Erin Dark the best of success in her surfing career.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

599 THEFT IN THE HUNTER REGION MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes recent crime figures of the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research that identify an increase in thefts from vehicles and fraud. (2) Notes that the figures for the Hunter are consistent with the state figures. (3) Calls on the Government for increased Hunter region police to respond to the increase in theft from vehicles and fraud in the region.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

600 THE DEATH OF MR BRENTON BANFIELD MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Notes the death of Mr Brenton Banfield, a former Mayor of Campbelltown, who passed away on 7 November 2011. 3685 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Notes that Mr Banfield was elected to Campbelltown City Council from 1991 to 2007 and served as mayor on a number of occasions. (3) Notes that Mr Banfield was instrumental in establishing programs run by Campbelltown Council, had some ambitious ideas and was known for his love of his community. (4) Notes that Mr Banfield was a prominent solicitor in Campbelltown and Liverpool. (5) Offers its condolences to his wife and family and notes the city of Campbelltown has lost a great citizen.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

601 ARGENTON PUBLIC SCHOOL MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Argenton Public School on its recent edition in the Newcastle Herald's School Newspaper Competition and especially thanks Isabella Allen on her article in support of the Glendale Interchange. (2) Notes the students disappointment about the lack of action on this project.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

602 DISABILITY SERVICES AUSTRALIA MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Disability Services Australia on the opening on 26 October 2011 of the refurbished premises at Picton used for its day options program. (2) Acknowledges the hard work and dedication that the staff undertake to ensure excellent services are provided to people with the disability from the Wollondilly region.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

603 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the University of Newcastle for retaining its prestigious place in the top 300 universities in the world. (2) Acknowledges the university is increasing its enrolments among regional students. (3) Welcomes new Vice Chancellor, Professor Caroline McMillen.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

604 VOLUNTEER CORPS OF GUARDS MR VICTOR DOMINELLO to move— That this House: (1) Notes that on 15 October 2011 the graduation ceremony for the inaugural Corps of Guards took place at the ANZAC Memorial Building. (2) Notes that the Corps of Guards is an initiative of the New South Wales Branch of the RSL following its legislative appointment in 2010 as Guardian of the Memorial. (3) Notes that this year's graduates are the first volunteer Corps of Guards to be inducted for their important role at the Anzac War Memorial, Hyde Park. 3686 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(4) Acknowledges those that attended the ceremony, particularly Mr Douglas James, Guard Adjutant, Mr Mark Lee, former Navy Photographer and Mr Chris Perrin, State Secretary RSL. (5) Commends the work of the RSL, including that of Mr Chris Perrin and others who initiated the Corps of Guards concept.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

605 LEAH POULTON MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Australian Cricket Representative, Leah Poulton, of Wallsend, for her support of girls' cricket in Newcastle. (2) Notes that Leah Poulton gave her time on 4 November 2011 as coach and special guest at a "Come and Try Evening" for girls.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

606 SARAH BODDINGTON MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Sarah Boddington, of Huskisson, on her recent success in winning the NSW Women's Bowling Association state singles title. (2) Notes that at 19 years of age, Sarah has become the State's youngest ever winner of the Women's State singles title. (3) Wishes Sarah all the best of success for her lawn bowls career.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

607 JADE GROVER MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Jade Grover, of Glendale Technology High School, on his recent third place in the Combined High Schools state cross country championships. (2) Notes that Jade will take part in the state athletics championships later this season.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

608 REVEREND BOB FRISKEN MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Reverend Bob Frisken on the launch of his book "It Only Takes A Spark" on 21 October 2011 at Morling College. (2) Notes that the book is about the formation of Christian Community Schools, now known as Christian Schools Australia, and the many schools that were established as a result of the efforts of Reverend Frisken. (3) Acknowledges the great work undertaken by Reverend Frisken and his late wife Maryanne Frisken in the field of Christian education.

(Notice given 8 November 2011) 3687 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

609 JON CHESTERTON MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Jon Chesterton on receiving the Mental Health Nurse of the Year award at the International Mental Health Nursing Conference held on the Gold Coast. (2) Notes that the award recognises Mr Chesterton's contribution to professional development and training for mental health nurses, much of which was undertaken voluntarily.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

610 JACK FISHPOOL MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Jack Fishpool, of Camberwarra, on his recent success in being awarded the Shoalhaven Basketball Association's Representative Referee for 2011. (2) Acknowledges Jack's progress from refereeing in the local competition through to the NSW State Cup. (3) Wishes Jack the best of success in his future refereeing career.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

611 MUNIBUNG HILL MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Councillor Daniel Wallace and the Lake Macquarie Council on the proposed recreation and tourism plans for Munibung Hill. (2) Notes that Munibung Hilll is an important Aboriginal site and the proposed plans include walking tracks, picnic tables and a statue of an Aboriginal family to acknowledge the site's history.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

612 SCULPTURE BY THE SEA MS GABRIELLE UPTON to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the launch of "Sculpture by the Sea" at Bondi on 3 November 2011. (2) Notes its important cultural, social and economic contribution to New South Wales. (3) Congratulates its founder David Handley, the Board and organisers on the 15th anniversary of "Sculpture by the Sea".

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

613 PHEASANTS NEST FIRE SHED MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Pheasants Nest Rural Fire Brigade Team on the opening of its new fire shed at Pheasants Nest. (2) Notes most of the money required for the shed was raised by members of the Rural Fire Service Brigade and the community. 3688 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(3) Thanks the Pheasants Nest Rural Brigade for its service to the community.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

614 SHOALHAVEN HEADS PUBLIC SCHOOL MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Shoalhaven Heads Public School, which celebrates 150 years of education on 24 November 2011. (2) Notes that celebrations include the opening of a time capsule buried 25 years ago, the official opening of the new school hall and the unveiling of a 150th year commemorative plaque. (3) Acknowledges the ongoing and tremendous contribution made by the Principal, Ian Henderson. (4) Wishes all of the staff and students at Shoalhaven Heads Public School all the very best for their futures.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

615 BROUGHTON ANGLICAN COLLEGE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Broughton Anglican College on its 25th anniversary. (2) Commends the Principal and staff at Broughton Anglican College for their hard work and dedication to the students of the school. (3) Wishes Broughton College all the best for the next 25 years.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

616 KIAMA PUBLIC SCHOOL MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Kiama Public School, which will celebrate 150 years of education on 18 November 2011. (2) Notes that Kiama Public School has provided quality education for many generations of families in the local community and has provided excellent learning opportunities for all students. (3) Acknowledges the ongoing and tremendous contribution made by the Principal, Diane Quill. (4) Wishes all the staff and students at Kiama Public School all the very best in their future endeavours.

(Notice given 8 November 2011)

617 NEWCASTLE W-LEAGUE JETS MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Newcastle W-League Jets with "Matildas'" Lisa De Vanna, Emily Van Egmord and Melissa Barineri and German international Ariane Hingst have a new look this season. (2) Notes that the Newcastle W-League Jets are running second in the W-League competition.

(Notice given 9 November 2011) 3689 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

618 BARGO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Bargo Chamber of Commerce for its initiative "Beautifying Bargo Day" that will occur on 12 November 2011. (2) Thanks the Bargo Chamber of Commerce President, David Auctherlonie, and Secretary, Jodie Grundy, and the rest of the chamber for its support of this community event. (3) Acknowledges Tahmoor Garden Centre for providing the plants and trees on the day. (4) Notes that this event will involve many groups on the day, including the Bargo Rural Fire Service, Tahmoor Lions Club and Waratah Retirement Village among other groups and individuals.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

619 CANTERBURY ROAD SAFETY GROUP MS LINDA BURNEY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Canterbury Road Safety Group for continuing its fight for improved pedestrian safety between Canterbury Railway Station and Church Street, Canterbury. (2) Notes that the group is calling for the installation of traffic lights, a crossing at the intersection of Canterbury Road and Floss Street, Canterbury, a 10km⁄h reduction in the speed limit and the extension of Canterbury Public School's school zone. (3) Congratulates the Canterbury Road Safety Group President Karen Rivers for her commitment and dedication to the group.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

620 COUNCILLOR MICHAEL MEGNA MR JOHN SIDOTI to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges Councillor Michael Megna, of City of Canada Bay Council, for his 20 years of service to local government. (2) Congratulates him on his many achievements as former mayor of Drummoyne and as a councillor of Canada Bay. (3) Wishes him all the best in celebrations, highlighting his many achievements, on 9 November 2011.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

621 HUNTER ACADEMY OF SPORT GIRLS WATER POLO TEAM MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Hunter Academy of Sport girls water polo team for winning top honours in the under 16 division of the Hawaiian invitational water polo tournament. (2) Commends coach Shannon Johansen and the team for their efforts.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)


That this House: (1) Congratulates the Woronora Bushfire Brigade on the time and effort it puts into preparing to fight bushfires each year. (2) Thanks the Brigade for putting their lives at risk to protect others. (3) Congratulates the Brigade on the recent opening of their new fire station and floating pontoon.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

623 CANTERBURY BOYS HIGH SCHOOL MS LINDA BURNEY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the students and staff from Canterbury Boys High School for their initiative in greening their school through a program of Conservation Volunteers Australia and the Vodafone Australia Foundation. (2) Acknowledges that they have weeded and mulched native garden beds as part of the Green Schools Connect program conducted by 30 schools nationwide.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

624 CAMPBELLTOWN TOASTMASTERS CLUB MR BRYAN DOYLE to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Campbelltown Toastmasters Club on their 800th meeting held on 2 November 2011. (2) Mr Cyrill Tipping for 30 years active membership of the Campbelltown Toastmasters Club.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

625 MEMORY MAGIC PROGRAM MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Hunter based Anglican Care and the Jesmond Grove Hostel on winning the Positive Living award for the use of the "memory magic" program in its nursing homes. (2) Notes this innovative board game is used to help jog the memory of those who struggle with short-term memory loss and to help improve morale and behaviour.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

626 BOMADERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL MR GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Bomaderry Public School on officially opening the upgrades to the library and classrooms on 9 November 2011. (2) Notes that Bomaderry Public School has provided quality education for many generation of families in the local community and has provided excellent learning opportunities for all students. (3) Acknowledges the ongoing and tremendous contribution made by the Principal, Dionne Hanbridge. (4) Commends all the teachers, staff and students at Bomaderry Public School and wishes them all the best in their future endeavours. 3691 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

627 DAVID SINGLETON MR BART BASSETT to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the Duke of Edinburgh Awards as a prestigious honour that recognises the leadership and abilities of young people. (2) Congratulates David Singleton, of Colo High School, who was recently awarded the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award at a ceremony at Government House hosted by Her Excellency, the Governor Professor Marie Bashir, AC CVO.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

628 COUNCILLOR BRIAN ROBSON MS LINDA BURNEY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Councillor Brian Robson in his appointment as Mayor of Canterbury. (2) Notes that Councillor Brian Robson was elected to the Council in September 1999 as a representative of the West Ward. (3) Acknowledges that Councillor Brian Robson has held the positions of Deputy Mayor, Chair of the Traffic Committee and Chair of the City Services Committee. (4) Acknowledges Robert Furolo, who has served on Canterbury City Council for 12 years and as Mayor for the last seven years, for his commitment and dedication to the residents of Canterbury.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

629 TAHMOOR MEN'S SHED MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the men at the Tahmoor Men's Shed for their community work. (2) Notes that its membership has increased such that they are in need of another shed. (3) Wishes them well with the development of their next shed.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

630 HEXHAM SWAMP MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Welcomes the opening of three more floodgates as part of the Hunter-Central Rivers Catchment Management Authority project to restore the estuarine habitat to Hexham Swamp. (2) Commends Dr Wej Paradice and the Authority for their involvement in re-introducing tidal flows into Hexham Swamp to restore the wetlands into a thriving fishery and nursery ground.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

631 JOAN SUTHERLAND SOCIETY OF SYDNEY MR JOHN SIDOTI to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the many volunteers of the Joan Sutherland Society of Sydney, a not-for-profit 3692 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

organisation, to assist the talented young opera singers. (2) Acknowledges the tireless work of Mr Doug Cremer, President of the Joan Sutherland Society, over the past 10 years. (3) Wishes Mr Doug Cremer the best on his retirement as President.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

632 BELMORE SPORTS GROUND MS LINDA BURNEY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the commencement of the $8.4 million upgrade of Belmore Sports Ground, the home of the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs. (2) Acknowledges the tireless work that the Back to Belmore Group have done to revive Belmore Sports Ground and bring local sporting groups to work together. (3) Congratulates the Back to Belmore Group and the Bulldogs for plans to keep the historic venue and its future plan to transform it into a top class multi-purpose sporting facility.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

633 JEREMY ROBINSON MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House congratulates Jeremy Robinson, of Camden Haven High School, on his selection in the Australian Vikings Youth Futsal team which will tour China in April 2012.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

634 JOHN HUNTER CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the wonderful achievements of the John Hunter Children's Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. (2) Notes that since 1991 nearly 19,000 babies have passed through this unit receiving specialist care.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

635 CUP AND SAUCER CREEK WETLAND MS LINDA BURNEY to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges that Sydney Water has officially handed over the management of the Cup and Saucer Creek Wetland to Canterbury City Council. (2) Notes that the wetland restores some of the Cooks River's natural character and helps improve the overall health of the Cooks River by filtering stormwater runoff and establishing a local habitat for native wildlife. (3) Congratulates the project on its recent award of 'Highly Commended' at the NSW Stormwater Excellence Awards.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)


MR JOHN SIDOTI to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Government on the grant of $300,000 to the Lucas Gardens School for a hydrotherapy pool. (2) Congratulates the Assistant Principal Jo-Anne Gardiner, "Friends of Lucas Garden", the City Of Canada Bay Council and "Communities for Communities" for their tireless work in contributing to the $800,000 total cost of the pool.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

637 MACARTHUR PACIFIC TONGAN ASSOCIATION MR BRYAN DOYLE to move— That this House congratulates the Macarthur Pacific Tongan Association for hosting Dr Viliami Latu, Minister for Tourism, of Tonga, at a reception at the Campbelltown Catholic Club on 3 November 2011.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

638 STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE MR TONY ISSA to move— That this House: (1) Notes the NSW State Emergency Service is an emergency and rescue service dedicated to assisting the community. (2) Acknowledges the contribution, commitment and hard work of the State Emergency Service.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

639 MACARTHUR DISABILITY SERVICE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Macarthur Disability Service on the unveiling of its Tahmoor site that enables training and employment opportunities for people with disabilities. (2) Acknowledges the hard work that Ann Thorn, Chief Executive Officer, and all the staff undertake on a daily basis serving people with disabilities in the Wollondilly region. (3) Thanks the Minister for Aging, and Minister for Disability Services for the grant of $5000 toward the hospitality training kitchen.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

640 NEXT OF KIN REGISTER MS LINDA BURNEY to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the support of Canterbury Community Safety Committee for the Next of Kin Register by allocating $3000 to resource development. (2) Notes the register contains information on the nominated next of kin, doctor's details, and medical alerts. (3) Acknowledges the support for the register by Campsie Police Crime Manager, Detective Inspector John Betell as a tool to assist emergency services when there is no record of a next of kin. 3694 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

641 BILLABONG KOALA AND WILDLIFE PARK MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Billabong Koala and Wildlife Park, Port Macquarie, on the new addition of a pair of rare snow leopards, named Kamala and Sabu, and on the construction of the new exhibit. (2) Acknowledges owner Mark Stone and the continued development of the park as a premier regional wildlife park and its contribution to tourism in the Port Macquarie region.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

642 LENNOX STREET STUDIOS ART FAIR MS LINDA BURNEY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Jack Braudis, of Hurlstone Park, and Maria Christou, of Earlwood, who will be exhibiting their artwork in "Creative Corridors" at the Lennox Street Studios annual art fair. (2) Notes that Lennox Street Studios in Newtown is a thriving community of more than 30 artists. (3) Acknowledges that the "Creative Corridors" art fair provides a chance for the general public to visit the artists' studio to view the works and meet the artists.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

643 PALESTINIAN NATIONAL DAY MR TONY ISSA to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges Palestinian National Day. (2) Notes the International Day is an opportunity for the international community to focus its attention on the unresolved question of Palestine.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

644 CHUNG SHAN SOCIETY MS LINDA BURNEY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Chung Shan Society of Australia recently celebrated its 30th anniversary. (2) Acknowledges the strong ties between China and Australia and the contribution of Chinese migrants to the nation. (3) Congratulates the Chinese community in serving and playing an important role in the local community.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

645 FRIENDS OF CABARITA PARK AND WHARF MR JOHN SIDOTI to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the contribution made by "Friends of Cabarita Park and Wharf" in achieving a total ban on fishing on Cabarita Wharf. (2) Thanks the Minister for Roads and Ports for the decisive action to resolve the problem. 3695 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

646 MACARTHUR DISABILITY SERVICES MR BRYAN DOYLE to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Macarthur Disability Services on their "Island Nights" Ball, held on 4 November 2011. (2) Congratulates Macarthur Disability Services for 29 years of committed service to the people of the Campbelltown.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

647 FISHER'S GHOST FESTIVAL STREET PARADE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates all the staff of Campbelltown City Council and volunteers involved in bringing the community together at the annual Fisher's Ghost Festival street parade on 5 November 2011. (2) Thanks Campbelltown City Council in providing a day of fun and entertainment for all the families and members of the Wollondilly community.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

648 HANNAM VALE FESTIVAL OF FLOWERS MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— That this House: (1) That this House congratulates the organisers of the Hannam Vale Festival of Flowers held on Sunday 30 October 2011. (2) Notes the Festival was an overwhelming success and through the tour of local gardens, raised funds for facilities in Hannam Vale Reserve.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

649 PINETOWN PRECISION ENGINEERING MR BRYAN DOYLE to move— That this House congratulates Alan Hadfield, and the staff of Pinetown Precision Engineering, Minto, for being a finalist in the NSW Premier's Export Award in the "Small to Medium Business" category.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

650 APRIL BROWNE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates April Browne, of Theresa Park, the winner of the 2012 Camden Show Girl at the Camden Show Ball. (2) Acknowledges Ms Browne's hard work and contribution to our community, in particular in her role as President of the RAS Dairy Youth Committee and bringing her knowledge of cattle to the youth of the Wollondilly region.

(Notice given 9 November 2011) 3696 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

651 SOUTH WEST TENANTS ASSOCIATION MR BRYAN DOYLE to move— That this House commends the South West Tenants Association, and Janet Davies, President, for conducting a successful conference at Kirah Ridge Christian Conference Centre, at Tahmoor, on 2 and 3 November, 2011.

(Notice given 9 November 2011)

652 PRIVATE LUKE WORSLEY MR BART BASSETT to move— That this House: (1) Notes the importance of Australia's defence services who continue to play a role in national security, peace keeping and humanitarian operations in Australia and abroad. (2) Acknowledges and pays respect to the service and sacrifices given by the men and women who have served in the defence of Australia during times of conflict. (3) Recognises the decision by Hawkesbury City Council to name the new cycleway bridge at Rickabys Creek in honour of Hawkesbury resident Private Luke Worsley who was killed while on active service in Afghanistan in 2007.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

653 COLYTON HIGH SCHOOL TRADE SCHOOL MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Colyton High School Trade School on its success at the 2011 Rock Eisteddfod. (2) Thanks the teachers, students, parents and the Parents and Citizens Association members and senior executive for their hard work, training, and rehearsal of their production "Insomnia". (3) Congratulates the school community for winning three excellence awards for choreography, concept, and stage design and function.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

654 WORLD DAY OF REMEMBRANCE FOR ROAD TRAFFIC VICTIMS MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates event organiser Eve Langham, of Buxton, for her initiative in organising the Wollondilly community day for the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. (2) Thanks the emergency services personnel and all involved in providing care to those involved in road traffic accidents. (3) Acknowledges and pays respects to those Wollondilly families that have lost members to a road traffic incident. (4) Notes that the event will be held at the Picton Botanic Gardens on 20 November 2011.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

655 HARMONY DAY MR TONY ISSA to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the Baha'i Group for organising Harmony Day and inviting all different religious 3697 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

and diverse community groups to share a night of harmony. (2) Notes the interfaith service began with songs of worship performed by the Temple choir in Arabic, English, Hindi and Samoan.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

656 OATLEY RSL SOCCER CLUB MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Oatley RSL Soccer Club on its presentation day held on 23 October 2011. (2) Congratulates all the players who received awards at the presentation. (3) Notes the role of the Oatley RSL Soccer Club in promoting an active lifestyle for young people in the community and teaching the benefits of team work through team sport. (4) Wishes Oatley RSL Soccer Club all the best for the 2012 season.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

658 RACHEL MARKS MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Rachel Marks on receiving the Queen's Award, the highest accolade of the Girls Brigade. (2) Acknowledges the contribution by Rachel towards the local community through various efforts including volunteer work. (3) Acknowledges the contribution of community based organisations such as the Girls Brigade in providing skills and opportunities for individuals to serve their local communities.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

659 PADSTOW BAPTIST CHURCH MR GLENN BROOKES to move— That this House: (1) Notes the excellent work and strong community support given by the Padstow Baptist Church. (2) Congratulates Senior Pastor, Graham Hoare, on the opening of the new church complex. (3) Notes the work undertaken by Grant Heslop, Manager Community Care and the many volunteers who give up their time to help the needy within the community. (4) Notes the support of the Police Commissioner for their work.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

660 UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN SYDNEY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE MR BART BASSETT to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the University of Western Sydney (UWS) School of Medicine on the forthcoming graduations of its first intake of medical students in December 2011. (2) Acknowledges the leadership of the University Council, the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor Professor Janice Reid, the Dean of the UWS School Medicine, Professor Annemarie Hennessy and her staff on establishing the medical school. 3698 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(3) Acknowledges the partnership between the UWS School of Medicine and Blacktown and Mount Druitt Hospitals and Staff Medical Council that provide a quality teaching facility.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

661 WORLD DIABETES DAY MS TANIA MIHAILUK to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 14 November 2011 is World Diabetes Day and that the theme from 2009 to 2013 is "Diabetes Education and Prevention". (2) Notes that this day marks the birthday of Frederick Banting who was one of the key researchers that discovered insulin. (3) Notes that Diabetes is now the fastest growing chronic disease in Australia. (4) Congratulates the Australian Diabetes Council for its tireless work in advocating for and providing support to diabetes sufferers and its education and awareness programmes for those at risk of becoming diabetic.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

662 STEVE RIPLEY MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Steve Ripley, of Claremont Meadows, on his appointment as a "DON'T DIS my ABILITY" Ambassador for 2011. (2) Congratulates Mr Ripley on his appearance in the Australian theatre production of "Children of a Lesser God". (3) Acknowledges Mr Ripley for his strong support of parents and families of children who are deaf or have a hearing impairment.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

663 HARVEY WORTH MS TANIA MIHAILUK to move— That this House: (1) Notes Harvey Worth has been a volunteer for charity organisations for almost fifty years and congratulates him for his decades of service to the Bankstown community. (2) Notes that Mr Worth was awarded the Medal of Australia last year for his work for charity organisations. (3) Notes that Mr Worth has been a Director of Bankstown City Aged Care since 1981 and the Treasurer since 1983 and will be retiring this year after more than thirty years of service.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

664 KU STARTING POINTS MACARTHUR MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the staff and volunteers of KU Starting Points Macarthur for the support, care and assistance they provide to the families of the Wollondilly electorate. (2) Notes the assistance and opportunities the organisation provides to children. 3699 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(3) Thanks Lorraine Brown for her ongoing efforts as coordinator of this organisation.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

665 LEBANON INDEPENDENCE DAY MR TONY ISSA to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges all Lebanese Communities as they celebrate the 68th Anniversary of Lebanon Independence Day, 22 November 1943. (2) Notes that the Lebanese Independence Day, is a national day celebrated in remembrance of the liberation of Lebanon after 23 years under French Mandate.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

666 ST GEORGE COMMUNITY SERVICES SOUTHERN SYDNEY VOLUNTEER EXPO MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the St George Community Services Southern Sydney Volunteer Expo held on 27 October 2011 that brought together a range of community service providers. (2) Commends the work of the St George Community Services in providing much needed support to the vulnerable and disadvantaged in the community. (3) Thanks the Minister for Ageing and Minister for Disability Services for opening the Expo.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

667 CARA VAN WYK MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Cara van Wyk, of Hornsby Girls High School, on receiving a Marie Bashir Peace Award. (2) Acknowledges the contribution that Cara has made to peace, harmony and social justice in both the school community and beyond. (3) Commends individuals and programmes that further the values of peace, harmony and social justice.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

668 ST JUDE'S REFUGE MR GLENN BROOKES to move— That this House: (1) Notes the work being undertaken within the Community by St Jude's Refuge. (2) Congratulates Mr Clem McNamara, the President of the Refuge, for leading an organisation that provides year round accommodation and meals for homeless men at minimal cost. (3) Recognises the efforts of the staff and volunteers of St. Jude's Refuge. (4) Encourages the Government to continue to provide support for organisations such as St. Jude's Refuge.

(Notice given 10 November 2011) 3700 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

669 ST MARYS LOCAL BUSINESS AWARDS 2011 MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the businesses that were nominated for, and winners of, the St Marys Local Business Awards 2011. (2) Congratulates St Marys businesses: Go Bananas Family Entertainment Centre; Enchanted Hair and Beauty; Graham's Hobby Centre; Camels Bins; Cath's Cakes; A & R First Choice Smash Repairs; Martins Chemist; Chimes Hair Design and Toros Kebabs. (3) Congratulates St Clair businesses: Sam's Italian Seafood Restaurant; Rockmans; Optix 2000 and Matthews Quality Meats. (4) Congratulates Colyton business, Wild Ride Australia.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

670 MADDIE LANE MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Maddie Lane, of Tahmoor, who at 13 years of age will be part of Australia's Youth World Show Team competing in the 2012 World Youth Show in Texas, United States of America. (2) Notes the commitment made by Maddie to horse riding and wishes her all the best in the competition.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

671 PEAKHURST AMATEUR SWIMMING CLUB MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Peakhurst Amateur Swimming Club on its 50th Anniversary, celebrated on 22 October 2011 at Mortdale. (2) Commends the work of the Peakhurst Amateur Swimming Club in teaching local children to swim. (3) Recognises the importance of learning to swim in Australian culture and for improved water safety.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

672 CANTEEN BANDANNA DAY - BLACKWELL PUBLIC SCHOOL FUND RAISING MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the work of Canteen in supporting 12 to 24 year olds living with cancer through camps, programs and peer support. (2) Congratulates Blackwell Public School on raising $1,210 for Canteen on Bandanna Day in 2011. (3) Congratulates Marnee Larden, of Blackwell Public School, on her creative poster display for Bandanna day.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)


That this House: (1) Acknowledges the contribution of the Broderick Gillawarna School in caring for children with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities. (2) Congratulates the school's Parents and Citizens Association for organising a bike ride from its Revesby location to Canberra, to be held on 18 November 2011, to raise funds to build a sensory room for students. (3) Notes that Barry Verinder and Andy Lloyd, parents of children at the school, will be riding from the school to Canberra. (4) Acknowledges that the Government provided $10 million in its first Budget to fix and replace facilities in poor condition in schools such as Broderick Gillawarna.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

674 CATHY MAHER MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges Mrs Cathy Maher, of Picton, in her love of horses and notes her success in showing horses in national competitions. (2) Congratulates Mrs Maher on her horse Nehima which made the top five in a prestigious east coast competition and Niva which was reserve champion at a state competition. (3) Wishes Mrs Maher all the best as she prepares her horses for national competition later this year.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

675 ST GEORGE COMMUNITY AWARDS MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the inaugural St George Community Awards held on 27 October 2011, attended by the Premier as a special guest. (2) Congratulates all those who received awards on their outstanding service to the St George community across a range of categories including: St George Community Award; Young Person of the Year; Older Person of the Year; Sportsperson of the Year; and Community Group of the Year.

(Notice given 10 November 2011)

676 WOLLONGONG HOSPITAL MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the Government and the Minister for Health on their attempts to cover up a report that shows 851 patients have been forced to wait more than three hours on ambulance stretchers before being admitted to NSW hospitals, with 155 of these incidents occurring in Wollongong. (2) Notes that, the Minister for Health refused to make the data public and only released it under a Government Information Public Access request. (3) Continues to applaud the magnificent efforts of all health service personnel at Wollongong Hospital under difficult circumstances beyond their control.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

677 ROBERT PHILLIPS 3702 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: (1) Thanks Mr Robert Phillips for his contribution to education as the Principal of Hornsby Girls High School. (2) Acknowledges the impact that Mr Phillips has had as principal of Hornsby Girls High School which now ranks amongst the top three schools for the Higher School Certificate results and wishes him all the best in his retirement. (3) Extends best wishes to Mr Justin Briggs in continuing the hard work of Mr Phillips as the new Principal of Hornsby Girls High School. (4) Notes the importance of teachers and staff at the school and the impact they have to the quality of education the students receive.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

678 RURAL FIRE SERVICE MR BRYAN DOYLE to move— That this House congratulates the volunteer members of the Rural Fire Service who were awarded the National Medal and Long Service Medals at the award ceremony held at the Liverpool Catholic Club on 5 November 2011.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

679 POLICE WAGES MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the Government on short changing police officers as they wait for a wage agreement, more than four months after their award expired. (2) Notes that Victorian Police received a wage increase of 19 per cent over four years and West Australian Police received a 13.25 per cent over three years while NSW Police remain at 3.7%. (3) Notes that NSW Police endanger their lives daily to protect the community and deserve support. (4) Calls on the Government to be serious in wage negotiations and deliver a fair wage increase for NSW Police.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

680 KU-RING-GAI AREA COMMAND MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: (1) Notes the drop in almost all areas of crime rates in the Hornsby area. (2) Acknowledges the work of Ku-ring-gai Area Command, New South Wales Police and the wider community in targeting and preventing criminal activity. (3) Notes the importance of supporting police and community groups.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

681 GOVERNMENT REVIEWS MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the Government on spending tens of millions of taxpayer dollars on reviews. 3703 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Notes that more than $10 million has been wasted on just three reviews since 26 March 2011 and the cost will rise with a further 27 reviews planned. (3) Calls on the Premier to 'start the change' and demonstrates that the Government has policies and legislation to implement.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

682 EMERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL MR BART BASSETT to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the principal, staff and parents from Emerton Public School who embarked on a fundraising drive to raise money to install air-conditioning in the school hall. (2) Commends the Parents and Citizens Association and the President, Nerida Turner for the leadership in approaching the Government to work in partnership with the local school community. (3) Acknowledges the assistance of the Government in the allocation of funds to upgrade the electrical phasing at the school for the new air-conditioning.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

683 EXPERT ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR WOMEN MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the Government and Minister for Women on their lack of interest in the Premier's Expert Advisory Council for Women which has not met since 26 March 2011. (2) Notes that the Council was established to provide important specialist advice to the Government about the issues affecting the status of women. (3) Calls on the Minister to reconvene the Council as a priority to champion the issues of women and bring them to the Government as her portfolio is designed to do. (4) Calls for membership on the Council to be open to all women who wish to take a leadership role in our community.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

684 GALSTON PUBLIC SCHOOL MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Galston Public School on its celebration of 125 years. (2) Acknowledges the work of staff and parents in supporting the school and the positive impact the school has had for students and the wider community. (3) Continues to support schools in providing quality education to students to ensure they have the best opportunities to use their skills and knowledge.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

685 WELLINGTON ROTARY CLUB MR ANDREW GEE to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Wellington Rotary Club, an organisation that has engaged in thousands of community projects since it was founded in 1937. 3704 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(2) Notes that the 33 members of the club recently raised $70,000 so that a room for patient accommodation could be included in the recently built CareWest Lodge at Orange. (3) Places on record Rotary's contribution to the Wellington community and wishes them well for the future.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

686 COMMUNITY GRANTS PROGRAM MS NOREEN HAY to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the Government and Minister for Citizenship and Communities on their failure to guarantee the future of the Community Grants Program and putting at risk the financial support to the State's multicultural organisations. (2) Notes that any cuts to the Community Grants Program is unacceptable and a threat to the multicultural fabric of the community. (3) Calls on the Minister to recognize the success of the Program by committing to maintain it and to increase funding in future years.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

687 CAMDEN SHOW MR BRYAN DOYLE to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates David Head, President of the Camden Show Society, on the 50th year of the Camden Show Ball, which recognises the Camden Show Girl and Rural Achiever. (2) Congratulates April Browne as the Camden Show Girl and Patrick Buckley as the Rural Achiever for 2012.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

688 KANANDAH RETIREMENT VILLAGE BOARD MR ANDREW GEE to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Board of Kanandah Retirement Village at Mudgee in marking 10 years since the current board took office in August 2011 and 25 years since it originally opened. (2) Notes that at the time that Colin Box and the Board of volunteers took office the aged care facility was in danger of being lost to local ownership. (3) Wishes the Kanandah Board and all those who give their time freely for the benefit of the town's senior citizens well for the future.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

689 MIKAYLA COOK MRS TANYA DAVIES to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates 10 year old Mikayla Cook, of Bethany Catholic Primary School, and St Joseph's Soccer Club, Kingswood, on their win in the Futsal West City Crusaders Competition. (2) Congratulates Mikayla on being selected to play for West City Crusaders FC in the under 12 Girls Futsal Super League Competition. 3705 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

690 TRAINWORKS MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges Trainworks Rail Museum, at Thirlmere, being named as a finalist in the 2011 NSW Tourism Awards. (2) Thanks all those involved for their hard work and enthusiasm by ensuring Wollondilly is seen as a tourist attraction for all.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

691 ORANGE RIDING FOR DISABLED MR ANDREW GEE to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Orange Riding for Disabled group that has been run by volunteers for more than 30 years. (2) Notes the group has a special relationship with Anson Street Public School, Orange, to give children with disabilities the experience of horse riding. (3) Notes the Orange Riding for the Disabled's valuable contribution to Orange and wishes them well in the future.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

692 RIGHT START FOUNDATION MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Macarthur area cyclists who are about to embark on a Canberra to Sydney charity ride for The Right Start Foundation. (2) Acknowledges the team of 15 cyclists that comprises local Rotarians, Macarthur Collegian Cycling Club members and local business people. (3) Praises the Right Start Foundation for its continued efforts to establish the first Down Syndrome specific centre in Australia, in the Wollondilly⁄Macarthur region.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

693 BENDIGO BANK, BEROWRA MR MATT KEAN to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Bendigo Bank, Berowra on celebrating its fifth birthday. (2) Notes the wonderful impact it has had on the local community including over $75,000 given in community grants. (3) Recognises the importance of local businesses, and the services and opportunities they provide, to the community.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

694 CARMEL FLAVELL MR JAI ROWELL to move— 3706 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

That this House: (1) Congratulates Carmel Flavell, a staff member of Community Links Wollondilly and mother of four for receiving the New South Wales Carers Award. (2) Thanks Community Links Wollondilly, and in particular Carmel, for their hard work and dedication to the community of Wollondilly.

(Notice given 11 November 2011)

695 GLENDALE TO SPEERS POINT CYCLEWAY MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Lake Macquarie City Council's $50 million plan for Lake cycleways opens the way to building the important Glendale to Speers Point cycleway. (2) Urges the Government to fund this worthy project.

(Notice given 22 November 2011)

696 PACIFIC UNITY FESTIVAL MR BART BASSETT to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the Pacific Unity Festival as a gathering of Pacific communities and the general public to celebrate the multi-cultural diversity of Australia and to raise awareness of Pacific communities, their businesses, sport and the support services that are available to help the community. (2) Notes that the ninth Pacific Unity Festival brought together sport, food, arts, community service stalls and live performances and was held, for the first time in Western Sydney, at Lidcombe Oval on 19 November 2011. (3) Congratulates the organising committee and the festival founder Lee Hemi.

(Notice given 22 November 2011)

697 ROYAL NATIONAL PARK MR LEE EVANS to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the staff and management of the Royal National Park on the completion of the restoration of the dance hall and amenities at Audley. (2) Recognises the hard work of all members of staff of the Royal National Park in maintaining and running the oldest national park in the southern hemisphere.

(Notice given 22 November 2011)

698 SCHOOL PRINCIPALS MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes Government plans to give school principals more control over staff and finances. (2) Questions how this plan will encourage qualified and experienced teachers to teach in difficult to staff schools in New South Wales.

(Notice given 22 November 2011) 3707 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

699 JOSHUA COTTER MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Mr Joshua Cotter, of Glen Alpine, for winning the Youth Excellence in Community Service and the honour of being the 2011 Youth Ambassador at Campbelltown Rotary's Youth Excellence Awards. (2) Acknowledges the remarkable work Joshua has done as Campbelltown Youth Ambassador and commends his passion for the issues of youth in the Wollondilly/Macarthur region. (3) Notes the dedication Joshua exhibits within our community to ensure the voices of the youth in our community are heard through initiatives and forums.

(Notice given 22 November 2011)

700 GLENDALE POLICE STATION MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Wallsend community's desire and need for a police station at Glendale, being the demographic centre of the Lower Hunter. (2) Notes that funding for the purchase of land for the Glendale Police Station was allocated by the former Government. (3) Notes that the community is waiting for the Government to take action to purchase a site for the station.

(Notice given 22 November 2011)

701 "NAVIGATING TEENAGE DEPRESSION" MR BRYAN DOYLE to move— That this House congratulates the Rotary Clubs of Macarthur and the Black Dog Institute for holding a community information session "Navigating Teenage Depression" at Campbelltown on 16 November 2011.

(Notice given 22 November 2011)

702 GLENDALE INTERCHANGE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that prior to the general election, Liberal candidates in the Hunter Region campaigned that a Liberal Government would commit $15 million to build stage one of the Glendale Interchange. (2) Notes the $15 million commitment is now contingent upon Federal Government funding. (3) Notes that, after eight months in office, the Government has not taken any action to build this transport hub.

(Notice given 22 November 2011)

703 SYDNEY MARDI GRAS MR BRUCE NOTLEY-SMITH to move— That this House: 3708 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(1) Notes the rebranding of the Sydney Mardi Gras as a more inclusive event, reflecting the diversity of the Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender, Queer, Intersex (LBGTQI) community, and promoting the power of diversity in the wider community. (2) Congratulates Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras for its efforts to promote understanding and equality for LGBTQI citizens within the wider community. (3) Recognises the benefits of the annual Sydney Mardi Gras parade, including bringing over $30 million to the New South Wales economy annually.

(Notice given 22 November 2011)

704 YOUNGCARE MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that there are 6500 young people, requiring 24-hour care, who due to a lack of appropriate alternatives live in aged-care facilities. (2) Notes that Youngcare is seeking to make available more facilities for young people who require ongoing support.

(Notice given 22 November 2011)

705 CHLOE MCCARTHY MR ANDREW GEE to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates teenage golfer Chloe McCarthy, of Cumnock, on winning the East Lakes Junior Open. (2) Notes that Chloe gained her early love of golf on Cumnock's nine-hole sand green course and travels to Mudgee to gain further experience. (3) Acknowledges the inspiration she provides to other children who live in rural areas that only have very basic facilities to start their sporting careers.

(Notice given 22 November 2011)

706 BLUE GUM HILLS REGIONAL PARK MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the wonderful achievements of the Blue Gum Hills Regional Park and congratulates it on its 10th anniversary celebration. (2) Notes the celebrations focussed on the theme of maintaining and strengthening ecological health through biodiversity. (3) Notes that groups such as Our Green Corridor, Trees in Newcastle, the Hunter Bird Observers Club, the Wilderness Society, Wetland Care Australia, the Tom Farrell Institute for the Environment (Newcastle University), Newcastle City Council and NSW Fire Brigades took part in the celebrations.

(Notice given 22 November 2011)

707 SAILABILITY NSW MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Notes the important work done by Sailability NSW in teaching children with a disability how to 3709 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

sail, as well as, to be social and interactive. (2) Commends Sailiability NSW for its ongoing program of lessons at Kogarah Bay.

(Notice given 22 November 2011)

708 SAM MASTERS MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Sam Masters, of Jesmond, on his recent British Premier League title in Speedway, the highest individual rider achievement for competitors in the sport's second tier of racing. (2) Notes that, at 20 years of age, Sam is the youngest person to win this title.

(Notice given 22 November 2011)

709 BENDIGO BANK, NORTH RICHMOND BRANCH MR BART BASSETT to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the board, management and staff of the North Richmond Branch of the Bendigo Bank which recently celebrated 10 years of providing banking services to the communities of the Hawkesbury. (2) Notes that the North Richmond Branch of the Bendigo Bank has donated over $700,000 to not for profit community causes. (3) Acknowledges the contribution given by the honorary board over the 10 years, including, Bob Brierley and the late Bob McCallum as founders and manager Denise Handcock in establishing and managing the local community bank.

(Notice given 22 November 2011)

710 SUTHERLAND SHIRE COMMUNITY TRANSPORT MR LEE EVANS to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Sutherland Shire Community Transport recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. (2) Notes this largely volunteer organisation provides vital transport for the elderly and incapacitated. (3) Congratulates the staff and volunteers and looks forward to celebrating future anniversaries.

(Notice given 22 November 2011)

*71 1 RADIOACTIVE WASTE TRANSFER MRS BARBARA PERRY to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the decision of the Government to transfer radioactive waste from the old uranium smelter site at Hunters Hill to Lidcombe and Kemps Creek in Western Sydney. (2) Recognises the strong opposition to the plan by Auburn residents and the wider community. (3) Notes the work of the Suburban No-Nuclear Action Group in opposing the plan. (4) Recognises the need for high levels of transparency with regard to the transfer, transport and storage of radioactive waste. (5) Calls on the Government to stop the transfer to Lidcombe and Kemps Creek and to develop a long term plan for the appropriate storage of radioactive waste in the state. 3710 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

(Notice given 22 November 2011) Item marked * accorded precedence at this sitting

712 REMEMBRANCE AND EDUCATION REGARDING WOLLONDILLY ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Wollondilly Road Safety Group at Wollondilly Shire Council and all those involved in organising the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, that was held on 20 November 2011 at Picton Botanic Gardens. (2) Acknowledges all the volunteers who help at traffic accidents and groups, such as the Rotary clubs of Wollondilly, who provide education to high school students. (3) Pays respect to all those lives, especially young people, that have died on Wollondilly Roads over the years.

(Notice given 22 November 2011) 3711 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 November 2011

ORDERS OF THE DAY (Committee Report) –

1 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled "Legislation Review Digest 8/55", dated November 2011 (Tabled 22 November).


Date Lodged Member Petition Title Minister Responsible Written 2011 Response Due 2011 9 November Ms Melanie Gibbons Newbridge Heights Public School Mr Adrian Piccoli 14 December

9 November Mr Geoff Provest Coal seam gas mining Mr Chris Hartcher 14 December

10 November Ms Clover Moore Walsh Bay bus services and Pier Ms Gladys Berejiklian 15 December 2/3 ferry services 22 November Ms Clover Moore Walsh Bay bus services and Pier Ms Gladys Berejiklian 27 December 2/3 ferry services


Date Lodged Member Petition Title Minister Responsible Discussion set Written 2011 for 2011 Response Due 2011 19 October Mrs Jillian Skinner Smoke free public Mrs Jillian Skinner 24 November 23 November areas 9 November Mr John Barilaro Rezoning of South Mr Brad Hazzard To be advised 14 December Tralee 9 November Mr Kevin Anderson Tamworth Base Mrs Jillian Skinner To be advised 14 December Hospital carpark 10 November Mr Mark Coure Traffic enforcement Mr Duncan Gay To be advised 15 December camera revenue

RONDA MILLER Clerk of the Legislative Assembly

______Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales